> Agents of Discord > by KittyrinnAiko > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Let the chaos begin. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The place, a back access road at the London Zoo. Sitting on a bench sat a girl with black hair dressed in what could only be the worst thrift store clothing available. She seemed unremarkable save for the purple and vermilion stripes in her hair, below which was a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, and looked to be around eleven years of age. Or just shy of eleven. She was also very much asleep… or at least she was for at that very moment she awoke and clutched at her forehead. A moment later after much frantic clawing at her forehead, she’d ripped the offending thing from her head, flung it at the pavement, and proceeded to stomp on it, blue fire and mist erupting as she did so along with a spurt of black smoke which billowed into the air. “What the shell?!” She gasped and then froze in place. She slowly looked up, and then around. A moment later she was looking at her hands. Her eyes then sought out the place she’d just come from. A bench, on which was sitting an old reel-to-reel tape recorder and a large manila envelope. The kind one ships documents in. Quickly she sprang back over to the bench checking it as though to find something, but there was nothing to be found save the tape recorder and envelope. With a sigh of resignation, she turned around and sat with a plop. At first, she just sat there. Her eyes wandered over to the spot where she had stomped the thing that had been on her forehead. An odd little scorch mark could be seen on the very spot. “Moonie?” “Yes?” offered a small black cat with a crescent-shaped white patch on her forehead as it jumped up onto the bench. It went over to her and climbed onto Nova’s lap and lay down. “So you are a cat now?” “Technically I can be anything I want. And as we are in a human world, I thought I’d be a cat." "And you've styled yourself after an animated cat named Luna. Should I call you Luna from now on?" "How do you know the animated cat wasn't modeled after me? I am after all the avatar of Princess Luna - So, are you going to press the play button?” “Looks like I haven't much choice,” she replied while giving Luna the cat an odd look. Her hand sought the recorder, she cast her eyes towards it, and then pressed down on the play button.” “Good morning Mrs Arthol...” It was Discord’s voice. Of course, it was Discord. How he’d known about Nova’s married name from the human world that she’d lived in she couldn't even guess, short of her world’s Discord had learned from Prometheus who had been Discord in his world. She opened the envelope and pulled out the contents even as Discord’s voice was saying, “..the man you are looking at is Tom Riddle Junior.” The image was that of a typical lean Englishman complete with a little wave in his forelock. Save for a hardness in his eyes he wasn’t exactly unpleasant to look at. The next picture could hardly be thought of as the same man. A man Nova surmised to be Lord Voldemort. Voldemort was larger in the shoulders, bald as a billiard ball, and had the look of a certain celebrity after one too many plastic surgeries. “Our intelligence has shown that if we do nothing, Riddle will succeed in his plans.” “And why would you even care?” Nova muttered as she pulled out a picture of a young Harry Potter minus his glasses labeled Aerie Potter. “Our concern is that he may find his way to Equestria.” Now, this was news that did concern Nova. “Should he find any of the portals, it matters not which, he will import his brand of order causing stagnation and societal collapse worse than the Dark Ages.” The next image was an adult version of her human self with white hair and purple and vermilion stripes in her hair. “Your counterpart, one Kitsumi Nova Nightfoal Moon has removed the true Potter child and arranged for the local English Changelings to impersonate the boy so as to prevent one Mr Dumbledore from realizing he no longer had young Mr Potter in his clutches.” Out came pictures of the Dursleys “The changelings tasked with this detail, despite having a picture of James and Lily Potter, have rather fortuitously modeled themselves after your counterpart leaving the Dursleys to think that Harry had been a girl all along. In case you're wondering, Lily Potter and Nova Nightfoal Moon's human form was very similar. In fact, the two looked very much like sisters save in that Princess Nova has white hair. Your mission, if you should choose to take it, is to step in, relieve the changeling Aerie, and take her place.” “Why me? I was perfectly happy being a pony.” “You were chosen because you lived in a world where the Potter Story was just that, a story. In this world, certain things did indeed come to pass including a number of Horcrux created by Mr Riddle. And you already know what they are and where they are to be found. Aren’t parallel worlds fun?” His tone was completely deadpan. “Find them, destroy them, thwart Dumbledore's plans to build himself up at the expense of others, and then contact your counterpart for a ride home. Oh and don’t worry about how much time it takes. You’ll hardly be gone long enough for any pony to notice that you are missing. That is once they’ve locked me back in stone. The Dursleys will be at the zoo by now. Locate them, and take your place with them. “If you or any member of your team should be caught, I, of course, will deny any knowledge of your whereabouts. “This tape will self-destruct in five seconds, oh, and good luck.” Far as Nova was concerned five seconds was way too fast. She snatched up the envelope and contents, Dumped Moonie from her lap, and quickly retreated further down the path where she quickly found herself behind the exhibits. Once there, she slowed her pace and took another look at the contents of the envelope. She was not too surprised to find a small shoulder bag inside the envelope. It’d been placed in there by Discord. Nor would Nova have been surprised to find all manner of things within. After all, this was Discord. A pair of heavy black-rimmed glasses taped together in the middle was also in the envelope. “Well, Moonie, I guess he’s serious. Zoo tickets, muggle money, identification identifying me as Aerie Lily Potter, Muggle money,” English pounds, Euros, American dollars, and pesos for some odd reason. “..A vault key, and a credit card… oooh, and a Military Intelligence Section six identification. Discord, you do know how to please a girl.” There were a few other things as well. Such as safety pins, a small packet of band-aids, a packet of tissues, a mass transit card, a protein bar, hair bands, a pen, a cell phone that was decades ahead of its time along with a charger for the phone, and a small makeup bag. Granted that it was Discord who’d packed the bag she wouldn't be too surprised to find just about anything in it. What’s more, is that the bag held far more than a bag its size should have been able to. Not like that was a surprise given the bag was larger than the envelope it came out of. Only now did she think to check for her pendant, which was Moonie’s true form. Sure enough, it was still hanging from her neck. Of course, she still had it. If she hadn’t there’d have been no Moonie. She’d also had a small coin purse on her full of Equestrian gold and silver. Nearby was a dumpster. Nova put on the glasses which thankfully reduced the spectrum that she could normally see, went over to the dumpster, and dumped the envelope and photos while keeping a folded-up letter addressed to Severus Snape. That went into her bag as she was sure it just had to contain something really juicy. As for the shoulder bag, that she decided to wear under the raggedy sweat jacket she had on despite the hot day. No point in advertising she had it. Not that she was afraid of being mugged, oh no, it was more likely Dudley would take it the moment he saw it. Bad enough she was wearing his old clothes by the looks of things. Baggy blue jeans and an old grungy plaid shirt were hardly her ideal of things she wanted to wear. “You there, what are you doing back here?” Called a man in a zoo maintenance uniform. "And who's cat is that?" “I’m so terribly sorry, I seem to have gotten turned around.” Nova offered as she faced him. Nor was she going to acknowledge ownership of Luna the cat. She looked through the glasses, and over the glasses to discover that without the glasses his skin and hair were pastel colors but with the glasses, the man looked just like any other human. She’d also managed what she hoped was a fairly decent English accent. Based on old World War Two movies and she probably sounded more like an American trying to fake an accent. Which she technically was. They gave her a funny look and told her to just turn around and go back the way “he’d” come. “I’m a girl.” Nova protested, and then cast a glance towards where she’d come from. Black smoke could be seen billowing upwards. “And there seems to be a fire in that direction.” The man swore and rushed off in the direction of the smoke. Nova, on the other hand, rushed off in the direction she’d been heading in with a dutiful little black cat on her heels. As luck would have it placed her back in the zoo proper at an intersection marked by the aquarium and its kiosk. The kiosk had food, and as she’d not had breakfast, this looked as likely as any other location. An added benefit was the presence of several school groups so that when security came rushing into the intersection they completely missed her. She bought a couple of sandwiches, and iced sweet tea, and decided to recon her immediate area. Across the intersection, there was another kiosk and a map board. Here too there was security, police even, and directly opposite the map was the main entrance. Nova quickly located the reptile building which turned out to be the structure the Aquarium kiosk was attached to and spotted the location of the Gorilla habitat. Right across from the Reptile building. Why it was like a certain author had gone to the zoo, walked in a short way, and walked out. But never mind that. Nova knew the Dursleys weren’t scheduled to be at the Reptile building until after lunch, so she decided to have a look at the gorillas. A short blond-headed gorilla mimicking the actual apes made her laugh until she realized that it was Dudley. A boy she assumed was Piers stood nearby, Mr and Mrs Dursley were just a ways off. There was no sign of Aerie just yet. Nova decided she’d best finish off her sandwiches and find her double. She’d spotted the ling just as she was taking her last bite. The ling, true to the book, was keeping their distance from Dudley and his pal Piers. Slowly, carefully she made her way over to Ling Aerie stood right next to them, and placed some muggle money in their palm. “Go have some fun, I’m taking over.” Nova had whispered and wondered if they’d not heard by the look they were giving her. “You aren’t supposed to be here,” They hissed. “Change of plans.” “Password?” “I’m an alicorn, I don’t need no stinking password. Now git before Dudley-kins sees that there are two of us. Look, I don’t want to be here, it was Discord’s Idea. We can discuss it later.” Their answer was to back up until they were behind the crowd and transform into someone else. Though to be true aside from transforming her clothing it wasn’t a huge change. They did not leave. “Suit yer-self,” Nova offered, turned back to keep an eye on the Dursleys only to find that Mr Dursley had seen the whole exchange. Of course, he’d been keeping an eye on Aerie. Why wouldn't he? He said nothing. Nor did he say anything as the small group followed after Dudley and Piers. They exited the Gorilla habitat, turned to the left, and proceeded to a place called the Terrace Restaurant. Dudley had decided it was now lunchtime. Nova was presented with another sandwich and a cup of water. Dudley, well, Dudley was provided with a veritable smorgasbord. If it was on the menu, he wanted it. If it wasn’t on the menu, he still wanted it. And of course, he threw a tantrum. A tall ice cream treat he’d wanted, called a Knickerbocker Glory, didn’t seem to have enough ice cream in it to suit Dudley. Moments later the offending treat was presented to Nova and Dudley was provided with a new one with more ice cream. The whole incident had been little more than a power play on Dudley’s part. Nova had looked at the ice cream with mild disgust at first, but damn that Alicorn appetite and she’d not likely to get much more from the Dursleys. Just briefly the idea of going fox mode and eating one of Mrs Fig’s cats crossed her mind. But then again, those things were supposed to be half Kneazle. Probably tough, stringy, and more than capable of defending themselves. When Dudley had finally sated himself, the group got up and made their way back to the Reptile exhibit. Naturally, the two boys wanted to see the biggest snakes. Nor was it just out of some morbid fascination on their part as it quickly became all too apparent the boys wanted to harass Aerie. To this end, they made a point of pointing out every exhibit and even shoved her up against the glass on several occasions. Nova had had enough. Once more the two boys tried to slam her into a glass partition only to find themselves inexplicably tripping and going face first into the glass. The boys staggered back, the large snake raised up its head, a Burmese Python according to the sign, and the glass cracked. “Aw, cool!” Piers said as he and Dudley became captivated by the snake now ready to strike. They were also quite oblivious. Nova quietly backed away as the two boys proceeded to pound on the glass and taunt the snake like it was another school boy they could bully. “Better you than me,” Whispered the ling in Nova’s ear once she’d reached the other side of the passageway. “I hate snakes.” “Ya, well try not to panic,” Nova offered, snapping her finger, which was followed by the two boys screaming like girls as the glass partition fell into a crack between the hall and the exhibit. “What the hell?!” The ling protested even as the snake lunged past the boys. Dudley fainted, the snake looked right at Nova, and then darted down the hall in search of an exit. “Sorry, it’s in the script,” Nova supplied to a background of screaming and panicked running. “In the script?” Hissed the ling. “I’m to go to Hogwarts, and thwart Dumbledore's plans to build himself up at the expense of others.” “Fine then, you’ll need this,” The ling offered as they pulled a necklace off of their neck. Black twine with a small clear crystal pendant. White quartzite by the looks of it. “Dumbledore’s tracking spells are on this. Keep it with you, or near your body at all times. Just one thing, who’s giving the orders here?” “Discord,” Nova supplied as she took the pendant. “He doesn’t want Tom Riddle finding his way to Equestria.” “But he’s dead, isn’t he? Riddle, he’s dead?” “Not exactly. He’s not exactly alive either. There in lays the problem.” “Security is here.” “Well then, best make yourself scarce,” Nova offered and then took up the demeanor of a frightened girl. > Chapter 2: Committed to living in a cupboard. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security wasn’t buying it, and Nova soon found herself in an office by herself. Further down she could hear Mr Dursley shouting about the zoo not being safe. Granted that she wasn't totally alone as Moonie had taken up residence on Nova's lap. “Now…” Offered a man in a gray suit as he entered. “My name is Nissim. I’m a detective with the London Metropolitan Police.” He gave the cat a glance, and then decided it'd be best to just ignore it rather than figure out where it had come from. “The snake getting loose was clearly Dudley’s doing, not mine. Or do you think that I somehow snapped my fingers and magically made the glass go away?” “I’m actually more interested in a certain tape recorder.” “Not my fault the bloody thing blew up.” “Then you do know about it. And how about these photos?” Dumpster diving, Nova thought to herself. He placed the pictures of Riddle and the Dursleys one at a time on the desk closest to Nova. “And what does England's most wanted have to do with the Dursleys?” “Mr Riddle murdered my mom and dad. My Godparent is a Mr Sirius Black. Petunia Dursley is my Aunt, though I doubt the Dursleys have any sort of actual legal custody.” “And neither would Sirius Black, given he's abandoned you to your aunt. So, you decided to do a bit of detective work, was it? Who provided the recorder?” “Calls himself Discord. He gets a kick out of reenacting moments from popular media,” Nova offered as she pulled out her identifications. “Might be over your pay grade though.” She lay down both IDs and watched the man for a reaction. Sure it was a gamble but now was as good a time as any to see if that Section Six ID was any good. She watched him pick up that ID, and pull out a cell phone that looked more like a handheld radio than the modern phones she knew. He dialed a number and then stepped out into the hall. A short time later Nova would be both delighted and disappointed. Her power play had worked. Which also meant she would be sleeping in a cupboard under the stairs that night. Win some lose some. The ride to Number Four, Privet Drive was anything but enjoyable. Especially given that Moonie had gone back to her pendant for the duration of the trip. Dudley and Piers were going on and on about how the snake had come at them and how bravely they fought it. Naturally, Dudley tried to cast blame for the snake getting out on Aerie. All Nova could think was at least she hadn’t been talking to it and had had the sense to get well away from the enclosure. As such, any blame being cast her way simply wasn’t going to stick. Was it? Granted Nova had no idea what sort of things the Lings had been doing, but then again it really didn’t matter. Dudley was bound and determined to blame Aerie, and that meant Nova, for everything that went wrong. “Like you’d know!” Nova shot at Dudley after one of Dudley’s harrowing descriptions. “Seems to me that from where I was, Piers was the only one to remain standing! Nor was I anywhere near that glass!” “That’s enough!” Vernon Dursley shouted even as Nova was about to say it was Dudley’s fat head. “I don’t want to hear it! No, Dudley!” Dudley had tried to protest and now sat with his jaw hanging. Mr Dursley had never even once raised his voice to Dudley. That is, so far as Nova knew. “While on the one hand, that glass should never have broken, you two had no business pounding on it, or shoving Aerie up against the glass panels! Don’t think I didn’t see what the two of you were doing.” Only the sound of the road answered. “Now Vernon…” Aunt Petunia whined. “No dear, I think we’ve been entirely too permissive. And the boys know full well that Aerie doesn’t like snakes.” More silence. In fact, the remainder of the trip was met with a sort of awkward silence. That is except for Dudley who got it into his head to hit Aerie on the leg just as hard as he could. Nova saw his fist come up and then brought up her shield just as his fist started back down. A moment later his fist had rebounded right into his face. “She hit me!” Dudley wailed. “I never touched you!” Nova shot back. “I said shut it!” Mr Dursley had the rearview mirror trained on the back seat. The sound of the road had a comforting effect on Nova’s nerves, and when they rolled up to the house a short time later she felt a little less inclined to teach that boy a lesson. “Piers, you can go home now,” Mr Dursley said in an emotionless tone as the car stopped. “Yes sir,” Piers replied, waited just a moment, got out, and walked away. Nova followed Piers even as the Dursleys got out of the car. “I don’t want to hear it,” Mr Dursley barked just as Dudley started to protest. He then proceeded to the front door, unlocked it, and ushered everyone inside. “Dudley, go to your room.” “But?” “Go!” Dudley stomped upstairs. “Aerie, go clean up your forehead, and then I want to talk to you,” Vernon said in an unnervingly calm tone. Nova quickly found her way to the kitchen and used the sink and a paper towel only to discover dried blood on her forehead. Curious that the detective hadn’t said a thing. Nova fished around in her shoulder bag, found the make-up kit, fished out a small pocket mirror, and had a look at her forehead. She was dismayed to find a lightning-shaped cut, and it looked like it was going to scar as well. She’d a mind to rearrange Discord’s horns. “Why can’t you use the lavatory like any normal person?” Aunt Petunia asked from the doorway. Was there a downstairs washroom? Probably, and she’d walked right past it no doubt. “Normal people don’t live in a cupboard under the stairs,” Nova supplied as she put away her mirror. Aunt Petunia was spluttering. “I wonder what people would think? Just imagine the gossip going on about how you make me dress. How you can’t be bothered to buy me or is it, afford to buy me, a girl, decent girl’s clothing? Normal girls don’t wear their male cousin's cast-offs!” And with that Nova strode on out of the kitchen past Aunt Petunia before she could regain her wits. Plus there was that realization that Aerie was right. In attempting to hide Aerie, in treating Aerie the way they had, they’d made themselves the number one talking point of the block. What they were actively doing to Aerie wasn’t normal and she knew it. But why though? Why had they treated her like that? “Uncle Vernon,” Nova offered a moment later with a slight hint of agitation. He was sitting in his recliner looking haggard. “Care to tell me what I saw?” “I’ve been sneaking out. They are a friend Dudley hadn’t managed to drive off. No, I’m not going to tell you who they are. Not considering it took you so long for you to catch us. Granted that going to the zoo did kind of throw us off.” *“Go – cupboard – stay – no meals,” Mr Dursley spat out and seemed to sink even further into his chair. Nova turned, went out to the entry hall where the stairs were, opened the cupboard door, and entered. Above her head was a light bulb that hung from a wire. Nova reached up, pulled the chain that turned the light on and shut the door behind her. There really wasn’t much to look at. A cot filled the better part of the floor space, there was clothing piled up in a corner, school books on a shelf, and not much else. Nova turned, sat on the cot, lay down, and looked up at the ceiling. No spiders. Not a one. Weren’t there supposed to be spiders? "What are they doing, eating them?” Nova whispered to herself. Who knows what Changelings eat? Besides love that is. Nova didn’t know a lot about Changelings but did know that they did eat solid food. The whole eating emotions thing was how they replenished their magic. Moonie popped in and landed on the cot. She then did the typical cat thing by walking up onto Nova’s chest and laying right in the middle. Out in the parlor, Nova could hear the television airing the news. She almost laughed out loud when the news began talking about the incident at the zoo. Ground settling under the building was being blamed. Mr Dursley swore and shut off the television. Nova had to admit that it had been a long day, Put her glasses on a shelf, and decided to just go to sleep. She woke up sometime in the middle of the night to discover a changeling in the cupboard with her. “Who are you?” “Princess Kitsumi Nova, daughter of Luna Moon. And I need to pee if you’ll excuse me…” “Toilet is across from the bottom of the stairs. Princess, shouldn't you be in Silverwood?” “Different Nova. I got talked into this gig by Discord. As in he didn’t exactly give me a choice. I’m going to be going to Hogwarts, and I’m thinking it might be a mistake for any of you to try to go in there as a student.” “Discord? Why would he?” “Apparently he thinks I have what it takes to do in Tom Riddle, AKA he who must not be named. Idiot extremist who goes by Lord Volda, tack on Mort, don’t say the two together it’s a snitch spell.” Nova opened the door and looked around. “Unless you can get hundreds of people saying it of course.” “They are heavy sleepers,” the ling offered as Nova ventured further out. “Then I should be fine so long as I’m not in my pony form,” Nova replied with a grin. She then went to the toilet, opened the door, went in, and shut the door behind herself. She emerged a short time later and headed for the kitchen and was followed by the ling and Moonie. She was actually glad the ling was there. “You have a name?” Nova asked. “I’m Silverfish. What happened to Mealworm?” “I gave them some money and told them to go have fun. That and they were likely marooned at the zoo.” “They’ll find their way back.” “You’re all heart.” “We’ve got a small hive under the house. The hive hatch is right where you stand when you enter the Cupboard under the stairs. Lift up the cot, it’s on a hinge, and there’s a catch. And it’s camouflaged with magic so that the Dursleys can’t find it.” “Ah, I suppose I should have checked,” Nova replied as she opened the refrigerator. “They will expect you to cook in the morning.” “I think I can manage. Any chance you can tell me where everything is, and what they like?” Silverfish affirmed that they could and began pointing out where everything was while Nova fished out various delights to eat. Aunt Petunia was at the very least a decent cook. “Hey,” Offered another ling as they joined them. “Oh, hi Mealworm. See, what I tell you, Mealworm made it back.” “You are all heart,” Nova repeated from earlier. “So, are we going to raid and go downstairs?” Mealworm asked. “Hang on, someone’s coming?” Silverfish announced in a whisper. “I have got an idea,” Nova announced with a devilish grin, pitched forward, and transformed into her pony form. The two lings hesitated but a moment and transformed as well. Silverfish was now a dog, and Mealworm had turned themselves into a baby hippo, and Moonie was now standing on the ceiling in her pony form. With bat wings just because. Petunia stepped into the doorway, saw a diminutive pony with wings and a unicorn horn, a dog, a hippo, and, and promptly passed out. Nova caught her with her telekinetic field, took her upstairs, and deposited her back in her bed with Vernon who was snoring very loudly. She then went back downstairs, gathered up the lings and as much food as they could carry, transformed back into human form, and went down into the basement. “Wow, you have really outdone yourselves,” Nova offered as she had a look around. The entirety of the underside of the house had been dug out with vaulted arches to support the structure overhead. There was light coming from green bio-luminescent lamps and the entire place looked as though it could be a grand hall in a castle from which tunnels fanned out in all directions. Where they were, the way in and out of the house, was on a landing, and down below were a dozen changelings. Silverfish and Mealworm introduced Nova to the other Lings and they all delighted in giving her a detailed briefing of everything she’d need to do or be aware of. By the time Nova was back to her cot, it was nearly morning. > Chapter 3: Dudley gets his Payback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Get up!” Shouted Aunt Petunia while pounding on the door. Nova hated mornings and was surely tested. Granted she had been up a might bit later than she should have. Even so, she had a role to play. “I’m up!” Nova called back as she lifted herself out of that cot. That thing desperately needed some cloud padding. She pulled on the clothes that were available, put on her glasses, and exited to a rather stern-looking Aunt Petunia who marched her into the kitchen. Aunt Petunia seemed to think Aerie was a short-order cook, and Nova had little choice but to oblige. When Dudley came down he decided he wanted chocolate chips in his pancakes. Nova came really close to telling him he couldn't have any until she remember the ‘do not eat’ chocolate Mealworm had pointed out. Mealworm had recounted the harrowing experience they’d had after being tricked into eating a whole bar by Dudley. Nova had to hold back an evil grin as she chopped up the ‘do not eat’ chocolate, and Dudley, true to form managed to eat every last bit. Oh, and when it was time to go to school Aerie was expected to walk while Dudley was given a ride every morning. Nova cleaned up the kitchen, went to her cupboard, grabbed her shoulder bag, and stuffed all her books into it along with anything that looked like it might be school related. She put the bag over her neck, her sweat jacket over that, and was out the door a couple of minutes later. Oh, and breakfast, she’d managed to sneak a fair amount of food while cooking. Which was a good thing because Vernon Dursley was set on denying Aerie food as punishment. “Good morning Aerie,” Mrs Figg offered from her porch. Something she did every morning. Nova had asked how the Lings got along with the cats and had been told that the cats were fine with them. “Good morning, Mrs Figg,” Nova offered as she walked past. “Where are your books?” “They’re in my bag, don’t worry.” “Your bag?” “Under my sweat jacket. Given to me yesterday by the oddest man. I can fit all manner of things in it. Best not tell the Dursleys, they’d be downright apoplectic if they were to find out.” “I, um… yes, I imagine they would,” Mrs Figg replied and then hurried back inside. “Reporting to Dumbledore, is it, Mrs Figg?” Nova quipped as she continued down the lane. As for school, Nova was about a block away from school when she found her path blocked by Dudley and his gang of young Republicans. “I’m going to have words with you,” Dudley all but spat out as Nova approached. “You made me look bad.” “Dudley, the only one making you look bad is you,” Nova informed him as she took off her glasses and put them in her bag. Dudley started forward, fist slapping his palm, “I am going to teach you a lesson you’ll not soon forget you freak! One of Dudley’s friends rushed forward and dropped to hands and knees right behind her, Nova knowing full well what was meant to happen, dropped on top of him driving her elbow into his back with enough force to drive his arms and legs out from under him, his face hitting the pavement. She then rolled off, got back to her feet, spun, and sent the boy on the ground flying as he was getting up with a well-timed roundhouse kick. Two more boys rushed in with clumsy fists flying only to be blocked and sharply corrected by some incredibly fast hand moves. Another boy got a knee to the groin and Dudley… Dudley was struck with a look of absolute horror, turned, and actually ran for the relief of the school. The School toilets to be exact. “Come back here, you fecking coward!” Nova yelled even as she fended off another advance. Granted that she knew full well the real reason he was running. “I’m sick and tired of your bullshit!” “Stop it right now!” Shouted a man as he and a couple of police officers approached on foot. Nova wasn’t ready to stop though. She sucker punched one lad, and bitch slapped another. Even as the men were trying to restrain the boys, Nova grappled with a boy and drove her knee into his gut over and over. Only when he dropped did she stop. “It’s over, calm down.” It was Detective Nissim. “I can’t take it anymore!” Nova wailed. Willing up the waterworks wasn’t that hard given how frustrated she was with Discord’s actions. Surely Discord had but to snap a finger and Riddle would no longer be an issue, but no… “Every single day. I’m nothing more than a slave and should I dare to get out of line…” There were people from the school there now, and several of Nova’s victims would definitely be going to the infirmary if not to the hospital as they were taken to the school. “OK, OK, get it together,” Detective Nissim encouraged. “Any chance you can get me away from the Dursleys?” Nova asked. He squat down in front of her and in a soft voice asked, “Wouldn't that jeopardize your mission?” “All I had to do here was establish my identity. I am Aerie, but there was someone else standing in for me. It’s complicated and there are things I can’t talk about. The Dursleys have nothing to do with my goal. They are just …” She took a deep breath. Weaving half-truths together into a coherent back story on the fly did require concentration. “..and the way they treat Aerie Potter, that is me now... my mission is in serious jeopardy. I sleep in a cupboard under the stairs on a cot. I seem to be a short order cook and general house servant, and as Mr Dursley is mad at me I’m not allowed to eat right now. I honestly thought I could do it, but… I don’t want to go back.” “Are you saying they aren’t feeding you?” “I’m resourceful, but no, they are not feeding me. I have to help myself when they aren’t watching.” “Why don’t you sit right here on the curb. I’m going to make a couple of phone calls.” “And they beat me,” Nova added. She already knew from the Lings that whoever was playing the part of Aerie could expect to be beaten, and she’d more than a few bruises herself that she’d picked up in training to use as proof without having to bring in a ling. As for the boys, not a one had managed to connect. As for leaving, now that she had Dumbledore's tracker, there really wasn’t anything stopping her from leaving. So long as she had that, Dumbledore would see her as the original Aerie. Sure, there were spells stopping people from taking Aerie, but those spells wouldn’t stop Aerie from leaving on her own and she knew it. After all, there wasn’t a damn thing that said she had to live with the Dursleys and be miserable. Sure, Dumbledor’s excuse after the fact was that Harry needed to be with his relatives for the protection his mother gave him to work. But we all know that was complete bull hockey. Especially considering we were now talking about multiple individuals standing in for a fictional Aerie Potter who, thanks to Discord, was now this specific Nova. And all Nova had to do was find and destroy the Horcruxes that Riddle had made. Well, stopping him from gaining the Philosopher’s stone along with access to Equestria might be a good idea too, and all that meant she had to go to Hogwarts. “Right, hang on…” Detective Nissim replied, walking a few paces away as Nova, Aerie, sat on the curve. Earlier that day Nova’s section Six ID had come back as good, but with absolutely no information. “You are giving up?” Whispered a familiar voice in Nova’s ear. She looked to see a familiar face, one of the lings. “Hi Silver,” Nova offered. “I still have my mission of going to Hogwarts, but…” She took in a deep breath to gain control of her emotions. “There is no reason any of us need to deal with the Dursleys any longer.” “OK, and yes, I don’t blame you either. We all have grown to despise that specific group of humans. If it had been me being ganged up on…” Silver let loose a shudder at the prospect. “Hey. how’d you know that I’m Silver?” “I’m part Kitsune, I can see your aura. I know a good deal of the Canterlot guards by their aura. Drives them nuts because they don’t know how I’m doing it. If you are wondering why I wasn’t afraid of you it’s because I know what a healthy Changeling looks like.” “So it’s looking like someone connected to Eques pulled Aerie out of that house, gave her training, and tried to put her back in,” Detective Nissim was saying over the phone he held. “Or at least that’s my thinking on the matter. If nothing else, someone has shown her some self-defense techniques. Problem is, she was ganged up on, and then she kind of snapped. From what she’s told me it’s a daily occurrence and we need to get her out of that house before something worse happens.” Detective Nissim returned to Nova a short time later and announced that he’d been authorized to take her into the precinct where she was to make a statement and meet with a social worker from Child Protective Services. Silver wished her good luck, and she was on her way a short time later. And as luck would have it, according to the database, the Dursleys had no legal custody rights for Aerie Potter. She was unregistered outside of the school she’d been enrolled in. If Professor Dumbledore was concerned about someone from the magical community giving ‘the boy’ a magical bag, hearing about the police at the Dursley residence had concerned him greatly. Hearing that ‘the boy’ had not returned home that night had him in a near panic. And yes, he had completely dismissed the fact that Mrs Figg always said Aerie. He at least could take solace in that his many tracking and scrying spells were telling him that his sacrificial lamb was healthy and still in London. Naturally, he intended to find Harry and put him back in that home. After all, Harry had to be malleable for his plans to work. Nova spent the better part of the morning being interviewed and examined. In that, she was glad she’d had the chance to talk to the Lings the night before because it meant she had a ready arsenal of incidents she could tell them about. Photos were taken of her bruises, and x-rays done. The x-rays would show several minor fractures that had healed up. Sure it had happened in accidents that were due to her exuberance, but with no medical records it all added up to abuse at the hands of the Dursleys. Right before lunch, she was given the opportunity to shower, and was provided new clothing consisting of new undergarments, a simple black skirt, a white blouse, simple girl’s shoes, and a new hoodie with the face of Phil Collins plastered on the back. She had been wearing a pair of old tennis shoes that looked as though they’d seen much better days. For lunch, she was taken to a fish and chips place by Detective Nissim. “Any chance you can tell me anything about this mission of yours?” Nissim asked shortly after they’d gotten their food. “Hot, hot!” Nova said as she concentrated on her fish. “Mission… right. Let’s see how can I explain it without violating any rules, confidentiality, or the law. Let’s just say it’s sort of a scavenger hunt.” “Evidence against the Riddle fellow?” “Yes and no. Things he collected that need to go away. Find them, and neutralize them. That is to make them safe so they are no longer a threat and I seem to be the best one for the job because who would expect a little kid plus I have a history that’ll get me in places among certain underground circles. And I’m not talking about the tube.” “Any idea where to look?” “I’ve got a rough idea. The thing is, if anyone were to attempt any raids…” “Let me guess. The items in question will mysteriously vanish.” “That’s about it. At least one is to be found in a rather questionable trade school I expect to be recruited into.” “How questionable, and what makes you think they will recruit you?” “School for specially gifted youth, and I’m not talking about special as in limited in some way, I’m talking about special as in able to do things no one else can.” “You mean like that beat down you gave those boys?” “Would you believe me if I told you I was going easy on them?” “You know, I just might.” “Anyway, Riddle is a graduate of that school. They knew he had issues, but never once did it occur to the individuals who knew, to do anything about it. I mean, there are ways to neutralize certain abilities. To normalize an individual if you like.” Nova took a bite out of a chip. “Granted that Riddle would still have been a narcissistic pathological psychotic psychopathic, whatever, killer.” “So what would you have done with him?” “He murdered my mother and father,” Nova replied as she took on the mantle of the character. “Right in front of me. A double tap is too good for him.” She took a bite out of her fish. “The fact that you can say that so casually is a bit concerning.” “Disassociation,” Nova offered. “A coping method if you like.” “Your living arrangement was confirmed to me so I can see how you might end up that way.” “I’m alright. It just helps to think in terms of that wasn’t me that was another Aerie and I’m just taking over where they left off.” She took a bite out of her fish and reveled in the tasty goodness. After swallowing the bite she asked, “Might I inquire as to how you just happened to be there when the fight broke out? “To be honest I was checking up on you. You are something of an enigma. The number on that card you have checked out, and there are records that say you were born in Godric's Hollow, Cornwall, England. Your parents were targeted by domestic terrorists and then you just sort of drop off the radar. Even the school you were going to seems to be lacking in appropriate documentation.” For Detective Nissim, Aerie talking about her life like it had all happened to a different Aerie wasn’t that unusual. He’d seen it before. And always coming from kids who’d had it rough in the homes they lived in. The idea that someone would pull this girl out of that environment only to put her right back in rankled him in ways he hadn’t thought possible. “Can I ask what happened to your forehead?” “You mean the cut? The examiners asked about it too. Turns out there was something stuck in there. I’d managed to get a hold of it when I was at the zoo. It was irritating me so I yanked it out.” “Brutal. And your Aunt and Uncle never had a doctor look at it?” Nova let out a snort of derision. She already knew from the lings that the Dursleys never once lifted so much as a finger in regards to the welfare of Aerie Potter. In fact, she’d doubts as to whether or not an actual human baby would even have survived. But then again there had been the accidental Horcrux… “Something wrong?” Nissim asked as a look of astonishment struck Nova. Discord had tried to put that piece of Riddle’s soul on her forehead, and she had ripped it off and destroyed it with Fox Fire without any great damage being done to herself. “No, no, I’m fine. I just thought of something,” Nova replied. She then had to come up with something she could tell him. “I’ve got a credit card.” Yes, that’s what she could tell him. “I’ve my expenses covered. I’m curious to see if there is a limit. Assuming it’s not what’s left of my parent’s money. Still, though, it’d be fun to run it up as far as it can go.” Nova knew that James and Lily Potter had money. The downside is that it was likely all wizard money and there was no trace of the potter’s in the muggle community outside of they knew about Riddle. Detective Nissim nearly choked on his fish. Once he’d finished with the offending bite, he started laughing. When they had finished detective Nissim took Nova to another government building where she was handed off to a social worker, Mrs Marshal. “Is… is this all she has?” Mrs Marshall asked moments after looking Aerie over. “Afraid so. The things she had on have been kept for evidence.” Detective Nissim explained, wished Aerie good luck, and then left. Nova was interviewed once more and then asked to sit and wait. > Chapter 4: {One eternity later.} > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Darling, I’m so sorry I couldn't come sooner,” announced a woman as she entered the office. She had auburn hair, a gray skirt and jacket, and a white frilly blouse. She also had on one of those big wide brimmed floppy hats and wore boots reminiscent of riding boots. “Ah, Mrs Marshal, you had a child for me?” “Mrs Finch-Fletchley, so good of you to come,” Mrs Marshal offered as she got up from her desk. “And on such short notice. “Aerie, if you could, please…” Nova stood up and made a polite curtsy. “Good afternoon, mam.” “This is Miss Aerie. I am so glad you came. And she is surprisingly well behaved.” “I do try my best,” Nova offered with a smile on her face. Mrs Finch-Fletchley gave her a concerned look. “Dear, is this all you have?” “Yes, Mam. I wasn’t allowed possessions. What I have now is thanks to the generosity of strangers.” One of the things Nova had learned while she was sitting there is that Aerie Potter's parents had been quite wealthy in the Muggle community as well. possibly thanks to their involvement with Mrs Nova Silverwood. Mrs Marshal had done an Electronic investigation of Mr and Mrs Potter's financial records to find that Aerie had a sizable inheritance of which the Dursley's had been doing their best to fritter it all away. And precious little ever got spent on Aerie Potter. “Dear, is there a reason you have your bag under your hoodie?” Nova allowed herself to hunch up a bit and dropped her head. “I, um, I had to keep it hidden so that the family I was staying with wouldn't take it from me. My Aunt, Uncle, and cousin Dudley. All I was ever allowed were things Dudley no longer saw as desirable. A friend gave me a cell phone so I could call for help.” “That’s a mighty generous friend.” “When she was taken in, following an altercation with a group of ruffians, she was wearing rags,” Mrs Marshal explained. “The boys involved are facing charges for the attempted assault.” “Am I going to be charged?” Nova asked. After all, she was the one who did all the beating. “No, bless me, no dear,” Mrs Marshal informed her. “As it turns out, Detective Nissim had turned on his dash cam and it proves that they rushed you and that you were defending yourself from yet another beat down. You are lucky. He’s one of a handful who has the new cameras.” “Well, let me just sign for her, and we can be on our way.” Nova was amazed at how many things had to be signed but as promised they were indeed soon on their way. But not straight to the house. Oh no, Mrs Finch-Fletchley wasn’t going to hear of it, and Nova soon found herself being lavished with new clothes. Mrs Finch-Fletchley also had a little blue four-door sedan, which meant everything could be put in the boot of the car. The home was 107A Cambridge Street, but it was located on Sussex street. Mrs Finch-Fletchley parked out in front on the street, and the two got out, loaded up, and climbed the steps to the front door. The entry hall passed the kitchen and started climbing stairs. “I hope you don’t mind being on the top floor. And the basement flat has been rented out, so no going down there.” “That’s alright,” Nova offered. “We have a spare bedroom for you.” “Bedroom?” “Yes dear, you get a whole bedroom to yourself.” Four flights of stairs it was. “My son Justin will be across from you, and you’ll have to share a toilet.” “I used the downstairs guest toilet at the Dursleys. I wasn't even allowed upstairs. Except to clean that is.” She thought about it for a moment as they came to the top floor. “Did they tell you I lived in a cupboard?” “Yes, dear. I wasn’t going to bring it up if you didn’t want to talk about it.” “Hi, mom,” Called a boy from one of two rooms on the top floor. “Um, hello?” “Justin, this is Aerie, she’s going to be your new foster sister.” “What, now, I mean right now?” “We did discuss this.” “I just thought I’d have a little more warning, that’s all.” Nova was starting to wonder if this boy was just another version of Dudley. That is until he stuck out his hand and said welcome to the family. “Thank you for welcoming me into your family,” Nova replied as she adjusted a load of clothing in her hands to free up her right, took hold of his hand, and gave it a shake. “Hang on, I need to get some things out of the spare room,” Justin announced and dashed through the door leading into what was to be Aerie’s room. Nova and Mrs Finch-Fletchley followed. “Justin, I did tell you to keep your things in your room did I not?” Mrs Finch-Fletchley stated. “Sorry. I thought we’d get more warning though?” It was a simple, yet elegant room with white walls and a wood floor done in a slightly bleached tone from the natural. There was a bed with a white bedspread, and a plush chair that was adjacent to a small writing desk. Mrs Finch-Fletchley made her way to a closet directly across from the doorway, and there was a window at the far end. There was also a doorway that opened into Justin’s room. It was presently wide open and Justin was dashing back and forth. Nova made her way to the closet and began hanging up her clothing. “Aerie was separated from her caretakers this morning,” Mrs Finch-Fletchley explained as she shifted her efforts to a dresser where the new undergarments were placed in one drawer, and a couple of sweaters in another. There was one more drawer but there really wasn’t anything to put in it. “Oh, and Aerie, feel free to call me Flora.” “Yes, Mam… Flora,” Nova responded just as kitty Moonie came sauntering in like she owned the place. “Aaaa… is it alright if I have a cat?” Moonie went over to the bed, jumped up, lay down right in the middle, crossed her fore-paws, and proceeded to watch everyone. “Did she actually follow you?” Flora asked wondering how on earth the animal could have managed it. “My allergies aren’t bothering me,” Justin offered. “Can we keep her?” “I was feeding her scraps. The Dursleys didn’t know about her. She kind of comes and goes at will.” “I can’t say no to a cat that somehow managed to follow you halfway across London,” Flora offered with a smile. “Now, it’s past time I started dinner.” “Would you like some help? I don’t mind.” “Are you sure? I’m to understand that the Dursleys were using you as unpaid labor.” “It’s not so much the doing as the way the doing was done. I was expected to do nearly all of the chores. Dudley never did anything that required actual work unless it was harass Aerie day, and heaven help me if my grades were better than his. That typically turned into Aerie open hunting season. Though to be honest he didn’t really need an excuse.” “And the teachers never did anything?” Justin asked. “So long as he didn’t openly disrupt classes the teachers just turned a blind eye to it.” “That’s just horrible,” Flora said in a soft tone. “But not to worry, I’m going to take you to Pimlico tomorrow morning. I’m on the board, so I doubt I’ll have any issues getting you in.” “I will be looking forward to it,” Nova replied cheerfully. The two then went back downstairs all the way to the ground floor where they set to creating a scrumptious dinner. “I’m home- here now, who have we now?” Asked a man who’d come in through the front door just moments ago. “Basil…” Flora announced, went to him, and gave him a kiss. No hug as she’d implements of cooking in her hands. “We have been awarded a foster child. Basil, this is Aerie Potter, Aerie, my husband Basil.” “It is a pleasure to meet you, good sir,” Nova offered with a curtsy of sorts. “They finally decided to let us have a child?” “Finally?” Nova asked softly. “Long waiting list dear,” Flora informed Nova. She turned back to Basil to tell him what a treasure Aerie was and how bad she’d had it as she went back to her cooking. As it turned out Basil was a Solicitor with a fairly influential law firm. And as such, Nova wondered if it’d be enough to see to it she’d never have to go back to the Dursley home ever again. “Murdered, I’m afraid,” Nova replied to the inevitable question. Flora scolded him for having asked. “It’s alright. I was just a toddler at the time. I barely remember any of it. The Dursleys told me they died in an auto accident but I found out when kids at school got it into their heads to tease me about it. I’m to understand my parents had a lot of money too. Not like I ever saw any of it. That is, short of that’s how they could afford to give Dudley so many nice things.” “And she lived in a cupboard under the stairs,” Flora stated. “A cupboard? Under the stairs?” Basil had heard plenty of horror stories, but making a child live in a cupboard was new to him. “Separated her from them this morning after a bunch of boys attempted an assault on her. The one who instigated it was her own cousin.” “Attempted… I’m gathering someone was there to put a stop to it.” “They were, but not before I’d the chance to give them some payback,” Nova announced in a deadpan tone. “You know, I think everything should be ready in about ten minutes.” “Something tells me the Dursleys are going to starve without you,” Flora teased. Nova found dinner that night to be quite enjoyable, after dinner she went through her school books to refresh her memory of what a child her age was expected to know, and went to bed happy. If her host noticed that she never touched any of the roast at dinner, they never said a thing. The next morning Nova dressed in a gray skirt, leggings, white blouse, and a navy blue sweater. This was so she’d be in compliance with the school’s dress code. Flora introduced her to the people in the office who handed her over to someone who set her up with a battery of tests. Nova decided that it’d be best not to hold back. That, and she was curious how they’d react. The lings were constantly being accused of cheating. Granted that their hive mind meant that technically they were, but there was absolutely no way to prove it unless you knew they were lings. As for Nova, she just happened to have near-perfect recall. When Nova had finished her tests she was allowed to sit in with Justin’s class. As for the staff, Nova’s behavior had won them over. The transcript they got from Aerie Potter’s old school had them concerned as it listed her as a trouble maker problem child who was slovenly and cheated on her tests. Regarding the accusation of slovenly, they had been appraised of Aerie’s past. The test they’d given her, of which it would have been impossible for her to cheat on, was now demonstrating that they had a genius on their hands. No, it wasn’t perfect, but she had demonstrated that she was knowledgeable beyond her apparent years. For Nova, playing the part of an elementary school student was proving fun. It was nothing like the school Dudley was in where she, that is the lings masquerading as Aerie were expected to sit in the back and be quiet. Here the instructor actively engaged each and every student during the lessons. There was just one hitch, and that was in the form of Hermione Granger. That’s right, Hermione was in the same class. You know bushy brown hair, buck teeth, a bit on the bossy side, and dark complexion. Any time someone took too long to answer, Hermione would blurt out the answer and would even include additional information that the instructor hadn’t asked for. “Hermione, dear, we all know you know the answer,” Their instructor admonished on more than one occasion. “I need to know if the others know.” “Sorry, mam.” Hermione would offer followed by the class continuing. At lunch, Nova made a point of sitting right across from Hermione who just happened to have her nose in a book. “Hi,” Nova offered. Hermione looked up from her book and then went right back to her book. “You’re wasting your time with her,” Offered a blond girl as she sat down next to Nova. “My name’s Lavender. Yours was Aerie, Aerie Potter?” “And you are wondering if I’m related to the famous Harry Potter, no doubt.” Lavender’s face lit up, and a pair of twin girls sat down at the table. “Can’t be very famous if I’ve never heard of him,” Hermione quipped from behind her book. “Is she always like this?” Nova asked of Lavender. “Afraid so. She’s quite insufferable.” “And here I am trying to make friends with her. Hermione, a little over ten years ago terrorists wiped out a family leaving one survivor. The child became famous among certain groups simply for not having died, but outside of that community I’d think it’d be nothing more than a statistical blip.” “So then, how do you know so much?” Hermione inquired. “It was a Potter family.” “Harry, Potter,” Chimed the twins. “No,” Nova stated holding up her right index finger. “No?” the three girls asked. Their eyes opened wide when Nova pulled back her forelock to reveal the cut. “That looks kind of recent,” Lavender said skeptically. “There was something stuck in there. I was that lone survivor, and I get dumped on a doorstep in the middle of the night,” Nova explained. “My aunt and uncle never once bothered to get me into a doctor. I managed to get a hold of it a couple of days ago, and I yanked it out.” “Ouch.” Lavender offered. “You are lucky it didn’t get infected,” Hermione provided. “My aunt and uncle dressed me in my cousin Dudley’s old clothes so I suppose I looked a bit like a boy because of it. The thing is someone got my name wrong fairly early on.” “OK, I can see where Aerie might be misheard as Harry,” One of the twins offered. “Hi, I’m Parvati.” “But the prophecy,” hissed the other twin. “I’m Padma.” “Overheard in a pub,” Lavender provided. “Might not have had anything to do with Aerie.” “Prophesy?” Hermione asked. “Prophesies aren’t real.” “They can be real enough if someone works to make it real,” Nova suggested. “You do realize that what you are suggesting is that your family was sacrificed.” “I imagine that’s a real possibility. Make a prophecy in a pub knowing it’ll get back to a certain individual who not only believes in prophecies but is willing to risk all to make sure it doesn’t come true. Make sure to leak information that makes it obvious who the prophecy is about. Or to be more exact, who we want it to be about.” “Hadn’t read enough folklore I gather,” Hermione quipped. “The best way to deal with a prophecy is to ignore it.” “Seriously?” Lavender asked. “She’s not wrong,” Nova offered. “Every folk tail I’ve read where a prophecy was involved, it was the actions of people trying to stop the prophesy that caused it to come true.” “So, what brings you here?” Lavender asked. “My cousin and his gang decided they were going to teach me a lesson, only I’d had one too many ‘lessons’ from them and wasn’t going to just let it happen again. That and they made the mistake of doing it in front of the police. I got taken to the police station where I had to make a statement. They also took photos of my bruises and did x-rays. Next thing I know… who am I kidding, it took all afternoon, and I got placed in a foster home. New clothing, and even my own bedroom.” “Surely you didn’t share with your cousin?” Hermione asked sounding appalled. “Share? That boy wouldn't share if his life depended on it. I slept on a cot in a cupboard under the stairs.” “That’s horrible,” Lavender proclaimed. “Well I’m out now, and hopefully I’ll never have to go back.” “So where are you now? Lavender asked. “I’m at Justin’s house. I get to be his sister.” “He’s kind of cute for a…” Lavender began. “A future Hufflepuff?” Nova finished for her. “What, seriously?” The twins chimed. “I think he’s got what it takes to get in.” “In, in where?” Hermione asked, now seriously interested. “You ever have anything strange happen?” Nova asked. “You can tell us. If you’d like I can go first. Some examples I can think of are, my aunt got it into her head to shave my head with shears once. Grew back overnight." The ling who took over in the morning had simply forgotten to make their hair short. "One time she tried to make me wear the ugliest sweater ever. I think it was a dog sweater. It shrank until it was doll sized." The ling she was trying to put it on used their magic to shrink it. "One time when Dudley and his goons were after me I somehow managed to get up on the roof of the school I was going to." The ling had teleported out of desperation. "Naturally, everyone was upset at me for being up there, and couldn't care less why I was up there. Another time I allegedly turned my teacher’s hair purple. Not my fault her dye job went off, it’s just that there were enough strange happenings around me that should anything unusual happen, I get blamed.” “I’m not going crazy then?” Hermione asked. “No, Hermione, you aren’t crazy,” Nova reassured her. “Try to think of it in terms of a telekinetic ability that makes it possible for the person so gifted to manipulate the world around them on the quantum level.” “And throw the laws of physics right out the window,” Hermione said softly. “Or for lack of a better definition of the effect, magic.” “Just one little caveat,” Nova cautioned. “The government has certain rules. You aren’t supposed to know about it until you get your letter from Hogwarts. That or the Eques Institute of Technology.” Nova had helped herself to Justin’s computer and found that her counterpart had been very busy. “E-I-T is very difficult to get into though,” Hermione pointed out. “Hogwarts is kind of automatic for people living in England,” Lavender explained. “The possibility of being able to go to E-I-T is why I’m even attending this school. As for Hogwarts, all we need is the raw talent that they are looking for. We will get our letters mid to late summer. I’ll get one, Parvati and Padma will get their letters. Aerie is bound to get one.” “Let us hope they spell my name right,” Nova lamented. “That would be awkward,” Padma offered. “Well, if I should somehow not get a letter with my actual name on it, I had best make sure my grades are up to and or exceeding standards,” stated as though making some grand joke. “Hermione, any chance you are free for a study session?” Hermione just looked at Nova, make that Aerie, with the most incredulous expression on her face. And then she busts up laughing. “Alright, fine, why not?” Hermione finally managed to say. That afternoon saw the girls all going to Hermione’s house for a study session, and for the next three days, Aerie lived the life of a normal ordinary girl. > Chapter 5: Back to the Dursleys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What?! What do you mean she has to go back?!” Flora shouted. In fact, she’d shouted loud enough that the girls up on the terrace above had no trouble hearing. It was a warm afternoon and they’d decided to study out there. “Aerie?” “Someone wants me to stay with the Dursleys. Those people are awful. They are the worst of muggles,” Aerie lamented. “Muggle?” Hermione asked. “Generally used to mean anyone without magic.” Parvati offered. “Derisively used to describe people who are narrow-minded and judgmental,” Lavender supplied. “It’s not like I hadn’t expected this, but I think it’s more about control of me than my parent’s money,” Aerie offered. “Money?” Hermione asked. “My parents were fairly well off. And the Dursleys had access to at least one of their accounts. If they were getting an allowance for my keep as well, they’d want to keep me there. And it kind of makes sense, considering the kind of money they spend on Dudley who is one enchanted dinner away from becoming an actual pig.” “And the control aspect?” Lavender asked. “Someone wants to keep me in an abusive neglectful environment presumably to make me more malleable to their plans for me,” Aerie explained. And if events in this world played out like the books there was a good possibility it was Dumbledore himself. Dumbledore’s original reason for putting Harry with the Dursleys was to protect Harry from the very fame Dumbledore had manufactured. This then morphed into, it’s for the boy's protection. And yet we know that there were people who knew full well where Harry lived, many of whom would walk right up to him when he was out and about. Make that her; the lings had never once presented themselves as boys. The lings had no such protection from a mother who’d sacrificed herself for the sake of another. And Nova, her mother was in Equestria. Her Equestria. There was no such protection for her either. Granted she did have her own inborn Equestrian magic, Kitsune magic, and Moonie. Woe be the person who upsets Moonie. “Lavender, any chance your father could make some quiet inquiries?” Aerie asked. “I can’t really explain it, but right off hand, I’d say the most likely suspect would be Professor Dumbledore. After all, it was his decision to make Harry Potter famous, and his decision to place me with a family who was so amoral that it’s a miracle I survived my first year there.” “Create a legend, and then dispose of anything inconvenient,” Hermione said softly. “That’s… Alright, I’ll see what I can do,” Lavender offered even as Flora had arrived at the door to the patio. “Aerie…” Flora said from the doorway. She had her hands clasped and looked distressed. “We heard,” Aerie offered as she got up. She went over to Flora, and asked if it’d be alright for her to keep her things there? “You are going to leave everything?” Flora asked. “I’ll be lucky if I get to keep the clothes on my back,” Aerie lamented. “I will do whatever it takes to get you out of that house. I promise.” Aerie went up to her room, deposited her books, and changed into a pair of blue jeans she had along with a simple off-white blouse. No point in taking the pretty blouse she’d been wearing, configured the inside of her shoulder bag to look like there was nothing in it, grabbed her sweatshirt, and went down to the ground floor where a very apologetic social worker was waiting. The ride back to Privet drive was quiet and took remarkably less time than it had to get to Sussex Street. Aerie let out a sigh as they pulled up to Number Four. The car stopped, and both the passenger and driver just sat there for a bit. Up the street a bit one of the neighbors had taken to watering their driveway. Off in the other direction, Mrs Figg could be seen looking out her front window. “Might just as well get this over with,” Aerie offered and attempted to open the door. Nothing. “Child safety locks,” the social worker offered, opened up their door, got out, went around to the passenger side, and opened the door. “If I was going to run, I’d have done it back at home.” Aerie offered as she got out. “Out the back way, over the wall…” “But doing so would make your foster parents look bad. Some prefer to take off at stop lights if the child lock isn’t employed. Come on then.” Together, as though making that last walk on executioner row, the two made their way to the front door. They knocked and waited. It took so long Nova began to hope that there was no one there. “Hear now, what do you want?” Petunia all but spat out on opening the door. “Out with it, I haven't got all day.” “I’m Mrs Robbins, Aeries Social worker. I am returning her to your care in accordance with a court order to do so.” “Aerie?” Petunia stated and had a look about. Her eyes locked in on Nova. “Wut, that?” “Don’t you recognize your own Niece?” “Of course I do. Aerie, get in here and we’ll talk later.” “Yes Mam,” Nova replied, waiting for Petunia to step out of the way. She went straight for the cupboard. “I will be back to check on her welfare, and she had better have a proper bed Mrs Robbins stated only to have the door slammed in her face. “Do you have any idea the amount of trouble you have caused?!” Petunia growled at Aerie even as Aerie opened the door to the cupboard. Everything was gone. Nova looked back at Petunia only to get slapped and shoved into the cupboard. “And you will stay in there. And so help me if you go talking to people… if you thought things were bad before, I will make your life a living hell.” Nova sat down in the dark as Petunia walked away, and a moment later there was a little kitty Moonie at her side. And there she sat for the remainder of the afternoon with her back to the wall in a dark cupboard as she’d not bothered to turn the light on. That evening when Vernon Dursley returned just about all hell broke loose in a rather loud argument. With Dudley being the loudest. Moonie vanished at the sound of someone approaching. A moment later Mr Dursley had pulled the door open. He just stood there at first. “Go on, get up.” “Sir?” “Upstairs, you are going upstairs. You’ll be using the smallest bedroom.” The smallest bedroom was effectively Dudley’s personal playroom, and Dudley was throwing an all-out temper tantrum. The room was filled with Dudley’s things, most of which were broken. Granted there were always the books. Dudley never touched books if he didn’t have to. Vernon Dursley opened the door and ushered Nova inside. He then closed the door and walked away. The bed was just a small day bed with a cushion and no bedding. Better than a cot in a closet Nova thought to herself. On spotting a video camera on the floor she got an idea even as she cleared junk from the bed. “Moonie, could you possibly use that camera to record incidents?” A shadow passed over the camera and it vanished. Moonie the wonder cat materialized on the bed a moment later. Broken, but I can make it work. I can feed to it anything I see.” “All the nice juicy stuff. In fact, Dudley’s tantrum would be a nice starter.” “Moonie smiled, and vanished with the camera.” The morning started much as it had when Nova had slept in the cupboard. Oh, she’d slept well enough despite Dudley’s best efforts to keep her awake all night by pounding on the wall. Nova, being an accomplished user of magic, simply put up a shield. As to whether or not the snoops at the Ministry Magic could detect it, she rather hoped that they’d dismiss it as accidental magic. Whether or not they’d be able to tell what sort of magic was doubtful. After all, hadn’t Harry been blamed for Dobby? Nova’s first chore of the day was to go downstairs and make breakfast for the Dursleys. She was not allowed to eat, and when she tried to go to school she was redirected to the cupboard. This time there was a padlock on the door. In she went, the door closed behind her, and the lock set. After all, she’d been suspended from school for fighting. Sure, she could just open the hatch, but decided she’d best wait. She did decide to get her phone out of her bag which she’d taken to carrying at all times and call Hermione. Hermione was understandably appalled at hearing that Nova was locked in a cupboard. “No, don’t, it’s going to take more than getting locked in a cupboard,” Nova warned. “Anyway, I’m sitting on the basement hatch. I just have to wait till they’ve all but forgotten about me and sneak out. Just let everyone know I’ll be late.” Shortly after Vernon and Dudley had gone Petunia decided to bang on the door just to make