• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 417 Views, 55 Comments

Stories From a Single Mother - emerald_shine

Let's take a peek into Derpy's life as a single mother.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Conflicts and Secrets

I couldn't decide.

I know he cheated on me. But I couldn't take my mind off of the fact that he had every opportunity there to continue an affair with Roseluck. I was shocked at how he turned her down. I was mean to him, rude, and I made it very clear I didn't want him around at the time.

Yet, he still wants to stay here. The only thing I could ask myself was, Why?

This was the question that plagued my mind for the next week. Even as I did my daily activities, I was still thinking about what I had seen on the camera.

There was only one answer in my mind. I was going to have to put it into action.

* * *

"Hey Sparkler, can you do me a favor?"

Sparkler was busy scribbling on designs and order sheets simultaneously. She screamed and threw half of the papers on the floor and turned to me. "Sorry about that. I'll pick them up. I've just been really frustrated at all of this damn paperwork."

"Language, Sparkler."

She sighed and bent down to pick up her papers. "Sorry Mom. Rarity has me doing the finances and when I told her that our sponsors wouldn't pay for the literal tons of gems she wants to use in these designs. They set her a budget and now she has me figuring out what to cut from the designs without making them look absolutely bland!"

I hiss a little. "Sounds rough."

Sparkler nods. "Yeah." She straightens the papers against the table and set them down in a stack. "What did you need?"

Now that I saw how busy she was, I felt a little bad asking her for extra work. "Would you mind watching Dinky tomorrow? I'm gonna be busy."

She stares at me blankly. "I...guess? What are you doing?"

"I have some online training junk I have to do so I'm gonna be stuck in my room all day."

"Yeah. I guess. I'll have to get a day off from Rarity. She's usually pretty easy going so I should be able to do that."

"If she's so easy going, then why all the frustration?"

"Just because she's easy going on me, doesn't mean I'm very easy going on myself."

I nod. "Fair enough. Thanks!"

Sparkler nodded. She walked over to the front door. I step in front of her. "Hold on! Where are you going?"

"Week's been up for like two days now mom. I need to stop at the marketplace for something. It's really really important to me."

"What do you need? I was already gonna head to the marketplace. I can pick it up for you so you can keep working."

Her face goes beet red. "I-It's n-nothing. I don't really need it that bad anyways." She gives a nervous chuckle and casts her glance to the side.

I cross my hooves. "Sparkler, what are you hiding from me?"

She looks down. "I-It's really nothing."

"Mhmm. Sure. I'm going to the marketplace. I have to pick up a few things for tomorrow. See ya later."

I hear a small sigh of relief from Sparkler as I close the door. What could that filly possibly be up to?

* * *

When I got home that night, I was ready for the next day. I did finally manage to have a word with Rainbow Dash at the marketplace about selling my 16 year old daughter alcohol. Not necessarily a pleasant conversation. But now I was ready. I was going to sit in my room all day and watch the cameras. I was going to make sure that Time Turner didn't fall.

By the time morning came, I was already up, watching. I heard as Sparkler told Dinky not to bother me today because I was really busy. I could hear them enjoying the blueberry muffins I had set out the day before. I heard as Dinky left for school. Strangely enough, I think Sparkler left with her. That's definitely weird but I had more things to watch out for.

I never really understood exactly how long it took for the TARDIS to travel. Now I understood why he was always gone for so long. I waited all day for something to happen. They just kind of went about their business as normal. I heard their conversation as they sat down at the breakfast table.

"We should be docking today. I hope you're ready."

"Well don't hope too much." Rose rolled her eyes a little. "Hope can easily be crushed."

"Come now, Rose. It's been a week. Get over it. I'm sorry but I'm married and I can't just go around fucking anypony I feel like."

"That wasn't a concern for you a couple months ago."

"That was a mistake and you know it."

Rose looked down. "Whatever." She stood up from the table and went off to her room.

Time Turner huffed after her door was closed. I heard him mutter, "That mare can be so damn foalish sometimes." He rolled his eyes and continued eating.

I smiled again as I realized that Rose wasn't going to get her way. Maybe Time Turner was really truly sorry for what he had done. I jumped as I heard somepony walk through the door. I called out, "Who's there?"

