> Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch > by Wildcard25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two Sides Collide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late one night in New York City, and jumping the rooftops were the Turtles, their friends April, Casey, Karai, and Shinigami. Accompanying them were their Canterlot High friends the Rainbooms along with their young trainees the CMC, and from Equestria was their mutant pony friend Blade Swipe in his human form. “You know when we agreed for a visit, going after Stockman wasn't exactly what I had in mind!” Rarity called, as she ran along side Raph and April. “That's the price you pay for hanging out with us.” Raph replied. “He's got a point.” Rainbow reminded Rarity, as she jumped to the next rooftop. “Well, I sure don't mind.” Apple Bloom said, as she and her friends jumped to the next roof. “Yeah, I'm really getting a workout.” Scootaloo added. “And we do need the training.” Sweetie Belle put in. “Just remember you three to not take a situation lightly,” Leo reminded them, “You may have helped us before in our other counterparts world and at CHS, but you are still learning.” “He's right,” Sunset agreed, “Always be prepared.” “And they say it's just the motto for the boy scouts!” Pinkie grinned. “I'm glad I finally get to see New York up close and in person,” Blade admitted, as he maneuvered around some fans before jumping to the next roof, “It really does look like Manehattan just as you said.” “I'm surprised you even had time to come and visit.” Karai noted. “I have saved up plenty of my vacation time, and now's a good a time to use it.” the Equestrian mutant answered, as he flipped to the next roof. “How much further, Donnie?” April asked, as they made it to the next roof. Donnie who was looking at a tracer answered, “I'm picking up strong energy readings closing in.” “What do you think Stockman is up to this time?” Fluttershy wondered. “Nothing good, of course.” Applejack replied. “And usually when it involves this amount of energy, he's doing something big.” Karai suspected. “Well, we'll find out soon enough.” Shini said, as they stopped and saw a warehouse with a bright light shining through the window. “Alright, everyone, this is it.” Twilight told the group, as Spike poked out of her bag and spoke. “No turning back now.” “Like we ever turn back.” Raph said. “Let's get this over with so we can go back to the lair for pizza.” Mikey said, as they all headed down. Inside the warehouse, Stockman had a portal archway set up while making some adjustments too it, “If only I had a portable Kraang portal I wouldn't have to make my own. But it'll all be worth it once me and my partner join up.” he went to a monitor and spoke, “All set here, Big Blue.” A voice came on the monitor, “Everything’s a Go here, Fly Guy.” “Good. I'll see you in a moment.” Stockman said, as he fully charged the portal, while grabbing a folder of blueprints for his Mousers, Stockman-Bots, and others, “Mustn’t forget anything.” He walked towards the portal, before the doors bust opened and the group slid in, “Hold it, Stockman!” Leo declared. Stockman growled, “Seriously?! Don't you guys know when to give a guy some space?” “Nice portal, Storkman, you goin' somewhere?” Raph questioned. “None of your business!” “When you do shady stuff for a living it is our business.” Sunset replied, as she pulled out her kunai, as the others armed themselves. Blade emerged from the group, and looked at their enemy, “So, this is Baxter Stockman? Not quite what I was expecting from what you said.” Stockman squinted, “And who is this?” Blade introduced himself, “I am Blade Swipe, ninja warrior, and Royal Guard of Canterlot; the capital of Equestria.” “Canterlot? Equestria?” Stockman wondered, before it dawned on him, “So you come from the same world as Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings?” “Precisely.” Blade confirmed. “And just for a heads up, he's a mutant pony in his world.” Mikey piped in, only for Blade to push his head down. “I really don't have time for you ninjas!” Stockman clicked a switch as his Stockman-Bots appeared armed and ready, “Attack!” “Get 'em!” Leo ordered, as they went on the attack. Meanwhile elsewhere taking place moments ago, two teenagers were atop another building looking down at another warehouse. The first was a red haired teenage girl wearing a black midriff-baring mock turtleneck, dark gloves with a thin cuff, green cargo pants, a utility belt, and black shoes. The second was a blonde haired boy wearing a black three-quarter sleeve mock-turtleneck shirt, grey cargo pants, brown utility belt, black gloves, and black sneakers. It was the duo of Kim Possible the Girl Who Can Do Anything, and Ron Stoppable the Sidekick. Kim pulled out a blue hand held device called the Kimmunicator and contacted her genius helper Wade, “Wade, we're here. You're sure Drakken's in there?” On the screen, Wade who was at his computers answered, “You bet, Kim. Ever since Drakken's been stealing all that high tech equipment from those labs, I've been keeping an eye on any spikes in energy. And it's spiking where you're at.” “What's Drakken trying to build this time around?” Ron asked Kim. “With Drakken, you never know.” Kim replied dryly. Popping out of Ron's pocket was his Naked Mole Rat buddy Rufus who spoke, “Never!” “And you know, I always wondered why these villains like to use old abandoned warehouses for hideouts. And I finally realized it.” Ron said. “Really, why?” Kim asked curiously. “Because there aren't any old abandoned luxury penthouse suites!” Ron concluded. “Right.” Kim rolled her eyes, before speaking again, “Alright, boys. We're going in.” Kim fired a grappling hook down to the warehouse, before the two teens used zip-line to reach the bottom. Once they were on ground level they snuck right in through the back door. Inside the warehouse, evil villain scientist Dr. Drakken was standing before a portal archway just like Stockman's, while his hired help Shego was leaning against the wall, “I tell you Shego, when my partner gets here we'll do so much together!” “Yeah-yeah,” Shego interrupted in a dry tone, “That's all you talk about, your partner. Honestly where do you meet these guys?” “You'd be amazed in who I have in my address book,” Drakken replied, as his monitor blinked, before answering the call. “All set here Big Blue.” Drakken answered from his end, “Everything's a Go here Fly Guy.” “Good. I'll see you in a moment.” Shego laughed, “Big Blue? Fly Guy? Seriously you need better codenames.” “Silence, Shego! We're about to make contact.” Drakken smirked, as he started his portal, until Kim flipped onto the scene while Ron slid in but ended up slipping onto the floor, before getting right back up and posed along side his friend. “Hold it, Drakken!” “Kim Possible?!” Drakken cried. Kim noticed Drakken's creation, “Not your usual devices, Drakken. Trying something new for once?” “That's my business, not yours!” the doc replied. “Shut it down, before you burn out the power in the whole city!” Kim ordered. “Is that your plan?” Ron inquired. “No!” Drakken growled, before turning to the green lady, “Shego!” Shego powered up her hands with her energy and jumped into battle against Kim, as the two girls went at it in hand to hand combat. “Don't worry, K.P, I'll stop Drakken!” Ron told her, before gasping, “Me stop Drakken? Score!” he ran to Drakken as the two grappled. “Don't think you can stop me, sidekick!” “Watch me!” Ron struggled against the scientist. Rufus poked out of Ron's pocket and knew while the two were distracted slipped out and ran for the controls. But Drakken becoming the wiser spotted the rodent and broke his fight with Ron and dove to grab Rufus in his hand. This of course left Ron open to run to the controls, only for Drakken to grab him by the foot making Ron fall to the floor. As Kim fought Shego and Drakken held Ron and Rufus back the Turtles and their friends were fighting the Stockman-Bots, as Stockman hurried to the portal. “Adios, ninjas!” he went through the portal. “After him!” Leo called, as they all ran for the portal trying to get past the other robots. Back at Drakken's warehouse, his portal glowed, as everyone saw Stockman emerge, “I made it!” he cheered. “Who is that?” Ron asked, as Drakken tossed Rufus aside and pulled Ron back before getting up. “Stockman, good to see you again.” “Drakken, likewise. Still that pale shade of blue I see.” “Blue is in, you know.” Drakken boasted. Kim and Shego ceased their fighting and saw Stockman, “That's the partner you wouldn't shut up about?” “Partner?” Kim asked. Drakken spoke, “Kim Possible, may I introduce to you an old colleague of mine in villainy and more, Baxter Stockman!” “So now that I'm here, let's take our plans elsewhere,” Stockman suggested, until the portal glowed again, “Oh, no! Shut the portal down!” “Why?” Flying out from the portal were the ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and the CMC, “Who're they?” Drakken asked in confusion. “Trouble, if we don't get out of here now!” Stockman warned him. The ninjas got up and saw them, “Didn't think you'd get away from us that easy, did you?” Karai asked rhetorically. “Uh, where are we?” Mikey asked. “No idea.” Donnie answered. Rarity looked ahead seeing Kim and Shego before letting out a gasp of joy, “Oh, my stars! Look who it is!” Everyone looked in Rarity's direction, with Casey speaking, “Ok, who're we looking at?” “Her, Casey! It's the one the only. Kim Possible!” Rarity declared. “What?” Rainbow gasped. “Seriously?” April gasped. “Whoa!” Mikey gasped. “Amazing!” Sweetie Belle cheered. "Who?" Blade asked in confusion. Ron looked and saw the group and blushed at the sight of the girls, “Whoa, ladies,” he saw the turtles, “Ah! Giant Turtle Men!” Suddenly Drakken's hovercraft flew in and Shego, Drakken, and Stockman mounted it, “Sorry to run, but we have other matters to attend to. And I hope you're good at escaping.” the blue doctor hit a remote and they suddenly heard a countdown. “This place is rigged to explode!” Donnie panicked. “Farewell, Kim Possible!” Drakken laughed, as he flew out of the building. “Come on, we gotta go!” Kim called, as she pulled Ron up and the made a run for it. “Wait for us!” Sunset called, as the ninjas followed the duo of the warehouse that blew from the inside. Though they escaped the explosion force pushed the heroes forward knocking them to the ground. They got up and saw the warehouse was up in flames. “Well, at least Drakken's portal is toast.” Ron said looking at the bright side. “Yeah, and any way of getting home!” Raph growled. As they got up Kim and Ron stood opposite side of the Ninjas, “So, you're Kim Possible, huh?” Leo inquired. “That's me. And who're all of you?” Kim asked. “And why do you look like giant turtles?” Ron asked the four brothers. “Because we are giant turtles.” Donnie answered. “We'll explain everything, but maybe we should go someplace else?” Twilight suggested. “And fast!” Casey added, as they heard police sirens in the distance. So the group took off for someplace secluded before the cops could arrive at the scene of the warehouse explosion. > Origin Tales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two groups had left the site of the warehouse on fire and were atop another roof blocks away from it. Kim and Ron looked at the group curiously, as Rarity walked over to Kim and shook her hand. “Forgive me, Ms. Possible, but I just can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you.” “Thanks, and please. Call me Kim.” Kim insisted. “Right,” Rarity said sheepishly, “And I just have to say I adore your mission attire. I remember when Kim Style was in.” “Don't remind me.” Kim replied dryly. Rainbow zipped in, “I have to tell you Kim I am a big fan of what you do. I mean globetrotting the world and fighting villains. That is awesome!” “It's a living.” Kim shrugged, “Now are we gonna get some introductions here? A lot of you clearly know me.” “Yeah, they know you, but how come no one ever knows me?” Ron pouted while crossing his arms. Fluttershy approached, “I know who you are.” Ron did a double take, “Wait, you do?” “Of course. You're Ron Stoppable, Kim's best friend and sidekick,” Fluttershy began, as Rufus scurried up to his friend's shoulder, “And who can forget sweet Rufus?” she cooed while scratching the naked mole rats head. “Oh, yeah.” Rufus sighed heavenly. Kim rolled her eyes playfully, as Leo approached, “Well, Kim, my name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello.” “Nice to meet you, but what are you guys?” “We're ninjas.” Leo answered. “And we're mutants.” Donnie added. “Whoa!” Ron gasped. April approached, “Nice to meet you, Kim. I'm April O'Neil.” “Casey Jones the name, crime fighting is my game.” Casey boasted. “I'm Karai.” “And I am Shinigami.” the with girl tipped her hat. Sunset approached, “I am Sunset Shimmer.” Kim and Ron did a double take, “Wait, Sunset Shimmer?” Kim asked. “Um, yes?” Sunset replied confused. “Then these girls must be Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie...” Kim listed the girls off. “Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy!” Ron gasped, “K.P, these are the Rainbooms!” “You know us too?” Twilight asked in surprise. “Well, duh. You girls are the best high school band around!” Ron cheered. “You really rock.” Kim commended them. “Wow. I guess our reputation precedes us all the way to Middleton too.” Sunset told the girls. The CMC approach, “Nice to meet you, Kim and Ron. I'm Apple Bloom, and this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” “And while we may be sisters to Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash...” Sweetie Belle began. “Together the three of us are known as...” Scootaloo continued, as the thre posed dramatically. “The Canterlot Movie Club!” they posed dramatically. “A movie club, huh?” Kim crossed her arms in amusement. “That's right,” Apple Bloom confirmed, “We love watching movies various times, because there's so much to see hit or miss.” “I get ya.” Ron agreed. Blade spoke up, “A pleasure to meet you, Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. I am Blade Swipe.” Ron spotted Blade's scar, “Dude, where'd you get that?” “It's a... long story.” Blade trailed off. Spike barked from Twilight's bag before the girl let him down, and Rufus scurried up to him, “Hi.” Rufus greeted Spike who licked him in response making him laugh. “And that must be Spike.” Kim guessed. “He sure is.” Twilight smiled. Suddenly Kim's kimmunicator beeped, and she answered, “Go, Wade!” “Kim, is everything all right? I heard about the warehouse fire. Did Drakken...” “Get away, yes. And he wasn't alone. He's got a new partner with him.” “Drakken's got a partner?” “Yeah. Ever hear of a Baxter Stockman?” Kim inquired. “Whoa, Drakken and Baxter Stockman? That's a scary combo. His work in robotics is on a whole other level than most.” “Good to know, and Ron and I met some people who seem to know him.” “Who?” “Take a look.” Kim turned the device so the Turtles and the Rainbooms were on screen with their friends. “Whoa! Are those turtles?!” Wade asked with a spit-take of his drink. “They sure are.” Kim confirmed. Wade did a quick scan of the whole group, before checking stats, “Wow, these turtles DNA is not like anything I've seen.” “Because they're mutants.” Ron answered. “Well, that would explain it.” Wade replied. “Who's that?” Blade asked, “He looks no older than Bright Eyes.” “This is Wade, my genius inventor/hacker.” “Define genius.” Donnie requested. “He aced highschool and college in eight months.” Kim explained making Donnie and Twilight's eyes widen. “Eight months?!” Twilight asked in disbelief. “That's unbelievable!” Donnie gasped. “But it's true.” Wade boasted. Casey spoke to April, “He may be a better whiz kid than Player.” “Obviously.” April agreed. Wade checked the stats from when he scanned the Rainbooms and Blade Swipe, “Odd.” “What do you mean, Wade?” Kim asked. “I'm picking up another surge of energy built up in those girls and the guy with the scar.” “What does that mean?” Ron wondered. “No idea.” “Well, we can explain,” Sunset offered, “But we'll all have to start from the beginning.” So Kim and Ron sat down eager to listen to their stories. Some time later, the Ninjas and Rainbooms told their story to the duo, and much like everyone else they explained their origins too, Kim, Ron, and even Wade were dumbfounded. “So let me get this straight, Leo,” Kim began, “You and your brothers started out as normal turtles, until you were mutated by this chemical called mutagen created by these aliens the Kraang?” “Correct.” Leo confirmed. “And you lived for years in the sewers with your father figure Hamato Yoshi aka Splinter who was also mutated into a rat?” “Yeah that's right.” Raph nodded. “And you were trained to be ninjas?” Ron asked. “You bet, bro.” Mikey smiled. “That is so cool!” Ron gasped. “So the Kraang invasion that happened in New York was ultimately stopped by you guys?” Kim asked the four brothers. “With help from our friends of course.” Donnie replied. “Huh, and I wondered why New York had been so quiet for months following the invasion,” Wade realized, “I tried hacking into security cameras of the city to be safe, but everything was guarded by firewalls so advanced it was impossible to crack.” “The Kraang had the media and the military under their control, so it would make sense they would also make sure no one could hack into the city's mainframe or anything.” Donnie explained. “And the Triceratons actually did wipe out planet earth?” Ron asked in worry. “Yeah, but thanks to time travel we prevented that from happening again.” Leo said. “I'm amazed to hear the kind of enemies you've faced.” Kim admitted, “Mutants, aliens, ninjas. And I thought I had a freaky rogues gallery.” “Especially since they had to deal with a guy like that Shredder.” Ron put in, while the two noticed Karai's somber look. “I can't believe your dad's brother figure and best friend would do that to him and his wife and take you to raise you based on lies.” Kim told Karai in sympathy. “Yeah, but at least Shredder's gone and I'm where I belong.” Karai smiled. Ron turned to the CHS students and Blade, “So Sunset Shimmer and Blade Swipe originally come from a pony world called Equestria, and you girls can use magic?” “That's about it.” Sunset confirmed. “And in our world I was a regular unicorn until the Kraang captured me and turned me into a mutant the same way the turtles became mutants,” Blade explained, “When I escaped their dimension and got home the ponies were frightened of my new physical appearance and ostracized me forcing me to go into hiding and develop a hatred for ponykind over the years. Until my ninja friends and the girls pony counterparts helped me see the light and abandon my hatred.” “I know I've seen a lot of weird things, but Equestrian magic seems a little too much to take in.” Kim said in disbelief. Spike spoke up, “Yeah, well, that's what everyone says.” Kim and Ron did a double take, as Ron spoke to Twilight, “Did your dog just talk?” “Yes, he did.” Twilight confirmed. “Yeah everyone always seems to think a talking dog is weirder than seeing mutant turtles.” Spike voiced his irritation. “I'd say both are equally surprising.” Kim admitted. “Yeah.” Rufus agreed. “Well, that makes me feel somewhat better.” Spike said. “And whatever Wade was reading on his scan was obviously our magic.” Applejack said. “And mine too,” Blade said, “I may have taken a normal human appearance in this world, but due to my mutated DNA I can still use my unicorn magic and abilities without my horn.” “Alright enough origin stories,” Raph spoke up, “Point is we're here, and the portal that Stockman used to come here is back home.” “And the one Drakken used here is toast.” Kim noted. “And as long as Stockman is in league with your archenemy, we can't go back until we deal with him.” Leo said. “Well, you guys seem to know Stockman best, so perhaps we can work together.” Kim offered. “Ooh, new team up!” Pinkie cheered in excitement. “It's really becoming a regular thing with us.” April shrugged. “I'm amazed at what you're capable of Kim, and the people you face.” Blade told Kim in awe. “She can do anything.” Ron said. “Kinda sounds a little boastful.” Raph noted. “Yeah I thought that way too.” Ron admitted. “Did you always do this kind of stuff?” Blade asked Kim. “Well, this all started when I launched my first website,” Kim explained, “And it was mostly for odd job hiring, babysitting, find a lost pet, that sort of thing.” “Kim's first big mission was when she was 'accidentally' called by a wealthy man who got caught in his own laser security system.” “What was the goods?” Blade asked. “A rare Flamingoat.” Rarity answered. “Flamingoat?” Blade asked. “It's a cuddle buddy.” Kim explained. “Oh, I used to love cuddle buddies.” April said fondly. “I still do.” Kim admitted. "They're so adorable." Sweetie Belle cooed. “A high tech security system for a plush toy?” Raph asked in disbelief. “Seems kinda overkill.” Donnie said. “Well, maybe to you, but to avid collectors it means everything,” Rarity explained, “There were only ten Flamingoats made. So it's super rare.” “And would be worth a fortune to some.” April put in. “I still think it's weird.” Raph said. “I managed to use my skills in cheerleading to get around the lasers and disable the security system,” Kim continued to Blade, “Since then it started picking up and as I got older I started doing more world travel and helping others, and foiling villains plans.” “Astounding,” Blade gasped, “You really can do anything.” “No big.” Kim brushed it off. “Hey, can we table this discussion elsewhere? I'm hungry.” Mikey said. “Yeah I could go for some snackage myself.” Ron agreed. “Let's go back to my place, I'll call us a ride.” Kim said. Rarity spoke to the group, “A good thing about being Kim Possible is she has so many connections.” Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, Drakken and Stockman were getting caught up over some Coco Moo, “So, Stockman, how did that attempt to join the ranks of VILE's Faculty go?” Stockman groaned, “It didn't work out. All because those turtles and the Rainbooms got in the way. I was this close to joining the big leagues and gain the respect I deserved compared to when I was forced to work for Shredder and the Foot. “I feel your pain,” Drakken sighed, “I was on the verge of cloning a deadly evil genetic experiment with the help of a space gerbil who thinks he's a hamster.” Stockman sighed, “What is it with geniuses like us working along side crazy people?” “It's nothing but a curse.” Drakken answered. Shego who was off to the side muttered to herself, “My only curse is working for a halfwit.” “What was that Shego?!” Drakken called. “Nothing, doc. Just go back to your Coco Moo.” Shego said before shuddering. “And I must apologize for bringing my enemies to you, really it was an unfortunate situation.” Stockman said. “It happens.” Drakken shrugged. “And it may be problematic,” Stockman put in, “If you think that Kim Possible is a problem, the Ninjas and the Rainbooms are no better. I doubt even your sidekick alone could take them all on.” Shego growled as she flipped over landing atop the table and grabbed Stockman while showing her right fist glowing with energy. “Watch it, Stocky. I am no sidekick!” “Shego, that's no way to treat my colleague!” Drakken ordered, as Shego let Stockman go and got off the table. Drakken spoke to Stockman, “While I won't deny your enemies sound like trouble, Shego has faced bigger problems before.” “Clearly, but with my robots and our great minds, we can do so much together and make this world know exactly who we both are.” Stockman snickered. “Stockman, you haven't changed a bit.” Drakken laughed maniacally with his partner. > Meet the Possibles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above Middleton in a jet plane, Kim, Ron, and their new friends from New York were onboard and strapped in. “How awesome is this, bros?” Mikey asked, “We're riding in an official jet plane!” “Mikey, we've toured the galaxy in a space ship, and you think this is awesome?” Rainbow asked rhetorically. “It may not be much to you, since you could ride in a plane any day. But for us, we're not stowing away or going undercover. We can just relax and enjoy the ride.” Mikey leaned back. “I'm just glad Kim was able to convince the pilot to let us onboard.” Leo said. “Well it's the least he could do when Kim helped guided him through a snowstorm safely down to the runway.” Pinkie spoke up. Blade looked out the window, “So this is how people in your world travel by flight?” “Yeah, much faster than a zeppelin or pegasus drawn chariots, huh? Sunset asked, while sitting next to him. Kim came back, “Come on, guys, we're right above home.” They all followed Kim in back and dawned parachutes before diving out, “Free fall!” Mikey cheered. “Until you go splat!” Raph warned him making Mikey nervous. As they got closer they deployed their parachutes and started floating safely down. As everyone landed in front of Kim's house, Ron and Mikey being who they are ended up getting their parachutes caught in a tree. “Little help here!” Ron called. “Hang on!” Leo called, as they went to help them. Inside the house, Kim's family heard the sound of a jet flying away, “Sound like Kim's back.” Mrs. Possible noted. “And just in time too.” Mr. Possible agreed. The door opened, as Kim and Ron entered, “Hey, mom, hey, dad,” Kim greeted her parents, before turning to her younger twin brothers on the sofa, “Tweebs.” Jim and Tim responded with raspberry blows. “Just in time, Kimmy we're about to call out for pizza.” Mr. Possible said. “Good, though you might wanna order more. I brought guests home.” “Guests?” Mrs. Possible asked. “Oh, yeah. And they love their pizza.” Ron added. The Possible Family looked and gasped seeing the Turtle bros, their allies, the Rainbooms, and everyone else entered. “Hey!” Mikey waved nonchalantly. “Cool!” Jim and Tim gasped at the sight of the turtles, before the CMC stepped into view and blushes grew across their faces, “Whoa!” “Kimmy, explain.” Mr. Possible told his daughter. “We'll explain over dinner.” Kim answered. “And don't worry, we'll all help pay.” Leo offered. Donnie approached, “And let me just say Dr. Possible, and Dr. Possible, your works in both rocket science and neurosurgery is very inspiring.” “Well, thank you.” Mrs. Possible said feeling somewhat flattered. Soon after a long introduction and explanation, they were sitting at the dinner table that was extended for the many pizza boxes that were ordered, and extra chairs for the guests. The Possible family watched as the turtles, especially Mikey was going through slice after slice. “Wow, you weren't kidding, they really do love their pizza.” Mr. Possible said in surprise. “Especially, Michelangelo.” Mrs. Possible said motioning to the party turtle. “We really appreciate your hospitality, Mr and Mrs. Possible.” Blade thanked them. “No problem at all, Blade.” Mr. Possible said. “I still can't get past the fact we have mutant turtles in our house!” Jim said excitedly. “Mutant turtles and ninjas.” Tim corrected his twin. “We're relieved you all don't have a problem with us.” Donnie said gratefully. “Well, our Kimmy's always dealing with strange stuff,” Mrs. Possible explained, “Some stuff we've seen up close.” “So Drew's got himself a new partner, huh?” Mr. Possible asked Kim. “More or less.” “Drew, who's Drew?” Scootaloo asked. “Drakken's real name.” Ron answered. “And how do you know that, Dr. Possible?” Twilight asked Kim's dad. “They were college buddies back then.” Kim replied. “What?!” the group asked. “You went to college with a supervillain?” Karai asked in disbelief. “Well, he wasn't always like this,” Mr. Possible began, “He used to be part of my posse, but when he tried showing off his robot creations that didn't go so well, we ended up laughing hard over it. It hurt him so much he dropped out and we never saw him again.” “So he went bad over a giggle fit?” Raph asked in disbelief. “Oh, it lasted for days, long and hard.” the dad corrected. “Well, that has reason then.” Raph admitted. “And his partner is Baxter Stockman?” Mr. Possible asked. “So you know him too?” Applejack inquired. “Oh, yeah. He was kicked out of college before Drew was. His robotics were just as dangerous.” the dad explained. “And this is coming from the man who thought it would be a good idea to give a cybertronic battle suit with a working plasma blaster to a lab rat for being forced to run lab mazes by grad students?” Kim challenged. “Well, at the time it was for a good cause.” Mr. Possible shrugged. “We should have cybertronic battle suits, D. How about hooking a turtle up?” Mikey asked his brother. “And have you run around with dangerous weapons?” Donnie asked sarcastically, “Not going to happen.” “Yeah, if anything I should have one.” Spike spoke up. “Don't get any ideas.” Twilight warned her dog. “And until we get a lead on Stockman we'll have to remain around here with Kim for the time being.” April said. “She does know his partner best.” Shini added. “Speaking of where are we going to stay?” Casey asked. “Well the Rainbooms, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, April, Karai, and Shini can bunk here with me.” Kim offered. “And you, the turtles, and Blade can crash at my place.” Ron offered Casey. “Works for us.” Leo replied. “Same here.” Sunset added. “Then I'll be sure to get the spare blankets.” Mrs. Possible said. “We ever appreciate this hospitality.” Rarity told the parents. Later on up in Kim's room, Kim was in her sleepwear lying on her bed with the Rainbooms, the CMC, April, Karai, and Shini all laying on the floor wearing spare pajamas supplied by Kim, though the ones the CMC wore looked a little too big for them. “Hope we ain't crowdin' ya here, Kim.” Applejack hoped. “No big, Applejack.” “I also don't know what we're going to do tomorrow since it's a school night for you.” Fluttershy said, as she pat Spike's head. “Actually it's all taken care of.” “What do you mean?” Karai wondered. “Wade managed to do some hacking and enrolled you girls, Casey, and Blade as exchange students.” Kim explained. “What?!” Rainbow asked in shock, “We're supposed to be on break from school and yet we're going to be attending school?” she pouted and crossed her arms. “Well, if we're going to be here we might as well blend in more.” April replied. “But what about the turtles?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Wade said he was planning on doing something about that with Donnie's help.” Kim added. “Why do I have a feeling I know where this is going?” April asked in worry. Meanwhile at Ron's place, the turtles, Casey, and Blade ninja'd their way into the house through the attic window where Ron had laid out some sleeping bags for them. “I know it ain't much, guys. But I had to make due.” Ron explained. “It's no problem, Ron.” Leo answered. “Well, goodnight.” Ron said, as he went back down to go to bed. “Sleeping in an attic, another on the list of places we've camped out at.” Raph said in sarcasm. “You think an attic is something?” Blade asked, “I've camped out in much dangerous places.” “Alright, you guys, get some sleep. We got a big day tomorrow.” Leo instructed. “Don't remind me.” Raph grumbled. “Oh, yeah. We're going to school!” Mikey cheered, only for Donnie to clamp his mouth shut. “Not so loud, you'll wake the Stoppable's.” “Sorry.” Mikey whispered, as they all hit the sack. > Middleton High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning came, and Kim was showing the Rainbooms, the CMC, April, Karai, and Shini to the high school where they would be attending undercover temporarily. As they stopped they looked up at the school. “So this is the place?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah. Welcome to Middleton High.” Kim said. “Doesn't look anything like CHS.” Sunset began. “Or even Crystal Prep.” Twilight added. “Don't worry girls, just stick with me and you'll be fine. By the way, April, Karai, and Shini, I'm loving your casual wear." As it turned out April was out of her black jumpsuit she wore on missions and in her regular clothes, while Karai wore the same outfit she wore when she first met April at Murakami's noodle cafe, and Shini was out of her usual witch-themed outfit and wearing more casual clothes. “Thanks, this is what I used to wear before officially becoming a kunoichi.” April explained. “And I need to learn to dress more casually when I'm not on a mission or anything.” Karai added. “And I doubt the school here would be tolerable of my regular outfit.” Shini finished. “Does anyone see the boys anywhere?” Rarity wondered, as she saw no sign of Ron, Casey, Blade, or the Turtles. Pinkie looked over, “There they are!” They saw Ron, Casey, and Blade walking over with the Turtles in their human forms. This of course left Kim surprised. “Whoa! What happened to you guys?” “Cloaking tech. My own invention,” Donnie said as he held up his left wrist to reveal a bracelet, “at first we had to use my old cloaking ray to make us look human. But with some help from the Utrom I was able to convert it into a bracelet for each of us.” the other three held out their arms showing them their own bracelets. “Wow. If I didn't know you guys I'd say you'd pass for regular teens.” Kim said feeling impressed. “Thanks, Kim.” Leo smiled. Sweetie Belle looked at the boys noticing their lack of weapons, “Hey, where are your weapons?” “Well, we can't bring them to another high school, Sweetie Belle.” Raph reminded her. Blade spoke, “Especially since I have more than one as of late.” “And some are too big or tall to be hidden.” Leo put in on behalf of himself and Donnie. “Hence why we had to leave our weapons at home too.” Twilight added, as the Rainbooms agreed. “Well, hopefully you won't be needing them today unless something comes up,” Kim said, “Which hopefully won't come down to it.” “Come on, let's get this over with.” Casey sighed, as they entered the school. The ninjas and friends looked around seeing Middleton high definitely looked nothing like CHS on the inside either. “We're definitely not at home anymore.” Rainbow said in surprise. “Just stick with us and you'll all be fine.” Kim assured Rainbow and the others. “Just watch out for Barkin.” Ron warned them. “Who's Barkin?” Rainbow asked. “Hold it right there!” Came a loud gruff voice. The group looked seeing a broad shouldered man walking over to them. “That's Barkin.” Ron answered. Barkin stopped before the group and turned to Kim and Ron, “Possible! Stoppable! Who're these kids? I don't recall seeing any of them in any of the classes before.” Kim spoke up ready to use the story they had planned, “They're temp exchange students, Mr. Barkin. This is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, April O'Neil, Karai, and Shini. The girls waved casually, as Barkin squinted at the Rainbooms and CMC, “You girls have strange names.” “Excuse me?” Rarity asked offended. Barkin noticed Raph staring at him, “What're you lookin' at, punk?” “Punk?! Listen...” Raph was ready to argue, until Leo stopped him and spoke. “Excuse my brother, sir. I'm Leonardo, these are my bros, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.” Before Mikey could say anything Ron clamped his mouth shut, and whispered, 'Don't say anything, otherwise you're on his watch list for life.' “I'm Casey Jones.” “And I'm Blade Swipe.” Barkin raised a brow, “Right. Well, I suppose you can all attend Middleton High during your stay here. But just be warned I don't like funny business. Pinkie who had a lot of props and joke stuff all ready after hearing that hid them all in her hair while smiling sheepishly. “Have a nice day.” As Barkin leaves the others were relieved. “What's his deal?” Applejack asked Kim and Ron. “Don't let Barkin get to you. He's like that with all of us.” Kim replied. “Mostly me,” Ron sighed, “You give him one funny look Freshman year and he's out to get you.” “You're serious on that?” Raph asked. “Uh-huh.” “He's definitely more a grump than Mr. Cranky Doodle.” Apple Bloom said. “And that's hard to top.” Scootaloo added. “Don't worry about Barkin,” Kim calmed them, “Just stick with us and play it cool.” The turtles turned to Mikey who scowled, “You know I don't appreciate this accusation that I'm automatically the one that's going to cause problems.” “He's right, you all pretty much made fools of yourselves when you first tried going undercover.” April reminded the other three who lowered their heads knowing she was right. “Come on, first bell's gonna ring.” Kim said, as she headed to her locker and Ron went to his. Throughout the morning the ninjas, the Rainbooms, and their friends sat in classes with Kim and Ron. While the Rainbooms, the CMC, April, and Casey were used to school, Karai, Shini, the turtles, and Blade were trying to keep it casual since they were not used to this kind of environment. The girls on several occasion noticed several boys looking their way making some feel nervous, awkward, or even flattered. Even the turtles, Blade, and Casey were receiving their own kind of attention, although when Casey tried to shoot any girl a smile, his lack of front teeth make them back away much to dismay. Soon it was noon, and they were walking through the halls to the cafeteria, “Well so far all's been ok.” Twilight admitted. “Yeah, Mikey hasn't said a stupid thing all day.” Raph motioned to Mikey who frowned and spoke back. “And Raph hasn't lost his temper at anyone!” Raph growled, until Applejack came between them, “Alright, ya'll, break it up.” “This school may be nice but it sure doesn't have the same kind of atmosphere at CHS.” Fluttershy admitted. “I should throw us all a party here to help us get to know the students better.” Pinkie gasped. “Easier said than done,” Kim replied, “Barkin won't just allow anyone to throw a party unless there was a real reason behind it.” “Making new friends is a real reason.” Pinkie explained. “Won't be according to Barkin.” Ron said. Pinkie pouted, “Oh, bummer.” Mikey patted her shoulder, “I feel ya, girl.” “Let's just get lunch and forget about it.” Rainbow said, as they entered the cafeteria. They got their trays and the lunch lady served them their food which didn't look too good. “What exactly is this?” Rarity asked in repulse. “Trust us, you don't wanna know.” Kim said. “You won't get good food here unless you're a senior.” Ron noted. “That bites.” Rainbow grumbled. The group sat down, and they were soon joined by Kim and Ron's close friend Monique, “Morning, Kim. Ron.” “Hey, Monique.” Kim greeted. Monique took notice of the ninjas, “So, these are the 'ninjas'?” Monique did air quotes. The groups eyes widened, as Kim whispered, “Relax, Monique's on the D.L.” “You guys can count on me,” Monique said, before sitting down, “Rainbooms, I'm excited to meet ya. Rarity, I would love to talk fashion with you, girl.” “Well, darling. I'm always eager to converse with another who shares my love of style.” Rarity said proudly. “Oh, brother.” Applejack rolled her eyes. Monique turned to the turtles, “And you boys are actually ' mutant turtles'? That is straight up wild.” “We get that a lot.” Mikey admitted. Monique then looked at Blade, “Ooh, we got us a hottie here.” “How about that, Blade? You got another admirer.” Raph nudged Blade making him blush in embarrassment. “Well, she's no Trixie thank goodness.” the mutant sword pony said in relief. “Oh, hi, Kim.” came another voice which put a scowl on the redhead's face. Walking over was Bonnie Rockwaller, “Bonnie.” Kim greeted while tying to keep her emotions in check. Bonnie took notice of everyone else, “I see you found a new entourage of losers to pal with.” “Losers?” The CMC asked in outrage. “Now see here!” Applejack got up, only for Bonnie to back away. “Not so close, your apple scent is too much for me to take.” “And what's wrong with that?” Applejack questioned. “Oh, nothing, unless you like the stench of a worm filled fruit.” Bonnie continued to mock resulting in Applejack turning red in the face and growling. Rainbow got up, “I don't know what your problem is but you should lose the attitude.” Bonnie looked to Rainbow Dash, “Did the circus lose a clown? Because only they would have hair color like that.” “Hey!” Rainbow gritted her teeth. Mikey scowled, “Girl, you're really bumming us all out here.” Leo stood up, “I agree. I don't appreciate you coming over here and insult my friends.” Bonnie looked at Leo, before smirking, “Well, a guy who takes charge. I kinda like that,” this suddenly put everyone in a state of confusion as Bonnie leaned into Leo, “I'm Bonnie by the way. Bonnie Rockwaller. And you? “Um, Leonardo.” “Oh, like the actor?” “Like the painter.” “Right. Well, if you ever want to join real company. Come sit with me. I'll be waiting.” Bonnie batted her eyes before letting out a haughty huff before walking away. Twilight frowned and said to herself, “I don't like her!” “You and me both.” Kim agreed. “And I thought Tiffany from school was bad.” April said. “She's just worse.” Casey added. “Kim, who was that?” Donnie asked. “Bonnie Rockwaller, she's part of the cheer squad with me. And she acts like the entire school revolves around her. A lot of times she's even tried to show me up during cheer performances.” “She actually got to be cheer captain for awhile,” Ron explained, “Though when she realized being captain was too much work for her she gave it back to Kim.” “But that still doesn't stop her from trying to hog the spotlight.” Kim said. Sunset spoke to her friends, “Was I really that bad?” The girls were nervous about answering until Pinkie spoke up, “More or less.” Sunset sighed, “We're definitely not at CHS anymore.” “Oh, don't let Bonnie get to you all. She's just in her own world.” Kim said. “Well, if I throw a party here, she's not invited!” Pinkie pouted. “Well, we made it through school half way, let's hope the other half goes well.” Sweetie Belle said. “Uh-huh.” her friends agreed. Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, both Stockman and Drakken were building something until they were finished, “Yes, complete.” Drakken marveled, as he and Stockman stood before an army of robot Shego's. Shego noticing this looked disturbed, “What the heck is this?” “Oh, well, you see a long time ago I felt if anything ever happened to you like if you were to quit or you met an unfortunate demise I would have a robot duplicate made to replace you.” Drakken explained, as Shego got into his face looking angry. “Replace me with a robot?!” “But luckily I found a new reason.” Drakken winced. Stockman spoke up, “With my skill in robotics I was able to amass an army of these robot look-a like’s for you, Shego.” “For what?” Shego asked. “For you to lead of course.” Drakken spoke up. “Excuse me, you said lead?” Shego asked sounding intrigued. “Precisely.” Drakken confirmed. “What do you think?” Stockman asked. Shego looked over the robots before turning to Drakken, “I said I never wanted to be cloned by you. But since these aren't clones I'll let it slide.” “Thank you.” Drakken said gratefully. “Take them for a test drive and go on a little crime spree,” Stockman instructed, “Make sure to bring back plenty of cash.” “Can and will do, Stockman,” Shego smirked, “And I know just the place to go.” > The Shego-Bots > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on as school let out, the students were heading to their lockers, staying behind for after school activities, or heading out. The ninjas and Rainbooms met up at Kim's locker to discuss the day. “So, Turtles, how did you enjoy your first experience in high school?” Kim inquired. “I actually enjoyed it.” Donnie confessed. “Yeah, you did,” Mikey complained, “It was so boring.” “How would you know? You were asleep most of the time.” Twilight reminded him. “Yeah, because it was so boring.” Mikey replied. “School seems so much different compared to back when I was a student back in Equestria.” Blade admitted. “While it's not CHS it still felt homey.” Fluttershy admitted. “So now that class is over what should we do now?” Sunset inquired. “Well, there's no practice for today so Ron and I can show you around Middleton some more.” Kim offered. “Sounds good, Kim.” Rainbow said. “And I have just the place in the mind.” Ron spoke up. “Where's that?” Applejack asked. “I know where it is.” Kim said knowing full well where Ron had in mind. “We'll rendezvous there in twenty. We'll go back to my place so the guys can get their weapons.” Ron said. “Same for us back at Kim's.” Apple Bloom replied. So the group split up, and after retrieving their weapons they all met outside Ron's favorite place in all of Middleton. “Bueno Nacho?” Blade asked. “I heard this place does make some good eats.” Rainbow admitted. “While not my type of go-to for food it is nice to stray from my usual choices once in awhile.” Rarity confessed. “I wonder what we should try?” Scootaloo asked. Suddenly, Ron came over with trays of food with Mikey and Pinkie helping, with the two carrying additional trays. “Guys! You won't believe what Ron just introduced us too. Probably one of the greatest foods in history.” Pinkie cheered. “Second only to pizza,” Mikey put in, “Anyway, what do you get when you make taco and nacho together?” “Uh, Tacho?” Sunset guessed. That's silly, Sunset,” Mikey answered, “No. You get... The Naco!” He and Pinkie showed the group a Naco each. “Oh, heavens!” Rarity gasped at the sight. “Ron came up with that?” Rainbow asked in surprise. “I have no words.” Donnie said in disbelief. “Come on, give it a go.” Ron beckoned them. “Well, I'm always up for trying something new.” Leo admitted. “I will too.” Twilight agreed. Each of the reluctantly took a bite of a Naco and chewed it up. Soon their looks of skepticism started getting replaced with wonder. “Hey, not bad.” Karai admitted. “This is good.” April agreed. “Quite delicious.” Rarity said in surprise. “What'd I tell ya?” Mikey asked. “Even I was surprised at how popular it's gotten.” Kim told the group. “Blade, don't you want one?” Ron offered. “I'm afraid I cannot, given my true nature.” Blade hinted at. Ron remembering he was a pony in another world knew better than to have him eat anything meat, “Well, then here. These should be fine.” he slid a tray of nachos dipped in cheese his way. “Now these will suffice.” Blade admitted, as he at some of the nachos. “I'm impressed your creation made the menu, Ron.” Twilight said fascinated. “Yeah, it made quite a splash.” Ron boasted. “A splash big enough to make him wealthy.” Kim put in. “You're wealthy?” Sweetie Belle asked Ron in shock. “Yes! Well, I was.” Ron sighed. “How?” Spike asked. “Well, one day while we were getting a bite here, I received a royalty check for my Naco creation for 99 Mill.” Ron explained. The group stopped eating and looked in shock, “Ninety-nine million dollars?!” they asked. “Dudes, you have any idea how many pizzas I could buy with all that green?!” Mikey asked. “Or the tech I could purchase?” Donnie gasped. “Yeah, well when Ron received that money he changed for the worst,” Kim explained dryly, “He hired himself a bouncer and entourage to follow him where he went, and kept on giving money away and spending it on other things. And what's even weirder, he started calling himself 'The Ron'.” The group looked to Ron, “Seriously?” Applejack asked dryly. “Ok, so I went overboard with the money, but I went back to normal in the end.” Ron said. “Only after Drakken stole the rest of your money.” Kim put in. “That stinks.” Apple Bloom said in sympathy. “Well, it was for the best.” Ron admitted. “But won't you keep on getting royalty checks?” Sunset asked, “I mean, it's still your creation so you should still get paid for it.” “Yeah, but it took them awhile to distribute the first check to me. So maybe it's just taking a little longer for the next one.” Ron suspected. “Well, next time, I'll be making sure he doesn't carry it all with him or go on another spending binge.” Kim promised. “Yeah, good call.” Ron agreed. Suddenly Kim's Kimmunicator beeped, and she answered it, “Go, Wade!” “Kim, we got trouble in downtown Middleton!” Wade warned her. “Trouble as in what?” she asked. “See for yourself.” Wade started streaming the current news footage of Stockman's Shego-Bots running amok with some breaking into the bank or jewelry stores. “Are those robot Shego's?” Ron asked in confusion. “This is just plain weird.” Kim said in surprise. The others looked at the footage, “Only one person we know can make robots like that.” Donnie suspected. “Yeah,” Mikey began, before looking confused, “Who're we talking about again?” his brothers just shook their heads in disbelief. “We better get down there and stop them.” Leo said. “Agreed, come on!” Kim said, as they were all rushed out of Bueno Nacho. Meanwhile in Downtown Middleton, Shego and her robot lookalikes were still robbing places of money and valuables. Shego looked at a bag filled with money and pulled out a pack of hundreds. “Mm, my favorite color.” she smirked. She heard a ringing and pulled out a communicator which displayed the back of Drakken's head, “Shego, where are you? “Turn around, doc.” Shego said with a scowl. Drakken looked back seeing her on screen, “Ah, there you are. How's things?” “Oh, never better. Stockman's robots here are working like a charm.” “Good. Any trouble?” “None at all.” Shego smirked. “Good.” “Hold it!” came a voice as Shego looked seeing the ninjas, the Rainbooms, along with Kim and Ron who managed to change into their mission attire. “Call ya back, doc,” Shego ended the call, “Well, what do we have here?” “Put the money and the jewels back, Shego.” Kim warned her. “Otherwise we will force you!' Rarity declared aiming one of her sickles in Shego's direction. “Oh, I'm so scared.” Shego said in sarcasm. “You will be.” Raph said while gripping his sai. Kim looked at the robots surrounding them, “I didn't think you'd have an ego like Drakken.” “Please, this was not my idea. Stockman decided to use me as a model.” the lady explained. “No matter. You know how this works, right?” Kim asked as she got into a stance followed by the others. “Not this time, Kimmy. Ok, girls, get them!” Shego ordered the robots who went into battle. Kim went right for Shego with Sunset Shimmer following, as Leo announced, “Attack!” the group went into battle as they fought the robots. As Rainbow dodged two of the robots strikes she kicked them back, “It's like fighting Foot Bots,” The two Shego-Bots suddenly channeled energy into their hands like Shego does surprising the rainbow head athlete, “Except Foot Bots couldn't do that.” She started zipping around as the two fired energy blasts at her. Applejack using a combination of her magical strength and claw gloves was striking at three Shego-Bots, “These gals sure are putting up a fight.” “Probably because Stockman modeled them after someone who really knows how to fight.” Blade said, as he channeled his lightning magic into his sword and released a shockwave destroyed a few of the robots. Shego seeing while fighting Kim frowned at Blade before firing an energy blast right for him. The blast missed Blade but knocked his sword out of his hand, “My sword!” he then saw a few more Shego-Bots close in on him, “Alright, second round.” he drew his hockey stick and started whacking it at the robots while using his own ninjitsu to defeat them. Ron who had been cowering behind a mailbox close to Blade spoke to him, “You fight with a hockey stick like Casey?” he noticed Casey fighting some of the Shego-Bots with his goalie stick. “I was inspired to use it when I visited a place called Dakota City. It taught me about weapon improv. And sure this kind of choice for a weapon seems beneath a swordsman of my talent, but as long as it helps get the job done.” he whacked another Shego-Bot away. The turtles were all spread out fighting the Shego-Bots, “And I thought fighting Kraang droids were tough.” Donnie said, as he dodged some energy punches from one of the robots. “Well at least it's good fighting robots who know how to fight back.” Raph said, as he destroyed one of them. Leo cut down one of the robots, as Mikey sweep kicked one before stabbing it with the blade in one of his chucks. The party turtle noticed more coming their way, “Incoming!” The turtles readied themselves until a few glowing sprinkles landed on them and exploded destroying them. The bros saw Pinkie standing on a tree branch, “Sprinkle power!” she declared. Rarity was striking down some of the robots with her sickles, but when more Shego-Bots were firing energy blasts her way she used her diamond shield to protect herself. When it looked like more robots were ganging up on her, Rarity knew she couldn't block and fight them all at the same time. “A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE!” she cried. Ron seeing this got determined, “I got this!” he ran in to help Rarity, but no sooner after entering the battle field, his pants were blasted off him by one of the Shego-Bots leaving his boxer shorts exposed, “AHH!” he cried. “Oh, that's just what I needed to see.” Rarity said dryly. “You'd be amazed at how many times this happens to me.” Ron replied, before screaming as he dodged more of the robots energy blasts. “Hang on, you two!” Sweetie Belle called, as the CMC jumped in and helped Rarity fight off the robots ganging up on her, “Are you ok?” “Yes, Sweetie Belle, thank you.” the older girl said gratefully. As Kim and Sunset fought Shego , the iconic teen hero spoke, “Your robots may be tough, but my team's even tougher.” “Can't say the same for you.” Shego said, as two of her robot lookalikes grabbed Kim from behind restraining her arms. “Hey!” Kim struggled against the two robots. “Kim!” Sunset called, as she tried to get to her only for Shego to block her. Shego and Sunset fought, but the lady managed to knock Sunset back and turn towards Kim, “Now, let's see if you can handle this, Kim.” Shego was ready to nail her with an energy powered punch. “Shego!” the woman looked back and suddenly received the Dragon's Tail move from April nailing her in the stomach knocking her back. The Shego-Bots restraining Kim were suddenly cut down by Karai and Shini, “You ok, Kim?” Karai asked. “I'm good, thanks, girls.” “Anytime.” Shini said. Shego got up and saw the four girls and Sunset who got back up staring her down while most of the robots were destroyed, “No matter I got what I-Hey, where'd they go?” she saw the bags of money and jewels were gone. She looked and saw the bags had been levitated over by Twilight and collected by Fluttershy. Shego looked back at Kim who spoke, “Game over, Shego.” Shego frowned, until she looked up seeing Drakken's hovercraft flying above before dropping a rope to her, “For now.” she grabbed the rope and pulled up as the remaining few Shego-Bots followed after. “They got away!” Raph grumbled. “Well, at least we saved the money and jewels.” Leo reminded him. “We sure have.” Rarity agreed, as she marveled over the bag of jewels. Apple Bloom handed Ron's pants back, “Here's your pants, Ron.” “Thanks, Apple Bloom.” Ron put them back on. “Come on, let's go.” Leo said, as they all took off. Meanwhile as Drakken and Stockman flew with Shego back to the back, the blue doctor spoke, “So even with that army you were still beaten?” “Don't get cute with me, doc. Stockman's robots were the problem.” Shego answered. “Well, this was a practice run for them. And they worked better than I thought. Now we just need to keep upgrading them for next time.” Stockman admitted. Later that day back at Kim's place the group was resting and enjoying some pizza, “That Shego is one tough fighter from watching you two go at it.” Casey told Kim. “Hate to have her for an enemy.” Twilight said. “Well, would you believe she used to be a good guy?” Kim asked. “What?!” the group asked. “That gal was good?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, in fact she was a superhero.” Kim added. “A superhero? Shego?” Mikey asked, “I'm just not seeing it.” “Can't blame you. Even I never would've imagined it.” Kim replied. “So how did she go bad?” Blade inquired. “Well, this all started back when she and her four brothers were kids. They were hit by this multicolored comet that gave each of them a specific superpower. Since then they became Team Go, the protectors of Go City. But the more crime and evil they fought the more Shego started to enjoy it.” “The fighting?” Pinkie asked. “The crime and evil.” Kim corrected her, “So she left her brothers and turned to a life a crime since then.” “Well, that just ain't right.” Applejack crossed her arms. “She's more of a traitor than Subprime.” Donnie told Leo and Raph who nodded. “Well, traitor or not, that still won't stop us kicking butt next time we meet.” Rainbow said eagerly. “You all fought well out there.” Kim admitted. “It's what we do.” Pinkie smiled. “I've fought Storm Guards, Dusk Ninjas, Metahumans, and objects possessed by Equestrian Magic. But robots are a whole new level for me.” Blade said. “You'll get used to it.” Rainbow replied. “I sure enjoyed the experience.” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah, it was just what we need.” Scootaloo added. “I do feel stronger already.” Apple Bloom said flexing the muscle in her arms. “Well as long as we're working together to stop Drakken and Stockman, there'll be plenty of more chances.” Kim said. “But for now, let's just enjoy our victory for today.” Leo said, as they gathered drinks and clinked them together. “Cheers!” > Yamanouchi Team Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One night at a prison, inside a jail cell a Japanese teenage boy sat on his bed brooding. On the walls were carvings of Ron Stoppable with strikes through lethal points on his body. Suddenly the lights in the jail went dark putting him on alert. He heard the sounds of guards being knocked out and dragged away. He heard his cell door get unlocked and opened. He looked seeing the ones who released him were three monkeys wearing black ninja garments. The figure in the cell got up to reveal to be Fukushima who smirked wickedly. Outside the jail, Fukushima and the three monkey ninjas waited on the roof, until they looked back seeing more monkey ninjas and with them, Monkey Fist. “It's about time you sprung me,” Fukushima began, “I was beginning to think you'd leave me for dead.” Monkey Fist smiled, “Well, I have a new plan in mind, and I could use your assistance once more, Fukushima.” “If it means getting revenge on the outsider who beat me, I am in.” the boy smirked. “Oh, they'll be plenty of time for that I assure you. But for my plan to succeed we'll need something from the school.” Monkey Fist explained. “And that would be?” “All will be explained, but I must warn you when word reaches Ron Stoppable it will for all we know attract the attention of Kim Possible.” “I am not afraid of that outsider or that teenage heroine I've heard about.” Fukushima replied. “Maybe not, but they won't be alone.” “How so?” “I've learned from an acquaintance of mine Stoppable has new friends with him. Ninja friends.” Monkey Fist warned the boy. “I doubt these ninjas are any match for me.” Fukushima said skeptically. “You'd be surprised. For these ninjas I've been told of belong to the Hamato Clan.” Fukushima gasped, “It can't be! The Hamato Clan is extinct!” “Not quite. It is still alive, and from what my acquaintance has told me they are formidable fighters.” “I see.” Fukushima said with his head down. “But fear not. For with our skills and my legion of monkey ninjas we will make the Hamato Clan go extinct.” Monkey Fist promised as he began laughing which started sounding like insane monkey hooting. The next day at Ron's place, the gang was sitting around watching Mikey and Ron compete in videogames. “I almost got it, I almost got it!” Ron said with determination before losing, “Oh, man!” he groaned. “Oh yeah boy, I owned you!” Mikey boasted as he stood proudly. Kim patted her friend's shoulder, “Sorry, Ron, you've lost this round.” “This isn't over.” Ron promised, as he was ready for another round. “I can't believe there's someone just as hung up on videogames as Mikey or even you Sunset.” Raph told the group. “Even I'm amazed.” Sunset admitted. Just then, April put her hand on her head, sensing something, “April, what is it?” Donnie asked, as all eyes were on her. April whispered, “Guys, we're not alone in here.” “My parents?” Ron asked wondering if his parents were home early. “I don't think so.” Raph said. The ninjas had their weapons at the ready, waiting for something to happen. Then Shinigami felt something behind her, so she threw her chain and out from the shadows came a ninja. “Who are you and what are you doing here!?” Raph demanded. The ninja stood in silence. Raph then charged at them to attack, but the ninja blocked Raph and threw him over their shoulder. “Ok, that's stupid.” Raph groaned. “Get 'em!” Rainbow announced, as the ninjas began fighting the intruder. “Careful! Careful, don't break anything or my mom won't let me hear the end of it!” Ron cried, as he tried to make sure nobody knocked over anything fragile. Applejack and Rarity tried to grab the intruder but the ninja fought both of them before clonking their heads together. “Oh, that's going to leave a mark!” Rarity rubbed her head. Blade frowned and attacked the ninja head on, “You're certainly skilled. But I don't go down easily.” he thrust his fists forward knocking the ninja back. Karai jumped forward and pulled off the mask, revealing a young Asian teenager, one who Kim and Ron recognized. “Yori?!” Ron gasped, “Guys, back off, she's a friend!” The ninjas ceased their fighting and looked between Ron and the ninja now known as Yori, “She is?” Rainbow asked. “Yes, she is.” Kim confirmed. Ron and Yori hugged each other, “Stoppable-san, it is good to see you again.” “Thanks, Yori. But listen, I know you're a ninja and all, but... you could've just used the door.” Yori chuckled, “Oh Ron, you and your American jokes.” The group looked at each other on confusion, as Ron tried to shine some light on things, “Guys, this is Yori, a friend from the...” Yori spoke up, “The Yamanouchi Ninja School,” she looked seeing Ron and Kim shocked she would openly say that, “I know it's secret but these people have proven themselves to be trusted with the secret.” Applejack spoke up, “Now wait an apple-picking minute, there's a secret ninja school?” “Pretty much. I was a temporary student there.” Ron answered. “What, and you're just telling us this now!?” Raph asked loudly. “Sorry, but I took an oath to not tell anyone, not even Kim at first. But circumstances forced me to tell her.” “Believe me, I was surprised when I found out.” Kim admitted. Ron decided to continue introductions, “Yori, these are my friends who're also ninjas... There's Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael.” “How's it goin'?” Mikey greeted only to get smacked in the back of the head by Raph. “Then we have April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, and Shinigami.” “Those were some impressive moves.” Karai admitted to Yori. “Thank you, you all weren't so bad either.” Yori admitted. “And these girls are from Canterlot City,” Ron continued, “Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.” “Nice to meetcha!” Pinkie smiled brightly, making Yori giggle. Blade approached, “And I am Blade Swipe, you truly make for a worthy opponent.” Leo approached and bowed his head to Yori, “It's an honor to meet you Yori." “You too, Leonardo-San.” she replied. Just then a light appeared above them and then an old man appeared floating down. The sight made Mikey scream with the CMC. “Old man ghost!” the four cried. “Sensei!” Ron gasped. “Sensei?” the ninjas gasped. “Greetings Stoppable-San, Kim Possible." the old man greeted. Ron smiled, “Great to see you again sensei,” he turned to the others, “Guys, this is my teacher and the head of the Yamanouchi Ninja School, Master Sensei.” Leo spoke up, “Greetings, Master Sensei. It's a pleasure to meet you.” he bowed his head. Sensei nodded, “It is. But I was not expecting ninjas, who judging by your fighting style, are of the Hamato Clan.” the others were surprised he knew. “Yes, our father was the last master of the clan, Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi.” Leo explained. “Hamato Yoshi,” Sensei began sounding nostalgic, “I remember him when he was a young boy. I was good friends with his father, Hamato Yuuta.” “Whoa, you knew our father and grandfather?” Mikey asked. Sensei nodded, “Yes, your Grandfather and I trained together. Then I went on to train at the school and Yuuta would fulfill his duties as head of the Hamato Clan.” “So if you knew our father, then did you also know...” Donnie began. “Yes, Oroku, Saki,” Sensei confirmed, “During my various visits to the Hamato clan dojo, I had watched Yoshi and Saki train and compete. They were the best of friends, and yet rivals as well. But every time I always felt there was a darkness in Saki's heart.” “No denying that.” Karai replied. “So tell me, how has the Hamato clan come to teach ninjitsu to four mutant turtles, and these young ladies and gentleman?” And so the ninjas and Rainbooms told Sensei and Yori their origin and everything, “And that brings us up to present day.” Donnie concluded. “I see,” Sensei began, “I am terribly sorry for the loss of your father.” “Thanks.” Leo said gratefully. “I knew Saki had his demons, but even I never imagined he'd fall this far.” “Oh, he fell far alright.” Rainbow noted. Yori turned to the Rainbooms, “I never imagined magic truly exists. Not even a world of talking equines.” “It just goes to show you, Yori,” Sensei began, “Some things exist beyond what we see merely with our eyes.” Yori bowed her head in understanding. “So anyway, what're you two doing here?” Ron asked his sensei and friend. Yori looked to Ron and said only one thing, “Fukushima.” Ron and Rufus were in shock, “Fukushima?” Ron gasped. “Oh, no.” Rufus muttered. “Yes, he stole from the school again, and I managed to track him here to Middleton.” Yori explained. Kim butted in, “I'm sorry, but who's Fukushima?” Ron explained, “Fukushima was a student at the school when I went there. But, he betrayed them and sided with Monkey Fist, who I'm guessing is also involved?” “Yes,” Sensei confirmed, “Fukushima and Monkey Fist are planning something that may be trouble for all of us.” Donnie spoke up to Kim, “Isn't Monkey Fist that guy you told us about? The one who genetically swapped his hands and feet with monkey ones?” “Ghastly!” Rarity shivered. “Yeah, that's the guy.” Kim confirmed. “And is it true he commands a army of monkeys trained in ninjitsu?