• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Equestria. The Human World. The Big City. Juvenile Detention Center. Day.

The Big City. Much like the rest of the Human World, it appeared unaffected by the unification of the two worlds despite being a parallel world. And yet, the Pkemon still existed here. Granted, not many could be found at the Big City as not everyone here has gotten used to Pokemon just yet. They didn't exactly have the same advantage as Equestria when it was introduced to the Wonderful World of Pokemon.

Even still, some Pokemon would still appear here but in small numbers. Pidove would sit on top of the tall buildings while some Lillipus and Purrloins were running around without any trainers, mainly appearing in the back alleys were a Trubbis could be occasionally seen. They were akin to stray cats and dogs in this world but carried mystical powers with them that the people of this world still did not understand.

Ash had arrived at a place he hasn't visited in a while. It took him an entire night to show up here until the sun finally rose up. He stood before the Juvenile Detention Center which was just a jail for younger people. Ash and Pikachu were mainly here to meet an old friend who was a counterpart to someone else in this world, originally from Equestria. Sunset Shimmer. This world's original Sunset Shimmer, who wasn't as into magic as her Equestrian counterpart.

"Pyroar! Pyroar!" And rushing out to meet with Ash and Pikachu was none other than a Pyroar. Specifically, a Female Pyroar.

"Pyroar?" Ash spoke the name of the Royal Pokemon before being tackled. Pyroar performed a mighty pounce, prompting Pikachu to jump off Ash's shoulder before the initial impact. Of course, this was only because Pyroar was friendly, belonging to this world's Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey, Pyroar! Good to see you! How have ya been?" Ash laughed after being licked in the face multiple times by Pyroar. Naturally, this was seen by the workers here at the Detention Center. They outright witnessed Pyroar pounce on someone and that person was doing just fine, being completely casual. Anyone else would freak out at the sight of a lion approaching them, let alone one that generates fire.

Ash would then get up, petting Pyroar as a way to return the favour for that pounce. Needless to say, she was happy to see him again after so long. These past months have felt like years to the Royal Pokemon.

"Is that you?" Walking out of the Detention Center was none other than the Warden who runs it. This world's Tempest Shadow. Alongside Warden Tempest were her two Owl Pokemon. Noctowl and Dartrix. "Ash. How long has it been since you've been there?"

"Hey." Ash looked back at her while continuing to pet the Normal-Fire-Type. "Sorry it took me a while to show up again. I've been pretty occupied."

"Well, you're the one young person who comes by here that isn't convicted. But I'm glad you did. Things sure have changed around here a bit after that whole Double Sunset Fiasco."

"Yeah, how much?"

"For example, Pyroar has been a surprisingly great guardian. Since Sunset is still here, she stays around the Detention Center just to be close to her trainer. And it's done us some favours, intimidating anyone who wants to try anything funny. We do get attempted break-ins and break-outs but Pyroar's presence changes that."

"Awesome stuff, Pyroar!" Ash praised the Royal Pokemon.

"Pyroar." Pyroar proudly raised her head as she ended up becoming a guardian of this Detention Center. She was perfect for that as her intimidation factor was incredibly effective for anything that approaches the Detention Center or tries to flee from it.

"I've been lenient myself." Tempest lightly hit her rubber stick onto her hand. "The girls here have been well-behaved as of recently. But I just think that's because of Pyroar and there's no way I'm missing this opportunity. I took advantage of it at once. Perhaps I was a bit too harsh with my words, but whatever works."

"By the way, how's Sunset doing? It's been a while since I've seen just her." Ash asked about Sunset Shimmer.

"She's fine. Better than everyone else here. In fact...she's better than she used to be. Come with me." Tempest would gladly show Ash the developments of the Detention Center, mainly how Sunset Shimmer was currently doing. Judging by Tempest's words, Sunset changed since the fiasco that occurred months ago, causing her to face the consequences.

