• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 19: Heroes Unite

Deep in space, a spaceship just exited hyperspace as it was landing on a satellite invented in a meteorite. A couple of robot drones were about to approach the shuttle before another ship exited hyperspace and shot a laser down at the other ship, causing a hole to be made into the base. A large figure crashed through the hole and revealed himself to be a large alien who wore a red suit with spikes on his shoulders and knees that showed off some of his chest.

The robot drones then started firing, but the large alien charged at them as he started wrecking them to pieces with ease before he cut a hole through a door. There he saw a small containment unit holding some sort of purple crystal inside it. He narrowed his eyes before grabbing the containment unit and heading back. Soon he came out of an exit hatch as a platform raised him up and the ship he arrived in came around to pick him up.

The large alien then entered the control room where a shadowy figure was there as it turned to him. “Element X. It’s no good by itself, you know.” He said as a robotic tentacle grabbed Element X. “Where are we gonna find the Bicenthium we need to make it go boom?” He questioned. Then appearing from the shadows is Sixsix, who pressed a couple of buttons to show a familiar planet he once visited. “Ooh… I should have known.” The large alien said. “One of the cesspools of the universe… Equis.”

In a large high-tech city, a bunch of ponies were running away in terror as a giant robot was on a rampage. “Tremble, insects!” A crazy stallion in a robotic suit yelled. “Bow and kiss the hooves of Lord Dumerkas!” He then used his robot to grab a familiar girl, Helen.

"Someone, please help me!" She cried out before a sonic boom was heard in the sky before a familiar figure landed in front of the giant robot.

Then standing on top of a tripped chariot, Helix, who is in a superhero costume that looks green with a star in the center of his chest while wore a helmet. "Let her go, Dumerkas!" He demanded with a heroic tone.

"Mega Helix?!" Dumerkas asked in shock as Helen smiled widely before Helix flew up and smashed one of his legs. “My destructoids! No!” He cried as his robot began to tilt.

Helen was about to scream as she fell, but then Helix flew in and grabbed her. “Don’t worry, Helen! I gotcha!" He assured her as he gave her a decent look.

"My hero." She said as she held her hand up to his cheek and the two of them were about to share a kiss.

"Hey Helen. Hele?" Mega Helix spoke up before they could kiss which really confused her.

"Helen, wake up!" Helix shouted as Helen was startled when she set up from a bench. The group was in a town at a museum as Helen bought a comic book and accidentally fell asleep while on a bench.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked before she stretched her arms.

"For a while." Sandbar answered as she got up. “Although I can't blame you, this museum isn't exactly as fun as I hoped."

"It's an art museum, and let's be glad Twilight didn't give us an assignment on all this." Smolder mentioned.

“Doesn’t make it any better.” Manny complained.

“You know, guys. One afternoon of culture won’t kill any of you.” Ocellus said in amusement.

“Unless it bores us to death.” Helix said as he took out some chocolate pieces and ate them.

“Hey, Helix, you think you can share some of those chocolates?” Ocellus asked before he tossed a chocolate bar.

"Sure, I managed to grab some from the gift shop.” He looks mentioned after taking another bite of chocolate.

“I’m surprised you managed to save enough.” Silverstream said with a smile as Ocellus gave them each a piece of chocolate.

"With what his mom cooks, I wouldn't blame them." Gallus mentioned before he looked at Helix. "No offense."

"None taken, the food is pretty gross. Worse than what my grandpa can make." Helix told them.

"So, what were you dreaming about?" Attea asked Helen as she looked away with a small blush.

"Oh uh…nothing, just how we could be even better superheroes if we tried harder.” She lied with a smile before they saw an alien ship flying overhead. "What was that?"

“I guess we’re about to find out.” Helix said with an exciting smile.

“Talk about timing.” Manny mentioned before they went off to see what the alien ship was about.

