• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 12: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 6): Perfect Dark Gaia

Episode 12: The Dark Gaia Saga (Part 6):

Perfect Dark Gaia

"How could I lose?! This isn't over!" Eggman said, pounding the controls on the Egg Mobile. "I'll build a Prototype-2 and it..." He was then distracted when he saw something. Some weird purple snakes made of energy came from the lava.

"Wha?!" Sonic asked.

"Whoa!" Chip said.

"What's happening?" Twilight asked.

Just then, a large creature came from the lava, the energy snakes being connected to it.

"What?!" Sonic asked.

"Is that who I think it is?" Twilight asked.

"It's Dark Gaia!" Chip said. Dark Gaia looks towards the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip. Then it roared.

"Yes, YES!" Eggman said. "Dark Gaia! Crush the insolent little hedgehog and those ponies! Kick them to the outer limits of space!" Eggman didn't notice that a snake from Dark Gaia was coming towards him until he saw it in front of him. It then struck the Egg Mobile, sending him out from under the crust of the last continent. "Why meeeeeee?!"

Then Dark Gaia's snakes charged towards the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip. Sonic grabbed Chip, then they all jumped out of the way, jumping from platform to platform, eventually, landing on the same one. They all looked towards Dark Gaia with angry looks. Dark Gaia glared at the group, making Sonic and the Mane 6 fall to the ground. Chip didn't notice as he was punching the air in front of him. He then saw the others on their hands and knees, groaning.

"Sonic! Girls!" Chip said. "What's wrong?"

The Mane 6 and Sonic continued their groaning until they screamed as the Dark Gaia energy from them was extracted from them and was absorbed back into Dark Gaia. Dark Gaia then started mutating, gaining three new eyes.

Chip shuddered and said, "Sonic, girls, you've got to get up! Sonic!" Sonic and the Mane 6 were all back in their normal forms.

"Chip. R-run, Chip!" Sonic said. Chip was worried for the group, but with a determined and furious look towards Dark Gaia, he saw Dark Gaia going in for another attack. But Chip's collar started glowing, and the entire platform was surrounded by a light green orb, blocking out the snakes. The orb then started floating above the platform.

"Seven lights of the earth rekindled!" Chip said.

In Station Square, MC and Mutt were heading back to the bedroom areas, but then the continent shook.

"Get down!" MC said, pushing Mutt to the corner of the nearby wall and the floor and MC got on top of him, protecting him until the shaking stopped.

Basically, all over the world, the Gaia Temples were rising, surprising the people around them. Including Daring Do and Ava Muttski back in Egypt.

"The temple!" Daring Do said. "It's... flying!" Then the temple disappeared.

From an outer space view, the temples were flashing in white lights, heading towards under the North American/Equestrian Continent, all seven of them leading towards Chip, the Mane 6 and Sonic.

"Awaken, and gather here to me!" Chip shouted. The seven Temples of Gaia then surrounded the group. Eventually, they all merged together after a flash of light. All seven temples became a colossus.

On the colossus, the Mane 6 and Sonic recovered and looked around. They saw that they were on the front piece of the Gaia Colossus.

"Where are we?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wait," Applejack said. "This thing kinda reminds me of the Temples of Gaia."

"That's because this thing is made of all seven Temples of Gaia," came Chip's voice. The group all looked towards the head. "It's time we take out Dark Gaia!"

Dark Gaia then grabbed a giant rock from the lava and threw it towards the Gaia Colossus. But the Gaia Colossus caught it and threw it back at Dark Gaia. Dark Gaia then roared after being hit by the lava rock. The Gaia Colossus then started accelerating towards Dark Gaia and started punching Dark Gaia.

Back in Station Square, MC opened up a portal to Professor Pickle's lab and he and Mutt ran through, meeting up with Midpoint and Professor Pickle.

"What's going on, Pickle?" MC asked.

"It would seem that Dark Gaia is on the rise," Professor Pickle said. "He's somehow gotten more powerful than he did ever before."

"Sonic, Twilight and her friends are under the continent, fighting off Dark Gaia as we speak," Midpoint said. "Dark Gaia is basically too powerful by some other Dark Gaia energy from somewhere."

MC then thought of something. He remembered when the Mane 6 and Sonic transformed into monsters at night. The energy that came from the Mane 6 and Sonic and the energy that the Dark Gaia creatures were made of were basically the same.

