• Published 24th Feb 2024
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Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 3

I lounged on my throne, the last of the sunlight filtered in from outside through the branches of the taller trees. It was very early night and with a holiday having been the night before the village was dead quiet, ponies sleeping in or trying to sleep off their hangovers.

I usually enjoyed these nights.


Taking a deep breath, I looked at the three ponies standing at attention before me. A pair of earth ponies and a unicorn.

“You know,” I said as I studied them, “I usually enjoy the night after a holiday as much as the holiday. It’s usually a very light night for me. To spend time with my family. Usually. ”

“Instead, I’m here,” I said, “With you bunch,” I added and floated a parchment up to read it, “Drunk and disorderly. Destruction of public property. Making a disturbance.”

None of them moved.

“I recognise you three,” I continued, putting the parchment down, “You have been before me once before. I remember it being similar charges as well. I seem to remember the fine then being a hundred bits each as well.”

All three stayed at attention, eyes forward.

“Private Starswell, what do you have to say for yourself?” I asked the unicorn.

“Sir, I apologize, I had too much to drink, sir!”

I regarded him for several long moments. He stared straight ahead but I could see him swallow.

I switched my gaze to the other two, “Private Deep Well?”

The first earth pony stood even straighter if that was even possible, “Sir, I made a mistake, sir!”

“Private Steady?”

“Sir, I bucked up, sir.”

“Yes, yes you did,” I said and shifted my wings slightly as I regarded them, relaxing against my throne, crossing my forelegs on the throne before me as I relaxed, letting them sweat for a bit.

They were each from the Equestria training base up the track from here. And they did as soldiers always did when given money and getting time away from base.

They got drunk and got into trouble.

The ponies of Nocturnis did not like it. They didn’t like it at all. What they did like was the thousands of bits flowing into the local economy.

Which meant they had to put up with the tomfoolery in turn, but there was a limit they would put up with.

“I am well aware that each of you have had dealings with the guard before you ever came to my attention the first time,” I continued after some fifteen seconds.

None of them moved.

“And fining you does not seem to have worked,” I continued, “So instead, let’s try something else and see if that works better, shall we?”

I looked to Iron Shine, “Iron Shine, return these fine gentlemen to their cell if you please and send a messenger to their commanding officer that he needs to come get them in person.”

“Oh buck, Sergeant Steel Shoes is going to kill us,” one of them muttered.

I turned my head to Private Steady, “Sergeant Steel Shoes?” I asked and the inside of his ears turned a bit red at being caught, “Sergeant Steel Shoes is not your commanding officer, is he? That would be Captain Stormwind unless I’m mistaken.”

That had an effect. They turned white beneath their coats and each of them looked like I had announced a firing squad.

No, that’s not true, it’s like they would have volunteered for a firing squad if that was an alternative.

Captain Stormwind was the garrison commander of the entire Equestrian base. He would be displeased about getting that messenger I think.

I let things sink in for them for a couple of moments before I looked at Iron Shine again, “You have your orders, Lieutenant.”

The large earth pony saluted smartly, “Yes, your majesty,” she said before she turned to them, “Attention! Move out!”

All of them straightened up even more if possible before turning and being marched out with her following.

The door closed behind them before I sighed, “Well, they’re not the first and they’re not the last,” I said, “But I think this lesson may take a bit better than any fine. What do you think?”

“I would think so, your majesty,” Moon Glow agreed, “I think we may know when the messenger arrives as well, even we non-bats will likely hear it from here.”

I chuckled at that, “I wouldn’t be surprised. But don’t let me keep you, you have more important things to deal with.”

She was in charge of my personal guard after all.

Moon Glow nodded and saluted with her wing, “Any excursions planned today, sir?”

“No, I’m actually planning to stick around until lunch and then skive off I think,” I admitted with a smile, “Day after holidays are always really quiet.”

Moon Glow smiled a bit wryly, “More for some than others. Excuse me, sir,” she said and headed towards the balcony to do whatever it was she did night to nighty.

I turned my eyes to the last visible pony in the throneroom, “On that note, I seem to remember giving you the day off for sure, Flower.”

Flower Rain smiled at me from her small desk towards one side, “Just preparing some items for tonight, sir,” the petite bat pony answered, looking up from her papers, “We do have the griffon delegation arriving then if the train keeps to the schedule.”

“Oh yeah,” I admitted, “Almost forgot about that. Whatever would I do without you, Flower?”

She grinned, fangs on full display, “Do a lot more paperwork, sir?”

“More like being completely lost and not even knowing my own schedule,” I told her with a smile of my own, “Now, off with you. I can’t do without you, so I have to make sure you take care of yourself.”

“I’m almost done,” she said and returned to her papers, “Just double checking the planned accommodations.”

I really had no idea what I would do without Flower Rain as my assistant. I was absolutely terrified at the thought that she would get old and have to retire at some point, leaving me without her managing things.

Civilization would collapse.

I really have to ask Celestia at some point what I was to do, she had gone through that many hundreds of times by now.