• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 275 Views, 11 Comments

The Lost Pirate Treasure - ThomasZoey3000

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Part 1

Equestria Girls Special 2018

The Lost Pirate Treasure-Part 1

(Following the Events of MLP the Movie and EQG: Forgotten Friendship)

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Spike the Dog yawned and scratched his left ear after having a good nap on Twilight's bed. Nearby at her computer desk was Twilight herself working on the drone, which was on the fritz once again, "I just can't for the life of me figure out what's the matter with this drone," she said out loud. "I only fixed this up a couple of weeks ago."

"Was that before or after you forgot about Sunset?" Spike asked.

"Hey, that wasn't our fault, it was the memory stone Spike," protested Twilight.

"True. Anyways, I don't know why you need a drone, it's loud, it's hard to control, it can be stepped on by anyone and..." he glared at it as though it was an evil monster, "I really hate that drone."

Twilight only rolled her eyes and went back to work. Moments later, she heard the voice of her mother; Twilight Velvet, "Twilight Sweetie, there's someone here to see you."

"Who is it Mom?"

"It's your friend Sunset Shimmer!"

"Okay, send her up!"

So she did and moments later, Sunset walked into Twilight's room, "hey Twilight, still having a little trouble with that drone?" The nods gave Sunset the answer she needed, "well I think I got something that can help." She brought over her backpack and pulled out a new motor, "Juniper said it's one of the best motors around, and can last up to ten years."

"But drones haven't been around for that long, at least, not for public purchase."

"Well she's going on what the manufactures say, plus she has one in her own drone."

Twilight accepted the motor from Sunset, opened the box and after inspecting it and giving it a nod, she agreed to put it into the drone's motor compartment. Sunset walked over towards Twilight's bed next to Spike and gave him a little rub underneath his chin.

"Oh yeah, that feels nice," he sighed happily.

"Plus, the motor is my way of saying sorry for stepping on your drone at the beach," added Sunset.

Twilight looked back over to her flame haired friend, "Sunset, you got nothing to be sorry for. We're the ones that should've warned you it was right there. Now that I think about it, it's my fault for just leaving it there on the sand. If it wasn't you that stepped on it, I'm sure someone else would've, and given we were at the beach, it could've been a terrible sight to see."

Sunset shuddered just thinking about it.

"Besides, I think we've done enough apologizes after the Memory Stone was destroyed. I think it's best we move best that and move on with our lives."

On that, Sunset happily agreed.

"Hey, as long as we're talking about the beach, did you get a text from Rarity?"

"Uh no, I haven't. I've had my phone off this entire time." Twilight reached over for her phone and checked. Sure enough, there was a text from Rarity asking; care to come to the beach tomorrow. Weather forecast says it's going to be beautiful, yet humid day. Twilight blushed, feeling rather silly for not checking sooner. She quickly replied back by saying; I'll be there, sorry for the late reply.

She got a reply back in an instant saying; no worries darling, just glad we'll all be there.

"Will you be going too Sunset?" Twilight asked, looking back up to her flamed haired friend.

"Of course I'll be there," she nodded. "Why waste a day inside when I can spend the day with my friends? I even told Rarity that earlier, and that's actually the reason I asked if you checked your text messages. She said she hasn't gotten a reply from you, until now that is."

"Yeah I guess I was too focused on my drone."

"Silly thing if you ask me," muttered Spike.

"Oh come on Spike, drones are not all that bad if you ask me. They, like most modern pieces of technology, just take time getting used to. Though," Sunset paused and chuckled, "I think for anypony visiting from Equestria, it could be overwhelming, unless it's Starlight Glimmer. She's a fast learner."

"She sure is, and thank goodness for that," chuckled Twilight, while remembering when Juniper had her and her friends in the mirror prison.

"I kind of wish we were in Equestria, at least I wouldn't have to worry about drones."

