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Gryphon VS Gryphon!

*Gilda's POV*

I was in Ponyville while visiting Rainbow.

I spoke "Hey Dash."

Rainbow Dash asks "Hey Gilda. What’s up?"

Bold was chasing Bluestar since the 4 year old cub had pulled his tail.

I spoke "I was told to be here since some other gryphon had challenged me and Ezee."

Lillian and Tempest were talking with each other.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Huh. But last I checked, no one in your kingdom wanted to challenge you."

“That’s just it. The me from Raptor’s universe challenged me and Ezee to the Challenge against her and Gale. And no one… calls me a chicken, not even me!” I growled.

Gallus spoke "I think every gryphon would say the same thing Gilda."

Heh. That Gallus, an Element of Loyalty for the Young Six.

“And what about you, Gallus? Confessed to Silverstream yet?” I teased, making the blue griffon blush as his wings straightened out.

Bluestar spoke "Eww!!!!"

Gallus stammers "Gah! *Struggling to fold his wings back in* Did you really have to say that?!"

I tease "Sorry, couldn’t help myself since I saw you with the Laughter hippogriff a bunch of times."

Skystar spoke "You're one to talk featherbutt."

That caught me off guard. “Well what about you?”

Ein was picking cactus needles out of his rear.

Gallus chuckles "Heh. What happened to you, cactus butt?"

Ein spits out a few needles, inflicting pain to the gryphon male.

Gallus yelps "Gah! Hey!"

Riverstride showed up. “Threw him into a thorn bush. He had it coming.”

Danyelle was howling with laughter since Ein was covered in thorns.

Ezekiel then showed up. “Whew! I’m actually excited for this!”

I prod Ezekiel with a wing before pointing at Ein.

Guto and his sisters were with Ezekiel.

Iris had gone quiet since Guto was visiting.

Chrysalis, Danyelle and I noticed this before giggling.

Iris spoke "It's not funny!"

Chrysalis spoke "Sorry about that, Iris."

Danyelle spoke "Me too."

“Come on. Moms have their teasing streaks sometimes too, ya know.” I pointed out.

Grace spoke "Least I don't have that problem, yet."

Then Winter Cloud flew by.

Grace spoke "I'm so not ready for love since I'm just a child."

“Hey. I’m sure you’ll find someone.” I said.

Grace spoke "But mom, I'm the only gryphontaur there is..."

A voice spoke "You know, who you’re not the only one who feels like that."

We looked and saw Vector and Vinyl Scratch.

Lillian spoke "Hey Vec, Vinyl."

Danyelle spoke "Hey, Lillian."

Tempest spoke "Lillian and I are still a little cheesed off at Sonic though..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, why?"

Lillian spoke "Well... We're immortal too..."

Danyelle facepalmed. “Why am I not surprised?”

Vector spoke "Heck, even me, Vinyl, the Chaotix, their girlfriends, Octavia and my cousin became immortal too."

Danyelle growls "SONIC!!!!"

Sonic flew away fast as Danyelle chased after him, throwing fire at him.

Tempest spoke "This was Sonic's fault. He originally intended just the Mane Six, both groups of the Mobian Guard, the Crusaders and their families to become immortal but that stupid Shenron tweaked the wish and caused others to become immortal as well but this can't be reversed..."

A voice spoke "Yeah, that’s the downside of using the Dragon Balls. It’s a one-way ticket."

We looked up and saw Fu.

Lillian spoke "But not everyone is immortal though..."

I spoke "She's right though. If everyone was immortal, food supplies would drop faster if there were too many mouths to feed."

Ezekiel spoke "Honestly, everyone being immortal would be really bad and awkward at the same time."

I spoke "Exactly, that ties into what I had said."

Yuki's ears twitch when a portal had opened before another Gilda showed up.

Exiting the portal beside her was a Pidgeot/Luxray fusion, making him like a gryphon Pokémon.