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah, he sure does.” Ron confirmed. “Oh, man, even monkeys known ninjitsu?” Mikey complained, “So much for feeling special.” “Well, there is a monkey style of kung fu.” Sunset noted. “Well, whatever he's up to, we'll help you out.” Leo promised Sensei. “Thank you. Yori, stay with the ninjas and help them against Monkey Fist and Fukushima, I have my worries they are not the only problem.” “As you wish, sensei.” Yori bowed her head, as Sensei vanished, “What do you think Sensei means they are not the only problems?” Sweetie Belle asked, as he friends shrugged. In a warehouse in Downtown Middleton, the monkey ninja master and his apprentice were hiding out, as Monkey Fist held a scroll. “By now sensei has already alerted Stoppable of what we did.” Fukushima warned Monkey Fist. “I'm aware of that.” he replied. “And you think your monkey ninjas will be enough against these ninjas of the Hamato Clan?” “While I have faith in my monkey ninjas, I felt I could use a bit more muscle.” Monkey Fist explained, as they looked ahead and saw coming out of the shadows was an army of Foot Bots and Foot Bot Elites. “Foot Ninja?” Fukushima gasped. “Yes, and no.” Monkey Fist answered, as the Foot Bots sprouted their extra set of arms equipped with bladed weapons. “Robots?” the apprentice asked the master. “While robots are unlike me, desperate times call for desperate measure.” Monkey Fist explained. “How did you manage to acquire these?” “My acquaintance’s new partner is a former employer of the old Foot Clan and has made robots in place of human ninjas.” Fukushima frowned, “A respected ninja clan like the Foot replacing warriors with machines? What has this world come to?” he crossed his arms. “The former Foot Master did that, but according to my sources the new leader of the Foot has gone back to using real people.” Monkey Fist said. “Well, good for them.” “Be prepared Fukushima, for if all goes well tonight we will be blessed with unimaginable power.” Monkey Fist held onto the stolen scroll. > Resurrection of the Founder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, Kim, Ron, Yori, and the CMC had spent the day searching around Middleton for any signs of Monkey Fist or Fukushima. The turtles had been scoping around Bueno Nacho and the rest of the area surrounding it, the Rainbooms were investigating the mall with Applejack and Rainbow keeping Rarity from focusing too hard on the stores or Pinkie at the food court, Kim, Ron, and Yori were checking out the city with Yori making sure to stay at Ron's side making him a little flustered and Kim wishing they'd get a room. April, Karai, Casey, and Shini were outside JP Bearymore's Pizza Party-Torium looking around. Finally Blade and the CMC were checking around the Middleton movie theater. Leo spoke into his T-Phone, “Anything, anybody?” Kim answered her Kimmunicator, “Nothing on our part.” “Clean around us too.” April answered, as Casey was looking up at the Pizza Party-Torium. “I hear about a place like this that shut down because the animatronics went crazy and killed people.” the boy told Karai and Shini. “And what was that?” Shini inquired. “I think it was Freddy's. No maybe Willy's.” Casey tried to recall. Sunset spoke into her phone, “We're not having much luck here either.” she looked seeing Applejack dragging Rarity away from a store. “But it's a sale!” Rarity pleaded. Rainbow was dragging Pinkie out of the food court, “But it all looks so good!” she cried. Sunset rolled her eyes, “Blade how is it on your end?” Blade answering his own T-Phone spoke, “Nothing here but newer movie posters being put on display.” he looked at the CMC were were fangirling over the up and coming movies to be released. “Dudes, we've been out here for hours, and it's getting dark.” Mikey complained. “Hate to say it, but Mikey's got a point.” Donnie agreed. “I say we give it another few hours.” Raph suggested. “What about you, Kim?” Leo asked. “I still think we should keep vigil. Monkey Fist doesn't wait, nor does anyone else I deal with.” she answered. So they were ready to keep on checking things out until the turtles medallions started to glow taking them by surprise, “Whoa, dudes, what's happening?!” Mikey gasped. “Why're our medallions glowing?” Raph asked. “I don't know, but it can't be good. I can feel it in my bones.” Leo said. “So am I,” Donnie agreed, “I think they're trying to tell us where to go.” “To Monkey Fist, I hope.” Raph said. “So do I,” Leo agreed, before speaking into his T-Phone, “Everyone, something's come up. Our medallions are glowing.” “Wait, you said 'glowing'?” Kim asked. “That's right.” “What does it mean?” Sunset asked. “We don't know, but my bros and I have a feeling they'll take us to Monkey Fist. We're heading out, I'll feed you all the coordinates when we reach the source.” “Alright,” Kim answered, before turning to Ron and Yori, “Come on, Leo and the turtles got a lead.” “Then let's go.” Yori said, “Come, Stoppable-san.” “Alright, I'm coming. Don't tug!” Ron said, as he was dragged along. At the mall, Sunset told Twilight the news before the braniac spoke to the others, “Girls, come on. We need to catch up to Leo and the others. “We're on it!” Rainbow said, as the girls followed the two out. Back with April and the others, she turned to the three, “Come on, let's move!” “On it, April.” Karai said, as Casey and Shini followed them. At the movie theater, Blade turned to the CMC, “Come on, you three. We need to go.” The CMC sighed, but knew they were on the clock, as Apple Bloom spoke, “Lead the way, Blade.” So the swordsman led the trio of girls off to rendezvous with the others. Meanwhile at the warehouse, Monkey Ninjas, Foot Bots, and Foot Elite were patrolling all entrances of the building. Inside, Monkey Fist and Fukushima were setting up for some kind of ritual. The young traitor set up another candle and lit it, as Monkey Fist finished drawing a pentagram on the floor before placing a black ninja garment and mask on the center of it. “Are we all set?” Fukushima inquired. Monkey Fist looked up at the open skylight seeing the full moon shining in, “Yes. We can begin the ceremony.” Monkey Fist pulled out the scroll that was stolen from the school, unraveled it and began reading the contents in Japanese. Fukushima watched, as the pentagram on the floor glowed, and the flames of the candles started burning bigger. The from skylight the moon's light shined down on the pentagram as if it was pulling energy directly from it. As Monkey Fist continued chanting the ninja garment started levitating up with something forming inside it. Soon out from the sleeves and pants came hands and feet along with a head slowly emerging from the shirt. Outside, the turtles and their friends rendezvoused and saw a beam shooting down from the moon and into the warehouse. “Well, that's not ominous at all.” Twilight said in sarcasm. “That's what our medallions were reacting too.” Leo noted. “What is Monkey Fist doing?” Ron asked. “No clue, but from looks of it it's not good.” Kim suspected. “We better hurry.” Blade instructed. “Right. Come on!” Leo ordered, as they took off in the direction of the source. They arrived outside the warehouse noticing the beam shooting down from the moon at the building stopped. “It stopped?” Sweetie Belle asked. “What does that mean?” Scootaloo wondered. “Whatever it means, we can be sure Monkey Fist has something prepared.” “Let's get inside.” Sunset instructed. “One problem, the entrances are blocked.” Ron motioned down. The group saw the Foot Bots and the Monkey Ninjas, “Foot Bots and Foot Elite?” Karai asked. “How'd Monkey Fist get a hold of them?” Shini wondered. “Are those the Monkey Ninjas?” Casey asked noticing the animals. “That's them all right.” Ron confirmed. “Oh, they look so cute in their ninja uniforms.” Fluttershy cooed. “Don't be fooled, Fluttershy,” Kim warned her, “They're loyal only to Monkey Fist.” “Since we can't use the doors, we need another way in.” Blade told them. “Breaking in is what I love.” Raph smirked. So the group pulled out grappling hooks and fired them into the wall outside the building where the busted up windows were. “Hang on, Apple Bloom.” Applejack told her sis who held onto her, while Sweetie Belle held onto Rarity, and Scootaloo to Rainbow Dash. Ron held onto Mikey, as Yori held onto Kim. “Let's go!” Leo called, as they swung from the one roof with Ron screaming and the CMC cheering. They managed to land inside the building and looked around, “Which way? April asked. Kim looked seeing an open door with a faint light inside, “There.” “Arm yourselves.” Leo instructed, as the group readied their weapons, and proceeded cautiously. As they entered the room they saw Monkey Fist and Fkushima standing in waiting, “Kim Possible, welcome.” the villain greeted. “Monkey Fist.” Kim greeted with a scowl. “Yori. Outsider.” Fukushima greeted while sounding more bitter towards Ron. “Fukushima.” Yori frowned. “Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie announced. The Rainbooms pulled her back as Monkey Fist squinted, “So these are the new group you're allied with. The Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms.” “You know us?” Mikey asked. “Oh, yes. Drakken tipped me off about you through his new partner.” “So that's where you got the Foot Bots.” Karai realized. “Indeed. I was surprised to learn Drakken's new partner Stockman has had countless run ins with you ninjas trained in the style of the famous Hamato Clan.” Monkey Fist continued. “Well, they're true.” Raph confirmed. “As well as those in the Foot.” the monkey villain eyed Karai. Fukushima spoke, “So this girl is the new leader of the Foot?” “I am. My name is Karai.” “Charmed.” Monkey Fist greeted. Fukushima frowned, “It's disgraceful. A child born of the Hamato leading the Foot Clan? An outrage!” “I'm trying to bring back honor to the Foot that's been plagued by evil for years!” Karai argued. “Really?” Monkey Fist asked smugly, “Well, I have someone here who may think otherwise.” “Who?” Rainbow asked. “Me!” came a voice that sent shivers up their spines. They looked and saw stepping into the light was a man wearing the ninja outfit set up by Monkey Fist for the ceremony. “Who is that?” Kim asked. “He gives me the willies.” Ron shivered. Karai looked before gasping, “No! It can't be!” “Karai?” Shini asked. “Do you know him?” Leo asked. “I've only heard about him through Shredder. Guys, this is the founder of the Foot Clan!” Karai said in shock. “HUH?!” the group asked in confusion. “That's right,” Monkey Fist confirmed, as he stepped up next to the newcomer, “May I present to you one of the greatest warriors in history, and the Founder of the Foot Clan himself. The Dreaded Koga Takuza!” Takuza laughed menacingly that almost sounded like Shredder's laugh. > Stomp the Foot Founder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ninjas and crime fighting duo stood in shock as Monkey Fist and Fukushima stood on opposite ends with Koga in dead center. “You've gotta be kidding me.” Rainbow said in disbelief. “That's the founder of the Foot Clan?” Sweetie Belle trembled. “The very same.” Karai confirmed. “How?!” Kim asked in shock. “All it took was a little scroll and ceremony.” Monkey Fist explained proudly. “But why?” Leo asked. “The Foot clan's leader should see just how the world is since his time passed. Especially the condition of the very clan he founded.” Fukushima explained. Koga looked at the heroes, “Who is the one that leads the Foot now?” Karai stepped forward, “I do. Hamato Karai; daughter of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen.” “A Hamato leading the Foot?!” Koga asked in outrage, “It's an outrage and disgraceful!” “It's this century, pal!” Raph replied, as Applejack shushed him. Koga sighed, “Fifteen hundred years dead and so much has changed. No matter now that I have been reborn it's time I foster in a new age for the Foot.” “More like the old age,” Karai accused, “Your days ruling the Foot is long over, old man! Now it's my time!” “You call yourself the leader and yet you do not wear the most important relic of the Foot. The Kuro Kabuto.” “The kabuto has been lost due to another ritual to resurrect another former leader of the clan. But make no mistake I have my own helmet to assure my leadership of the Foot.” Karai answered. “Then why do you not wear it?” “Because unlike the last leader I'm not going to develop a colossal ego like he had. Plus unlike the last leader I don't wanna get helmet hair or something.” “That's the worse kind of hair.” Rarity shuddered, as Sunset and Applejack gave her dry looks. “Might I suggest we skip the pleasantries, Master Takuza?” Monkey Fist suggested. “Indeed so,” Koga agreed, as he stepped forward, “Allow me to show you how a real Master of the Foot fights.” Monkey Fist, Fukushima, the Monkey Ninjas, and the Foot Bots stood ready. The heroes stood ready, as Leo announced, “Attack!” The two sides went into battle with Karai leading the turtles, and Blade to attack Koga and the Foot Bots, while Kim, Ron, and Yori led the Rainbooms, the CMC, and their New York friends against Monkey Fist and his army. As Monkey Fist fought Kim and Ron, the others watched Ron who despite trying to get away was actually proving to hold his own. “Wow, Ron's doing very well for someone who doesn't exactly fight like Kim does.” Apple Bloom admitted. “Well, both Ron and Monkey Fist have been empowered by the same Mystical Monkey Power Fist sought.” Kim explained, as she landed close by. Twilight was blocking some of the Monkey Ninjas strikes, before using her magic to levitate an old waiting sofa and chuck it at some knocking them into a wall. Pinkie after dodging one Monkey Ninja grabbed another by the tail and swung it into another, “Jeez, these monkeys aren't...” “Don't say it!” Rainbow called, after wrestling one of the ninjas off her. “Monkeying around!” Pinkie laughed. “And she said it.” April said dryly. “Don't touch the hair! Not the hair!” Rarity shouted at the Monkey Ninjas that tried climbing and jumping on her head. Shini knocked some of the Monkey Ninjas away, before more started coming for her until she giggled, and held out her hypno ball, “Look into the eye.” she said hypnotically, as the hypno ball swung back and forth putting them in a trance. “Goongala!” Casey announced launching his exploding pucks at the hypnotized monkeys that exploded at them. As they fought, Rainbow saw Fluttershy was talking with one of the Monkey Ninjas, “So that's why you chose to become a Monkey Ninja?” “Uh-huh.” the monkey answered. “Fluttershy!” Rainbow called. “Oh, sorry, but I gotta go. Nice talking to you.” Fluttershy pat the monkey ninja's head before going back to help her friends. “Bye.” the monkey waved bye. Fukushima and Yori were facing off, as the girl spoke, “It's bad enough you betrayed the school, but now you resurrect one of the most devious warriors in history?!” “To show you all what a real ninja master is like.” Fukushima answered, as he blocked one of Yori's hits before knocking her back, “Just look at him.” Koga was facing off against the turtles, Karai, and Blade in hand to hand combat along side the Foot Bots. As Leo and Raph fought Koga he was blocking their punches and kicks, “Not bad for ones so young.” “You're not the first to underestimate us!” Leo answered, as he fought back against Koga who fought head on. “Ninjas of Hamato and the Foot Clan fighting side by side? I never thought such a thing would come to pass.” “Well, they did,” Raph confirmed, “And while I find it just as weird I know it's better to have allies than enemies.” “Which is weird coming from you since all you ever do is make enemies out of others.” Mikey noted making Raph glare at him. “And to top it off the Hamato Clan trained freaks? They'll train anybody these days won't they since they are a clan without standards.” Koga mocked. “Don't diss the Hamato Clan!” Mikey frowned. “Our father was the last head of the clan and now I carry on that mantle.” Leo warned Koga. “I see. Well, then it looks like I'll be putting an end to the Hamato clan like I should've done before.” Koga prepared himself, until Blade slid in. “You want them? You have to go through me.” “With pleasure.” Koga answered as they fought. The Turtles and Karai dealt with the Foot Bots while hoping to get to Blade and help him out, “We don't have time for this!” Raph growled, as he fought harder against two Foot Bots, while his brothers and Karai continued to fight more of them breaking them in so many ways. Koga and Blade fought one another throwing one attack after another with neither letting up, until Koga did a sweep of Blade's feet knocking him to the ground and kicked him aside. Blade got up, as the Turtles and Karai gathered around him, “You ok?” Karai asked in worry. “I'll be fine.” Blade said shaking it off. “Let's attack together!” Karai ordered. “And usually I’m the one giving orders.” Leo joked. The six of them went into battle against Koga, but even with their numbers Koga was deflecting and intercepting their moves right from left, before jumping back and gaining distance. “You fools have caused me enough trouble. Now I shall finish you.” Koga declared. The groups panted, “This guy's like Shredder and Tatsu combined.” Leo told the others. “How do we expect to defeat a ninja who studied more techniques and moves than we know?” Raph asked the others. Donnie pondered before getting an idea, “By being unpredictable.” “What?” Blade asked. “This reminds me of my first fight with Victor Falco before he became the Rat King. He used his psychic powers to predict my every move. But I learned from Master Splinter to try fighting without thinking.” Karai started piecing together, “You're right. He may know an endless amount of ninja moves. But he's never seen what we're truly capable of.” “Then let's do it!” Mikey announced, as they readied themselves. “Come and face your end!” Koga beckoned them. “We're ending this alright!” Raph answered, as the group prepared themselves and charged into battle. “Here's something no leader of the Foot Clan could do!” Karai declared, as she shifted into her mutant form before launching herself at Koga squeezing him with her coils. “What in the?!” Koga called, as he struggled to break free from Karai's grip. Karai disengaged leaving Koga opened to a metal fist punch from Raph who tapped into his medallion. Koga ended up hitting a wall before getting up. “What was that?” he demanded. “You may know a lot of ninja moves, Takuza, but I'll bet you've never faced a ninja capable of what we can do before.” Raph said smugly. Donnie activated his own magic and Blade channeled lightning through his sword as they jumped up and slammed their weapons to the floor sending a combo of thunder and lightning strikes at Takuza knocking him off his feet. “Now let me show you a storm!” Leo tapped into his magic an unleashed a powerful wind blowing Takuza back making him land in another room. Monkey Fist, Fukushima, and the Monkey ninjas watched as Koga was suddenly getting overpowered, “What is happening?” Monkey Fist asked in shock. Sunset smirked, “The thing about our turtle friends is they're always unpredictable.” Koga stumbled out of the room, before Mikey activated his magic and suddenly vines popped up from the floor and started to ensnare Koga who struggled. “Release me!” “Looks like we stomped the founder of the Foot!” Mikey laughed, as his brother sighed. Suddenly their medallions started glowing brighter much to their surprise, and each one shot a beam that hit Koga. “No! What's happening to me?!” Koga struggled to break his restraints. “What is happening?” April asked. “Look!” Scootaloo pointed. They saw Koga was started to rapidly age, “No! Why?!” the founder cried as he started aging so fast he turned to dust much to everyone's shock. “No!” Monkey Fist cried, only to leave himself wide open for Kim to jump up and come down kicking the martial arts villain who stumbled backwards. Applejack got behind Monkey Fist and got down on all fours causing him to trip over her and land on the floor. Mikey once again used his magic over plants to make more vines ensnare Monkey Fist to the floor, “That's it for Monkey Fist.” Kim told everyone. “Wait a minute, where is?” Yori began, as they saw Fukushima about to escape. “Fukushima, you get back here and help me!” Monkey Fist demanded. “Not this time.” Fukushima answered, as he made his escape. Everyone caught their breath, as Applejack spoke, “Is everyone ok?” “I'll live.” Raph replied. The Monkey Ninjas used smoke bombs to make their getaway, putting Monkey Fist at ease, “At least they're free to break me out when the time comes.” “Here's hoping it's not for a long time.” Kim replied. The turtles stood around recalling what just happened, “So, that was the Foot Clan founder, huh?” “Sure was.” Karai confirmed. “He sure was something.” Donnie admitted. “Yeah. Something.” Blade agreed. Later on, the ninjas watched from afar as Kim and Ron were letting the police take Monkey Fist into custody. When they left the duo met back up with their friends and Yori. “Well, that worked out well, huh?” Ron asked. “Indeed,” Yori confirmed, as she held up the scroll that was stolen, “And now I can return this back to the school.” “It was awesome working along side you, Yori.” Leo admitted. “Same to all of you. I know your sensei would be very proud of you.” The ninjas smiled, as Yori hugged Ron, “Until we meet again, Ron-san.” Ron