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A Sorta Nice Stroll in Ponyville

The group are all outside, taking in their surroundings as they’re off on an adventure! One that ain’t gonna get them hurt! Hopefully… . As some of them in the group are accident prone… . And not just potty accident prone too.

“Ugh… where are we going???” Rainbow Dash said; surprisingly tired already. “I’m bored… . And hungry… .”

King Sombra stopped in his tracks, turned to look at her, and asked; “I thought you just ate?”

Applejack sighs to this, points at Rainbow, and then replied with; “apparently she thought that shakes would actually help fill her up… . Hehe… guess not.” Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack for saying that, but then looked down with her ears folded in as she could be right about that… .

Sighing as well, Sombra said, “cmon now. We’re gonna get dehydrated if we stay here for too long. I mean… I do have some cold water for us… . But still, I wouldn’t want those to heat up. Despite the fact that it’s not even hot or cold out, and also despite the fact that you out of all ponies wouldn’t travel light… surprisingly… .” Blushing; Rainbow Dash tried to say something, but couldn’t as Sombra had got a point. Applejack is blushing too as apparently she isn’t traveling light either… which is basically obvious by the way both of their bags looked… . To put it short, their bags looked cartoonishly huge, and towering to the sky.

“So… “ Pumpkin Cake began as to break whatever awkward moment this is. “Where are we going?” Sombra lit up for some reason, and then enthusiastically said; “we’re going to a fancy restaurant!”

Flurry Heart gasped, and said; “really?!” Sombra chuckled, then said; “no we’re not… . We’re going to the park. After that, if we’re still hungry, then we’d go to a regular restaurant to eat.”

Flurry Heart then said; “oh… “ and then shrugged before finishing with; “that’s fair. I don’t think I’d be able to handle the pressure of being in one of those places… “ before laughing a bit.

Sombra chuckled too, then asked; “your aunt been teaching you about how to speak like a grownup or what?”

Flurry Heart just giggled, then responded; “she’s weird… . But in a good way!”

Sombra nodded, and then replied with; “that’s fair… . Now let’s go.” Flurry nodded and continued looking ahead so she won’t bump into anything or anyone while walking with the group to the park.

“So… “ Rainbow Dash began. “How’s your day so far Sombra?”

“Could’ve been worse… but otherwise fine!” Sombra replied.

Applejack then added with; “well if I’m gonna add into this conversation for starters, Apple Bloom has been feeling mighty angry at me for some reason… and I can’t seem to figure out why???”

Sombra looked to her with a raised eyebrow, and then asked; “did you by chance decide to treat her like a child or a little baby again???”

Applejack blushed to that question, and then slowly nodded before covering her face with her hooves. Sombra chuckled to that, and then replied with, “Well there you go! I mean cmon now kid, she’s practically thirteen already… . Why else would she be acting like that???!” Applejack’s face grew fully red and she fully hid her face from embarrassment with her hooves.

The Cake Twins and Flurry Heart approached the group, and then Poundcake asked; “is it okay if we can eat now??? I’m starving… .” “Yeah… me too! I haven’t ate anything since we left our house… .” Pumpkin Cake replied.

The three older ponies just chuckled, and then Sombra said; “but didn’t you two and Flurry Heart eat anything for a meal???”

Flurry Heart ran to the group, having overheard the conversation, nods, then says, “but we’re small… . And we stiww hungwy… .”

Sombra sighs, then says; “well… . Since the three of y’all are growing up, I might as well.” And then opened up the picnic basket to get the three some sandwiches.

However, before the three fillies and or foals could begin to eat, Pumpkin Cake’s tummy started to rumble, and then she said; “uh oh… “ before keeling over from feeling like she’s either gonna hurl, have “the runs”, or both.

Seeing this, Sombra asked; “you okay?” Before Pumpkin replied back quickly; “I need a bathroom… !” Realizing as to what’s happening now, Sombra quickly got up, and carried Pumpkin Cake to find a portable bathroom.

The remaining four ponies looked at each other before Poundcake asked; “sooo why were you two fighting?” Before Apple and Rainbow both groaned, not wanting to answer a question like that anymore because it’s making them feel uncomfortable… .

