• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Chilling Heat

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Afternoon.

In a frenzy, many of the students of the Pokemon School were feeling the heat. The sound of coins clinking and machines whirring filled the air as students frantically inserted money and pressed buttons, eager to quench their thirst and beat the heat. Bottles of chilled water, cans of soda, and packets of ice-cold snacks disappeared from the vending machines in a matter of seconds as the students clamoured for relief.

Outside, the courtyard was a hive of activity as students sought shade beneath trees or gathered around portable fans, desperate for even a hint of cool air. Some resorted to using makeshift fans made from paper or cardboard, while others simply sat with their feet dipped into buckets of cold water, hoping to find respite from the relentless heat.

"Ugh, it feels like I'm melting out here! Does anyone have any ice cubes? I'll take anything at this point!"

"Hey, pass me one of those cold drinks, will ya? I'm about to keel over from heatstroke!"

"I know! I'll try Ice Beam on myself. Maybe it'll help bring down the temperature a bit around here. Shellder, use Ice Beam!" A Hippogriff said to his Shellder.

"Shellder!" Blasting its trainer with ice, Shellder would freeze the Hippogriff. Alas, it didn't last long. The heat immediately melted all the ice away.

Exiting outside to see the effects of the heat and even feel the heat were Twilight Sparkle and Potion Nova. Both of them weren't feeling it as much all thanks to the magic that they put around themselves. "Looks like it's quite a scorcher out here," Twilight remarked, her expression calm as she glanced around at the students desperately seeking relief from the heat. "What caused this?"

"No clue. But at least the Dragons are fine." Potion Nova observed.

"Have no fear! I can fix this! Spheal, use Water Pulse!" Silverstream could be seen blasting others with her Spheal's Water Pulse to cool them off.

"How come you aren't feeling the heat as much?" A young earth pony asked, seeing how Silverstream didn't even appear wet, strongly implying that she didn't use Water Pulse on herself. But she was completely fine while her fellow Hippogriffs were sweating bullets.

"Mmm?" But Silverstream shrugged.

"Aaah..." Scootaloo would sigh, having her Seadra blast her with water to cool her off. The same went for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who had Lotard and Prinplup do the same. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the heat wasn't going away any time soon and signs of the students passing out were beginning to show.

"Ooh, this is bad." Slilverstream grimaced when looking around her. Very few students here completely fine since some of the Dragons have left the school, heading home for the day or choosing to eat at home where all the gems were waiting for her.

Back in the classroom, Cozy Glow's mind whirled with thoughts and plans as she contemplated her next move. The sight of the Dragons remaining unaffected by the heat only fueled her determination to find a way to overcome their resilience. With a steely resolve, she began to devise a new strategy, one that would involve generating something chilly to counteract the Dragons' natural resistance to heat.

With a sly grin, Cozy Glow set her plan into motion, her mind buzzing with anticipation as she plotted her next move. Little did the Dragons know, they were about to face a chilling challenge unlike any they had encountered before.

"Let's see..." She looked at the potions in front of her, wondering which one would be cold enough. She needed a Pokemon that could generate a cold strong enough to threaten the Dragons. The pegasus brought over the box of Rental Pokemon, wondering which one was the right choice.

As she flipped through the options, her gaze fell upon a particular Pokemon that caught her eye – a Glalie, known for its ability to generate intense cold and ice. With a satisfied nod, Cozy Glow plucked the Poke Ball containing the Glalie from the box, a devious smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"This should do the trick," she murmured to herself, her voice filled with confidence as she held the Poke Ball in her hand. With the Glalie's icy powers at her disposal, she knew that she had the perfect weapon to counteract the Dragons' natural resistance to heat.

As Cozy Glow prepared to unleash the chilling power of the Glalie upon the Dragons, she felt a sudden wave of discomfort wash over her. At first, she brushed it off as nothing more than a minor inconvenience, but the discomfort grew into something more.

"Hooh...Why's it getting hot for me?" it was the lingering aftereffects that she hadn't accounted for. As the heat seeped into her body, she felt a profound sense of weakness and exhaustion wash over her, draining her of her strength and vitality.

"No way! But I thought I'd be immune!" she muttered to herself, a bead of sweat trickling down her brow as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Suddenly, the plan that had seemed so foolproof just moments ago now felt like a reckless gamble, one that had left her vulnerable and exposed. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. She had underestimated the consequences of her actions, and now she was paying the price. The heat seemed to press in on her from all sides, suffocating and relentless, leaving her feeling drained and overwhelmed.

"Come out, you!" With a sense of urgency, Cozy Glow swiftly summoned the Glalie from its Poke Ball, hoping to harness its icy powers to provide some much-needed relief from the oppressive heat that enveloped her. As the Glalie materialized before her, its icy aura radiating a palpable chill, Cozy Glow wasted no time in reaching out to collect a sample of its DNA.

