• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 17: Twilight 22 part 2

Nighttime falls in Equestria in dimension 22 as the group follows both Shining Armor and Cadance to the Ponyville Library. "Wow, I have to admit that I kind of missed my dimension's Library when it got blown up when I was fighting Tirek." Twilight mentioned after getting a good look around.

"Why did you fight Tirek, the Centaur Sage of the East?" Cadance asked as she was feeding Flurry some milk.

“Well, he was on a rampage stealing all the magic in Equestria, and the princesses feared that he might go after the Alicorn magic, so they, along with you, fused your magic into me to protect it.” Twilight started with a frown. “But, it didn’t last long until he searched for me and we fought. Though it was a tie with how powerful we both are, I didn’t notice that the library was cut in the crossfire. Which exploded by one of Tirek’s blasts.” She said sadly while looking down in shame. “Even when I get a new home, I sure do miss this sometimes.” She said while rubbing the stem walls of the library.

"So, what's a Princess of Love living in a library?" Helix asked with curiosity.

"Oh, I lost that title a long time ago." Cadance told him as her ears dropped back. "And who can blame me for what happened?"

"Yeah, your Twilight said something about Shining being a backstabber or something and said he was the reason why her parents are dead." Flash mentioned before looking over at Shining Armor. "What did you do to make her so mad at you?"

"Well, I was being trained as a royal guard and I still was even with the Caribou rain all those moons ago." Shining started. "Although their king felt like Twilight was going to be a threat because some elder told him a prophecy that a mare with the power of the stars would defeat him and end his rule."

"He must have meant the alien Twilight 22 used to do with it." Helen theorized. "But what does it have to do with you?"

Shining then gave a guilty look. “Well, you see, I kinda… told them where my parents and Twilight were hiding… but only because he threatened to kill Cadance through a slow painful death right in front of me!" He quickly added. "Then after I found out Twilight escaped and my parents suffered the consequences, I felt really guilty about what I did. Then a few moons later when my Twily was leading the resistance and she and I met in the Frozen North, she found out what I did, and well…" He stood up from the chair he was sitting in and took off his shirt to reveal a large burnt marked scar on his back that looked to be spelled out 'traitor'.

"I-I did that to you?" Twilight questioned with shock after seeing the scar.

“Yeah. You were really ticked Twilight. And even though it was an accident, I don’t blame her after what I’ve done.” Shining said as he covered his scar up. “And since then, I was exiled from Equestria while staying hidden from my sister so she doesn’t banish me to the sun.”

"I tried to explain to her why he did it, but she was still angry about it." Cadance added before placing her baby in a cradle. After that, she took away my title as Princess when she became the ruler of Equestria and… I guess you can tell how we're doing by the way Shining looks. But luckily for us, the family that adopted her is kind enough to help provide for us as well."

"Applejack and her family are helping you behind Twilight 22's back?" Attea asked with an impressed tone. "I guess even they think she's going a bit too far."

"It's not that, she's just hurt." Cadance told them. "Just imagine if you were her and you saw the ruler of Equestria who was going to be your mentor die in front of you, and you couldn't do anything about it. How would you feel?"

"I guess, I would try to do my best to help those around me, but I guess those kinds of things can't fill up the void of not being able to help those you care about." Twilight answered.

“But with her just banishing other creatures who are not ponies out of Equestria, that’s not right.” Helen said with a frown. “In our world, they joined in unity and not separated. We’re allies. But the question is, how did she manage to keep them away?”

“You remember the dragon scepter she kept before you returned it to the dragons?” Shining asked before he realized what she just said. "Wait, you're an alien?" Helen and Attea looked at each other for a moment before they took off their ID Masks to show their true forms to them.

"Okay, I guess we should have seen that coming." Cadance mentioned.

"Okay, now back about this Dragon scepter?” Helix spoke up. "What does it have to do with what your Twilight did?"

“Well, when Twilight realizes that other creatures of Equestria might invade, she figured the only way to keep them back is to take their most precious artifacts to keep them away from Equestria boarders. For the dragons, she took their scepter so no new Dragon Lord will be picked.” Shining explained, which shocked the others.

“Wait, you’re serious?” Flash asked in shock. “She just took the cultures most precious artifacts just to keep them away?! That would spark a war for all of Equestria!”

“Like the dragons did ealier.” Attea added with wide eyes.

“Yes. But she was too blinded and not opened up to realizes that.” Shining said with a frown. “She hardly listens to anyone.”

"I think we need to talk about all this." Twilight spoke up with determination. "And I mean all of us. You two, Applejack, her family, the other Flash, and my friends of this universe. We're going to have an intervention to discuss her ideal of justice and try and reason with her."

"And if that doesn't go well?" Helix asked.

"I'll hold her down while you turn into Greymatter to take away her watch.” Twilight quickly answered. "Without her Omnitrix, she won't be able to hurt anyone ever again and maybe then she'll listen to reason."

"You know it's not gonna be easy, right?" Flash pointed out.

“As if anything else in our lives is ever easy?” Helen questioned with a brow and a hand on her hips.