"Nope Spike, you wouldn't, you'd just have to worry about attacks like the most recent events Princess Twilight told me about with the Storm King and Tempest Shadow. Thank goodness my family were in Appleloosa and away from all that mess in Canterlot." Her fist started shaking, "cause if that Storm King had placed one claw on Sunny Rays' head, I'd make sure he'd be sorry."

"Whoa," gasped Spike and backed away a little bit.

"Opps, sorry for scaring you there Spike. It's just you know much I care about my family."

"Yeah I know," he nodded. "They, like the rest of us mean the whole universe to you. You said so yourself many times."

Twilight smiled in agreement, especially after seeing Sunset's brave sacrifice to save her friends memories from the Memory Stone.

The next morning, just thirty minutes after the sun had risen for the day, Sunset pulled up in the parking lot for the beach. She went to the change rooms and came out wearing the same swimsuit she wore to the beach last time. Down below, she could see Rarity relaxing on a beach chair, and in the shade, she could see Applejack applying either sunscreen or calamine lotion to Rainbow Dash's back. The memory of the first meet-up at the beach came flooding back to Sunset's mind, and remembered how hard it was to hear her friends say they weren't friends.

"That won't happen this time," she reminded herself, "the memory stone is broken, they do remember me."

She made her way along the beach and over to where Rarity was, "uh, good morning Rarity."

Rarity removed her sunglasses and smiled up at Sunset, "Sunset Darling, glad you could make it. Today just wouldn't be the same without you." Hearing her say that made Sunset sigh in relief. "Lay your towel down beside my chair and relax."

Sunset did just that, though as she did that, she was curious as to why Rainbow and AJ were in the shade of the hillside, "are they applying sunscreen over there?"

"Nope, Applejack is putting that lotion on Rainbow Dash's back cause the silly girl forgot to put on her sunscreen, and she managed to burn her backside."

Even from a distance, they could hear the two of them, "OUCH! Applejack, don't break my arms off!"

"I'm not!" came the loud reply, "I'm trying to get this stuff on your shoulders. Serves you right for not bringing sunscreen!"

The rest of their conversation was hard to hear, so Sunset went back to setting up. When she finished, she grabbed a can of spray on sunscreen and sprayed herself with it.

"Is that spray on sunscreen?"

"It sure is Rarity," nodded Sunset.

"I heard that stuff works nicely, and doesn't make you feel all slimy afterwords like my regular sunscreen. May I try yours?"

"Sure, help yourself," and she handed it over to Rarity.

Rarity sprayed her arms, legs and belly, then put some on her hands and applied it to her face. She felt her right arm after she finished and smiled, "that's it, I'm definitely switching over to this stuff, it's better for a girl who doesn't want to get burned."

"Try telling that to Rainbow Dash," chuckled Sunset, and Rarity joined in. After a short laugh, Sunset asked, "are the others here?"

"Fluttershy's about ten minutes out, she got caught in traffic, Pinkie I believe is on her way and Twilight said she's waiting for a bus to bring her here. Honestly though," Rarity added, "I don't know why Twilight doesn't try to get a driver's license, and get a car. I mean, I got a Shelby Mustang, Fluttershy has her car, Applejack has the family truck and van, and you have your car. Uh, what is it again?"

"It's a 1976 car from GMC," answered Sunset.

"No offence Darling, but why not get a newer car like others do?"

"Cause I can't really afford a modern car. I don't mind though, it may be old fashioned, but there's just a certain charm about it that I really like. Plus," she added, "it's got amazing sound coming from the speakers."

Rarity had to chuckle to that, "of course, cause that's the one thing you want in a car. That and good performance too." Sunset nodded to that.

About ten minutes later, Fluttershy finally arrived and got changed into her diving suit. As she was leaving the change rooms, Pinkie finally showed up and was in her swimsuit in less than ten seconds. How, nobody knew and they didn't ask.

"Gggggggood morning ladies!" cheered Pinkie Pie. "I'm ready to have some fun today. Oh and I brought some cupcakes."

"Uh Pinkie Darling, do those contain sunscreen in them again?" Rarity asked, hoping this time the answer would be no.

