> Twilight Sparkle: Masked Matterhorn > by Royal Pony Dude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > #1-Origns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It still weird to me to call myself the Masked Matterhorn," She said while looking over the city. "But I still can't believe that everything changes throughout one night, but that's how life works, you never expected it. And it all started at one particular place." In the past Simon Tech Industries is Canterlot's most extensive chemical research facility. See, I was a first-year student at Crystal Prep Acamdey and my class was on a field trip my friend Monica Simon was a first-year however she was going to a school for geniuses- Nexus High. But she was here today because her dad owns the place. "This way students," Willaim Rhodes guides the students into the building. "Monica, how are you not bursting the seams? You're a science geek?" Twilight asked. "We're about to see some of the world's most advanced equipment." "It's my dad's company, Twi, it's like we went on a field trip to visit your mom at a knitting factory or brother to the police station," Monica said. "That's a first," Twilight picks a purple geode. "Is something wrong? Is it reactor meltdown?" Twilight asked for the security detail. "Some chemicals got mixed in and caused a small explosion, nobody got harmed in the event." "And here I thought I had something to worry about." "Sparkle, can you please stay out of trouble?" William asked her. "Sorry, Mr. Rhodes." "Monica, I thought Crystal Prep was rid of you. But if you insist on chaperoning us, please pair up with my son, Spencer. Twilight's partner is Indigo Zap. Miss Zap, please keep Sparkle on a leash, will you?" "Not a problem, sir," Indigo replied. "Besides, Twilight and I are good friends." "Yeah, good friends." Welcome, everyone, to Simon Tech Industries, the Canterlot's most extensive chemical research facility and electronics manufacturer. I hope most of you are excited as the young girl to get used to such state-of-the-art technology. But don't let it fool you, because if you're a true scientist, you can solve any problem by using the five steps of the scientific method. Would anyone like to guess what those are? "Observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, and conclusion." Much later... I'd say the only thing that unsettles a scientist is something called 'chance' when the situation has no scientific reason. "So, who would try out this new robot? Monica?" "Why don't you let someone else go first." "I'll try it," Twilight came forward. Line up so perfectly that an outcome is an event of unusual magnitude. Unbeknownst to her, the geode that was in her pocket started to shim and Twilight started to lose her balance. "Whoa, I don't feel so go, does any know where the bathroom is? I don't feel so good," Twilight asked as her stomach felt uneasy. "Down the hall to your right," Monica told her then Twilight took off. As Twilight headed to the bathroom, something was happing to her. "What's going on?" Twilight tried to fight through it. "Strange things had to me before, no big deal. Spike bit me by accident, along with thousands of mosquitoes bit me. So this is probably no different, right?" Then she heard knocking on the door. "Uh, Twilly, are you okay?" Monica asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Twilight said. You'd thought I'd share something this big with my best friend, Monica? But my head was spinning and felt I like I needed to understand it myself first. "Okay, Twilight, focus, you can do this," Twilight said while walking through the city. "This is like another problem. How would a scientist go about it? Right, the five steps of the scientific method!" "Step one, observation, I observed that had powers courtesy of magic geode at Simon Tech," Twilight explained then her head flashed. "Wait, what was happening? It feels like my entire body is covered in goosebumps and are telling me to jump!" Twilight jumped up from the unsuspecting car and landed gracefully on her feet. "Observations, indicate that I have a Danger Radar, and also being physically enhanced since I'm not the athletic type, this could come in handy. What else can I do?" Twilight thoughted then she somehow lifted a trash can in mid-air. "Telekinesis, now this is officially awesome." Later at her house, Twilight was in her room recording herself while her dog Spike, was asleep on her bed. "I've already observed the effects of the geode. So now it comes to step two, the hypothesis. A suggestion solution for unexplained occurrences. So I hypothesize that I'll be able to embrace these powers in order to use them to my advantage." "One, so far my head rings when something dangerous comes in range. I call it my Danger Radar." "Two, it appears that my eyes have cleared vision, and my body has a bodybuilder's look. Maybe I can create something that gives me an edge. Time to test my latest gadgets, the Sparkle Shackles, wrist shackles that are capable of creating a variety of energy beams, from ice, and fire, to electrical currents." She puts them on and started to do heroic poses. "Look out world, here comes The Sparkle! I think I need a better name, I wish there were five steps for coming up with a good name. But that's another topic as now I'm on step three...prediction... But if I want to be in the limelight, I going to need something a bit more flashy like a costume." Much Later, Twilight was wearing a purple jumpsuit along with a black mask and eye goggles. "Luckily I have resources to make this stuff." "Twilight, have you seen my purple tights?" Her mom asked from downstairs. "Uh, no, I haven't seen them!" Twilight quickly said. "Okay, how should I kick start my career? Audition for a movie? Post a video on the Internet? Kids' show? So many options? But something tells me I'll know when seeing it," Twilight then looks to her side and wrestling flyers. "Wrestling! That's it! The perfect place to try out step four of the scientific method, experimenting." Welcome, to another episode So You Want To Be A Wrestler.? The show where nonprofessionals get a chance to compete against actual wrestlers. This week our judges have discovered an interesting fellow. She calls herself The Matter! But does she have the moves to prove it? Because her opponent is a laughing matter, he's our reigning champion, Bone Saw! "I have no idea, who that is. Is he good?" Twilight asked while in the ring. "I kinda new to the whole wrestle thing." "Is he good? Tell that to the number of constants he has crushed." The announcer replied as Bone Saw entered the ring. "No one can defeat me!" Bone Saw yelled. "Oh, shit," Twilight gulped. "Okay, Sparkle, reminder, size nor strength doesn't matter. It's all about physics." "Hope you're a ready little girl because I'm turned your 15 minutes of fame into 15 broken bones." Bone Saw grabbed a chair and threw it at her making contact then grabbed her leg and tossed her to the wall. "Okay, if chairs are allowed, then I guess, ice is too!" Twilight fire an ice blast at his body. "You don't mind the ice, do you? I heard you were down to earth!" Twilight grabbed him by the arm and slammed him to the ground, then kicked him in the face. "Ooh, I think Bone Saw stars with that one." "I'll show you the stars!" Bone Saw got up and used the ring to gain momentum and tries to deliver the closeline punch but Twilight tripped him up with her foot then punches him in the gut making him fall. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new champion! Give it up, for The Matter! Later in Twilight's room. This is the first-ever sports trophy I ever got, granted it was awarded to The Matter. But that's because I won it putting new powers to use as a masked wrestler. The trophy is made up of three different kinds of metal and two different dioxides. I know that because I'm really into science, a subject of my uncle, Astral Spirit encouraged me to pursue it. He would've been proud of this trophy. But he never got a chance to see it. Because you know what else is made up of three different kinds of metal? A bullet. And that bullet ended my uncle's life when he was right in the middle of a robbery earlier tonight. Twilight was lying on her bed feeling defeated, then Spike jumped on her bed lying next to her, and comforting her. "Knowing you, Uncle Astral, you'd say to look for the lesson in all this, because that's the kind of stuff you were made of. Now, I'm too angry to feel that way. So now it's time to find out what I'm made of." Twilight put on her costume and headed out then made her way to the warehouse. The cops said the burglar has holed up in this warehouse. They also said to let them handle it. Twilight crashed through the ceiling and was face-to-face with the criminal. "What are you supposed to be?" "Payback." "I don't think so!" He tries to pull his gun, but Twilight used her magic to pull it away. "You're coming with me!" Twilight used her magic and tossed the guy across the room. "Don't hurt me!" "Are you making a request or quoting someone else from tonight?" "I didn't mean to..." Twilght punched him then grabbed him and pushed him to the wall. "Save the excuses! All I wanna hear is you screaming." Twilight froze his legs, then I got a look at his face. Twilight realized the burglar was the same person from the arena the one that she let go. "What I have done?" Twilight said then left once the cops busted through the door. ... The burglar went to prison, of course, and got 25 years to life. But I got something that night too, a greater understanding of what matters in this world. People like Uncle Astral can never be replaced, but the things they stood for can be carried on through our beliefs and through our work. "Since being in contact with magic geode at Simon Tech, I've observed the changes within myself, hypothesized that I'd be able to embrace them, predicted the role I'd play in society, and experimented with how best to use these powers. Now for my conclusion, and that is this... They're not to be taken lightly. I have been given a gift of great power. Astral always said, with great power comes great responsibility. I don't think I truly understood what he meant until that night. But in order to live up to that motto, I need to become something more than a celebrity. I need to become a symbol, a beacon of hope. I need to become a hero. I'm not saying it's been easy, but it's how I've made sense of what happened to me. And I'm sure it's what Uncle Astral would've wanted. So, the next time you see me flying by your window, know that although I've called many things, you'll know me best as The Masked Matterhorn! > #2-Weclome to Nexus Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot City. A place for all of its wonders and value was ridden with crime. Every kind of criminal you can imagine existed, pickpockets, bootleggers, smugglers, thieves, murderers... they were all there. The police forces were tough and did their best to apprehend most of them, but there were much bigger threats than common crooks - supervillains. Supervillains plagued the cities just as much as criminals, and they made most of the city's way of life difficult and frightening. And there was only one way of counteracting them... superheroes. It was your typical day as two officers were in a shootout with two thugs. "What in the heck did these guys steal?" An officer asked. "Report says Ethersteel," another officer replied. "What happened to stealing money from banks?" "Where have you been? Science is the new currency." As the cops continued to shoot, someone dressed in a purple suit wearing eye goggles was overlooking them. "As Albert Einstein once said, 'Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.' Well, it's been two weeks since I came in contact with that magic geode. Still trying to figure it out." The cops rolled out of the way as the thugs' getaway truck came and took off. "Today, however, is what I live for. Making my debut and showing everyone what I'm capable of. From this moment, the world will know me as The Masked Matterhorn!" "Hey, keep it down! Some of us are trying to sleep! The nerve of some people!" "Sorry," Matterhorn replied. "Remember what your Uncle Astral Spirit said 'With great power comes great responsibility." Then Matterhorn saw the truck with the stolen Metal on the move. "Oh, no you don't!" Matterhorn jumped a few buildings before landing on the truck just as the truck made a hard right. Matterhorn used her magic to gain control of the steering wheel. "This car belongs in the HOV lane. Hoodlum Operated Vehicles." Matterhorn drove the truck right into a skate park. "Coming through!" Matterhorn jumped off the truck and caught the truck with her magic. "Ta-da!" Matterhorn announced as the skaters cheered. "All right, jerks. Cough up the metal." One of them pushed the container out of the truck and to her feet. "Thanks, guys. That's called an ollie." Then her head buzzed. "And that is my Danger Radar. It warns me when someone is trying to pull a fast one." Then suddenly someone rammed her to the ground then Matterhorn looked to see someone wearing a black flight suit with a red visor. "You may have defeated my minions, child. But you'll beg for mercy at the claws of Black Hawk," He announced himself then did a sonic scream at her. "Black Hawk? You are horrible at coming by that name?" Matterhorn covered her ears as Black Hawk kept screaming. Then Matterhorn places her Black Hole headphones to block the noise. "That's