“Good point.” Flash said, seeing her point.

"You all can sleep here for the night." Cadance offered with a warm smile.

"You know, even in a different dimension, you're still the same kind-hearted Cadance I know." Twilight mentioned with a smile.

“Guess it’s universal.” Cadance said with a giggle as Flurry babbled cutely as she held her daughter.

“Okay, let’s get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow.” Helix said as they all went to bed as Helix looked down at his watch and gave a thoughtful look. “Would I become like Twilight if the others didn’t guide me?” He whispered with a concerned look.

In the laboratory, the Elturai monitored everything they were saying as he seemed to be interested in this. “Mmm. I knew that there would be multiple realities outside of our own, but one where’s the Omnitrix on a young colt’s wrist who doesn’t share the same ideals as Princess Twilight? Fascinating.” Elturai said while seeing more data on Helix and his friends before looking at Attea and Helen. “Mm. But these two, I’m not familiar with. Perhaps it's time for the final phase of the plan." He pressed a button on the console and pulled up a video of three familiar aliens. "It's time. I have the device ready, so be prepared tomorrow. I'll gather the others."

The next day, both Twilight 22 and this universe Flash were making their way towards Sweet Apple Acres. "So, why did your family call you here again?" Flash asked her.

“They say they want to tell me something.” Twilight 22 said with an impatience tone. “I hope it’s quick. Because I can’t be away from the palace for too long.”

“I’m sure it’s just a little talk.” Flash assured her. “I mean, from what you’ve been lately, they might know that you needed it.” He added, as soon as they made it to the barn, they saw not only Twilight 22's counterpart and her friends, but also the Apple family, this Universe version of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, along with her brother and Cadance.

"What is this?" Twilight 22 questioned while sounding a bit irritated. "And what is he doing here?"

“We brought him.” Twilight said to her counterpart firmly. “Me and the others brought everypony that you know, especially the ones you haven’t met in this world, together so that we have a talk about your ‘ideals’.” She said with a glare.

"My ideals? My ideals are keeping Equestria safe." Twilight 22 replied as she glared back at her counterpart. “You're not from here so you have no say in this."

"Then maybe the family who took you in does." Applejack spoke up. "Twi, we get that you're trying to keep every pony safe and not end up like Equestria did a long time ago, but you went too far after what you did to your own brother. He regrets what he did and you could have killed him yesterday."

“So what?! Just because he felt bad about it doesn’t mean I forgive him!” Twilight 22 yelled. “It’s because of him, I lost my birth parents when I was a filly!”

“And exiling him and giving that scar that said traitor will ease the pain?” Granny Smith questioned with a look. “That’s even harsher, young lady.”

“He deserves it!” Twilight 22 yelled.

“No, he doesn’t!” Twilight yelled to her counterpart. “He’s your brother! And yet you treat him as an outcast and you gave him that scar! That was uncalled for!”

“He betrayed us!” Twilight 22 retorted. “He gets what he deserves!”

“Twilight, are you even listening to yourself?” Apple Bloom asked in concern. “You haven’t been yourself since you became ruler of Equestria. We know you’ve been dealing with so much over the years, but lately, you’ve been cold and stern to others.”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac said in agreement.

“Honey, we think that you’ve been tense up that you haven’t been thinking clearly lately.” Buttercup said to Twilight 22 in concern.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Twilight 22 questioned.

“Well, during the dragon attack, that attack was just because they want their scepter back.” Bright Mac reminded her. “And yet, you attack them without giving a chance to even speak up.”

“They attacked us! They’re vicious creatures who tried to hurt others!” Twilight 22 yelled.

"Look, not all creatures are vicious and threatening.” Helen spoke up. "Back in our universe, our Twilight created a school to teach friendship to all creatures of Equestria. And that goes for aliens as well, there are good aliens out there."

“And what makes you think all aliens are good?” Twilight 22 questioned as Helen and Attea turned to their Twilight and Flash as they nodded and the two girls removed their ID masks to reveal their true form, which shocked everyone in the room. “Y-You’re one of them?!”

“Yeah. And let’s just say we don’t appreciate what you’ve been handling aliens lately with other creatures.” Attea said with her arms crossed.

"Look, I get it that you want to change the past." Rainbow spoke up nervously. "I mean I was able to do a Sonic Rainboom when I was just a filly, b-but after the caribou took control of Equestria and some of the pegasi who rebelled and were sent to their doom, I was afraid to have her fly again. I w-wish it didn't happen, but I d-do what I can nowadays for what I can do on the ground."

"I also want to protect everypony in Equestria, but I don't go overboard with stuff like you do." Fluttershy spoke up with her arms crossed.

“And I may have thrown huge rocks at them to knock them out, but I don’t tend to break their skulls.” Pinkie added with a shake of her head.

"Plus you don't realize that you do as much damage as they do." Rarity added.

“Which is a lot since they didn’t attack yet until you shot first.” Applejack added with a look.

"Look Twilight, we're all just concerned for you and we don't want you going over a line, one that there's no coming back from." Twilight told her counterpart.

