• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 1,125 Views, 104 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Part 2 - Aether Spark

Things quickly get out of hand with the girls chaos...

  • ...

Rising chaotic trouble and a bad review having consequences

The next few hours came, with it new problems…

Rarity darted to and fro, straightening her studio up. The task was made extra difficult, considering that she could not use her regular magic without it turning chaotic.

Rarity paused at her boring sphere.

“I could try again. It didn’t work the last five times I’ve tried but in exactly five minutes it will have been twenty-four hours since my last use of it… does it have that limitation?” Rarity wondered. “There must not be a smidgen of chaos when Gilded Canvas arrives-” Rarity thought before another thought that wasn’t her own invaded.

“We shouldn’t care what she thinks, just as long as she provides us with funding, beautiful funding!” the greedy voice said.

“Not you again,” Rarity had heard this voice before, it startled her in the beginning but after it explained it’s intent was to drive her to giving into her need for possessions for her and only her, she could guess just what this voice was.

It was the her that Discord twisted her into a long time ago.

But this was one skeleton Rarity was going to make sure to stay in the closet!

“Begone, you vile greedy worm!” Rarity said firmly. “I won’t let your greedy words sway me while Guilded Canvas is present!”

“Oh darling you're much, too harsh. Perhaps we should go gem collecting. In the meanwhile, find more gems! More beautiful gems! AND THEY WILL ALL BE MINE!” The voice laughed almost insanely.

“Honestly, the fact I acted like you at one point is something I shant ever live down.” Rarity sighed, glanced at a clock, and saw it had been five minutes.

“Ok, let’s us pray to the heavens above this works,” Rarity said before trotting over to her boring sphere and pressing the button.

Instantly, her chaos magic disappeared.

"Yes!" Rarity cheered. "Farewell greedy version of me, or at least for a full two hours, Twilight must hear of this."

Rarity made a quick note before resuming her tasks. Now that she wasn't limited by her chaos magic, she went on to straighten the few things she needed magic for before setting the tea.

When she was done with that she heard a knock at the door.

“Cooommmiiing!” Rarity hummed as she trotted over to the door and opened it only to see the wrinkled face of a familiar lime-green mare with faded mulberry mane and a muted look of disinterest.

“Ah, Mrs. Mulberry Bushel. I do hope you come bearing good news?” Rarity said with as much hope as she could put into the words.

“Yes, Gilded Canvas is arriving,” Mulberry said.

“Oh good, and excellent timing too! This week has been so dreadfully-”

“In three hours,” Mulberry finished.

Rarity was instantly rooted to the spot, barely able to stammer, “W-what?”

“I do believe you heard me,” Mulberry said.

“Three hours? Y-you don’t understand I already used my-” Rarity glanced back at her boring sphere.

“Your?” Mulberry questioned.

“Umm… nevermind that. Why don’t you appraise my work? So Canvas isn’t inconvenienced?” Rarity almost begged.

“Non, I am to take my leave. Gilded Canvas has high expectations and wishes to see the work the other Canterlot elite talk so fondly about.”


“She shall see you in three hours. Fare thee well.”

As Mulberry trotted away, Rarity rigidly closed the door and sat on the ground to collect her wits.

“Three hours… oh nononononono! If anything chaotic happens while Canvas is here, she will ruin me!” Rarity panicked before taking a calming breath. It did not help so she tried several calming breaths in a row which were just as ineffective.

"This is fine, Rarity. You'll do fine. Just... try to make this work." She took another deep breath, trotted over to her reflection, and fought to put the best face of the frightened mare who looked back at her.

"Let's see what we can do, shall we?"


Rainbow Dash zipped from one cloud to another looking for her boring sphere.

“You that eager to be rid of me?” Disloyalty casually asked

“Uh, yeah! I could barely sleep last night thanks to you and all that chaos is probably your fault you know!” RD said.

“Sure, blame the one who is a reflection of you, real smart,”

“C’mon it couldn’t have drifted far!” Rainbow said before noticing her fellow weather crew members. “Maybe they could help me!” RD said and zipped up to them.

“Hey guys!” RD called out.

“Huh? Oh…” Thunderlane said looking to his friends and seeing them working on their clouds, pretending not to notice.

