• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: New Development

Following Axel's return to the main castle, and having his first outing with Roxas and Xion while Seras helped them out, the group found that Saix started to send them out on different missions, often on their own because the amount of members in the Organization had gone down. Seras knew that this made sense for Xemnas and his allies, as there were now three Keyblade wielders in their group and that meant they could collect hearts much quicker than before, even though Sombra was out there, using her power to steal those hearts for her growing power. Of course the plan was to overload the stream of hearts so that there could only be one Nobody for Sombra to follow, as there was no way she could be in multiple places at the same time, and Seras knew that Sombra admitted it, at least while she was in the Realm of Light, because for some reason when she was in the Darkworld her power could touch multiple worlds. Sombra, to her credit, only snatched hearts after following one of them to the world that they were working on, whether it was shadowing Roxas in Twilight Town, watching Xion in Agrabah or Deep Jungle, or fighting beside Seras when the Dusks weren't watching.

Of course Sombra kept herself busy as Xemnas continued to send the now leaderless High Ranks after her, where Seras watched as she didn't even strike them down when they found her across the worlds, rather she simply smiled and used her power to create illusions of herself to keep her pursuers distracted. She also knew that Sombra had found, talked to, and even recruited Ansem the Wise into their ranks, which wasn't even a surprise at this point since her friend was building a plan and wanted to stack the chess board in preparation for the battles against Xemnas and Master Xehanort. Sure, Seras had no idea what the true Ansem the Wise could bring to the table, but even if there was nothing he could offer them she knew that keeping him safe meant that their enemies couldn't use him, or whatever knowledge he had, against their side. It just reminded her that Sombra was someone that couldn't be taken lightly, because her intelligence and ability to plan was part of the reason that she was such a feared figure back on their home world, and why she wanted to be on Sombra's side by the end of things.

In addition to that Seras was happy that both of her friends seemed to be doing well in the Gummi Ship, as Larxene and Marluxia had dropped the coat of the Organization after learning that they were just pawns in Master Xehanort's game, as they were now free to live their lives however they wanted.

From what she knew Larxene had raged quite a lot when she and Marluxia were told that most of what they had been told was a lie, that they could, in fact, gain a heart on their own, just like Sombra was sure that Seras, Roxas, and even Xion were in the process of doing. It was no wonder that her friends dropped their coats, because Xemnas had lied to them about all sorts of things, and now they needed to figure out what to do with their lives, since they were free to do whatever both of them wanted and could even leave if they so desired. Sombra wasn't forcing them to do anything, rather she wanted them to decide for themselves, which was a nice change of pace for someone like her, though Seras wasn't surprised to find both of her friends outside the ice cream shop in Twilight Town a few times. Marluxia was wearing a white shirt that was under a gray vest and a blue pair of pants, while Larxene opted for a black pair of pants that ended in yellow tips, which looked like the tips of lightning, with a black shirt, but Seras was happy to see that the pair were fine after everything they had been through.

Of course they had to be careful to avoid detection from the Organization and the Dusks, but that wasn't going to be hard since Radiant and Sombra had crafted a special crystal amulet, which looked ordinary to observers, that actually shrouded their presence from their former allies, so they could use the Dark Corridors freely.

"So, how long are you going to remain in the Organization?" Larxene asked, as she knew that Seras intended on working with them for a time, to make sure the way out for Roxas, Xion, and Axel was open, and potentially anyone else she might convince to leave without revealing her true intentions, but she figured she'd ask the question anyway.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. There's a lot of work to do, so I'll probably be among their number for a few weeks, maybe a few months at the latest." Seras replied, where she raised her ice cream and bit into it, just like Larxene and Marluxia did as they sat on one of the roofs in the train area, one that was out of sight and out of mind, and she knew they would be unseen from the clock tower, so it was unlikely Roxas or Xion would see the pair, "Really, it all depends on Sombra and her overall plan. What will you guys do while I continue to work with the Organization?"

"For now we will train with Sombra, for there are... issues we need to work through." Marluxia answered, because Larxene had a lot of anger to burn away after discovering that they were just pawns to their boss and someone who seemed to jump from one body to another, given how Aqua told them that Master Xehanort had taken over her friend's body before some things happened, "After that... we shall see."

Seras nodded as she heard fighting and glanced over the ledge of the roof, finding that Roxas and Xion taking down a pair of Wyverns on their own, showing that they had grown quite well, causing her to wish her friends well before descending on another flying Heartless, taking it out in no time as well. Other than that she found that there was no reason for her to get involved with the battle, both of the other Nobodies were doing just fine on their own and that meant they could likely handle whatever Saix threw at them next. Of course Roxas and Xion were happy to see her, even though neither needed her help, and she made sure to buy a few more bars of ice cream for them before she headed back to the castle, but not before making sure that Larxene and Marluxia were ready to depart for some time. After that she headed back to the castle and reported her success to their superiors, since she had completed her own mission ahead of time and took a bit of a break, where the stern Saix just nodded his head and let her go about her business.