sure Aerie was still there. “Not like I’m going anywhere,” Nova shouted back. “A simple yes or no will suffice.” Yes, or no… was Petunia even thinking about what she was saying? Being able to say no… And then Nova got a devilishly clever idea. She opened the hatch in the floor, climbed through, and waited to see if Aunt Petunia would do it again. Sure enough, a little while later Aunt Petunia came by and banged on the door again. “Still there?” Petunia called derisively. “No, I left an hour ago,” Nova called back and then shut the hatch. Overhead she could hear Petunia yelling, but much to her disappointment, Petunia never bothered to open the door. Down below the lings were well gone. They had told her which tunnels went where, so she decided to head down the one that gave her the fastest and safest way out. Now that’s not necessarily the shortest. The shortest opened up into a hedge not far from the house, and she was bound to be spotted if she tried going that way. The way she’d gone just happened to end at an old WW2 pill box on a corner overlooking a hill. It was full of telephone junction boxes which were probably why the place wasn’t full of graffiti. Now the question was how to get in and out? Of course, that wouldn't have been a huge problem for lings capable of transforming into smaller forms. Simply slip through one of the old gun slits. No, the gun slits would be too small even for her fox form, or was it? Could she transform, and if so would it be detectable? And if so, would the Ministry snoops even be able to tell? Nova decided she’d go for it. She sat down, let herself relax, concentrating on the form she wanted, and a moment later she was a little black and white fox with feathery wings. The slits proved to be more than large enough for a fox to slip through. Once outside she darted to some shrubbery and rested for a bit. Peeking out from her hiding place, she transformed back to human form, and simply stood up as she stepped forward. From there she made her way to a tube line station. Her next stop would be the Victoria station. Sure the Pimlico station would be closer but it would be far to close to the school. From there she took a bus to get within striking distance to the Sussex street home where she gained entry via a key under a mat on the back porch that opened up the basement door. Granted that she had to find someone who was home first in one of the other flats, and get them to let her through their house to the gardens out behind the buildings where it was necessary to go over several walls Nova was then obliged to go through the basement flat which looked strangely unoccupied and gained entry via the door at the top of the stairs. There was an odd disk near the door divided into two different colors, blue and gold, with a pointer, but Nova chose to dismiss it. Once upstairs, she cleaned up, put on fresh clothing, gathered up her school bags, left a note, and was off to school a short time later. Only this time she went out the front door. “I’m so terribly sorry for being so late,” Nova said on entering the office. It was nearly ten o'clock. Someone let out a sigh. “We were informed that you’d not be coming in,” Offered one of the office workers. “I was sent back to my Aunt and Uncle.” “And you were suspended from your other school following an altercation. Yes, we’ve got your transcripts. Nova let her body sag on hearing that as she’d a good idea what sort of things were in her transcripts. Granted it wasn’t actually her, but try explaining that one. “Dear, we’ve all had a look, and quite frankly, short of, we are talking about two different people, there is something horribly wrong over there. Go ahead and go to your class.” “Thank you, thank you, mam,” Nova replied cheerfully as she straitened out. She hesitated but a moment longer and rushed to her ten o'clock class which was already in session. “Halfway across London to go to school,” someone said as Nova was headed out the door. The next day Mrs Robbins came to pick Aerie up. She also brought a big burly man with her who stepped into the doorway to keep Aunt Petunia from closing the door. He was a giant of a man with a bowler hat on and a folded-up black umbrella in one hand. The sort that could be used as a walking stick, and it looked heavy enough that the elder gentleman could use it for just that. But despite his age, he was fit and not to be trifled with. Petunia was oblivious to her danger. “She’s not here,” Petunia announced only to have the big man walk in past her, and rip the lock off with his bare hand. Aunt Petunia let out an eep. “Not here?” Mrs Robbins asked as Nova stepped out of the cupboard. Nova chose to walk past Aunt Petunia without saying a word. “Someone will be by every morning to pick her up,” Mrs Robbins announced and followed Nova. The big man she’d brought with her followed. Only after they had left did Petunia realize that Aerie had been wearing a school uniform she hadn’t had before. A fairly prestigious school by the looks of the uniform. The idea that this school might somehow be connected to them, wizards… caused Petunia to go ghostly white and found herself in need of a chair. The next morning Mrs Robbins and retired Platoon Sargent Major Dugan arrived at breakfast and Vernon had a mind to have his say. After all, Aerie was his responsibility. Didn't he have some say in the matter? “Not if you are going to violate the law,” stated the big man, who then puffed up his chest until a button popped and hit Vernon right between the eyes. “I’m to understand he’s a recipient of the Victoria Cross,” Nova offered as she walked past Vernon who’d shrunk back away from the big man. The next morning saw no objection to Aerie leaving. Nor did any of the following that week as it had become quite clear to Vernon that he truly had no say in the matter. > Chapter 6: A Child named Aerie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Afraid we’ve hit a bit of a snag in regards to getting you out of that house permanently,” Mrs Robbins offered after a week had passed. “As awkward as this whole situation is, there is no clear and present danger towards yourself. You now have a bedroom, and the Dursleys have had it made clear that they will not lock you up in the cupboard or deny you food as punishment.” “I don’t really mind being locked in there,” Nova offered. “It actually makes it easier to sneak out.” “Well, you shouldn't have to sneak out just to go to school,” Dugan growled. “I wouldn't normally go to such lengths to help those who are assigned to me, but I simply could not sit idly by and watch that family destroy any chance you might have at a decent life,” Mrs Robbins offered. “And I am most grateful,” Nova replied with honest cheer. Nova would find out later through Lavender that someone had used the Imperius curse on the judge who’d signed the order to put Aerie back into the custody of the Dursleys. Fearing someone might go after Mrs Robbins and Sargent Dugan, Nova advised them to wait for another opportunity. And if events happened as the books said they would, she would have her opportunity. Nova continued getting rides to and from school until it was time for the summer break. Every morning she would get up early, make breakfast, and go to school. At least she did until there was no school to go to. Nova had never dreaded a Summer break more in her life. “Not going anywhere, are we?” Vernon asked derisively. “Summer holidays,” Nova replied. “Which means I don’t have to let you go anywhere.” “Which also means you have to keep an eye on me,” Nova pointed out. The room fell silent. Sure, Nova was being cheeky, but she also had a valid point. “Fine then, see what I care. Get out and don’t come back until dinner.” Vernon was obviously not happy. Granted that he’d plenty of reasons. The news that the police had raided his home and the accusations of child neglect had tarnished his reputation considerably. And Dudley… Dudley had found himself the new friendless at school. The reason being they all thought him a brazen coward when the true culprit had been the chocolate. He’d been found in the school’s toilet extremely dehydrated several hours later. Nova took the first opportunity to get out of the house and while on her way to the Underground came across Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon. All Dudley’s former friends. They were all big, and I don’t mean just large for their age, but big and a little on the slow side like they might have some Diamond Dog ancestry and had been imbibing a little too much on the kibble. “We aren’t going to have another repeat of the last time we met are we?” Nova asked. She’d stopped a few paces back. “No, no, we were just waiting for Dudley.” Piers offered as he stepped aside. Nova moved forward cautiously. When she passed the boys she said, “don’t be too hard on him. He didn’t run away because he is a coward, he ran away because he wouldn't accept we have no chocolate chips for the pancakes as a valid excuse. The chocolate I gave him came out of the medicine cabinet.” “And now I know why dad says girls are scary,” Gordon said softly, letting out a whistle followed by the group busting into laughter. Nova was in London, she had a transit pass, and she was now relatively free to roam about the city. She also wanted to meet up with her friends. Together they would explore the sights of London. Sometimes with a chaperone, and sometimes without. Mostly without. Nova was there for the celebration parties for Lavender, Parvati, and Padma when they got their letters. And she was there for Hermoine’s tea party when Hermione’s letter arrived. “Hermione, it’s Professor McGonagall,” Lavender announced excitedly. Naturally, all five girls knew exactly what that meant. “Aerie, when do you get your letter?” Hermione asked as she watched in the direction of the entry of her family’s flat. When McGonagall came into view it wasn’t her likeness to the actors who played the role that struck Nova, but her hopelessly out-of-date fashion. Rarity would have a fit. “Not until the end of July, I’d imagine.” “Hello, Professor McGonagall,” Lavender offered. “Would you like some tea?” “Lavender Brown? Parvati and Padma Patil?” McGonagall said in mild shock and perhaps a touch of delight. “This is a surprise.” “Is that my letter?” Hermione asked. “We had to tell her. She thought she was going crazy,” Nova explained. “We haven't said anything to my parents yet,” Hermione offered. “We thought it’d be best. Kind of pushing it as is.” Lavender explained. “Well, that means that this will make things a little easier,” McGonagall said with a smile on her face. She turned to Hermione, “You are Hermione I gather.” She then turned her eyes to Aerie. “I don’t believe I know you?” “Aerie, but I’ll not tell you my surname because I’m not supposed to be here. My present guardians tend to be rather opinionated.” “I see,” McGonagall replied. “Old family, is it?” “My birth family was wiped out in the war save for my squib Aunt who married a muggle, and he is a muggle’s muggle. And together they produced an even muglier muggle. The very word magic is forbidden in the house and they can be quite unreasonable. So you can see why I’d want to keep my activities under the counter so to speak. I managed to get out of that house. I mean out of their custody. I was taken in by a good family, but someone thought otherwise and I went right back to the Dursleys. Best I not go into details.” “I see…” McGonagall was taken aback, she knew of a family of Dursleys. Aerie... Aerie, a child named Aerie living with a family named Dursley... Was Dursley a common name? Something just wasn't adding up. McGonagall wanted to ask Aerie more questions, but decided to forge on. Hermione’s parents were invited in to have tea and McGonagall explained to them just how special Hermione was. “Magic,” Nova said at one point during the explanation, and summoned a tea cake to her hand to demonstrate, it zipping through the air. “When do you think you’ll get your letter?” Hermione asked as McGonagall gave Nova-Aerie, a rather inquisitive look. And then she realized the other girls were doing it too. Any time something was just out of reach, it would just come to them. This wasn’t accidental magic, this was deliberate, calculated, wandless magic. Later that afternoon found Professor McGonagall at the Ministry of Magic just outside Dumbledore’s office. “Professor Dumbledore, I can’t just let it slide,” came the voice of Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. McGonagall stopped right where she was, wondering if she should continue on in or wait outside. “Mundungus Fletcher is guilty of using the imperious curse. It doesn’t matter that it was on a muggle, it’s still against the law.” “They were trying to move Harry!” Dumbledore protested. “He has to stay with the Dursleys.” “Well, he’s buggered it up big time then. That’s not Harry Potter in that house.” “What?” Two people said at once. “Nonsense,” Dumbledore stated. After all, according to his spells keeping track of the boy, Harry was very much in that house… save for during the day when Harry would head into the city. Not that it much mattered to him so long as Harry was properly worn down and ready for his hands to mold him into the tool he wanted of the boy. McGonagall knowing just how stubborn Professor Dumbledore could be, decided to stay right where she was to see where this was headed. “Professor, according to our investigators, short of Harry having gone all posh and Zanie Lacy, that’s a girl living with the Dursleys.” “Poppycock. Even so… Mundungus may have been overzealous, but he was acting on my orders to see to it that no one take the Potter child away from the Dursleys. It’s for the child’s own good. It is for the greater good that Potter remains with the Dursleys.” “Fine. I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not making any promises. If there is another incident, I’m not going to help you get out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself.” McGonagall hung back and waited for Amelia Bones to come out. She stepped back an additional pace at the stern look on the woman’s face. Amelia stopped for a moment and then motioned for McGonagall to follow. “You heard?” Amelia asked after they were well out of earshot of Dumbledore’s office. “I heard enough.… and as a matter of fact, I think I may have just met the girl in question.” “Did you now?” Her tone only showed mild curiosity. “Striking resemblance to Lily Potter, Evans, at that age save for a couple of color streaks right above a lightning-shaped scar. She is knowledgeable of the wizarding world, complained bitterly about having been taken from a good home, and described the Dursleys to a tea. She didn’t say who she was other than her first name and didn’t wish her identity confirmed for fear people would find out that she sneaks out.” “Right now I’d be inclined to think it’s Dumbledore she fears if I were to assume she has found out what’s been going on. She just might be far more resourceful than Dumbledore can imagine.” “It would suggest that her location is not unknown either, otherwise how did she become so knowledgeable short of the girls she fell in with spilled the beans.” “There was an incident where a group of boys just shy of a dozen confronted her, and we confirmed that it was Aerie, spelled with an a-e and not how Hagrid says, Harry. Assuming he hasn’t been saying the name right all along. She has finally had enough and cleaned their clocks and I can only guess she was using magic to do it. The Muggle authorities then did what I considered a rather sensible thing, and that was to get her out of that house and into a good home.” “You aren’t suggesting that Harry may have been Aerie all along are you?” Amelia Bones stopped walking, forcing McGonagall to pull up fast. “The Potters went into hiding because they feared for their safety and we only had second-hand word about the baby. What with the way some slur the name Harry making it sound more like Aerie… It really is looking like Harry Potter was a girl all along and that damn prophesy had absolutely nothing to do with the Potters. “And Dumbledore let it happen. Encouraged it even.” Amelia continued. “Nobody gets their name entered in the Hogwarts book of Admittance when they are a toddler. The book rejects the name until the child is of sufficient age.” “Harry Potter got added to the book.” “Only it’s looking like Harry is actually Aerie and there have been shenanigans to get that name into the book. It is well known that a mother’s magic lingers with a baby for quite a while. If the book allowed babies' names to be entered even up to the age of four, there would be squibs at Hogwarts.” “Eques will take squibs.” “They have set up special programs and are extremely picky about which squibs. They’ll take muggle born ahead of purebloods in a heartbeat. They also teach a considerably wider range of studies with many of their students going into muggle career fields. Quite frankly, I think they are packing strategic positions with their graduates. Genius if you ask me. They will be able to effect muggle policies and opinions across the board. Meanwhile, we continue to do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. As for Aerie, we’ve tracked her movements due to her indiscriminate use of magic. The girl has no discipline, but then she’s not been to Hogwarts to learn how to control that. That said, she’s already been to Diagon Alley.” > Chapter 7: Letters to Mr H Potter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Minerva McGonagall made a point to check the names in the book of Admittance just as soon as she’d gotten back. Sure enough, there was an Aerie Lilly Potter among the more recent additions. Perfectly normal as most children had their names entered between the ages of seven and eleven. She then decided to go back to the year Harry Potter’s name was allegedly admitted. And truth be told, she’d never actually bothered to look. She just trusted Professor Dumbledore on the matter if for no other reason than the book was huge, and it might slam shut before a person had a chance to find a name. They did at least have ribbons in the book to mark out notable dates, so McGonagall turned back to the year. There on the pages in silvery ink were hundreds of names. Row upon row of names written in silvery ink, and if not for the yellowish color of the parchment, the small fine lettering would be truly hard to see. Except for one name which stood out from its kin. Harry Potter. There was something off about that name, but she wasn’t quite sure what. The handwriting lacked a certain fluidity, it was a bit tarnished, and the name had been crossed out. The line crossing it out showed no tarnish, There were only two reasons right off hand that Minerva McGonagall could think of for the name to be crossed out. One, the boy had left the United Kingdom, and the other was that he’d passed on, unnoticed and unmourned. The idea that the name might be a forgery placed in the book by the one man capable of doing so never even crossed her mind. It did beg the question, had there been twins? The realization that the ink should not be tarnished wouldn't hit until sometime later. McGonagal arrived at the Finch-Fletchley home just shy of two weeks later. After all, identifying muggle families, getting out to meet, talk to, and walk them through Diagon Alley took time. Finding the Finch-Fletchley place had been extra difficult on account of the address saying it was on a different street. It was almost as if the place might have been a wizard residence at one time. She was not expecting to see Miss Aerie open the door. “Oh, hi.” Aerie offered. “I’m just visiting a friend, I swear.” She then turned and called out, “Mrs Finch-Fletchley, we have a special guest!” Aerie turned back. “She’s in the kitchen. Oh, and I haven't told them anything because I wasn’t one hundred percent sure about Justin.” “Now Aerie, you know you can just call me Flora,” Offered the woman as she emerged from about halfway down the entry hall. “Yes, Mam.” Aerie looked downcast for just a moment, and then perked back up. “This is Professor McGonagall and she is from a private academy and has an offer for Justin. Why don’t I keep an eye on dinner while you talk? Oh, and some of what she has to say is going to sound outlandish, even crazy, so have an open mind.” “Well, that isn’t one bit ominous,” Flora replied as Aerie went back into the kitchen. That night’s conversation at dinner was very lively, and Aerie did her best to answer questions based on what she believed to be correct. No, Hogwarts was not an accredited school, but it was necessary. Flora wasn’t too sure she liked that idea, but there’d been a bright spot that Justin had discovered while looking at colleges online. The Eques School of Technology would take individuals from Private English Schools with an OWL certificate. They now knew what that was and going to Hogwarts was how to get one. After Dinner Basil drove Aerie home dropping her off a block down the street. “You do realize this makes it look really suspicious,” Basil pointed out. “I’m probably not even supposed to be coming over. Sure it was OK for me going to school because I’d been enrolled over there, but we are probably better off if the Dursleys don’t know where I’ve been. That and a neighbor who likely reports back to the person who got to that judge.” “That’s not related to this Hogwarts school is it?” “It is.” Aerie let out a sigh. “Afraid I’m just a pawn in the game of life. Or in this case on somebody’s chess board, but not to worry, I’m playing Shogi,” with that, she got out of the car, closed the door, and vanished into the darkness. Vernon Dursley had very little to say to Aerie for being out so late. What could he say? What he could do was ground her as she’d no legitimate reasons to even leave the house, and ground her he did. From then on Aerie was up in the morning, making breakfast, getting the mail, and cleaning the house every day. About the only solace Aerie got was the fact that Petunia had to be there to keep an eye on her to keep her from just taking off. Aerie still had her cell phone which she’d learned was powered by Eques Akkadian technology. Thanks to her phone she was able to call out and let people know how she was doing. And then it happened, a letter from Hogwarts arrived. “Mr H Potter?” Aerie pondered looking at it. "It should be an ‘Ӕ’, not a bloody ‘H’ Potter." And certainly not Mister. Apparently, someone hadn't gotten the update. It wasn’t McGonagall’s handwriting either. It was at least addressed correctly. Right down to the bedroom. The next thing Aerie knew Vernon Dursley had snatched it out of her hands. “Ang on, why’s it say H?” Vernon asked. “Someone is an idiot?” Aerie suggested. "Maybe they think I'm Harry? Only that's not me." Not like any of the Dursley would know anything about Harry Potter. Granted there’d been a letter when the baby had been dumped at their doorstep, but they’d burned it, and Harry quickly morphed to Aerie. “Get this, ‘we await your owl’ well it’s not for you, and we’ve no owls. Might just as well chuck it in the bin.” And so he would. After shredding it. By hand. “Shouldn't we have maybe sent it back,” Petunia asked. “And it’s addressed to Aerie’s room. Why would it be addressed to Aerie’s room?” “No, no return address. Can’t.” Mr Dursley seemed quite pleased with himself. "That and they expect us to send an owl which we ain't got." “Let me see it,” Dudley demanded and was rather taken aback when his Daddy actually said no. Granted that Vernon was presently in the process of tearing it into little bits. When the mail arrived the next morning it was Dudley who went to retrieve it. “There’s another one of those letters… and Aerie’s got one too.” Vernon Dursley had never moved so fast in all his life. “By any chance might I have the one with my correct name on it?” The answer was no. This was followed by such things as recounting a vow to stamp out such nonsense, shortly followed by Aerie and Dudley being sent to their rooms. “Why do I have the feeling this is all your fault?” Dudley grumbled on his way up the stairs. “Afraid I can’t deny that,” Aerie replied. “I’m afraid I’ve been mixed up with some rather unsavory people from before I was even born. And yes, I know what the letter is. It’s an invitation to a very exclusive school.” “So how come you get invited and I didn’t?” Dudley accused. He stopped on the landing at the top of the stairs. “Because, dear cousin of mine, they only take freaks. Like me.” Dudley actually smiled, but only for a moment. “Dudley, pack your camp gear.” “Why?” “I have a feeling your father is going to go barmy on us before this is over. No electronics save what has batteries, and stash everything out in the car the first chance you get.” Sure enough, Aerie found Mr Dursley asleep right in front of the front door the next morning. She went back up and woke up Dudley, who was less than enthusiastic about getting woken from his slumber. He was mildly curious when Aerie said there was something he needed to see. Dudley went white as a sheet and raced back to his room to start sorting what he could take from what just wasn’t going to be of any use. As for Aerie, she went out to the kitchen and began making breakfast. The letters arrived, Vernon destroyed them, and all seemed quiet. After breakfast Aerie started making sandwiches. “Why are you making sandwiches?” Aunt Petunia asked. It sounded more like an accusation. “I’ve got a hunch we are going to need them.” “We don’t need any sandwiches.” “I’m not so sure,” Aerie offered while looking over her shoulder towards Uncle Vernon. Petunia’s eyes followed, saw what Aerie saw, and began wringing her hands in worry. “That man, the one who caused the death of my parents, no don’t, I already know. He’s not going to take no for an answer. At the same time we don’t really have a way to answer, do we? This isn’t going to end well and you know it.” Vernon had boarded up the mail slot in a vain effort to stop the letters. The next morning no less than a dozen letters had been shoved under the door. And that wasn’t all. There had been letters shoved through the cracks under every door or window sill available including the small window in the toilet rooms both upstairs as well as downstairs. Vernon answered with more boards. Where he was getting the boards was a bit of a mystery to Aerie. Mr Vernon began dashing all over the house in an effort to find all the letters, and Dudley attempted to get a small portable Telly out to the car. He froze about halfway, dropped his telly, and dashed back into the house slamming the door. Aerie dashed to the front window. Owls, everywhere. And then from the window, she dashed upstairs and into her room. “Moonie…” the cat appeared. “actually I’m going to need Selena,” Nova said as she took out her phone. “I need photos from outside. Lots of photos.” Moonie looked up with a confused look. “It’s a breach of the secrecy accords. If I fax pictures to the media that’s going to make it very difficult for Dumbledore to sweep it under the carpet. Moonie transformed into an olive-skinned woman with jet black hair, and yes, she could be described as exceedingly beautiful. She took the phone and vanished. Dudley was standing in her doorway hyperventilating. “Dudley, it’s just more of my weirdness.” “Never mind that. You can’t send pictures to the media. That’ll destroy father.” Yes, Dudley was actually thinking of the welfare of someone other than himself. Granted that anything happening to Vernon would negatively impact him, perhaps it wasn’t as unselfish as one might think. “The person behind those birds out there is going to do just that. Sending pictures to the media will actually help because it’s going to cause this little stunt to backfire on them.” “Ah….” Dudley said, sounding like he got it. “I don’t understand why all the letters say Harry Potter though?” “I’d think that’d be obvious. They think I’m Harry. I mean, Aerie does kind of sound like how some folks say Harry, does it not? Not that it’d make much of a difference in this case.” Dudley let out a sigh and then swore because he’d just realized he’d dropped his mini telly. A news van showed up that afternoon to report on the strange behavior of the owls. After all, owls weren’t exactly known to flock together, and certainly not in groups of mixed species. The next morning the owls were gone, but the letters were not. They were in the tins, in the milk, and even in the eggs. “Oh for the love of Harmony, leave my eggs alone!” Nova lamented as she broke one egg after another. As for Mr Dursley, he was on the phone complaining to everyone he could think of. If Nova hadn’t been so put out about breakfast she might have been delighted by Vernon’s ramblings as he was demonstrating all the signs of a man having a mental breakdown. On Sunday morning Uncle Vernon sat down at the breakfast table tired, but at ease. *“No post on Sundays,” he reminded everyone. “Owls don’t care what day of the week it is,” Nova offered as she piled kindling on old newspaper into the fireplace in the next room. “What?” Vernon asked in shocked horror. He could just see what she was doing through the open door. “What are you doing?” “Well, this is getting mighty annoying to me too, and as I expect the fireplace may be next, I thought I’d make it so you don’t have to worry about burning the letters.” Vernon looked at her confused. “I thought you wanted to go to Hogwarts?” “Oh, but I do. But on my terms. That and all these letters are to Harry. There’s no Harry here. There was one that had my name, but I doubt it would have made a difference if you had given it to me. Not like someone couldn't just come down here in person to talk sense... oh, no… They are doing this for the sake of harassment.” Having her breakfast spoiled the morning before hadn’t endured her to the letter sender. Nova lit the fire, stacked in a couple of larger pieces of wood, put the screen in place, and went back to the kitchen oblivious to how wrong she was. There was a good fire going by the time Nova had her first indication that she might have erred. Vernon Dursley was sitting in front of the fire, a smile on his face, and a poker in his hand. He’d added a couple more sticks of wood and they were burning brightly. Suddenly letters started raining down out of the stove exhaust chimney. Several of them hit the flames of the gas stove forcing her to snatch them, quick as a wink, and toss them into the sink. She was pouring water on the burning letters in the sink, snatching at more, and shutting off the gas when Uncle Vernon let out a horrified shriek! > Chapter 8: Game On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things were getting out of hand fast. The gas burners were now off but Aerie hadn't shut them off fast enough to prevent burning letters from going all over the place. She quickly snatched up the little emergency fire extinguisher and attempted to stem the growing fire while the front parlor filled with burning letters that were pouring out of the fireplace at an alarming rate. “No, no, no, no!” Nova cried out. “This wasn’t supposed to happen? I’m so sorry, I thought surely that would stop them.” And she really had thought that surely the fire might give them a break and Dumbledore would just have to find some other way. But then again, she hadn't fully comprehended Dumbledore's fixation. It was a good thing she had dressed because 'evacuation' was now the order for the day. Not like she hadn't expected they'd take off on a road trip any day now... “We have to get out of here!” Nova called as she retrieved the lunch basket she’d been getting ready to go. “Dudley, grab your bag!” Aunt Petunia shrieked at the sight of Vernon attempting to put the fire out with his house coat, she still in her night robes. “Aunt Petunia, get upstairs and grab the bare essentials, we’ve three, maybe five minutes before the whole house goes up in flame!” “Do it!” Vernon shouted. “We’ve got to get out of here.” Dudley raced by with a couple of bags, and out the front door. Aunt Petunia raced upstairs, dressed as quickly as she ever had in her life, threw a few things into a traveling bag, and raced downstairs to discover Nova in the front entry with a garden hose. She was trying her best to keep the flames that now engulfed the front room at bay but the torrent of letters was looking like a flamethrower. Soon as Petunia was out the door, Nova dropped the hose and followed her to the car. They lingered to watch as the house began to become engulfed in flame. “I’m so sorry. I honestly thought that would stop them.” Nova lamented as kitty Moonie came up to her with Nova’s shoulder bag. “Moonie,” Nova said as she scooped up her bag and then the cat. “I just knew you’d saved my bag.” “That a stray?” Vernon asked. He’d half his mustache burned off, and had put his housecoat back on and looked quite the sight. The housecoat had numerous holes burned in it and was even still smoldering in places. “Any chance she can come?” “Dudley seems to have prepared for leaving on short notice,” Vernon asked Aerie. “I figured that Dumbledore’s game was to drive us out of the house,” Nova admitted. “Burning the house down… that’s not supposed to happen.” “You knew?” “Of course, I knew.” Nova walked over to him and in a voice only for him. “I was briefed by Her Majesties Secret service. Dumbledore has been a thorn in England’s side since the Great War. Dumbledore is likely the reason why I had to come back. We are caught up in his little game and... And this…” Nova gestured at the house. “This is going way too far. He thinks I’m Harry Potter and isn’t likely to give up any time soon. “We will make him restore everything, but first we have to play his game. Any idea where we are going or was it just going to be some random location?” “I think I’ve got an idea how to make things as difficult as possible on him,” Vernon replied, his expression stern. “Alright then, everyone in the car. We are going on a road trip.” So they climbed into the car, Moonie the cat on the luggage in the back of the station wagon, Mr Dursley pulled out of the driveway and started down the road. Nova couldn't help but wonder if Mr Dursley had any idea where he was even going. Minerva McGonagall arrived at the Dursley residence later that morning as fire crews were mopping up. The house had been gutted. Not just gutted, but sunk into a pit that had been under the house. Old masonry could be seen. Old masonry. Was it medieval, or Roman, no one could tell. Granted it had actually been built by changelings in the present era out of whatever they could find which could very well be Roman masonry. All put together with an interesting mix of material including their own bio-glue that they used to hold everything together. And the tunnels had turned the house into a blast furnace which threatened to engulf the houses next door both of which had charred sides. Sinkholes in a few places gave witness to tunnel collapse as well. “Minerva! Minerva, it’s horrible!” Mrs Figg called as she approached. Minerva turned and a moment later the two embraced. “Arabella, what’s happened here? First the owls, and now this?” “I don’t know. All I know is the car is gone. No one seems to have seen them go so no one knows who all was in the car. I’m told there will be someone out here after the embers have had time to cool to sift for bodies. Someone was saying that the presence of the owls had driven Vernon Dursley mad. He might have murdered Aerie. Oh, this is just horrible.” Vernon Dursley just drove and drove. Sometimes he’d turn onto another road, other’s he’d turn them around and go back in the direction they started on. At one point he got onto a roundabout and just went around in circles until he saw a police car. “Always wanted to do that,” Vernon offered. There was in his tone just a hint that he might be enjoying himself. Of course, Dudley was missing his favorite shows, and yet, there was a spirit of adventure. Nova couldn't help but sing and started in softly, *“Is this the real life, is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...” And then Dudley cracked a grin and joined in. “Open your eyes, look up to the sky and see…” “Mr Dursley chimed in, “I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy…” And they drove and they drove without ever knowing their way. After a while, it was decided that they’d need to stop to freshen up. Nova having no thoughts for her dignity was the first to make it to a toilet. Relieving herself was her first priority. She then gave Hermione a call on her phone. The house fire had been in the news. “I’m fine, everyone is fine. We are just on a little road trip. Listen, I figured it’d hit the news. I’m the one who alerted the media to the owls. I called because I knew everyone would be worried, but I have to make this quick. I’ll talk to you again soon; I need to go.” Nova disconnected the call only to have it start buzzing to let her know another call was coming in. “Hello?” “First off, my name is Nova Silverwood…” “Oh, hi me.” “What?” “Except I’m presently Aerie Lilly Potter.” “You are saying that you are…” “I’m your counterpart from another dimension sent here by my Discord to see to it that Tom Riddle never rises again.” “I killed that man. He’s not coming back despite what Dumbledore says.” “By any chance are you familiar with the concept of a Horcrux?” “Horcrux?” “An artificial vessel for a portion of the soul used to cheat death. That’s why he killed Myrtle Warren. Dumbledore knows he will come back because he knows that Riddle made a Horcrux. And yes, in the last ten years he hasn't lifted a finger to try to find it. And it gets worse. Riddle made multiple. Discord sent me here to prevent Dumbledore's brand of order from finding its way into Equestria.” “OK, now I’m getting to see a little more of the big picture here. That said, there are officers ready to move in-” “No, don’t! Tell them to keep their distance.” “Are you safe?” “I’m fine. I’m not exactly helpless either. I need this to play out. If everything goes as predicted we should end up on an island that has a little cabin on it. Hagrid will show up right at midnight on my birthday, Harry's birthday, to tell Harry Potter that he’s a wizard.” “You are not Harry Potter.” “No, I’m Aerie Potter. And I’m pretty sure Discord found a way to make it stick like I’m somehow Harry’s Twin in this world. Listen, if you let everything play out it’ll give us yet another opportunity to embarrass Dumbledore. I expect Hagrid will violate the secrecy accords by performing magic in the morning in front of muggles. And no rescuing. I don’t need rescuing. If it gets bad enough I need to get out I’ve my pendant and I’m a fully realized alicorn with my very own personal Night Mare Moonie. I think you know what that means. OK, I need to get going. And no rescuing.” Aerie disconnected the call and put the phone away. She then washed her hands and opened the door to find a frantic Aunt Petunia who pushed her way in. Elsewhere at a police command post set up at the Finch-Fletchley residence, we find the adult Nova, Nova Silverwood. “Tell your officers to keep their distance.” “You sure about that?” Asked a man in a suit. “She doesn’t want to be rescued… yet. Let’s just track them. She seems to think they are going to end up on a little island with a cabin where Hagrid is supposed to show up. She also stated that she was actually brought into the role she’s playing from another dimension.” “Sounds like she’s possibly losing it.” “No, it’s worse than that. She’s another version of myself with a mandate from a very powerful being who can only be described as a god. A chaos god. And she is also Aerie Potter, a person who shouldn't even exist but now it seems like she does. Let’s just follow to see how this plays out.” Aerie got called again the next time she went in to spend a penny. “Yes, I’m fine. Granted I expect to be worn out by the time this has played out, but if all goes well I’ll be in Diagon Alley on my birthday. I had hoped to use this to leverage Dumbledore to let me stay with the Finch-Fletchley family. Just because I have to be Aerie Potter doesn't mean I have to live the life intended for Harry Potter. Say, maybe after Hagrid picks me up you can whisk away the Dursleys and put them in protective custody. I’m pretty sure there are a bunch of spells making them act the way they do. OK, I need to get going.” That night they found themselves at the Railview Hotel in Cokworth somewhere in the Midlands where they finished off the last of the sandwiches Aerie had made. The hotel itself was rather run down, and the room only had two beds and a chair, and as Aerie was the one accustomed to hardship she slept in the one chair in the room. No, she was not about to share a bed with Dudley any more than Petunia wanted to share with her. As for the chair, it was one of them extra big plush chairs which may actually have been better than the beds. She also had a cuddle kitty to keep her warm. The next morning they breakfasted on the continental breakfast provided by the hotel which consisted of cornflakes, toast, and canned tomatoes for some odd reason. “Excuse me,” Offered the desk clerk as they approached. “Is one of you a Mr H Potter?” “Nope, sorry,” Nova replied and then attempted to cleans her pallet with some rusty water that tasted heavy with chlorine and dirty socks. “Blah.” So much for cleansing her pallet. “But I’ve something like a hundred of them?” “Send 'em back then,” Vernon suggested. “But there’s no return address. They don’t even have postage.” “Burn em then.” Aerie offered. “That or hand them off to the local postal inspector. Someone delivering mail without postage has got to be some kind of violation. Wish we could help but there’s no Mr Potter here.” Once more onto the road, only this time Mr Dursley just drove. The novelty was off, and everyone was worn out. Nova would have liked to go home if they had had a home to go back to. Dudley lamented over shows he was missing, and Petunia was starting to suggest that perhaps they should go to Aunt Marjorie’s house. Nova was pretty sure that would be a disaster. “Can’t.” Nova countered to that idea. “Not unless you want her house buried with those letters.” “I think I know just the place,” Mr Dursley stated his eyes glued to the road. He seemed more manic than ever and even resisted stopping long enough for necessary breaks. Such as for food and toilet breaks. He had a schedule to keep. At one point he’d driven down a dirt track into the middle of a forest, gotten out looked around, got back in, and they were off again. Another time he did a similar maneuver at the top of a parking garage. Late that afternoon Uncle Vernon parked the car at a place near the coast, got out, and walked off. “You’re the one who understands weirdness, what’s he doing?” Dudley asked Aerie. “Orienting himself. I’d say he’s looking for landmarks.” “But why?” “I think he’s been programmed.” “You mean like brainwashing?” Dudley whispered sounding a bit frightened. “More like a form of hypnosis. Wherever we end up will be exactly where our letter sender wants us to be. And it’s entirely possible we are almost at our intended destination.” “Isn’t that a bad thing?” “Yes, and no. Think in terms of one of your computer games. We can expect the mini-boss right at midnight if I’m right. And this is the sort of battle that must be fought with our wits. Not our fists.” “Any chance there will be a television? The Great Humberto’s on tonight.” “No, afraid there’s not going to be a television. All this is meant to demoralize us. Just keep in mind that knowing what’s going on gives you the ability to fight it. We can resist the effects of manipulation if we know we are being manipulated.” > Chapter 9: Art of War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Uncle Vernon returned, Nova knew full well what the long thin package was. *“Found the perfect place!” Uncle Vernon announced sounding very enthusiastic. “Everyone out, come on, time’s a wasting.” Nova was greeted with cold damp air when she climbed out of the car and was glad she’d dumped a bunch of heavy jackets in the car along with some camp gear and sleeping bags. She quickly put on one of Dudley’s old warn-out jackets and zipped it up. Her hair was messy and the long strands were under the jacket so that anyone looking at her expecting to see Harry Potter would see Harry Potter. “No time to waste, there’s a storm forecast for tonight.” Dudley and Petunia just looked on in trepidation as Vernon pointed out what looked to be no more than a big rock way out at sea. Together they gathered up their things and headed down to a dock where a toothless old graybeard who had a heavy cloak that was as gray as the evening mist waited by a rotten old longboat. “This Gentleman has agreed to lend us his boat,” Vernon announced as the old man cast his eyes towards Aerie. Whether or not his eye caught the presence of a small black cat was uncertain. “I’ve some rations, all aboard,” Uncle Vernon said. What he had was a shopping bag full of crisps of all things. Fortunately, Nova had been gathering food items from every stop they'd made that had a store. She’d no intention of going any hungrier than necessary. Into the boat, they went along with their gear, Pushed off, and away they went with Uncle Vernon at the oars. Several times did the sea threaten to swamp the boat, and a good thing it came with a bucket. Nova spent the entire trip bailing. At last, they’d made it to the island which proved to be considerably larger than it had looked from the far shore. Up on top of the islet on a moderately flat bit of turf stood a small ramshackle cabin. Up over the craggy shore, they clambered, up the face of the escarpment, until finally, they reached the cabin. It wasn’t much to look at. The boat ride had been freezing and the inside of the cabin was not much better. The wind whistled through cracks in the walls, the fireplace was damp and devoid of anything. The structure was typical of old English cottages, timber framed with wattle and daub siding. The daub had worn off in many places and stone had been used to sheath the outside from the weather. It had two rooms in it. There was a bed in one room and in the other a sofa, table, and four rather rickety old wooden chairs. Uncle Vernon began handing out the crisps, but then Nova stopped him. “I’ve been scrounging along the way,” Nova informed him as she opened up a pack and started handing out sandwiches and juice drinks. She then took the crisps and piled them in the fireplace. “Hey, I was going to eat those?” Dudley protested. “Would you rather be warm?” Nova asked as she got out a bundle of kindling. This was placed on the crisps which she lit with a match. Potato chips (crisps) being full of grease light really good. It only took a moment or two to get a nice fire going onto which Nova placed more wood. Nova also produced a couple of battery-powered lanterns which helped dispel the gloom considerably. “When’d you learn you could do that?” Uncle Vernon asked suspiciously. “From a book. I spend a lot of time in Libraries,” Nova replied as she produced her cot from another bundle. Now if Nova had been pulling far more out of the packed luggage than what should have been there, the Dursleys chose to ignore it grateful they were for everything she’d brought. The cot was set up in the far corner, onto which she rolled out her sleeping bag. Dudley got the old battered sofa that was in the main room and was glad he was for his own sleeping bag. And of course, Mr and Mrs Dursley got the bedroom with its moderately decent bed. Some old blankets were found in the cabin which was hung up on the wall in places where the wind was the worst, and then Nova headed for the door. “Aerie?” Uncle Vernon questioned. “I’m going to see if there is any wood stashed outside,” Nova offered. “I only had enough to start the fire. “I suppose there’s no way they could get to us here,” Vernon said cheerfully. “Meaning they’ve got us exactly where they want us. Now we wait.” And with that, she opened the door and went outside to leave him in his realization that they were exactly where their unseen opponent wanted them. Sure enough, there had been a stash of wood under an old tarp. It looked damp, but it was firewood. Nova gathered up an armload and brought it in. This she stacked to the left of the fire. She then went back out and brought in another armload and stacked that on the other side of the fire. On her third drip, she dug out what looked to be the driest, went back inside, and added that to the coals of the now dwindling fire. It wasn’t ideal, but at least no one would be suffering from hypothermia that night. “I’m bored!” Dudley protested bitterly. “That’d be the part they never tell you about in adventure stories,” Nova offered as she headed for the door once more. “I think we have enough wood,” Aunt Petunia offered. “I just want to secure the tarp over the wood pile outside. Otherwise, it’ll be wet and useless.” Sure she wanted to secure the wood, but she also wanted to get a good look at the islet before it got any darker. Nor was she surprised to see a familiar alicorn who just happened to be her near double. “I probably shouldn't transform, just in case the use of magic is detectable,” Nova offered as she approached. “Nova Silverwood I presume?” “You presume correctly. They can’t differentiate types of magic, but they can detect its use. “And we secured your boat a little better. Are you alright?” “I’m fine. Listen, something I should tell you, I spent a lifetime as a human. You see, I am Princess Luna’s actual daughter in my dimension. When Night Fall happened, I found myself transported to a human world. In that world the story of Harry Potter was fictional. That’s why I expect Hagrid to show up at midnight. Dumbledore is fixated on Harry Potter and this whole incident is designed to manipulate both the Dursleys and myself.” “I see. And I am well aware of Dumbledore’s present obsession. It would seem your ending up out here was certainly no coincidence,” Nova Silverwood offered. “You’ve been to Gringotts, what exactly did you do there?” “I’d guessed that I might still be Sirius Black’s goddaughter in that Dumbledore likely wouldn’t have realized Harry was Aerie, and I had a key given to me by discord. And I doubt he's Harry's guardian either. The key turned out to be for the Black family vault and Discord has done a mighty fine job of making sure Aerie Potter had an actual past. This tells me his fears are probably well founded. My Moonie located Helga Hufflepuff’s cup by looking for dark cursed things. It was in the Lestrange family vault, and she transferred it to the Black family vault.” Nova stopped held out her hand palm up and produced a blue flame. “Foxfire? You can use fox fire? That’s more than I’ve ever been able to do and I can do quite a lot.” “I can. The cup was a Horcrux, and thanks to Discord’s manipulation of reality,” she moved her hand to her forehead and pulled back her hair to reveal a lightning bolt scar, “I discovered that I can purify the soul fragments. I purified the cup. Took all I had, but I did it. Shattered several gems in the process but otherwise, it’s intact and can be repaired. I returned the now soul-free cup to the Goblins on the condition they keep it secret and well hidden. They also asked me to return any other items I might find. When I’m done with them, that is. I gave them some of the gems as well, to replace the shattered gems, gems Discord gave me. The cup is technically theirs, and they were happy to get it back.” “I think I know where the fragment in your head may have come from. Any idea where the others might be found? You did indicate that there might be more?” “Kreacher may have one at Grimmauld Place. It would be an old locket. There’s one in the school and one that may be found at the Gaunt family estate. Anyone going after it would need to be really careful, and don’t touch it. It’d be the old man’s ring.” “I’m kind of on the outs with Kreacher, and if I tried to go snooping about in the school it’d be too suspicious. - I married into the Black family a while back but got excommunicated along with all my supporters. As for the Gaunt estate, I’m not even sure where to begin.” “Let me guess, you saw Riddle for what he was, and they saw him as a new messiah.” “I see you understand the human world quite well. And yes, they ate up that pure blood bull shit.” “Well if you get a chance to get at the locket it opens to Parseltongue.” “Right now you may be the only member of the Black family with access to the house. Sirius doesn’t dare step foot on English soil. Can you speak it?” “Fluttershy taught me Snek speech. I figure it's close enough. I don’t actually know how to find the house though.” “Of course, she would know. And we can worry about the house later.” “Listen, Discord said I was to contact you when I was ready to go home again, the only thing is, I’ve got a feeling I may be stuck here for a good long time. I know that Malfoy Senior has one, but I’m very doubtful we’d find it if we were to go looking for it.” “You are expecting it to come to you I gather.” “Next year. If his actions hold true to the books in my human world, he will dump it into Ginny Weasley’s book bag next year. An act that nearly cost her her life in the books.” “But as you are already forewarned, you’ll be able to intercede early. I see. Still, though, it means you’ll be stuck here for the duration.” “Which is why I want out of Dursley Manor.” “Afraid there is nothing left but a hole in the ground.” Nova Silverwood had to think for a moment. “Dumbledore is not your magical guardian. Neither is he Harry's. Sirius is. Which you guessed right about. Sure, Dumbledore tried to get Sirius convicted without a trial but I put a stop to that. Just don’t expect Sirius to show up any time soon because he’s in exile thanks to Dumbledore’s manipulations. Dumbledore claimed guardianship of Harry but never filed figuring that’d be the best way to stymie anyone who dared challenge his claim. You can’t challenge a ruling that never happened and you saw what happens if anyone tries to file for guardianship.” “Only you spirited oni chan away,” Aerie offered with a grin, and Nova Silverwood just had to smile. “I should be getting back in, just one thing before I go. I’m really suspicious the old man who provided the boat was Dumbledore.” “He is. We’ve been watching your every move, remember.” “Good. Now so long as he doesn’t leave I’ll be able to do my power play.” “Power play?” “I’m going to refuse to go to Hogwarts so long as the Dursleys are my guardians. Something tells me he needs a Potter in Hogwarts, any Potter.” “And you know what he’s up to, don’t you?” “I am the clever little fox girl while in the human world, that I am. That’s why Discord sent me. Now, I need to get inside before I start sprouting fur to stay warm.” Nova returned a short time later to a rather gloomy household. Shook the damp off herself and stood in front of the fire to dry out. Dudley was occupying himself with a Gameboy he’d brought along that still worked, but Vernon and Petunia were just sitting on the sofa feeling gloomy. Outside the storm blew up a riotous wind which made the occupants inside wonder if the cabin might blow away at any moment. It was pitch black outside now and Nova was just sure she could hear Sirens singing. “I’m going to bed,” Nova announced once she was sure her clothes were dry. She put a couple more chunks of wood on the fire, went over to her cot, sat down, took off her shoes, and climbed into her sleeping bag. “You’re sleeping with your clothes on?” Dudley asked. “I’m expecting a rather rude visitor in the middle of the night. Also, I intend to say no. Oh, I will eventually say yes to Hogwarts, but not until after I get what I want.” And with that, she turned away from them, closed her eyes, and just ignored anything said from that point on. Getting to sleep had proven easy. After all, she was worn out, and it had been a long day. Nova woke with a start. She looked about to orient herself, still in the cabin, the fire was nearly out, thunder rolled outside, and Dudley’s snoring might just as well be thunder on the inside. She let out a sigh, got up, put her shoes on, and went over to the fire. Once there she pushed the coals together with a poker and put fresh wood on top. Turning she spotted Dudley’s watch. The dial was lit suggesting he may have been playing with it in his sleep. It was almost midnight. Oh, wouldn't it be grand if pinkie were to show up and give her a surprise party? After all, from midnight on it was her birthday. Well, Aerie’s birthday, but so long as she was in this world, she was Aerie. Or so it seemed. A concept that didn’t really bother her as she’d been a Mrs Nova Arthol for many years, oblivious of the fact that she’d ever been a pony. Moonie was still on the cot, her lamp-like eyes peering out at Nova. “By any chance did you manage to save the letter that actually had the correct name on it just in case?” Nova whispered. Moonie crossed her kitty paws and nodded. “You precious darling,” Nova praised. “Just keep hanging onto it just in case they call my bluff.” The sound of heavy feet trodding up the meager path registered in Nova’s ears. Showtime, I guess, she thought to herself. Her keen inner fox senses told her that an enormous person was approaching. A rather fun foxy prank struck her mind as she hurried over to the door. She was able to sense the man’s movements, and as she knew what he was going to do went right up to the door, just off to one side. The side nearest the doorknob. There seemed to be a moment, a sort of pregnant pause where even the storm was holding its breath. Boom! Went the sound of the big man’s fist upon the door. Boom! Went the door once more. Dudley startled awake. “Return fire you scurvy dogs!” Dudley shouted as he bolted up. “What? What was that?” Aerie?!” “Who’s there?” Vernon shouted as he came out of the bedroom with a shotgun in his hands. “I’m warning you! I’m armed!” His eyes went wide at the sight of Aerie swinging the door open, an enormous boot flailing in the doorway, followed by an earth-rocking thud. “That was wicked!” Dudley shouted. From his vantage point, he’d seen everything, the door swinging in to reveal a very large man attempting to kick the door in, losing their balance and careening over backward. “I did say there’d be a rude guest,” Aerie offered with a smirk. Hagrid was now laid out flat on his back, his feet in the doorway. “Oi!” Nova shouted. “You there! What’s this now?! What do you mean by pounding on the bloody door in the middle of the bloody night!? Don’t just lay there, get up and explain yer-self.” “Aerie, that you?” asked the big man. He pulled his feet out of the doorway, rolled over, and got up. He attempted to brush himself off, but it didn’t really do much good. What Nova could see of his face was almost completely hidden by a mop of hair and a great bushy beard and mustache. “Hurry it up, you are letting all our hot air out and cold air in.” Hagrid stooped down and even twisted a bit so he could get in the door. As for the Dursleys, they were gobsmacked, to say the least. Here was this huge man, and mild-mannered Aerie had just emasculated him. “Couldn't make us a cup of tea… could you?” “Would you like me to get out the good china too?” Nova asked sarcastically as she shut the door. Hagrid strode over to the sofa where Dudley was presently sitting still in his sleeping bag. “Budge up” “Dudley, stay where you are. No need to move for an uninvited guest who comes calling in the middle of the bloody night.” Hagrid stopped right where he was. Things were not going the way he’d expected. “There’s the fire if you want tea… afraid we are short on drinkable water and things to heat it in.” “Ah, a fire… you have a fire?” He looked about only now realizing how much nicer the place looked from when he and Professor Dumbledore had picked it out. In fact, it was downright homey. “Aerie used bags of chips to start the fire,” Uncle Vernon offered smugly. At that moment he was actually proud of Aerie. He still had the shotgun but had the sense to have the barrel pointed at the ceiling. “Used the chips? Boy, now that is clever of you, eh, Aerie? Is that a muggle thing? Not that you’re a muggle. It’s just muggles can be so clever. Aerie, *las’ time I saw you, you was just a baby. You look a lot like yer dad, but yeh’ve got yer mom’s eyes.” “I demand that you state your business,” Uncle Vernon said through gritted teeth. “Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune.” “I’d thank you kindly to be more respectful,” Nova corrected. “A great prune he may be but he’s my guardian and I’ll thank you to remain civil.” Hagrid cringed noticeably. This encounter was not going how Dumbledore had predicted. He’d been about to reach over and grab the gun Vernon had, but now he wasn’t too sure if he should. “I brought something,” he offered and began rummaging about in the pockets of his great black overcoat. “A very happy birthday to yeh… I might've sat on it. It’ll still taste all right.” The package he produced did indeed look like it had been sat on. “That is quite alright, and I’m sure it tastes great, but you needn't bother as you sir, are a complete stranger to me and I do not accept treats of any kind from strangers.” “Quite right,” Petunia stated. “It’s not proper or safe for a child to take anything from a stranger.” “Perhaps it’d be best you tell us who you are and the real reason you came calling in the middle of the night?” Nova prompted the big man. “But Aerie, I’ve known you since you were a babe?” Hagrid countered. “A claim that just about anyone could make, I’m afraid,” Aerie pointed out. “But tell me then, where were you all the times Dudley and his friends got it into their heads to go Aerie hunting and I’d get beat up? Where were you all the times I cried myself to sleep in my cupboard? Where were you all the times I desperately needed a friend because Dudley actively drove my friends away? Did you even know? Know that I’d been relegated to little more than the family pet? And I dare say that many a family pet is better treated. Where were you? You say you know me, but you were never there for me, and now… now you come calling in the middle of the night. And it sure kind of looked to me like you’d fully intended to kick the door down. An act a scofflaw would do. You, sir, are no better than a cutthroat in my eyes at this moment. Now out with it. What’s your true reason for calling in the middle of the night?” “I… I brought you your letter, from Hogwarts,” Hagrid explained. He then rummaged about and produced an envelope. Once again it said Mr H Potter. “I heard that the Dursleys weren’t letting you have your letters. Go on, take it then.” “I’m terribly sorry, but it seems that there has been a mistake here,” Nova informed him. She made no attempt to take it, and the Dursleys were unusually quiet. “Mistake? Oh, No mistake. Aerie, don’t cha know what you are? Yer a wizard Aerie.” “Um, no. I kind of feel like I may be missing some vital qualification to be a wizard.” “That’s the Dursleys talking. You are a wizard, Aerie.” “No, a witch perhaps, Maybe even an enchantress, but not a wizard. I’d need a set of balls to be a wizard, would I not? Also, that letter is addressed to ‘H’ Potter, and my first name starts out with ‘AE’ leaving me to think that you’ve mistaken me for another. I could be a witch. I suppose. But not a wizard, and not this H Potter you seek.” “A witch?” Hagrid’s brain was desperately trying to catch up. “I’m a girl. No balls. None at all. Hell, I’m not even old enough to have a pair upstairs.” Hagrid just gave her a confused look. His mind was going a mile a minute as he tried to recollect everything he knew about Harry Potter never realizing that the person in front of him was at that moment picking his mind for those same memories. One thing that was evident from those memories is that James and Lilly never once trusted him enough to let him even so much as touch the baby. “Perhaps we should start again. Hi, my name is Aerie Lilly Potter. What might your name be?” “Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid.” Hagrid was beginning to sound worn down. “Ah, now we are getting somewhere.” Aerie gave him a warm smile. “A quick question if you may. Who’s idea was it to send letters via the stove exhaust and fireplace?” “Ah, that was my idea…” “Figures.” “Professor Dumbledore thought it a grand idea so we hooked the house up to the Floo network.” “Mr Hagrid, do you know what happens to paper that lands on a lit gas stove? No, I suppose you don’t. Do you know what happens when paper goes spewing out of a fireplace that has a fire in it? A fireplace that hasn’t been properly charmed to prevent accidents? No, I suppose you don’t.” “Ah, it’s not gana do no harm.” “Those blasted letters burned the house down!” Mr Dursley bellowed. “What?” Hagrid was even more confused. “The letters ignited, and then spewed out into the house,” Nova informed him. “The place was gutted. There is no home to go back to.” “But that can’t be true, can it?” “Gone,” Dudley supplied as Nova went to the fireplace. “Everything is gone.” “Now, let’s see…” Nova picked out a small piece of charcoal that had rolled free of the fire and gone out. “My name is spelled,” she offered as she stood up and started writing on the wall. “A, E, R, I, E. And that letter you have in hand is addressed to a Mr H Potter, as were the letters that burned our house down. You and Professor Dumbledore have destroyed our lives over a fucking letter addressed to someone who we never even fucking heard of!!” Not entirely true, but Hagrid would never know. Aerie took a breath and let it out slowly, followed by writing out ‘I am a girl’ on the wall followed by ‘girls are not addressed as Mr’. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, by any chance do you have a way to communicate with this Professor Dumbledore?” “I was to send him a letter by owl,” Hagrid offered and hurried over to the table. He sat on a chair only to have it collapse. Sitting on the floor would have to do. “I want you to tell him what you did to our house. Tell him that we expect compensation. A new house and the Dursleys can provide a list of everything that was lost in the fire. I expect those items to be replaced. And I want you to tell him that so long as the Dursleys are my legal guardians, I am obliged to say no to going to Hogwarts.” “Not go to Hogwarts?” Hagrid stated sounding stunned. “Well, if I had been allowed to stay with the Finch-Fletchley family I’d already have my letter. Justin has his. Hermione Granger has hers. But as I am a member of the Dursley family I have to do as they ask.” “Since when do you ever do as you are told?” Petunia scoffed. “I cook your breakfast, help clean the house, and for ten years a cupboard was good enough for me while Dudley got two rooms. “Petunia, dear, this is politics,” Vernon whispered to Petunia. “She knows what she’s doing.” “Hagrid, you tell Dumbledore that so long as I am a member of the Dursley family, there will be no Potter in Hogwarts. And no amount of harassment is going to change that.” Hagrid quickly penned out a letter and retrieved a small owl from his pocket. “You keep an owl in your pocket?” Dudley asked. “Like you are any better,” Nova chastised. Hagrid gave the letter to the owl a short time later and chucked it out into the storm. Nova decided to climb back into her sleeping bag, and Hagrid figured he’d get out his kit to make a pot of tea while they waited. When Dumbledore got the owl the handwriting was already on the wall in regards to his career at the ministry thanks to the house fire, and Professor McGonagall had actually sent him a howler. Hagrid’s letter had been the final nail in Harry Potter’s coffin. Or to be more precise, there had never been a Harry Potter in the first place. The child’s name had been Aerie all along and inquiries of the Ministry of magic had proven that it wasn’t some ruse. There was no evidence that Harry Potter had ever existed outside of a narrative he’d invented. He, Professor Dumbledore had made a horrible mistake. Still, though, Aerie was the child the Dark Lord had marked as his equal, and prophecies didn’t always go as planned. Trelawney really had been the perfect stooge, but it was looking like if he’d hope of salvaging anything, he was just going to have to let this girl have what she wanted. Dumbledore had to admit that the Potter child really hadn’t been any safer at the Dursley residence. That was just a little white lie he’d tell just to put people off. The downside was that his reputation was going to take a big hit. Not that he couldn't fix it with a little effort. Tell everyone he’d lied to protect the girl. Had there ever been a Harry Potter, he wondered. After all, the name in the book had been his doing. Well, not like anyone would ever find out. Back at the cabin, Hagrid was pulling all manner of things out of his pockets to include a brown bottle from which he took a pull on and then put it back. A tea kettle, a skillet, and some sausages that looked to have lint stuck to them were also produced from his overcoat. The kettle was hung from a hook and swung over the fire, and the sausages were soon in the skillet which was placed on a grate over the fire, the aroma filling the air as they began to sizzle. From there he sat down on the floor in front of the fire while taking another goodly pull on his bottle. Nor would that be the last time he’d take a drink from that bottle, which had Nova wondering if there might be an expansion charm involved. “Sure you don’t want anything?” Hagrid asked. “I’m good,” Aerie offered from her cot. “Don’t touch anything.” Uncle Vernon warned softly as Hagrid was stabbing at sausages to get them out of the pan a short time later. *“Yer great git o’ a son don’t need fattenin’ anymore.” Hagrid scolded, and then offered some sausages to Nova. “No, no thank you,” Nova replied still in her corner. For all she knew, the things were ground pony. Sure she ate meat, but she was particular about what kind of meat. No bovine or equine. “Sir.” “Suit yer-self then.” He replied. Nothing seemed to be working out how he’d imagined. “Call me Hagrid. Everyone does. Leastwise up at Hogwarts. You know all about Hogwarts, o’ course.” “Only because I found out from friends. Mr and Mrs Dursley never told me anything. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.” “Sorry?” Hagrid barked causing Nova to cringe. He then turned his eyes to the Dursleys who shrank back from him. “It’s them what should be sorry, not you. Knew you weren’t getting yer letters, sorry about what happened to the house, but not being told nothin' about Hogwarts, fer cryin’ out load! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?” “I, um, don’t actually remember my parents.” Nova offered, which would have been true enough for the real Harry potter. Harry had been intentionally kept in the dark concerning his past. “I was just a baby after all.” “You… oh. Sorry.” His anger seemed to subside as his train of thought went flying off the track and down an embankment to explode in a fiery ball of special effects. Of course, she wouldn't remember, she wasn’t even a year old yet you big horned wart slug, he thought to himself feeling like a great big git. “And you know nothing of yer parents?” And then Nova decided to take a risk. “Only that they were murdered, and that I should be wary of strange men offering me things when we hadn’t been properly introduced by someone I know and trust.” Hagrid definitely counted as a strange man. But then Hagrid doubled down and waved one of his big beefy hands. “But you know nothing about our world? My world? Your parent’s world? That is, beyond the little you learned from friends.” “Isn’t it this one?” Nova asked being deliberately obtuse. Not that he’d know. “I mean, don’t we all share the same world.” “What? No. The magical world. Aerie, yer famous.” “I beg to differ.” “Well, you are. Well, not by yer correct name, no. But you are. Sort of.” “So what am I famous for?” “Why you are the boy who lived. Save in that yer not actually a boy. The thing is when you know who…” “Who? I’m afraid I don’t know who,” Nova interjected. “The Dark Lord. Yer mom and dad were famous. Let's just say in certain circles.” Hagrid reassured her. “They were among the few who’d stand up to him.” “Stop, I forbid you to say anymore!” Uncle Vernon demanded. “Her mother and father were heroes and you never told her.” Hagrid bellowed. His gaze would have caused far better men to quail, but Vernon somehow managed to hold his ground. “And why should I? Isn’t it bad enough they were murdered?” He wasn’t exactly sure when Aerie had found out since they’d preferred to say it had been an accident, but if she knew, it didn’t much matter. She knew. Granted what she’d said about being briefed by Her Majesties Secret Service, that was looking like a distinct possibility. “Yeh never told her? Never told her about the letter Dumbledore left for her? I was there! I saw Dumbledore leave it, Dursley! An’ you’ve kept it from her all these years?” “And why should we?” Petunia said finding her backbone. “Heroes?! Heroes?! They holed up in a little stinking cottage and got murdered. How does that make someone a hero?! And you lot... You lot left a baby out in the cold on a November morning before anyone was up. Aye, and chilled to the bone when I found her too. Why should we tell her? And if I’d a mind to do so I’m certainly not going to tell her about her crusading parents taking on the world and getting themselves killed when she’s not even out of primary school yet. Why do you think we’ve been throwing away those letters?! To keep her safe from the likes of you! You who comes calling the middle of the bloody nite like a thief spouting off nonsense about a boy who's famous for no other reason than having survived. It's a twisted world you live in where surviving a brutal attack makes a body famous.” “Aerie’s a witch. And I’d wager a damn good one too,” Hagrid protested. “And that comes with things like accidental magic when us magic folks are little. “Like in superstitions, black cats. and voodoo dolls,” Nova supplied just to be cheeky. There was silence in the hut. “Dancing with my clothes off in the rain? Livin la Vida-Loca? OK, never mind.” “You’d better not go dancing with your clothes off if you know what’s good for you,” Aunt Petunia scolded. “Ah, yes on the first, sort of, not so much on the latter that I’m aware of,” Hagrid offered. Let’s just say Hagrid was never invited to those kinds of parties. Quite possibly for their own safety as no one wanted a certain something swinging about. “Aerie, ‘ave you never had anything really strange happen?” “This whole trip,” Nova said dryly. “Well you can do magic, real magic, and you’ll be quite good at it because your parents were.” “Tell me about my parents?” Nova requested. She figured that as long as Hagrid was here and agreeable enough, she could milk him for information. Uncle Vernon on the other hand had other ideas. Neither he nor Aunt Petunia wanted Aerie to know anything about the wizarding world and insisted they’d protect her. It was right about here that Hagrid pulled out a pink umbrella and zapped Dudley’s backside for trying to sneak a morsel of food. Nova chastised both Hagrid and Dudley. Hagrid for the deed, and Dudley for even thinking about wanting to eat something of questionable origin and nature. Aunt Petunia agreed. Dudley’s condition would worsen in the night thanks to a little push by Nova that caused Dudley to slowly transform so that he was more pig than boy. Being threatened with a pink umbrella once again proved sufficient enough to shut up Mr and Mrs Dursley who along with Dudley had decided to retreat into the bedroom at this point. Hagrid told her all about how Aerie’s parents had defied ‘you know who’ as he preferred to say -granted that Aerie wouldn't have known who ‘you know who’ was if she’d really been Harry Potter and not a stand-in who already had a really good idea what was going on. Even so it took a bit of wheedling to get Hagrid to say the name Voldemort. She’d even managed to get him to tell her about the Order of the Phoenix. Nova knew all too well how easy it was to get information from a loose tongue if you knew the right questions to ask. A sharp rap on the door suggested someone or something was outside, so Nova decided to get up to investigate, and sure enough, there was an owl outside who was more than happy to come in out of the rain. The owl had another letter, and this time it had the correct name on it. Inside was her invitation to Hogwarts along with a letter promising everything she wanted. “Well, if he holds up to his end, I’d say I’m going to Hogwarts,” Nova announced. “Well then, I’d best send another letter to Dumbledore then, and let him know that we are good to go,” Hagrid announced. His tone carried a sense of relief. He went over to the table, got out another piece of paper, and then started scrounging for his quill. “Here.” Nova offered while holding out a gleaming white feather a moment later. “Ah, yes, that’ll do. Where’d you find that? That’s a good one, that is.” He said as he took hold of the feather. “I, ah, found it on the way.” Nova offered. Hagrid had been so preoccupied he hadn’t seen her pluck one of her own feathers. It’d been a loose one that had been bothering her, and glad it was finally out. “It’s a lucky find. It’s a pegasus feather.” Hagrid offered as he produced a large knife to cut the tip into a pen. “A rather pretty one I betcha.” “If that’s about me, make sure you put my full name down.” “Yer full name?” “Like how it says on my letter.” Nova offered, handing him the envelope. “Just so we are sure there are no more mix-ups.” Dear Professor Dumbledore, Aerie Lilly Potter has her letter. Taking her to bye things ta-marrow. Weather's Horrible. Hope yer well. Hagrid. When he’d finished he rolled up the slip of parchment, put it in a tube, strapped that to the owl, and chucked the poor thing out the door once more to brave the night. “Well then, I guess it’s time for a little shut-eye.” Hagrid offered and went over to the now unoccupied sofa. “Nova tossed a couple more chunks of wood on the fire and returned to her cot to see if she couldn't possibly get a bit more sleep. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk taking in an early morning breakfast when Hagrid’s second letter came in through the open window. Dumbledore let out a sigh when the little owl landed right in the middle of his porridge. “Well, that’s done it then.” He muttered as he reached over to take the message tube off the owl. He pulled out the parchment, unrolled it, and was satisfied that Aerie had now agreed to come to school. He had of course chosen to return to Hogwarts after sending out his reply to Hagrid. Dumbledore had a lot of fences to mend. Granted he’d no intention of giving Aerie everything she wanted, but then again, he did owe the Dursleys a new house after that disaster. And it had been a disaster on multiple fronts, the ministry was outraged over his use of his position to essentially firebomb a muggle home, and there were calls for his resignation. Sure it wasn’t intentional, but that was the result. Meanwhile, there was a picture of the chamber below the house, now an open pit, on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Little did he know that it was also on the front page of the London Times and about a dozen other papers. Fire exposes find. Dumbledore reached out for the list of incoming students and started scanning through it. There was one, and only one Potter. As expected. Both his eyebrows rose up quite a bit when his mind finally registered the name. Sure he’d seen the name but hadn’t paid any attention to what his own eyes were telling him. He drank down a good portion of his tea while thinking he was going to need something stronger and looked again. Aerie Lilly Potter. There was no Harry Potter. Dumbledore’s chair clattered to the ground as he rushed out of his office. Down the stairs he went, through the corridors, and up the winding stairs that would take him to the Admittance book, that official, self-updating registry of incoming students. Quickly he flipped back to find Harry Potter’s name. Of course, it would be there, he’d cheated the system and written the name in the book of admittance himself thus ensuring Harry’s name would be entered. It’d been a rather clever job of forgery and the admittance book hadn’t rejected it thanks to some rather clever spell work. The ‘boy’ had only been a few weeks old at the time, and the registry never allowed a name to be added until the individual was around the ages of ten to twelve. All depending on the magical development of the individual. Older students were becoming more common these days, and it was exceedingly rare for anyone’s name to be added before the age of ten. Dumbledore had cheated the system in order to show people that Harry’s name was indeed in the book. Dumbledore looked at the name with a look of horror. The enchanted quill had run a long thick line right through the name. Dumbledore was stunned. Harry’s name had been scratched out and with it his last hope that Harry Potter did indeed exist. He cast a finding spell and discovered Aerie Lilly Potter in among some of the more recent entries. A variety of questions began to pop up in his mind. Had the boy who lived been a fraud all along? Had he died and, no that couldn't be right, his tracking spells were still good… weren’t they? Had he placed the tracking spells on the wrong child? Had Hagrid retrieved the wrong child? Dumbledore wanted so desperately to grab at something. So back down to his office he went. He was quite out of breath as he inspected the various magical devices that let him know if Harry was happy or sad. Or what kind of health he was in. They all showed Harry to be healthy, just a bit anxious, and moderately murderous. Which were perfectly normal readings. Dumbledore had placed his spells on the child Hagrid had retrieved. Had the Potters lied about the gender of ‘the boy’ suggesting they hadn’t fully trusted him, or could this girl be a twin the Potters hadn’t told anyone about? Might Hagrid have simply retrieved the wrong baby? One thing Dumbledore could be certain of was that Harry Potter if he had ever existed, was long gone. “What have I done?” Dumbledore said softly, went to his chair at his desk, and sat heavily. The realization that Dumbledore himself had marked the Potters by ensuring that name was entered into the book, and bragging about it, struck hard. Aerie was a girl, and therefore the prophecy could not have been about him … her, at all. Harry was gone with a simple line of enchanted ink and with him all Dumbledore's plans and aspirations. Had Harry Potter been nothing more than his own concoction, he asked himself? Had the Potters told him Aerie and all he heard was Harry because that’s what he wanted to hear? A boy to sacrifice for the sake of a prophesy he himself manufactured? Once news began to leak out it would shake the wizarding world to its core. As for the prophecy, it now fit any number of individuals whose families had defied the Dark Lord. > Chapter 10: The girl who survived. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Nova, the morning had started with an owl somehow finding its way in and attacking a heavy jacket that had been placed over her in the night. It smelled too. “If you are looking for mice you’re not going to find them,” Aerie said groggily. Well, no, the owl more than likely wanted to be paid for the delivery of the morning paper it had brought in, and Hagrid was still asleep. How it even got in, no, the fire was dead cold. Nova rummaged around, found Hagrid’s bit bag, and dropped a gold coin in a small pouch the owl had. The owl looked at her funny like. “Not enough?” She said knowing full well it was more than enough, got out another coin, a silver one this time, and dropped that in. “More?” This time four bronze bits went in. The owl now satisfied it had the appropriate coins flew up the chimney and away from the island. Hagrid woke up a short time later. “An owl brought in a paper.” Aerie informed him. “Did you pay it?” He asked. As if someone who knew nothing of wizards would know what to do. “It was pecking at your jacket, so I fished out some coins and gave them to the owl. They seemed happy.” “I guess it’s alright then. Got a busy day ahead of us. Want some sausages?” “I, ah, well I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but I’m not too keen on eating something that’s been in your pocket, and I only eat fish, rabbit, and chicken with bacon being my one indulgence that’s not one of those three.” Mice and other small rodents were also on the menu in a pinch, but Hagrid didn’t need to know about that. Bottom line, she just didn’t want to take a chance on anything coming out of his pockets. With the possible exception of mice babies. Tasty little pink mice babies. Truly a fox's guilty pleasure. “More for me then,” he replied and gobbled up what was left. “Come on then.” A moment later he had his overcoat back on and was prying the door loose which had swollen up due to the rain. A short time later he had it open and Nova went out the door. Hagrid followed. A shriek could be heard coming from inside the cabin as the two made their way down to the boat, and Nova couldn't help but feel a little sorry for them. Dudley’s transformation was more than likely near complete by this time while still being recognizable as human. Nova was playing a very dangerous game with Dumbledore, and if that meant Sacrificing the Dursleys, or Hagrid for that matter, to get Dumbledore off her back then so be it. From there they went down to the dock where the rowboat was, with Moonie tagging along behind. Hagrid announced that they’d be using it and climbed into the slightly flooded boat and as soon as he’d sat Moonie chose to jump up onto his shoulders. The seawater had come up to within half a foot of the lowest part of the sides of the boat and it was making her mighty nervous what with all the water already in the boat from the night before and the waves coming up to just tickle the top of the gunnels. Nova climbed in without a word wishing she’d had a Mount Eris pendant. Aerie looked about and then started bailing water as Hagrid started rowing the boat. “If I was to say, speed things up a bit, you wouldn't mind not mentioning it at Hogwarts?” “So long as you don’t swamp us any more than we already are,” Aerie replied. So the boat started to move along on its own accord. Hagrid pulled out his paper and started to read while he jabbered on about this, that, and the other thing. All the while oblivious to fishermen in other boats and the people on the docks as they approached giving the big man, cat, and little girl strange looks. And that included a BBC News van who had their camera trained on Hagrid. Nova waved cheerfully. Hagrid completely missed it when helicopters flew out to the island. From there they walked along until they got to the railway station where Aerie was forced to explain what spending a penny meant, and no, he couldn't follow her into the loo. Along the way, he’d been pointing out fairly ordinary things, like parking meters while commenting on how clever muggles were. “And how do you know it’s not the Goblins putting the parking meters up?” Nova quipped along the way. Hagrid hadn’t even slowed down. In fact, getting him to talk about things best kept quiet in front of Muggles proved ridiculously easy. Lots of people were watching the two pass, but being he was at least twice the height of everyone there, no one dared to approach. When they’d arrived at the station Hagrid gave Aerie a big wad of what he called Muggle Money, half of which was useless in the UK, and had her pay for the train tickets while he stood off to one side. She paid for his and pocketed the rest. After all, she had a transit pass, and it paid for all trains throughout the United Kingdom. People kept giving her furtive glances. Aerie figured it was because of how big Hagrid was and how she was dressed along with the fact that the lower portion of her trousers was soaked. At least that’s what she thought until she saw her picture on the front page of the London Times on a newsstand. Headline: Husband has nervous brake down and kidnaps his own family and young Pimlico student. Looking about she could see several officers who seemed to be at a loss. No one wanted to challenge the big man. Several followed onto the train. On board, the train Hagrid set to knitting something colored canary yellow that was big enough to be a smallish tent while complaining about this and that along the way as well. The seats were too small, and he even managed to get stuck in a ticket barrier busting it all to pieces when he could have simply stepped over it. There’d even been a busted escalator that would slide down as he climbed it forcing him to work extra hard to get to the top. Why they hadn’t been stopped by a swat team along the way was a complete mystery to Nova, and yet they somehow managed to make it to the Leaky Cauldron without incident. Granted that the escalator fire she’d read about later may have had something to do with it. Fortunately, the fire had been quickly suppressed and no one had died. “And we’re here. Still got that letter?” Hagrid announced. “Yer gonna need it to get everything you need.” “Yes, it’s right here.” Nova offered, flashing the letter as they stepped inside. She was also well aware of the need for that letter to be able to buy certain items. Once inside the innkeeper had asked him if he wanted the usual. “Can’t, Tom, I’m on Hogwarts business,” Hagrid said clapping a hand onto Nova’s shoulder sending her to her knees. “Have a care, she’s just a little girl, Hagrid.” Tom the barman scolded as Nova scrambled away from Hagrid. Tom was a middle-aged balding man who struck Nova as the sort who’d stand by quietly while others told him their woes and then offer sage advice. She’d also met him on her previous trips though he’d never connected her to the famous Harry Potter. At least not until recently. “This here is Aerie Potter…” Hagrid announced and started towards Nova. “Don’t you dare touch me!” Nova demanded. “So it’s true?” a patron asked. “She’s been in all the papers.” “I am not some prize for you to be showing off. I am not the ‘boy’ who lived. I am the girl who survived. And this scar on my forehead, it was a piece of junk embedded there that no one bothered to even look at. Pulled it out myself a while back.” Nova stated flatly. “And you know what, I don’t actually need you to get my school supplies.” The Leaky Cauldron had gone completely still. “I’m sorry, um, Diagon alley is out back.” Hagrid offered quickly. “Right this way. It’s, um, a secret door.” “I was here just the other day with Lavender Brown,” Nova informed him. “You was?” Hagrid asked. “Of course you were. Professor Dumbledore wanted me to escort you. Ta keep you safe from certain types of people.” “I suppose now that so many people seem to know who I am that just might be advisable. Lead on then. Lead on.” “Welcome back… Miss Potter,” Tom said as a tear shed from his eye. Suddenly there was the sound of scraping chairs as people stood up and asked if they could shake her hand. “Doris Crockford, Miss Potter, I can’t believe I’m meeting you at last.” “We’ve met. You told me to mind my betters.” “Ah, so I did.” “Delighted, Miss Potter, just can’t tell you, Diggle’s the name, Dedalus Diggle. I saw you in a shop once.” “Ah, well, there have been so many, and each time resulted in Aunt Petunia whisking me away to safety and I’d have to use Dudley’s old things.” “I’m so sorry, I should have never done that,” Diggle offered. Aerie shook one hand after another. That was until a pale young man made his way forward. To Nova’s horror, her fox fire erupted covering her body at his approach. “Corpus Sancti,” someone whispered. A different kind of hush fell over the pub. “The divine light.” “Professor Quirrel, that vampire you encountered, it didn’t bite you did it?” “Maybe it’s because he’s a dark arts instructor,” Someone whispered. “No, the divine light, while exceedingly rare, isn’t going to react just because someone associates with dark things,” whispered another. “That’s got to be how she survived the killing curse,” offered another whisper. “I’m sorry,” Nova offered as she processed everything that was being whispered. “I’m usually better at keeping that in check. I’m sure it’s just me because I’m kind of worn out.” She took a deep breath, and let it out slowly as she suppressed the fire. The last thing she wanted was for Quirrel to be outed so soon. “We really should get going.” Quirrel backed away, and Nova made her way to the back of the pub feeling embarrassed that she’d allowed that to happen. She would miss hearing someone speculating that Dumbledore must have known and sacrificed the Potters to defeat You Know Who. “Three up, two across…” Hagrid muttered as he tapped bricks with his umbrella out in the courtyard behind the pub. He tapped the key brick three times and then the bricks folded away to form a large arch. “Welcome to Diagon Alley.” Hagrid offered sheepishly. “We, um, need to go to Gringotts.” It wasn’t long before Hagrid started in on how safe Gringotts was. Nova just let him ramble. “Ya, that’s a goblin,” Hagrid said as they climbed the white steps up to Gringotts. The goblin was shorter than Nova’s present form and bowed as they approached. Aerie returned the bow, but Hagrid just kept right on going oblivious to the courtesy. “Wizards, eh?” Aerie whispered as she followed Hagrid through the doors. *“Like I said, yeh’d be mad to rob Gringotts,” Hagrid rambled on as they were bowed through a set of silver doors. “Noth’n safer, save Hogwarts of course.” Aerie bowed to the goblins and rolled her eyes at Hagrid. Little did anyone know that she’d successfully robbed the bank twice thanks to Moonie who she now understood to have been based on a Tantabus. All Moonie ever needed was a spell matrix to give her a proper form and a chance to make up for Princess Luna’s past regrets. As for breaking into Hogwarts, all a person had to be was be smarter than a first year. Beyond the silver doors was a vast marble hall with over a hundred goblins sitting on high stools scribbling away at ledgers, weighing coins on brass scales, and examining precious stones. It also looked like there were as many doors as goblins from which people were being shown in and out. “Morning,” Hagrid said to a free goblin as he approached the teller counter. “We’ve come ter take some coin from the Potter vault. It’s for Miss Aerie here.” “And do you have the key to the Potter account?” The teller asked without even bothering to look. Now if this had been Nova’s first trip, she might have been a little nervous about going into anyone’s vault. But as it turned out, she really did count as both a Black and a Potter. “Ang on, got er right here…” Hagrid offered as he started scrounging through his pockets. Elsewhere in the room, two goblins watched through monocles attached through long staffs. “Definitely an Equestrian.” One whispered to the other. “I get the feeling the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing though and her also being the child of the Lily Potter kind of suggests there was a little hanky panky going on.” “This one’s a hunter. Can’t help but wonder who she’s ultimately after though. She won’t tell us. Might Prove interesting. She’s the one who returned the cup.” Hagrid eventually found the key and then he was on about a letter from Dumbledore about the you know what in vault seven hundred and thirteen. Not like the people in line couldn't hear him. Nova couldn't help but roll her eyes at how obvious Hagrid was to anyone who knew what he was talking about and even caught a glimpse of the goblin helping them give her a wink. Hagrid did eventually locate the key to the Potter vault, after pulling out an assortment of junk including a large number of moldy dog biscuits. And then he had to put it all away again. Finally, they were on their way, and their guide was a little goblin named Griphook. Naturally, Nova couldn’t resist standing up and leaning out over the front of the cart as they raced along, which was something the Goblins delighted in. Hagrid was in for the ride of his life. “One speed only,” Griphook informed Hagrid at his requests to slow down. Suddenly it was up and up and down and down, then left, then right, back to left, then right again, down track B, and then onto track A. “So what’s this super top secret mission you are on?” Nova shouted back as they raced around a sharp bend, the wheels squealing and the track flexing. “Can’t tell you.” Hagrid managed. “Hogwarts business.” “If it’s so secret why were you so bloody obvious about it upstairs?” “What? Was not.” Hagrid said softly and Nova couldn't help but laugh out loud. “So what’s the difference between a stalactite, and a stalagmite?” Nova called back. “I don’t know, one of ems got an M in it.” “One’s sober and the other one’s tight.” Nova offered and then laughed. “Don’ ask me questions now, I think I’m going to be sick.” Nova just smiled and then made a hand gesture to Griphook indicating that Hagrid had been drinking. He smiled, the cart switched tracks, and then dropped so fast Nova went adrift and had to deploy wings to catch up. Fortunately, the maneuver had made Hagrid so sick he hadn’t even noticed. Griphook noticed by the twinkle in his eye but made no indication that he had. “Why Hagrid, what a lovely shade of green.” Nova offered as the cart lurched to a stop a short time later. Hagrid had to crawl out on his hands and knees and then just sat there while Griphook went to unlock the Potter vault. Nova went in, Dropped an Equestrian Royal, a big Equestrian gold coin worth a hundred bits, and helped herself to a fair amount of the wizard money. Sure the money was technically hers to take, she just didn’t feel right about taking any money out without compensating the account. “Come on Hagrid, time to get back in, you’ve got that special assignment Professor Dumbledore gave you.” Hagrid moaned and climbed back into the cart. “Vault… vault seven hundred and thirteen, and can you go a little slower? Please?” *“One speed only.” Griphook repeated. > Chapter11: Meeting Draco Malfoy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova could swear they were going even faster now as the cart plummeted into the depths. Deeper, deeper, and deeper still, till Nova was sure she could hear the beating of distant orcish drums. And then just as suddenly as the ride had begun they stopped. Nova leaped out not a moment too soon as Hagrid leaned over the front of the car and spewed. Griphook was forced to climb over the top of the giant and Moonie who’d been on Hagrid’s shoulders the whole time decided she’d vacate the cart as well. “Stand back,” Griphook announced with a grave tone in his voice. He ran a finger down a blank wall, and a moment later it melted away to turn into an entrance. Inside was one little grubby package that reminded her a great deal of the package that supposedly held cake. “Come on Hagrid, you’ve got a job to do.” Aerie entreated. Once again Hagrid crawled out of the cart. And then he just remained on his hands and knees. “You’re not going to disappoint Professor Dumbledore are you?” Aerie pressed. Hagrid looked up and slowly got on his feet. From there he took a step, and then another. It’s OK, I’ve got your back if you’ve got mine, just one foot, and then the other.” Nova encouraged. Slowly he made his way to the package, reached down, stopped, closed his eyes, and gulped. He lingered for a bit, opened his eyes, reached the rest of the way, took hold of the package, and slowly straitened out. And then he turned around ever so slowly, and with exceeding effort slowly made his way back to the cart where he stopped and blanched. “Why don’t you sit in the front,” Aerie prompted, and then climbed into the back of the cart. Griphook was next followed by slow deliberate motions made by Hagrid. Moonie decided to sit with Nova this time. And then they were off. “Not a soul up ahead, and nothing behind…♫” {WALK THE MOON - One Foot} Aerie sang out as they raced along until they finally made it back to the top. “Come on Hagrid, you can do it.” Nova offered reassuringly giving him an encouraging pat or three. He’d blown chunks several times along the way and the only thing that had saved her was a hastily erected shield spell and the fact that she was directly behind him. Griphook had a shield spell of his own and was none the worse for the trip. The cart on the other hand was going to need to be sidelined for a we bit. Slowly, Hagrid made his way back up to the lobby, and out the doors. “Might as well get yer uniform.” Hagrid offered while pointing in the direction of the shop. “I’m just going to sit a spell.” “Alright then, I’ll just be right over there.” Nova offered and trotted off to Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Nova had already purchased robes, but she did need to go through the motions. Not like she couldn't wear the robes she already had and probably would. As disheveled as she was, no one seemed to recognize her in the shop either. “Hogwarts, dear?” asked a squat woman dressed entirely in Mauve. “Yes, I finally got my letter and I’ll be starting this year.” Aerie offered. “And don’t let these rags fool you, this was just my traveling clothes.” “Well, you’ll have to wait a bit, I’m fitting a young man in the back right now.” “Yes, mam.” Aerie replied and went to sit on a stool nearby. As expected it was Draco Malfoy. Tall, thin, bleached blond hair and a look of distaste about him as the robe was pinned up. “How come you aren’t using magic to do the pinning?” Aerie asked the woman. “This is just the way I like to do it.” The woman replied. Malfoy rolled his eyes. *“Are you going to Hogwarts?” Draco asked casting a glance at Aerie. “Yes, this year.” Aerie offered. “Finally got my letter.” “My father is next door buying my books, and mother’s up the street looking at wands. He offered in a bored drawl. “Have you got your wand yet?” Aerie asked. “That’s what my mother’s doing, getting my wand.” “Oh, you don’t want to do that, it’ll be no end of irritation if someone else picks out a wand for you,” Aerie replied trying not to sound like a know-it-all. “My name’s Aerie, what’s your name?” Like she hadn’t already guessed. “Draco Malfoy.” He offered with an air of self-importance. “Have you got your own broom?” “I did. When I was really little. Kids broom it was. It’s been a while.” Aerie offered. I’d kind of forgotten until I got here.” “Did you play Quidditch?” “Maybe. Live in a muggle area now. Even if I had a broom I wouldn't dare.” “That’s too bad. I do. Father says it’ll be a crime if I’m not picked to play for my house.” “Can first years even play on a team?” “Not typically no, dear.” The shop worker offered. “I’d say I have a good chance of getting on the team.” Draco boasted. “Well, then good luck to you.” Nova offered. “So what house do you think you’ll get? I expect I’ll be in Slytherin.” “I’m thinking I’ll likely get Gryffindor. It’s something of a family tradition. I come from a family that believes in leading by example. You know, the all guts and glory while lacking in common sense and caution type.” Draco couldn't help but smile at her comment. “Oh. Well, I suppose that’s better than getting Hufflepuff. Imagine ending up in Hufflepuff. I think I’d leave if that were to happen.” “But then we wouldn't be able to be friends.” Nova pointed out. “Friends?” He asked giving her an odd look. “Not likely, not if you’re in Gryffindor.” “Why, do Gryffindors not get along well with others?” “It’s just that the houses don’t mix.” “I’d think if I were to end up in Hufflepuff I’d want a strong champion from another house to look after me. Still though, even if we end up as rivals, it doesn’t mean we have to be enemies.” Nova offered dramatically. “Right off hand, I’d think a Slytherin Hufflepuff pairing would be ideal. The Slytherin would naturally be the dominant one. I’m surprised Slytherin pairings don’t end up killing each other.” Draco gave her an odd look and then laughed. Every couple he knew that were both Slytherin fought like cats and dogs. He stopped after spotting Hagrid slowly walking by. “I say, would you look at that man. Is he drunk, do you think?” “Not yet.” Nova offered deadpan. “Kind of looks like that’s where he’s headed though. - That’s Hagrid. The cart ride did that to him.” Aerie watched Hagrid slowly trundle along. “Listen, when I was little something happened to my parents, and instead of placing me with a decent family, I was placed with muggles. And the absolute worst sort. One was my squib Aunt, and she’d gone anti-magic. Dumbledore sent Hagrid to fetch me because my Aunt and Uncle were bound and determined to keep me from going to Hogwarts. We’d received hundreds of letters by then, not a one had the correct name, and my Uncle got so worked up he throws a wobbly. Absolutely loses it, and takes the whole family on a road trip where we end up on an island with no provisions beyond what I’d managed to snatch at stores. They’d seriously lost the plot by then and then Hagrid shows up in the middle of the night pounding on the door.” “They what, with muggles, he did?” Draco was honestly shocked and appalled. “Him!?” “If only they’d have sent someone else.” Aerie lamented. “Big oaf made a right cock-up of the whole thing. At first, I thought he was some mad wild man. Actually tried to kick the door down only I’d opened the door just as his foot went swinging. Nearly kicked me in the head, and then he goes toppling over backward. Wasn’t till I got here that I was one hundred percent sure I wasn’t being kidnapped, and he was telling the truth. I mean, a girl forgets stuff after being stuck with a bunch of muggles for most of her life. And he even used magic in front of muggles. Even I know better than that. The worst part is he turned my idiot cousin into a pig boy. Not that he had far to go though.” Madam Milkin stopped what she was doing. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.” “I think he’s the groundskeeper at Hogwarts,” Draco offered as Madam Milkin headed for the front door. A moment later she’d slammed it on her way out and was now making a beeline for Hagrid. “Sort of a savage that Dumbledore likes to keep around. Lives out in an old hut on the grounds, and is known as something of a drunkard.” “He’d been drinking from the moment he showed up. Though I’d imagine it would take quite a bit to actually get him drunk.” “Some of that fire whiskey is mighty potent. - I tried some once.” He smiled at the memory. “Thought I was going to die.” Both smiled. “It’s a wonder he hasn’t been fired.” “Well, he’s obviously Dumbledore's pet.” Aerie offered. “There is that. Ha, she caught up to him. Giving him a right good dressing down too. “Hang on, how do you know so much for someone living with muggles?” “One, I’m friends with Lavender Brown, she’s from an old wizard family, and this isn’t exactly my first trip to Diagon Alley, and two, Hagrid. Get him to rambling, ask the right questions, and he’ll spill anything. That and he’s been drinking all morning. He made a right spectacle of himself all the way here.” “Alright, I can see that.” “He’s likable, but none too bright. Don’t know why Dumbledore would trust him to do anything let alone pick up a new student who’s been out of the loop most of her life. My Aunt and Uncle had gone absolutely manic to try to keep me out of Hogwarts, and then he comes barreling in like a wrecking ball.” “Wrecking ball?” “Something muggles use for knocking down old buildings. What with not having magic they have to come up with other solutions. The more intelligent individuals can come up with some mighty clever solutions. Unfortunately, my Aunt and Uncle were about the dullest of the lot. And she is from a wizard family too.” “I think I get it. They’re not all bad, it’s just that some are just really dumb and squibs even more so. So how do you feel about letting muggle born into Hogwarts?” “For starters, I don’t believe there any such thing as a Muggle-born. I’m to understand that a former Headmaster Black believed in screening out the bad elements. I tend to agree with that sentiment. I’d be alright with letting these so-called muggle born in because their parents or grandparents were probably squibs to begin with. Just send them to a preparatory school before they get here so they aren't completely clueless.” “Squibs? You think their parents are actually squibs?” “Well you can’t get a unicorn from a jackass now can you?” Draco laughed. “Just screen people coming in from the muggle community, and that would technically include me even though both my parents were of the magical community. Find out if they are going to be a good fit. Then let them go to Hogwarts. The opposite of that would be the need to identify individuals who are going to be harmful. Disable their magic, and send them on their way after a good mind wiping.” “That’s, well, a rather practical approach actually. But what about blood purity?” “Well, anyone who knows anything about raising animals can tell you that failing to bring in new breeding stock can lead to problems. Yes, I know what Dumbledore says, Hagrid will echo it word for word. Bottom line, if a wizard marries a member of their own family, close relatives marry close relatives over and over, they are going to end up with nothing but squibs, people of diminished faculties, endless health problems, followed by the line dyeing out. The remaining squibs end up going muggle because they can’t stay in the wizard community and earn a living.” “Oh… I’ve actually heard of that.” Draco offered, sounding thoughtful. “Draco, I’m sorry I left you standing there.” Madam Milkin offered as she returned. “You’re done, let me get that off of you, and you can be on your way.” “Alright. Thank you.” Malfoy replied as the robe was taken off of him. “I’ll see you.” Nova offered with a wave as he left. “Wonder what’s gotten into him?” Madam Milkin asked a moment later. “How’s that?” “That’s got to be the first time I’ve ever heard him say thank you.” “Maybe he’s just growing up.” Nova offered with a cheerful smile. “Well, I’ll be right back, and then we’ll get you fitted.” Madam Milkin returned a moment later and had Nova try on some really basic robes. “I think I can afford something a little nicer.” Nova suggested. “Are you sure?” Nova fished out a bag of coins and started getting out gold coins. “Yes, I think I can afford it. Let’s use the same address as before shall we?” “Same?” “Aerie, I’m Aerie. I was in here with Miss Brown. I’ve had a harrowing experience. I do have my letter finally, so I can get my wand now.” “Oh, oh, I do remember you, ah, and there’s your little kitty.” Moonie was laying in the window enjoying the sun just as if she was an actual kitty. Outside, up on the steps of Gringotts two men could be seen using their wands to clean spew off of themselves. One of whom, Aerie was sure, had to be Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic. > Chapter 12: Shopping at Diagon Alley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Nova had finished up at the shop, she found that she was now completely without a chaperone. On her previous trip, she’d purchased parchment and ink that would change color as you write along with several quill pens. But now it was time to buy books she hadn’t been able to get before. She’d already picked up Modern Magical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century along with a complete set of the Harry Potter Mysteries along with a couple other Harry Potter titles. Course books had been denied her previously but now there would be no stopping her. Flourish and Blotts looked pretty much like any other bookstore. Aerie made sure to get all the first-year books, The Standard Book of Spells grade one, A History of Magic, Magical Theory, a Beginner’s Guide to Transfigurations, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, and a copy of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. To this pile, she added An Introduction to Magical Beasts printed back in 1910 that described such things as how to tame a three-headed dog, a copy of Hogwarts a History, A beginner's guide to Herbology, Who are the Akkadians, and Curses and Counter curses. “Now Miss, you have to have an adult with you to buy this book,” chastised a store clerk on seeing the curse book. “I’m with an adult,” Nova countered. “Selena?” The gorgeous witch that emerged from the stacks befuddled everyone in the place as not a one had seen her enter. “Oh yes, I thought it might be a good idea if she knows the counter curses,” Selena offered with a disarming smile, and a short time later the two were out the door. Oh, and the books went into her shoulder bag. Pretty much everything went into the bag. “So where to next?” Selena asked once they were out of earshot of the people in front of the bookstore. “Well, there’s the apothecary, might just as well get it over with,” Aerie offered and headed in that direction. There she purchased glass crystal vials, a pewter cauldron standard-sized two as was required, silver scales instead of brass, and the first year potions packet. From there they went over to the astronomy and astrology shop where she wanted to check out the telescopes. “They are pretty, but not a one has optics more advanced than what was available in the nineteenth century,” Aerie whispered to Selena. “Aerie, Aerie Potter?” Called the familiar voice of Professor McGonagall. “It is you, and you look a sight. Where’s Hagrid?” “Afraid we got separated shortly after leaving the bank,” Aerie replied cheerfully. “Oh, hello.” She waved at a boy about her apparent age who was considerably darker in skin tone than many of those around him save a woman who stood behind him Aerie took to be his mother. “Dumbledore assured me he had everything in hand. And you’ve no idea where Hagrid went?” “Right off hand I’d think back to the pub to fortify himself,” Nova replied. “He turned Dudley into a pig boy last night with a snout even, and was sick in Gringotts, so I’m perfectly happy to not be under his feet.” “Who’s Dudley? Hi, the name’s Dean Thomas.” He extended his hand and Nova reached over and took it. “Aerie Potter, nice to meet you,” she replied shaking his hand. “Who’s Dudley?” “My cousin. Granted he hadn’t far to go.” “That must have been wicked.” “Actually, it was kind of stressful. Our house got firebombed, my uncle was having a nervous breakdown even before the fire due to harassment, we go on this impromptu road trip, end up in a ramshackle cabin out on an island, and this huge man comes calling in the middle of the night. I get up, go open the door because it sounds like he’s trying ta kick the door down, swing open the door and this huge foot goes sailing past my head. In the state of mind I was in I kind of let him have it, verbally that is, and I haven't had a thing to eat since yesterday because all he had to offer was lint-covered mystery meat from his pockets. And then we took the only boat off the island so I figure My Aunt, Uncle, and cousin are still there without any food or water. Did I mention our house burned down? Letters came spewing out of the fireplace. With a fire in it. Every last one for someone named H Potter, and every last one catching fire as it passed through the flames.” “Dear…” McGonagall began. She was obviously trying to check her rage. “Do you have any idea where you plan to stay tonight?” “With the Finch-Fletchleys I imagine, short of someone has burned their house down just to keep me from going back… Oh, I should probably give them a call,” Aerie offered, and then fished out her cell phone. “Oh, dear, that’s not going to work…” McGonagall began. “Hello? Flora, yes, it’s me, I’m fine. Worn out. Is it OK if I come home? Seems I’ve nowhere else to go. I can? Yes, thank you so much. I’m over at Diagon Alley getting my school supplies. The homeless man? That was Hagrid. No idea where he is though. Oh, and, I hate to impose, but I could really use a ride. After the night I had, I’d likely fall asleep on the train.” “That’s one of them Akkadian phones, super expensive they are,” Dean announced. “And now I know why,” McGonagall said softly wondering how Aerie had even gotten a hold of it. “She says she will be right over and meet me out front,” Aerie informed them. “Oh, and Professor…” Aerie pulled out the extra note Dumbledore had penned for her making certain promises and showed it to her. “I imagine they’ll be my guardians once the paperwork catches up with the promises.” “I see… did you know about the cellar under the house?” “Oh, yes, I did. The hatch to get under the house was via the cupboard under the stairs. I discovered the hatch fairly early on and it looks like an old middle ages cellar that was modified by the War Department in World War two as a bunker. Once under the house, I gained access via a set of stairs. It had been buried, but when you spend a lot of time locked in a cupboard, digging out an old bunker is just a way to keep busy.” “Were you, were you locked in a cupboard often? Mrs Thomas asked. “Oh, I lived in a cupboard,” Aerie provided as she put her letter away. Her tone indicated she thought it was perfectly fine for a child to live in a cupboard under the stairs. “A cupboard under the stairs. Grew up in it. I only recently got moved out when the authorities found out about it. Not sure why it was such a big deal. They tried to move me out of the house because of all my bruises, but then a judge signed an order to send me back, and then takes off on vacation and no one is quite sure where he went. I will have to admit that living with the Finch-Fletchleys was a lot nicer than with my actual relatives. Thanks to the way the system works I couldn't get out again until something worse happened. The BBC saw Hagrid using magic to propel a boat. The whole trip was just one thing after another. I’m to understand the authorities were poised to swoop in and rescue me. Followed us right to the Leaky Cauldron. They may even be watching the pub now.” “I see,” McGonagall replied figuring she knew what had happened to the judge. Her rage had slipped over to a resigned what the absolute fuck oh my god!!! So in other words she was now in a rather interesting state of zen. “Professor, do I have to have a wizard-made telescope?” Aerie asked. “The thing is, there are better quality telescopes in muggle shops.” “And you’ve already got one,” Selena pointed out. “I do at that. These are pretty, but I want more than pretty… Oh, right, this is Selena. She’s a friend.” “Well, it’s good that you have someone with you,” McGonagall offered. “As for the telescope, I don’t see that it’s going to be a big problem, but you might want to get a charm added that will allow you to see through clouds.” “It’s an Akkadian telescope. The charm is already there, all I had to do was activate it. Now, that leaves a wand,” Aerie said triumphantly. “She already picked up a trunk,” Selena offered. That trip had proven most interesting and most fruitful in that they’d picked up a rather nice deluxe trunk with an apartment that looked suspiciously like the flat under the Finch-Fletchley’s home. The two were also fairly sure the sales clerk had in fact been Discord. Ollivanders wand shop wasn’t much to look at from the outside. Just a small storefront with a door and a single window. It looked rather shabby too. The sign outside featured peeling gold lettering which boasted of having been in business since 389BC; before the common era. Although to be accurate it was Before Christ since it lacked the ‘E’ normally applied so that people would know it meant before the common era and not the later. Assuming of course BC didn’t stand for something completely different. After all, why would wizards even use the same calendar as the muggles? Sure, she could see coordinating major holidays, but that BC could just as easily be Before the Great Charter, and somewhere along the line the ‘G’ was dropped from the sign. One thing was for sure, short of the building being of Roman construction, there was little chance it dated back to 389 BC of the modern western calendar. Might it actually be Before Claudius? Nova imagined that it would make perfect sense for magical Britten to date their calendars to such a significant event in the history of Britannia. Granted that it would throw their calendars off, but not by all that much. A small bell jingled as they opened the door and entered the store. In the window could be seen a single wand on a faded purple cushion. The lobby was small, there was a counter, behind which were stacks and stacks of little boxes, and a passageway plunged into the depths of the shop making it look as though the shop itself had been built in the space between buildings. It was also just as shabby on the inside as the outside. Dust, cobwebs, and peeling plaster walls. Red ocher could be seen underneath where the whitewash along the bottom third of the wall was peeling, and the floor sported a simple checkered pattern offset from the walls. When Nova looked up at the inside front wall she could just make out the telltale signs of a roof peak proving that additional floors had been added over time. Was it Roman? All Nova could think was a definite maybe. And yes, this was the first time she’d ventured into the shop. “Mother, this one suits me a lot better than the one you were going to get me,” came Draco’s voice. Nova stopped examining the architecture long enough to discover Draco and his mom were presently standing at the counter. “Oh, hi Aerie. You were absolutely right,” Draco informed her. “I really did need to pick out my own.” “I’m glad you found a better wand,” Aerie replied cheerfully. “We are here to get our first wand.” “And I shall look forward to dueling you when you get your wand,” He offered with a smile. “There will be no dueling at Hogwarts,” McGonagall chastised. “He’s just funning,” Nova offered in Draco’s defense. “Like we could do anything shy of zapping each other till we’re silly.” “I suppose that’s a fair enough assessment,” McGonagall admitted as Draco and his mother made their way out the door. “Good luck,” Draco offered as he exits the building. “Good afternoon,” offered the soft-spoken clerk behind the counter. He was an old man with wide pale eyes that gave Nova to ponder if he might not be fully human. “Ah, Mr Ollivander, we’ve two new students for you,” McGonagall informed him. “Indeed, indeed, and if my eyes do not deceive me this is the young Miss Potter, is it not?” “Um, that is, yes sir,” Aerie replied just a bit apprehensive. Had he been forewarned, or was there something else going on? He seemed to be the only one who knew who she was and got the gender right. “Ah yes,” Mr Ollivander said as he came out from behind the counter and went over to Aerie. “Yes, yes, I thought I’d be seeing you soon?” “Hang on, Doctor?” Aerie asked recognizing the man's face. “Jelly Baby?” He said as he pulled out a bag with little candies in it. “Now, where was I?” He looked at Selena, and then back at Aerie, you have your mother’s eyes.” “And hopefully her good looks?” Aerie quested. *“Well, time will tell, won’t it? Seems like only yesterday she was in here buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches, a swishy bit of yew. Nice wand for charm work.” He paused and shook his head. “Not so much for fighting the forces of evil though. “Now your father, he favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches, pliable, a well-powered wand that was excellent for transfiguration. Granted that it’s the wand that favors the wizard.” “Compatible magical core is what I’d think,” Aerie offered. “Ah, yes, that is it, isn’t it? Which makes me wonder why…” He headed back to the counter, “certain wizards are so captivated by the idea of the elder wand.” “Elder and thestral, wasn’t it?” Aerie asked. She looked back at McGonagall, “I’ve already done some reading.” “Indeed, Elder wood and Thestral hair,” Ollivander confirmed as Aerie moved over to the counter. “You are absolutely correct. Not really suited for anyone so far as I know. No, that one is typically possessed by people with lofty ambitions and entirely too much testosterone. They overcharge it. But for you, nothing of the sort will do.” He looked right at Aerie’s forehead. “I am sorry to say that I sold the wand that created that scar on your head. Notwithstanding meddlesome chaos gods. Yew, thirteen and a half inches. Powerful, very powerful that one. “If I’d have known…” he shook his head. “Ah, I see Hagrid outside with an owl and ice cream. Oak, sixteen inches. They snapped it in half when he went and got himself expelled. “Well now, Miss Potter, let’s see what we can set you up with…” “Professor, if he intends that for me, could you remind him that I’ve got a cat already,” Aerie requested of Professor McGonagall while Mr Ollivander started pulling out different wands. McGonagall turned and stepped outside. “Now… Miss Potter, let’s see what we’ve got…” Mr Ollivander said as he pulled a long tape measure with silver markings on it out. “Which is your wand hand?” “Right hand,” Aerie offered with confidence and held out her arm before she could be prompted to do so. Mr Ollivander then proceeded to measure Aerie from top to bottom, stem to stern, and before long the tape was doing all the measuring while Mr Ollivander took notes. A moment later he’d dismissed the tape and offered a Beech-wood and dragon heartstring wand. “No, thank you,” Nova said. She’d no desire to even so much as touch that one. “No? Never mind then, let’s try something else as I have got a feeling that wasn’t going to suit you anyway. “Maple and phoenix feather?” That one Aerie tried only to have it snatched away. “No, that will never do, here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches. Go on, give it a try.” She gave it a flick, but didn’t really get anything and feared what would happen if she tried to force it. Wand after wand came out “Not to worry, we’ll find the perfect match…” Mr Ollivander was saying and promptly produced an eleven-inch holly wand with a phoenix feather and offered it up just as McGonagall came back in. Nova was pretty sure he’d just pulled it out from under the counter. Aerie let out a sigh and gave it a try. Nothing. “By any chance did Professor Dumbledore give you this with instructions to make sure I got this one? This specific wand?” The look on his face told her more than enough. She handed it back and added, “Perhaps you should save this for the chosen boy. I am not the chosen boy and no amount of manipulation is going to change that.” “Mr Ollivander, did you and Professor Dumbledore seriously try to force an unsuitable wand on a student?” Professor McGonagall asked. “I don’t understand, Dumbledore did the measurements some time ago, but his measurements are usually spot on?” Nova had a good idea of what had happened. “Have you done this often?” “To be honest, yes. I was to give Narcissa Malfoy a specific wand for Draco, but then young Draco comes in and insists on getting a different wand.” “My doing, I’m afraid,” Aerie offered. “After all, the wand chooses the wizard, does it not? I’d had a chat with him. He’s a bit of a prat, but likable enough. I’d imagine our meeting didn’t go quite the way Professor Dumbledore had planned.” “You aren't suggesting…” Professor McGonagall began but stopped when she realized the evidence was beginning to stack up. Professor Dumbledore had plans for ‘the boy’ only young Potter turning out to be a girl was throwing off his plans. Her being far more knowledgeable than she should be was also causing shock waves. “I think I know how to speed things up a bit,” Nova offered, closed her eyes, and held up her hand. “What… are… you… doing?” Dean Thomas asked thinking he’d seen something like what Aerie was doing before. Boxes began to shake and quiver depending on which direction the palm of her hand was pointing and it was causing harmonics that made it almost like an orchestral choir softly singing to amp up the suspense. Suddenly a box flew out of its cubbyhole and slapped into Aerie’s hand. A hush fell over the room. “That’s more than just magic,” Professor McGonagall said softly. “You’re a Force User,” Dean Thomas said in awe. “Ya, I discovered that I could do it after seeing Star Wars,” Nova offered. OK, it was after seeing Star Wars and finding herself back in Equestria many years later, but who cares about the details? “I reached out with my feelings, so to speak, and found the one that came closest to matching my core.” Aerie then opened up the box to find a thirteen-inch blackthorn wand. In the box was a note that looked suspiciously like her own handwriting. It was written in old Ponish in a script likely unknown in the human world. Nova Silverwood no doubt. Blackthorn, winged unicorn tail feather. Hope this works for you. I did some checking based on your dimensional background frequency, and it’s looking like you are going to be here for a while. About a weak their time, but more than enough time to finish Hogwarts and transfer to my school. Try to enjoy yourself, and we will kick Discord’s flank when the time comes. Your other self. Nova smiled hoping to hide the wrenching feeling in her gut, gave a flick of the wand, and felt her magic freely flowing through the wand followed by a shower of rainbow colors shooting forth from the wand. “Yes, this will do nicely,” Aerie said softly. “What do I owe you, and I should probably get going?” “That’s alright, no charge,” Mr Ollivander offered. “I really should stop going along with Professor Dumbledore and properly fit wands.” “Thank you,” Aerie replied, gave him a polite bow, turned, and exited with Selena right behind her. This time she willingly took one of the half-melted ice creams. “A person would think that wizards could come up with a spell to keep ice cream from melting.” “Mr Dean Thomas, you said Force User?” McGonagall asked. “It’s from a movie about a war in a distant galaxy far far away. I always thought that kind of stuff was just pretend… like magic, only…” “It would seem we are going to have a very talented young lady at Hogwarts this year.” For Aerie, passing through the Leaky Cauldron on the way out proved nearly as difficult as when she’d arrived. Possibly even worse. The anonymity she had enjoyed on her earlier trips was all but gone. Everyone seemed to know her now, and everyone seemed to think they deserved a piece of her. Hagrid being right behind her only helped to highlight that yes, this was the girl. Aerie had picked him up along the way along with the owl because the pet shop wasn’t going to take it back. Yes, he knew Aerie had a cat, but he’d been instructed to get Aerie an owl. Aerie would just have to give the bird to Justin who’d not gotten an animal. Hagrid had of course apologized profusely for making such a mess of things, and Aerie had little choice but to tell him she forgave him and didn’t hate him. Hagrid wasn’t exactly the brightest individual and needed reassurance as badly as he’d messed up. Aerie had to remind herself that Hagrid was probably a genius among giants. Still though, as far as wizards went, he was a bit slow. Somehow they managed to get through, and out to the street just as Flora pulled up. Granted that she was one store over. “Hang on, Aerie, where’s your cat?” Hagrid asked perplexed. “Moonie,” Aerie called as she opened the car door. A moment later Moonie the cat bounded on over and up into the car. “Ang on, where’d Miss Selena go?” Hagrid asked as he looked about as Aerie climbed into the front seat of the car. “Left,” Aerie replied. “I have to go now. Bye.” And with that she closed the door, Flora pulled out into traffic, and a moment later they were on their way. Minus the owl. “I suppose I don’t have to tell you how worried I was?” Flora asked as they continued on their way. “I had everything under control. On the other hand, I’m starving. Any chance we can stop for Fish and Chips along the way.” “I think we can manage that.” They stopped a short time later, Aerie got a double portion, and when she’d eaten it all she fell fast asleep not to wake up until the next morning. > Chapter 13: Platform 9 and 3 quarters. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good news,” Mrs Silverwood offered at the breakfast table. She’d joined them that morning owing to the inability to debrief Aerie the night before. They did do a medical examination and were satisfied that despite being worn out she had suffered no further injury. “They found the judge who signed that order. He’d been on holiday, apparently. He’s now saying he never signed the order sending you back to the Dursleys and has rescinded it.” “I’m glad,” Aerie replied with a big smile and stabbed a sausage with her fork. “Now I can stay here all legal like.” “About that, how would you feel about adoption?” Flora asked. “Adoption?” Aerie’s fork had stopped halfway off her breakfast plate. “You don’t want to be adopted?” “It’s not that. I’d be honored. It’s just that, can it even be done?” “You are worried the people who put you back with the Dursleys might object and try to stop it?