Other Gilda asks "So, you ready?"

I spoke "You bet I am!"

Other Gilda asks "What about you, Gale?"

Gale spoke "Heh! Born ready!"

A Glaceon-Angemon hybrid lands on Lillian's left shoulder as an Espeon-Angewomon hybrid landed on the pink hawk's right shoulder.

“Ready, Ezee?” I asked my husband with an eager smile.

Ezekiel spoke "You bet G."

The Glaceon-Angemon hybrid spoke "You can count me and Espewomon in too, the two of us are a tag team. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

Sumarda appeared. “I certainly don’t have a problem with that. There’s always room for more. Besides, I think some of my friends from outside my kingdom might come to watch this Challenge! *Excited Squeal* I haven’t seen them for a while!”

GlaceAngemon spoke "I'm a stubborn male though... Kind of like that apple pony."

Meanwhile with Applejack, her ears twitched.

Crosswind spoke "Jackie... Cool yer jets.... that odd hybrid doesn't know anyone yet, except his mate."

Applejack breathed, calming down.

Back with me and the others, Sumarda summoned a gate to her dimension and opened it.

Not counting the Mobians and the two hybrids, most of us take on a mid form.

Gale went into a mid form as well.

A voice spoke "Sumarda! It’s so good to see you again!"

We looked over and saw an obese female lizard, an obese female bunny, an obese female panda and an obese male fox.

Sumarda spoke "*Going into her 1,000 pound fat form* Juna! Loa! Sofia! Max!"

Sumarda ran towards her friends as the four fat females group-hugged each other before she gave the fat fox a hug.

GlaceAngemon gags but Espewomon wingslaps him.

“Uh… Who’re they?” Ezekiel asked in confusion.

Espewomon spoke "Don't look at me, I don't know them!"

Other Gilda spoke "We actually know them since they have their counterparts in our universe."

Sumarda spoke "This is Juna the Peachmallow, her girlfriend, Loa the Chubby Bunny, Sofia the Panda, and her boyfriend, Maxence the Fox. Those three girls are known as the 3 B, and Max is the leader of a rock band, which Sofia and two other chubby girls are a part of."

GlaceAngemon spoke "Well, I'm GlaceAngemon."

Espewomon spoke "And I'm Espewomon."

Sumarda asks "I’m guessing you’re here to watch the Challenge?"

Juna spoke "Uh-huh! The Challenge is always fun!"

A Leafeon-Lillymon hybrid flew out of a portal.

Leaflymon spoke "Hope I'm not too late!"

Espewomon asks "Leaflymon? What’re you doing here?"

Leaflymon giggles "I wanted to watch the challenge!"

Espewomon giggled back. “Your curiosity truly knows no bounds. Okay. You can watch.”

Leaflymon teases "So, when will you be having kids with GlaceAngemon?"

The two eeveelution/angel Digimon fusions blushed at that.

Flarerudamon was heard laughing.

Flarerudamon chuckles "You're one to talk Leaflymon, you've got a crush on Joltesusmon."

Leaflymon blushed greatly at that.

Flarerudamon chuckles "You silly grass type."

Sumarda spoke "Contestants, get ready!"

GlaceAngemon asks "you ready Espewomon?"

Espewomon spoke "Ready for anything."

Much to Espewomon's shock and to the surprise of the others, GlaceAngemon had kissed the Psychic-Holy type on the lips.

Gale was the first to snap out of it before smirking as he kissed the other me right on the lips too!

UmbreDevimon was laughing.

But then I felt Ezekiel’s lips press against mine before I melted into the moment.

I purr happily.

Flarerudamon spoke "*Ahem*! The challenge should be starting soon!"

Sumarda spoke "Come on, party pooper. Let the contestants have this moment."

Flarerudamon growls "Watch it missy, UmbreDevimon tends to be the party pooper. Not me."

