• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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Where Everypony Knows Your Name

Hook: Fizzy the G1 unicorn shows up at Trotter’s looking for Fizzy Glitch.

Story #280
Title: Where Everypony Knows Your Name
Keyword: Trotters
Characters: Fizzy Glitch, Fizzy (G1 unicorn), Green Apple, Wysteria

It’s Friday night, and Trotter’s is packed with ponies of all generations. Barley Tender and Caramel Malt are busy trying to set the timeline right, so Green Apple and Wysteria are substituting for them, respectively. Wysteria is zipping here and there, seating patrons and taking orders. It’s noisy in the bar, and a green unicorn slips past her unnoticed, taking a seat at the bar.

“What can I get you?” Green Apple asks.

“Root beer float. Extra whipped cream, hold the cherry.”

“Coming right up!”

Green whips up the drink and has it in front of the newcomer moments later. She takes a sip, smiling appreciatively. “So I hear you’ve got a Fizzy around these parts.”

“Fizzy Glitch. She’s over there.” Green Apple points to the center of the room, where the normally bubbly kirin is sitting silently with Pinkie Pie, Gabby, and Silverstream.

The unicorn chugs her drink, and licks the whipped cream off her snout. She leaves several bits on the counter. “Keep the change.” She walks through the crowded bar, dodging ponies and other creatures.

Pinkie Pie snorts as she finishes another story. “That’s why oatmeal cookies will never, ever be served at Sugarcube Corner ever again. Nopety-nope!”

Silverstream and Gabby giggle, while Fizzy Glitch just stares into the bottom of her empty glass of cider, lost in thought.

“Hey.” Everyone at the table turns to look at the newcomer. “I hear you’re Fizzy.”

“Yup, I’m Fizzy Glitch! And you are?”

“Fizzy. Just Fizzy.” The unicorn squeals in delight. “I guess that makes us twinsies!” She smooshes herself against Fizzy Glitch while Pipp Petals livestreams it to the internet.

“Hey! I’m also Fizzy. Fizzy Pop.” A purple G3 earth pony introduces herself.

“Interesting. I’m Fizzlepop Berrytwist,” adds a unicorn with a broken horn. “But you can call me Tempest Storm.” Despite her friendly demeanor, her imposing figure causes the other ponies around her to back away slowly.

Fizzy Glitch sighs. With everything going wrong she had hoped to ask Pinkie Pie for advice. Opening the Book of All Stories had been a mistake, one that she’s now desperate to rectify. With Pinkie’s expertise on breaking the fourth wall, she’s the pony most likely to be able to help. But dealing with the hyperactive party planner all evening has taken all of her energy, and she doesn’t have the time or patience to deal with this bubbly unicorn. Worst of all, now this interloper has made it so she isn’t even the only Fizzy at Trotter’s anymore. It’s too much for her to deal with at the moment, and she’s not about to let herself be replaced. “There can be only one Fizzy!”

Unicorn Fizzy giggles. “I had the name first.” She sticks her tongue out at the others, teasing them.

“Hey, there’s nothing to get upset over.” Rainbow Dash puffs out her chest and spreads her wings. “Look at me, I’m named after this awesome mare right here!” She puts a wing around a similarly-colored earth pony who’s dressed in style, as always.

“Really, darling, you’ve made my name yours, and I couldn’t be prouder. Rainbow is such a darling name, and such a common one, too.”

“I’m Rainbow Flash,” pipes up a pinkish-purple unicorn.

“Rainbowshine,” adds a pegasus.

“And I’m Island Rainbow.”

Despite their best efforts, the others aren’t helping deescalate the situation. Fizzy Glitch looks to be two seconds away from going nirik, while unicorn Fizzy is spewing bubbles from her horn.

Applejack takes a shot at calming things down. “Hey now, there’s no need to get upset over names. Even I have a fellow Applejack. Two of them, actually.” She stands up and gestures to the silly G1 pony and red G3 earth pony sitting on either side of her.

“Some names even transcend franchises.” A hovercraft parked outside transforms into a giant robot. “I’m Seasprrrrraaaaay. Allow me to introduce my friends: Seaspray, Seaspray, and Seaspray.”

“Shoo-be-doo-shoo-shoo-be-doo.” A G1 seapony sings from a bowl held by the robot as a blue G3 earth pony and a G4 hippogriff jump off the robot’s shoulders.

“Of course, if you really want overkill…” Pinkie Pie shouts, “Hey, Minty!”

A quarter of the ponies in the bar turn to look at her, all of them green. Some have clovers on their flanks, while other have mint candies. Many of them are wearing socks. They all giggle.

“If you think Minty’s a common name, allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sunny Rays.” A yellow pegasus with suns on her flank zips around the room. “And this is Sunny Starscout, this is Sunny Daze, over here’s Mayor Sunny Skies, and here’s another Sunny Daze…” She pauses and points to a human. “Oh, and this is Sunni Westbrook.”

“Hey, having a unique name isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I’m the only Whizzer here with good reason. Though even my name could be worse…” The pink pegasus looks over to a yellow earth pony with a pineapple cutie mark.

“Please don’t make me say it.” Cheeks red in embarrassment, the G1 earth pony slumps to the table in defeat as all eyes are on her. “I’m Tootie Tails.”

“Hey! As awful as it is, at least you have a real name,” shouts a Filly Guide, as she hops onto one of the tables. “I’ve been called Thin Mint, Ginger Snap, and Tag-A-Long. I don’t even know what my name is!”

“Let’s not even get started on dragon names,” grumbled Spike.

“I’ve told you all to call me ‘Master Kenbroath Gilspotten Heathspike’ to avoid confusion.”

Hitch Trailblazer chuckles. “This is why I named my baby dragon Sparky.”

The bar is crowded. Everypony has an opinion, and many of them have been voiced. A pair of Raritys sit together, watching the chaos. The silly pink G3 filly unicorn looks on with interest, giggling madly. The elegant G4 fashionista Rarity sips at her drink and wishes she’d ordered a double. The two Raritys are as different as night and day, yet they adore one another.

Fizzy and Fizzy Glitch are still eyeing one another warily. Both are normally bubbly, fun-loving, and happy-go-lucky. It shouldn’t be hard to talk them down from the edge. Wysteria’s new to customer service, but the last thing she wants is for anything to happen to Trotter’s on her watch. Especially not to Fizzy Glitch, a friend of the proprietor’s. She used to be a princess, so she has some experience solving problems. She thinks for a minute, then asks Green Apple whip up the mares’ favorite drinks.

Wysteria clinks a spoon on her own glass of apple cider. “Let’s have a drink. A toast! To the Fizzys!”

The two mares grab their beverages, never looking away from one another.


>The two Fizzys get distracted and forget what they were arguing about. (chaos)

G1 Fizzy knows when she’s not wanted. (villain)

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