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A Nice Welcome Home (Probably)

It was a bright and sunny morning. Everypony was asleep and dreaming about pleasant things. They weren’t gonna wake up yet, but they will eventually… . And things could’ve been perfect like that if it hadn’t been for one thing, and one thing only… . A wake up call.

“Kids, everyone, time to get up! It’s breakfast time!” Mr Cake called from downstairs since he and his wife made some breakfast for the kids, and guests too. “One more minute!” Sombra shouted from upstairs as he’s still tired and half asleep.

Not really satisfied, Mrs Cake played the “food’s gonna get cold” card, and then added with; “if you ponies don’t come down, I won’t make y’all any snacks!” Groaning since they wanted snacks, everypony that was asleep and or lying down got up and got ready for the day.

Once they were down, Sombra asked; “so what exactly did you ponies make to call us down? Is it the same old same old? Or is it something different?”

Mrs Cake frowned, then starts saying whilst swaying, “well I just wanted to make something for everyone to enjoy… . Is that so hard???” Sombra sighs, then says, “it isn’t that… . It’s just how I feel and react whenever I get woken up by something other than my own body clock… . You know???”

Mr Cake sighs, then says, “it is like that yeah… . But hey, I’m a parent, so I apparently can’t do much about other than just soldier on… right?” Sombra shrugs, then Mr Cake continued with, “look… how about we just go eat our breakfast so we won’t yell at each other… . Understand?” Sombra nodded, and went to his seat. Eventually the others did too and began eating. Afterwards, they separated to do their own things.

“You sure that Flurry’s gonna be okay with seeing us?” Cadence asked Shining Armor. He responded by saying; “pssh! It’s fine… . Really! I mean… “ he said as he opens the door. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

However, soon after he said that, Shining and Cadence saw the sight that lay before them. It involved Sombra covered in bits of batter, the Cake Twins stuck together from the batter, and finally their daughter hidden in a literal pile of batter.

How in Equestria did all of this happen? To basically answer that question this’ll take nothing more than a flashback… .

And probably a few more hours into recalling this event as well.

“So… what do you kids wanna do?” Sombra asked.

The Cake Twins and Flurry Heart looked to be thinking of something, but they eventually shrugged because they had no clue as to what to do.

So with Sombra just shrugged too, and sat with the group to try to tickle them. It worked for a bit, until Flurry Heart looked to be having an idea, and then stopped laughing to tell everyone of her idea. This idea of hers is pretty messy, but assured that it’ll be worth it.

However, before this could happen, there was a hissing sound, then it stopped. Both Flurry and Pumpkin raised her hooves, defending themselves by saying that it wasn’t them. Looking towards Poundcake, he blushed, and went to get cleaned up before getting one of his sister’s diapers to wear; as he forgot to go to the bathroom before playtime, while Sombra went to get some cleaning supplies to clean up the mess.

“Do we have everything?” Sombra asked while looking over the ingredients and appliances. Pumpkin nodded, but looks to be feeling nervous, and started to ask; “a-are you sure we have everything??? B-because mommy and daddy will be mad at us if we made a huge mess in here… .”

Sombra just chuckled to this and said; “relax… . What’s the worst that can happen?” Pumpkin Cake just sighed, before nodding her head in agreement.

Poundcake gave Sombra the all clear with a pony version of a thumbs up gesture, which prompted him to rub his shadow hands together before saying; “let’s do this… “ and then began to prep the cake.

Few minutes later…

“Well this can’t be good.” Sombra said as the cake that was once baking in the oven is now on the countertop, slowly but surely rising and inflating: almost like if a ballon was rigged into the batter without anyone noticing.

“Uh.. guys… ? H-how do we get this to stop???” Pumpkin Cake asked nervously. Her brother soon replied; “I-I think we just have to hope that it doesn’t… .” The batter then exploded without warning.

“Explode… .” Poundcake finished before hearing pieces of batter falling to the floor as a result from the explosion, and then afterwards, the front door being opened.

“So that’s how it happened.” Shining Armor said before laughing. The Twins and Flurry Heart were sulking as it wasn’t a good time to laugh about it since it happened only recently. “Don’t… mention it… please!” Pumpkin Cake replied; her voice indicating that she’s trying not to yell from her anger. “Got it”, Shining responded before gesturing a zipper like gesture as a means to say that he’ll keep his mouth shut from now on.

