• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 9: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 3): World Restoration

Episode 9: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 3):

World Restoration

It was night time in the streets of Spagonia. The Mane 6, Sonic and Chip were going through the streets when they heard something. They heard a bunch of people having a good time for some reason. Dancing around like fools.

"HEY! What's the big idea?!" came Amy's voice.

"Let us go!" came Truemen's voice.

"Quit it!" came Zipp's voice.

"Ah ha ha ha! Come on, babe, let's dance the night away!" said one of the people there, which was the Professor's assistant, who was dancing with Amy.

"Ack, heeelp!" Amy cried out.

"Whoa, is there some kinda party going on?" Chip asked as the group was looking at the dancing people.

"No... Something's not right here," Sonic said.

"Ah sense somethin' ain't right, too," Applejack said, making the others cover their muzzles from Applejack's breath.

Then Twilight noticed three creatures there that weren't a part of the dancing. She then said, "Hey! Isn't that Amy, Truemen and Zipp?!" The group looked over and saw their friends there.

"I said... LET GO!!!" Truemen shouted, lifting his metal arm into the air, sending out a flash of orange light. But then, the dancing people got woozy and a bunch of Dark Gaia creatures started coming out of them.

"Whoa!" Chip said, pulling out Pinkie's camera, aiming them at the group. "It's a carnival of creeps out there!" He was taking pictures as the Mane 6 and Sonic were running towards the creatures.

Amy, Truemen and Zipp were trying to fight the Dark Gaia creatures, but they were too overwhelming. One of them pushed Truemen away as Amy hit that one with her hammer. But it didn't even move.

"Huh?" Amy asked. The creature laughed, but it was then punched by Sonic's extending fist, sending the creature flying. Amy then looked towards the stretching arm. "S-Sonic?"

"Get out of here!" Sonic called out to Amy.

"But... how did this...?" Amy asked. "Why do you look like that?!"

Then a bunch of arrows rained from the sky, landing on the Dark Gaia creatures. All of them fell to the ground.

"There's only one person I know who's that good of a shot," Amy said. Then she, the Mane 6, Sonic, Truemen and Zipp looked up to see Midpoint jumping from one building and landing near the Mane 6.

"Lynol!" Sonic said. "How did you...?"

"After doing some research on your nighttime form, I've noticed that what's caused it is very similar to the energy these suckers are made from," Midpoint said. "And since these Dark Gaia creatures are made of Dark Gaia energy and can only be taken down by the same energy, I've made these special tip arrows to deal with them."

"Not bad," Twilight said.

"Anyway, I've located the next temple," Midpoint said. "It's in a small village in China. That village is known as Chun-nan. Go there and restore the continent."

"Got it," Sonic said. Then he and the Mane 6, minus Rainbow Dash, headed out of there. "What about these creeps?!"

"I got this," Midpoint said. He then started whistling, and his flying arrow came out of his quiver, going through all the monsters around him.

Zipp and Rainbow Dash were fighting the same monster until the flying arrow went through the monster's head, and it fell to the ground, disappearing.

"Whoa!" Zipp said.

"That is the coolest arrow I have ever seen!" Rainbow Dash said. She then noticed the rest of the Mane 6 and Sonic heading out of there. "See ya, Zipp!" She then flew away from Zipp. Eventually, all the Dark Gaia creatures were taken care of.

Amy, Truemen and Zipp went up to Midpoint. Amy then asked, "Was that... Sonic?"

"Yeah," Midpoint said. "He, Twilight and the others got the worst of it, but did not lose to the darkness in their minds."

"So, what happened?" Zipp asked.

"I'll explain it over at Professor Pickle's lab," Midpoint said. "I was just out here getting some pizza for me, Olive and Cozy Glow. You three want in? 'Cause I prefer not to eat anymore cucumber sandwiches."

Amy, Truemen and Zipp looked at each other and Truemen said, "I could go for some pizza." Amy and Zipp nodded in agreement. Then the four of them headed away from there.

Meanwhile, in China, the Spirit of Freedom landed near the Temple of Gaia that was there. The Mane 6, Sonic and Chip were heading for the Temple when they saw an old man laying on the ground by the temple. They all went to check on him when something came in, surprising the heroes.

