• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 274 Views, 11 Comments

The Lost Pirate Treasure - ThomasZoey3000

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Part 2

Equestria Girls Special 2018

The Lost Pirate Treasure-Part 2

(Following the Events of MLP the Movie and EQG: Forgotten Friendship)

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Once she had gotten her hands on an oxygen tank, Fluttershy went under the water, and with the aid of her animal friends, began her search to find the next picture frame, as well as the next piece of the treasure map. The others meanwhile sat or layed down on the beach while they waited for her, except for Twilight, who paced back and forth so many times that she started wearing a groove into the sand.

"Hey look guys, she's in the Twilight Zone!" called Spike with a chuckle.

This got a few chuckles from the others. Twilight however stopped and stepped out of the groove she had just made, "I hope Fluttershy's going to be okay down there."

"She'll be fine," Sunset reassured her, "the guy she got the tank from said that it had enough air for two hours, plus she's got her animal friends to help her out. So just relax and enjoy the beautiful weather," and as she said this, Sunset leaned back and layed down on her beach towel, "oh yeah, this is the life."

"You took the words right out of my mouth there Darling," smiled Rarity.

Twilight gave in and sat down, right next to Timber Spruce. They were quiet as they sat there. Sunset opened her left eye and looked over towards them. She groaned quietly, "do I have to do everything myself?" She picked up a nearby rock, aimed and threw it right at Twilight, who yelped.

"You okay Twilight?" Timber asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, it's just something hit me." She looked over to Sunset's direction, but Sunset pretended like she did nothing at all.

"Oh well as long as we're here, maybe you and I can have a little talk," he suggested. Blushing hard, Twilight nodded her head furiously, "okay for starters, I have to say it's wonderful to see you again, it feels like it's been years since we last hung out."

"Actually, it's been only a few weeks."

"Oh. Well it feels like years for me, and I can understand you can be busy with band, and I'm often busy with work at Camp Everfree, but I have to ask, how come you don't text me back or don't phone back?"

"Oh, uh, well I...er...that is uh..." Twilight was finding it really hard to speak.

"Did I do something to upset you?"

"Oh no, you did nothing wrong Timber, it's just that...well..."

"Hey! Fluttershy's back!" cried Pinkie Pie.

The others got up and ran over to their friend. She was indeed coming out of the water with some sea-turtles carrying a big crate on their backs. Sunset sighed, "it just had to be sea turtles didn't it?"

Fluttershy removed the air piece from her mouth, "it was a long way's down from the surface, and it was surrounded by dozens of plants."

"Did you see any skeletons down there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh goodness no, that would be horrible. There was just this crate, plants and cute adorable sea-turtles."

The sea-turtles placed the crate on the ground in front of Fluttershy, and after getting a thank you from her, they set off for home. Applejack picked up the crate and opened the lid. Surprising to everyone there, there was no water inside the crate, just a well preserved picture frame.

"Okay Sunset, I believe this is where your powers come in handy," said Applejack.

Sunset didn't need to be told twice. She lifted her hand and gently placed it on the very top of the picture frame, and no sooner had she done that, then she could see into the past once more.

Captain Calaeno's ship continued it's course towards shore, but the navy ship was still hot on it's heal and now it wasn't alone, as three more navy ships joined in on the chase.

"Dang it all," grumbled the captain. "Strong Heart, tell the mates to load the cannons again and fire at will, we cannot allow them to get this ship."

"Aye-aye captain!" called Strong Heart and went to work at once.

Meanwhile, the captain noticed the terrified look on one crew-mate's face. This one went by the name of Kind Heart, "are you ready to carry out your phase of the plan Kind?"

"I suppose."

"You suppose, what's that suppose to mean?"

Kind Heart quivered, "I'm sorry Captain, but when I joined your crew, I never expected to be drawn into battles like this and have less than a 50/50 chance of surviving."

The captain showed a caring smile and got down on his knees to speak with his crew-mate, "listen Kind Heart, none of us were expecting any of this. It's scary for all of us."

"How do you deal with it Captain? Aren't you scared?"

"Of course I'm scared, but I try to push my fears aside as I remind myself of why we're doing this. It's for those people, who won't have anything if the navy takes it back to the rich. Think of those people, and your fears will go away. That," he continued, "and I got you loyal mates to help me get through these scary moments."