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “That precisely.” That and Nova hadn’t wanted to stay in this world any longer than absolutely necessary. And yet, that note indicated she’d be stuck in this world all the way up into the college years. On the other hand, adoptions are a lot harder to reverse. “Any chance we can sneak it in before anyone can put a stop to it?” Aerie smiled and turned to Flora, “And I could call you mom, couldn't I?” “Yes, yes you can. You’d still be a Potter though. Name changes are a different kettle of fish.” “Mrs Silverwood, we’d need the cooperation of Sirius Black who is legally my God Father in the Wizard community. He’s out of the country though, due to shenanigans I imagine by the same people who seem bent on keeping me at the Dursley’s residence. There is also the problem that I’m an heiress. In the Wizard community, and I seem to have a fair amount in the Bank of England too. I was able to discover that the Dursleys were getting a sizable stipend for my upkeep. Not one dime of which was actually spent on me so far as I can tell. That is, beyond the bare minimum basic needs. If I change my name will it affect what I stand to inherit?” “You’re an heiress?” Flora wasn’t quite sure what to think. “Well, I suppose that could explain quite a few things.” “And a Dame too,” Mr Finch-Fletchley announced from behind the paper. The paper had a big article about Mr Dursley having a nervous breakdown due to a harassment campaign. “Must you read the paper at the table, dear,” Flora asked plaintively. “Mom, we are in the morning paper,” Justin pointed out. “Our Aerie is set to inherit a Knighthood when she comes of age. The Bailiwick of Brandenburg of the Chivalric Order of Saint John of the Hospital at Jerusalem and Order of St. George, Habsburg-Lorraine,” Basil informed everyone. “Also says here that the Dursleys were receiving a substantial amount of money. The vast majority they seem to have spent on themselves, I dare say.” “Don’t worry about Sirius,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “I know where to find him.” Dumbledore had just received his morning paper as well, and he wasn’t happy. Of course, the headlines were “Boy Who Lived is a Girl” in large bold letters. The front page picture was Hagrid knocking a rather scruffy-looking Aerie Potter to the ground over and over. Hagrid had managed to bring the Philosopher’s stone to him, but everything else had been a disaster. Hagrid had used a spell to propel a rowboat, a minor thing, but it had been seen by muggles to include a news crew who had televised the act. Pictures of the telecast were in the very paper he was now reading playing out like little video clips. There were so many witnesses the Ministry was forced to place a motor on the boat in a hidden compartment so that the muggles would think it was a prank boat. Hagrid was being referred to as the Homeless Man, he’d managed to trash the secrecy accords no less than a dozen times, and he was being accused of starting an escalator fire. The house fire had also been televised, which meant he couldn't just use a spell to rebuild it and adjust everyone’s memories. The house needed to be rebuilt the muggle way and that wasn’t going to happen any time soon because there were archaeologists all over the site, both muggle and wizards, all wanting to know about that cellar which even he hadn’t known about. The cross-country flight of the Dursleys had been treated as a kidnapping, heavily covered by the media, and Hagrid was being accused of turning Dudley into a pig boy by Aerie herself. Fixing it was going to be difficult because the Dursleys were now at Her Majesty's pleasure in an unknown location and the people at the ministry were livid. McGonagall was furious with him as well, and he still had the hex welts to remind him. If only he’d let the girl have what she wanted, he could have worked with that. The problem was that he’d refused to give up on the belief that there was a Harry Potter. Unfortunately, the only person still alive and in their right mind who knew if the potter child had been a boy or girl no longer lived in England. Well, there was that Silverwood-Swan woman, but she wasn’t likely to cooperate. And Sirius Black wasn't exactly on speaking terms with him either. A note appeared on his desk. He let out a sigh, picked it up, and read it. Lucius Malfoy, Bartemius Crouch, Arthur Weasley, and Cornelius Fudge were here to see him. Malfoy, Crouch, and Fudge he could understand, but Weasley? Dumbledore put down the note, got up, and headed down to the main hall where he would find the men. “Et Tu, Arthur?” Dumbledore asked on approaching the men. They were presently sitting at the Gryffindor table drinking coffee. “Professor, I thought you could use a friendly face, that, and who do you think they got the motor from to put in that damn boat?” Arthur replied as he got up. “That and some of what Hagrid did kind of rolls over into my area of jurisdiction. A boat does count as a muggle artifact, and he enchanted it.” “Dare I ask what you have in mind? After all, he was working on my behalf, even if he did exercise poor judgment.” “Extremely poor judgment if you ask me,” Crouch objected as he and the others got up from the table. “Professor Dumbledore…” Malfoy said in that smarmy tone of his that just made you want to punch him in the face. “We just want his wand, which if I remember correctly, had been broken when he was expelled from school.” “Charges against him in the death of Myrtle warren were dismissed,” Dumbledore pointed out. “He brought an acromantula to school,” Fudge countered out tersely. “He’d have been expelled anyway. The wand he is using, and we want promises that nothing like this will ever happen again. Dumbledore, we are doing you a favor if for no other reason than I'd just assume there be no investigations. If he were to say, be charged with a crime, you, who sent him on that mission to pick up a prospective student who apparently doesn’t exist, could also face charges. And I can just see it snowballing from there.” “I… I see. I suppose if it must be done then we must deprive him of his wand.” “We’ve agreed to just do whatever we must to just make it go away,” Malfoy offered knowing full well Dumbledore would now owe him big time. Granted he'd no desire for any investigations either. Platform 9 3/4🚂 Aerie had had to reassure the Finch-Fletchleys that nine and three quarters did indeed exist. She’d also gotten a panicked call from Hermione that reminded her of a certain purple pony. “Hermione, one of the things wizards are capable of is warping space,” Nova had explained. “The entrance to the platform is literally the divider between nine and ten.” “But there’s no divider?!” Hermione protested. “That’s where it’s supposed to be… I guess we’ll just find out when we get there.” In the end, the Finch-Fletchley family ended up meeting up with the Grangers at King’s Cross station. Justin and their parents were right behind Aerie and Hermione. “If you’ve never been then how do you know?” Hermione pressed. They each had a cart on which they had their trunk full of school supplies and clothing. Nova also had a cat carrier inside of which Moonie was dutifully playing the part of a cat. “I just know. It’s just part of my weirdness,” Aerie offered as they pushed their carts along. “Now, look there, up ahead at that group…” “What’s with what they are wearing… where’d they go?” “It’s set up just like the Leaky Cauldron. It’s a double layer of security. You’ll see in a bit. Though to be perfectly honest I’m glad we spotted them.” “You mean you weren’t one hundred percent sure where it was, is it?” Justin suggested. “Not having ever been down here, no. That and the divider won't even be seen with a casual glance thanks to the spells hiding it.” “So are you two brother and sister yet?” Hermione asked. “Yes, and no,” Aerie admitted. “I’ve been adopted, but Sirius Black is still my magical guardian, and I’m still listed as a Potter. They had to do some really interesting legal gymnastics. Although… it’s got a plus side in that the harder it is to set up, the harder it is for someone to undo it.” “I see.” Hermione wasn’t going to say anything more on the subject in that Aerie had a legitimate reason to worry. “By the way, any idea where your Aunt and Uncle are?” “Don’t know, don’t really care,” Aerie replied. “They are at Her Majesties Pleasure somewhere. Just one more layer between them and me.” “We’ve arrived. Care to demonstrate, dear sister of mine?” Justin teased. “I’m guessing it’s an energy barrier of some sort,” Aerie offered as she approached the end of the wall. Touch it, and it feels solid, but … Mom, Dad, I’m thinking you’ll need to be right on our heels or you may be locked out. “One good strike with a cart,” Aerie pushed forward rapidly increasing her speed, Flora hesitated but a moment; a moment later Aerie and Flora had vanished into the wall. “Hey!?” Hermione called and made a dash at the wall followed by her parents who were in turn followed by Justin and Basil. Aerie and the others now found themselves on a ramp that dropped down into a subterranean passage. An old forgotten subway by the looks of the place. There was one track on which was a shiny red passenger train that had at the head a brand new diesel locomotive. Well, maybe not brand new, but is certainly wasn’t the steam engine Nova had expected. Spotting Lavender Brown Aerie pushed her cart over to her and her parents. “Lavender, I was expecting a steam engine?” “Hi Aerie. Word is the owner of the rail line chose to replace the old steam engine with a diesel locomotive because the steam engine was becoming too noticeable to the sort of muggle known as Rail Fans,” Lavender offered. “Makes sense to me,” Aerie replied. “Wow, it’s an old 1968 class 20 Stephenson and Hawthorn,” Mr Granger said. He was perhaps more in awe of the train than the fact that he was presently in the company of people who could actually do magic. “Oddly enough, I can see where that might be a problem,” Hermione offered with a big grin on her face. “What say we go find ourselves a room?” Aerie suggested. “There are rooms and they haven't modernized to coaches have they?” “Only one way to find out,” Lavender replied and went to give her mom and dad a hug. “We’re going to go board the train now,” Lavender said to her parents who were more than happy to help her with her luggage which consisted of her trunk and a cage with a smallish owl. First years were directed to the end of the train, but then again, Nova was delighted to find old-style coaches that still had working doors on the outside of each compartment. “I’m going to sit in the next compartment,” Justin offered as they approached their car. “Understandable,” Aerie replied with a smirk. “I mean, we are probably going to talk about, boys, make-up, and fashion the whole way up.” Aerie, Hermione, and Lavender opened the door of an unoccupied compartment and climbed on in. The first thing they did was stow their luggage in the overhead luggage rack. Nova stood there for a moment looking at her trunk wondering how it could possibly fit or why the whole thing hadn't imploded. She decided that she simply wasn’t going to think about it, and then sat down to wait with the others, their parents right outside to encourage them. That and to get that last moment goodbye. “Hi Draco,” Aerie called on seeing him. “We do not speak to commoners,” Mr Malfoy growled. “Mr Ollivander told me the wand he tried to sell you had been chosen by Professor Dumbledore,” Nova called. “And I’m hardly a commoner.” Mr Malfoy stopped, turned, and faced the girls. “Care to repeat that? That bit about the wands.” “Professor Dumbledore has been pressuring Mr Ollivander to provide specified people, Draco and myself among that group, substandard wands. The one he tried to sell me was wholly unsuited, and that’s when Mr Ollivander admitted to what he’d been doing for Professor Dumbledore,” Aerie explained. “I thought Draco should know.” “That’s Aerie. She’s the one who doesn't believe it’s possible for a muggle to produce a witch or wizard.” “Got to be some magic there somewhere,” Aerie offered and gave a wink to the Grangers and the Finch-Fletchleys who gave her a curious look. “Indeed,” Mr Malfoy replied skeptically. “But tell me, if Professor Dumbledore is in deed pushing unsuitable wands on people…” he shifted his head back and forth like he was truly perplexed. “Well, an unsuitable wand could lead to frustration and resentment of others. As for the wand they tried to give me, I’m to understand the core matched You Know Who’s wand.” Mr Malfoy gave her an odd look, and she quickly pushed up her bangs. “Matching cores would make the wands useless against each other. Or so I’m to understand.” “So it’s true… Harry Potter is a girl after all.” Mr Malfoy said softly as Aerie dropped her hand. “All I did was survive,” Aerie offered. “That scar was caused by a piece of shrapnel no one bothered to remove. Pulled it out myself a while back. If someone had bothered to provide proper medical attention I’d likely not even have a scar now.” Nova knew it was dangerous to engage the man in this way, but figured that he was trapped in his role. On the other hand, it would provide him with information that strongly suggested that Dumbledore was playing some sort of game. Only… Dumbledore’s game, his house of cards, was falling apart. “Lucius Malfoy…” Called a squat little red-headed woman as she approached. Trailing her were four boys, a little girl, and what could only be her husband. All gingers. “Now Molly…” her husband pleaded. “Lucius Malfoy, I just bet it has to be you who’s started that awful rumor about Harry Potter. It’d be just the sort of thing that you’d do. Anything to make Professor Dumbledore look bad.” “I can assure you that Professor Dumbledore can manage that without my help,” Lucius offered in a smarmy tone. “Surely you saw the papers?” “Bye mom, dad, see you in December,” Aerie called, shut the door, and sat back into her chair as far as she could push. Hermione busts up laughing. “What just happened?” Lavender asked. “She’s hiding from the true believer,” Hermione quipped. “It’s not funny!” Molly protested as several adults around her desperately tried not to laugh. “What?” Justin asked as he stuck his head out the open door of the compartment that he was in. “I think your sister is hiding,” Flora informed him. “Hey, Aerie, are you hiding?” “Aerie?” Molly asked. “We’ve adopted her,” Basil offered. “Her name is Aerie Lily Potter.” “The girl who lived,” Lucius Malfoy offered, turned, and continued on to an as yet unoccupied compartment even as young Ronald Weaselly was joining Justin in his compartment. They were joined momentarily by the Crabbe and the Goyle families. “But it can’t be true, can it?” Molly asked as she looked up into the compartment Aerie and her friends were in. “Aerie Potter? Not Harry?” Aerie decided to get up and open the window. “I’m sorry, Mam,” Aerie offered. “I can’t tell you if there is or ever was a Harry Potter. Blame it on Hagrid if you must. Or you can blame it on the people who on hearing Aerie transposed that in their heads to Harry because they’d rather their savior was a boy. But, I am no savior. I did not defet You Know Who. All I did was survive.” “All these years…” Molly said softly. Aerie on the other hand had spotted a familiar fiery redhead. “Sunset? Sunset!” The girl turned to look. She looked around her and realizing she was the person being addressed, walked over and said, “Sorry, no. You must have mistaken me for someone else.” “By any chance is it Aurora then?” Aerie asked. “Aurora Summers. Do I know you?” “Maybe. Come on in,” Aerie offered and opened the door. “By any chance do you know someone who calls himself Discord?” “Sounds like you’ve met my dad.” “Perhaps I have. What about a Celestia who works as an educator in a little town called Canterlot?” “Second or third cousin. My mom is Celeste Summers. You’re not Tsuki Hoshiko, are you?” “I’m Aerie. Come on up.” Aerie offered and opened up the door. “Aren’t we saving room for Padma and Parvati?” Lavender asked. “We’ll be an even six when they get here,” Hermione pointed out. Nor did it take long for Padma and Parvati to arrive. As For Mrs Weasley, she set about fussing over her boys while giving Aerie furtive looks like she expected Aerie to just vanish at any moment. “Are you really some kind of goddess?” The Weasley twins asked from the corridor in the car. “I’m a goddess now?” Aerie asked, their gawking at her was making her feel all creepy. “Fred, George, if I were a goddess I’d already totally have you two pegged for the sons of chaos that you are. Now go away before I tell your mother you two are being a pain.” “We’re going, totally going,” Fred replied as he backed away from the door, and pushed his brother down the corridor. “They’ll be back,” Lavender stated dryly. “Ya, I know. I figure that right now they are trying to figure out how I know who they are.” “How did you know who they are?” Aurora asked. “Who hasn’t heard of the Weasley Twins,” Padma commented more than asked. “True, their reputation precedes them,” Hermione offered. “Even I’ve heard of them. Granted that might have something to do with the company I’ve been keeping.” “Ron, come here, you’ve something on your nose,” Molly said outside on the platform. “Aaaah, has ickle Ronnie got something on his nosey,” one of the twins said from around the corner followed by Ron telling him to shut up. The girls couldn't help but giggle. “Fred, George, you aren’t even supposed to be in that car, get down from there. Now!” Molly Weasley ordered. “Coming mother,” The twins chimed. This time Fred and George were at the outside door. “Can we see the scar?” “No! Go away or I’ll give you one to match. Mrs Weasley!” “Fred, George, get down from there this instant!” Molly Weasley shouted. “Coming mom,” the twins chimed, and then with a last look hopped off the train. “Where’s Percy?” Molly Weasley asked the twins. “Off prefecting I’d imagine, the twins offered. “Do they always speak in unison like that?” Aerie asked. “Yes, and it’s very annoying,” Padma stated. “People keep expecting us to do the same,” Parvaty added. “That sounds really annoying,” Aerie offered. “Still though, I get the feeling there’s going to be a lot of people wanting to see the scar on my forehead. Like it’s any of their business. I’m glad none of you do that.” “I didn’t even know it was a thing until I’d read up on the wizard war,” Hermione offered. “Even then any time the name Potter came up it was always Harry Potter they talked about.” “I’ll admit I was curious when we first met at school, but then we got to know you for yourself and not some overblown legend,” Lavender offered. “Us too,” Parvaty added to indicate her sister as well as herself. “How exactly does one become famous for not having died?” Aerie asked. “Dad said it was Hagrid,” Lavender offered. “According to him, Hagrid showed up at the Leaky Calderon to show you off and announced that you’d defeated the Dark Lord.” “I imagine I’m lucky I survived Hagrid. And you mean that all this nonsense was because of Hagrid?” “Afraid so,” Lavender supplied. From outside the train, Aerie heard a little girl asking, “Mom, can I go on the train and see her? Please mom, oh please…” “What am I a freak show now,” Aerie grumbled. “Ginny, she is not something you ogle at in a zoo,” Molly Weasley scolded. “She’s sensitive about that scar,” Flora added. “And the people she’d been placed with were absolutely horrid.” “The poor dear,” Mrs Weasley offered. “And so well mannered.” “Her Aunt and Uncle would beat her if she wasn’t,” Flora offered in a hushed tone, but Aerie could still hear her. “We were awarded temporary custody after an incident involving her cousin and a gang of boys who’d designs on assaulting her. I’m to understand that she’d had quite enough and gave back better than she got with a good measure of payback added in. Poor thing had hardly the time to relax at our place when someone forged a court order to send her back. The theory is that someone was using her parent's bank accounts to launder money…” “Launder money?” Mr Weasley asked. “Make illegally acquired money look like it was legally acquired,” Basil offered. “Both the Bank of England and Gringotts locked down the Potter accounts so that she’d be the only one with access and put a watch on shared accounts. Any suspicious activity will get reported directly to the investigators working on the case. And yes, there is a joint task force. There was also a sizable stipend going to her Aunt and Uncle. Who, I’m glad to say thanks to that Mr Hagrid’s bumbling, are no longer getting any of it. The majority goes into her account now. We get a portion of it to augment the cost of a new mouth to feed, but we’d have taken her in any way.” “She’s the sweetest, most loving girl I’ve ever met,” Flora offered. “And I’m honored to have her as my daughter.” “Never mind that, do you think she remembers what you know who looked like?” asked one of the twins. “Fred, you should be ashamed of yourself,” Molly Weasley scolded. “Furthermore I forbid you to ask. And no asking someone else to ask. You will not pester that girl in any way shape or form. Do you understand me?” Basil put a hand on the boy's shoulder. “I’m to understand she’s got a really mean right hook. So do have a care you don’t aggravate her too much.” “Dad!?” Aerie protested from the open window the door now shut again. “Don’t be telling him things like that. Honestly, he’ll want to find out for himself.” “She’s not wrong,” Molly offered with a smirk. “And now,” She redirected her attention to the twins. “If you don’t get on that train, on the appropriate car for your year,” They’d started back for the first year carriage. “Hurry it up or you're going to get left behind.” “We’ve got lots of time…” The train whistle blowing the warning said otherwise and the two were forced to scramble for their car. They’d only just gotten their luggage on when the conductor called out all aboard. Aerie waved at her new parents and they at her as the train pulled out of the station and into a dark tunnel. Nova decided she’d best close the window at that point. The girls fell back into their seats and just waited. For what, they weren’t quite sure. Not like there wasn’t any light in the carriage. There was some, but it was still mighty dark. Suddenly sunlight came streaming in the windows as the train exited the tunnel onto the mainline. Only to plunge right back in a moment or two later. It didn’t last as it wasn’t long till they were in daylight again and Hermione decided to get a book out. Mixed housing and industrial areas sped past followed by Finsbury park station and Finsbury park, as Hermione started to read her book. More housing went by, a rail yard, more housing, Alexandra park, housing, another yard, and once more into a tunnel. Cityscape, tunnel, cityscape, tunnel, cityscape, tunnel, and so it went until they were well clear of London. The line was mostly countryside now with scattered urban areas and the occasional tunnel. > Chapter 14: Aboard the Hogwarts express. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How’s a person to read?” Hermione groused as the train plunged once more into the dark. “I’m just enjoying the view,” Aerie offered. “I understand they take a different route every time,” Lavender offered. “Can I ask you a question?” Hermione asked. “You mean an additional question,” Aerie teased. “Well, you never say Voldemort’s name?” Lavender and the Patil twins stiffened up. “It’s a 'come find me' spell. A snitch spell if you like,” Aurora informed her. “I was curious as to why people were so reluctant to say it. Did some digging. It’s how the Death Eaters were able to find anyone who dared to speak the name.” “Oh,” Hermione said quietly on realization. “I’d, um, guessed as much,” Aerie replied. “It’s not even his real name. Scotland Yard has a file on him a mile long. OK, maybe not a mile… then again maybe it would stretch a mile. He did a lot of bad stuff. Thing is, he had a muggle father. His real name is Tom Riddle Junior. He’d started his career of terror when he was younger than we are now. I don’t know the exact timeline but he murdered a bunch of kids in a group home. It was Dumbledore who brought him out of that place to attend Hogwarts. And don’t ask me what he was thinking. When the Minister of Magic gave the Prime Minister a photo to distribute back during the wizard war, the people at Scotland Yard immediately knew who he was because they already had a file on him.” “Wow. Wait, how’d you find out about this?” Lavender asked. “One of my case workers told me about it. Let’s just say my getting switched back to my Aunt and Uncle through improper means has a lot of people looking into the case again.” Outside the train, the landscape was mostly fields and woodlots by this point. “They don’t think he’s still out there, do they?” Lavender asked. “All anyone seems to know is that he just sort of vanished after going after your family.” “Crawled into a hole somewhere to lick his wounds I gather,” Aurora offered. “I heard his followers tangled with someone named Nova Silverwood. Whoever she is, I gather she is quite formidable.” “We’ve met,” Aerie offered. “She was sort of a friend of the family. Related to the Black family by marriage, but kicked out because she wasn’t buying what Riddle was selling. She’s sort of related to my mom too. Kind of a second cousin. She’s also some kind of enforcer for the government along with being a Princess of a former British colony. My Godfather is a member of the Black family, but doesn’t dare set foot in England because people think he betrayed my parents.” “And you don’t think he did it?” Lavender asked. “What I know is that I was handed over to Hagrid shortly after my parents had been murdered by Sirius Black. Sirius is my God Father. Nova Silverwood had left the scene to track down Riddle’s followers who had fled,” Aerie offered. Sure it wasn’t really her, but that was the appropriate sequence of events. “If Sirius had wanted me dead, he had plenty of time to do it and run for it. And he didn’t go after Peter Pettigrew because Mrs Silverwood swung back around and stopped him. It was Nova Silverwood who told me. She also told me it had been Pettigrew who’d been the secret keeper. No idea what happened to Pettigrew after that.” “Maybe it was a Death Eater who went after him then?” Hermione asked. “It would look a lot like he’d betrayed both sides.” “I suppose that’s a possibility. Granted that it could have been anyone. Under the circumstances, it would make sense for him to fake his own death and just go into hiding.” “I would imagine if he’s still alive, it would make sense to get as far away from England as possible,” Parvati mused just as the sound of a cart coming down the corridor could be heard. A moment later a smiling dimpled woman slid back their door and asked them if they’d like anything from the trolley. “Something tells me this is going to be lunch,” Aerie offered and stood up to get a good look at what was available. She got Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, a couple of Butter beers, Treacle Tarts, and then she was absolutely delighted to find there was Sheperd’s pie of which she got a dozen because they were little mini tart-sized pies. She also bought two dozen chocolate frogs. “You aren’t actually going to eat all that?” Hermione asked. All six girls had brought money for the food cart as well. No one was going without. “You’ll see,” Aerie offered as she went back to her seat. It was but a short time later that Aerie got up, opened the compartment door to the corridor, and looked about. She then retrieved a stack of Chocolate Frog boxes, and began opening them, and releasing the frogs into the corridor. “Here, I got more than I need,” Aurora offered as she handed chocolate frog boxes to Aerie. When they set all their extra frogs loose, Aerie went back to her seat and went back to looking out the window. “Oh, you are going to get into so much trouble,” Hermione promised just as someone knocked on the door. “There, see.” “Nope, sorry. It’s Neville Longbottom if I’m not mistaken,” Aurora corrected. “Let me guess. Neville has lost his toad,” Aerie stated as she turned to the door. “Excuse me, have you seen a toad?” The boy asked from out in the corridor. “Oh, for peat’s sake!” Hermione stated as she put her book down and got up. On seeing the hallway she was hesitant to open the door any further as there were now considerably more frogs than what they’d started with. “I’ll help,” Aerie stated as she got up. “Come on Hermione, and try not to step on any.” “Honestly…” Hermione grumbled as she opened the door and gently nudged frogs out of the way. Aerie followed after, and a moment later they were at the compartment where Ron and Justin were located. “Has anyone seen a toad?” Hermione asked. “Plenty of frogs in the hall,” Justin replied with a smirk. “Which we had nothing to do with,” Ron added. He’d his wand in hand. “Neville’s lost his toad, not a frog. Honestly.” Hermione seemed just a bit annoyed. After all, she could be reading, but there was that part of her that dictated that she help. “We’ve already told him that we haven't seen it,” Justin offered. “Oh, alright then. Are you doing magic? Let’s see it then,” Hermione pressed. Her tone indicated she wasn’t likely to see any magic out of this boy. She then sat in one of the available seats to watch. Ron did not look like he wanted an audience. “Er – all right.” He cleared his throat and recited, “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow … Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.” He waved his wand and nothing. Not even so much as a spark. “Let me give that a shot,” Aerie offered. “I don’t think it’s even a proper spell,” Hermione offered. “In that case, perhaps a little Latin,” Aerie replied and quoted, “Sol Invictus, primula, butyrum mitia … transverto hoc fatuum pingue rat cloaca luteum!” “Sol Invictus doesn’t mean sunshine,” Hermione quipped even as Aerie brought her wand down with a sharp rap on the head of the rat. The rat flinched but was otherwise fine. “Hey!” Protested Ron even as a spark alighted and spread; as it went Scabbers the rat turned yellow. “Ha, it worked,” Justin exclaimed. “Told you my new sis is a genius.” Scabbers seemed unconcerned by the fact that he was now yellow. “Wow… OK, turn him back.” “Alright. What’s the counterspell?” Aerie asked. “Counterspell?” Ron asked dumbly. “Well, in order to reverse the effect there needs to be a counterspell,” Nova instructed. “Let me guess, you don’t have a counterspell,” Hermione stated. “Well, no. It was my brother’s spell,” Ron replied. He was nearly whining now. “Tell you what, I’ll go look at my books and see if there’s anything there, and Hermione, what say you help Nevil.” “I don’t think you're going to find anything in a first-year book,” Hermione quipped. “I thought I’d check my copy of Curses and Counter Curses. There’s bound to be some trick for undoing a spell we don’t know.” “Oh, alright. Come on Nevil,” Hermione consented and continued down the corridor. Nova turned back just in time to see Draco and company coming in the other direction. “Hi Draco,” Aerie offered in greeting. “Hi Aerie, this is Crabbe and Goyle,” Draco offered. “So, where do you think all the chocolate frogs came from?” “You know, I’ve no idea. Not like I bought a bunch and set them loose,” Aerie offered with a smile just as Goyle was picking one up. “Granted I hadn’t let quite this many loose. Oh, and Neville Longbottom’s toad is loose so I wouldn't eat any cream-filled ones.” “But I like the cream-filled ones,” Goyle stated. Draco smiled, rolled his eyes, and made a sweeping motion with his hand like it was flying over his head. “There’s a rumor that Harry Potter is on board,” Draco reported to Aerie. “No doubt you told them you know him.” “Of course. And then I tell them Harry is actually a girl,” Draco paused in contemplation. “Some people can get kind of defensive.” “Your sister isn’t actually friends with a Malfoy is she?” Ron asked from the compartment he was in. “Who’s that?” “Ronald Weasley. Apparently, his mother never taught him the benefits of courtesy and basic good manners. I also turned his rat yellow, so he might be a bit miffed at me right now.” “You did? Let me see?” “Scabbers is not some sideshow for you to ogle at, Malfoy,” Ron protested. “And how do you think I felt about the way you and your brothers treated me back at the station.” Ron had done his fair share of ogling. “Ya, well excuse me, but it’s a bit of a shock to find out that Harry Potter is a girl.” “Don’t pay any attention to him. I think you’ll soon find that some wizarding families are just better than others.” “You take that back, Malfoy!” Ron ordered. “Draco, that was kind of uncalled for,” Aerie suggested. “But look at him. Look at those shoddy clothes.” “Ron, what’s your father do?” Aerie asked. “Dad works for the Ministry, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. And we aren’t poor.” “Not poor, just exceedingly frugal for some odd reason,” Aerie pointed out. “Wonder if that has anything to do with why Mr Ollivander tried to give us substandard wands?” Draco asked. “You take that back!” Ron shouted. “I’m sorry, but it’s true,” Aerie interjected. “It was on Professor Dumbledore’s orders. Mr Ollivander told me after the wand Professor Dumbledore had assigned me failed miserably.” “Dumbledore is a good man, the greatest.” Ron didn’t seem so sure anymore. “And I’m Harry Potter, the boy who lived.” Draco had to suppress an unbidden laugh. “Ron, make no mistake, there is something going on and we are all caught up in it whether we like it or not.” “Do you…” Ron had to take a look at his wand. “Do you think it has anything to do with the break-in at Gringotts?” “Oh, I’d say it has a lot to do with it,” Aerie offered. Yes, she knew about it. The break-in had been in all the wizard papers. “You see. The main reason Dumbledore sent Hagrid to fetch me was so he could use me as cover to retrieve a ‘special package’ from Gringotts. It’s entirely plausible that the only reason the individual who broke in didn’t take anything was due to the very thing they were after…” “Had already been removed,” Draco finished. “But, I don’t get it? Why stick us with crappy wands?” Ron asked. “Hand me down, is it?” Draco asked. “The core, is it unicorn hair?” Aerie asked. Ron looked like he wasn’t too sure he wanted to answer. “I only ask because Unicorn hair has a service life,” Aerie explained. “Ordinarily it wouldn't matter if a wand is a hand-me-down. If it will work for you, you are good to go.” “It’s unicorn hair,” Ron admitted reluctantly. “As to why, it’s entirely possible he doesn't want us interfering,” Aerie suggested. “I mean, there is that possibility, is there not? Keep us restrained by making sure our wands aren’t the best match. That or he expects us to overcome our handicaps and be better for it.” “Why us though?” Ron asked. “Ron, if you and Draco are anywhere near Aerie’s level, that’d make you and Draco geniuses,” Justin offered. “If the three of you were to join forces, I’d say there is nothing that you can’t do.” “You mean… actually team up… with him?” Ron asked sounding incredulous. “Our dads do work together from time to time,” Draco offered. “I mean if the circumstances warrant it.” “If it warrants,” Aerie echoed. “Although, I think it’d be best to not get involved if we can help it. “But for now, I’ve some reading to do. I’ve got a yellow rat to undue,” Aerie offered and went back to her compartment where she found a sleeping Moonie in her seat. Aerie scooped up Moone, looked outside, gave her a snuggle, and put her back. “I think it might be a good idea to get our robes on, I think we are crossing the River Forth,” Aerie announced. She went back out into the corridor. “Justin, you’d know, is this the Forth Bridge?” “Forth? We’ve been over more than four bridges. I thought you said she was supposed to be some kind of genius?” Ron quipped. “It’s the bridge over the River Forth alright,” Justin called. “We are in Scotland now.” “Might be a good idea to get our robes on then,” Aerie called back. She then ducked back into her shared compartment and closed the curtains. “So, do you want to change here, or in the basement?” Aerie asked. “We are in Scotland now.” “Basement?” Aurora asked. “Her luggage,” Lavender offered. “Yes, let’s use the basement.” “The way this works,” Aerie began as she pulled down her trunk, and set it down between the seats. “Open it like a normal trunk and all you get is a trunk. But,” She undid a latch on the inside, pushed the inside of the trunk so that it just sort of vanished into the side like a drawer. “Stairs.” And indeed there were stairs going down into a smallish hallway with a bookshelf across from the base. Left of that was a bathroom complete with a bath and toilet. Right next to it was a door leading to a bedroom and beyond that a hallway that lead to a kitchen. “Whatever you do, don’t touch the dial at the base of the stairs,” Aerie cautioned as she went down the stairs. “I’m not entirely sure what it does, and I don’t want to risk it while we are moving.” Aurora, Lavender, and the Patil twins got out what they needed from their trunks and followed her down the stairs. “Oh, this is nice, a sitting room,” Aurora said as she crossed to the other side of the bedroom. There was a curtained window which she opened to discover the Scottish countryside going past. “Oh, this is nice.” “Ya, these deluxe trunks don’t typically have windows,” Lavender offered as she put on her Hogwarts robe. “Come on, we probably don’t want to spend too much time down here,” Aerie cautioned as she changed. Nor did she miss what looked like sun-shaped marks on Aurora’s hips. Her own cutie marks of a crescent moon and two stars showed, but like Aurora's, looked like birthmarks to the casual viewer. And perhaps there was a bit of magic hiding their cutie marks because no one seemed to notice. “Question,” Parvati began. “You didn’t seem too worried about Nevil’s toad?” “The toad will show up, and if it doesn’t…” Aerie offered, her voice trailing off at the end of what she had to say with a resigned shrug. “Toads went out of fashion some time ago and they are kind of useless,” Lavender offered. “It was really more of an excuse to get Hermione out of that book for a while,” Aerie admitted. “Let’s face it, she tends to be a little on the bossy side, and the only way to cure that is to get her interacting with others.” “We going to tell her about your trunk?” Lavender asked. The two girls had yet to bring Hermione in on the secret. Her adoptive family knew about it, Lavender, Parvati, and Padma knew about it, but they’d decided to keep the secret from Hermione fearing she wouldn't be able to keep quiet about it. “I suppose that all depends on when she gets back from her toad hunt,” Aerie offered with a mischievous smile. “Hang on?” Aurora queried. “Hermione can’t keep secrets,” Padma offered. “Any time she learns something new she just has to tell people. Without any regard to whether or not they might already know. Or if they are even allowed to know. So we decided not to tell her.” “She can be downright annoying,” Parvati offered. “I swear she already has the first-year charms book memorized.” “Don’t you?” Aurora asked. “It’s not exactly complicated.” “I’ve read through it, but I won’t go so far as to say I’ve memorized it,” Aerie offered. “Wouldn't want to memorize something wrong. Some of the methods just seemed counterintuitive to me.” “There is that, I suppose,” Aurora admitted. The girls finished up and went back up into the train car. There was no sign of Hermione, so Aerie closed up her trunk and put it back up on the luggage rack. “You’d better hurry up and put your robes on… oh,” Hermione said as she opened the door to the compartment. “I see everyone has already changed.” Lights in the car began to come on as the sun began to set outside and Hermione had to change there in front of the others. *“We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately,” announced a voice over an unseen intercom. Aerie and the others weren’t able to see much of anything as the train slowed to a stop. The voice announced a moment later that they were now free to deboard. “Moonie, would you like to come with us?” Aerie asked, and was rewarded with an affirmative meow. “I’m not so sure, she should probably wait,” Hermione suggested as Nova picked up the loose cat and draped Moonie about her shoulders. Aurora opened the outer door, looked out, and hesitated. > Chapter 15: Welcome to Hogwarts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There’s no platform, and it’s too dark to see how far down it is,” Aurora reported as she peered out from their compartment. “Lumos,” Aerie said and held out her now-lit wand. Aurora also lit up her wand and looked out. Other students were also looking out the side doors. “I think we are supposed to go through the corridor too…” Aurora was saying even as Aerie stepped out into the darkness. “Aerie? What the hell? It’s not like you are a pegasus?” Aerie was now at a level that put her head level with the car’s floor. “I’m alive and nothing's broke… hang on, there’s a ladder stashed under the coach. Might be here for emergencies.” “Maybe we need to go down to the other end of the train?” Hermione suggested. “Your choice, I guess,” Aerie called up as she pulled out the ladder. “I can see people a couple of cars up getting out. Looks like they are using the steps at the end of the car.” “Please proceed forward via the aisle,” the cart lady repeated as she moved forward. “Well, there is that,” Nova muttered. “What are you doing down there?” The cart lady asked as she came into their compartment. “Unless you plan on trudging through a muddy creek I’d suggest climbing back up here.” “Yes, mam,” Aerie replied and climbed back up via the ladder. The cart lady pulled out her wand and stowed the ladder. “How did you even get down there? You are lucky you didn’t break your leg.” “Yes, mam,” Aerie replied once more as the little group did their best to blend into the stream of people moving through the corridor. In the end, they found themselves dead last in the lineup to get off the train. “Firs’ years,” called out the voice of Hagrid. Nor was it difficult to spot his immense bulk in the darkness. He had a lantern, but it was of little more good than the light from Aerie and Aurora’s wands. Just as an experiment Aerie decided to take off her glasses and found she could now see quite well. “Lumos,” Hermione said and added the light from her wand as well. “Why’d you take your glasses off? “Too much glare,” Aerie replied. *“Firs’ year! Firs’ years over here.” “Hi, Hagrid. I see you are feeling better?” Aerie asked as she approached him. “Aerie, Good ta see you, and managed a light spell already,” Hagrid replied cheerfully enough. “Aye, I did make a mess o’ things, I did. No matter. “Alright then, Fir’s years! C’mon, follow me now…” Hagrid kept right on as he began to head down a steep narrow path. The path wasn’t too firm, it was steep. Aerie and the others were constantly struggling to keep themselves upright. “Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec,” Hagrid called out to be answered moments later by a collective “Oooooh.” There they were on the edge of a great black loch of which they were at one end, the castle loomed overhead on the far shore, and on the rise leading up to the castle was a string of carriages pulled by Thestrals. Before them on the near shore was arrayed a flotilla of rowboats. Minus any apparent means of propulsion. No more than four to a boat, Hagrid cautioned as people began to climb into boats. Aerie climbed into one and soon found herself being joined by Lavender, Aurora, and Hermione. “Right then, forward!” Hagrid shouted As one the boats moved forward drifting on the inky waters. No ripples or disturbance of any kind could be seen, and the stars above perfectly reflected in the water below so that it looked like they were drifting through space. Aerie began to hum and just couldn't resist singing in a soft voice, “Fhir a’ bhata, no horo eile, Mo shoraidh slan leat ‘s gach ait’ an teid thu” which she sang three times through. Aurora joined in on “’S tric mi sealltainn on chnoc as airde, Dh’fheuch am faic mi fear a’ bhata...” “Head’s down!” Hagrid bellowed out as they approached a cliff face. The spell the two girls seemed to be weaving in the song was broken. Aerie didn’t bother to duck down. She looked across and saw that Draco hadn’t bothered to duck down even though Crabbe and Goyle had. “Aerie, you might want to duck.” “Hagrid, I could stand up and still not be as tall as you are when sitting,” Aerie pointed out. “Oh, right. Hadn’t thought of that. Just watch the vines then.” A moment later they had passed into the mouth of a cavern, narrow at first, but it opened up to reveal an underground harbor. “Hi!” Aerie called out to a group of young thestrals hanging from the ceiling of the cavern. The thestrals looked back at the girl who could apparently see them. Aerie had a smile on her face too which was even rarer than people who could see them. And then she used their own native language of sharp clicks, whistles, and whinnies to say hi, and inform them that she’s actually an Equestrian. “Ah, don’t be getting 'em all riled up.” Hagrid groaned as Thestrals started flitting about. Sure, he could see them, but he’d not have a clue that it was an actual language they were speaking. “Get what all riled up?” Lavender Brown asked, and then her eyes went wide when she saw ripples forming on the water here and there, and they could feel the brush of something passing by now and then. “What is it?” another girl asked sounding alarmed. “Thestrals,” Aurora offered. “Can’t you see them?” “I can,” Hagrid admitted. Not everyone can.” Moments later they had pulled up to the boat docks where they disembarked. Hagrid found Trever, Neville's toad, and then they followed Hagrid through a passage that lead to a lawn and a set of stairs that brought them up to a courtyard and a grand entryway on an enormous building that boasted equally grand doors. Hagrid knocked on the doors with booming thuds. Professor McGonagall opened one of the doors, and Hagrid presented the new first years to her. She thanked him and pulled the doors wide. Within was a grand entry hall that looked very much like it could be the interior of a grand cathedral all lit with flaming torches. High about the ceiling was concealed in darkness and at the far end they could just make out the beginnings of the grand stairwell. “The torches are enchanted,” Hermione whispered. “Otherwise they’d be wholly unsuitable.” “Obviously it’s to impress people and has nothing to do with practicality,” Aerie offered as they followed Professor McGonagall their shoes making their various noises across the flagstone floor. From somewhere not too far away could be heard the sound of people talking. Aerie picked out a couple of doors from where the sound might be coming from, while they were taken into a smallish chamber. * “Welcome to Hogwarts,” Professor McGonagall began as everyone gathered into the room. Aerie decided to put her glasses back on. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses.” She continued on about how important the sorting was and about how their houses would be their family while they were at school. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Professor McGonagall announced that the sorting would start shortly and that they’d best take the time they had to smarten themselves. And then she left them to their own devices. Hermione immediately began to Twilight. “Hermione, it’s not going to be that kind of test,” Aerie offered, hoping to reassure the girl. “You heard her, she said we needed to smarten up. It’s a test, I just know it.” “She meant that we should straighten out our robes,” Aerie offered. Sure, she knew what the sorting consisted of, but how it would react to her was causing Aerie no end of worry. So lost in her own fear was she, that she nearly sprouted wings when a chorus of screams filled the hall. She looked around only to discover a group of the school's resident ghosts had just passed into the room via a wall. Nor did it take long to gather that they were talking about Peeves. “I say, what are you all doing here?” asked a ghost wearing a ruff, puffy shorts, and tights. “We are the new crop of first years, sir,” Aerie offered cheerfully and quite glad of the distraction. “I’m Aerie.” “Aerie?” The ghost asked with a slight look of confusion. “Aerie Potter.” “Not Nova…” “Oh no, sir. You mean Nova Silverwood I gather. She and I have met. I’m to understand we are related so there’s bound to be some resemblance.” “Ah, yes, that must be it. Oh yes, there is a difference, I see it now. Your light is brighter.” Brighter? Aerie thought to herself. How could she be brighter? Nova Silverwood was older and far more experienced, was she not? Or was it something else? Mrs Silverwood had mentioned that she couldn't command the fox fire the way she could. Granted that there would always be some differences. “Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!” cheered a fat Friar just as Professor McGonagall reentered the room. They were off again, only now it was time for the sorting. Having to line up was exciting, annoying, and even a little frightening for Aerie. She knew what she needed to do, she needed to make this world safe from Voldemort along with whatever mechanizations Dumbledore had planned. And there it was, the Sorting hat. That old beat-up thing that Aunt Petunia would have fits about. Although, to tell the truth, Aerie wasn’t too sure if she’d want something that beat up in the house either. The hat sang its song and the sorting began. “We’ve just got to try on a hat?” Ron asked sounding rather relieved. “I’m going to kill Fred and George. They kept going on and on about having to wrestle a troll.” “Troll wrestling’s not until October,” Aerie offered without really thinking about what she was saying. Aerie waited patiently as names were called. Abbott, Bones, Boot, Brockehurst… Aerie clapped madly when Lavender Brown went to Gryffindor. She did honestly expect to go to Gryffindor herself. Dean Thomas, the boy Aerie met with Professor McGonagall went to Gryffindor, and Hermione Granger went to Gryffindor, as expected. Padma went to Ravenclaw, and Parvati went to Gryffindor. Nevil went to Gryffindor the hat taking little time on him. Draco Malfoy, to Aerie’s surprise, actually took a while before the hat finally said Slytherin. Aerie knew now that it meant the boy was conflicted. Draco more than likely didn’t want to be in Slytherin, but probably feared how his family would react. When Potter, Aerie was called a hush filled the room. Aerie took Moonie from her shoulders, placed her on the floor, and walked out to the sorting hat with little kitty Moonie hot on her heels. For those who heard Harry, the sight of a girl coming forward was a bit of a shock. Aerie did her best to ignore the quiet murmuring, and the intent look being given her by the staff at the head table. Quirrel, Flitwick, Snape, McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, Madam Hooch, Hagrid, and even Sybill Trelawney watched with intent interest. Aerie removed the conical witch's hat she had on, sat on the chair, and put on the sorting hat. “Haven't I already sorted you,” The hat said, its voice registering in her mind and not her ears. “Sorry, not me, that would have been Nova Moon Silverwood.” “Whereas you are Nova Aerie Potter Moon, and there seems to be an Arthol in there too. Most interesting.” “I do seem to be Aerie Potter while in this world.” “Indeed. Why then are you here?” “I am on a mission from god. A Chaos god to be exact.” “To cause chaos?” “To prevent the total lack of it to be exact. Without balance, there is only stagnation. For life to flourish there must be a little chaos. I was chosen to stop the Dark Lord from achieving his goals.” “And which house will you join then? What about Slytherin? You could be great.” “I do not want that kind of greatness. I do not wish to control others. It is justice and the undoing of a great wrong that I seek.” “And what of Ravenclaw? I see in you a love of learning.” “It is a temptation, but as the Nova who came here before me, I’d say Gryffindor fits me best. That and Professor Dumbledore might be mighty disappointed if I go anywhere else.” “Very well then, let it be GRYFFINDOR!” The last, shouted out for all to hear. Aerie thanked the hat, got up, handed the hat to Professor McGonagall, placed her hat back on, and walked over to the Gryffindor table to the sound of polite clapping and cheering. It was entirely possible Draco cheered the loudest over at the Slytherin table. Aerie had to laugh when she saw him telling people around him to pay up. Her mood soured when she heard a Gryffindore saying, Harry will be next. Harry was not next. Aurora Summers came to Gryffindor as well, much to Aerie’s delight. Ron was nearly dead last. Zabini came last and he was a Slytherin. Still no Harry Potter. “Where’s Harry?” Hissed one of the older girls at Aerie. “I’m sorry, I don’t know anyone named Harry,” Aerie offered apologetically. “Let me guess, you grew up hearing stories about the boy who lived?” Aurora asked. “The boy who became famous for not having died. The boy who while yet a toddler somehow did what no one else could. All the while ignoring the fact that there were adults there who dared to stand up to the Dark Lord. Aerie is my friend and I’ll thank you for not giving her a bad time about something she has no control over.” Professor Dumbledore banged his goblet on the table and stood up. *“Welcome!” He called out with arms stretched wide. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. Welcome new students. Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! “Thank you!” He sat back down and everyone clapped and cheered. “He’s quite mad, isn’t he?” Hermione asked. “Mad?” Percy asked airily. “He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Why I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Harry Potter was nothing more than a diversion to throw off anyone who might want to find Miss Aerie. Potatoes?” “Give them someone to try to find who couldn't be found, is it?” Aerie asked. “A diversion that caused the deaths of my mother and father,” She added quietly just for the ears of a few and then smiled at the sight of a table now laden with food. “That does look good,” pined a familiar ghost. “Allow me to introduce myself, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, at your service. “I know you, you’re–Mmmmph!” Ron started, but then inexplicably found he had a bun stuffed in his mouth. Nick had looked at him with the look of here it comes followed by one of amusement. “Alright, who did that!” Ron demanded a moment later. “Did what?” Aerie asked innocently enough. “Stuffed a biscuit in my mouth just as I was about to say Near—Mmmmph!?” Ron now had a look of utter dismay, the bun now right back in his mouth. “What’s the matter, does little Ronnie-kins have something to say?” The Weasley twins teased. “Knock it off!” Ron shouted at the two the moment he’d removed the offending bun from his mouth. “Oh, it’s not us.” “Might be an anti-rudeness charm,” Hermione theorized. “Did your mom put an anti-rudeness charm on you?” Aerie teased. Ron let out a desperate muffled scream, followed by a look of horror crossing his face. Yes, his mom would do just exactly that. “Could it be he’s trying to say nearly—Mummmph!?” George offered only to get a bun in his mouth. “Headless Nick?” Fred finished for his brother. What was more is that he’d managed to catch the bun. “I would prefer you call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy,” Nick offered in protest. There was at least a mild look of amusement on his face along with the satisfaction that someone was at least trying to stop people from saying the moniker Nearly Headless Nick. A boy by name of Seamus Finnigan interrupted. “Nearly Headless? How…” he trailed off as the head of a white-maned Night Mare rose up out of the table to eyeball him. She was in full armor that glistened silverily. “Say it,” she whispered harshly. “Go on say it.” Finnigan shook his head in the negative, chairs at the head table could be heard flying back and falling over, and the Night Mare vanished. “Luna?” Aurora whispered as Moonie the cat jumped up onto Aerie’s lap. “What was that?!” Professor McGonagall asked a moment later. She and several other teachers had rushed to the table. Hagrid, Snape, Quirrel, and Professor Trelawney watched from the head table. “That was just Selena,” Nick offered, sounding a bit befuddled. “Oh right, you haven't met her. Horrible prankster.” “Well, it’s gone now,” Professor Flitwick offered from under the table. His diminutive size had made it easy enough for him to investigate the underside of the trestle. “You know that Night Mare?” Professor Dumbledore asked incredulously of Nicholas. “Oh yes, from way back. She or one just like her killed a great Wyrm out in the barns back in nineteen oh four,” Nicholas explained with just a hint of smugness. “Night Mares are protectors.” “Mr Finnigan was about to say something rude,” Offered a girl with a Prefect badge on her robes. “I get the impression the Night Mare was defending Sir Nicholas’s honor. That said, I for one do not need a certain demonstration repeated year after year. And I doubt any of the new girls wish to see it either. “Demonstration?” Dumbledore asked. “The one where someone asks an impertinent question and Nicholas lets his head flop onto his shoulder,” Professor McGonagall explained. “Oh, right, right,” Dumbledore offered. “Well, as there is nothing to be done, let us go back to our meal.” > Chapter 16: Conversations during diner. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Dumbledore and the others had returned to the head table Sybill Trelawney was absolutely beaming. “The Night Mare. I told you there would be a Night Mare.” “And here I thought you’d meant the nightmare I’m going to have explaining why there’s no Harry Potter,” Dumbledore groused as he sat down. “The name in the book must surely have been some kind of fluke?” Professor McGonagall offered as she retook her seat. “Perhaps a completely different individual unrelated to the Potters we knew. Surely they would have been between the ages of seven and eleven or the book simply never would have allowed the name to be entered by the pen. They passed through England long enough to be noticed and then left to some other part of the world. Quietly poached by some other school no doubt, but not the boy of the prophecy I’d think.” “Yes, yes, that does sound plausible,” Dumbledore agreed. “An, an, and what we seem to have left is a girl, who, who has nothing to do with the pro-prophesy,” Quirrel stuttered out. “She was marked though,” Dumbledore offered as he hung on to that last thread of hope. “Bit of shrapnel hit her in the fracas, I’m afraid,” McGonagall informed him. “She told me she’d pulled it out herself a while back. That doesn’t sound to me like she’d been marked by anyone, and to be completely brutally honest, it could have been the actions of anyone who was there that night.” Dumbledore slumped down as the last thread was slowly eviscerated by Minerva McGonagall. “I can’t help but think that had she received medical attention, instead of being paraded about down at the Leaky Calderon,” McGonagall gave Hagrid an accusing look. “..she’d not likely have a scar at all.” And yes, she’d had words with both Dumbledore and Hagrid when she found out. After all, that was how Aerie Potter, misheard as Harry, became famous. Had she realized that Harry was Aerie, there’d have been more than words flying. An owl flew in just then and landed in front of Professor Dumbledore with a message. Dumbledore took it and offered a morsel of meat to the owl. “It’s a note from Bartemius,” Dumbledore informed the others. Spotting a pair of extendable wax ears snaking their way to the head table, he pulled out his wand, keeping it where the students couldn’t see, and gave it a flick followed by the ears evaporating. “Can’t fault them for trying,” he muttered as he looked at the note. What he read was both a relief and troubling at the same time. “News?” McGonagall inquired. “Apparently the Dursleys are being held by the White Hall Special Operations Division. Bartie’s contacts have learned that there had been multiple compulsions spells cast on them to include the Imperious curse.” “I thought the Muggles had them?” Snape asked in his usual I don’t really care but it’s probably your fault tone. “I gather it’s a joint task force leftover from the Victorian era,” Dumbledore offered. “Word is the spells are too muddled to trace the perpetrators.” He placed the letter down. “Well, no wonder the Dursleys were so unreasonable.” “I can only wonder what life must have been like for that poor girl,” McGonagall said softly. “Indeed,” Dumbledore admitted. Not only was he faced with the reality that he had created a folk hero who apparently didn’t exist, but far too many people knew who the Dursleys were, quite possibly where they lived, and meddled in his plans. “And Dudley seems to be a pig-boy now. Hagrid, you didn’t, did you?” “Yes, Possibly. I cast the spell but nothin' happened … maybe it was just delayed n’ I just didn’t notice,” Hagrid admitted sheepishly. “I made a right mess of it too. Sorry. I should av’ just stayed home. I ad’ it in my head that there’d be Harry and he’d be just like his father, and then there was the Dursleys, and I was going to have a bit of sport with em, and I never thought it might not be Harry. Never thought anyone would notice the boat.” “Be it as it may, see to it that you don’t get into any more trouble. You’ve got one foot in there now as it is. You know where.” McGonagall cautioned with a grave tone to her voice. “I’d assumed that Harry would have his mother’s protection,” Dumbledore said quietly. “But now I must admit that Aerie likely had no protection.” “Neither did the Dursleys, it would seem,” Snape stated, his tone just as dry as ever. “Night Mares, protectors…” Dumbledore said softly. “Professor Snape, you didn’t seem too concerned?” “About the Night Mare?” Snape returned. “They are only dangerous if you’ve made the mistake of threatening someone they wish to protect. Otherwise, I’m to understand that they can be quite playful. And to the best of my knowledge, they won’t have anything to do with someone who is evil.” “You don’t say?” Dumbledore wasn’t too sure he wanted to believe it. After all, the idea that a creature of darkness might actually be on the side of the light just didn’t sit well with his worldview. Sure there were the thestrals, but they were dumb beasts that could only be seen by someone who’d experienced death and was able to come to grips with it. “Sybill?” Dumbledore prompted. “I am but an observer here,” Trelawney replied. “But you did decide to join us tonight. Any special reason?” “If you must know, a reading I did suggest rather strongly that the daughters of the Sun and Moon would join us this year.” “D,d,d, daughters of, of the sun, and th- the moon?” Quirrel asked. “I saw fire, white-hot, and I saw death. Old hurts opened, and life restored anew. I’ll say no more.” And at that, she went back to her meal. Meanwhile back at the Gryffindor table: “Whatever you’ve read about Harry Potter was all a pack of lies.” Aerie cut in. Several students were arguing the point. “I don’t want to hear how as a baby I somehow managed to defeat the Dark Lord. All I did was survive the attack on my home. There is nothing special about me. Right off-hand, I’d say he was consumed by his own dark magic, and nothing more mysterious than that. That’s if we are to believe I somehow managed to defeat him, and it wasn’t that Nova Silverwood woman. She was there, but her contribution seems to have been omitted.” “Ah…” Hermione said not sure what to say. Everything she’d read was about a boy believed to have some mysterious property that repelled the killing curse. Ideas might not be too far off the mark given that Aerie, who seemed to be the person the books were talking about did indeed have some mysterious power. “By any chance have you read Harry Potter in Toy Land and how he saves Christmas? I’ve got a copy if you’re interested.” Aerie asked figuring she’d just sink that knife in just a bit deeper. “Toy Land?” Hermione asked dumbfounded. “Isn’t that an old musical?” “No way are you going to tell me that’s not true,” Ron said butting in. “Don’t listen to her, Ronnie-kins. “It’s all true.” Fred and George said as each placed an arm around Ron. When they’d repositioned themselves was anyone’s guess. “Does he know about Rudolf?” Aerie asked. “You know, the reindeer Santa bred so its nose would blink a bright red to fool muggles into thinking they were seeing an airplane?” “What?” Ron asked. “That’s right, Ronnie-kins “It’s all true.” Fred and George offered. Poor Ron, he so wanted to believe, but experience had told him that any time the twins adopted that tone it was probably all a pack of lies. At this point, Hermione and a number of other students with muggle backgrounds were having a hard time maintaining a straight face. “But enough about Santa, “Who pulled off the chocolate frog prank?” Fred and George wanted to know. “Something tells me that was a group effort and we may never know who actually started it.” Aerie offered with a big grin. “If it helps I can tell everyone you did it?” The two boys smiled but decided that it wouldn't be right to take credit for someone else’s prank. Aerie couldn't help but keep a weather eye on the head table. Picking out Sulky Raven was easy, and Troll Fart… The man with the black robes and slicked back hair is Professor Snape,” One of the older girls offered. “I couldn't help but notice he keeps looking at you. That is I’m pretty sure it’s you he’s looking at.” “Quirrel is doing it too,” Aerie offered. “I’ve decided to call them sulky Raven, and Troll Fart.” “Smell ‘em from here can you?” One of the boys asked. “He wasn’t like that last year, and what’s with the turban?” Asked another boy. “I think he’s got it stuffed full of garlic.” “Doesn’t smell like garlic to me, it smells like something crawled up inside of him and died.” “I have got a hunch we are all going to need to keep our distance from him,” Aerie suggested. “No doubt you’ve all heard about my aura flaring? He’s the one who triggered it.” “I did, what was that?” Hermione asked. “I wanted to ask you earlier, but you didn’t seem too keen on talking about it.” “Heaven's light, Saint Elmo’s fire, it’s got lots of different names,” Aerie offered just as Dumbledore was standing up. “It’s allegedly what protected me from the Killing curse. Just keep in mind that the only ones who knew what spell You Know Who actually used, were You Know who, and possibly that Silverwood woman, and if You Know Who used unspoken magic, only he would know. And don’t look at me, I don’t know either.” “Ahem,” Dumbledore began as the tables cleared themselves. “Just a few more things now that we are all well fed. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils who do not have express permission to be there. That includes anyone with ties to the Silverwood Village. Some of our older students would do well to remember. That and they charge us a fee every time they have to rescue someone.” Aerie was fairly certain he had been looking at the Weasley Twins. “Also, that village is quite a ways into the forest. “I have been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you that magic use is not allowed in the corridors. “Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Those interested will need to contact Madam Hooch our Quidditch Master. *“And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death.” “Is he serious?” Ron asked. “Must be,” Percy replied while frowning up at Dumbledore. “It’s odd because he usually gives us a reason why we’re not allowed to go somewhere. … The forest’s full of dangerous beasts, everyone knows that. Would be nice if he could have told us, short of it’s some kind of challenge?” “Cerberus,” Aerie offered. “Hagrid let it slip the other day.” He hadn’t, but he’d not likely remember. “Big three-headed dog. He named it Fluffy.” Those who heard just stared at her with incredulous eyes. *“And now, before we go to bed let us sing the school song!” Dumbledore called out. The looks on the faces of the other teachers were a classic why do we even have to do this and pretend we don’t hate it. “Everyone pick your favorite tune,” Dumbledore said as he gave his wand a flick. What followed was a long golden ribbon emanating from the end of the wand which rose high into the air. When he said off we go the ribbon began to form words. Hogwarts, Hogwarts, hoggy warty Hogwarts, the ribbon spelled out, and Aerie for whatever reason just started singing it to the tune of Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads. Aurora joined in on the tune and either by some twist of Equestrian magic or the song just seemed to want to be sung to that melody, everyone around her had joined in. Most of the people in the hall finished at separate times as though they’d been doing rounds, save for Aerie’s section at the Gryffindor table who all finished at the same time. The song was followed by loud clapping as though it was some great and moving concert. Dumbledore wiped a teardrop from his eye. Or at least went through the motion as it was impossible even for Nova’s keen eyesight to tell if he’d truly been thus moved. > Chapter 17: What would you do if you angered a Night Mare? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “First years, gather round,” Percy called at the banquet’s conclusion. Professor Dumbledore had just wished them all a good night and left, followed by the other members of the staff. From there it was up to the Prefects to show the first years to the dormitories. Percy introduced Idda Peverell who was the Prefect on the Gryffindor girls' side of the dorm. Once they were satisfied they had everyone they were on their way. “Professor Dumbledore said we should trot, this isn’t exactly trotting?” Aurora asked. “This pace is fine.” Aerie offered as they climbed the stairs. “Ya, I’m too bleary to do anything faster than an amble.” Lavender offered and punctuated her statement with a yawn. They’d gone down several corridors, up staircases, and through several secret passages. Aerie was beginning to wonder if Percy might be lost? And then they came to a halt at the sight of a bundle of walking sticks floating in the air. “Peeves,” Percy whispered. And then in a much louder tone, Percy hoped sounded authoritative said, “Peeves – show yourself!” He was answered by a sort of sound that made one think of a long drawn-out fart. “Peeves, do you want me to go to the Bloody Baron?”