Ezekiel and I ended our kiss with a wet smack as the other me, Gale, Espewomon and GlaceAngemon ended theirs in the same way at the exact same time as the two of us.

Espewomon nuzzles GlaceAngemon.

Sumarda spoke "That’s so cute!"

UmbreDevimon scoffs "Tch."

Soon, me, Ezekiel and all of the other contestants were ready.

Sumarda spoke "Alright lovely couples! For the course of the first challenge, the food will be from the town of Trunkton!"

GlaceAngemon, Espewomon, Flarerudamon, Joltesusmon and Leaflymon were confused.

Sumarda spoke "Sorry. It’s a town outside of my kingdom, and it’s like the town that Isabelle and the Villager is from."

All of a sudden, Danyelle was flying past Sumarda since she had been called for a friendship problem.

Flarerudamon asks "Who was that?"

Sumarda spoke "Danyelle. Must’ve been needed for a Friendship Problem."

Danyelle threw a warp ring before flying into it, passing into the Minecraft world.

Sumarda asks "That’s new. But shall we get started?"

I spoke "Yeah!"

Ezekiel spoke "Yes!"

The other two duos of contestants agreed as well.

Sumarda spoke "Then let us begin! First up, perfect peaches and a mango!"

Brightly yellow-orange peaches and six mangoes appeared as the six of us started eating. And after only a minute, we ate all of them, and none of our stomachs were even close to satisfied!

Sumarda spoke "Next up, perfect apples!"

Piles of brightly red apples appeared as we started digging in, not caring a single bit that the six of us were getting fatter and our bellies were getting bigger!

Out of nowhere, a Wigglytuff with green eyes snatches up all of the perfect apples.

But then the Wigglytuff became very fat so quickly, he became immobile and could only wiggle his head, ears, paws and feet.

Sumarda groans "Ooooookay. Major Apple Addict alert."

GlaceAngemon facepaws before sighing "That's Guildmaster Wigglytuff for you, he loves perfect apples and will throw a Hyper Beam induced tantrum if he doesn't have any."

Then the Wigglytuff belched, telling us that he was full. Sumarda then put a Trunkton orange in his mouth as the Pokémon ate it before being restored back to normal.

GlaceAngemon had to take off his helmet since it was rather tight on his head, causing Espewomon to blush even more.

As the Wigglytuff hopped away, we saw ourselves being HUGE! But our bellies were the biggest parts!

Sumarda spoke "Next up, perfect pears!"

Piles of yellow pears appeared as we started eating them, still not minding all of the weight we’re gaining while our flanks started getting bigger. After we ate all of them, the six of us were as big as mountains, with our bellies and butts being as big as skyscrapers!

Espewomon had to take her helmet off after that, making GlaceAngemon blush even more.

GlaceAngemon swoons "Hot mama!"

The Ice-Holy type had fainted with a nosebleed.

UmbreDevimon spoke "Uh Sumarda.... I think the Ice-Holy type had passed out..."

Sumarda spoke "We need smelling salts over here."

Smelling salts appeared in Sumarda’s hands and she snapped it in front of GlaceAngemon’s nose, making him jolt up, wide awake.

But Sumarda soon got a face full of ice since GlaceAngemon had shot an Ice Beam at her.

Sumarda pulled her head off as another appeared on the top of her neck. “Sorry about that.”

Flarerudamon spoke "Ew..."

Sumarda split open the ice in half, only to be revealed that there’s no head inside it.

Leaflymon threw up.

Sumarda spoke "Next up, perfect cherries!"

Piles of red-yellow cherries appeared before we started scarfing them down, not caring at all about the weight we were putting on, or what was getting bigger.

We were at four hours left, with all of us contestants being as big as states, with our bellies and butts being as big as mountains, but for me and my counterpart, our chests were just as big as our bellies and flanks, while something else on the boys was just as big as their bellies and flanks. Espewomon and GlaceAngemon were chunky all over.

Espewomon belches.

