• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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Love Or Something Like It

Hook: Heart Throb is a hopeless romantic, and now she’s turned her sights on you.

Story #258
Title: Love Or Something Like It
Keyword: Lovesick
Characters: Heart Throb, Sundance, Sweet Stuff

It’s a pleasant day in Paradise Estate. No ancient evils have popped up today, so you’re spending your time playing soccer with Heart Throb, Sundance, and Sweet Stuff. Two on two, the first team to 21 points wins.

Sweet Stuff’s a timid earth pony, and she’s reluctant to join your game at first. The last time she played with anyone, the seaponies used her as a goalpost. Only after multiple assurances that you truly want her to play does she finally relent.

Sundance is a clumsy earth pony who can leap further than anypony else. She loves playing games and having fun.

Heart Throb’s a pink pegasus who’s a hopeless romantic who used to chase all the colts when she was a filly. You still remember the time she was infatuated with 4-Speed, constantly kissing him on the playground until he climbed a tree to get away from her. She’s matured, especially after Prince Charming showed up in Ponyland and broke her heart. But she’s still seeking her one true love and having no luck.

It’s you and Heart Throb versus Sundance and Sweet Stuff. It’s not much of a contest. Heart Throb and yourself keep scoring points. You’re both more surefooted than Sundance, and more confident than Sweet Stuff. While you’ve made good on your promise not to use Sweet Stuff as the goal, it hasn’t miraculously made her into a good player. Likewise, taking advantage of Sundance’s stumbling around is too easy.

Not that they can’t score when they’re focused. Sundance’s jumps are a force to be reckoned with, and Sweet Stuff has an annoying habit of sneaking through your defenses, almost as if she’s used to dodging other ponies all the time. Still, even without a mercy rule in effect, with the score 16 to 5, you decide to take it easy on them, allowing them to build up their own score and mount a comeback. It helps build up Sweet Stuff’s confidence, though Sundance is still clumsy more often than not.

The game ends when Heart Throb scores the twenty-first and final point, faking out Sundance and bucking the ball past her into the goal. The final score isn’t as lopsided as it was earlier in the match: 21 to 16, and Sundance and Sweet Stuff concede defeat gracefully. Heart Throb and you celebrate your victory, bumping hooves with the losers, then dancing in joy. As the others trot away, Heart Throb kisses you.

You blink in surprise, and Heart Throb blushes. “Sorry for being so forward. That was a good game and I got a little carried away. But I really do think this calls for a celebration. Would you like to go out for dinner later?” Her romantic intentions are clear, as she brushes a hoof against your leg and flutters her eyelashes.


>Yes! (hero)

No, I think we’re better off just being friends. (chaos)

No, break her heart into crackly little pieces. (villain)

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