more like it. Quite a scream you got there," Matterhorn said as she set her Sparkle Shackles to Electric Mode. "Ever think of auditioning for 'So You How To Scream'?" Matterhorn fired an electric beam at Black Hawk that sent him back a little. "Joke while you can, it will be your last!" "Sorry. I can't hear you, these things have black hole sound absorption." Black Hawk swooped in and gave her a punch to the gut, just Matterhorn headbutted him then Black Hawk grabbed her and took to the air. "Easy there, my ears are starting to pop." "I'm more of a dropping type of person," Black Hawk dropped her but Mattehorn activated her rocket boots and followed him. "Gotta stop this guy before he wrecks every building in Canterlot," Matterhorn said then set her gauntlets to Ice Mode. "Time for you to feel the freeze!" Matterhorn froze one of his jets which sent Black Hawk right into a Canterlot Weekly van. "Now to make a cage for this bird." Matterhorn went straight for him. Black Hawk was in the air and then made a sonic scream which shattered multiple glass windows. "Did you forget about my headphones?" "It wasn't for you," Black Hawk said as the glass shards were coming down to the arriving police. "It's either stop me or save them, hero!" Matterhorn created an energy orb around them so the glass wouldn't hit, allowing Black Hawk to escape. "Damn it, your first supervillain and you let him escape." "Uh, Masked Matterhorn was it?" An officer asked her. "Yes, officer," she turned around to see him. "Appreciate the help but how long will that orb of yours pop?" "Oh, that, it will disperse within an hour." Much Later… "I'm telling you, you're the one who should be going to Nexus High, in fact why not apply? It's a slam dunk." Monica said. "I would love to apply, Monica, but Miss Candance just became the new principal for Crystal Prep and my family are barely scraping by. I can't ask any more from them." "Smoothies are me." "Not what I meant, I'm glad we can do this, Monica. I miss you not being in school." "Yeah, well you're gonna see me a lot sooner than you think. There's an open slot at Nexus High, so Randall is giving a recruitment presentation at Crystal Prep today." "That's today? Randall Mclean is coming to school today? How do I look?" Twilight asked. "Kind of rattled for a guy who's not interested in applying," Monica replied. "This Randall Mclean. He's my idol, I know everything about him. I even volunteered to come in early and help– Oh, shit, I volunteered to come in early and help set up today! Ice Light is going to kill me!" Twilight grabbed her stuff and headed out. "Classic Sparkle," Monica smiled. At Crystal Prep… "Okay, I just need to reprogram the temperate threshold," Twilight was working on something. "Sparkle!" Ice Light shouted as she and Ivory Haze came in. "You know you missed it?" "I know. I'm sorry, Ice. But once I missed it, I figured I'd just catch up on some schoolwork." "You're always at the wrong place at the wrong time, Sparkle. Luckily, Ivory was here to help." "Yeah,More like forced to help." "Thanks, Ivory. Hey I have a question, what temperature do you think a viscous liquid needs to reach before it achieves its maximum density?" "You got me. You're the egghead, remember? I'm just the guy doing a story on Randall Mclean for the school's website. How epic is it that there's a school specifically for geniuses and that they're coming here for recruits?" Ivory asked then Willaim Rhodes and his son. Melvin entered the classroom. "It can't be that good if that rich cat, Monica Simon got in. As far as I can tell, Nexus High is on par with a 4H club," Melvin scoffed. "If the 4 H's are hardworking heroes who help," Twilight said to him. "One of them has W, Sparkle," Ice Light groaned. "Hey, I'm good with science, not spelling." "Well, if Nexus High is legit, then Melvin Rhodes can get in as well." "You're too good for them, son." William said. "Randall Mclean is an overrated lab assistant. I knew him back in the day, and he's a fraud." "Whatever you say, ," Twilight said with a deadpan expression. Then Ice Light's phone rang. "Oh. it's 9:00. We should be starting." Moments later, all the students were gathering at the auditorium and Ice Light was on the stand. "Weclome, students of Crystal Prep. It isn't often a scientist gets called genus within his lifetime." "Can we call him a giant dork?" Melvin said under his breath while preparing a spitball. "But when he creates a private school for young minds looking to pursue their dreams, we also get to call him a role model. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Randall Mclean from Nexus High." Everyone clapped as Randall Mclean took the stage. "Good morning everyone. You know, I could spend a lot of time talking about the cool things we're doing over at Nexus High." Melvin fired the spitball only for it go right through. "What?" Mevin asked, realizing it's a hologram. "Like I said, I could talk about them," The real one continued to talk. "But I would rather show you, with our new hologram prototype. Created by the fertile minds of Nexus High. I'm excited to say, we have one slot that needs to be filled this semester." Then everyone raised their hands. "Not that simple. You see, in order to be a student at Nexus, you have to certain kind of intellect." Randall dropped a drone on the ground then the drone showed an equation. "An intellect that can solve an equation like this for example." "Wow, that equation seems to explain how moisture interacts with vibration meaning indoor storm clouds," Twilight thought. "An intellect like Starlight Glimmer or Ocellus. Students who specialize in elemental physics." Behind the curtain, Starlight and Ocellus were on a machine with Monica watching. "You guys are on," Monica said to them. "Go." Both of them headed out. "Simon?" William asked. "Oh, Mr William. What do you need?" She asked him. "That contraction is making a funny sound. Is it supposed to do that?" Monica went to check it but was unaware that Willliam took a photo of her. "Looks fine to me." "Don't be smug, you're not the-" "And in the area of Chemistry, your very own Monica Simon," Randall spoke up. "I gotta go," Monica left him. "Keep talking, Mclean. I'm going to bring you and school down along with Canterlot High," William said. On stage… "Thanks, Randall. At Nexus High, kids are doing things they could have only dreamed of before. Like Starlight and her Ethersteel reactor. Starlight?" "Once," Starlight started as she brought out the reactor. "Ethersteel could be found in the nation, Valentia, but with my Ethersteel reactor, there will be enough Ethersteel…" As Starlight was talking, Twilight's Danger Radar was going off. "Crap. Danger Radar is going nuts," Twilight exclaimed as the reactor created a sonic wave making everyone run to safety. "Fortunately in this chaos, no one will notice me switching to…" Twilight went behind the curtain and put on her costume. "...The Masked Matterhorn." Matterhorn appeared out of the curtain. "Somehow the Ethersteel is working in reverse. Instead of vibrations, it's producing them," Matterhorn said while dodging the sonic waves. "Let's hope I got the magic worked out." She used her magic to save some of the people from the sonic waves, then the place started to crumble. "It's true what they say, Sparkle. You're always at the wrong place at the wrong time," Matterhorn explained as debris was falling on her. Matterhorn use her magic on them and toss them to the other side. "Okay avoided getting crushed, now shut that thing off," Matterhorn headed straight to the reactor and began working. "Detach the impulse valve with the discharge. That ought to stop you." The reactor let out a blast that sent Matterhorn back that scorched her top a bit then it turned off. "Okay, let's try not to have an indoor barbecue, shall we?" Matterhorn asked. "Luckily, I still have my Sparkle clothes." Moments later… "I shut the reactor off. But the fire department can handle these flames," Twilight pulled out her phone to call them only to have no signal. "Shit, no service. But someone needs to do something. And that person is me." Twilight look over to see the drone that has Randall's equation. "Well, hello, Randall's equation. That gives me an idea," Twilight smirked then proceeded to work on the reactor. "Piggyback on that Ethersteel output, absorb some of this condensation and redirect it. Repurpose the wires in." The reactor produced a storm cloud and the rain put out the fire. "All my work. What did you do?" Starlight asked. "Uh, sorry." "Why couldn't you just let that Matter kid handle it?" "I think she's called The Masked Matterhorn," Twilight said then Starlight stormed off. "Hey, don't let it bother you, pal. Bad news she'll hate you for life," Monica said. "The good news?" "You don't go to school with her." "And who is this young girl I have to thank for putting out the fire?" Randall asked. "This is Twilight Sparkle, the one I've been telling you about." "Well, Twilight, I'm impressed. Not only have you solved my equation, but also put it to practical use. Indoor storm clouds are something I've been toying with, and you're the only one who figured it out." "Mr. Mclean, look L solved it as well," Melvin said as he showed Randall his work. "Sorry young man. That looks more like a Rorschach Test than an answer," Randall said to him. "Twilight, can I have a moment?" "Curse you, Sparkle!" Mevlin grumbled as his father consoled him. "Don't worry, son This will all be fixed," William said to him. With Randall and Twilight… "I appreciate what you did here today, Twilight. And with great please I like to offer you the remaining slot at Nexus," he said to her. "Are you kidding me?" Twilight was stunned. "Nexus High should be shut down," William came in. "What you did here today was reckless." "My students know exactly what they're doing, William. And if we were to guess, someone did some tampering on campus." "Don't be foolish. You want to point fingers? Point them at your own people." He showed him the photo of Monica near the machine. "I know for a fact that Monica was tinkering around with the reactor before the presentation." "What? That can't be." "And according to the board of education states that any student accused of sabotage shall be suspended indefinitely. Pending an investigation." "You're a vicious person, William. But you're right. Monica, I hate to say it, but pending a brief investigation, I'm afraid you'll have to be suspended." "What?" Twilight and Moncia gasped then Twilight said. "You can't do that." "I don't know what he's showing, but.." She was interrupted when Black Hawk entered. "Devastation. The perfect time for the Black Hawk to pick through the remains," Black Hawk said he grabbed Randall and carried him out of the school. "Randall!" Monica exclaimed. "I'll go and get help," Twilight said as she ran behind the curtain. "More like finding my costume so I can change back into.." Twilight pulled out her costume and saw the scorch mark. "Oh right. Note to self, make the costume out of flame resistant material, next time." … … "Let go of me, Gunther," Randall said to him. "Gunther Anderson, was a pathetic employee of yours, Mclean. Fired with insufficient cause. I am the Black Hawk." "Gunther, you fired for stealing equipment," Randall said but was drop then Black Hawk grabbed him again. "The equipment was rightfully mine," Black Hawk retorted. "Everything you worked on belongs to Nexus." "Yes, but my antigravity Black Hawk is all me. And it needs Ethersteel to work," Black Hawk said before getting kicked by Matterhorn that forced him to release Randall then Matterhorn use her magic to hold him. "You again?" "I knew the purple would be memorable," Matterhorn said as she flew away from Black Hawk. "Don't worry sir, I've got you." Then Black Hawk grabbed both of them. "Yes, but I've got you. Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back, like Mclean did to me." He dropped both of them forcing them to free fall. "Can't let my first day turn out to be Randall's last," Matterhorn dived and grabbed him and engaged her rocket boots. "Thanks, Matter Girl." "It's better than being a Matter kid. At least you're safe." "Not yet, Black Hawk is heading back to the school. It's the Ethersteel he wants." "Then hold on tight," Matterhorn said as they headed back. At Crystal Prep, William grabbed the Ethersteel ore just as Black Hawk landed. "You? I told you, I had everything under control," William said to him. "Then why am I not in possession of the Ethersteel?" Black Hawk asked. "I needed to take care of some business first." "Your personal grudges don't concern me." Black Hawk did a sonic scream at William that sent him right into a wall. "Dad, are you okay?" Mevlin ran to him. "I'm gonna make Black Hawk pay." "You will do no such thing," Black Hawk said as he holded the Ethersteel unaware that Matterhorn was there . "It will take someone stronger than you to take me down." "Are you talking about me?" Matterhorn asked as she got close to Black Hawk and punched him which cracked his visor. "No bother, I shall destroy you all just the same." Black Hawk prepared to do a sonic scream but Matterhorn fired an ice beam at his mouth. "Bull's eye, more like bird's eye," Matterhorn said as she kicked him into the wall where he was unconscious. "Nice work for a catcher," A police officer said. "You mind sticking around to answer a few questions?" "Honestly, I've got my own questions that need answering," Matterhorn said as she flew out of there." … "I just don't see how I can go Nexus High, mom." Twilight said to her mom, Twilight Velvet. "Twilight, I thought we settled this. This exactly what your uncle Astral Sprint would have wanted. And we're not going to let him down." "But how are you going to afford it?" "I'll get a job like your dad. Are they hiring at the cafe here?" "Very funny. I guess it just feels weird going there Monica. What's she gonna say now that she's been suspended?" "She's gonna say the suspension is temporary," Monica said as she walked up. "And you deserve to be at that school as much as I do." "Moncia! You okay? What did your dad say?" "Relax he said, if the smartest school wouldn't have me he'd create an even smarter one. Whatever that means. Hi, Miss Velvet. What are you doing here?" "Well, I was so determined to see Twilight go to Nexus High. I told her I'd walk him to school myself." "Well, I can take it from here, if you want." "Thanks. Have a great day you two." "First day jitters?" Monica asked. "Of course I do, I mean I'm going to school with a great mind such as myself." Twilight replied "A simple yes or no would do. You're going to fit in just fine," Monica replied. "How are you feeling?" Twilight asked. "Confused. I know those Rhodes aren't fans of mine but it seems too devious, even for them. Plus that matter person showing and disabling the reactor can't be a coincidence. Now I think that guy had a hand in this somehow, and I intend to prove it." "I don't know, maybe she was trying to help. But I can always count on you." … … "See you later." "Yeah." Both of them fist-bumped each other heads their separate ways. 'Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.' I guess Einstein was right. Even though I made some mistakes it still led me here. And with a new school as awesome as this to go to tomorrow could only get better, I hope." Twilight thought to her as she walked to the school entrance. "Twilight Sparkle, you finally made it," Randall greeted her. "Hi, ." "Please call me Randall. Welcome to Nexus High." He showed her the school. My uncle Astral Sprint said everyone had a gift. Maybe I've finally found mine. > #3-Weclome to Nexus Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cool thing about transferring to a school like Nexus High is that it's not only a great place to invent things but also a great place to reinvent things—namely myself. So instead of being called the school flake, I now get a second chance at being Twilight Sparkle. At the Canterlot Science Museum, Masked Matterhorn was thrown across the area by someone in a salamander suit. The problem, is I haven't made it to school because I had to stop this Salamander guy from stealing a gem from Science Museum. "So this is the Matterhorn I've been hearing so much about," Salamander fired his laser at her which she dodged then counter with a kick to the ribcage. "Give it time, I grow like a pimple," Matterhorn retorted. "Then you deserve to pop like one." Salamander whacked her with his tail sending her rolling on the ground. I did have the best intentions to arrive on time. It was only an hour when things took a dark turn. Monica and I were walking together as usual. I ask her how was her first day back at Crystal Prep. But she avoided my question and asked how my first day was. Aside from Starlight giving me the cold shoulder, I've met cool people, worked on experiments, and got my own lab. Then Monica asked me to grab some of her experiments in my lab. The school has to confiscate anything left behind and she prefers things to be private. So being the friend that I am, I said yes. Then my phone showed me an alert of a guy attacking the Canterlot Science Museum. Since I had twenty minutes, before school starts, I can probably stop this guy and get my costume washed. And that was the first mistake of the day. Salamander strike his tail at her but she avoided it. "Watch the tail, buddy, you break it, you buy it!" Matterhorn explained then the cable lines of the model plane snapped and started." "Or you break it and I get crushed by it!" Matterhorn used her magic and slowly carried it to the ground. "Musem members get 20% percent off life-saving acts of heroism." Then Salamander blindsided her with his tail whack. "Man, this guy is like a bull in a china shop, then time to rein the bull in." Matterhorn used her magic to stop him but Salamander tried to throw her off. "And this was the second mistake of the day," Matterhorn exclaimed while tightening her grip on his tail. "This tail has the strength of a wrecking ball." "And I know just the place where there a lot less to wreck. Matterhorn froze his feet in place and then grabbed the gem out of his hand. "I hear it's the tiny ones who are the most dangerous. Care to prove me wrong?" Salamander chased Matterhorn through the subway then Salamander body-checked her which made her lose the gem. "I'll take that," Salamander exclaimed then jumped into a nearby train. "So long, kid. I got a train to catch." "Hey nobody rides for free in this town." Matterhorn followed a kick from behind. "Don't worry, please exit the vessel in a calm, safe manner," Matterhorn said as the people got out of the train leaving her and Salamander alone. "Eww. What the hell is that smell?" Salamander asked. "I would say it's the subway but I think we both know I need to wash my costume," Matterhorn said. Salamander tried to hit with his fists but Matterhorn countered with attacks to his mid-section then she pulled a wire from her shackles that missed Salamander. "The thing about new heroes is they need to work on the aim." "I was going for the emergency brake." She forced the subway car to a complete halt and allowed Matterhorn to knock out Salamander just at the subway stopped at a station where the police showed up. "Here you go boys, one supervillain all froze up," Matterhorn said to them. "Thanks, kiddo," An officer said. "All in a day's work," Matterhorn said before jet boosted out there. … … At Nexus High… "I can't believe I'm late for my first meeting with my class advisor," Twilight said as she run into the school hallway. "Excuse me, I looking for David Crawford do where he is?" "I'm right here," Twilight turned and saw him. "And you, Ms. Sparkle, are five minutes late." "Sorry Dr. Crawford," Twilight apologized as they walked down the hallway. Nice impression. "This is your new lab." "That can't be right. This is Monica's." "Monica Simon is no longer at this school." "Yeah, but she'll be back. Isn't there another lab I can use?" "No. There are no other labs available at this moment. Now, rip that nameplate for me." "I feel weird about this. Do I need a lab?" "Oh trust me, Miss Sparkle you'll need one. Now, take that down and put this one up," He handed her a nameplate with her name on it. Twilight did as she was told and put her nameplate on the wall. "Once this place is cleared out, it's all yours." "How will it will take?" "That depends on how fast you can move." "I have to move everything." "All confiscated experiments go to the vault at the end of the hall," Crawford gave Twilight the key card. Much Later, Twilight moved all the stuff into the vault. "What is all this, Monica?" Twilight asked herself. "What in the world you were working on?" "Twilight," Randall walked in. "I was told I'd find you here. Come with me. I wanna show you something." … "Uh, has anyone seen Potion Nova or Moondancer?" Randall asked Starlight and Ocellus. "I want them to meet Twilight." "Know those two, they're collecting samples. But we can show the newbie around. Sandbar?" "Sure can," Sandbar chimed. "Welcome to the Think Tank, Twi. This is where we mix, mingle, and motivate." "What he means is, this where we show off the work we're doing," Ocellus clarified. "Like this security robot, I made!" Yo! Something isn't right! The robot said having the Ocellus' voice. "I got tired of the usual voice, so I replaced it with my own," Ocellus said as the bot held Twilight in the air. Your out of here buddy! "Shit, you must not be in the system yet." "Looks like I get to show off my scrambler," Starlight armed her device. "The Starlight Scrambler can cut the power to anything mechanical." Starlight fired a blast of the scrambler which made the security bot shut down and dropped Twilight. "Nice work, Starlight. Now regarding Ocellus's robot, how could this situation could have been avoided?" "Visual recognition?" "Automatic update?" "Uh, boxers before briefs?" Twilight asked then everyone laughed. "Is that the best idea you can come up with? Man, Moondancer will kill you alive," Starlight said. "Let's not be hard on Twilight. It's only her first week. I'm sure she has plenty of ideas he can contribute to the group. Don't you, Twilight?" "Of course, I have ideas. I have tons of them. Starting with the idea to keep my ideas safely in my backpack. BRB!" Twilight headed out of the Think Tank. In Twilight's lab… "Man, do I feel out of my league," Twilight sighed. "But you can do this. They want ideas, you'll give ideas." Twilight thought to herself for hours as now it was nighttime. "And I got nothing. Gotta relax. Something will come to me. Huh?" "Having a little trouble?' Randall asked. "I'm staying late to study the stars even though the sun is one." "Twilight, there's no need to worry. Lots of students stay late to work on their projects. An idea will come. Just start with something close to your heart. See you tomorrow." "Thanks, Randall. Close to my heart, huh?" "Then this might be the perfect time to upgrade my Mattterhorn costume." Twilight got to work on her costume as she was working her mom called. "Sorry, Mom. I just lost track of the hour. Time flies when you're having fun. I'll be home soon." Yo! Something isn't right! Twilight heard one of Ocellus' bots which made her go to the Think Tank and saw a giant robot destroying it. "Uh-oh! Did anyone leave a giant killer robot?" Twilight asked. "I don't suppose you have a student ID do you?" The robot pushed her out of the way and headed to the vault. "Hey! Nobody pushes me around! Except for the fact everyone does push me around. But there's one person you can't." … "Something tells me that's not a school-sanctioned project," Matterhorn said arriving on the scene. "So hand it over!" The robot picked a sphere-like device activated it and threw it right at her. "Oh shit! I think I know what it does now!" Matterhorn exclaimed as it exploded and the impact sent her back destroying most of her costume. "No wonder Velvet Metal wears an armor suit. This job hurts. I hope to test my new suit before using it but looks like I have no choice. And almost no pants." The robot fires an energy blast from its mouth which made Matterhorn dodge it. "Time to debut the new Matterhorn fashion line." Once Matterhorn left, the robot grabbed the box and proceeded to head out. "Hold right it there, you hunk of metal!" Matterhorn said now wearing a dark purple outfit with shoulder armor, dark purple spandex, shiny steel boots, metal finger-less gauntlets, and a mask that concealed her identity perfectly. "Let's see how you do against Matterhorn 2.0!" The robot fired an energy blast at her which she dodged. "Not a fan are you? Give it time, it will grow on you like a pimple. Wait I already use it." The robot threw a bomb at her but Matterhorn caught her magic and send it back which exploded on contact. "Time to workshop some new material," Matterhorn attacks the legs and froze them with an ice beam. "So maybe you could quit trying to disrupt my evening." Matterhorn used her magic and chuck the robot across the hallway, then shatter the ice and fire energy blast at her which she avoids as Ocellus came out of her lab. "Look out!" Matterhorn encased her in a magic bubble just as the robot's energy blast fired at it only not for it to pop. "Masked Matterhorn?" Ocellus was surprised just as the robot escape through a crashed window. "What's going on?" "I don't know exactly. But whatever that thing is, I let it get away." "You saved my life. If there was ever a choice between the two, I think you made the right one." "Thanks, I appreciate that." "Hey, do I know you? You sound kind of familiar?" "Uh, no. I gotta be somewhere bye!" Matterhorn tensed up and then headed out of the school. The next morning "Is everything okay, Twi? You seem a little down." "Nothing just spent last night reading." "I am still surprised, there's still a school to go to. Is it true you were there when it happened?" "Yeah." "And that thing started to rip the place apart, huh?" "Not really. It sort of went after your stuff," "My stuff?" "Yeah, the same stuff you asked me to get for you." "What that suppose to mean? You think I had something to do with it?" "No, of course not but I did manage to get this for you. Do you mind telling me what it is?" "I can't tell, Twi. Believe me, my dad would kill me if I told you what it really does, I gotta go, catch you later." Much Later at Crystal Prep… "Look who's back at Crystal Prep," Melvin grinned at Monica. "Guess you're not smart enough, after all, are you, Simon?" "Oh, I'm smart enough. Smart enough to know someone set me up, Rhodes," Monica retorted. "You're a fraud." "And you're clueless as your old man!" Before either of them could fight, Randall kept them separated. "Children, stop this at once!" "Uh, Randall? What are you guys doing here?" Monica asked seeing Silverstream Starlight, Sandbar, and Twilight. "Talking to people about your character, Monica." "You too, Twi?" "No, I'm just here…" Twilight tried