The ship soon landed in the center of town where a bunch of ponies saw it and gathered around. Helix and the others soon arrived before they saw the large alien step out and land with a thud. “Take me to your Bicenthium alloy.” He demanded as the ponies looked at him in silence before he raised his fist and slammed down on the ground, which created a shockwave that knocked some ponies down while the rest ran off while Helix and his friends hid behind a corner.

“Now, that’s just plain rude.” Sliverstream commented.

“Not to mention, weird words alien said.” Yona said in confusion.

“Well, somepony’s gotta teach ugly there some manners.” Helix said as he activated the Omnirix before turning to his four teammates. “You guys ready?”

"Ready!” His team called out as they prepared their gear.

At the museum, the adult ponies are watching a fountain. “Children?” Twilight called out while looking around to find the children.

“Don’t tell me they wandered off again.” Rainbow groaned in annoyance. “They kept doing this.”

“Something tells me they can get into trouble no matter where they go.” Delta said with a sigh.

“Well, where are they now?” Rarity asked before they saw an explosion down a couple of blocks.

“Uh, how about we check there?” Spike suggested nervously while pointing to an explosion.

On the streets, the large alien is still trashing the street before Fourarms comes down and tackles him. “Okay, tough guy.” Fourarms started with a look.

“A Tetraman?” The large alien asked in surprise. “Hey, this planet really is a dump.” He commented before he flexed and got Fourarms off him before grabbing him by the head and tossing him into a building.

Just then, Manny came rushing in and punched the large alien in the face, knocking him back. “Yeah, well, there’s two of the four arms here!” Manny called while cracking his knuckles before Ocellus, who is armored up, Helen, and Attea came beside Fourarms as he came out of the building and knocked him back.

"An Incursion, Glavanicmegmorph, another Tetraman, and a Kineceleran?” The large alien asked in surprise. “Wow, this planet really gone downhill.” He said before Helen whacked him many times and Ocellus blasted him to the ground.

And then, Sixsix appeared from the sky and started blasting at them.

“You!” Fourarms yelled.

“Sixsix!?” Ocellus shouted in shock. “What are you doing back here?!”

“Uh, I don’t think he talks, Ocellus, remember?” Fourarms reminded her as they dodged the lasers and hid behind the building as Sixsix fired missiles at them.

“Incoming!” Attea yelled as they moved out of the way and avoided the missiles as best they could.

Coming out of the corner is the adult ponies as they come up behind the rest of the Young Six. “We take it Helix and the others are fighting another alien?” Applejack asked the young group.

"And that's the alien that went after Helix in the desert." Twilight pointed out. “He must have escaped galactic jail."

“And might be wanting payback after what happened.” Smolder added as Sixsix flew up and fired more missles, but Fourarms and Manny grabbed them and redirected them back at Sixsix, who got blasted which sent him crashing down. Fourarms then went over and picked him up but before he could land another punch, Sixsix chopped some sort of small grenade which started electrocuting Fourarms.

“Helix!” The others yelled, but before Sixsix would fire his missiles at him, three flashes of light shined down in front of the ship as three aliens, one who was a squid with its brain in a jar, the middle one was a blue muscled alien, and the last one is a female Tetraman, while wearing yellow uniforms while the blue alien is wearing a cape.

Just then, Sixsix was surrounded by a blue aura as he was levitated up and was tossed away from Fourarms as he crashed next to the large alien. “No way!” Fourarms said with a wide smile.

“Okay. This is weird.” Fluttershy commented.

“Who are they?” Gallus asked in surprise.

"We know those three…" Delta muttered as he and his wife gave a dull look at the three aliens.

“Rescue formation Alpha 9.” The middle alien said as they charged at Sixsix and the large alien.

“It’s the capes.” The large alien said as he picked up Sixsix. “I hate capes!” He growled as he charged at them while Sixsix started firing his blaster.

The Middle alien dodged the lasers before shooting lasers from his eyes to take out his blaster. The female Tetraman charged in before she delivered a very powerful Thunderclap that sent Sixsix flying back and crashed into a wall. Fourarms then noticed her looking at him before she smiled and gave a wink at him.

“Ah?” Fourarms flinched back while Attea and Helen noticed this.

