• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 1,125 Views, 104 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Part 2 - Aether Spark

Things quickly get out of hand with the girls chaos...

  • ...

Celestia's arrival

Twilight and the others ran outside just in time for a flash of light to consume a patch of grass and they saw the ruler of equestria herself.

“DISCORD! Show yourself!” Celestia demanded before spotting Twilight and the others.

“Oh good, you got my message,” Celestia said trotting over to Twilight.

“U-uh, yeah,” Twilight stuttered

“We must make haste, Discord has trapped my sister and most likely kidnapped Spike, that may be the only explanation for my inability to get the messages to you.” Celestia reasoned

“Actually,” Pinkie said “Discord took Spike to another dimension and-” Twilight elbowed Pinkie and continued for her.

“What she is saying is that they are on vacation somewhere and we have no clue what happened to your sister but we can promise you he didn’t do it,” Twilight tried.

“Discord didn’t? Forgive me Twilight but I must decline that answer, Discord is the only creature that I know that possesses chaos magic, and what happened to Luna is definitely the cause of chaos magic.” Celestia said

“Umm, well Discord said he’ll be back within a week so why don’t we wait until then,” Twilight suggested

“Twilight, are you suggesting I sit idly by and watch my sister decline for a whole week waiting on Discord who may have kidnapped your brother as well?” Celestia asked with a raised brow.

“Umm…. no?” Twilight said meekly

“Your hiding something Twilight,” Celestia said

Twilight was scrambling for a response but she couldn’t think of one, before she could blurt out something random Rarity stepped up.

“We did it,” Rarity said

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked

“Yeah, I beg too,” Twilight looked at Rarity with a ‘what the hay are you doing!?’ face.

“We told Discord to take a holiday to give us a breather from his constant chaos and to take Spike with him so the little darling can have a holiday as well,” Rarity said

Celestia seemed unsure but continued “You mean Discord is elsewhere and you allowed it? There is no harm in doing so but other areas of Equestria has yet to accept Discord, this could cause problems, where has he gone?” Celestia asked

“I am afraid we do not know,” Rarity replied

“What? What do you mean you do not know?” Celestia asked

“He asked us to keep it a secret, he didn’t wish to be bothered I assume,” Rarity shrugged.

Celestia looked as though she were having trouble believing this but turned back to Twilight.

“If this is true this doesn’t explain what happened to my sister, If Discord didn’t do it then who?” Celestia demanded.

“We’re not sure, what do we do?” Twilight asked

Celestia sighed and looked deep in thought for a moment before answering.

“I suppose an investigation is in order, I’ll head back to the castle and begin scanning the dream realm for clues.” Celestia said

“I think that would be best,” Twilight said

“But first,” Celestia said

“First?” Twilight parroted

“First i will do an investigation here, I am sensing chaos magic coming off of Ponyville in waves, that is one of the main reasons I came here for-”

“No!” Twilight yelped before she could stop herself.

“Pardon?” Celestia said

“Uh… what I meant is, what do you think you’ll find looking around ponyville?” Twilight was sweating.

“As I have said I could practically smell the chaos magic radiating off of Ponyville from Canterlot, I need to do a thorough search here, and so I will request the assistance of my guard to find out the issue,” Celestia said before trotting away.

“W-wait! You don’t have to-” Applejack grabbed Twilight and turned her to look at her.

“Cut it out Twi she’s already suspicious enough!” Applejack said firmly.

“What are we going to do? If Celestia finds out we’re done for!” Twilight demanded

“We asked the population here to keep quiet, we just need ta make sure they keep their word,” Applejack said

Twilight thought about it and nodded.

“Ok, but the minute this goes south, I say we have a valid excuse prepared,” Twilight said before trotting out to Celestia who was talking with her guards.


Celestia trotted into the market and several guards separated from the group to question ponies.

Pinkie got the other elements attention and made a bunch of weird hoof motions and gestures.

Finally Twilight stopped her “Pinkie! What are you trying to say?” Twilight whispered harshly.

“Let’s go over and talk to them,” Pinkie said in a conspiratorial tone that made it sound like she came up with a genius idea.

“...We were going to do that…” Twilight said

“Oh, ok!” Pinkie said with a grin.


A guard went over to a vendor who was setting up their evening stock.

“Pardon me mam, I need to know if you’ve seen any strange events lately,” The guard asked

The mare looked at the guard and glanced around as if to check before leaning in.

“Yes, it’s been happening on and off!” She whispered

“Could you describe it?” The guard asked


“No she can’t!” Twilight got in the way.

“Pardon me princess but I was talking to this mare here,” The guard politely said

“Well I already questioned her earlier so there’s no need, right?” Twilight said glancing at the mare with a serious look,

The mare gulped and nodded.

“I see, then I’ll question somepony else,” The guard said trotting away.


Two guards stopped Mr and Mrs Cake in the middle of the road.

“Oh hello there sir, what can we do for you?” Mr Cake asked

“We’re hoping to find out if you two know anything about the recent chaos reports around here,” Said the guard.