After a few minutes have passed, Sombra broke the silence by asking; “so… how was the trip?” Which then caused Cadence to sigh heavily before she responded with; “it would’ve been a great trip to pick up our daughter if somepony hadn’t been procrastinating lately.” Shining then turned to his wife, and said; “hey, you said that I could have a shower before we left, but no. You said that the train was here before I even got a chance to do so.”

This unfortunately sparked an argument, and then the royal couple began arguing with each other in front of the group. Not liking that her parents are fighting, Flurry Heart began to whimper with tears enveloping in her eyes, before she bawled out and started crying. After a few more heated words, the couple then stopped fighting.

Sombra picked up Flurry Heart to calm her down more, and then replied to the royal couple, “look, I get it; it’s hard to get ready on time to pick up your daughter, I get it now… . But also, hey; if you two have some problems with each other, sort it out in private. Don’t just act out like this in front of us! Especially in front of your daughter too… . You know how sensitive she’s gotten ever since she’s gotten abducted by the bandits, and also for having to run away from home to get to safety in Ponyville when the yetis decided to attack all of Equestria due to their natural territory being invaded or threatened… .”

Scootaloo; whom was inside the bakery to have some smoothies with her cmc pals, butted in to ask, “how’d you know all that?” To which Sombra responded; “it’s a long story… .” Scootaloo nodded her head and returned to her seat to continue socializing with Applebloom and sweetie Belle; whom all three of them are sitting on the counter, drinking their smoothies.

Sombra regained his composure, and continued with, “like I said before, if you two are gonna fight, then sort it out first before doing so… . Otherwise your daughter here will get even more sensitive to the point where she could have to wear these things for all time… “ Sombra finished while referring to Flurry’s diaper, which is thankfully clean… for now.

Realizing that he’s got a point, the royal couple just frowned from feeling bad now, and nodded their heads. To which point, Sombra continued with; “and for obvious reasons you two love each other so much… . I’m sure that you two don’t wanna break up with each other and leave your daughter behind like that… . Would y’all?”

Having small tears in his eyes, Shining Armor replied; “we get it now… . So please stop before you make us cry… . I’m sure you can guess that I don’t like that… “ Shining finished before sniffling and wiping his nose. Sombra replied with; “understandable… “ before going back to comforting Flurry Heart since he’s still carrying her, and that she’s still calming herself down too from crying as well.

After a few minutes passed by, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence looked back at Sombra, smiled, then Shining said, “feel free to drop her off when you’re ready. We’ll be back home. Okay?” Sombra nodded and waved them goodbye.

However, before they left, Cozy Glow got in front of them to ask, “is it okay if I visit you guys sometime??? Pwease??? I get weawwy bowed easily, and I don’t know what I wanna do… .” Sombra sighs, then says, “she’s wondering if she can have a playdate with Flurry Heart one day. Sure she’s a villain in the past but she’s still a kid! And besides… “ Sombra began as he sighs heavily, “she’s basically parent-less soon after she became a villain. So she’s also wondering if y’all can consider adopting her… when y’all are ready that is… . Is that alright?”

Not wanting another kid, but also not wanting to feel bad for Cozy anymore, Shining Armor replied; “we’ll think about it… “ and then both of them left the bakery.

Once Cozy returned to Sombra, she then asked, “you really mean it?” He sighs, then replied; “why not? I mean… I’d definitely adopt you and all… but… .” Sombra sighs before continuing with, “but I just don’t think I’d be a good parent, you know… ? I mean… “ he knelt down before finishing with, “I just don’t have much experience with being a parent, you know… ? So that’s why… .”

Cozy seemed to understand, but then went to climb up to have Sombra carry her, before she responded with; “how about this. If by some chance you get married to Chrysalis, would you adopt me? And if not… then can you be my foal-sitter???” Sombra then looked to be having some thoughts, before she just put her hoof to his mouth, and then finished with, “and by that, I meant that it’s okay if you don’t want to be my dad… I get it! We’re former villains now.. and it’s hard to get past that! I mean… “ Cozy started to blush before finishing with, “I’m still not used to being the good guy… know what I mean?” Realizing that she’s got a point, Sombra nodded with a smile, and then replied; “got it… “ before Flurry Heart began to yawn and rub one of her eyes.

Thinking about what to do next, Sombra just asked, “wanna make a cake?” Before Cozy nodded, and then two of them went to the kitchen. But not before making Flurry Heart a sandwich for her to eat.

With that, the three ponies had fun, and awaited the day to where they can drop Flurry Heart off back home… .

The end.

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