• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: Namine

Seras spent the rest of the day going over the information she had just gained from Xemnas about the High Ranks, what she assumed their powers were and what sort of abilities their leaders had, since she was still in the dark about some of the other members of the Organization. As she thought about all of that a truth became known to her, the High Ranks were just as their boss claimed, each represented an aspect of their boss and not their power, meaning there was nothing for her to learn about the other members, other than what their servants looked like. One thing she could determine, however, was the fact that Xemnas had the power to command all Nobodies, since he even had sway over what the various types of high ranking Nobodies did, as in he could overwrite whatever commands they had been given by their leader. As in Larxene, for example, could have some of her Ninjas target a group of enemies and Xemnas could order them to go out on patrol, too to avoid playing their hand too soon, while the inverse was also true, he could sent patrols or defenders to fight someone or a group of individuals.

As she sat in her room Seras had to wonder why, out of all the Nobodies, did Xemnas hold the power to shape them into their forms, or modify them in some manner since Larxene mentioned that there was one High Rank of Vexen that ended up annoying their boss in the past, causing him to turn the Nobody in question into a Dusk. Such a thing made her wonder if that was part of his own unique power, that of Nothingness, or if he had a secondary power that allowed him to alter the form of a Nobody when they displeased him, something she knew he would never give her a straight answer on if she tried to ask about it. While she thought about that Seras glanced at her own High Rank, the Vampire that was standing next to her door like he was a butler, waiting on her command, something that made her wonder if he'd listen to Xemnas' orders while hers would be overruled if they clashed with what their boss truly wanted. For the time being there wasn't much she could do but continue to work with the Organization, though at the same time she pulled over her writing materials and crafted a letter that contained the names and descriptions of both the numbered members and the High Ranks.

Fortunately Saix had given her a mission to take out a number of Heartless in Wonderland while someone needed to scout out Traverse Town, where Seras said that her High Rank could do so, because with the Dark Corridors they could move with ease and her Vampire was going to be given the task of stopping in the Darkworld for a time.

Her plan was simple, she had learned enough about the Organization to send Sombra the information she had gained so far, as she wanted to keep her informed of what was going on, and she needed to make sure that no one had a reason to doubt her, hence using her High Rank to deliver the message. She wasn't expecting the other Equestrian to do anything right after getting that information, rather she assumed that Sombra would remain in the shadows, watching and waiting for the path to Castle Oblivion to open so those in the Darkworld could invade the other castle. That wasn't counting any individuals that happened to be in that world, since she figured that it was possible that Sombra would run into Riku and Mickey, in fact she was positive that she was doing that right now, but after delivering all of that information she wanted her Vampire to do the mission assigned to him, to ensure Xemnas didn't think anything was amiss. Other than that there was nothing else she could do but continue to do her missions, focus on taking down the Heartless while seeing what else she might be able to learn from the rest of the Organization, and befriend more of the others, since she might be able to help them in some manner.

When it came time for her mission Seras made sure that her Vampire was able to slip into the Darkworld without anyone else, namely Xemnas and Saix, plus Xigbar as she thought about it, questioning her motives, while she, in turn, headed off to Wonderland for the first time, since she had never been there physically.

Seras found that the world didn't look any different than she remembered, in fact the area her Dark Corridor brought her to happened to be on top of one of the hedges that seemed to be in the Queen's garden, arranged to look like a maze for some odd reason, and she found the Queen of Hearts off in the distance. Based on what she could see it looked like the figure's own darkness was drawing Heartless to this world, or maybe there was someone else doing that, but since Sora had sealed the Keyhole there wasn't much for the dark creatures to do besides hunt for more hearts. With that in mind she found that there were only a couple of Soldiers, a few Large Bodies, a couple of scattered Shadows, and a Nocturne that was all on it's own, instead of with a group like she was used to seeing, but that hardly mattered as she summoned her Keyblade. In the following moment she leapt into the air and tracked down the Heartless that she had been tasked with taking down, where she slashed through the Shadows without wasting time, struck the Large Bodies in the back with her weapon to turn them into hearts, and crushed both of the other two types before they could hurt her.