"Is that a phoenix?!" Twilight asked.

"Looks like it's angry!" Rainbow Dash said.

Sonic looked towards Fluttershy and said, "We'll take care of this thing! You restore the Chaos Emerald!" He then handed Fluttershy a Chaos Emerald.

"But..." Fluttershy said.

"Just do it, Fluttershy!" Twilight said as she took off. "And take Chip with you!" Chip was confused as Twilight continued talking. "That collar started glowing when he got near the altar of the first temple!"

"O... Okay," Fluttershy said. Then she and Chip headed inside the Temple. Then she and Chip flew towards the Temple. They ran in.

Meanwhile, the Phoenix tried blocking the path of Fluttershy and Chip, but Sonic came in and slammed the Phoenix to the ground. Sonic then held his left arm up to his lips.

"This is Sonic calling Alex Lynol!" Sonic said.

Meanwhile, in Spagonia, Midpoint was at a computer, trying to pinpoint the next temple. He then received the transmission from Sonic.

"Alex Lynol here," Midpoint said. "What is it, Sonic?"

"We're at the temple, but there's something preventing us from getting in!" Sonic said.

"What is it?" Midpoint asked.

"It's a giant Phoenix!" came Twilight's voice.

"A phoenix?!" Midpoint asked. He then looked at the Gaia Manuscripts. He then went wide eyed. "Guys, stand down!"

It then went back to Chun-nan. The Mane 6 and Sonic were listening to Midpoint's transmission.

"The Phoenix is the guardian of the entire village, and the temple!" Midpoint's voice came from the communication devices. "It only gets mad if the planet is broken apart!"

"I could feel its anger," Fluttershy said. "Let me talk to it."

"I highly suggest something else, Fluttershy!" Midpoint said. "It's really, really difficult to negotiate during it's temper tantrum!"

"I can do it," Fluttershy said. "I know I can." She then flew up to the Phoenix. "Um... hello!"

"Oh, I can't watch!" Twilight said, closing her eyes.

The phoenix roared as Fluttershy said, "Listen. I know you're meant to protect this temple, and I know you're upset that the planet is broken, but my friends and I are here to restore the planet back to normal. All you have to do is let us into the temple." The phoenix then roared and started flying around, landing on a nearby platform. "Thank you."

"Holy smokes, it worked!" Sonic said.

"Didn't see that coming," Midpoint said in the communicator.

Fluttershy and Chip went into the temple. Chip flew towards the altar, stood on it, and raised his chest. Then the smaller pedestal appeared. Fluttershy then flew up to the pedestal and put the Chaos Emerald on it. Then the Chaos Emerald started floating and it started glowing red.

Then the Asian continent started descending, eventually getting back into its normal position. Then Fluttershy and Chip started flying out of the Temple. When they reached their friends, they were looking at the Phoenix, which was now different.

"The moment the temple lit up, the beast woke up," the old man said, walking around the Phoenix. "It appears he's come back to his senses."

"So Lynol was right," Sonic said. "I'll bet your job is to guard the Chaos Emerald temple. You must've gone berserk when the emeralds lost their power."

The Phoenix screeched in response to Sonic's words. Fluttershy then said, "He said that you're correct." Chip then started flying up to the Phoenix.

"Well, I'm glad you're back!" Chip said. He then pulled out a chocolate bar. "Want some chocolate?" The Phoenix then took the chocolate bar from Chip. Then the Phoenix started flying up and landed near a nest on top of the mountain behind the Temple of Gaia.

Meanwhile, back at the Station Square Community Center, Hitch was trying to lift a heavy crate from a truck. But he was having difficulty getting it off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hitch said. "This thing is heavy!" Just then, MC rushed in and helped him. "Whoa! Thanks, MC!" He then realized something. "Dude! You got your strength back!"

MC checked himself and said, "Huh. I thought I felt some strength coming back. Nicole, is there another continent back into place?"

"Checking, Michael," Nicole said. "It appears that the Asian continent has returned to its normal position."

"Send the information to the news!" MC said. He then looked at the lowering sun. "We'll get this crate inside and call it a night." Hitch nodded and the two of them carried the crate inside the Community Center.

