• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 4: Episode 7 - Emotions of the Heart (Twilgiht Time Replacement)

Author's Note:

Woo boy, there's a lot that's being saved here. A "Pinkie Pride" AU is going to be saved for after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" which has swapped places with "Somepony to Watch Over Me".

"Simple Ways", "Filli Vanilli", and "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" are going to be saved outright for the Sunset Snippets IV chapter.

And then there's "Twilight Time". The whole reason this episode even happened was because Diamond Tiara got the CMC's tutoring with Twilight sabotaged. And while I could very well have Fortus Vile replace Diamond Tiara for that plot, this is one of the three season 4 episodes I have issues with. The other two are "Pinkie Pride" and "Three's a Crowd".

"Three's a Crowd" won't be happening at all in this universe, since Discord knows that if he tried to pull something like he does in the cannon, Serendipity will be there to make it blow up in his face BIG time in the most literal sense of the term. That is again, one of the three episodes of this season I have immense issue with, though Discord has his antics on check because of Serendipity so the episode wouldn't even happen to begin with.

But as for "Twilight Time" I am replacing it with Sunset's Key Episode. I had to pick SOME episode to replace outright in Season 4 and since "Pinkie Pride" is Pinkie's Key Episode, I can't replace that one; only change it. And since "Three's a Crowd" wouldn't even happen at all, I've decided "Twilight Time" is the one that would get the axe so Sunset could have her key episode.

But not only should you be prepared for something to be hinted towards here, as this is Flamer Jackson's third to last overall appearance in this story; you should also read all the way until the end for a change that's being made for "Twilight's Kingdom".

"Jackson!" Sunset said, as she ran up to the Arcanine in question. "I need to speak with you. And I'm hoping you can tell me I'm wrong about something I've figured out." Sunset said.

"I'm listening." Jackson said.

"Milissa and Marina...you always talk about them like they are two different people. Your emotions always betray you whenever you talk about Milissa. There's an obvious tone of failure in your voice." Sunset said.

"Says the mare who became jealous of her surrogate sister earlier today." Jackson said. Sunset grimaced at that. He wasn't wrong. She can remember it well...

12 Hours Earlier...

It had started as a normal day in Ponyville, but Twilight had her head on a pile of letters. "Ugh..." Twilight groaned in utter frustration.

"What's up, LSBFF?" Sunset asked.

"It's these darn suitor letters I keep getting. Ever since the last Summer Sun Celebration event, I've been getting tons of letters from nobles all over to ask for my hoof in marrage." Twilight said.

"And she's denied all of them; and some of them eleven times over." Flash Sentry said.

"How would you know that?" Sunset asked.

"Because she's asked me to put the repeats in the fire." Flash Sentry said. Sure enough, there were a few letters in the fireplace.

"I'm getting so tired of continuously seeing letter after letter after letter after letter of these nobles asking for my hoof in marraige." Twilight said. "The only noble that hasn't even bothered to ask is Blueblood, and he's been coming around a lot to get with Derpy."

"Derpy Hooves? The mail mare?! I have so many questions now." Sunset said.

"I just wish these proposals would stop already." Twilight said. Sunset was jealous of Twilight right now though: While she had Flash Sentry as a coltfriend, she was getting marrage proposals out the wazzoo. And Sunset couldn't help but let her emotions run a little wild.

"...You know what I think the solution is Twilight?" Flash Sentry asked.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"That you and I get married. Right here in Ponyville. We'll make a giant public announcement, and have it done within the next twelve hours." Flash Sentry said. "I know we haven't been together all that long, but I'll--" He was interrupted when Twilight suddenly kissed him on the lips.

"Flash, did I ever tell you how much I love you? Because just like always, you seem to have my back. We should do exactly what you said. That'll put all those nobles in their place." Twilight said.

"Oh come on. This is just outrageous now. Your just going to agree to that plan on the spot?" Sunset asked.

"Gee, are you being a bit jealous much?" Flash Sentry asked.

Sunset flinched. "Sunset, please get your emotions in check before the cermony; I wouldn't want to have you removed from the list of guests simply because you got jealous of me." Twilight said.

As Flash and Twilight left, Sunset was left alone with her emotions.

Sunset proceeded to do everything she could, but the jealousy she was feeling over her younger sister getting married out of the blue was very much still on her mind. "Ugh...why can't I just be proud of her? What's wrong with me?" Sunset asked.

"Sunset?" A male voice asked. It was Sombra, and he was with Radiant Hope. "What's going on?" Sombra asked.

"Oh. Sombra. Sorry, I guess I didn't expect to see you ever again." Sunset said.

"Me and Hope were just passing through the area. Are you talking about your sister?" Sombra asked.

"Surrogate sister, but yeah. Yeah I'm jealous. Jealous of her getting married, and being miss popular with the nobles." Sunset said.