“Is she, hitting on Helix?” Helen asked in shock.

“Seems that way.” Attea said with a glare.

Meanwhile, the tentacle alien was dodging attacks from the big alien before he used telekinesis to lift him up high into the sky so the middle alien flew in and delivered a punch to send him crushing down on Sixsix. The three aliens then circled the two while Fourarms and the others watched.

“By the provisions set forth in the Galatic Code of Conduct, I order you to surrender.” The middle alien ordered with his arms crossed. “Will you yield?”

"Yield?! Are you serious right now?” Manny questioned them. "These guys try to kill a bunch of ponies, you got to do something before they try and pull something!" And he was right when Sixsix dropped another grenade that let out a red flash of light that blinded them.

And then once they opened their eyes, they saw Sixsix and his partner gone as the ship took off as Sixsix fired at the pillars of a building, which were about to crush Twilight and the others. “Fall in!” Fourarms yelled as he, Manny, and the female Tetraman quickly rushed up and grabbed hold of the pillars with their strength. “Hold it! Hold it!”

“You three may release your grip now.” The tentacle alien told them as he used his psychic powers to place the pillars back up straight before the middle alien used his laser eyes to seal the cracks back up so they wouldn't fall again.

"Nice one." Manny complemented before he and the others noticed the female Tedraman wrapped her arm around Fourarms.

"So, what's a big strong alien like you doing on a planet like this?" She asked as she was flirting with him. "Are you taking care of your little brother while you're here?"

“Little?!” Manny questioned in shock. “I’m taller than him if he wasn’t like this!” He called just as Helen and Attea looked extremely jealous.

"We make a great team, don't we?" She asked before the Omnitrix started beeping red on his shoulder.

“Yes. Saved by the beep.” Helen said in relief as Helix transformed back.

“Hey, where’d the rest of you go?” The female Tetraman asked after seeing Helix.

“Sorry, I’m just a colt.” Helix said to her. “I just get extra hands once in a while.”

"And we're pretty sure he's not your type." Attea mentioned as she and Helen stood next to him.

“So the rumors were true.” The tentacle alien said as he and the blue one came down. “The Omnitrix is in the possession of an equine youngling. We heard you were of somewhat limited mental capacity.” He noted as Helix gave him a look. “No offense.”

"That's our son." Delta spoke up as he and Dust walked up to them and showed off their plumber badges.

“We’re plumbers of this planet. And we have a feeling that you would remember us, right, Ultimos?” Dust said with a smirk on her face to the blue alien.

“Wait, Mom, Dad, you know these guys?” Helix asked in surprise.

"It's an honor to meet you again, Delta and Dust." The Middle alien mentioned before he looked at the others. "I am Ultimos, the specimen prime." He introduced himself before he gestured to the other two. "This is Synaptak and Tini. Together we are the Galactic Enforcers!" He declared as all three of them did a heroic pose.

Delta and Dust looked at them in amusement while the others looked weirded out. “Still the same team we remember.” Delta said in amusement.

Helix was amazed. “Whoa. The uniforms, the moves. You guys rock!” Helix cheered excitedly.

“I’ll say!” Spike yelled out in excitement. “Finally, some other superheroes that are real other than the Power Ponies!” He called.

“Um, excuse me, but what are the Galactic Enforcers?” Rainbow asked up. “Because this is clearly an out-of-this-world kind of hero thing.”

“Oh, right. You all don’t know.” Dust said as she spoke up. “Everyone, these are the Galatic Enforcers. They are a group of alien superheroes who traveled the galaxy to protect it from threats.” She explained.

“During our plumber days, they were our allies when they helped us apprehend some aliens that were too tough for us to handle.” Delta said with a smile. “They come and go and find any threat the galaxy is facing.”

“As per the Galactic Code of Conduct, we hereby officially request clearance to operate in your quadrant.” Ultimos said to them.

“For you and your team, Ultimos, you’re welcome by us anytime.” Delta said with a smile.

Ultimos gave a smile in return. “Then we have much to discuss.” He said as he pressed a button on his belt, which created a portal beneath the group.

"This is awesome!" Rainbow shouted before they all suddenly got teleported up into space.

Once they were shot up, a spaceship above Equis was orbiting the planet as the Equestrians appeared inside. “Oh, I’ve forgotten how much I hate those transporter discs.” Delta groaned while rubbing his head.

“Way much different than the teleportation spell.” Twilight groaned as the rest of the Galactic Enforcers appeared beside them as they looked at the commissary.

"How cool is this, we really need an awesome ship like this." Helix told the others excitedly.

"Calm down, you're drooling all over the place." Smolder told him with her arms crossed.

"So, what do we owe the pleasure of the bounty hunter that went after my son?" Delta questioned Ultimos.

“Sixsix escaped incarceration and formed an alliance with the cretin Volcanus.” Ultimos informed.

“A Detrabyte.” Synaptak added. “Limited metal capabilities. All brawn, no brains. You know the type.” He said while looking at Helix and the others gave him a look.

“Did he just call us dumb?” Rarity asked while feeling insulted.

"But why are they here?" Dust asked and completely ignored Rarity's question.

"They were hired to steal… Element X." Ultimos answered as they just gave a confused look.

"What's Element X?" Pinkie questioned with her hoof raised.

“Element X can be used to form one half of a devastating explosion compound.” Synaptak explained.

“But why would they come to Equestria?” Twilight asked in wonder.

“Most likely in search of the other ingredient.” Ultimos said while showing a formula structure next to the Element X one. “Bicenthium alloy. It’s very rare. But rumored to be found on your planet. When combined, the alloy and Element X form an explosive powerful enough to destroy an entire solar system.” He said as there was a bright flash.

“So wait, you’re telling us that our entire solar system will go boom by these tiny components!?” Spike asked in shock.

“Just like that?!” Smolder asked as well.

"That makes it all the more reason to stop them.” Flash spoke up. "We better get down there and start--"

"Excuse me, but the galactic code is very clear on our protocol." Ultimos interrupted before he looked at Tini. "Tini, launch observers 1 through 5 and send them to the planet below." He said as Tini went up to the controls and sent out some probes down on Equis. “The observers will scan every inch of the city and locate the perpetrators.” He explained as they watched the observers go down to the planet.

“Okay, you fellars are prepared for anything.” Applejack commented.

“We are. In the meantime, perhaps a tour would be in order.” Ultimos said with a smile. “If that’s okay with you two?” He asked Dust and Delta.

"That's fine." Delta replied.

"It would be an honor to see how an alien ship works." Twilight said with a smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Ultimos said to Twilight. “But the Galatic Code is quite clear. Provision 373-837. No civilian visitors in secure areas of the ship. You and your Equestrian friends must remain here on the bridge.” He instructed.

“Aw, really?” Pinkie complained while the others were shocked by this.

“Helix, Ocellus, Manny, Helen, and Attea, Tini will show you five around.” Ultimos said as Tini grabbed Helix and placed him on her shoulder as he laughed.

“Hey, how come they get to go?” Smolder complained.

“Wearing the Omnitrix and having a team grants them full hero status." Ultimos answered before Helix and Tini went to tour the ship. Helen and Attea got jealous looks on their faces again before they noticed Synaptic having the same look as they walked out.

“Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine! Super jerks.” Rainbow muttered as Delta and Dust gave them a stern look.

“Sorry, ponies. But the Galatic Enforcers are very strict with their codes.” Delta said to them. “While they find allies like me and Dust to handle the big threats, they know that keeping other civilians safe is the most important part.”

“And when they follow protocols, they follow them hard.” Dust added.

"Whoa, now this place looks more amazing than the plumber base." Attea complimented them as they were in the training room of the ship.

"Kids, come over here, I want to show you want something." Ultimos called out as a gesture for them to come over before he pressed a button on his belt and the floor opened up to lift up a table. Then suddenly a Giant Book fell down as the others looked at it.

"What's this?" Manny asked while pointing at the book.

