• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 274 Views, 11 Comments

The Lost Pirate Treasure - ThomasZoey3000

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Part 4

Equestria Girls Special 2018

The Lost Pirate Treasure-Part 4

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

"Okay so that's Strong Heart, Kind Heart, Scar, Dynamite and Jester. All of which were brave in the face of great danger, but the question still remains if they did meet up again after that adventure."

"Well only time will tell for sure Twilight," said Timber as he followed behind Sunset's car. He looked in his rearview mirror to see the black van following them, "mind you, I'm not too sure about those guys."

"I'll be honest, I don't fully trust them, but I trust Sunset and if she wants to trust them, then that's good enough for me."

"Same here," agreed Spike from the back-seat before going to scratch his right ear.

Silence fell in the car for the next five minutes. At last, Timber broke the silence as he spoke with Twilight, "so Twilight, you never did answer my question at the beach. Was it something I said to make you ignore me?"

Twilight froze. She was hoping Timber would've forgotten that question with the treasure hunt, but clearly he hadn't. She sighed and finally spoke, "I was embarrassed, but not by you Timber. But by me. Every time we meet up, we get into all sorts of crazy situations. I mean, you nearly threw out your shoulder getting me out of the washroom."

"Yes I remember that, but come on Twilight, no date is perfect."

"True, but..."

"I could never be embarrassed by you Twilight, and you shouldn't be about yourself. After all, even little mistakes or mishaps can create lasting memories, don't you think?"

Twilight had to admit that was true, "let's be honest, with our reputations, we're bound to get into more crazy misadventures, especially during our dates. But I wouldn't trade those moments away. Not now, not ever."

Twilight smiled as she looked to her boyfriend, "I'm sorry I didn't respond back to you."

"That's alright, just promise me this won't happen again."

Twilight nodded, "I promise."

Finally, the vehicles pulled up to the diamond mines. Rarity's eyes lit up at seeing some of the diamonds, "I must be in heaven right now. This is going to the best. Day. EVER!"

"Focus Rarity," reminded Applejack, "we're here to look for a treasure map, not for diamonds."

"Can't a girl do both?"

The others just rolled their eyes and together went into the mine. Unknown to them, the human version of Tempest Shadow was watching them, and was reporting back to her master.

"They seem to have five pieces of the map, and they got Calaeno to work with them."

"She always was a weak one, I had a feeling she would betray me. You must get me that treasure, it belongs to me, and me alone."

"Of course master, you will have everything in that chest, and more."

"You better bring me all that Tempest, for only I can give you what you really want. But fail me, and I promise you that the scratch across your eye will be the least painful moment in your life."

The human version of Tempest gulped, but remained composed, "of course Master."

Deeper and deeper inside the mine the group went, "I don't think anyone's been down here in a long time," commented Twilight.

"Indeed not matey," Captain Calaeno responded. "And judging from these supports, if we're not careful, then we could end up trapped down here. Everyone, watch what you're doing."

"Not to worry Calaeno," said Rainbow Dash with a smirk, "if anything happens, Rarity and Twilight will save us."

"How?" asked one of the other crew-mates.

"We uh, have our ways," said Sunset before Rainbow Dash could say anything else, "but don't worry, we'll be careful."

While the girls were glad to have their unique powers, and they did use them to help others from time to time, they weren't entirely too keen on letting the whole world know about them. Just yet.

"According to the map piece we got from Juniper's shop, we're just a yard away from the next piece."

Twilight was about to take another step when suddenly, Rarity ran up and stopped her.

"What's the matter Rarity?" Rarity pointed down, which made Twilight gulp. There was a huge gap between them and the other side of the tunnel, "oh. Yeah, that could've ruined our day."

Quietly, Rarity summoned her diamond magic and created a diamond bridge. The group walked across it without knowing. Only once Rarity was across did she undo the bridge. She did it as Tempest came into view. She was confused.

"How the heck did they get across?" she groaned. "There must be a way."

After a bit more walking, the group came across a welcoming sight. A lonely box, covered in spider webs and with dark patches on there.

"Careful Miss Rarity, that could be mold."

One of Calaeno's crew mates stepped forward, "I'll check it out for myself." Using his hook for a hand, he pried open the box and backed up quickly. After a bit of coughing, he gave a thumps up and shouted; "it's not mold, it's merely dirt! And there's a painting in here!"

Sure enough, there was a painting of another pirate.

"Diamond Cluster," said Timber Spruce, "he was into diamonds like Rarity, but also a very generous pirate. He was the first to suggest taking from the rich in the first place."

"Interesting, I remember hearing about him," said Captain Calaeno, "but I can barely see his picture. Does anyone have a light I can use?"