Blushing, Espewomon spoke "Excuse me."

GlaceAngemon belched as well, making him blush too. "Pardon."

Sumarda spoke "Well, better get ready! *As video of a blender mixing Trunkton perfect apples, pears and cherries together into a smoothie* Because for the next two hours, it's smoothies!"

6 huge tanks filled with that combo smoothie appeared before the hoses for them appeared in one of our hands or paws. I put the hose in my claw into Ezekiel's mouth as he put his hose in my mouth while the other me and Gale did the same to each other, as GlaceAngemon and Espewomon did the same before the tanks started pumping smoothies into our mouths, making us grow bigger and fatter, while making our biggest parts get even more bigger and bigger. It... It tasted so good, the six of us couldn't help but moan at how tasty it was!

GlaceAngemon's belly was getting more and more chunky.

GlaceAngemon groans "At this rate, I can barely fly..."

Sumarda spoke "Look at your wings."

GlaceAngemon looked behind him and saw his wings as big as his belly, butt and another part.

Sumarda spoke "You can still fly, and like your normal self at that, the same’s said for the other contestants."

Gale spoke "*Chugging smoothie* It’s true!"

All six of us were getting fatter and fatter, and bigger and bigger, and we were still standing on our feet without any problems at all! Our heads, arms, legs, tails, feet, hands and necks were three quarters the size of our bellies, butts and wings!

Espewomon spoke "I forgot to mention, GlaceAngemon is allergic to smelling salts.... His wings are kinda molting due to the allergy."

Sumarda spoke "Oof! That kinda changes a few things for the second challenge."

Flarerudamon asks "That being?"

Sumarda spoke "The second challenge is a physical battle, but due to GlaceAngemon’s wings molting, I think you get a clue of what that physical battle is."

GlaceAngemon spoke "Due to my allergy, Espewomon and I will be switching out and letting Joltesusmon and Leaflymon take part."

Joltesusmon spoke "Not cool GlaceAngemon!"

Sumarda spoke "Whoa! You sure about that? I mean I think you might know what’ll happen."

Espewomon spoke "He's sure, plus I now have eggs on the way. Pokemon don't have live births though."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. But there’s no going back. GlaceAngemon and Espewomon have tagged out with Joltesusmon and Leaflymon!"

GlaceAngemon and Espewomon swapped places with Joltesusmon and Leaflymon, finding themselves back to normal and not fat anymore, while the other two found themselves chugging on fruit smoothie exactly as big and fat as they were before they tagged out, being as big and fat as the rest of us contestants.

UmbreDevimon groans "Idiot... Weight doesn't transfer to others..."

Flarerudamon shouts "CRONILE!!!!!"

Sumarda spoke "Sorry about that. Let’s try that again."

Then the sudden weight gain disappeared as Joltesusmon and Leaflymon went back to normal as they ate two mangoes and some perfect peaches, only to start getting bigger and fatter again after they put the hoses connected to their tanks into each others mouths. They chugged and chugged and chugged that stuff really quickly, trying to catch up to me, Ezee and the other team.

But Cronile didn’t show up.

Sumarda spoke "Must be asleep."

But the two were far behind.

A familiar lizard had recently entered and was eating twenty times the amount due to having a larger stomach.

Twizilla roars loud as if to say "More!"

A stranger asks "Now now. Are you all having a feast for the first challenge?"

Sumarda seemed to freeze at that.

Twizilla was growling at the intruder.

But then a giant fat blubbery female creature, way bigger than all of us combined, just dropped in on Sumarda, before the Draconequus came out, as flat as a paper before returning to normal.

Twizilla laughs at Sumarda.

Sumarda asks "Y-Yor’Jedath! You’re here?"

Yor’Jedath spoke "Of course, my little Sumarda. I just couldn’t help myself coming to this."

Thousands of delicious food of all kinds appeared next to the giant being, with those kinds of meals making all of us seven contestants drool waterfalls.

