• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 53: Ravenclaw dorm

Over at the Gryffindor Table Aurora leaned over and whispered into Aerie’s ear, “I’ve still got full administrative access. Which is just as well. I had to mask Kitsu so that Dumbledore wouldn't realize that she’s anything more than a curious creature.”

Meanwhile at the Head table… “It just seems suspicious to me,” Snape said in his usual sardonic style. “And what sort of animal is that? It’s not on the approved list.”

“Oh, looks harmless enough,” Dumbledore replied. “Hagrid, what do you think?”

“Ah, a lil’ ball of fluff like that ain’t never hurt no one. Now a dragon, that’s another story. Not that aye couldn't handle one. Be right up my alley ta raise me a dragon.”

“Hagrid…” Dumbledore said sternly.


“No. I’m already in enough hot water without you bringing something like a dragon of all things to school.”

“D-d-d-dragons are nothing to be fooling around with,” added Professor Quirrel. “Mustn't have a d-dragon. Oh no, that would be bad.”

When dinner ended Aerie and Aurora went to give her a hug and wish her luck. “I must admit that I’m glad you ended up in a different house,” Aerie admitted. “It’ll be easier for people to tell us apart this way.”

“I kind of wish the hat had placed me in Gryffindor, at least that way I could sleep in your trunk,” Hoshiko informed her. “Professor Dumbledore dropped the ball.”

“Not to worry, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall have gone up to make some room,” Miss Clearwater offered. “Now come along, I doubt you’d be able to find it on your own.”

“I have to go,” Hoshiko offered, gave the two another hug, and quickly followed after her soon-to-be roommates. Out into the entry hall and from there they proceeded to the grand stairwell. Kitsu couldn't resist launching herself into the air and spiraling upwards rather than climbing the stairs.

“Be nice if I could spread my wings,” Hoshiko muttered, and yes, she’d discovered that thanks to her time in Equestria she now had the ability to switch back and forth as well. She just wasn’t in a hurry to let anyone at Hogwarts know.

Stairs moving about at random nearly had her spreading her wings at least twice. When they were about halfway between the fourth and fifth floor Kitsu dived on something unseen which was revealed to be an odd little specter that looked like the ghost of a jester.

“Nasty little fox!” spat out Peeves the ghost. At first, he thought to go in pursuit but changed his mind at the sight of a Night Mare gliding through the air. Hoshiko pulled out her wand and before Peeves could make up his mind she’d enveloped him in a containment field of some sort. Not quite a bubble, but his squirming soon made it a bubble.

Kitsu couldn’t resist bouncing off the side of the bubble causing it and its contents to soar out over the great well. Moonie couldn't resist giving the bubble a kick, much to Peeve's consternation and complaint, and then to everyone's amazement, a second Night Mare appeared and sent Peaves rocketing back towards the first.

Indeed a number of Gryffindor students could be seen on another set of stairs a couple of flights down, a cheer erupting when one of the Night Mares failed to return the volley. Not like she was going to just let it go mind you. She chased after the Peeves ball, bounced him off a wall, and then bucked him back towards the other mare who readily bucked Peeves right back again.

“I’m wondering if maybe I should try to put a stop to this?” Hoshiko asked. “Am I right in thinking that’s Peeves?”

“You are and let them have their fun. It’ll serve Peeves right for trying to ambush us,” Miss Clearwater replied with more than a bit of mirth in her tone. Peeves was cussing up a storm by this point. “And as much as I’d love to stand here and watch we really need to get going.”

“Aww echoed several of their companions.”

“I can’t help but feel sorry for him,” Hoshiko admitted as they started out once more.

“Don’t. Peeves has been a thorn in the sides of everyone in this school for nearly as long as the school itself. That said, I’m going to award you a house point for your quick action and spell-work. In fact, I’d say that was mighty good for someone who’d just started.”

“Oh, I’m hardly just starting. Japan starts people the moment they show signs of being able to do magic. And even though I’ve only recently started learning spell casting I know many of the basic concepts.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, a containment field is not a beginner spell.”