The two ponies looked at eachother nervously when they heard that.

“U-um, what makes you say that?” Mrs. Cake asked

“The Princess mentioned-” The guard attempted before Pinkie appeared

“Waaaaaaaaaaait!” Pinkie said

“Can we help you?” The guard asked

“Yes, look at that thing I shall use to distract you!” Pinkie pointed in a random direction.

“You’ll do something to distract us? You do realise we’re not that dumb right?” The guard said with a bemused look… before an acorn hit one of the guards in the head.

“Huh?” The two guards looked to see flying squirrels flying above them pelting them with acorns.

“Ow! Hey!” The two guard exclaimed as Pinkie snagged her employers and scurried off.


A guard approached the flower trios stand, although only Lily was there.

“Pardon miss,” The guard asked

“Huh?” Lily looked to see the guard.

“I was wondering if there were any strange events that occurred in the last few days,”

“Yes! Finally, you’ve gotta help me!”

“What’s the problem?” The guard asked

“Fluttershy threatened to-” She stiffened as she saw Fluttershy approaching.

“Lily I actually wanted to apologize for what I said earlier,” Fluttershy said

“Ichangemymindntohingiswrongbye!” Lily shut the shutters on her stand and gallopped away.

“What the hay was that about?” The guard asked

“I wish I could say…” Fluttershy sniffled


Big Mac was setting up the apple stand, after that little brainwashing fiasco Granny needed to rest, but no rest for the weary.

Mac had just opened when Celestia approached his stand.

“Hmm? Oh howdy there Princess, there anything ya need from the stand?” Big Mac said with a polite bow.

“Thank you Big Mac but I came with questions,”

“Shoot,” Mac said

“I was hoping you knew the location of Discord or the reasons behind the thick cloud of chaos magic lingering over Ponyville?” Celestia asked

“Well…” Mac said but before he could say anything he spotted Applejack frantically waving her hooves and shaking her head.

She quickly stopped when Celestia looked behind her and resumed when she wasn’t looking.

“Well?” Celestia asked

“Uh well, y’see, um…” Big Mac would have lied to cover Applejack’s current issue but an apple telling a lie is difficult, lying to the princess is another, before Mac could spew out some kind of unbelievable half truth Rainbow Dash swooped in to the rescue.

“Uh, yo Celestia! I just saw Discord!” RD said

“Really? Where?” Celetia immediately giving her her full attention.

“Uhhh… the other side of town, but if he’s not there then he’s probably left!” RD said

Celestia looked suspicious but teleported away.

“Close up shop early Mac, she’s trying to get the dirt on our situation!” RD said

“Ok,” Big Mac said before closing down the stand.


This went on for an hour where Twilight and friends sabatoged most of their attempts to get answers.

At the end of their visit Celestia met up with her troops and shared intel.

“Nopony found anything rock solid did they?” Celestia sighed

“Sorry princess,” The guards said

“It’s fine, we’ll have to get moving on back to the castle then, the sooner this investigation is cleared the sooner my sister can wake from her coma.” Celestia said

“Yes!” Twilight silently cheered

“We may have to call Discord to let him know of Luna’s situation and that Celestia is looking for him,” Fluttershy recommended.

“Yeah, that is a must do,” Twilight approached Celestia.

“I suppose this is bye for now Twilight, I didn’t find anything here,” Celestia said

“And we’ll locate Discord to let him know of your situation,” Twilight said

“I appreciate it, although, and I mean no offense when I say this Twilight but I feel as though you weren’t honest with me,” Celestia said suddenly

“W-what do you mean?” Twilight asked

“Twilight, I have known you a long time and can tell, also I have dealt with deceiving attempts for most of my life now, nothing slips by me, I won’t press you for details but I implore you, if it is something that can tell me what is wrong with my sister that you speak now,” Celestia said

Twilight almost wanted to piddle herself, being stared down by Celestia’s disapproving look.

“Uh, well…” Twilight’s sharp mind ran through all the bad scenarios and excuses but she couldn’t find anything so finally she caved.

“Oh fine!” Twilight cried

“Welp, there goes our efforts,” RD sighed

“Brace yourselves,” Pinkie said putting on a bulletproof vest.

“Yes?” Celestia asked

“I-I… the truth is… oh please don’t freak out on us Celestia but-”

“Yes?” Celestia raised her brow.

Twilight took a long deep breath and got ready to say it.

“The truth is that Discord-”


“Ah!” Twilight fell over.

Celestia stumbled from the loud noise and saw rocks flying at them and she swiftly put up a barrier that protected her, her guards and the elements.

“What was that?!” one the the guards exclaimed.

“I do not know, guards, evacuate the citizens from that area, Twilight you and your friends come with me!” Celestia said before galloping off.

“Well… that was lucky!” Pinkie said

“We’ll see,” Twilight said, galloping after Celestia with her friends in tow.

Author's Note:

One chapter to go, what was the mysterious explosion? Find out tomorrow or the next day. :pinkiesmile: