• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 10: Small Problems

Helix, Helen, Manny, and the Young Six were all wearing swimwear as they looked up at a very large water slide. "I gotta say, this is the first water park I've ever been to." Helen mentioned with a smile. "Although I wish I could be sliding down a water slide looking like myself and not like this."

"Well, you don't want to freak all these ponies out." Helix reminded her. "But hey, you look great no matter what you look like." That compliment caused Helen to blush a little as the others looked at the big water slide.

"But right now, let's go have some fun on the most extreme yet exciting slide of all time!" Silverstream exclaimed excitedly.

“Yeah! I’ve heard that the Riptide Rapids zone is the most awesome water slide in Equestria!” Smolder exclaimed while gesturing to the waterslide in front of them.

“Um, isn’t that a bit extreme?” Ocellus asked nervously.

“Oh, come on, Ocellus.” Manny said while patting her on the back. “We’ve faced plenty of crazy this summer. This water slide will be just the tip of the iceberg with some thrills and nothing that would kill us.” He assured her.

“Manny’s right. Besides, when has that ever stopped us?” Gallus asked with a smirk.

“You know, he’s got a point there.” Sandbar commented.

“Less talking, let’s go ride that slide!” Helix cheered as they all ran towards the water slide and climbed up to the top as they ran towards the slide. But before Helix could go any further, a hoof stopped him from doing so.

"Sorry kid, but you're too short to go." An employee stallion told him.

“What are you talking about?” Helix questioned as the stallion gestured to the height sign that he was a couple of inchs short to the pole. “But I’m almost…”

“Next!” The stallion cut him off as Smolder walked up to him with a smirk.

“Sorry. I heard the baby banana boats are fun for the smaller set,” Smolder taunted before she was jabbed to the side by a blur. “Ow! What the--?!”

"You know that wasn't cool, and you promised Twilight you would be nicer to him.” Helen told Smolder firmly.

"Since when are you so sensitive about--" Smolder was going to ask before she realized why. "Unless you like him."

Helen’s eyes widen when she said that as she blushed a bit before she jabbed Smolder again. “Let’s just get on the ride, now!” She said firmly as she pushed Smolder to the others while staying with Helix as she sighed. “Sorry, Helix. When it comes being the youngest, things don’t tend to go their way.”

“Yeah. But I’m gonna make them small when Overflow shows up for a dip,” Helix growled as he hid behind the pillar and activated the Omnitrix.

“Wait, Helix. I don’t think you should…” Helen trid to say, but when Helix tried to slam his watch down, the core didn’t go down as he tried again a couple of times. “Uh, or maybe not?"

"Oh come, work you dumb watch.” Helix growled before he slammed it against a wooden pole. That not only slammed down the core, but it also caused a little green electricity to come out from the watch before a bright green light blinded the two. When it died down, Helen looked around for Helix before she heard a very high pitched groan before she looked down and saw Greymatter. "Oh no, anything but the one that's the size of a mouse."

“I don’t know why, but that watch really have a couple of bugs to work out.” Helen said as she leaned down towards Greymatter. “And that’s karma for you for slamming the core down hard.”

“If it’s trying to tell me not to abuse it, it’s working.” Greymatter said before the two heard some exciting screaming as they turned and saw a bunch of foals from different creatures running towards them.

“I think you’re about to get squish, Helix!” Helen said in panic.

“I can see that!” Greymatter muttered as the foals got closer. “Look out!” He called as Helen moved aside while Greymatter dodged the hooves/legs/paws. “Hey, watch it!”

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern as he breathed heavily.

"Y-Yeah…just need to be more careful." He told her before he went on a head.

“Well, look at the bright side, Helix.” Helen said with a small smile. “If those kids didn’t spotted you, that means you could sneak past the guard and join the slide with us.”

Greymatter gave a thoughtful look before he smiled. “Hey, you’re right! Greymatter is more suited than Overflow! At least no one will panic if they saw an overside alien!”

"Although that guy there seems a bit on the suspicious side.” Helen said as she pointed towards some stallion talking to the employee.

“Roughly over fifty moons ago, when this water park was a cornfield, recently declassified documents suggest an alien spacecraft crash-landed right here.” The stallion said to the employee.

“Ah, that’s just a alien theory pony. I’ve seen enough of them around Equestria trying to prove aliens are real.” Greymatter said before looking at himself and Helen. “Which isn’t far off. But, we can just simply walked past him since you’re in disguise and I’m small.”