Inside, the number of Pokemon here had increased. It wasn't just Dartrix and Noctowl that were a part of the Detention Center. It ended up being those tricky and playful Pokemon that caused a ruckus at the mall for the greater good. Aipom.

"Aipom!" As always, these Pokemon were moving around frantically, swinging across the Detention Center without a care in the world. It was recently discovered that Aipom make for surprisingly good bodyguards. Because of their rambunctions nature, any criminal would immediately be caught up in their actions unwillingly, forced to play with the Normal-Types.

And when entering, there she was. Sunset Shimmer. However, she stood out from the rest of her juvenile mates and that was the fact that she was wearing her casual wear instead of the orange clothes. With Ash showing up here, he decided to mess around with Sunset Shimmer quickly.

By grinning at Tempest Shadow and Pyroar, Ash and Pikachu crept up on the Human Counterpart of Equestria's Sunset Shimmer, making himself seem unseen.

"Hm?" Sunset had yet to notice but she felt like someone was behind her. When she tried to turn around, Ash and Pikachu swiftly moved to the side, appearing behind her once more. Sunset tried again, only for the duo to expertly elude her sight once more. "Hmmrgh...!" She growled, attempting to figure out who was behind her. This went on for a few seconds with rapid movements from both sides going off.

This did get a chuckle out of Tempest and everyone else who saw this. "Alright, what's going on?!" Sunset Shimmer bellowed as she finally managed to catch them. Or rather, they stopped for her. "Oh...Ash! Pikachu?! You're back!"

"Yeah. How's it been, Sunset?" Ash greeted her, giving a fist bump to the Human Counterpart of the unicorn. Sunset would then reply with her own fist bump.

"Finally. I've been waiting so long for you to show up again. It's felt like years." Sunset Shimmer sighed. "Glad to see your faces again at least."

"Mhm. You're looking great. And ready to go somewhere too." Ash observed her getup and how different she appeared from everyone else. "What's the occasion?"

"You see...Sunset here is close to being free." Tempest approached. "She's served her time here and she's even decreased it. You've been quite the helper here, haven't you?" The Warden would then nudge Sunset Shimmer, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah well...There wasn't much to do in this place anyway." Sunset Shimmer looked away. "I had to be free eventually and do other stuff. Not what I used to do. I'm way past that now."

"That's right. I was blown back by it when I saw you develop," said Tempest. "These are some of the most peaceful moments in this place, even without me needing to pace myself across each room. And it's the most amount of times we've stopped arguing against each other."

"You still try and start something." Sunset crossed her arms. "Trying to bring back the good old times?"

"Hm-hm." Tempest would chuckle before eyeing down Sunset Shimmer. "I do somewhat miss our interactions. As for the rest of you..." Tempest Shadow would then face the other juvenile girls here. "You could learn a thing or two from Sunset Shimmer over here. I can't believe I just said that, honestly."

"Why do I have to learn from her?" One of the girls said as many of them were upset at the fact that Sunset Shimmer was getting this much of an advantage. She was certainly proving to be better than them.

"She's only lucky because she's got that expert from another world or something. I don't know."

"It's not fair at all..." Needless to say, they shared their grievances about this while Sunset Shimmer smirked at them, knowing that she managed to be free before any of them.

"So, you're ready for the world again, huh?" Ash questioned. "This time, you're set to go with Pyroar."


"I am. But um...I don't know where to go, actually." Sunset Shimmer sighed, sharing her own grievances at the moment. "I only had that group to fall back on whenever I was out of juvie. Now I don't really have anything. Ever since that fiasco I did, my apartment's been taken away from me."

"S-Seriously?" Ash stammered as that was the most shocking thing he's heard today. Sunset Shimmer's home was no more thanks to that debacle. "Your home's just gone?!"


"I tried appealing for her apartment to be given back, but that was a bust." Tempest Shadow shook her head as she did try to help Sunset Shimmer out but even a Warden was unable to help out. "I went out of my way to give her some money, but it's up to her to spend it wisely."