“Bathroom bathroom bathroom… . Oh where is it?!” Sombra whispered to himself, trying his best to find a portable bathroom very quickly so that one of the cake twins wouldn’t have an accident. Pumpkin meanwhile was feeling really antsy, thinking that maybe she wouldn’t be able to hold it in any longer… . And the more time that’s spent, the more likely it’ll become a reality.

Suddenly, after what felt like an eternity, they both finally found a portable bathroom! Both of the ponies sighed in relief as they soon hurried to get to it so that way Pumpkin wouldn’t have an accident. And so that way Sombra wouldn’t have the chance to change her! Reason being is that not only that she’s eight; (same age as her brother), but also because if she went in her diaper, then her potty training would be lessened to the point where she’ll become diaper dependent again… . It hasn’t happened much to the point, but it’s getting there.

“Okay… now if I can just… .” But before Sombra could finish his sentence to open the door, someone else opened it, and exited the bathroom. Feeling hesitant, both ponies went to investigate, only to find that the bowl was filled with not only a pile, but with flies flying all around it. Repulsed by it, both ponies gagged and shut the door, taking in deep breaths as they did so due to the smell.

“Well… that stunk… .” Sombra commented. Not just due to the fact that it was used, but also because it smelt. Pumpkin giggled because of the joke, but then quickly clutched her belly as it’s rumbling again; signifying that she’s not going to hold it anymore longer… . “I don’t think I can make it… “ she said through a strained voice.

Sombra then went to check and see if there was another portable bathroom close by, but no luck. Admitting defeat, Sombra slowly approached Pumpkin Cake, and then said; “hey… if you want… we could let you go in the bushes… . Would that make you feel better?”

Pumpkin shook her head to this, and replied; “can’t… . It’s more of my brother’s thing… . Sorry… .”

Sombra then asked; “you can’t or you won’t?”

Blushing, Pumpkin Cake answered with; “both… “ and groaned with a whimper as she’s about to reach her breaking point.

Sighing, since this is against as to what he’s trying to do, Sombra knelt down, and replied with, “if you want, you can just use your diaper… . We’ll keep working on getting rid of your accidents and re potty training you… . It’s okay.” Pumpkin nodded with a deep blush to her face, and then she knelt down before grunting to relieve the pressure from her stomach. After that was done, Pumpkin sighed with relief, but then eventually started to cry since she had an accident; something that both she and Sombra were trying to avoid.

Sighing also, since it was all for nothing, Sombra picked her up, and then said; “it’s okay… . Like I said before, accidents happen… .” Before patting Pumpkin’s diaper while carrying her, which unfortunately is now dirty. “And also it takes time to re potty train anyways… . Flurry had the same problem too back then… . So no worries!”

Feeling no longer embarrassed and ashamed, Pumpkin Cake nodded, and gave him a hug with a smile. Chuckling to this, yet also feeling repulsed from the smell, Sombra looked to her with a bit of a weak smile, and then said; “let’s get ya cleaned up… . Okay?” Pumpkin nodded with a blush, and then hid her face with a lock of Sombra’s mane. With that, Sombra then began to walk back to the picnic area with Pumpkin Cake in tow.

Once they got back, Pumpkin was lied down before being changed by Sombra; whom again, has a disgusted and repulsed look to his face due to the smell. Seeing this, Pumpkin Cake whined, and covered her face with her hooves while blushing heavily because she’s feeling embarrassed again. Soon afterwards, the deed is done, and Pumpkin now has a new diaper on.

“So uh… “ Applejack began to ask. “You two couldn’t find a bathroom in time?”

Pumpkin sat up, sighs, and replied with; “technically.. we did… . But somepony already used it and didn’t bother warning us before hoof.” Applejack growled to this, and then mumbled angrily to herself. “Well that figures… . This always happens!”

Seeing her friend angry now, Rainbow Dash replied; “it’s okay AJ. I’m sure that they were in a hurry is all… . It’s fine!”

Applejack growled again, before replying to her friend, “I know that… but still! They should’ve just warned the two before hoof… . It’s ridiculous!”

Sombra placed a shadow hand in front of Applejack, and replied; “hey, it’s over now, so just leave it be!” Applejack then began with; “but it’s not… “ before her sentence was cut off with Sombra replying back; “leave it!” Applejack did as she was told, and left it at that; albeit whimpering now as she’s not used to being yelled at like that at all.