“This is the Galactic Code of Conduct.” Ultimos answered. “Every Galactic Enforcer must learn the rules so that they may live by the rules.

“Wow. That is one big book.” Ocellus said in surprise. “There must be hundreds of pages in here.”

“Thousands, actually.” Ultimos corrected.

“Oh, man. Superhero homework?” Helix asked.

“Well, the first 12,000 pages are admittedly a bit dry, but after that--” Ultimos admitted before the alarm went off. "The Observers have discovered something!" They all rushed to the bridge where the others were still in before a holographic image showed both Sixsix and Volcanus in a mining area where they were searching around.

Sixsix flew over Volcanus, who was moving some boulders with a claw as he spoke in an alien language to him.

“Yeah, well, it would go faster if you helped, too.” Volcanus complained as the Observer kept spying on them.

“That’s a strip mine.” Twilight stated after seeing the area. “Looks like they’re after iron ore.” She theorizes.

“Is that the missing ingredient?” Delta asked the Galatic Enforcers.

“If it is, we’d better get down there.” Ultimos said with a serious look. “But we could use some help.” He said before he turned to Helix and his team. “Helix, would you and your friends consider a temporary Commission in the Galactic Enforcers?"

"Good idea." Tini told him with a smile.

"Bad idea." Synaptic replied.

Ultimos looked at his two teammates with a brow. “It would seem that I am the deciding vote.” He said as he thought for a moment before smiling. “Let’s get you all in uniforms.” He declared as the group smiled.

A bit later, Helix and his team stepped out while wearing the Galactic Unicorns, while Attea, Helen, and Ocellus wore female versions of the costumes with skirts like Tini, Manny wore an armored version like Tini, but in a male version, and Helix wore a suit similar to Ultimos.

“Presenting Ultra Helix, Galactic Enforcer!” Helix declared as the others watched as Helix walked off, but he tripped and fell to the ground. “I’d meant to do that.” He said.

“Maybe you should’ve ditched the cape, man.” Manny suggested as Helen helped Helix up.

“What? Capes are cool.” Helix said with a shrug.

“Only when their the right sizes.” Helen said as she and Attea adjusted their skirts. “Seriously, these are a little unfitting.”

“You’re telling me sister. They could at least make them more smaller sizes.” Attea said in agreement.

"But what about the rest of us?" Applejack questioned.

"I'm afraid the GCC is quite clear about the participation of non-superpowered beings." Ultimos mentioned. "You all will be safer here." Synaptak then used his power to put up a barrier to keep them in the cockpit.

"Hey, no fair!" Rainbow complained as she beat on the barrier.

"Don't worry, will be back once we kick Sixsix's can back into outer space!" Helix declared before he took a bite of some chocolate. “Hey, you want some?” He asked while offering some chococlate to Ultimos.

“Ah, local cuisine.” Ultimos said with a smile as he took a piece. “I certainly wouldn’t want to offend your planet’s customs.” He said with a smile, which caused Delta and Dust’s eyes to widen in panic when he ate it.

“Wait! Ultimos!” Dust called.

“You can’t--” Delta called, but it was too late as the heroes teleported away. “Eat those.” He finished while giving a worried look.

“Wait, why wouldn’t Ultimos eat chocolate?” Pinkie asked in confusion. “Chocolate is delicous!”

"Only to Ultimos…" Delta muttered with a worried tone.

In the cavern where both Sixsix and Volcanus are mining, Volcanus placed some iron ore into a containment bin as Sixsix hovered above holding the canister with the Element X crystal inside. “Once the ore has been purified, it can be fused with Element X, and then boom! The galaxy will be at our feet.” Volcanus said with a smile as the two continued on.

“Well, at least we know that the iron ore is the right ingredient for that X thing when purified.” Manny said to them.

“Now, we got ‘em.” Helix whispered with determination. “We’ll catch them completely off--” He stopped when he saw something that made him concerned. “Ultimos?” He asked as they turned to him.

