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#5-Party Animal

“You ever had one of those days?” Matterhorn implied while parkour from the city. “ You get out of bed, take a shower, then you air-dry by flying through the city, and then out of nowhere some jackass in a robot suit attacks you?”

Matterhorn got punched in the wall by a Destroyer.

“Well, this is one of those days. And I think I forgot to brush my teeth.”

“Taking you down will be easy as pie, Matterhorn!”

“Okay, metalmouth. That sucker punch surprised me, unfortunately, you have my attention.”

“What I want is your life!”

The Destroyer smashed its fist at her but Matterhorn dodged it.

“Sorry, I kinda use it!”

Matterhorn did two ice blasts at it then did a spin kick which sent it back then froze in a case of ice.

“Seems like every nutjob in town wants to be my arch nemesis these days,” Matterhorn exclaimed then Destroyer melted the ice freeing itself. “Nice trick you got there. Here’s mine!”

Matterhorn vaulted herself at Destroyer to deliver an electric punch then the lens beeped showing Monica’s phone number.


Hey, Twi. Are you on your way?

“Yeah, Monica. No, sorry I’m not going to make it,” Matterhorn dodged rocket blasts from Destroyer. “My schedule kind of blew up today.”

Ooh, too bad. I wanted to share some news in person. I guess I can tell you over the phone.

“Yeah but can’t it wait. I would like to give it my full attention. Call you back later,” Matterhorn cut her off as she slid away from Destroyer’s energy blasts.

“Who are you talking to?”

“That for me to know and you to find out!”

Matterhorn got behind it and ripped its power jack.

“What are you…” The robot got shut down.

“Without power, you can’t pull off your anti-magic tricks on me. Now let’s see who you are,” Matterhorn pulled off the faceplate.

Self Destruct Initiated. One minute to self-destruct.

“This is why I hate countdowns,” Matterhorn exclaimed. “Don’t panic. This thing is too complex to disarm, but removing the dangerous part means no boom.”

Matterhorn lifted the head part with her magic and tossed it into the sea.

“Okay, where’s the boom?” Matterhorn didn’t hear an explosion, and then her Danger Radar went off. “And why is my Danger Radar going off?

Matterhorn opened its body to see the countdown was still going.

“Really? The head was only the countdown clock? Who makes these things? Okay, it's way too heavy to lift it. So the next best thing is to send it out of here.”

She used her magic on it and hurled it out of the city and straight into the air where it exploded.

"And that's geometry folks," Matterhorn giggled then her wrist comm beeped. "First period is in ten minutes. Looks like the alarm system I created is working perfectly meaning I won't be late again."

What she didn't know was that Melvin Rhodes was controlling the robot at Simon Academy.

"Shit! I almost had her!" Melvin screamed and then threw the headset, but Caleb caught it."

"Relax, young Rhodes. You control my destroyers as well as your father does. Welcome to Simon Academy

At Nexus High...

"Come on. Monica, why won't you, pick up?" Twilight tried to call her.


"It's Twilight, what did you want to talk about?" She asked as she saw her, Moondancer, Starlight, Ocellus, Sandbar, Bronx, and Randall.

"I've been cleared of all charges. Which means I'm back, baby!"

"Yeah, Monica's is in the house!" Bronx exclaimed as he gave her a noogie.

"Sorry, buddy, I tried to tell you."

"No, I'm just happy that I didn't miss the celebration."

"We should celebration. Monica is a big part of the school so we should do something the whole school can take part in. Any ideas?" Randall asked.

"Let's do another science fair?" Ocellus suggested.

"Heck no, A physics tournament," Starlight argued.

"All good options. But maybe something different this time? Bronx, how do they celebrate in your country?"

"Math-a-thon! Loser shovels the snow."

"I thought you were going to suggest we have a dance."

"A dance! That's perfect! We'll have one this Saturday night. Great idea, Twilight."

"Yes! I was best dancer at old school. But I have to look best for weekend! Later, dudes!" Bronx left then everyone else just as Starlight slugged Twilight at the arm.


"A dance? Thanks, a lot, Sparkle!" Starlight grumbled.

