• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 11: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 5): Eggman Land

Episode 11: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 5):

Eggman Land

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Sally arrived back at Professor Pickle's lab in Shamar. Midpoint, Professor Pickle, Olive, Cozy Glow, Amy, Truemen and Zipp were looking through the Gaia Manuscripts. It was Daytime there.

"Okay, we have to find out where the next Temple of Gaia is," Sally said.

"Obviously, it's somewhere in the North American Continent," Sonic said. "Obviously, we're gonna need to know where it is."

"We're looking everywhere on this ancient map and trying to pinpoint where it currently is, but we can't find the last temple anywhere," Zipp said.

"We won't need the map for this one," Midpoint said.

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"Because... we're gonna let the one person, who can see everything on the planet he touches, to lead you all towards the Temple of Gaia," Midpoint said.

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Olive and Cozy Glow went wide eyed. Then in unison, they all said, "MC!"

"Bingo," Midpoint said, pointing towards the Mane 6 and Sonic. He then typed on the computer there.

Meanwhile, in Station Square, MC was leaving the Station Square Community Center. He was the last one to leave the Community Center, and he locked up the door. He later got into his truck and his communicator started beeping. He then moved his right arm towards his head and he pushed a button on his hand.

"This is Alex Lynol calling MC the Fox," Midpoint's voice came from the communicator. "We're gonna need your help to find the last Temple of Gaia. Just look for a place that has something similar to this image." Then an image of an altar of the Temple of Gaia appeared in front of him. "Sonic, Twilight and their friends need to find this temple to fully bring the Earth back together."

"Got it," MC said. "I'll send a homing beacon when I get close to it. That way, the others can do the rest." MC then started up the truck after the image vanished.

Later, the Spirit of Freedom was flying through the skies. Tails and Sally were at the controls, following a homing beacon coming from MC's communicator.

"Got it!" Tails said. "We're getting close!"

"MC's homing beacon is close by!" Sally said.

"Well, this is where we'll get off," Sonic said.

"What?!" Tails asked. "But we're a thousand feet in the sky!"

"I've jumped from higher, remember?" Sonic asked. He then opened up the back. "Let's do this!" The Mane 6 and Chip nodded. Then they all jumped out of the Spirit of Freedom. All of them were screaming as they were going down. Some in excitement, some in fear. Twilight then used her magic to levitate her friends and bring them all down safely. Luckily, they landed near where MC was leaning against a tree. He was accompanied by the Young 6.

"What are you all doing here?" Twilight asked.

"They insisted on coming," MC said.

"Yona feel the urge to smash!" Yona said.

"No way we're gonna let Eggman prevent us from saving the world," Gallus said.

"Well, they got the heart to do it," Sonic said. "So, where's the Temple?"

"I'll lead you there, but you're not going to like where it is," MC said.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked. Just then, they heard the sound of Eggman's laughter. MC pointed towards where the laughter was coming from. They all headed over a hill and gasped at what they saw. It seemed to be some dark amusement park.

"Oh ho ho ho! Welcome to Eggmanland, the brainchild of my heart and soul!" Eggman's voice came from a speaker. Then a golden statue came up from in front of the entry way, the statue was of Dr. Eggman. "This is my magnificent empire, made possible through my genius and the limitless energy harnessed from Dark Gaia!"

"Wha-WOAH. This place is CRAZY!" Chip said, falling on his back.

"I'll never understand Eggman's tastes," Sonic said. The Mane 6 and the Young 6 nodded their heads in agreement.

Chip took some pictures of the place. He then waved his camera towards Sonic and said, "Get a good shot!"

Sonic took the camera as Chip got into position, posing in the same pose as the Eggman Statue. Sonic even took pictures of Chip in that same pose.

"Ahh ha ha ha ha haaa! Surprised? Yes of course you are!" Eggman's voice continued on the speakers. "Sonic! If you have any complaints, come deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is! Ahh ha ha ha haa.. ...ha-HACK! Hwaugh, koff! Whew..." The Mane 6, Young 6, Sonic and MC started walking through the entry way of the place.

"He's enjoying this way too much," Sonic said.

"I'm starting to judge his relationship with Maria," MC said, making Sonic and the Mane 6 nod.

"Sonic!" came Chip's voice. The group all looked up at the statue, seeing Chip on it, taking pictures of the place. "I can feel the last temple nearby! He must have built this place on top of it."

"Of course he did!" MC said. "I can see it! I can guide us through!"

"And as you do, we're just gonna have to tear this place down!" Sonic said.

"Fine by me," MC said, baring his claws. Then they all walked into the dark base, that looked like an amusement park.

"Seriously?!" Twilight asked. "He had to make it look like an amusement park?!"

"I can't believe he actually did it," MC said. "He's been planning this for years."