“Look, I’ll keep it brief, before I get to work today I lost something on one of the clouds, could you guys help?” RD said

“Sure… uh… we really can take care of the clouds today, you can-”

“Oh not this again!” RD sighed loudly.

“C’mon Dash it’s a reasonable concern,” Cloud Chaser said flying up to the two.

“I told you guys it’s fine! I can handle it!” RD barked at them

“If witness reports were accurate, you nearly buried Ponyville under lava yesterday Rainbow Dash, Lava, what if that happens again and nobody can stop it in time, ponies could get fried!” Cloudchaser explained,

“I-I know, but…” Rainbow tried to protest but Cloudchaser cut her off.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, but until this whole chaos thing is resolved, it’s safer if you-”

“Put a pin in it…” Disloyalty said through RD’s mouth

“Huh?” The two pegasuses said

“W-wait, that isn’t what I meant I-”

“Back off honey, it’s time for me to have a little fun,” Disloyalty said before forcibly taking control and turning RD into a draconeqqus.

“Whoa!” Everypony present exclaimed

“Wh-what’s going on?!” RD said before she started speaking and moving without control.

“You think you're so smart, Cloudchaser, but let’s see how quick a thinker you are while in freefall,” Disloyalty smirked before snapping her fingers.

“W-what do you-” Suddenly she fell through the air and her wings were separate fluttering around.

“RD!” Thunderlane exclaimed before diving down to retrieve her.

“Ah ah ah, I’m teaching her a lesson.” Disloyalty snapped her fingers and put Thunderlane in a cage and he fell too.

“Aaaah!” Thunderlane yelled.

“W…wha…what are you…. DOING?!” RD shouted regaining control and turning back to normal before diving down and scooping them both out of the air before depositing them on the ground and letting Thunderlane out of his cage.

“Guys! I’m so so so sorry! I lost control for a minute and-”

RD was cut off as she was shoved by Thunderlane. “You could have killed us, you maniac!”

“Give me my wings back!” Cloud Chaser shouted.

“I-i’m sorry, ok! I wasn’t myself back there!” RD said before she saw the accusing glares around her. She shivered uncomfortably before clapping her hooves and returning Cloudchasers wings, then taking off for home.


Applejack bucked two trees close together, one hoof each and it made apples fall.

“Hah! Knew ah would get a handle on it one day!” Applejack cheered

“Cool, How’s bout that break?” Dishonesty suggested.

“For the thousandth time, ah don’t want to take a break! We basically just got started!” Applejack barked at her lazy alter ego.

That Hammock is gonna get cold if we don’t get movin,

“Too bad,” Applejack trotted to another tree and bucked it. She managed to get a blessed half hour of silence before the voice whined again.

It is break time yet?

“Like talkin to a brick wall with ya!” Applejack said picking up several buckets of apples and carrying them to the barn.

Ah can’t help it if yer a workaholic and ah ain’t,” Dishonesty said

“Don’t give me them excuses,” Applejack said loading up the next set of Apples and trotting off to find something to get her mind off of the voice.

We could just use our magic and it will all be done, then we can relax…” Dishonesty said, Applejack shuddered as a strange sensation washed over her.

“No!... Ah’m not gonna nap on the job!” Applejack shook her head to clear it and trotting faster.

Ya don’t get it, we’re already here,

Applejack gasped upon realizing she trotted up to the hammock.

“How did-”

Ya secretly want to nap on the job, that’s why.” Dishonesty said

“Yer lyin! Ah’m of the Apple kin and we don’t nap on the job!” Applejack turned and galloped away.

That’s all lies, they just don’t feel like doin the job themselves,

“Don’t ya dare say that about mah family!” Applejack shouted

Big Mac was tending to the fields when he heard Applejack shouting and running around.

“AJ?” He said with a raised brow, he unhooked himself and trotted to her.

Yer family won’t mind you taking a break at least,

“No! Granny would tan mah hide for being lazy,” Applejack firmly said

“No she wouldn’t, she-”

“AJ? Everythin alright?” Big Mac asked

"Y-yeah, Ah'm just fine," Applejack lied nervously.

"Really? 'Cause y'all don't look all that well.”

"Ah told ya Ah'm just fine Big Mac!" She shouts at her brother her eyes turning red making Big Mac nervous knowing she could teleport him to space if she wanted… not that she would.

