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She's All Yak

*Rarity’s POV*

Ah! The Pony Dance. The event was coming up!

Blizzardstar chuckles "Calm down Rares, it'll be more than just ponies attending though. Creatures of all kinds are attending so I was thinking that it could be called Harmony Dance instead."

“That is a good point, Blizzy. And a good name too!” I agreed before Sassy Saddles showed up.

Brightsong was carrying a ponykat on hir lower back.

Brightsong spoke "Hi Rarity."

“Hello.” I greeted back.

Blizzardstar asks "What brings you two here?"

Brightsong spoke "Correction, three. Sassy and I have a child named Rosewish."

Blizzardstar spoke "Oh! Sorry about that."

Sassy asks "Besides, haven’t you heard of the new Beauty Salon in Ponyville called Cinderella?"

Snowfire spoke "No we haven't yet."

Sassy spoke "Well we heard it’s for females and hermaphrodites only and it helps the customers that go there find true love."

Blizzardstar spoke "I heard from Flowerstep that the place is managed by a chakat named Hazelspring."

But then we saw Yona show up, completely nervous.

I ask "What's wrong Yona?"

Yona spoke "Sandbar asked Yona out for dance!"

Snowfire spoke "That's great Yona, but you should take things slow."

“Hmm… Are you saying you want to look great for the dance?” I asked as Yona responded with a nod.

Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity..."

Mythic pounces on me, causing my wings to flare out thus spooking Yona.

Yona asks "Why does Professor Rarity have wings?"

“Funny story Yona, I’m actually part sphinx due to my ancestry.” I answered.

Snowfire's lower back was in pain since pinfeathers were starting to appear.

But then we heard a joyous voice of a random mare who had odd facial features.

The mare exclaims "I can’t believe he’s asking me to marry him! This is the happiest day of my life! Thank you so much for everything, Dr. Hazelspring! You’re incredible!"

We saw a mare leave the beauty salon of Cinderella as we saw Hazelspring.

Hazelspring sighs "Her youth will be spent as a cheerful troll. Better that than a doleful beauty. Oh, the things we endure."

Snowfire spoke "I wonder what that was about..."

But then we saw Yona heading to Cinderella as Hazelspring saw her.

Hazelspring spoke "*Opening the door* Come in. As you can see, our makeover will help you find true love. That’s our personal guarantee. Though the choice is yours."

I spoke "I have a bad feeling about this...."

Blizzardstar spoke "Not to mention... A pissed off Cadence...."

We saw Yona enter the salon, with Hazelspring following.

“Maybe we should keep an eye on them.” I noted.

Blizzardstar spoke "I phoned Birchtooth earlier, shi's posing as Hazelspring's assistant while wearing an invisible comm device on the neck so that we can hear what shi hears."

“That’s good to hear.” I said in relief as we heard what was going on.

Hazelspring spoke "This is beauty institute Cinderella. Please, don’t be shy. My name is Hazelspring the Chakat. *Sigh* I’m the principal owner and esthetician. And don’t worry, I’m not as apathetic as I sound. *Sigh* I’m actually very passionate about my work. *Sigh* Goodness…"

Hazelspring inspected Yona’s face, much to the yak’s confusion.

Hazelspring spoke "You have such a lovely face. Gorgeous. To think such a striking beauty would be from little old Yakyakistan. Now, come in and have a seat."

Hazelspring leads Yona to a seat in front of a mirror.

Hazelspring spoke "First, I’ll need you to fill out a form with your name."

Yona spoke "But yak hadn’t made choice yet."

Birchtooth was organizing items as shi listened to what Hazelspring said since shi was a plainclothes guard under cover.

Hazelspring spoke "Of course. Here’s our list of services."

Hazelspring gave Yona the list for her.

Yona asks “Noble Marriage Makeover?”

Hazelspring spoke "My institute is a bit of a departure from the mainstream. You could describe my work as constructing visages of good fortune."

Yona started getting suspicious.