With trembling hands, she carefully extracted a strand of the Glalie's icy fur, her movements swift and determined despite the overwhelming heat that threatened to engulf her. As she secured the DNA sample, she felt a surge of anticipation, knowing that she was one step closer to finding relief from the stifling temperatures that surrounded her.

With the DNA sample in hand, Cozy Glow wasted no time in activating the potion she had prepared, hoping that the Glalie's icy essence would provide the cooling relief she so desperately needed.

"Oh yeah...Much better."

As Cozy Glow activated the potion, combining the DNA sample from the Glalie with her own concoction, she felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through her veins. At first, she welcomed the sensation, believing it to be the long-awaited relief from the oppressive heat that had enveloped her.

But as the moments passed, she began to notice a subtle change taking place within her. The icy cold of the Glalie's essence mingled with her own potion, creating a potent fusion of magic that she had not anticipated.

Suddenly, her surroundings began to warp and distort, as if reality itself was bending to the whims of the combined potions. Cozy Glow felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, her senses reeling as she struggled to make sense of the unexpected phenomenon unfolding before her eyes.

As the effects of the combined potions intensified, Cozy Glow found herself engulfed in a swirling vortex of magic, her form flickering and shifting with each passing moment. Panic gripped her heart as she realized that she had unwittingly unleashed forces beyond her control, and now she was at the mercy of the unpredictable fusion of potions.

"Glaile?" Glailie was just hovering there, confused. It had no context to everything behind this.

"Not good..." Cozy Glow would stumble, struggling to properly walk as her vision was greatly disrupted. As she stumbled forward, her hooves made contact with the ground, sending shockwaves of heat and cold rippling through the floor. With each step, the ground beneath her seemed to warp and distort, unable to withstand the intense energies that emanated from her.

In her panicked state, Cozy Glow failed to notice the damage she was causing, her focus consumed by the overwhelming chaos that threatened to consume her. It was only when she felt the ground give way beneath her hooves that she realized the extent of the havoc she had wrought.

With a gasp of horror, she looked down to see that she had burned holes through the floor with her scorching hooves, while simultaneously freezing a portion of the ground with the icy cold of the Glalie's essence. The sight filled her with dread, as she realized that she was no longer in control of the situation.

"Teacher!" Desperate, she called out for any one of the teachers.

Outside, Twilight Sparkle and Potion Nova sensed the sudden surge of chaotic magic emanating from within the Pokemon School. The fusion magic Cozy Glow created was emanating light that would beam through the windows.

"it's coming from inside..." Twilight noticed once seeing the light. She wished to deal with everything outside but the inside was far more volatile at the moment. Knowing that what was causing this originated from within the school, Twilight and Potion Nova quickly made their way inside.

As Twilight and Potion Nova hurried inside the Pokemon School, they were greeted with a scene of chaos and calamity. The intense heat that had radiated from the swirling vortex of magic had spread throughout the building, igniting anything combustible in its path.

With growing alarm, Twilight and Potion Nova rushed towards the cafeteria, where they could see billowing clouds of smoke pouring out from the windows. As they burst through the doors, they were met with the sight of flames leaping from the stovetops and spreading rapidly across the kitchen.

All the precious food everyone prepared had been set ablaze, charred or transformed into smaller bits. This left some students absolutely gutted.

"Aaww! My food!"" Potion Nova exclaimed, her voice filled with concern as she surveyed the scene before them. The food she was saving up was now on fire, completely ruined.

Without hesitation, Twilight sprang into action, summoning her magic to create a barrier around the flames in an attempt to contain them and prevent them from spreading further. Potion Nova followed suit, her own magic intertwining with Twilight's as they worked together to extinguish the blaze and ensure the safety of everyone inside the school.

With each passing moment, the flames began to recede, their intensity gradually diminishing as Twilight and Potion Nova poured all of their strength and knowledge into the task at hand. The students in the cafeteria were escorted outside immediately, distancing themselves from the flames.

"Ninetales!" Throwing her Poke Ball into the air, Twilight summoned her Ninetales into the fray. Not only was he immune to the heat, but he was also in possession of an ability well-equipped for this mess.

"It's all yours, Ninetales!" Twilight would let him have at the flames. With a smile on his face, Ninetales rushed in, gravitating the flames towards his body. With his ability Flash Fire, he could easily eat it all up, increasing his power, even if there was no one to battle.

The chefs here at the Pokemon School were already working hard to prevent the fires from getting out of control. Luckily, a few of them had Water-Types on their side to cool things off. Slowly but surely, they managed to bring the fire under control, until at last, the cafeteria was safe from harm.

That was one issue dealt with.