Somewhere in the world, Eggman was at a base, sitting in front of a computer, eating a submarine sandwich. Then the robot from earlier came up.

"Doctor!" the robot said. "It appears that both the South American and Asian Continents had been put back into their original positions!"

"What?!" Doctor Eggman asked. "No!" He then slammed his hands on the computer. "Deploy my next big weapon in Spagonia where the Temple should be located! Those pesky ponies and that irritating hedgehog will not get in the way of me collecting the energy of Dark Gaia!" He then groaned. "If only there was a way for me to bring them all together at once!" He then got an idea. "Wait, that's it! Of course!" He then walked over towards another computer. "Eeh hee hee hee. With this... This! All of my plans will be realized!"

Meanwhile, the Spirit of Freedom was flying back to Spagonia. It was already daytime when they got there. The Mane 6 and Sonic then started running towards Spagonia University as Chip was flying next to them.

Eventually, they made it where Midpoint was checking out the Gaia Manuscripts. Sonic then said, "Hey, Lynol! Where's the next temple?!"

"Looking!" Midpoint said. Just then, Cozy Glow came in through a window. Midpoint looked towards her and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I've been looking around this place, and I found some old temple," Cozy Glow said. She then brought out her phone and showed the pictures. "See." Sonic then took the phone. "Hey!"

"Sorry," Sonic said. He then saw the images that Cozy Glow took that day. "That's... that's one of the Temples of Gaia!"

"What?!" Midpoint asked. He then checked the Gaia Manuscripts for the European Gaia Temple. "Whoa! Guess I didn't see the closest one!"

"Alright, so where was it?" Sonic asked.

"The entrance to it is right behind the nearby church," Cozy Glow said. Just then, the place started shaking. "Whoa-oa!"

"What's going on?!" Fluttershy asked.

"Thi-i-i-i-i-is ma-a-a-a-a-a-akes my-y-y-y-y-y-y-y voi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oice sou-ou-ou-ou-ou-ou-ou-ound si-i-i-i-i-i-illy!" Pinkie pie said during the vibrations.

Twilight looked out the window to see one of Eggman's mechs flying over the city. Twilight then said, "It's Eggman! He sent one of his mechs here!"

The machine was heading towards the Gaia Temple. The Mane 6, Sonic, Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, Amy, Truemen and Zipp ran outside.

"If that thing destroys the Temple, Dark Gaia's minions will still rise!" Midpoint said.

"Cozy, lead Sonic, Twilight and her friends to the Temple," Olive said. "We'll take care of this mech." Cozy Glow nodded.

"Follow me, guys!" Cozy Glow said, leading the Mane 6 and Sonic towards the Temple.

"Alright, guys," Midpoint said. "Let's turn this giant fish into sushi!" Then they all started going after the machine. As the five of them were running, they passed Professor Pickle.

"Where are you all heading off to?" Professor Pickle asked.

"Eggman's sending a giant machine to attack the Temple of Gaia that's here in Spagonia!" Zipp called out.

Midpoint then launched a grappling hook arrow up at a building, where the rope was connected to his belt that had a reel connected to it. Olive did the same with a grappling coil coming from her glove. They both went up to the building. Truemen grabbed Amy with his left hand, and he used his robot hand to blast the ground, sending the two of them up to the same building. Zipp flew up to the building, catching up with the others. Midpoint then pulled out an arrow, prepared it in his bow, and aimed it at the machine. He then fired it and it attached to the main part of the ship.

"What was that supposed to do?" Truemen asked.

"Just watch," Midpoint said. He then pushed a button on his right glove, and the arrow attached to the ship started activating an electromagnet. Then the ship started imploding. It then started going down towards the river.

Truemen then raised his left hand, using some sort of energy to move the machine to land in the path of the river. As soon as it landed, the mech exploded.

"Guess that's a fish that can't live in water," Olive said, making the others chuckle.

Amy looked at Truemen and said, "That was really impressive. Thanks for the leg up."

"You kidding, girl?" Truemen asked. "You are worth lending a hand. And that hammer you use, it's actually impressive how you're so powerful with it."

"Well, a girl's gotta know when to defend herself," Amy said.

"Oh, brother," Zipp said, crossing her arms.