"Like friends?"


"Hit the deck!" shouted Strong Heart. Both pirate and captain ducked as a cannon ball whipped by their heads and hit one of their own cannons, sending it flying in the air for a second before falling into the waters below.

"Keep firing mates! We can't let them win!"

The rest of the mates fired back. As he watched, Kind Heart saw that, yes they were scared out of their wits, but they were determined to carry out their mission. It was at that moment that a brave, yet dangerous thought came to him. He got to his feet, ran over to the picture of himself, which contained the piece of the treasure map, and placed it into a crate.

"Kind Heart, what are you doing!" shouted Strong Heart.

"Well I can't be the only one on this ship to not do anything," he answered as he pushed the crate towards the edge, "I'm going to be brave. Farewell Captain, I'm sure we'll meet again."

"Kind Heart!" shouted the captain and ran towards him.

It was too late though, he pushed the crate overboard, then jumped into the water after it. The captain looked over and shouted for his crew-mate, but there was no sign of Kind Heart. They had no choice but continue dodging the navy's attacks. Thankfully, Kind Heart was able to hide the crate and reach shore without being spotted. Once he had regained his breath, he made his way into the town to raise the alarm.

The vision ended and Sunset let go of the picture frame, "That pirate Kind Heart was one of the bravest pirates I've ever seen," she said to her friends, "he pushed the crate and himself overboard to make sure the navy never found it."

"That would explain why Strong Heart's part of the map had shown the location for Kind Heart's piece, perhaps the captain made it up after Kind Heart did that," said Twilight.

"Perhaps, but I didn't see that in the vision. Maybe in the next one."

Sunset looked behind the picture frame and pulled out the piece of the map. Like before, Twilight used the lemon juice on the map, and revealed the location of where the next piece was.

"It's along that rockface," she said, pointing out to the tall rocks sticking out of the water, "but I can't see anything that looks like a pirate ship wreck."

Using her geode, Fluttershy called on the animals of the sea and asked them if they've seen any shipwrecks near that area. They said they hadn't, but said they should search the area just in case.

"Now why would they say that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Maybe there's more to that rockface than meets the eye," suggested Twilight. "But in order for us to be sure, we'll need to borrow a boat."

"I'll go get us one," said Timber, and before anyone could say anything else, he was gone in a flash.

When the girls and Spike made their way to the pier, they found Timber with a sail-boat, "it's not the fastest boat in the world, but it'll get us to where we need to go," he smiled as he leaned up against the wheel. All of the sudden, it spun and he fell down flat on his face. He got up quickly and dusted himself off, "I uh meant to do that."

Twilight giggled at this. Sunset noticed that giggle and whispered, "yeah you definitely like him."

Twilight blushed as everyone got on board. Rarity however was taking a little longer getting to the boat because she wanted to bring the beach chair on board, "leave that Rarity!"

"Ahh! But can't I bring this chair onboard? Those wood seats could have slithers, and they leave terrible marks on my skin."

Applejack rolled her eyes. Timber called out, "actually the seats have proper cushions, so you're not sitting on wood Ms Rarity."

"Oh, okay then that's fine," and leaving her chair behind, she jumped aboard.

Now with all of them on board, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash pulled the anchor up and they set off towards the rockface. Fluttershy leaned over so she keep in communication with the sea creatures, who could see rocks under the water better than a person above the water.

"Keep going straight, there's no danger along here," Fluttershy told Twilight, who had her hands on the wheel.

"I wonder what the treasure could be," Rainbow Dash said out loud. "Do you think it'll be gold, or maybe silver? Or maybe it's cursed treasure like in that movie."

"I swear you've been watching those movies too much," groaned Applejack and pinched the area in between her eyes.

"Rainbow Dash, the pirates wanted to give the treasure to the town, so why would it be cursed?" Sunset asked. Rainbow had to admit that Sunset was right, "plus they didn't look like living skeletons in the visions I saw."

"Okay, so it's not that. Maybe I should lay off the movies for a while."

