• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,843 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

It's Just You

It was Friday night at Middleton High, and inside the gymnasium the whole place was decorated for a celebration, with every student there enjoying the festivity. All except for Bonnie who was just sitting at a table alone brooding.

The Rainbooms, the disguised turtles, and the rest of their friends were enjoying it with Kim and Ron dancing to some music being played.

“Now this is awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“I'm surprised Mr. Barkin let you put on this party, Pinkie.” Kim said surprised.

“Well, I was very convincing.” Pinkie said slyly.

It flashed back to Pinkie offering Mr. Barkin some tasty cupcakes in exchange for allowing her to host a party at the school. After eating one cupcake, Mr. Barkin's eyes lit up in joy before enjoying some more and gave Pinkie a thumbs up signaling she had his approval for a party.

“Guess Mr. Barkin's not so bad after all.” Mikey said.

“Well, it's always 50/50 with him.” Ron replied.

“Hey, guys!” the group saw Wade in person dancing close by.

“Wade?!” the ninjas gasped.

“You're actually here, darling?” Rarity asked shocked.

“We thought you never left your room.” Scootaloo recalled his reputation from Kim.

“Well, I do leave it for certain occasions. Like the time, these guys spiked my whole system.” he said with a scowl never wanting anyone to do that to him again.

“Well, it's nice to see you in person, Wade.” Leo admitted.

“Same here.” Wade agreed.

Monique danced by, “Hey, guys. So I hear tomorrow, ya'll are heading back to New York?”

“Yeah, that's right, Monique.” Applejack confirmed.

“Bummer. Still it was fun while it lasted getting to know you guys.”

“Indeed,” Rarity agreed, “I so enjoyed our time at Club Banana. Now you make sure to let me know when more of the merch is ready ahead of time.”

“You got it, girl.” Monique gave Rarity a thumb's up.

Soon the music stopped, as Mr. Barkin spoke into a mic, “Alright, listen up! Let's all give a Big Mad Dog cheer for our guest performers The Rainbooms!”

The students cheered, as Sunset spoke to the girls, “That's our cue.”

“Right. Leo, are you and the guys up for it?” Twilight asked.

“We sure are.”

“Then show us what you got.” Karai smiled.

“Come on.” Raph said, as they headed on stage as Blade, April Casey,Karai, Shini, and the CMC waited with Kim, Ron, Wade, and Monique.

As they got on stage and the girls readied their instruments, Leo spoke into the mic, “Good evening, Middleton High. First off, we want to thank you all for being such gracious hosts to us during our stay here in Middleton. And a special thanks to our friend Kim. This one's for you.” Kim smiled, as the band began to play, as Leo and his bros began to sing with the Rainbooms singing at parts.

(It's just You)

Everyone was rocking out with Kim enjoying the tribute to her, “Wow, they're even better than I imagined.” she told the group.

“Surprised us too.” April admitted.

“This is rockin'!” Casey cheered, as he rocked on.

As the Turtle Bros and Rainbooms sang, they thought about the fun they had in Middleton, with Applejack and Rainbow enjoying joining Kim on missions, Mikey enjoying Bueno Nacho, Rarity joining Monique at Club Banana at the mall, Pinkie loving they got to be cheerleaders, Donnie and Twilight talking shop with Wade, Raph getting to meet Pain King and Steel Toe, and so much more.

When the song ended, the students of Middleton High cheered was the bros waved to them enjoying the attention. Kim and Ron nodded knowing this would be a party Middleton High would always remember.

Later back at the Possible residence, the girls, were all getting ready for bed for it was their last night staying over. As the CMC were heading for Kim's room, Jim and Tim approached.

“Hey, girls.” Jim began.

“Hey, Jim. Hey, Tim.” Apple Bloom greeted.

“So we heard you and the others are going back in the morning.” Tim said.

Sweetie Belle nodded, “Yeah, we are.”

“Well, we want you know we enjoyed getting to know you girls, and the Turtles.” Jim noted.

“Same with us to you guys and Kim.” Scootaloo admitted.

“We can still keep in touch, right?” Tim asked hopefully.

“You know it.” Apple Bloom confirmed.