"Alex, I think I know where Dark Gaia got that extra energy," MC said. "From Sonic, Sparkles and the others."

"That... actually makes sense," Midpoint said as MC showed the Mane 6 and Sonic in their monster forms. "Dark Gaia absorbed the energy from Sonic and the girls, increasing his power."

"How are they going to beat them?" Mutt asked.

"I don't know," Professor Pickle said. Just then, Ava and Daring Do ran in.

"Ben?" Ava asked.

"Mom?!" Mutt asked. He then ran up to her and hugged her.

"What's going on, Mrs. Muttski?" MC asked.

"The Temple of Gaia just started floating and vanished," Ava answered.

"I don't know how that happened, but it did," Daring Do said.

MC then thought of something. He then said, "That little guy, Chip. He was Light Gaia. He's been holding off Dark Gaia since the beginning of the planet's creation."

"He must've called the Temples of Gaia to fight Dark Gaia underneath the crust!" Midpoint said. "That little guy has thought of everything!"

"Okay," MC said. "Looks like they've got it covered. We better get back to Station Square."

"Oh, wait, wait, wait," Midpoint said. "Send me the scans of Sonic, Twilight and the other girls."

"Why?" MC asked. Midpoint answered by pulling up a belt with a device connected to it. MC went wide eyed at the devices and asked, "Is that a BIDS?"

"Yup," Midpoint said. "And now with this, they all have costumes for the Halloween Party in Station Square." He then started typing on a computer, connecting the BIDS to it.

Back under the North American/Equestrian Continent, Dark Gaia was close to the Gaia Colossus and it grabbed it in it's claws. It then tried crushing the Gaia Colossus. The Gaia Colossus tried pushing back Dark Gaia as it was trying to crush it.

"Sonic! Now, Sonic!" came Chip's voice.

"Roger that, buddy!" Sonic said. Then he started running across one of the Gaia Colossus's left arm, running towards one of Dark Gaia's green eyes. "Time for the big finale!" Sonic then ran up the Gaia Colossus's arm and it launched up and he was launched towards the eye. He then collided with the eye, making Dark Gaia let go of the Gaia Colossus, covering the eye that Sonic attacked with a Spin Dash.

"Oooooh!" the Mane 6 said in unison.

"Right in the eye!" Rainbow Dash said.

Sonic then ran back to the girls, saying, "That's one big eye." Then Dark Gaia attacked the Gaia Colossus with it's left claw, but the Gaia Colossus blocked the attack and then punched Dark Gaia back, sending him back. Dark Gaia then grabbed the Gaia Colossus again. This time, Sonic started running on the right arm, heading to Dark Gaia's left green eye. Sonic then did a Spin Dash attack on that eye, making Dark Gaia push the Gaia Colossus back. Then the Gaia Colossus started punching Dark Gaia in the main face.

"Keep it up, Chip!" Twilight said. She then used her magic to fire a beam towards Dark Gaia's face, sending him back. Dark Gaia then roared and grabbed the Gaia Colossus again. This time, the Gaia Colossus had its hands against Dark Gaia's face. Dark Gaia then roared.

"Last green eye," Sonic said. He then ran up one of the Gaia Colossus's arms, running across it, and then Sonic launched himself towards the middle green eye, attacking it with a spin dash, sending Dark Gaia back.

Dark Gaia then recovered from the attack. The Mane 6 and Sonic stood on the Gaia Colossus, glaring at Dark Gaia. Just then, Dark Gaia leaned its head upward, sending some kind of purple gas from its mouth, heading towards the bottom of the continent, and sending the gas outside and it covering the entire globe.

The people around the world were freaking out on what was happening. In Shamar, Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, Amy, Truemen, Zipp, Ava, Daring Do and Professor Pickle ran outside, seeing the commotion.

"Wh-what's happening? It was broad daylight a minute ago!" Amy asked.

Professor Pickle was tired from running, looked up and said, "Dark Gaia has regained its true power. The beast is complete." They all looked up at the gas going across the sky. "It's just as the Gaia Manuscripts foretold. 'And the world shall be plunged into the dark of night, the dark of destruction.'" He then fell to his knees. "Oh, that it should come to this! We're doomed. The planet is lost!"