"It's my fault entirely though. I should've just done my original time when I first came here." Sunset Shimmer looked down. "Then this wouldn't have happened. I've only been getting food for Pyroar and myself and not much else with this money. I literally don't know where to go now and they won't let me back in that apartment, I just know it. News about what I did broke out too."

"That was my bad." Tempest Shadow nervously laughed. "I had to give a report after all and that crippled her chances of getting an apartment. People can only tell you apart from the other Sunset by your clothing."

"Hmm...Well, you gotta stay somewhere." Ash wouldn't give up on Sunset Shimmer, deciding to sort this out. "I know just who to ask. You've got your counterpart to count on."

"H-Her?!" Sunset Shimmer gasped as Ash recommended Equestria's Sunset Shimmer. Quite the option.

"Oh, yeah. She's got one spare bed. "Plus, you two buried the hatchet once you met up, remember? If you two are side by side, then that'll sort things out."

"That's an interesting choice." Tempest Shadow pondered. "It could technically work. If they're alongside each other, any judgemental eyes will just become confused. You might be classified as twins actually."

"Are you sure? I haven't even visited her ever since then. We just made up for what happened and never saw each other again." Sunset held her arm, feeling a bit weary about this. "Are you sure that's the best option?"

"Sunset will understand. She knows where you'll be coming from. Plus, she's technically also you so..." Ash shrugged, bringing in some factors as to why this could work. "And don't worry. If it all goes south, Pikachu and I will be here for you. So will Pyroar."



"I'm glad to hear it. If it's coming from you then, I'm confident enough." Sunset smiled once more, having full faith in Ash. After all, she was right to put her faith in him during the Identity Debacle. "Alright. I'll go and meet her and see what happens next."

"I'll miss you surprisingly," Tempest said. "But I have a gut feeling I'll see you again."

"A-Again?!" Sunset Shimmer gasped before facing Tempest Shadow with widened eyes. "But...!"

"Not as a juvenile, silly." Tempest Shadow laughed after getting a scare out of Sunset Shimmer. "You'll just wait and see. For now, take care. We may run into each other again sometime."

"R-Right. Thanks." Sunset sighed with relief wiping some sweat off her forehead. "Ash. Before we meet with my counterpart...I'd prefer to spend some time with you, Pikachu and Pyroar before that. You know, just us."

"Sure, sure. We can check out some Pokemon." Ash agreed to it. Nothing beats the sights of Pokemon. And in this world, the sights are unique due to how new everything felt to both the people and the Pokemon that have shown up here.

And on this day, Sunset Shimmer would leave the Juvenile Detention Center, a free girl. She was no longer tied down to it and had no reason to fear it anymore. She did her best to make it through the months and it certainly paid off. Now it was time for her to continue her life but she still needed guidance, unaware of where to go. But in this case, there was one place to go. Her counterpart's home.

The Big city wasn't the best place to view as many Pokemon as they wanted. There was only one place. Canterlot's Local Forest. It was once home to a gateway to Eindoak before that gateway suddenly moved. But that didn't take away from the forest's beauty with how many Pokemon have called it home.

Ash would lead the way for Sunset Shimmer, who was rather nervous being in a place with multiple of these Strange and Wonderful Creatures. They are cute but some can be very dangerous. However, she had Ash, Pikachu and Pyroar to protect her.

"Emolga!" Swooping by with two apples in its hands was an Emolga as it went over Sunset Shimmer, startling her for a moment. It didn't help that Emolga would shock the apples afterwards to fry them, making an alarming electrical noise. "Emol!"

"Hoothoot!" And as a reminder of Warden Tempest Shadow, a Hoothoot would pop its head out of a hollow from a nearby tree, jumpscaring Sunset Shimmer once more. "Hoot?" So far, she was getting caught off guard by these Pokemon and the way they lived. She wasn't used to wild at all but Ash, Pikachu and Pyroar certainly were.