“Hoosha!” the twins cheered.

The trio looked at each other and smiled before going over to Tim and each kissed his cheeks, before moving to Jim giving him the same treatment. The boys were left stupefied, as Sweetie Belle spoke, “You two are alright by us.” And with that they headed for Kim's room as the bros looked to at each other before smiling swooned and went back to their own bedroom.

The next day after saying their goodbye's to the Possible's, the ninjas along with Kim and Ron took a plane back to New York. As they flew above the city, they once again parachuted out.

“You know, I've grown quite fond of parachuting!” Blade admitted, as they gently touched down landing on a roof.

“Ah, home sweet home!” Mikey said happily.

“Yeah. Still in one piece.” Casey noticed.

"Well, when you got the Mighty Mutanimals looking after things while you're away, it's in good hands." Spike reminded.

“Maybe now I can finally get that proper tour of New York like you guys promised.” Blade told the group.

“Sure thing, Blade.” Leo confirmed.

“Hey, Kim, Ron, you guys don't have to get back to Middleton right away, do you?” April wondered.

“Well, it's not a school night.” Kim began.

“And I would like to see New York through your side of things.” Ron added.

“Great. We got a lot to show you.” Rainbow said.

“And so many others to introduce you to.” Fluttershy added.

“Yeah. There's Ice Cream Kitty, Chompy, The Mighty Mutanimals.” Pinkie began listing off.

“Sounds good,” Kim admitted, “And you all still have my number on your T-Phones and such, right?”

“We sure do.” Donnie confirmed.

“Great. Just if any of you want to Call Me, Beep Me, you know, if you wanna Reach Me.” Kim explained.

“Unfortunately I don't have one of those. And it wouldn’t work in Equestria because we'd be outside your worlds service.” Blade answered.

“Don't worry, Blade,” Sunset began, “If Kim or Ron have a message for you, they can send it to me, and I'll send it to Princess Twilight who can pass it off to you.”

Blade nodded, “That'll work.”

“Come on, gang. Let's go!” Leo ordered, as they all headed off to enjoy the day with their two new friends bonded by the desire to save and protect others from various types of threats.

Author's Note:

Wade mentioning he left his room when his system was spiked references to the episode Team Impossible where the trio spiked Wade's computer system with a virus to cut him off from helping Kim so she wouldn't get in their way of doing their own job that people preferred to call her over them. Resulting in Wade leaving his room to confront them in person.

Comments ( 9 )

Great job, Boss. I understand not using Blade Swipe getting his face fixed.

Nice job on the ending.
Up next, Magic in Manhattan.

now lets get some magic in our lives baby.

Great story bit shorter then I expected but great story 👍

A fine read this was. Great job

Frankly, I really liked this crossover. The story is really original, there were new things that I liked like for example the shego-bots, I was really happy to see some of my favorite characters from kim possible like for example Monkey Fist. But, if I had to mention faults, it would be that the story was, in my opinion, a bit short, I would have liked to see other characters from the ninja turtles and kim possible as Tiger Claw, Fishface, Alopex, Senior Senior and Senior Senior Junior. Otherwise, it's really a great story and if I had to rate it, it would be 8,5/10. Honestly, I recommend this story to anyone who loves equestria ninja girls and kim possible.

“Hey, Kim, Ron, you guys don't have to get back to Middleton right away, do you?” Kim wondered. I think you meant to have someone else say that, like maybe Sunset. Otherwise, great ending to a great crossover of a crossover.

Cela revenait à Pinkie offrant à M. Barkin de délicieux cupcakes en échange de lui permettre d'organiser une fête à l'école. Après avoir mangé du cupcake, les yeux de M. Barkin s'illuminèrent de joie avant d'en profiter davantage et donna un coup de pouce à Pinkie pour signaler qu'elle avait son approbation pour une fête.

For this scene, I imagine Barkin recalling an old childhood memory while eating this cupcake. In this memory, we can see Barkin who is very sad and his mother who smiles at him to comfort him while preparing delicious cakes for him to be happy. As in Ratatouille.

Why don't you make Equestira Ninjas crossovering with Kirby?

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