• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 417 Views, 55 Comments

Stories From a Single Mother - emerald_shine

Let's take a peek into Derpy's life as a single mother.

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Chapter 7: Presents and Evil Plots

Author's Note:

Never thought I would have to say this in a FIMfiction chapter, but this chapter contains story spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

If you wish to avoid spoilers because you haven't played this game yet, I would recommend skipping to the end where I will quickly summarize the events.

"Alright Sonia, here's a picture of my house in Equestria. All you have to do is completely clear your mind and picture this image in your head. Then step on the pearl and break it."

Sonia nodded. "Where might I ask did you get these? These are definitely not from this realm."

"It's a really long story," I said remembering my journey getting these from places like Medusa's garden and a strange casino.

Sonia nods. She turns to Zelda. "I'll only be gone for a little while. When I come back, we can enact your little plan? See how it turns out." Zelda nodded and Sonia stepped forwards onto her pearl. I waved goodbye to Zelda and did the same.

* * *

"Oh my goddess! I apologize for my non-regal behavior, but I can't believe that after all this time, I've finally stepped foot in Equestria!"

Sonia looked around like a foal in a candy store. I knew it must be good when she gasped at the "Beauty" of my house. Her words not mine. I gestured for her to enter and put a hoof up to tell her to keep silent.

As we walked inside, I was glad to see Sparkler wasn't in the living room. "Alright Sonia. It's late. I'm sure Sparkler is still awake after the night we just had so I'm gonna go get her. Here's the plan." I whispered a good surprise setup in her ear and she quietly clapped her hands.

With that, I walked my way over to the hallway containing the bedrooms in the house. I knocked on Sparkler's door. "Come in!"

I walk inside and, to no surprise, Sparkler is sitting there with a spell book in her hand. Honestly, I'm surprised that unicorn didn't have a magic cutie mark of some sort. She smiled as she saw me. "Back already?"

"I told you it wasn't gonna be a long trip! Come out here! There's something I want to show you!"

Sparkler sighed and got up out of her bed. She walked over to me and we went into the living room. She sighed again. "What did you want to show me so badly that I had to get out of bed?"

I smiled. "This!" I went over to the cabinet full of china and set a bunch of plates and bowls on the counter top. "Watch your hooves, Sweetheart."

Sparkler tilted her head. "Mom? What are you-" Her sentence was cut off by the sound of crashing china on the floor. The pieces scattered everywhere. "Mom! What the hell! What are you doing? That was Aunt Millie's!"

I hold up a hoof to silence her and suddenly, the lighting of the room drops to a dark grey as the pieces began to glow orange. Sparkler watched in awe as the pieces began to put themselves back together. She stared at me. "How are you doing that?"

"Not me," I say in a singsong tone. Sparkler begins to look around the room for another pony who could possibly be doing it. Her eyes widen as Queen Sonia steps out through the doorway and walks into the kitchen. There's a slight orange glow coming from her hand.

The pieces finish rearranging themselves as the china sets itself back on the counter. Sonia stops the spell and smiles at Sparkler. "You must be Sparkler, yes?" I noticed her more regal speech patterns returning as she approached Sparkler.

"Y-Yeah?" I could tell Sparkler was trying to figure out who the strange creature in her kitchen was. And how she knew her name. "W-Who are you? How do you know that spell?"

Queen Sonia knelt down beside Sparkler and placed a gentle hand on her head. Sparkler flinched but then settled as she realized Sonia had no intention of harming her. "Allow me to explain. My name is Queen Sonia. Your mother visited my world and asked me to come meet you. She said you've been under a lot of stress lately and you mentioned really wanting to talk to me or meet me." Sonia smiled as Sparkler's eyes widened.

Sparkler looked from Sonia, to me, and back to Sonia. "Y-You're?" Sonia nodded. Sparkler squealed as she jumped up and down. "I can't believe this!" She reached a hoof out and touched Sonia's face. "You're really real! You're here! In person! Oh my goddess! Your spell saved my sister's life! I can't thank you enough!"

Sonia smiled. "Thank you Sparkler. I must admit, after your mother told me the story of your sister's surgery, I kind of wanted to meet you myself. Your father could only have taught you that spell about a week and a half ago! To master it like that in such a time frame is spectacular! Even now, I've been working with my pupil, Zelda for about three months now. She's only just finished mastering it!"

"Wow! That's fantastic! I want to know everything! What's the source of magic in Hyrule? Are there other kinds of creatures in your realm? What's that stone around your neck? I want to know everything!"

Sonia held up a hand and sat down at the kitchen table with Sparkler quickly joining her. "One question at a time. To answer the first, the first traces of magic were brought to us from the goddesses. Dinraal, Naydra, and Farore. They blessed the land and created all that inhabit it. They were the ones that created our magic. Although, not everyone can harness it."

"I see. What separates people who can use it and people who can't? What's different?"

"Everyone is born with something inside them. A little magic spark. Some people who are chosen by the goddess are able to ignite that spark and they are given special powers."