“Basic containment and banishment were among the first spells I learned. Although, I should mention that Aerie cautioned me not to try to use any advanced containment spells on Peeves. She says he’s a poltergeist. She has a theory that Peeves is a manifestation of all the accidental magic emanating from the student body. Overflow might be another way to put it. She says that even experienced magic users can’t always control their magic when emotions run high, and at Hogwarts, it results in Peeves. As such, the only way to be rid of him would be to purge the school.”

“An interesting notion, and might be worth looking into,” Miss Clearwater admitted. “There was an attempt to get rid of him once that resulted in a disaster. The idea that he’s being powered by the student body kind of makes sense. Even if we could get rid of him we’d just have a new version in a few months. - This way.” She then turned down a long hall on the fifth floor.

At the end of the hall was a large spiral staircase which Hoshiko had no desire to climb, but reluctantly started forward.

“We have to go all the way to the top.”


When they’d reached the top they found themselves at a doorway with a knocker the shape of a raven, but nothing else. Oh, some might think it an eagle but that would make little sense now, would it? Miss Clearwater took hold of the knocker and gave it a rap.

“People love to see me. I am not large and yet between my head and tail is a mile,” quote the raven.

“Smiles,” Hoshiko offered. She was delighted when the door swung open.

“Very good,” Miss Clearwater praised. “That of course will be the password for the week. Ravenclaw students are smart but expecting us to solve a new riddle every time would be a bit much.”

“What if someone from another house were to try it?” Hoshiko asked as Kitsu came gliding in for a landing.

“It can recognize people assigned to Ravenclaw. Anyone else will be given nonsensical riddles with no answers. After all, relying on a password alone would make it too easy for intruders to get in.”

“Makes sense,” Hoshiko replied and then picked up Kitsu just to be sure she’d be able to get in. Beyond the door, there was an expansive room with alabaster walls mahogany cabinets, and furnishings done in blue. The ceiling was adorned with a depiction of the night sky that looked very much like a planetarium ceiling. Large Gothic arches framed numerous windows along with a large alcove which was opposite from where they’d entered. On one side was the staircase down into the boy’s dorm, on the other side the stairs descended into the girl’s dorm. The alcove itself was lined with bookshelves and had a statue of a stately lady. The room was also full of people who’d arrived ahead of them.

“The stairs into the attic are through a secret door behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw,” Miss Clearwater informed Hoshiko as they made their way to the alcove.

“Not to worry,” Professor Flitwick announced as he came up from the girl’s side of the dorm. Professor McGonagall was right behind him. “Everything is ready to go.”

“Thank you,” Miss Clearwater replied cheerfully and headed for the stairs.

The fact that the stairs now went down again annoyed Hoshiko to no end. Granted from what she knew of spacial displacement it was probably necessary. From what she knew of history the whole set up was likely set up that way in case the tower ever got stormed. No doubt there would be another way out.

“Not to worry, our rooms are only one flight down, Padma offered reassuringly.

“Do the older students climb these stairs every day? Both sets?”

“Oh, goodness no, Mandy offered and then laughed. “There’s a shortcut to the bottom. We aren’t allowed to go that way. First through third years must use the primary entrance. Not like it’d make much of a difference.”

“I thought there might be. Anyway, I’m just glad I don’t have to climb all the way up and then all the way back down again.” Indeed Hoshiko was tempted to find where the pegasi were getting in and out of the attic and flying down.

The first-year girl’s dorm room was adorned in much the same way as the common room and sported five large canopy beds. Next to each bed was a combination wardrobe, bookcase, and desk. At the foot of each bed was a travel trunk belonging to the five occupants. Hoshiko’s was a black lacquered trunk with a mother-of-pearl inlay that had been transfigured by her mother to look like their home in Japan.

“Looks like you have the bed closest to the water closet,” Padma commented in reference to a second door as Kitsu the fox bounced up onto the bed.

“Water closet?” Hoshiko asked not quite sure if she knew what they meant.

“Toilet, bath, and wash basins. Its primitive looks are countered by magic,” Miss Clearwater informed her. Don’t tell the boys, they have to share one facility for their whole dorm. Anyway, you’re all set, girls be sure she gets to her classes, and look me up if you have any issues you need help on. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a book calling my name.”