"Okay, but try and be careful." Helen whispered as she just simply walked past the stallion.

While Greymatter walked between the stallion and the employee, he grab some rope and tided his hooves together. “Time to tie up some loose ends first.” He said with a smirk.

“So, if you could get somepony from upper management down here so I could start checking soil samples…” The stallion continued before the employee looked bored.

“Well, uh, uh, okay. Hold on while I call somepony who cares.” The employee said sarcastically while lifted one of his hooves up. “Ring, ring, ring. Uh-oh. Guess what, dude? No answer. Next in line!” He called as the stallion gave a look before he looked down and saw Greymatter rushing off.

“Did you see that? An alien!” The stallion called while pointing down as Greymatter hid behind a pillar before the employee turned. “Maybe a remnant of that fateful crash who survived.”

“Dud, you’ve been in the sun way too long.” The employee commented as the stallion glared and rushed past the employee. “Hey! No cuts!” He called, but before he could stop him, he fell when his hind hooves were tied together with some ropes. Greymatter smirked and went to the slide where the others were about to go down before he sat next to Helen and Smolder.

"Race you guys to the bottom!" He said before he went down the water slide. At his size, going down was more thrilling than he expected as he flew down the tube and splashed into the water a couple of times. “Now that rocked!” He cheered before a shadow came over him as he screamed and swam away before the others came down before he resurfaced and took deep breaths before he saw the others looking down at him.

"Dude, why are you Greymatter?" Sandbar asked him.

“I was originally going for Overflow to give that employee a piece of my mind, but as you know, the watch isn’t my friend.” Greymatter explained before he smiled. “But on the plus side, I snuck past that pony and joined the ride, and being this size made it even more fun that actual size!”

“You know Twilight and the other teachers, including Flash, are going to lecture you about this." Ocellus pointed out.

“That's why we're not going to tell them.” He quickly replied. “In a few minutes, I'll be back to normal and it'll be like I never did."

"And besides, it was just going on a nice slide into the pool.” Helen mentioned. “No harm no foul."

"Come on, let's dry off." Gallus told the others before he looked at Greymatter. "You need a napkin instead of a towel?"

"Oh ha, ha, very funny." Greymatter replied sarcastically as the others made it out of the pool. As he swam towards the steps of the pool but could go any further, the stallion from earlier resurfaced and grabbed Greymatter in his hoof.

“There you are, my little alien ticket to fame.” The stallion said with a smirk.

“Guys! Guys!” Greymatter yelled, which got the others attentions as they turned and saw Greymatter behind held by the stallion.

“Let tiny friend go!” Yona yelled, but the stallion got out of the pool. He rushed off before putting Greymatter in a lunchbox and closed before running off as he passed Twilight and her friends as Greymatter screamed in the box.

"Twilight, everyone, that guy got Greymatter!" Helen told the adults.

"Well why don't you super speed and get them back?!” Manny questions.

"Because he's an alien enthusiast, if I do, he'll expose us and will be the center of attraction of this park!" Helen replied before they chased after the stallion.

“Guys!” Greymatter yelled in the lunchbox as he was rattled around with the food inside as the stallion turned and saw the group chasing after him as he went into the crowd as they kept chasing while trying to push pass the crowd.

“Why does every chase have so many crowds!?” Rainbow exclaimed in annoyance.

“Let me out!” Greymatter yelled as he was put in the back of the chariot before the stallion got on and drove off as fast as he could as the others watched in shock.

“He’s getting away!” Spike exclaimed while pointing down.

"No!" Helen called out in worry.

"Don't worry, we're going to find him… somehow." Twilight assured before she realized something. "Why was Helix Greymatter in the first place?"

Then, the stallion returned to his home as a security camera spotted him coming into his garage. He went inside and flipped the lever that turned off all the traps in the house as he walked in while some vacuum cleaners were soaking up the wet hoof prints he was leaving behind. He then turned on the lights in the kitchen as a cat hopped over and rattled the lunchbox before the stallion pushed him away. “No, no. This one is all mine.” He said with a smirk.

“Okay, so if he’s Greymatter now, he’ll just turn back into Helix, then go Fourarms or something and escape.” Rainbow said with an assuring smile as they rode on the Chariot to follow the stallion that took Helix.

"But it's been longer than fifteen minutes." Twilight mentioned. "I noticed that after he transforms into an alien, it takes about that long before the watch times out. So in theory, he should have transformed back before he was taken."