The following day they had an interesting mission to do, Seras and Xion were being teamed up with Demyx, of all people, and they were sent out to a portion of Traverse Town that they usually never went to, the beach for some reason, or at least one that was far from the actual town, so they didn't have to worry about people seeing them.

"Man, I don't know why I'm being sent out to fight the Heartless... I can't do anything against them." Demyx commented, where he looked at the sand that was around them and realized that he was basically worthless in a fight, there was next to nothing he could offer that would aid the Keyblade wielders, while he knew Xibgar had been sent out with Roxas.

"Come on, don't say that. I'm sure we can find something for you to do in a fight." Seras replied, though as she said that a number of Heartless appeared in front of them, where she found that there were a number of Soldiers, Large Bodies, a force of Shadows, and even one of the Guard Armors, "Okay, that's why they sent two wielders."

Seras and Xion rushed at the Heartless without delay, swinging their Keyblades at the enemies that were in front of them and released more hearts into the world, where Seras noticed the darkness claiming them, meaning Sombra must have noticed the surge of dark energy in this particular world.

"Demyx, do something!" Xion stated, where she jumped into the air and struck the Guard Armor's head, denting it as she knocked it backwards, opening the way for her to fire a Blizzard down on the Shadows, before discovering that the other Nobody was still doing nothing, "Demyx, we could use your assistance! Play something!"

"I... I don't..." Demyx started to say, though as he said that another dark fissure opened and a Behemoth stepped out of it, adding to their situation, while at the same time he found that Xion had faith in him, despite what the remaining members of the Organization thought of him, before he summoned his sitar, "Fine, let's do this."

Seras and Xion found that when Demyx started to play it seemed like there was a sense of harmony with their bodies, as in a glow appeared all over their bodies as Seras found her speed being boosted, just like Xion found as she made her way around the Heartless, causing them to realize that there was another aspect to Demyx's power.

"Dude, you're like a bard or something... keep playing." Xion remarked, as she came to the same conclusion, Demyx really wanted the power to be useful to the Organization, even though he preferred to be lazy, and it was like the World gave him something he could use, the ability to use his existing power to strengthen others.

Demyx smiled and did exactly that, where the pair found that they were definitely empowered by his playing, which was an odd thing to discover, but either of them seemed to mind as Seras and Xion rushed around the Heartless and slashed at them, cutting them down and releasing hearts into the air. As that happened, however, Seras found that Xion seemed to be in the zone and backed off, not because she was tired or anything, rather it seemed like she might not be needed as Xion tore through the Heartless with far too much ease. In fact Seras had Demyx take her buffs and apply them to Xion, which he did without delay, though as that happened they found that her Kingdom Key was glowing, where Seras quickly realized that she was gaining her own Keyblade. The blade turned blue and looked more like a wave, while retaining the straightness of the original weapon, with light blue swirls along the edge, one large one where the teeth rested and three on the reverse side, while the guard around the handle looked more like a heart.

It was a water based Keyblade, that much Seras could tell, which was interesting since Demyx's element was water, but that didn't stop Xion from crushing the Heartless that were in front of her, almost like a gentle wave or something, and in the end even the Behemoth collapsed, allowing her to land with a smile on her face.

"Demyx, that... was amazing!" Xion said, as she had no idea that the Nobody in question had that sort of power, to grant a boost to those he fought alongside, which only made her wonder what the others might think of this situation, since Saix would likely task him with more work if he knew about this.

"Yeah, but that only means I'm useful to you guys." Demyx remarked, because he wasn't sure how his music had helped the two wielders out, but he was glad to be of assistance, which was a first for him since most of the others didn't care too much about him, so he really had no idea if he should tell the others or not, before he gestured to Xion's weapon for a few seconds and she looked at it, "It seems like you've finally grown up... something Roxas has yet to do since his weapon is still the Kingdom Key... what are you going to call this one?"

"I think... Seashell Resonance." Xion replied, where she found that there was a seashell on the chain, plus there was one in the sand that caused her to smile as she pulled out the light blue shell, as she felt a strong connection to the sea, or water for that matter, that she ended up pocketing.

"You know, I think that fits." Demyx said, where he dismissed his sitar before opening a Dark Corridor for them to use, as he could tell that there were no more Heartless for them to fight, which only made him curious as to where the force of enemies had come from or how Saix had noticed all of them in the first place, "Come on, let's go home."

Seras smiled as she and Xion followed Demyx into the Dark Corridor, where she found that the two were talking to each other, no doubt because both of them seemed to be connected to the power of water, something that made her wonder if Sombra might be able to save Demyx as well as she wondered what the future might hold in store for them and the rest of the Organization.

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