• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 83: The sorting ceremony

Aerie arrived in the middle of the great hall a moment later in a fiery prominence. The two phoenixes dropped her to the floor and then soared up to play in the rafters of the ceiling and dart about the many candles.

“I have simply got to get one of those birds,” Gilderoy Lockhart proclaimed bombastically. He’d been at the front of the hall handing out autographs. “Aerie, you’ve two, give me one. That’s a lass.”

“Professor Lockhart, a phoenix can neither be given nor sold. Nor are they mine to give. They are known to me and chose to have a bit of sport with me,” Aerie called back.

“Can neither be given nor sold?” Lockhart scoffed.

“Can neither be given nor sold,” Snape repeated as he went to his seat. “You will simply have to find one newly hatched if you want one. Something that someone with your illustrious background should find easy.”

Aerie turned her attention to the two birds as they swooped about her to see what was going on. “Why don’t you two go play in the rafters or something?”

Aerie only had a moment to wait. Fennik and Kaida took off again, up into the enchanted night sky, circled, and vanished. Aerie started for the Gryffindor table but made it no further than seven yards when she found her path blocked by no less than a dozen older girls. They were a mix of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and even a Slytherin girl.

“They are not my birds,” Aerie stated before they could say a thing. “And no, I don’t have access to any nests.”

“Well, a person would think you’d want to give our new professor a Phoenix,” one of the Ravenclaw girls stated in a huff.

“What part of 'they are not mine to give' don’t you understand?”

“Everyone in your seats so we can get started,” McGonagall called. She’d used her wand to amplify her voice and successfully startled everyone.

“You haven't heard the last of this,” the lead girl snarled and then made the mistake of pointing her finger in Aerie’s face. Suddenly she was crumpled up in a sort of sitting position on the floor, her hand in Aerie’s hands, and in considerable pain.

“So help me what part of I don’t have any phoenixes to be handing out can’t you seem to fathom?” Aerie growled.

“Girls, girls…” Lockhart called. “Not fighting over me are you?”

“Sir, she attacked her,” one of the girls stated. “And is refusing to give you one of those birds.”

“They are not mine to give!” Aerie shouted as she twisted harder.

“Aerie! Let go of her!” Aurora scolded.

“Sir, they all ganged up on her,” Hermione stated. She wasn't sure what was going on, but that was what it looked like.

“Girls, if they aren’t hers to give then they aren’t hers to give,” Lockhart stated. “And as Professor Snape has pointed out to me, I need to find a hatchling. An adult bird will never do. Now, everyone to their seats, please.”

Aerie released the girl, stepped around her as she clutched at her hand, joined Aurora and Hermione and the three went to their house table.

“What was all that about anyway?” Ron asked.

“A bunch of fan girls got it into their heads that I have phoenixes to be handing out and Lockhart must have one,” Aerie grumbled.

“Didn’t peg you for a Lockhart fan,” Aerie heard a Slytherin sneer as the Slytherin girl who’d been in the group went to sit down.

“I’m not. I thought I smelled blood,” the girl shot back. “That Karen girl made the mistake of annoying Miss Potter and went and stuck a finger in her face.” She laughed at the memory. “How is it she’s in Gryffindor?”

“Who among our house would dare to face off against a leach wraith,” asked another Slytherin. “That’s why she is over there and not here.”

Lovely, Aerie thought to herself. Respect from Slytherin House.

“Welcome back, welcome back,” Dumbledore called as he entered the room. He had in hand the sorting hat which he placed on an old stool placed up front. From there he walked around the table and stood in his place. There he waited while the staff assembled. When everyone was in place he sat down followed by everyone else who was still standing. Professor McGonagall was the only one left standing.

“Professor McGonagall, I’d say we are ready.”

“Professor Dumbledore,” McGonagall replied with a nod of her head. She turned and exited the room.


“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” Isolde reassured her friends.

“It’s getting so they’ll let anyone in,” Ludovic derided as he and his three friends slowly made their way over to Isolde. “Swans are nothing but a bunch of blood traitors.”

“If calling a fraud a fraud makes us blood traitors then so be it,” Isolde shot back. Oh, she knew the history of the feud between the Swan and Black family. Curious that the Black family had all but died out. She also knew all too well the history of the Malfoy family. Even as Draco, she wasn’t too thrilled about the family she’d landed in. Granted that Draco was pretty good at playing his mother and father against each other. And glad Voldemort was long gone. Not that she ever doubted her family’s superiority… that was until he met Aerie Potter. Aerie, not Harry, but Aerie, and she’d some interesting ideas. Ideas that could be verified, and he had verified them. The pure-blood families were waning and it was their own fault. It was their own dogged adherence to blood purity. Their dogged Adherence had been exploited by Tom Riddle, and thanks to Riddle’s little uprising, families like the Malfoys were generally disliked. Even hated. Ron hated Draco and for no other reason than because he was a Malfoy. Draco hadn’t been a bad lot, spoiled rotten, but not bad. Which Isolde understood all too well now. And deep down Draco wanted people to like him.

Aerie was the first person to actually show him genuine kindness.

“You leave her alone,” Bloom warned as she stepped between Isolde and Ludovic.

“My Grandfather is the Head of Magical Games and Sports,” Ludovic boasted and attempted to push Bloom out of the way.

“And I’m supposed to care, because?” Bloom asked. She hadn’t budged from her spot.

“Get out of my way!” He shouted, drew out his wand…

“Were you planning on doing something with that, Mr Bagman?” Professor McGonagall asked from the doorway. “Your house is going to love you. Five points.

“Now, it is time. Line up, and we will proceed to the sorting ceremony.”