Sombra saw this, sighs, then says, “I’m sorry kid… . I’m just in a bad mood right now… . I mean after all… , those bandits have made one of the Cake Twins have a problem now… . And I’m not so sure if it’ll be fixed… .” Hearing this, Pumpkin whimpered and asked; “what???” Before starting to get teary eyed.

Sombra quickly caught himself before replying back; “I meant that I’m not so sure that your problem will be fixed as quick as Flurry’s accident problem! That’s all… .” Pumpkin Cake then said; “oh… .”

And then sat down before continuing with a whine to her voice; “but I want it fixed now… !”

Sombra quickly shushed her, and replied back; “I know, I know… . But like I said already, it takes time… okay? So please just don’t make a big deal out of this… .” Sombra sighs and says; “if anything, I’m just mad that this day is getting worse… .” Sombra then laid down before continuing with, “and I’m just not sure on how it’ll get better… .”

Pumpkin Cake laid down next to him, and replied with; “well if it makes you feel any better… I do appreciate you changing me and all… . Even though you didn’t like it.”

Sombra snickered to that response, and replied with; “what??? I never enjoyed that! Who said I enjoyed it?” Pumpkin Cake began to laugh, and so did Sombra.

After that, both of them got up and dusted themselves off. But before anything else can happen, Sombra turned to ask; “you know I just realized something… . How are you wearing a diaper?”

Blushing, Pumpkin Cake replied back; “a-a-at home… . B-b-before we left… .”

Sombra blinked, then asked; “was it your mom that got you those diapers to wear? Or no?” Pumpkin nodded, and began blushing again. Sighing, Sombra replied; “like I said; accidents happen. And we’ll definitely get you re potty trained, and ensure that there’s no more accidents! Okay?” Pumpkin Cake nodded and hugged him with a smile, with Sombra returning the gesture.

After awhile, Sombra asked; “do you want anything to drink now???”

Pumpkin Cake then started panting a little bit; realizing that she’s now feeling hot due to the weather heating up, and from thirst, before replying with; “and something to eat too… ? I’m starving… ! But mostly thirsty.”

With that, Sombra replied; “coming right up!” And gave Pumpkin Cake her sandwich and juice box. Soon afterwards, the rest of the ponies got their sandwiches and drinks, and then began to enjoy their picnic meal. After that, they began to clean up to go back to the Cake’s bakery.

“Oooooh… . What a day… .” Applejack said; exhausted from the day that was spent. “Eeyup! You’ve said it… . I don’t think I’ll ever wanna do that again… . Hehe… not until next year… hehehe… “ Rainbow Dash replied; both sheepishly and due to exhaustion.

“So did she???” Mrs Cake began before Sombra cutted her off by saying; “oh yeah… . And it was a big one… .” Mrs Cake sighs, and says; “this is all my fault…. “ before starting to tear up.

“If only I wasn’t so hard on her, then maybe she wouldn’t have had this problem! You know… ?” Sombra sighs, then says; “well then again… your son Poundcake did say that the problem began back when the bandits abducted all of us… . So technically it wasn’t your fault.”

Mrs Cake sighs as well, before replying; “true… . But if I haven’t been so hard on her, then maybe it wouldn’t have gotten worse… . You know?” Sombra nods again, and then wraps a shadow hand behind her back before responding with; “that’s fair… . But hey, it could’ve been worse… you know?”

Mrs Cake then got this look that she just remembered something, snickers, then looks to him with a smirk before playfully slugging him. “You really think I’d fall for you… ? Hah! In your dreams… .” “Ow… “ Sombra said with a chuckle while rubbing his arm that was punched. “That wasn’t what I meant… . But okay then. Assume away.”

Mrs Cake chuckles before getting up to get behind the front counter, and replied with; “fair point… “ before clearing her throat. “Now then… . Is there anything I can get for you today?”

Before Sombra can act like a customer, the three little ponies (Flurry Heart and the Cake Twins), all decided to act like customers too, but during a lunch rush. Chuckling, Mrs Cake gestures with her hooves, and said; “one at a time, one at a time! I can’t take y’all’s orders if y’all are speaking all at once like this… . One at a time!”

The three little ones all calmed down, and the Pumpkin Cake raised her hoof while bouncing, and asked; “can I get a strawberry lemonade please??? It’s so good!”