"I don't think so," Truemen said. "Sonic, Twilight, and the others haven't let us down before. They're more powerful than Dark Gaia will ever be."

"He's right," Olive said. "Dark Gaia will never win."

"Sonic would never let the planet end like this!" Amy said.

"Are you sure they can handle this?" Zipp asked. She then looked towards Midpoint, who was sitting on a chair, his eyes closed, and his head shaking like Doctor Strange in Avengers: Infinity War. "Guys. Is... that normal for him?" She pointed at Midpoint, the others looking at him as well.

"Lynol!" Olive asked. "Are you okay?!"

Midpoint then gasped and said, "Now I know how Doctor Strange felt in Infinity War."

"You looked into the future?" Cozy asked. "How many different futures did you see involving this battle?"

"14,000,105," Midpoint answered.

"How many did they win?" Amy asked.

Midpoint was doing a pause for dramatic effect. He then said, "One." The group then looked up into the sky.

Back under the North American/Equestrian Continent, Dark Gaia roared and not only did it's mouth open, but so did the large teeth on the sides of its head. Dark Gaia's body then started sprouting four extra arms on its body, spilling out green slime. And from the teeth, there came more eyes, and a huge one appeared in Dark Gaia's mouth, giving Dark Gaia seven new eyes.

"Oh, goodness!" Rarity said. "That's... that's disgusting!"

"I think I'm gonna throw up!" Rainbow Dash said, her face turning green in disgust.

"What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy asked.

"I got an idea," Twilight said. The others looked towards her. Twilight then looked up at the head of the Gaia Colossus. "Chip! We need the Chaos Emeralds!"

"I see," Chip's voice came from the Gaia Colossus. "That'll give you all a fighting chance against Dark Gaia! Good thinking, Twilight!"

"By taking on Dark Gaia in our super forms, we'll be able to win this thing!" Sonic said.

Inside the Gaia Temples, the Chaos Emeralds started glowing brighter. Then they started coming out of the Gaia Colossus, heading up to the Mane 6 and Sonic.

"Let's do it!" Sonic said when the Chaos Emeralds started rotating around the group. Then they all went into their Super Forms and they started flying in front of the Gaia Colossus. Without realizing it, a drone was getting live footage of the fight about to come to show to the entire world.

MC, Mutt, and the others that were there were watching the battle on the news from the Living Room TV. MC then said, "C'mon, Sparkles. You all got this!"

"Give it all you got!" Sunny said, without realizing that her ethereal horn and wings appeared on her, getting the attention of MC.

"Whoa!" MC said. "Sunny, we're gonna have to have a talk with Sparkles about that!"

"About what?" Sunny asked, not noticing her ethereal horn and wings.

"Up here," MC said, pointing at his forehead. Sunny didn't know what MC was talking about until she felt her ethereal horn. She then looked up and saw it.

"Whoa," Sunny said. "Yeah, we should talk about it later." She then got an idea. "That gives me an idea for my costume for the party!" She then ran out of the room.

"Only Sunny," Hitch said, shaking his head.

Back under the North American/Equestrian Continent, the Mane 6, Super Sonic and the Gaia Colossus were all flying towards Perfect Dark Gaia, who put a barrier around him to prevent the heroes from getting to him.

The group made it to the barrier, but the Mane 6 and Super Sonic couldn't get in. Super Sonic then groaned and said, "We've gotta take out this shield!"

"My turn Sonic!" Chip's voice came from the Gaia Colossus. The group looked towards the Gaia Colossus.

"Chip, what are you doing?!" Pinkie asked.

"Rh... RrrRAAAGH!" Chip's voice came from the Gaia Colossus as it was going through the barrier, getting Perfect Dark Gaia's attention.

Super Sonic was dumbstruck as he said, "Chip, I... You were... Wow!"

"I'll get its attention, all of you!" Chip's voice came from the Gaia Colossus as it was about to punch Perfect Dark Gaia. "You do something about this shield! I think those big snake things are creating the shield!"

"Good!" Twilight said. "We take out the snakes, the shield goes down! Everyone, spread out! Take out a snake each!" Then the Mane 6 and Super Sonic spread out to each take out a snake that was holding up the barrier. Even Fluttershy was giving it all she got.