"Which means something is wrong with the watch after he slammed it against the pole back of the water park." Helen said with much worry in her tone.

“Wait, he did what?” Flash questioned as he turned to Helen when he said that.

“The core wasn’t going down, so he got irritated and slammed it!” Helen quickly said in defense.

“Well, at least as Greymatter, Helix’s as smart as Twilight.” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“That’s… one way of putting it, Pinkie.” Twilight said with a brow.

Greymatter ran up and face planted against the glass of a jar as the stallion leaned down to observe him. "Fascinating, truly fascinating!" He said with excitement. "A perfect miniature alien being, and I'm the one who found it!"

"Hey, who are you calling me miniature?!" Greymatter questioned.

“So, which galaxy are you from?” The stallion asked with a smile.

“Actually, I don’t even know myself.” Greymatter admitted while rubbing his head. “And if I did, I wouldn’t tell you!” He yelled straight at his face.

“Oh, feisty little life form, aren’t you?” The stallion asked amusingly. "It's almost cute."

"You want to see feisty and cute? Just wait till I get big." Greymatter growled as he waited for the Omnitrix to time out while the stallion looked at him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"

“My thoughts exactly.” The stallion said with a smirk as he took out a camera and took a picture of Greymatter, who gave a sad look from that as he looked down in shame.

In a castle in the middle of the woods, a stallion sits on a throne in front of a desk as he was wearing some sort of old knight armor with a metal mask on his face. He had some sort of hologram screen on his desk as it showed the stallion in his house on it. "How many times have we told you Nova?" He spoke with an accent that sounded like it was from the Medieval Times. "We had enough of your foolish claims and fuzzy pictures of so-called UFOs. I am not one you want to test patients on."

I-I know that, but this one is different. I promise you.” Nova said with a smile before showing different pictures of Greymatter. “See, he’s only about six inches in size and converses fluently in Ponglish. Perhaps the organization would consider?” He asked hopefully after the knight listens to every word but was mostly focused on the pictures

“I’m sending an escort to pick you both up, you'd better not be wasting our time." The knight told Nova before he ended the chat. He then rotated his throne around and held up a chalice up to a stained glass window of a night with an infinity symbol on his flank. "So says the Forever Knights."

With Greymatter, he was sitting in the jar in shame. “Great. A thousand creatures at the waterpark and the UFO weirdo spots me! I should’ve listened to Helen to be more careful.” He said before he heard meowing as he turned and saw the cat on the floor. “Wait. This could work.” He said with a smile, having an idea on how to escape. “Here, kitty, kitty. I taste just like mice,” He said while tapping on the glass.

It seemed to work as the cat jumped onto the counter and knocked the glass bottle over. It then shattered on the floor as he cheered for victory. "Yes, I'm free!" But that victory was short-lived when the vacuums started vacuuming his way towards the glass. "And I'm in the fire!" He cried as he ran off before hearing the cat meowed from the vacuum before he ran off before the vacuums followed him just as Nova came out of the other room.

“Nova Stargaze, Alien discoverer.” Nova said with a chuckle. “Let fame and fortune begin!” He called as he entered the room before seeing that Greymatter was gone. “No!” He yelled.

Greymatter ran into the kitchen as he climbed up onto the counter to avoid the vacuums. He took this moment to catch his breath before he heard a familiar ringing coming from the Omnitrix on his back. "Hey…is this…" He wondered before he reached over and tapped the Omnitrix to answer. "Hello, Attea, is that you?"

"Looks like you've been spotted." Attea spoke through the communication system. "You're lucky we've been keeping an eye on you."

"That's still a little creepy, you know that?" Greymatter told her. "But anyway, is there any chance you can come get me?"

"Nope, too far to do that." Attea answered as he let out annoyed groan. "But luckily for you, I managed to sneak into your little Chariot home and left you all to get in touch in case you got separated. I'm patching you through now. And if you are curious when that was, it was when your cousin was in the hospital."

Greymatter was surprised by this. “Uh, okay. Thanks?” He told her with an unsure tone.

Back with the others, they suddenly heard ringing coming from within the Chariot as they looked around for the source. “Where is that beeping coming from?” Rarity questioned as Helen superspeed around the Chariot before coming back with a some sort of badge that looked like the Omnitrix symbol.

"Where did that thing come from?" Manny asked as they looked at it.