"There's no need to shout," the stallion says, leaving with his ears pinned down.

"Wait! Big Mac! Ah'm sorry, Ah didn't mean to shout!”

However, it was too late; the damage had already been done.

“Ah ponyfeathers…” Applejack said morosely


“SHUT IT!” Applejack shouted.


Fluttershy gave a stressed sigh as she watched Angel refuse his food for the umpteenth time.

“Please Angel, it’s good for you,” Fluttershy pleaded, pushing the salad towards the rabbit, only to have it knocked away.

“Angel you must not be so picky,” Fluttershy reprimanded, Angel just hopped away, making the pegasus sigh.

“Why is that rabbit so stubborn, I just ugh!” Fluttershy growled and took a deep breath.


“Will you stop!... No… I won’t let you win!” Fluttershy said going to the kitchen and fetching herself a glass of water to cool down.

Fluttershy heard a meow and turned to see Opal.

“Ah yes, I forgot Rarity loaned me Opal to get her ready for Guilded Canvas’s arrival,” Fluttershy said picking the cat up and going into the living room.

“Who cares about a stupid cat? If Rarity is half the fashionista she claims to be why doesn’t she get the cat all gussied up for the canterlot snob?” Unkindness said

“You never do stop do you?” Fluttershy sighed, she is going to give Discord a stern reprimanding for trapping her in the week with this cruel version of herself.

Or that could be her nasty side thinking… who knows.

Fluttershy just finished dressing Opal up when she heard a knock at the door, getting up she trotted to the door.

Not noticing her tail snapping its fingers…

“Hi Sweetie Belle!” Fluttershy said trying almost too hard to not sound like she was ready to blow her away with a fury.

“Um… hi?” Sweetie said a little creeped out before she shook it off. “Rarity sent me to collect Opal.”

Fluttershy felt a strange sensation in the back of her head but she ignored it.

“Sure… come on in,” Fluttershy said.

“Ok,” Sweetie trotted through the door… before a bucket of ice-cold water fell on her.

“AH!” Sweetie leaped into the air from the surprise.

“Hahahaha!” Fluttershy laughed as Sweetie Belle calmed down.

“T-that w-w-wasn’t n-nice!” Sweetie complained while shivering

“Oh, sorry. I don’t even recall setting that up, but for some reason it made me laugh anyways,” Fluttershy said.

Sweetie still shivered from the cold water.

Fluttershy felt the sensation again and it filled her with a sudden impulse that let the other her take control.

“Here, let me warm you up” Fluttershy/Unkindness said before she stamped a hoof conjuring a bucket of hot [not scalding] water and dumping it on Sweetie.

“YOW!” Sweetie jumped as the hot water poured on her and she rolled on the ground like she was on fire.

Snk! Oh, sorry. Too hot?

“Are you trying to boil me alive!?” Sweetie asked, looking angry.

Aww, what’s wrong? Can’t take a prank?” Unkindness said.

“Fluttershy, you’re starting to worry me,” Sweetie said.

Oh you have much bigger worries…” Unkindness said

“Huh?” Sweetie said getting nervous… when a pie suddenly connected with her side and she yelped falling down, looking at the source she saw cannons lined up and firing pies at her and she jumped behind a couch.

“Fluttershy stop!” Sweetie pleaded

Fluttershy isn’t here! Please leave a message after I’ve had my fill!” Unkindness laughed as she made several more ice buckets over Sweetie and poured them on her.

Sweetie screamed in surprise and ran into the kitchen- and right into a airbag that launched her into a giant pie.

“AGH!” Sweetie poked her head out of the pie and climbed out woozily.

“Flutershyyyyyyy,,,,” Sweetie groaned before falling on her haunches and landing on a woopie cushion.

“Oh come on!” Sweetie complained

“Heheheh! Sorry, sorry, i’m done now.” Fluttershy said

“P-promise?” Sweetie said

“Yes, here let me help you up,” Fluttershy extended her hoof

“Ok… whew, thank goodne-” Sweetie stiffened in shock when she was zapped by a joy buzzer.

HAHAHAHA!” Unkindness laughed “Oh kids are so easy,” She looked to see Sweetie Belle running for the door.

Oh? And where are you going?” Unkindness stomped her hoof and teleported Sweetie back to her.