* And then a little wicked man dressed like a jester appeared with a pop. He had dark eyes, a wide mouth, and was floating in the air cross-legged. “Ooooh, Ickle firsties… ah shit!” His eyes had grown three sizes larger, he spun around, dropped the bundle of canes he had, and raced away with a white-maned and tailed Night Mare nipping at his backside. “That looked kind of like Luna,” Aurora said dumbfounded. Aerie gave Aurora a curious look. “Well, that just happened,” Idda said softly not entirely sure what had just happened. “She likes kids I guess,” Aerie said sheepishly while hoping no one would remark on the absence of her cat. “Well, then, not much further to go.” Percy offered and they continued down the corridor stopping at a portrait of a large woman whose figure could be described as pleasingly thick. “Password?” asked the Fat Lady. Percy offered up the word, “Caput Draconequus,” followed by the portrait swinging open to reveal a large hole in the wall reminiscent of a Moon Gate with a high threshold. One by one they stepped into the Gryffindor common room with its decor dominated by reds and golds. And a party seemed to be in full swing. “Oh for… what is going on here?” Percy shouted. “Kind of looks like a party.” Idda offered. “It’s early yet. Let's let them have their fun. - Alright, first-year girls, this way.” Idda lead the girls to the left to a doorway that opened to a leftward spiraling staircase, the boys going to the right to a rightward spiraling staircase. Both went up, and both existed in the same space… sort of. Aerie was probably the only one in the room who could appreciate the opposite spirals of Kamuromi and Kamurogi. And of course, her room was on the top floor right under the attic space where three large canopy beds awaited. Aerie, Aurora, and Lavender Brown were up there while Parvati Patil, Hermione, and Alice Tolipan were on the level directly below. Aerie wasn’t entirely sure why but she’d this odd feeling that all six girls were on the same floor relatively speaking. “Listen,” Miss Peverell began noticing hoof marks on the floor. “It kind of looks like some pegasi might have been in here. Likely came in through the ceiling hatch. They are friendly enough so long as they aren't antagonized. Should one find its way down here, just relax, and come get someone.” “Yes mam,” Aerie offered. “I’m actually really good with pegasi,” Lavender offered as she went to the bed that had her trunk. “The trick is to watch the ears to see what sort of mood they might be in.” “You don’t say,” Aerie commented. “What do my ears tell you?” “Just a guess but I’d say you are ready to curl up and get some sleep,” Lavender teased. She hadn’t even bothered to look. “Alright then.” Idda offered, hesitated a moment, turned, and went downstairs. The nerves of the occupants of the room immediately went on edge at the sound of a creaking hinge. “Hi guys,” Offered a voice in Old Ponish Aerie knew all too well. “Oh my gosh, you are so cute.” “Alice, Alice Mouse?” Aerie asked looking up at the gray pegasus thestral mixed pony. “You seriously need to oil the hinges on that trap door.” “Let me guess, you must be Aerie. Let’s just say that Our Celestia thought you might want some backup.” “Wait, is that an actual language?” Lavender asked. “How are you even able to understand it?” “I had few human friends thanks to my cousin,” Aerie offered even as the voice of Hermione could be heard droning on below them. “Wait, Alice Mouse? As in Captain Mouse of the Night Guard?” Aurora guessed looking up at the gray pony. “Lieutenant, actually,” Alice offered just as Idda Peverell came back up the steps. “Shoo, shoo you,” Idda said. “You don’t belong down here. Out.” Alice stuck her tongue out, pulled her head back, and closed the hatch. “I swear, sometimes I think they are as smart as people. Next thing we know they’ll be wanting to attend Hogwarts.” Idda offered, turned back around, and went back downstairs. “Is she gone?” Alice whispered as she peeked through a crack of a slightly opened hatch. “We moved the hoof lockers so the three of you would be up here together since Aurora and Lavender seem to be your best friends and to give you access to the roof.” “Thank you, and I’m starting to wonder if Aurora might be under similar conditions as myself.” Alice quickly pulled her head up and closed the hatch at the sound of footsteps coming up the steps. “Is it true, was there a pony up here?” Hermione asked as she came into the room from the landing. She was followed by, Parvati, and Alice Tolipan. “They are in the attic,” Aerie offered as she opened up her trunk. “Best not go up there though, they might thump you,” she cautioned as she pulled out her pajamas, a robe, and a vanity kit. These were placed on the bed her trunk was in front of. Everyone also had a wardrobe and a small writing desk, each desk looking out a window, with a chair at the desk. “Thumped?” Hermione asked as Aerie was hanging up her clothes in the wardrobe she figured had to be hers based on the relative positioning of wardrobes to beds. Aerie also took that moment to grab the chair at her desk, and climb up to deposit a few things up on the top shelf. As for Hermione, she was too distracted by the idea of climbing up to have a look at the pegasi to pay much attention to what was going on around her. “Hermione, did you never play whack a mole?” Aerie asked. “What a mole?” Hermione asked in turn. She’d likely never been to an arcade with friends. Or even been to one at all. “It’s a game for little children. Were you never little? Anyway, it’s a box with a bunch of holes in the top, and when a mole sticks its head up you whack it back down with a soft mallet.” “That sounds totally barbarous,” Hermione protested. “They aren’t real moles.” Aerie countered. “I’m just letting you know that if you stick your head up through that hatch, that’s what’s liable to happen to you. They are wild after all.” “Oh,” Hermione replied as Aerie was taking her witch's robe and hat off. “Aren’t you going to the party downstairs?” Parvati asked Aerie. “I thought I’d beat the rush and get a shower.” “That might not be a bad idea,” Lavender agreed. A short time later saw the first-year girls all headed for the showers that were available for the first second and third years. Fourth, fifth, and sixth years shared a shower room, with the seventh years girls having a shower they shared with whoever the girls' prefect was, and sometimes the sixth-year girls. “Moonie,” Aerie called on spotting a certain yellow rat. “Be so kind as to show Mr Scabbers the way out.” Scabbers froze on the spot and on seeing an ominous shadow coming closer, spun around and scampered back down the stairs taking two at a time. Once at the bottom just the call of the cat was enough to tell him he was still being stalked. “Hey Percy, that cat is after your rat again,” one of the boys pointed out. “Not my rat anymore. Scabbers is Ron’s problem now.” Percy replied followed by laughter. “By the way, does anyone know why he’s yellow?” As for Scabbers, even a rat knows to flee a sinking ship and scampered off in search of Ron. As for Moonie the black cat, she was satisfied for now and went to mooch goodies from the party goers. Moonie liked everyone with the exception of a certain obnoxious rat. The next morning Idda roused the girls and made sure that they would make it down to breakfast in time to get something to eat. Following breakfast, she made sure they made it to their first class of the day which was an introduction to the wizarding world and magic theory. A very necessary class even for those who were part of the wizarding world in that they often had only a piece of the picture. They didn’t know half as much as they thought they did. Including Hermione. As for Percy, he seemed to be of the opinion the boys could find their own way. And Peeves, well, anytime Peeves went after any of the first years a certain Night Mare would pop out of nowhere and go after him. Her antics delighted students, staff, and the ghosts as well, none of whom much liked the poltergeist. The second class of the day was potions. As the first session was an introduction it had been taught by a seventh year as part of their apprenticeship. “Darnedest thing I’ve ever seen.” Dumbledore was saying during lunch with a rather bright smile on his face. “That mare had a hold of Peeves by the belt and was shaking him up and down just to make him squawk.” “She seems to be making an effort to protect the youngest of the students from him.” Minerva McGonagall offered. “Kind of reminds me of something Headmaster Black used to say,” Dumbledore offered. “He would tell me that my thinking was too black and white and that all I ever saw was something was either good or evil.” “So, does this mean you’re not going to try to expel it from Hogwarts?” Snape asked. “I can’t see a reason too,” Dumbledore replied. “Yes I was curious to see how the students would react, and most seem to love her. Often we fear what we do not understand.” Following lunch was an introduction to the defense against the dark arts taught by Professor Quirrel. For Nova, it was worse than a bad joke and she had to fight to keep her aura in check. That smell of death was only scarcely covered by the smell of garlic. And his stories about how he did this and that were laughable. As for Riddle, all she had to do was look over her glasses to tell he was there, under the turban. The glasses weren’t so much so she could look like Harry Potter, but so she wouldn't see the auras and react to them. Something Discord had anticipated which was pretty good considering his habit of doing things seemingly with no consideration of the consequences. And in order to avoid suspicion, she had to wait until the Hogwarts staff backed off on keeping tabs on the new students. Which for Aerie would be extra tricky if she kept the tracking amulet on. If she were to take it off and go snooping about she might appear in the wards as an intruder. After the class was over Aerie and Aurora went straight away to Madam Pomfrey for the queasy feeling the class had given them. They barely made it in time for charms and Aerie had to kick herself for not having remembered that aspect of being anywhere near the wraith. Their first few charms classes were mostly lectures with a short little man who had to stand on a stack of books to be seen named Flitwick. Professor Flitwick did not remark on Aerie’s name simply because she wasn’t Harry Potter. As for what Aerie thought of him, ‘Finally, someone who is shorter than I am.’ OK, technically that was the reaction she had the first time she’d met the man when she'd nearly bowled him over at Diagon Alley. Still, though, she was enjoying the nostalgia of living out the actions of the books even if it was like sitting in class with your own children and they not knowing it. At least Astronomy proved challenging in that she had to relearn the positioning of the constellations. Most of which were near identical to the ones she'd know from her previous human life. The one downside was that her Celestron Powerbroker was ten times the telescope anyone else had and turned into the most popular scope. It's muggle built, they asked incredulously, for Aerier to affirm once more that yes, and it'd had the appropriate charms added in that it was a licensed product of Eques. It was also electronically powered, shielded from magical energy, and had a magical power core supplied by Mrs Silverwood so Aerie wouldn't have to worry about it ending up a worthless hulk two weeks into the first semester after the muggle batteries had died. History of magic. “Should have seen it coming,” Aerie said with her head in her hands. Aurora asked the wrong questions. Wrong as in Professor Bins, the ghost professor, becoming aware that he’d shucked off his mortality some time ago. Up through the ceiling he went and that was it. He was gone. “Well now, what do we do?” Hermione asked. “Well, you could teach the class.” Aerie offered. “Me?” Hermione asked. “Her?” Ron echoed. “And why not?” Aerie asked. “Let’s be honest with ourselves, we’ll probably learn more history if we do it as a group study activity than we ever would have out of Professor Bins, and I bet if no one says anything the staff won’t even know he’s gone.” “OK, OK, you’ve got my attention.” Dean Thomas offered. “But why me?” Hermione asked. “Give you a chance to get it out of your system and maybe leave off when everyone just wants to decompress for a bit.” Aerie said as kindly as she could. “And yes, we heard you last night.” “But they were saying Pegasi could fly faster than it was physically possible.” Hermione offered in her defense. “Hello, magic?” Aerie countered. “Pegasi can create a type of force energy in much the same way as an electric eel can generate its own electricity. That energy field makes it possible for Pegasi to do what would ordinarily be impossible. “Remember the cavern at the end of the boat ride?” Aerie asked. “Those were bat-winged ponies called Thestrals. They don’t just use flight magic, they also project a sort of notice-me-not field around themselves. Most can discern the evidence of their passing, but not actually see them. I’m to understand that only a few people can actually see past their field.” “Oh, so that’s what it was,” Seamus observed. “Ron’s brothers were saying they were wraiths.” “Can’t say they were any more wraith-like than our resident Night Mare.” Aurora offered. “Yes, I can see them, though I’m not sure why. They are like a megabat that’s in pony form. Very intelligent.” “I guess I have a lot to learn,” Hermione said. “Listen, it’s your idea, I just can’t get up in front of everyone unprepared.” “Alright, we’ll take turns, and as it’s my idea I might as well take the first go at it.” Aerie offered, getting up. “Now, Professor bins was going on and on about the goblin wars and who fought who. And I’m to understand he never mentions why they fought the wars in the first place. What were the factors that started it?” “The book just goes on and on about goblin rights.” Hermione offered. “But what was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back?” Aerie asked. “Ron, can I borrow your book?” “Why do you want to borrow my book? You’ve got a brand new one?” Ron asked genuinely perplexed. “Precisely because you have an old book,” Aerie offered. “You will all understand in a moment. Here we go, page forty-two where all the secrets of life, the universe, and everything are revealed. It says right here in this addition, that the trigger to the war was in fact the fear of indiscriminate use of the Philosopher’s stone to make gold and thus cause economic collapse.” “But that’s not, it’s not in the new additions?” Hermione said stunned. “Right there, in black and white.” Aerie offered, showing Hermione the page. “Ron I bet you didn’t know just how valuable your book is?” “But I don’t understand?” Hermione said sounding stunned. “Politics.” Aerie proclaimed. “And yes I’ve one of the older copies. It’s not in the newer copies because the ministry doesn’t want you to know. The irony here is that I picked up my copy in a muggle used book shop.” “Hang on, doesn’t that violate the secrecy act?” Alice Tolipan asked. “And why would it?” Aerie asked in turn. “The Muggles know about the Philosopher's stone. Those that bother to educate themselves that is. They know that it was created by Nicolas Flamel. About the only thing they don’t know is that it was real.” “Ah… it’s not the knowing so much as it’s the knowing.” Seamus said sagely. “That would be it indeed. In fact, there are times that telling the absolute unadulterated truth can actually get a person out of trouble because the truth is too hard to believe. And times when it can get a person into even more trouble because it’s not what anyone wants to hear. Such as the time I accidentally turned my primary school teacher’s wig blue.” Aerie offered while citing something that had happened to the lings. The ling who’d been in school that day said it wasn’t even their doing. The others in the class all laughed. There wasn’t one who hadn’t experienced some form of accidental magic. “Of course, I said no. Not like I knew what happened. In hindsight, if I’d said yes they would have decided that the initial claim was a case of hysteria.” “Looks like we are just about out of time.” Hermione offered, and a moment later they were off to their next class. Herbology turned out to be Aurora’s best subject, and she was eager to get started on an actual project. And then there was Transfigurations with McGonagall. Most of the Gryffindors all arrived at about the same time, with the exception of Ron and Neville who’d arrived late for some reason. “You know, you remind me of a cat that would sit on the fence at Privet Drive.” Aerie commented to the cat sitting on McGonagall’s desk while they waited for Ron and Neville to show up. Aerie couldn't know for sure, but she suspected she was the only one who knew the cat was also their teacher. Aerie would find out later that the two had dared the third-floor corridor and been caught. Though they claimed they had gotten lost. Given that the class was going from class to class as a group, and there were plenty of older students such as Miss Idda helping them, their excuse really didn’t hold water. Ron and Neville lost house points. Aerie did not because she’d resisted the urge to hug the kitty. McGonagall then went into an hour-long lecture and promised immediate expulsion to anyone who didn’t take her class seriously. Towards the end of class, they were all given matches and the task of turning their matches into needles. Seamus Finnigan blew his up. Lavender and Parvati managed fairly decent needles around the same time as Hermione with Aerie and Aurora producing fine-looking needles moments later. Aurora even got extra points for the gold patina around the eye of the needle. “Show off,” Aerie teased quietly. “Aerie,” McGonagall called at the end of class. “Linger a moment.” “Professor?” Aerie asked as she walked back. “Am I in some kind of trouble?” “Oh, no, you are fine. You weren’t startled when I transformed.” “When a cat I can remember watching the house shows up...” and Aerie had picked the lings memories so she could go over them for anything useful. “..shows up on my teacher's desk at a magic school, all it takes is a little deductive reasoning to know to expect the unexpected.” “Your hair used to be shorter.” “While the Dursleys were freaking out over those letters from Hogwarts it had a chance to start growing back. Aunt Petunia cut it every morning. And every afternoon I could expect to get beat up by Dudley and his friends. They also made sure I’d have no friends. Dressed me in his old rags, and he’d beat up anyone who tried to be my friend.” And with that Aerie spun around and walked out. Was she proud of her performance? No. In fact, she kind of felt like she’d just jabbed a knife in the woman's back. After all, Professor McGonagall had been clandestinely trying to keep an eye on Harry Potter in her free time but had missed a great deal of abuse. Along with the fact that Aerie had been a girl. Finally, it was Friday, double potions with the Slytherins. Aerie went in and made sure she’d be partnered up with Aurora. Then she tied up her hair, followed by tying up Aurora’s hair. “Hey!” Aurora protested. “Well, you don’t want to get it in your potion.” Aerie offered, and then whispered, “Equestrian hair is magically reactive.” “But I’m not?” She returned in like volume. “You’ve been to Equestria though. At least one version of it, don’t deny it you recognized the Night Mare as a version of Princess Luna. It changes a person.” Aerie explained while still whispering just as Snape entered the room. Snape swept in with his usual flair for over dramatics, his hair now perfectly slicked down flat. He gave a little speech about what potions can do and started taking names. “Aerie Potter,” Snape said and stopped. “Here sir.” “Yes … I was going to say something about our new celebrity, but they got your name wrong didn’t they. Not that you haven't already been grandstanding. What are you looking at?” “Nothing sir.” “Indeed. Tell me, Miss Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”* Hermione’s hand immediately shot heavenward. A habit they’d yet to fully break her of. “Asphodel… Lily. My regrets follow you to the grave,” Aerie said softly but loud enough for Snape to hear. “What?” Snape asked. “Asphodel, it’s a lily, and Lily was my mother’s name, it’s my middle name, and in the language of flowers it means ‘my regrets follow you to the grave.’ The ingredients combine to make the draft of the living dead.” Aerie answered triumphantly. And yes, she knew full well she’d just done the equivalent of sticking a knife in the man’s heart and twisting it. Snape’s lips went razor thin. “Where would you look if I told you to find a bezoar?”* Snape asked. Snape had of course planned this out but things weren’t quite going according to plan. “A bezoar? Why yes sir. I’ve one in my pocket.” Aerie offered and then produced a bezoar from her pocket. “Why … why do you have a bezoar in your pocket?” Snape asked stunned. “It’s um, well…” Aerie began. “Just in case, I suppose.” “Where would I normally get one if I didn’t already have one,” Snape asked, his anger starting to rise. Hermione’s hand started bobbing. “A bezoar is a stony concretion that forms in the stomach of animals, typically ruminants which include cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer, elk, giraffes, and camels. They can occur in any mammalian species including unicorns as well as people.” And now Snape was mad. Which was exactly what she was hoping. Snape bound and determined to out Aerie as a fraud right then and there made the nearly fatal mistake of trying to read her mind, and rather forcefully. Nova was prepared thanks to Nova Silverwood. Snape’s wand lit up such was his ire and locked his glare on Aerie’s eyes, her expression going blank. Most were blind to what Snape was doing, but they knew he was doing something. And then there were a few, mostly among the Slytherin students, who’d a fairly good idea what was happening and weren’t shy about sharing that information. What Snape saw was the moment Lilly was murdered by Voldemort. He saw her rush to block the curse meant for the Potter baby. Her baby. The Nova woman rushed to intervene. Something flying through the air hitting Voldemort. Saw the spell hit Lily with a portion of it going through bringing Lilly’s very life force with it striking the babe like a desperate hug, momentarily blinding and causing great pain on top of exceeding fear and anguish, and then he was able to make out the spell rebounding not off the baby but off of Lilly. The stream rushed at the baby one more time and this time the green light completely washed out all else. And then the memory was gone and Snape was looking at a horror-stricken girl who looked so much like Lily did at that age, and then she collapsed to the floor sobbing. Sure Aerie had seen that memory before, but in that brief moment it was as though she’d lived it, she experienced every emotion, and began to weep openly. She wept at the horror of the moment, she wept for the cruelty of the man in front of her, and she wept for everything Harry Potter was forced to endure. “What did you do to her!” Aurora demanded even as another figure swept into the room. Such was Aurora's rage that her aura had erupted much like Aerie’s had at the Leaky Cauldron only in her case it looked like fiery prominences and heat rippled off her forcing people to step back. Aurora dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around Aerie who was unhurt by Aurora’s fire. The rest of the class was speechless. “What did you do to her!?” demanded a very angry Night Mare, and she was looking every bit the part of something seen in a nightmare right then. > Chapter 18: Potions class > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snape was horrified by what he’d seen and what he’d done. In his blind zeal, he’d forced an innocent child, the child of Lilly Evans to relive the most horrific moment of her life. Nor was it just blind zeal. Dumbledore had a plan that included sacrificing this child to ensure the defeat of Lord Voldemort once and for all and Snape was loyal to Dumbledore. So what if James Potter’s son had to die, he wasn’t Lilly. But Aerie looked far too much like Lilly and Snape’s sense of right and wrong was warring with him like never before. This child, this child was too knowledgeable. Too perfect, and too much like Lily. He wanted her to be a fake. But that memory. And there was that creature now between him and Aerie wings erect and fangs showing. A Night Mare who seemed to be very attached to the girl and he was very lucky he hadn’t joined the Hogwarts host of ghosts on the spot. Likely the only reason the Night Mare hadn't butchered him right there and then was because she wasn't sure who had done what. That and she was more likely to kill him later. Somewhere away from young eyes. Alright, so Aerie was actually Nova who was far from innocent and she'd cautioned Moonie that she was going to push Snape's buttons. But Snape didn’t know that. Snape had no way of knowing that what had just happened was calculated and planned. As for Nova, the experience had been far too intense. Sure she’d prepared that little time bomb, but had never dreamed she might be caught in the blast. “I’m… I’m sorry. Take her to the infirmary,” Snape said in a broken voice and then retreated to his office. The rest of the class was unsure what to do at this point, save for Draco who rushed over. Sure Aerie was a Gryffindor student, but she was unlike anyone he’d ever met. “Aerie, what happened?” Draco asked. “Damn that man, poking about in my memories. Damn him! Poking about in my memories and he gets the ripest ones in the crop. I saw my mother at the moment she was murdered and my life went to hell.” At that moment it really was as though it had been her whose family had been massacred right in front of her. Aerie knew that memory wasn’t hers, but damn if it didn’t feel like it had happened to her. In that brief moment, she truly was Harry Potter. “Come on, we should…” Draco offered but stopped at the sight of a very angry Night Mare. A moment later she’d transformed into a very beautiful woman. Aerie turned to look, “Selena, it’s fine.” “It is not fine. You are not fine.” Selena stated as she knelt down. “It’s nothing.” “And who did this nothing to you?” Selena asked with the air of someone ready to commit murder. “Snape. He tried to forcibly extract my memories,” Aerie explained. “I dare say he got more than he bargained for. It’s just that for a brief moment, I was there… when it all happened. I saw it with more clarity than I’d ever seen it.” “Ah, Selena,” Aurora began tentatively. “Professor Snape suggested we get her to the clinic.” “Very well then. Aurora, why don’t you and Draco escort her, and I’ll cover the class in that idiot's stead. And hurry back. And Aurora, try to pull in your aura if you can.” “Seriously?” Draco asked. “You are going to teach?” “I’m ten times the potions master that idiot Snape is, and it wouldn’t be the first time a class has been taught by a specter.” Selena offered as she stood back up. She then swept forward with an overly dramatic flair and did Snape’s monologue word for word. “What? He does the same thing every year. The same thing year after year in a thousand different worlds always exactly the same. Just ask some of the older students.” She smiled as Aerie got to her feet. “Draco, Aurora, be sure to hurry back. And Aerie, take your time.” Selena said and then went into a lecture explaining the basics of brewing potions including plenty of warning about what can go wrong if they don’t take things seriously. 😼 “What are you lot doing out of Class?” Mr Filch demanded of Draco, Aurora, and Aerie a short time later. “Potions mishap.” Draco offered as Aerie snatched up Mrs Norris for a little forced loving. “Here now, stop that!” Filch demanded. “Put my cat down this instant!” “Yes sir,” Aerie replied with a smile and set down one befuddled Mrs Norris. “Right, be off with you then.” “What was that?” Draco asked a short time later. “Totally worth it,” Aerie offered. “I’m feeling better already.” “Seriously?” Draco asked. “You saw the look on his face.” “He looked like he was at a complete loss.” Aurora offered. “Alright, yes. He did at that.” Draco admitted as a smile formed on his face. It would be just one more thing he’d be laughing about in the dorm that night. “Aerie?” Madam Pomfrey asked as the trio entered. “What’s happened?” “Professor Snape used Legilimency on her. Rather forcibly too.” Draco explained. “I’ll be fine. It’s just that, one moment I’m standing in the class, and the next I’m reliving the night, the night Voldemort attacked…” Aerie cut off what she was going to say. Madam Pomfrey had a look of horror on her face. “We need to get back to class.” Draco offered. “Aerie, are you going to be alright?” Aurora asked. “I’ll be fine, a little wintergreen tea, a chance to compose myself, and I’ll be fine.” “I have just the thing, and then I’ve got a mind to have a few words with Professor Snape.” “Afraid you’ll have to find him.” Draco offered. “I guess what he saw was too horrible for even him, and he just left.” “So then the class is just sitting there abandoned?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Oh no, Selena showed up and took over.” Aurora offered. “Selena? I don’t know a Selena?” “The Night Mare. She transformed into human form and took over the class,” Draco explained. “She seems capable as well.” “Aurora, does her human form look like anyone I might know?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Well, she does remind me of the painting in the grand hall of the Goddess Luna.” Aurora offered. “That’s … very interesting. - Now I think you two should run along then.” “Yes, mam.” Draco offered, and the two hurried on out. “The Goddess Luna?” Draco asked a moment later. “I’ll show you.” Aurora offered and a few minutes later the two were standing in front of the life-sized portrait complete with a very familiar-looking night Mare in the background.” “No way,” Draco said softly. “I think there’s something going on and it’s attracted some heavy hitters is what I’m thinking.” “We should probably get back to class.” Aerie took a sip of the hot drink Madam Pomfrey had prepared. “I knew that there was a possibility Snape might try poking around in my head, and I knew what questions he might ask me at the start of class today.” “You knew?” “A strong hunch then. Let’s just say there was a strong possibility he planned to put me on the spot. And put me on the spot he did. It was mean-spirited and intended to belittle.” “Only you were prepared.” “I was prepared. And I used my knowledge to turn it back on him and deliberately antagonized him.” “You, you deliberately provoked him?” “I did. I figured if he was going to invade my privacy I’d make sure it happened on my terms. I’d a rather juicy memory for him too. I kind of wish I hadn’t now. Suddenly I’m a baby again, I’m in the bassinet and I saw my mother murdered. It’s a memory that has haunted me.” She took another sip. “If he was going to invade my privacy, I was going to give him that one. I just didn’t know I’d end up reliving it.” “Sounds like you put yourself at considerable risk.” Nova decided to take a sip of her tea, her keen ears picking up the sound of footsteps. “I think we have a visitor.” She said softly, took another sip and a moment later Dumbledore entered the room. “Madam Pomfrey there was something I was meaning to ask you about… Ah, Miss Potter, did something happen?” Dumbledore certainly wasn’t fooling anyone. He hadn’t suddenly decided to come calling right at that moment, and Aerie knew it. “It seems Professor Snape decided to forcibly read her mind and it ended with Aerie reliving the night Lilly was murdered.” Madam Pomfrey offered coldly and then lightened her tone. “I’ve given her an infusion of the Kings Cure herbs. It seems to be helping.” “Sounds like I should have a word with him.” Dumbledore offered as though that would solve everything. “I intend to have more than a few.” Madam Pomfrey informed Dumbledore. “Perhaps I should head back to class,” Aerie offered and then finished up the contents of her cup leaves and all. “Aerie, before you go, I did have something to ask you.” “Professor?” “Might I see your wand?” “My wand, sir?” “I’m to understand there was a problem with your wand selection.” “Sir, there is nothing wrong with the wand I received. The problem was that mismatched wand you tried to get Mr Ollivander to give me. Yes, he told me. It doesn’t work. At least not for me.” “I am so sorry about that. I don’t normally get it that wrong.” “Well, you did think that I was a boy. Perhaps that’s where you miscalculated. Those letters addressed to a Mr H Potter, those were intended for me, were they not?” “Your wand, I’d still like to have a look. May I?” “Sir?” “Just for a moment.” Aerie handed over the wand she had in her hand reluctantly. Dumbledore scrutinized it. And froze. “When you are done with it, if you could give it back, I’d appreciate it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to class.” And with that, she got up and walked out. “Professor, care to explain why you want her wand?” “She just handed me my wand.” “Your wand?” “She just handed me the Elder wand.” “Well then, I guess that means it’s hers now and you’d best leave her be, hadn’t you?” “I didn’t even feel it leaving my pocket,” Dumbledore said in quiet contemplation. “Afraid I’ve made a huge mess of things, haven’t I?” “You think?” “She doesn’t even trust me enough to let me see her wand and then hands me the Elder wand. Could she know the history?” “She’s a resourceful girl. I’d say it’s a good bet she does.” “I wanted her to have this,” Dumbledore offered as he pulled out another wand. “Not out of malice, but because the core was identical to the one Voldemort had. It would have protected her, and compensated for a lack of experience and knowledge should the Dark Lord rise before she was ready. I see now that she must forge her own path.” ☣ “Neville, stop!” Selena commanded. Neville was about to add porcupine quills to a cauldron just as Aerie entered the potions lab. “Take it off the fire first. How many times do I have to say it? Get that step wrong and we’ll be rushing you off to Madam Pomfrey.” “Yes, mam,” Neville replied and did as directed. “Aerie, so glad you are back, you’re with Aurora.” “Yes, mam,” Aerie said with a smile. Selena proved a much better Potions teacher than Snape ever was. She explained the project, went over it step by step to include appropriate precautions and warnings, praised good work, and corrected anything that was wrong all while never singling anyone out any more than she had to. On top of all that, there were clear precise directions on the board. Nova stepped up to Aurora and had her explain the project up to where she was at. By the time class was over everyone had managed to successfully make a passable potion. Everything was labeled and placed on the desk Snape used in class. “You’ve all done very well, and it’s a pity I can’t actually give you points for your hard work. With any luck, Uncle Snappy will see your work and give everyone credit, and if he doesn’t I’m going to torment his sleep all night.” Some of the boys raised an eyebrow at that proclamation. “As for now, it’s lunchtime. Go on up, have lunch, and use the rest of the afternoon wisely. In fact, I’d recommend you make sure to read all of chapters one and two. And when Snape comes back, good luck.” And with that, she transformed back into a nightmare and sailed right up through the ceiling. “I wouldn't mind having her haunt my dreams,” one of the boys offered as they made their way upstairs. “Careful what you wish for, you might get it,” Aerie called and then laughed. “Aerie, Hagrid sent me an invitation for tea,” Neville announced. “If it’s all the same to you, I’ve kind of had enough of Hagrid after the way he bungled picking me up. What about Ron? I bet he’d like to go. Oh, and be cautious of anything he gives you to eat.” “What were you planning on doing?” Hermione asked Aerie. “Lunch, and then I wanted to look up Madam Hooch.” “You thinking of trying out for quidditch?” Ron asked. “Maybe. Depends on how well I do. Anyway, I heard she works with the local pegasus population. Seems there is a group that took up residence in the attics of the school.” Aerie turned quickly as Draco approached with some of the other Slytherins. “Hey, Draco, thanks for helping me out.” “Don’t mention it.” Draco offered. “What he was doing was way out of line for a teacher anyway. And I doubt there’s one of us who’d want someone forcibly poking around in our heads.” “Afraid they might find out all your dirty secrets, Malfoy?” Ron asked. “Ron, give it a rest,” Aerie scolded. “And don’t stand there acting like you’ve got nothing you wouldn't want people to find out about. Given you have to live in the same house as Fred and George, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they put girls' clothes on you and … took … pictures. Ron?” Ron had gone ghostly white. “I wonder if they’ll sell me any prints?” Draco pondered and then continued down the corridor trying desperately not to laugh. “Don’t feel so bad,” one of the other Slytherin boys offered as they passed by. “I’m sure that happens to lots of guys with idiot older brothers.” In truth, there wasn’t a Slytherin there who hadn’t been harassed by an older relative. Being forced to wear girls' clothing may well have been one of the milder things that had been perpetrated. > Chapter 19: The forest above the Great Hall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I swear you’ve the apatite of a pony, both of you,” Lavender said to Aerie and Aurora as they made their way through the school after lunch. There wasn’t anything scheduled for the rest of the afternoon, at least not for the first years just yet. “I’m a growing filly.” Aurora protested. “Excuse me, where can I find Madam Hooch?” Aerie asked of a passing ghost. “She’d be in the forest above the great hall.” The ghost offered. “Thank you,” Nova replied, and then turned to go back in the direction they’d come. “Forest?” Aurora asked. “And why ask a ghost?” “It’s a lofted ceiling. The forest refers to the timbers holding up the true gabled roof.” Aerie explained. “All that stuff we see isn’t even the real ceiling. Just think of how hard it would be to identify a leak with that fancy enchantment. Not to mention maintenance on the enchantments. As for why ask a ghost, they are surprisingly knowledgeable about the comings and goings around here and have no reason not to give an answer.” “Makes sense,” Lavender replied as Nova turned to a flight of stairs in the hall. And then it was two flights of stairs to the second floor, into a secret door that gave them access to a long flight of stairs up into attic space, at the end of which they passed through a door behind a tapestry, and suddenly they were in a narrow gallery with windows on both sides. On one side the windows looked out, and on the other side, they looked into the great hall. The gallery itself ran the length of the hall. From there they had to go all the way to the end where there was a spiral staircase. “How exactly did you even know about this?” Aurora asked as Nova started climbing the spiral staircase. “Alice told me.” Nova offered. “Alice Tolipan?” Lavender asked as she and Aurora followed. “No, Alice Mouse, who lives in the Gryffindor attic. She can be quite talkative when she has a mind,” Aerie offered as she continued to climb. At the top, there was a short passage that looked like it was on the top of the inside wall with a short set of stairs up into the attic space catwalk and another flight of stairs up to another catwalk and then more stairs. Aerie decided to take the first one she came to and started walking down it. After a short walk, they came across a series of large nests, wattle partition cubicles to be exact, big enough for a small family of ponies in each with a dormer situated at intervals between groupings along the catwalk and they’d entrance ways with cloth hangings. “I was hoping there’d be some pony here.” Aerie offered as they traveled down the catwalk. “Hello, anyone here?” “Up here.” returned a voice higher up. Seeing another staircase Aerie went over to it followed by Aurora and Lavender and climbed to the next level. They found her inside one of the cubicles. “Ah, Madam Hooch, I was hoping to find you.” Madam Hooch was presently sitting on the edge of a rough bed that really did look more like a nest than a bed. “Keep your voices down. And for that matter, how’d you even find your way up here?” Madam Hooch said softly. “You’re Aerie aren’t you? And Aurora and Lavender.” “Yes, mam.”Aerie offered as she approached. There was a gray mare with a dark gray mane in the nest, and she didn’t look well. “If you wanted to ask about the tryouts you could have talked to me on Monday.” Aerie went up to the Pegasus, stroked her mane, checked her pulse behind the ear, and looked at her eyes, “Aurora, by any chance have you had your immunizations?” “Why are you asking if she has had her immunizations?” Madam Hooch inquired. “Because she’s been there. To the land of Equestria. That fabled land of Akkadia wherein pegasi and Satyrs do play. And I’m not talking about the Islands of Akkadia either. Aurora, it changes a person.” “Can’t say I recall seeing any Satyrs.” “Are you suggesting that she’s a pony?” Lavender asked. Among those who kept ponies it was widely whispered that many of the animals could take on human form and were considered beings due to their intelligence. They were certainly smart enough to pass as humans. “Given that display, Aurora did when you dropped, I’d be more inclined to think she’s possessed of Phoenix fire.” “Display?” Aurora, Madam Hooch, and Aerie asked. “Snape forcibly read Aerie’s mind in class today,” Lavender explained. “What he dredged up was by all outward appearances extremely distressful for both. Aurora got so mad that she burst into flame.” “Did I?” Aurora had been completely unaware. “Wonder if that has anything to do with my ancestry? I’m descended from the Sun King.” “Imagine that,” Aerie offered. “The Evan’s family are descended from the Goddess Luna.” “Oh,” Madam Hooch asked skeptically. Even if it was true, how could Aerie possibly even know?” “I told her,” Selena offered startling everyone there. “Aerie, a little of your fire should have our kins-mare feeling better in no time.” “Who?” Madam Hooch asked. “Who are you?” “She’s the Night Mare,” Lavender offered. “Truth is, she’s kind of latched onto me,” Aerie explained. “Afraid I wasn’t there when the Potters were murdered,” Selena informed. “One of my counterparts was with Nova Silverwood at the time. And what happened with Snape, while not a complete surprise, the escalation of the incident happened so fast it was over before I could make my appearance.” “Anyway,” Aerie began anew. She’d placed a hand on the young mare and let her fire slowly envelop her. “I wanted to ask about supplements.” “Aerie has been to Equestria,” Selena offered. “We’d like to keep that quiet because no one knows and we need to keep it that way. We’d appreciate it if this could be kept quiet, from everyone. The news could put both girls at considerable risk.” “I don’t understand?” Madam Hooch asked. “It does something to individuals who gain access to the hidden world. It enhances them. Turns them into human Equestrian hybrids. And there are some drawbacks. It alters the individual's dietary needs. Not by a great amount, but enough to be a potential issue over a long time.” As Selena was explaining Aerie had picked up a biscuit meant for the ponies and started eating it. “Aerie, and quite possibly Aurora, are going to need a mineral supplement. As for immunizations, I don’t think that is going to be an issue.” “Mrs Silverwood did get me vaccinated,” Aerie offered. “True, but your unique heritage means you only need to worry about being a carrier,” Selena reassured her. “After seeing Aurora’s little display, I doubt she has to worry at all, short of the Dragon Pox jumping to human pony hybrids. Which is highly unlikely.” “Human pony hybrids?” Madam Pomfrey asked sounding stunned, and maybe just a little appalled. “All witches and wizards are in effect hybrids from some magical being capable of taking on human form,” Selena explained. “Veela for example. It’s what sets you apart from ordinary humans. Inbreeding, that drive to create pure-blood families, actually breeds out that distinction.” “Are you able to determine that ancestry?” Aerie asked. “To some degree, I can. It does depend on what I have to compare to. For instance, there is a Mountain Troll locked up in the dungeons and I can say with a fair amount of certainty that Marcus Flint is not related to trolls. As is widely rumored.” “You know about that? I mean the troll in the dungeon.” Madam Hooch asked. “Of course you do, you're a specter, there’d be nothing stopping you from investigating anything you want.” “Aurora, Lavender, not a word. Alright?” Aerie requested. “But why is there a Mountain Troll in the dungeon?” Lavender asked. “For the same reason the dog is in the third-floor corridor.” “You do realize no one is supposed to know about that?” Madam Hooch asked. “If no one is supposed to know, then Professor Dumbledore should not have told Hagrid anything,” Aerie pointed out. “Despite my present animosity with Professor Dumbledore, I have to assume he knows what he’s doing. If You Know Who decides to surface, presumably to come after me or any number of boys who might fulfill the prophecy, he’s going to want to have a look at what Dumbledore has in his cellar.” “I will admit that what I set up might be more annoying than a deterrent,” Madam Hooch admitted. “It’s all supposed to be a carefully guarded secret though.” “Ironic that a fair number of the school’s local specters have already had a look,” Selena offered followed by Lavender bursting into laughter. “I fail to see the humor in that,” Madam Hooch stated. “But who besides Aerie and Aurora would ever bother to ask a ghost anything?” Lavender asked. “Ah… yes, of course. Most witches and wizards just dismiss the ghosts,” Madam Hooch said on realizing the implications. “There is so much that could be learned from them, but no one ever bothers to ask.” Even as she was making her observation a brown pegasus with a pair of saddle bags flew in and landed. He looked everyone over and then transformed into a man of moderate height, olive skin, and wild gray hair that matched his mane. “Madam Hooch, Selena, Miss Potter. Oh, and little Lavender. And I’m afraid we’ve never met.” “Aurora Summers,” Aurora offered. “Ah, little Aurora. Names Brown. Just call me Doc, everyone does.” “You know me?” Aurora asked. “And are you a pony or a wizard?” “It’s a Human Transfiguration ability,” Madam Hooch offered. “As to whether or not I am Pony or Wizard, no one really knows. The Ponies of Akkadian decent have been listed as sentient beings and in a rather interesting diversion from custom are allowed to use wands while in human form. Not all the pegasi mind you, not all can take on human form and there are a few requirements to be recognized as sentient,” Dock Brown explained as he looked over the sick pony. “We’ve ended up with a rather interesting schism among the English pegasi. One group consists of those who want to continue living the way our ancestors lived, wild and free, along with those who ended up living like pets or beasts of burden. And then there are the individuals who wanted to go back to living like civilized beings. The split between beast and what the wizarding community considers a sentient being is divided between those who can take on human form and those who either can’t or won't. Both have their advantages and pitfalls. We all get along though, otherwise, I’d not be here to help out. As for how I know you, I got a briefing that listed you as a person of interest.” “Those who have it in their power to help others have a fiduciary duty to do so. Is that not true?” Aerie asked. “Indeed, indeed. Many of our cousins would be hard pressed without someone looking after us,” Doc Brown admitted as he examined the little gray. “Well, Miss Lea. Looks like you had a mild virus. You are going to recover.” “Thank you,” Miss Lea offered quietly. “She can speak English?” Lavender asked. “When she’s a mind to,” Doc Brown offered. “Most of us can speak English. The Scots can all speak a variation of Scots Gael. Miss Lea has never shown any inclination towards transforming into human form.” “I’m not dumb, I just don’t want to.” Miss Lea protested. “Fair enough.” “Even if I could, I’d still need a doctor when I get sick.” “True enough.” “So, how does this transformation work?” Aurora asked. “Well, for the pony who has it in them to do it, it’s a matter of reaching into yourself, finding our human self, and pulling that out. The reverse is the same basic process…” He stopped talking at the sight of Aurora dropping forward as she transformed into a golden fiery maned alicorn. “Oh, oh my?!” Madam Hooch exclaimed. “Madam Hooch, Lavender, please don’t tell anyone. Not a soul,” Aerie pleaded. “It’s Equinethropy if I’ve my terminology correct.” “You’re a winged unicorn? And yet you’ve features like a phoenix.” Madam Hooch observed. Aurora pranced in place. “I’m me again. Oh, can I go out and try my wings?” “No,” Aerie ordered. “At least, not unless you can hide that horn.” “Word went around to evacuate all unicorns from the area,” Doc Brown offered. “Madam Hooch, Lavender, what I’m going to say is top secret. For real,” Aerie announced. “I’ve been working with some people who are working to find a way to stop You Know Who from coming back. I can assure you that we are all on the side of the light. As Professor Dumbledore likes to put it. Though I doubt Dumbledore’s veracity.” “How so?” Madam Hooch asked. Granted that his actions as of late had indeed been questionable. “The break-in at Gringotts, the off-limits corridor, placing me with an abusive family, sending Hagrid to terrorize and kidnap me. Oh, it’s kidnapping alright, even wizard law states that a child can not be taken from a legal guardian without a court-ordered warrant. And I’m pretty sure that had he the legal right he’d have sent someone a little more capable, and no he’s not my magical guardian, he just told everyone he was and no one challenged him. Sirius Black is my Magical Guardian and Godfather. Even if Dumbledore was my legal guardian he gave up those rights by abandoning me when a baby to the Dursleys. Granted there is a case for abandonment with Sirius as well but the Dursleys never filed for guardianship. As for Dumbledore, Dumbledore has been engaging in extralegal activities all for his little game he likes to play and we all end up playing along because we’ve little choice.” “Dumbledore is a good man.” Madam Hooch protested. Her protest was mostly out of habit. “Oh yes, and a genius too. Did you know he had a relationship with Grindelwald? I didn’t either until I did some digging. He also brought a psychotic young man named Tom Riddle to Hogwarts. Scotland Yard has a rather lengthy file on him. A young man, better known in the wizarding community as You know Who. Oh did I mention that Hagrid used me as a cover to hide the fact that he was picking up something for Dumbledore at Gringotts from the very vault that would be broken into a few minutes later? Used me. “You know who is here, and he supports his half-life, yes half-life because he is neither dead nor alive, on unicorn blood. British intelligence has been tracking him, and they’ve every reason to believe he’s in the area around Hogwarts. There is a special operations division that employs Aurors. I’ve been briefed. “Aurora, if he finds out about you, and all the local unicorns have been moved…” Aurora sat on her haunches and transformed back into human form. “Oh god, he’d come after me, wouldn't he?” “That’s a very good possibility,” Doc Brown offered. “Madam Hooch, Miss Aerie isn’t spinning a yarn. As I said, we have evacuated the local unicorns and have reasons to believe he’s here. No one can learn of Miss Aurora’s condition.” “Curious…” Aurora said softly. Her right hand went up as though activating a touch screen no one else could see. “Dear?” Madam Hooch inquired. “The abode of a Princess of Eques becomes her embassy,” Aerie offered. “Oh, oh my.” Madam Hooch looked like she had a good idea of what that meant. “That’s got that fixed,” Aurora offered, and then looked back up at the others. “Would you believe me if… Yes, I guess you would. I found myself in the land of Ponies a few years back. One of the curious things about the place is that my mother and my cousin Celestia are the same person. Celestia was the princess of the land and Mrs Summers was a disguise she used to get away from the p-people who’d pushed her up onto a pillar of virtue. Figuratively speaking of course. Such was the state of the political atmosphere that she had to hide her private life. I found myself being adopted by a Colonel Mustang. I’d been with them about a year when they adopted a Miss Bright Star, who turned out to be a Princess Kitsumi Nova Moon, daughter of Luna Moon. Luna Moon also seems to be two people in this world as well. My Aunt Selena, who, yes, looks remarkably like your Selena, and a second cousin Named Luna who is Celestia’s sister.” “That sounds remarkably like split souls,” Madam Hooch remarked. “I also have a sister named Sunset Shimmer. Who seems to be my counterpart as well. Only in our case, we are like opposite sides of the coin.” She had to think for a moment. “After having been there for several years I woke up in my bed back home. Not only had Mom not even known I was gone, but I was also back to being ten years old like I was being given a do-over. I’d begun to wonder if it had all been a really elaborate lucid dream.” She looked out the dormer doorway with a wistful look. “Let me call up Mrs Silverwood and see if she’s got a way to hide a horn?” Aerie offered as she pulled out her phone. “So, what was your name on the other side?” “Sunshine Mustang.” Aerie typed in the number and made the call. “Hi, yes, it’s me again. Yes, we are fine other than Miss Lea is a little under the weather. Any chance you have a way to hide a horn?” she waited just a moment. “It’d be for Aurora Summers, also known as Sunshine Mustang. Ring any bells? No? Anyway, it seems her mom is half of this world’s Solar diarchy. Princess Celestia seems to be split here. Anyway, Aurora figured out how to turn herself back into Miss Sunshine… winged, yes, that’s right, a young Peg-acorn.” She looked at Aurora, “I’m guessing you started as a pegasus?” “I did. I kind of changed history at Flight Camp when Starlight Glimmer showed up.” “Yes, started as a pegasus. Starlight Glimmer, flight camp, changed history. … You think it is a different timeline? OK, not one you have experienced, me neither. Ya, I kind of had to tell Madam Hooch I’ve been to Equestria. ... So I could get those tasty biscuits.” Laughter could be heard coming out of the phone. Aurora picked up a biscuit and took a bite, “I’ll have to admit that these are good. Lavender, you ever try these?” “Once. I thought they were nasty. They taste like salted dark treacle. A bit too strong for my tastes.” “I wouldn't mind one for myself. Alright, thanks,” Nova offered into the phone and disconnected the call. “She’s going to see what she can come up with. Meanwhile, you’ll just need to stay in human form.” Aerie thought about it for a bit. “There’s always quidditch.” “I’ll talk to Oliver Wood about giving you two a shot on the Gryffindor team.” Madam Hooch offered. “Yes, yes of course. Thank you,” Nova offered. “And I’ll see to it the house elves get you two some of those treacle oat cakes.” “Can I have some?” Lea asked. “Of course, you can,” Doc Brown offered, and passed over the plate. “You’ve your appetite back, that’s good. You are doing better already. “And now,” Aerie began as she stood back up. “As much as I’m dreading this, I need to go talk to Professor Snape.” “Why?” Lavender asked. “I mean after what he did I’d think you’d be well within your rights to ask to be removed from his class and request a different teacher.” “Afraid that he’s the only potions instructor,” Madam Hooch informed them. “You are just going to have to make peace with him.” “Selena, any chance you can turn yourself into a plush pony?” Aurora asked as she got up. “You mean like this?” Selena asked as she turned herself into a mini Woona. “Yes,” Aurora replied and snatched her up into a cuddle. “Hey!?” protested the Woona. “I hear you complaining but not running away,” Aerie pointed out. “Well, I thought I’d just have to humor her,” Offered the Woona. “She’s so cute!” Lavender exclaimed nearly breathless. “That’s her Woona mode,” Aerie explained as they made their way back down the stairs. “Mm, sorry, Snape is still sulking and the Forth Year Gryffindor Slytherin class is supposed to start,” Woona announced and vanished. “Awww. Blasted Snape,” Aurora griped. “Temper, we wouldn't want you lighting the forest on fire,” Lavender cautioned. “Yes, yes, yes… still though.” “You don’t mind if I tag along, I’d kind of like to perhaps have a few words with him myself,” Madam Hooch said as she followed them down the stairs. > Chapter 20: The Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Aerie, Aurora, and Madam Hooch got down to the potions lab they found the forth year Gryffindor and Slytherin Students being instructed by Selena. There was as yet no sign of Snape. Lavender had decided that she wasn’t too keen on facing Snape again any time soon and had excused herself. “Lucian Bole, I don’t give a frog’s water-tight ass who your parents are or what Snape lets you get away with. While I’m here, you’ll do what I tell you. Just don’t expect to make a living making potions if you keep doing things half-ass, and heaven help anyone who uses a potion you make. Don’t settle for what Professor Snape was letting you get away with. All it takes is a little extra effort.” Selena scolded with a very dangerous tone. “Excuse me, Miss Selena?” Madam Hooch called. Selena backed away from the Slytherin boy and turned to face Madam Hooch. “Madam Hooch, how can I help you?” She asked in a charming tone. “By any chance have you seen Professor Snape?” “His Office. Still sulking I’m afraid.” “Madam Hooch, who is this woman!?” Lucian Bole demanded. “She’s the Night Mare. I’d suggest you do what she tells you.” Madam Hooch cautioned, thanked Selena, and then closed the door. From there they continued down the passageway until they came to another door. Madam Hooch knocked on the door. “Professor Snape, are you in?” “We kind of already know he’s there?” Aurora whispered, and when no answer came Aerie chose to open the door. “Did I tell you you could come in?” Snape shouted. “Oh…” “Professor…” Aerie called. “Aerie Potter, what could you possibly want from me?” Aerie held back the desire to say something along the lines of being treated with dignity, kindness, and at the bare minimum professional courtesy. “Professor Snape, I was presented with a letter with your name on it,” Aerie offered. She and the others were still standing in the doorway. “And you couldn't give it to me sooner?” “I hadn’t the opportunity. I’d hoped to hand it to you after class. And, well, there was no opportunity before, nor can I just go wondering about the castle.” “You couldn't bring it to me during mealtime?” “I thought first years are not supposed to approach the head table?” Aerie questioned. “That’s more a tradition than a rule, dear,” Madam Hooch offered. “I should also explain that the person who gave me the letter is an individual who is less than trustworthy. A person whose favors come with a high price.” “Well, that doesn’t sound one bit ominous. Bring it here, and I’ll decide for myself.” Aerie decided to fish the letter out of her bag out in the hallway. Once in hand she went up to him and offered up the letter. Snape’s hand began to shake moments after taking the letter. “Who gave you this?” “Calls himself Discord. Lord of Chaos.” “Chaos… figures. Only someone who delights in chaos would wait till now to hand me this.” “Sir?” “Do you not recognize the handwriting?” “Professor?” Madam Hooch inquired. She’d entered the office but was yet only a couple paces from the door. “It’s Lily’s handwriting,” Snape explained. He then carefully lifted the wax seal and began to open it as though it was the most precious thing in the world. My dear Verus, If you have received this then know that I am betrayed. I have found myself trapped in a loveless marriage and for the life of me can’t understand what had gotten into me. What’s more, is that I now find myself stuck in a little cottage where I must play the part of the dutiful wife while James sits around bemoaning the fact that he isn’t out there in the thick of the fight against Voldemort. What’s worse is that the boys decided to make Peter the Secret Keeper. I begged James not to trust him, but it had already been done. I fear I haven't long. If you find Peter, don’t kill him. You were always the kindest boy. You were my friend. My everything and I would have gladly been your wife. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what came over me. You were so kind, please don’t let everything that has happened destroy the boy I loved. We made such music together, you and I, and then I betrayed you and I can not for the life of me reason why. Jokes on James, you got to me first. If by some miracle little Aerie should survive this madness, please, please, please protect her. I am, and will always be your girl. Lily. Snape had gone white as a sheet. And to be perfectly clear, if the letter had been a complete forgery created by Discord, one needs to remember that Discord can make anything he wants true. Discord is for all practical purposes the writer who likes to torment their characters. But what could Discord possibly get out of such a letter? Well, for starters, everything Aerie had done had created a considerable amount of chaos. The chaos in Snape’s heart at that moment was the greatest of all. “Professor?” Aerie asked as tears began to stream from the man’s eyes. She’d not looked at it and as such truly had no idea what was written in the letter. She did have a good idea that Discord may well have created the literary version of a ticking time bomb. The kind that starts with a knife being slowly inserted and then twisted about, followed by a very slow and excruciating explosion. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. About this morning. What I did was, was uncalled for. I don’t know what had gotten into me. I just… I had convinced myself that you were a fraud.” He put the letter down perhaps fearing he might rip it so frazzled his nerves were at that moment. “Are you going to be alright?” Aerie offered. “You, you are actually worried about me? After what I did?” “We did get off on the wrong foot, didn’t we? Even so, I worry. I care about everyone. I… Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Quirrel, I can’t help but feel that he’s broken far worse than he lets on.” Aerie hesitated. How much did she dare say? After all, she was the child in this case, and anything she said might be construed as impertinent. “Sir, Professor Snape, we can start again. I’ll, ah, I’ll see you…” Aerie trailed off. “I should get going.” “Tell me, how would you get past a three-headed dog?” Snape suddenly asked. “Sing, I guess. I’ve got a decent enough voice. “Sing?” Madam Hooch asked. “Hagrid kind of spilled the beans about all kinds of things on the way into London.” Aerie offered. “It’s also in the introduction to magical beasts book I bought. It’s an old edition. Not sure if it’s in the newer editions.” “You do a lot of reading?” “A fair amount. Granted I’m nowhere near as bad as Hermione.” “Hermione… Oh right, she’s the one with the bouncing hand. Why don’t you run along? I’ll be fine.” “Yes sir,” Aerie offered, took a step back, pivoted, and exited the room. A moment later she and Aurora were headed upstairs. “Dare I ask what was in that letter?” Madam Hooch pressed. Her tone changed from her normal warm demeanor to a rather scolding timbre. “Emotional time bomb. It’s a letter from Lily. Here, see for yourself.” Snape gingerly picked up the letter and handed it to her. And then he waited while Madam Hooch read and reread the letter. “Can this be true? I mean… if I’m reading this right, not only is Aerie your daughter, but it looks suspiciously like… And what you did to her. You should be ashamed of yourself.” “I am. We were the best of friends from childhood. Lily and me. Nearly inseparable and if not for my ambition I’d have gone to Gryffindor. Even then we stayed good friends. We dated when we got older, and we were lovers.” “Yes, I do seem to recall that you were quite the scandalous couple.” “And then she betrayed my love. Or so I thought.” He was quiet for a moment. He pulled out a handkerchief, wiped his face, and blew his nose. “I’ve been blaming Sirius for her death, but now I see that he and Mrs Silverwood-Swan were indeed telling the truth. I can’t really blame James short of someone supplying him with a potion. He was abysmal at potions.” “We should tell Dumbledore.” “No.” No?” “Dumbledore intends to sacrifice the Potter child in some grand scheme. He’s only told me little bits of what he intends, but yes, he intends to sacrifice an innocent to stop Voldemort. It’s the reason the stone is here. “The Potter child,” Snape said softly. “I can’t go through with it. There has got to be another way.” “She’s not even the child of the prophecy, that has to be a boy. It specifically stated that it had to be a boy. I remember that well.” “Indeed. It did.” Snape confirmed. “If the prophecy is true, then it will come true without any help from us. Or Professor Dumbledore.” “And what will you do?” “I will do what I was hired to do. Teach potions. Which I am negligent in my duties.” “Selena has been covering for you.” “Selena?” “The Night Mare. Apparently, she’s a bit more than a nightmare, knows her way around a potions lab, and seems to be bound to Aerie.” “Well, if I had any doubts about whose daughter she is, I don’t now. I should consider myself most fortunate to still be alive.” “Your thinking the familial bond saved you from retribution I gather.” “That I am.” “That letter, what was in it?” Aurora asked as they made their way back up to the ground floor of the school. “No idea. Ask your dad.” “OK, just for the sake of clarity my dad is a Gem Cutter. Last name Cutter, first name James. Didn’t actually marry my mom. Just sort of drifts in and out of our lives. His favors tend to come with a price.” “Does sound a bit like discord minus the omnipotence.” “I want to stretch my wings!” Aurora exclaimed, her frustration showing. Suddenly wings! “Put those away before someone sees,” Aerie hissed. “I’m not even going to ask,” Idda Peverell said as she approached the two. Aurora quickly folded up her wings. “Akkadian ancestry,” Aerie offered. It took but a moment for the wings to vanish completely. “I, um, I can do it too.” “I see. Perhaps that explains how you managed to turn Ron’s rat yellow.” “Hadn’t he been Percy’s rat?” Aerie quested. “I was just wondering, how old is that rat?” Idda’s jaw dropped like she was about to say something, and then closed up again. She thought, and she thought, and then thought some more. “That is a rather curious question.” Idda finally offered. “And something we’ll have to figure out later. Professor McGonagall wants to see you.” “About the rat, I gather?” “You gather correctly. Follow me.” So off they went, the three of them, that was until Idda remembered that summons had been for Aerie, and only Aerie. “Oh, right, sorry, Aurora was it? Yes, Professor McGonagall only wanted Aerie.” “I’ll just run along then,” Aurora offered and turned to head to the Gryffindor dorms. Aerie and Idda continued on and arrived outside Professor McGonagall’s office a short time later. Ron, Justin, and Hermione were already there. They were standing off to one side. Scabbers was presently on McGonagall's desk and still very much yellow. “Justin!” Aerie called, walked right in without being given permission to enter, and gave Justin a hug. “Feels like ages, even though we are in the same school.” “Aerie, you’re kind of in trouble.” “Trouble? Why, what did I… oh right, the rat. I’m surprised that hasn’t worn off yet.” “Maybe that’s because it’s his true color,” Professor Snape said from the Doorway. He had a wand in hand and a rather murderous look in his eye. “Professor Snape?” McGonagall asked. “I just had a rather curious conversation with our resident Night Mare,” Snape offered. Scabbers had gone from not a care in the world to one of fright as he hunkered down on the desk. “I was about to ask Aerie what spell it was that she used.” Professor McGonagall stated. “I’ve no idea what you are talking about, and this is a Gryffindor matter.” “And I have a Night Mare teaching my class. She’s quite capable as well. To be honest she may even be better than I am.” Snape smiled a cold smile. “Now, what say we find out what this particular rat’s true colors are.” Snape’s motion had been lightning fast. “Scabbers!” Ron shouted in horror as the rat was engulfed in the aura of Snape’s magic. When the rat lifted up into the air and transformed into a man, Ron backed away until he’d hit a wall. Hermione and Justin joined him. Pettigrew was still yellow. Or at least his skin was. He was also wearing blue coveralls, a grungy yellowed formally white shirt, and a pair of welders goggles with clear lenses from which his beady eyes frantically looked about. Aerie simply couldn't resist programming changes to the man’s outfit to fit the part and only someone who understood Equestrian magic would be able to undo it. Peter the former rat scrambled for his wand only to have it fly out of his hand and slap into Aerie’s outstretched left hand. Her own wand in her right. “Peter Pettigrew?!” McGonagall exclaimed as she too backed away. “Ah, Mr Pettigrew,” Snape sneered. “You are certainly well adapted to the form of a dirty yellow rat. Are you not?” Peter said nothing but chose instead to lunge at Aerie. Aerie, being no slouch in the use of magic willed up her manna and let fly two balls of blue lightening from the wands in her hands. The plasma hit him in quick succession in such a way that not only did the force of impact knock him backward, it spun him around end over end in rapid succession such that he’d done three and a half flips by the time he’d hit the bookcase on the other side of the office. It was not a large office either. Peter slumped to the floor unconscious to be followed by nearly every book on the bookcase dropping down on top of him along with some rather heavy bookends. “Miss Potter,” Snape began, though he dared not take his eyes off Pettigrew. “What was that?” “Raw manna,” Aerie informed him as smoke drifted up from the end of Pettigrew’s wand. “Not a spell, just raw manna. I am to understand it's something unicorns are capable of. I, um... it all happened rather fast. Catch me?” Her voice had gone really soft. It was Justin who’d rushed to her as she began to crumple. “Aerie!?” Justin called as he held onto his sister. Both were now down on the floor. “Aerie?” “I’m alright, just a bit dizzy. Kind of gave him both barrels, didn’t I?” Aerie took a breath. “Just give me a moment.” “Professor,” Snape said in a cold hard voice. “If you could possibly bind Pettigrew? I’m afraid I might kill him if I do it.” McGonagall wasted no time in using a binding enchantment followed by summoning Professor Dumbledore, and Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse. Dumbledore was the first to arrive and did indeed seem legitimately surprised. Perhaps a little annoyed too in that Peter Pettigrew being alive had thrown yet another monkey wrench in his plans. No matter, he’d simply have to rethink, and indeed already had begun to direct his efforts to Neville Longbottom. After all, Hagrid inviting Neville to tea hadn’t come out of nowhere. Ron was in a state of shock, and soon found himself escorted to the medical wing by Idda and Madam Pomfrey along with Aerie, and Justin. By the time they’d gotten back to the dorm with an all-clear, news of the arrival of Aurors had already been widely disseminated. Percy was not in the dorm, and it was widely rumored that he’d been summoned for questioning. Nor was he there come dinner time. Rumors were running rampant. “Your attention, if I may…” Dumbledore called from the head table. He was standing there looking out over the student body with a stern expression. “There were two incidents today, neither of which had anything to do with the other save in that certain persons seem to have been present at both.” He took a moment to gaze out over the students. “The first incident has been resolved. The second incident was the discovery of an Animagus who had hoped to secret himself here among our pets. It is unknown for how long he’d been among us. The man’s name was Peter Pettigrew. We do expect to see that much in the papers. Right now it’s believed that he’d been biding his time perhaps in hope of gaining access to Harry Potter. I can just imagine his confusion when Harry turned out to be a girl Named Aerie. Telling everyone she was a boy named Harry was for her protection, and our little play has worked quite well, even if I do say so myself. As for the name that had been entered into the book of Admittance, it is now believed to have been an unrelated individual who would have been somewhere between the age of seven and eleven who would have been in England at that time. They have either changed their name or moved on by now I’d imagine.” “You lying sack of horse apples,” Aerie whispered to herself. “They’ve interviewed a bunch of people,” Wood whispered loud enough for those around him to hear. “Regarding the Animagus incident,” Dumbledore said continuing. “It has been determined that Percy Weasley was aware that a certain pet was exhibiting traits that were highly suspicious, but chose to pass the problem on to others rather than bring his suspicions to our attention. Due to his inability to take appropriate measures, he will no longer be a Prefect. And has been suspended for one week. Head Boy Willis Foley will be assuming his duties until a new prefect can be chosen. Now, what I want everyone here to take out of this incident is that if you are aware that something, some animal, or someone seems out of place, acting in a way that is uncharacteristic of that individual, we would like very much to hear about it. Now, let us eat.” Even as he was saying that the owls with the evening mail and newspapers had come flying in. “Is there some kind of spell to keep the heat in but let the owls in and out?” Aerie asked as though she was completely unconcerned by the headlines in the papers. After all, the windows were always opened and it never got overly chilly in there. Headlines: Peter Pettigrew Traitor! Pettigrew was the Potter's Secret Keeper! Pettigrew Alive! New evidence Names Pettigrew! Potter Captures Betrayer! The one proclaiming Potter Captures Betrayer was the Daily Prophet, a byline by Rita Skeeter. It also included a video clip of Aerie blasting Pettigrew followed by Justin catching her moments later as she collapsed. “In an act that must surely only be accomplished by an untrained user of magic, Miss Potter discharged the greater portion of her manna through the two wands she held in her hands in some instinctual act,” Hermione read. “Our own attempts to replicate this feet were met with mixed results as our practiced skill restrains us from doing the same. The one time I did manage to get a good blast of raw energy, it left me, a skilled witch, rather lightheaded and it is not something we would recommend anyone try.” “I still have his wand,” Aerie offered as she got it out. “Completely burned out.” She then handed it off to the first person who wanted to have a look, who in turn would pass it on once they’d finished with it. “Dumbledore is probably taking a lot of heat right now,” offered a seventh-year boy. He was a thin boy of light complexion with dark blond hair. He’d an ‘HB’ on his robe. “I’m guessing you are either Mr Foley or you are Humperdinck Borigard,” Aerie asked wondering why no one bothered to introduce the Head Boy to the first years. “Right on the first part, and normally Head Boy doesn’t really do a lot in regards to the new students. I’m Professor McGonagall’s personal apprentice. Between my studies and the tasks she has me doing, I don’t really have a lot of time. This is my make-or-break year after all.” “Suspending and demoting Percy Weasley does seem a bit harsh,” Aurora offered. “Making an example of him to shift blame, I’d say,” Idda offered. “At least I’m on record as having complained about that rat.” “Yes, and Professor McGonagall would pass it on to me to tell Percy to keep his rat in line,” Mr Foley offered. “Giving the rat to Ron just looks like he was trying to make it look like it was a new rat. And I thought it was a new rat until I’d learned otherwise shortly after he was found out.” “And I see the Gringott's break-in has been pushed back to page three,” Hermione announced. “Says here it was on the thirty-first of July. Aerie, isn’t that the day you finally got your letter and Hagrid insisted on taking you to Diagon Alley?” “I suspect that whatever it was the sneak was after might well be what Hagrid retrieved,” Aerie offered. “He had more than one mission that day, and I seem to have been his cover.” “Maybe you should be quiet about that,” Idda cautioned. “Why? Professor Dumbledore has as good as advertised he’s got something that’s accessible via the off-limits corridor. He wants the wood-be thief to come here and have a go at it so that he can personally confront them.” “Hate to admit it, but that is a good possibility,” Mr Foley mused. "Can't say as I'm too thrilled about the possibility of getting caught in the crossfire though." “Well, it wasn’t Scabbers,” Ron said defending the man who’d been the family pet. “He was at home. And I feel really weird about the whole thing. Fred and George have been unusually quiet too.” “Considering how much trouble they’ve been in, in the past, they are likely a little worried they will be next,” Idda teased. “Savoring the thought of Perfect Prefect-” Fread started. “Former Perfect Prefect,” George cut in. “Former Perfect Prefect Percy getting a week's worth of mom yelling at him.” “Better him than me,” Ron added. “If I ever get my hands on that rat…” He’d left off what he wanted to say. After all, he was not likely to get his hands on the man and there would be little he could do if he did. > Chapter 21: The Boy who Lived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Aerie had had to deal with a lot of people watching her or casting not-so-clandestine looks before, the incident with Pettigrew had turned her into something of a superstar. And the irony of it was that she really had reacted instinctively. Sending out little plasma balls was something she’d learned how to do as a pony. Nor did they cause her to faint. She called up Nova Silverwood and asked her about it and the theory they were able to come up with was backlash. A wand was just an inefficient way to deliver a burst of manna. No, wands were intended for finessing manna in small amounts. Not blasting. At least nothing else could possibly go wrong. Or could it? Nova had to remind herself that their first Broom Flying Lesson was canonically meant to go wrong in some way. Thursday and the week had been reasonably uneventful. On the morning of their first lesson, most of the students were nervous. Neville seemed especially nervous and his Grandmother seemed very adept at making it worse by sending him a remembrall. It turned red the moment he touched it. Of course, he’d forgotten something. Who doesn’t forget things? Granted that in Neville’s case he’d forgotten to put his robe on. “Might it be your shorts?” Aerie teased. There are, after all, times when you just can’t help yourself. Poor Neville turned red as a beet and dashed back upstairs. “And don’t forget your robe!” Aerie called after him in stunned silence. “How did you…” Hermione began. Hermione was about to make it her life’s goal to make sure Neville was properly dressed every morning. “A lucky guess?” Draco and company had been only a few paces away and were now standing there gobsmacked. A moment later pretty much everyone who knew what had just happened, bust up laughing. Most of Aerie’s classmates in the Broom Riding class were especially nervous because the class was combined with the Slytherins. Something Aerie found to be rather ridiculous. Not that she didn't understand it. After all, not only did they have to worry about messing up, they had to worry about doing it in front of the Slytherins. Hermione was especially apprehensive as they walked out to the Broom shed at three-thirty that afternoon where a couple of older boys were handing out brooms. Wood, Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, and a Slytherin boy she didn’t know. Off in a corner was a white shafted ergonomically designed broom with an immaculately crafted sweep. It had silver footrests and the end of the sweep looked scorched. Aerie couldn't help but be drawn to it as others just took whatever was handed to them. She reached out and felt a tingling sensation as she took hold of the shaft, and a quick inspection had her heart leaping for joy. The Footrests were stamped Carneighgie Adamant Foundry Equestria in the old Equestrian script. It was her counterpart’s old broom for sure and the footrests were likely of the many items her Celestia had sent with her. “Whoa, hold on there, you don’t want that.” It was Wood, and Aerie was now the last to receive a broom. Wood had just walked over to her. “Aerie, that’s the Widow-maker. That thing’s a killer.” “It likes me,” Aerie offered. “Please, can I use it? Besides, I know this broom. Not only am I related to the maker, it matches my wand in its core construction.” “You want to run that by me again?” Wood asked. In a quiet voice, she whispered, “Blackthorn, and a feather from a horned pegasus. The same one that provided a feather for my wand if I’m not wrong, and my wand is also Blackthorn. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out it was the same tree. It’s a wizard staff that doubles as a broom. Just don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.” “Seriously?” Wood asked. There was a gleam of hope and delight in his eyes. “You honestly think it’ll let you ride it?” “Oh, I’m fairly confident,” Aerie offered with a grin. “Just look at this,” she let go of the broom for it to just hover right there. When Aerie motioned with her hands it followed her directions. “Ya, it’ll do what I want.” “Well, alright, I guess. Your funeral.” “I’ll be fine.” She then walked out of the broom shed with the broom following like a dutiful puppy. Out on the field, the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years were lining up an arm span apart from each other where they were directed to lay down the brooms they had on their right side. Madam Hooch raised an eyebrow when she saw what was following Aerie. Aerie decided to take hold of it before any of her classmates saw it. She then joined the lineup, set the broom on the ground, and waited. Draco Malfoy had a look of extreme confidence. He had of course been bragging himself up all morning, telling stories about how on several occasions he’d narrowly avoided being spotted by helicopters. Seamus Finnigan would tell stories that made it sound like he’d grown up on a broom, and Ron was no slacker when it came to bragging. Just not in earshot of Fred and George who would tease him mercilessly about having to use an old hand-me-down child’s broom that had outriggers to keep it from tipping. Neville had never been on a broomstick in his life. His Granny wouldn't let him near the things. Aerie had a feeling that his granny wouldn't let him do a lot of things. Hermione was looking down at the broom she had with great trepidation. All the confidence she had when doing magic had been thrown out the window. Aurora was absolutely bouncing with excitement. “Is everyone ready?” Madam Hooch asked rhetorically. “For your first lesson, you will do nothing unless I tell you. Now, I want you to reach out with your right hand, no, I don’t care if you are left-handed or not. This is broom-riding, not writing. Reach out with your right hand over your broom and when I tell you, not before, you will give the command up.” Aerie’s broom was already starting to lift up and she had to point her fingers downward to make it go back down. “Command your brooms up!” Madam Hooch shouted. “Aerie’s broom slapped into her hand, and Aurora’s broom was no slouch either. Theirs were of the few that did. Ron and Draco had their brooms in hand right about the same time, Hermione’s broom just sort of rolled over like it was a lazy dog, and Neville’s did absolutely nothing. “Hermione, show no fear. Come on, where’s that confidence of yours?” Aerie said as she tried to encourage Hermione. Hermione looked more annoyed than encouraged. “Come on Neville, if you fall you’ll probably just bounce like when your uncle dropped you out the window.” Neville looked at her, smiled, and then with more force in his voice commanded up, sounding more like he meant it this time. The broom responded immediately. “That’s the way to do it, you’ll be playing quidditch in no time.” Once everyone had managed to get their broom in hand Madam Hooch instructed the group on how to sit on a broom properly. Draco had to have his grip corrected, and he responded by asking how come Aerie got to have a broom with footrests? “That’s an old personal broom that was left behind a long time ago. And you had your chance to pick out a better broom,” Madam Hooch replied in a dry matter-of-fact tone. “And if she goes and gets herself killed on that thing she’s going to be in a world of hurt.” Madam Hooch’s response to Draco’s comment had him momentarily befuddled. It also had him wondering how he might manage to get his hands on a better broom. “Now that you are all ready, when I blow my whistle I want you to kick off from the ground, not too hard, just enough to get you going. We don’t want any first-timers to lose control. Keep the shaft steady, lift up to go up, down to go down, and pull back sharply to land.” Right on cue, Neville went rocketing skyward. “Who told you to kick off? Come back here!” Madam Hooch shouted. “But he didn’t,” Aerie called in Neville’s defense. Aerie had been watching him. “He hadn’t kicked off yet!” Somebody had jinxed the broom. Aerie looked about quickly in search of the culprit. Meanwhile, Neville was going higher and higher, twelve feet, twenty feet, higher still as Neville clung on for dear life. There, in a window, it was Quirrel. He’d a rather smug look on his face. At least he did right before the storm shutters slammed shut. In fact, all the shutters had slammed shut. High overhead Neville let out a sigh as the broom stopped rising. He pushed down just a bit and was delighted when it slowly descended. “Someone was jinxing his broom, I’m sure of it,” Aurora announced. Madam Hooch called Aerie and Aurora off to one side, both getting off their brooms to walk over. “Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?” “It triggered an alert in the Wards,” Aurora replied softly. “There was a powerful jinx being cast from the school. I couldn't tell where it was coming from so I shut all the shutters.” “Dumbledore is bound to have noticed,” Aerie suggested. “If he hasn’t noticed before, he’s bound to have noticed that. I saw someone, but I’ll say no more.” “We can cross that bridge when we get to it. Meanwhile, we’ll just say it was a prank,” Madam Hooch offered as she watched Neville slowly descend. The class continued on without any more interruptions with everyone making successful rides. “Madam Hooch,” Aerie called. Class was nearly over. “Draco would like to race me to the Quidditch field and back.” “Draco, you are going to need to find a better broom than the one you have if you don’t want to get embarrassed,” Madam hooch offered. “Miles, what say you help Mr Malfoy find something that might give him half a chance?” “Mam,” Miles, the Slytherin helper offered. “Come on Malfoy, if you win, maybe we can talk Flint into letting you on the team.” “Wait? Really?” Draco said astonished. Up to that point, Draco thought Aerie was just going to rat him out to Madam Hooch, but then she’d somehow managed to flip it around so that he was now going to get to race her with the approval of their instructor. What’s more, it even held the promise of a coveted spot on the Quidditch team. “No Promises. Flint's a bit of an ass.” “What must Flint be like if his own team members don’t like him?” Aerie said softly to Aurora. Draco had to admit that one Aerie was a nice person, and two, what he knew of Flint suggested that even if he did win there’d not likely be a spot on the team for him. And yet, he was going to get to race, an actual sanctioned race. A short time later Draco came zipping out on a much nicer broom. And this one had footrests. The race was to be out to the Quidditch grounds, through the gates, up and over to come back. Madam Hooch lined the two up and blew her whistle. Draco kicked off hard, but Aerie ran forward, jumped on her broom, and willed it forward as her feet found the foot pegs. It was anybody’s guess who would win at this point. Draco had considerably more altitude than Aerie but had ended up being behind Aerie who was only about two feet off the ground. Draco angled downward just a bit pushing his broom just as fast as it would go. The castle was on the high ground, and even the lawns where they’d started were fairly height up which meant that the further out they went the higher off the ground they got. “I can’t believe she let us do this!” Draco shouted as he slowly started to pass. “I know, right?!” Aerie shouted and then laughed in delight as they shot out over and beyond the outer bailey wall. Back on the lawns by the school, Professor Dumbledore has joined the group. “Madam Hooch, well, everyone seems to be in height spirits.” “Professor Dumbledore. I’m just letting a couple of our first years have a little race. Get it out of their system while I can keep an eye on them.” “Ah, well, I’m glad they are having fun. One question though, did something untoward happen out here a little earlier?” “It would appear that someone cast a line of sight hex on Mr Longbottom’s broom.” Madam Hooch offered. “At least that’s the appearance of it. He’d lost control, the broom shot heavenward, the shutters slammed shut, and he regained control of his broom.” “Curious that, and rather alarming. I’m wondering if it was an automatic response? No matter. Still, though, it would suggest that someone inside the school was playing a rather dangerous prank.” “Can you be sure it was a prank and it has nothing to do with...?” “That’s what worries me. The trouble is, Mr Longbottom fits the prophecy.” “In an odd sort of way, he could be referred to as the boy who lived.” “Shame about his parents.” > Chapter 22: Out of Dorms at Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsewhere out on the Quidditch greens, Miles and Wood are standing not so far apart that they can’t have a quiet conversation while they watch the first years learning about the proper way to ride a broom. “I can’t believe you let a firsty have that broom.” “She latched onto it and wouldn't take no for an answer.” “Flint is going to be right put out.” “And how’s that?” “Well, you’re going to put her in as seeker.” “So don’t tell him.” “He’ll blow a gasket. Not like I care. He doesn’t know it but his bullying won't land him any cushy jobs once he gets out of Hogwarts. He’s going to find himself being seriously marginalized… wow, would you look at that!” Aerie’s broom now had a bright glow behind the sweep and she was rocketing heavenward even as Draco was looping over the gate to make his return run. Draco might well be going as fast as that old broom could go and at the moment he was ahead of Aerie. Was ahead of Aerie. Aerie had cut the engines, let it slide back towards the earth in a stall, flipped, jettisoned the fuel, and ignited. Figuratively speaking. She overshot the school and had to go around. Aerie was coming in for a landing after her second go around about the same time Draco was approaching the green. “Woo, who!” Aerie cheered while standing on the footrests, the shaft of the broom nearly vertical. “Show off,” Aurora quipped. And yes, she was extremely envious. “Alright, I want the rest of you to put your brooms away,” Madam Hooch called. “Miles, if the Broom Mr Malfoy has doesn’t have an owner go ahead and let him keep it.” “Yes mam, he’ll love that.” “Miss Potter… How?” Dumbledore beseeched her as she slowly spun the broom about the group. “Don’t feel too bad Draco,” Miles offered. “Did she say I could keep the broom?” “She did at that. As for being on the team, Flint would never have let a first-year play anyway,” Miles offered to Draco as the two began to head back to the Broom shed. “That’s the widow-maker Potter’s got. If it doesn’t like the rider it’ll try to kill them. Rumor has it it was created by a mad genius who’d both a Night Mare and a Phoenix.” “In an odd sort of way that kind of describes Aerie. I’m fairly sure that Night Mare looks to her.” “No phoenix.” “I’m not so sure. I’ve got an idea that Aurora Summers could possibly count. You should have seen her when Snape tried to brain-rape Aerie.” “I’ve heard about that. It’s put pretty much everyone on edge around Snape. And that fire could explain why you’ve been so chummy with the Gryffindors.” “Professional. Let’s say professional. And Aerie is right, we don’t have to be enemies. We can be rivals, but we don’t have to be enemies.” “Certainly nothing wrong with being on good terms with two girls who could potentially be the most powerful witches England has ever seen. Just have a care. People like Flint will never see it that way.” “Miss Potter, do come back down to earth,” Professor Dumbledore entreated as the class walked away. “Aerie, you might as well hang on to that Broom,” Madam Hooch offered as Aerie stepped back onto terra firma. “You’re going to let her keep it?” Dumbledore asked in astonishment as Aerie and Aurora hurried to catch up with the rest of the class. “It likes her. That and if she has it, it won’t be in the shed where just anyone might take a crack at it. Aerie’s a natural and she’s got a connection with that broom unlike any of its previous users. I’d imagine that it’d be a hard broom to jinx as well. I’ve tried to analyze the spell craft on that broom. It’s unlike any broom on the market. Now, instead of worrying about that broom, right off hand, I’d think you should be more concerned with who’s trying to jinx our young fliers.” “Aye, that does concern me. It concerns me greatly. It concerns me because I now have to worry about agents of the Dark Lord trying to target random boys who might possibly fit the prophecy.” “Neville?” “Oh, he fits the prophecy and I am at my wit's end because I don’t know what move I need to make next.” “I’d imagine it’s a rather helpless feeling. Quite possibly why I love to fly so much. It’s all instinct up there. There is no long plan, only that which has to happen right now at this very moment.” “Which would suggest that what I need to do is to wait for the other side to make a move.” When it was time for Dinner Quirrel showed up looking like he’d been in a prize fight. That or a window shutter had hit his face rather forcefully. “So, um… Quirrel?” Aurora asked discreetly. “Good possibility,” Aerie replied in like volume. Aside from that, there’d been nothing of note that evening, that is until Alice Tolipan came upstairs and asked if Hermione was with them. The girls were all working on supplemental education packets that had been sent to them by their parents. In short, the muggle government thought they were being home-schooled. “Aurora, is she in the dorm?” Arie asked. “Why are you asking her?” Alice asked. “It’s complicated,” Lavender offered. “Hermione, Ron, and Neville of all people seem to be out of the dorm,” Aurora informed them after a couple of minutes where it looked like she was just gazing off into space. “Great,” Aerie griped. “We were lucky we didn’t lose points when Percy got suspended and demoted. “If we do, your actions would probably gain them back when you caught Peter Pettigrew,” Aurora pointed out. “Come to think of it, I saw Ron get into it with Draco right after dinner,” Alice informed them. “Is it just me or is Malfoy actually more reasonable than Ronald Weasley?” Lavender asked. “Grew up on a diet of Malfoys bad, and we are the champions of the light, no doubt,” Aerie lamented. “The Malfoys aren’t bad, they are opportunists. Looks like the Dark Lord is going to win, switch over to the Dark Lord. Dark Lord vanishes, switch back. Not that there weren’t members of that family that were horrid people, but Draco isn’t one of them. If Ron would just be more reasonable those two could actually have at the very least a cordial relationship.” “Malfoy’s in his dorm,” Aurora announced. “How do you even know that?” Alice asked. “Can you keep a secret? And it’s a big one?” Aerie asked. “Ya, sure.” “You do realize that’s the one double positive that can actually equal a negative?” Aurora asked. “Yes, I can keep a secret.” Alice had a confused look on her face as she contemplated the phrasing ya sure. “Has to do with her ancestry,” Aerie offered. “She’s a direct descendant of the Sun King.” “Of France?” Alice asked while possibly even more confused. “Of Akkadia. She’s an Akkadian Princess.” “The wards are founded on ancient Akkadian artifacts and spell matrices,” Aurora informed her. “And as an Akkadian Princess, that gives me access. I gained access the other day. It just suddenly gave me access. I can only assume the system must have recognized my bloodline or something.” OK, it was the fact that she’s an Equestrian Princess, but Aurora wasn’t about to try to explain that. “Madam Hooch and a Doc Brown know, but if Dumbledore knows he’s not said anything. And... I got them. They are on their way to the Trophy room. Oh, and Alice, if people like the Weasley Twins knew, they might try to find some way to take advantage of the fact I can do it.” “Moonie, any chance you can see to it those idiots get back to the dorm without getting caught?” “Your cat?” Alice asked as Moonie the cat raised her head, and let out a sigh. “Well our options are, I go after them, or we leave them to their fate.” “Filch is closing in on them,” Aurora announced. Moonie’s ears went flat, she got up, and raced out of the room. “She’s a cat, what’s she going to do?” Alice asked. “She’s very resourceful,” Lavender offered. “Oh, now those idiots are headed right for the off-limits corridor,” Aurora announced a short time later. “Idiots,” Aerie grumbled, got out of her bed, took off her pendants, put those on her bed, went to a window, opened it, and stepped out. “Aerie?!” Lavender shouted as she dashed to the window. “She’s gone?” “Something tells me she’ll be fine… Nova?” Aurora said the last with considerable surprise. The wards weren’t showing Aerie Potter gliding through the air, it was showing Kitsumi Nova Moon Princess of Equestria in the ancient Akkadian script. “Nova?” Aurora said softly. She did keep her wits about her and made sure to open a window into a classroom that provided access to the appropriate corridor. She watched the wards, giving a play-by-play, the three idiots were in the off-limits corridor, Fluffy had seen them, Nova was peeking through a door, the dog stopped, and the three idiots are now looking at the dog their minds too befuddled to remark on the singing, they turn, and exit the corridor. Nova closed the classroom door and returned back the way she’d come. When Aerie dropped back in through the window of their dorm room her hair was white. It didn’t stay that way for very long though. “They are on their way back now, and I’m not seeing any more obstacles,” Aurora offered while watching Aerie. Aerie had gone back to her bed, put her amulets back on, and then went to her wardrobe to get a night robe. “Anyone want to go down to the common room to welcome them back?” Aerie asked. “Sure, why not,” Aurora replied, Idda met them on the way down in her search for Hermione, and a short time later they were downstairs with nearly half the girls in the dorm following them. As fate would have it Wood and Mr Foley came down the stairs about the same time in search of the two boys. “What’s going on?” Wood asked. “We are here for the floor show,” Idda replied. “I know, let's rearrange the furniture to face the entry hole,” Aerie suggested. “So, I gather you are missing someone too?” Foley asked as the furniture was rearranged. “And we have it on good authority that the miscreants will be back shortly,” Idda informed them. “Foley looked cross, and then he brightened. “Wood, rouse as many people as you can. Might as well turn this into a learning moment.” Wood Laughed, and rushed upstairs. “That thing was huge,” Ron said as he, Hermione, and Neville scrambled through the door. “It has three heads? Why does it have three heads?” Neville asked. “It’s a Cerberus,” Hermione proclaimed in her I’m a genius, and your not tone. “Ya, well, Hell Hounds typically tend to be huge slobbering three-headed creatures,” Foley announced. The three idiots froze in place followed by slowly looking in Woods's direction. From there they cast their eyes about the room. Nearly everyone in the Gryffindor dormitory was either standing or sitting, and every last one was watching them. “Five points each, I think,” Idda suggested. “From each of us,” Wood added. “That’ll make fifteen points each then,” Foley added. “Forty-five total.” “It was Draco, he challenged Ron to a duel,” Hermione stated in her defense. “And was he there?” Aerie asked. Granted that she already knew the answer. “No, he chickened out,” Ron stated. “Duels are to be fought on the front steps right before breakfast. That’s the rule. Unofficially. Officially it’s a hundred points if you get caught. That’s why we do it on the steps, and there are rules to keep it down to a quick fast draw, someone loses a wand, no jinxing, or anything that’s going to raise awkward questions,” Foley stated. “Had a member of the faculty caught you, you’d be missing a whole lot more points, and facing a possible suspension. Be grateful McGonagall didn’t catch you. She would have taken fifty points each just for being out of the dorm after hours.” “Ron,” Aurora began in a scolding tone. “What Draco did is known as a troll among muggles. The term comes from fishing. Its original meaning refers to a fisherman in a boat who casts out a line in hopes of a fish biting the hook. Draco cast out his line, and you bit. Its modern alternate meaning has a little more to do with someone who has all the personality and intelligence of a Mountain Troll. He as likely never had any intentions to meet you at the appointed place and time.” Ron’s face fell at the realization that he’d been had. “Ron Ron Ron, why are you so gullible?” Fred admonished. “He never learns,” George reported. “Ron, have we taught you nothing?” Fred asked while shaking his head. “Looks like the show is over, think I’ll go back to bed,” One of the older boys said, and headed back upstairs. One by one people started back upstairs until the common room was empty once more. “Aerie…” Aurora said softly as the two headed up the stairs. “Your name changed? In the ward matrix. But only while you were out of the bedroom.” “Did it? Curious that.” Aerie looked at Aurora and saw the look of longing. “Multiverse. It showed Nova, I gather. Mrs Silverwood is also a Nova. We are not your Nova. That would be too easy.” Aerie reached out and hugged Aurora. “If you could go back to that place, would you?” “I don’t know?” Aurora replied. “I have my mom and my friends, but I had a whole family. I was royalty. We’d kept my status a secret, but we never had to worry about secrecy accords or people like Tom Riddle. I could use magic openly, most of the time. And I could fly. I loved flying, and being on a broom isn’t quite the same. It’s fun, and it’s different, but it’ll never be the same. That and broom riding comes with some mighty big limitations.” “Ya, I know. Kind of had to resist the urge to just stay out there and fly until my heart had drunk deeply of flight.” > Chapter 23: Friendship Rings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning the mood at the Gryffindor table was a bit somber. Granted that losing forty-five points wasn’t a huge amount, but to lose it on one go overnight did have people at the other tables wondering what had happened. A bit of whispering and looks toward Ron from the Slytherin table was a good indication that they’d had a good idea of what had happened. Up at the head table. “Minerva, your house seems to be down some points this morning,” Professor Sprout observed as the owls were coming in. “I was informed by Mr Folly that there was a discipline problem with some of the first years last night. He didn’t elaborate,” McGonagall offered. “Probably just as well that they chose to leave me out of the loop as it seems to be three individuals who lost the points. From all three of the current Gryffindor student leaders. Oh my, a phoenix?! Delivering a package.” Back at the Gryffindor table and phoenix of all birds had just swooped in with a package for Aerie. “Philomena?” Aurora asked. “Fennik,” Aerie guessed to be rewarded by head bobbing. “Looks like I guessed right. So what do you have for me?” Aerie opened up the package inside to find two small rings and a note. “It says they are Pinkie Promise rings for you and your sister from another mother. They are self-adjusting to fit any size and come with novelty spells, a prank setting that makes ring and finger vanish. Plus, they won’t interfere with magic.” “Sister from another mother?” Hermione asked. “Dad was a busy lad,” Aerie teased causing a fair amount of snickering among those who’d heard. For that matter just because Aerie was joking didn’t mean it wasn’t true. “The second ring is for Aurora.” Aerie handed one of the small ring boxes over to her and opened up the one she still had. The ring inside was deceptively small. It sported a single ruby and finely detailed knotwork designs on it. On the underside could be seen writing in the Akkadian script. “Oh, I bet that would look good on my-ah!” Fred was just in the process of attempting to snatch the ring when Fennik flew up and drove him off. “Mr Weasley, interfering with the mail is a serious offense,” Idda scolded as Professor McGonagall started over, and Fennik chose to perch on Aerie’s head. Aerie chose to put on her ring before anyone else got any ideas, and Aurora did the same. Both chose the left pinkie. “Would someone care to explain what just happened over here?” Professor McGonagall inquired. She eyeballed Fennik who bobbed her head playfully. “Fred Weasley tried to take Aerie’s ring that she just got,” Idda informed her. “Our little delivery Phoenix took exception.” “I see,” Professor McGonagall said in a dry emotionless tone. “This is Fennik, she’s bonded to Nova Silverwood,” Aerie explained. “These are Akkadian friendship rings.” “Hey, there’s a little chain so they can be worn as pendants,” Aurora announced. “Hey, cute,” Aerie replied. “Why is Nova Silverwood sending you friendship rings?” Professor McGonagall asked. “She’s like a second or third cousin to my mom, and Aurora, as it turns out, has Akkadian ancestry,” Aerie explained, took a morsel of meat from her plate, and offered it up to Fennik, who seemed to forget all about her antagonism towards Fred. “Ah, I see. Perhaps we should talk later,” McGonagall replied and turned her attention to Fred. “Detention, see me in my office after classes tomorrow.” “But?” “You don’t antagonize a phoenix, Mr Weasley.” “It’s just a bird.” “Fennik is fully capable of dumping you anywhere she wants,” Aerie offered. “She’s not wrong, and I doubt if the school wards could prevent her from doing it,” McGonagall cautioned. Now get back in your seat and there better not be any more trouble.” And with that, she returned to the head table. As for Aerie and Aurora, they were dying for some free time when no one would be looking for them. Unfortunately the first free time they got that week, they were summoned by Professor McGonagall. “Professor McGonagall?” Aerie asked as she knocked on the door. “Come on in,” McGonagall called. Aerie opened the door and entered followed by Aurora. “Come, sit down, and don’t worry, you aren't in trouble.” “I can’t imagine why not, we’re nearly as bad as the Weasley Twins,” Aerie teased as she shut the door behind her. They were seated a moment later. “Perish the thought,” McGonagall said in an almost sarcastic tone as the two girls sat down in the available seats. “I wanted to ask you about the incident on your first day of Broom riding.” “You mean about what happened with Neville, I gather?” Aurora inquired just as Fennik popped in and landed on Aerie’s shoulder. She stretched out her wings, dropped her head, and hissed at the door. Moonie jumped up on McGonagall’s desk a moment later, her ears down flat. “Neville kicked off and lost control of his broom,” Aerie stated. She then made an odd little hand gesture which was followed by the door swinging open. “Why Professor Quirrel, is there something you need?” “Quirinus,” Professor McGonagall stated. She sounded just a bit annoyed. “Is it your habit to listen in at doors? You are Professor Quirrel, are you not? And not one of my students using a Polyjuice potion?” “I – I was ju-just about to knock.” “Indeed.” “Ji-jinxing a broom is a very serious matter.” “I’m sure it is,” Aerie offered. For a brief moment, her aura rippled visibly as little blue flames and Quirrel jolted back as though he’d been physically struck. “Professor McGonagall had heard about our Friendship rings, and was about to give us some life advice, weren’t you, Professor McGonagall?” McGonagall hesitated for a brief moment. “Yes, I was going to give them advice. I only asked about Neville to break the ice.” “Oh, I, I see. You, won’t, won’t be needing my assistance then?” “Professor, when I need your assistance, I’ll let you know.” Quirrel nodded his head and closed the door. Aerie reached up to pet Fennik and whispered, “Be a dear and dump him in the lake.” Fennik made a chirp, jumped vanished, and then the sound of a double pop out in the hall was heard. She reappeared a couple of moments later and landed on Aurora’s shoulder now quite pleased with herself. “It wasn't a vampire he ran across, I think, and Neville did not push off from the ground,” Aerie offered now that she needn’t fear being overheard. “By any chance have you talked to Madam Hooch recently?” “Well of course I… You’re meaning about something other than just Neville’s incident aren’t you, and I hate to say it,” Professor McGonagall paused. “He’s gone. There is a Muggle – Auror joint task force tracking a unicorn killer. I’ve been advised because they think it may be related to You know who.” “Oh my. Well, the fact that a phoenix doesn’t like Professor Quirrel is troubling. Her response to him was far worse than that nip in Fred’s direction.” “Is it enthrallment, do you think?” Aurora asked. “I fear it’s far, far worse than that,” Aerie offered. “I fear you may be right,” Professor McGonagall stated. “That smell, like death.” “If this is in any way related to You know who, I fear there is little that can be done,” Aerie said. Sure, she already knew, but how was she to explain it to Professor McGonagall? “That blue fire, what is that, do you think?” Aerie let out a sigh. “The truth?” McGonagall nodded. “I’ve Kitsune ancestry. Also known as Celestial Foxes. Creatures, beings, on the side of light, mostly, who can take on human form. Granted that even Celestial foxes are prone to corruption. That’s why I have my Moonie. Truth is, she’s not exactly a cat. She’s the avatar of the Goddess Luna. She’s Selena. She keeps me from losing my way. I’ve had opportunities to talk to Nova Silverwood about the fox fire. The fire erupts like that as an unconscious reaction to corruption. It reacts to Professor Quirrel. Can’t say I’ve had that issue with anyone else. Not even when Snape… The worst part, I don’t know if there is anything we can do for or about Quirrel, and should you confront him, it could end disastrously. I looked up possession and enthrallment, but wizard kind is not… kind to such persons.” “I’ll confess that even with my knowledge and experience, even I’m at a bit of a loss,” McGonagall offered. She also knew that Quirrel had received an injury from being hit by a shutter. It was circumstantial, but the evidence was mounting. “Incidentally…” McGonagall’s tone had changed indicating she wanted to change the subject. “The way you opened the door, I saw you doing that at Hermione’s house. Just so you understand, it’s considered wandless magic.” “Is it? Non-magicals think of it as a Meta ability. I understand though, I’ll have to curb my use of it outside of school.” “You’ll need to curb it outside of school entirely.” “Even if I’m living in a wizard home? I only ask because it’s kind of a subconscious thing, especially at the breakfast table.” “You don’t live in a wizard home.” “Actually, I do. The Sussex house is the old Fletchley House, Sussex Street, Unit Zero. That’s why the postal address is around the corner. The main family died out some time back and the house was passed down to the squibs. That’s why it was so difficult for you to find it. It doesn’t show on any of the city maps and won’t be remarked on by anyone who hasn’t a legitimate need to find the place.” “Well, I’ll be.” “Justin has magic because the Finch name is also an old wizard family that all but died out as well. Both names are in the list of fallen houses.” “Still no.” “And are they detecting Moonie?” “Your cat?” “She’s a familiar. She’s Selena. She is literally a magical construct created by Luna Goddess of the Moon.” “You’re serious?” “She’s an avatar spell. A guardian spell. A sentient being made entirely of magic. Mrs Silverwood has one too. It’s entirely possible the Ministry may be detecting her as a low-level active spell.” “In that case, I will see about making sure the house is properly registered as a wizard residence. In that way, small amounts of magic will be ignored because they can’t tell if it’s a competent adult wizard using magic or an underage witch using it.” “Quirrel is out in the forest now,” Aurora announced sounding disgusted. “What? Oh…” Aerie let out a sigh and gave her a look. “Care to clue me in?” McGonagall gave them an inquisitive look. “That thing you might want to discuss with Madam Hooch,” Aerie offered sheepishly. “Aurora counts as a Princess of Eques due to her bloodline.” “And that matters because?” “We met a Doc brown, an Akkadian doctor who comes in to help with the health needs of the English Pegasi. He explained how they do their transformation.” “I figured it out and I can now transform.” “Well, that’s rather remarkable. But I get the feeling I’m missing something.” “She counts as a Princess of Eques, and it’s in the Charter that the laws of Wizarding Britten are founded on that the abode of a Princess of Eques becomes her embassy. That is to say that her unique place of residence becomes parcel to the rule of Eques and Akkadian sovereign territory.” “Very well, and I am gathering there is some element to this that is a little more than academic.” “The wards are powered by Akkadian artifacts,” Aurora pointed out. Her tone then took on a rather sheepish nature. “Moments after changing my form I discovered that I’d suddenly had full administrative access to the Wards that protect Hogwarts.” “What?” McGonagall was nearly speechless. “Has Professor Dumbledore made any indication that he’s aware of it?” Aerie asked. “You are serious?” “Afraid so,” Aurora replied with a sort of half smile. “Madam Hooch is aware of it.” “She never said anything.” “The knowledge could potentially put her in danger,” Aerie pointed out. “Aurora's pony form is that of a winged unicorn and there is someone killing unicorns. As for undoing it, that would require either a change in the Charter or… we might be able to fix it by providing her with her own unique residence. Aerie’s eyes sparkled with an idea, “Aurora, maybe over Christmas we can set you up with a deluxe trunk and see if that can fix it?” “Those are prohibitively expensive, and against school rules,” McGonagall stated with a palm on her face. “There wasn’t anything in the letter?” Aerie asked perhaps just a little worried. “You’ve got one?” “I’ve access to both the Potter vault and the Black Vault. I’ve got one, charged it to the Black vault. We used the apartment to change on the train. Aside from that, I’ve had no reason to go into it since I got here. Everything I need is accessible from the trunk. The top portion is set up to look like an ordinary trunk.” “I will admit that it never occurred to me that a new student might actually have access to the funds necessary to purchase something like that,” McGonagall said while putting her hand down and leaning back. “I will say that it has been an interesting day.” “Hopefully Percy’s return tonight will go a lot smoother.” “Not a chance, I’m making Bill Bones the new Prefect.” “They’ve got history, I gather?” Aurora asked. McGonagall just nodded. “Kind of missed our window of opportunity,” Aerie lamented as the two girls headed back up to the dorm having finished giving Professor McGonagall a massive headache. “Something tells me that if Troll fart, as you have so rightly named him, suspects that either of us might be more than just ordinary students, we don’t dare.” “Afraid you might be right.” As for McGonagall, she went in search of Madam Hooch who admitted to her that the reason she’d not said anything was because of what Snape had told her. “She’s his daughter?” “Let’s just say that the letter strongly suggested it.” Quirrel didn’t show for Dinner that night. Not that any of the students paid much attention. In fact, the people at the head table were actually somewhat relieved in that they’d be able to taste their food. > Chapter 24: Wood's Secret weapon. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percy was back, the threads still hanging from his robes, and there they would stay as a mark of his shame. He was sullen, and had bags under his eyes, along with signs of male pattern balding. “As for Hermione, Neville, and Ron, mostly Ron, all they could talk about following getting caught out of dorm by the whole dorm was getting back at Malfoy. Hermione was trying her best to not actually speak to anyone and failing at it. “Ron, give it a rest,” Hermione scolded. “Honestly. Besides, he can hear you.” “She’s got a point,” Fred added. “OK, so whose idea was it to turn out the whole dorm to wait for us to come back?” Ron snapped back accusingly. “Oh that wasn’t Fred,” offered a six-year boy with dirty brown hair. His robes were unkempt, and yet he now sported a prefect badge. “That’s just something we do anytime someone turns up missing.” Hermione for her part suspected that her fellow first-year girls had ratted her out for being missing. Which was technically true. “Hermione, I do a bed check before I turn in,” Idda pointed out. “I would have noticed in plenty of time to get everyone downstairs.” “Oh, did Wood tell you he wants to see me out at the quidditch field after dinner?” Aerie asked Idda. “Yes, you are good.” “Why does she get to go out? What, is it a date?” Hermione asked in a rather condescending manner. “For your information Miss Granger, it’s for a tryout,” Wood scolded. “Why, because of that broom? Bet I could have flown just as good with that broom.” “That a serious bet?” Draco asked from the Slytherin table. “You but out!” Hermione shot back causing the Slytherins to laugh. “Hermione, you were so intimidated by the idea of flying on a broom, you could barely get the one you had off the ground,” Aerie reminded her. Her keen ears heard someone at the Slytherin table make a crude joke. Aerie turned in the direction of the speaker, “Not only is that not helpful, but it’s also rather crass. Even for a Slytherin.” “That’s not a denial,” One of the Slytherin girls pointed out. “Well, no, I suppose it’s not. Not my place to be making such judgments.” Aerie turned back to her face and chose to try to ignore the giggling behind her. Whether or not Hermione had heard she hadn’t indicated that she had and had at least chosen to not say anything more. After dinner Aerie went up to the dorm, fetched what was now considered her broom, and headed back downstairs where she met Wood. “Madam Hooch suggested that I should escort you.” “Any chance we can fly down to the pitch?” Aerie asked as they made their way through the castle. “Unfortunately no,” He offered as they exited the building Gryffindor tower was in and crossed a footbridge to the Astronomy wing. From there they made their way to the bailey they’d had their broom lesson at. “Any idea what’s with Hermione?” Wood asked a short time later as they made their way down to the gate that would take them to the path that lead to the Quidditch pitch. “Who knows? The onset of puberty?” Wood let loose an unbidden laugh. “She’s always been difficult.” “Hey?!” Wood called on seeing Fred and George waiting at the gate. They both had brooms over their shoulders. “Katie, Angelina, and Cormack already headed out,” Fred offered. “So it’s true, that thing actually lets you fly it?” George asked. “Same basic components as my wand,” Aerie offered as they passed through the gate. “To be honest it’s a wizard staff with a sweep on it.” “Ah, that would explain it then,” Fred offered. “Only instead of the wand choosing the wizard, it’s the broom choosing the witch.” “Say, if we were to make brooms that matched our magical signature,” George mused. “How would we afford everything we’d need though?” “You could ask Madam Hooch if she can get you a pegasus feather?” “That’s true, there are pegasi living in the attics,” Wood offered. “Takes more than a feather to make a broom though.” “I’ve already met a Miss Lea,” Aerie offered as a familiar gray glided silently off to their left. Her almond-shaped pupils and tufted ears indicated she was a pony of mixed linage. “She wasn’t feeling well, so she wasn’t very talkative.” “Ah yes, the English Pegasi, behaving pretty much like everything British, and that’s defying all convention every chance they get. Would you believe that they’ve been classified as beings?” “Yes, I would. I’m well aware of it. You may have forgotten that I read nearly as much as Hermione.” “Perish the thought… hang on?” Wood stopped walking on spotting the gray. “That’s Lieutenant Mouse,” Aerie offered. “You know that…?” Alice dropped down to the ground and transformed into her human self. The three boys froze in astonishment. This would be the first time they’d ever witnessed a transformation. “Gentlemen, Miss Aerie. I hope you don’t mind if I tag along. There’s an alert tonight.” “Are they tracking him?” Aerie asked. “The thestral guard was trying to but lost him.” “Thestral guard?” Fred asked. “You, I mean, you are real?” George asked. “Akkadian,” LT Mouse offered. “And yes, we are half beast.” “What’s this about an alert? Tracking who?” Wood asked. “Individual by the name of Tom Riddle,” LT Mouse informed him. “I’d advise you not to say anything to anyone. Including the instructors.” “How come Aerie seems to know?” Fred asked. “He's a former follower of You Know Who. He’s out there poaching animals, and there was some concern he might try to come after me,” Aerie explained just as another gray pegasus landed nearby them but opposite LT Mouse. “Hi Miss Lea, I see you are feeling better,” Aerie offered cheerfully. “Miss, I think you should know that that pony isn’t a member of our little community,” Lea cautioned softly. “She can talk?” George asked. He was genuinely astonished. As if watching one pegasi transform hadn’t already clued him in that the ponies were far more intelligent than he’d ever given them credit for. “I’d imagine that if the two of you were capable of hosting pegasi you’d already know that they are every bit as intelligent as humans. Even more so in some cases,” Aerie scolded, and then turned to Lea, her tone softening. “Yes, I know, She’s a Shadowbolt.” “A Shadowbolt? A real Shadowbolt? Wow.” Lea said sounding delighted. “Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna’s own,” Mouse offered proudly. “Shadowbolt?” Fred asked. “Think pony elite Auror team,” Aerie offered as a way of explanation. “Seriously?” All three boys chimed. “Come on, let’s get to the Quidditch pitch,” Aerie prompted. They found Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet hiding inside the Team’s changing room. “Come here, quick!” Alicia shouted. “Lieutenant…” Aerie said. She didn’t need to say what she wanted. “On it,” Lt Mouse said, transformed, and launched into the air. Lea wasn’t far behind. Moments later the sound of many wings could be heard filling the stadium. “What’s going on?” Wood asked. He was understandably confused and a little concerned. “Why are you hiding in there like a bunch of scared girls?” Fred asked. “Because we are a bunch of scared girls!” Katie shot back. “There was something out there! “Aerie? Where are you going?!” Aerie was walking towards a large trunk that had been left out on the pitch. Her broom at the ready like it was a rifle, the sweep the muzzle, and perhaps in her hands, it was. “I’ll be fine,” Aerie called back as an all too familiar black and white Alicorn dropped down near her. “Fennik has scorched talons,” The alicorn informed her. “I had her drop our primary target in the lake for eavesdropping,” Aerie explained. “I guess that’s why she went to Aurora when she came back. “I think it did something to him. Forced him to go hunting to restore himself.” Lt Mouse landed nearby. “Whatever the girls saw seems to be gone now.” “Thank you, Lieutenant,” Nova Silverwood replied. “I wonder if Professor Dumbledore can be moved to make the appropriate adjustments to the wards.” “Be faster if I just ask Aurora,” Aerie whispered as Wood slowly approached. He stopped when Mrs Silverwood transformed into human form. “It’s quite alright. Mr Wood was it?” “Ah, yes mam. Who are you?” “Nova Silverwood-Swan, Matron of the Silverwood clan. There was something rather nasty loose in the forest this afternoon, but you should be good to go. I’ll leave some ponies to watch your back.” “Thank you,” Wood replied. “Um, if you don’t mind my saying so, you two look a lot alike. You and Aerie.” “Distant cousins.” Mrs Silverwood spread out her wings while still in human form and with a powerful downstroke lifted up into the air transforming the rest of the way as she went. Wood waited a moment as he watched her go, and then turned to shout at the twins. “Let the girls know it’s safe to come out! Where’s Cormack?” Cormack had also been in the team room, and he was probably more freaked out than the girls in that he’d gotten a good look at the creature that had been stalking them. “I don’t know what it was?” Cormack said once he’d been persuaded to come out. “It was some kind of hooded serpent.” “Well, it’s gone now,” Wood offered. Come on, let's get a little exercise. He then headed for the big trunk while motioning for Aerie to follow. The trunk was ornately decorated with bronze latches, hinges, and bracing. Wood took but a moment to open it up. “Quaffle, Bludgers, and the Golden Snitch,” Aerie offered. “I’ve done my homework.” “You’re stealing my thunder,” Wood chastised as the twins snickered. Wood then went into an abridged explanation of what Quidditch was and how it was played. “And this,” Wood offered while holding up the golden snitch. Gold save for silver wings. “Is of course the golden Snitch. Quite possibly the most important ball in the game. Catch it, and you end the game with an extra hundred and fifty points for catching it. But it’s very hard to catch. First, you have to find it, and then you have to be fast and agile. As the Seeker you may need to weave in and out between Chasers, and Beaters while dodging Bludgers, and the Quaffle to get it before the other Seeker spots it. It’s not uncommon for Seekers to get tangled up with other players. And because the game doesn’t end until the snitch is caught games can go on forever.” “Except here at Hogwarts where games can be called so that students can return to classes,” Angelina pointed out as she took hold of the Quaffle. “We going to get some practice in or not?” “In a minute, in a minute,” Wood protested. “Anyway, we aren’t going to use the snitch right now.” “Let it go,” Aerie said as she took her glasses off and put them in her handbag. “It’s not like we can’t retrieve it,” Alicia offered. After all, what was the point of a practice Snitch if there was no way to retrieve it? “I thought we’d play a little catch first,” He offered as he pulled a golf ball out of a pocket. “Alright, that’ll work too,” Aerie replied, and fished out her glasses. “Hey!?” Fred had snatched the glasses from her hand and was now trying them on. A move that immediately resulted in him falling hard. “Owe.” “Serves you right,” Aerie chastised. “I swear, the whole world went upside down?” Fred complained as his brother took the glasses and tried looking through them without putting them on. “What kind of glasses are these? Sections of the stands look like there is sunlight, one stand is upside down, Aerie is a pony, and Wood is a tree?” “I have a magical malady that they correct. I imagine it’s just giving you random stuff simply because the prescription isn’t for you.” “Give 'em here.” Wood took the glasses and had a peek prior to giving them back to Aerie. “Eh, pretty colors. Everything has gone pastel. Hang on, you were going to go after the snitch without them?” “I suppose I’ll have to play with them on,” Aerie said softly. “Listen, what I’m going to tell you is so top secret, that you have to take it to your grave, and if you tell anyone you could end up having to get a new Seeker?” “That sounds mighty ominous,” Wood mused. “Granted it’s probably not an actual foul, but only because the Ministry has likely never encountered it before.” “So what is this horrible affliction?” Fred asked from the ground. “I can see the aura of magical things and living beings,” Aerie informed them. “It’s a right pain in the school without the glasses, but…” “Let me guess,” Wood interrupted. “The snitch lights up for you.” “In the gathering gloom of dusk,” Aerie offered with a mischievous smile. “It shines like a flare. I could probably catch the thing within the first five to ten seconds of being set loose.” “Alright, alright, prove it,” wood said and tossed the golf ball in one direction and the Snitch in the other. Aerie peeled after the golf ball first, catching it before it could begin its arch downward, and then peeled off in a seemingly random direction. She then looped around and glided back over to where they were all gathered with a rather odd look on her face. She handed Wood the golf ball, followed by reaching up and pulling the Snitch out of her mouth. “I’ve only two hands you know.” Wood began to laugh like a madman bent on world destruction. His mirth was soon echoed by his teammates. > Chapter 25: Just the right amount of Swish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie returned to the dorm with the team later that evening and headed on up to the room she shared. She said hi to Hermione on the way, but all she got was a cold shoulder as Hermione turned away, nose in a book. Aurora hit Aerie with a big hug. “I was so worried,” Aurora whispered. “So that was him then,” Aerie whispered back. “He’s out there looking for a victim to restore himself. It seems Fennik’s teleport did a number on him.” “I tried blocking Quirrell Riddle, yes, it shows both names. Dumbledore just goes and unblocks him, and I can't just go and block him.” “I doubt Quirrell will step foot back here if he can’t at least make himself look human.” “And if he does come back? What if he’s able to make himself human enough to pass?” “It’ll mean he’s found himself a victim, and we’ll just have to bide our time. Confronting him isn't going to help and could be devastating on multiple fronts.” “Do you have any idea what to do? Elements of Harmony maybe?” “I’ve only the one I’m afraid. I could possibly take him on, but I can’t win. Neither can he. We are at a stalemate right now. I can only hope he’ll bide his time.” “So, we good?” Lavender asked. “Ya,” Aerie offered. “Let’s get our assignments for the night done, and call it a night.” The next morning Quirrel was back. He looked well enough but seemed more fidgety than ever. “Hermione,” Aerie called to the girl. Hermione made no indication she heard. “I was thinking we could have a group study every other night. Interested?” “I’m sure you’ll manage fine without me,” Hermione stated. “What were you thinking about doing?” Parvati asked. “Well, we are already doing self-study with guests for history, I was thinking about doing something for Defense Against the Dark Arts.” “Hang on Guests?” Idda asked. “Professor Binns doesn’t normally do that?” “Professor Binns passed on,” Hermione stated sharply. “Yes, he’s dead, but I don’t see what the problem is?” Idda asked. “Hasn’t shown up for any of his classes,” George offered. “I think everyone who still has to take his class has been using it as a self-study hour.” “George?! Why did you tell her?” Fred asked. “Maybe I want to pass the end-of-year exams?” George offered by way of explanation. “As for the guests, I’ve been asking the other school ghosts to come and talk to the class. It’s proven quite enlightening. Might not be the approved curriculum, but at least we are getting an education.” “We are going to have to say something sooner or later,” Foley offered. “Yes, I knew about it. To be honest I didn’t see it as a huge problem. They are probably better off without Binns. He was constantly confusing things, and all he ever talked about was the Goblin wars.” From then on Aerie was kept very busy. She had her classes, and that meant DADA where she and Professor Quirrel had a tense but professional relationship, quidditch practice three times a week, and their group study sessions during which times they even managed to get Hermione to come out of her shell a bit. On the day of all Hallows Eve, Professor Flitwick announced in charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly. Something everyone had been looking forward to for some time. He put the class into pairs, Aerie found herself partnered with Lavender, Aurora with Neville, and Hermione with Ron. Aerie was just a little suspicious Professor Flitwick had put the two together intentionally. “Now don’t forget that nice wrist movement, Swish, and flick.” “Wingardium Leviosa,” Aerie said in a perfectly normal voice, her assigned feather standing up. “I know full well you can do better than that,” Lavender whispered as Aurora coached Neville. Meanwhile, Ron was shouting the word while waving his arm around like a windmill. “You are doing it all wrong,” Hermione snapped at Ron. “It’s Wing-guard-di-um Levi-Ou-sa, make the gar nice and long.” “You do it then,” Ron snarled. Hermione dramatically rolled up her sleeves, flicked her wand, and said “Wind gaurrr-dium Levi-oh sa,” gave her wand a flick followed by the feather rising up to the level of their heads. “Well done!” Professor Flitwick cried out while clapping. “Surprised it didn’t turn black with a skull and cross bones,” Aerie said under her breath. “Say, Ron, let’s try something.” Aerie went over to him, took his wand, put it on the table, and put her wand in his hand. “Now, let's see if my wand will work a little better,” Aerie offered. “Say it again, nice and even, just the way you were saying it only with less arm swinging.” “But I can’t use your wand?” “Just this once, as an experiment.” Ron gave her a hesitant look and tried it with her wand. His arm still cranked like he was winding up for a fast pitch, followed by the feather stabbing the ceiling. “You are absolutely right, my wand is definitely not for you,” Aerie offered and took her wand back. “And Ron, a little less arm swinging.” “OK, I get it,” Ron said while looking up at the ceiling. “My wand is a piece of junk.” “Well, I guess we can give points to Hermione and Mr Weasley,” Flitwick offered. “Miss Potter, perhaps you’d like to give it another go?” “Yes sir,” Aerie offered, said the word with a bit more emotion, gave her wand a flick, and up her feather lifted. It then preceded to dance around every time Aerie jinked her wand a little. “Oh, excellent, excellent, and you’ve already figured out wand control quite nicely. Five points for Gryffindor.” He then turned to Ron. “Mr Weasley, come see me at the end of the day and let's see if we can’t do something about that wand of yours.” Aurora was the next person to get it right, and Ron was in a very bad mood by the end of the class due to Hermione’s needling. *“It’s no wonder no one can stand her,” Ron said to Neville as he pushed his way through the hallway after class. “She’s a nightmare, and I don’t mean like the pony either. There’s nothing wrong with how I say Wingardium Leviosa! Honestly!” “Professor,” Aerie called to Flitwick. She and Aurora had hung back for a bit. “Will you be able to refurbish Ron’s wand?” “I don’t rightly know, I’ll need to examine it first. Do you know what the wood and core are?” “I believe it’s a type of Ash, and it’s got a unicorn hair in it. It belonged to one of his older brothers.” “Ah, yes, Unicorn hair. That explains so much. Especially given the wand has been handed down. Now if I had a unicorn hair…” “Would a hair from say, someone, with Akkadian ancestry be a viable substitute?” “It might, it might. Not sure if anyone has ever tried.” “Who’s hair are you planning on using,” Aurora asked. “Yours. Redhead for a redhead,” Aerie replied while reaching over and plucking a strand. “Ow, wasn’t there something about the hair being freely given?” “Just one thing, don’t tell anyone where the hair came from,” Aerie said as she passed the hair over to Flitwick. He took it, cast a spell of some sort to examine it, and then brightened. “I do believe this will do the trick. And don’t worry. I know.” He nodded his head, his smile momentarily switching to a grim expression. “It’s been discussed among select members of the staff.” “And Dumbledore doesn’t wish to do anything at this time, I gather.” “I’m afraid so. Might be for the best anyway. No one wants to have a confrontation that could endanger anyone.” “Stalemate while we wait,” Aurora said softly. “Neither side is willing to make a move.” Hermione was a no-show in the next class. “Anyone seen Hermione?” Aerie asked later that afternoon of the other first-year girls. “Ground floor Girls’ toilets,” Parvati offered. “She’s in there crying. I tried to talk to her.” “She just tells us to go away,” Alice offered. “She brings it on herself though.” “Yes, I know, she doesn’t understand the concept of downtime or that it’s rude to lecture outside of a lecture hall,” Aerie offered and then let out a sigh. “We’ve all tried to get her to mellow out a little, but she’s gotten worse,” Lavender lamented. “It’s an inferiority complex, I’m afraid. She’s brilliant, make no mistake. She’s just so desperate to prove her worth. Right then, if she’s still holed up in the toilets.” “Shouldn't we all go?” Alice asked. “It’s all Hallows Eve, I’m expecting Ron’s Mountain Troll to show up.” “What?” Ron blurted out. “Why Ron, did you forget? You’re slated to wrestle a troll tonight,” Aerie called to him. “That’s right Ron,” Fred said as he walked past. “You have to wrestle a troll tonight,” George added as he too walked past. “Ron, have you seen Professor Flitwick yet?” Aurora asked. “Oh, right, he was going to see if he could do anything with my wand,” Ron replied and hurried off. As dinner drew near Aerie broke from the first-year herd of girls and headed for the bathroom where she expected to find Hermione. “Hermione?” Aerie called shortly after she had entered. No answer. “Honestly, you are going to end up like Myrtle Warren at this rate.” “Go away.” “You aren’t even interested in who Myrtle Warren is?” “I don’t care.” “I beg to differ. You do care, and that also means you care a great deal about how others see you. Admit it, or you wouldn't be here.” “Ron said no one can stand me, and that I had no friends. “OK, the part about not having friends isn’t true. I mean I think of you as a friend.” Hermione burst out of the stall she was in. “That implies that you can’t stand me though.” “You are a difficult person to like, but we are trying. Hermione, I hear you lecturing your roommates every night. People need their downtime. I mean, it’s fine to give a lecture for a class. Your history lectures are always the best. Help people find the answers when they ask for them. But you’ve got to give it a rest.” Aerie turned to face Hermione, and as planned, Aerie was now facing the door. “And you know everything, don’t you?” “I don’t think... I’d go quite that far.” “Professor Flitwick said never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said ‘s’ instead of ‘f’ and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest, but you, you know better. Don’t you? Why we could say Wingardium Leviosa anyway we want? Isn’t that right?” “There are limits. Most spells are based on Latin. Mangled Latin to be exact. And the way we pronounce it today is nothing like how it might have been pronounced a couple hundred or even a thousand years ago. Old English versus modern English. What is important is intent and emotion. The word is just a trigger. A conscious decision to cast a spell, and entirely unnecessary for anyone capable of wordless magic. Yes, wordless. As for a buffalo, botch a simple spell and it’s far more likely to do nothing. Or in Finnigan’s case blow up. I swear that boy is too hot-blooded.” “Who died and made you god!” “My mom and dad.” Silence. “OK, that was uncalled for. Sorry. I seem to have been born that way anyway. Oh, come on. In your zeal to show everyone just how smart you are, you mangled the pronunciation of the spell right after instructing Ron how to pronounce it. You mangled the pronunciation when you cast that spell. There was nothing wrong with the way he was saying it. It was his wand.” “My spell worked.” “Yes, it did. Hermione, you are brilliant. And you are probably the third most powerful witch in First Year.” “The third? The third? Let me guess, you’re number one. Ya, well you’re not.” “Aurora is,” Aerie offered as she started rummaging in her purse. She looked up momentarily at the sound of the door opening. “She’s the daughter of a sun goddess.” “Oh, la tea da. Sun Goddess, ha! You place your girlfriend at number one. That still leaves you at number two.” “Um, Aerie?” Selena asked as she materialized. She was in pony form and had taken up a defensive stance. Hermione looked at the Night Mare, and only now did she register that someone else had