• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 6: Episode 2 - The Bravest Ever Part 2

Throsten watched as the puppets went off to find the Main six. "You...just what purpose are you trying to accomplish with this?"

"Why...death of course." Nozrog said. "I find the fact you mortals keep clinging to life in the ways you do to be total gag fests. Honestly, I'm surprised the speeches of friendship haven't made that Rainbow Dash turn into an utter villain just to spite you all. All this talk of friendship and hugs should make someone like Rainbow Dash turn into a villain. Yet, most of the time, she doesn't. And even when she does, she's still somehow miraculously defeated because some rule says only the good guys can win."

"Well, that's because you evil doers continue to try and take over the world and other such things." Throsten said.

"I don't want to take over the world though. I plan on eventually killing off every last mortal in all of existence. That's my goal. Because for all the talk of friendship and whatnot that worlds like this try to encourage the spread off, often times mortals still refuse to take that to heart and end up what you heroes would call 'evil'." Nozrog said. "And that's what makes me so sick of you mortals: You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk. For every Twilgiht Sparkle there's at least ten other mortals who will seek to do terrible things. Maybe not 'take over the world' levels, but still terrible things. Such as destroying coral reefs, or polluting the oceans, or even grievingly hording their wealth. And that all funnels back to the elements of harmony these ponies just love to treasure so much. For all their worth, the elements of harmony are essentially just glorified deus ex machinias. And that's further sickinging to me."

"You...really just don't care who gets hurt..." Throsten said as the puppets began to tear Ponyville apart. "You only care about death and destruction. That's really your only goal."

"Oh yes, someone finally gets it." Nozrog said. "I want to kill for the sake of killing. What other reason do I need when you mortals continue spoting these positive messages, only for them to basically mean little to buck nothing?!" He exclaimed. "So I say, the only real solution is to just kill all mortals so that the undead can rise, and take over all of existance. Because the things you mortals want to protect won't matter to the undead. They don't need the things you mortals require to survive. And when everything doesn't need anything to survive...then it won't matter in the end if something gets polluted or destroyed, because the undead can live without it. There will no longer be anything to fight over or fight against. Everything will finally be as you heroes want it, peaceful."

"But that's just going way too far." Throsten said. "We can have peace without needing to basically kill everyone."

"And yet that peace never lasts does it? The only solution in the end is to just kill everyone and everything. And it seems, I have to appoint myself as that executor of mortal kind since no god or fate or whatever dares take that kind of extreme solution." Nozrog said.

"No matter what, we will never let you succeed." Throsten said.

"You can't defeat me." Nozrog readied his sythe weapon. "I'm The Reaper."

The Reaper

Nozrog was using all sorts of tricks to outsmart Throsten, in fact, almost right away, Nozrog had put Throsten on the back foot. Even when Throsten used his ancestral blood, nothing was going his way.

Meanwhile, the Main Six plus Throsten's wives were dealing with their own battle.

Undead Army
Nozrog's Puppets

The puppets were using their own tactics against them, it was literally like they were fighting themselves. It was quickly becoming an eternal stalemate with neither side gaining an inch, since the puppets had access to everything the heroes did and more.

Eventually, the group decided to change things up with the ponies going after the Eeveelution Puppets and Throsten's wives going after the Pony Puppets. However, it was quickly discovered that the damage was still intense, and it left Ponyville in a state of near and utter ruin.

Ponyville was a complete and utter wreck to say the least from the battle.

Many houses were in shambles, with some parts of them just laying in the streets.

Or what's left of those streets, since the normal pathways were so unreconizable, it would be easy to become lost amongst the clutter.

And then, as the damage is being surveyed from some strange outside world, Throsten is suddenly flung right through a part of a destroyed building towards a very bruised and very battered main six.

"I've quite enjoyed this battle, which is something I can't say for any other battle I've had." Nozrog said as he suddenly came into view of the ponies and Throsten. "But I think we've reached the end here, you and I. Seems I finally found something you're afraid of Throsten: Death. But then again, who can blame you for being afraid of dying?" He added before he readied his sythe.

"That's where your wrong." Throsten said as he got up; suddenly be began glowing with dark power, but something about it was different this time. "Sure, I'm at risk of dying, but so what? I'm not afriad. I know you can easily end me if I get in close. But that's a risk I'm willing to take. I don't care if you kill me, because at least, if I go fast enough, even that won't stop me. You'll still lose in the end." Throsten finished before he suddenly started going insanely fast at Nozrog.

For Nozrog, it was like time had suddenly stopped. I...I don't understand...he...he should be cowering in total fear after the beating I gave him! Nozrog thought to himself. And yet...even now staring into his eyes, I just can't see any fear in his actions. There's no hesitation, no fear, no regrets... the thoughts continued. He...he isn't afraid to die...not in the slightest. Because really, in his mind, so long as he takes me down with him, he doesn't care if he dies at all... the thoughts went on. I...I never thought I'd actually ever admit this...but Throsten...Throsten really is the bravest ever... the thoughts concluded before things resumed and Throsten rocketed right into Nozrog, sending the reaper flying off. "YOU STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Nozrog yelled as he disappeared like a star in the sky.

Author's Note:

The main reason this part focused on the Main six's fight against the Puppets rather than Throsten's battle with Nozrog is that a proper Nozrog fight will happen much later, as the replacement for the battle against Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

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