• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 414 Views, 55 Comments

Stories From a Single Mother - emerald_shine

Let's take a peek into Derpy's life as a single mother.

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Chapter 6: Recall

"We'll need to take care of your daughter here for a few months. It looks like she's gone into a coma-like state. She probably won't wake up for a while. A few days at least. I recommend you both go home and get some rest. You've had a long night."

I walk forward and hug Nurse Redheart. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me! Thank your daughter." She turned to Sparkler. "You were brilliant back there! Ever consider a career in a medical profession?"

Sparkler shook her head. "No. It was just a case of knowing the right spell for the right time. I'm actually a fashion designer!"

Nurse Redheart smiled. "Interesting! You work with Rarity I assume?" Sparkler nodded happily. "Well, I hope that works out. If you ever need a job though, talk to me. I hope you realize that you just saved your sister's life! You're a miracle worker."

With that, Nurse Redheart walked away. I turn to Sparkler. "So, what do you say? You ready to head home?" Sparkler nodded slowly.

Neither of us said much of anything on the way home. I think something was weighing on Sparkler's mind. When we reach the house, we go inside and I grab a broom and begin sweeping the broken glass up off the floor. Sparkler sits on the couch and watches me.

"So what was that spell, Sparkler?"

"It's a spell Dad told me about from another plane. Some sort of time power. He said the spell is called 'Recall' He learned it from a queen on the plane of 'high-rule' I think he called it."

"So what exactly did it do?"

"It's really interesting actually!" She jumped up and began to walk towards me as I swept the broken glass into the dustpan. She aimed her horn directly at the dustpan and cast the same spell. The room grew a dark grey and the glass in the pan and on the floor began to glow orange.

The pieces in the pan jumped out of the pan back onto the floor. "Hey! Why would you do that Sparkler?" She held up her hoof as the spell she had cast continued. The glass regathered itself into a pile looking exactly like it had before I swept it into the pan. It then scattered itself across the floor to where it was before I had ever touched it. The glass then began to clatter around the floor and it gathered itself into little groups.

What happened next was what had surprised me the most. The glass began to rearrange itself and in front of my very eyes, it fused itself back together flawlessly and floated up to the table to return to the separated piles that Sparkler had set out on the table.

The dark grey around us faded as the orange glow dissipated. I stared in awe as Sparkler began breathing heavily. I run over to the table and pick up one of the pieces of glass. It was perfectly intact with no signs of ever having been shattered. And even the tiniest pieces were off of the floor.

I turn to Sparkler who's still breathing heavily. "You okay?"

She takes another deep breath and lets it out. "Yeah. Spells like that at that capacity take it out of me. I just need a second."

"That's crazy! You can reverse time!"

"It's not really reversing time. The trick is to think of it like reaching into the object's memory. You ask the object where it was, how it arrived where it is now, and then you coax it back to that original moment in time"

"Wow! That's spectacular!"

"It's not as hard as it sounds."

I nod. "So, what's on your mind?"

She huffs. "Everything. I have an incoming foal, I'm gonna have a new job, and now I have a little sister who's gonna be in the hospital for months!"

I sigh. "I know it's a lot right now. But I trust that you can figure it all out. Are you gonna be moving to Manehattan any time soon?"

"Not yet. I asked Rarity to keep that spot open for me and she agreed."

"So she knows the situation?"

"Yeah and she understands that I'm gonna have to get used to a new life first and then take a new job."

"And about this Sunrise character..."

"Mom! I don't care if you don't like him! It's my choice!"

I hold up a hoof to silence her. "No. I was going to say, he seems like a nice stallion and I'm happy he will be the father of your foal." I smile at her and feel a sense of happiness as I see her smile back at me. "I'm happy for you Sparkler."

Sparkler said nothing but instead walked forward and hugged me.

"You know, I've been to Hyrule with your father before."

"Wait, Really?"

"Oh it was a long time ago. Before the kingdom was even established. It was a beautiful kingdom with three beautiful goddesses."

Sparkler's eyes widened. If there was one thing she loved more than work, it was history. Especially ancient history. "Really! You met goddesses?"