entered the girl’s toilets. “It’s OK, I’ve got it,” Aerie offered as she pulled out her broom. “What are you going to do with that? Hang on, how’d you even get it in there?” Hermione asked as Aerie began to level it like it was a bazooka. “Afraid we took a little too long.” “Arr…” grunted out the beast blocking the way out. Hermione turned, saw her doom, heard the door lock click, took in a good healthy breath, and screamed. “Oh, don’t do that, you’ll just aggravate it,” Aerie scolded as her broom began to hum. “Aggravate it?! You’re worried about aggravating it!!?? We are going to die!!!!!” “Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Shouted the Mountain Troll. “Maud’Dib!” Aerie shouted followed by a blinding white light erupting from the sweep of the broom, the sound of the Death Star's main laser weapon firing, a giant explosion, and ending with rubble bouncing about and coming to rest along with a gaping hole where the door had been. Across the hall, there was another hole. A few bits of masonry dropped, once everything was over. “You have seriously got to stop doing that,” Selena scolded. There was smoke drifting up from the end of the broom. Aerie checked the broom. “I haven't used too much of my Manna, have I? The feedback wasn’t as bad, but I’m still a little lightheaded.” “Aerie, I’m still here, you’re fine.” “How’s Hermione?” “Her brain seems to have overloaded. She should reboot momentarily.” “Core! What was that?!” Ron asked as he poked his head around the corner. Incidentally, Ron had inadvertently made a complete fool of Quirrel moments after Quirrel’s fake faint following his announcement that there was a troll in the dungeon. In the moment of silence, Ron had bolted up and declared that he was not wrestling a troll and that his brothers Fred and George had obviously set the whole thing up as a prank. And yes, several people joked that there couldn't possibly be a troll in the dungeon because the Slytherins were all present. Quirrel had been forced to get up and tell everyone that there was indeed a troll loose. A Mountain Troll. He’d even been put in a position where he had to admit that the troll was one he’d been working with that got away from him. OK, he let it get away as a diversion but details, details. Dumbledore, true to form, decided to send everyone back to their dorms without any regard for the fact that the Slytherins lived in the dungeons where the troll was allegedly located. Granted he’d but to check the Wards to know where it was. Ron and Neville cut away from the Gryffindors to find and warn Hermione, went back to the first-floor corridor where the toilets were, saw the troll go in, locked the troll in, and were just walking away when they heard the scream. They turned just in time to see the troll flying by pushed by a wall of magical energy. “Ron, the Mountain Troll is in the classroom!” Neville called while hurried footsteps could be heard approaching. “I think it’s dead.” Snape cautiously entered the toilet while McGonagall attempted to shoo Ron and Neville away. Quirrel could be seen out in the hall inspecting the carnage. “Aerie, was all this necessary?” Snape asked. He sounded just a little annoyed, and perhaps there was some pride there too. “Oh, don’t be blaming her,” McGonagall scolded as she walked into the toilet room. “I’m more inclined to think that hole is the Night Mare’s doing.” Selena switched to her human form. “Oh, but she did do that. I have much better control.” Quirrel squeaked. “What kind of a fucking Marry Sue are you!!!” Hermione shouted. “The kind that just saved your life,” Selena chastised. “Though I’m not sure why? I can only think she thinks you are somehow worth the effort.” “We’ve already got one girl haunting a bathroom,” Aerie pointed out, put her broom back in her purse, and headed for the door. Quirrel decided it would be best to give her plenty of room. “Hermione, are you alright?” Ron called from the door even as Selena was doing the ‘eyes on you’ hand gestures as she walked past Quirrel. In a rather odd sort of way, it gave him a feeling of security. Yes, Snape suspected, even the specter known as Selena suspected him, but surely if they knew they would have confronted him by now? “Aerie, go to the dorm, and we’ll talk about this later,” McGonagall called and then turned to Ron and Neville. “I thought I told you two to get back to the dorm?” “Please, Professor McGonagall, it’s my fault. Aerie came looking for me, and then they did.” “If I had just kept my mouth shut,” Ron offered. “What I said was out of line.” “But I was being impossible.” “We can discuss this later,” McGonagall stated. “Now get up to the dorm before all the food is gone.” Aerie found herself swooped up and deposited on Selena’s back. Selena had transformed back into a pony and just decided that Nova needed a lift. Aerie had objected but then found that she was actually far more worn out than she’d realized. “Aerie?” Moonie asked softly. Aerie had lain down and was starting to doze off. “Nova?” “Yes, mom?” “It’s alright.” “I’m awake. Just resting.” “Try to remember that you are in a child’s body. I’m thinking that you probably can’t match the same levels you could before.” “Um, hum,” Nova said softly. “OK, kiddo.” Aerie drifted off and even slept through the party going through the common room. “Selena, is she alright?” Aurora asked as she followed her up the stairs. The party had quieted considerably. “She’ll be fine. She wore herself out.” “Doing what?” “She blew up the troll.” “Blew up…” Aurora repeated and stopped climbing the stairs. “Did she just say that Aerie blew up the troll?” Lavender asked from a few paces down. “That’s what she said.” The two went back down and told them what Selena had said. That bit of info echoed from person to person and it wasn’t until Hermione, Ron, and Neville had returned that they could get the full story. “Well…” Hermione started. She’d walked in through the entrance hole only to find herself at the center of attention once again. “We were kind of having an argument and I honestly didn’t know anything about a troll. She pulls her broom out of her purse, don’t ask me how it fits in the purse I haven't actually read that book yet.” She had to pause as people laughed. “I turn around and there it is a mountain troll. It had come into the bathroom and I’d been too caught up in my own emotions to even realize it. I screamed, and she was like don’t do that you’ll just irritate it. I swear, she was so calm. She aimed her broom at the thing and... she did the same thing with that broom she did with the wands only a lot bigger. When the smoke cleared the troll was in the classroom on the other side of the hallway with two great big holes in the walls.” “She’s not exaggerating,” Ron offered. “There was a huge hole where the lavatory door was, and an even bigger hole in the wall,” Neville informed them. And the classroom is trashed, and I’m lucky to be alive. We were only a few paces away from the blast.” “How is that even possible?” someone asked. “Hang on, I need everyone's attention!” Wood called out. “Your attention!” He waited till everyone was looking his way. “What I am going to tell you is top secret no one outside this dorm can know. That broom is a wizard staff.” Silence. “That’s why it’s so particular about who it lets ride it. Hearing Aerie used it to do what sounds like another manna dump is within the realm of believe-ability.” “She said something too,” Hermione offered. “She said Maud’Dib, and then boom.” “She said what?!” Seamus Finnigan shouted. “Maud’Dib?” Hermione said sounding like she wasn’t too sure. “Like she was using that short phrase to trigger a spell.” “That’s from the Dune movie!” Finnigan all but shouted. “It is?” Hermione asked. “It’s the name of the main character. In the movie, it was used in conjunction with a sonic weapon to trigger a powerful discharge of energy. Are you telling me she created an attack spell on the fly?!” “Kind of, I suppose, but I’d have to say not if the concept already existed,” Hermione offered. “It does seem to have a big drawback in that it wipes her out.” “Alright, I think we’ve heard enough,” Bill Bones said as he stepped forward. He turned and looked about trying to catch everyone's eye. “This topic is not to be discussed.” “Um, bill?” Folly asked. “The Maud’Dib thing.” Bill clarified. “That and the true nature of that broom.” “Shouldn't the Ministry know?” Percy Weasley asked. There’s an edge to his tone. “And what happens if the more unsavory sort that seems to come out of Slytherin were to find out about it?” Bill asked. “What happens if someone like Flint were to somehow manage to master that technique? What if the Death Eaters were to learn it? What if they were to discover that yes, wizard staffs can be made and are exceedingly more powerful than a wand?” “I think someone would have to be exceedingly powerful to make it work,” Aurora offered. “That’s a good possibility,” Wood offered. “One more reason to keep quiet. Aerie, on that broom, that broom,” he emphasized his words, “..is a sure-fire guarantee that we will win every quidditch game.” He let that sink in. “She and that broom are a perfect match.” He waited a moment. “Do you want to win the Quidditch Cup?!” he shouted. He was met with silence, so decided to shout even louder. “Do you want to win the Quidditch cup!!” “Yes!” several people shouted. “I can’t hear you!!” “Yes!!” “Louder!!” “Yes!!” Everyone had answered. “Then we say nothing about that broom, or what transpired tonight outside of the dorm.” Wood and Bill both gave Percy a dirty look. “Percy,” Fred said as he stepped up to his brother. “If you screw this up for us…” “You’ll be wishing you were home with mother,” George said finishing the sentence. The next morning everyone was discussing the huge holes, with much speculation going on at the other tables. Not so much Gryffindor. They all saw the holes in the walls, the destruction of the classroom, and couldn't help but comment on it. A few would cast furtive glances at Aerie who was presently gobbling down everything within reach. “Aerie, slow down, you're going to choke,” Aurora scolded. Granted that she’d a healthy apatite too, but right now it was Aerie’s Alicorn appetite that had taken hold of her. “I’m hungry,” Aerie protested between bites. As for the hole, it had resisted all attempts to repair it by magical means. A stone mason was going to be needed. “Ah, Mr Weasley,” Flitwick said as he trundled up to Ron. “My wand, you have my wand?” “I do at that,” Flitwick replied as he climbed up and stood on the bench. He then fished out a wand box and offered it to Ron. Chimes started playing in the background. “Thank you,” Ron said as he opened the box. It was his wand but it’d been polished. He took the wand out and immediately commented on how it felt warm. He raised the wand above his head and gave it an experimental swish bringing it down, then left and right like a conductor. As he did this a soft stream of red and gold sparks shot out from the tip of the wand. “Bravo,” Flitwick cheered as Aerie put away her chimes box. “Wingardium Leviosa!” Ron said excitedly, pointed it at a bowl, and then did his over-the-top flip. Over the top is precisely where the bowl went. Up. Up, over, and crashed on the Slytherin table spraying its contents onto none other than Marcus Flint. “Who did that?!” Flint bellowed as he sprung to his feet. “Who did that!!” “Professor Flitwick, did you see who threw that bowl?” Snape called. “Sorry, I was just presenting Ron Weasley with his refurbished wand. Can’t say I saw a thing.” He looked around at the Gryffindor students. “Anyone see anything?” In truth it had happened so fast few saw anything and those who did were not about to say a thing. “Sorry, no one saw a thing. Might have been Peeves,” Flitwick called. This of course resulted in Flint having to either assume it had been Peeves or look elsewhere. And yes, he had plenty of suspects. Quite a few in his own house. “Ten points for Gryffindor,” Flitwick whispered as he got down, and trundled off. It was all Ron and the people around him could do not to bust up laughing and give the plot away. “Spot on Ron,” Aerie whispered. “You had just the right amount of swish.” > Chapter 26: Quidditch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October quickly turned to November, and frost began to cover the ground in the mornings. Sometimes they’d see Hagrid out in the yards all bundled up, and he’d often be out at the Quidditch pitch thawing out brooms every morning for the various broom classes. Gryffindor versus Slytherin was coming up, and Wood had made a point of trying to hide the fact that Aerie was on the team. Word got out though. Lots of people cheered her on. The more annoying would say things like they’d be down on the pitch with a mattress to catch her. Hermione had loaned her Quidditch through the ages, and Aerie didn’t have it in her to admit that she already had a copy. Hermione had become a bit more relaxed and had come to realize that the isolation she’d been feeling had indeed been self-inflicted. The day before the game Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Aerie were out in one of the courtyards warming their hands with a blue flame in a jar Hermione had conjured and placed in a jar when they saw Snape crossing the courtyard and limping as he went. Why they had to be out there was anyone's guess. When Aerie saw Snape she went to him without so much as a second thought. “Professor Snape, you're hurt.” “I’m fine.” “No, you’re not. I’ll help you to the medical wing if you’d like. Just put a hand on my shoulder and I’ll steady you.” The others watched in amazement as he relented and allowed Aerie to escort him. Snape’s wizard robe was torn and damp with blood and he was leaving a blood trail. An interesting pair they made as he limped his way through the school leaning on the girl. And she, she was surprisingly strong. “Professor Snape? Aerie? What’s happened?” Madam Pomfrey, the school’s nurse called as they entered the medical wing. “I’m guessing it was Fluffy,” Aerie offered as they helped him to one of the examination tables. “Fluffy?” Poppy Pomfrey asked. “One of Hagrid’s beasts.” “Oh my.” “Aerie, thank you,” Snape offered. “Now get before my reputation is damaged any further.” “Yes sir,” Aerie replied, turned, and hurried out the door. Later in the great room, Aerie made the mistake of telling Hermione and the others that Snape had been injured by the dog in the third-floor corridor. “He did not,” Aerie protested when Hermione announced that Snape must have been trying to get past the three-headed dog. “He was probably just checking on it. Likely hit a sour note.” “Sour Note?” Hermione asked. “Didn’t I tell you? To calm a Cerberus you sing. Snape knows, he probably just can’t sing,” Aerie informed them. “Someone's got to check on the animal and feed it. And I haven't exactly seen Hagrid going up there short of he’s got another way in.” “Alright, fine. I still think it’s mighty suspicious,” Hermione stated. “I also find you and him to be suspicious too. I mean, just look at the way you started out, and now the two of you are actually on friendly terms. What changed that?” “He did that because he thought I was a fraud.” Aerie closed her eyes and shuddered at the memory. “I think he was in love with my mom. Seeing… seeing how she died.” Aerie had to take a deep breath as emotions attempted to push upward from where they’d been crammed. “OK, stop. Hermione, stop it,” Ron interjected. “Aerie, it’s fine.” “It’s not fine,” Hermione protested. “Aerie doesn’t need to drag up those memories, and if she’s willing to forgive him that’s her choice. That and just because Snape is an insufferable prick doesn’t mean he was trying to get at whatever it is the dog is guarding.” “What he said,” Aerie offered while wiping a tear from her cheek. The morning of the Quidditch game dawned bright but cold, and everyone at breakfast was chattering about the upcoming game. Aerie had to admit that she was nervous. Not so much that she worried about letting the team down, but because she knew that if the day's events played out the same way they had in the book, she’d be targeted just like Neville had been. “Fred, George,” Aerie whispered at the breakfast table. “Look, if you are nervous about the game, you shouldn't be,” George offered. “You are a smashing good flier.” “It’s not that. I’m a little worried we might have a repeat of what happened with Neville.” Her pronouncement caused a number of people around her to stop talking or eating depending on what they’d been doing. “Listen, I’m pretty sure it’s a line of sight curse. By any chance do you have any really flashy fireworks?” The twin boys and a few others got big grins. “Ah, if the caster is momentarily blinded it’ll break the curse and they’ll be forced to start over again,” Hermione whispered triumphantly. “That or spot the person doing it and slap them upside the head,” Aerie said with a big smile. “I’d like to do more than that, I could have died,” Neville stated coldly. “I think we keep the team covered,” Bill offered. “You’ve got an idea of what we should look for?” “Anyone who looks like they’ve lost control of their brooms I’d imagine,” Wood offered. “Let’s face it, if Neville was a test, they might target all of us.” By eleven that morning Aerie was in the team room getting into their scarlet jerseys and robes. Aerie’s jersey and team wizard robe had to be shrunk down to size. She was quite possibly the smallest player in the history of the game. Even more so than her counterpart and was presently trimming the scorched ends from her broom sweep. “You waited till now to trim that?” Wood asked. He was sitting on a bench opposite her. “It’s relaxing,” Aerie offered. “Also used my spare time to add a hidden pocket on the inside of the robe.” “OK, I can see wanting a pocket.” “I know you want me to hold off catching the snitch, but if it were to find its way into my pocket and no one noticed. I mean, it’s not technically caught yet.” Wood looked at her with a look of astonishment and then burst up laughing. “There’s a banner out there that says Potter for Prime Minister,” Fred announced. “Right, no pressure,” Aerie replied with a big grin. “You got the fireworks.” “In our pockets.” George offered with a big grin. Wood stood up and cleared his throat. “OK men,” “And Women,” Chaser Angelina Johnson added. “Aye, and women,” Wood acknowledged. “This is it.” “The big one,” Fred added. “The one we’ve all been waiting for,” George said all dramatic-like. “He gives the same speech every time,” Alicia Spinnet explained. “Just one thing, wouldn't her ability technically be cheating?” Cormac asked. He wouldn't be playing but was still there as a backup player. “And Flint has been in Hogwarts how long?” Aerie asked. “This will be his eighth year,” Fred supplied with a tone of disgust. “And that’s not cheating?” Aerie asked. “Besides, with all those people out there my little malady might not be much help. There are no guarantees I’ll see the snitch before the Slytherin Seeker sees it.” “What?” Now Wood looked worried. “It’s time,” Fred announced and then retrieved his broom, and a moment later the team was on their way out the door. Cheers erupted, and Aerie couldn’t resist waving to her friends. Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, and Dean were all in one group, with the first-year girls next to them. Everyone looked to be standing but to be honest, the stands were so high above them that it was hard to tell. She picked out Aurora who was waving madly and waved back. Up ahead Madam Hooch was waiting for the teams to converge on their location. She had a broom in one hand and a whistle hung from her neck. Sitting right in the middle was a familiar-looking trunk, only this time it had the blazon of all four houses. Madam Hooch waited until everyone had stopped. “Is there a handshake,” Aerie asked. No one answered. “Now then,” Madam Hooch began. “I want a fair game. There will be no Blagging, no Blatching, no Blurting, no Bumphing, no Cobbing and that includes the clothesline, no Flacking, no Haversacking, no Quaffle-pocking, no Snitchniping, no Stooging. No spikes, no springs, no punching, grappling, kicking, or eye gouging. There will be no using wands to hex or otherwise impede the other team players. Should a player be disabled gameplay will be halted until a new player can be summoned. And Mr Flint, you may not round robin the goal hoops. Once a goal has been made the Quaffle is to be handed off to the other team. Do I make myself clear?” Flint just stood there with that I don’t give a fuck what you say look on his face. “Mount your brooms,” Madam Hooch commanded. Aerie simply pulled back on her broom, brought it up off the ground, and stood on the footrests. Flint looked at what she was doing as hate seemed to fill his face. Madam Hooch opened the trunk and released the snitch, followed by kicking the trunk to kick loose the bludgers. She then took hold of the Quaffle and tossed it high into the air. The game was on and Aerie rocketed into the air. Aerie had been looking over her glasses the whole time tracking the snitch. Up to that point, she didn’t care what the other players were doing, just so long as she was away from the huddle before anyone else. “Oh, do you think she’s seen it already?” Hermione asked as she watched Aerie zigzag and dive. Aerie was now right off the deck, and the Slytherin Seeker fearing she’d seen the snitch dived down after, misjudged his speed, and piled into the ground. Aerie pulled up and circled a couple of times as the boy got up. “How is he alright after a tumble like that?” Hermione asked even as Gryffindor makes the first goal of the game. * “..a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet,” called Lee Jordan the official student announcer. “..a good find of Oliver Wood’s, last year she was only a reserve- back to Johnson, and the Slytherins have intercepted the Quaffle, Captain Marcus Flint has the quaffle now, and he’s making a hard drive for the Gryffindor goal posts – Oh, nice try but blocked by the Gryffindor goalkeeper Oliver Wood. The Quaffle is back in the hands of the Gryffindor team…” The Slytherin Seeker sees Aerie circling around like she’d lost sight of the snitch, and then suddenly she darted off. Quickly he mounted his broom and pursues. He sees her spin to avoid a bludger, and head straight at her own goalkeeper veering away moments before colliding forcing the keeper to duck even as a bludger comes sailing past. A moment later Aerie has doubled back and blasted right past Flint. The Slytherin Seeker believing that she’s seen the Snitch once more is forced to pursue even as he frantically tries to spot the snitch. Up in the stands, Hagrid has only just arrived. “Budge up there, make some room.” “Hagrid,” Ron called even as people parted to make room for him to sit. The Slytherin team has the ball now. “Has Aerie spotted the Snitch yet?” “Hard to tell, she keeps darting about like she’d seen it, but seems to be losing it every time,” Hermione informed him. “She’s been right there in the thick of it- and there she goes again!” Ron said, his tone leaping into a yell even as he sprang to his feet. “She just dived on Flint. Right through their formation. Gryffindor has the quaffle!” “You know what? I don’t think she’s even trying to find the Snitch,” Hermione observed. “Not trying to find the snitch?” Hagrid asked. “Ah, that’s it. She keeps using one feint after another,” Ron observed. “Wood normally wants the Seeker to stay out of the way but she’s doing just the opposite and the Slytherin Seeker can’t tell if she’s seen the Snitch or not.” The Slytherin seeker looked like they were starting to get sick of chasing Aerie and had climbed up to try to spot the snitch. Angelina scored again, and Aerie decided to do a loop do loop just for the fun of it, and then dove right back down to harass the Slytherin chasers. A bludger came her way, but she dodged it, and Fred swooped in to send it hurtling at the Slytherin Chasers. “All right there Aerie?” Fred asked as the bludger headed right for Marcus Flint. *“Slytherin in possession!” Lea Jordan called out. “Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys, chaser Bell- hang on, here comes the Gryffindor Seeker. Has she actually seen snitch this time or is she just turning up the pressure? Hang on, hang on, I think I see it?! There is definitely something there. Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgs is trying to close the gap now, but can he do it?!” Aerie saw Flint coming in for a block, rolled to her side that was away from him into an outside barrel roll, nice and tight, and somehow managed to snag the end of Flint’s broom with the front shaft of her own causing it to veer off wildly Flint slamming into one of his own team members while Nova rocketed skyward. Flint recovered but was really mad now Especially given that Madam Hooch was yelling at him for his unsportsmen like behavior and reckless flying. Gryffindors and Slytherins alike were calling for a foul, and Dean Thomas was yelling “Send him off, ref, Red card!” Red card?” Ron asked. “In soccer, you get shown a red card and get ejected from the game,” Dean explained. “This isn’t soccer though,” Hermione said sounding as though she wish it was. “They ought a change the rules then,” Hagrid said in agreement with Dean. “And it’s not her fault she lost control like that.” Aerie hadn’t actually lost control. Meanwhile, Lee Jordan was having a difficult time remaining objective given Flint’s obvious flaunting of the rules. As for the snitch, it seemed to have vanished. Gryffindor was back in possession of the Quaffle and the game was back on. Aerie had just dodged another bludger when her broom suddenly lurched to a stop. Aerie had nearly pitched forward and right off the broom, and would have if she’d not been expecting that very thing to happen sooner or later. And then the broom began to buck. Aerie tried to turn the broom and found that she had some control but it was acting like a stick shift being driven by someone who didn’t have a clue about how to drive a stick. Someone in the crowd who’d come prepared saw what was going on, the broom trying to buck Aerie off, and did as requested. Up went the firework. There was a bright flash and suddenly Aerie had control of the broom. And just in time. Flint no longer cared about the game. Not if he could hit that blasted gadfly with a bludger. Aerie dodged and shot around to put herself between Flint and Quirrel resulting in Flint momentarily losing control of his broom. Aerie zoomed upward to put some distance knowing Flint would likely come after her again. And then it happened again. This time the broom began bucking repeatedly. Down below Flint swung around to line up another bludger only to have fireworks exploding all around. Aerie used that moment to dive down, Flint spotting her took off in an intercept with a beater bat in hand. For people watching what they saw was flint coming up to meet Aerie with a bat swinging, and Madam Hooch yelling and blowing her whistle when Aerie’s broom just suddenly stopped. Aerie came adrift, and slammed into Flint dragging him down with her. It looked like they’d hit really hard, but not hard enough that they couldn't get back up. “Nice of you to brake my fall,” Aerie said softly as she put a little distance between them. “I’m going to make you pay for that!” Flint yelled. His face was red with rage. “What’s a fucking squib like you going to do to me?” Aerie taunted. She kept her voice low enough that only he’d hear. He rushed her and found himself flying through the air and once more hard into the ground. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” “That worthless fraud of a dark lord couldn't kill me when I was a baby, what makes you think you can?” He’d yelled his threat for all to hear, but Aerie had infuriatingly kept her voice low and calm. Flint made another rush even as people were converging on them, but his flailing fists were pushed aside like they were limp noodles, his body coming to a sharp painful stop as Aerie landed multiple strikes. Flint dropped to the ground as searing white hot pain, unlike anything he’d ever experienced in his life radiated up from his groin. He never felt the rapid strikes to pressure points front and back as he crumpled to the ground. Flint looked up a moment later to see Aerie walking away. “Don’t you fucking walk away from me you little Bitch!” Flint growled as he struggled to at least get into a sitting position. He filled all his hatred into his wand and pointed it at Aerie. “Flint! Put that wand away! Flint!?” Madam Hooch yelled. “Avada Kedavra!” Flint grunted out even as Aerie was turning to face him. She’d thrown up her hands, a blast came out of Flint's wand, hits an energy barrier in front of Aerie, and ricocheted right back at flint even as the force of the impact sent Aerie flying. It took less than a second for Flint’s own spell to hit him sending him flying. Aerie could hear several girls scream as she slid along the ground. When Aerie had stopped she lay there for a second and was delighted at the face of a familiar fiery pegasus sans horn looking down at her along with a gray with her. Either Aurora had had the forethought to switch her ring to her horn and activate it, or it was enchanted to do just that by itself. “Aerie?!” “Are you alright?” LT Mouse asked. “I’m fine.” Aerie offered, glad she’d slid on her back, rolled over, and stood back up. The back of her team robe was now covered in grass stains. She then continued back to the center of the pitch summoning her broom to her even as Madam Hooch ran to her. “Aerie?!” Aerie looked back at Madam Hooch and reached into her pocket even as Selena appeared right next to her. Aerie retrieved the snitch to display it to Madam Hooch. “Seems to have been caught in my robe,” Aerie offered and then held it aloft. “But he?” Madam Hooch asked as the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. What was more it was looking like Flint had lost all sense in his zeal to stop her from gaining the snitch. As for Lee Jordan, he was happily shouting the results of the match oblivious to what Flint had tried to do. Up in the stands, Slytherin House sat quietly, stunned by the outcome even as a standing ovation erupted around them. They watched quietly as Flint was placed on a stretcher and whisked off to the medical wing. They watched in dismay as even their own Quidditch team began to applaud as well. Slytherin House as a whole would not learn of the nature of Flint’s transgression until much later. Aerie was shuttled off to the hospital wing a short time later despite the objections of the Gryffindor team who’d a mind to carry her on their shoulders. Aurora insisted on going with Aerie and as she was still in pegasus form no one even tried to stop her, and LT Mouse decided to go to see what they were going to do with Flint. Ron, Hermione, and Neville went to Hagrid’s hut where Hagrid made them tea. The three had seen Snape attempting a counter curse and had mistakenly believed he was the one who’d repeatedly tried to curse Aerie’s broom. “Rubbish. He’d do no such thing,” Hagrid protested. His protest was followed with an explanation that he’d apparently let slip the entire plot either to Aerie or the three now in his hut having tea. They even seemed to know about Nicolas Flamel. Hagrid was furious with himself. > Chapter 27: Aerie gives Dumbledore a piece of her mind. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m fine,” Aerie protested as Madam Pomfrey subjected her to one test after another. “Can someone get this pegasus out of here?” Snape protested. “Aurora, don’t you think you should switch back?” Aerie prompted. “Aurora?” Dumbledore asked, his eyebrows raising as Aurora transformed back into a human. “Miss Summers, I think we need to talk.” “Oh, you did notice,” Aurora stated. “Can I ask what you have against Professor Quirrel?” “It’s not Quirrel, it’s Riddle. He, or it, seems to be some kind of wraith. I realize the Akkadian Language is a second language for you...” “Ah, afraid I hadn’t seen that. It just looked like You were trying to block Professor Quirrel.” “We can fix the issue with Aurora, but we’ll need to break a rule to do it,” McGonagall offered. “She counts as a Princess of Eques I gather.” “It wasn’t an issue until I figured out how to transform.” “A deluxe trunk should do it,” Aerie offered. “Is Flint alright? What was that? What’d he try to do?” Like she didn’t already know. She’d even been hoping the boy would do something bad enough to get suspended. Attempting to murder her in front of witnesses wasn't exactly on her radar. Aerie had miscalculated the effects blind rage would have on a person with little to no empathy. She'd thrown up a barrier quite possibly at the same time the spell was coming in but figured that Moonie had a hoof in deflecting the spell. Even so, it was like getting hit by a sledgehammer. Granted the fact that the incident would reflect poorly on Dumbledore was a plus. “He attempted to cast the killing curse. It backfired on him,” Madam Hooch informed her. The grave look on Dumbledore's face indicated that he’d already been informed. “He’s alive. He’s been transferred to Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.” “Professor, if you could, don’t take any points from Slytherin,” Aerie requested. “There will be a maximum of a hundred points for infractions during the game from Slytherin,” Dumbledore stated. “And to be fair, you did engage with Mr Flint.” “I’m not going to run from a fight. Not anymore.” Dumbledore cast his eyes down for a moment. “Even so, you will be getting a ten-point deduction for fighting.” “Fair enough, I suppose. He did state several times that he wanted to kill me and his actions indicate that he meant it. What about Riddle? I mean it’s entirely possible that creature, whatever it is or has become was at least in part, responsible for Flint’s attack on myself.” Aerie wanted the boy out of action, but at the same time, she didn’t want him in Azkaban. Let them think the imperious curse had been used and it wasn’t just a case of blind rage. She feared he’d become a Dementor if he were to die there. She wanted him neutralized due to his violent tendencies and had attacked the boy’s pressure points in an attempt to shut off what little magic he had. Aerie feared that Marcus Flint would just become another killer. Let him live as a squib for the rest of his life; at least that way he’d be limited, and wouldn't be able to just magic people to death. “Aye, I imagine Mr Flint may have been manipulated, and that will of course have to be taken into consideration,” Dumbledore admitted. “And what to do about Riddle,” Dumbledore said and went to sit in a nearby chair. “I’m concerned that should we attempt to confront him, we would be looking at unacceptable collateral damage.” “We can’t touch him is what you are saying,” Aerie stated. “Meanwhile he targets us one at a time. I’m pretty sure he was behind what happened with Neville,” McGonagall stated in a cold tone. “We know who he’s working through,” Snape stated. “I know, I know, but how many of our students are you willing to sacrifice?” Dumbledore countered. “Well, I’m fine. Can I go?” Aerie requested. “And I kind of feel like Aurora and I already know way too much.” “I can’t find anything wrong with her,” Pomfrey offered. “No idea how she survived?” Dumbledore asked. “What a boon it would be if we knew how to counter that spell.” “Marcus Flint was barely above being a squib,” Snape stated. “You know that as well as I do,” He switched his attention to Aerie and Aurora. “..and don’t you two dare say a thing.” “We kind of already knew,” Aurora offered. "We won't say anything about you confirming it though." “Rumor has it he was still here at school as a favor to his father,” Aerie added. “I actually hoped he’d mellow out,” Dumbledore admitted. “Letting him stay seems to have been a mistake.” “I think I can say without contradiction that Aerie’s power level is considerably higher than Flint’s,” Professor McGonagall offered. “And that would make the difference,” Snape offered. “Lily was likely exceptional in that regard as well.” “But Aerie was just a babe at the time,” Dumbledore countered. “Voldemort’s spell passed through Lily,” Snape announced. “Aerie was not targeted directly. And it's possible Aerie still has that specific protection.” Aerie knew better but that didn't mean she didn't have protection from such attacks. “Was that…?” Dumbledore seemed like he’d wanted to know but didn’t feel it was his place to intrude. “The memory he got from me,” Aerie filled in. “It’s not one I wish shared, and I certainly don’t want to talk about it.” “Can we go now?” Aurora asked. “I can’t see any reason to keep her here,” Pomfrey offered. “Go on back to the dorm then. They are undoubtedly having a party,” Dumbledore offered with a wave, and the two girls were off barely a moment later. “Hang on, that’s not the way back to the dorm?” Aurora asked as Aerie veered off their intended course. “Something I need to find.” “Find?” “It’s important.” So off they went up and down stairs until they reached a certain corridor. Seventh floor, left corridor to be exact, where they found the most improbable tapestry of a wizard trying to teach trolls ballet. “Barnabas the Barmy,” Aerie offered triumphantly. “That’s what you want?” “That, harmony no. What I want is on the other side of the hall.” “But there’s nothing there?” “Oh, it’s there,” Aerie offered and began pacing back and forth. “The question is, do I want it bad enough… there’s a room, a room of requirement, Also known as a room of hidden things, what I want are the things hidden by Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle. And I’m not going to want anyone to disturb us. A secret passage back to the Gryffindor tower might be a good idea too.” “What makes you think it’s even there?” “Oh, it’s there alright. Granted that I’m also trusting Discord,” Aerie explained as she paced back and forth. “Discord?” “Ya, crazy. The thing is, he wants me to be successful in my mission. I have to stop Tom Riddle. I’m assuming that will stop him from gaining access to Equestria. Which is something Discord wants even to the point of actually being helpful. Riddle made something called a Horcrux. Several actually. To put an end to Tom Riddle, I have to find them, and destroy them.” “But why come up here to look for it now?” “I needed time. Time when no one would miss me. And most importantly, things are happening that’s got me worried that he might come to find it and move it. Especially if he's aware that one has already been destroyed. There is no telling in his present state.” “But how do you even know it’s there?” “Because in the human world I previously lived in, all this was just a series of books. Some of the details may differ due to my being here but the plot elements are pretty much the same and no reason I have to do everything in the same order... “Oh, come on, I need the place where everyone hides things!” And there it was. A grand door was now right in front of them. Aerie frantically grabbed at the door as though it might vanish at any moment. Aerie pulled the door open to reveal a room the size of a large cathedral. Within, the place was filled wall to wall and nearly floor to ceiling in places, full of discarded and secreted items. Light shown in through high windows onto a landscape that looked a great deal like one of those movie sets of a city in miniature. Towers upon towers of items created by generation after generation of students. Piles and piles of just about everything imaginable. “Twilight would go nuts in here,” Aurora whispered as the two entered the room. Among the rows of teetering broken furniture and other assorted items were piles and piles of books. Hundreds, even thousands of books. Aerie shut the door behind them. “I can only imagine that every last book in here was prohibited at the time. Hidden here where no one would ever link it to the person who had it.” “Abelard’s Holy Trinity,” Aurora said as her eyes cast about and picked out a title. “Ars Amatoria, Sappho, Galileo, oh my Celestia, Galileo, it’s a copy of his theories about the solar system!” “Don’t touch that! The whole stack will come down on you. And don’t touch any of the potion vials either.” “So, how exactly are we to find it, what was it?” “A tiara,” Aerie offered as her eyes spotted fanged Frisbees slowly gliding overhead. “Look for a stuffed troll.” “You mean like a plush toy?” “No, an actual troll,” Aerie offered and then picked a random direction. Fortunately, everything was stacked in nice neat rows with gaps. “A lot of these books look like they are from non-magical printers,” Aurora offered as they slowly made their way into the stacks. “Brought to school by someone from a mixed household or Muggle, and then feared what might happen if anyone discovered the book thanks to wizard attitudes about the non-magical community.” “I see your troll. What kind of person does that to another sentient being?” “Likely used in the DADA class,” Aerie offered. "As for sentient, that's kind of up for debate." “Aerie?” Aurora asked as Aerie pitched forward. Her jaw hung slack at what she saw. Aerie had shrunk down and transformed into a little white fox with wings like a snowy owl’s. Her legs, muzzle, and the tip of her tail were black, her hair had gone white but still sported the purple and vermilion stripes. Vermilion and purple were also evident in her tail feathering. “Pick me up.” “Pick you up?” “There isn’t enough room to get airborne here. I know we are close, but it may still be three or four blocks away.” “How’s my picking you up going to help?” “I want you to toss me up nice and high. Just give me a good yeet.” Aurora just looked at her without saying a thing. “Seriously? And for that matter, what exactly are you? I thought you were a pony?” “I am, it’s my heritage. My default form on going through the portal is a Celestial Fox. Except when Discord dumps me on a bench at the zoo for some reason. That and the world I lived in as Mrs Nova Arthol. Any other human world and I become a fox. I can change into a pony, but I’m thinking that doing that in here might be a bad idea just now.” “OK, I can see that,” Aurora offered, reached down, and picked Aerie up. “Cuddle later, yeet now,” Aerie teased. Aurora laughed, lowered Aerie, and tossed her up as high as she could. Aerie spread her wings and climbed clear of the piles of things. “Without the glasses, it should stand out as something truly polluted,” Aerie called. The downside is that a bunch of this stuff is kind of polluted. It should be somewhere in the vicinity of a cabinet.” Aurora turned down the right path, spotted a large cabinet down another path to the left, and went in that direction. On opening the cabinet, she saw nothing. Her senses, far keener than any normal human told her there was an enchantment on the cabinet but she'd no way to know what. “Don’t go in that, it looks like a portal gate of some kind,” Aerie called. “On the other hoof, paw, and or hand, we are getting closer. Aha!” Aerie dropped down and transformed as she did so she could land on her feet and stand up. Next to her was a large cupboard. Inside was the skeletal remains of something with five legs inside a cage. It had a bulbous body with a skull recessed into the body. Red shaggy hair was evident on what remained of the hide and looked like it probably walked in much the same fashion as a crab save on clubbed feet that looked as though it could grasp as well. One leg was badly mangled. “What is that?” “No idea, it’s not in the introduction to magical creatures. And by the looks of the cage, I suspect it was still alive when it was put in here.” Indeed there were signs it had been gnawing on the bars, and may very well have chowed down on itself in hunger-induced madness. “Poor thing.” “Kind of looks like it would eat us given the opportunity. Anyway… let's see, bust wig… and that’s not a wig.” “What do you mean it’s not a wig?” “It’s a scalp.” “Scalp?” “As in they cut someone’s hair off, skin and all. And there it is.” This time Aerie did turn into a pony. She immediately snatched up the old forgotten tiara with a soft blue telekinetic beam. “A little help,” Aerie called. “Let’s play tug of war. Light it up!” Aurora dropped down and transformed into pony form. “You know, you are a dead ringer for my cousin and my adoptive sister. A bit younger though. At least in build.” Aurora offered as the tiara lifted up. Aurora’s magic was golden, and between the two the tiara now looked like it was engulfed by a Yin and Yang symbol. “Are you trying to jerk it away?” Aurora asked. “Nope, it’s doing that all on its own. Let me just turn up the fox fire.” Aerie’s beam grew brighter, flames now erupting from it, and then she was engulfed in the blue fire herself. “Are we trying to destroy it?” “Purify it,” Aerie offered, sounding as though she was struggling. “It was all I could do to purify the cup and don’t be afraid to damage it. Far better to destroy it than to fail.” Aurora turned up her heat as both fillies started to look like a pony version of a phoenix. Things around them were starting to scorch when they heard the ping of metal cracking. The room was filled with the sound of an agonizing scream. “Don’t stop! Pour it on!” Aerie shouted. Things around her were starting to scorch as black smoke began to billow out of the tiara. “Diamond would have a fit!”Aurora shouted. “To bad!” Aerie shouted and then shouted out, “Makoto! Jin! Gi! Meiyo! Chu! Rei! Yu!” Things around them were burning now. “I call upon the virtues! I call upon the Elements of Harmony!” Aerie shouted followed by the two being engulfed in rainbow light. The black smoke vomiting forth from the tiara suddenly went white and spread out with the force of an explosion. The tension was gone, and the two released their hold to allow a now warped tiara with the remnants of shattered gemstones to clatter onto the floor. Both sat down. “That was intense.” Aurora offered up. “In – indeed,” added the voice of Professor Dumbledore. The two looked to see that not only were they now at the center of what looked like an impact crater, but Dumbledore was also several yards away with his wand out. Behind him little had been disturbed. Elsewhere, many of the stacks had toppled outward the length of three and a half Celestials. That’s Princess Celestia’s wing length. Beyond that everything was undisturbed. “I thought I closed the doors?” Aerie asked Aurora, her ears going down flat. Due to the amount of magic they’d been using both their horns are visible. “I was afraid we’d get locked in.” Aurora offered. “And Riddle?” Aerie asked. “I especially didn’t want him to know what we were doing.” “Wards indicate he’s out hunting again.” “Hunting?” Dumbledore asked. Aerie transformed herself back into her human form. “I guess we are fine then. I mean, I hate what he's doing, but... if Mrs Silverwood's battalion in the forest can't stop him, I doubt we'd do much better.” “Aerie?” Dumbledore asked astonished. “I was put onto the task of finding Riddle's Horcruxes by none other than Prometheus himself,” Aerie informed him. Her tone was scolding. “And that was a Horcrux, one of Riddle’s. Something you yourself must surely have known was a possibility. Or why insist that he’d be back? Why would you be so unwilling to confront him unless you knew it would do no good?” “Prometheus?” Dumbledore asked. “I thought you said Discord?” Aurora asked. “That’s who Discord is. The Greek Titan Prometheus. They are one and the same.” Aurora changed back to her human self. “Discord is Prometheus?” “Grogar did a number on him. It eventually gets sorted. I'm not really sure how other than a good beating,” Aerie explained and got up off the floor. She looked off in the direction she’d seen the mirror of Erised with a little disappointment. With Dumbledore there, she’d not be able to do what she wanted which troubled her greatly. Aerie had had an encounter with a future version of Nova Silverwood who had confirmed that the mirror was indeed a gateway to Equestria. Aerie also now understood why she would always redirect conversations about that Aerie person she’d mentioned having shown up. Too much foreknowledge could be dangerous. That and if she wasn’t going to make it home again, she didn’t want to know. “Professor Dumbledore,” Aerie said addressing the man. “Prometheus feared that without intervention Riddle would win and that it would eventually lead to the destruction of all life. I’ve asked someone I trust to look for Marvolo Gaunt's ring as that may well be one of Riddle’s Horcruxes. Should you find it, for god’s sake don’t put it on. And if you do, I’d suggest cutting your own arm off before the curse spreads. We’ve already one wraith to deal with.” “You, um, you seem to know quite a bit.” “Including that it's Quirrel who’s been killing unicorns. He's been possessed by the thing Riddle has become. That's why my fire flares around him.” “Oh, dear god. It’s worse than I feared then.” “Afraid so,” Aerie replied taking a couple of steps, bent down, and picked up the tiara. “Were you planning on doing something with that?” “I’ve got a deal with the Goblins. I’ve agreed to return anything I find that was Goblin-made,” Aerie offered as she placed the tiara in her purse. “Perhaps…” “If I give it to you, if anyone knows, if anyone finds out, he will learn what I’m doing and double his efforts to kill me, and possibly move the remaining Horcrux. It is crucial that that doesn’t happen. And not just because I don’t wish to die any time soon. Oh, and I know that you intended to use me as a sacrifice. But the thing is, that won't work. It might have worked when that bit of Riddle was still in my forehead, but it’s not there anymore. That’s what I pulled out. Not a piece of shrapnel. It was a small bit of Riddle that was already weakened, and you just saw the effort it took to destroy a large piece.” “As your magic matured your body rejected it. I can see that. What with being of Akkadian decent it would seem. And a winged unicorn no less. I must confess I’d no idea that the Evans family had such ancestry. Though, I did know of that Silverwood Woman’s involvement with your mother.” “Wizards don’t track the families of Squibs. After all, once they leave the wizarding community they are considered to be muggles. The Finch-Fletchleys are such a family. The fact I can turn into a winged unicorn is what makes me a princess of Eques. It’s all been explained to me.” Aerie’s pride wanted to say pegasus with a horn. “Princesses are not chosen based on bloodline. They are chosen by fate. It’s our pony form that elevates us to that status, and that comes when our magic blossoms. Not who we know or who our family is. Oh, and I knew about the issue with the Wards. I broke the rules to avoid that issue. I must confess I didn’t know I’d be breaking a rule in the process though. I brought a deluxe trunk so that I wouldn't end up being your boss. I mean so far as the Wards are concerned.” “I actually had no idea,” Aurora replied. “Sorry.” “And we should probably get going, everyone in the dorm is likely worried about us,” Aerie suggested. “You won’t say anything about it?” Aurora asked while pointing at her forehead.” “We are a little concerned he might come after us. Who am I kidding, he’s already tried to kill me.” “And failed. Twice now it would seem,” Dumbledore offered cheerfully. “So a Titan sent a couple of little girls to clean up my mess. Which seems to be far worse than I realized. I will admit that’s not something I would have expected.” “I found out the part I was to play at the zoo last Spring,” Aerie told him. She shook her head slowly a couple of times, took in a deep breath, and let out a sigh. “I was not happy about it, I can tell you that. But it does make a kind of twisted sense. After all, who’d expect a little girl to be capable of taking on the Dark Lord himself.” “And the Horcrux, do you know how many Riddle made?” “Rowena Ravenclaw’s tiara, Helga Huffle Puff’s cup, which I’ve already dealt with.” “The cup, may I ask where it was?” “It was in a vault at Gringotts secreted there by Death Eaters.” Aerie had to think for a bit knowing she would need to give Dumbledore a little more information, “Regulus Black had learned the truth about Riddle and his mad quest for immortality. He betrayed the Dark Lord. Sirius may well have discovered what Regulus was working on, but it seems circumstances forced him to leave England before he could look into what his brother had been up to. Moonie fetched the cup from the vault it had been secreted in. She knew what it looked like from a picture, and from there she just had to locate the darkest vilest thing in the vaults. One of her primary directives is to locate and destroy the things that hide in the darkness. The cup actually turned out to be the second darkest thing in the vaults. I’d just assume not talk about the other thing she found. It wasn’t exactly our primary target.” “You mentioned a ring?” “And a locket. Don’t go after the locket.” “And why not?” “I’m to understand it’s been moved from its original hiding place, but I’ll say no more other than Regulus died during the retrieval.” “You don’t trust me.” “You’ve given me little reason to. Oh I know you will go after the ring, what with it being one of the Deathly Hallows. Yes, I know about that too. I’m afraid the reality might not stack up to the legend. Take into consideration that you’ve got an entire flock of thestrals and could make all the elder wands you want. You don’t because you know it’s not worth the effort. You’d have a bunch of wands no one can use, and yet people would willingly kill each other to get one. The truth of the matter is that to master that wand, and I learned this from Mr Ollivander, it takes raw power, confidence, and excessive testosterone. That’s it. Lack any of the three, and it just won’t work. It has to be forced. It has to be forced because it doesn't match the core of the people using it.” “And you, it would seem, are not lacking in power.” “I held back. For years I held back. A girl can only get pushed around so much before she breaks and you are damn lucky I didn't go over to Slytherin.” “I can’t help but notice you never say Vol-” “Don’t you dare! Don’t you fucking dare!!” Aerie shouted, now truly angry. The very fact that he was going to say it when he should know what it was, had her so angry she’d gone all the way up to the Canterlot voice as energy rippled off her. Things that had been teetering chose that moment to fall, and Dumbledore staggered back as he cringed. The moment she took in a breath to recover from her outburst was punctuated by the sounds of things falling. “It’s a fucking snitch spell. Say that word and it notifies him who, what, and where. And you of all people should know that. No! Don’t give me a lecture about not being afraid of a name. It’s not a name. It’s not his name. It’s a self-appointed title. His name is Tom Riddle, but you know that. You just got it into your head to tell Riddle what I’m up to just so you could rush in and save the day. Didn’t you!? You fucking piece of shit!” Aerie’s wings were out in an aggressive posture. “Now see here?!” Dumbledore had stumbled further back. “No!” Aerie was still quite heated, her wings going to full ‘T’ pose for dominance. “How many people died because you couldn't be bothered to take a spider from Hagrid. Yes, I know about that too. Sure, he’d have been suspended anyway but at least the investigation would have looked for other culprits and possibly put a stop to Riddle before anyone else died. I know all about it! How many people died because the truth of who You Know Who was, was never revealed? Do you honestly think the Pure Blood fanatics would have had anything to do with him if they’d known his father was a muggle? His mother a Blood Traitor? They’d have dismissed him as an upstart. Possibly even done him in themselves and saved us all a whole lot of pain and suffering. “Keep in mind we are talking about the potential for the extermination of all life. Or so I was lead to believe. That’s what Prometheus warned me about, should I fail. You want to be remembered as the greatest wizard of all time, don't you? Well if I fail you can look forward to being remembered as the greatest wanker of all time. "Prometheus may be a wanker himself, but he’s not going to lie about something so dire and give me everything I need to succeed just for a joke. He typically just gives us little challenges with little to no information but he's pulled out all the stops on this one. No more games. We can not afford mistakes!” Aerie gave a quick glance at Aurora who was looking quite contrite. Aerie was also glowing white hot by this point. “Alright, alright. I get the point,” Dumbledore offered. And quite possibly hoping to calm her down as the realization dawned on him that this girl could potentially fry him to a crisp right there on the spot. After all, an angry child with that kind of power was nothing to fool around with. “And don’t talk to me about the greater good. You wouldn't know the greater good if it bit you! Your the one who took a psychopath out of an orphanage and taught him how to use magic instead of taking his magic from him and putting him in an institution.” “Can we go now?” Aurora asked plaintively. Only then did Dumbledore seem to realize that he was blocking the only easy way out. He let out a sigh. “Yes, of course. And I suppose I deserved that. Yes, I knew what was attached to that name,” he offered as he stepped aside. “And in hindsight, I’ll have to admit that you are right on several counts.” “If everyone would say it, he’d be overloaded and the spell would become an annoyance worse than useless. I understand that. But we dare not say it when we don’t want him to know what we are up to,” Aerie offered as she made her way through the rubble and past him. Aurora followed. “Oh, and there’s a vanishing cabinet in that rubble.” Aerie gestured in the direction she’d last seen it. “I’m to understand its twin may be found in Knockturn Alley.” “I suppose I should do something about it then. Assuming that blast hasn’t finished it off. One of Riddle’s contingency plans I’d imagine. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to do something about all of this... Oh, don’t worry, it’ll be taken care of discreetly.” “Sorry I blew up at you,” Aerie offered as she and Aurora made their way to the door. “That’s quite alright. I imagine I had it coming.” "Just one more thing, I've found my quest item and the only thing keeping me here at this school are my friends." "Un... understood," Dumbledore stuttered out. Not only had he been outmatched, but to have Aerie Potter leave his school was something he did not wish to contemplate. > Chapter 28: Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m sorry,” Aurora offered a short time later as they made their way to the Gryffindor dorm. Both girls had calmed enough that their auras had diminished to that of ordinary girls and were back to the appearance of being fully human. Aerie thought for a bit. “If we are to live through this, you can’t be second-guessing me.” Silence and the sound of their own footfalls responded. “On the other hoof, as they say in Equestria, it’s entirely possible we needed Dumbledore to find the ring. If he can be moved to action, we may just accomplish our goals without it taking seven books.” “We?” “Like it or not you are right in the thick of it with me. That and it’s entirely possible that you are here to keep me grounded. I can count on you can’t I?” “Your pony form is identical to my Equestrian foster sister Nova, and you remind me a great deal of my cousin Tsuki, Hoshiko. And for that matter, I’m surprised he just stood there and took that dressing down you gave him.” “That’ll make three of us Nova’s in this world. Any chance she’s as far away from England as can be?” “My Uncle moved her and my Aunt to Japan. And yes, I will support you in any way I can.” “As for Dumbledore, you may not have noticed it, but magic has weight and temperature to it. When he nearly compromised us, I got hot under the collar. Not just figuratively, but literally. You’ve done it too. Did you see him perspiring? He doesn’t have half the amount of magic that we do. Equestrians, Akkadians, just have more magic, and that includes anyone who’s been to Equestria. As I mentioned before, it changes a person. Becoming an alicorn amps up that manna level well above ordinary humans. It was all he could do to remain standing.” “You did get kind of glowie.” “There’s also the issue that I kind of know all the background lore. Far more than I could have learned from Hagrid. That forces him to try to figure out how I might know it. The fact that I’ve told him it was a Greek Titan has really got his mind spinning because surely a little girl wouldn't make up such a thing. Oh, it’s true. Discord really was a Greek Titan.” When the two stepped through the entry hole into the Gryffindor Common room a hush fell over the room followed by an uproarious cheer with much clapping and stomping. The cheering had barely died down when the questions started flying. Along with a number of rather impertinent requests. “And do any of you announce your ethnic background!?” Aurora shouted angrily. Some of the questions she’d been getting about her pony form had been downright rude. The room fell silent. “She only recently figured out how to do that, and no, she is not an object for you to do whatever it is some of you seem to want to do,” Aerie stated. There’d been dozens of requests to pet Aurora. Along with some rather pervy requests as well. “And Flint is not something to be proud of. Furthermore, there is evidence he’d been manipulated. As in the Imperious curse. Ya, he’s a bully, barely above a squib, not the sharpest tack in the box, but surely even he couldn't possibly be dumb enough to try to murder me in front of an audience. “Now, if I don’t get some food I’m going to bite someone.” The two ate as much as they could get their hands on and still went down to dinner that night. What with the amount of magic the two had used they were both experiencing that Alicorn appetite. Only about half the Gryffindor students had come down, but most of the faculty were up at the head table that night. Quirrel was not. The Slytherin Table was unusually subdued that night. “Aerie,” Draco called in a hoarse whisper. “Are you alright?” “I’m well, if that’s what you mean?” “Did Flint really…” he left off what he wanted to say. “So I’m to understand.” Aerie thought for a moment and decided it’d be best to keep her voice down. “I’d thanked him for breaking my fall. … He didn’t seem too happy that he had. Odd because it kind of looked like that’s what he’d intended… at first. And then he just kind of lost it. Like he wasn’t in his right mind. Listen, someone mentioned that it might have been some curse called Imperious?” Several of the older students who’d overheard stopped eating and cast glances her way. “I’m surprised Slytherin only lost a hundred points,” one of the girls whispered. “I lost ten for fighting. I’d asked that Slytherin house not be penalized for Flint’s actions. The points you lost were just for game infractions.” “We will make those points back easy enough, but thanks for the thought,” A Slytherin stated. “Flint was always losing us points anyway so it’s kind of a mixed feeling. With any luck, he won’t be back. Still, though, the idea that there is someone with an ax to grind who isn’t brave enough to do their own dirty work and doesn’t care who they hurt just burns me.” Several people made a noise indicating that they fully agreed. “We have got to do something before something worse happens,” McGonagall groused up at the head table. “What we don’t need to do is escalate the matter,” Dumbledore countered. He’d already had communications from the Ministry wishing to send Aurors. “Voldemort has done something to himself that makes it impossible to finish him off.” His announcement had caused several individuals to take a sharp intake. “Professor,” Hagrid started with a hesitant tone. “I couldn't help but notice the local pegasi have been trying to drive off the local unicorns.” “For their own safety, I’d imagine. He’s out there. They know he’s out there. He wants what I have protected. About all we can do is keep him from getting it.” “Is there nothing we can do?” “Not at the moment, no.” “We’ve some time before curfew,” Aurora casually mentioned as they made their way back to the dorm. “Out through the attic?” Aerie suggested. “Provided our rings still work?” she then touched the gem and was delighted when it made her finger vanish. “Mine still works,” Aurora announced, and when they got to their room they used Aerie’s broom to hoist themselves up to the hatch in the ceiling. “It’s alright, it’s just us,” Aerie offered as she pulled herself through. Aurora followed and was surprised to find a rather nice apartment. LT Mouse was giving a report to Nova Silverwood. “Aerie, how are you?” Nova asked. “I’m fine, we want to stretch our wings.” “I’m itching for some air time,” Aurora added. “Aerie, are you sure you are fine? I hear Flint tried to use the killing curse on you.” Nova asked. “He didn’t have enough manna to get through my shield. It was the knockback that got me,” Aerie offered and then transformed into her pony form. She’d a number of feathers out of place so decided to do a bit of preening. Aurora followed suit. “We got the Horcrux that was hidden here,” Aerie offered. “Ended up having to tell Dumbledore what I’m trying to do. He’d come to investigate.” “I think I should tell you I don’t trust him.” Nova offered. “With any luck, he’ll find the ring. I’m assuming you’ve been unable to find anything.” “I was able to locate Tom Riddle senior’s home, but that’s about as far as I got. The place is full of traps.” “I think it’s located at the Gaunt estate.” “And that’s proven a little harder to locate.” A short time later the four were outside and soon found themselves joined by Lea and about a dozen members of her family. Around the Hospital wing, and out to where Hagrid’s hut was located. They saw him headed for the forest. “What’s he do out there anyway?” Aerie called making sure to use old ponish. “Unfortunately these Scottish Unicorns are a stubborn lot. Hagrid is out there hoping to find one of Riddle’s victims. As the Game Warden, he’s allowed to help himself to whatever he finds.” “Any chance there’s a giant spider colony out there?” “Oh, we kill anything he sets loose.” “That’s good.” “I’ve threatened to skin him alive.” “Is he really that bad?” Aurora asked. “Afraid so,” Mouse replied. “The locals have taken to putting the creatures he lets loose on spikes and dropping the spike out in front of his hut so it sticks up like one of them props they liked to do in old movies about headhunters.” “He doesn’t take hints very well.” “Aerie, better get back in,” Selena informed her as she glided up. “Alright. Come on Aurora.” Aerie and Aurora dropped back down to their shared room just as Idda Peverell came looking for them. “What were you two doing up there?” “That little gray is actually an Akkadian Auror,” Aerie offered. “Truth is she was posted there to keep an eye on Hagrid because he keeps releasing dangerous creatures into the forest.” A statement that wasn’t entirely untrue. “She’s been keeping an eye on us too but hasn't been able to isolate the person who’s been jinxing brooms.” “OK, fine. There are ministry Aurors here who want to see you. Just Aerie.” “They aren’t going to arrest her are they?” Aurora asked. “I doubt it very much and I’d suspect there would be a general uprising if they did. A late edition of the paper came in after you left the dining hall. They are calling you the girl who can’t be killed.” “I’m not too sure I like that,” Aerie replied and then followed Idda downstairs. Idda brought her to an unused classroom that looked more like a conference room than a classroom leading Aerie to think it might be for advanced studies. Indeed the large library arrayed along the walls certainly helped with that image. There were also several gentlemen and a woman there. Dumbledore, Madam Hooch, and McGonagall were there as well. “Aerie Potter, we meet at last,” Stated a portly wizard as he stepped up to her and took hold of her hand to shake it. Suddenly someone had taken a picture. “Now see here!” Bellowed another wizard. “Aerie,” Dumbledore cut in. “This is Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.” “I thought I’d be answering questions to Aurors?” Aerie asked. “So did I?” Idda replied. “What’s going on?” “Amelia Bones,” Offered the woman who’d been with the men. “Sorry about this. Things seem to have gotten a little out of hand.” “Aerie, Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,” Dumbledore started in again, introducing her to the people there. “Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office, Ms Bones, also an Auror, and Broderick Bode, Department of Mysteries.” “Mam, gentlemen,” Aerie offered and made a polite curtsy. There were two more men, one had a camera, and the other, a large stocky man with a scar on his face who looked like an elder version of Flint. He made a grunting noise to remind Dumbledore he was there. “Oh, and this is Lord Marcus Tiberius Flint.” Dumbledore's tone was less than amiable towards the man. “And the gentleman with the camera is Mr Pressman.” “So this is Snape’s little love child,” Flint senior sneered. Aerie’s face didn’t exactly fall in