“P-please! No more pranks! This isn’t funny!” Sweetie pleaded

Oh but it is funny, you see, pranks are for the enjoyment of the prankster, not the target,” Unkindness said as she turned back into a draconeqqus, startling Sweetie.

“You're not Fluttershy! She would never do this!” Sweetie exclaimed

You're right!” Unkindess laughed “But I can’t have you spilling any beans yet, so how about we erase a few memories,” Unkindness said

“W-what!?” Sweetie trembled nervously, before Fluttershy poked her on the head and she went blank.

Alright, got a little ahead of myself back there, it’s not time yet, Fluttershy’s still dormant, so let’s erase a few memories, oooh, maybe make a few adjustments… wait,” Unkindess got an idea and floated back a little giggling mischeviously.

Why don’t we play another prank, and give her a makeover, just to really surprise Rarity!” Unkindness said before grabbing blank Sweetie and spinning her.

When she stopped she was now a giant frog with her mane.

Eh, scary but not startling.” Unkindness spun her again and Sweetie was a clown.

Eh,” Unkindness spun her again and again turning Sweetie into a pegasus, dragon, bird, dinosaur, chicken, giant newt, earth pony, a statue and even and alicorn.

Nah, too regal… wait, I got it!” She spun Sweetie again and she became…

A colt.

I wonder how Rarity will react to her little ‘brother’ Silver Bell! Heheh! Alright that’s enough time wasted, let’s get this over with.” Unkindness snapped her fingers in Silver Bell’s face and he snapped out of it.

“Huh?... wait what just happened?”

He looked back to Fluttershy who looked normal again and the mess was cleaned up around the house.

“You were about to take the cat back, wern’t you?” ‘Fluttershy’ said, pointing at the cat huddled under a couch looking scared.

“Oh yeah! Thanks Fluttershy!” Silver said not at questioning why he was a colt for some reason and he over and collected Opal and left.

Heheheh, just a preview of what to come,” Unkindness said, chuckling now turning to Angel who was in the corner looking nervously at her having witnessed the whole debacle.

Now, want the salad, or not?” she said, narrowing her eyes.

Angel hastily nodded before picking the salad off the ground and scurrying away frantically, not wanting to tick off the easily enraged pony.


Pinkie was throwing a party for Rumble, a young colt from Sweetie Belle's class. She was dancing around to the music and tossing streamers, much to the amusement of the other ponies.

“Happy happy birthday to you today! Let’s have fun, laugh and play the day away!” Pinkie cheered.

“Thank you for this Pinkie Pie,” Rumble’s mom said

“No probs!” Pinkie said before wincing

“Is everything alright?” Rumbles mom asked

“Yeah! Um… one sec,” Pinkie darted off into the kitchen

Pinkie looked from side to side before kneeling and whispering “Can you stop being a sourpuss,” Pinkie said “It’s his birthday and I don’t wanna make him upset,” Pinkie told Unhappiness.

“Oh boy, celebrate the holiday that makes light of the fact your one year closer to death, why would I be happy to celebrate that?” Unhappiness said

“Because silly!” Pinkie giggled before wincing as the voice snapped at her.

“STOP LAUGHING, I hate laughter,” Unhappiness said

“But laughter is who I am, If I’m not a purveyor of laughter then what am I?” Pinkie asked

“A dragon's dinner?” Unhappiness said

“Hahaha! Good one!” Pinkie laughed

“I wasn’t kidding…” Unhappiness said

“Don’t be so mean-” Pinkie paused and turned in time to see Mr. Cake poking his head inside.

“Uh, Pinkie? The birthday colt is about to blow out his candles,” Mr. Cake said

“So?” Unhappiness said before Pinkie coughed “I mean… so what am I doing in here!? Let’s get to that birthday boy!” Pinkie cheered and she pronked out into the dining area.

Pinkie gathered with the others around Rumble and Pinkie blew in a slide whistle.

“Happy birthday to you! Happy happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to-” Pinkie said before her Pinkie sense flared up and she realized what was going to happen, before she could stop it she felt her body move of it’s own accord and she shoved the cake onto the floor.

“My cake!” Rumble cried

“Pinkie! What’s gotten into you?” Rumbles mom demanded

“Uh… Oopsie, I… tripped?” Pinkie nervously said before dashing back to the kitchen while saying. “I’llberightbackwithanewcakesorry!” Pinkie said quickly.