A light shone into the tunnel, "thank you."

"You're welcome," sneered a voice. Calaeno gulped as she turned. They all turned and found themselves face to face with the human version of Tempest Shadow, "sorry to ruin the fun, but I will taking that map, as well as these traitors."

"You won't be doing anything you brute!" snapped Rarity.

"And we're not going to let you take the treasure to the Storm King," added Sunset. Tempest gasped hearing the name, "yes, I know who he is, and who you are; Tempest Shadow."

"I don't know how you know me, but I do know, you should never test me. Now give me the treasure map!"

"Better do as she says, she means business," Calaeno groaned.

"Yeah well, so do we," Rainbow Dash said firmly. "You want the treasure, you'll have to go through us first."

"That can be arranged," Tempest smirked. She charged at Rainbow Dash, lifting her right leg to hit her, but Rainbow caught her.

"I know kung-fu too." She pushed the leg away, then spun round and kicked her down.

This was what the group needed to get away with the painting. They ran past Tempest shouting; "way to go Rainbow Dash." Using her magic again, Rarity created another bridge. As they ran across, they saw weapons, hooks and ropes, explaining how Tempest got across the gap. Calaeno was the last to cross, and as she did, she noticed the bridge vanish, "what in the world?"

They ran for a long while until they finally reached the outside again.

"Still think that was great Rarity?" Applejack asked while panting.

"Not while...running to...get away..." Rarity panted.

Calaeno stepped forward, "so what the heck happened back there? One minute there was a bridge, the next it was gone, as if by magic. Did you guys have anything to do with this?"

All the pirates looked to the group. The girls groaned, they wouldn't be able to hide the truth now, so they gave in and told their new friends everything

"We have magical powers," Twilight answered for all of them. "We've had them for quite some time, and we've been using them to help others, or ourselves," she muttered the last bit, looking at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow grinned nervously, knowing what Twilight was talking about. "That's how we've been able to get so far in our quest, and how we trapped you in the first place."

"Huh, and I thought you had machines to do your work like the Storm King," said the other female member.

"And Sunset here can see into the past when she touches the paintings," added Pinkie Pie.

"Can you really?"

Sunset nodded, "it's true, that's how we've been able to learn the story about how five of the pirates managed to get away."

Captain Calaeno removed her hat, "I was always told they disappeared and never saw each other again, but to hear this, well it changes everything. Boy am I ever glad we met, even if it was through a diamond shield."

One of the pirates stepped forward, "can you tell us about Diamond Cluster?"

Sunset nodded again as she stepped forward. The pirates gasped as her eyes turned white, "is that normal?" Calaeno asked.

"Oh yeah, perfectly normal for Sunset," answered Pinkie Pie.

Diamond Cluster ran for his life, pushing a cart with the crate on it, while gunfire was heard behind him, "stupid navy, of all the criminals they could be chasing, they would have to come after us. This is the worst thing ever." He gasped as something flew by, missing him with mere inches to spare. "I need to hide this treasure chest now, or risk being caught."

Luckily for him, the mines were coming into sight, but sadly, so was the navy. They had figured Diamond Cluster was heading for the mines, and managed to get ahead of him.

"Nowhere to run now," said one of the soldiers.

The General stepped forward, "hand over the piece of the treasure map Cluster, and we'll be sure to give you a less harsh punishment."

"And what of the poor people of this town? What are you going to do to them?"

"They are not of our concerns son, now please, hand it over."

Silence fell on the area as the navy's eyes stared at Diamond Cluster. Diamond Cluster himself stood still for nearly a minute before reaching down and grabbing his sword. He swung it round like a true swordsman.

"A proper gentleman never surrenders without a proper fight. So boys, the question is, who's first?"

One of the navy recruits, who was quite impatient, pulled out his sword and charged at Diamond Cluster, despite the General shouting for him to stop. The recruit swung his blade, but Diamond Cluster was quite skillful and within moments, had the recruit on the ground.

"Not bad, a tad sloppy I will admit. Next?"

All the soldiers, including the General charged in next. Diamond Cluster fought hard against them, but he was surrounded with ten against one, and there were more soldiers coming in. It seemed quite lost for the pirate. That was until a familiar face charged in and started fighting back.

"Calaeno? What are you doing here?" Diamond Cluster asked in surprise. "I thought you'd be in hiding right now."

"Couldn't let one of my own fall now could I? Now shut up and fight."

Diamond Cluster nodded and with the Captain by his side, they were able to fight aganist the soldiers. It was hard going as they were still outnumbered and with no guns, they had to relay only on their swords and fighting skills, but they still kept going.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, all the soldiers were down, leaving only the General standing.