“What’s the difference?” Twilight 22 questioned. “That line was crossed when Celestia and my parents were taken from me! So what’s the point if I had to cross that line to protect Equestria. I gave those creatures and aliens a chance to stay away from our lands, but if they keep coming back, I’ll do what I have to do.”

"You just don't get it, do you?" Helix spoke up before Twilight 22 let out a scoff and walked out of the barn. "Hey, we're not done talking!"

"But I am!" She shouted back. "Perhaps you're not worthy of that watch of Hope, my watch chose me and I am going to use it to protect Equestria the way I am doing it!" She continued to walk away before Helix stood in front of her. "Move it."

"No way, just because you have these powers doesn't mean you have to abuse them to hurt others." Helix told her firmly. "I'm pretty sure your parents or Celestia wouldn't want this. Have you ever thought about that?" Twilight 22 was about to say something before she saw something behind him and quickly went for her watch. "Really, if you want to fight, then I'll fight you and--"

"Look out!" She shouted before pulling him behind her and quickly slamming down the watch when a mini-missile came right at them. The missile exploded on impact as everyone inside the barn got worried, but as the smoke cleared, the barn was still intact, but Twilight 22 transformed into Diamondhead and protected Helix.

"Who did that?" Apple Bloom questioned before Helix saw three familiar bounty hunter aliens but in purple armor.

"Oh great, it's Sixsix, Sevenseven, and Crab!" He exclaimed. "I faced them in my universe and they're not friendly."

"Come quietly, Twilight 22 and we might go easy on you." Crab demanded as he pinched his claw.

“Yeah, like I’m gonna fall for that one.” Twilight 22 said as she then charged at the three bounties, just as Helix activated his Omnitrix and transformed into XLR8.

“Not without me you’re not!” XLR8 called as he rushed out after Twilight 22. Sixsix and Sevenseven took off with their jetpacks as they started firing at Twilight 22 while XLR8 took on Crab. “You know, I’ve faced you guys in one universe before, so this isn’t new for me.” XLR8 called as he punched Crab many times before knocking him down. “So why are you here? Because usually you three came here for a reason. In my world, you guys tried to kidnap me and take the watch.”

“Well, at least you’re willing to listen other than Twilight.” Crab groaned. “Which is all I could say to her.” He said as he then raised his pincher, which XLR8 dodged.

“Yeah we can tell that she’s not much of letting other creatures talk.” XLR8 commented while avoiding Crab’s attack.

"Stick to the plan, I will get the device ready while you both keep them busy." Sevenseven told the other two as he spoke through a communication between them.

Busy?! I’m just trying to stay in one piece!” Sixsix retorted while blasts could be heard.

“Hand on, Sixsix. I’m on my way!” Crab said before he turned to XLR8. “Sorry, kid. But one of my own needs backup.” He said as he slammed his claw down to create a shockwave, which sends XLR8 to the ground as Crab rushed off to where Sixsix is fighting Twight 22.

XLR8 looked up as he looked surprise by Crab’s words. “They care for eachother as real partners?” He asked in surprise. "Wow, they are definitely different from the ones I fought."

Crab then shot lasers to get Twilight 22's attention just as Sevenseven pulled out some sort of device that look like a brace and started pushing in a code. As Sevenseven typed in the code, he was about to rushed at Twilight, but then XLR8 came zooming by and started whacking him repeatled before XLR8 kicked him off and knocked Crab away.

“Twilight, now’s your chance!” XLR8 called as Twilight 22 nodded and turned into her own XLR8 form and rushed at Sevenseven, which sends him back as he crashed into some trees as Twilight 22 transformed back while XLR8 took care of the other two Bounties as he sped them sraight towards Sevenseven as well.

Twilight 22 took a breath as she rubbed her mane, but then she saw something on her arm as she saw the device Sevenseven placed on her as she gasped when she saw it on her. XLR8 saw this as well as he sped towards her as it started counting down. “They implanted a bomb on me!” Twilight 22 exclaimed.

“Don’t worry! Just gotta run through all the possible codes!” XLR8 said as he used his hand and type on the device buttons many times to find the right code as it was near the final countdown as both Omnitrix users sweat. But soon XLR8 found the right code as it detached from Twilight 22’s arm as he took it and sped to the three Bounty Hunters at high speed. He then place the bomb in front of them before rushing off. "You might want to cover your ears.” He told her before the bomb went off and it exploded.

"Not bad, kid." Twilight 22 complemented before he timed out and transformed back.

"Why did they try to blow you up?" Helen asked as they all came out of the barn.

"Maybe because it wasn't a bomb, but a transport device…" Attea said nervously when she saw something in the smoke where the explosion went off.

“What are you talking a--” Rainbow was cut off when she and the others turned and saw the smoke. “Oh.” She said nervously.

Coming out of the smoke are the three unharmed bounty hunters, but not only them, but also Tetrax, Eighteight, Ember, Spike, Smolder, and finally, the Eltrurai in front of them. “Princess Twilight.” The Eltruria spoke up.

“Oh, that’s not good.” Applejack muttered in shock.

“Okay, the first eight I’ve know.” Helix said in shock. “But the big dude in a suit, never seen him before.”