to explain as the ground shook. Then the wall got blasted by the same robot that follow Monica. "Monica!" Twilight before heading to the bathroom to change into her alter-ego. "Let it be empty." Meanwhile, the robot grabbed Monica and headed out to the schoolyard. "Hey! Metal Head!" Matterhorn grabbed its attention. "First Nexus, now Crystal Prep? What are you, school shopping?" The robot fired a plasma beam at her but she dodges it. "Nice try, but if you think I'm gonna let take off with a student, you don't have a good grip on the situation." Matterhorn pried off the robot's hold on Monica with her magic that Monica to run away. "Or student for that matter." Then the robot grabbed her. "Is this because I'd call you metal-head?" Matterhorn asked as it prepare to fire. "Because if you look closer, you'll see I'm a nice guy." "Masked Matterhorn, hang on!" Starlight slid down a rail then fire a shot from her scrambler shut it down making it let go. "Nice shot, love that piece of tech." "Thanks. Do I know you? You sounded familiar," Starlight asked. "No tengo idea de lo que estás hablando," Matterhorn said 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' in Spanish. Then the robot held her in the air. "What the hell! I thought I took this robot down!" Starlight exclaimed as Matterhorn saved her. "Your tech can disable machines. This thing seems to be semi-organic. And all around mean!" Matterhorn exclaimed just as the robot grabbed her. "I have to stop this thing from crushing me. Wait a minute." She used her magic on Monica's school bag. "What the hell are you doing?! Help! This Matterhorn is trying to get me!" Monica screamed. "Not you. But clearly, this thing senses something about you," Matterhorn grabbed a bomb out of the bag. "So let's give it what it wants. She threw it right under the robot's legs and then went off causing it to explode. "Man! Too bad I didn't come in contact with an enhanced turtle," Matterhorn stretch her legs. "I could really use a hard outer shell about now." "This guy's a menace. You all saw it. She tried to pull into danger." "That wasn't true. I was…" "Every time you showed up, something bad happens." "Monica. She saved our lives. Twice," Starlight said. "Even, Ocellus," Silverstream added. "Both of you are being played. She's hiding something and I intend to prove it," Monica stormed off as Randall came. "I'm sorry she feels that way, Masked Matterhorn. Especially saving us from destruction seems to be a regular thing for you," Randall said. "Well, this time I think we all played a part." "Awesome," Sandbar said as they took a selfie. "We should get one with Twilight. Where is she?" Randall asked. "Shucks! I love to stick around you, but I got to be somewhere else," Matterhorn took off flying in her rockets boots. "Have a great day." "That guy has the oddest sounding voice," Randall said. "I know. He was even speaking in Spanish earlier," Starlight said. "Hey, guys. You okay?" Twilight asked. "Where the hell were you?" Sliverstream asked. "What do you mean, where was I? There was a giant robot attacking, so I hid in the bathroom." "Well, you missed getting a picture with Masked Matterhorn." "Yeah. I'm going to post it on the school website," Sandbar said. With William and Melivn… "You almost had him, Dad," Meviln said to his father. "Don't worry son. Black Hawk, and the Destroyers, are all part of his master plan," William said. As night approached, Twilight was watching her dog Spike playing in the yard. "Little white lies asides, this hasn't been such a bad first day on the job. In fact, I feel pretty good. Maybe that's the thing about second chances. They're not about doing differently, they're about seeing things differently." Twilight said. "Like an opportunity instead of a struggle. A hero instead of a celebrity. Or even friends were first seen as strangers. You were right, Uncle. Your talent was making sense of things. I don't know if being a superhero is my talent, but you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on me, I've got a sense we could do this together." Then Twilight heard police sirens which prompt her to put on her Matterhorn costume. "And might even have some fun." > #4-Simon Academy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a gorgeous day in Canterlot City, as the police chased the supervillain Vargas as well as Masked Matterhorn. "All units respond. We are in the pursuit of Vargas," One of the pilots flying the chopper said as Matterhorn chased him on the ground. "Hold on, let me get to a better spot, Monica," Matterhorn said, trying to keep pace. "How about now? Can you hear me now? Good. Because what I was saying was I'm coming, Monica. I just got a little caught up in something." What could be more important than my dad's unveiling of the Simon Academy for Geniuses? "Nothing. It's just the cops have all of downtown blocked off in pursuit of Vargas' guy." Vargas? Isn't he that supervillain that went into hiding? "Yeah, only this he's back and stole some Crimson Tech… Hold on a second," Matterhorn did an ice blast to him but avoided it and two parkour through the city. Still there? It sounded like the call got dropped. "It did for a second." Just get over here. "I am. Just waiting for the traffic light to change," She looked to her left and right for Vargas then saw him being chased by the cops. "And it just did, be there soon, Monica." "I have a hunch this will all clear up real soon. I hope." She headed in the same direction as Vargas but he managed to grab a civilian in the process. "Damn it, he's taken captive, don't shoot." "Not on my watch," Matterhorn leaped over them. Vargas scaled the wall but the captivate got off her and freefallen then Masked Matterhorn saved her and landed on the ground. "There you go, safe as can be." "Thanks. I don't mean to judge, you could've powers to lower the fan safely on the ground." "There's one way of doing that. And not to judge, but you could've ended with just saying thanks, right?" Matterhorn glared at her. "I guess that's one way I could've done it. But do the people you put in harm's way usually greet you with a warm reception?" "The Simon Academy reception! Shit, I'm screwed!" Much later… "Did I just miss it?" Twilight as she enters Simon Tower. "Sure did," Monica replied. "I'm so sorry, that I'd miss it.." "I know, You're Twilight Sparkle. You and timing don't mix. Let's forget it and show you around. Everybody who is anybody was here. Including Randall and the Nexus gang. Maybe we can catch up with them on the top floor. I go to say, I'd never actually admit to him but my dad opening this school for geniuses is pretty cool." "Nice view." "Yeah, Caleb converted the penthouse of the Simon Tech building so that the Simon Academy is at the top. Gives the students something to reach for." "That's a long way to reach." "And that's why our students will be the very best," Caleb said who came in. "Starting with Monica here, who was appointed class president." "Mr. Simon. Good to see you again, sir." "You as well, Twilight. Are you here to apply for enrollment?" "Oh, thanks, Mr. Simon. But I just got accepted into Nexus High." "Well let's hope you don't get suspended for something you didn't do." "Dad." … "Don't worry sir. I have no doubt that will be cleared up very soon. But it was nice of you to do all of this for Monica." "When it involves my son, I will move mountains if need be." "Wouldn't that upset the original balance of nature?" Randall asked. "Science is the enhancement of nature, Randall. You know that. It's good to see you again." "We wouldn't have missed it. Any opportunity to expand the minds of young students is always a reason to celebrate." "I'm glad you see it that way. I thought you might feel threatened." "Not at all." "Just like Canterlot High and Crystal Prep, schools should be able to coexist within a supportive environment. Not to mention my school is at full capacity." "Well, I assure you, by the end of the day, our school will be full as well. Let's look at some of the auditions, shall we?" "Glad to see it's not just Horizon events you're late for," Starlight snickers at Twilight's tardiness. "There was traffic, how was I supposed to know?!" Twilight exclaimed. "You know what they say, the shortest distance between two points is the express train." "Hey, Twi, you still haven't met, Moondancer have you?" Ocellus asked. "Moondancer? Uh, hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle." "I already know who you are." "You do?" "You saved everyone from the Ethersteel fire. Nicely done." "Thanks." "Don't let it go to your head, you still ruined my project." "Over here, everyone," Caleb called for everyone. " I prefer to use two-way mirrors, so as not to intimidate the interviewees." … … "Victor and I are best friends so we work well together." "What Devon's trying to say is like a chemical compound, we act as each other catalysts for conceiving great ideas." "Right, In fact, we inspired each other to create this awesome new tech." "I call mine Sonic Tech because it can manipulate sound." "And I've created these Charge Gauntlets that control vibrations." They showcased their tech by making the water in the glass move in the air which impressed the interviewers. "Very impressive, gentlemen," Caleb said on the other side of the room. "Mr. Simon," Both boys gasped. "But do you have the drive to outshine the competition?" He asked them. "Yes sir." "Absolutely." "Good, but I can take one of you," Caleb said as Randall looked on. "Hold on, we're a team." "And I'm looking for a solo act. So whoever impresses me the most will get to be a student here. Understood?" "Mr. Simon, Devon and I have worked together a long time…" Victor before feeling a blast. "Hey!" "Sorry, man. Must have slipped." "You did that on purpose." "I did not. You know the activation switch tends to act up. But it can be fixed," Devon tried to fix it. "Yeah, all it needs a boost from," Victor fired a charge blast at Devon. "What are you doing?" "I was trying to help." "Help yourself get into this school." Devon fires a sonic blast at Victor which sends him into a wall. "My bad, I overreacted." "Get away from me!" Victor fired an electric blast at him which made Devon duck causing the glass window to crack a bit then Monica and Twilight gave concerned looks. "Activate safe zone," Caleb's bodyguard activates a safety orb to contain both Simons in it just as Victor sends Devon across the room with an electric blast which creates a hole on the other side. "Package is secured." "Sorry man. We're even. Let's stop here." "Oh, we are not even." Devon charged his Sonic Cannon and fired then Victor dodged. "Have it your way then." Both of them fought each other with their tech. "These guys are out of control," Twilight exclaimed then ran in there. "You want some more." Victor did a soundwave blast at Devon who rolled out of the way only for the blast to send Twilight and the interviewers out of the tower. "Twily!" Monica screamed. "Don't need a costume for some good," Twilight said while free-falling she threw two of her gravity mines on the interviewers which made them float down to the ground. "But I can do more as…" "Masked Matterhorn!" She said as came through the tower and came in front of both Devon and Victor. "That's enough, you two. If it wasn't for my gravity mines, some innocent people might have been hurt." "I can't believe you're turning against me." "Stop with the act! You know you turned on me first." "Crap, they caused an electrical fire in the biology lab," the scientist said as he was about to set off the alarm. "Stop! Don't hit the alarm! He harnessed the sound!" Masked Matterhorn exclaimed but the alarm was sounded. "I show you the true power sound." "Devon, I'm against you." "Then you shouldn't have attacked me." "Shit! He is going to unleash a sonic sound bomb. And for the record? I plan on using a magic shield as a cushion." "Or a wall of ice." "That's a good idea." "Okay, bring it on!" Matterhorn created a wall of ice just as Devon unleashed his sound bomb which broke apart most of the window. "Everybody cool in the ice box, I know not my best wordplay." "So the Matter Kid is auditioning too?" Victor asked. "Then I need a bigger arena to show off the full extent of my work." "And may the best student win." Both guys used the tech and flew out of the building. "Hey, who said I was a student? I'm not even auditioning!" "Good. Because so far, I'm not impressed," Caleb said to her. Matterhorn grumbles and then chases after them. On the streets… "If you wanted out of this partnership, Victor, you should've just so." "As opposed to sabotaging it, like you did? You're the one who wanted out. Didn't realize it also meant our friendship." Both of them fought each other just as Matterhorn got in between them. "How are you guys gonna get into any school when stuck in detention for 30 years?" She asked them. "I don't know who you are, but we were here first." Devon blasted her right into a dirt holder then blasted Victor who dodged it. "Twilight!" Monica called for her as she was outside of the tower. "How does someone fall out of a window and disappear?" Devon landed on a truck full of air tanks then Victor blasted it for most of them to fire off and one of them came at Monica but Masked Matterhorn saved her. "Get off me!" "I was trying to help." "You're never helping, and what did you do to my friend, Twilight?" "I used a gravity mine on her, she must have floated to the Coastline. I'll find her. I promise." Matterhorn