“Surely you didn’t put off your required reading?” Hoshiko asked.

“What? Oh no. I got the required reading done ages ago,” she explained and retreated to the stairwell.

“Let me get my things out of my trunk, and then maybe you can show me around,” Hoshiko said to her roommates as she opened up her trunk.

“About all we can show you is the dorm, the common room, and the attic. Curfew kicks in after dinner,” Padma informed her.

“And they do a head count too,” Li added.

“Do we at least have our own library?” Hoshiko asked as she gave her wand a flick at the open trunk.

“Just the books in the alcove and what each student has,” Katrina informed her, and on sensing disappointment added, “We have a catalog of books on campus, and can request any book we are authorized to have.” Only then did she realize that Hoshiko’s belongings were levitating out of the trunk one at a time even though she hadn’t spoken any incantations.

“Authorized?” Hoshiko pressed as she busily arranged things in her assigned cupboard. Clothes in the wardrobe, books on the shelves. Her cauldron and apothecary items remained in the trunk.

“Age and pedagogy restrictions. Both can be waived if you have a good argument for why you need something… how are you doing that?”

“Doing what?” Hoshiko asked as the last item was placed.

“Levitation without using a spoken incantation?” Katrina pressed.

“Aerie does that too,” Padma offered. “It’s that unspoken telekinesis. I can do it too, just haven't been practicing it.”

“I got six months of practicing it at my last school,” Hoshiko offered and then added that she was practicing magic when no one was looking because of where she’d ended up. Which wasn’t entirely true. In Equestria, she could use her magic whenever she wanted and had even received instruction on how to use Unicorn magic. Padma was a friend but didn’t know about Equestria, and as far as anyone knew, Hoshiko had been attending a muggle school.

Hoshiko placed a picture of her parents on the desk along with the school bag she planned to use to carry her books. The bag was enchanted so that she would be able to fit all manner of things in it.

“Hoshiko…” Padma began cautiously. “Who’s that in the picture?”

“My parents, why?”

“They are passed away then.”

“What, no. Whatever gave you that idea?”

“Your mom looks like the Night Mare, Selena.”

“She taught potions for a while earlier in the year,” Li added. “She was a really good teacher.”

“Ah, so, I see. That’s not my mom, just a look alike. I do know that specific specter. The truth is I’m borrowing one. There are at least three that I’m aware of. As to why they look like my mom… that’s kind of complicated and some of the info is need-to-know information.”

“You can’t tell us?” Mandy asked.

“No, she can’t,” Moonie replied sharply. She was presently sitting on top of the canopy of Hoshiko’s bed in all her alicorn glory with her front hooves hanging over. And yes, even Hoshiko jumped. Kitsu had also been startled, sat up, and let out a scolding bark followed by making a number of guttural noises Hoshiko recognized as Old Ponish. Moonie made a 'humf' and vanished.

Six months in an Equestria school had given Hoshiko some unique skills. And that included lessons in Old Ponish. No, she couldn't speak it, but she pick out enough words to get the gist of the scolding Kitzu had just given her Moonie. She wondered if she could arrange for Aerie’s Princess Celestia to do whatever she’d done to Aerie’s Moonie to make her more personable.

“Maybe someday I can explain everything, just not right now. What say we go upstairs and you can show me around?”

“You all go on ahead, I need to powder my nose,” Padma offered and headed for the water closet. She opened the door just as the others headed out into the stairwell, paused, and when the outer door had closed she turned back to Kitsu.

“Kitsumi Silverwood, care to explain what you are doing?”

“We haven't lied, exactly,” offered the young teenage Nova now sitting on the bed. “I am kitsune, part kitsune, and I entered into a contract to act as Hoshiko’s familiar.”

“And how did she get a letter?”

“Oh, that was the easy part. You see, my new mom’s Aunt Celestia has the ability to enter names and cross out names in the master enrollment book. Turns out she’s one of the original founders. A silent founder, but if you check the older copies of the history of Hogwarts you will see that there was a fifth founder now mostly forgotten because she never founded her own house. Her name is Celestia Solaris. As to why… to be perfectly honest, we are here to be a distraction. Oh, Hoshiko doesn’t know. She honestly wants to learn about the Western Wizarding world.”