“I don’t recall ever having this.” Twilight said in confusion. “Do any of you know?” She asked as they all shook their heads.

“It looked similar to the Omnitrix.” Flash said in thought. “The design and symbol looked the same, but I don’t know what it is.”

“Well, let’s see what it is.” Helen said as she pressed the button on the badge. “Uh, hello?” she asked.

“Helen, it’s me!” Greymatter said through his Omnitrix.

Helix! You’re okay!” Helen cried in relief. “Wait, you’re still Greymatter?

“Yeah, the watch still won’t time out.” Greymatter explained. "And I'm stuck in some house with the weirdo!"

"You're welcome by the way for leaving you the badge." Attea spoke up.

"You must be Attea they told us about." Twilight spoke next. "We're on our way to get you, Helix, but where are you exactly?"

Greymatter climbed up to a window near the sink as he looked at the outside. “Uh, there appears to be a mountain peak 13.2 miles due west with a vertical angle of 45 degrees.”

“Um, partner, we don’t speak smarties.” Applejack told him as they all had confused looks on their faces.

“How about giving us a street name?" Flash suggested.

"Oh yeah, it's uh…Hoofly--" Greymatter started to tell them before he pressed his hands against the window and an alarm was sounded.

Helix, what’s going on?” Ocellus asked through the watch as Greymatter looked up and saw a hatch closing the window at high speed. Greymatter screamed before he ducked for cover, but he landed on his back as he stopped the communication on the Omnitrix.

“Oh boy.” Greymatter muttered. "A bit paranoid much?"

“Helix?” Helen called out as they couldn't hear him anymore.

"Something is blocking the communication, I can't get through!" Attea informed them.

The alarm stopped as Greymatter looked and saw Nova close to him. He rushed up to him, but Greymatter quickly dodged as he jumped to the floor and into the ventilation and was about to run off. But Nova grabbed him before Greymatter bit him, which caused him to scream and let Greymatter go.

Ocellus pulled out a map and found the street with the first name Helix told them. “Hoofly Avenue, Hoofly Main, Hoofly Dive.” She listed out. “There’s too many streets with Hoofly on it.”

“We don’t have time to check them all out.” Gallus said in surprise.

“Do we even have a choice?" Helen questioned with worry. Smolder felt bad for her as she watched Helen hold herself with a worried expression.

“We’ll, we’re coming up to the suburbs. We’ll check every house and see if we can find the Chariot that Helix was taken.” Flash instructed as they drove towards the suburbs.

Greymatter is climbing through the vents while grumbling to himself. “What’s your malfunction, Omnitrix? Probably something stupid like the DNA splicing replicator copying a fragmented amino acid sequence. Not only that, but the impact I did back at the water park on the core must have sent the timeout function to a different random point.” He muttered before he gasped when he realized what he said before he smiled. “So this is what it feels like to be smart. Now I know how Twilight and Ocellus feels.” He commented before continuing climbing.

But once he made it to an access passage, some air started whoosing inside. In the hallway, Nova is cracking up the thermostat with a look. “I’ll teach you to blow me off.” He said. Greymatter was then sent flying as from the air as he hit the corner of the vents and quickly got an access point and opened it as he was left dangling before he looked down and saw Nova holding a broom. “Gotcha!” He called as he was about to hit Greymatter, but he dodged.

“Think again, alien freak!” Greymatter exclaimed as he fell on the counter and dodged the broom before jumping to the sink and entered the drain as he ran down the pipe as Nova watched in worry.

“If he gets away, and the organiziation will come after me!” Nova said in worry. “Come on. Think, Nova, think.” He muttered before he turned to the sink and smirked as he let the water flow.

Greymatter gasped as the water splashed down on him and sent him flying into the pip. He then resurfaced as he sighed with a smile. “Ah, fresh air.” He said, but then he looked at his surroundings as he realized he was still in the house before noticing he’s in the bathroom’s toilet. “This is so gross and officially the worst day of my life. Why would a pip lead water to the toilet?”

The Chariot soon came to a stop in front of a house as the group came out. "Which one should we check first?!" Helen quickly asked.

“Easy, Helen,” Manny said while putting a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll find him. We’ll split up and search every house.” He said.

“And since you and Rainbow are the fastest, you two can search faster than any of us.” Twilight stated. “We’ll search this street to see if Helix is close by.”

"Right!" They all exclaimed before splitting up. They then started searching one house to a another, with Rainbow searching in the air while Helen sped on the ground.