flew off and did her magic to stop a sliding cement truck in its tracks. "That could've been bad." Victor and Devon continued to fight in a constructed building; none of them knew that Vargas was watching them. "Looks like we're all trying to impress Caleb Simon," Vargas said with a grin as he followed. "Time to see which tech has the strongest impact." "I think we both know the answer to that." Both of them were about to fire but nothing happened. "What the hell is going on?" "Don't know? Someone's siphoning the juice from our tech." "Not someone. Vargas, with little help from Miss Crimson, of course," Vargas said then he leaped down and grabbed the tech from both boys and rewired it. "Hate to see this hardware go to waste." "Varags? Don't tell me that you're auditioning for Simon Academy too," Matterhorn asked once she arrived. "They are going to have a crazy debate team." Vargas aimed the blaster at her and then fired which made her dodge it. "Oh, wow, that combined tech is fierce. Staying clear of it." "Going somewhere?" "Your fur must be thick. I said I'm staying clear of it." "Matterhorn! Aim for Devon's chest plate. He hasn't worked the bugs, and it can't take a direct hit." "Hey! That's a side effect of the design. Not bad planning. And while you're at it, crush the wristband of Victor's gauntlet that is where he holds the power source." "Thanks, guys! The question is, how do I get near him?" Matterhorn said then her goggles scanned a jackhammer and shock-proof gloves. "Of course, A worker can withstand the vibrations of that jackhammer due to the gloves." Vargas took multiple shots at her but missed. "Time to test drive this suit's latest feature, Surge Mode!" She activated it then the electricity surged all over her. Vargas blasted a shockwave at her but the suit absorbed it. "It worked!" "How?!" Matterhorn wasted no time and delivered an electric punch at Varags's chest then ripped the tech he built. "I'll take that!" Vargas kicked her to the ground and then bailed. "I hate getting cheap-shotted!" Matterhorn said as Vargas held up both Devon and Victor. "Vic. if this is the end, I'm sorry." "Same here, Dev." "Aww, how touching," Vargas said, then dropped both of them at the same time. "Hate these split-second decisions." Matterhorn dropped a wind mine on the ground which created a control tornado that slowed the speed of fall and the boys touched the ground allowing Vargas to escape. "That's the second time he got away." "We're so sorry, man." "Yeah, I don't know what got into us. We got carried away." "Well, you're about to be carried back to Simon Academy to face the music," Matterhorn said to them. "Wait, do we have to be airborne?" "Yeah, I had my fair share of flying for today." "The Surge Mode Suit took out all power to the jet boots, meaning we have to do it the old-fashioned way." 2 Hours later… "Something wrong, dear daughter?" Caleb asked Monica. "I just don't trust The Masked Matterhorn," Monica expressed herself. "She's nothing but bad news. And I'm sure she had something to do with me getting suspended." "Put it behind you, Monica. It's a brand-new start." "But my work. My research. I invested a lot of it at Nexus High and now I have to start from square one." "Come with me," Caleb said as they walked together. "Daughter, The Simon name will always be associated with geniuses. Take today for example. When the smartest school doesn't want you, I created an even smarter school." "To save you from embarrassment. And if I have to take action to make sure your work isn't lost to Nexus… I do that as well." He showed her all the experiments that Monica worked on Nexus. "Wow. You stole them?' "I appropriated them. If Nexus High can't assure their security. I can at least make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands." "I don't know what to say." "There's nothing to say. You're my daughter. I expect great things out of you, young lady. So don't mess up again." Late at night Moondancer got out of a taxi and arrived at the house with groceries in her hands. She went to the doorbell and rang the door open to see an older man. "Hey, Uncle Star Gaze. Sorry, I'm late for dinner. I had quite the day." "That makes two of us, my dear." Star Gaze told her then let her in. Much later at Donut Joe's, Twilight was explaining her story to Monica. "I don't know. As I was coming down, the mine on my back followed the direction of the wind and I landed right in the waters of Canterlot Coastline. My clothes are going to smell like fish for days." "I'm telling you, Matterhorn is no good." "He saved my life and yours, did she?" "Yeah, but I'm not convinced. Agree to disagree." "That's great about us, we can disagree on some things while being best friends." "Yeah, I mean something like school to tear apart Victor and Devon's friendship like that is barbaric. Let's promise to never be like them." "Promise," Both girls clink their drinks. > #5-Party Animal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You ever had one of those days?” Matterhorn implied while parkour from the city. “ You get out of bed, take a shower, then you air-dry by flying through the city, and then out of nowhere some jackass in a robot suit attacks you?”  Matterhorn got punched in the wall by a Destroyer.  “Well, this is one of those days. And I think I forgot to brush my teeth.”  “Taking you down will be easy as pie, Matterhorn!”  “Okay, metalmouth. That sucker punch surprised me, unfortunately, you have my attention.”  “What I want is your life!”  The Destroyer smashed its fist at her but Matterhorn dodged it. “Sorry, I kinda use it!”  Matterhorn did two ice blasts at it then did a spin kick which sent it back then froze in a case of ice.  “Seems like every nutjob in town wants to be my arch nemesis these days,” Matterhorn exclaimed then Destroyer melted the ice freeing itself. “Nice trick you got there. Here’s mine!”  Matterhorn vaulted herself at Destroyer to deliver an electric punch then the lens beeped showing Monica’s phone number.   “Hello?”  Hey, Twi. Are you on your way?  “Yeah, Monica. No, sorry I’m not going to make it,” Matterhorn dodged rocket blasts from Destroyer. “My schedule kind of blew up today.”  Ooh, too bad. I wanted to share some news in person. I guess I can tell you over the phone. “Yeah but can’t it wait. I would like to give it my full attention. Call you back later,” Matterhorn cut her off as she slid away from Destroyer’s energy blasts.  “Who are you talking to?”  “That for me to know and you to find out!” Matterhorn got behind it and ripped its power jack.  “What are you…” The robot got shut down.   “Without power, you can’t pull off your anti-magic tricks on me. Now let’s see who you are,” Matterhorn pulled off the faceplate.  Self Destruct Initiated. One minute to self-destruct.  “This is why I hate countdowns,” Matterhorn exclaimed. “Don’t panic. This thing is too complex to disarm, but removing the dangerous part means no boom.”  Matterhorn lifted the head part with her magic and tossed it into the sea.  “Okay, where’s the boom?” Matterhorn didn’t hear an explosion, and then her Danger Radar went off. “And why is my Danger Radar going off?  Matterhorn opened its body to see the countdown was still going.  “Really? The head was only the countdown clock? Who makes these things? Okay, it's way too heavy to lift it. So the next best thing is to send it out of here.”  She used her magic on it and hurled it out of the city and straight into the air where it exploded.  "And that's geometry folks," Matterhorn giggled then her wrist comm beeped. "First period is in ten minutes. Looks like the alarm system I created is working perfectly meaning I won't be late again." What she didn't know was that Melvin Rhodes was controlling the robot at Simon Academy. "Shit! I almost had her!" Melvin screamed and then threw the headset, but Caleb caught it." "Relax, young Rhodes. You control my destroyers as well as your father does. Welcome to Simon Academy At Nexus High... "Come on. Monica, why won't you, pick up?" Twilight tried to call her. "Yeah?" "It's Twilight, what did you want to talk about?" She asked as she saw her, Moondancer, Starlight, Ocellus, Sandbar, Bronx, and Randall. "I've been cleared of all charges. Which means I'm back, baby!" "Yeah, Monica's is in the house!" Bronx exclaimed as he gave her a noogie. "Sorry, buddy, I tried to tell you." "No, I'm just happy that I didn't miss the celebration." "We should celebration. Monica is a big part of the school so we should do something the whole school can take part in. Any ideas?" Randall asked. "Let's do another science fair?" Ocellus suggested. "Heck no, A physics tournament," Starlight argued. "All good options. But maybe something different this time? Bronx, how do they celebrate in your country?" "Math-a-thon! Loser shovels the snow." "I thought you were going to suggest we have a dance." "A dance! That's perfect! We'll have one this Saturday night. Great idea, Twilight." "Yes! I was best dancer at old school. But I have to look best for weekend! Later, dudes!" Bronx left then everyone else just as Starlight slugged Twilight at the arm. "Starlight." "A dance? Thanks, a lot, Sparkle!" Starlight grumbled. "And that's how Nexus High decided to have its first ever dance," Moondancer said. "I didn't want one. I don't how to do dance. I'm a scientist for God's sake," Twilight groaned. "Relax, Twilight, my uncle, Stargazer Shadow is a renowned scientist, and he taught me how to two-step in one afternoon. It all about angles. And you've got till Saturday." Six days later... "Great, it's the weekend, and I still don't know how to dance," Twilight said as she was dress then Spike barked which she then gave her a belly rub. "You're right, buddy it's only one dance, how bad can it be?" At Simon Tower, Caleb was in meeting with a former worker, Stargazer Shadow. "Why have you return, Stargazer?" He asked him. "I told you there's nothing available for you at Simon Tech." "Yes, but with the creation of the Simon Academy, I thought you needed some faculty." "In exchange for what?" Caleb raised an eyebrow. "No more meta-human experiments, I hope. The board of trustees is still shaking from the last one. We were forced to confiscate it from you if memory serves. "I assure, it's nothing like that. I've created something new, something bold. My newest serum will change the foundation of hybridization." "I'm listening," Caleb was intrigued. "With only two hours' time, one of Nexus High's students is going to undergo some unique changes." He said to him as he flashbacks when the time, he secretly injected a serum to an unaware Bronx. "I plan to be on hand to record the results." "Interesting. Get me proof of your results, and we'll talk... of your place in the academy." At Nexus, the students were having a blast as they dance to the music. "It was really nice of you to volunteer to chaperone, Uncle Shadow," Moondancer thanked him. "Even on short notice." "My pleasure," Stargazer told her then look at her watch. Can I have everyone's attention? Twilight speak on the podium. I wanna say a few words about why we're here tonight: To welcome Monica Simon back into Nexus High. As most of you know, she couldn't be with us for a while and during that time, I think we all felt something. Something that was there before. A void. And that's because Monica has such a big presence. Her heart is bigger, her dreams are bigger, and her kindness is massive of course the same would go the ego, but I'll take it all because that void has been filled again and I'm happy to say... welcome back... Then door got busted open and what came out was a hybrid elephant which everyone gasped. "Uh oh," Twilight exclaimed. "Uh, Monica out of the way!" Twilight urged her to get out of the way as the elephant rammed through the stage. "Everybody, stay back!" Twilight before tackling Ocellus away from a thrown table. "Amazing." "Glad you find this, amazing, Ocellus. But don't sit there while that thing attacks!" "Oh, I doubt he could see me." She said but Twilight eyerolled her and left. The elephant continued by got hit by some of the debris. "Sorry pal," Matterhorn arrived and fire two ice blast to him which they missed. "If you going to horn in on this dance, you're gonna have me as a partner." She hurled multiple stuff at it with her magic. "And I'm not it won't fun, but I've been told that I have two left feet." Matterhorn got on top, but the elephant tossed but Twilight did a somersault to avoid the damage. "Don't you know it takes two to tango! Here some ice in your eye!" She blasts ice in his face, then lunged forward electric charged kick which made it unconscious and fell to the floor. "Everyone, stay back,' Matterhorn said to everyone. "Wait until the police arrvies." "Is everyone okay?" Moondancer asked. "I don't know. I found pieces of Bronx's clothes shredded," Starlight said holding a piece of fabric. "Oh god, it ate Bronx!" Sandbar feared. "Not the point I was making. I've been working retinal identification app." Starlight went over to it and scan it eye with the app. "And this elephant as the retinal print as... Bronx." "He changed into an elephant. How is that possible?" "And can we change him back?" Ocellus worried. "Let's take a blood sample, so we can work on cure," Monica said as Twilight showed. "Hey guys, I just called the police, what's up?" Twilight asked. "Monica's thinks we should get a sample of this thing's blood. But how are you going to pierce the flesh. Elephants have thick hides." "I've