When they turned to Ultimos, he lost his muscles and was shriveled up to skin and bones while his color was brownish-grey while he held himself while shivering. “Cold! So c-c-cold.” He shivered as he tripped and was about to fall until Synaptic caught him.

“What’s wrong with him?” Ocellus asked in concern. “He was fine just a second ago.”

“It appears to be synchrolaxonite poisoning.” Synaptic summarizes before noticing something on Ultimos’ cheeks. “Well, what is this?” He asked as he wiped his cheeks, which was the chocolate Helix had given him earlier.

“I just gave him a little.” Helix said in shock. “I was trying to be polite.” He added in defense.

“You did this?” Synaptic questioned before giving Helix a glare. “I suspected you could not be trusted.”

“Hey, leave him alone!” Attea said firmly. “He didn’t know!”

"And besides, chocolate as a weakness is pretty lame." Manny mentioned.

"Don't worry Tini, he'll be fine in a few hours." Synaptic assured her before he gently laid Ultimos down to rest before he glared at Helix. “You'll be dealt with after these rogues are behind bars." Helix flinched back before they saw him fly up out in the open. "Galactic Enforcers, engage!" He called as Sixsix and Volcanus turned to them.

“Why would you do that?!” Helen called out.

“As the temporary leader, I announce our presence with authority.” Synaptic said while clenching his tentacle.

“And let the bad guys know we’re here?” Helix questioned with a look.

“What’s your point?” Synaptic questioned before a chariot was tossed at them, which Manny and Tini tried to block but Synaptic used his powers to levitate it aside from them. “By provisions set forth in the Galactic Code of Conduct, I order you to surrender.” He ordered Sixsix and Volcanus.

The two aliens looked at each other before they split up as Sixsix started firing at them while Volcanus grabbed a crane and tossed it at them while the heroes took cover. “Hey, squid dude, does that ever work?” Manny questioned.

“Because just telling them to surrender is like trying to ask the sun to stop shining!” Attea added in irration.

"Are you ready to become a Tetraman again?" Tini asked Helix.

"Not at this moment, we're going to need some speed." He said as he activated the Omnitrix and programmed the alien he had in mind. Once the core popped up, he slammed it down and transformed into XLR8. "Let's split up. Me, Helen, Attea, and Ocellus will distract Sixsix while the rest of you take on Volcanus."

“Roger that, Helix.” Manny said with a nod as XLR8 and the girls took off and charged at Sixsix while Ocellus returned fire.

“Helix, wanna start making cyclones together?” Helen asked with a smirk.

“You read my mind.” XLR8 said as the two speedsters got below Sixsix and ran really fast together to create tornados that spun Sixsix around in the air as Attea then grabbed him with her tongue and tossed him to a wall and Sixsix fell to the ground.

Sixsix then pressed up on his wrist and send electricity right up her tongue and electrocuted her. “Attea!” Ocellus cried out before she was hit by a missile by Sixsix, which knocked her down.

“Girls!” XLR8 cried as a crane fell right in front of him and Helen.

“Helix, stop!” Helen called as the two speedsters stopped but they fell on their backs as Volcanus raised a machine over them.

“Get away from them!” Manny yelled as he and Tini ran up to Volcanus and delivered a double punch that knocked him down. Tini then came up to XLR8 and Helen as she helped them up.

“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be attacking Sixsix.” XLR8 reminded them.

“Tell that to them. Tini wanted to protect you, man.” Manny said while gesturing to Tini.

"No, I must protect him!" She declared before Volcanus got her by surprise by slamming a large machine on her before knocking her down.

“Tini!” Synaptic yelled as he then used his powers on Volcanus, which knocked him back. What they didn’t see was Sixsix standing back up as he sent a beam at Synaptic, which shocked him as he fell to the ground. The two aliens then walked up to the down heroes.

Back on the ship, the others could see the others weren't doing so well against the two aliens. “They’re getting their butts creamed out there!” Smolder exclaimed.

“We gotta do something or their toast!” Rainbow called.

