• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 1,120 Views, 104 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Part 2 - Aether Spark

Things quickly get out of hand with the girls chaos...

  • ...

Nightmares and total pandemonium

Luna flew through the dream realm, keeping her eyes peeled for nightmares.

“Ok, so far we have fixed twenty-seven nightmares and it’s only 3:00 AM,” Luna checked a floating alarm clock. “Perhaps tonight will be a lazy night for me,” Luna said feeling relaxed…

Until an undisclosed wave of magic hit her.

“Huh? What was that?” Luna flew toward the strange magical wavelengths.

“It feels like Discord’s magic… but something is different,” Luna arrived at an oddly isolated group of dreams.

“This is bizarre… It’s as though these dreams are resonating with each other,” Luna got a closer look and saw the dreams featured… the bearers?

“Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight? Why are their dreams radiating chaos magic? Is this Discords doing?” Luna decided to enter Twilight’s to find out.


She found herself in Ponyville

“Hmm… Odd, everything seems normal,” Luna could feel the chaos magic permeating the area, this is different than Discord, usually the chaos level is at a manageable degree, due to his repeated use of it, but this… this felt like she stepped into an ocean made of chaos magic, all pent up and such.

She was prepared to leave when she suddenly saw a multi-colored explosion in the distance.

“Huh?” Luna saw it and put up a shield before it could affect her, when she put the shield down she saw something that disturbed her.

Chaos, running amok all around, it almost looked like the world around her was distorting.

“What madness is this?” Luna said

“Beautiful chaos is what it is,” a voice said behind Luna and she spun only to be grabbed by a Discord-like being that vaguely resembled Twilight.

“What are you doing?! Unhand me apparition!” Luna found herself thrown into a wall and as she was getting up she was bound in chaos magic.

“No spoilers,” the apparition said

“It’s you isn’t it Discord!” Luna demanded.

“He’s partially responsible, but no you may say i’m what began when Twilight became chaotic.” it said

“What do you mean?” Luna demanded

“Equestria will see soon enough, the bottle of chaos is building up pressure and it’s ready to blow soon,” it laughed “But I can’t let you tell Sunbutt too early,” It then unleashed strands of chaos magic on Luna and even though she was panicking she knew what to do in this situation.

She concentrated her magic and fired it out of the dream before she was encased.

“What did she just do?” it said “Oh well, with her trapped here, we got a chance to spread some chaos without the princesses getting in the way,” the being laughed “Time to wake up Twilight!”


“AH!” Twilight sat up panting.

“Luna? What happened to her? Was that just a dream or was that really her?... I don’t like this.” Twilight got out of bed and approached the door to go find Starlight…

Before the door flung open sending Twilight flying.

“AAAHH!” Twilight yelped as she landed back on her bed.

“TWILIGHT! We got a situation!” Starlight said

“What’s wrong Starlight?” Twilight said woozily

“Just… look and see,” Starlight pointed outside.

Twilight hesitantly poked her head outside… and saw utter anarchy…

The ground was pulsating, ponies were being chased by mutant animals clouds were rapidly changing colors, plants were running around, objects and ponies were just floating through the air.

And sooo much more…

“What in the name of Eqqus is going on?!” Twilight reeled back in horror.

“I don’t want to sound like I am saying you had anything to do with this so I’ll state a theory, you and the others somehow… committed sleep chaos?” Starlight shrugged.

“You mean we did this in our sleep?” Twilight said, unable to take her eyes off of the madness gripping ponyville.

“We gotta do something… anything!” If Celestia finds out we could all be in serious trouble!” Twilight cried.

"I already sent messages to the other girls, they said they'll be here soon." Starlight said and with that the two mares galloped to the ground level of the castle and they made it outside to see things getting worse.

"I'm starting wonder if this is even reversible,” Starlight said as they got out there and felt the ground moving like it was alive.

“Be careful, anything could happen right now,” Twilight warned

“TWILIGHT!” The two mares looked up to see Rainbow Dash tumbling out of the sky.

“Rainbow?!” Twilight exclaimed seeing Rainbow as a draconeqqus.

“It happened again!” Rainbow said

“We need everypony here, Twilight focused her normal magic and attempted to teleport but her power switched to chaos magic and she wound up upside down.

“Ah!” Twilight hit the ground.

“Let me take care of it,” Starlight teleported away.

“Rainbow, use your boring sphere before somepony sees you!” Twilight said getting up.

“That’s the thing! I… Kind of… maybe lost it,” Rainbow admitted sheepishly.

“....YOU WHAT?!” Twilight said noticing some ponies were looking at Twilight and RD.

“U-um just a Discord prank, I assure you, everything is under contro-” Twilight was interrupted by a flying trashcan ramming her.

“Ugh… Let’s get inside quickly!” Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash inside ignoring the fact she’s covered in trash.


Upon getting inside she shook herself clean and waited with Rainbow Dash until the others got back with Starlight.

“There you girls are!” Twilight said, interestingly everypony except her and Rarity were Draconqques.

“Twi ah don’t know what happened but when I woke, everything in the orchard was alive! We gotta fix this!” Applejack said

“My animals were all missing and now Starlight is telling me that they are terrorizing the citizens of Ponyville!” Fluttershy said

“My sister was trotting on the ceiling Twilight, THE CEILING, we must get help before something happens to her!” Rarity cried

“Ok ok! Easy girls!” Twilight said to the panicking mares “According to Starlight we released some chaos magic while we were asleep, we need to corral it,” Twilight said

“I got it!” Pinkie said

“Does it involve a black hole?” Starlight asked exasperatedly

“...Yes…” Pinkie said.