“Umm…Ok! Let’s move onto the presents while Pinkie makes a new cake, mk?” Mr. Cake nervously said.


Rarity opened the door hoping to Celestia and Luna and whatever other beings were listening that it was Mulberry Bushel with the news that Guilded Canvas was delayed for another day… instead she was standing right in front of her…

There the fancy pegasus stood with her silver mane and her platinum-colored coat.

“Oh! Mrs. Canvas! I uh, was hoping we could reschedule, things have come up and-”

“Non,” She said and trotted past Rarity without another word.

“Or not… So! Can I get you a spot of tea?”

“Hmph,” She said as she examined the boutique, ignoring Rarity.

“Um… Pardon me,” Rarity said and Guilded Canvas whipped to her.

“Darling this simply won't do!” She said sharply

“Um… what won’t do?” Rarity tentatively asked

“The layout of this boutique is lacking of… how you say, je ne sais quoi,” she said.

“Oh… I do apologize, I will reconstruct it to your liking after this,” Rarity said

“See that you do,” Canvas said before trotting up to the dresses Rarity had laid out.

“By the way when am I getting funding from you?” Rarity said before slapping a hoof over her mouth.

“I do beg your pardon?” Canvas said turning back to Rarity

“Uh… I ah, meant I am looking forward to being partners with you if you like my brand, the funding isn’t important,” Rarity hurriedly corrected herself.

“Hmm…” She hummed and looked away without another word.

“Whew…” Rarity said

“Despicable!” Canvas suddenly said

“I didn’t mean it! Um… I mean, what is?” Rarity said

“The tones of this dress, the pairing of the collar colors, the trim! I can barely look at it!” Canvas said, tossing it aside.

Rarity went ridged, that was the one she was sure she would like! What is she going to do now?! Canvas looked through the other dresses with disapproval.

“They're all unappealing to look at, what is this style?” Canvas eyed the other lined-up dresses with scrutiny.

“B-but” Rarity said

“You simply must show me a dress fitting to look at or I will leave this establishment posthaste.” the mare said sharply.

“Um! Indeed! I have more in the back, just wait right here,” Rarity galloped to the back of the store and frantically looked through her dresses.

“Alright Rarity, no worries, she isn’t satisfied with your line-up but this gives you a chance to wow her even more! Let us see?...” Rarity tore through all her dresses before finding the remade version of the one she brought to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Hopefully She wasn’t there for it…

Rarity trotted back through the door.

“Feast your eyes Mrs. Gilded Canvas, on the design that wowed the whole Gala-” Rarity began before noticing Guilded Canvas wasn’t present.

“Mrs Canvas? Where are you?” Rarity looked around frantically before spotting the letter on the desk.

“Dear Rarity Belle, while you were in the back for twenty minutes I took a look around and simply was not satisfied with how your boutique carries itself! Look for funding elsewhere.

Gilded Canvas,”

Rarity fell to her haunches and began to sniffle.

There it went… That easily too, she didn't even stick around for more than thirty minutes... her chance to be a Canterlotian-level fashionista is gone… she failed… and with that Rarity wept.

“HOW DARE SHE! Not even paying us a bit for our trouble, that heathen knows no disgrace!”

“Oh quiet you! If I wasn’t so worried about you I wouldn’t have messed up on the designs so harshly! My life is over! And all you can worry about is money?!” Rarity wailed.

“Then perhaps we make her see it our way, then we shall have the respect we deserve!” Greediness said

“What do you-” Rarity suddenly found her body was being operated not by her but her evil side.

“Take a backseat darling, this won’t take long…” Greediness said

“What’s going on?! Give me my body back!” Rarity cried

Greed turned her hoof into a hand and snapped her fingers and summoned Canvas back to her side.

“-And I refuse to… wait, huh?!” Canvas looked from side to side in surprise.

“Hello again darling,” Greed said

“Rarity? How did you do this? Send me back to the train station right now or-”

“Shut your piehole you snob!” Greed said

“What did you just say?” Gilded Canvas said indignantly

“We need funding, and you're paying us back, whether you like it or not!” Greed said

“I do beg your pardon. Are you threatening me? I can have your building foreclosed upon, you lower-class cretin!”