"I told you that compassion isn't always the way to beat your enemy.” Twilight 22 told him before glaring at the Eltrurai. "So, you're the one who's been ordering the aliens and helped the dragons. I'm giving one chance to surrender and leave Equestria now!"

“I’m sorry, princess. But I can’t do that.” Eltrurai said while shaking his head.

"Well then…" She said as she transformed into some sort of lizard-like alien with three eyes. "I will make you wish you had chosen to surrender." She spoke with a French accent before she looked at Helix. "What are you waiting for? Transform already!"

"I can't, my watch is still in the red." Helix pointed out before Twilight 22 grabbed hold of his wrist and started fiddling with his watch. "What are you doing?" He asked.

“Giving you a power boost.” Twilight 22 said as the Omnitrix then turned green and she slammed the core down as Helix transformed into Fourarms. “There. Now let’s go!” She called as she then turned invisible, which surprised him.

“Wait, uh, how did she…” Fourarms tried to say before Sevenseven and Eighteight were then getting punched by thin air and they were knocked to the ground. “Wow, an invisible alien. I gotta get me one of those.” He said.

“Uh, Helix, maybe you should help Twilight 22 fight the bad guys?” Flash suggested.

"I guess they're not in the mood to talk." Twilight mentioned before she looked at Rainbow. "Look, I know you're scared, but who isn't a time like this? You need to find the courage deeper than you and help out your friends. That's the Rainbow Dash I know for my universe, and I know that you are the same." She then charged in with Helen, Attea, both Flashs, Fourarms, and Twilight 22 as they fought off their opponents as Rainbow thought for a moment to Twilight’s words.

Helen then started fighting Smolder, Fourarms fought Tetrax and Ember, Attea fought Spike, Flash fought Eighteight, Flash 22 fought Sevenseven, Twilight fought Sixsix, and Twilight 22 was going after the Eltrurai. "What gives, Ember?!" Fourarms questioned as he held her back. "I thought we were good when I gave you back your scepter!"

“It’s not my call, kid!” Ember called as she pushed Fourarms back. “Getting the scepter back was just part one! The Eltrurai’s plans needed to keep going for this to work!”

“What is his plan anyway!?” Fourarms called as he jumped to avoid a fireball as he landed behind Ember and grabbed her. “You all just kept attacking Twilight out of nowhere and just so she can attack you back?!”

"It's nothing personal, kid!" Ember shouted before she kicked him back. Twilight 22 scurried across the ground as she made her way towards the Eltrurai before turning invisible.

Eltrurai looked around before his back was tackled by Twilight 22 as she turned invisible and hopped away. She then transformed into her plug alien again as the Eltrurai started firing beams with his staff at her, which she used the plugs from her tendrils and hands to absorb them. However, the Eltrurai pressed a button on his staff that seemed to let out an energy pulse through the lasers which pushed Twilight 22 back when she absorbed it.

“Ugh! How are you doing this?!” Twilight 22 questioned as she tried to fight the pulse while standing her ground as she kept asborbing it.

“You think you know these aliens better than I do? Clearly you have much more to learn about the Omnitrix.” The Eltrurai said as he kept putting the pressure on Twilight 22. “Just give up, princess, I don’t wanna hurt you.”

Twilight 22 growled as she then gritted her teeth. “Good.” She said as she then transformed into a new alien, which is a serpent like alien while shooting lasers from her eye that is the shape of a star, and her body itself is made out of energy as well. “Because I wanna hurt you.”

"Very well." The Eltrurai was about to shoot her again before a familiar blur was seen flying in and knocked him back. Twilight 22 looked surprised before she saw Rainbow Dash hovering above her.

“Stay away from the princess!” Rainbow yelled out.

“What are you doing?! Get out of here! It’s not safe!” Twilight 22 yelled out.

“Sorry, Twilight, but we can’t let you do this alone?” Rainbow said with a serious look.

“We?” Twilight 22 asked in confusion before a boulder then hit the Eltrurai, sending it further back as it stood up and saw Pinkie with tons of rocks behind her.

“Now” Fluttershy yelled as she, Applejack, and Rarity then rushed out of the barn as Rarity then sends a magic blast at Eltrurai, impacting his chest. Applejack then rushed at him from behidn and bucked him forward as he was sent flying before Fluttershy then held her spear and slashed him on the chest, creating sparks in the process.

The Eltrurai stepped back before firing multiple blasts at them, which were blocked by Shining using his shield magic. "I let you down once, Twily, I won't do it again!" He declared as he kept the shield up.

“Shining?” Twilight 22 said in shock and felt touched by his words as Eltrurai kept the pressure on.

With Helen, she was fighting Smolder as she kept circling her. “You know, the Smolder I knew is kinda annoying somethings, but for you…” She started before she dodged another fireball from Smolder as Helen delivered a hard punch to her face, which sends Smolder flying to an apple tree as some apples fell on her head as she groaned as Helen looked at her with a smirk. “You’re even worse than her. But, that felt good.” She commented.

"Good to know I'm kind of the same!" Smolder groaned before she flew out of the tree.

