• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Heartless: This is Halloween

After their visit to Atlantica, as that was the name of King Triton's kingdom and was likely the name of the world as a whole, the group returned to the Gummi Ship and departed for the next world, one that happened to be closer to Aladdin's world based on what they found on the scanner. Some of the group were sad to leave their sea bodies behind, as they liked the feeling of just swimming around like a mermaid or merman, while Donald, for example, was glad to be rid of his since he had no love for the half octopus form he had been given. Sombra had to chuckle at his reaction to the others missing their sea bodies, as it was like the duck couldn't believe them at all, though at the same time she had to wonder if more material could be added to the ship and altered to form a swimming pool, one that, combined with special clothing, could mimic the effect of traveling to Atlantica. In the end she decided that she would worry about that later, when they weren't in the middle of a quest to find the last member of Sora and Riku's trio, not to mention stop Maleficent's plans, because while her allies were falling there was no telling what the witch had planned.

For the most part the travel between worlds was exactly the same as before, everyone relaxed for a time and trained when they felt the time was right, while at the same time Sombra made sure all of them had enough food to eat, though this time around Radiant had a few accessories to hand out, to help boost their overall strengths and weaknesses.

Sombra's free time, on the other hand, was spent between her training, relaxing, the various cooking sessions she did, and contemplating the heart fragments she had discovered since she, Radiant, and Fluttershy had started traveling with Sora's group, since they seemed important in some manner. With that in mind she sat on her bed for a moment and caused the three pieces to float in the air in front of her, each one possessing negative energy while representing a certain emotion that wasn't negative in nature, such as wonder and desire, and even curiosity wasn't negative. It caused her to wonder just how many fragments she might find on their travels, before she could finish piecing it together, though part of her focus was on the memory she had witnessed after collecting the third fragment, of the old man that was talking to whoever the various heart pieces belonged to. She thought it was a shame that she could only see a few seconds of a memory, as she was sure that more time would have allowed her to get a feeling as to who the fragmented heart belonged to, before sighing as she returned the pieces to their private storage area in her power for the time being.

She knew there would be time to investigate the fragments in the future, especially when they found the next fragment, as it was easy for Sombra to tell that there were more out there since there were a fair number of emotions, she just had to keep an eye out for them and claim them whenever one revealed itself to them.

One other thing Sombra discovered was that the rest of the group was serious about training all of their skills, because their visit to Atlantica had taught them to know as many skills as possible and everyone made sure there were no gaps in both their defensive and offensive capabilities. Fluttershy and Radiant, for example, spent some time training with Riku, and even Sora when he wasn't flying the ship, using their Keyblades so it became second nature for them, and when it came time to practice with either Donald, Goofy, or even Sombra the pair focused on their unique skills. It was a good way to go about it, as the pair wanted to make sure they were ready to go for when they reached the next world and everyone else wanted to do the same as well, which was why Sombra was willing to push everyone so they could be ready for whatever might be waiting on the upcoming worlds. Such a thing made her pleased that she had added a training area to the ship, as they were making good use of it and would likely continue to do so in the coming days, or even weeks, at least until their adventure finally came to an end.

Eventually they reached the next world that they would have to visit, which appeared to be a large pumpkin that had what appeared to be a scary face carved into it, or an attempt at a scary face, with dark buildings on top and on bottom of it, an interesting thing for sure, while Sombra noticed that this world required new forms.

"Um, this world looks kind of... scary." Fluttershy said, as it reminded her of Nightmare Night, where ponies dressed up in costumes and either went around to houses to get candy or played pranks on each other, called 'tricks', for fun, which was something Rainbow Dash liked since she and Pinkie loved pranks, and this was one holiday that she was somewhat scared of.

"Sure it does, but it also seems interesting." Sora replied, showing that while the world's appearance might be scary, based on what they could see right now, he was sure that they could deal with whatever was down there and not be frightened by the buildings and designs of this world, all while noticing that Sombra seemed perfectly fine, "Come on, let's head down there and see what sort of forms we're going to be given this time."

Radiant talked with Fluttershy for a time, no doubt assuring her that everything would be fine, as Sora brought the ship to a stop and warped them down to the world that was in front of them, causing them to appear in a dead end path leading into a town or village of some kind, and it wasn't long before they discovered their new forms. Sora, for example, was now dressed in black leather with white gloves that had clawed tips, a tiny pair of bat wings on his back, a mask of sorts over his right eye while having an ashen look around his eyes, and his canines were more more pointed, as two could be seen at the ends of his mouth. Donald, on the other hand, was completely covered in bandages and it looked like there was a gap between his stomach and waist, revealing nothing of his insides, while Goofy had a large screw in his head, where his hat would be, his hands and feet were pointed, his clothes were tattered, and he had two different eyes, as one was red while the other seemed to be a spiral. Sombra found it to be an interesting change from what they looked like, in fact this really sold the idea that this world was supposed to be scarier than the others they had been to so far, something that caused her to look at the others and herself to see what their new forms were like.