"I got to say, it's been a pleasure to fight beside you Captain. Kind of reminds me of when we first met."

"I thank you for your kind words Diamond Cluster, but right now, we do have the General to deal with."

The General started to laugh, which confused the two pirates. "Did you really think I would venture out here with so few soldiers? You fools underestimate us. More are on the way, they'll have your necks once they catch you."

They both groaned as they could hear footsteps in the distance. Sure enough, more soldiers were coming into the woods.

"Diamond, get the chest out of here and hide, I'll fight them off."

"No Captain, I will stand by your side to the bitter end."

Captain Calaeno stared firmly at Diamond Cluster, "Diamond, need I remind you of what will happen if this treasure falls back into the wrong hands? The people of this town will lose not only hope, but they'll lose the chance to get food, water and more importantly, they'll lose their homes to the rich and powerful. We cannot let them have the pieces of the map, we swore on it and we cannot stop now just because of our friendship. Now go, I'll hold them back as long as I can."

"But Captain..."

Captain Calaeno showed a kind smile, "do not worry my friend, we will cross paths again. Now go. Please."

Without saying another word, Diamond Cluster started to move the crate with the picture and piece of map towards the mine. The Gerernal stepped forward, but Calaeno stepped in his way, "you want him, you'll have to go through me."

"A pleasure it will be," and the fighting continued.

Inside the mine, Diamond Cluster pushed with all his might until he reached the end of his destination. But as he left, he knew he had to keep anyone from getting to the crate, so before leaving, he lit a stick of dynamite and blew up the rock ledge leading to the crate.

"So help me, if they think they're going to win, they'll have another thing coming. It. Is. On!"

Sunset's vision came to an end with all the pirates looking to her surprised, "yeah, that's normal for me, and no I can't answer you when I'm in that state."

Using the lemon juice, Twilight looked at the map and looking at her phone, found where they needed to go.

"Where to next Twilight?" Timber asked her.

"According to the map, our next stop is to Crystal Prep." This brought about gasps from the other girls, as well as Spike, "I know it's hard to believe, but according to the map, we have to return to my old school."

"But surely there can't a crate with a picture frame at your school," said Rainbow Dash. "I mean, someone would've found it by now, wouldn't they?"

Twilight shook her head, "Cinch never wanted the students digging out there as it would ruin the look of the school. Besides, the pirates could've hidden it in a clever way like how we found Dynamite's part of the map."

"Uh...okay, you got a good point there Twilight."

"This is all very good and all, but we should really load up and get out of here before..." but the mate with the claw was stopped by chuckling coming from the tunnel, and stepping out was Tempest Shadow herself, "before exactly that happens."


"How did I get across? Silly little girls, did you really think I wouldn't be prepared for any of this? I always come prepared," and she showed a grapping gun with a hook in it, "now give me the map pieces, and I'll spare you serious pain."

"Yeah right," Rainbow Dash said with determination, "and how are you going to hurt us?"

Tempest smirked as she charged in, kicked Rainbow in the stomach, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and threw her towards the ground.

"Rainbow!" cried Fluttershy.

"Now, care to try that again little girl?" Tempest sneered.

Seeing her friend in danger, Sunset's anger began to grow and before anyone knew it, she was charging at Tempest. As Tempest turned around, Sunset punched her in the face, forcing her away from Rainbow Dash. But Sunset wasn't done yet, as she punched her in the stomach, then under the chin and punched her in her eye with the scratch.

"No one hurts my friends, you got that?!" Sunset shouted.

As this went on, the others loaded up the picture and map, and once Rainbow Dash was in the car, Sunset ran to her car, started it up and stomped down on the gas to get out of the area. As she watched them leave, Tempest glared as she felt her eye, "that one is really tough, but I'll make sure that was her only lucky shot."

They had only gone a quarter of a mile before Sunset calmed down and slowed down. When the group reached Crystal Prep. Academy, she apologized for her outburst, but her friends weren't upset with her.

"Your old outbursts were only for your own benefits, but you were helping us now," said Rainbow, who had recovered from her brief fight, "so we're cool with that."

"Besides, it's not the first time you've had to lose your temper to protect those you care about, right?" Applejack asked with a wink.

Sunset nodded, remembering that she lost her temper out on her old boyfriend; Pen Pal when he hurt her little sister.

Leading the way, Twilight escorted the group to the front doors. She knew one person would be in there on a day like this; her sister in law; Principal Cadance. They walked in and found her helping the janitor clean the front entrance way.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite sister in law," Cadance smiled.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "I'm your only sister in law Cadance."