blushed, “Uh, right.” Yori took her leave, as Kim was scowling to herself, before noticing the Rainbooms smirking at her, “What?” “Nothing.” Rarity said holding in a giggle. “Come on, team. Let's go.” Leo said, as they headed off. Meanwhile Fukushima after escaping was standing atop another building frowning over his plan's failure. “I will get that outsider, and those turtles and girls, and that brat who stains the great Foot Clan!” “A feel the same way.” a new voice spoke up. Fukushima spun around and saw who else but Night Terror and his Purple Nightmare goons approaching him. The traitor got into a stance. “You’ve picked the wrong person to target.” Night Terror held up a hand signaling him to stand down, “Relax, we’re not here to fight, we’re here to talk.” “And what is there to talk about?” Fukushima questioned while crossing his arms. “Just ask him here...” Night Terror motioned to the side, as Fukushima saw another man approach. “Greetings, Fukushima. I am Solid Stone, and I have a proposition for you.” he began. Fukushima looked at the man before smirking, indicating he was listening. Elsewhere back in Japan, at the Yamanouchi Ninja School, Yori was delivering the stolen scroll to Master Sensei. Yori bowed her head to her sensei before leaving the room. Sensei sat down resuming his meditation while recalling what Yori told him about her mission with Ron and the others. He then felt a spiritual presence around him. “Your son has truly trained them well, Hamato Yuuta.” he began. Just then a spirit of an elderly bald man appeared. The man was Hamato Yuuta, father of Hamato Yoshi, and adoptive grandfather of the turtles. “Yes, I have been watching over them after their, and my son's mutation. And they have truly made me proud.” Yuuta said with pride. Just then, the spirit of Master Splinter appeared next to them, “Thank you, father. But I couldn't have trained them without what you taught me.” Yuuta nodded, “You've proven that you are a great master to the clan, just like Leonardo is now.” Splinter smiled, “The Clan is growing with each recruit, both on earth and in Equestria.” Sensei spoke, “May the great warriors of the past guide them.” the three masters meditated together feeling proud of their students. > On the Squad or Not > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At a lair, Kim, Ron, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and CMC were currently fighting against some henchmen. “Man, these chumps are nothing compared to the Foot.” Raph said, as he blocked on henchman's punch before knocking him away. “I know, right?” Rainbow asked, as she zipped around some henchmen who tried to grab her. Kim had just kicked one of the henchmen back, “When you've been fighting henchmen like these guys for so long it's not so difficult.” “Trust us with whom we've been facing for a long time now it's not difficult to us either.” Sunset said, as she sweep kicked one henchman. “So explain to us again, who we're up against here?” Mikey asked, while maneuvering his chucks. “Was it Professor Demented?” Pinkie asked. “Dementor, actually.” Kim corrected. “Someone call?” came a voice, as they saw descending down from an upper section of the lair was said villain. “That's him?” Scootaloo asked. “That's him.” Kim confirmed. “Ah, Kim Possible, so nice to see you,” Dementor began, while noticing the others, “And these must be your new associates I've heard tell about.” “Looks like we're becoming famous, dudes.” Mikey said. “Just what we don't need.” Donnie said dryly. “You're all just in time to watch me put the final phase of my plan into motion!” Dementor chuckled. “What is up with his voice?” Casey asked with a laugh. “Sounds like someone I once met at the Daring Do Convention,” Rainbow recalled, “Sounds exactly the same, except with an accent.” “Behold!” Dementor showed them a canister filled with black goo. “What is that?” Ron wondered. “It looks revolting!” Rarity shuddered. Dementor explained, “This is the Uber Slime, the world's most dangerous disintegrating slime. Observe...” Dementor pours it on a globe on a table, which then begins to disintegrate, “Success, the world is mine!” The ninjas looked worried, “We cannot let him leave with that stuff.” Leo told the others. “Who knows what he'll do with it?” Sunset feared. Casey then noticed the slime was changing, “Uh, Dementor dude, is your slime meant to do that?” “What you talking about...” Dementor turned to see the slime had changed from black to pink and sparkly, “What, why's it turning all pink and sparkly?” Donnie spoke, “It must be some byproduct of the disintegration process.” “Which I must say, now looks very divine.” Rarity said feeling less repulsed now. Dementor cried in failure, “I cannot take over the world with the pink and the sparkles, everyone will make the fun...” he heard Raph, Rainbow, and Casey snickering at the pink slime, "My point exactly!” Dementor tried to make an escape only to be blocked by Pinkie, “Sorry, buster, but you're not going anywhere!” The villain tried to get by Pinkie, but with every attempt, Pinkie kept blocking his way, “Get out of my way and let me through!” “Nuh-uh!” Pinkie shook her head. Dementor was getting tired trying to get past Pinkie, “How, are you so... Energized?” he panted. “I'm just me.” Pinkie grinned, as Dementor collapsed from exhaustion. Soon the police arrived and apprehended Dementor and his henchmen, as the others watched from the side, “Kim, you have strange enemies.” Karai told her. “I know,” Kim confirmed, “And they only keep getting stranger.” “Well, there's nothing wrong with strange,” Ron spoke up, “I mean people tell me I'm strange all the time and I don't care what they think.” “Well, at least that don't do damage to your self esteem.” Applejack commended him. “Come on, we got school tomorrow.” Kim said, as they took off with Rainbow groaning at the reminder. As Dementor was in the back of the police van with his henchmen, he was thinking about Pinkie Pie, "That pink haired girl had so much energy, so much stamina. If I can harness that kind of energy imagine the possibilities.” he began to laugh maniacally. The next day at Middleton High, after school out in their football field Kim, the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini were stepping out onto he field with them all dressed in the same cheerleader uniform Kim wears while on the squad. Some of the girls like Pinkie and Rarity were excited, some like Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Karai looked less than thrilled. "Oh, girls, don't we look fabulous?" Rarity gushed with excitement. "Not exactly the word I would use." Karai said flatly, while looking herself over. "This is just not me." Applejack grumbled while feeling her skirt. "This is definitely not me!" Rainbow exclaimed, "I'm an athlete not a cheerleader!" "You know, Rainbow, half my training in combat comes from my skills as a cheerleader," Kim informed her, "Surely you girls can channel your own ninja skills for this." "Kim does have a point." Sunset admitted. "And it's better then what the boys are doing." April motioned across the field. The Turtles, Casey, and Blade stood wearing bull dog masks with Ron. They were learning how to be mascots, and they, minus Mikey, were not enjoying it in the slightest. "I hate this!" Raph growled. "Yeah, the mascot thing ain't for me, yo!" Casey added. "I'm not too found of this myself." Blade admitted. "Me neither." Donnie stated dryly. "Same." Leo added. "Ah come on, dudes," Mikey said, "I think we make an awesome Mad Dog Pack!" "That's the spirit!" Ron said. "GO MAD DOGS!" And shook his head, spraying his banana cream foam everywhere. “Ugh, Ron, seriously!” Raph growled. “Relax, Raph, it's banana cream.” Ron assured him. “I don't know whether to be relieved or grossed by that.” Donnie said indecisively. Mikey sighed, “Dudes, for once can you not be buzzkills about something you're not used too and go with it?” “Hey, don't worry, Mikey,” Ron spoke up, “Not many were all for my idea to become the mascot either thinking they'd laugh at me. But I proved them wrong. Especially Kim.” “See? Ron gets me,” Mikey told the guys, “Besides you should be glad. We get to see something good.” Mikey motioned to the field where they saw Kim teaching the girls some cheer moves. Leo and Donnie were in fact awed by how Twilight and April looked in the Middleton High cheer uniform, while Mikey himself was focused on Shini. “Ok, maybe it's not so bad.” Donnie admitted. “Agreed.” Leo agreed. Raph groaned, “You two sicken me.” “Alright, come on you guys back to practice.” Ron said, as he began instructing them on how to be mad dogs. All the while the CMC and Spike watched from the bleachers, “Boy they sure look good in those uniforms.” Apple Bloom admitted. “Yeah, they're so cute.” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Yeah, but I don't think that look is for me.” Scootaloo replied. “Trying to act like that to impress Rainbow Dash won't matter since she's wearing the uniform.” Apple Bloom reminded her. Scootaloo sighed, “Good point.” “I love the head masks for the mascot,” Spike admitted, “Amazing Ron was capable of making them all with a mask making kit.” the CMC nodded. After a good round of practice, Kim spoke, “Ok, girls. Let's put your skills to the test. Rufus!” “On it!” Rufus went to a boombox and started playing the squads traditional techno music for cheer practice. And so Kim led the Rainbooms and Ninja girls in dance step as they waved their pompoms. Slowly but surely each of the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini started to get into it, especially Rainbow and Applejack. The group started utilizing their ninja moves to better perform any jumps and flips in the routine. Finally they performed the pyramid act with Kim flipping back on top as they stood perfectly. “Go, Mad Dogs!” they announced. Ron led the boys out onto the field as they barked and howled like actual mad dogs with Ron shaking his head releasing his mouth foam. “Go, Mad Dogs!” the boys announced. The girls undid their pyramid and stood on the ground, “So, what did you think?” Kim asked the girls. “Ok, I'll admit, I was skeptical, but that really got my heart going.” Rainbow confessed. “Mine too.” Applejack agreed. “Definitely was an experience.” April admitted. Ron removed his mask and looked to the guys who removed their masks, “Well, wasn't that bad, was it?” “Admittingly, that did feel exciting.” Blade confessed. “While I prefer to be out on the field. It felt good to be the support for once.” Casey added. “Maybe we should start calling our team, the Mad Dogs?” Mikey suggested. “I agreed to wear this mask, but we're not gonna call ourselves Mad Dogs.” Raph warned his brother. “Besides, I think another group aside from Middleton High is using it already.” Pinkie spoke up, while winking to the fourth wall. The CMC and Spike hurried over, “Rarity, that was amazing!” Sweetie Belle commended. “You were so cool, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cheered. “I was blown away!” Apple Bloom finished. “Thanks, girls. It really was enjoyable.” Twilight said. “Even Fluttershy was louder than she normally is when trying to cheer.” Rainbow nudged her. “I just felt the build up and had to cheer.” Fluttershy confessed sheepishly. “You know, I think you girls would do good as part of the squad at our basketball game tonight.” Kim said. “You think so?” Shini asked. “Definitely.” Kim nodded. They started to hear clapping, as they saw Bonnie and the rest of the squad approach, “Wow, you girls were incredible.” Tara admitted. “Have you done cheerleading before?” Hope inquired. “Not exactly.” April answered. “Well, you sure have the skills.” Crystal noted. “That's because we're awesome.” Rainbow boasted. As they were enjoying the commending, they had a gut feeling it wasn't going to last long, "Well, girls," Bonnie said at last, "I can honestly say, without a sliver of doubt, that you were all... amazing!" The girls all cheered until Bonnie added, "Too bad you can't be on the team." "What?!" The girls gasped. "But you said we were amazing." Pinkie noted. "Yeah!" Rainbow added. "Oh, you were amazing," Bonnie assured, "But, you're also temp exchange students." "What's wrong with that?" Sunset inquired. "Didn't anyone tell you?" Bonnie asked, "I mean, I would’ve thought that Kim would’ve told you..." "Oh no." Kim facepalmed as if just remembering something. "Would’ve told us what?" Karai asked, not liking where this was going. "Temp exchange students can't be on the cheer squad," Bonnie revealed, "I guess I forgot to remind Kim. Silly me." "Forgot to remind Kim, my boot!" Applejack frowned, seeing right through Bonnie's words, "You didn't remind her on purpose just to down our spirits!" "Yep, that sounds about right." Kim agreed. "In a word, duh!" Bonnie confessed, "As if I'd ever let a bunch of out of town losers be on the squad even if you weren't exchange students!" "That's totally unfair!" Rainbow snapped. "Sorry, rules are rules, clown head!" Bonnie mocked. "But there is something you girls can do..." She clapped her hands and two cheerleaders dumped a bin of laundry in front of the girls, "You can hard wash all our uniforms!" Then she laughed, "Oh, and I'd use the non chlorine bleach. Later." Then she left, still laughing. The other cheerleaders looked remorseful to the Rainbooms and ninja girls, as Marcella spoke, “Sorry, girls. We actually think you did well. But rules are what they are.” they left. "I knew I didn't like her." Twilight frowned at Bonnie. “It's my fault,” Kim sighed, “I should've remembered that rule. Sorry, girls.” “We don't blame ya, Kim.” Applejack said putting a hand on her shoulder. Mikey turned to Ron, “Ron, is there a rule temp exchange students can't be the mascot too?” “Not that I know. Then again there hasn't been anyone else willing to be the mascot but me.” Ron confessed. “Well, it was a fun idea.” Fluttershy said dismally. “And I had an idea to make our own cheerleader uniforms.” Rarity pouted. “Come on, let's go get changed.” April said, as they headed off to get back in their regular attire. The CMC watched feeling bad for their sisters and the others, but frowned in the direction Bonnie left in, “They have just about as much reason to participate on the squad than they do. Even if we're exchange students.” Apple Bloom told her friends. “And they looked like they really wanted to.” Sweetie Belle added. “Even Rainbow Dash did,” Scootaloo noted, “But what can we do to help?” The three started to think on what to do, until an idea came to Apple Bloom, “I got it! Let's show Bonnie that nobody messes with our sisters and gets away with it.” “You got a plan on how?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah. But we're gonna need some help.” the youngest Apple girl answered with a smirk. > Hyped up Pinkie Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After school, Kim, Ron, and their friends returned to Kim's place with the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini looking dismal. “I can't believe the nerve of that Bonnie just telling us we can't be part of the squad like that.” Rainbow huffed. “I thought you didn't care about being on it?” Raph noted. “It's not that I do. I just don't like being told what I can or can't do.” Rainbow explained still grumpily. “And she had the gall to tell us to do laundry?” Rarity asked in outrage, “If I wasn't such a lady I'd destroy her!” “Believe me, I think about it all the time.” Kim assured her. “Well, there's nothing we can do about it now.” Applejack said sounding just as disappointed. “And I was going to really cut loose!” Pinkie pouted. As the Rainbooms were dismal, the CMC, snuck away before going to the room of Jim and Tim, “Jim? Tim?” Sweetie Belle asked. The twins were messing with something they were working on, but stopped, as the trio peeked their heads in. “Girls, what's up?” Jim asked, as he and Tim stood up. “Are you busy?” Scootaloo asked. “Not at all.” Tim answered, as they shoved their work aside. “Come in.” Jim welcomed the three as they entered. “So what's up?” Tim inquired. “Well, first off you two know anything about Bonnie Rockwaller?” Apple Bloom asked. “Yeah, she's always giving our sister a hard time,” Jim began, “Only we're allowed to do that.” “Right,” Sweetie Belle said unsure, but continued, “Anyway, she said our sisters and our friends can't join the cheer squad because they're only temp students.” “And told them they can do the cheerleaders laundry.” Scootaloo put in feeling disgusted. “Ouch.” the twins replied. “But we don't want Bonnie getting' away with something like that.” Apple Bloom said. “We wanna teach her a lesson,” Sweetie Belle explained, “And were hoping you two might wanna help us?” she smiled sweetly at the boys. The twins blushed at Sweetie Belle's flirtatious look, before answering, “We're in!” the CMC smiled seeing they were on board. Soon, Mr. Possible returned home and saw the Rainbooms and ninja girls brooding, “Uh-oh, looks like someone's got a case of the blues.” “Sorry, Dr. Possible, today just wasn't a good day.” Twilight said with a sigh. “Kim's fellow cheerleader Bonnie said we couldn't be on the squad because we're temp students.” Fluttershy added while looking down. “Bummer, well, you can't always make the team.” the dad said putting his cup of coffee down. “Yeah, but she didn't need to be such a jerk about it.” April said. “And the girls got sweet skills for it too.” Mikey added. Pinkie walked over to the table in the kitchen still moody before seeing the coffee, “Well, Granny Pie always said a bit of cocoa helps lift your spirits,” she held the cup and took a sip, “Hey, wait a second, this isn't cocoa,” she took another sip, “But it tastes great!” she sipped again, “Really great!” And she drank the whole cup, “Ahh! I feel better already! But, there was something familiar about the taste, though. Just can't remember what it is? Hey, has anyone seen my... cup...” The patriarch of the family saw Pinkie with it. “Oh, sorry, Mr Possible. I drank your cocoa. I was just upset about not getting to be on the cheer squad I had to drink something.” “Uh, it's alright, Pinkie, but that was my coffee you drank.” “Oh, coffee, that's what I tasted-COFFEE?!” she dropped the cup, “Oh no oh no OH NO!!!” She raced out of the kitchen leaving Mr Possible standing in confusion. “What was that about?” he asked himself. Pinkie ran back to the living room, “Guys! Guys!” “Pinkie, what is it?” Sunset asked. “What's with you?” Ron asked. “Well, you see I accidentally drank... COFFEE!” she panicked. The others were confused, “Uh, coffee?” Donnie asked. “The whole cup!” “Who doesn't drink coffee these days, Pinkie?” Twilight asked rhetorically. “Even I need a good cup when on the job during night shifts at the castle.” Blade admitted. “You guys don't understand, the last time I drank coffee... it wasn't pretty!” Suddenly, she jerked to the side, "Oh no, it's happening!” Then she began jerking left and right before she stopped, her hair turning to static, then she shook and literally shot off into the sky like rocket. Kim and Ron looked shocked, as Kim spoke to the ninjas, “Did anyone of you know she could do that?” “Never.” they replied. “Grab her!” Leo called, as they tried to jump Pinkie to hold her down, but the extra hyped up girl was bouncing all around the living room making it impossible for any of them to restrain her. “She gives a new meaning to coffee being dangerous to some people.” Donnie said in shock. Pinkie ended up bouncing out the door, “Come on we have to go after her!” Sunset ordered. “Let's go!” Kim said, as they hurried out the door to follow her. Pinkie was bouncing and flipping around Middleton crazily as the coffee's effect was still fresh. She laughed insanely while bouncing around others leaving them confused by her antics, until she saw a piece of candy on the ground. “Ooh, a piece of candy,” she said still twitching before she picked it up and ate it. She then saw another, “Ooh, a piece of candy.” she picked the second one up and ate it before discovering a trail of candy that she kept picking up and repeating herself following the trail until she walked right into a containment unit that closed and sealed tight. “Hey, what is this?!” Pinkie demanded as she bounced around inside of it. She heard laughter as Dementor stepped out from behind a tree, “You are oh so gullible to fall for the whole candy trail.” “Betrayed by candy!” Pinkie bawled, while still bouncing. “You seem extra springy today, which means you have more energy in you. Perfect!” he motioned up as a chopped dropped a claw that grabbed the chamber containing Pinkie. “Pinkie!” her friends called, as Dementor looked back seeing them. “Dementor!” Kim frowned. “How he'd get out of jail overnight?” Raph asked in confusion. “Good behavior.” Dementor answered. “I don't buy it.” Casey squinted. “No matter. I got what I want. Time to go!” he grabbed onto the chamber that was lifted off the ground by the chopper. “Pinkie!” the Rainbooms cried, as they watched their friend be made off with. “We gotta go after her.” Blade said determinedly. Kim nodded, before pulling up her Kimmunicator, “Wade, keep a GPS lock on Pinkie's phone. Don't let it out of your sight.” “Done and done.” Wade answered. Back at the Possible House, Kim and Ron were suiting up for the rescue mission as the ninjas armed themselves. Apple Bloom peeked out of the twins room, “Hey, what's going on?” “Pinkie's been kidnapped sugarcube.” Applejack answered. “Oh, no by who?” Apple Bloom asked. “That Dementor creep.” Raph answered. “We're going to rescue her, you better get ready.” Rainbow Dash instructed, as the other CMC poked their heads out. “Actually, you can go on ahead without us.” Scootaloo requested. “Huh?” the group looked surprised. “We're kinda in the middle of something else here.” Sweetie Belle answered. “Is that ok?” Apple Bloom asked. “Well, it's fine. What about you guys?” Kim asked the others. “If you don't wanna then it's ok. We can handle it.” Leo said. “Thanks.” Apple Bloom