Meanwhile, at the Temple of Gaia, the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip were following Cozy Glow. The nine of them entered the temple and ran all the way down the path to the temple.

Pinkie Pie took one of the Chaos Emeralds, saying, "Ooh! Ooh! My turn! My turn!" Chip then flew up to the altar, his collar started glowing. Then the platform in the altar had arisen. Pinkie Pie then placed the Chaos Emerald into the small hole. Then the Chaos Emerald started floating upwards, and then it got its glow back.

Then the place started shaking. From a satellite view, the European Continent started descending It then went back into place, reconnecting with the Asian Continent.

Back at the Station Square Community Center, MC was setting up the stage setup for a performance. He then pulled out Nicole and asked, "Nicole, who do we have for the entertainment?"

"I'm afraid that all the top rated performers are all booked," Nicole responded.

"Maroon 5?" MC asked.


"Bruno Mars?"




"What about 'Weird Al' Yankovic?"

"He's busy as well."

"Dang it," MC said. "The good ones are always booked! It makes me so mad, I just wanna..." He then roared like a dragon. He then realized what he just did. "I think I just got back my vocal manipulation."

"Sounds like it," Nicole said. "Checking the world progress." It waited a few seconds when Nicole responded. "It appears that the European Continent has been restored."

"Send that to the news," MC said. "I wanna know what's going on."

"It appears that Twilight, her friends and Sonic are all restoring the planet by going to the Temples of Gaia, and restoring the power of the Chaos Emeralds," Nicole said. "So far, three of the seven pieces of the world have been put back into their original positions."

"Three down... four to go," MC said. He then noticed Pipp and said, "I think I know who can perform for Halloween." He then walked over to Pipp and said, "Yo, Pipp!" Pipp then looked over at MC. "Come over here! I wanna have a talk with ya!"'

Pipp then walked over towards MC and asked, "What is it?"

"How would you like a debut performance in this timeline?" MC asked. That made Pipp gasp with excitement.

Back at Spagonia University, Midpoint and Professor Pickle were looking at the Gaia Manuscripts. The Mane 6 and Sonic were looking at the two as they were deciphering the Manuscripts with current locations. It was already night time, so you know what that means for the Mane 6 and Sonic.

"So, where's the next Gaia Temple?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, there are four more temples for you to go to," Midpoint said. "North America, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica."

"So, which one are we gonna go next?" Applejack asked.

"Dang it, Applejack!" Midpoint said. "The smell of your breath is so bad, it would make MC even pass out."

"I doubt it," Twilight said. "He once confronted a pack of Timberwolves back in Equestria and he turned the alpha into sawdust with his Chaos Claws."

"I heard that one was still regenerating," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, it looks like Antarctica is the place to go," Midpoint said. "Although, the sun won't come up for another two days, so it's gonna be completely dark if you go there."

"Looks like we don't have a choice," Sonic said. "Antarctica is going to have to be our next stop."

"Tails and I better make some modifications to the Spirit of Freedom," Midpoint said. "It's gonna be freezing cold down there."

"Got it," Sonic said.

Later, Tails and Midpoint were working on the heat shields of the Spirit of Freedom at the mechanics department of Spagonia University. The Mane 6 and Sonic walked up to the two.

"Okay," Midpoint said. "The heat shields will now give the ship protection from the cold temperatures." He then handed the Mane 6 and Sonic some devices. "And these are personal heat shields for your bodies when you go outside. These things will protect you from the temperatures that are at least 55 below."

"That should be good," Twilight said. "Let's get going." Tails then got into the cockpit.

"We'll be back," Tails said.

"Afraid not," Midpoint said. "According to the Gaia Manuscripts, there's a Gaia Temple in Shamar. That's in Egypt. Luckily, Professor Pickle has a research lab down there."

"Okay," Tails said. "We'll get there as soon as we can." Midpoint nodded as he was walking out of the Spirit of Freedom. Tails then looked at the computer and said, "Luckily, Alex put the coordinates of the Gaia Temple into the guiding system. Let's get there." The Spirit of Freedom then took off as Midpoint was at least 30 yards away.

"Good luck, guys," Midpoint said.

Later, the Spirit of Freedom came near a large crevice. The Mane 6, Sonic and Chip went down the crevice and looked around.