"You bet your boots they are!" she cheered. "Perfect for a day at the beach."

Both Rarity and Sunset Shimmer gave disgusted faces, "well thanks anyways Pinkie, but we got plenty of food already," Sunset said politely.

Pinkie laughed, "oh Sunset, you don't eat these, you apply them. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going for a swim." Pinkie ran towards the water and jumped in. Fluttershy only shook her head and walked slowly into the water, putting her mask over her eyes as she did.

"Sometimes I can never understand that girl," said Rarity.

"Perhaps, but she's still our Pinkie Pie, and we love her for that."

"Too true Sunset. Now we just need Twilight and Spike, then we're all here."

"I'm here!" called a seventh voice. Both of them looked and saw Twilight walking down with a sweater on top of her swimsuit. She took off the sweater, placed a towel down and started going through her bag, "sorry it took me a while, I was just putting the finishing touches to the drone. You were right Sunset, that motor works great."

The Drone started up and started flying around them, taking pictures of both Rarity and Sunset smiling and posing for the camera.

"Oh that's a definite keeper," smiled Twilight.

Spike the Dog however just scowled at the drone, "I still hate that thing."

Sunset could only roll her eyes. Then, much to the girl's surprise, Twilight started digging frantically underneath her towel, making a big hole in the sand.

"Uh Twilight, what are you..."

"Shh!" she interrupted Sunset. "You didn't see me." She grabbed hold of Spike and hid.

Both girls were confused by this. A few moments later, another person walked over towards them in red swim trunks and a dark green shirt, which almost matched the color of his hair. It was Timber Spruce.

"Good morning ladies, have you seen Twilight anywhere?" he asked.

"Well she was here a little while ago," said Sunset, "but at the moment, I can't see her. Did you come from the camp today just to see her?"

"Yeah I did," he answered with a nod. "There hasn't been a whole lot to do lately, so I thought of coming out here and maybe spend the day with her, and maybe talk with her."

"Oh, and what would this talk be about?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Rarity, I'm sure it's not any of our business," said Sunset.

"No it's alright, I can tell you. It's just that lately, whenever I try calling her, she doesn't pick up and when I try texting her, she doesn't really answer them. Did I do something wrong to upset her?"

"I don't think you have Darling, it's just...uh...I actually don't know why she hasn't responded to you."

"Not a hundred percent sure myself, but she has been working on some of her gadgets lately like her drone, which had previously been broken," she grimaced remembering that moment. "It's not just you, when she gets involved in her work, then she focuses entirely on it. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll pop up at some point today, and when she does, we'll let her know you're looking for her."

"Great thanks." He sighed and walked away, feeling a little disappointed.

Once he was a good distance away, Sunset lifted up a corner of the towel and looked down to Twilight and Spike, "care to explain all that to us Twilight? I mean, I know you get distracted, but not calling back or texting back to Timber..."

Twilight sighed and was helped out of the hole by Sunset.

"Did he do something to upset you?"

"No, it's nothing like that Sunset," she answered. "It's just, everytime I am around him, I'm always making a fool out of myself and embarrassing him. I mean, look back to Camp Everfree, I often acted silly."

"In your defense, you were also dealing with Mid..." but Rarity was cut off when she saw Sunset waving her left hand quickly, which meant, don't mention Midnight Sparkle. "Uh never mind, continue Twilight."

"Well there was the night we went to the auditorium and we missed the show, the exhibit and we couldn't star gaze that night because of the heavy cloud cover."

"Anyone would think the weather pegasi from Equestria should take care of the weather here," Sunset said as a joke, then remembered, "didn't Fluttershy's fireflies help out in the end?"

"Perhaps, but still, it didn't go accordingly. Then there was that Emoji he sent me, not to mention I've had ice cream cones drop on my head, I've fallen in mud and I still can't figure out how I got locked in a public washroom, and he had to come break the door down. Which sadly left him feeling a little sore for the rest of the day." Twilight sighed and moved her towel away from the hole in the ground. She sat down and looked down to her feet, "I just don't understand why he wants to be with me if I keep embarrassing him. So to avoid that, I don't really return his calls."