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He thinks that making an amusement park will persuade people to think he should be the world's ruler," Sonic said.

"But now, I believe with the power of Dark Gaia, he can force people to obey his every command by keeping everyone in until dark," MC said.

"And he'd have to keep the planet from being put back together to do it," Twilight said.

"So in order to stop Eggman from conquering the world..." Ocellus said.

"We'll have to find this last temple and fix the world completely," Sandbar said, finishing for Ocellus.

"I'm surprised none of the water from the Earth isn't falling into the cracks," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, I wonder why that is," Smolder added.

"Oh, that was Dark Gaia's doing," Chip said. "Every time the planet comes apart, there's a field around each piece of the continent that prevents water from getting off the Continent."

"There are some questions we'd prefer not ta ask, y'all," Applejack said.

"Alright, guys," MC said as they all reached a corner. "Be on guard." He then looked around the corner, seeing a bunch of robots guarding a building. MC then used his mind sight to look into the building guarded by the robots. "Okay, I see the temple."

"Where is it?" Sonic asked.

"It's at least 200 yards underneath that building," MC said. "We're gonna have to get past those robots."

"Perfect," Sonic said. "How do we do that?"

"Yona can smash robots!" Yona said.

"No," MC said. "We have to think smarter than that." MC then looked around and he saw a manhole cover. He then smiled. "Sorry, Rares."

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Rarity asked. She then noticed what MC was looking at. She then looked back towards MC and said, "No!"

MC then ran over towards the manhole cover, opened it up, and went wide eyed after looking into it. He then said, "That's something you don't see every time you open a manhole." Twilight then looked into the manhole and went wide eyed as well.

"A sewer full of lava?" Twilight asked. "That's definitely dangerous."

"Smells worse than any normal sewer," Sonic said. "Well, let's get in there." Sonic then climbed into the manhole, holding onto the ladder in the sewer.

MC was leading the group through the sewer system of Eggman Land, trying to get into the main building that controls the entire place.

"The heat from this lava flow..." Fluttershy said. "It's... hurting my eyes."

"Meh, not as bad as the Dragon Lands," Smolder said. She then looked down at her outfit. "I tried going into a lava pit back in the Dragon Lands in the clothes I was wearing, and all I came out with was the swimsuit I was wearing underneath."

"You're welcome," MC said. "For all the dragons of Equestria, I made sure that all their swim suits, trunks and bikinis were all lava proof."

"I insisted on him doing that," Rarity said. They then reached a vent. MC halted the group when they saw a bunch of robots passing by. As the sound of the robots passed, the screws of the vent started unscrewing from a magenta aura and the vent opened up. MC then climbed out of it and then he helped the others out, starting with Twilight.

"Any more heat and my mane and tail would've started frizzing," Twilight said.

"I do have some hairspray, Twilight," Rarity said.

"I wouldn't," MC said. "Hairspray is very flammable."

"Good point," Rarity said as she was being pulled out. MC then put a finger to his mouth, telling the group to be quiet. MC continued to help the others out of the vent.

The group then made it to a metal door with some grips on the bottom. The Mane 6, the Young 6, Sonic, MC and Chip all stopped in front of the door. MC then smirked.

"I got this," MC said, walking up to the door. He then grabbed the grips on the bottom of the door, but he got hit by some dark energy. "Gaaah!" He was then flung back and Yona caught him.

"What happened?!" Twilight asked.

"I felt... I felt... some kind of dark energy," MC said. "Like when I was fighting Sombra."

"It's Dark Gaia Energy," Chip said. "I know. I've fought it for billions of years."

"How are we gonna get in?" Sandbar asked. Just then, the Mane 6 and Sonic transformed into their nighttime monster forms, scaring the Young 6. Ocellus jumped into MC's arms as all of the Young 6 screamed.

"Whoa!" MC said. "When Mutt said you guys become monsters at night, I thought he was just exaggerating!"

"You know kids that age," Sonic said. "Sometimes, it's not all imagination." MC nodded as he tried dropping Ocellus, but she was in the same position she was when she jumped into MC's arms.

"Dang, you are a very good gripping Changeling," MC said. "Let go."

"Oh... sorry," Ocellus said, going back to the ground.

"Ah bet Sonic can lift that door," Applejack said, making the others hold their breath.

"Whoo!!" MC said. "I thought the Timberwolves back in Equestria had bad breath, but your breath out stinks them!"

"Sorry!" Applejack said.

"Sonic," Twilight said. "Think you can lift the door?"

"I'll try," Sonic said. "Stand back." He then went towards the door, and he grabbed the grips on the door, and he started lifting the door. It was then slammed upward. "Whoop. That was a little too much." Then they all walked in they were ambushed by Dark Gaia creatures. All led by some new ones. There were six different versions of them, and one of them was on fire.