The first one she spotted was Fluttershy, where the shy one was wearing what appeared to be a charcoal black suit with an open deep red coat on top of it, with white gloves with arcane markings on the back of them, plus a red fedora that had a wide brim and a pair of wire-frame sunglasses. Radiant was next, who seemed to be more like a frost creature now since her entire body was icy blue, almost like her Keyblade, and there were spikes on her shoulders, though the smaller ones on her head formed a miniature crown, while her clothing was more akin to a frozen gown of some kind. Riku seemed to be a werewolf, his hands were claws and had pads on the palms, a perfect cross between human and beast, while both of his feet were more like a wolf's that could walk on two legs, and his fur was a dark silver, though his clothing was tattered in this form. In addition to that she found that Riku also had a bushy wolf tail that was definitely attached to his spine, he wagged it a little to make sure it was actually something he could move, before he raised a hand to his head and found that he not only had wolf ears, which moved like normal, but also a muzzle.

Sombra, however, found that her body was completely armored, and when she summoned a mirror with her magic she discovered that the reality was that she was actually just a suit of armor, shaped to fit her feminine body no less, almost as if she was possessing the armor, while the design seemed to be wolfish in nature, especially with the wolf helm had her dark magic eyes and the dark mist.

"No... nonono... this is worse than I thought!" Fluttershy commented, where they could see that she was freaking out, as if she was afraid of scary things, something Sombra found to be odd since she had worked up the nerve to defend herself against the Heartless, causing her to fell to her knees as the sunglasses fell off, "I... I can't do this..."

As the others turned to her, however, Sombra found that something seized control of Fluttershy entirely, as a pair of fangs appeared in her mouth, her wings became leathery and more like a bat's, and she was sure that her ears became more pointed, it was hard to tell thanks to the hat, though when she stood up and collected her glasses Sombra found that her eyes were crimson red, almost like blood.

"Silly girl. I told you that if you couldn't handle anything you could call on me... guess I'll take over for now." the figure said, where it sounded like Fluttershy, though slightly different based on what the group was hearing, though as she slipped the glasses back into place she found that the others were carefully observing her, "What?"

"What happened to Fluttershy?" Sora asked, though at the same time they glanced around the area and found that it was definitely some sort of scary town and had an interesting atmosphere, totally different from the other worlds they had been to so far, making them eager to see what else the world had to offer them.

"She got scared and shut down, so I took over... without going into too much detail, I'm the 'bat' that's inside her, and I have no name." the figure replied, though instead of using Fluttershy's staff the group discovered that she called forth her Keyblade, meaning she had to be far more confident than her other side was, but as she started to make her way down the street, so they could enter the town, she glanced at them for a few seconds, "However, I think 'Seras' might be a good name... really sets me apart from Fluttershy, don't you think?"

"If that is what you want." Radiant stated, which they found to be quite interesting, there was a second heart inside the shy warrior, another side that none of them had seen until now, something that made Sombra wonder if 'Seras' might aid Fluttershy in the future, to overcome her fears, before she glanced at Riku, "Do you, um, need some help?"

"No. I got this." Riku answered, where he carefully walked forward, letting his new claws touch the ground while he tried to get used to how his new body moved, just like what happened in Atlantica, though he had to admit that he sort of liked how he felt in this form, though when he tried moving faster his tail got in the way and he fell on his rear, causing Sombra to extend a hand to help him back up, "Thanks."

Sombra told him that it was nothing as she showed him a few tricks that she and the other Equestrians had picked up over their time in the World, where Riku, like the student of hers that he was, studied her movements before matching them with his new body, allowing the others to see that the brief lesson had helped him greatly. Once everyone was ready to go, and they were sure of it, they walked forward and passed through the gates, finding a town of terror that seemed to have a celebration of sorts going on, where they found a couple of Ghosts hanging around the town square. Sombra stopped the others from doing anything drastic, as it was clear that they weren't Heartless, rather they seemed to be dolls created by someone in the town, especially with the chain linked to one of the eyes for each one, and as the others looked closely it became clear that she was right. Someone had seen the Heartless, became fascinated with them, and created their own for some reason, but they didn't have hearts, she could feel nothing from them, and before anyone could do anything a short figure in a mayor's suit off to the side, introducing the 'Master of Terror, the King of Nightmares'.