"But then you're just hurting him Twilight," said Rarity. "No answer means something could be wrong."

Sunset nodded, "take it from me Twilight, as someone who's been in a relationship before, I've learned that no matter what you do, being rude or embarrassing, if he likes you, he can overlook all that and see the girl he really likes."

"You think so?"

"I don't think so. I know so. So why don't you go over and talk with Timber next time he comes around, you'll see that I'm right."

Twilight sighed again, "I guess I could try," she said.

"That does bring up an interesting question, what really ended your relationship with Flash Sentry?" Rarity asked Sunset.

"Well truth be told, it wasn't really the words. I kind of gave him a slap to the face when he wouldn't take me somewhere." Both girls and Spike looked at her surprised, "hey, I was the School's Biggest Meanie back in the day remember? Besides, after the Battle of the Bands, I did apologize to him and that's why we're merely friends now. Though hitting I learned is not a good option, unless you're dealing with that stupid Pen Pal."

"And unless it's with a rainbow powered blast," said Rainbow Dash as she and Applejack returned.

"Yeah, that's a good time too."

"Hey girls, uh Rainbow, why is your back covered in lotion?" Twilight asked.

"She got sunburned all over and took me till now to finish applying it. Plus, she's quite ticklish," chuckled Applejack, only to get a glare from Rainbow Dash. "Now, what's going on around here?"

Before anyone could answer, they heard someone else call out, "Twilight!" Twilight froze and turned around to see Timber Spruce walking over towards her, "there you are, I was looking around for you."

Twilight gave a nervous laugh, "yeah you could say I was playing in the sand." Some sweat dripped down from her forehead.

"Well I'm glad to see you, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I've just been a little busy lately. But since we're here, uh, do you want to get a smoothie?"

"Now that you mention it, a smoothie sounds like a great idea, especially since it is getting hotter out." He extended a hand out to her, "shall we?"

Twilight was nervous and froze in place. Sunset shook her head, "do I have to do everything myself?" She walked to her and gave her a playful bump, pushing her over towards Timber.

"Uh yeah, let's go," she nodded multiple times and grabbed hold of his hand.

They walked off together, leaving the girls to look at the hole Twilight made, "geez, and I thought Pinkie was a fast digger," commented Applejack. "Well, I guess we better get started and fill this thing in. You gonna help with this Rarity?"

"No thanks Darling, I just want to relax for a bit," and with that, she put her sunglasses back over her eyes.

"Hold up, at least let me look for bones down there," said Spike and before anyone could stop him, he was already jumping into the hole.

"Well, he is a dog," said Sunset. "Alright, we'll give you a few minutes, then we're filling that hole back in. Wouldn't want anyone to fall in there and hurt themselves."

"No indeed," said Rainbow Dash as she sprayed some of Sunset's sunscreen onto herself. "By the way Sunset, when are you going to give the relationship thing another chance?"

"When I find someone who likes me for who I am," she answered, "and doesn't mind what I was."

"Oh Sunset, that's all in the past. You need to stop looking back, and start looking to the future of who you are now. One of the Rainbooms, a great friend, a wonderful sister to Sunny Rays and a brave girl who puts herself in danger for her friends and family."

"Yeah I guess you got a point Rain..."

"HEY! I found something down here!" Spike interrupted.

"What is it? A big bone?" Sunset called down.

"No, it's bigger than that. See for yourselves!"

Sunset, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked down and saw something made out of wood buried in the sand. Seeing as she was the strongest of the group, Applejack went into the hole and pulled the object out. By this point, it got the attention of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, who came out of the water to see what was going on. Even Rarity wanted to know what the object was.

"It's a box," Rarity sighed unhappily.

Applejack shook it, "And there's something inside it. Uh, does anyone have a crowbar I can use?"