Sparkler squeed happily. "Interesting! I love history!"

"To answer your second question, There are many kinds of creatures in our realm but the human-like ones are split into six tribes. There are Hylians, the ones who live in Castle Town. I myself am a Hylian. There are the Rito, who are mixes between bird and human. They live to the northwest in the town of Rito Village."

"Bird-people? Dad never mentioned anything about them!"

"We never really saw any of the other tribes while he was here. Continuing, there are the Gorons who are like living rocks who live northeast on the peaks of Death Mountain. There are the Zora, who are like fish-people living to the east and live in the Zora's Domain. There are the Gerudo who live in the southwest corner of Hyrule in Gerudo town. Finally, there's the Zonai. My own husband and his friend Mineru are Zonai. They've created incredible technological advances in our time!"

Sparkler could say nothing as she was being introduced to this new world. She just stood there wide eyed and mouth opened.

"Finally, Derpy, if you'd like to learn about this stone, I suppose I could tell you both." I nod and come sit down with them. "This is called a Zonai secret stone. Those of us who have goddess given powers use these to enhance our powers. We will soon use them to fight Ganondorf I fear."


"An evil being. He comes from the tribe of the Gerudo. There is only one male born there every 100 years! That man is to be crowned king. He has rallied the Gerudo up against us. I'm staying here tonight but tomorrow night, me and Zelda will bait Ganondorf in an attempt to reveal his true intentions."


"Anyways, we can talk more tomorrow. It is late. One must always get their rest."

Sparkler nodded and hugged Sonia. She walked over and hugged me as well. "Thank you Mom" She whispered into my ear. She ran off to her bed yelling, "Goodnight!"

As the door closed, Sonia chuckled. "She's so cute! Anyways, do you happen to have any spare pillows I can use on this couch?"

"Ridiculous. You're sleeping in my bed tonight. I'm taking the couch."

"No Derpy, I certainly couldn't take you bed away from you," Sonia protested.

I shake my head and point towards my room. "I'll be fine." I smile as Sonia begins to walk towards my room.

She smiles back at me and says, "Thank you for bringing me here tonight Derpy." I nod and she closes the door.

I walk over to the couch and lay my head down on the arm. I've never actually slept on the couch except for that one night when I was too sad to care. I had never noticed how uncomfortable the arm of our couch was. I tossed and turned for about five minutes until I flipped over and realized that someone was watching me.

Sonia held out a pillow to me. "Figured you may want this." I smiled and took the pillow.

"Thank you Sonia. I'm so glad you're here."

She smiled. "Me too, little one."

I sat up. "I'm older than you!"

"Yes but you are littler." She patted me on the head and gave a small chuckle as I scowled. "I'm just messing with you Derpy." She hugged me and went back to her room.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

The next day went by quickly. Sparkler spent as much time talking to Sonia as she could. She never stopped honestly. She seemed really interested in the history of Zonai technology. "Well, maybe I could bring you some devices to research yourself sometime." Sonia had told her.

When it finally came time for Sonia to leave, I practically had to pry her out of Sparkler's hooves.

I handed Sonia a pearl and she said, "Please Derpy. I want you to come back. You can get an answer to that question you had about Ganondorf."

"Which one?"

"What he's trying to do to our society. Besides, if things go south with me and Zelda, we could use your help."

I hesitate for a second and nod. I turned around, not surprised that Sparkler was standing right there. "Hey Sparkler, I'm gonna be gone for a little bit. I don't know how long I'll be gone."

"It shouldn't be too long. We hope to stop Ganondorf tonight. But if not, she should be back tomorrow." Sonia said smiling.

I nod. "Okay. I'll be right back in just a second." I ran into my room and grabbed the pearl box. There was only one left. I slipped my way under my bed and picked up the last box. Another box with another five pearls in it. I picked up an extra one so I could get home. I walked back out into the hallway.

"Alright! I'm ready. Let's go." Sonia nodded and we both stepped on our pearls. The whirlwind emerged from the inside and began spinning as we were suddenly taken off to the land of Hyrule.

* * *

As we landed, Zelda was sitting in Queen Sonia's room poking a screwdriver into a strange device she was holding in her hand. As she saw us land, she ran over to Sonia. "Queen Sonia! I've finished the beam emitter! This will shoot ancient beams just like the ones the sheikah are going to make in a few thousand years!"

I walk over to Zelda. "How do you know what will be made in the future?"

"Zelda is from the future my friend," Sonia interjected. "She is actually from thousands and thousands of years in the future. She wound up here because of an accident in her own time. We are working to find a way to get her back to her own time."

Zelda jumped. "There is that one way you were talking about..."

"No Zelda! I told you! It's forbidden!"

Zelda sighed. "I'll do anything at this point to get back to my own time."

I walk over to Sonia. "So what's this plan you have?"

"This past week, I've been seeing something. A copy. A puppet almost. Of Zelda."

"How do you know?"