Out they went into the grand entryway and then into the great hall itself. Draco hadn’t taken the time to appreciate the place, but Isolde now understood just how special this hall was. Grander wielders of magic than Dumbledore had wrought that enchanted ceiling. Indeed, should any muggles find the place they’d see only an old ruined castle.

There before them awaited the sorting hat with all its frays and patches and dangling threads. Isolde heard the surprised response from the new first years when a large rip opened up and the hat began to sing. It was the exact same song from the previous year with maybe a few variations. Curious about that, but then again it was an enchanted hat and not a poet. When the hat finished the hall burst into applause.

And now Professor McGonagall stepped forward with a long list of names.

“When I call your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, and put the hat on. You will be sorted, and when you are sorted you are to take the hat off, get up, put the hat back on the stool, and go to your house. The house you are sorted into will be your home while you are in school.” She looked down at her parchment and called, “Apple, Bloom.”

Aerie and Aurora applauded to encourage the girl as she jogged forward. She did as instructed, and was there but a moment when the hat called out “Gryffindor.”

Gryffindor had the first pick of the lot leading to a bit more than the usual cheers from the Gryffindor table.

“I couldn't help but notice some people at the other tables look a little disappointed,” Louise asked Isolde as Belle, Sweetie, was called forward.

“Probably had wagers on who would get the first pick.”

“Yup, that’ll do it,” Louise replied with a big grin and then cheered for Sweetie as she too went to Gryffindor.

Ludovic Bagman was called next and went to Slytherin as predicted. The cheers from the Slytherin table quieted when they noticed the point counter had gone down by six points. Kester Harper went to Slytherin a short time later as did Wilbur Nott when his turn came.

“Shutter, Louise,” Professor McGonagall called and suddenly Isolde found herself feeling oddly alone. Scootaloo had also gone to Gryffindor, and all Isolde could think was that she’d be lucky if the hat would let her in Ravenclaw. The very thought of going back to Slytherin made her sick.

“Swan, Isolde.”

Professor McGonagall gave Isolde a reassuring smile as the girl slowly walked forward. And to be true, McGonagall had no idea who Isolde had once been. All she knew was that the girl was one of four whose names had been put in by Celestia Solaris. Draco had so far as McGonagall knew, dropped off the face of the earth. She and Dumbledore just assumed someone would contact them and when no one did the assumption was that the girl formerly known as Draco Malfoy had been sent away. They had no way of knowing that Nova Silverwood’s Princess Celestia had the ability to add names to the master Enrollment book.

“Please not Slytherin,” Isolde said as the hat was lowered.

“Not Slytherin, eh… You seem familiar and yet... you are a new person, your destiny your own,” mumbled the hat. Indeed the words sounded to Isolde as though they were in her head. Which was definitely new. Draco was so full of himself that his going to Slytherin was as good as preordained. “I must say, you are a difficult one to crack. Intelligent, you’ve got a mind that would fit in Ravenclaw. I see ambition, but not Slytherin… You could be great.”

“I’ve no desire for greatness at that price. Not anymore. I want to be with people who actually care about me. I want to be with my friends.”

“Ah yes, a magic greater than old man Slytherin could ever begin to comprehend. The magic of Friendship. And brave too. Oh yes, now I know who you are. Well, then there can be only one choice.


“Miss Isolde, you can get up now,” Professor McGonagall prompted. Isolde had nearly fainted on hearing the word, the name, Gryffindor. “Isolde?” McGonagall asked as she lifted the hat.

Isolde rose shakily to her feet, there was the sound of running… Isolde snapped out of her stupor the moment the Crusaders embraced her.

“I thought I’d be left behind,” she whispered to her friends, the sound of cheering ringing in her ears.

Aerie and Aurora got up and gave her hugs and then invited her to their table. Her, to the Gryffindor table. What would Ron think if he knew? Isolde looked across the table at Ron and smiled. Ron immediately turned crimson followed by the twins teasing him.

“A whole new way to teas Ron, is it?” Aerie whispered to her. Isolde shot her a look and saw only the smile of a friend. She knew, and not only was she fine with it she’d welcomed her. Isolde, the child of a unicorn of the forbidden forest.

“Wow…” Isolde said as she looked out the window of the first-year dorm room for girls. The sun was down but there was still enough light to see the horizon. She could also make out the form of the village of Hogsmeade, and the room they got to use was downright opulent when compared to the Slytherin dorms. Everything in the Slytherin first-year room was about as basic as a monk’s chambers. Draco had seen the other Slytherin rooms as well, at least on the boy’s side. Suddenly Isolde got it into her head to see what the boys' dorm looked like and raced downstairs.

“Isolde?” Louise called and raced after her, followed by Bloom, and Sweetie.

“Hey, hold up there?” one of the seventh-year boys called.

“I want to see what Ron’s room looks like,” Isolde called as the four girls raced up the stairs.

Ron was half-dressed.

“Hey!? Get out of here!” Ron protested. And yes, the room was every bit as opulent.

“This is nice too,” Isolde said.

“What?” Ron asked.

“And this?” Seamus asked while flexing like a strong man.

Isolde laughed. “I’m sorry, I was comparing the rooms. Everyone in Gryffindor has such nice rooms.”

“Well you’ve seen them, now get out,” barked Percy.

“But Percy, she just wanted to see Ron,” Fred pleaded.

“Young love,” teased George.

“What? No! It’s not like that! Ack!”

Isolde turned beet red and raced back downstairs and back up to her room followed by the Crusaders who by this time were just doing it for fun.

“Alright, alright, you’ve had a look, it’s time to go to bed,” Alicia scolded.

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