• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,554 Views, 925 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 38

I waited as the train started to pull into the station.

Screaming metal against metal, puffs of steam, drifting smoke.

The door of the train carriage opened and a pair of guards exited to take position by it, followed by...

I moved to meet them, "Sunny," I said with a grin, "Spa-mph!" I managed to say before Sunsets lips found mine and shut me up. Sparks pulled us both into a tight hug and I broke the kiss, giving her one in turn as I hugged back tightly.

We stayed like that for quite a while before slowly letting go. I dropped down on all four hooves with a smile, "Welcome home."

Twilight stretched a bit with a smile, "Oh, it's good to be home," she said and looked around.

"Yeah," Sunset agreed, "Manehattan was... strange."

I frowned a bit, "Strange bad?"

Sparks shook her head, "No, just strange. Sounds and smells were very different," she said and took a deep breath, "...This smells much more like home."

I smirked, "Coal smoke and hot metal?"

"No, jungle!" Sparks sighed and poked me with her wing, "Nocturnis still where we left it?"

"Uhm, more or less," I admitted, "Some things have been going on."

"Like what?" Sunset asked, one eyebrow raised as Moon Glow started to herd us towards the waiting sky carriages.

I shook my head, "Nothing serious or urgent. Most of it can wait until tonight when you two have had some time to rest."

"No," Sparks said and climbed into the carriage, glancing back at me, "Spill."

I climbed into the carriage with them, "Well," I said and flicked one ear in thought, "I started working out some. Twice a week I started to spar with Moon Glow."

"That sounds fun," Sunny said with a smile, "Think I can join?"

"Sure," I agreed with a grin, "Sparks?"

Twilight hesitated and then nodded, "...I likely should move more so, so yes. if you don't mind."


"What else?" Twilight asked from my right.

I flicked one ear, "Well... there's trouble with the solar guard base. Due to there now actually being consequences for guards that get arrested, they have banned anyone from there from going to Nocturnis. Been a couple of weeks so far, we'll see how long they last."

Twilight frowned, "That's not good."

"Not good at all," Sunset agreed from my left, "That's against the entire reason to have it here at all."

"Not completely, it really is for training," I pointed out, "But yeah, most of it. But it really was causing more issues than it was worth. Besides, I don't think it will last."

"Possibly," Sunny mused. "What caused it?"

"I got tired of dealing with it, requested a Judge from Canterlot and gave her a free hoof," I said with a smirk, "So far, she's doing awesome."

Twilight nodded, "Anything else?"

I scraped my hoof against the floor of the sky carriage, "The griffons... no, you know about the griffons offer of dredging the river. That was before you left. Oh, I know," I said with a smile, "Midnight found a new tribe of ponies."

"WHAT!?" Sparks exclaimed, jaw dropping as she stared at me, "She actually found some!?" she then asked. Sunny looking just as surprised.

"Which ones?" Sunny asked, "Kirin or Kelpies?"

I smiled, "Kirin," I said and sighed, "Their leader and a small group are in Nocturnis right now. As far as we can tell, there's only a thousand left of them."

Sparks frowned, "A thousand..." she said softly, looking towards the rising sun.

"Yeah," I agreed with a sigh, "A thousand."

Her ears drooped, "That's... Page, we did the math when it came to the thestrals before we knew how many... a thousand... it's not enough!"

I shook my head, "Not purely from Kirin at least," I agreed, "But they're still ponies. They have isolated themselves for a long time, but nothing says they're not cross compatible with other tribes. I guess we'll find out."

"If they move here," Sunset said, catching on at once, "Can we take in a thousand ponies at once?"

I smiled, "Oh buck no. But I thought about that. But I'm not going to tell you."

That earned me a double annoyed look, "And why not?"

I smiled at Sparks, "Because I want to know if you come up with something different from me that's better, without my idea biasing you."

Twilight frowned at me before she sighed, "That's fair, I suppose," she grumbled, "But I want you to tell me tonight."

"Tonight," I agreed, "After your massive brain had time to work on it."

She shifted a bit closer, leaning against my side, "...Missed you."

I nosed softly at her ear, "Missed you too, Sparks," I said with a smile.

"What about me?" Sunset teased and slipped in beneath my other wing, side against mine.

Smiling, I turned my head to give her a soft kiss, "You too, Sunny. I missed you two... so much," I said and slipped my other wing across Twilight's back, "I could never do anything like this without you two."

Even as I said it, I felt a tension I had not even realized was there flow out of me.

I had missed them.

More than I had realized.


I slowly blinked my eyes open. It was early evening, the last of the suns rays shining across the room.

We must have forgotten to put up the darkness bubble over the bed.