heard the best way to take a blood sample is through the hindlegs. A little Sparkle strength." Twilight did through the hindlegs and gave the vial to Monica. "Let's get this to the lab." In the lab... "Okay. The mainframe is working to isolate any foreign enzymes in Bronx's blood," Twilight said. "I'll check the DNA sequencing," Moondancer said. "Send me those figures," Monica requested. "This can't be right," Moondancer look at the DNA and notice something. "I only know one person who's ever managed to bond particles this way, and that's..." She lookup an article on her uncle saying that he had breakthrough bonding particles. "Guys, I got to go. You keep working. I got to check something," Moondancer left as the mainframe beeped. "The mainframe found the catalyst." "His DNA has been overpowered by TP53 genes. Can we untangle them?" "I can try, but this genetic structure will require a its own anti-diffuser." "That's Moondancer's field." Twilight headed to dance hall to see Sandbar. "Hey Sandbar, did Moondancer came this way?" She asked him. "Yeah, she was looking for her uncle. He left during the stampede. She went white and ran out of here. Said she'd check his house." "I should go after her. Sees how she's doing with that diffuser. You alight here." "Totally." Not wasting anytime, Twilight got into her Matterhorn suit and made her to Stargazer's house. "Come on, Matters, pick the pace up. Why does he have to live far from the school." With Moondancer she already arrives at the house. "Uncle Stargazer? Are you in here?" She looked around. She heard some growling from behind when she turned around, she saw a silhouette of Vargas, but Matterhorn came through the window and kick him in face. "Vargas!" "How sweet, you remember. Now prepare yourself for a fight you'll never forget," Vargas retracted his claws. "Stay back, young lady. I know the neighborhood's going green." She ducked from Vargas's claw swipe then punched him in the chest. Then he wrestles her to the floor. "But you don't seem to be the least eco-friendly let alone regularly friendly." Moondancer came at him which chair swing but she back away from him. "And where do you think you're going," Matterhorn hold him with her magic. "Get out of here." Moondancer went into the nearest room and closed the door. "I can play tug of war all day." She let go of him and fired a magic blast at him then Vargas lunged but Matterhorn jumped kick him into a window, then he took her by surprise and punch her twice in the stomach the slashed her with his claws tore a piece of the suit. "I don't know how you found me, Masked Matterhorn, but no one's going to find you, ever! I've always wanted to dissect you and find out what makes you..." Vargas scream in pain as Moondancer stab him with a needle. "Moondancer, what did you..." Vargas grunted as he changed back into Stargazer Shadow. "Vargas is Professor Stargazer Shadow?" Matterhorn realized. "Worse, Vargas is my uncle." "I'm sorry." "Turns out he's also behind Bronx's transformation into Tusk." "Tusk?" "You know, how social media is with supervillain names," Moondacner said then toss her a cure. "Good news, we now have the diffuser needed to cure him." "I can easily fly us in no time, but someone should explain to police what happened when they get here." "I can wait with him. He's family after all." At Nexus High... "Twi," Monica called her. Monica? "Tusk got loose again, do not come here. This place is mad house. I couldn't find the cure." Don't worry, Moondancer did. She sent it over with... "The Masked Matterhorn," she said as the hero arrived at the school and stop a falling car with magic. "Boy, elephant don't sleep long, do they?" Tusk charged at her with his tusks, but Matterhorn vaulted over him then got on top of him. "I got something that make you human, Bronx, but only you hold still." Matterhorn kicked him off and send him straight into a wall where his horns got stuck. "Time for antidote dose!" Matterhorn used the cure on him which change him to human self. "What happened?" Bronx wearily asked as he fainted. Back at the house, Twilight was helping Moondancer with cleanup. "I just do get it, Twilight. Why would uncle Stargazer do this? He's the one who got me into science in the first place. Why would he betray everything he taught me to stand for?" Moondancer asked her as starting to tear up. "There's not much I can say, but mine got me into science too. He once told me, with power come responsibility. It seems your uncle's recent failures has cause him to lose sight of it. But I've learned everything, it's that even though the person who inspire you is gone, doesn't mean he can't still be here," Twilight gestures to her heart and suddenly Moondancer hugged her. "Thanks for being an important friend," Moondancer thanked her. > #6-Bedazzle and Thunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like any other day, the sun had risen over Canterlot City, as Rainbow Dash and Rarity were walking to school. "It's pretty nice, to enjoy our beautiful city, Rainbow," Rarity told her. "Nothing can beat it, especially since I scored some huge photos of Matterhorn in action," Rainbow showed her the photos on her phone. "I wonder who her tailor?" Just across from them, two bullies were bullying a kid. "I said I like you walking on my side of the street." "Hey, Lighting! Quick Bolt! Knock it off!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity came to them crossing their arms. "Stay out of this, Crash!" "Make me, bitch." Rainbow dared her. "Come on, Lighting, it's not worth it," Quick Bolt told her. "Next time, Crash!" She warned her then two left them. "Thanks," the kid said as Rainbow smiled and he left. "Honestly, why does she have the right to bully children?" Rarity scoffed. "You know her, belittling others makes her feel good, I had my fair share of bullies growing up." "How did you overcome it?" "I stood my ground and showed them I can't be pushed around... What the hell?" Rainbow looked to see something. "What is it?" "It's one of those Destroyer things and headed for Simon Academy!" "Should we call the police?" "Screw that! I am heading over there!" Rainbow harnesses her crystal necklace boosted over there. "Why do I keep forgetting that crystal necklace of hers gives super speed," Rarity followed her. At Simon Academy, The Destroyer came through the window and confronted Caleb just as two bodyguards came to him. "Simon! I've come for you! "William Rhodes. It's about time you return my Destroyer," he said to him. "I have every right to keep it! You didn't hold up your end of the bargain! Didn't give me a faulty position at Simon Academy after framing your daughter for sabotage just as you asked." "Leave us." "Can't do that sir. Under orders." "That order came from me, dumbass!" Then two bodyguards left. "These things take time, William. You need to be patient." "In one minute, this Destroyer will explode, taking you and Simon Academy with it..." Destroyer was on its back as Masked Matterhorn kicked it. "Did I miss Destroyer class?" She asked. "You fool! That thing's a bomb, and it's going off in two minutes!" "Two minutes? I can make my Destroyer in that time! Let alone diffuse one! Just need to get the hunk of junk out of here." Matterhorn took the robot out of the building and placed it on the rooftop once she did, her Danger Rader went off. "Danger Radar... oh shit... that wasn't two minutes...AAH!" She tried to get out of there, but it exploded, and the blast knocked her out cold and made her freefall down. Meanwhile, Rainbow and Rarity were running over there and accidentally bumped into William who dropped something. "My bad!" "Watch where you going!" "Let me help," Rarity picked up the briefcase but William snatched it from her. "Give me that!" "How rude!" Rarity said they noticed two gems one blue, and one purple. "Excuse me, sir you left this." Both of them grabbed one of them then power surged through them. "Oh crap, it's Matterhorn! She's not pulling out of it!" Rarity sees her falling. "I got it!" Rainbow did some serious parkour and caught Matterhorn just as Rarity created some kind of pink bed for Rainbow to land on. "Okay, how in the hell did I do that?" Rainbow asked. "And where did the pink bed come from." "I don't know, I just thought of something nice and soft," Rarity was still shocked. "Is she okay?" "Yeah," Rainbow checked her pulse as she set her up just as her watch beeped. "Crap! We're late!" Both girls headed out just as Matterhorn regained consciousness. "Uhh... My head! What is... There's no way I fell off from a 20-story building and landed in one piece. But how?" Masked Matterhorn wondered then headed out. With William, he was in some underground lab. "I got it. The bum was a perfect distraction." "And no one saw you?" "Just two girls, but they aren't a source of concern." "Don't underestimate anyone, Rhodes. Now that you're working with Stargazer Shadow." "Relax, our mutual hate for Caleb Simon is more than enough to take him down. He'll soon learn he can't renege on promises and walk away with it. And with you being out of prison, there'll no one who can stop us... How did you get out anyway?" Rhodes showed him the briefcase which contained several magic rocks. "Two geodes are missing! I need the energy of all eight and thunder geode and diamond geode are missing! Where is it?" At Canterlot High, both Rainbow and Rarity were band room still trying to figure out what happened. "Okay, we both know that our crystal necklaces give us powers, right?" Rainbow asked her. "Right." "Then earlier today, we picked two geodes that man dropped, and we felt a surge of energy. And out of nowhere, I was able to catch Matterhorn in thin air." "And was able to create the pink bed that you landed on," Rarity gathers the facts. "Darling, I think it's safe to say those things have given superpowers." "That means we become superheroes," Rainbow smiled. "Shit, but we need costumes. So, people won't know us. " "Luckily, I made some during my free time," Rarity showed her a collection of costumes from her rack. "These beauties', are not only attractive but protective made from the strongest material that not even a missile could damage it." "Where did you get the material?" "Trust me, darling, you better off not knowing." In the halls, Sunset was at her locker putting her stuff in her locker as she was doing so, her phone rang showing Rainbow's number. "Hey Rainbow, what's up?" She answers it. "Sunset, Rarity and I, need to see in the band room. Like now!" Rainbow said then hung up. "Okay..." Sunset said having confusion. "What's got her all of whack." Moments later, Sunset walked into the band room. "Uh, Rainbow, Rarity? You guys in here?" She asked as looked around then someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw two people in costume. One was in a black costume and the other one was in a dark blue one with pink gems, but it didn't long before she figured out who they were. "Rainbow? Rarity? Is that you?" She asked. "Wait a minute, how did know who we are?" Rainbow asked. "The costumes were kind of obvious," Sunset said. "But how?" "We were walking our way to school, then we came across two geodes, once we touch, we gain superpowers. As for names, I was going with Radiance." "Nice, I was going with Zapp." "Uh guys, slow down, you don't how this happened. And I don't think it's the best idea for you two to express yourself. There's a reason why Masked Matterhorn has a secret identity right?" "Oh, don't worry about it, we only told Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy about it and no one else knows about it," Radiance winked. "Now if you would excuse us, we have some heroing to do," Zapp said as they headed out. "Well, shit," Sunset grumbles. At Simon Tech Tower... "What is it, Gunther?" Caleb asked. "Stargazer Shadow's confiscated geode experiment is missing," he told him. "It must have happened during the Destroyer attack." "So the bomb was only a distraction. Pretty clever. Especially for Willam Rhodes. Which makes me think he's not working alone." "There's no way, that Rhodes couldn't have known of the geodes without inside knowledge. But Stargazer is the only person who is about it and he's in prison." "Then either Willam is working for Stargazer, or I've underestimated him. Either way, that experiment in the wrong hands could be catastrophic." "Why do you say that?" Gunther asked him. "Stargazer came to me once with a plan for creating a superhuman army. Human soldiers when exposed to enhanced stones would gain unique abilities. I will admit, I was intrigued by it. But I found his behavior, erratic, inconsistent, so confiscated them." "Then why didn't you destroy them." "I couldn't risk the face that he made more of them. Chances that did carry out his monstrous plan. I would need a live sample for an antidote." "Do I detect some fear, Simon?" Simon said nothing as he showed Gunther a lab of the Destroyers being as Melvin was working with a giant size one. "Fear, Gunther, is for underprepared people. I'm concerned with who upper hand." "The Destroyers. You made them to the meta-army in the event Shadow did succeed." "Just a precaution or as of today, a prevention. We need to get those geodes back from Willam Rhodes before he gets to Shadow." "So, how do you propose to do that?" "Easy. To catch a Rhodes, we need a Rhodes." Time skip, the actions of Radiance and Zapp did not go unnoticed as Stargazer and Willam watched the news from their lab. "Looks like we found the recipients of missing geodes," William said. "There's a good chance that Caleb is seeing this too. Meaning he'll want those two as much as we do. Take the new Destroyer and get them first," Stargazer said. In the streets of Canterlot, Lighting Dust and Quick Bolt were bullying another kid. "Yeah, tell your mom, I don't like bologna," she said to him. "If I'm going to steal your lunch, I at least want to enjoy it." "Hey bad hair losers, leave the kid alone!" Both Zapp and Radiance came to them then Zapp grabbed Lighting in the air. "So you think it's fun to push people around huh?" "Forgive me associate here, we're new in town," Radiance said as Zapp threw her to the ground. "We don't push people around," Lighting said. "Oh, no? What about from earlier when you picked on a little girl." "Who?" Lighting asked. Then Zapp grabbed her by the neck. "You want to play dumb with me," Zapp dared her as held her to a sign. What she didn't know was that Matterhorn was behind her with her arms crossed. "Because I will pop you right here. I will..." Zapp tried to punch her but Lighting, Quick Bolt ran away from the scene. "Yeah, you better run," Zapp said then noticed her. "Oh, Matterhorn, what's up? You brought us the superhero welcome basket or something?" "You were a little tough on those kids, don't you think?" "No way. They're bullies. They're always picking on people." "Just be careful, not to become the bully yourself. Revenge is not what being a hero is about." "I assure, you ma'am we learned our lesson here," Radiance glared at her. "But we want to be heroes just like you." "Oh, in that case. I'd like to share something with you. A very smart person told me 'With great power comes great..." "People skills." "No. 