“The Smolder I knew takes that as a compliment!” Helen called out to her.

With both versions of Flash, they were fighting Eighteight and Sevenseven while clashing it out with their skills while standing side to side with each other in sync while beating them back as Flash 22 turned to his counterpart. “Gotta admit, you are really good.” He said before punching Sevenseven back.

“Well, we are one of the same after all.” Flash said as he did a spin kick to send Eighteight back as he turned to her. “Eighteight, why are you doing this?! You are an honorable hunter! You don’t just attack out of nowhere without a reason!”

“Trust me, I don’t wanna fight as much as you do, but it’s for a good cause!” Eighteight yelled as she was about to punch Flash, but he jumped away from her as he landed on his feet. “A cause that is in the fate of Equestria itself!” Sixsix then stood up and pressed something on his wrist that sent an energy pulse everywhere that sent the rest of them flying back.

With Attea, she was just holding Spike back with her hand while giving a dull look as Spike rushed and tried to hit her. “Spike, can you just give it a rest? You’re just a baby dragon. You can’t really fight much.” She said tiredly.

“Not until this fight ends!” Spike yelled as he kept trying to hit her, but kept flaring his wings and arms as Attea just kept holding him as he kept trying.

“Are you done?” Attea questioned dully.

“Yes.” Spike said in defeat as he sludge and Attea letting him go. “To be honest, we just wanted Princess Twilight to see reason.”

“See reason?” Attea asked in surprise. “What do you mean by that?”

"I think you already know!" He replied before kicking her in the stomach. Meanwhile, Shining took down his shield for a moment so Twilight 22 could shoot a laser from her eye at the Eltrurai that pushed him back abit.

“Why won’t you go down?” Twilight 22 questioned as she kept firing.

“Because I won’t rest until this ends, Princess.” Eltrurai said as he poured more power to the beam while he aimed at her. Just before the beam could hit, Shining quickly pushed her out of the way and took the head right to his chest as it sent him flying back.

“Shining!” Twilight 22 yelled as Shining was flung back and crashed into a couple of trees before he landed on the ground while some smoke came out of his chest as his eyes slowly closed. “No!” She cried as flashbacks of her losing her parents and her future mentor resurfaced as she turned to the Eltrurai with a glare and a growl. “YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!” She yelled in rage as she then transformed into a female version of Gax as she slammed her fists together and charged at Eltrurai with a rageful cry.

Twilight and Cadance quickly went to check on Shining to see if he was all right. "He…he has to be…" Cadance said with a worried tone while her eyes started to tear up.

"He sacrificed himself to save…" Twilight started before she trailed off as she checked his pulse and he still had one. "He's still alive? He's just stunned." It was then she realized they weren't the enemy as she turned to her counterpart as she was completely destroying Eltrurai, which turned out to be just a suit of armor she was tearing apart. Soon it fell to the ground before the chest area opened up to reveal a female Greymatter wearing a suit that looked very high-tech before Twilight 22 changed back and pulled the alien out.

The female Greymatter yelled in fear as she was behind held up while the others stopped fighting as they turned to the two. “Zenith!” The Eltrurai’s allies cried out in horror while the others turned to them in surrpise.

“Zen-who?” Pinkie asked in confusion while Fourarms looked in shock.

Twilight 22 then grabbed Zenith’s legs and started pulling them apart. “Make a wish, alien freak!” She yelled as Zenith felt dizzy while feeling herself being split apart. “This is for my brother!”

“Twilight, cool your jets!” Fourarms yelled as he walked up to her. “This alien is a Greymatter! A harmless species!” He exclaimed as he took Zenith away from Twilight 22.

“So what?! She’s an evil alien!” Twilight 22 yelled in rage. “She killed my brother! She shot him!”

"No, she only stunned him.” Twilight quickly pointed out. "He is still alive."

"He is?" Twilight 22 asked with a surprised tone.

"Of course he is, I'm not a monster.” Zenith said as she stood up. "And the correct term for my species is Galvan."

"Okay, but can you at least tell us why you are doing all this?" Flash asked her before Zenith pointed to the watch on Twilight 22.

"That of course."

"I knew it, you only cared more about getting power such as the Watch of Hope!" Twilight 22 spat.

"Twilight!" Buttercup shouted.

"Why would I not care about it, I'm the one who created it in the first place and it's called the Omnitrix." Zenith told them, which really got them by surprise.

"W-Wait, an alien made the watch?" Twilight 22 asked with disbelief as she looked at her Omnitrix before Zenith jumped onto her arm and took it off her wrist. "Hey!"

"You're royalty and you haven't killed any of your own kind, I suggest you stop while you're ahead." Zenith told her.

"Give it back, I was chosen by it!" Twilight 22 demanded before she tried to grab it as Zenith quickly jumped down.

“It was meant for your princess, Celestia." Zenith explained.

"You don't--" Twilight 22 was about to shout before she realized what she said. "You knew Celestia?"

