• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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10 Again

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Day.

Unexpectedly, Ash Ketchum has gone through a bit of a consciousness swap. Done by a sudden clash between Dialga and Rift-Dialga, the 10-year-old Ash swapped consciousness with his older self. Now, in two different points in time, they were both stuck. In the past, Sheena had arrived to fix this while in the present, Fluttershy was counting on Twilight to do the same, trusting her intelligence.

"Ash told you to come here? How?" Twilight spoke to Misty, who had shown up to solve this issue as well. And apparently, Misty was already aware of it.

"I know it's strange. It was 23 years ago. That's when he told me to come and find him here. It's pretty weird to me...I was just swimming back at my Gym, when all of a sudden, that popped up in my head. "Misty described in the best way she could. "He sounded very serious about it too. But I know for a fact it was his older self, even though he looked young."

"How does that work?" Fluttershy wondered.

"It's a lot to say." The Tomboy Mermaid replied, knowing how bizarre it was to say this. Since both Ashs have switched consciousness, she had to elaborate and give plenty of context. "But I remember it. Ash went on about how he swapped consciousness with his younger self and after that, he told me to show up here."

"Wait...His older mind got sent back to his younger mind?" Astonished, Twilight pulled back after deducing what Misty shared. "And you still remember that?"

"Pretty much. I took it seriously back then and even though time passed and we went our separate ways, only to reunite here and there, I never forgot about that request. Mainly because Ash kept bringing it up. Brock was told to do the same but...I think he's rather busy at the moment compared to me."

"Way to go, Ash!" Twilight applauded Ash's forward-thinking approach. It was clever of him to make a request. "But, we have to make this right. We need to put time back to how it originally as and make sure your adventures with Ash remain the same. There's a good chance you had different adventures with a more mature Ash alongside you."

"Hm. That's true." The Gym Leader closed her eyes, putting on a smile. "I was so lucky, you have no idea. Ash was just so...smooth."

"Smooth?" Twilight perked up for a moment. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh? Haven't you figured it out yet? With an older Ash up here, he looks so much more capable than you can imagine. It's rather sweet what he says and how he acts. And since he's still in the past, I get to relive those charming moments again technically." Misty winked, knowing what she was doing. Twilight paused for a moment before shaking her head.

"...We need to fix things. Immediately!" Twilight uttered. "What else did he say?"

"Well, he then told me that I should take him to Pegalysium. I'm not sure why there of all places." Misty laid out the destination. Pegalysium is where Ash asked her to head to.

"Pegalysium?" Fluttershy said as she and Twilight looked at each other. "Why there?"

"Whatever the reason is for choosing Pegalysium, hopefully, back in the past, Ash is doing what he can to fix this." Twilight had full faith in Ash since he informed Misty of this in the past already. She believed in Ash to set things right. "Now let's go and find him and bring him along."

Kanto. 23 Years Ago. Day.

"You want us to go to...Pegalysium? What's that?" At this point in time, this was when Ash informed Misty and Brock of this message. It relayed all the way to the present.

"If Ash tells you this, your present-day self will carry it out," Sheena explained. "Even if the timeframe is completely different, these words will transfer to the present since Ash is misplaced in the wrong time."

"I know one of you will be busy. But even if one of you can't make it, I can still count on you." Ash said with a reassuring tone. "And my new friends in the future too. Feels great to have friends across time."

"Now that you've shared this, I can check up on the present to see what your 10-Year-Old self is up to. I was able to travel through time by reaching Dialga despite its pursuit of its Rift Variant."

"How come Dialga and Rift-Dialga were clashing? I know they're different from each other but..." Ash questioned.

"Because Rift-Dialga is something that is not allowed to exist in the eyes of Dialga. As the Creator and Guardian of time, it is Dialga's job to maintain time and keep it the way it is. And that involves this new timeline that was formed after you made that wish with Jirachi, Ash. Now, Dialga will protect the Grander World we live in. Even if it alters so much.

"So, Dialga wants to keep it like that too, huh? Sweet." Ash felt some relief. He did wonder how Dialga of all Pokemon would react to the two worlds finally becoming one. A new timeline has been made.