'With great power comes great responsibility.' " "We're not following?" Zapp and Radiance gave her confused looks. "We found some nice rocks. And taught some bullies a lesson. No harm, no foul." "This our neighborhood, and I want to make sure everyone feels safe. Is that wrong?" "No, which brings me to another point I want to bring up," Matterhorn said. "There's a reason for secret identities. You shouldn't give away your info. You realize that you told a live television audience where you live?" "We were on TV, that means you did see us," Radiance took out her compact and applied some makeup. "Yes. And now anyone who wants to challenge you knows where to find you." "How anyone going to come after us? With a giant robot 'saying I've come for you'?" Zapp asked. As soon as she said that a giant-sized Purple Destroyer came into the neighborhood. "New heroes. I've come for you." "Talk comedic timing!" Zapp exclaimed. "You two, get to safety, while I handle this Destroyer." Matterhorn went to confront it and then was joined by Radiance and Zapp. "No way, this wants you to call a team up, darling!" "You're not ready for this." "Come on, it's a hunk of junk, it's not there's another one?" Hello there, I've come for you. A giant-sized Crimson Destroyer landed. "Now this I what I'm talking about!" Zapp pumped her fist then went to Purple Destroyer. "Wait, you're not prepared for this..." Crimson Destroyer swatted Matterhorn away with its hand. "Sorry, Destroyer. Hero Season is over." Crimson Destroyer fired an electric net as Radiance felt a tingle in her head. "What was that?" She asked then Matterhorn pushed her aside which made the net miss. "That was your Danger Radar. And it means you need to move it!" Purple Destroyer brought two robot arms and caught Zapp and Radiance but Crimson Destroyer stepped on it freeing them. Step off! They're mine! Melvin, is that you? What are you doing? Follow orders, Dad! These two are part of an experiment that was stolen from Simon Tech. Crimson Destroyer fired green goo at them, but they dodged it. "No thanks, I already have gelled my hair." "Both of them are targeting both of you, which means you need to get out of here!" Matterhorn then dodged a punch from Purple Destroyer. "Hell no, I'm not running away from a fight!" Zapp exclaimed. Caleb stole that experiment. Just like you stole that Destroyer. This Destroyer started as his... but it is enhanced by a true genius. So have as this one. Both Destroyers armed their new upgrades. "Take advantage of them arguing and get out of here," Matterhorn told them. "I'll take care of them." "If you're staying. We're staying." I see the experiment wasn't the only thing that Caleb stole. He's delivering on all the things you never could, Dad. Then may the best Destroyer wins. Fair warning, you asked for it! Both Destroyers collided and battle each other and among them were Scottaloo and Sweetie Belle who was hiding. "Don't worry we got you!" Zapp and Radiance pushed them to safety just as debris hit them leaving them on the ground then Purple Destroyer grabbed them suddenly Matterhorn used her magic to try to free them. "Let them go!" Matterhorn said then Crimson Destroyer tried to vacuum suck her. It appears there's no getting to the newbies with you in the Matterhorn. Good thing I was able to bring those two in alive. "Oh man, this all my fault, never should tell where I live," Zapp said then suction caused Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to get hoisted in the air but the kids grabbed Matterhorn's legs to hang on seeing that her sister's figure was in grave danger Zapp had reached her limit. "Stay away from her!" Zapp screamed as she created a lightning blast that shorted out both Destroyers. "Holy shit, did I do that?" "Whoa! She can do that?" Matterhorn asked. "Uh, guys big scary robot is getting back up!" Sweetie Belle shouted as Crimson Destroyer was on its feet. "If that Destroyer wants to suck something in, let me give it what it wants," Radiance said as she created a large pink boulder and hurled it. "Try this on for size, barbaric brute!" The pink boulder collided with the suctioned part of Crimson Destroyer and made it shut down temporarily. Need to eject out of this! Melvin ejected out of his robot. Not a bad idea, son. William did the same thing and ejected too as three bailed at Purple Destroyer collapsed. "Are you kids, okay?" Radiance asked them in a way not to reveal herself. "We're fine," Sweetie Belle took a sigh of relief. "Good there's one last thing I need to care of," Zapp said following the direction of William's pod. Speaking of William's pod, it landed near Lighting and Quick Bolt who were startled by him. "Move it, you worm, or I'll wipe the floor with you!" He got out and tried to run away but Zapp caught up. "Hey! Nobody bullies the people in my neighborhood!" Zapp said kick him in the chest. "Or city, for that matter," Matterhorn said as she froze William in place. "He's very territorial." Much later, the police arrived and arrested William and took him to jail. Matterhorn, Zapp, and Radiance looked at the damage. "All this was our fault, we told the bad guys, exactly where to find us and put the people I care about in danger," Zapp dreaded. "Hey I made some mistakes too." "You have?" "Yeah, I'm still making them as well. Sometime you need to walk before you can run it, eh?" "Was that a joke, casue I didn't get it?" "Excuse us," They looked to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came to them. "We just wanted to say thanks for saving us and the neighborhood." "Anytime," Radiance smiled. "I wish Rainbow Dash was here to see this," Scootalooo squealed. "Why's that?" Zapp asked. "Cause I'm a big fan of you," She admitted. "Oh, really," Zapp blushed from this. Late at night... "I failed, Mr. Simon," Melvin said to Caleb. "Did your father capture the new super?" "No." "Then the battle isn't over. In fact, I have a feeling this war has only begun." With Matterhorn... "I can't believe that you have electro blasts. Do you know how help I can be?" "You don't have them." "No, these shackles make them. And I wanted give guys these," Matterhorn gave some items. "What are they?" "Some gear I've design. Those gauntlets store your Eletric power so don't intentionally cause blackout and Radiance, those bracelets shoot diamond darts." "Does this mean..." "Yeah, were a team." > #7-Snaptrap's Amazing Trap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Welcome to Superhero 101, where the street is your classroom, and books are replaced with on job training," Matterhorn said she and her new pals, Zapp and Radiance were battling Salamander. Salamander lunged at her, but Zapp kicked him at the chest as Radiance followed with a spin kick to the face. "That's good, because I'm more of hands-on kind of gal. That's sucked." "It works better if you use them," Radiance said to her as she dodges Salamander's tail strike and punch him. "As if one do-gooder was bad enough, now there is three," Salamander complained then fire a laser from his tail which they avoided. "You own the old saying, three heads are better than one." Matterhorn fired an electric beam at Salamander causing to him to feel the voltage then Radiance kicks him at his midsection. "You know, darling, that joke was horrible," Radiance said then avoided a quick punch by Salamander. "Have you ever stopped a bad guy with comedy?" Then Matterhorn did an ice blast and froze his arms on the ground. "No, but there's a first time for everything." "Yeah, like these bad boys," Zapp showed the gauntlets and fired a small electric blast, but it missed. "The gauntlets work, but I really need to work on the aim. You had aiming problems when you started." "That was three months ago." Salamander broke free of the ice then fire a laser at them, but Matterhorn blocked with a magic shield then grabbed she grabs him by the tail and slammed him on the ground. "I'm not exactly what you veteran. " "Well, you're a great teacher. You have most experience with this. And they're not a lot of options," Radiance implied. "I'm flattered?" Matterhorn raised an eyebrow. "Do you even shut the hell up!?" Salamander snapped then his earpiece beeped. "Copy that. Moving into phase two." He grabbed a mailbox and threw it over their heads then ran away from. "Catch me if you can, losers!" He laughed. "Oh, where do you think you're going," Zapp exclaimed. "Something's not right." All three girls chased after him. "Is it that Danger thing?" Zapp asked. "It's called Danger Radar," Matterhorn corrected. "And no, this more of a gut feeling." "You gut, do you mind, we're ladies," Radiance huffed. "What mean is, I fought Salamander plenty of times and he's more of a gloat about his evil plans bad guy and he hasn't mentioned what he's up to." Then all three corner him at Canterlot Sqaure. "We were in a middle of a conversation, and you ran off. So rude," Matterhorn froze him in a block of ice. "Joke all you," Salamander said as one of the billboards came on. "My job's already done." Over the years, I've roamed the jungles of the world, stalking the most dangerous creatures alive. "Oh shit, Snaptrap's Amazing Trap, is on. It's my favorite show." But today, I've come to the asphalt jungle to hunt something different. The feed shows the three ladies. "Hey, look we're on TV." "We're on TV. As thousands of people are watching," Radiance said then did a pose. "This my good side, people of Canterlot." The most vicious prey. The menace known as Masked Matterhorn. She looks across a building to see Snaptrap aiming his laser rifle. "You might want to pick a new favorite show." "Last words, Matterhorn," Snaptrap said then notice Radiance and Zapp. "There's three." "Thanks a lot," Matterhorn rolled her eyes. "What? These reality shows are all fake anyway," Zapp said. Snaptrap fired darts at them forcing them to scatter then his earpiece beeped. "I told you not to call me when we're live. You want all three? My pleasure." "Tranq darts?" Matterhorn picked one of the scanned them with her goggles. "So maybe he's not trying to kill us on live TV." "He takes his prey home and does it there. But it's all show for the cameras, right?" Zapp asked. "Something tells he's more reality and less about show," Matterhorn said then run to avoid more darts being fired. Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres.... "Hey sis, look. Matterhorn's is on Snaptrap's Amazing Trap," Apple Bloom said to Applejack who just walked in. "Who are those two?" Then Applejack gulped knowing that Rainbow and Rarity are superheroes. "I think their names were Zapp and Radiance. You know the ones that Scottaloo and Sweetie Bell from a week ago." Back in the city... "Salamander must've been a setup," Matterhorn said. "He was the bait. And we took it hook, line and sinker," Zapp added. "Uh, darlings, we still live," Radiance mentioned. "Then we better get out of here and come up with a plan to give Mr. Reality, a reality check." The girls head to 5th Avene, then suddenly Zapp crossed a red laser then came out a sentry and it fired a green goo at her. "Shit! I forgot that Snaptrap studies his prey patterns and then sets traps for his behavior. Which means he totally knows everything we're gonna do!" Zapp exclaimed as she tried to avoid the goo. "Wait, what?" Matterhorn asked they snuck into alley way. "You're saying that he'd booby trap all of Canterlot City." "Yeah, pretty cool right?" "Are not the least concerned that a manic is hunting us?" Radiance gave her stoned looked. "Sure. But he has to catch us first." "Only matter of time, lassie," Snaptrap while riding his gilder. "Preferably 22 minutes, not counting commercials." Then he laser shots from his rifle making the three to avoided them. "One thing, I'm so burn all the Snaptrap merch." At the Simon Tech Tower... "Worth every penny," Caleb said as he watches the show as well. "Oh, Gunther." "What is it?" "My latest plan to capturing the heroes. Since my Destroyer wasn't able retrieve the geode holders. I figured why not hire the world's greatest hunter. Only instead taking them to his mount he'll deliver them to me for experimenting." "And agreed to this willingly?" "Snaptrap may be a hunter, but's he also businessman, and they are always looking for Finacial backing. Something I was happy to contribute to. Meanwhile... "Look at them. The natural enhance human in their environment," Snaptrap said as keeping firing shots at Matterhorn and the others. "Amazing. But don't loyal viewers. My rifle has taken down the rhinos. This won't be a problem." "Well look on the bright side, at you're getting some hero practice in," Matterhorn said. "Only you can find the bright side of this," Radiance said as the three took shelter then Zapp's Danger Radar. "Whoah, Danger Radar is going off, but I don't know where it's coming from?" Zapp wondered. On cue, a net fired right behind them. "Net! 4 o'clock!" Zapp screamed as she and Matterhorn got out the way, but the net caught Radiance and started to scream when the net zap her. "Rads!" Zapp tried to get but Snaptrap pinned both her and Matterhorn. "Go ahead, save comrade , I dare you." Snaptrap said as went down then armed his spear and went after Matterhorn which allow Zapp to sneak by and free Radiance from the net. "I have an idea, follow my lead," Radiance said. "Right." Radiance did a diamond blast and hit Snaptrap from behind then Zapp followed up with electric kick which made him go down to ground. "Nice going," Matterhorn cheered then follow until they were miles away from Snaptrap. "That was amazing." "I know, still surprised I can do that." "Not that, you two may have figured a way to beat Snaptrap." "We did?" Matterhorn led the two to a sewer hole. "He studied my patterns, but you two are new to the whole superhero thing, you don't even have any patterns." "So, us, being noobs is a good thing?" Zapp asked. "In this situation, yes. We need to be unpredictable to beat Snaptrap. Where's is one place we never go." "A country club?" "I was thinking the sewer." "The sewers. Gross," Radiance shuddered as Matterhorn open the manhole and three enter. "I stand by my oringal thought it." "There's no way, Snaptrap set trap down here because I never use the sewers." "Unless..." "Unless what?" "On the show, Snaptrap also tries to predict what back plan his target might use." "Like going underground." Then out of nowhere an energy cage came on and trap them with Snaptrap being on top. "Aha! The hunt is over! I have won. But we expected that, didn't we?" Zapp touch the bar, but it mildly shocked her due to the electricity in her body. "No use in struggling. That cage is made from electrified titanium alloy three times stronger than steel. Proudly made by Cage Industries. Available in select hunting sites. And now the branding iron." "Come again?" Matterhorn asked. "The branding ceremony. It basically means the ultimate humiliation before getting ship off to the museum." "Your knowledge of the show is becoming a pain in the ass." "Sorry." "I have defeated many jungle animals, but today I am victor of a differnt breed of creature. Let all who upon them see that were brought down by Snaptrap." "Hero lesson. If bad guys go to blab, disenge the cage," Matterhorn said then shot down his cage remote which free them just Zapp kicked him back. "Nobody escapes Snaptrap!" Zapp fire an electro blast at Snaptrap's rifle which made shot up and burst a steam pipe and hot steam came down on him." "Nice shot!" "I'm a quick study." "And here's a lesson in ice crafting!" Matterhorn did an ice blast which froze him solid then Radiance places some symbols on a six-pointed star, a lightning bolt, and diamond. "With a little branding of our own," Radiance smiled. "What the matter, Snappy. The episode is not going to the script." "Later hater." All three of them left him just he broke out. "Turn off the camera now!" "What is the asshole doing," Caleb exclaimed seeing the live feed go off. "This was not part of the deal." "I think the Snaptrap show is officially cancel," Matterhorn prodly said. "It's cool, Extreme BMX is my second fav," Zapp said. The ground exploded as the three back away from it. "Uh oh, I think we may tick him off," Radiance gulped seeing an angered Snaptrap. "You expect to make a fool of me and get away with it? For centuries my family has been the deadliest of hunters. But now my rage goes beyond that, and so you will endure a slow and painful death that suited for the televison." He shot his video drone then fired darts which followed them. "Have to admit I've never seen these types of darts before," Zapp said as tried to avoid them. "And I sign up to their exclusive membership that shows BTS (No the band BTS, Behind the scenes) stuff." "Those are heatseeking darts," Matterhorn said then hid behind a hot dog cart and due to the cart produce more the dart puncture the cart. "Head for a heat source." Zapp shot them down with electric blast as Radiance tried to find a heat source but couldn't find one. "You have to be kidding me," Radiance exclaimed as a toxic dart hit her. Both Zapp and Matterhorn went but Snaptrap got the drop on them and rope them the two together. "Snug as the Moroccan wool rug. But let us make it a light tighter, shall we?" He increased the strength of the rope make them feel the tightness. "What did you... do... to her you jackass!?" "That was a venomous fear dart that hit your friends, extracted from the African cobra," Snaptrap said as approached Radiance with her freaking out. "It will not only frighten her. But it treated, scare her to death. The more you struggle, the faster the venom will seep into bloodstream. "Stay back! Stay back!" Radiance said then suddenly she vanished out of sight which surprised him. "What the... where'd she go?" Snaptrap asked. "You're asking us?" Zapp said as she and Matterhorn broke free then knocked down Snaptrap and went to look for Radiance. "No way she could've gone that far," Matterhorn said. "Maybe thermal mode can help." Matterhorn switch to thermal mode on her goggles and got Radiance's body heat as she was behind a car. "There!" "Okay how in the hell did she do that?" Zapp asked her. "Don't know, she must've had some camouflage power we didn't know," Matterhorn carried her then she and Zapp left as Snaptrap got back up seeing them flee. ... "Radiance, calm down," Matterhorn said to her. "It's only a terrifying monster," Radiance quivered. "No, I'm not a monster, Rarity. I actually Twilight Sparkle," Matterhorn said. "Wait what," Radiance as she calm down still unsure of what's going on even Zapp was stunned. "Yes, it's me," Matterhorn drop her mask. "I'm the Masked Matterhorn." "Okay, this getting nuts." "I know it is a lot to take in but relax so the venom doesn't spread through your bloodstream," Twilight told her. "Okay, taking deep breaths," Radiance did so. "It made me see things, that I did not want to see." "Yes, but you know what else it did. It unleashed a power you didn't even have. Cloaking. Come on. Rainbow Dash got electric powers, and you have invisibility. Now I envy both of you." "Wait a minute how do my secret identity and Her's?" She asked her. "I read the newspaper of the Canterlot Weekly and what you guys did at Canterlot High." "So, what about Snaptrap?" "You get Rarity to the hospital while go after him," Twilight as she put back on her mask. "We have to come with you. He's not going to stop until destroys you," Rainbow said. "For once, I agree with her. He could be literally anywhere," Rarity agreed until they heard an explosion. "Or be at the Canterlot Park Zoo!" "Then what are we waiting for! Let's got, I just got my second wind in me." "You need to rest. Part of being a hero is knowing when to fight and when to heal. There are times where we get to work as team and times where you have to finish on your own." At the zoo, Snaptrap tied up the zookeep and put her straight in the lion's den. "Sorry. lunchtime's over," Matterhorn kicked the lion into the cave then used her magic to slam the cage shut as the lion roared. "Sorry, don't speak lion." Matterhorn untied the zookeeper as she run out of there. "Uh, your welcome," Matterhorn sternly said. "I don't know what I like better, Matterhorn, that you took the bait or that you are the bait," Snaptrap smirked from his hoverboard as two lions approached her. "Feeding time, my kitties!" "You could've made an army of penguins, huh?" She asked. "Attack!" "Here has a seat!" Matterhorn threw the chair at the first lion then dodged the second lion's pounce. "This is the worst petting I've ever been to!" Matterhorn used her magic on the second lion and threw back in his cage. "Sorry, it's for your own good. I'm not lying." Matterhorn slowly back away from the lion. "Who's good kitty?" Matterhorn gulped then had idea. "Lions are just cats. And no cats can resist ball or yarns, or magic balls." She tossed into the cage which the animal walked into then she shut the cage. "And what's with the growling, I love animals. Snaptrap's the hunter." "Because they recognize the true king of the jungle. And so will you!" Snaptrap armed his spear then hopped off the hoverboard straight to Matterhorn, but Black Hawk arrived and did a sonic scream which sent the hunter back and made unconscious from the impact. "Caleb Simon? You saved me?" Matterhorn asked seeing him. "Saved isn't the word I would use," he told her. Then Black Hawk came from behind and use Snaptrap's spear to stun her making Matterhorn collapsed. Moments later... "That was shocking," Matterhorn groaned as she came around, she herself and Snaptrap strapped up. "Struggle all you want, my matter friend. Those electro magnetic restraints can hold man or beast," Caleb said then turn to Snaptrap. "We have deal, Snaptrap. I bankroll your little show in exchange for the geode holders. But veered from the plan. And nobody disobey Caleb Simon." As he was talking, Matterhorn noticed that Zapp and Radaince enter the room through the ducks. "My honor is more importnat than your money, Simon. And she has disgraced me!" Snaptrap snarled at him "Well, lucky, Matterhorn is going to enjoy these next few moments," Caleb told him. "It didn't have to come to this, Masked Matterhorn. I ask you to be friend, but you refused. So now I have to do things the hard way." Black Hawk handed him a blood extractor. "You are quite an intersing specimen. At first, I thought you were an anomaly. A freak in fact. And then two more show, and concern were confirmed. A superhuman army is it on way isn't it." "I have an no idea what you're talking about," Matterhorn replied. "Sure, you don't, but I don't need you to understand. I just need to be dissected." "I have I mention that needles freak me out and sometimes I want to disappear where no can see me," Matterhorn implied as Radiance made herself invisible and Zapp took cover. "Your cowardice disgusts me." "I'm surprised, Matterhorn. If your blood runs yellow, maybe I don't want it after all. On second thought I do." Then out of nowhere small blast of electricity shot the needle down. "What the..." Caleb exclaimed as Black Hawk went to investigate. "Bet you didn't see that coming," Zapp's voice was heard just Radiance surprise Black Hawk with a kick. "Whoever you are, be careful. Don't make the same mistake, Matterhorn did.' Join me and I promise you'll won't regret it." Zapp came from behind a did a takedown move on Caleb. "Sorry, I'm good," She said to him. "Got you," Black Hawk said before doing multiple sonic screams then Radiance hit him at the chest. "Nice moves, I can't tell if your hawk or a chicken," She joked as Zapp fried the restraints on Matterhorn. "Hey Bird Brain! I'm over here! Take your best shot!" Zapp was near the condenser then jumped out of the way as Black Hawk did a sonic scream but blew a hole in it. "You fool! You rupture the hydrometric condenser! Get me out of here before this lab explodes," Caleb ordered Black Hawk then got carried by him and flew out of there. "Should follow suit?" Radiance asked. "Hold on," Matterhorn looked over to see Snaptrap. "Matters, what are you doing? He tried to kill us, remember," Zapp reminded her. "Another hero rule; Just because bad guys try to kill us, doesn't mean we do the same," Matterhorn said then went over to Snaptrap. "Leave me to perish! I failed and deserved to die!" Snaptrap pleaded. "Get over it, Snaptrap. You've spent so much time with nature you forgot than part of bein human is picking yourself up when you fail. That's reailty. Too bad your viewers can't see that." "And for the record , I'm deleting your show from DVR," Zapp said as she free him then the whole place started to crumble. "Yeah, we should bolt. Hold on, what hell happen to Snaptrap." "Look likes he had same idea," Radiance said seeing him leave. "Should we follow him?" "No. Nobody got hurt this time. but he crosses the line, we know where to find him," Matterhorn said as they left as the lab went boom. Much later... "So that was a pretty terrifying training session, huh?" "Are you kidding, it was blast!" "And that shows that even fear can be strength." "Yeah, and thanks for showing the ropes. You're teacher and a friend. Your secret safe with us." "And don't worry, your secrets safe with me, and just record, no one can find about it." "We know how to keep a good secrets."