"Yes, you see the Omnitrix was designed by a lover of mine before he passed away." Zenith started explaining. "And when I saw the coming Danger to your homeland, I knew that this device would give your princess the advantage. However, it arrived too late." She said as Fourarms timed out and transformed back into Helix. "And it would seem another dimension has fallen with the same fate, except this one is a colt with the right morals."

“That because unlike your Twilight, we still have our Celestia. And I had my cousin, my parents, and my friends with me.” Helix said with a small smile. “They give me advice, keep me from… from becoming you I guess.” He said as he turned to Twilight 22.

"But that's not fair!" Twilight 22 complained. “I had to fight in a war to save my home!"

“Yes. You may have done the right thing to save your home. But clearly, you haven’t really earn the title of Princess of Friendship or know the true meaning of it.” Zenith said to her as she turned to Twilight. “And it seemed that this Twilight is what would’ve been you if Celestia was still here.”

“Because Celestia gave me advices, taught me so much, help me make new friends, and showed me the magic of friendship by… by meeting my five friends.” Twilight said as she turned to her 22nd dimension counterparts of her friends.

"But I…you can't…" Twilight 22 stuttered before she started to cry. “I just wish I could have saved my parents and Celestia…"

"Yes, no matter how much good you do, it could never fill the void of failing the ones you care most about." Zenith told her.

"No one asked you, alien!" Twilight 22 spat with glare.

"Twilight, remember when I said something about crossing a line there's no coming back from? Well you were about to cross that line." Twilight told her doppelganger.

“Okay, whatever, I get it already. This little alien is not evil.” Twilight 22 said.

“That’s not the only thing.” Flash said as he walked up. “You think all creatures are evil. When clearly there’s been good ones all this time. You never even gave them a chance to even get to know them better and just kicked them out of your lands.” He said firmly.

“Not to mention you’re judging others by how they look.” Twilight added with her arms crossed.

"Says you." Twilight 22 muttered.

"Says her, who is you." Helix pointed out with a smirk.

Twilight 22 looked around for a moment and then to her friends and adoptive family, her brother who is coming too, and her sister-in-law and Flurry Heart as she spoke up again. “Well, how am I gonna know and tell the differences of the good creatures or the bad ones? I don’t have a Celestia. You do.” She said to her counterpart. “Let alone have any friends by my side.” She said sadly while looking down in shame.

“There are other creatures and aliens out there who can help.” Zenith said as her allies stood besie her and so did the rest of the Equestrians.

“You’re not alone, Princess. We’re there for you.” Tetrax said to her.

“We just couldn’t get past that tough skull of yours.” Eigheight said while rubbing her jaw. “Let alone getting you to finally listen to reason.”

"And don't forget, you have them." Twilight spoke up as she pointed towards her 22nd dimension counterpart friends. "Friends are always there to help you, if you give them a chance."

Twilight 22 looked down a bit before she gave a guilty look as turned to Zenith. “Sorry I almost rip you in half.” She said before turning to her Equestrian friends. “And sorry I never really accept you all as my friends or families. I thought if I close myself off by feelings and attachments to others, I don’t have to feel the pain again. But, I guess I nearly lost myself to something I was going to regret.”

“We understand deeply, darling.” Rarity said to her as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “But you don’t have to do this on your own.”

“It’s not healthy to close yourself off just to avoid the pain again.” Applejack added.

"And we can have fun from time to time." Pinkie mentioned with a smile.

"Just remember to have a kind heart." Fluttershy told her.

"And we'll be like 20% cooler together." Rainbow finished.

"Now this is the Elements of Harmony. Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty…" Twilight listed out before looking at her counterpart. "And of course, Magic makes it all complete. You know, I'm starting to think we didn't come here by accident."

“I guess fate has brought us here so that we can show that even in different dimensions, the magic of friendship is stronger.” Attea said with a smile.

"And since another Dimension has managed to use the Omnitrix for good, I believe we should exploit that as well." Zenith mentioned before she tossed the Omnitrix over to Twilight.

"Here, I believe this is yours.” She said as she gave the Omnitrix back to Twilight 22.

At the conivent store 22, Flim and Flam are still selling some items to the ponies around as the customers waited in line. “I take back what I said, brother. This world is great.” Flim said with a smile.

“Yes. I could get used to this.” Flam said with a smile. “So what if we can’t fix the machine. At least we can make a living in this dimension.” He said as he counting the bits they’ve collected.

“Perhaps I could be of some assistance.” A female voice said, which brought the two con twins attentions as they turned and saw that Twilight and her friends are back with their 22nd dimenison friends as well, while the ponies around the store were shocked by the sudden appearance of the aliens and dragons in while their princess was unfazed by this as they were about to scream before Twilight 22 raised her hand.

“Everypony, calm down! I can vouch for the aliens and the dragons!” Twilight 22 called out, which shocked the ponies from this.

“Well, she’s not calling us evil or monsters.” Helen said with a smile.

“It’s a start.” Zenith said with a proud smile.

"So, do you think you can fix that doohickey in the back of their room?" Helix asked Zenith.

"I'll have a look and see what I can do." She replied before she noticed a familiar pony watching towards them. "And it would seem the princess of the night has come to greet us as well."