"You... are just... a big... MEANIE!!" Fluttershy said, her voice booming. She then punched the snake that she had, it being vaporized. Applejack punched the snake she went to. Rainbow Dash flew through the head of another snake. Pinkie Pie blasted one snake with a bunch of party cannons. Rarity cut off the head of one snake with giant magical scissors. Super Sonic did a spin dash at one snake. And Twilight blasted the last snake with her magic. All of the snakes vaporized and the barrier vanished.

"Yes, the shield's gone!" Super Sonic said.

"Sonic! Girls! You did it!" Chip called out from the Gaia Colossus. Then Perfect Dark Gaia used all six of his hands to grab the Gaia Colossus. "Nnguaaaaagh! Nnrrrgh!"

"Chip!" Super Sonic called out. Perfect Dark Gaia was preparing a huge ball of energy to attack the Gaia Colossus.

"Everyone!" Twilight shouted. "Let's free Chip! Aim at an arm!" Super Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie quickly flew around Dark Gaia. They eventually attacked all six of Dark Gaia's wrists, making him let go of the Gaia Colossus.

"Eat THIS!" Super Sonic said, hitting Perfect Dark Gaia's wrist. The Gaia Colossus then moved back as Perfect Dark Gaia was about to attack it, but Twilight used her enhanced magic to block Perfect Dark Gaia's energy attack. When the attack stopped, the Gaia Colossus hit Perfect Dark Gaia with a left hook, leaving himself open for one last attack.

"This is what you get for messing with our home!" Twilight shouted. "Behold!"

"THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!!!!!" the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip all said in unison. Then the Mane Six and Super Sonic charged towards Perfect Dark Gaia, all aiming for an eye each. From left to right, it was Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Sonic, Applejack and Fluttershy. They then went through Perfect Dark Gaia's eyes, coming out through the back of Perfect Dark Gaia's head. Then Dark Gaia started falling back, green slime coming out of it and falling down towards the magma.

The Mane 6 and Super Sonic looked towards the Gaia Colossus. Super Sonic then smirked and then they all went back to their normal forms, exhausted from lack of sleep for days. They all started falling towards the magma, but the Gaia Colossus caught them in a green aura, all of them landing safely in its right hand.

Meanwhile, all the people of the world were celebrating that the sky had been cleared because of the actions of the Mane 6, Sonic and Chip. Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, Amy, Truemen, Zipp, Ava and Daring Do and Professor Pickle looked up at the sky in Shamar.

"You were right," Truemen said. "They did it."

"Let's get back to America," Midpoint said. "We've got a Halloween Party in Station Square to attend." He then pulled out his phone. "MC, go get Sonic and the girls from Brazil. I'm sending you coordinates of where to meet them."

"Roger that," MC's voice came from Midpoint's phone. "Wait. Why would they be there?"

"You'll see," Midpoint said. He then looked towards the group. "Who's up for a Halloween party, American style?" The group nodded and they headed out of there.

Meanwhile, back under the North American/Equestrian Continent, the continent was starting to lower. The Gaia Colossus looked up and saw it lowering. It then looked down at its hand, seeing the Mane 6 and Sonic still unconscious. Then Chip, in a ghostly form, appeared in front of them.

"Sonic... Girls..." Chip's spirit said. "You all must live." He then waved goodbye and flew back to the Colossus.

"Chip?!" Sonic asked in his sleep.

Chip looked back at the group before disappearing. Then the Gaia Colossus threw the group up and out of the continent before it was sealed up, the Colossus not following.

Later, it was pitch black. But then a voice came up.

"Sparkles!" came MC's voice. "Sparkles, wake up!" It was showing what Twilight was seeing. She saw MC in front of her. It then went to show the group all waking up. "You all had me worried!"

"Sorry about that, MC," Twilight said. She then looked around, seeing that she and the others were back in Brazil. "Where's Chip?"

They all looked around and Fluttershy gasped. She then shouted, "There he is!" The group all looked towards where Chip was. He was unconscious. Sonic rushed to grab him, but he vanished, leaving his collar there.

"I'll never forget any of you," came Chip's voice in their heads. "I'll be here by you, always. A part of the earth you tread." Sonic then sighed. He then put Chip's collar on his wrist. Just then, the Spirit of Freedom came in, landing near the crash sight. The main door opened up, revealing Tails and Sally.

"Sonic!" Tails said.