"It's just me mom! I went to the marketplace for a few things!"

I sighed. I knew I would never find out what was in the bag she brought home.

* * *

I continued to watch the cameras all day. No more notable events happened until the night time. Sure, they played chess a little. Now I know how Time Turner practices while I'm away. Rose was actually pretty good. I did notice that Time Turner spent a lot of time just staring at the picture on the table.

He often sighed or just stared at it. I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of recent events or if he did this every time he was away. I suppose it was a good way to cope with missing us. Outside my door, I could hear a lot of differnt tones of voices. But one conversation I heard stood out to me.

"Sparky, why won't you play with me?"

"I'm really busy right now Dinks."

"But you're just watching tv!"

"I have a lot on my mind right now Dinks. Wanna come watch with me?"

"No thanks."

I could hear hooves that I assumed were Dinky's go through the hallway and I heard a door close. What is wrong with her? I couldn't understand why Sparkler was suddenly being so dismissive towards Dinky. She had never turned down an opportunity to play with her little sister.

I saw as a blob of white appeared on my screen and realized that Rose was here. She walked over to Time Turner and said, "I know you've made it explicitly clear that you'd rather be with Derpy. But I just wanted to stop by and see if you're sure?" She flicked her tail at him flashing something he clearly didn't want to see. I know I sure didn't. I could only think That's a dirty trick, Rose!

His face turned red and he said. "Rose! I told you no! Please leave me alone. We're docking in like an hour and I still need some time to think."

She huffed. "You've been staring at that damn picture for like three hours! Are you sure there's nothing you want to do?" I watched as she walked over to Time Turner and she pressed her lips to his. He let out a muffled protest and pushed her away.

"Rose! That is it! You've been hitting on me this whole trip despite my constant attempts to tell you not to! So here it is! I'm putting all of my cards on the table. If you don't stop this, then you're fired!"

She crossed her hooves. "What's your problem? You weren't like this a couple months ago!"

"No Rose! What's your problem? I've made it so clear that I'm not interested! Have you ever heard the saying 'if you play with fire, you'll probably get burned?' Well guess what? I played with fire! I got burned! I'm done! So please leave me the hell alone!"

She crossed her hooves. "Fine."


"Yeah! Fine. But, how about I tell the entire town that you cheated on your wife? How about I tell them all-"

"That you caused it?"

"What?" Rose stopped short.

"If you tell everypony that I cheated on Derpy, then I'll tell them all that you're a motherfucking HOMEWRECKER!"

Rose stared at him blankly. She had nothing else to say. And both me and Time Turner knew it. "Screw you Time Turner!" She walked back towards her room and slammed the door.

Time Turner called back, "That's kind of how we got into this mess dumbass!" He huffed and went back to looking at the picture on the table.

I laughed. I know I shouldn't have but it was just so damn hilarious watching Rose get shut down like that. I closed the laptop for the first time in almost 24 hours. I think I might be okay with letting him stay. Of course, I'm gonna keep him under constant surveillance, but I think that this could still work out.

I flipped over onto my side and closed my eyes. Before I drifted off to sleep, I whispered, "I forgive you Time Turner."

* * *

"I'm proud of you Derpy."

In my dream,I found myself standing in the middle of the same field I was a few nights ago. Princess Luna was once again standing in front of me. "For what,Princess?"

"For forgiving him. I've actually visited Rose's dream tonight. I can't share too many details but I can tell you that she even feels a little regret for what she did."

I put a hoof to my chin. "Interesting. How's Sparkler?"

Luna sighed and looked down sadly. "Unfortunately, she seems worse than she was a week ago."

"Yeah. I could hear her a little through my door today. Something's off with her."

"You think something bad happened?"

"Princess, she turned down playing with her sister to watch tv instead! That's something she's never EVER done! Something's wrong. I can feel it."

Luna nodded. "She'll come to you when she's ready. I'm going to leave you now and go visit her dream. I wish you the best of luck my friend."

I don't know why, but I felt a warm sense of happiness when she called me her friend. Not many people did that. It made me feel good. "Have a good night Princess!"