"The Temple of Gaia should be around here somewhere," Twilight said as her horn was giving off a bright white light.

"But where could it be?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Chip then noticed something. He then said, "Huh. What's that?" When they looked at the thing, there were a bunch of electrical lights coming on, nearly blinding the group. They saw some weird creature, frozen in ice, on a platform. The eyes of the creature rolled around under the ice. It then saw the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip.

"Whoa," Rainbow Dash said. "What is that thing?"

"It seems to be some sort of new species," Twilight said. "This must be some kind of historical discovery!"

Sonic then saw some people frozen in ice and said, "Holy smokes! Those people are frozen in ice!"

"But what could've caused that to happen?" Applejack asked. Then the ice surrounding the creature broke, and the creature roared loudly.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!" Pinkie shouted. The creature then fired some orb from its mouth, heading towards the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip, who all jumped out of the way, the entryway being blocked by an explosion of ice.

"So that's what froze those people!" Rainbow Dash said.

"How do we stop this eel?!" Sonic asked.

"Wait," Fluttershy said. "Eels are coldblooded. That's why it was coated in a blanket of ice."

"If we freeze this sucker, it'll be open for us to attack!" Rarity said. She then looked at the creature. "And I think I know where its weak spots are. It's those green spots that are on the creature!"

"Rarity, I think you might be onto something!" Twilight said. She then saw some containers of liquid hydrogen. "Sonic, what's liquid hydrogen?"

"It's a chemical that can freeze anything instantaneously," Sonic said. "Use it on this sucker!"

Twilight then used her magic and threw the container at the creature, which froze instantly. Applejack then charged at the spot on the creature's stomach and punched it hard. Sonic then jumped up onto the creatures back and scratched the green spot there, and then Rainbow Dash flew up high. Then she started flying down and when she made contact with the green spot on the monster's head, it made a Sonic Rainboom, the impact made the creature fall into pieces, Dark Gaia energy coming from it and the creature vanished.

"Yeah!" Sonic and Rainbow Dash said, high-fiving each other.

"Alright, guys!" Twilight said. "Let's go!" Then the eight of them started heading into the temple. They headed in and went towards the altar.

Chip landed on the altar, and his collar started glowing. Then Applejack took one of the Chaos Emeralds and headed for the platform that had arisen from the altar. She then put it on the hole. Then the Chaos Emerald started floating, gaining light blue energy, bringing the Emerald back to life.

Then the place started shaking. Then from above, the Antarctic Continent started descending, getting put back in its original position, reconnecting with the South American Continent.

Back in Station Square, MC was laying on a table, fast asleep. But then, he got heavy all of a sudden and broke the table.

"Oof!" MC said, waking up. "What the...?" He then noticed the table was broken.

"What happened?!" Sunny asked as she and Hitch ran up to him.

"I... I don't know," MC said. He then thought of something. "Wait a minute. Hitch, hit me." MC then pounded his chest. Hitch shrugged his shoulders and just hit MC in the same area of his chest, but he didn't move. Hitch then shook his hand which was in pain. "I don't believe it! I got my density manipulation back!"

"Whoa!" Sunny said. "Okay, that is pretty cool!"

"What does that mean?" Hitch asked.

"Sparkles and the others must've brought back another continent," MC said. He then pulled out Nicole. "Nicole, which Continent came down?"

"It appears that Twilight and the others have brought back Antarctica," Nicole said.

"Whoa! Now that's cold!" MC said.

"Really?" Sunny asked. "It's cold down there?!"

"The farthest north and the farthest south of the planet are the two most coldest areas in the world, Sunny," Nicole said. "You'd need some very heated gear to go down there without freezing to death."

Meanwhile, back in Antarctica, the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip got the frozen people out of the crevice and into the Spirit of Freedom. The people were being thawed out during the flight.

"That was one epic beast," Sonic said. "Where to now?"

"As you may recall, Alex said that he, Professor Pickle, Olive, Cozy, Amy, Truemen and Zipp are all heading to Shamar," Tails said. "We're gonna meet them there."

"At least these guys will be plenty warm when we get there," Rainbow Dash said. The Spirit of Freedom was now flying over the ocean, heading towards the African Continent.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 4):
Remembering the Forgotten

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