"She says things that are very much out of character. She says things that Zelda here has confirmed she's never said. She's asked me to meet her alone on the balcony tonight. We are going to bait her into a trap. While she thinks she's doing the same to us."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Fly overhead. Keep watch. Make sure nothing happens."

I nod and walk over to Zelda. "What's this?"

She smiles. "This is that beam emitter! Take a look." She walked over to the window and carefully aimed the device towards some preset targets she had set up. She clicked a button on the side. The device emitted a strong beam and destroyed the target.

Zelda chuckled as she heard a yell of, "Mineru! For the last time! No shooting things around the castle grounds!" from downstairs followed by cries of outrage from another room claiming innocence."

"Sorry King Rauru!" Zelda yelled.

I laughed with her as the device whirred to a power down. Sonia spoke up from behind us. "She's helped us develop a lot of technology from the future. Honestly, I wonder if the Sheikahs will ever have improved our technology if Zelda hadn't created it."

"But she's from the future! She only knows about it because the Sheikah invented it. Without that, she wouldn't be creating it!" My head began to hurt as the paradoxes set in. "Let's talk about something else."

Sonia nodded. "Is everything in place for tonight?"

Zelda nodded. "We're ready."

"I'm scheduled to meet her right after dinner. Make sure to be excused from dinner a little early. I'm sure she will sneak into the castle somehow to meet with me. That's when we'll spring our trap." Zelda nodded just as we heard Rauru call Sonia and Zelda for dinner.

Zelda looked strong. But for a quick second, I saw something. A shred of panic or something.

Something like that.

* * *

Rauru's face showed confusion. "Is this that other pony you were telling me about when Time Turner came to visit us Sonia? His wife?" Sonia nodded and smiled. "We have enough food for her as well correct?"

Rauru smiled. "Always." He gestured to his staff to bring me a chair. When they had, I sat down at the table as the chefs came out with the food.

The dinner was spectacular. Definitely some of the best food I've ever had. About five minutes into desert, Zelda asked, "May I please be excused? I'd like to finish working on the Zonai cart with Mineru." Rauru nodded and Zelda exited the dining hall.

After the dinner was over, Sonia looked outside to see the moon was already rising. Sonia silently stood up and gestured for me to follow her. She walked over and kissed her husband goodnight. "I'm sorry Rauru. I'm jsut feeling a little tired after traveling through dimensions." She laughed and walked me towards the door.

"It was nice to meet you Derpy!" I heard Rauru call from behind me.

I turn back and say, "You too." I smile and walk with Sonia.

As we are approaching her room, she points out a window in the hallway. "Alright Derpy. Fly out this window and all the way around this room. There's a balcony on the other side. You can't miss it. Hover there and make sure nothing goes wrong."

I nod and jump out the window, letting my wings catch me on the way down. I flapped my way around the tower-like room and towards the balcony. I see Zelda hiding behind a pillar and soon, I watch Sonia walk out onto the balcony.

After about five minutes, I couldn't believe my eyes. A perfect copy of Zelda walked out onto the balcony. I flew a little higher into the sky and pulled myself close to the wall so she couldn't see or hear me. I watch as the scene plays out before me.

"All right, Zelda. We are alone as you requested. What was it you wanted to discuss with me in private?"

I see Zelda chuckle and pull something out of her back pocket. I can't see exactly what it is but I see that it is silver and gold. She stops her slight chuckle and says, "You are far too trusting." She hurls the object at Sonia which is when I see that it is a curved knife of some sort.

Just as I'm about to yell out for Sonia, I see a familiar shade of grey encase the area. The knife begins to glow orange and stops in its place. Sonia turned around with a smile on her face to face "Zelda"

"Oh my. I'm surprised to hear you say such a thing." The fake Zelda stands up out of the stance she used to throw the knife and straightens herself up. "That is quite out of character for the Zelda I know. But then you..." She pauses for a second. "Are a puppet of Ganondorf."

Zelda walks out from behind the pillar with one glowing hand pointing at the knife. I noticed that her secret stone was glowing. Amplifying her powers, I thought. "Did you really think we hadn't realized your deceit?" Zelda closed her hand, sending the knife flying back towards the fake Zelda. She stopped it just as it reached her face and stopped the spell to drop it in front of her.

The fake Zelda did nothing but laugh as she disappeared into a cloud of red and black smoke. Zelda stepped in front of Sonia to protect her from whatever the creature was preparing. But instead, the creature just disappeared into the night sky.

I flew down to them. "You guys did it!"

Zelda nodded and walked over to where the puppet had been. I looked over to her.

We suddenly heard an outcry from behind us and a loud snap. Zelda and I turned back to see Sonia fall to the ground as a large man stood behind her. As she fell, the man grabbed her secret stone and ripped it off of her neck. "Your majesty!" Zelda screamed as she ran over to the queen lying on the ground.

I run down to her and kneel by her side. "Sonia? Can you hear me? Are you all right?"

Zelda begins shaking her. "Oh no! Queen Sonia! Queen Sonia."

The man standing behind Sonia's dead body clutched her secret stone and began laughing.