I couldn't hear Sunset anywhere, but Twilight was laying on the bed, facing me. Mane a bit mussed up, a pillow hugged to her chest, slightly curled up on her side.

"Evening," she murmured quietly with a small smile, eyes half open and sleepy.

"Evening," I answered as I watched her, "Sleep well?"

She let go off her pillow and slowly stretched, something I always found very interesting to watch. She rolled onto her stomach in a full body stretch, wings rising high before she relaxed again, wings folding back down and she shifted back onto her side, nose almost against mine, "The best."


"Mmm. Missed our bed," she admitted, "The one at the hotel was too soft I think. It was nice enough, but..."

"Not yours."

That got a smile and her nose touched mine for a second, "Not mine."

"Sunny up already?"

Sparks smiled and scooted closer, I reached out to pull her close with my forelegs as she nuzzled in beneath my chin, "Bathroom. And said she'd find us some breakfast."

Sighing softly, I held her close, burying my nose in her mane and closing my eyes.

We didn't move until there was the sound of the door opening, hoofsteps I recognized very well. They paused for several long seconds before the bed wobbled slightly.

I opened one eye to look at Sunset as she laid down across from Twilight, a smile on her lips as she watched us, a wooden tray floating in her magic.

"What?" I asked with a smile of my own.

Sunset smile turned into a grin, "Oh, just trying to remember what the name of that artist we saw in the Manehattan Royal Gallery was. Was thinking of hiring her to take your portrait like this."

Twilight let out a small groan of protest but started to move again, rolling onto her back and reaching up to pull Sunset close for a small kiss, "Evening."

"Evening sleepyhead," Sunset answered after the kiss before leaning across and giving me one in turn, "And you too, wingboy."

I smirked, "Didn't call me boy last morning."

The inside of her ears turned a bit red, "No I didn't," she answered with a grin before pulling back and setting the tray down, "Mixed diced fruits, sandwiches and orange juice."

"Love you," Sparks said and rolled over onto her stomach.

"What she said," I happily agreed and did the same.

"I also ran into Flower," Sunset told me, "I canceled everything you had scheduled for tonight."

I picked a bit of mango from the tray with my magic as I couldn't help but smile, "This evening is getting better and better!"

"Abstract Contrast."

"Huh?" I asked, looking at Twilight, "What's that?"

She smiled and looked to Sunset, "That artist you liked."

"Oh yeah," Sunset agreed and then looked at me, "I was thinking of buying one of her paintings actually, but even with magic preserving it really wouldn't have survived this climate for long."

"I think you would have liked them too," Twilight said to me as she picked up a sandwich in her magic, "She painted night scenes, but used shadows to create another scene in the first depending on how you looked at it."


"Sounds neat."

Twilight nodded and then eyed me, "...Alright, I have been patient. Spill. What's your plan with the Kirin?"

"I'll give you a hint," I said, "We have another problem too. Fluttershy brought it to my attention that the prey animals are starting to smarten up. The large ones are slowly starting to avoid this area. In a couple of years we'll likely be at a deficit for even our current bat population."

Twilight frowned as she considered the problem.

Sunset eyed her sandwich in her magic before she raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk, "Eat the Kirin?"

I groaned and facehooved, "No, we're not eating the Kirin!"

That got a small laugh from both of them before Twilight shook her head, "Alright, I give up. What's your plan?"

"Branch village," I explained as I chewed on half a strawberry, "Set up a fishing village out by the coast, by the inlet of the river. Set up a shield dome and build a small port."

Twilight slowly nodded, "A trading outpost too," she said softly, "Goods could be unloaded there and then shipped into Nocturnis on much smaller boats that can handle the river."

"It's a several day long trip," I said, "Not practical to do for every ship individually, but if they can unload there and then be off again, suddenly it's practical."

Sunset looked thoughtful, "even if the Kirin don't want it, we should do that anyway."

"Exactly my thoughts," I agreed with a smile, "And it has another big pro for the Kirin."

"Which is?"

"It will mean a lot of ponies coming through," I said, "But slowly, get them used to non-Kirin. And, in addition, a lot of new blood, both in contact with Nocturnis and the rest of Equestria."

"That'll help their population numbers in the long term,' Twilight mused as she nibbled on her... daisy sandwhich I think. How did the chef even get hold of daisies?

I nodded, "That's my long term hope at least," I admitted, "What do you think?"

"I think you're way smarter than you think," Twilight said with a smile, shifting to lean against my side and wiggling a bit to put my wing across her back.

Sunset smiled and scooted close to Twilight in turn, "I think it's a good idea," she agreed.

We did eventually get moving, but by then it was well after midnight.