said, as the three went back into the room where they and he boys were working on something. “Passing off a mission?” Jim asked. “We need to be here right now.” Sweetie Belle reminded him, as they got back to work. Soon the group was heading off, as Kim spoke to Wade, “Still got Pinkie's phone pinged, Wade?” “Yeah. She's in a building outside Middleton.” “Then let's pick up the pace.” Leo instructed as they pressed on. Meanwhile at Dementor's new lair, the chamber was being connected to some conduits and cables, as Pinkie was still bouncing around inside trying to get out. “Struggle all you want, but you will not be escaping!” Dementor laughed. “What do you even want with me?!” she demanded. “Your unique stamina is abundant, especially with the way you are now. I dare say it's much more abundant than any power source I have seen. And I figured I could put it to good use by using you to power my newest weapon!” he revealed her changer was hooked up to a giant laser beam pouted out through an opening in the roof. “Ooh, what is it?” Pinkie asked. “With this laser I will hack all global satellites and steal all confidential information from all computers in the world. With this the world will be at my finger tips!” he laughed insanely as a light shined from below his head. It turns out he was holding a flashlight underneath his head. “Love the laugh, but why the flashlight?” Pinkie asked, while still twitching. “What you don't like it? It adds more to my evil charm.” Dementor explained sounding hurt. “I still think it's unnecessary.” she replied. Dementor pouted, before regaining his composure, “It is no matter! Start the machine!” One of his guard started powering up the machine as Pinkie's chamber prison glowed, and suddenly found her stamina being harnessed for Dementor's weapon, “Ooh, I'm not feeling so good.” she groaned. “Yes! Yes!” Dementor cheered, as she went to his weapons control board, “Now let's hack some files!” he pressed a button and pulled a switch powering up the laser that shot a beam into the sky going past the earth's atmosphere right into space where it hacked one of the satellites. Back at his lair, Dementor cheered, “Yes! I am in!” “And we're taking you out!” came a voice, as the villain turned seeing it came from Leo with Kim at his side and the others behind him. “How did you all find me?!” Dementor asked in shock. “We had Pinkie's phone tracked.” Kim answered. “And you literally have a giant laser firing a beam through the roof.” Rainbow put in. “Yeah, it's like you were sending us an invitation.” Ron added. Dementor groaned, before turning to his guards, “Get them!” The guards charged against Kim and the ninjas who engaged them once again, “These guys twice in a row?” Rainbow asked, as she tripped one guard up and jabbed another in the gut. “Yeah, what a rerun.” Mikey chuckled, while whacking a guard with his chucks. “We got to get to Pinkie!” Leo ordered. “I'm on it!” Shini called, as she went to get to the chamber only for more of Dementor's guards to block her. “Not so fast, girl. But you won't be messing up my plan this time.” Dementor warned her. “Technically, you messed up your own plan last time.” Fluttershy pointed out. “Yeah with your sparkle gel.” Casey joked, while knocking some guards out with his goalie stick. “Nevertheless!” Dementor shouted, until he heard a warning sound. He looked over seeing the machine looked overloading along with the chamber containing Pinkie, “No! What is happening?!' he ran over and checked, “The girls stamina energy is too much for it to handle!” “Take cover!” Kim called as Ron screamed, as they took cover as the chamber blew along with the laser that shut down. Everyone peeked out from their hiding spots as Pinkie stumbled out still looking hyper and unharmed, “Wow! What a bang!” Raph looked at Dementor before speaking in surprise, “Wow, two backfires in a day and a half.” “Must be a new record.” Kim noted. “In hindsight, I probably should've seen this coming,” Dementor said sheepishly, “Oh well, Auf wiedersehen!” he tried to run away, only to once again be stopped by Pinkie. Pinkie announced still hyped up on coffee, “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, VON STRUDEL?!” “Eep!” Pinkie tackled Dementor while everyone winced and flinched with every hit she gave him. Soon, Pinkie wrapped her chain all around Dementor and gave a yank, making him spin around the room like a human sized top, bouncing off things, and knocking over his henchmen, until he stopped and wobbled around, feeling incredibly dizzy with tiny Kim Possibles floating around his head. He spoke in a woozy tone while looking at all the little Kim's dancing around her head, “I'll get you, Kim Possible! And you, Kim Possible the 2nd, und 3rd, un 4th...” he then collapsed. Pinkie continued running around in a circle still hyper, “Awoooga awoooga awoogaaaaa... boy, I'm tired...” suddenly she dropped to the ground and fell asleep. “Pinkie!” The turtles gasped, as Twilight ran over to the girl and inspected her. “I think the coffee wore off.” the smart girl deduced. Everyone sighed in relief, “Good. Could you imagine we'd have to deal with Pinkie like that 24/7?” Rainbow asked the group. “That'd be even crazier than regular Pinkie Pie.” Donnie said. “Well, at least we got through this mission in one piece.” Mikey said before leaning against a pillar, unintentionally activating a button. Self-destruct sequence initiated. Enjoy your deaths “MIKEY!” his bros called. “Oops.” he said sheepishly. “We got to get everyone out!” Kim called, as they gathered the guards and Demntor to get them outside. It helped when the girls and April used their powers to get them out faster with Mikey carrying Pinkie Pie. Eventually the cops showed up and took Dementor and his guards away a second time. Luckily the turtles had hidden themselves from the police as Pinkie was sitting down holding an ice-pack to her head. “How do you feel, Pinkie?” Sunset asked. Pinkie groaned, “Drained. I got a headache the size of the Technodrome! Ugh! I haven’t had a headache this bad since Limestone’s violin recital. That's it. I'm off coffee forever.” “Good idea.” Applejack agreed. “It's gonna take days before my headache... Ok, I'm good now.” Pinkie smiled as she removed the ice-pack much to everyone's shock. “I will never understand her.” Ron said in disbelief. “Uh-huh.” Rufus agreed. Later that night at Middleton high during the basketball game, the ninjas and Rainbooms were in the crowd watching the game with the CMC and even the tweebs joining them. “Such an amazing game basketball.” Blade admitted. “Bandit sure would love to see this.” Mikey added. “Hey, here comes Kim and the squad.” Sweetie Belle noted, as half time approached, the cheerleaders stepped and and started to perform. The Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini were still sore they were rejected to participate after they had fun trying out for cheerleading but watched it to support Kim. During the routine, Bonnie blew a kiss toward Leo, making the Turtle uncomfortable and Twilight growl in anger. “She's still got it for you, Leo.” Raph smirked. "Don't remind me," Leo frowned, "Now I know how you feel, Blade." “Not so fun is it?” Blade asked rhetorically. "And it looks like Twilight's all jelly now." Mikey pointed at the girl, who was gritting her teeth and staring daggers at Bonnie. Meanwhile, in the audience, Apple Bloom turned to the Tweebs, "So when does our little surprise go off?" She asked the twins. "In approximately about-" Jim began. "Right now." Tim finished pointing. Bonnie did a back-flip and landed with a split. But at that moment, a strange powdery substance exploded from her uniform and all over herself. Kim and the rest of the squad stopped the routine and looked at her in surprise. "Ugh, what is this stuff?!" Bonnie said in disgust. Then she flinched as she suddenly felt very itchy and began scratching herself all over, "Aah! Ooo! Aaahh!" "Bonnie, are you okay?" Kim asked in confusion. "Do I look okay?!" Bonnie snapped. As she was scratching, she ended up getting the substance all over the other girls, minus Kim who got far away from her. "Hey, watch it!" Marcella cried. Then the rest of the squad started scratching. "Aah! Itchy! I'm all itchy!" Tara exclaimed. The audience started laughing at the scene, including Ron and Mikey who were mostly laughing at Bonnie. There was a temporary pause as the cheerleaders headed back to the locker room. The group watched looking confused, “What just happened down there?” Leo wondered. “I don't know, but it was funny.” Mikey admitted. “So I guess the cheer routine is cut short?” Fluttershy wondered. “Hey, guys!” Ron called to the ninjas to come down. Applejack turned to her sister, her friends, and the twins, “Ya'll stay here.” “Sure thing sis.” Apple Bloom said, as they sat back totally calm. They went down from the bleachers and met up with Ron with Kim, “What's up?” Karai asked. “The girls are in no condition to continue the routine.” Kim explained. “So it's cut?” Rarity asked in shock. “Not yet.” Kim replied, while giving them squinted eyes. “Wait, you're serious?” Sunset asked. “But I thought we couldn't.” Rainbow recalled. “Barkin's allowing it,” Ron explained, “He also decided to abolish that whole tempt students can't participate in extracurricular activity.” “Yes!” Rarity cheered in excitement before noticing everyone giving her an odd look, “I mean. Wonderful.” “But don't we need...” Twilight recalled. “Already prepared!” Rarity pulled out the cheer uniforms. “Did you know this was gonna happen?” Kim asked in surprise. “No. But I always stay prepared for a fashion emergency.” Rarity explained. “And boys, ready to be the Mad Dog pack?” Ron asked. Leo, Raph, Casey, Donnie, and Blade were unsure before turning to Mikey who was giving them a pleading look. They sighed and smiled, as Leo spoke, “Get us our masks.” “Yeah!” Mikey cheered. Soon the lights shined back down and running onto the court was Kim, and the girls all dressed and pom-poms in hand. They began performing the routine Kim taught them earlier that day and they were really getting the fans pumped and excited. Watching from the locker room's door was Bonnie who frowned, but quickly resumed scratching her itchy body. The Rainbooms and ninja girls formed a pyramid with Kim landing up top, before Ron and the boys ran out onto the stage barking and howling while shaking their heads releasing the banana cream from their masks. To further add more hype Spike who was watching ran out onto the court and howled with them. The ladies in the crowd awed and gushed over Spike's cuteness The girls unformed the pyramid as Twilight picked up Spike, as the others waved their pompoms in the air. Back on the bleachers, the CMC and the tweebs were proud of what happened. “Hick-a-bick-a-boo." Tim began. “Hoo-sha!” Both Tweebs announced as they high-fived with the CMC. “Yeah!” The trio of girls cheered. "Not exactly how we planned, but all in all..." Jim began. "Mission accomplished." Tim finished. "It sure was." Scootaloo said. "Yeah, not only did we get back at Bonnie for being mean to our sisters, we gave them a chance to preform in the squad with Kim." Sweetie Belle stated. "We did great, y'all!" Apple Bloom said. "You did something alright..." came Applejack's stern voice. The CMC and the Tweebs flinched and slowly turned around to find the Rainbooms, Turtles, and Kim giving them knowing frowns. “Oops.” they said sheepishly. Kim looked to her brothers, “I'll deal with you two when we get home.” “In our defense it was for a good cause.” Jim explained. Applejack turned to her sister and her friends, “You three are comin' with us.” the trio gulped. Soon, Kim and the girls walked into the girl's locker room where the cheer squad were still itching. "Hey, girls, you okay?" Kim asked. "Do we look okay?!" Bonnie rebuked. "We're fine," Hope said, "Itchy, but fine." "But where did that itching powder come from?" Crystal asked. "Oh, we found out exactly where, or rather who it came from." Applejack stated. Rarity chimed in, "And speaking of which, isn't there something you'd like to say, girls?" She and the girls frowned at the CMC as they sheepishly stepped forward. "Uh, the inching powder was from us." Sweetie Belle confessed shyly. "What?!" The cheer squad gasped. "That was you?!" Bonnie snapped. "Yeah, it was." Apple Bloom nodded. "We're sorry." the CMC apologized. "You should be sorry, you little brats!" Bonnie spat. "We're apologizing to the squad, not you, Bonnie!" Apple Bloom rebuffed. “Excuse me?” Bonnie asked outraged. "You're the reason we did it in the first place!" Scootaloo added, pointing at the mean girl. "After you were rotten to our sisters, we decided to pull a prank on you as payback," Sweetie Belle explained, "So we got Kim's brothers to make an itching powder pack, then we slipped it into your outfit after they washed it." Mikey poked his head into the room laughing still wearing the mad dog mask, "That was an awesome prank, girls!" Ron poked in, covering his eyes, also laughing, "I'll say it was!" Raph's hands appeared and grabbed them both before dragging them out. After a moment of awkward stares, Applejack spoke, "Can't say I agree with what the girls did, but I say you got what you deserved, Bonnie!" "Yeah!" Rainbow glared. "Oh here here!" Rarity agreed. "Can't argue with that," Sunset frowned. "Yepper skipper!" Pinkie said. "Mm hmm!" Fluttershy frowned. "And it serves you right for flirting with Leo!" Twilight blurted out before she clamped her mouth shut and blushed in embarrassment, “I mean, you got what was coming.” “Oh, I am so going too...” Bonnie tried to stomp closer only for the girls to block her path. “You're not going to do anything, Bonnie.” Sunset replied with a frown. Bonnie turned to the rest of the squad, “Hello, a little back up here?!” “Actually, Bonnie, they're right.” Tara admitted. “What?!” “You knew they were good at cheerleading but you decided to keep them from participating just because you wanted them to feel bad.” Marcella added. “And the only reason we got itchy is because you got to close to us. So that's on you.” Liz put in. Bonnie growled, as she decided to hit the showers and try to wash off the itch. The rest of the squad looked down at the CMC still feeling guilty, “We really didn't mean to get you all involved in the prank on Bonnie, girls.” Sweetie Belle apologized. “Hey, don't worry about it.” Jessica said. “You're not mad?” Scootaloo asked. “Well, we can't blame you for what you did.” Hope understood. “Even we know when Bonnie takes things too far.” Tara admitted. “And your sisters and the others saved the half time show.” Crystal noted. “So it all worked out in the end.” Marcella concluded. Tara looked to the girls, “If you girls wanna practice with us, it's fine by us.” “Hey, don't I have a say in this?!” Bonnie called from the shower. “No!” The cheerleaders called back. “Thanks, girls. We appreciate the chance.” April said gratefully. After getting changed, the girls left the locker room where the boys were waiting, “They're still itching?” Leo asked. “Unfortunately.” Kim sighed. “Don't worry it'll wear off soon.” Jim assured her. Kim squinted, “Your prank put the squad out of commission,” her bros looked down guilty, before she smiled and spoke happier, “But since it was only meant for Bonnie, I can overlook it.” “Really?” they asked hopefully. “Just don't make a habit out of it.” Kim warned them. “We'll try.” Tim said, as the two crossed their fingers behind their backs. Mikey turned to the CMC, “And nice trick you three. I'm so proud.” “Thanks, Mikey.” Apple Bloom said. “Bright Eyes definitely would've loved to see that.” Blade added. “We'll chalk it up as part of your ninja training,” Leo told them, “But don't let Mikey train you in more jokes like that. Your training to be ninjas, not pranksters.” “Sure thing, Leo.” Scootaloo replied. “Come on, everyone, it's Bueno Nacho time!” Ron cheered. “Yum!” Rufus rubbed his belly. “We've earned it.” Kim agreed, as they all headed out to celebrate. > Trophy Theft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Middleton High one afternoon, classes were letting out, as Kim, Ron, and their ninja friends were walking down the hall. “Man, I don't think I can handle another pop quiz!” Mikey grumbled. “I hear ya, Mikey,” Ron agreed, “It's like they do this to us because they want to catch us off guard!” “That's the idea of a pop quiz, boys,” Twilight replied, “It's always to keep you prepared for when you'll be tested.” “Yeah, well, they seem to spring them on us here more than they do at CHS!” Rainbow grumbled. “I know.” Scootaloo agreed. Kim opened her locker, as Wade appeared on her computer monitor, “Hey, Wade.” she greeted. “Hey, guys. Glad I caught you.” “Got any new leads on Stockman with Drakken and Shego?” Leo inquired. “No, but Kim did get a hit on the site,” Wade began as he looked up a message, “Pain King and Steel Toe need your help. They've both been robbed!” “Wait a minute,” Raph spoke up, “Pain King and Steel Toe?” “That's what he said.” Kim replied. Raph's eyes lit up, “They're two of the best wrestlers in the world!” “A booyah!” Ron cheered. “They're the champs!” Rainbow cheered along. “I don't understand how that fella can walk around with a metal foot.” Applejack said confused. “No time, Applejack!” Raph ordered, “If Pain King and Steel Toe need our help, then we're gonna give it!” “Wow, Raph, didn't know you were so passionate.” Sweetie Belle said in surprise. “These two are more than just wrestlers, Sweetie Belle. They're an inspiration.” “He does have a point.” Casey admitted. “Alright, we'll head right over.” Kim said, as they closed the locker and left to prepare. Soon the group were all at the training gym where Pain King and Steel Toe train that was taped off as a crime scene. The ninjas and teen crime fighter stood before the two wrestlers who were in front of a trophy case that was broken into. “So explain to us what was stolen again?” Kim inquired. “Two trophies. One belonging to each of us,” Pain King explained with a sigh, “My first place trophy for when I came in first at Vegas Victory.” “I remember watching that,” Raph gasped, “You mopped the floor with the competition!” “Good times.” Pain King nodded in nostalgia. “And yours?” Karai asked Steel Toe. “My first place trophy from Denver Demolition.” Steel Toe sighed. “Stealing that is a definite crime!” Rainbow frowned. “Anyone specific you know might wanna try and steal them?” Rarity began acting like a sleuth, “Rival wrestlers who thought you didn't deserve to win?” “Nah, we checked. Every one of the wrestlers we fought in those matches had alibis.” Pain King answered. “And they're not that bitter.” Steel Toe added. Kim looked to her Kimmunicator, “Wade?” “It's all true, their alibis check out. And I've been doing some more digging, their trophies weren't the only ones stolen.” Wade explained. “They weren't?” Apple Bloom asked. “Nope, hundreds of first place trophies from other athletes have been going missing in this last week or so.” "That's just wrong!" Casey said with a frown. "And so bad sportsmanlike!" Rainbow added. “So we know the stolen goods are all first place trophies for sports.” Donnie pointed the facts. “Whoever's stealing first place trophies must always come in last.” Mikey noted. “That's one possibility.” Blade admitted. Spike who was walking around caught a scent and began to sniff around. Sunset caught sight of this, “Hey, I think Spike may be onto something!” Everyone looked down at the dog sniffing around, “What is it, Spike? You smell something?” Twilight asked her dog. “Yeah. Two specific scents,” Spike answered, before sniffing again, “The first is fresh cut grass... And the second one is a pair of golf shoes.” “Golf shoes?” Shini asked curiously. “Are you sure about that?” Fluttershy wondered. “Yeah. I know my shoes. And these smell like golf ones.” Spike confirmed. Kim and Ron began putting the clues together, “Fresh cut grass.” the redhead began. “Golf shoes...” Ron trailed, as they came to the same conclusion. “Killigan!” Their friends looked to them, “Who?” Mikey asked. “If Spike's nose is right, then all these signs point to Duff Killigan.” Kim explained. “And who is that?” Blade wondered, until Twilight spoke up. “Duff Killigan; former famous golfer until he was banned from all golf leagues for aggressive behavior. Including Mini-Golf,” the group looked at her oddly, “My dad is a golfer himself. He talks about these things.” “Wade, would majority of those stolen first place trophies be for golf championships and tournaments won by star golfers?” Leo asked. “Indeed they are.” “Makes sense for Duff to be going after trophies for golf championships given his ban, but why go for other sports trophies?” Kim wondered. “Probably out of spite.” Rainbow suggested. “Sounds just like him.” Ron agreed. “So he's just stealin' first place trophies for every sports championship and tournament out of spite?” Applejack wondered. “I know he'd probably wanna keep the golf ones, but the others?” Kim trailed, as they were all curious. Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, the doctor along with Shego and Stockman stood before their ally Duff Killigan who was marveling at the two latest trophy steals. “Say what ya want about other sports, lads,” Duff began, “They sure know how to make a trophy good and shiny.” “Well, we're glad you're enjoying your steal.” Drakken began. “And I have ye to thank Stockman fer lendin' me yer Mousers to help in the heists.” Duff thanked the scientist as Mouser robots were pacing around. “Always glad to put my Mousers to good use.” Stockman said with pride. “Yeah, but I can't believe why he's stealing them in the first place.” Shego said bored. “Shego, Killigan has his reasons,” Drakken reminded her, “And we agreed so long as we help him, he'll lend us his aid.” “Aye,” Duff nodded, “Just a few more trophies and I can finally have them all melted down and use the content to have a giant first place trophy dedicated to me made!” > Take the Bait > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the group's meet with Pain King and Steel Toe and learning villain Duff Killigan was behind all the stolen first place sports trophies, they returned to Kim's place to talk shop. “Ok, Duff Killigan is going around stealing first place sports trophies.” Kim began. “Question is why?” Twilight wondered. “Could it just be out of spite?” Ron suggested. “Gotta go with Ron on this.” Rainbow admitted. “Yeah, villains will do anything out of spite.” Raph agreed. “Even so, there are still so many trophies to steal from. How will we be able to get the drop on him if we don't know where he'll strike next?” Karai wondered. “Or where he'll take them too.” Shini put in. “Yeah I mean it's not like we can dress one of us up like a trophy and wait for him to steal it?” Mikey said rhetorically Everyone looked at each other for a moment before they all smirked, “What?” “Mikey, you just might be onto something.” Donnie said excitedly. “I am?” Kim nodded, “We'll disguise Mikey as a trophy and broadcast it. Duff Killigan will see him and come take him back to where he's keeping the other trophies.” “And when he does we'll keep a tracking device on Mikey so we can follow him.” Leo finished. “It's genius!” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Question is how're we gonna broadcast it?” Applejack wondered. “Don't worry, A.J. I got a plan.” Kim smirked. Later the group was at a condo inside a room loaded with golf memorabilia and were setting things up, “Thanks for helping us out Jed Murko.” Kim thanked a man whom was identified as Jed Murko; a renowned golfer who agreed to assist them.” “No problem, Ms. Possible. It's the least I can do after you helped get my favorite golf cart out of the mud.” “No big.” Kim brushed it off humbly. 'Hey, guys!” Mikey came out covered in gold paint while dressed like a golfer. He then posed on top of a platform with first place labeled on it, “What do you think?” “You make a spankin' trophy, Mikey.” Kim commended him. “Thanks.” Donnie spoke to his brother, “I outfitted the shoes you're wearing with magnetic soles to keep you on the platform so you won't fall off it.” “And what happens when I need to get off it?” Mikey asked. “Don't worry, we'll be tracking you, and I'll disable the magnets when you reach Killigan's location.” Donnie assured him. “Alright, guys. We got trophies to find.” Raph said, as they got in positions, where Rarity was live streaming Jed standing before the fake trophy. “Hello, fellow golfers! This is your man Jed here wanting to show you all my latest first prize trophy!” Jed displayed Mikey still keeping in his golf pose, “First place regional champion. Yeah it's a big one, alright. But only the best for a regional champ like me!” the turtles, Rainbooms, Kim, Ron, and their friends watched hoping Duff would be watching. Sure enough at Drakken's lair, Duff who was at the computer was checking out the live stream of Jed saw the trophy next to him and his eyes lit up. “Sweet Golf Clubs!” he cheered, “Aye, Drakken, Stockman! I need your ship and robots for this one!” Soon enough that night, everyone was hiding out as Mikey remained in his trophy pose, while fighting the urge to move. 'Oh, my nose itches. I really need to scratch it.' he thought fighting the urge. “We've been waiting here for hours.” Scootaloo whispered to the others. “Think Killigan will take the bait?” Fluttershy whispered. “He has too.” Raph whispered back. “Shush.” Rarity shushed them as they watched, before a hole was carved above the ceiling in the golf room. Dropping in was a Stockman Bot and Shego Bot that connected some cables to the 'trophy' before they hung onto the cables and were hoisted up out through the hole they came in from. Mikey managed to glance up and see he was being hoisted up into a ship. When he was secured inside the ship took off. When the coast was clear, Leo spoke, “The baits been swallowed.” Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator, “Wade, you got the signal from the tracker place on Mikey?” “Sure do, Kim. Better follow while the trail's fresh.” Wade suggested. “Let's move!” Leo ordered. “Thanks again, Jed.” Kim thanksed him. “Anytime, Ms. Possible. Good luck to all of you.” The group took off to follow Mikey's trail from a chopper Kim called in. Drakken's ship had returned to base. The trophy was brought out and presented before Drakken, Shego, and Killgan. “Oh, look at all that gold.” Killigan marveled. “And you want to melt it down?” Shego voiced protest. “Shego.” Drakken warned her. “Right, it's Killigan's plan.” Shego sighed. Stockman squinted, “Something's familiar about that trophy.” “Whaddaya mean, lad?” Killigan wondered. “Not sure.” the genius said, before dropping it. “We'll melt this one down first.” Drakken said, as Mikey got nervous but kept his cover up. Outside the lair, Kim, Ron, and their friends arrived, “That's where Mikey is?” Pinkie asked. “According to the tracker it is.” Kim confirmed. “Not exactly the kinda lair I'd expect from a mad golfer.” Casey noted. “That's because this isn't Killigan's lair,” Ron replied, “It's Drakken's.” “Drakken?” the ninjas and Rainboom asked surprised. “Killigan and Drakken working together.” Kim said. “And if this is Drakken's lair.” Twilight began. “Then Stockman's gotta be there too.” Leo deduced. “Perfect opportunity.” Blade said. “So we goin' in?” Apple Bloom asked. “We're going in all right.” Kim assured, as they headed for the lair. Inside, Mikey was placed on a conveyor belt that led to a machine that would melt the trophies down. He noticed a huge trophy mold off to the side he could tell would be used for when Killigan was finished melting down all the other trophies. 'So that's his plan.' he thought, before seeing figures moving around from above him and knew it was time as he felt the golf shoes he wore were un-magnetized from the platform. “Soon, I'll be havin' the biggest first place trophy ever!” Killigan declared to his three partners and laughed wickedly. “I don't think so, golf dude!” the villains looked and saw, Mikey flip off the stand on the conveyor belt landing right before them, “Boo!” Killigan and Drakken screamed and hid behind a surprised Shego and Stockman, “It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!!” Drakken cried. Stockman got out of his stupor and realized, “Wait a minute, that's no trophy, it's one the Turtles, Michelangelo!” “That's right. And you dudes were totally fooled by my awesome fake trophy skills!” he removed the golf clothes but was still covered in gold paint. “Why am I not surprised?” Shego asked rhetorically. “Shego, sick him!” Drakken ordered. “With pleasure!” She lunged at Mikey with her energy attacks while he dodged. But soon found himself surrounded by the Shego Bots, Mousers, and Stockman Bots. “You may have fooled us, Turtle.” Drakken warned him. “But you're outnumbered.” Stockman continued. “With no back up!” Killigan finished. Mikey sighed, “You're right. If only my bros and friends followed me here. Oh wait... they did!” he pointed up to the rafters. The villains looked up to see the rest of Ninjas and team Possible perched on there. “I cannot believe you chumps fell for this old trick.” Raph mocked, as they dropped down. “Again, not surprised!” Shego grumbled. “Dudes, I got Killigan's plan!” Mikey spoke up, “He's gonna melt all the trophies down and use them to make a big one!” The group gasped, “You're serious, Killigan?” Kim asked. “Indeed so, lassie.” Killigan confirmed smugly. “You're an even bigger creep than I thought!” Raph frowned. “And worst bad sportsmanship I ever saw. Stealing trophies from real champions!” Rainbow voiced her disapproval. “They didn't deserve them, but I'll be puttin' them to better use. And when it's all over I'll have the biggest trophy dedicated to me. And you'll all be finished. But to show there won't be hard feelings. I'll let ya join me for some of me granny's haggis.” At the mention of that everyone minus Blade expressed looks of disgust and some like Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy looking green in the face. “I will never eat that!” Rarity cried. Blade looked around, “What's wrong? What's haggis?” “Uh...” Twilight began before whispering into Blade's ear. When Twilight finished, Blade's eyes widened in shock and even his face turned green, “YOU PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!” “Not everybody, thank goodness.” Applejack assured him. “Enough of this!” Stockman directed the Mousers, Stockman Bots,and Shego Bots to his enemies. “Attack!” Drakken ordered, as Shego led the robots on the attack. “Spread out!” Leo ordered, as they spread out with Kim going after Shego, and the ninjas and Rainbooms going after the three types of robots. As Killigan laid out several golf balls, Rainbow laughed, “He's shooting golf balls at us? I don't think I've ever met a lamer villain." "Not to mention, golf is such a dull sport, yo." Casey added. "I'll show ye dull! Fore!" Killigan hit several golf balls their way, but they only rolled up to them. "Seriously?" Rainbow smirked, "You didn't even hit us!" "Look out!" Kim tackled Rainbow and Casey away as the golf balls exploded, knocking them back by the shockwave. "Exploding golf balls?" Casey asked in surprise. "Ok, that is pretty awesome." Rainbow admitted. "Oh there's more where dat came from!" Duff shot more balls, forcing the heroes to scatter. "This guy needs anger management classes." Sunset said as she dodged the golf balls. “Ya think?” Ron asked in sarcasm. Blade drew his sword and started slicing down Stockman bots while swatting a few Mousers away. When some Shego bots surrounded him, he sheathed his sword, “Alright ladies, let's settle this with our hands.” he started attacked the robot ladies with his hand to hand combat skills. The CMC were destroying some Mousers, while avoiding them jumping at them intending to bite them, “Watch the mouths on these ones!” Sweetie Belle warned her friends. “No kidding!” Apple Bloom answered, as she used her tanto to slice one. Killigan shot a ball toward Mikey and Pinkie, who ducked as it sailed over them, "Ha! You missed us!" Mikey mocked. "Na na!" Pinkie blew a raspberry. "Na na, yourself," Killigan rebuked, "That was wedge ah fired, it's got back spin!" "What does that mean?" Mikey asked, but he soon got his answer when the ball started rolling right back toward them. "Never mind." Pinkie said before she and Mikey screamed and ran away with the ball rolling after them. Fortunately, Kim used her grappling hook to swing in and snatch them before the ball exploded. Once they landed, she spoke, "Yeah, I fell for that too." Meanwhile, Sunset, Applejack, April, and Karai fought Shego, who attacked with her energy punches. As Sunset held Shego's arms back, she spoke, "You know, Shego, you remind me of an enemy of ours." "Really?" Shego asked with a smirk, "Is this enemy as impressive as me?" She broke free and fired an energy blast at Sunset, only for the girl dodge with a back-flip. Then Shego was rammed by Applejack. "Nnope," The cowgirl rebuffed. "Just a traitor." "Say what?" Shego said as she then dodged April's psychic blasts. "We have a sworn enemy known as Subprime, but like you he used to be a good guy named Knight," She explained, "Until he betrayed his people for their enemies thinking it was the winning side." Karai managed to land a kick on Shego, knocking the woman into a wall, then she spoke, "And it's our job to show others the side of villainy is never the winning side." "Spare me your rants!" Shego stood and fought the girls again. As Killigan continued firing off exploding golf balls, the others were dodging or taking cover, until Casey decided to do something about it. "Hey, Duff!" Casey called, getting the evil golfer's attention, "You ain't the only one with explosive sports gear!" He dumped out his exploding hockey pucks, "Eat hockey, chump!" He shouted and shot the pucks at the golfer's golf balls, destroying them as they went off. "So it's a bomb battle ye want, aye laddie?" Killigan asked, laying out more golf balls. "Den bring it!" And he shot them at Casey, who used his skates to dodge and fired back with his pucks. “Goongala!” Casey announced, as he skated closer to Killigan before he and the mad golfer fought using their golf club and hockey stick. “Ya got spirit, laddie! I respect that!” Killigan admitted. “Wish I could say the same,” Casey growled, “But there ain't nothing to respect about you!” he activated his taser and got Killigan shocking him. As the group continued fighting Shego and the the robots. Blade looked seeing the melting machine and the giant trophy mold, “Can't make a huge trophy without the right equipment.” he channeled lightning into his blade and started unleashing energy swipes at the machine and the mold. “No! You fool!” Drakken cried. “Mah mold!” Killigan cried. “Alright, Blade!” Ron cheered. “Yeah!” Rufus cheered. “Shego, we're out of here!” Drakken called. Shego looked to the girls, “Next time!” The two scientist and Shego got on Drakken's hovercraft and took off, while Killigan dawned a jetpack “So long lads and lassies!” Killigan flies out of there, but when the others looked up, they immediately look away, because they saw underneath his kilt. “Man skirt, nobody look up!” Sweetie Belle cried. “The correct term is a kilt, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity corrected her sister, “A traditional Scottish clothing.” “Well, would it kill him to wear traditional underwear!?!” Ron gagged. “What he said!” Mikey agreed. “He won't get away!” Leo threw a ninja star up with Twilight used her magic to make it go further and nailed Killigan's jetpack making it short out. “Oh, haggis!” his jetpack started flying out of control and he ended up crashing onto the ground before the heroes. Soon, the cops were escorting Killigan into a squad car, as Kim and her friends watched, “So with Killigan behind bars, we can return all the stolen trophies to their rightful owners.” Casey asked Kim. “That's right, we'll let the cops handle the latter.” “Um, Kim,” Raph spoke up, “If it's alright with you. There are two trophies I'd like to personally return.” Kim looked to the others who smiled beckoning her to let him have this. Kim herself knowing who Raph had in mind answered with a smile, “Sure thing, Raph.” Later on at the wrestling training gym Raph was delivering the stolen trophies to Pain King and Steel Toe who accept them gratefully. “Thank you for returning our trophies, Raphael.” Pain King began. “How can we ever repay you?” Steel Toe asked. “Well... Can I get your autographs?” he requested. The two wrestlers were surprised by his request before they smiled. Soon they each made out an autograph before handing them to Raph who smiled and hugged the autographs happily. > HenchCo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Drakken's lair, both Drakken and Stockman were hard at work building something big. As Stockman was using a blowtorch, he turned to Drakken and spoke. “You know, Drakken, I'm surprised you wanted to go this route with dealing with Kim Possible. Not that I mind using robots and all. They are my specialty. But wouldn't mutants have worked too? I can supply us with mutagen after all.” “I'm much happier using robots. Even though my first attempt backfired on me.” Drakken grumbled. “Ah yes, your Bebes that betrayed you.” Stockman smirked. “And they were so loyal, then one slip of the tongue and they rebel!” Drakken vented. “That's why it's best not to make your robots too sentient. Otherwise they will deem their creator unworthy.” “Well, this creation better not do that.” Drakken warned his partner. “Don't worry, it won't,” Stockman assured him, “In fact with this creation we'll not only destroy Kim Possible and the Ninjas, but with it, we'll dominate the world!” The two heard foot steps approaching, and they looked seeing Shego, “Shego, did you get what I asked for?” Drakken inquired. “Straight from HenchCo Industries.” Shego tossed Drakken a ray device. “Excellent. Now our greatest creation will become more!” Drakken announced as he aimed the ray at what he and Stockman were working on and fired a beam. As the object hidden in the shadows was surrounded by the beam's aura and the three watched as the object appeared to be splitting. “Yes, yes!” Stockman cheered. “It's working!” Drakken cheered before announcing, “Now we will have an unstoppable army!” he and Stockman laughed maniacally. The next day at Middelton High after school, the Rainbooms, April, Shini, and Karai were working with Kim and the rest of the Middleton High cheer squad doing routines. Because they were now welcomed to participate with the squad the girls were taking advantage of this chance to use cheerleading as a means of training their bodies. Even though Bonnie was ruled out about letting them join she didn't wanna make it a pleasant experience for the girls, and had been trying several times during the routines to sabotage either the Rainbooms or the ninja girls by trying to either trip them up, nudge them, or get in their way. Unfortunately for Bonnie each of the girls anticipating her sabotage kept dodging and avoiding her all while keeping up the appearance they were still practicing the routine leaving Bonnie to constantly flopping. Soon all cheerleaders posed together, “Gooooo Mad Dogs!” Ron and the boys masks on head ran out and howled with Ron shaking his mouth foam around. Kim looked to everyone, “Good one, all. Take five!” As the girls were heading to go change, Karai called to Bonnie, “Hey, Bonnie, sorry you flopped so many times during the routine!” “You just keep up the practice and you'll get it right!” Rainbow laughed, as Bonnie growled in embarrassment before storming away. As the girls went to the bench to relax where the CMCs were sitting at having watched their practice, the boys removed their masks, “That was good work, girls.” Leo said. “Thanks, Leo.” Twilight replied. “You all weren't so bad yourselves.” Applejack admitted. “Thank you,” Blade replied, “I'm actually getting used to this. Next time I go to a Buck Ball game I should do something like this to support my fave team.” “I'd like to see the sports in Equestria myself.” Ron said. “Maybe one day.” Sunset patted his shoulder. When the Kimmunicator rang, Kim reached into her bag and answered the device, “Go, Wade!” “Hey, Kim. You got a hit on the sight from Jack Hench,” the genius explained, “Looks like his company's been robbed.” “Jack Hench?” Applejack asked. “What company does he own?” April wondered. Karai sighed and explained, “Jack Hench is the owner of HenchCo Industries; a company that supplies supervillains with whatever they need. Shredder's done business deals with them before.” “Wait a minute, there's entire company that makes stuff for supervillains?!” Raph asked in shock. “At this point that doesn't seem so surprising.” Donnie answered dryly. “And it's owner wants your help?” Fluttershy asked Kim. “Wouldn't be the first time.” Kim replied. “You've helped Jack Hench before?” Shini asked. Ron answered, “One time Drakken stole a bunch of muscle enhancement rings for his henchmen.” “And Ron here kept one of them for 'evidence', when really he used it for himself.” Kim added making Ron pout. “Why did you think you'd need muscle enhancement, Ron?” Rarity asked curiously. “Have ya seen him lately?” Rainbow asked rhetorically making Ron scowl. “A second time we had to help was when Drakken tried to use one of their creations called the attitudinator.” Kim said. “Attitudinator?” Casey wondered. “He wanted to use it to make himself more evil.” Ron explained. “But because it got broke during the process all of Drakken's evil was transferred to Ron, and he went from acting like a bad boy to acting evil.” Kim put in. “Uh-huh, evil.” Rufus confirmed. “Even got Drakken's blue skin to go with it.” Kim added. “This guy, a supervillain?” Raph asked in disbelief while motioning to Ron. "Somehow I just don't see it." Casey said equally skeptical. “Believe me it surprised all of us.” Kim replied, “And Ron's goodness was transferred into Drakken. And I had to rely on him to use fix the helmet so he and Ron could swap attitudes again.” “Tell me you're not thinking about helping this HenchCo, are you?” Applejack asked hoping for a rejection answer. “I have no choice, Applejack,” Kim replied, “Some of their creations are too dangerous to be given into the wrong hands.” “Kim's right,” Twilight agreed, “The last thing we need is another Black Hole Generator incident.” “So let's go pay HenchCo a visit.” Scootaloo suggested. Later after suiting up in their mission attire, Kim and Ron brought their friends to HenchCo where they met Jack Hench himself. “Kim Possible, so nice to see you. And welcome, distinguished guests.” Jack greeted the ninjas. “Still as smooth talker as ever, Hench.” Karai spoke up. “Well, if I'm not mistaken, Ms. Karai Oroku herself.” “The name is Karai Hamato.” she corrected him. “Of course. How is the Foot Clan these days?” Jack inquired. “Better now that Shredder's gone.” “Pity. He was a very valuable customer.” “Alright, Hench, why the invite?” Kim asked wanting to get to the point. “Ah, yes, right. You see, Ms. Possible...” Jack began, as the group walked with him. As Jack Hench was speaking with Kim, Raph noticed several hench guards on standby. He grunted before looking at Leo, “Leo, this is wrong. Are we really just gonna act like we're not standing in a villains supply company?” “Believe me, Raph, I know this feels all kinds of wrong.” he replied. “So let's just blow this place or something.” the hothead suggested. Sunset leaned in, “Raph, there's a time and place for everything, but right now this is not that.” Raph just sighed in disappointment. “And that's when I designed this.” Jack showed up a blueprint for the ray Shego stole. “And what is it?” Kim inquired. “Duplicator Ray,” Jack explained, “I think it speaks for itself.” “You made a ray that can duplicate stuff?” Donnie asked in surprise. “Precisely, my reptilian friend.” “Why would you make something like that?” Apple Bloom asked. “To save villains from constantly mass producing other things they invent through the machine that made them.” Jack Hench shrugged. “Wow, with that I could make one pizza into ten, or twenty, or a hundred!” Mikey salivated. "And I could make so many cakes that way!" Pinkie said equally excited. “Well, unfortunately it's only capable of reproducing one thing five times before it needs to recharge for 24 hours. It's still a prototype after all.” the company owner explained. “And who's the lucky person to steal it?” Ron inquired. “You tell me.” Jack said, as he pulled up surveillance feed to show Shego sneaking in and stealing it. “Shego.” Kim called it. “So Drakken's at it again?