• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,842 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Middleton High

Morning came, and Kim was showing the Rainbooms, the CMC, April, Karai, and Shini to the high school where they would be attending undercover temporarily. As they stopped they looked up at the school.

“So this is the place?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah. Welcome to Middleton High.” Kim said.

“Doesn't look anything like CHS.” Sunset began.

“Or even Crystal Prep.” Twilight added.

“Don't worry girls, just stick with me and you'll be fine. By the way, April, Karai, and Shini, I'm loving your casual wear."

As it turned out April was out of her black jumpsuit she wore on missions and in her regular clothes, while Karai wore the same outfit she wore when she first met April at Murakami's noodle cafe, and Shini was out of her usual witch-themed outfit and wearing more casual clothes.

“Thanks, this is what I used to wear before officially becoming a kunoichi.” April explained.

“And I need to learn to dress more casually when I'm not on a mission or anything.” Karai added.

“And I doubt the school here would be tolerable of my regular outfit.” Shini finished.

“Does anyone see the boys anywhere?” Rarity wondered, as she saw no sign of Ron, Casey, Blade, or the Turtles.

Pinkie looked over, “There they are!”

They saw Ron, Casey, and Blade walking over with the Turtles in their human forms. This of course left Kim surprised.

“Whoa! What happened to you guys?”

“Cloaking tech. My own invention,” Donnie said as he held up his left wrist to reveal a bracelet, “at first we had to use my old cloaking ray to make us look human. But with some help from the Utrom I was able to convert it into a bracelet for each of us.” the other three held out their arms showing them their own bracelets.

“Wow. If I didn't know you guys I'd say you'd pass for regular teens.” Kim said feeling impressed.

“Thanks, Kim.” Leo smiled.

Sweetie Belle looked at the boys noticing their lack of weapons, “Hey, where are your weapons?”

“Well, we can't bring them to another high school, Sweetie Belle.” Raph reminded her.

Blade spoke, “Especially since I have more than one as of late.”

“And some are too big or tall to be hidden.” Leo put in on behalf of himself and Donnie.

“Hence why we had to leave our weapons at home too.” Twilight added, as the Rainbooms agreed.

“Well, hopefully you won't be needing them today unless something comes up,” Kim said, “Which hopefully won't come down to it.”

“Come on, let's get this over with.” Casey sighed, as they entered the school.

The ninjas and friends looked around seeing Middleton high definitely looked nothing like CHS on the inside either.

“We're definitely not at home anymore.” Rainbow said in surprise.

“Just stick with us and you'll all be fine.” Kim assured Rainbow and the others.

“Just watch out for Barkin.” Ron warned them.

“Who's Barkin?” Rainbow asked.

“Hold it right there!” Came a loud gruff voice. The group looked seeing a broad shouldered man walking over to them.

“That's Barkin.” Ron answered.

Barkin stopped before the group and turned to Kim and Ron, “Possible! Stoppable! Who're these kids? I don't recall seeing any of them in any of the classes before.”

Kim spoke up ready to use the story they had planned, “They're temp exchange students, Mr. Barkin. This is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, April O'Neil, Karai, and Shini.

The girls waved casually, as Barkin squinted at the Rainbooms and CMC, “You girls have strange names.”

“Excuse me?” Rarity asked offended.

Barkin noticed Raph staring at him, “What're you lookin' at, punk?”

“Punk?! Listen...” Raph was ready to argue, until Leo stopped him and spoke.

“Excuse my brother, sir. I'm Leonardo, these are my bros, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.”

Before Mikey could say anything Ron clamped his mouth shut, and whispered, 'Don't say anything, otherwise you're on his watch list for life.'

“I'm Casey Jones.”

“And I'm Blade Swipe.”

Barkin raised a brow, “Right. Well, I suppose you can all attend Middleton High during your stay here. But just be warned I don't like funny business.

Pinkie who had a lot of props and joke stuff all ready after hearing that hid them all in her hair while smiling sheepishly.

“Have a nice day.” As Barkin leaves the others were relieved.

“What's his deal?” Applejack asked Kim and Ron.

“Don't let Barkin get to you. He's like that with all of us.” Kim replied.

“Mostly me,” Ron sighed, “You give him one funny look Freshman year and he's out to get you.”

“You're serious on that?” Raph asked.


“He's definitely more a grump than Mr. Cranky Doodle.” Apple Bloom said.

“And that's hard to top.” Scootaloo added.

“Don't worry about Barkin,” Kim calmed them, “Just stick with us and play it cool.”

The turtles turned to Mikey who scowled, “You know I don't appreciate this accusation that I'm automatically the one that's going to cause problems.”

“He's right, you all pretty much made fools of yourselves when you first tried going undercover.” April reminded the other three who lowered their heads knowing she was right.

“Come on, first bell's gonna ring.” Kim said, as she headed to her locker and Ron went to his.

Throughout the morning the ninjas, the Rainbooms, and their friends sat in classes with Kim and Ron. While the Rainbooms, the CMC, April, and Casey were used to school, Karai, Shini, the turtles, and Blade were trying to keep it casual since they were not used to this kind of environment. The girls on several occasion noticed several boys looking their way making some feel nervous, awkward, or even flattered. Even the turtles, Blade, and Casey were receiving their own kind of attention, although when Casey tried to shoot any girl a smile, his lack of front teeth make them back away much to dismay.

Soon it was noon, and they were walking through the halls to the cafeteria, “Well so far all's been ok.” Twilight admitted.

“Yeah, Mikey hasn't said a stupid thing all day.” Raph motioned to Mikey who frowned and spoke back.

“And Raph hasn't lost his temper at anyone!”

Raph growled, until Applejack came between them, “Alright, ya'll, break it up.”