“Then no” Starlight said.

“Aww…” Pinkie said.

“Come on girls, think!” Twilight said.

“Maybe if we pool our powers we can reverse this?” Rarity offered.

“Maybe… we can’t use the elements of harmony as we are now, then perhaps we need to rely on what we got.” Twilight took a deep breath.

“And what about us? We need to look normal too!” RD complained

“Later, right now we need to stop Ponyville from falling apart,” Twilight said and she led the six and Starlight outside.

Twilight focused on her chaos magic and reached out to the edge of Ponyville.

“Alright, Starlight. I’ll need your help. If I use my chaos magic in the same way to my normal magic I should be able to prevent any leaks of chaos,” Twilight said

“Ok,” Starlight focused her magic to grip the edges of the chaos bubble.

“What do we do?” Fluttershy asked.

“Focus your efforts internally, try and correct as many abnormalities as possible!” Twilight strained as she was forcing the chaos to shrink back.

“Ok! Remember the book girls!” Rainbow said as they focused their magic the best they could and began flying around undoing things left and right.

Derpy had sprouted an extra pair of wings, fixed. The ground was erupting in chocolate sauce, fixed. A giant beetle was rampaging in town, Fluttershy took care of it.

Applejack chased down a group of fleeing apple tree’s.

“It hurts!” Starlight strained.

“I know! Just a little more!” Twilight strained out.

The bubble shrank more and more until it began passing the buildings and ponies and was shrunk down to a baseball size.

Afterwards Twilight and Starlight collapsed panting heavily.

“I feel like my horn is going to fall off…” Starlight wheezed

“Yeah,” Twilight got up slowly and collected the compressed ball of chaos.

“Well, that’s taken care of now we just need to get the girls-” Twilight began before hearing a shriek and turning to see ponies running from the draconeqqu’s.

“Out of sight…” Twilight sighed and she turned to Starlight.

“Ok…” Starlight sighed and she teleported her and Twilight to her friends and then teleported the group inside the castle.

“That went well,” Pinkie said.

“No it didn’t, Pinkie!” Twilight berated.

“Need some ice cream Twilight?” asked Applejack

“No! Listen girls, they saw you out there! The secret is out!” Twilight waved her hooves wildly.

“Calm down egghead, I’m sure the citizens will be calm and understanding,” RD said

“They freaked out because of a stampede of bunnies…” Applejack pointed out.

“Yeah… but we’re the town heroes, surely they won’t think anything about it.” RD shrugged.

“I’m terribly sorry to say this Twilight, but we may need to come out straight with the townsfolk and try to get on their good side.” Rarity said.

Twilight promptly panicked “You're kidding! They’d quarter and draw us for sure!”

“Oh! We’re going to get quarters and drawings of ourselves!” Pinkie cheered

“NO! They're going to flip out!” Twilight shouted, her head radiating heat like crazy as her face turned red.

“Ah got it,” Applejack snapped her finger and summoned a carton of ice cream and gave it to Twilight, who ate several spoonfuls.

Cooling down she took a breath, “Whew… thanks…”

“C-Could I have some?” Fluttershy asked, wincing at an unknown noise.

“Sure? Are you upset?” Twilight asked.

“Just give it please,” Fluttershy said surprisingly firm.

“Um… ok?” Twilight hoofed it to Fluttershy who began eating some.

“Well?” AJ asked. “We going or what?”

Twilight sighed. “I suppose we have no choice, better to confront the populace than wait for the lynch mob.” The group followed Twilight to the door.


Celestia poked her head in Luna’s chambers. “Luna? You’ve been asleep for a while. Are you getting up?”

Luna didn’t respond.

“Luna, if your plan is to jump me when I least expect it, it won’t work,” Celestia trotted in.

Still no response….

“Luna, wake up already. I won’t fall for it.” Celestia prepped a teleportation spell just in case Luna lunged at her again, playfully of course.

“...Luna?” To make sure Luna wasn’t tricking her Celestia came up with a ‘sting’ charm that feels like a bee sting, that should get her out of bed.

Her horn lit up and she shot a tiny magic bolt at her rump.


There was no reaction…

“...Luna?” Celestia became concerned. That one always worked. Deciding that this may be serious, Celestia took a risk and shook her sister, gently at first, then harder when she still did not wake up.

“Luna, open your eyes,” Celestia said. “Luna!” Celestia called a little louder, starting to feel afraid she checked Luna’s pulse, which was still good.

“Luna!” Celestia rolled her over and shook her, “Guards!” Celestia turned to the guards at the door. “Luna isn’t waking up. Get a doctor in here, NOW!”

“Yes, princess!” The guards ran off.

“What ails you, sister?” Celestia said and used her magic to probe… curious, she detects chaos magic radiating off of her body…

“Even Discord wouldn’t joke like this,” Celestia said before Luna’s horn lit up.

“Hm? A signal spell? Luna only uses those when she’s in danger!” Celestia said getting serious and triggered the spell.

Luna’s eyes opened up and they were glowing.

“Chaos…Trapped…Hurry….” Luna said before closing her eyes and the message ended.

“No… I must inform Twilight! Discord must have gone rogue!” Celestia galloped away.

Author's Note:

Feel free to tell me If I made any mistakes.

Things have only gotten worse for our protagonists now that the town knows, it seems their well-laid plans are slowly coming undone, can they fix this?