It wasn't long till they reached the rockface, and thanks to Fluttershy's new sea friends, they stopped just short of the other rocks that almost went to the surface. They dropped anchor, then Rainbow Dash and Applejack dived into the water to see if they could find anything. They searched, and they searched, but they found no crates and no wrecks. In fact, there was nothing under the water remotely close to looking like it belonged to pirates. They returned looking disheartened.

"There is nothing down there," sighed Rainbow Dash as she climbed up first.

"Maybe the pirates came back and moved the next piece of the map to keep anyone from finding it," suggested Applejack.

It did seem like the most logical theory, but it did bring a lot of sad faces to the group. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash began to raise anchor, when a thought came to Sunset, "hold on guys, keep that anchor down!"

"What?! What's the matter Sunset?" Rainbow asked.

"I just had a thought. What if the next piece of the map, and picture frame aren't anywhere outside the rockface, but more alas inside it?"

"Inside it?" the others exclaimed.

"It does make sense, those pirates were known for being clever," said Timber Spruce, "and a little bit sneaky."

"Yeah, but that's a solid rockface," said Rainbow Dash as she pointed to the giant slab in front of them, "how would they be able to get anything in there?"

Twilight thought about it, "maybe it's not solid inside, maybe it's hallow, but only looks solid on the outside."

"Twilight, you got your drone with you?" Sunset asked.

"Always," she smiled.

She pulled it out of her bag, along with a controller and sent it flying into the sky and around the rockface. It took various pictures around the rockface and soon returned, landing in front of Spike, who once again glared at the thing, "I really, really hate you," he grumbled.

Twilight picked it up and started looking at all the various pictures taken around the rockface. It still looked solid, until Pinkie Pie noticed, "I think that was an opening, there's a big crack on the far side."

"And how did you come up with that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack and Rarity sighed and said in unison; "Maud."

"Oh, yeah that would explain it."

"Good eye there Pinkie Pie," smiled Sunset, "now, do you see anything that may look like an opening we can get into?"

Pinkie took a good look at the photos, and soon said, "stop! Right there, on the other side, it looks small, but I think anyone can fit in there."

Sunset walked over towards the front of the boat, removing the skirt around her waist, "good, cause I've been itching to have a good swim since we got here. Who's going to join me?"

"I'll go," said Twilight, "never know when magic might come in handy."

She walked up to the front, and together, the two girls dived off the boat and into the water like professional divers. They resurfaced a second later, and began their swim over to the spot Pinkie had found.

"Be careful over there," Timber said with a hint of worry in his voice.

After a few minutes, they reached the area and climbed up onto the rocks. No sooner was she on the rocks, then Sunset shook, sending water from her hair to go everywhere, much to Twilight's surprise.

"Opps sorry Twilight, force of habit. You know, having lived most of my life in Equestria."

"It's alright Sunset," she said. She took off her goggles, which were protecting her eyes and glasses and looked towards the opening, "if we get down on our knees and crawl, we might be able to get in there."

"Lead the way then Twilight."

"Me? Why me?"

"Cause you're the one with magic, which can act like a light source."

"Yeah that's a good point." And so, Twilight lead the two of them into the cave, being very careful in case there were any sharp rocks poking out that could scratch them. If Twilight found one, she used her magic to flatten it or break it away. It seemed to go on forever, but soon they came out of the small tunnel and into a surprising sight. A hallow cave and inside the cave, was a big pirate ship, complete with the flag still flapping about thanks to small breezes coming in threw cracks.

"Sweet Celestia, I never thought we would ever find a whole pirate ship inside a cave," gasped Sunset.

"Me neither, and by the looks of it," said Twilight as she moved her lit up right hand, "it looks to be intact, with some damage though."

"Just like what I saw in the visions."

Slowly and carefully, since the rocks were wet, they climbed down to see if they could find any crates of anything around the ship's hull. When they found nothing, they decided to go above onto the ship. Sunset grabbed hold of a rope ladder.

"Wait!" cried Twilight, "it could be a trick!"

Sunset let go. Twilight walked over and pulled. Sure enough, it snapped off and fell in between the two girls, "yikes, that could've been ugly if it hit us."

"Looks like magic's coming through for us again."