"Holy smokes!" MC said. "These guys are already fired up for a fight. Especially that guy." The monsters then roared.

"We're gonna have to cool these guys off," Twilight said.

"We need some water, especially on the one that's on fire!" Gallus said.

"Where are we gonna get some water?" Ocellus asked. Just then, some water drenched the monster that was on fire, and the one that had electricity coming out of it. But then the electric one just passed out and vanished. The group looked up and saw MC holding a water pipe, aiming it at the monsters.

"Try the sprinkler system," MC said. "Of course Eggman's gotta have a plan for fire damage." He then put the pipe back into position. He then did a spin dash and started pounding on the monsters from above, ricocheting off the walls, ceiling and floor, only hitting the monsters and not his friends.

"Whoa!" Chip said. He then looked towards Sonic and asked, "Can you do that?"

"Well, only the spinning," Sonic replied. "I've never bounced off the walls like that." The monsters didn't disappear after getting pounded by MC's attacks.

"They're getting back up!" Pinkie Pie called out.

"Let's take 'em down!" Rainbow Dash said. The rest of the Mane 6 and Sonic nodded and charged at the monsters. They fought them off. MC then looked around, his eyes glowing in a golden aura.

"I see the temple!" MC said. "We're going down!" MC then used his claws to rip open a hole in the floor. "Let's go! Wooohooooooooo!!" MC said, jumping into the hole. "I am still falling!"

"Wow," Twilight said. "That is a deep hole." They eventually finished off the Dark Gaia creatures and then they all jumped down the hole. Eventually, they made it to the ground and Twilight used her magic to catch the ones who couldn't fly to slow their descent. When they made it to the ground, they saw MC on the ground, his body bending in places it shouldn't be bending. Eventually, his joints went back to normal.

"If I had the last of my remaining powers, I'd be able to absorb myself into the ground and come back up instantly," MC said. He then stopped. "You've gotta be kidding me."

The group looked towards where MC was looking and they saw the gates of the Temple of Gaia, along with a bunch of Dark Gaia creatures. They were mostly Titans and some new creatures.

"Whoa!" Sandbar said. "Those are big!"

Sonic howled and then he and the Mane 6 charged at the monsters. MC, Chip and the Young 6 went over towards the monsters. The new monsters then opened up its stomach, a bunch of little monsters coming out of them.

"Dang!" Sonic said. "There's so many of them!"

"Sparkles! Use your magic to hold them all still!" MC called out.

Twilight then looked up at her horn. She then smirked and then she used her magic to lift up the monsters. The monsters had no chance of getting their butts whooped. The others then took out the monsters. The monsters were then all then taken down by the Mane 6 and Sonic.

"Heh. That was too easy," Sonic said.

"Well, looks like this is it," Chip said. Chip's collar then started glowing and then the gates to the temple of Gaia started opening up.

"Thanks for helping us get here, MC," Twilight said.

"No problem, Sparkles," MC said. "Well, I gotta get back to Station Square." He was about to grab his ring and said, "Oh. One more thing." He then zoomed around the Mane 6 and Sonic and then went back to where he was before speeding around the group. He then looked towards Chip and asked, "So I'm guessing they won't be like this once the planet is restored to its former glory?"

"Yup," Chip said. "All of Dark Gaia's energy will be reverted back once the last continent is back in place."

"Good to know," MC said. "Better get back." MC then grabbed his Super Warp Ring and threw it, opening a portal somewhere. "C'mon, kids. You all need some sleep before tomorrow night. Tomorrow's Halloween."

"See ya," Gallus said as he and the rest of the Young 6 followed MC through the portal. After they all went through, the ring vanished. Then the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip started walking into the Temple.

The eight of them made it to the Altar, and Chip used his collar to bring up the platform. Sonic then pulled out the last Chaos Emerald and gave it to Twilight.

"It's your turn, Twilight," Sonic said. Twilight nodded and walked towards the platform. She then put the last Chaos Emerald into the hole. Then the Chaos Emerald started rising and white energy came into it, bringing the Emerald back to life.

"The final Chaos Emerald... Back at last!" Chip said. Then the place started shaking. From a satellite view, the North American/Equestrian Continent started descending, heading back to its original position. Later, the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip walked out of the Temple of Gaia as the gates were closing. Chip then said, "This should put the world back to normal. Dark Gaia will go back to being sealed within the core, and my work will be done."

The Mane 6 and Sonic turned to face Chip as Sonic said, "That's great, Chip."

"Yup. Thank you, Sonic!" Chip said. "Along with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie! It's all thanks to all of you!" Then they all put their hands together and waved them upward in celebration.

Above the Eggman Land sight, Tails was in the Spirit of Freedom, piloting it and having a conversation with Professor Pickle.