Hazelspring spoke "One’s physiognomy, that is the form of one’s face, is what essentially dictates one’s luck. *As Yona’s face appeared on Hazelspring’s computer from her camera* Which means a face welcoming of love increases your chance of finding love. It’s such a pity. Your eyes and eyebrows were cursed with an unlucky shape. *Sigh*"

Yona asks "Yak think that not impressive. Chakat really charge from this?"

Hazelspring spoke "With features like these, my dear, the stronger your affection for a boy, the harder he’ll pull back."

Yona was shocked at that.

Hazelspring spoke "Judging by your face, we’ve reached the heart of the matter."

Yona spoke "Chakat wrong. Never happened to Yona."

Birchtooth had knocked something over.

Birchtooth spoke "Sorry about that, Ah'll git some more from the back."

Birchtooth heads off to the walk-in closet before sending hir report to Blizzardstar.

Blizzardstar spoke "Something is definitely fishy about Hazelspring..."

“No doubt.” I agreed as Birchtooth came back to Hazelspring with more of the things from before.

Hazelspring spoke "Oh no? You’ll have to forgive me then. At any rate, let’s dive in. *Using hir computer to edit the eyes and eyebrows of Yona’s face on the computer* Pardon the in-between stages, I haven’t quite mastered computer graphics. *Finds beautiful eye shapes and eyebrows for Yona on her picture as the yak saw the picture* This is a face that will find true love."

Yona asks "Wait, is Chakat planning plastic surgery?"

Hazelspring asks "No dear. I’ll achieve this effect with only makeup and a beauty massage. But be aware you only have thirty minutes. If you don’t find love within that time, I will refund your bits. Shall we give it a go?"

Yona spoke "Okay, but only makeup. Yak will humor you this time. But no tricks from Chakat."

Hazelspring spoke "*Bringing over sheet to cover Yona except for her head* Much obliged. Let’s begin, shall we? Now please close your eyes."

Hazelspring put the sheet on Yona as the yak covered her eyes.

Hazelspring spoke "Don’t spoil the surprise by peeking, okay? *Bring hands besides Yona’s face* And whatever you do, stay perfectly still."

A silhouette appeared behind Hazelspring.

Hazelspring asks "If you start wiggling around, my hands could slip, and we don’t want that, do we?"

The silhouette raised its right hand and swiped on Yona’s face as it got to work, while the Yak didn’t notice a single thing.

Birchtooth thinks "I've got a bad feeling about this chakat... Maybe I should report hir to Celestia?"

But after the silhouette was done with its work, it disappeared as Birchtooth saw Yona, but her eye shapes and eyebrows were changed, making her absolutely beautiful.

Birchtooth immediately looked away, hiding a blush.

Yona went out the building before accidentally bumping into Sandbar.

Sandbar spoke "Oh sorry."

But then Sandbar noticed Yona’s new appearance, immediately fallen for her with a blush. “M-Maybe I could take you to lunch?”

Birchtooth was slamming hir head on a wall.

Birchtooth groans "What was I thinking?!"

The dark tabby chakat knew that it wouldn't have worked out since hir job came first.

Meanwhile, we saw Sandbar and Yona having lunch together at a restaurant.

Birchtooth had reported to Twilight about what shi had seen.

Twilight spoke It sounds like that Chakat has a stand. But this is concerning."

Birchtooth spoke "From what I sensed, shi was a Mobian cat in a past life before getting killed by that Kira prick..."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Birchtooth spoke "Not counting the Avatar, no creature can change the gender they were born with.... So Hazelspring should have remained strictly female since reincarnation doesn't work that way for anyone that isn't the Avatar though...."

But then the two of them heard Yona stampeding right back to Cinderella.

Birchtooth spoke "I think the yak girl's looking for something."

Twilight spoke "I don’t know, she didn’t look happy."

Birchtooth spoke "You can't force somecreature to fall in love."

*Meanwhile, with Yona…*

Yona spoke "Why does treatment work for weak 30 minutes?! Yak need longer-lasting!"

Hazelspring spoke "You found love, didn’t you? Be happy with that for now. You can come back to see me tomorrow. That’s what other customers do in cases like these."