"And that's how Nexus High decided to have its first ever dance," Moondancer said.

"I didn't want one. I don't how to do dance. I'm a scientist for God's sake," Twilight groaned.

"Relax, Twilight, my uncle, Stargazer Shadow is a renowned scientist, and he taught me how to two-step in one afternoon. It all about angles. And you've got till Saturday."

Six days later...

"Great, it's the weekend, and I still don't know how to dance," Twilight said as she was dress then Spike barked which she then gave her a belly rub. "You're right, buddy it's only one dance, how bad can it be?"

At Simon Tower, Caleb was in meeting with a former worker, Stargazer Shadow.

"Why have you return, Stargazer?" He asked him. "I told you there's nothing available for you at Simon Tech."

"Yes, but with the creation of the Simon Academy, I thought you needed some faculty."

"In exchange for what?" Caleb raised an eyebrow. "No more meta-human experiments, I hope. The board of trustees is still shaking from the last one. We were forced to confiscate it from you if memory serves.

"I assure, it's nothing like that. I've created something new, something bold. My newest serum will change the foundation of hybridization."

"I'm listening," Caleb was intrigued.

"With only two hours' time, one of Nexus High's students is going to undergo some unique changes." He said to him as he flashbacks when the time, he secretly injected a serum to an unaware Bronx. "I plan to be on hand to record the results."

"Interesting. Get me proof of your results, and we'll talk... of your place in the academy."

At Nexus, the students were having a blast as they dance to the music.

"It was really nice of you to volunteer to chaperone, Uncle Shadow," Moondancer thanked him. "Even on short notice."

"My pleasure," Stargazer told her then look at her watch.

Can I have everyone's attention? Twilight speak on the podium. I wanna say a few words about why we're here tonight: To welcome Monica Simon back into Nexus High. As most of you know, she couldn't be with us for a while and during that time, I think we all felt something. Something that was there before. A void. And that's because Monica has such a big presence. Her heart is bigger, her dreams are bigger, and her kindness is massive of course the same would go the ego, but I'll take it all because that void has been filled again and I'm happy to say... welcome back...

Then door got busted open and what came out was a hybrid elephant which everyone gasped.

"Uh oh," Twilight exclaimed. "Uh, Monica out of the way!"

Twilight urged her to get out of the way as the elephant rammed through the stage.

"Everybody, stay back!" Twilight before tackling Ocellus away from a thrown table.


"Glad you find this, amazing, Ocellus. But don't sit there while that thing attacks!"

"Oh, I doubt he could see me." She said but Twilight eyerolled her and left.

The elephant continued by got hit by some of the debris.

"Sorry pal," Matterhorn arrived and fire two ice blast to him which they missed. "If you going to horn in on this dance, you're gonna have me as a partner."

She hurled multiple stuff at it with her magic.

"And I'm not it won't fun, but I've been told that I have two left feet."

Matterhorn got on top, but the elephant tossed but Twilight did a somersault to avoid the damage. "Don't you know it takes two to tango! Here some ice in your eye!"

She blasts ice in his face, then lunged forward electric charged kick which made it unconscious and fell to the floor.

"Everyone, stay back,' Matterhorn said to everyone. "Wait until the police arrvies."

"Is everyone okay?" Moondancer asked.

"I don't know. I found pieces of Bronx's clothes shredded," Starlight said holding a piece of fabric.

"Oh god, it ate Bronx!" Sandbar feared.

"Not the point I was making. I've been working retinal identification app."

Starlight went over to it and scan it eye with the app.

"And this elephant as the retinal print as... Bronx."

"He changed into an elephant. How is that possible?"

"And can we change him back?" Ocellus worried.

"Let's take a blood sample, so we can work on cure," Monica said as Twilight showed.

"Hey guys, I just called the police, what's up?" Twilight asked.

"Monica's thinks we should get a sample of this thing's blood. But how are you going to pierce the flesh. Elephants have thick hides."

"I've heard the best way to take a blood sample is through the hindlegs. A little Sparkle strength." Twilight did through the hindlegs and gave the vial to Monica.

"Let's get this to the lab."

In the lab...

