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#4-Simon Academy

It was a gorgeous day in Canterlot City, as the police chased the supervillain Vargas as well as Masked Matterhorn.

"All units respond. We are in the pursuit of Vargas," One of the pilots flying the chopper said as Matterhorn chased him on the ground.

"Hold on, let me get to a better spot, Monica," Matterhorn said, trying to keep pace. "How about now? Can you hear me now? Good. Because what I was saying was I'm coming, Monica. I just got a little caught up in something."

What could be more important than my dad's unveiling of the Simon Academy for Geniuses?

"Nothing. It's just the cops have all of downtown blocked off in pursuit of Vargas' guy."

Vargas? Isn't he that supervillain that went into hiding?

"Yeah, only this he's back and stole some Crimson Tech… Hold on a second," Matterhorn did an ice blast to him but avoided it and two parkour through the city.

Still there? It sounded like the call got dropped.

"It did for a second."

Just get over here.

"I am. Just waiting for the traffic light to change," She looked to her left and right for Vargas then saw him being chased by the cops. "And it just did, be there soon, Monica."

"I have a hunch this will all clear up real soon. I hope."

She headed in the same direction as Vargas but he managed to grab a civilian in the process.

"Damn it, he's taken captive, don't shoot."

"Not on my watch," Matterhorn leaped over them.

Vargas scaled the wall but the captivate got off her and freefallen then Masked Matterhorn saved her and landed on the ground.

"There you go, safe as can be."

"Thanks. I don't mean to judge, you could've powers to lower the fan safely on the ground."

"There's one way of doing that. And not to judge, but you could've ended with just saying thanks, right?" Matterhorn glared at her.

"I guess that's one way I could've done it. But do the people you put in harm's way usually greet you with a warm reception?"

"The Simon Academy reception! Shit, I'm screwed!"

Much later…

"Did I just miss it?" Twilight as she enters Simon Tower.

"Sure did," Monica replied.

"I'm so sorry, that I'd miss it.."

"I know, You're Twilight Sparkle. You and timing don't mix. Let's forget it and show you around. Everybody who is anybody was here. Including Randall and the Nexus gang. Maybe we can catch up with them on the top floor. I go to say, I'd never actually admit to him but my dad opening this school for geniuses is pretty cool."

"Nice view."

"Yeah, Caleb converted the penthouse of the Simon Tech building so that the Simon Academy is at the top. Gives the students something to reach for."

"That's a long way to reach."

"And that's why our students will be the very best," Caleb said who came in. "Starting with Monica here, who was appointed class president."

"Mr. Simon. Good to see you again, sir."

"You as well, Twilight. Are you here to apply for enrollment?"

"Oh, thanks, Mr. Simon. But I just got accepted into Nexus High."

"Well let's hope you don't get suspended for something you didn't do."


"Don't worry sir. I have no doubt that will be cleared up very soon. But it was nice of you to do all of this for Monica."

"When it involves my son, I will move mountains if need be."

"Wouldn't that upset the original balance of nature?" Randall asked.

"Science is the enhancement of nature, Randall. You know that. It's good to see you again."

"We wouldn't have missed it. Any opportunity to expand the minds of young students is always a reason to celebrate."

"I'm glad you see it that way. I thought you might feel threatened."

"Not at all."

"Just like Canterlot High and Crystal Prep, schools should be able to coexist within a supportive environment. Not to mention my school is at full capacity."

"Well, I assure you, by the end of the day, our school will be full as well. Let's look at some of the auditions, shall we?"

"Glad to see it's not just Horizon events you're late for," Starlight snickers at Twilight's tardiness.

"There was traffic, how was I supposed to know?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"You know what they say, the shortest distance between two points is the express train."

"Hey, Twi, you still haven't met, Moondancer have you?" Ocellus asked.

"Moondancer? Uh, hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I already know who you are."

"You do?"

"You saved everyone from the Ethersteel fire. Nicely done."


"Don't let it go to your head, you still ruined my project."

"Over here, everyone," Caleb called for everyone. " I prefer to use two-way mirrors, so as not to intimidate the interviewees."

"Victor and I are best friends so we work well together."

"What Devon's trying to say is like a chemical compound, we act as each other catalysts for conceiving great ideas."

"Right, In fact, we inspired each other to create this awesome new tech."

