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A Very Semi Productive Morning

Sombra and the others are fast asleep in their own beds… . Well technically Sombra is sleeping in the guest bedroom downstairs, and Flurry Heart is asleep with the Cake Twins on one of their beds. Surprisingly it’s big enough to fit all three of them in there… . But then again, it’s cartoon physics!

Anywho, Mrs Cake is downstairs, getting ready to tackle the day of baking stuff for the customers, and of course making some breakfast for her children, and guests. “Hmm… .” She began thinking to herself. “I wonder what to do today… . Surely no pony would ever be here this early now would they??? But what do I know, I don’t pay attention to that stuff!” She then chuckled to herself, but then covered her mouth in shock as it was loud. “I really gotta control that… “ she thought. “That could’ve been embarrassing… .”

Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are now both sitting at a table together, both covered in bruises, dust, and with their manes all scuffled, whilst having mugs of hot chocolate on the table.

“Should I ask or is this a bad time?” Sombra began as he’s concerned about them hurting each other like that, yet also secretly smiling and finding the situation funny.

“I don’t… wanna… talk about it… !” Rainbow Dash replied slowly as she’s trying her best not to raise her voice due to her being cranky, and angry from her fight with Apple Jack. After a bit, both her and Apple Jack got their respective mugs, and then took a sip from them. Rainbow shook her head and looked at her mug in shock, and asked; “h-how is this peppermint flavored? T-that’s weird… .”

Mrs Cake sighs, having been rolling a wooden barrel for some reason, and then replied while looking at Rainbow; “because Filthy Rich insisted that I have some peppermint flavoring for in the case he and his wife ever do visit… . I swear… if those two weren’t paying for our bakery, I’d certainly would’ve told them off… .”

Apple Jack apparently spat out her drink in shock, and then looked to Mrs Cake with disbelief whilst saying; “what??!” To which, Mrs Cake nodded her head with a frown. She wasn’t asking that because of what Mrs Cake just said; she’s used to it already. However what she didn’t know was that the Cakes actually didn’t own this entire bakery… . And that stunned her to her core… .

Also stunned, Sombra stammered out, “i-i-i thought that you and your husband owned this bakery… . You don’t?!”

Mrs Cake sighs, nods her head again, and also looked to Sombra with a frown before saying; “sadly… no… .” After that, she stood up the barrel, and then sat down on it; using it as a chair of sorts.

“Well uh… . I’m sorry to hear bout that… .” Sombra said as he leans in to put a hoof to one of Mrs Cake’s hooves.

This caused her to snicker, and ask, “I’m honestly surprised that you managed to reform so quickly… . How’d that happen???”

Flurry Heart just hugged Sombra as an answer, and then Sombra pointed to her with a smirk while looking at Mrs Cake, and said; “She is a non stop hugging machine. That’s all… . Oh, and also I’m sick of being hunted down like I’m some sort of bounty for them… . That’s all.” Flurry rolled her eyes with a smile, and then playfully punched Sombra in the arm before leaving to play with the Cake Twins. To which point, Sombra just replied; “ow… .” Before rubbing his arm because it hurt.

Afterwards, the ponies then separated to do different things while Rainbow Dash and Applejack are still sitting together; metaphorically licking their wounds by sipping their hot chocolates together, now that it’s cooled down.

“Twee more days??? Again?!” Flurry Heart said; having just finished reading the letter that Sombra received from the Cake Family’s mailbox. Even Sombra was stunned; due to the fact that he’s just standing there with a shocked expression to his face.

After that he groans, and then just went to the counter while muttering; “they can’t be serious… “ and leaned against it while pinching his nose; as if to signify that he’s annoyed, and not happy, like a stressed out, or not so happy cartoon character. As for Flurry Heart, her face went from shocked, to sad, and then she threw the letter down in anger with a huff, and then stomped towards Sombra in order to sulk as well… .

“Trapped in Saddle Arabia again???” Rainbow Dash asked while leaning against the counter next to Sombra.

“Eeyup… . Didn’t bring enough money again to leave any spares for their trip back home… . That figures!” Sombra ended with a sigh. Meanwhile, Applejack is trying to calm down Flurry Heart, but is having no luck since she keeps swatting her hooves away and shooing her to go away too.

“Hehe… that’s Shining Armor for ya. Always not good with planning… . Hehehe… .” Rainbow ended with a bit of a chuckle.

Sombra snickered to what Rainbow just said, and then replied back; “believe it or not, it wasn’t Shining Armor this time.”

“Really???” Rainbow said with a small laugh. “No kidding… .”

“Yeah… “ began Sombra. “It was Cadence this time! Who knew?! Hehe… I guess couples think alike after all huh… ? Who would’ve known???”

“Hey… ?!” Was Flurry Heart’s response because she felt insulted for having her parents dissed on like that by her best friend/babysitter, and her rainbow mane colored aunt.

Before there could be any more trouble in the mix, Applejack held both her front hooves out, and said; “hold on there little ponies. No need for hostility’s now… . It’s fine.”

Rainbow Dash snickered due to the irony that they in fact are little ponies, and then said; “like with what happened between us??? Hehehe… .”

Applejack then glared at Rainbow, and then replied with; “don’t you be startin’ that again now… . I’ll tan your hide!”

Sombra then blurted out; “woah, language! We’ve got kids here.. !”