"But Rift-Dialga has a similar power. While it isn't on the level of the Dialga we know, that doesn't stop it from interacting with time. Since it works under the Rift, not only are its actions chaotic and random, such as your consciousness being swapped but there is a chance it could try and reset things."

"What?! Reset things?!" Ash gasped. Misty, Brock and Pikachu still had absolutely no idea what was going on or what was being said. "You mean it might put us back to square one?!"

"Potentially. It could take you back to the time when you first tried to reach all of the Trapped Jirachis and prevent the wish from being made. Its actions are hard to read, however. It might do it. It might not."

"Hmm...But we beat the Rift to it." Ash pondered, walking around in circles. "We made a promise that fateful day. That if we reached Jirachi first and made that wish, then the Rift wouldn't reset everything to how it was. But the Rift hasn't done that much ever since then. All it ever did was bring Galaxy Master to Magehold. Unless it's changing its mind."

"Maybe. The Rift is an entity I'm trying to figure out myself. My power to read the emotions of Pokemon are limited to only Pokemon. If only I could reach it much like how I reach Pokemon. But with Dialga chasing its Rift-Variant, you won't have to worry too much about things being reset, Ash."

"What about Rift-Palkia? It must be out there somewhere too."

"I haven't gotten to Rift-Palkia yet. It's harder to tell where it might be. But if I had to guess, there's a chance it could try and reset things as well. And the way it could do so is by sending certain places, people, ponies or Pokemon back to where they originally came from." Sheena theorized. "But that has yet to be seen.

"What have you been through in the future, Ash?" Misty questioned.

"Oh, this is just small potatoes compared to what else I've done." Ash grinned, winking at his friends. And he certainly wouldn't tell them that they've been involved in some of these wild events too.

"No spoilers, Ash," Sheena added.

"By the way, Sheena. This isn't about time, but there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Something else came up on Ash's mind that he needed answers to. It relates to Twilight Moonlight and potentially the Time-Space Axis that can be found at Michina Town's ruins. "Do you know about someone named Prisma?"

"Prisma." Sheena's pupils froze for a moment before she put on a serious face. "I do. I expected you to ask about this one day. Not to me but...now that you've asked it, I can share something with you. I know a bit about Prisma. Not everything. From the visions I saw that lasted for a short time, Prisma is someone I can talk about. And if you're wondering...he is indeed a part of you."

Equestria. Ponyville.

Meanwhile, in the present day, Ash was busy exploring the rest of Ponyville. His 10-year-old consciousness was going to miss out on this. His eyes were captivated by the town as he gazed at all the ponies here. Not just that, but it was amazing to see them alongside so many other Pokemon. This felt like a dream to Ash.

"I still don't get how they're not Pokemon." However, he still didn't understand how the ponies didn't classify as Pokemon to him. Just a difference between his younger self and older self. Staying by his side was Pikachu, who would be the one to keep an eye on him. The consciousness may be different but he was still his best friend.

"Ash! Hey, Ash!" Approaching Ash after seeing him was Rainbow Dash. It was only a matter of time until one of his friends went up to him and it happened to be Rainbow Dash. Ash was taken aback by the speed she was moving at, seeing her leave a rainbow trail. He has already seen pegasi flying through the air but neither of them have left a trail behind. "I saw the video! That was an awesome battle!"

"Huh? Battle?" Ash said, confused. He was not aware of the battle his older self had with Melony. Not at all.

"What? Don't remember?" Rainbow Dash chuckled for a moment before holding out a Rotomphone. She had the video which was shared to her by Delia. Every amazing moment from that battle was captured without a single one being missed. Ash would lean over, viewing the video for himself. "I mean, if I finished battling like that, I'd forget some stuff too. But how could I? It was just that fun!"

"Oooh..." After looking at the video, Ash saw himself. There he was, taking on Melony at the Pokemon World Championships. The flash of ice, Aura and draconic energy could be seen going off. He was astonished. That was him out there. Commentary about his battle and how intense it was.

Not only that, but Ash saw that he was battling with Pokemon he never knew he had. This was a highlights reel battle, showing some of the best parts, which was plentiful. Ash saw the Frozen Aura Sphere attack from Lucario, the Rainbow Tornado from Gengar and the mighty slam from Dragonite. Many clips were shown to him as he was now aware of the Pokemon his future self had.