"Mhmm. Dinraal, Naydra, and Farore."

"Wow! Did you meet Queen Sonia? The one who told dad the spell?"

I smiled. "Actually, yes. But she wasn't a queen yet. She was just a little Hylian girl."

"I need to visit this plane!!!"

"Maybe ask your father next time he's going."

Sparkler nodded and looked back at the stained glass piece. "I got the other pieces from the hospital. I suppose I can still finish that glass."

"That's something for tomorrow, sweetheart. You should head to bed. Rarity will have a cow if you miss another day of work this week."

Sparkler nodded. She began to walk towards the hallway but then turned back around. "Thanks Mom. For everything. You've been so supportive of me the last few days. You've really helped me."

"Of course my little angel."

Sparkler walked towards the hallway and I flopped down on the couch. After a short while, I went to my bedroom. When I entered, I went underneath my bed. I collected a book and found an old dusty album and a small ring box. I began to look through the album.

It was an album with pictures of everywhere me and Time Turner had gone before we had Sparkler. I flipped through page after page. I never realized how many different planes and universes and worlds we had gone to. I laughed as I looked at a picture of a man wearing a familiar striped suit.

Well, man was stretching it. I remembered he was a hilarious demon with short hair. What was his name again? It clicked into my head. "Right. Beetlejuice." I could've sworn I almost heard a small demonic laugh come from somewhere. I laughed a little and continued flipping through the book.

So many different realms. A haunted pizza place with haunted animatronics, a blocky realm full of zombies and weird walking sticks of TNT. But the weirdest of all, was a strange planet filled with humans called "Earth."

I laughed as I remembered the old times. Me and Time Turner would always have so much fun in each place with whoever we met. Somehow, the idea of talking ponies was something they had never conceived. Time Turner even told me he used to be a human himself. That he's like the sixteenth incarnation of himself.

I stopped flipping pages of the album when I came to the one that I was looking for. A picture of a lush green field with wildlife everywhere. Me and TIme Turner stood in this picture next to a small girl with tan skin and pointy ears. A Hylian
I remembered.

I opened the other box and looked inside. There were five pearls there. Each one was blue with a swirling mist inside it. I picked up three of them and walked over to Sparkler's room. I knew she was probably sitting up reading. She always did when she was stressed. I knocked a hoof on the door. Sure enough, without any silent space, she answered, "Come in!"

"Hey Sparky! I'm heading out for a little bit."

"At this time of night? Why?" She jumped up. "Did the doctor call? Is Dinky awake?"

"Unfortunately no. I'm just going somewhere."

"Mhmm. Explanation."

"Fine. I'm going to a different plane."

Sparkler tilted her head. "Why? And how? The TARDIS isn't here! It's with dad!"

"I know. I have my ways!"

"Fine. Whatever you want. Just don't stay gone too long. Dinky could wake up."

I nodded and walked out of her room. I walked back into my room and began preparing a saddlebag. I put two pearls into a safe pocket on the side. They were very fragile and I didn't want them getting broken. At least, not yet. I also packed some apples and a blueberry muffin. I flipped the bag closed and held the other pearl I had taken from the box in my hoof.

I silenced all thoughts in my brain as I put the pearl down on the floor. I began to envision the bright green fields of Hyrule. Just as I remembered them from my trip there. I stepped on the pearl, quietly crunching it under my hoof. I was suddenly encased in a whirlwind that was emitted from the pearl.

My mind goes blank for a second as I get a little dizzy.

When they spinning of the whirlwind stopped, I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me.

A castle. It was giant! Had to be at least 30 stories tall! I also noticed that I wasn't in the middle of a field where I thought I would be. I was in the middle of a town. There were horses pulling carts full of goods. Compared to these horses, it was immediately clear that I was out of place.

I looked towards the castle. Sparkler had said something about "Queen Sonia."

I began to walk towards the castle. I saw nothing out of the ordinary as I went. That was, until I reached the castle gates.

The guards held out their spears. "Halt! Name and allegiance!"

"Derpy. And what?"

"What do you mean what?"