Due to her skills the higher ups wanted her to hit multiple worlds per day, which was what she was going to do since she wanted them to trust her, more than some of them currently did, and she knew that every heart she freed would be in the hands of Sombra before long, causing her to focus on her tasks before returning to the castle.

The following day something interesting happened, instead of being sent out on some missions, like they had done so far, Seras found that she, Roxas, Xion, and Larxene were asked to come to the upper balcony, where Kingdom Hearts could be seen and where Xemnas could be seen waiting, though it wasn't to talk about the growing moon shaped object.

"Before you are given your missions, and are busy for the rest of the day, I though it would benefit you all to visit Namine." Xemnas said, as he already had a Dark Corridor open and waiting for them to walk through, showing them that he might be serious about this, though Seras assumed that this was due to Roxas' question about the other Nobodies and that the other Nobody might ask about Namine at some point, so he was taking care of the problem now.

"Really? Thanks... awfully kind of you." Larxene commented, because she knew that Namine was important to a plan that their boss was working on, hence why there were usually some members assigned to Castle Oblivion every now and then, in fact she, Marluxia, and a few others rotated spending an hour or two there every day, to keep an eye on Namine while waiting for further orders, so she knew that this was incredibly weird, "I take it I'm going to be the guide?"

"Yes. We will travel to Castle Oblivion, visit Namine, and then go about our days." Xemnas said, though he wasn't sure why Larxene would even say such a thing about his previous statement, as he just wanted to get rid of Roxas' curiosity before he did something stupid, and bringing Xion along would allow Vexen to silently check up on her, since he was concerned that she wasn't developing as intended.

Seras said nothing as she and the others followed Xemnas through the portal, where they came up in front of a castle that looked like the inside was filled with madness, since the outside was oddly shaped and made her worry that the inside was the same, all while finding that the area around them was an eerie darkness, the end of Sora's path no doubt. Larxene stepped forward and opened the door that was in front of them, allowing them to enter a white chamber that seemed to be connected to a white hallway, something Seras was sure was common throughout the castle. As they walked down the halls, however, Larxene told Seras and the others that Marluxia was the one who spent the most time here, he was, after all, the Lord of Castle Oblivion, chosen by their boss to watch over this area, though others came here often, such as her, Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen. Namine was the only permanent resident of the castle, this was, as far as they knew, the place of her creation when she was born as a Nobody, and given her lack of combat experience and lack of ability, this was where she was safe from all types of harm.

"So I know that all Nobodies have their own aspect, even if some have yet to discover that part of themselves, but what power does Namine have?" Seras asked, because her own power was Blood, due to her nature as a vampire, and Larxene was Lightning, she had been told that fact when she started hanging with her and Marluxia, but there were many she still had no idea on and figured that asking would be fine.

"Memory. Namine has the power to alter one's Chain of Memories." Xemnas replied, which immediately interested Seras, because if that was true it meant that the passive Nobody might be the strongest of them all, since manipulating such a thing meant she could make whatever she wanted a reality, as long as she had control of her power anyway, "We are not fully aware of the full extent of her power, but we know there are those that would misuse Namine and her power if they knew about it... that is why we keep her safe and secure."

"Careful boss, you're starting to sound like you care." Larxene remarked, referring to the fact that Nobodies didn't have emotions, they simply used the memories that were part of their body to fake having emotions, even though some were so good at it that they appeared to have real emotions, and right now the sudden change in Xemnas' behavior made her wonder if Seras was affecting him in some manner, "But he's right: in the wrong hands Namine's power could devastate and ruin all that we've been working towards."