Sumarda gasps "Y-You mean you’re…?!"

Yor’Jedath spoke "The reason for the Feast Rush? Of course. We all need to live a little. So let the feast begin!"

The endless storm of food rocketed towards all seven of us, going right for our mouths as we found ourselves unable to resist! It was way too good to not eat! So us seven contestants decided to eat them all! We grew bigger and fatter as we swallowed more food rocketing to our mouths!

A much larger version of Twizilla ate 300 times the amount as the others did since she was 300+ feet tall.

All eight of us contestants just kept on eating and eating, getting bigger and bigger, and fatter and fatter.

When the last two hours were up, Joltesusmon and Leaflymon caught up with the rest of us as all of us eight contestants became just as big and as fat as Yor’Jedath. Which means we’re probably as big and heavy as a planet each.

Sumarda spoke "Okay! Time for the results to come in!"

I spoke "Guess the larger Twizilla wins this match since she's got a bigger stomach."

Sumarda spoke "Well whaddya know?! Big Twizilla is in first place for this, followed by Small Twizilla in second place! The rest of the contestants though, are tied for third place!"

The larger Twizilla roars loud, causing everyone else's ears to go deaf.

Sumarda: Yeesh! Better fix the hearing.

Sumarda snapped her fingers, healing all of our ears instantly, same with healing the spectators, herself and Yor’Jedath.

I groan "Oof... Good thing there isn't a roaring contest.... That larger Twizilla would win it claws down...."

Sumarda asks "So are both Twizillas satisfied?"

Both large reptiles chuff as they walk away since they only entered the eating contest.

Sumarda spoke "Guess that answers that. Onto the second challenge! You know what they say; The sky’s the limit!"

GlaceAngemon spoke "But I'll be watching since I can't fly with bad wings."

Espewomon spoke "Same here, since GlaceAngemon and I swapped with Joltesusmon and Leaflymon."

But then all us six contestants let out a huge simultaneous planet-shaking belch at once.

Since she had got stuck in a wall due to the loud belching, UmbreDevimon scoffs "I hate you Espewomon..."

Espewomon giggles "Hehehehehe! I love you to UmbreDevimon."

GlaceAngemon chuckles "Nice comeback, sweetie."

Espewomon giggles "Thanks, GlaceAngemon."

The two eeveelution/angel Digi-Pokemon hugged each other and kissed on the lips before making out.

Flarerudamon chuckles "Something tells me that Espewomon is gonna be loaded with eggs by the end of the challenge."

The two love angels didn’t bother to respond as they started moaning in pleasure, love, desire and lust.

Sumarda spoke "Okay. Maybe I should give them some privacy."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, teleporting GlaceAngemon and Espewomon to a private heavenly love room in her Chuddle Hotel.

Flarerudamon sighs a little.

Sumarda lifted an eyebrow. “Jealous?”

Flarerudamon spoke "Honestly, I'm happy that my sister has someone. But UmbreDevimon hates my guts... Guess I'll never find love."

But then Sumarda gently put a hand on Flarerudamon’s shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll find love. It just takes time.”

Flarerudamon sighs "There aren't that many Digi-Pokémon though...."

Sumarda spoke "Like I said. It takes time."

Flarerudamon spoke "Last week, I got tail slapped by Ancient Vapormaimon...."

Sumarda asks "But why though?"

GlaceAngemon spoke "Type difference.... Ancient Vapormaimon's a water type... Flarerudamon's a fire-vaccine type..."

Sumarda asks "Uh… when did you get back here? And all the way from my hotel?"

GlaceAngemon spoke "Uh..."

I spoke "Uh Sumarda, I think we have a drunken Sylkazemon on a rampage... She had too much Oran berry wine..."

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy. Contestants, feel free to relax for now. I’ll only be a minute."

Sumarda disappeared to find Sylkazemon to help calm her down.