“Luna?” Twilight 22 asked in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I got worried when you didn’t come back from Sweet Apple Acres, so I went to check on you and saw the fight while also hearing about there being a dimension where my sister is alive.” Luna said slowly as she raised her head up. “And I heard that you felt a similar pain I felt, since we both lost family members.” She said sadly.

"Well, at least she's out and about." Helen whispered.

"And talking too." Flash 22 added. "She hasn't spoken a word in a long time."

Inside the store, Zenith was inspecting the machine and discovered how it lost power in the first place. "You see, the reason why it didn't work in the first place is because you were, how should I say? Applying the brakes while also pressing down on the gas pedal." She told the brothers.

“You mean the stablizers between dimensions was on that was causing all this to happen, right, Zenith?” Twilight asked.

“That is correct, Princess Twilight.” Zenith said with a smile. “You seemed to know dimension travel more than anyone.”

“Well, in my world, I sorta cracked on how to travel from one world to the next.” Twilight said with a proud smile.

“It’s true. She did.” Flash said with a smile.

“Why, that is most impressive, Twilight.” Zenith said with a smile.

“While I feel silly for not thinking of this.” Flim commented.

“You are quite a genius, little frog alien.” Flam complimented.

“Galvan. And yes. While you two are scientists.” Zenith said, which caused the twins to smile before she continued. “By Equestria’s standards. For a couple of unicorns, you two are remarkably unintelligent.” She finished, which caused the twins to groan.

"So, how do you think it will take to fix it?" Twilight 22 asked when she walked in with a quesadilla in her hand, which made her counterpart flinch when she saw it.

"Well, the amount of damage done to it, I say about three or four months." Zenith answered.

"Great, so we're gonna be stuck here for a while?" Attea complained before they heard small beeping coming from Zenith.

"Mmm, or not." She said as she pulled out a small device. "I'm picking up a strong interdimensional signal, almost as if something or someone is looking for you five."

“Wait, there is?” Helix asked in surprise. “Where is that?” He asked.

“Just outside.” Zenith said as they all rushed out of the shop and saw a rainbow portal opening up as it formed completely as a familiar figure used her hoof to pull the portal apart.

“Please tell me we got the right word?” A familiar voice asked as the light showed to be Celestia with Discord next to her.

"See, I told you we will find them eventually." Discord told her. "Although, I did not expect them to look like this here."

"S-Sister…?" Luna spoke up with tears in her eyes when she saw a different version of her sister.

“Luna?” Celestia asked in surprise with a small smile. “It’s great to see another you in this world.” She said before noticing the two twilights and Flashs with Helix, Helen, and Attea. “And we finally found you all.” She said in huge relief.

“Princess Celesia? Discord?” Twilight asked in surprise at seeing her mentor and the lord of chaos. “What are you two doing?”

"Well, when you didn't come back your friends got worried and contacted us.” Discord explained. “I did feel a little trace of Dimension hopping where you all disappeared, so it was only a matter of following the trailer until we found you."

“It took a while to find the right dimension when you two hopped in between, but from the looks of things, we found the right one.” Celestia said with a smile as she walked through the portal, but then she transformed into her anthro form once she stepped through as she was wearing Royal robes with white and gold outlines. “Huh, interesting form. Like Equestria but a little different.” She said before Luna rushed up to Celestia and gave her a hug, surprising her. “L-Luna?”

"In this dimension, you kind of have died before she was freed and she really missed you.” Twilight told her mentor as her counterpart was still a little shocked to seeing another Celestia.

“I-I heard that you were alive in their dimension but to actually see you, it’s… it’s overwhelming.” Twilight 22 said in shock as she walked up to Celestia and gave her a hug with Luna as well. “I-I’m so happy to know there’s still a Celestia out there.”

“And I’m happy to know my sister is alive in another world.” Luna said as tears started falling from her eyes as Celestia gave them sympathic smiles and wrapped her arms and wings around them in comfort.

“I may not be your, Celesita, but I know that her spirit still lives on.” Celestia said softly to them as the group watched with smiles. “And even though I wasn’t there for you all, just know that I’m always in your hearts.”

"Thank you…" Both Luna and Twilight 22 whispered with a warm tone.

"Speaking of, you should listen to Zenith like you would to Celestia, Twilight." Twilight advised her counterpart.

“Because we don’t have to come back and save your flanks.” Flash added.

“Or kick it for that matter.” Helix added with a brow.

“That’s okay. So far, the only villain I ever had was the Eltrurai and she turned out to be good." Twilight 22 mentioned before taking a bite of her quesadilla.

"Just wait till you meet Vilgax." Helen muttered.

"I'm just saying what could go wrong?” Twilight 22 questioned. "Nothing, absolutely nothing can go wrong." This made her counterpart and the others let out groaned. "What?"

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” Twiligh said tiredly that her counterpart doesn’t get how many enemies will be coming for her if she’s not careful.

“This is really not the dimension we know.” Flash muttered.

“Which reminds us, we got friends and families to get back to.” Helix said to them.

“Leave now!?” Flim asked in shock. “Can’t we stay a little longer?!”