Xemnas raised an eyebrow as he heard that, as he had been sure that Larxene was one of the ones plotting to overthrow him at some point, it was why Saix would be assigning her, Marluxia, and a few others to work here, as a team, for a time so they could make sure they weren't about to betray them, but now this made him wonder if they might be imagining something that wasn't there. Fortunately he didn't have to think about all of it too much as Larxene stopped in front of a door and nodded to him, where he and the newcomers came to a stop as she opened the door, revealing that the room in question was opal colored and that the furniture almost looked like white crystals. Sitting at the central table, working on a sketchbook with some art utensils, was a girl that reminded Seras of Kairi, which made sense due to the fact that she had been looking for her Nobody this entire time as well, though she had medium length blond hair while wearing a white lace dress and light blue sandals. Namine, like Roxas, didn't fully resemble her original counterpart, to the point where one might argue that neither were the Nobodies of Fluttershy's friends, but she knew they were, though the sound of the five of them entering the room caused her to stop what she was working on.

"Roxas, Xion, Seras, this is Namine, the last new Nobody that was born recently. Namine, these are our new companions." Xemnas said, where the young girl looked at all of them for a moment before smiling, causing Seras to wonder if she knew something that the others didn't, like she and Roxas, at least, weren't fully aligned with Xemnas' goals, but Seras kept her mouth shut and found that Namine had no interest in spilling the beams, "We were discussing the rest of the Nobodies yesterday, as Roxas was interested in them, and I figured it would be good for you four to meet."

Xemnas also knew that this might be the best and only time to do so, since Vexen had warned him that once Xion took on her true appearance, whatever form she ended up taking, coming here would be bad for her, so coming here before that point in time was a good thing in his eyes.

"Really? I'm glad." Namine said, which was the truth, she was grateful to encounter new people and not the same ones that were usually coming and going from the castle that was her home, and she committed all three of the newcomers to memory, as she was sure that she was going to draw them shortly after their departure, "Seras... you remind me of your other half, Fluttershy. Don't worry, she's perfectly safe aboard your old Gummi Ship."

"That is good to hear, even though her heart has been lost to the Darkness." Seras replied, because while she figured that Sombra would have done something with the ship, provided she actually got out of the Darkworld after being take to the Realm of Darkness, she didn't want to leave anything that would suggest that she knew more than she was supposed to, causing her to walk over to the table, "So, what are you working on?"

Namine kept the smile on her face as she showed Seras, along with Roxas and Xion when they walked over to see what was going on, her art, because while her skills needed some serious work, since it resembled what a little kid might make, they could see that it resembled Sora, Radiant, Donald, and Goofy as they followed a path. Xemnas knew what they were looking at, there were times where Namine would practice her skills by selecting an event that was currently going on, or had happened fairly recently, without altering the memories of those that were present for the event. Other times she would actually tamper with the memory in some manner, usually making an item vanish before she restored it, or at least that was what she claimed since there was no way to truly confirm what she was saying, save for items that were resting in the present. Still, he had to admit that her skills were slowly getting better and there was a chance that she might be quite the artist in the future, which all depended on whether or not they were able to accomplish their goals, so for now his eyes were set on the here and now.

As he thought about that, however, something odd happened as a bit of energy wrapped around Namine for a moment, like when he used his power to grant the other two their High Ranks, before it moved off to the side and condensed into a new form, a white wolf with red markings around it's eyes and near it's shoulders, with a tail that looked like it might also be a paint brush.

"Lord Xemnas... what just happened?" Larxene asked, as while she understood what had just happened, since she knew it from experience, it was hard to believe it would happen since their boss wouldn't allow someone like Namine to have their own High Rank since she wasn't a fighter, but that didn't stop the girl from hugging the wolf.

"...A new High Rank has been born, the Painter." Xemnas guessed, though what surprised him was that he hadn't used his power to do such a thing, rather it was like it had activated on it's own or someone had influenced him to do such a thing without him realizing that he had been manipulated, making him wonder what else might have changed recently.

He really honestly wasn't sure what was going anymore, but at long as Namine continued to prepare herself he guessed he could overlook what had just happened, though that only made him wonder what in the world was going to happen when Sora finally clashed with the Organization in the near future.

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