"Okay. The mainframe is working to isolate any foreign enzymes in Bronx's blood," Twilight said.

"I'll check the DNA sequencing," Moondancer said.

"Send me those figures," Monica requested.

"This can't be right," Moondancer look at the DNA and notice something. "I only know one person who's ever managed to bond particles this way, and that's..."

She lookup an article on her uncle saying that he had breakthrough bonding particles.

"Guys, I got to go. You keep working. I got to check something," Moondancer left as the mainframe beeped.

"The mainframe found the catalyst."

"His DNA has been overpowered by TP53 genes. Can we untangle them?"

"I can try, but this genetic structure will require a its own anti-diffuser."

"That's Moondancer's field."

Twilight headed to dance hall to see Sandbar.

"Hey Sandbar, did Moondancer came this way?" She asked him.

"Yeah, she was looking for her uncle. He left during the stampede. She went white and ran out of here. Said she'd check his house."

"I should go after her. Sees how she's doing with that diffuser. You alight here."


Not wasting anytime, Twilight got into her Matterhorn suit and made her to Stargazer's house.

"Come on, Matters, pick the pace up. Why does he have to live far from the school."

With Moondancer she already arrives at the house.

"Uncle Stargazer? Are you in here?" She looked around.

She heard some growling from behind when she turned around, she saw a silhouette of Vargas, but Matterhorn came through the window and kick him in face.


"How sweet, you remember. Now prepare yourself for a fight you'll never forget," Vargas retracted his claws.

"Stay back, young lady. I know the neighborhood's going green."

She ducked from Vargas's claw swipe then punched him in the chest. Then he wrestles her to the floor.

"But you don't seem to be the least eco-friendly let alone regularly friendly."

Moondancer came at him which chair swing but she back away from him.

"And where do you think you're going," Matterhorn hold him with her magic. "Get out of here."

Moondancer went into the nearest room and closed the door.

"I can play tug of war all day."

She let go of him and fired a magic blast at him then Vargas lunged but Matterhorn jumped kick him into a window, then he took her by surprise and punch her twice in the stomach the slashed her with his claws tore a piece of the suit.

"I don't know how you found me, Masked Matterhorn, but no one's going to find you, ever! I've always wanted to dissect you and find out what makes you..."

Vargas scream in pain as Moondancer stab him with a needle.

"Moondancer, what did you..." Vargas grunted as he changed back into Stargazer Shadow.

"Vargas is Professor Stargazer Shadow?" Matterhorn realized.

"Worse, Vargas is my uncle."

"I'm sorry."

"Turns out he's also behind Bronx's transformation into Tusk."


"You know, how social media is with supervillain names," Moondacner said then toss her a cure. "Good news, we now have the diffuser needed to cure him."

"I can easily fly us in no time, but someone should explain to police what happened when they get here."

"I can wait with him. He's family after all."

At Nexus High...

"Twi," Monica called her.


"Tusk got loose again, do not come here. This place is mad house. I couldn't find the cure."

Don't worry, Moondancer did. She sent it over with...

"The Masked Matterhorn," she said as the hero arrived at the school and stop a falling car with magic.

"Boy, elephant don't sleep long, do they?"

Tusk charged at her with his tusks, but Matterhorn vaulted over him then got on top of him.

"I got something that make you human, Bronx, but only you hold still."

Matterhorn kicked him off and send him straight into a wall where his horns got stuck.

"Time for antidote dose!" Matterhorn used the cure on him which change him to human self.

"What happened?" Bronx wearily asked as he fainted.

Back at the house, Twilight was helping Moondancer with cleanup.

"I just do get it, Twilight. Why would uncle Stargazer do this? He's the one who got me into science in the first place. Why would he betray everything he taught me to stand for?" Moondancer asked her as starting to tear up.

"There's not much I can say, but mine got me into science too. He once told me, with power come responsibility. It seems your uncle's recent failures has cause him to lose sight of it. But I've learned everything, it's that even though the person who inspire you is gone, doesn't mean he can't still be here," Twilight gestures to her heart and suddenly Moondancer hugged her.

"Thanks for being an important friend," Moondancer thanked her.