"You shouldn't let your jealousy control you like this. Especially since you should be proud that your sister is coming to know the same things I do with Hope." Sombra said. "And I'm sure one day, you'll be the same way." He said.

Sunset's eyes suddenly falshed a rainbow color. "Sombra, thank you for the advice. I've got somewhere I gotta be; and something I want to do." She added before running off.

A bit later, Sunset had made it to the wedding, and had made up with her surrogate sister. And at the reception, she gave one of a speech none would ever forget.

"When I first discovered Twilight Sparkle, her playfulness and energy really sparked hope within me. She was just as old as my actual brother Sunburst at the time. And I decided right then and there, that I was going to be her big sister figure." Sunset said. "But I'm not afraid to admit, this recent situation, made my own emotions go rampent. Yet, after some self-reflection, it came to my mind that, it's time this mare put her emotions aside, and celebrate her surrogate sister's accomplishments this day. Because she's taking a step I hope to one day take myself. So I hope she gets used to the limeline, because I'm hoping to have it on me before she realizes it." She explained.

Everyone in the place cheered, laughed, and cried at Sunset's speech. Shortly after, Twilight approuched Sunset. "That took some courage to admit." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Hey, where's Jackson going?" Sunset asked, noticing the Arcanine leaving.

"Don't know. Are you going to go after him?" Twilight said.

"Actually yeah. There's something I've been meaning to ask him." Sunset said. "You don't mind, do you LSBFF?" She asked.

"Not at all, BSBFF!" Twilight said.

"Jackson!" Sunset said, as she ran up to the Arcanine in question. "I need to speak with you. And I'm hoping you can tell me I'm wrong about something I've figured out." Sunset said.

"I'm listening." Jackson said.

"Milissa and Marina...you always talk about them like they are two different people. Your emotions always betray you whenever you talk about Milissa. There's an obvious tone of failure in your voice." Sunset said.

"Says the mare who became jealous of her surrogate sister earlier today." Jackson said. Sunset grimaced at that. He wasn't wrong.

"I got over that. Didn't you hear my speech?" Sunset asked.

"That was some speech you gave, I'll give you that. It's a reminder that I may be running out of time to save Milissa." Jackson said.

"Tell it to me straight, Flamer Jackson: Did Milissa develop an alternate personality that took over her mind?" Sunset asked.

"Wh-what?! How-how did you...?" Jackson said.

"...I was really hoping you'd say no; that'd tell me I'm barking up the wrong tree." Sunset said. "...Milissa...she devoloped a second personality; making her suffer from Multi-personality disorder; and that second personality was too strong for her young mind to contain." She said.

"You've..." Jackson suddenly stopped himself. "You shouldn't go around just spotting that information. This is a personal matter. One I need to resolve before Milissa is gone forever."

"She's already gone. Marana has taken over." Sunset said.

"No. No that's not true. I know Milissa's still in there somewhere. I just need to save her." Jackson said and then quickly bolted.

As he fled, he dropped a picture, and this picture was of a baby Marana. "...I was right." Sunset said, tears in her eyes. She was really hoping, she was wrong.

Deca MLP Log #5

Subject: Sunset Shimmer

Despite being mostly able to pick up on the emotions of other ponies, today I witnessed a time when Sunset had her own emotions get the best of her. And yet, by the end of the day, she was able to control her own emotions, and confront them. While this AI is new at feeling and expressing emotions still, I am more then up to the task of learning from Sunset's confrontations with her own emotions and will remember this lesson for years to come.


A lone centaur strolled through the streets, when he spotted a strange creature attacking a pony. When this creature spotted him, it grinned. "Today's your lucky day." The creature said, it's voice female in nature. "Someone needs you alive rather then dead." She added tossing the pony to the centaur who quickly drained the pony's magic.

"Who are you?" The centaur; Lord Tirek; asked.

"I'm Marana Mawile. And you must be the infamous Lord Tirek." Marana said. "I've heard about you and your ability to drain the magic within ponies as well as Discord if possible. Yet, you lack the back-up you'll need to get all the magic you want."

"Are you saying you wish to help me?" Lord Tirek asked.

"Of course I am. I want to rule this planet with an iron fist. And once you have all the magic you desire, you'll be more then strong enough to be my enforcer. All I ask is that you follow my lead to the letter." Marana said.

"And why should I even trust you?" Lord Tirek said. Suddenly, what he witnessed with Marana and the pony...it shook him to his very core. And it put the fear of the gods in him.

"Trust me, I'm holding back a large amount of my power and I've even got plenty of techniques I could use to make your fully powered form seem like a tiny little ant by comparison to me. So you really have no choice, for if your not working with me, your working against me. Got that?" Marana asked.

"G-got it." Lord Tirek said. This Mawile could easily kill him; even after he got all the magic he wanted. So in his mind, better to serve her then be killed like the stallion just was. The dread centaur didn't even want to think about how Marana just killed the stallion. No one should ever die like that.

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