The figure in question, 'Jack Skellington', was a tall figure that seemed to be a skeleton who wore a nice suit, raised out of the well and did a pose as the ghosts raised their hands to him, though Jack didn't seem too impressed by the false group of Heartless and told the Mayor that he was going to talk to the doctor, to get his help in making the group dance. Based on the fact that Jack wanted 'bone chilling terror', and the Mayor mentioning 'Halloween', the Sora and the others quickly understood what this place was, as Riku told the others about the night in question and Seras said it was the same as their own version of the holiday, Nightmare Night. With that information in hand the group decided to follow after Jack, who didn't seem to mind their presence, in fact he seemed distracted by what he was doing, though he was kind enough to open the door for the others to follow him, so they could enter an area that had a set of stairs leading up to a laboratory of sorts. The Doctor, as it turned out, was this old person in a wheelchair that was sitting in front of a large table that had another false Heartless on it, and he was dressed in a white lab coat, though oddly enough he could open his skull, like it was partly a case, to scratch his brain.

Oddly enough, Sombra felt right at home with this world, it was a place of terror and nightmares, despite the celebration atmosphere, and she had a feeling the residents would make her feel right at home if she suddenly decided to live here for the rest of her life.

Jack mentioned the possibility that the guidance system of the ghosts might have been damaged in the 'explosion', which told the group that there must have been a mishap sometime before their arrival, where the Doctor said that such a thing was impossible, his designs and inventions were utterly perfect. Sombra and the others watched as they came up with a way to improve their dolls, the 'Heartless need a heart', which was kind of a weird thing to say since the group knew that the Heartless could be very expressive on their own, so to them there was something else needed, but no one said a word as they watched the pair. The Doctor seemed to think that a heart wasn't complicated at all and they started adding things to make their heart, though to start they needed a container with a lock, a pumping organ that was currently locked, which was where Sora came in as he offered to undo the lock for them since they didn't have the key, something the pair really appreciated, to the point where Jack wanted them to participate in the next Halloween. Before the group could respond to the comment Jack continued with the operation as he and the Doctor moved onto what else was needed for their heart, as in a pulse, mixed with fear, terror, hope, and despair.

When the Doctor threw a switch everyone watched as the false Heartless was shocked to life, as it sat up after the Doctor was done with his part of things, though it ultimately failed and Jack made a sad or shocked pose as it happened, which had to be a common thing, him posing every now and then.

"Maybe we're missing some ingredients... let's try adding 'memory', which should be with Sally." the Doctor said, though as he said that he also called her a useless girl, that he had no idea why he had bothered inventing her in the first place, and left it all in Jack's hands as he went back to his work.

"Sally's most likely in the graveyard. Sora, would you and your friends like to come along?" Jack asked, showing them that he was far nicer than they were expecting him to be, which was actually kind of refreshing, though before they could even answer him everyone heard the Mayor calling out that there was trouble.

The group returned to the town square without delay, with Jack following after them, and they found that the problem was that the Heartless, true Heartless and not the false ones that were being made by the Doctor, were searching the rest of town, looking for targets to claim the hearts of, with the false ones resting on the ground. With that discovery Sombra and the others lashed out at the enemies that were attacking the town, though as that happened she found that Seras was definitely different than Fluttershy, as the other side of the shy one rushed into battle and swung her Keyblade at the Heartless, crushing them with precise attacks. She was definitely not a caster type, like Fluttershy when she used her staff, rather she was closer to Sora, Sombra, and Riku, a melee fighter, pure and simple, and while she fought their enemies Sombra also found that Riku used his empty clawed hand to grab onto his foe and slam them into the ground so he could use his weapon to take it out. In addition to that they found a number of Shadows joining the assault, though they burst into bits of darkness as they were struck, since the smaller Heartless were weaker than all of the other enemies, where all of them found that Jack was greatly impressed by their various skills, and his own skeletal hands knocked his foes back so someone else could knock them out.

Jack lead the way to the graveyard, where they found a girl in a patchwork dress being attacked by more Heartless, more of the Shadows and Ghosts, plus a new one, a mummy type with a skeletal chest and sharpened hands and feet, a Wight as Sombra would call it. These ones were actually quicker than many of the other Heartless, causing Sombra to call on the power of her time magic to slow them down, only to find that Seras and Riku were the first ones to hit those Heartless, all to help cut down on the amount of enemies that were near them. She also found that this form went well with her scythe, as Jack didn't even bat an eye at it as she helped the others tear through their enemies and captured the freed hearts as they entered the air, effectively allowing them to wipe out the Heartless in no time at all. Such a thing caused a ghost dog, or rather a ghostly sheet that came from a dog's grave, called 'Zero' to join them as Sally did the same, revealing that the memory was a special flower, though Jack did ignore her as she tried to tell him that this was a bad idea, causing her to sigh as Jack hurried back to the Doctor.

After the group made sure that Sally was safe, she had an area to hide until the Heartless were taken care of, before they started to head back to the laboratory, only to find a trio of kids, dressed as a witch, a devil, and a skeleton, running off with the heart vessel, causing them to regroup with Jack as they braced themselves to deal with another villain and their dark plans for world domination.

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