“Hang on, Helix. We’ll find you.” Helen muttered in worry as she picked up her speed.

With Nova, he is looking through his cameras to find any sign of Greymatter. “You can run, but you can’t hide.” He said with a smirk before seeing Greymatter at his junction box. “What?” He asked in surprise before Greymatter turned to the camera with a smirk and turned off the power as Nova growled.

In the living room, Greymatter is hiding in a plant, searching for a way out before he saw a fireplace. “Ah, my ticket out.” He said as he started running towards the fireplace before he duck to avoid a light from Nova’s flashlight as the stallion searched around the room.

“Don’t make this hard on yourself.” Nova warned as he searched around the room. Greymatter then looked up when he moved on before quickly moving over to the fireplace. Greymatter tried to open the hatch, then he saw a lever as he opened it, but it made a loud noise and some dust fell, which caught Nova’s attention as he searched and saw Greymatter climbing up the chimmey. “I’ll smoke you out if I have to!” He exclaimed while bringing out a match and set the fireplace to lit.

Greymatter kept climbing as he then started coughing when the smoke got to him, because of him being an amphibian species, before he looked up and saw the exit. But he couldn’t handle it as he screamed and fell before Nova caught him with a net before he fell into the fire as Nova gave a victorious smirk.

Back on the street, the Chariot rode by while they were looking for any clue as to where Nova is before Helen spotted a familiar thing up ahead. “Guys, I see the chariot Helix was taken in!” She exclaimed.

“Then it’s time to go check!” Spike called as Twilight drove faster.

Nova then placed Greymatter in a glass case as he kept coughing before he saw many alien-like objects around him. “Uh, something tells me you’re the type of pony who has a lot of friends, are you?” Greymatter commented with a cough.

“Who needs friends when you’ll have the fame I’m about to have?” Nova questioned before his door burst open as three stallions wearing trench coats over some armor they wore while they had silver masks on their faces. "Oh my Celestia, they're here!"

"Yeah, to get me out of here." Greymatter muttered as he thought it was his friends.

Nova then turned and smiled at the three stallions. “Oh, you don’t know how long I’ve waited to meet you ponies. It’s truly an honor.” He said as he raised his hoof as Greymatter frowned in concern.

Outside, the Mane Six, Flash, Helen, Manny, and the Young Six ran towards the house when they saw the door. “Should we ring the doorbell?” Fluttershy asked uncertainty.

“Yona knock hard.” Yona said as she then charged at the door with her horns.

"Where is the alien you showed Enoch?" One of the armored stallions questioned. Nova got surprised as he turned to Greymatter behind him before the armored stallion pushed him away and grabbed him.

“Hooves off, bucko!” Greymatter exclaimed as he was placed in the electric cage as the hatched closed as the three armored stallions walked off while Nova watched in surprise.

At the house the others took, they saw a dog and an elderly mare on a wheelchair coming in as the dog growled at them. “Brutus, sic, boy!” The elderly mare called as the dog then pounced on them as it wrestled with Flash.

“Wrong house.” Silverstream said sheepishly before they looked across the street and saw Greymatter in the cage and Nova being pushed into the chariot. Nova dropped his picture and his disk.

"There he is!" Helen called out before Fluttershy quickly did the Stare on the dog. The dog whimpered and ran away back into the house. “Impressive, Fluttershy.”

“You’re Stare never fails.” Rainbow commented.

“Well, that dog was being mean.” Fluttershy said with a shrug as Flash stood up.

“Come on. We need to find out where they went.” Flash said to them.

“While you guys do that, I’ll follow after them on my own.” Helen said as she superspeed after the chariot from behind.

“Helen, wait!” Manny yelled while reaching out to her. “What is up with her?” He asked in confusion.

Smolder then noticed the photo on the ground before she picked it up and saw how upset Greymatter looked. "Whoa, you look so sad." She mentioned.

"I'm more worried about the armored stallions they were with." Applejack spoke up. "Who were they?" Just then, the badge started to ring again as Twilight took it out and answered it.

"You all better get a move on, because both Helen and Helix are in big trouble!" Attea quickly informed them.

In the chariot, Nova sat between the two stallions with Greymatter next to him as he touched the energy field on the cage. “I have a bad feeling about these guys.” Greymatter muttered.

“That’s because you’re the one in the cage, and I’m not.” Nova said tauntingly as they drove up to the castle with Helen hiding in the trees after following them as they exited the chariot. Nova was pushed out as they entered the castle.