Exhausted but relieved, Twilight and Potion Nova surveyed the scene before them, grateful that they had been able to avert disaster once again. With a sigh of relief, they turned to each other, knowing that their quick thinking and teamwork had saved the day once more.

"That's great but...where's the root of the problem? This heat still isn't leaving." Potion Nova questioned.

"It looked like it came straight from the second floor of the school. But it might be on the move too." Twilight answered. As Twilight and Potion Nova pondered the source of the persistent heat, a sudden chill swept through the Pokemon School, sending shivers down their spines. They exchanged puzzled glances, sensing that something else was amiss.

"Now w-w-w-what?!" Potion Nova shivered. As the bizarre mix of extreme temperatures enveloped the Pokemon School, chaos reigned supreme. Students and staff alike found themselves caught in the grip of the conflicting elements, with some sweating profusely while others were frozen stiff.

Twilight and Potion Nova, unable to escape the effects of the drastic temperature changes, found themselves immobilized by the intense cold that surrounded them. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, their breath forming frosty clouds in the frigid air as they struggled to maintain their composure.

Despite their best efforts, they were unable to break free from the icy grip that held them in place, their movements sluggish and laboured as they fought against the numbing cold that threatened to overwhelm them.

"Ninetales!" Ninetales was still present, being the answer to this. After seeing his Trainer frozen in place, the Fox Pokemon would stand near her, using his own body heat to melt the ice. As the ice began to thaw under the heat of Ninetales' fiery aura, Twilight's movements gradually returned to her, her limbs no longer frozen in place.

With a grateful smile, Twilight reached out to stroke Ninetales' mane, her voice filled with appreciation. "Thanks, Ninetales...Haaah..." Ninetales would soon free Potion Nova and Espeon, melting the ice away. But Ninetales was just one Pokemon. He needed way more support than this.

Outside, Smolder finally fell prey to the effects. She shuddered on the spot, along with the Dragons. Charmander was completely fine, noticeably, having his advantage over Ice after all. All those who had Fire-Types were doing their best to melt away the ice.

Meanwhile, going straight to the source to see if she could help was Silverstream. "I'm the only one who doesn't feel anything somehow. This'll be a great time to help everyone! Then we'll all be friends with ease, Spheal!"

"Spheal!" Spheal agreed, also being immune. As Silverstream and Spheal ascended the stairs to the second floor, she noticed the lingering chill in the air and the remnants of ice that coated the walls and floor. Unlike the others, she remained unaffected by the extreme temperatures, her natural resilience to cold serving her well in this frozen environment.

The hallways were coated in ice, giving the entire area an otherworldly and frozen appearance. The remnants of the fusion magic were evident, with frost clinging to the walls and floor, casting an eerie glow in the dim light.

As Silverstream cautiously made her way through the icy corridors, her sharp eyes scanning the frozen landscape for any clues, she failed to notice a particularly slippery patch of ice right in front of her.

"Oh...Waagh!" With an unsuspecting step forward, Silverstream suddenly found herself losing her footing on the slick surface. Arms flailing wildly, she let out a yelp of surprise as she began to slide uncontrollably across the ice, picking up speed with each passing moment.

She landed flat on her face due to losing balance, sliding on the floor. Meanwhile, Spheal was rolling on the floor, perfectly in his element. Frantically, Silverstream tried to regain her balance, but her efforts only seemed to send her careening even faster down the hallway, her hooves slipping and sliding on the icy surface. Silverstream managed to cover a lot of ground with these speeds, even if unintentionally.

Eventually, Silverstream's wild ride came to an abrupt end as she collided with a nearby wall, the impact causing her to rebound and land in a heap on the ground.

"Oough..." As Silverstream lay on the floor, still recovering from her unexpected collision with the wall, she blinked dazedly as she noticed a figure standing nearby. It was none other than Cozy Glow, who appeared to be completely out of it, her expression vacant and her movements sluggish.

With narrowed eyes, Silverstream struggled to make sense of the situation. Had Cozy Glow been responsible for the chaotic fusion magic that had engulfed the school? And if so, what had caused her to become so disoriented?

Gathering her wits, Silverstream pushed herself up from the floor and approached Cozy Glow cautiously, her curiosity piqued. "Cozy? Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.


"H-Help!" Cozy Glow shouted at the top of her lungs, melting away some decorations on the wall. She was a walking hazard due to the elements around her. And if she wasn't melting anything, she was freezing it over.

"Whoa, Cozy, calm down!" Silverstream exclaimed, dodging a spray of melted decorations as she reached out to steady her friend. "You're causing quite a commotion."

"H-How are you fine?!" Cozy Glow would soon notice how Silverstream was acting like nothing was wrong. Neither hot nor cold. "Was it the potion you drank...?"

"Hm?" Silverstream thought for a moment, thinking back to the potion she drank that showed her biology to the class. "Well...I did actually put a bit of Spheal's DNA in it. Not just mine. I guess both of it mixed."