"I call mine Sonic Tech because it can manipulate sound."

"And I've created these Charge Gauntlets that control vibrations."

They showcased their tech by making the water in the glass move in the air which impressed the interviewers.

"Very impressive, gentlemen," Caleb said on the other side of the room.

"Mr. Simon," Both boys gasped.

"But do you have the drive to outshine the competition?" He asked them.

"Yes sir."


"Good, but I can take one of you," Caleb said as Randall looked on.

"Hold on, we're a team."

"And I'm looking for a solo act. So whoever impresses me the most will get to be a student here. Understood?"

"Mr. Simon, Devon and I have worked together a long time…" Victor before feeling a blast. "Hey!"

"Sorry, man. Must have slipped."

"You did that on purpose."

"I did not. You know the activation switch tends to act up. But it can be fixed," Devon tried to fix it.

"Yeah, all it needs a boost from," Victor fired a charge blast at Devon.

"What are you doing?"

"I was trying to help."

"Help yourself get into this school."

Devon fires a sonic blast at Victor which sends him into a wall.

"My bad, I overreacted."

"Get away from me!"

Victor fired an electric blast at him which made Devon duck causing the glass window to crack a bit then Monica and Twilight gave concerned looks.

"Activate safe zone," Caleb's bodyguard activates a safety orb to contain both Simons in it just as Victor sends Devon across the room with an electric blast which creates a hole on the other side. "Package is secured."

"Sorry man. We're even. Let's stop here."

"Oh, we are not even." Devon charged his Sonic Cannon and fired then Victor dodged.

"Have it your way then."

Both of them fought each other with their tech.

"These guys are out of control," Twilight exclaimed then ran in there.

"You want some more."

Victor did a soundwave blast at Devon who rolled out of the way only for the blast to send Twilight and the interviewers out of the tower.

"Twily!" Monica screamed.

"Don't need a costume for some good," Twilight said while free-falling she threw two of her gravity mines on the interviewers which made them float down to the ground. "But I can do more as…"

"Masked Matterhorn!" She said as came through the tower and came in front of both Devon and Victor.

"That's enough, you two. If it wasn't for my gravity mines, some innocent people might have been hurt."

"I can't believe you're turning against me."

"Stop with the act! You know you turned on me first."

"Crap, they caused an electrical fire in the biology lab," the scientist said as he was about to set off the alarm.

"Stop! Don't hit the alarm! He harnessed the sound!" Masked Matterhorn exclaimed but the alarm was sounded.

"I show you the true power sound."

"Devon, I'm against you."

"Then you shouldn't have attacked me."

"Shit! He is going to unleash a sonic sound bomb. And for the record? I plan on using a magic shield as a cushion."

"Or a wall of ice."

"That's a good idea."

"Okay, bring it on!"

Matterhorn created a wall of ice just as Devon unleashed his sound bomb which broke apart most of the window.

"Everybody cool in the ice box, I know not my best wordplay."

"So the Matter Kid is auditioning too?" Victor asked. "Then I need a bigger arena to show off the full extent of my work."

"And may the best student win."

Both guys used the tech and flew out of the building.

"Hey, who said I was a student? I'm not even auditioning!"

"Good. Because so far, I'm not impressed," Caleb said to her.

Matterhorn grumbles and then chases after them.

On the streets…

"If you wanted out of this partnership, Victor, you should've just so."

"As opposed to sabotaging it, like you did? You're the one who wanted out. Didn't realize it also meant our friendship."

Both of them fought each other just as Matterhorn got in between them.

"How are you guys gonna get into any school when stuck in detention for 30 years?" She asked them.

"I don't know who you are, but we were here first."

Devon blasted her right into a dirt holder then blasted Victor who dodged it.

"Twilight!" Monica called for her as she was outside of the tower. "How does someone fall out of a window and disappear?"

Devon landed on a truck full of air tanks then Victor blasted it for most of them to fire off and one of them came at Monica but Masked Matterhorn saved her.

"Get off me!"

"I was trying to help."

"You're never helping, and what did you do to my friend, Twilight?"

"I used a gravity mine on her, she must have floated to the Coastline. I'll find her. I promise."

Matterhorn flew off and did her magic to stop a sliding cement truck in its tracks.

"That could've been bad."

Victor and Devon continued to fight in a constructed building; none of them knew that Vargas was watching them.