Applejack then covered her mouth in shock; since Sombra got a point there, and then muttered; “my bad… .“ before standing there with a worried look to her eyes; thinking that Flurry, the Cake Twins, or all three of them might learn and repeat what she just said. Worst yet, make it awful by saying their own bad words as well.

Smiling with a giggle, Flurry Heart then said; “it’s fine… . I don’t say bad words that much anyways… . It’s fine!”

Sombra then looked to Flurry with a smirk, and replied; “you’ve been saying bad words when I’m not around???” “Uh oh… “ was her response. And with that, Sombra said; “aw you’re definitely getting it now… “ and knelt down with his shadow arms spread out. “Here comes the tickle monster!” Flurry Heart then screamed with a giggle, and began running away. Eventually, Sombra gave chase.

Rainbow Dash then looked to the Twins, and said; “now if you’re thinking about saying bad words now… , then feel free to blame it on Applejack! She’ll vouch for ya!”

Applejack then glared at Rainbow again, and then said; “now just you wait here.. ! I ain’t gonna be in any other one of your schemes there Rainbow… . Not again!”

Rainbow just laughed, and said; “chillax Applejack, I’m just playing with ya! There’s no need to get all steamed up!”

Applejack growled in response, before replying with; “oh I’ll show you steamed up… . Once these here Twins are out of sight, then your hide is mines!” The Twins gasped and covered their mouths; hoping that their aunts don’t come to blows with each other.

“Uh guys… ?” Sombra interjected.

“What?!” Replied the two mares, before their expressions changed into something different.

“We’ve got a problem… .” Sombra replied while holding Flurry Heart in a weird way… . Eventually the Twins, and the two mares figured out why… . Not only did Flurry Heart have an accident, she had what parents would call “a blowout”.

Thinking quick on their feet, the Twins said in unison; “follow us”, before leading Sombra to the nearest bathroom. Sooner or later, both mares repaired their friendship with a hug, and then followed close behind.

Inside the bathroom… .

“Sowwy… .” Flurry Heart said with her face all red from embarrassment as she’s in the bathtub taking a bath.

“W-what did you eat???” Sombra asked with a look of shock as he’s trying to rub off the leftover accident that’s connected to one of Flurry Heart’s lower hooves. Flurry Heart just shrugged, and then starts swaying as if to wait for Sombra to finish cleaning her up since she gets bored easily; (like any child does in any given situation).

After that was done, Sombra sighs and pauses to take in some deep breaths cuz he’s exhausted. “I’m only giving you a bath and I’m exhausted already… . Hehe… what’s wrong with me?”

Flurry Heart shrugs, and then says; “you stiww okay to me… . Now cmon! I’m stiww nakie here.”

Sombra snickers, then says; “calm down… . Let me catch my breath!”

Flurry Heart started to pout, and then replied; “you take too long!” Sombra snickers again, which prompted Flurry Heart to say; “it’s not funny… “ whilst crossing her hooves with a pout.

Sombra stops, takes in a deep breath, and then looks to Flurry Heart before saying; “you sure you’re all clean??? Or do you think I should bathe you a little longer… ?”

Flurry Heart looks to be thinking, and then replied with a blush, “m-more pwease… . M-Me stiww feel icky… .” Sombra replied with; “good call”, and then continued bathing her.

“Ready to go?” Sombra asked as he’s standing at the front door with a backpack on. Reason being is that he’s planning on heading out with Flurry Heart to go explore Ponyville. “In a minute!” Flurry Heart replied from afar as she’s currently upstairs, trying her best to tighten the straps of her backpack to her back so that way she could be ready to leave with her friend.

“Can we go with y’all too?” Pumpkin Cake asked with her brother close to her. “Us as well?” Rainbow Dash said with her best friend Applejack close behind her.

Sombra looked behind him, and then asked; “why?” To which Rainbow replied; “we haven’t had any fresh air since we’ve been cooped up in our homes… . Remember that one time where literally everyone had to stay inside because of this “crown virus?”

Sombra blinked, sighed, and then replied back; “you, Jack, and the twins can come with us, but no fighting from either of you! I know you would fight with apple sometimes, and that you twins fight each other over whatever y’all came up with… . So please… for the sake of my mental health, don’t fight! Got it?!” All of the group except Flurry Heart nodded their heads, and then awaited for his instructions. “Good! Now that we’re all going on an adventure; (a quick one I might add), do any of y’all need to do something before we leave… ?”

The group were all looking at each other, wondering if anyone needs something. Then, with a blush, Flurry Heart slowly raised her hoof; as she discreetly walked into the group, and then replied with; “I need to go potty… .” Sombra snickers, then says; “then go. You know where it is… .”

Flurry’s blush got a little worse, as she shook her head no, and replied; “no-not that… . I… .” She then sighs before clarifying; “I mean that I went potty already… . And… . I need a new diaper… .”

Sombra sighs, chuckles a bit, and then replied back, “cmon kid… . Let’s get ya changed.” Flurry Heart then raises her hooves to be picked up, and then Sombra began taking her to the bathroom so she could be changed.

“Do you think this is going to happen a lot… ?” Applejack said, as she and Rainbow both then heard a hissing sound coming from Pumpkin Cake.

After it stopped, Pumpkin Cake blushed, and then said with an embarrassed look; “I may have had an accident too… . I’m sorry.”

Applejack sighed, assured her that it’s okay, and then shouts while looking at the direction of the bathroom; “Sombra! We’ve got another one… !”

Something tells the group that this adventure is gonna be longer than they thought it would be.. .