Using her magic, Twilight lifted herself and Sunset onto the top deck. Right away, they were stunned. Despite the years of being left alone and the damage from the battle with the navy, the deck of the ship was in good shape. Even some of the cannons were in good shape.

"Can you imagine being a pirate and firing off one of these bad boys?" Sunset asked, sounding a bit like a fangirl. "It must've been cool."

"Uh Sunset, where should we begin looking?" Twilight asked, snapping her back to reality.

"Maybe the captain's cabin, we can always start there."

Outside the ship, the rest of the group waited for Twilight and Sunset to return. Timber sighed as he looked to the rockface. Rarity noticed this, "still worried about what's going on?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I just want to know why she hasn't called me back. She said I haven't done anything wrong, but if that's the case, then what is it?"

"I'm sure she'll tell you in due time. You have to be patient with her, you are her first crush after all."

"Really? You mean, no other guys have ever caught her eyes?"

"Nope," Rarity answered with a shake of her head. "You know that she originally went to Crystal Prep Academy some time back?" Timber nodded, "well there, the students payed no attention to her, and the teachers, well they don't take any notice of any student. You could say it was like the opposite of Canterlot High, so when she saw you the first time at Camp Everfree, she saw something she had never seen before."

"I...I had no idea."

"Well now you do, so like I said, just be patient with her."

Timber Spruce nodded. Suddenly, they all heard a scream from nearby, "was that Twilight? Is she hurt?"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack rushed to the front of the ship and dived into the water again. They began to swim towards the crack in the rock wall, when they heard Fluttershy call out; "she's fine! She just got startled by a snake!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were confused as to how Fluttershy knew. They swam back and climbed aboard, but before they could ask, they saw that Fluttershy was talking with a snake sitting on the outside of the rockface.

"Yeah, Twilight doesn't like snakes," said Timber. "I remember learning that during one of our dates, so I've always made sure she never saw them if we ever went to the zoo."

"Well at least Twilight's okay," said Applejack as she dried herself off, "though I feel bad for Sunset."

"Why's that?" asked Pinkie Pie curiously.

"Well with a scream like that, I'm sure it's going to hurt her hearing."

Applejack was correct, for within the captain's cabin, Sunset was now pounding on her ears to regain her hearing, "sorry Sunset!" called Twilight, "but I don't like snakes, they scare me."

"What?!" Sunset cried. "Just one second Twilight. AHH!" Her hearing came back, "that's better."


"It's alright Twilight, although I think I'll never get the hiccups ever again. Wow, and I thought Sunny Rays and Sun Drop's screams were loud. Wow."

With her hearing now restored, Sunset, along with Twilight Sparkle, continued their search around the cabin. At one point, Sunset found something interesting, "it's a cap and ball gun, like those ones in the pirate movies, and it's in great condition too. Hey, do you think it'd be alright if I took this gun as a keep-sake?"

"I don't think you'll find any arguments here, just don't load it," advised Twilight. "It hasn't been fired in a long time, so it could blow up and do some serious damage."

"Oh don't worry Twilight, I have no intension of loading it up. I've always just wanted one to display in my apartment. I almost had a chance to get a sword from the second pirate's movie, but someone made a bid that was higher than mine and I never got a piece of pirate history."

"Well now you do, but still, we haven't found the piece of the map or the picture frame."

And indeed they hadn't.

"Maybe, we just need to think like Captain Calaeno's pirates." Sunset closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself as one of the sneaky, yet cunning pirates. After much thought, an idea came to her. She walked over to the rotting desk of the Captain and knocked on the floorboards. They made normal sounds like they were properly hammered down, until she reached one that sounded off, "this one is loose."

Sunset went over to another table and pulled out a crowbar. She then used it to pull the floor board away. She looked down inside the crack in the floor and saw something in there. With Twilight's help, they were able to pull out a picture frame of a pirate with a scar across his right eye.

"Geez, I wonder what happened to this guy," gasped Sunset.

"Let's get this back out to the boat and Timber can tell us," said Twilight. "By the way, great thinking there. You're just full of good ideas today."

Once on the boat, and after Sunset had finished showing off her new cap and ball gun, Timber was finally able to look at the picture, "that's Scar," he said, "he was one of the later pirates to join the crew."