“Yeah, the store was a success!” Flam exclaimed before Twilight took the two cons in her magic and tossed them through the portal.

"Nope! We overstayed our welcome!" She declared before she looked at her counterpart. "You understand why--"

"No need, I got my own trying to make money off of me.” Twilight 22 mentioned.

“Well, everyone come along! The portal leaving to your Equestria is about to depart!” Discord called while wearing a train hat, which caused them to giggle as they walked up to the portal, but Helix stopped as he turned to Twilight 22 and Zenith.

“Wait! You two haven’t told me the secret of the Omnitrix!” Helix called as he turned to them. “How to alien jump by unlocking the master control and the other combination and features!”

“Trust me, Helix.” Twilight 22 said with Zenith on her shoulder. “You’ll find out eventually. Thanks for helping me find the true reason for the Omnitrix and for showing me the true magic of friendship.” She said with a proud smile.

“You are one worthy Omnitrix wearer, young colt.” Zenith said with a smile. “And if you meet an alternate version of me in your universe or my lover, tell them I said hi.”

“I will.” Helix said with a smile.

“Before you go, Helix, you might need this.” Twilight 22 said as she hold out a scroll and gave it to Helix.

“What’s this?” Helix asked as he unrolls it and saw some combination arrows and features.

“I realized that I wouldn’t have enough time to give you more training for your watch, so I wrote down some combinations of mine and some detailed features to help understand it better.” Twilight 22 explained. “Of course I can’t remember all of them, so it should be at least something for your watch.”

"And I have a feeling that neither of you have found the key to your own Omnitrix, have you?" Zenith asked the two.

"What key?" They both asked.

Zenith gave a small chuckle. “You’ll both find out eventually.” She said.

“Well, if we’re giving out gifts, here this for both you and Luna.” Twilight said to her counterpart as she gave them three picutres, one with Celestia and Luna together, the other is the same but with Twilight in the middle with Cadance, and the last one is Twilight and her family, even though they were pony versions of their own, this still brought the two Alicorns to look at the pictures longly as tears of joy fell from their eyes.

Luna then turned to Twilight. “T-Thank you.” She said with a small smile.

“I almost forgotten what they’re faces look like.” Twilight 22 said softly while turning to her counterpart. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“What are friends for?” Twilight said with a smile.

“Hello! Time to go!” Discord called impatient as Celestia giggled and walked back through the portal.

“See ya!” Helen called as she, Atta, and Flash rushed through the portal as Flash returned to normal as Twilight and Helix took one last look of their 22nd dimension friends.

“Remember that friendship is magic.” Twilight said as she entered through the portal.

“And that you are never alone when saving the world and having friends by your side to help you through hard times.” Helix added as he entered the portal as well as the portal closes as the 22nd dimensions crowd watched with smiles before the portal closes.

“Farewell, alternate Twilight and friends.” Twilight 22 said with smiles before she frowned before Flash 22 came up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, you still got us. And me.” Flash 22 said with a smile. “You always do." Twilight 22 smiled at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Back in their own dimension, the group told the others about their experience in dimension 22. "And it turns out a Galvan, Greymatter's species, was the one who created the watch in the first place." Helix told them.

"And after a little talk to my counterpart, she understood and she now decided to take things differently." Twilight added.

“Gotta say, one trip to a store and you five go galvancing around the mulitverse.” Delta said in amusement. “Can’t seem to catch a normal break, huh?”

“You have no idea, dad.” Helix said.

“I can’t believe that there’s a dimension where Twilight found the Omnitrix.” Rainbow said in amazement. “That’s sounds way cooler!”

“But it seemed sad of the tragedy she went through, losing her family and her Celestia.” Fluttershy said in sadness.

"I'm just as surprised that my parents are alive in that universe." Applejack mentioned with disbelief. "I wish I came with…"

“At least you know that they’re still alive there, Applejack.” Rarity assured her with a smile as Applejack returned the gesture.

"So did you guys really have to wear clothes all the time while you were there?" Manny questioned with curiosity.

“Well, yeah.” Flash said with a shrug. “Feels weird at first, but after a while, it felt natural.”

“Now you know how we feel.” Helen said as Attea and Manny nodded in agreement.

"Well, you must be hungry after your little dimensional trip.” Dust called out as she was bringing a pot over to the picnic table. “Luckily for you, I made one of my specialties.” The others looked very concerned as they already had what Dust made the other day.

"What is it?" Helen asked before Dust removed the lid to reveal worms and octopus tentacles inside.

"Marinated mealworms with a touch of octopus tentacle." She said with a smile. “They're considered a delicacy in some countries."

"And totally gross in most others." Rainbow whispered to the others.

"Wow, if this is a reward for saving another dimension, I hate to see a punishment." Helix muttered before looking at the scroll Twilight 22 gave him with the Omnitrix’s combinations and features. “But, at least it’s not a total loss.” He said with a smile having a feeling that his summer is getting more and more exciting and that there’s more secrets to the Omnitrix then he thought. But he can't help but wonder what Zenith meant when she said something about a key.

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