"Tails!" Sonic said. He then collapsed. MC rushed towards him.

"Whoa, take it easy, Sonic," MC said. "When was the last time you took a nap?"

"Actually," Twilight said. "We hadn't slept... well... since before Eggman broke the world apart."

"Wow," MC said. "Alright, you guys need your rest." MC then helped Sonic onto the Spirit of Freedom. Tails and Sally then helped them out. "Heck, I'd be tired too if I had something like that."

"Did you get all your powers back?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," MC said. "You guys go ahead and take a nap. We'll wake you when we get back to Station Square. And tonight's the Halloween Party."

"The Halloween Party?!" Rarity asked. "Oh, goodness! We don't have costumes!"

"That's... where you're wrong, Rares," MC said. "Lynol has gotten these prepared." MC then pulled out some devices. Then holographic images of Midpoint, Olive and Cozy Glow appeared.

"These are Bio-Illuminating Disguise Systems," Midpoint said. "Or for short, B-I-D-S."

"B-I-D-S?" the Mane 6 asked.

"Yeah, BIDS," Midpoint said. "They're special devices to disguise yourselves into whatever or whoever you want to be. It's like a digital version of Changeling Magic."

"Yeah," MC said. "And it was better than its last name. Bio-Illuminating Technological Changing Holograms."

"Oh, you mean..." Cozy was about to say before Olive covered her mouth.

"Whoa! Kids your age are not allowed to use that kind of language!" MC said.

"Yeah!" Pinkie said. "Besides, if this were a TV Show, it would be rated TV-Y7." The group then looked at Pinkie Pie in confusion. "What? That's what all action TV Shows are now, aren't they?"

MC sighed and said, "I'll never be able to understand her. Or Izzy. She mistook unicycling for recycling."

"Wow," Twilight said. "Hopefully, things will get better tonight." She then yawned. "Right now... I'm gonna..." She then fell asleep. The rest of the Mane 6 and Sonic started nodding off.

"Sweet dreams, Sparkles," MC said.

Later, that night, a bunch of people were enjoying the Halloween Party. A lot of people were enjoying themselves. The Mane 6 were wearing BIDS belts, making them look like their monster forms at night. They were also having a conversation with Professor Pickle, Daring Do, Ava, MC, Tails and Midpoint. MC was dressed up as a knight. Midpoint was dressed up as Hawkeye from Avengers: Age of Ultron. Ava, Daring Do and Professor Pickle weren't in costumes.

"And so, we cannot live without the night," Professor Pickle said. "We all must sleep. We all must rest. Darkness is a part of our world, just the same as light. It may be that the darkness has not been destroyed, but merely laid to rest. It grows strong over the eons, rises up, then is put to slumber by the light. Perhaps that is the true balance of Dark and Light Gaia. That balance may be the very will of the planet itself."

"So Dark and Light Gaia will return," MC said. "Eventually. Heck, who knows. Maybe I'll be able to see him again."

"It's true," Twilight said. "We went to a post-apocalyptic future and MC and Maria were both still alive."

"Seriously?" Daring Do asked, looking towards MC. "You'll live that long?"

"Maybe even more," MC said. "Who knows?" Just then, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer walked up to the group. Sunset was dressed up like a werewolf, like she did in that one Equestria Girls short. Starlight was dressed up like a scarecrow.

"Nice costume, guys," Sunset Shimmer said. She then saw Fluttershy. "Huh. Okay, now I can see her as a bat." She then looked at Daring Do. "Whoa! Nice Daring Do costume, miss!" Then she and Starlight walked away.

"Right," Rainbow Dash said, bumping Daring Do, trying to hold in her laughter. "Costume." She then saw something. "Is that... Sunny?" The group looked towards where Rainbow Dash was looking and saw Sunny dressed up like Nightmare Moon. She even gave off a gloomy expression to make herself look more like Nightmare Moon. She even had a black jumpsuit under the armor.

"Whoa!" Twilight said. "Am I crazy, or does she really look like Nyx when she was bigger?"

"Oh, right," MC said. "I've been meaning to talk to you. It seems that when she went super, she kept the ethereal horn and wings."

"What?!" Twilight asked. "I'm gonna have to talk to her about that. But for now, let's enjoy the party!" Then they all continued partying, enjoying the night away.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Extreme Gear Christmas Race

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