"My personal favourite's the Rainbow Tornado. You know why."

"Those are my Pokemon! Haha! I'm awesome!" Ash pumped his fists into the air, praising himself. He got to see how powerful he was. Or rather, he believed he was that powerful despite the massive gap in time. At this moment, Ash would dig into his pockets, instinctively going for his Pokemon. It took him until now to realize that he had new Pokemon. By throwing these Poke Balls into the air, he summoned all five of them. Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch'd and Dracovish had arrived.

Ash was truly living a dream. New Pokemon that he never knew caught, right in front of him. He recognized two of them but the rest of them were a mystery. One of them reminded him greatly of Farfetch'd.

"What's up with you today, Ash?" Rainbow Dash questioned, noticing how different Ash was today. He was more excitable than usual and this was in the face of Pokemon he's already seen.

"Pika. Pikachu." Pikachu would hold onto Rainbow Dash's hoof, grabbing her attention.

"What's that, Pikachu?" The pegasus descended to get closer, listening to the Mouse Pokemon.

"Pikachu! Pika-Pi! Pika!" Pikachu tried his best to describe why Ash was acting this way. He would tap his head before transforming his face into the best possible visual example. He managed to tie his ears so that they resembled Ash's hat. He would continue to demonstrate his visual communication, trying to see if Rainbow Dash could deduce it.

"Ash's mind is...uhh..." Unfortunately, she struggled greatly with this task.

"This is great. The future's looking bright. And I bet my strength carries over now that I'm in this body." Ash believed he was that strong since he was in the body of his older self. In Ash's 10-year-old mind, he was as strong as he could be depending on the timeframe. And since he was in the future, his strength must truly be at a new level. "Alright! Who's up for a battle?!"

Dragonite and the others cried out. Ash still had that drive to battle and improve himself, no matter his age. They weren't even aware that Ash's consciousness had been swapped with his younger self. While his 10-year-old self had these new and powerful Pokemon with him, his older self was stuck in the past with some of his first Pokemon.

"So, what's up with you? What's your name?" Ash turned to Rainbow Dash.

"...Oooh..." After hearing that, Rainbow Dash deduced what Pikachu was trying to tell her. At least, for the most part. The one thing she managed to figure out was the fact that Ash's mind might not be all there. "Ash. Something happened to your mind, didn't it?"


"It's fine. It's fine. Shenanigans are always happening to us." She wrapped her hoof around his neck. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we can figure it out. We always do. And we always win."

"My mind's still here. I'm just older." Ash answered, confusing Rainbow Dash. "I heard what those other ponies back at the castle said. Apparently, my mind's been swapped or something, with my older self. All I know is that I'm pretty awesome in the future. World Championships? That was a given from the start."

"Wait! Are you saying that you're 10 in the head?! How?!"

"Pikachu!" To answer that, Pikachu pointed to Twilight's Castle. She had some answers and could give out the full context.

"And now that I'm here, I'm gonna have tons of fun. I bet I'm as strong as my older self for sure." He pumped his fists. "Everyone here has a Pokemon, so you've gotta be a Pokemon Trainer too."

"Well, I don't know if that's a good idea." Rainbow Dash uttered, rather hesitant. "I mean, this sounds like a Time Travel issue and that stuff just hurts my head. Maybe a battle with you could mess something up."

"Oh? You scared?"

"Scared?!" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ash calling her scared was not something she was expecting to hear. Especially the way he said it.

"Hehe. I saw that battle. All that power was off the charts. Which means, I'm too much for you to handle." He said with a grin on his face.

"Pfft! As if! I've taken on some crazy things for the past 4 years. And besides, you're not even the same Ash!" The pegasus pointed out.

"I am the same Ash. I'm just in the future, that's all." He crossed his arms, keeping his confident energy. "My mind's different but my skills are for sure gonna be the same. Unless you can't do it?"

"It was your older self who helped me get stronger. I know for a fact I can beat you! I've taken on 500ft giants!"

"Really?" Ash leaned in, liking what he was hearing.

"I've battled Legendaries, Mythicals and other ponies that have crazy power behind them!"