"This way!" Ash cried out, continuing to lead the way as a group of Ducklett ran by him, having pots and pans on their heads. Most likely stolen from somewhere in Canterlot Town.

"Ducklett! Ducklett!" As the Ducklett ran by Sunset Shimmer would giggle a bit at how jumpy she was with all of these Pokemon showing up. And it wasn't going to stop there, that's for sure.

"Pyroar." Pyroar was surprised as well. She went for a quick sip at a nearby lake while Ash hopped right over it. But as she went for a sip, jumping out of it was a Magikarp, splashing water all over her face. "Py?!"


"Ya know, it's gonna be pretty confusing calling you both Sunset," Ash said while moving along. "We came across that same thing when we met this world's Twilight."

"What? Are you saying I'm not the only counterpart?" Sunset Shimmer replied before spotting a Florges nearby. Florges would wave over to Sunset Shimmer, spreading flowers in her direction as the wind would carry them.


"Everyone here's got a counterpart from what I can tell. There's Twilight from this world and the one from Equestria. We call the one from your world Sci-Twi. She's great with science after all."

"Huh. So...are you going to give me a nickname too? I mean I wouldn't mind if you did. Nicknames are cool. Just...don't call me anything cute and frilly, like Sunny."

"Guess so. But I can't think of anything at the moment." Ash shrugged as a flock of Swanna flew over him. "You're pretty rough and tough though."

"You know it. And I'm proud of it. Even if it...connects to those bad times." She nervously rubbed the back of her head. Her entire hot-headed and rough personality is what put her in juvie. Or at least, it helped with it due to her surroundings.

"Well, that's who you are. I know friends just like you and there's no shame in that. You're pretty fiery too." Ash sat down, thinking for a moment. "That's nice. Very nice."

"It is? Oh. D-Do you like fiery girls maybe?" Sunset held her hair, lowering her voice for a moment. Judging by what Ash said, it sounds like he prefers and likes the way the Sunset presents herself. However, Ash did not answer that. Instead, another reaction came out of him.

"I got it!" Ash exclaimed, coming up with a nickname at last. "Fiery Shimmer! How's that?! Or maybe Fiery for short!"

"Pyroar! Pyroar!" Pyroar certainly enjoyed it, shooting fire into the air from her mouth by using Flamethrower. It worked well with the Royal Pokemon since she was a Fire-Type.

"Fiery? I mean, I guess that's cool." She found it decent. Granted, it replaced her first name but it was rather unique to her. And the fact that Ash gave it to her made it all the more special. "But I should be called Sunset Shimmer and she should receive the nickname. I mean...this is my world, technically."

"Good point." Ash nodded as Tailow would land on his head. "Sci-Twi should be just called Twilight. But you've both got your own worlds, even if Equestria's Sunset's choosing to stay here."

"Hmm...Well, I wanna feel safe so, I'll take it. She can be Sunset with all the news that came from it and I can be Fiery. Even if someone might recognize my face." Sunset would take the nickname. "But...I'd like for you to call me by my true name sometimes, okay?"

"You got it!" That was something Ash could easily promise, giving a thumbs-up. "So. Wanna pay her a visit? I'll be heading back soon, so I won't be there tonight."

"Eh? You're leaving so soon?"

"I'm gonna get myself a Mega Stone. And then, a Pokemon World Championships Battle will be waiting for me." Ash stood back up with the Tailow still on his head. "But I'll be back to check up on you and hang out. I've always got the means to do so."


"Right. You'll be back. It's just that I enjoy spending time with you, that's all. It's different from what I've experienced." Sunset uttered, scratching her face nervously. "Aside from Pyroar, I'm not sure anyone else can make me feel that way."