"Looks like we're all trying to impress Caleb Simon," Vargas said with a grin as he followed.

"Time to see which tech has the strongest impact."

"I think we both know the answer to that."

Both of them were about to fire but nothing happened.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Don't know? Someone's siphoning the juice from our tech."

"Not someone. Vargas, with little help from Miss Crimson, of course," Vargas said then he leaped down and grabbed the tech from both boys and rewired it. "Hate to see this hardware go to waste."

"Varags? Don't tell me that you're auditioning for Simon Academy too," Matterhorn asked once she arrived.

"They are going to have a crazy debate team."

Vargas aimed the blaster at her and then fired which made her dodge it.

"Oh, wow, that combined tech is fierce. Staying clear of it."

"Going somewhere?"

"Your fur must be thick. I said I'm staying clear of it."

"Matterhorn! Aim for Devon's chest plate. He hasn't worked the bugs, and it can't take a direct hit."

"Hey! That's a side effect of the design. Not bad planning. And while you're at it, crush the wristband of Victor's gauntlet that is where he holds the power source."

"Thanks, guys! The question is, how do I get near him?" Matterhorn said then her goggles scanned a jackhammer and shock-proof gloves. "Of course, A worker can withstand the vibrations of that jackhammer due to the gloves."

Vargas took multiple shots at her but missed.

"Time to test drive this suit's latest feature, Surge Mode!" She activated it then the electricity surged all over her.

Vargas blasted a shockwave at her but the suit absorbed it.

"It worked!"


Matterhorn wasted no time and delivered an electric punch at Varags's chest then ripped the tech he built.

"I'll take that!"

Vargas kicked her to the ground and then bailed.

"I hate getting cheap-shotted!" Matterhorn said as Vargas held up both Devon and Victor.

"Vic. if this is the end, I'm sorry."

"Same here, Dev."

"Aww, how touching," Vargas said, then dropped both of them at the same time.

"Hate these split-second decisions."

Matterhorn dropped a wind mine on the ground which created a control tornado that slowed the speed of fall and the boys touched the ground allowing Vargas to escape.

"That's the second time he got away."

"We're so sorry, man."

"Yeah, I don't know what got into us. We got carried away."

"Well, you're about to be carried back to Simon Academy to face the music," Matterhorn said to them.

"Wait, do we have to be airborne?"

"Yeah, I had my fair share of flying for today."

"The Surge Mode Suit took out all power to the jet boots, meaning we have to do it the old-fashioned way."

2 Hours later…

"Something wrong, dear daughter?" Caleb asked Monica.

"I just don't trust The Masked Matterhorn," Monica expressed herself. "She's nothing but bad news. And I'm sure she had something to do with me getting suspended."

"Put it behind you, Monica. It's a brand-new start."

"But my work. My research. I invested a lot of it at Nexus High and now I have to start from square one."

"Come with me," Caleb said as they walked together. "Daughter, The Simon name will always be associated with geniuses. Take today for example. When the smartest school doesn't want you, I created an even smarter school."

"To save you from embarrassment. And if I have to take action to make sure your work isn't lost to Nexus… I do that as well."

He showed her all the experiments that Monica worked on Nexus.

"Wow. You stole them?'

"I appropriated them. If Nexus High can't assure their security. I can at least make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands."

"I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing to say. You're my daughter. I expect great things out of you, young lady. So don't mess up again."

Late at night Moondancer got out of a taxi and arrived at the house with groceries in her hands. She went to the doorbell and rang the door open to see an older man.

"Hey, Uncle Star Gaze. Sorry, I'm late for dinner. I had quite the day."

"That makes two of us, my dear." Star Gaze told her then let her in.

Much later at Donut Joe's, Twilight was explaining her story to Monica.

"I don't know. As I was coming down, the mine on my back followed the direction of the wind and I landed right in the waters of Canterlot Coastline. My clothes are going to smell like fish for days."

"I'm telling you, Matterhorn is no good."

"He saved my life and yours, did she?"

"Yeah, but I'm not convinced. Agree to disagree."

"That's great about us, we can disagree on some things while being best friends."

"Yeah, I mean something like school to tear apart Victor and Devon's friendship like that is barbaric. Let's promise to never be like them."

"Promise," Both girls clink their drinks.