"Yes...!" Ash rubbed his hands. In all honesty, he was just wanted the chance to take on someone strong. And to show off his supposed inherited skills. The battle between the two was looking like it was about to happen."

"Ash Ketchum!" Before that could happen, Misty had appeared. She showed up right as Ash was about to battle Rainbow Dash. At his mental age, he was rather good at provoking others. And there was no better person he could provoke than Misty. She was present here with Twilight and Fluttershy, who didn't have to go far to find Ash. His squabble with Rainbow Dash gave them enough time.

"Misty! Awesome! You made it here too!" Ash said with a joyous look on his face. He was worried that Misty and Brock were somewhere else but he already saw one of his good friends here.

"And why am I not surprised? You're already starting something with someone." Misty kissed her teeth, shaking her head at Ash's actions. "Typical Ash."

"What's that supposed to mean? Where were you even? And where's Brock?"

"Hmph. Are you blind or something? Can't you see the difference and figure it out?" The Water-Specialist would tap her face. "I'm older than before. Prettier than before. This is the future and I'm mentally mature compared to you. See how beautiful I am?"

"Man. Time hasn't really changed you all that much." Ash gave a quick reply that basically downplayed Misty's beauty.

"Mrrgh!" She narrowed her eyes. She already knew Ash was calling her unattractive. "Hmph! You're not exactly a Prince Charming in the future. Not when you still kept that shaggy hair of yours."

Just like in the past, these two would take shots at each other when the opportunity calls for it. It hasn't changed at all. Or rather, one of the catalysts has managed to find himself in the present to keep that tradition going.

"Forget about that!" Twilight got in front of them. "Let's just focus on setting things right. Ash. Like it or not, we need to get your consciousness back to where it originally was. We need our original Ash back."

"I hear ya. I do wanna head back. I don't know much about time travel, but I heard it can be pretty dicey." Ash was at least aware of that. "That's what I've heard anyway."

"And you'd be right about that. Your older self is already on it. And to make sure we don't let him down, we're going to find the best way to set things right. You won't get to explore Ponyville or the rest of Equestria for that long, I'm afraid."

"Huh?! Why not?!" Ash pulled back. He was very much looking forward to that more than anything.

"Well, if you think about it, you will in the future." Fluttershy brought the upside to this. "If we fix this, time will go on how it usually does and everything we've done together will be the same. So you'll get to see everything either way."

"Our main destination is Pegalysium. That's where we need to be. Once we get there, we'll see what happens." said Twilight, getting back on track. "Your older self in the past told Misty to do so. Just in case we couldn't since time's been disrupted by Rift-Dialga. There would've been the possibility of us never meeting so that's why Misty was chosen."

"What's Pegalysium?" Ash asked before hearing his stomach growl. "And man, I'm hungry...I was gonna eat after having Brock make all that Pokemon Food I won. "Can we at least eat first before heading off?"

"No time for that. You won't have Brock to feed you this time." Misty shut that down immediately, preventing Ash from eating.

"Misty's right. You can eat back in your original timeline." Twilight was on the same page. "Even if you eat fast, knowing you, you'll ask for seconds or find something new to consume."

"But you do have Pinkie Pie. She always has food at the ready." Fluttershy considered Ash's hunger, not wanting him to miss out on any food "It''s important for Ash to have something to eat. You know how he gets without a full stomach, so let's have him eat along the way."

"That's great to hear! Thanks, Fluttershy!" Ash gave his honest thanks to Fluttershy for considering his hunger. Ash was about to feast while heading to Pegalysium.

Kanto. 23 Years Ago. Day.

"The truth is Ash...Prisma truly is within you. That pony known as Twilight Moonlight is very much correct" Sheena spoke to Ash about the Prisma situation, confirming to him that Twilight Moonlight was on to something. Ash was making sure to listen to this closely since it would give him extra context about why Twilight Moonlight was so aggressive.

"So Prisma really is around. And I'm supposed to be Prisma?"

"You and 9 others. You could consider yourselves incarnations of Prisma. However, it was never like that. You're still Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Your original history was always there...but the Rift got involved. And it did so by creating a short-lived world. It was a Paradise World and essentially an earlier version of the world we now live in."