“Already on it.” Delta said as he typed on the console. “I’m programming in the coordinates from the spaceship. We should be beamed right down into the pit.”

“Should?” Spike asked nervously as Delta pressed the button and they teleported.

Back down, XLR8 and Helen were dodging blasts from Sixsix as they both ran around as fast as they could. “Helix, this isn’t working!” Helen called.

“I know! We need a new plan!” XLR8 called as he ran up a wall and jumped at Sixsix, knocking him down as they continued on just as Twilight and the others teleported.

"Duck!" Rarity shouted as they all ducked down when they nearly got hit from one of the blasts.

“Maybe you could’ve teleported us someplace that is not in the middle of a battle!” Sandbar suggested nervously as he dodged another blast before a machine was falling towards them.

But then XLR8 and Helen sped towards them and moved them out of the way before it fell as they landed with the other heroes. Volcanus turned to Sixsix, who pointed to the crate filled with iron ore as he picked it up and walked off.

“Why didn’t we stay in that nice safe spaceship?” Fluttershy asked nervously as the Omnitrix timed out and XLR8 transformed back into Helix.

"I think we have bigger problems." Flash mentioned as the two rogues headed back to their ship before Sixsix took aim at the cliff and fired multiple missiles to cause a rock slide.

“Rock slide!” Applejack yelled as he turned to the other heroes, who struggled to break as Helix gave a smirk as he got an idea.

“This looks like a job for Ultra Helix.” Helix said with a smirk as he stepped forward. “Only I can save Tini.” He said, which got Synaptic’s attention as he floated forward and pushed Helix back.

“One side, youngling.” Synaptic said as he used his powers to shield them from the rock slide as he blasted them away, but then floated down to Tini, who gave him a grateful smile.

“You knew to get him into action after saying that, did you?” Attea asked Helix with a smirk.

“It’s a gift.” Helix said with a smile as they turned and saw the two aliens’ ship take off.

“But we still lost Sixsix and Volcanus.” Dust said in worry.

“The Bicenthium ore and the Element X can only be bound together by an enormous amount of heat." Synaptic informed them.

"Like the magma from a forge in a steel mill?" Twilight question with realization.

"Are there any such facilities in this area?"

"Uh hello, we're in Hoofsburgh." Rainbow spoke up. "This is known as Equestria's steeltown."

“Interesting theory,” Ultimos said as he recovered from his poisoning as he walked up to them. “But according to the protocol in the Galactic Code of--”

“Ultimos, just stop.” Delta interrupted firmly. “So far following protocol only lets the villains get away with their crime."

"My dad's right, you're on our planet and that means you do things our way." Helix told them as they all grinned at the idea.

At nightfall, Volcanus and Sixsix are at a factory as they are melting down the ore as Sixsix spoke to Volcanus. “Don’t blow a gasket, partner. Only the purest mixtures are combined with Element X, to give us the explosive we want.” He reminded while gesturing to Element X before he brought his hand out of the lava and gave a laugh. “Perfect.” He said before the building shook as Sixsix ready his weapons.

Coming from the roof is the Galactic Enforcers as they floated down. “You capes never learn.” Volcanus shook his head in amusement.

“Wrong.” Gravattack’s voice called as the two aliens turned to him. “Galactic Enforcers. Formation: Surprise party!” He called as he floated towards Sixsix and pushed him back with his powers.

“Galactic Enforcers, engage!” Ultimos called out as the three heroes charged at them.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others went up to the control panel and started to use the main controls. "Mixing a forge is just like baking a cake, if we mix up the recipe then Element X won't bond to it and we won't explode!" She told the others as they got to work on stopping the bad guys.

Sixsix got his bearings as he started firing at Gravattack, but he avoided the shots as Helen then sped towards Sixsix in a blur as she started punching him repeatedly before Sixsix smacked her aside, which caused her to fall into a cauldron but she was caught in a green aurora as she turned and saw Gravattack using his powers.

“Don’t worry, Helen. I gotcha.” Gravattack said with a smile, which made Helen smile widely with a light blush since he said the same thing in her dreams.