“Oh you’ll find I am much more than a lower-class cretin…” Greed’s horn flared.

“I won’t be intimidated by you! I’ll have you know I took several classes of self-”

Rarity suddenly turned draconequus.

“-Defense…” Canvas backed away in fear as her draconequus foe advanced on her.

“Not so brave now are we darling?” Greed snickered

“Please! Stop this! She's innocent!” Rarity screamed in her head.

“Not happening…” Greed raised her fingers.

“I-i’ll give you what you want! Spare me!” Gilded Canvas

“Not until we teach you a lesson…” Greed said…


Twilight trotted back into her castle, as she passed by the formally baseball now bowling ball-sized ball of chaos not noticing it.

“Starlight?! Where are you? We need to get started on our daily tasks,” Twilight said

“I’m here!” Starlight came down the stairs. “Just finished cleaning the bathroom like you asked.

“That’s good,” Twilight said levitating several book stacks over.

“Alright what’s on the agenda?” Starlight asked

“Now that the whole town knows it’s up to us to keep our secret from spreading beyond that,” Twilight said

“How are we going to do that?” Starlight asked

“For one thing we should request that the postal office not allow any letters that are going to the princess to be circulated, we don’t know what could be in them.”

“Gotcha,” Starlight noted it down.

“Then comes chaos practice, the sooner I can get as much of a hang of it as Pinkie the better for all of us,” Twilight said


“Then chaos containment, we travel around Ponyville and look for signs that chaos is spreading, we need as little as possible before Discord comes back.” Twilight said

“Ok, sounds like the day is planned out,” Starlight finished with flair.

“You’ve been spending too much time around Trixie,” Twilight teased

“Heh, yeah,” Starlight chuckled

The two mares were going to get their day started when suddenly the ground shook.

“That can’t be good,” Starlight said

“Oh what now?...” Twilight sighed

The two galloped outside to see panicking ponies and they saw something that scared them.

Carousel Boutique was floating in the air and Rarity was atop it holding another mare by her mane.

“RARITY!” Twilight yelled and flew up to her.

“Put me down! I’ll do whatever you want just don’t hurt me!” Guilded Canvas yelled

“Very well dear, the list will start as-”

Greed was cut off as Twilight flew up and snatched the mare from her grasp and brought her to ground level.

“Are you alright?”

“This is a town of psycho ponies! I must leave!” Gilded said fleeing.

“Twilight!” Greed growled

“Rarity! Do you realize what you're doing?! Stop this!” Twilight flew back up to her.

“How dare you wench! That fool was ready to cough up whatever I desired! Now it is ruined!” She stomped causing a wave of chaos to make multicolored plants sprout out everywhere.

“Rarity, you control the chaos it doesn’t control you!” Twilight tried to reason with her.

“SILENCE! Though of similar molds we are, if there is something I want I TAKE IT!” Greed roared before firing a beam at Twilight who dodged and used her chaos magic to conjure a tub of ice cream.

“Just take some Rarity! It’ll calm you down!” Twilight said.

“NEVER!” Greed fired more beams at Twilight who ducked and dodged them before flying up to her.

Greed prepared to fire another beam when a rock impacted the side of her head and she grunted in pain.

She looked to see Starlight was levitating some rocks and pelting her with some.

“Snap out of it Rarity!” Starlight begged

“Foolish creature! I will never-” Greed was cut off before she could finish by a tub of ice cream impacting her face.

Suddenly the chaos began to slow down and stop, and the boutique floated back into the ground.

Rarity pulled the ice cream off and looked dazed before tumbling down the roof and onto the ground like giant noodle and she hit the ground with a dull thud.

“Rarity!” Twilight called and she flew down to her.

Starlight ran over to her and they saw she was just unconscious.

“Whew, she’s alright,” Twilight said

“Um, Twilight?” Starlight said

“What?” Twilight asked

“They're staring at us… they don’t look too happy either,” Starlight said and Twilight looked to see ponies giving them fearful and wary looks.

“We should get inside,” Starlight said levitating Rarity onto her back with some strain.

“Good plan,” Twilight said as the two teleported back inside the castle.

Author's Note:

Sorry if things seem to be progressing unusually fast :twilightblush:

But there are ways to help resolve this in the end, till then, enjoy :)