"Allegiance? I'm just here to talk to Queen Sonia."

"You seem rather cartoonish to be from around here."

"It's a long story. Just let me through."

He turned to his partner. "You. Go with the talking horse. Take her straight to Queen Sonia and don't let her out of your sight."

The guard nodded and began to walk towards the castle. I cautiously walked past the guard who was still on guard and ran to catch up with him.

"What's with all of the security?"

"We can't trust anybody. Too many people are secretly aligning themselves with Ganondorf."


"You really aren't from around here are you?"

I shook my head as we walked up to what I assumed was the throne room door. The guard knocked on the door. "Queen Sonia, there's some kind of talking horse here to see you. Don't ask."

I hear the most amazing, beautiful voice on the other side saying. "Send it in please?"

The guard opened the door and the queen turned around to face me. I couldn't believe that this was the same girl I saw as a kid. She wore a beautiful flowing dress and she was so tall. She had strange markings all over her skin and she wore a bright shining stone around her neck. Her face lit up as bright as it could. "Oh my Goddess! It's you!"

The queen let out a squeal of excitement and ran over to embrace me in a hug. "I haven't seen you in like eighteen years!" Where have you been?"


"Ah yes, the fabled land you wouldn't take me to when I was a kid." The queen chuckled a little. "Please come in." She gestured to the guard to leave.

"So, who's Ganondorf?"

The queen jumped a little at the sound of the name. "How do you know about him?"

"I only know his name."

"Long story. He supposedly pledged his allegiance to the kingdom of Hyrule but I can tell he has ulterior motives."

I nod. "Politics. Never my strong suit. Seems you've done pretty well for yourself."

Sonia smiled and sat down on a stool. "When I was about twenty years old, I met my husband Rauru. We proceeded to found a kingdom! I must say, it's a good thing you didn't take me away from here like I asked when I was younger."

I smiled. "So what's with the stone?"

Sonia shook her head. "I'm sorry. I can't tell you. The powers held in this stone are not supposed to be shared with anyone. You know, when your husband was here a few weeks ago, he told me that you were done with traveling."

I shake my head. "I had to come and see you. In fact, I have a request to make of you."

Sonia smiled. "Whatever it is, I can guarantee-"

Sonia was cut off by the entrance of a girl. She was younger for certain but she almost looked related to her. She burst into the room holding a strange pad in her hand. "Queen Sonia!!! Mineru and I have figured out exactly how to get the travel function working on the Purah Pad! I can't believe-"

The girl stopped as she laid eyes on me. "What's that?"

"Zelda, I would like you to meet Derpy Hooves. She is a very old friend of mine."

The girl who I assumed was named Zelda took my hoof in her hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry to interrupt."

Sonia smiled warmly towards Zelda. "It's okay princess. Now, continue Derpy."

"I need you to come visit Equestria with me!"

"Wow! That's quite the request. Any particular reason?"


I took a deep breath and began my story. "It's a long story. My daughter-"

"You have a daughter!" Sonia exclaimed interrupting me.

"Two actually." Sonia put her hand to her mouth in an apologetic way for interrupting me. "Anyways, she accidentally got pregnant and has had a lot on her mind lately. Then, she left a bunch of glass she was staining on the table and her sister ended up getting hurt by it. The younger sister is in the hospital now. Sparkler saved her sister by using your recall spell on a piece of glass that was stuck in her sister's heart. She told me that Time Turner had told her about it like you had told him. She said how much she would love to meet you and I think it could be a great way to show my appreciation for her saving my daughter."

"Seems reasonable. I think I can get away for a couple days."

"Queen Sonia?" Zelda raised her hand. "What about Ganondorf?"

"I think you, Mineru, and Rauru can manage for a few days."

Zelda smiled and nodded.

Queen Sonia turned to me. "Let's do this! How are we getting there?"

Author's Note:

I swear I'm not going all multiverse here. I've planned this specific interaction since the beginning and believe it or not, it will tie into the story.

I have a challenge, if you can find every single reference I've packed into this chapter, comment it. I want to see how well-known some of these references are :)

Thanks for reading so far! We are just getting started.