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Which means Stockman is too.” April added. “Oh, Baxter Stockman's in town too?” Jack asked curiously, “He's quite the customer himself always needing some spare robot parts and weapons when he needs them.” the heroes gave him dry looks. “What do you think they're gonna do with that ray?” Pinkie asked her friends. “No doubt try to duplicate Stockman's robot army.” Karai suggested. “Drakken wouldn't want to just duplicate Stockman's robots,” Kim began theorizing, “For something like this, he'd want something more to use.” Twilight who got an alert on her phone looked shocked, “Uh, I think we might've found out what they used it for.” They looked on Twilight's phone seeing a live news feed in Downtown Middleton. Not only did they saw several Stockman Bots, Mousers, and Shego Bots running around, but the biggest shock of all was seeing six 30 ft tall Mouser Robots that had six heads connected to long robotic necks. “Holy chalupa!” Mikey gasped. The video feed showed Drakken, Shego, and Stockman riding atop one, as Stockman announced via loudspeaker. “Tremble before the might of the Mouser Hydras!” Kim, Ron, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and the CMC looked at one another in total shock knowing they got their work cut out for them again. > The Mouser Hydras > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a plane flew over Middleton, Kim, Ron, the turtles, Blade, the Rainbooms, the CMC, and the others were putting on parachutes. “Ok, I'm gonna ask. Do we actually have a plan to stop those giant killer robots, and those smaller ones?” Ron asked in a panic. “We go down and fight real hard.” Leo answered. “Seriously?” Ron asked in confusion. “It's how we roll for the most part.” Pinkie replied. “I myself have learned to just go with it.” Blade admitted. “Even so, we still need a plan.” Twilight noted. “My brothers and I will take out the Big Bots,” Leo explained, “The rest of you handle the ground level.” “We can do that.” Rainbow admitted. “Just leave it to us.” Shini nodded. “Then let's go!” Kim called, as they jumped out of the plane and free fell. They eventually deployed their parachutes and landed safely on the ground of downtown Middleton where they saw people taking cover as the robot army marches through the streets with the Hydra Mousers following behind. “Alright, we have our assignments. Let's do this team!” Leo ordered, as they put their hands in. “Booyakasha!” Mikey cheered, as they split up. As the Hydra Mousers stomped through the city, Drakken laughed, “I've waited so long for this. Now the world will tremble before my might!” “Don't forget mine, Drakken.” Stockman reminded him. “Of course.” “You know, things are actually looking like they could go your way.” Shego admitted. “Not if I have anything to say about it!” Kim called, as she flew up on her jetpack. “Kim Possible?!” Drakken called in shock. “Why're you so surprised?” Stockman asked rhetorically. “Huh? I don't know,” Drakken admitted sheepishly, before shaking it off and spoke to his nemesis, “No matter, it's too late for you to stop me, Kim Possible!” “That's what you think!” came Leo's voice.” “Huh?” Stockman asked, as they saw the Turtles levitate up with their medallions magic activated putting them in their armor. “As much as I commend you on the design of these Mouser Hydras, they gotta go!” Donnie called. “Not a chance!” Stockman answered, as the Mouser Hydra they stood upon tried snapping their jaws or shooting energy blasts our of their mouths at the Turtles who using their magics flew to avoid the hits while began fighting back. “Shego!” Drakken called. “On it!” Shego jumped up tackling Kim who flew them both around through their grappled before landing atop one of the other Mouser Hydras. Once there they began fighting hand to hand with Shego using her energy blasts. On the ground level, the Rainbooms, the CMC, Blade, Ron, and the New York heroes were dealing with the other robots. “Time to bust some bots!” Applejack called, as she used her clawed gloves to slice through some Stockman Bots. When a Shego Bot tried to jump her from behind, she flipped it over her shoulders and onto the ground destroying it. April and Casey were dealing with some Stockman Bots, as Pinkie threw sprinkles into their joints before they exploded destroying them. “Hope Stockman has warranties on these.” Pinkie told the two. The CMC were using their weapons and ninja moves against some Mousers jumping at them, “Jeez, these things are pesky!” Apple Bloom said, as she sliced a Mouser with tanto. “No kidding!” Sweetie Bell agreed, as she grabbed a Mouser by the head using her nail knives to tear through it. Scootaloo stabbed some Mousers with her butterfly knives before spin kicking one away, “We keep this up, we'll be finished before dinner.” Suddenly the three were grabbed from behind by Shego Bots and lifted them up, “Let us go!” Apple Bloom demanded. The three reached behind and used their weapons to stab at points in the Shego Bots causing them to drop the trio. Rainbow ran by weapon armed, and spoke, “Not bad, girls.” “Thanks, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo smiled. “Now watch this!” Rainbow zipped around using her weapon to cut down some Stockman Bots. Karai was tangling with some Shego Bots, slicing them with her sword, before getting blasted from behind by another. She turned towards it with her snake eyes before hissing. She assumed mutant snake mode and latched onto the Shego Bot using her snake hands to rip its arms out before using her main mouth to chomp the upper half off from its legs. She changed to to human and smirked, “Sometimes I'm so good it scares me.” "But you still make it look so awesome." Shini admitted, as she used her chain and hypno ball to take down some Shego Bots. Twilight was twirling her weapon around stabbing at a Stockman Bot and Shego-Bot. When three Mousers tried to jump her, they were nailed by a kunai each courtesy of Sunset Shimmer. The two smiled, before teaming up as more Stockman Bots surrounded them. As Ron was running from the laser and energy shots from the Stockman and Shego Bots, he finally took cover behind a mailbox. “This is no place for me!” he panicked. “Yeah!” Rufus agreed. Blade landed close to him while swinging is sword to deflect the laser shots, “Ron, what're you doing hiding?!” “I can't do this, Blade! I'm not a fighter!” “Don't talk like that! You are an important asset to Kim saving the world.” “If you're talking about the Ron Factor that was debunked already.” Ron noted. “It doesn't matter what it's called!” Blade replied, “You're Kim's friend. She could never do everything alone without you. You're always there for her like a true friend should be.” “Maybe, but I can't do half of what you or your friends can do.” “Can you?” the mutant from Equestria asked, “Kim told us you were exposed to the same Mystical Monkey Power as was Monkey Fist. You trained at the school that was founded upon it. You bested both Monkey Fist and Fukushima. Kim even told us you outsmarted a mutant fish man! You are more than what you give yourself credit, Ron Stoppable! Our friends need help from each and everyone of us. That includes you. So what's it going to be?” Ron looked around seeing his ninja friends struggling and fighting as the Stockman Bots, Mousers, and Shego Bots kept coming and attacking them. The more he watched the more concerned he got. Soon that feeling of concern turned into a feeling of determination as an astral monkey appeared in his eye doing kung-fu moves. Suddenly Ron started yelling and making monkey noises as he ran out into the fight surprising Blade. As Rarity used his sicked to slice a Shego Bot, she used her diamond shield to block the laser shots from some Stockman Bots. “Just need to hold out!” Rarity strained, until Ron jumped in and using kung fu destroyed the Stockman Bots, “Ron?” “I feel amazing! I feel I can do anything just like Kim!” Ron cheered, as he ran around knocking over robot after robot. As Fluttershy defended herself from a Stockman Bot, Ron ran up and tackled it away, “Thank you, Ron!” she thanked him. As Ron continued to fight, Mikey landed by his side, “Hey, not bad, Ron!” “Thanks, Mikey.” “How about I finish these up?” Mikey offered, as he used his magic on the earth to summon wood pillars that wrapped around the robots binding them so hard they broke into pieces. “Booyah!” Ron cheered. “Kasha!” Mikey finished. As all that was going on on the ground level, Leo flew around using his magic while swatting at one of the Mouser Hydra's heads with his swords. “Take out the heads!” Leo called, as he continued to slice at the faces. “Easier said than done!” Donnie called, as he flew around before using his staff to conjure thunder on one of the giant robots heads. Raph landed on the back of one Mouser Hydra before encasing his stronger sais in his metal magic allowing him to pierce into the robot more and dragged them along putting a wide crevice in it. “Now, let's see how this bot handles heartburn!” Raph used his mastery of fire to engulf the inside with flames making the robot melt from the inside. “No! Our Mouser Hydra!” Drakken cried. “Don't worry, we still have five more.” Stockman reminded his partner. Leo dodged some energy blasts shot out of another Mouser Hydra's mouths before launching blasts of water at it. “Nice try, Turtle!” Drakken mocked, “All you're doing it giving it a spit shine!” Leo frowned, before channeling more of his magic into his sword and flew at the Mouser Hydra cutting down the heads one by one, “Good thing these things can't regrow heads.” Stockman hearing that turned to Drakken, “What? You didn't add in the head regrowth function?!” “Hey, they're your designs!” Drakken argued. Mikey while on the ground level noticed the feet of a third Mouser Hydra, “Can't move without feet.” he used his earth magic to grip its feet and rip them out making the giant robot fall down unable to get back up. Leo seeing Mikey's move got inspired, “Guys, forget the heads, go for the feet!” “Alright!” Raph cheered, as he and Donnie went down and used their magics against a fourth Mouser Hydra's feet making them break off sending it crashing to the ground like the other. “Great, only two more left!” Stockman frowned. “Don't worry, we can always clone more with this now that it's been recharged.” Drakken said holding up the duplicator ray he stole from HenchCo. Blade had ninja'd himself up to the stop of the Mouser Hydra they were on spoke, “Not today!” he swung his sword back charged up with energy before swinging it forward unleashing said energy knocking it out of Drakken's hands destroying it. “No!” the two geniuses cried. “Yes. And now my next trick.” Blade once again channeled electrical energy into his sword before piercing the robot's shell sending the electrical energy surging through the robot. “No! You'll cause an overload!” Stockman cried. “Exactly. Catch ya later.” Blade jumped off and free fell, before being caught by Twilight's magic and lowered safely to the ground. As the Mouser Hydra overloaded and shut down, the two geniuses evacuated only to get hogtied by Applejack using her lasso. “Yee-haw!” She cheered, as the two grumbled. On the last surviving Mouser Hydra, Kim and Shego continued going at it hand to hand with Kim using some ninja moves. “Impressive moves, Kimmy.” Shego admitted. “Thanks. Leo taught me some of these.” Kim answered. “Nice. Now let me teach you something.” Shego blasted at Kim, who kept dodging before retaliating with some kicks. The two ladies grappled before pushing each other back and stared each other down, “We end this now, Kim. Any last words?” Shego inquired. Kim started blankly at Shego before answering, “Booyakasha.” “Wait, what?” Shego asked confused. “Shellshock!” Before Shego knew it, the turtles jumped in slamming their shells all around Shego squashing her. In a daze the black and green dressed criminal stumbled around, until Kim spoke, “And here's some more words. Bye-bye.” she delivered a kick to Shego knocking her off the Mouser Hydra. Shego fell before landing on a diamond disk courtesy of Rarity bringing her safely down. As Applejack and Rainbow looked at her oddly, she spoke, “Well, it was only right.” “Ouch.” Shego groaned. “All the robots down here are toast!” Casey called, before using his taser to short out a Stockman Bot. “Now to deal with that.” Sunset motioned to the last Mouser Hydra as the turtles and Kim got off it. “Come on!” Pinkie called, as the Rainbooms linked up and became empowered by their full Equestiran Magic and levitated up. “What, what is that they're doing?” Drakken wondered. Blade smirked, “That's the magic of their friendship.” The Rainbooms unleashed their magic on the last Mouser Hydra causing it's body to fall apart leaving nothing left but a pile of pieces. The girls touched down and saw all the robots in pieces, and the three villains restrained. “We did it!” Mikey cheered. “Yeah!” Rainbow cheered. “Do we rock, or do we rock?!” Pinkie called. “Yeah!” they all cheered. The villains frowned, until Stockman managed to use his blade in his armor to cut himself and Drakken free, “Yes!” Drakken cheered. The heroes spun around seeing this, “Oh, no you don't!” Mikey tapped into his medallion to make the street pull Drakken's feet in. “Hey! Stockman, help!” he pleaded. Stockman who activated his rocket boots hovered above them, “Sorry, Drakken. But you know in the end it's every villain for himself. Time for me to go home!” he flew off laughing. “No!” Drakken groaned. “You didn't see that coming?” Shego asked dryly. “But we're good friends.” Drakken replied making Shego sigh. Later on, the clean up was being done as the robot parts were being taken away to be disposed of, while Drakken and Shego were being escorted into a police car. “You think you're all that Kim Possible, Rainbooms, and Ninjas?! Well, you're not!” Drakken shouted, before getting into the car that drove away. “Does he always say that?” April asked Kim. “More or less.” “So it's done? We can go home?” Raph asked. “Looks that way.” Twilight said. “Oh, can't we stay a bit more?” Pinkie asked. “Well, after all that's happened today, we could use some rest.” Leo admitted. “I'm down with staying a bit more.” Casey added. Everyone nodded, as Karai spoke, “Looks like it's unanimous.” “Is that alright, Kim?” Fluttershy asked. “No problem at all.” she replied. “So let's go back. I'm beat.” Apple Bloom admitted, as they started heading back. As Blade walked behind with Ron, the swordsman spoke to the boy, “I'm proud of you today, Ron.” “Really?” “You showed true courage back there.” “Thanks. But now that I got the adrenaline rush out of my system, I don't think I could do that again.” he admitted. “Never say never, Ron,” Blade patted his shoulder, “After all, those skills are a part of you. And are always there when you need them the most.” Ron was moved by Blade's words and knew he could probably still use those moves when he really need them. > It's Just You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Friday night at Middleton High, and inside the gymnasium the whole place was decorated for a celebration, with every student there enjoying the festivity. All except for Bonnie who was just sitting at a table alone brooding. The Rainbooms, the disguised turtles, and the rest of their friends were enjoying it with Kim and Ron dancing to some music being played. “Now this is awesome!” Rainbow cheered. “I'm surprised Mr. Barkin let you put on this party, Pinkie.” Kim said surprised. “Well, I was very convincing.” Pinkie said slyly. It flashed back to Pinkie offering Mr. Barkin some tasty cupcakes in exchange for allowing her to host a party at the school. After eating one cupcake, Mr. Barkin's eyes lit up in joy before enjoying some more and gave Pinkie a thumbs up signaling she had his approval for a party. “Guess Mr. Barkin's not so bad after all.” Mikey said. “Well, it's always 50/50 with him.” Ron replied. “Hey, guys!” the group saw Wade in person dancing close by. “Wade?!” the ninjas gasped. “You're actually here, darling?” Rarity asked shocked. “We thought you never left your room.” Scootaloo recalled his reputation from Kim. “Well, I do leave it for certain occasions. Like the time, these guys spiked my whole system.” he said with a scowl never wanting anyone to do that to him again. “Well, it's nice to see you in person, Wade.” Leo admitted. “Same here.” Wade agreed. Monique danced by, “Hey, guys. So I hear tomorrow, ya'll are heading back to New York?” “Yeah, that's right, Monique.” Applejack confirmed. “Bummer. Still it was fun while it lasted getting to know you guys.” “Indeed,” Rarity agreed, “I so enjoyed our time at Club Banana. Now you make sure to let me know when more of the merch is ready ahead of time.” “You got it, girl.” Monique gave Rarity a thumb's up. Soon the music stopped, as Mr. Barkin spoke into a mic, “Alright, listen up! Let's all give a Big Mad Dog cheer for our guest performers The Rainbooms!” The students cheered, as Sunset spoke to the girls, “That's our cue.” “Right. Leo, are you and the guys up for it?” Twilight asked. “We sure are.” “Then show us what you got.” Karai smiled. “Come on.” Raph said, as they headed on stage as Blade, April Casey,Karai, Shini, and the CMC waited with Kim, Ron, Wade, and Monique. As they got on stage and the girls readied their instruments, Leo spoke into the mic, “Good evening, Middleton High. First off, we want to thank you all for being such gracious hosts to us during our stay here in Middleton. And a special thanks to our friend Kim. This one's for you.” Kim smiled, as the band began to play, as Leo and his bros began to sing with the Rainbooms singing at parts. (It's just You) Everyone was rocking out with Kim enjoying the tribute to her, “Wow, they're even better than I imagined.” she told the group. “Surprised us too.” April admitted. “This is rockin'!” Casey cheered, as he rocked on. As the Turtle Bros and Rainbooms sang, they thought about the fun they had in Middleton, with Applejack and Rainbow enjoying joining Kim on missions, Mikey enjoying Bueno Nacho, Rarity joining Monique at Club Banana at the mall, Pinkie loving they got to be cheerleaders, Donnie and Twilight talking shop with Wade, Raph getting to meet Pain King and Steel Toe, and so much more. When the song ended, the students of Middleton High cheered was the bros waved to them enjoying the attention. Kim and Ron nodded knowing this would be a party Middleton High would always remember. Later back at the Possible residence, the girls, were all getting ready for bed for it was their last night staying over. As the CMC were heading for Kim's room, Jim and Tim approached. “Hey, girls.” Jim began. “Hey, Jim. Hey, Tim.” Apple Bloom greeted. “So we heard you and the others are going back in the morning.” Tim said. Sweetie Belle nodded, “Yeah, we are.” “Well, we want you know we enjoyed getting to know you girls, and the Turtles.” Jim noted. “Same with us to you guys and Kim.” Scootaloo admitted. “We can still keep in touch, right?” Tim asked hopefully. “You know it.” Apple Bloom confirmed. “Hoosha!” the twins cheered. The trio looked at each other and smiled before going over to Tim and each kissed his cheeks, before moving to Jim giving him the same treatment. The boys were left stupefied, as Sweetie Belle spoke, “You two are alright by us.” And with that they headed for Kim's room as the bros looked to at each other before smiling swooned and went back to their own bedroom. The next day after saying their goodbye's to the Possible's, the ninjas along with Kim and Ron took a plane back to New York. As they flew above the city, they once again parachuted out. “You know, I've grown quite fond of parachuting!” Blade admitted, as they gently touched down landing on a roof. “Ah, home sweet home!” Mikey said happily. “Yeah. Still in one piece.” Casey noticed. "Well, when you got the Mighty Mutanimals looking after things while you're away, it's in good hands." Spike reminded. “Maybe now I can finally get that proper tour of New York like you guys promised.” Blade told the group. “Sure thing, Blade.” Leo confirmed. “Hey, Kim, Ron, you guys don't have to get back to Middleton right away, do you?” April wondered. “Well, it's not a school night.” Kim began. “And I would like to see New York through your side of things.” Ron added. “Great. We got a lot to show you.” Rainbow said. “And so many others to introduce you to.” Fluttershy added. “Yeah. There's Ice Cream Kitty, Chompy, The Mighty Mutanimals.” Pinkie began listing off. “Sounds good,” Kim admitted, “And you all still have my number on your T-Phones and such, right?” “We sure do.” Donnie confirmed. “Great. Just if any of you want to Call Me, Beep Me, you know, if you wanna Reach Me.” Kim explained. “Unfortunately I don't have one of those. And it wouldn’t work in Equestria because we'd be outside your worlds service.” Blade answered. “Don't worry, Blade,” Sunset began, “If Kim or Ron have a message for you, they can send it to me, and I'll send it to Princess Twilight who can pass it off to you.” Blade nodded, “That'll work.” “Come on, gang. Let's go!” Leo ordered, as they all headed off to enjoy the day with their two new friends bonded by the desire to save and protect others from various types of threats.