"Oh, but there are. Sunset and everyone else. Trust me. They'll be great friends to you. Just like Pyroar, you'll have friends who'll be there for you. It's an awesome feeling." Ash walked by Sunset Shimmer, ready to meet with Equestria's Sunset. She could trust Ash as always. His years of experience have led him to always bring great faith along. Even in some of the darkest times. And in Sunset Shimmer's case, these were her darkest times without a doubt but were soon brightened by Ash and Pikachu's appearance.

Canterlot Town. Sunset Shimmer's apartment home. Afternoon.

With a knock on the door, Sunset Shimmer would answer to see who it was. Alongside her were her Pokemon. Braixen, Volcarona, Litleo, Fletchinder and even Shuppet, who was involved in that Identity Debacle.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Sunset Shimmer asked before spotting Ash and Pikachu. But right behind them was her Human Counterpart of this world.

"Hey." She greeted her counterpart with a bright grin, hiding behind Ash. "Long time no see?"

"Uh, right. It has been a long time." Sunset said, eyeing down her Juvenile Counterpart. "What's up?"

"Just gotta ask you something. Ya see, this Sunset's kinda lost her home, so now there's nowhere else to go for her, even though she's free now." Ash explained.

"Oh, you're free? So you served all that time until the very end, huh?" Sunset smirked. "Great going with all that willpower."

"I had to do a lot to decrease my time." The other Sunset, now having the nickname of Fiery, crossed her arms. "Besides, I couldn't think of anywhere else to go now that my home's gone. Ash was the one who thought of something before anyone else." She was ready to pour her heart out with these next batch of words. "I...I need somewhere to be. And I also need friends too. I know I apologized for that whole identity thing and there's no more hard feelings about it but-"

"You don't have to say anything else." However, Sunset would suddenly stop her from saying more. "The answer is yes. If Ash recommended it, then it was a good idea from the start."

"Huh?! Y-You'll seriously do it?! That fast?!" She was blown back by this instant approval. Ash hadn't even fully explained everything just yet and Sunset Shimmer just predicted and accepted it in a few seconds.

"That's right. It's why Ash brought you here. Right, Ash?" Sunset looked over at Ash, knowing him very well and how his actions correlate well with Sunset's empathy. "If you don't have anywhere else to go, you're always free to be around me and my friends. You'll always have somewhere to go and someone to be around. It wouldn't be the first time we've had a counterpart in our friend group."

"Ah...That's so refreshing to hear..." She was greatly satisfied by this. Tremendously. It was like all of her worries were fizzling out at last. She was truly at peace.

"But! You're gonna have to take the apartment room next to me. I'd like to keep my room to myself." Sunset pointed at the apartment room next door. "No one's using it, so it's all yours. I'll handle getting the key for it."

"Okay. Works for me. It'd get too hot in there with all these Fire-Types anyway. Come on, Pyroar!" She would instantly dash over to the opposite apartment, ready to enter her new home.

"Pyroar!" Pyroar would run up to Litleo, immediately recognizing one of her. So did Litleo. These two would catch each other's attention already as they were already friendly around each other. Way more than their trainers when they first met and heard about each other.

"I'll leave everything to you, Sunset." Ash would high-five Sunset Shimmer. "I'm off for a Championship Battle. See ya around."

"Do you think we could come and view your battle, actually?" Sunset Shimmer requested. "The girls and everyone back at school would love to see you battle from what they've heard and I've told them."

"Sure. Just like with what Nessa did, I'll make sure everyone here gets a good view. Till then. Best Wishes, you guys!" Ash bid them farewell as he and Pikachu went on their way. It was time for their next objective. Obtaining a Mega Stone for the sake of Ash's own well-being and having the third battle with Gym Leader Bea at last.

On this day, Sunset Shimmer gained a new friend. Herself. And a new home as well. She was a free girl now and with new friends in her life, her path would stray away from what it once was. And to this once juvenile-held girl, it was for the better as the journey continues.

Chapter 91 End.

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