Yona: Yak refuse! Yak want to be with pony!"

Hazelspring sighed.

Yona asks "Yak want “Win Soulmate” treatment! Can chakat do it?"

Hazelspring asks "Graciousness isn’t your strong suit, is it?"

Yona asks "Can Chakat do it or can’t?!"

Hazelspring sighs "Dear Yona. Cinderella may have been mistreated, but found love because she never lost her pure soul. She’s proof that fortune favors those who keep an open mind and a willing heart. Do you have the courage to do that?"

Yona spoke "Willing heart? Yak don’t understand."

Hazelspring spoke "If you truly wish to transform your look, it will take more than mere physiognomic alteration. *Sigh* When I was a child, I loved Cinderella’s fairy godmother so much, she inspired me to become a esthetician. Like her, I’m dedicating my life to the service of others by giving joy. Yona, you’re just like Yukako. So I’ll help to make your dream come true. However, we’ll need to include more than your face in the treatment. *Sigh* Yes, only a full-body treatment will do. So consider it part of the “Win your soulmate” package. *Bringing out a lipstick* Use this as an emblem of the willing heart that beats within you. Apply this lipstick every 30 minutes, excluding the hours you’re asleep of course. It preserves the potency of the treatment. Maintain this ritual and you have the chance to hold onto your soulmate for eternity. It’s 48 bits for 24 hours."

Yona spoke "Okay. Do it."

Meanwhile, Birchtooth was listening to all of that.

Birchtooth was growling since shi had a gut feeling that it would only drive Sandbar off more.

Hiding hir anger, Birchtooth asks "Might I make a suggestion?"

Hazelspring asks "Hmm? What is it?"

Birchtooth spoke "Instead of making her into something she's not, we could focus on bringing out her natural beauty."

Hazelspring spoke "Hmm… Very well. But it seems you’ll need the treatment as well."

That caught Birchtooth off guard.

Birchtooth immediately grabbed hir sword.

Birchtooth spoke "Don't even think about it Aya, Ah'm fine the way Ah am!"

Hazelspring sighs "It seems you’re willing to pursue love, even in the way you are now. But it might still be necessary for the lipstick."

Yona spoke "Fine."

Yona grabbed the lipstick and started to leave.

Hazelspring asks "So tell me Birchtooth, do you have powers? And could you see my Cinderella?"

Birchtooth growls "My inner beast warned me about it...."

A pale image of the five tailed beast, Kokuō, was seen poking its head out of Birchtooth's sword.

Kokuō growls "The Jinchūriki are able to see stands even if they don't have one themselves!"

Hazelspring spoke "Ah. So I see."

Birchtooth spoke "My tailed beast may be strong but she's weaker than the Nine Tailed beast."

Kokuō spoke "Except the ten-tailed beast."

Kurama's voice was heard in Kokuō's mind.

Kurama spoke "{So we meet again Kokuō.}"

Kokuō spoke "{Good to see you again.}"

Matatabi spoke "{Don't forget about me!}"

Chomei spoke "{I'm nearby as well.}"

Birchtooth spoke "Yona listen, you don't need to look all fancy to impress Sandbar. Just be yerself."

Hazelspring smiled at that as Yona accepted that and gave Birchtooth a hug, before galloping off to Sandbar, not knowing what that hug did to the blushing Chakat guard.

A flustered Birchtooth spoke "Don't y-you dare laugh at m-me Hazel...."

Hazelspring asks "Now why would I laugh at love?"

It was soon noticeable to Hazelspring that Birchtooth couldn't hide hir arousal.

Birchtooth groans "I can't hide this damn problem..."

Hazelspring asks "So why don’t you go to them?"

Birchtooth scoffs "It wouldn't work out... Have you seen a yak-chakat hybrid before?"

Hazelspring asks "No. But have you followed your heart?"

That made the guard freeze.

*that night*

Birchtooth was wearing a taur model dress under hir armor since shi had a hard time easing off hir problem.

Birchtooth groans "What am I gonna do…?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey Birch."

The guard jumped in surprise. “Please don’t do that!”