Mrs Cake chuckled to that, and said; “maybe I’ll get you a small for until it’s time to eat dinner… . Okay?” Pumpkin Cake whined, but nodded; as she was hoping to just drink some lemonade and that’s it.

Poundcake then asked; “can I get a chocolate lava cake?” Mrs Cake chuckled to this too, and replied with a wave to her hoof; “no no little one… . After dinner… okay?”

Poundcake sighed with a groan, and then replied with; “fine… . Just get me a small cup of orange juice then.” Mrs Cake nodded, and then turned to ask; “and for you two? What would you like?”

Flurry Heart began to whisper something into Sombra’s ear, and then giggled. Sombra snickered, and then asked; “can we get two “Angel wings please???”

Mrs Cake blinked, feeling confused as to what that could possibly mean, slightly scared as well, and asked, “uh…. What’s that?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash shouted from afar; “strawberry, banana, and blueberry smoothies!”

Mrs Cake; now getting the reference, says; “oh! Coming right up!” And then dashed out of the counter to make the orders. The group then all laughed at this, while the farm and jock ponies are sipping from their cups of coffee that they ordered recently.

At dinner time… .
“So uh… who’s got any interesting stories?” Sombra said while he’s at one of the tables eating his dinner. Rainbow Dash raised her hoof and tried to tell it, but unfortunately wounded up spitting out some crumbs and such since her mouth was full.

Applejack pointed at Rainbow, and then Rainbow swallowed her food down before replying; “I said.. I got one! But I don’t know if it’s exactly foal friendly… .” Rainbow Dash then started to blush after saying all that.

Sombra sighs, and then replied with, “I got one!” And drank some water before beginning to tell his story… .

“So get this… . I was with Somnambula, believe it or not. And as we were walking… we’ve came across some interesting looking vendor.” Sombra paused as he saw Rainbow Dash raising her hoof like some student with an answer to a question.

Snickering, Sombra asked; “yes Rainbow… ? What do you want?” Rainbow Dash then replied with; “is the vendor some super shady vendor like from one of daring do’s adventures?”

Chuckling, Sombra replied with; “the shady kind of vendor that’ll con you of your coin. That kind of shady.” “Oh… “ was her response before sitting down with a pout; feeling silly about what she just asked. Sombra then pats Rainbow’s head, and then clears his throat before continuing his story.

“So basically, this vendor was really sketchy. Now what I didn’t know was that even though he’s a scammer, he’s also something else… . Can anyone guess who else he is???” The group all nodded no, prompting Sombra to reply with; “he was a known criminal!” All of the ponies in the group gasped, and then Sombra replied with; “but no worries! Cuz after a few hours of chasing him, he was caught, and tried with not only scamming countless tourists and locals, but also for filly napping too! Amongst other crimes I can’t tell you for your own sanity.” The ponies then all shivered, and then nodded.

“Now then… “ Sombra began. “Anyone of y’all got anything interesting to say before we do something else? It’s getting late after all.” With that, Pumpkin Cake replied with a cute little yawn, and began rubbing one of her eyes. Seeing this Sombra replied with; “awww… . Feeling sleepy?” Pumpkin Cake replied with a bit of a whine, and then nodded.

Mrs Cake approached her daughter to pick her up before replying with; “you know you’re not a baby no more, right?” Before giggling; thinking that it’s a silly thing for her daughter to do. Whining a bit, Pumpkin replied; “sowwy… . But I so sweepy… !”

Poundcake chuckles to this, and replied with; “easy there sis. You’re tired. You can act like a baby if you want… but not for too long… . And don’t go too far with it too… okay?” Pumpkin Cake nodded and yawned one last time before closing her eyes and falling asleep in her mother’s arms.

Looking at the adorable sight that lie before her, Mrs Cake replied with; “maybe tomorrow we’ll see if we can re potty train her. Obviously, we won’t treat her like a foal… .”

“And I’m not gonna be looking obviously… “ Poundcake said before covering his eyes for a bit.

Mrs Cake chuckles, then says; “we’ll see if we can fix that problem too… “ before walking upstairs to tuck her daughter in.

And with that, the rest decided to call it a night, and went to their own respective rooms to sleep the night away… .

The end… for this chapter anyways.