Luna nodded. "You as well, Derpy." With that, she disappeared in a flash of light.

I suddenly felt mostly at ease. I laid down in the field and just watched the clouds go by. Everything was going to be just fine.

Until I woke up....

* * *

When I woke up, I quickly got Dinky up. I opened Sparkler's door to wake her up. I quickly noticed that she wasn't in her bed. "Sparkler!" I called out.

"In here!"

The voice came from the kitchen. I came out of the hallway to see Sparkler sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. "What's got you up so early?"

Sparkler cast a glance to the side. "W-Work."

Instead of crossing my hooves like I normally would, I walked over to her and spoke softly. "What's wrong my little Sparkle?"

"N-Nothing." I could've sworn I saw a small tear come from her eyes.

"Okay then, If there's ever anything you want to talk about, just let me know." I stood up and walked over to the cabinet to pick up a pan. I grabbed the eggs out of the fridge.I put the pan on the oven and began to preheat it. I threw some butter in the pan and began to spread it around as a sleepy-eyed Dinky walked sleepily into the room.

She yawns. "Good morning Mommy!"

"Good morning Snowflake!"

I crack the eggs into a nearby bowl and begin to whisk them. I pour the beaten eggs into the pan and begin to move them around with a spatula. I watched as Dinky tapped Sparkler's still hoof.

"Hey Sparky! Wanna go to the park after school?"

Sparkler stared blankly at the pan and then shook her head as if she were snapping out of a trance. "Uh... Yeah Dinks. Sure."

"Are you okay, Sparky?"

She slowly nods her head. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

I finish cooking the eggs and put them onto three separate plates. I bring the plates over to the table and sit down with my daughters. I set a plate down in front of each of them and then sit back down at my own plate. "So girls, I was thinking that maybe later we could go catch a movie? What do you guys think?"

Dinky hops up and jumps up and down. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Well, that's a yes from Dinky. What about you Sparkler?"

Sparkler begins using her fork to push the eggs slowly around on her plate. I receive no words to my question. Just a slow nod.

The next fifteen minutes passed by silently. Sparkler never ate anything. She just continued to push the eggs around on her plate. Eventually, the time came for Dinky to leave for school. I waved goodbye to her as she walked backwards down the driveway. "Dinky! I've told you a hundred times! Don't do that! You're gonna get hurt!"

Dinky laughed and turned around. She ran across the street and towards the schoolhouse. I went back inside and closed the door. "That filly is gonna end up getting herself killed!" I walked back over to the purple young mare who was still blankly staring at her plate and pushing the eggs around on it. "Alright, spill. What's wrong?"

Sparkler's expression turned from blank to frustrated. "I told you! Nothing!" I quickly noticed that her voice was no longer quivering as it was earlier.

I sigh. "Sparkler! You can talk to me! Whatever is wrong, I'll be there for you. I know-"


My expression switches to confusion. "What?"

Sparkler claps her hooves over her mouth. "I'm so sorry mom! I just... You don't... You wouldn't..." Her voice is constantly breaking as she tries to switch her sentence. "You just wouldn't understand." We sit in silence for a second. "I'm gonna be late for work."

She gets up and grabs her saddlebag. She walks over to the door and walks outside. Before she closes the door, I call out, "Have a good day at work."

Sparkler looks back at me and then closes the door. I stand in the hallway for a couple minutes. I just couldn't understand what was wrong. As I turned around to head towards the laundry room, I heard the door open behind me. I swiftly swivel around and look back to see Sparkler standing there with tears in her eyes.


She runs forward and collapses into my arms. "Oh no! Sweetheart what's wrong?"


"Come on, you can do it."

"I'm pregnant."

Author's Note:

Ngl. I got a little emotional writing that last part. I can only imagine the stress that Sparkler is under, not knowing whether or not her mom is going to leave her dad, and it made me a little sad to write this part. Cause things are about to get even more stressful for that poor mare. :heart:

Also, weird thing, I was listening to the "Beetlejuice: The musical" Soundtrack while writing this. Just thought it was an interesting piece of information. idk. It took me literally the whole thing to write this. I was writing the last word on the final beat drop lol!