"Zecora also told me about that. She said that it was a Utopia. Twilight Moonlight comes from that world too. Or she used to." Ash recalled more of what Zecora had heard. "What happened to it?"

"It was the world I saw in my vision. A world that was destroyed. It is similar to the Grander World of the present day. Humans, ponies, dragons, griffons, changelings and Pokemon all lived together in harmony. A true utopia. It had its own history. From start to finish. However, while it lasted for centuries upon centuries like any world would...in reality, it was only around for a split-second."

"A split second? How can that be?!" Brock exclaimed.

"When the Rift first appeared, you are very much aware of the flash, right?" Sheena asked Ash which was followed up by a nod. He knew about the flash that united the worlds. "Well, in the middle of that flash, the Rift created that Utopia by changing our history. But, the Rift then saw that world as a failure and removed it, thus opting to stick with how our worlds usually are. It decided to do what it normally does. Cross our worlds over."

"So, it had an option before all of that? It wanted to make our worlds one from the get-go. But it didn't go through with it?" This came as a surprise to Ash. Other actions from the Rift.

"Funnily enough, ever since you made that wish to Jirachi, you essentially created a variation of that Utopic world. It's not exactly a Utopia yet. But I'd say it's getting there."

"A world that was around for a short time but lasted centuries? How does that even work?" Misty wondered.

"Cosmic powers are strange. But what's important...is that your wish revived some of it, Ash."

"It did?!"

"Because you wished for our worlds to unite, locations and objects that originate from that Short-Lived Utopia have started to appear. The Winged Mountain was the first example. I'm sure you've heard of it by now. On top of that, there's also the fact that some areas have something new in them."

"Twilight Moonlight went straight for the Mirror Pool...and Anabel told me she went to so many other places I've been to, trying to stop Prisma from showing up. So all of that comes from that world. So, some stuff from that world are coming back?"

"We're not sure how much of it is coming back. It seems that some of them show up at random But the most vital one is without a doubt Prisma. Ash. While it may not look like it or feel like it, Prisma is indeed there. And he poses a great threat to us all."

"But I'm totally fine. I'm not possessed or anything. Not even Sombra's a threat. He's my friend now." Ash didn't see anything wrong with him. Judging by what he's heard, this Prisma character was potentially destructive and violent, but there have been no signs of that from Ash. Especially not from his Pokemon Battles.

"Yes, Ash. But there is a possibility. Prisma is lying dormant within you and there is something there that could awaken him." Sheena continued, knowing that Prisma had the potential to return. His soul could influence you or take over you. We're not yet sure what it will take for that to happen, but it can."

"I guess..." Ash grumbled. "What do I do then? Can we get it out? I mean, Applejack's Delta Lucario can knock souls out of bodies."

"Not exactly. Prisma is a different story. Compared to the Despair Plants you've faced, Prisma is you. He isn't another entity, Ash. He exists in you, Red, Hilbert and the others. The best thing to do is to keep him concealed. Can you do that for us, Ash?" Sheena requested.

"I can do that. I can keep him away." Ash nodded. He would try his best to keep Prisma at bay if he ever shows signs of appearing.

"Alright. Now, to focus on getting your consciousness back. And the main way to do that is to wait for another time portal to show up."

"How will we know when it'll show up?" Misty questioned.

"When Twilight and the others reach Pegalysium, they'll find out. And most importantly, I have to meet with Dialga and Rift-Dialga. It's best to put a stop to this as soon as possible. Rift-Dialga might want to reset everything, but I wish to speak with it. It's still a Pokemon after all and I believe I can communicate with it as well."

"Okay...but where are we gonna find both Dialgas afterwards?" Brock asked, bringing another big question

"Doctor Whooves can handle that for us," Sheena revealed that she wasn't working alone. The fact that she was using 'We' the entire time confirmed it but Ash didn't think that Doctor Whooves involved in this somehow. That brought some more hope to him.

Right now, all Ash could do was wait here in the past until his 10-year-old self reaches his destination and the method to bringing their minds back to normal could be completed. Thankfully, Pegalysium seemed to be the main destination and whatever was there, could lead to the solution as the journey continues.

Chapter 268 End.

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