"Applejack, we're at the beach, why would..."

"Right here," said Pinkie as she pulled one of her hair.

"Sometimes I wonder how you do half the things you do," Rarity commented.

Applejack excepted the crowbar and opened up the box. By the time she got it open, Timber and Twilight were returning, "what's going on?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Spike found a wood box down in the hole here," said Sunset.

At last, with a loud snap, the lid of the box popped off, revealing a picture in a frame. The picture itself had minor damage to it, but the group could see it was a picture of a pirate, who looked to be a strong one.

"Who would put a picture in a box and bury it in the sand?" Rarity asked as she got up from her beach chair.

Timber Spruce looked at the picture, "I've seen that face before, it's one of Captain Celaeno's crew mates."

"Captain Celaeno?!" gasped Sunset. She remembered reading from Princess Twilight's writings that she and her friends met a Captain Calaeno while trying to find help to save Equestria from the Storm King, but she never thought there would be one in this world.

"He was in the same family of the current Captain Celaeno in the royal navy," explained Timber. "Once long ago, that Captain and his band of crew mates would travel the world stealing from the richest places, but instead of keeping it for themselves, they would deliver it to towns who needed money."

"So they were honest to goodness pirates?" Twilight asked.

"They sure were, and if I have to guess, this was their strongest member."

"Wow," said Sunset in admiration. She walked over to have a look at it, but suddenly tripped and nearly crashed down onto it. Fortunately Applejack caught her, but not before her hand touched it and her eyes went white for half a second.

"I saw something," she said, "it looked like a battle."

"Wait, your magic can allow to read past events through a painting?" Rarity asked with curiousity.

"I think so. Let me try again."

Sunset gently placed her hand on the painting once more, and her eyes went white.

In her vision, Sunset could see a battle going on between the band of pirates and a navy ship, "darn those guys, they always think they rule the world and own everything in it. Captain, what do we do?"

"We keep going!" shouted the voice of Captain Calaeno. "If we can make it to Port, help will come and we'll be able to hide this treasure from the enemy. You know what to do when we reach land."

"Yes, but I don't..." the strongest mate was interrupted as a cannonball exploded next to the ship, sending water all over the deck, "fire back!" the mate ordered and the rest of the crew fought back. "Captain, I don't like the idea of us being separated."

"I don't either, but it may be our only hope. If the enemy finds the treasure, they'll take it back and those poor citizens will suffer for it."

The mate nodded, grabbed the painting, and placed something in the back of it, "understood captain. Break a leg when we reach shore."

The Captain nodded, "break a leg Strong Heart."

The vision ended and Sunset let go of the painting. She looked to the back end and saw a piece of paper in that spot. She carefully removed it and opened it up, "it's a piece of a treasure map, and by the looks of it, it's showing the beach area."

"Well Captain Calaneo was reportedly suppose to be in this area on their last trip," said Timber Spruce. "I remember reading that, and sadly they never did make it to shore."

"I think the painting proves otherwise," said Applejack. "So maybe the map leads to the location of some treasure."

"Perhaps, but this map is really confusing," said Sunset as she looked at the map. "It goes in every direction and doesn't make any sense."

The girls, Spike and Timber Spruce looked at it with great confusion. Then Timber remembered, "Captain Calaneo was always known for being a shifty pirate, never leaving any obvious clues. Maybe he..."

"Wrote it in invisible ink," he and Twilight said together. They gasped at realizing they said the same thing and blushed.

"Okay now I have to ask, Pinkie, do you have any lemon juice?" Sunset asked.

Pinkie shook her head, "nopie nopie."


"I do," said Twilight. "You never know when it could come in handy."

She went over to her bag, pulled out the lemon juice and a small cotton swab, mainly used to clean the drone's mechanics if needed. She dipped the swab into the lemon juice and put some on the map. Instantly, a proper trail started showing and by the looks of it, was heading straight for the water.

"Guys, we're going on a treasure hunt," smiled Sunset.

To Be Continued...