“You’re my hero.” Helen said fondly.

Attea then swung at Sixsix with her tongue and punched him down while Ultimos was fighting Volcanus while punching him back, but Volcanus punched him down as Manny and Tini tried to hit him, but Volcanus punched them in the guts as Ultimos tried to attack again, but Volcanus flips him on the ground. Soon Helen spun around him a few times to make him dizzy before Manny, Ultimos, and Tini delivered a punch right into his jaw and sent him flying into the forge.

“Now that’s how we fourarms punch.” Manny said with a smile.

With Helen, Gravattack, Attea, Ocellus, and Synaptic, they are facing Sixsix as he brings out an electric whip, which wraps around Synaptic as he groans in pain before Gravattack charges at him and knocks him back, freeing Synaptic as he falls to the floor. “Oh, this is exhilarating, isn’t it?” Ultimos asked Trini and Manny. “No plan. No rules. No…”

“Watch out!” Manny called as he pushed Tini and Ultimos to avoid an incoming fireball that Volcanus threw at them from the forge. “I know you guys are liking our way, but how about staying focused on the missing, okay?” He asked.

Volcanus then noticed the forge starting to move until he saw Twilight and the others using the controls and knew what they were doing. He then tossed another fireball at the control room as he destroyed the console while the others moved out of the way before they were hit.

“The controls are smashed! I can’t control the mix from here!” Twilight exclaimed in worry while Ocellus flew around while firing her shots at Sixsix, who’s returning the blast while avoiding the shots.

But with Sixsix distracted, he didn’t see Gravattack coming up from behind and smacking him down before coming up behind him and using his orbit to catch him and send him flying. They then saw Volcanus about to pour in the Element X into the mix before Tini slammed the ground to make him lose his balance and drop the canister. Helen quickly raced and caught the canister before she quickly dropped it from the intense heat that was on it. "Owowowow! That's hot!" She exclaimed in pain.

Volcanus and Sixsix walked up to her as she tried to run away with the Element X, but Sixsix sent a bola leg trap that was tied around her legs made her trip and dropped the canister as Volcanus picked it up and ran back, but then Synaptic used his powers to drag Sixsix back while Ultimos carried Tini as he toss her to Sixsix as she punched him down and landed behind him as the three Galactic Enforcers surrounded him.

The three charged at Sixsix, but he sent a shockwave that knocked them back as Volcanus climbed back up and ran toward the forge. But then Synaptic used his powers to move a cauldron as Tini ran up to Volcanus and shattered Element X as Ultimos used his super breath as lava was poured down on Sixsix and Volcanus as they were trapped in hardened lava as the heroes huddled together.

“Don’t know if it’s art, but I like it.” Gravattack said with a smile as the others nodded in agreement.

A bit later, the others are outside the factory while Ultimos is carrying the two aliens as he places them down. “Listen. About that, uh, Tetraman thing.” Helix said to Tini uncomfortably.

as Helen and Attea quickly looked surprised at him.

"It is alright, because I found a new partner." Tini told him before Synaptic floated over to her. "Check out the frontal lobes on this guy."

"Huh, guess she has her own unique taste." Rarity whispered as they watched the two walk off together.

"Helix, you and your team with your unorthodox methods are exactly what we need to defeat this new breed of criminals." Ultimos said when he walked up to them before a few badges of their symbol. "We officially extend to you a full commission in the Galactic Enforcers."

Helix smiled as he took the badge. “Thanks, but no, thanks.” He said as he turned to the others. “I’m already part of a super team.”

Ultimos smiled. “Keep it in hopes that we meet again someday.” He said as he walked up to his team. “Galactic Enforcers, away!” He announced as they teleported away as the others smiled.

“You passed down a chacne to hang out with alien heroes just to be with us?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“Hey, I was already on a team before meeting them.” Helix said with a warm smile. “I’m better off with you guys.” He said as his friends smiled warmly at him for his words, knowing that his friends and family would never be replaced with any other team of hers as they all walked up to their mobile base and continued their summer trip.

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