Blizzardstar chuckles "Sorry Birch, I couldn't help but notice you were by yourself."

Birchtooth whines "It’s just… what am I supposed to do?!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Can't control your urges huh? I had that same problem back when Rarity and I first started dating... I had a hard time restraining myself from jumping Celestia though."

Birchtooth asks "But Yona and Sandbar are dating at the party tonight. What am I supposed to do?"

Blizzardstar notices a lonely gryphon hen.

Blizzardstar asks "What about her?"

Birchtooth asks "Hey Gallus! Who is that?"

Gallus spoke "Huh? Oh, that’s Gilda’s sister, Gaia."

Blizzardstar spoke "Ever since Korra arrived, everycreature's gotten new powers... Nearly every gryphon's gotten airbending, every Diamond Dog's got earthbending, the ponies got one of the four elements... But Gaia's the only gryphon that had gotten earthbending."

Birchtooth spoke "That’s… new."

Crosswind spoke "Guess she was the odd one out with all these powers appeared."

Blizzardstar spoke "Despite all that though, Gilda and the rest of her family stood by her side."

An injured Daring had crash landed on a table before passing out.

Twilight spoke "Somepony better get Gingerheart and Redheart...."

Blizzardstar spoke "On it!"

Daring groans "I hate that Ahuizotl....."

Birchtooth decided to find Yona and Sandbar.

Sandbar spoke "Oh hey Birchtooth."

Birchtooth asks "Do you mind if the three of us talk... Alone?"

Yona asks "What is dark tabby chakat talking about?"

Birchtooth blushed as shi took Sandbar and Yona to a private room.

Yona spoke "Yak not like this...."

Birchtooth took a deep breath in and out, ready to tell Sandbar and Yona.

Sandbar spoke "Well, spit it out stripes..."

Birchtooth spoke "Well uh....."

Sandbar and Yona both ask "Well what?"

Birchtooth spoke "Ah know this sounds stupid but Ah have a crush on both of you.... But given that Ah know little to nothing about yak culture...."

But then Sandbar and Yona hugged Birchtooth.

Birchtooth asks "What are you two doing?"

Sandbar spoke "Actually, we love you as much as Yona and I love each other."

Yona spoke "Sandbar telling the truth, Birchtooth."

Birchtooth spoke "But Ah know nothing about yak culture aside from the fact they like smashing things."

Sandbar chuckles "Well, yaks have a lot of definitions for smashing."

Birchtooth spoke "But Ah'm 17 though...."

Yona spoke "So are Yona and Sandbar."

Birchtooth asks "But isn't Sandbar's sister around the age of the Tri-Pies?"

Sandbar spoke "I asked my parents about it, and they said they were okay."

Yona spoke "Yona hasn't talked to her parents yet though."

But then Yona and Sandbar started hugging Birchtooth tighter.

Birchtooth spoke "Yer denting my armor...."

The two immediately let go. “Sorry.”

Birchtooth soon has Sandbar in a hold while giving him a noogie.

Birchtooth chuckles "Not many can pin a chakat down though."

Yona asks "*Daringly* Oh really?"

Birchtooth chuckles "I'm a bit stronger than a young yak though."

Yona and Birchtooth looked at each other’s eyes, challenging themselves.

Birchtooth spoke "You'll regret challenging me Yona."

Yona spoke "Time for the BEST! SMASH! EVER!"

Birchtooth stomps a hindpaw, causing the earth to shake.

Birchtooth chuckles "Beat that."

Yona stomped a hind hoof, causing the earth to shake exactly like Birchtooth did.

Birchtooth spoke "Not bad though...."

Yona spoke "Birchtooth pretty good too."

Birchtooth's ears perk up before growling.

Birchtooth growls "Something's not right..."

Yona and Sandbar’s ears twitched before readying themselves for battle.

Birchtooth spoke "Ah'll handle this since it seems weak."

*Some time later,*

Birchtooth spoke "it was just a cranky beartaur that got woken up by some idiot hyena..."

Sandbar spoke "Why am I not surprised."

Twilight had sent Ein flying with a tail slap.