"Why one of the later pirates?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Well according to the stories, he was an enemy one time of Captain Calaeno, but after he drove away his own crew and nearly got killed on a mission that was questionable, the Captain offered him a chance to join his crew. Either that, or continue on alone. Clearly as you can see, he joined the crew."

"Gee, that sounds familiar," smirked Rainbow Dash as she looked over to Sunset Shimmer.

"Okay, that Scar pirate sounds a lot like me. Come to think of it, Applejack sounds an awful lot like Strong Heart, and Fluttershy is similar to Kind Heart."

"Did I forget to mention too that they were a team of seven?" Timber asked.

"No, but thanks for bringing that up," said Rarity.

Since there was no crate to break open, all that was needed now was for Sunset to place her hand on the picture frame and see what she would see next...

"We're not losing them captain!" called Strong Heart. "They'll catch us in mere minutes!"

Captain Calaeno sighed, "alright then, with no chance of escape, we'll have to let them take the ship. We're getting off now, everyone to the lifeboats and make it fast!"

The other crew members followed the order without question, except for Scar.

"Scar, what are you doing? I said I get off the boat!"

"I heard you Captain, but I'm not going to get off the boat."

"What? Are you defying my orders?"

Scar sighed, "no I am not, I'm just thinking about you guys. They won't fall for the idea of taking the boat, they'll still follow you, and in those lifeboats, you won't stand a chance. That's why I will stay behind and get them away from you."

"Scar, you can't! They'll have your head if they catch you."

"I know what they'll do if they catch me, but I'm not about to let my best friends in the whole world become prisoners, not after all you have done for me. I've already hidden my picture and the piece of the map, now I'll make sure they lose sight of you."

Captain Calaeno didn't like the idea, but seeing the determination in Scar's eyes, he decided not to argue.

"You're a great mate Scar, break a leg out there."

"Thanks Captain, you too."

Captain Calaeno joined the rest of the crew, along with the treasure chest, in the lifeboat, and slowly and carefully, they lowered themselves down into the water. Using no lamps, they managed to float to shore, just as the first of the aliies' ships began to sail off after the navy.

On board the ship, Scar set up the cannons, "I will not let them take this ship. This ship belongs to my friends, and I'll be darned if I let them take it." He ran back to the wheel and steered the ship towards the navy ships. The cannons went off and hit the ships, creating severe damage to alot of them. Scar kept at this of loading the cannons, lighting the fuses and steering the ship in the direction of the navy. Once the allies got into position to fire back, Scar was able to slip away and place the ship in a rocky cave. He sighed after he dropped anchor.

"Now for the finishing touch."

He grabbed some dynamite and ran to the outside. In a matter of minutes, he had all the dynamite set up, and ready to blow. He set the charge and jumped into the water. The bang echoed around the area, and it caused rocks to fall around the opening until it was completly blocked. With his job now done, he swam towards shore, where finally he collapsed onto the sandy beach.

"Now we're even Captain. Thank you...for everything."

Once he regained his strength, he was able to slip away.

Sunset let go of the painting and a small tear dripped down from her right eye, "he put himself in great danger to save the Captain and the rest of the crew from the navy, it was his way of thanking them for everything. I'm definitely like him."

"Indeed you are Sugarcube," smiled Applejack as she placed a hand on her left shoulder, "and we all love you because of that."

Sunset smiled just hearing that. She then looked to the back of the picture frame and pulled out the next piece of the map. She gave it to Twilight, who once again used lemon juice on the piece of paper.

"Okay, according to the map here, we'll have leave the beach as the next piece is in town."

"Oh no," groaned Rarity, "and I was so looking forward to relaxing on the beach today."

"Well who knows," said Applejack, "maybe we'll be able to return later today, or maybe tomorrow will be a good day. After all, with the summer season coming up, I'm sure they'll be plenty of chances to come to the beach."

"Yes, I guess you got a good point there Applejack."

Sunset walked over towards Twilight, "so, where are we going from here?"

Twilight pulled her phone out of her bag and used it to find the location. A moment later, she gasped, "uh I found the location, but it's...well, see for yourself."

She showed Sunset the map on her phone and she too gasped.

"What is it?" asked Timber Spruce.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to talk to our newest pal, since it's in her garden."

To Be Continued...