“You know who is here.”

“So how’d you know?”

“You told us at the dinner.”

“Oh… right. I did at that, didn’t I?”

“You did at that.”

“Could be a problem. Moonie?”

“My counterpart is already aware of the problem.” This time Moonie was back to being a cat. She was still on the top of the canopy though. “Miss Aerie had to have a discussion with her friends in Gryffindor. They’ve agreed to keep quiet.”

“Padma?” Sue Li asked as she poked her head in the door. She paused for a moment, closed the door, and then opened it again by which time Kitsu was back to being a fox. “Ahh…”

“Coming,” Padma offered and made her way to the door. On her way out she admonished Sue Li not to say anything.

“Um… Padma… she has a scar on her forehead.”

“Hit by a book when she was little. She’s here as a bodyguard.”

“Ah, OK, makes sense.”

Upstairs they found the group looking out various windows trying to pick out locations in the darkness. And there were few lights to be seen. Hogwarts wasn’t like any civilized community. There were few lights out in the courtyards, fewer still shining from windows. With curtains pulled, there’d be precious little light, and Hogsmeade which was some distance away wasn’t much better.

“Now why did it never occur to me to do this,” Mandy said as she peered out. “I do believe I’ve picked out the Gryffindor tower.” Her window was immediately swarmed by the other first years.

“What about upstairs,” Hoshiko asked.

“This way,” Padma offered and headed for the alcove.

“Go on without us, one of the seventh-year boys has his window opened.”

“Hey now, get away from there,” scolded one of the older girls. “And let us have a peek. Oh my, it’s Billy Bones.”

Padma showed Hoshiko the way to open the secret passage and together they climbed the narrow staircase up to the attic. The first room looked a bit like an entry hall with but one small window looking out.

There were no lights up here leading to both girls pulling out their wands to cast light spells. The room they were in may well have been where Miss Clearwater had thought to put Hoshiko. Beyound the room through a double door, there was a large circular hall where several ponies peered out from large nest boxes beyond which was an arched opening.

“Seems warm enough up here,” Hoshiko offered as she made her way to an arch. Beyond was a small room with double doors leading out to a balcony that looked like it might wrap all the way around the tower. “So how come no one comes up here?”

“Might be because of the ponies. Might be because Ravenclaw students tend to be bookworms and would rather explore the towers in books than the one they live in.”

As Hoshiko approached the outer doors the nearest mare got up, went into the small chamber with the two girls, walked past, and blocked the doorway with her body.

“I’ve got wings, I think I can manage myself on a balcony,” Hoshiko scolded and as she did her wings unfolded from her back. Padma took a step back, and Hoshiko dropped to all fours as her pony transformation completed.

“Still no,” Stated the mare. “It’s not safe out there, and you… you’ve got a horn. Can you even fly?”

“Of course I can-”

“You are so cute!” Padma had glomped Hoshiko.

“OK, so maybe I’m not the best flier around, but I can fly… Padma?” Hoshiko let out a sigh, relaxed, and transformed back into her human form. “Can you let go now?”

“Oh, there you two are… ah…” Mandy said as she walked into where they were.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Padma exclaimed as she stood upright.

“I wanted to go out onto the balcony,” Hoshiko explained as she got up. “But they won’t let me.”

“You know, pegasi are pretty smart. If that mare doesn’t want you going out there she’s probably got a good reason,” Mandy offered. “That and it would technically be outside of the dorm, and we aren’t allowed outside of the dorm at night.”

“Fine. I might just as well read my course books.” Hoshiko was feeling just a little indignant but wasn’t going to push it. “What’s our first class in the morning?”

“Defense against the dark arts.”

“Is it as bad as I hear?”

“Worse… oh, and you might want to keep Kitsu well clear of him,” she dropped to a whisper. “I know she’s Miss Kitsumi. If Garlic Head even so much as suspects, there’s no telling what he’ll do.”

“I nearly retched the first time I went into DADA,” Sue Li offered not having heard the extra Padma had added. “We are all wearing herbal charms to counteract the stink.”

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