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Showdown! Solare Danyelle VS. Shang Tsung!

*Still Danyelle's POV*

Dialga roars.

We saw a lot of conflict. “Everyone! Spread out and help anyone fighting against Kronika! I’ll deal with the titan!”

I crossfuse with Megaman before Beasting out.

I roar "KRONIKA!!!!! FIGHT ME YOU *BEEP*!!!"

But there was no reaction. I knew something was wrong, so I stormed to the center of her keep, finding Kronika and the hourglass, only to see someone else wielding her crown while fighting the titan.


Kronika gasps "What?! How did-?!"

Shang Tsung chuckled darkly before using strange magic, turning Kronika into sand as he absorbed her. ”Time and destiny are now mine to command. Every realm will bend to my will. But first, I must deal with you.”

A voice spoke "Cease, sorcerer! Before you doom us all."

We looked and saw Liu Kang exit a fire portal, but he looked different, having white hair with his eyes and dragon tattoos glowing lightning blue.

Shang Tsung spoke "Liu Kang. I thought your duties required that you stay behind."

Liu Kang spoke "A lie, something you know well."

Shang Tsung spoke "I see now."

I fired a Chaos Bullet at the crown, knocking it off as Sui grabs it with its mouth.

Sui gives the crown to me.

I spoke "I DON'T THINK SO!!!"

Dialga growls in anger at Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung spoke "Clever, Liu Kang. The hourglass showed that only I could wield the crown against Kronika, successfully. But also showed Danyelle making her appearance and taking it from me. You let me win. And to ensure victory, you sacrificed the lives of your friends. How deliciously cold-blooded."

Liu Kang spoke "You’re wrong, Shang Tsung. They are all still alive, thanks to Danyelle’s friends. And once this is over, a new era can begin.

Shang Tsung laughs "Your New Era? You and your friends underestimate my prowess, Chosen One. I have absorbed Kronika’s power and soul, and therefore… *Transforms into Kronika* (Kronika’s voice) I have her power and form. You may have obtained godhood, and your friend may have attained immortality, but I am the Keeper of Time. None of you are a match for me."

Liu Kang spoke "Kronika said much the same, Shang Tsung. You will share her fate. Surrender now. This is your only chance."

Shang Tsung spoke "My only chance? This is my triumph, and you and your friends’ final moments! Your worthless existences are at their ends."


Like a blur, I ram headfirst into Shang thus making him stumble before I blast him with a Beastly Roar.

Shang Tsung fired burning skulls at me, only for Liu Kang to cancel them out with his fireballs and lightning bolts.

Shang Tsung spoke "I see some assistance is needed."

Dust devils blew and faded, before there revealing two more Shang Tsungs, just as powerful as he is.

Dialga blasted the fakes with a Roar of Time.

Arceus spoke "You've picked the wrong cat to fight with!"

Shang Tsung spoke "We shall see."

Shang Tsung sent some kind of magic into the hourglass, before all of us in the room found ourselves in the prehistoric age.

Shang Tsung asks "Hopefully your bite isn’t worse than your bark. I wouldn’t want to collect a weak soul, now would I?"

A giant t-rex appeared and started attacking us.

I roar louder than the T-Rex, making it back off.

Dialga roars loud, undoing what Shang Tsung had done.

Shang Tsung scoffs "It seems the time for games is over."

Shang Tsung sent more of that strange magic into the Hourglass, before all of us in the room found ourselves in a place where Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina knew.

Shang Tsung laughs "Welcome to the Dawn of Time. This is where your legacies shall end, and where my New Era will begin."

Shang Tsung then created thousands of enemies from our past and this world’s.

I spoke "I'm the one with the crown, I DECIDE WHAT TO DO!!!!"

The enemies attacked us, but we defeated them.

I blast a fake Discord with white-hot fire.

Liu Kang destroyed a fake Shao Kahn with a burning electrified punch.

I rip out the neck of a fake Chrysalis.

Liu Kang burnt a fake Quan Chi to a crisp with fire and lightning.

My body crackled with static before zapping a fake Sombra.

