• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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Sweets & Treats

Hook: A pony who loves desserts hosts a baking competition.

Story #317
Title: Sweets & Treats
Keyword: Sweet
Characters: Plumsweet, Sweetberry, Cotton Candy, Triple Treat, Port-o-bella, Tropical Storm

Yawning with her mouth closed is perhaps the most important skill Port-o-bella ever learned. The so-called actor chatting her up has a résumé about as impressive as playing a rock in a school play – and a personality almost as dull. She looks at her watch and excuses herself from the conversation.

She scans the room as she grabs a dessert from the refreshment table. There’s a healthy mix of has-beens and never-weres, but so far the actors and actresses attracted to this open audition have failed to impress. She sighs and eats her brownie.

“Great choice! Those are super good! I’ve had like five of them already!”

“I should hope so, I baked them myself,” she replies.

“In that case, my compliments to the chef!” The plump white earth pony helps herself to a sizeable piece of raspberry cheesecake. “Are you the caterer?”

She quirks an eyebrow. For an actress to not recognize her is surprising, and more than mildly amusing. “Not exactly. Though I do know my way around the kitchen.”

“It shows. Did you make this cheesecake too?” The generous slice she grabbed has already completely disappeared into her mouth. “This is totally the best cheesecake I’ve ever had! I like the way the raspberries are blended into the cheese instead of being piled up on top. That gets so messy, and then I end up wearing half of it.”

“I did.” Port-o-bella beams. “Your enthusiasm is refreshing. I didn’t catch your name?”

“Oh! I’m terribly sorry! Where have my manners gone? I’m Plumsweet!”

“Well, Plumsweet, I think you’re just the pony we’re looking for.”

Plumsweet gulps. “Uh, I’m sure I can explain… Wait, why were you looking for me?”

“We’re looking for an actress to host our new cooking program. As the only pony here to pay attention to the food, you’ve proven to be the most qualified for the job.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not an actress. I just smelled the food and saw the sign saying ‘come in’ so I uh, came in and helped myself.”

“Splendid! This is an ‘open’ audition after all. Acting experience isn’t necessary. Tropical!” She waves to a mint green pegasus, who trots over. “This is Tropical Storm. She’s our director.”

After pleasantries, Plumsweet is whisked away by the legal team to sign a contract. The director stays behind to complain.

“You’re not giving me much to work with.”

“Tropical, dear, I’ve seen your movies. Don’t ruin her natural charm. You’re known for flat, one-dimensional characters and unbelievably large explosions. I daresay she’s more real than the protagonists of your last three films combined.”

“Hey, those three films made over $500,000,000 between them.”

“Three-quarters of which was on the first film. Otherwise you probably wouldn’t have taken this job.”

Tropical Storm interviews the contestants, starting with Triple Treat. The purple earth pony is watching television in her dressing room.

“How do you like your odds of winning?” Tropical Storm shoves a microphone in front of the mare.

“As long as Sweetberry doesn’t make her famous caramel brownies, I’ve got this in the bag.”

Tropical Storm bursts into Cotton Candy’s dressing room without so much as knocking, camera crew right behind her. The camera crew pans around the room, hoping to catch her in an unprepared state, but the pink mare is relaxing on the couch. She pushes some strands of blue and pink mane out of her eyes and put down the magazine she was reading. “Can I help you all?”

Tropical Storm clears her throat. “We’re here for a pre-competition interview. You look like you’re ready to go.”

“Of course. I got ready hours ago.”

“Sounds like you’re well-prepared! The competition doesn’t know what they’re up against.”

“Sweetberry and Triple Treat stop by my café all the time, so they know what they’re up against. They both go to Canterlot University, right down the road.”

“Aren’t you the least bit scared that might give them an edge?”

“How so?” Cotton Candy nervously flicks her tail.

“They’ve sampled your goods.”

Cotton Candy giggles. “You had me going there for a second. I’m not worried about that. Everypony in Equestria knows the Cotton Candy Café is the number one place to eat in Canterlot. I talked with the girls when we found out we’d be competing against each other. They’ve both agreed to keep my café well-stocked for the next year with their own treats. I’ve already arranged an advertising campaign to invite everypony in to make a decision for themselves. I’m not really all that concerned with winning – as you can see I’ll benefit no matter the outcome.”

“Signing contracts with naïve college students. Now that’s a shrewd businessmare right there. That’s what years of experience does to a pony – uses the idealism of youth against them.”

“But that’s not…” Tropical Breeze and her entourage blow out of the room as quickly as they arrived. “…what I’m trying to do.” Cotton Candy looks around at the devastation the pegasus’ brief visit has wrought. Papers are scattered, her dresser has been ransacked, and an end table is upended, all while she’d been distracted answering questions. “Tropical Storm’s aptly named.”

“There’s no drama with these three.” Tropical Storm paces around Port-o-bella’s office. “They all know and like each other. I tried to catch them by surprise, but not a one of them is primping or obsessing. They’re all just lounging around their rooms waiting for the show to start.”

“Well, then make some drama,” Port-o-bella responds. “Get them angry at each other. Throw them off their groove.”

“I’ll do what I do best. Shake things up a little.”

“Whoa up there a second. Do not do what you do best. No explosions. Am I clear?”

“Am I really on television?” Plumsweet asks. She cranes her neck forward until her snout is bumping against the video camera.

“Not yet. We’re going to do some editing before this gets broadcast.” Tropical Storm looks at the mare in front of her. “A lot of editing.”

Port-o-bella facehoofs. This isn’t going well at all.

Tropical Storm once more barges into Sweetberry’s dressing room uninvited. “What are you planning on making?”

“I’m trying something a little different today. Mint chocolate chip cookies. Never made them before, and this seems like as good a time as any to try something new.”

“That’s disappointing. I heard some other ponies talking about how good your caramel brownies are and I was really hoping to try some.”

Sweetberry frowns. “I don’t want to be known as a one-hit wonder. Besides, everypony loves those. It wouldn’t be fair to Triple Treat or Cotton Candy if I whipped them up.”

“Not to try and change your mind or anything, but you do realize this is a competition, right? The whole point is to win, and if your caramel brownies are a surefire win, that’s really what you should be making.”

Sweetberry bites her bottom lip. “Well… if you really think that’s what I should do.”


Tropical Storm bursts into Triple Treat’s dressing room. “Bad news, Triple Treat. Sweetberry has indeed decided to make her caramel brownies. I guess you’ll just have to step things up a notch or two if you want to win.”

“I’ll step it up three notches, or my name isn’t Triple Treat.”

“That’s the spirit! You’re going to kick some flank.”

Plumsweet stands on the stage, with three bakers and their exquisite desserts. Sweetberry’s caramel brownies are simple but scrumptious, Cotton Candy’s whipped up a simply divine blueberry cheesecake, and Triple Treat’s managed to combine chocolate chip cookies, lollipops, and ice cream into one dessert that’s more delicious than such an abomination has any right being.

She’s thankful that judging them isn’t her job – there are a trio of judges who get to make that decision. All she has to do is smile and interview the winner. She even gets to sample the goods. Heck, they’re paying her to sample the goods!

Plumsweet eagerly takes the envelope with the judge’s choice. She opens it, and each judge has picked a different dessert, resulting in a three-way tie.

[CHOICE]It’s up to the host to break the tie. Who’s it going to be?

>Choose? No way. Plumsweet exits, stage right. (chaos)

Plumsweet decides that rather than choosing a winner, she’ll milk it for all it’s worth. (villain)

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