"I know that, but you're still my favorite. Oh and I see you brought your boyfriend along on one of your adventures. Trying to get closer to him?" she winked and gave Twilight a little bump on the side. Twilight's face lit up in a bright shade of red, as did Timber's. Cadance then noticed the pirates, "who are your new friends?"

Sunset answered for Twilight, "we're on a treasure hunt, and these guys are descendants to the original pirates who brought the treasure to Canterlot City."

"You mean, the lost pirate treasure of Captain Calaeno?"

Everyone looked to Cadance in surprise, "what? You don't get to be principal of a school without knowing a few things, like history." She looked to Twilight, who's face was returning to normal, "now if I had to guess, your map has lead you to Crystal Prep, right?"

Twilight nodded and showed Cadance the pieces they had found already.

"Also, there's a meanie chasing after us," added Fluttershy.

"Tempest Shadow, and she works for someone called the Storm King," added Sunset. "If she gets her hands on the treasure, then it's all over for us, and possibly lead to future trouble for the city."

"How?" asked the janitor.

"I don't know, but the Storm King has his ways and he could use them against our fair city. That's why this treasure must be found."

"And it'd bring us great joy to finish what our ancestors started," added Captain Calaeno.

The Junitor looked at the map and after trying to piece together where it was leading, in his head, he lead everyone to the backfield, "it should lead you right to the middle," he said. "And only in the middle spot."

"How does he know that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm the janitor Missy, it's my job to know," the janitor said in a mysterious creepy voice.

"Okay...well, thanks for that. Let's get digging guys."

They didn't need to ask Cadance if it was alright to dig as she was just as interested in seeing what the group would find.

"We've already found the six mate's crates, so that means this has to be the treasure," said Rarity with excitement. "Oh I can't wait to see what they actually took from the rich and powerful."

Everyone dug into the ground once more, and heard a thunk. Looking down, they could see the top of another crate. They dug it out and without using magic, they lifted it out of the ground. Once open, everyone was surprised to see; "another picture frame?" Spike asked.

"Indeed Spike, and this is the Captain himself," answered Timber. He looked inside the crate, "but I still don't see the treasure anywhere."

Twilight reached behind the picture frame and found another piece of a map. Everyone was confused. They looked to Sunset, "right, time to find out where it really is." She placed her hand on the frame and the past came to her.

Captain Calaeno had finished burying his crate and found himself looking up to a dear friend, "everyone's done their part, now it's up to you Rose Petals."

The dear friend was his girlfriend; Rose Petals. A girl with beautiful long red hair and wearing a dark green dress.

"This is a big responsibility you've given me Calaeno, are you sure I should be doing this?"

Captain Calaeno nodded his head, "my mates have already hidden their parts of the map, and using the magic I've gotten from that lone island, I've been able to change it so only the true kind hearted can find the treasure and find it. I'm counting on you to do your part to keep it hidden and keep it safe."

"I don't know."

"Sweetheart, I trust you. I know you'll hide it well, and keep it safe. Faith has kept us going for this long, and it'll do so for years to come."

Rose Petals shook her head, "no, not faith. Friendship."

Captain Calaeno smiled and wrapped his arms around Rose Petals, "right as always my love."

Rose Petals smirked as she looked up to him, "when will we be able to finally tie the knot? You know that if you love a girl, you should propose."

"Very soon my love, don't you worry, I always keep my promise."

Sunset let go of the painting and looked to the group, all eager to hear what she had found out, "there is one more location to go to," she said. "Captain Calaeno isn't the last person to know the treasure's location, he gave it to his girlfriend; Rose Petals."

"Rose Petals? I thought she was a one time thing with the Captain," said Timber Spruce.

"What do you mean by that?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

"Well from the stories I heard, there was a girl named Rose Petals that was in love with the captain, but his love for the sea and his friendship with his mates made it so he couldn't love her."

"Well the love was real," said Sunset, "I saw it plain as day."

"Maybe the stories only said that to keep everyone from finding her and hurting her," suggested Twilight.

"Perhaps, cause otherwise they could've used her against him."

Once more, Twilight used the lemon juice to show the way. This time, the map showed a final X and words reading 'Treasure'. Rainbow Dash broke the silence the group had.

"So, how did the maps all show where to go if each pirate went a different way than originally planned?"

"They had Equestrian magic, but from where, I don't know," answered Sunset. "But what I do know is that this will finally lead to the treasure, and to finish what was started."

"Perhaps, but not in the way you were expecting."

Sunset turned and found someone else walking onto the field. It was Tempest, now with a black eye, but she wasn't alone. A short guy walked beside her, eating a piece of cake. Behind them was a tall man with fake horns and wearing a vast with the same symbol they saw before.

"Storm King," Sunset muttered under her breath.

To Be Concluded...