Liu Kang nun-chucked a fake Shinnok.

Zoey yowls in anger as she flew after a fake Deep Blue, pouncing on it and ripping it to shreds.

Dren spoke "Holy cuss Kitten.... That was SAVAGE!!"

Shang Tsung spoke "I am surprised you weren’t affected. But no matter."

I roar "Everyone's hopes and dreams will NOT BE CRUSHED BY A PRICK LIKE YOU!!!!"

I flew at Shang Tsung, grabbing him before flying high into the sky and then corkscrewing down as fast before slamming him on the ground hard.

Shang Tsung spoke "Impressive, but it is not enough."

Shang Tsung flew up high into the air before two portals opened, revealing two creatures, one that looks ancient, and one that looks futuristic.

I spoke "Koraidon and Miraidon...."

They showed us their backs, as if offering to help us.

I was on Miraidon's back while Sunny was on Koraidon's back.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Ready for anything!” Sunny responded as we took off after Shang Tsung while Liu Kang flew right beside us.

I spoke in unison with Sunny. "Miraidon/Koraidon! DRACO METEOR!!!"

Hundreds of meteors crash down on Shang Tsung, inflicting pain!


Twirama sends Shang Tsung flying with a goofy yell once the attack had hit.

But then Shang Tsung came back to the ground, bloodied and wounded as the room went back to normal, while Liu Kang and the rest of us landed on the ground.

Liu Kang spoke "Make no mistake, Shang Tsung. You have chosen this fate."

I spoke "You've picked the wrong cat to anger."

Liu Kang and I absorbed some power from the Hourglass, before we attacked Shang Tsung at once with our fire, wounding the sorcerer more. Shang Tsung tried to get up, but noticed his left arm becoming sand, followed by his right arm.

Liu Kang spoke "No more timelines will be twisted by your evil."

I spoke "CHAOS.... SPEAR!!!!"

I pierced Shang Tsung's heart with my attack, killing him.

As Shang Tsung fell, he turned completely into sand before scattering in the wind, becoming wiped from existence.

Koraidon and the others roar in victory.

Liu Kang smiled. “Thank you for helping me defeat Shang Tsung, and thank your allies for healing my friends and family.”

Twirama spoke "Yeah, I even got Sindel unbewitched. She was bewitched by Shao Kahn and was made to kill King Jerod for him."

I ask "But what about that new era crap that Shang was talking about?"

Liu Kang spoke "Since you and you friends brought back all of mine, that won’t happen. But this crown and the hourglass are too dangerous to be kept here."

Twirama spoke "They're too dangerous to keep in Equis, I don't think anyone would want Grogar getting his hooves on the items."

Liu Kang spoke "Fortunately, I know precisely where to put them."

I ask "Where?"

Later, on the edge of the island, we dumped the crown and the Hourglass into the Sea of Blood.

Liu Kang spoke "Since the Sea of Blood is bottomless, the Crown and Hourglass will sink forever."

I spoke "Good, then no creature can get it."

A portal opened, giving us a gateway back home.

Twirama and I head back through the portal with those that had fought.

Silver spoke "I'm taking these five back to their timeline and erasing their memory of being in this time."

“It’s probably for the best.” Twilight agreed.

I spoke "Guess I've got two more Legendary Pokémon to look after now."

Twilight spoke "Good idea since you are an expert on Pokémon though."

“Hehe. Yeah, especially since I now know an ancient one and a future one.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Not to mention, literal gods..."

I giggle "Ben is gonna freak!"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

I laugh "Yeah and I have a feeling that Pinkie's gonna throw a party."

Kurama chuckles "Good thing the prime zone is at peace."

I spoke "Good thing I have a mansion or I wouldn't have room for my Changelings and Diamond Dogs."

Twilight spoke "Definitely."

I soon split back into my normal self and Megaman.

I spoke "I'm glad things are at peace for now."

Growling suddenly, Sui and Enkai pounce on Tirek thus pinning him down.

I growl "What do YOU want Tirek?"

Tirek started coughing.

