• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 5: Episode 22 - Lori

Author's Note:

On January 22nd, 2022; exactly two years ago today; I had created Lori "Electra" Spines as one of the Honorable Electra Sisters. Full details about this character can be found here: Electra Sisters Bios — Weasyl

And since today is the two year anniversary of when I had created Lori, to end off this season of My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot, I could think of nothing better then what your about to read.

Enjoy every pony.

Electra Sisters Estate - Two Years Ago...

It had been tough, but now, the Electra Sisters and Lori can all rest. The 'chu tribe had fled the forest, and the estate was safe.

"You girls really know your teamwork. It's very good." Lori said.

"Yeah..." Plusla said. "Listen Lori...we're sorry if we were a little...mean about how we were saying you couldn't join."

"Water under the bridge." Lori said.

"It's nothing wrong with wanting to join. It's just...we've never really thought about having any non-Pika-clones as part of the sisterhood before." Mina said.

"But...I think we can come to an arrangement." Plusla said. "It's unprecedented, but I think all of us Electra Sisters can consider you an honorary member, Lori."

"Honarary member? What's that mean?" Lori said.

"It means you have permission to come and hang out with us whenver you want. And with your parent's permission, stay the night too if you want." Mina said.

"You'd...talk with my parents about this?" Lori asked.

"Yeah. But if they say no, then that's just mean. They shouldn't control you like that." Neutra said.

"Agreed. No parent should choose their child's friends." Emily said.

Lori smiled. "Heck, if they say no, I'd rather move away from my parents."

"Don't...run away from your parents. I'm sure we can talk things out with them." Darina said.

Present Day...

"Can't believe that same 'chu tribe damaged the Electra Sisters Estate. I hardly say the forest is safe anymore." Lori's father said.

"I'm worried about you dear. You sure your going to be okay in Ponyville for a while while everything calms down around the forest?" Lori's mother asked.

"I'll be fine mom. I'm not a baby anymore." Lori said.

"No. No I suppose your not. Your a Luxio now. You can have a lot more independence from us now." Lori's mom said.

"But if anything comes up, daughter; you know where to find us." Lori's father said.

"I know dad. I just hope nothing ever comes up that will require me to find you." Lori said before returning to Ponyville.

"...Can you believe it's been two years since we agreed to let her hang out with the Electra Sisters?" Lori's mother asked.

"Heh. I think she's maturing way faster then she would have otherwise. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if one day she became a Luxray in order to really show us how mature she's become." Lori's father said.

Lori arrived in Ponyville, and was about to pass by the Lightning Strike Orphanage Ponyville Branch when she accidently bumped into Lightning when she had gotten distracted when a gray pegasus hit a lamppost and said "I just don't know what went wrong."

"Oof! Oh hey Lori." Lightning said. "Let me guess: You got distracted by Derpy."

"...Is that that pegasus's name?" Lori asked.

"Yep. She's a mailmare for the post-office here." Lightning said. "Say, perhaps you'd like to observe Raiden and I at the orphanage today."

"You really want to invite her along?" Cozy Glow asked. Lori did a double take and noticed the Pegasus Filly on Lightning's back.

"...Whose the kid?" Lori asked.

"Her name is Cozy Glow. She was sent her from Manehatten because the orphanage there was bursting at the seems. Or so I was told. She's currently somewhat of an understudy of mine. Been teaching her how she can put her super genius towards some big things." Lightning said.

"Before Lightning, I've never once lost a single game of chess, let alone lost one so quickly. What can I say? He's been a great teacher." Cozy Glow said. "Better than the foster family I was with."

"...Wait, back up, I thought you were an orphan?" Lightning asked.

"I am. Legally, anyways. My birth parents disowned me for being born a Pegasus, while they were both unicorns. As such, I got put into the foster care system. I got adopted pretty quickly by one foster family, but they just couldn't handle being outsmarted by me, and returned me to the orphanage, which is how I got transferred here." Cozy Glow said.

"...Okay, that's just not cool. Your birth parents shouldn't have disowned you just because you weren't a unicorn. Talk about all kinds of bad. I'll certainly tell Twilight about this later. This sort of thing cannot go unchecked." Lightning said.

"...Well now I do want to observe you and Raiden at the orphanage." Lori said. Plus, this give me an excuse to see if everything I've read about him is true or not.

Later that day, it was time to put the orphans to bed for the night. "Well, it's pretty late now. Want to just stay over here at the orphanage tonight Lori? I'll help you back to Twilight's Castle in the morning. Have to head there with Cozy Glow anyways to let Twilight know about Cozy's birth parents." Lightning said.

"That's...fine. I guess." Lori said. "I'm just a little nervous still. Raiden makes Gallade look like evil tyrants. And that's so wierd to me."

"...Yeah. Plusla mentioned to me that you have a thing against all 'chus." Lightning said. "But, you can trust me when I say that Raiden's trying to do his part, to flip around the mentality of all 'chus one way, or another."

"...Ironically, if any creature of any species could probably do that, Raiden could do it. I believe it." Lori said. "Something about the way you trust him...makes me want to trust him. Which is a first for me. I've never trusted a 'chu before I even met you and Raiden, and now...now everything Raiden is flies in the face of my own philosophy. And despite that, I don't hate that I want to trust him because you trust him."

At that moment, there was a white glow from Lori, before she suddenly evolved into a Luxray. "...Whoa. Looks like you just evolved." Lightning said.

"Huh. Seems your evolution was triggered when you decided you could trust Raiden by trusting Lightning." Cozy Glow said. "...Or something like that. For once, even my super intellect has nothing."

"Well...I honestly don't care what the reason is." Lori said. "I really got to show my parents tomorrow after I let the sisters know I'm okay."

Suddenly, Twilight burst in through the door. "...Oh huh. Looks like Lori Evolved. Well, that's some good news today." The purple alicorn said.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Lightning asked.

"Flash found Spitfire bleeding out near the edge of the Everfree Forest. Her injuries look serious. You and Raiden might want to take a look in case they were caused by that 'chu tribe you guys are after." Twilight said.

"Well that's more then enough reason then." Raiden said, suddenly appearing. "Take us to where Spitfire is being treated."

Sadly, as it turned out, Spitfire's injuries were caused by something much, much worse than what the 'chu tribe was capable of doing. She was barely hanging on to her own life. Future Spike wrote down. It seems Spitfire knew her time was up, because she called out to Rainbow Dash, where the former wonderbolt captain whispered three words to Rainbow Dash. Three words, yet they were obviously meant to be a warning. Just three words, yet they spoke volumes.

"Beware the Reaper".

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