"Talk about a masquerade ball.” She whispered to herself, while trying to figure out a way in.

"What are you talking about?!" Manny asked Attea through the badge as they were back in the chariot. "Who were those guys that took him?"

"The Forever Knights, a group of very bad individuals that have something they shouldn't have!" Attea told them.

"What, like ancient artifacts?" Rainbow questioned.

Alien technology. The kind that you don't want to have around."

“What?!” They all exclaimed in shock.

“Why would they even have something like that?! How did they eve get it!?” Twilight questioned in shock.

Let’s just say some alien tech crashed landed in Equestria many moons back. There’s no time to explain, you have to rescue Helix before he and Helen are their new additions to their research!” Attea exclaimed.

“But how are we gonna find them?” Spike questioned. “We don’t even know where they went before Helen took off after them.”

Well, after discovering about the Forever Knights that are behind this, I did a little research on where their headquarters are closest to where you are. They’re like old school knights, they tend to use castles as their base.” Attea explained.

"Then we better step on it!" Smolder exclaimed as Twilight made the Chariot go faster.

Meanwhile, Nova was led into the throne room before one of the knights placed the cage with Greymatter on the desk. Enoch turned his throne around and leaned forward to get a better look at him. "A remarkable specimen indeed." He commented.

Nova gave a laugh. “So how are we doing this?” He asked excitedly. “Join a news conference? Hitting the major talk shows?”

We prefer to keep our discoveries private.” Enoch said with a firm tone.

"W-What are you talking about?" Nova questioned with a confused tone. "Equestria needs to know about this."

“Acutally, we don’t.” Enoch said as some scientist like ponies in weird suits came in and hooked Graymatter’s cage ontop of a carrier.

“Where, where, where are you talking him?” Nova asked nervously as they wheeled Greymatter away.

“Our scientists have a few tests to run.” Enoch answered.

“Yeah, but honestly, I’ve never been very good at tests or quizzes for that matter.” Greymatter said nervously as he was taken to the hallway before the hatched closed.

“But I found him! He belongs to me!” Nova exclaimed to Enoch.

“He’s ours now. And you just became disposable.” Enoch said sternly as the two stallion guards then grabbed Nova and tossed him down the stairs before he stood up.

“They can’t do this to either of us.” Nova growled as a guard came behind him, but he then slammed the door on him as he ran off.

Helen managed to run at a speed so fast, it seemed like the world around her was moving to a halt as she went up the wall of the castle. She searched around as she saw a couple of guards, who are slowing down since she’s too fast for them to see. “Okay, if I were a small little alien, even though I am an alien, where would I put him in a castle?” She muttered as she sped around the castle to search for Helix.

Outside the castle, the group looked ahead behind the bushes and saw the castle. “Looks like Attea was right. These Forever creeps really went all knighty to have a castle as their headquarters.” Sandbar commented.

"It makes you wonder if they used the castle of the Two Sisters as one of their hideouts." Silverstream whispered.

“If they did, they did a terrible job at keeping it in good condition.” Rarity retorted.

“Let’s not think about that. We have to get in and help Helen save Helix before they, who knows what they’re gonna do.” Flash said in concern for his cousin.

“I wouldn’t worry about Helen.” Manny said with a small smirk. “Because if anything, these knights should be the ones worrying.”

“What makes you say that?” Smolder asked with a brow.

“Let’s just say that when one of her friends is in trouble, she tends to go overprotective mode.” Manny said with a small chuckle.

Meanwhile, Greymatter was taken to a lab where he saw some sort of table as one of the scientists put a wooden doll that looked strangely similar to him on it. They then activated a laser on the machine above it and cut off the wooden doll’s arms and legs, making Greymatter gasped in worry.

“Prepare subject for dissection.” One of the scientists said to his comrades.

"Oh wait, can we talk about this?!" Greymatter pleated.

In the hallways, Helen is still searching around the castle as she growled in frustration. “How am I suppose to find Helix in this place?! It’s too big and there’s too many floors!” She exclaimed in frustration.

“Are you another alien?” Nova’s voice asked as Helen screamed and turned to see Nova behind her.

“You!” Helen yelled with a glare.

“Normally I would be excited to see another alien, but after what just happened, I don’t think now is the right--” Nova was cut off when Helen sped at him and slammed him into a wall. “Wow, you’re fast.” He groaned.

“Where’s my friend?!” Helen questioned sternly. “Where is he?!”

"You mean the little alien?! That's what I'm trying to figure out myself!” Nova quickly told her. “They took him away and said that their scientists have a few tests to run on him!"

“If by tests, you don’t mean the dissection one, right?” Helen asked nervously.

“From what I’ve heard from these guys, I think they are.” Nova said with the same tone.

“Well, if you know about these knights, do you know their layouts on where they dissect aliens?!” Helen questioned.

“W-Well, I, uh…” Nova stammered while trying to think before his eyes widen. “Wait I do know! I can show you the way!” He said to her.

“Then hold on and show me directions! Because we’re going fast!” Helen exclaimed as she grabbed Nova and sped off while the stallion screamed.

At the castle walls, the heroes are on the tree while those that could fly are hiding in the leaves as Flash looked at the others. “You all are ready?” He asked them.

“Not really. But…” Spike said nervously as the others then stood up and jumped onto the balcony and hopped onto a floor of the castle before one of the knights stood in front of them.

“Hi there.” Pinkie said with a cheerful wave as the knight raised it’s staff at them and was about strike, but Flash did a swide kick to knock him down. Dropping his staff as the two fought, but the knight was giving the advantage before Smolder looked down and picked up the staff.

“Hey, metal-head!” Smolder yelled as she whacked the knight outcold with the staff as she gave a smirk.

In the hallway, a scientist was about to enter the lab as he input the code to the door, but then he turned and saw something fast hit him in the face. Later, he opened the door to the lab as Greymatter was strapped to the table and looked very nervous. "Whoa hey, there's no need for the slice and dice!" He said in a panic. "I can tell you that I'm just as grey on the inside as I am on the out! So please don't and let me go!"

“Let us assist you.” The scientist said from behind the one with the laser control as he knocked him out before the scientist took off his mask to reveal Nova.

“What are you doing?!” Greymatter asked in surprise.

“Getting you out of here. Your friend is also here to help.” Nova explains as he uses the lasers to get Greymatter’s arms freed before two more scientists come in and see what is happening as they rush up to Nova. “Back off! Aliens are creatures too!” He called before the two scientists were were then suddenly knocked away by a blur before they were smacked into a wall.

Stopping in front of them is Helen as her visor went up to show her angry face. “No one messes with my friend!” She exclaimed in anger as Nova finally got Greymatter free after unhooking his legs as Helen came up to him. “He-Greymatter, are you okay?!” She asked in concern as she took Greymatter in her hands.

“I am now. I’m surprised that Nova is helping, but I’m glad you’re here, Helen.” Greymatter said in relief.

"Let's go!" Nova called out before one of the scientists regained consciousness and tackled Nova. He then approached the two aliens before Nova quickly grabbed hold of his leg and pulled him down. "Go! Get out of here!" Helen quickly sped out of the lab as she raced down a hallway. She stopped and looked to where she should go next with Greymatter before she bumped into a familiar red figure.

"Helen! Helix!" Manny exclaimed with relief when he saw the two. "Man are we glad that we found you!"

"Let's save the reunion once we're all out of here." Rainbow mentioned. They all nodded as they ran off.

The group ran through the castle while staying out of sight before rushing down the hall before they saw shadows of the armored knights walking by before Flash gestured to the door beside them and entered it before the lights suddenly turned on, revealing a chamber of different alien tech on display glass as they looked in shock by this. “Look at all this alien tech!” Greymatter said in shock.

“These guys really collected so many alien tech.” Twilight said in shock. “There’s so many of them, with this kind of technology, they could do, who knows what.” She said in worry.

In Enochs chamber, a knight rushed up to him as he bowed to Enoch. “Sir, our scientits were found unconscious and the alien is missing. There’s also been a security breach at the northeast perimeter.” He informed.

If Enoch didn’t have his mask on, he would show just how angry he is. “Find me that alien!” He ordered.

In the tech chamber, the group looked at the alien tech as they were all still shocked by this. “Oh my Celestia. These ponies have no clue what they’ve got here.” Twilight said.

“Or maybe they do.” Ocellus muttered.

“Well, whatever they are for, we’ve got to destroy everything.” Flash said firmly.

"Guys, I don't know how or why, but my highly intelligent alien brain knows what the stuff is and what they can do." Greymatter told them as he sounded concerned. "I mean, just one of these could take out a whole army. They could literally overthrow Princess Celestia and take over Equestria with ease. We have to destroy everything to make sure that doesn't happen."

"And how are you going to do that?" Smolder asked before they heard another door open and heard Enoch on the other side of the room.

“Spread out and find them!” Enoch ordered with Nova being held by one of the guards as the other stayed hidden before Greymatter sees the huge machine behind them as he turned to the others.

“Smolder, grab that plus Hyper core. Flash, the Gallinium Capacitor. Manny, the Hyper-Tco Valldor.” Greymatter instructed while the others looked at him strangely. “It’s not Helix talking, it’s Greymatter. Do it!” He told them.

"Do what the mini Brainiac says." Rainbow whispered harshly before the three of them grabbed the items he pointed out. They placed the items next to Greymatter before a laser fire nearly hit them as it hit the wall as they turned to see a knight who spotted them.

“They’re over here!” The knight called before Ocellus quickly armored up and started blasting the knights away.

"Get out, all of you!" Greymatter told them as the other knights started to fire at them.

"What about you?!" Helen asked before he pointed to the alien device behind him.

"All I need to do is hook up both core, capacitor, and the Tco-Valldor to that power grid, causing a massive implosion on the castle and destroying everything inside." He told them. "Which means you guys have to get out before that happens!"

“But we can’t leave you!” Sliverstream exclaimed.

“Don’t worry. This is where small comes in handy. And I’ll be out before it blows.” Greymatter assured them. “Now go! I’ll meet you all outside!” He said as they all nodded and rushed out of the room as Greymatter then started hooking up the three alien items, which caused the alien device to overload and give off an electrical surge.

“That reaction will decimate the mansion and everything in it.” Enoch said seriously. “Everypony out. Except for you, Nova. You and your little alien have been nothing but trouble.” He said firmly before tossing Nova aside in front of the reactor before Enoch and the knights walked out.

Just as Greymatter was about to exit the reactor, his Omnitrix then started beeping as he transformed back into Helix, but he got his hoof stuck in the reactor as he looked at his watch. “Oh, man! Now you decide to time out when I didn't want you to?!” He groaned as Nova came to and saw Helix.

"Where'd you come from?!" He questioned.

"No time to explain, give me a hoof here?!" Helix called out before Nova rushed over and helped get his hoof out of the reactor. Thanks! Look, a little friend told me that we need to get out of here before this place blows! Which means we need to run like a bunch of frightened fillies!"

"That's something I have experience with." Nova mentioned before the two of them ran out of the room and out of the castle. Helen and Manny were back in their disguises while Ocellus was out of her armor just as the entire castle imploded on itself when the reactor went to critical. Nova looked around before turning to the group. “Ah. Anypony see where that little alien and speedy alien girl went?” He asked.

“Nope.” Helix quickly said.

“Not a clue.” Smolder shrugged.

"What alien look like?" Yona asked as she played dumb.

“Well, I am done with anything alien.” Nova declared proudly as he walked off, leaving the group as they watched him go.

"That's actually the smartest decision he's made." Flash whispered to Twilight as she giggled in response.

Back on the road, the others are all relaxing in the Chariot. “Ha. Feels good to be big again.” Helix said in huge relief.

"Hey look, sorry about those small cracks I made back at the water park.” Smolder apologized as she rubbed the back of her head. "I sort of, kind of, maybe know how you feel."

“Hey, after being Greymatter for a while, now I get how being shorty can not always be a good thing. Trust me, I’ve been through obstacles before those knights caught me.” Helix said with a shiver before the Omnitrix gave off an electrical surge, which brought the group’s attention. “I didn’t do anything!” He quickly defended himself.

“I’m no expert, but it looks like the Omnitrix drained more power after a whole day as Greymatter.” Twilight theorizes. “Better not use it again until it’s completely charged with its energy back. I say about two days maybe?”

"Aw man…" Helix groaned as he felt like it is going to be two long days of non-hero work.

Back at the crater where the castle once stood, a high-tech carriage drove up next to it as Enoch road inside it. He pulled up a holographic screen showing security footage of the Mane and Young Six, Flash, Helen, and Manny without their disguises, and Helix transforming from Greymatter. "I want more information on them. Especially the young colt with the watch." He told his men as he sounded angry while focusing on Helix. "There is something irritating familiar about him." He muttered while glaring at Helix through his mask, feeling familiar with his features like he had seen him somewhere before.

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