A sudden Dazzling Gleam had sent Sumarda flying.

Sumarda spoke "Maybe a bit longer than I thought."

Espewomon spoke "Least we won't have a repeat of that one time when UmbreDevimon was stuck in the ceiling after getting into a drunken fight with Kyuubitales...."

A drunk Sylkazemon stammers "Whachu lookin' at, bushter?!"

Sylkazemon showed up with a drunken blush.

Espewomon spoke "Sylkazemon, you're drunk."

Sylkazemon spoke "N-No way! There'sh no way I'm drunk... you jerk!"

Espewomon started to cry.

Espewomon spoke "GlaceAngemon!!!!"

Flarerudamon facepawed. "Oh boy... now she's done it."

Kyuubitales poked her head out of her room.

Kyuubitales asks "Can't a nine tailed fox Digi-Pokémon get some rest around here?"

A slight egg bump was seen on Kyuubitales's belly.

Kyuubitales spoke "Sylkazemon, you're in so much trouble once Flarenimon finds out that you made an angel cry."

Sylkazemon drunkily asks "What...? What're you talking about? And why am I sheeing three GlaceAngemonsh?"

Flarenimon sighs "Not again..."

Flarenimon drags Sylkazemon back to their room so she could sleep off the drunken state.

Espewomon curled up to GlaceAngemon while shaking.

Sumarda spoke "Well that was eventful. Maybe we should take five."

Kyuubitales spoke "Sylkazemon can't hold her liquor though."

Flarerudamon spoke "You're one to talk foxface, I saw you sneaking around near Sawk Lee's place when we were in Chameleo's world three weeks ago."

Kyuubitales spoke "Shut up Birdbrain!"

Sumarda facepalmed.

The two fire type Digi-Pokémon kept arguing.

Espewomon spoke "I think someone better tell Danyelle...."

Returning from a finished mission, Danyelle asks "Tell me what?"

Sumarda spoke "It’s kinda complicated."

Danyelle calls Chameleo via telepathy.

Danyelle spoke "{We got a problem here.}"

Chameleo asks "{What is it?}"

Danyelle spoke "{Two of the Digi-Pokémon are bickering about something.... Plus another is stuck in the wall, again....}"

Chameleo asks "{Is there something you’re trying to ask me?}"

Danyelle spoke "{Mind bringing Sawk Lee here? I have a feeling he's in a lot of trouble....}"

Chameleo spoke "{What do you-Oh. I have a feeling it’s gonna be like Primakura and Inodevoir fighting over Swampsuke all over again.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Yeah but this time it's just a female Ninetales that's arguing with a male Flareon...}"

Chameleo spoke "{No. It’s not that. Sawk Lee already had a girlfriend, Mawtenten the Mawile. And if that Ninetales has her eyes on him, it’s not gonna be pretty.}"

Danyelle spoke "{And to make matters worse.... The Ninetales has an egg on the way....}"

Chameleo asks "{Well Sawk Lee said he never knew anything about this. So who?}"

Danyelle spoke "{My guess would be that he had gotten drunk on something....}"

Kyuubitales spoke "That damn Mawile's gonna get it!!!"

Danyelle groans "{Uh-oh.... She's gone off the deep end...}"

Chameleo spoke "{This is really bad…}"

Danyelle spoke "{I fear Mawtenten has a type disadvantage even though she's a ninja... Fire attacks are super effective against Steel types... Every Pokémon trainer knows that.}"

Chameleo spoke "{That might be, but she’s ready to use anything in her arsenal to fight her opponents.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Shinx it, you might as well bring them both.}"

Chameleo groans "{Oh boy… That might take some time.}"

Espewomon spoke via psychic "{Crap! Kyuubitales has challenged the Mawile to a battle! And she's not taking no for an answer!}"

Sumarda spoke "{Oh boy… Better postpone the Challenge until after this dispute is over with.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Good idea.}"