I spoke "Sui, Enkai. Off him."

The two Proto-Pokemon back off.

I help the centaur back up.

I ask "What the cuss happened?"

Tirek then coughed out blood. “Singularity… tricked me…” Tirek then fell unconscious.

I spoke "Twilight, go warn Redheart and Gingerheart!"

Twilight spoke "Right!"

With Holo's help, I got the injured centaur to the hospital.

Discord then showed up. “What happened?”

Carrying Tirek on her broad back since she was in true form, Holo growls "Singularity happened...."

Discord spoke "…I see."

I spoke "I don't know if it can be stopped."

I decide to contact Joker via dimensional telepathy.

I ask "{Joker, could you come to Ponyville Hospital?}"

Joker spoke "{On my way.}"

I spoke "{Singularity attacked an Equian.}"

Joker spoke "{Understood.}"

I growl "{An attack on a royal really pisses me off!}"

Discord spoke "{If you don't mind, I'd like to have a chat with Tirek when I have the proper chance. I only want to talk with him.}"

I warn "{Holo and I will be nearby if he pulls the same stunt on you back before Twilight got her castle.}"

Discord: {Very well.}

*After the connection was cut*

Gingerheart had cleaned Tirek's wounds up since centaurs had the same body shape as chakats.

Gingerheart asks "Does that feel better?"

Tirek said nothing before Appletank and Discord came in.

Appletank spoke "Sheesh. He looks like a Tengloom inspirited him. Uh, figure o' speech."

Discord spoke "Yes, I know."

Holo spoke "He said that Singularity backstabbed him...."

Discord spoke "If you all don't mind, I need to have a chat with Tirek. Alone."

Holo spoke "Ah'm staying put in case he steals yer magic again."

I spoke "She's right Discord, I don't think Fluttershy and Pandora would be happy if you got hurt again."

Discord spoke "He couldn't even if he wasn't injured and he wanted to, because Singularity stole all of the magic that Tirek absorbed for himself."

Tirek turned away, knowing that was true.

Holo's ears twitch.

I spoke "Incoming creature!"

But then the window opened before a gargoyle came in.

Discord spoke "I thought you’d come here."

Holo spoke "It's been a long time Scorpan."

Tirek turned his head away again.

Holo snarls at Tirek.

Scorpan spoke "Please, could you let my brother recover? He’s been through a lot."

Redheart spoke "He's right so everyone, out."

I grab Discord by the ear and drag him out.

Holo left the room as well.

I spoke "Scorpan was it? If you need a place to stay while visiting, my place is available."

Scorpan spoke "Thank you."

I spoke "Just don't mind the Changelings and Diamond Dogs, they're my hive-pack."

Scorpan was surprised.

I spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Iris was tussling with Guinevere.

I sighed with a smile. “Those two…”

Ben chuckles "They'll make great guards some day."

“Don’t forget that Iris could be the new queen of the hive one day.” I reminded.

Iris spoke "Wait, WHAT??? I'd rather choose my own path."

“I know. I said ‘could,’ not ‘would.’ So you’re free to make your own destiny.” I responded.

Iris spoke "I lost that right when Thorax became the new king."

*Back at the hospital in a different room*

Amy had given birth to a hedgehog-Changeling hybrid girl named Estelle.

*Back at my house*

I spoke "And I think Thorax should be arriving at the hospital in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

We heard an arrival from a warp ring.

Redheart spoke "Oh hello King Thorax."

Amy was resting while holding Mikayla in her arms.

The hybrid infant was sleeping soundly as Thorax came to Amy.

Amy spoke "Hi Thorax."

Thorax spoke "Hi Amy."

The couple kissed for two seconds before looking at their daughter with smiles.

Bluestar was sneaking up on Bold from behind before pouncing on him and tickling the 3 year old colt.

Bold laughs "Hey!"

Bluestar giggles "Pinned ya!"

Bold chuckles "Oh yeah?"

The two tussled and rolled before Bluestar got Bold once more.

Bluestar spoke "Pinned ya again!"

I giggle "How cute."