"Oh... It appears that Sonic and the girls have restored the last of the Chaos Emeralds," Professor Pickle said. "Things should settle down around here before long."

"That's right!" Tails said. "Satellite footage confirms that the last piece is moving back into place."

"That's wonderful!" Professor Pickle said. "I'll await your safe return, then. You can give me a full report over a plate of luscious cucumber sandwiches."

"Uh, I'll be happy to fill you in, Professor," Tails said. Just then, some laser blasts came in front of the Spirit of Freedom, surprising Tails. He then moved the yoke to get the Spirit of Freedom out of the line of fire.

Meanwhile, back in front of the Temple of Gaia, the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip were walking away from it until some rumbling came to their attention. The group then looked around.

"Hmmm? Do you feel that?" Chip asked. Just then, the roof was broken through and in came a new mech.

"What is that?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ahh ha ha haa!" came Eggman's voice. The group looked up at the hole and saw Eggman descending in his Egg Mobile. "Looks like you're all a bit late, heroes!"

"Eggman!" Sonic said, gritting his teeth.

"Thanks to my wondrous technology, Dark Gaia is whole and complete!" Eggman said. "I harnessed its energy to put together this little creation." He pointed at the mech that he was talking about. "Behold, the ultra-hyper Prototype-1!" He then pointed towards the heroes. "Crush them!" Just then, the mech extended the arm with the drill on it, firing it at the heroes, destroying the floor and all of them falling.

The Mane 6, Sonic and Chip were falling down a shaft, heading through the planet's crust. Eventually, they all landed on a falling platform. The mech from before came in and the Egg Mobile combined with it.

"Ohh ho ho ho ho! This gorge will be your tomb!" Eggman said. "Hehehahaha!"

"Not gonna happen, Eggman!" Twilight said. She then fired a blast towards where Eggman was, but he was protected by some sort of energy shield. Eggman laughed.

"Did you really think I wouldn't prepare myself for this type of battle?!" Eggman asked. "You're all fools to think you can defeat me now!" Then the arm with a cannon on it extended, firing upon the heroes. All of them were dodging the blasts from the mech.

Meanwhile, back in Station Square, MC was heading towards the kitchen to see Mutt there.

"Not tired yet?" MC asked.

"Yeah," Mutt said. "Especially with the quake waking me up."

"Yeah, that's true," MC said. His eyes then started glowing. He then gave a confused look. "That's odd."

"What is it?" Mutt asked.

"The last Chaos Emerald is restored..." MC said. "But the Continent isn't all the way down. Why is that?"

"What?" Mutt asked. "Wait, you don't think that that creature, Dark Gaia, is coming, do you?"

"I sure hope not," MC said. "Nicole, get me in contact with Sonic."

"Calling," Nicole said. "Error. Communications with Sonic, along with Twilight and her friends, have been interfered."

"Interfered?" MC asked. "By what?"

"Unknown," Nicole said. "Still trying to get communications with them."

"I wonder what's causing the interference," Mutt said.

Back in the gorge, the Mane 6 and Sonic were still battling Eggman in his Egg Dragoon. Twilight was trying to call for help, but she wasn't getting a signal.

"I can't get any reception!" Twilight said.

"That's because my machine here is interfering with your cell phone reception!" Eggman said. "You can't call for help even if you want to! Time to finish you off once and for all!" He then fired the drill upward, and then it came right down in the middle of the platform they were on, destroying it.

The Mane 6, Sonic and Chip fell down to another platform. Sonic then said, "I'm getting tired of getting our keisters handed to us! Time to take Eggman down before we all land in the lava!" He then charged towards Eggman's mech. He then grabbed the window on the mech's underbelly. The Egg Dragoon fired the drill, aiming towards Sonic, who got out of the way.

"Whaaaa! No!" Eggman said. Sonic then went up to where Eggman was on top. He then punched the mech, knocking the Egg Mobile out of its position. He then grabbed it and threw it off the mech. Sonic then landed back on the platform with the Mane 6 as the mech exploded.

"Yeah!" Sonic said. "Take that, Eggman!"

"Alright, everyone!" Twilight said. "Let's get out of here!"

"How could I lose?! This isn't over!" Eggman said, pounding the controls on the Egg Mobile. "I'll build a Prototype-2 and it..." He was then distracted when he saw something. Some weird purple snakes made of energy came from the lava.

"Wha?!" Sonic asked.

"Whoa!" Chip said.

"What's happening?" Twilight asked.

Just then, a large creature came from the lava, the energy snakes being connected to it.

"What?!" Sonic asked.

"Is that who I think it is?" Twilight asked.

"It's Dark Gaia!" Chip said. Dark Gaia looks towards the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip. Then it roared.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 6): Perfect Dark Gaia

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