“This school may be nice but it sure doesn't have the same kind of atmosphere at CHS.” Fluttershy admitted.

“I should throw us all a party here to help us get to know the students better.” Pinkie gasped.

“Easier said than done,” Kim replied, “Barkin won't just allow anyone to throw a party unless there was a real reason behind it.”

“Making new friends is a real reason.” Pinkie explained.

“Won't be according to Barkin.” Ron said.

Pinkie pouted, “Oh, bummer.”

Mikey patted her shoulder, “I feel ya, girl.”

“Let's just get lunch and forget about it.” Rainbow said, as they entered the cafeteria. They got their trays and the lunch lady served them their food which didn't look too good.

“What exactly is this?” Rarity asked in repulse.

“Trust us, you don't wanna know.” Kim said.

“You won't get good food here unless you're a senior.” Ron noted.

“That bites.” Rainbow grumbled.

The group sat down, and they were soon joined by Kim and Ron's close friend Monique, “Morning, Kim. Ron.”

“Hey, Monique.” Kim greeted.

Monique took notice of the ninjas, “So, these are the 'ninjas'?” Monique did air quotes.

The groups eyes widened, as Kim whispered, “Relax, Monique's on the D.L.”

“You guys can count on me,” Monique said, before sitting down, “Rainbooms, I'm excited to meet ya. Rarity, I would love to talk fashion with you, girl.”

“Well, darling. I'm always eager to converse with another who shares my love of style.” Rarity said proudly.

“Oh, brother.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

Monique turned to the turtles, “And you boys are actually ' mutant turtles'? That is straight up wild.”

“We get that a lot.” Mikey admitted.

Monique then looked at Blade, “Ooh, we got us a hottie here.”

“How about that, Blade? You got another admirer.” Raph nudged Blade making him blush in embarrassment.

“Well, she's no Trixie thank goodness.” the mutant sword pony said in relief.

“Oh, hi, Kim.” came another voice which put a scowl on the redhead's face.

Walking over was Bonnie Rockwaller, “Bonnie.” Kim greeted while tying to keep her emotions in check.

Bonnie took notice of everyone else, “I see you found a new entourage of losers to pal with.”

“Losers?” The CMC asked in outrage.

“Now see here!” Applejack got up, only for Bonnie to back away.

“Not so close, your apple scent is too much for me to take.”

“And what's wrong with that?” Applejack questioned.

“Oh, nothing, unless you like the stench of a worm filled fruit.” Bonnie continued to mock resulting in Applejack turning red in the face and growling.

Rainbow got up, “I don't know what your problem is but you should lose the attitude.”

Bonnie looked to Rainbow Dash, “Did the circus lose a clown? Because only they would have hair color like that.”

“Hey!” Rainbow gritted her teeth.

Mikey scowled, “Girl, you're really bumming us all out here.”

Leo stood up, “I agree. I don't appreciate you coming over here and insult my friends.”

Bonnie looked at Leo, before smirking, “Well, a guy who takes charge. I kinda like that,” this suddenly put everyone in a state of confusion as Bonnie leaned into Leo, “I'm Bonnie by the way. Bonnie Rockwaller. And you?

“Um, Leonardo.”

“Oh, like the actor?”

“Like the painter.”

“Right. Well, if you ever want to join real company. Come sit with me. I'll be waiting.” Bonnie batted her eyes before letting out a haughty huff before walking away.

Twilight frowned and said to herself, “I don't like her!”

“You and me both.” Kim agreed.

“And I thought Tiffany from school was bad.” April said.

“She's just worse.” Casey added.

“Kim, who was that?” Donnie asked.

“Bonnie Rockwaller, she's part of the cheer squad with me. And she acts like the entire school revolves around her. A lot of times she's even tried to show me up during cheer performances.”

“She actually got to be cheer captain for awhile,” Ron explained, “Though when she realized being captain was too much work for her she gave it back to Kim.”

“But that still doesn't stop her from trying to hog the spotlight.” Kim said.

Sunset spoke to her friends, “Was I really that bad?”

The girls were nervous about answering until Pinkie spoke up, “More or less.”

Sunset sighed, “We're definitely not at CHS anymore.”

“Oh, don't let Bonnie get to you all. She's just in her own world.” Kim said.

“Well, if I throw a party here, she's not invited!” Pinkie pouted.

“Well, we made it through school half way, let's hope the other half goes well.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Uh-huh.” her friends agreed.

Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, both Stockman and Drakken were building something until they were finished, “Yes, complete.” Drakken marveled, as he and Stockman stood before an army of robot Shego's.

Shego noticing this looked disturbed, “What the heck is this?”

“Oh, well, you see a long time ago I felt if anything ever happened to you like if you were to quit or you met an unfortunate demise I would have a robot duplicate made to replace you.” Drakken explained, as Shego got into his face looking angry.

“Replace me with a robot?!”

“But luckily I found a new reason.” Drakken winced.

Stockman spoke up, “With my skill in robotics I was able to amass an army of these robot look-a like’s for you, Shego.”

“For what?” Shego asked.

“For you to lead of course.” Drakken spoke up.

“Excuse me, you said lead?” Shego asked sounding intrigued.

“Precisely.” Drakken confirmed.

“What do you think?” Stockman asked.

Shego looked over the robots before turning to Drakken, “I said I never wanted to be cloned by you. But since these aren't clones I'll let it slide.”

“Thank you.” Drakken said gratefully.

“Take them for a test drive and go on a little crime spree,” Stockman instructed, “Make sure to bring back plenty of cash.”

“Can and will do, Stockman,” Shego smirked, “And I know just the place to go.”

Author's Note:

Artwork of April, Karai, and Shini in casual wear drawn by BozzerKazooers. While Shini's casual attire was designed by TMNTony