That explained why she was completely fine. She had the benefit of resisting the heat and the cold because Spheal was resistant to both. That one mistake made a huge difference.

"I know how to stop this!" Silverstream gasped, coming to her own conclusion. "Spheal! Use Rollout!"

"Wait! What do you mean Rollout?!" Cozy Glow screeched. Silverstream's solution was to have Spheal hit Cozy Glow. While she was the source of the problem, she didn't think it would be dealt with in this way.

"Duh. If it's Fire and Ice, then we've gotta use the one thing that's strong against both. I learned my Type Charts, ya know." She proudly said. "Don't worry! Spheal will make it harmless and it'll be a quick knockout."

"What kind of logic is that?!" Cozy Glow shouted, her voice carrying strong aggression which almost brought out her true self to Silverstream. But before she could continue, along came Spheal, rolling towards her.

As Spheal rolled towards Cozy Glow, Silverstream's heart pounded with anticipation, hoping that her plan would work. She watched anxiously as Spheal gained momentum, the icy Pokemon speeding towards Cozy Glow with determination.

Cozy Glow's eyes widened in horror as she realized what Silverstream had in mind. "No, wait!" She cried out, but it was too late. With a powerful collision, Spheal slammed into Cozy Glow, the force of the impact sending her sprawling to the ground.

For a moment, there was silence as Silverstream and Cozy Glow both held their breath, waiting to see the outcome of the collision. Slowly, Cozy Glow began to stir, groaning as she lifted herself up from the ground. The energy around her had been shattered by Spheal's Rollout. By attacking the source, the potion's effects had been compromised.

To their relief, Cozy Glow appeared to be unharmed, though slightly dazed from the impact. She was on the verge of passing out as she could barely handle a weakened Rollout. Cozy Glow was still a child at the end of the day.

"What... what just happened?" She muttered, her voice filled with confusion. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Such a simple and silly plan solved it all.

Silverstream let out a sigh of relief, relieved that her impromptu plan had worked. "Told ya! It worked! You're okay!" she exclaimed, rushing to Cozy Glow's side to help her up.

The chaos began to dissipate and the effects of Cozy Glow's uncontrollable magic faded away, a sense of relief washed over the Pokemon School. The oppressive heat and bone-chilling cold that had gripped the halls began to recede, replaced by a gentle warmth that enveloped the school.

Silverstream couldn't believe that their seemingly simple plan had worked so effectively.

Cozy Glow's eyes twitched. Her major plan came to an end in such a simple way. While she was glad to be free from the energy around her, she was also annoyed that no one had fainted. If anything, she was the one who was the closest to fainting from that Rollout.

As she glanced around at the relieved faces of the other students and Pokemon, Cozy Glow couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. It seemed that everyone else had escaped unscathed from the chaos, while she had borne the brunt of the consequences, nearly fainting from the impact of Spheal's Rollout.

"No way..." Her eyes twitched with irritation as she watched the others celebrate their victory, their laughter and chatter grating on her nerves. In that moment, Cozy Glow couldn't help but wonder if perhaps she had underestimated her opponents, or if her own plans had simply fallen short of her expectations.

"Great, right? Wait till I tell everyone about this! Now they'll have to be my friends since I saved them!" Silverstream cackled with joy. "What were you doing with all of that around you anyway?"

"I was...trying to stop it with a potion. But it backfired." She was technically telling the truth, but still lying, making sure to hide her true intentions. But despite her frustration, Cozy Glow knew that she couldn't dwell on her defeat for long. There would always be another opportunity to enact her schemes and prove herself as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

"Forget it..." She would sigh, walking off and deciding to call it a day.

As Twilight and Potion Nova entered the second floor, they were met with the aftermath of the chaos that had unfolded. Ice still clung to the walls, while melted decorations lay in puddles on the floor.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked, her brow furrowed with concern as she glanced around at the melted decorations and frozen surfaces.

Silverstream sighed, her gaze flickering briefly towards the spot where Cozy Glow had been moments before. "Well, you see..." She would gladly spill what she discovered.

Despite the simplicity of her plan, Silverstream received praise and recognition for her quick thinking and resourcefulness in bringing an end to the chaos that had engulfed the Pokemon School. Teachers and fellow students alike commended her bravery and ingenuity, grateful for her role in averting a potentially disastrous situation.

As she basked in the praise and admiration of her peers, Silverstream couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her accomplishment. Though her solution may have seemed straightforward, it had been effective in bringing about a swift resolution to the crisis, and for that, she was grateful.

Would this bring her more friends? Maybe. One thing was for sure, she left her own impact and gained notoriety. Cozy Glow, who was away from the Pokemon School, looked at the building as she knew her time there wasn't over. She was going to keep going there until she hit the jackpot.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 406 End.

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