dismay. No, more of a case of mild surprise followed by disgust. After all, if it creates more chaos, Discord would do it. “Lord Flint, I thought we agreed not to bring that rumor up,” Dumbledore corrected. “Oh, but it’s not a rumor, it’s in the public record. For anyone willing to do a little digging.” “Curious that my alleged father isn’t here for this little meet and greet,” Aerie stated. “Her legal father is James Potter,” Dumbledore corrected. He wasn't exactly disputing what Lord Flint had said. “Curious thing, I discovered that the Evans family are a squib line of the Borealis family. Wizards to the Sun King of France prior to the revolution. I must confess I’m not entirely sure why we don’t teach their history. The French, it would seem, managed to achieve the very ideals Gellert Grindelwald wished to achieve. And then lost it all when the muggles decided they’d had enough.” Aerie couldn't help but wonder if the Evens family really were descended from the Sun King or if it was just more of Discord’s machinations? “My son has lost his magic,” Lord Flint Bellowed. “Which appears to have been his own doing,” Fudge pointed out. “Miss Potter, we would like your account of what happened,” Amelia Bones prompted. “I suppose I should start with the fireworks,” Aerie offered. “We suspected that the incident with Neville Longbottom had been a trial run and that it had been a line of sight curse. During the game, someone cursed my broom no less than three times.” “Ah, yes, of course,” Dumbledore said butting in. “A simple but effective way to block the curse would be by blinding the castor. Go on.” “Well, Lord Flint, your son took his quidditch very seriously and was a player to be reckoned with. I’ve no doubt if not for this incident he could have easily gone professional,” Aerie caught a glimpse of Dumbledore rolling his eyes. “When my broom finally succeeded in bucking me off, Marcus Flint, your son raced up and caught me. He saved my life. At least from my perspective, that seems to be what happened up to that point.” Flint senior knew his son well enough to know his son would never bother to save anyone but he was willing to listen. After all, it did his reputation no harm. “Unfortunately he lost control of his broom and we crashed.” “And that’s when he attacked you?” Scrimgeour asked. “Oh, no sir. There was a delay. He seemed sensible enough at first, and then he just started behaving erratically. Take into consideration that I had no trouble fending off the attacks of a young man three times my size. He just wasn’t sensible anymore. And I will admit it was rather frightening because I couldn't understand why he’d save me, and then switch to trying to kill me?” Dumbledore was pretty sure Aerie was bending the truth quite a bit but decided that for Lord Flint’s sake it would be a necessary little white lie. “It did look like he’d saved her,” Madam Hooch offered. She knew that wasn’t true, but she was more than willing to go with a little white lie and even she was having trouble understanding why the boy would attempt to use a killing curse in front of so many witnesses. Just because they were actively weaving a little white lie didn’t mean there wasn’t some truth in it. “So, what you are saying,” Flint senior began. “Is that someone, some coward, who has destroyed my family just because they wanted to do what You Know Who failed to do?” “Recent information has confirmed Mrs Silverwood-Swan’s account of what happened that night,” Dumbledore offered. “And it’s looking like the Potters were targeted out of a case of mistaken identity. The Killing Curse was never directly targeted at Aerie, and Aerie was never the child of the prophecy. The curse that hit her passed through her mother, and it’s entirely possible that incident has made her resistant to the curse.” “It’s a dangerous spell to use either way,” Flint Senior offered, his anger abating. “So, where exactly is Snape?” “He’s running an errand,” Dumbledore offered. “I don’t expect him back until late.” “I’m to understand that right before the incident Professor Snape had been actively trying to counter the spell being used on Aerie’s broom,” McGonagall explained. “Owing to the nature of the broom she is using, had she been thrown from it we might not have suspected anything had there not been a previous incident.” “One of our first years had a broom shoot straight up even though they’d been trying to get it to go down,” Madam Hooch offered. “At the time we thought it an ill-conceived prank on the part of one of the older students.” “We did investigate, but came up with no suspects,” Dumbledore offered. “And you’ve no idea who it is,” Amelia Bones asked. “We have got a good idea who they are working through, but we’ve yet to catch that individual in the act,” Dumbledore informed them. “There is also the concern that they will escalate if they know we are on to them.” “Next you’ll be saying it was You Know Who,” Fudge suggested in an almost sarcastic tone. “Do you remember a boy named Tom Riddle?” Dumbledore offered. “Aye, I do,” Flint replied. “He was in first year when I was in seventh. Something about him, he was bright, but there was something rather unsettling about him.” “I remember him too, you’re not saying it’s Tom, are you?” Fudge asked. “Bright young lad, but as Lord Flint here said, there was something off about him. He seems to have vanished following the Death of Hepzibah Smith.” “Mrs smith had in her collection two items, one a cup believed to have belonged to Helga Hufflepuff and a locket attributed to Salazar Slytherin. Both of which went missing,” Bartimus Crouch offered in a hushed tone. “What I can tell you of Riddle is that he was the son of one Tom Riddle senior, an affluent English Muggle who lived in the village of Little Hangleton. He married Merope Gaunt. And there is evidence that Riddle senior wasn’t given much say in the matter because it looks very much like Merope wanted to play house … with a muggle.” Dumbledore made sure that little tidbit would sink in. “Disgusting,” Flint said in nearly a snarl. “Just as soon as Riddle Senior found out Merope was a witch, assuming she wasn’t using some sort of artificial charm on the man and it finally wore off, he left her. “Merope abandoned and alone gave birth to a son she named Tom. She died shortly after giving birth from a fairly minor complication that could have been avoided had she gone to Saint Mungo's to have the child. To date, I’ve no idea why she hadn’t been admitted there. Young Tom Riddle was placed in an Orphanage, which I regret to say is where I found him and brought him to Hogwarts.” “So now he wants to make a name for himself, is that it?” Fudge asked. “I’ll get to that,” Dumbledore admonished. “Young Tom, I’m afraid to say, had certain obsessions. One overarching obsession was with immortality. The other may well have been the untimely death of his mother and a desire for vengeance on the Wizarding community as a whole.” “Immortality?” Flint asked. He could remember Voldemort making claims of Immortality. But then again, where was he now? “Indeed. Immortality,” Dumbledore repeated. “To this aim, he sunk into such dark arts few would dare to tempt. I now know that what he achieved was the inability to die. Not true immortality. He simply can’t die. After…” Dumbledore trailed off. “He’s not human anymore. I also believe that he is either directly or indirectly responsible for the string of unicorn killings. He is desperate to restore himself. To undo some of what he’s done to himself.” “Vol…” Flint started to say as a sinking horror filled him. Dumbledore rose his hand to forestall him. “I was recently reminded that that self-appointed title is in fact what is colloquially called a ‘Snitch’ spell. Say the word and he’ll be notified of the who, what, and where. A shame I didn’t make that clear from the start because we could have used it to our advantage.” “You forget that I…” Flint Senior began. “Imperious curse wasn’t it?” Dumbledore asked. "And you're saying he's become some kind of wraith that can't be killed?" "We will simply have to find a way." “A pity you couldn't get the non-magical community prattling off that word,” Aerie offered. "Bound to be plenty of people with just enough magic to trigger the spell." “Can’t say I ever thought of that,” Dumbledore admitted. “Bottom line, he who must not be named, when we don’t want him to know what we are up to, was a fraud. Mud blood, I believe, is the term you’d use, Lord Flint? What’s more, is the effects of what he did to himself, the knockback he received from the Killing curse when it backfired on him, and whatever it was Mrs Silverwood-Swan did to him, he’s not even human anymore. The results of dark magic and repeated assaults on his body. He’s a wreck of a man, a wraith of diminished capacity. He or I should say it, sustains itself off the blood of unicorns and is presently obsessed with Aerie. He cheated death but at the cost of his humanity.” All but Aerie looked on in horror. Aerie took hold of Idda’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “You can’t be serious,” Fudge stammered out. “And to say it with that child here in the room? “I already knew,” Aerie offered. “So does the muggle government. I knew because I was told it was a possibility if I came to Hogwarts. Yes, Professor Dumbledore, they put the pieces together when they were informed about the killings and given an image of him. They already had a file on him and knew quite a bit about him. Yes, he’s gone to great lengths to cover his tracks but didn’t account for muggle paper trails. They listed him as a mutant. And yes, I knew he’d come after me. In fact, it’s a miracle he didn’t come after me sooner. What with how many witches and wizards seemed to know where I lived? Seems to be mostly the crowd down at the Leaky Cauldron though.” “Hagrid’s doing, I’d imagine,” Professor McGonagall offered.” “I suspect that in its diminished capacity and form, Riddle simply dared not go to places where such information might be learned,” Dumbledore said softly. What Aerie had just said had shaken him considerably. “Couldn't, I’d think. I’d imagine that Riddle is unrecognizable in his present form. Wizards and witches, ally and foe alike would have hunted it down. “Now here’s the tricky part, we have to keep this quiet.” “Aye,” Flint offered softly. “Well, the only lot who’d willingly follow him now are either dead or in Azkaban.” “And his most loyal follower is a rat in a cage,” Aerie offered perhaps a might bit too glibly, but then again, the atmosphere did need a little warming up. Oddly enough, Flint was the only one to see the humor in her statement. Oh, and yes, there had been plenty of news articles calling for a proper investigation. “If I were to assume that Snape is out there looking for information on how we might deal with this problem, might I be correct?” Flint asked. “You might,” Dumbledore offered. “And what about Miss Potter’s safety?” Mr Bode asked. “Riddle and his co-conspirator aren’t likely to go after her, at least not directly while she is here,” Dumbledore offered. “And when she’s at home?” Mr Bode pressed. “The home she has landed herself in is Unplottable,” McGonagall informed them. “I couldn't even see it until a local muggle pointed it out to me.” “I thought she was living with muggles?” Fudge asked. “She was adopted by the Finch-Fletchley family. Two old families that went squib and have only just produced an heir capable of magic. Turns out the house isn’t on any maps anywhere. I must confess I was skeptical when Aerie suggested that it might be an old wizard home, but it turns out that it is and only the locals can see it.” “Well, I’ll be,” Dumbledore replied with a smile. “And since Hagrid Doesn’t know where it is… “He can’t gab about the location,” Dumbledore offered. “As for Riddle, I suspect he’ll lay low for a while. Wait for people to drop their vigilance.” “Which should work in our favor,” Crouch offered. “But you can’t be seen to be helping, or Riddle would surely get wind of it.” “Indeed, indeed. At any rate, we are done with Miss Potter,” Crouch suggested. “If we are in agreement, Aerie and Miss Peverell can go then,” McGonagall seconded. “I’ve no reason to ask her any more questions,” Flint offered. Save one. Which broom was she riding?” “The widow maker,” Madam Hooch informed him. “Seems to be an old family heirloom. Yes, of course, Lily used the same broom as well. I’d forgotten about that.” Aerie had to smile as she wondered if discord had just added that little detail or if it was indeed true. Knowing that she was right about the property certainly didn’t hurt either. She and Idda were dismissed and were back on their way. > Chapter 29: New History teacher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “My, my, my, what have we here?” Filch sneered as he rounded on Idda and Aerie about halfway back to the dorm. Naturally, it was now past curfew. “I’m a prefect, and she was needed…” Aerie had grabbed Mr’s Norris and was giving her a cuddle. “Seriously Aerie, seriously?” “Professor McGonagall is lucky I didn’t grab her in class,” Aerie admitted. “And besides, I like this little love bug.” Aerie switched to a whisper only for the cat, “We need to keep a better eye on Quirrel, he’s a threat to order.” And then Aerie put her down. “As I was about to say, Professor Dumbledore needed to see Aerie about what happened out at the quidditch game.” “Might not hurt to tell him,” Aerie offered. “I heard. I imagine they’ll be sending him to Azkaban, and good riddance.” “Maybe not,” Aerie offered. “Aerie, that’s up to Professor Dumbledore to decide whether or not he’s to be told. Quite frankly I wish I didn’t know.” “Now, Mr Filch, if you’ll excuse us, all you are doing is keeping us out longer than we need to be.” Idda then walked around him with Aerie following. “Honestly I don’t know how you can be so calm?” Idda commented as they went. “You know who murders my family and then drops off the face of the earth when he fails to kill me. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that someone might try to finish the job. Just the knowledge tends to make a person numb to the idea. Especially after multiple attempts that failed.” “She said something to you?” Filch said softly shortly after the two were well out of earshot. He looked to his cat to see a familiar woman of dark complexion and sea-foam-blue colored hair. “She said that Quirrel is a threat to order… she knows. She knows. She knows I’m a ling.” There was a hush to Mrs Norris’s voice along with the sort of tone that suggests a person isn’t quite sure what to do next. Quirrel was back in time for classes the next day, and life in the school went on as though nothing truly bad had happened the day before. No one really wanted to think about it even if the papers were bound and determined not to let anyone forget. Even so, with flint gone, it was as though a storm had passed and everyone’s heart was a little lighter including the Slytherins. Idda had taken a few days to relax. Fortunately, she didn’t have any idea who the prime suspect was and with no further incidents, she had perhaps deluded herself into thinking that the perpetrator who’d been trying to finish You Know Who’s dirty work must have given up and moved on. There was one big change in the History of magic class. They now had an actual teacher. A middle-aged woman named Charity Burbage. She had brownish blond hair and was perhaps a little heavy in the shoulders. The first thing she did was to do a review of everything that the ministry said they should have covered up to that point. And something else she did was to add in important events from the muggle world. Aerie found the new history class a delight. She’d wanted to include events from the non-magical world but had lacked the resources to do it. Hermione had tried a couple of times, but even she had to admit to just guessing. “Why do we even need to know about muggles?” Ron had to ask at one point. Heaven forbid Ron should willingly learn anything. “Fourteenth of July, seventeen-eighty-nine. The Storming of the Bastille,” Mrs Burbage stated. “That and you sound a little like a Slytherin with a question like that.” “What? Hey?!” Ron protested. “The Storming of the Bastille by peasants in Paris, France. It was a prison. The fall of the Bastille is named as the flash point of the French revolution.” “Professor Burbage, I’m a little confused too,” Hermione stated. “What does the French revolution have to do with wizards?” “The royals of France were all wizard families. In fact, I’m to understand that there are two individuals in this class who are descended from one of the ruling families. “What? Who?” Lavender Brown asked with a touch of excitement. “Evans and Summers are descended from Borealis,” Aerie offered. “Aurora, but there isn’t an Evans in the class?” Hermione asked. “My mom,” Aerie offered. “I’m an Evans.” “The wizards of France had all but ignored the welfare of the common people,” Professor Burbage informed them. “All the magic in the world will not save you from thousands of enraged muggles. I’ll have to admit that I didn’t know about the Akkadian connection.” “The title of ‘Sun King’ dates back to the original Akkadian Empire I’d imagine,” Aurora offered. “Yes, that just might be,” Professor Burbage mused. “Anyway, even with all the protections we use to hide our community from the non-magical world, there are no guarantees and with their advances in technology, it’s only a matter of time until nothing can hide us. That’s the reason why the Akkadian archipelago in the Caribbean decided to go public. It was the only way to secure their sovereignty.” “Can you do us a favor,” Aurora asked as she looked about at the class. “Professor, everyone, don’t be telling people we are princesses. It could significantly raise the level of threat to the two of us.” “Yes, that would be appreciated,” Aerie added. “I’ve already had one attempt on my life. Two if we count when I was a babe.” “You're serious?” Ron asked. “Ron, Flint,” Lavender reminded him. “He did try to kill me,” Aerie added. “And there is a possibility someone else was pulling the strings.” “Ya, but that was because you survived You Know Who,” Ron protested. “Who just might redouble his efforts,” Lavender pointed out. “Oh, right,” Ron finally admitted. He still didn’t quite get it, but then again if the girls were genuinely worried about it then maybe there was something to it. “And besides, it’s all kind of meaningless, isn’t it?” Aerie offered. “It’s not like I’m going to get invited to tea by the Queen any time soon.” “Queen?” Ron asked. “Of England,” Hermione suggested to Ron. “There’s a queen?” “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me,” Professor Burbage stated. “Alright, how many of you knew that we have a queen of England? And yes, she’s just as much the queen of Wizarding Britain as she is Queen of the nonmagical.” What she was presented with was an alarmingly small number of hands raised. The first-year Gryffindor students soon found themselves with a heavy amount of homework assigned, which included a good deal of reading including looking things up in the School’s primary library. The library had its silver lining in that it often afforded Aerie time with Justin. After all, he was supposed to be her adopted brother. Little did she know that her meeting up with Justin on a regular basis was generating a rather interesting rumor. When people learned that she had been adopted into his family it only fueled the fire due to a common practice among Wizards. Time seemed to just fly by and soon it was December. The first snow fell in mid-December and Aerie ran out to play in the snow the first chance she got. As for Fred and George, they found themselves being severely punished for enchanting snowballs to bounce off Quirrel’s turban. Inside the great structure, every available fireplace had a fire in it. Draco had somehow found out that the Weasleys would be staying and just couldn't resist teasing Ron who was more than eager to jump at the bait every time. Draco would look for just about anything to poke fun at. Well, anything except what had happened at the Quidditch game. No one wanted to be reminded of Flint’s transgression, and no one wanted to think that Flint might not have been in control of himself at the time. Aerie found herself having to remind herself that Draco would mature in time. She wasn’t too sure about the Weasley boys. And then it happened, “Oh, hello there, Fluttershy was it?” Aerie said to the tree in the corridor leading down to the potions class which was in the dungeons. Aurora busts up laughing. “Who’s Fluttershy?” Hagrid asked from behind the tree. “Why, the tree obviously,” Aerie offered followed by more laughter from Aurora. Hi, Hagrid, want any help?” Ron asked as the group began to bunch up. *“Would you mind moving out of the way?” Draco ordered more than asked before Hagrid could reply. “Say, Weasley, not hoping to be a gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts is it?” Draco was in full taunt as he drawled his words. “Hagrid’s hut must seem like a palace compared to what your family lives in. A pig cot wasn’t it? I’d imagine that could explain the smell that lingers around you.” “Draco?” Aerie said in protest and dismay as Ron dived at him. “Weasley!” shouted Snape coming up the stairs. Ron let go of Malfoy and took a step back. “He was provoked, Professor Snape,” Hagrid informed Snape. “Be it as it may, fighting is against the rules,” Snape replied in his typical silky tone. “Five points from Gryffindor.” “He started it,” Ron protested. “And Miss Potter was deducted ten points for defending herself. Be grateful I’m only taking five.” Snape looked at the Tree. “Hagrid, why do you have a tree down here? And while classes are in session no less. You are impeding egress.” “I don’t know about any egrets, I thought you might want a tree in the potions class.” “The last thing I want in that classroom is an evergreen. One needle somehow finds its way into a potion... there is no telling what can happen.” “So you don’t want a tree?” “No, I do not want a tree in the potions class. Certainly not an evergreen. A white tree from the Silver Wood for the dorm might be nice if they’ll let you have one. Now, if you could possibly move out of the way?” It was entirely possible Snape knew how the residents of the Silver wood felt about Hagrid. “Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle pushed ruffly past the tree getting needles all over the place. Hagrid wasn’t exactly on good terms with the inhabitants owing to his habit of obtaining illegal creatures and then setting them loose in the forest. “What’s gotten into Draco?” Aerie asked of no one as Snape made his way past the tree. “That was kind of rude even for him.” “I hate them all,” Ron bemoaned. “Give it a rest, Ron,” Lavender chastised. “Come on, cheer up, it’s almost Christmas,” Hagrid offered as he began to back out of the hallway. Aerie, Aurora, Lavender, Ron, Neville, and Hermione followed Hagrid. It took a bit of doing for Hagrid to backtrack the tree but they soon found themselves in the great hall where last-minute additions were being added to the decor. The hall was also beginning to look like half the trees in the forest had been brought in. “Ah, Hagrid,” Flitwick called. “Let’s make that the last tree shall we? Just put it over there, in the far corner.” “So how many days do you have left before the holidays?” Hagrid asked. “Just the one,” Aerie offered. “Which reminds me, we have a half hour before lunch,” Hermione announced. “We need to get to the library.” “We?” Aerie asked. “Ron, Neville, and I,” Hermione corrected. “Right before the holidays? Yer a bit keen, aren’t yeh?” “Oh, we aren’t working,” Ron explained. “We are trying to find out who Nicolas Flamel is.” “Now hang on,” Hagrid protested. “I’ve told yeh – drop it. It’s nothin’ to you what fluffy is guardin’.” “We just want to know who he is, that’s all.” “He was a French scribe and manuscript-seller in the 17th century,” Aerie offered. “He was?” Hermione asked. “No, it can’t be the same person. Can it? How do you even know about him.” “Believe it or not, it’s in a book I picked up at Harrods, in London.” “Oh, well then it can’t possibly be the same person. How can you even afford to shop there?” “I converted some of my gold to cash. Takes a bit of doing if you want to get a decent amount of money because wizards are still on the gold standard and wizard money can’t be sold or traded to muggles. Not legally anyway. See, first I had to buy commodities from Wizard farmers. The kind that matches the sort of thing a muggle farmer would make, and then I sell it to muggles. The irony is that if a wizard farmer were to sell directly to muggles and then convert the British pound notes to wizard gold they’d be rolling in gold in no time because the Goblins buy the muggle money on the assumption it’s actually worth what wizards value silver at.” “The fact that you have enough gold to do that is nothing short of disgusting. Come on Ron, Neville,” Hermione stated and stormed off with the two boys in tow. “Don’t worry Hagrid, now that I’ve told her Flamel was in a muggle book she’s going to discount what I just told her.” “Selling to muggle farmers and then exchanging the money for wizard money…” Hagrid said softly. “Didn’t you already make plenty off the unicorn carcass you took from the forest?” Aerie asked. “How’d you find out about that?” “You just told me,” Aerie offered her face expressionless. “I am the Hogwarts groundskeeper.” Hagrid looked nervous. “Yes, that you are,” Aerie replied and walked off. “Remind me not to die in my pony form,” Aurora said and then followed after Aerie. Lavender followed a moment later. > Chapter 30: Start of the Winter Holiday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Yuletide Feast was perhaps the most elaborate to date. The tables were covered in roast turkeys, hams, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, roast beef, red currant jelly, Yorkshire pudding, pigs in blankets, red cabbage, crispy shredded Brussels sprouts with bacon, bread sauce, game pie, sourdough buns, and of course there was plum pudding. Oh, there was more, but that’s about all Aerie could remember or identify. They also had Christmas Crackers that exploded almost as big as the ones Pinkie Pie made. Aerie and Aurora pulled one apart between them delighting at the things that came out while giving each other a knowing look. They’d experienced better in Equestria. Both girls ate an alicorn’s share of the food. The next morning Aerie boarded the train wondering if she was making a mistake by not staying. She also worried about the mirror. Riddle could have that damn stone for all she cared. Not that he was going to get it. Still, though, the mirror was an issue. She’d thought about leaving her trunk, but was informed that it’d be loaded onto the train. Why leave the trunk? Her apartment key for the basement flat opened up the apartment in the trunk. In truth, the trunk was nothing more than a movable alternate entrance to the flat. “Aurora, are you going to be with family?” Aerie asked as they boarded the train. “Just me and my mom.” “Maybe you and your mom can come over. I’m sure Flora wouldn't mind.” “Oh, maybe you can come over to my house too,” Lavender offered as they made their way to the first year’s car. “That’d be fun,” both Aerie and Aurora answered. “You sure you two aren’t sisters?” “Sisters from different mothers?” Aerie asked. “Not likely. I just don’t picture Snape as the type.” “Come again?” Lavender asked nearly coming to a stop. “Apparently I’m only a Potter by virtue of marriage. Don’t ask me, I haven't any details. Granted the announcement came from Lord Flint. Though he did seem rather adamant that it was true, and Dumbledore didn’t exactly say it wasn’t.” “Wow.” This time it was both Aurora and Lavender who spoke at the same time. “You think it might be true?” Aurora asked as they came to their car. “Whatever generates the most chaos I guess.” “Chaos?” Lavender gave Aerie a funny look. “It’s complicated. “Hi Justin, you got room for three girls?” “Sure, why not,” Justin offered. He then introduced them to Wayne Hopkins and Ernest Macmillan. Two boys in his house and year. Both were just a smidgen on the pudgy side. In an odd sort of way they reminded Aerie of Draco and his two friends, save in that these three were much more personable. They had friendly genuine smiles and didn’t seem the sort to look down on anyone. “Well, there we are,” Aurora offered as their trunks popped into the overhead. They’d just got seated. Moonie was in her carrier as well. “I was wondering about that. I suppose we have to get them down ourselves though,” Aerie said just as Draco walked past. “He seemed a lot nicer at the beginning of the year,” Lavender said as she watched the three Slytherin boys head down the hall. “Ron didn’t exactly help,” Aerie lamented. “Those boys have been taught to hate each other just because of their family and house affiliations.” “Maybe he’s sweet on you?” Justin offered. “Seriously?” “And there’s a rumor going around school.” “People do like to gossip,” Lavender offered. “I wouldn't worry about it.” “Can I join you?” Hermione asked from the door. “It’s the boy’s compartment, you’ll have to ask them,” Lavender offered only for Hermione to start to turn away. “Hermione? I’m sure you are welcome,” Aerie offered. “Yes, come on in,” Justin called. “It’s a bench seat, we can squeeze four girls in here,” Aurora offered. “But the compartment is full?” “Always room for more,” Wayne Hopkins offered. Hermione entered, sat down, and sure enough, there was plenty of room. Even the overhead rack had room for her trunk. “Hogwarts Express,” Ernest offered. “There’s always room.” “Right, magic,” Hermione stated with a big smile. “So, did you find anything on Nicolas Flamel?” Aurora asked. “No.” Hermione sounded a bit depressed. “I’m guessing that you dismissed what I told you because the person I told you about is not contemporary and the source of the information was a book that came from a muggle bookstore?” “It can’t be the same person? Can it?” Hermione asked. “I’ve found from going to a muggle school that the non-magical world actually knows quite a lot about the wizarding world,” Lavender offered. “But wouldn't that violate the secrecy accords?” Hermione asked. “It’s not what they know, it’s whether or not they believe it. That is beyond the occasional eccentric,” Ernest offered. “What we have to do is not provide proof by our actions.” Hermione made one of those sounds that people sometimes make when they suddenly understand. Outside the train, snow began to fall in great gossamer feathers. Only now did they realize that it wasn’t much warmer on the train than it had been outside. “Hey, Sun-butt, how about warming it up in here a bit,” Aerie teased. “Sun Butt?” Aurora replied, and then laughed. “Does she have tats too?” Justin asked, and then turned red as a beat on realizing he should have kept his mouth shut. “Justin,” Aerie prompted. “I overheard mom talking about them,” He admitted sheepishly. “They aren’t actually tattoos,” Aerie offered, sounding just a little bit annoyed. “They are a manifestation of Akkadian magic. So what was that rumor that you wanted to tell me?” “Well,” Wayne started in real slow. “Normally when a witch is adopted into a wizard family it means she’s being betrothed to someone.” The train started forward in dead silence. “I see.” “Hey, how’s everyone doing?” Bill Bones asked from the corridor. “A bit cold. Is there anything that can be done about it?” Hermione asked. “Short of getting these two a little hot under the collar,” Lavender teased. “Aerie?” Justin asked. “Are you OK?” “So everyone thinks that you and I are…” “Betrothed.” “Ah, I guess that could explain Draco’s behavior.” “So it’s true?” Bill asked. “I don’t think so,” Aerie offered. “The non-magical English government has no such thing. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to learn that it’s prohibited by law. So even if such a contract does exist it’s not legally enforceable unless we both want it and then we’d have to be of age.” “Ah, right, and your parents are only part of the wizard community by a technicality,” Bill offered. “On the other hand, I see no reason to correct the rumor.” “Seriously?” Justin asked. His skin tone had just begun to go a little less bright pink and was now right back to a deep crimson. “In an odd sort of way it might protect me from anyone wanting to wrangle me into a marriage, not of my choosing.” “Oh,” Justin said and started to relax. “Wizard law doesn’t prohibit it outright,” Bill offered. “But, anyone wanting to do it would require permission from your guardians. “Right then, let's do something to warm things up a bit.” Bill pulled out his wand and cast a warming spell on the floor. “Better already,” Aurora offered. “Thank you.” “Is there going to be any problems getting back to London?” Hermione asked. Outside the snow was coming down fast, the passing trees well covered. “Oh, it’ll be fine. The front end is spelled to blast away the drifts,” Bill informed them. “And if it gets too bad we’ll have Percy go out on the front of the train.” “No Percy though, he had to stay at Hogwarts,” Aurora reminded him. “In that case we are doomed.” The Scottish highlands were blanketed in snow, snow that persisted into England, the Midlands, and even into London. It had grown quite late by the time they emerged from Platform nine and three-quarters. London was in a state of near gridlock due to power outages and slick conditions. For those of proper wizard families, it just meant trudging through the snow to some location where they wouldn't be observed and either apparate home or use a port key. For the individuals from non-magical homes, they were about to experience an adventure. “I could just fly home,” Aerie muttered as she looked out at the gridlock. “Ya, that’d go over real good at the ministry,” Hermione offered as her mom pulled up to the curb. “Aerie, Justin!” Flora called as she approached. She’d just come from the St Pancras Station across the road. “Welcome home. The streets are a mess but the tube is running. I hope you don’t mind dragging your trunks.” “Aerie, I don’t see my mom,” Aurora called as Aerie gave Flora a hug. Aerie broke from Flora, and rushed over to Aurora, retrieved her phone, and offered it to Aurora who wasted no time in calling her mom. Mrs Summers was still at work. “But it’s a Saturday?” Aurora protested over the phone. “Say, why don’t you come with us, spend the night even,” Aerie suggested as Aurora talked to her mother on the phone. “End of Quarter exams,” Aurora explained. “Lost track of time. … Mom, yes, I know, you are sorry. Aerie’s invited me over to her house. For the night. Look, my alternative is to sit at a train station until you get here. By myself. And it’s downright cold out.” “Here, let me talk to her,” Flora offered. Moments later they were on their way, luggage on carts, across the street, and into the Pancras. Where they were promptly stopped by three officers of the local Transport Police unit. It wasn’t the fact that they were taking carts from one station to the other. No. It was the big trunks. No one used trunks anymore. And that made it suspicious. Inside the trunks, they found only books and clothing. Aerie and Aurora had chosen to leave everything they either didn’t need or couldn't use behind with the exception of their wands. Those they had safely in their handbags. As for Justin, they didn’t seem too interested in the contents of his trunk as they proceeded to rifle through the contents of the two girl’s trunks. “Do you like fingering little girl’s panties?” Aerie chastised. “We have to inspect everything that looks unusual.” “I think you’ve inspected enough to know there’s nothing in there that concerns you,” Flora suggested rather forcefully. “Hey, sorry to bother you,” Aerie said into her phone. “Any chances you got connections that can get us past the pantie-sniffing security guards at the Saint Pancras station? They saw our trunks and insisted on inspecting them, half my stuff is all over the floor.” “Oy, give that here!” “Hey!” Aerie protested as her phone was snatched away by an officer. Moonie was presently growling from her carrier, and it was entirely possible that the only reason she hadn’t done anything was the restriction that had been placed on them. If she used magic, the girls might get blamed. She wasn’t too worried about Justin. “Now what would you be doing with something like this?” “I go to an exclusive private school, what do you think?” Moonie was doing plenty of hissing and spitting at one of the officers who had decided to harass the cat in the carrier. And then he made the mistake of opening it. Moonie the wild cat sprang out in a flash, clawing, and scratching one man and then the next in lightning-speed fashion. Nor was she above the occasional crotch grab while the three men frantically attempted to fend her off. “Moonie!? What are you doing!?” Aerie called frantically. The fact that the three men hadn’t gone for a radio to call for support or pulled out either a taser or pepper spray hadn’t registered at first. When a wand was produced it all clicked. These men were wizards. They’d probably assaulted the real officers only moments before. Aerie let her body drop to gain momentum faster as her feet pushed off. Suddenly one of the men’s wands was in her hand followed by a foot finding a groin hard enough to drop the man. Aerie grabbed his head and slammed him down hard. Sure, wizards were made of tough stuff and he had a helmet on. Even so, it’d be a while before that man was sensible again. Another wand came out only to be snatched by Aurora who lost no time joining into the fray. Boots could be heard hurrying to the location now even as Aerie snatched a wand from the third man. He was dropped by a taser that had belonged to the man Aurora had gone after, he not even trying to stop her from taking it. A moment later the group was surrounded by Transport Police. At least one of them snatched away the taser in Aurora’s hand. The next thing that happened appeared to be some kind of strange feedback from the taser as the two men still standing were enveloped in arches of electricity. Moonie satisfied that her work was done went back to her carrier even as the remaining impostors dropped. Aerie looked about and picked up her phone. “OK now, everyone can relax,” one of the real officers offered. There were about a dozen men and women. “These guys were fake,” Aerie announced. “Yes, detective,” Aerie said into the phone. “We are going to need the special task force.” “We just found three of our officers stuffed in a maintenance closet,” Offered another officer. “They were rifling through the girls' things, and then the cat, just went nuts,” Flora informed the officers who'd responded to the scene. She was still at a bit of a loss as to what had just transpired. “Officers,” Nova Silverwood said as she approached. She’d a rather sharp gray suit on. She flashed an identification and badge and then stuck it in a shoulder pocket with the badge hanging out just above the right breast. Nova's read New Scotland Yard. She was also accompanied by another Selena who went over to Moonie, gently pulled the cat out of the carrier, and made like she was comforting the kitty. In reality, the two were doing a bit of fast catching up on what had just transpired. “Looks like we have three perverts intent on harassing the girls,” Selena offered a moment later as Aerie quietly handed off the three wands to Mrs Silverwood. The three were taken into custody, statements taken and about an hour later Flora, Aerie, Aurora, and Justin were finally on their way. And this time they’d been assigned an escort. Light blue line to Victoria Station, where Flora had her car out in the car park. Flora was after all a practical woman. They thanked the escort and started loading the boot. Aerie’s trunk first. “How were you planning on getting…” One of the wizards asked just as Aerie opened her trunk. In went the other two trunks. Both wizards started laughing at the sound of the two trunks sliding down the stairs. “Having at least one enchanted trunk has proven a blessing,” Flora offered. “And to be true, up until Professor McGonagall arrived with Justin’s letter I’d thought this sort of thing was just part of family legend.” “Well, in that case, welcome back.” > Chapter 31: Home is where you are safe. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Home sweet home,” Aerie offered as they climbed the steps to the house on Sussex street. Both inside and out were festooned with Christmas decor, and while it wasn’t anywhere near as grand as the Hogwarts decorations it felt far more like home. “I’ve got a stew in the oven,” Flora offered once everyone was inside and the door closed. Aerie’s trunk was placed in the hall for the time being. Aerie went to the door that opened to the basement and unlocked it. Down at the bottom of the stairs were the other two trunks. “So, is it possible to open the trunk and this door at the same time?” Flora asked as she looked down the stairwell. “No idea and I’m glad no one else has that trunk.” “What? Your deluxe trunk is your basement flat?” Aurora asked as Justin went down to retrieve his trunk. “Justin, just use the service lift,” Aerie called down. “And I’m guessing no. Not technically. Or to be more precise, the trunk is merely an alternate doorway. Aerie then went to her trunk, unlocked it, and opened it into an ordinary trunk with all the things she brought home with her. “Aerie, you want me to push the bookshelf back while I’m down here?” Justin called up. “It needs to be unlatched first.” “Got it. “Aerie, there’s something down here?” “What do you mean there’s something down there?” Aerie’s heart started to race. But then again having Moonie rubbing up against her ankles kind of told her not to worry about it. Still, though, her curiosity had the best of her. A moment later Aerie, Aurora, and Flora were headed down the stairs. “Out in the front room was a very large object that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. It was wrapped in festive paper and had a big red ribbon on it. “Marry Christmas, Aerie,” Selena offered. “Who are you? Flora asked, startled.” “Mom, that’s Moonie, my cat,” Aerie informed her without even bothering to take her eyes off the mirror-shaped package. “We call her Selena when she’s in human form. “Can I open it now?” “You wouldn't happen to know someone named Garry Seven?” Flora asked of Selena. “Might be a sister you are thinking of.” “Are you a witch?” “Oh no, she’s a pony. Technically,” Aerie offered as she absentmindedly fingered the pendant under her blouse. “Pony… oh!” Selena had dropped forward and a winged unicorn now stood there. “Wow, and you are so beautiful.” Selena dropped her head and blushed. “Can I open it up?” “Well, Selena?” Flora asked. Selena switched back to human form. “Go on, I think you’ll like it.” The next sound was that of paper ripping as Aerie pulled the paper away. “It… it looks like the mirror from the room of requirement? But that was larger.” “It scales to size. Meaning it automatically fits the space it's given.” Selena offered. “I helped myself while you were berating Dumbledore, and I left a copy in its place. The copy will behave the same minus the portal. As for this one, I’ve shut off the function that causes a person to see their greatest desires and put limits on who can actually use it.” “My greatest desire…” Aerie said softly. She wanted nothing more than to be done with Lord Voldemort and go home, and the mirror was making that day that much closer. “What makes this so special that you had to help yourself to it?” Justin asked. “It’s a gateway to Equestria, the true land of the Akkadians,” Selena offered. “There is a secondary enchantment that when active causes the viewer to see their heart’s greatest desire.” “Seems to me that would change with alarming frequency,” Flora offered. “Short of someone has an obsession.” “I set it so that only Equestrians and guests can use the gate. I thought it best that people think it a duplicate if anyone should see it and recognize it.” Aerie had her right hand up on the glass, light was shining from the glass where her hand was. “Aerie, it’s late and the other end is in the Everfree. The palace.” “Right, no going through. Not now.” “We could go in the morning,” Aurora suggested. “We could at that,” Aerie offered. “Well, let's get back upstairs,” Flora suggested, and then headed for the stairs. “Aurora, you can stay in Aerie’s room with her upstairs if you’d like?” “Come on Aurora. To be honest, I’ve never used the apartment down here.” So they went back upstairs and used the dumbwaiter to lift the trunks up to the third floor rather than haul them up the stairs. When they had accomplished that task Aerie and Auror went back down to the kitchen to see if there was anything they could do to help. “Pretty much everything is ready if you could set the table, oh and add a place, Basil said he’s bringing home a guest.” “Did he say who?” Aerie asked. She couldn't help but feel apprehensive after what happened at the train station. “He said it was a surprise.” “I think Aerie and I are kind of done with surprise guests for the day.” “Oh, right. Ya, I’m sure it’s going to be fine. They should be here any time.” “Well, here’s hoping they don’t have trouble getting past whatever is going on down the street,” Aerie offered as she looked out the window. “Police car just went by and it looks like the intersection is blocked.” Aurora went over to the front window to have a look. “Table's set. Do you have a telly? Maybe there’ll be something on the news?” “Go ahead,” Flora offered as she came out of the kitchen to have a look. “You’ll want BBC one.” They found Justin with the set already on. “I heard the sirens,” Justin offered even as the news was reporting on a forced entry at 106 Cambridge street. There had been a brief hostage situation perpetrated by some rather inept would-be attackers who were quickly neutralized by a counter-terrorism unit. The descriptions of the men and what they’d wanted left Aerie no doubt that they’d been trying to find her. Aerie rushed upstairs to get her phone and called Nova Silverwood. “Yes, two more wizards. They got shot for their efforts,” Nova’s voice offered over the phone. “And the three at the station?” “Does the name Mundungus ‘Dung’ Fletcher ring any bells?” “In the books, he was a two-bit criminal who often did Dumbledore's dirty work.” “Books?” Justin asked. He and Aurora had chased up the stair after Aerie. “I’m guessing the two at 106 had gotten a hold of the mailing address,” Aerie prompted. “You’re right, they got the address and when they couldn't find it got it into their heads to invade each and every place on the corner. They hit 108 first, and then crossed the street.” “Basil is bringing a guest home, should I be worried?” “You’ll be fine. It’s Sirius Black.” “That’s a relief,” Aerie offered and then crossed into Justin’s room to look out the front window. Two men who were definitely wizards were standing out front watching the activity down the street. “There are two men out front, they yours?” Aerie’s hair billowed out. “No, and don’t-” CRACK!!! Lightning in snowstorms is unusual but not unheard of. The two men had been hit. They’d been lifted up into the air, a dark rip opened up, and then they were gone. “Aerie, what was that?!” Nova shouted over the phone. “Oh, I might have hit them with a lightning bolt and dumped them on the Head table at Hogwarts.” “Aerie… “OK, I was going to say no to using magic but I doubt they’d be able to contribute that to you. Just don’t do that again. They could have been from the Ministry.” “Well, you’ll forgive me if I’m a little jumpy.” Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, Dumbledore along with the other remaining faculty had sprung back from the table the moment the two came crashing down. The remaining students at the four house tables now looked on in stunned surprise as Madam Pomfrey checked for vitals. Moments later the two men were rushed off to the infirmary. Everything was cleaned up and Dumbledore stepped up to the table again. “Kind of looks like someone attempted to apparate in,” Dumbledore offered. “They’ll… live.” Nova Silverwood-Swan had just stepped into the dining hall. All eyes followed her as she walked through the dining hall right up the center, and stopped when she was facing Dumbledore. “By any chance did a couple of gentlemen happen to drop in?” “Were you perhaps looking for them?” “I kind of need to verify who they are.” “Is Miss Potter alright? Just out of curiosity.” “Miss Potter has the protection of a Goddess. Funny you should ask though. Seems there was an incident at Pancras station, perhaps you’ve already heard about that incident. Those three men are now in my custody. Given there was a Princess of Eques involved they are looking at some serious time in Tartarus. “I have her Majesty's permission to extradite. “There was a second incident at number one-oh-six Cambridge Street. They’d tried at one-oh-eight first which is what alerted the muggle authorities.” “They, wouldn't happen to be in your custody as well, would they?” “Oh no, they got off easy.” “Easy, you say?” “They’re dead.” “Dead?” “Shot. Seems someone put up an anti apparate field over the area so when they found themselves cornered by the police, the responding officers mistook their attempt to get away as a threat on their lives and fired. Muggle weapons. Every bit as lethal as the killing curse. As is, I’ve had to advise the Auror department to stay well away from Sussex street.” “Not Cambridge street?” “Oh? Did you perhaps think they were looking for Aerie? Pity, she doesn’t have that protection you keep on about.” “Professor,” McGonagall prompted from a few seats down. “The house is on Sussex. Didn’t I tell you?” “But the official registry says Cambridge?” “That’s where they get their mail.” “Professor Dumbledore, the men I have, say that they were put up to their dirty deed by Mundungus Fletcher,” Nova informed him. “Do you know him? If you are wondering why two men found their way here is because an individual capable of sending them halfway across the length of England and into Scotland likely thinks you had something to do with this evening’s tragedy. Don’t push that person.” Mrs Silverwood leaned closer to Dumbledore. “You wanted her to have protection, well she’s got protection. More protection than you could possibly imagine and if anyone else attempts anything you can count on more deaths. But then again, isn’t that why you trained Tom Riddle?” She slammed her hands down on the trellis. “Don’t deny it. You knew what kind of boy he was only he went off script, didn’t he?” “I wanted to help him,” Dumbledore protested. “Some people can not be helped by giving them more power!” Her voice resounded throughout the great room. “And a wise old man such as yourself should know that.” “I must confess that I was not always as wise, and still have much to learn. It would seem.” Back at the house, Justin, Aerie, and Aurora have gone back downstairs to the reception room, or rather the family room where the family could hang out together. The news was speculating on the loud report they’d heard wondering if it was an explosion or not, and Moonie the cat was lounging in a chair. Outside, night was falling. “That, what you did?” Justin asked. “It’s an elemental ability,” Aurora offered. “Not really magic as you understand it.” Aerie’s hair billowed out again, there was a loud crackle overhead followed by the on-the-scene reporter getting excited about snow lightning.” “Aerie?” Aurora said in an almost scolding tone. “Well, they were saying it was an explosion.” “Oh no, just you playing with lightning and opening portals.” “Portals?” Flora asked from the doorway. “Nothing to worry about,” Aurora reassured. “It’s kind of cool, actually,” Justin offered with a grin on his face. “Just don’t tell anyone I can do that,” Aerie cautioned with a smile of her own. She then went to the window, opened it up, and stepped out onto the balcony. “Oh, they have the street blocked off.” “And probably can’t even see you,” Aurora offered as she poked her head out. Her hand found a switch and turned the porch lights on. “They’ll be able to see us if Dad points us out,” Justin offered as he joined them. “The place has always been weird that way.” On spotting his father in the gathering crowd he waved and was delighted when Basil waved back. A moment later a large man who wore a heavy fur overcoat that reminded Aerie a bit too much of Hagrid’s great coat, waved. The two were approached by a uniformed officer, they spoke, and the place was pointed out to the officer, who then spoke into a radio. “Aren’t you two getting cold out here?” Justin asked as Flora came out to have a look. “Yes, it is mighty cold,” Flora confirmed. “Father isn’t being allowed through the police line,” Justin informed her. “Well, it won’t do him any good if everyone catches colds out here in the snow.” “Alright, come on Aurora, you’re starting to glow anyway,” Aerie replied and headed for the door. “Glow?” Flora asked, looked over at Aurora, and saw that she was indeed starting to glow. “Why am I glowing?” “Subconscious reaction to the cold weather I’d imagine,” Aerie offered as she went inside. “Does the fireplace work?” “They do. Everything you’ll need to get them going is in the vault.” Flora offered as she followed. “Vault?” “I’ll get the key,” Justin offered. “Aerie, it’s right across from your front door.” “Wait, what?” Aurora asked and a moment later all three were on their way downstairs, turning lights on as they went. In front of the basement door, between them and the vault was a foot of snow. The only light that of the porch light, a street light above, and the light from the room behind them. “Shovels?” Aerie asked. “In the vault. Unless there is one out back?” The girls looked at Justin and went to the back door where a goodly amount of snow met them there as well. It was also still day out back. “I hate not being allowed to use magic!” Aerie griped bitterly, trudged out into the snow, stumbled forward, and landed on all four hooves. Not a one of the three had yet to realize that there was way too much light out back. “Aerie? What are you doing?” Aurora asked. “No magic.” “I didn’t do that, it just sort of did it by itself.” “What am I seeing?” Justin asked as a small group of pastel ponies walked past a small garden gate. Beyond the garden wall the back of apartments in Pimlico, London had been replaced with a picturesque little village. The sun was still up where it had already set out front, a fact of which was just now starting to dawn on them. Or is that even-fall on them? Gloaming? Justin stepped out into the back, pitched forward, and landed on his hooves, now a little golden unicorn pony with an auburn mane and tail. He was a foal and had no cutie mark to speak of. > Chapter 32: Fade to Black > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Equestria!!” Aurora shouted, dashed forward, dropped down to all fours, transformed, spread her wings, and shot heavenward. Oh, and I should probably mention that both Aurora and Aerie still had their horn rings on, meaning that should any of the locals see them they would only see two pegasi mares with a unicorn colt. “Aurora!” Aerie shouted. “It’s Summer- “Sunshine- “Mustang!” Aurora shouted as she swooped back and forth. “We still need to get the front cleaned up, and start the fires!” Aerie shouted. Justin just stood there as his mind attempted to play catch up. They also had those odd designs on their flanks that the passing ponies had as well. “Aww, you’re no fun at all,” Aurora protested as she landed in the middle of the yard. Spotting a snow-covered sign near the gate she trotted over and knocked the snow off. On the sign was stenciled in raised letters, Noble Fletchley, Fletcher. “Noble Fletchley the Fletcher is the founder of the Fletchley family,” Justin announced. “Which means you are a pony,” Aerie offered, went to the garden shed, opened it, and pulled out a couple of shovels with her mouth. These she flung on her back holding them in place with her wings and returned to the house. “Come on, the sun’s going down, we can figure it out in the morning.” “Fine, fine, come on Justin.” “What the fuck?!” The sun had just gone down. Like really fast gone down. “It’s an artificial environment created by the people who built Atlantis,” Aerie offered as an explanation. She didn't really want to go into the full explanation right at that moment and didn't even know which Equestria it was at that. “Also, best not to say anything to anyone. Mom, Dad, and Mr Black might be alright to tell, but definitely no one else. That and you probably don’t want to think about it too hard.” A moment later the three were back inside, and human again. Relatively speaking of course. Aerie looked at the dial next to the door. It was fairly high up where it couldn't be accidentally turned. In fact, in her eleven-year-old size, she’d need a chair to reach it. They were in the kitchen so she pulled a chair over from the small table that was in there. A moment later she had climbed up and was looking out the window on the wall to her left which was directly over the sink and turned the dial while she watched to see what would happen. The yard didn’t change, but the area beyond the garden wall did. Aurora and Justin climbed up on chairs for a better view and as Aerie switched back and forth they delighted at the curious change in scenery. “And now we know what that does,” Aerie offered as she got down from her chair. “I wonder if Lavender had switched it?” Aurora suggested. “And the only time we were in here was when we were on the train, and the bedroom window was showing the passing landscape.” “Maybe it’s a Discord thing?” Aurora suggested. “There’s a new color on the wheel. Get the mirror and unlock another selection for the door.” “I guess that’s one possibility. Maybe it’s just because the mirror is here?” “You talk like this Discord is a person?” Justin asked as Aerie picked up a shovel. “More of a what,” Aurora offered as she picked up the other shovel and started for the front. “Discord is sort of a semi-omnipotent being. Think meddlesome old-school deity. Looks a bit like a cross between a chimera and a Chinese dragon, and was apparently the Greek Titan Prometheus at one point in time. He can be literally anyone or thing. D&D alignment category would be chaotic good with a healthy dose of narcissism.” “Mmmm kay… hang on where’s my shovel?” “We can take turns,” Aerie offered. “We’ll probably need buckets too.” “Ya, alright. Not really enough room out there for all three of us. Any idea what we are going to do with the snow?” “Take it up the steps and dump it on the street, I guess,” Aurora suggested. A moment later they were out in front. Aerie climbed the steps, cleared the walk, and started working her way back down. Justin retrieved a couple of buckets and they decided to form a bucket brigade with one person filling the buckets. Justin would go up to Aerie who would pile the snow on the streets like she was making some kind of snow golem. “Would you like a little help?” Offered Basil as he and Sirius approached. “Basil!” Aerie shouted, set her bucket down, and gave the man a hug. “Hi, dad. Is that the surprise guest?” “You made it through the police line,” Aurora called. “Kind of sort of, we’ve got a couple of detectives with us who want to ask questions.” “Can they wait, or do they just want me?” Aerie asked as she eyeballed the two men who were right behind Basil and Sirius. “You aren’t going to ask about me?” “Mr Black, the only reason you aren’t in the Atlantic or some other fun spot is that Nova Silverwood OKed you.” “She portal-led a couple of wizards who looked like they were trying to find the place,” Aurora offered not realizing she might be overheard. “Served them up to Professor Dumbledore.” Sirius Black raised an eyebrow and retrieved a phone that looked a great deal like the one Aerie had. Identical even. He typed in a number. “Hey Grandmother, yes, I’m at the house now. Did Aerie? … she did. Through the wards. Your special talent is portals, and hers is too I gather...mmm, okay. Do we know who they are? … I see. But they were being investigated so… Ya, I’ll do that.” He disconnected the call and turned his attention back to Aerie. “Grandmother says don’t ever do that again. Turns out your snoops were Aurors, but…” He paused for a bit. “They were also under investigation for taking kickbacks. Right now it’s impossible to know if they were legitimately investigating what happened over at number one-oh-six, or if they were part of the plot. “So, care to explain to me why you delivered them to Professor Dumbledore?” He didn’t seem too worried about the two of them overhearing. “Mundungus Fletcher. Two-bit thug…” Sirius held up a hand. “The mashers at the railway station were apparently doing him a favor,” Aurora offered from the stairs. “Do you know him?” “I do, unfortunately.” “Professor Dumbledore’s go-to for things that need doing that he wants to keep under the table. He worked with the Order of the Phoenix,” Aerie explained. “And…” “How do you know all that? And tell me the truth.” “Saying it was Hagrid isn’t going to work on you I gather?” “I will admit that Hagrid has a hard time keeping his mouth shut, but a person needs to know what to say to get him talking. You'd need to already know the right prompts to get the information you wanted.” “Individual known as Discord. Both Aurora and myself have spent time in Equestria.” This time Aerie had kept her volume to a whisper not wanting the detectives to hear. “The back door opens into another world,” Justin offered in a like tone. “I even turned into a pony.” “What say we have a look,” Sirius offered. “I’d kind of like to see this for myself,” Basil prompted. “Alright, how about I show you, Justin can show our guests to the dining room, and Aurora can finish up here.” “What were you trying to do, anyway?” Basil asked. “We wanted to get at the wood in the vault to use in the fireplaces,” Justin offered. “Preferably without tracking snow into the house,” Aurora added. “Ah, yes. A fire or two wouldn’t be a bad idea with the storm going through,” Basil admitted and then followed Aerie and Sirius back to the back of the house. Aerie explained the dial, Basil turned it, and nothing happened. “Mr Black, perhaps if you have a try?” Aerie offered. Still nothing. Confused and alarmed Aerie pulled a chair back over, climbed up, and tried it herself. A relieved smile fell onto her face on seeing the English buildings vanish. “For a bit there I was worried it was a one-time-only deal.” “Well, I’ll be…” Sirius said softly as he looked out the window. “Does it only respond to you?” “No idea. I’m the only one who’s tried it aside from the two of you. That I’m aware of. Lavender or one of the other Gryffindor first-year girls may have fiddled with it on the train ride up. We didn’t use it on the trip back. I wasn’t keen on the boys from Justin’s class knowing about it.” “Understandable,” Sirius offered sagely. “I get the feeling someone knows. No idea who though.” “How’s that?” “The dial had been turned when we came back here to look for shovels. When I went out the door I stepped into Equestria. The theory was that bringing a certain mirror home may have triggered it. Granted that there may be more to it.” “That big mirror in the front room, I gather?” Basil asked. “One of my quests was to retrieve it. Fortunately, my little Moonie took care of it and left a duplicate in its place that would be less problematic.” “Quests?” Sirius asked. “Find Tom Riddle Junior’s Horcruxes and destroy them. Which is something I needed to talk to you about.” “Tom… Oh, hang on, Riddle?” “Also known as ‘You Know Who’. Yes, him. He whose self-appointed title can not be said because it’s a snitch spell.” Sirius just looked at her in utter dismay. “Um, dad, I kind of need to have a private chat with Mr Black.” “Serious stuff?” “The sort of stuff that might help explain the attack on the building next door.” “Shouldn't I know?” “There are some things you are better off not knowing. Sorry. I’ll be up in a moment.” “Up, oh right, I have a couple of detectives waiting on me. Right then, I’ll be waiting on you upstairs in the kitchen.” Basil gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and then headed for the stairs. “And you know this about Riddle?” Sirius prompted. Aerie gestured to the window, sat down in a chair by the table, and said, “Multiverse.” She waited for Sirius to sit down. “And you are likely one of the few people who would know that I’m not exactly who I’ve been presented as.” “I had wondered about that.” “So how is my twin brother?” “He’s good.” “Just as well Dumbledore never finds out.” “I must confess that Hagrid showing up to collect Harry, or Aerie in this case, moments following the attack was a bit suspicious. So what can you tell me?” “Let’s just start with Tom Riddle. He was brought to Hogwarts by Professor Dumbledore. Dumbledore knew what sort of person Riddle was. Granted that some of what I’m going to say is speculation on my part. Dumbledore will say that he thought he could redeem Tom, but I don’t really believe that. Not based on the plan Dumbledore had, and a good deal of my knowledge is based on a series of books from another world. Tom killed Myrtle Warren and then pinned it on Hagrid. That much I’d imagine you are aware of?” “I knew Hagrid was innocent.” “People were being told it was Hagrid’s spider no doubt, and Dumbledore told Hagrid they were going to take his pet and gave him time to set it free. Thus assuring that the investigation never shifted to Riddle.” “Grandmother made short work of that spider when it was spotted in the forest but I don’t think she knew about the death at the time.” “Dumbledore must have known that it was only a matter of time till Riddle killed again, but chose to protect Riddle. After all, Hagrid was going to get expelled anyway. Incidentally, that’s when Tom made his first Horcrux. I’ve already found and dealt with two. One was at Gringotts. The other was in Hogwarts.” “And Discord is the one helping you? That just doesn’t sound like the creature I’ve been told about.” “Sounds rather counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Granted that the Discord I know is a bit more reasonable. The reason he’s helping me, or I should say setting me to my task, is because he fears what will happen if Riddle achieves his goals. The worst-case scenario is Riddle finding access to Equestria. The thing is, Discord can’t do anything about Riddle in that he can’t act directly.” “So he got you to do it.” “In a manner of speaking yes. I get to be his agent. Come to think of it, anyone who helps me ends up being his agent in this endeavor as well. Listen, there’s a good possibility that there is a Horcrux at Grimmauld Place.” “You’re thinking my brother Regulus hid it there right under our noses I gather.” “If what I know played out the way it was reported, Regulus learned the truth about Riddle and chose to betray him. Kreacher is likely rattling about in that old house slowly going mad because he’d been sworn to destroy the Horcrux they obtained only he doesn’t know how.” “Kreacher?” “House elves aren’t evil. They are inherently good. Unfortunately, they must do what their masters tell them to do. And being forced to do things that go against their nature drives them mad. You need to put aside whatever animosity you have aimed at him and aim it right back where it belongs. The person giving the orders.” “My mother… and Riddle it would seem.” “Help me, help me help him destroy that Horcrux.” “So what is it?” “Slytherin’s locket. Aurora helped me with the one at Hogwarts, but I’m afraid our method might not work on the locket since the thing can shut itself up. I destroyed the cup with my fox fire alone but it takes far too much time to replenish. In the books, the main character uses snake speech, Parseltongue, to get it to open, and then stab it with a basilisk fang. I can at least get it open. OK, I don't actually know Parseltongue. On the other hand, Miss Fluttershy taught me how to use snek speak which should be close enough. A friend of mine wanted me to be able to speak to snakes.” “I imagine that’d do it. The fang that is.” “That or dump it in the fires at a foundry. I was rather hoping I could at least save the shell so I can give it to the Goblins. I kind of made a deal with them.” “You’d have been better off making a deal with the Devil.” “Some think Discord the Devil.” “And you’ve made a deal with him.” “Kind of forced me into it. My only alternative was to run.” Sirius got out his phone and called Mrs Silverwood again. “Hi, me again. Any idea where we might get a basilisk fang?” Sirius waited for the inevitable ‘why would you want a basilisk fang’. “To poke the eye of darkness,” Aerie offered. “Apparently it’s going to be the best way to destroy a specific item of interest. Alright, we’ll see you later.” “Alright, switch that back, and let's go talk to the detectives.” “Will do,” Aerie offered, got up from where she was, climbed up onto the chair by the doors, switched the dial back to England, and then followed Sirius upstairs turning off the kitchen light as they went. There were now three detectives waiting for them in the dining room, one of whom Aerie recognized. “Detective Nissim, what brings you out on a night such as this?” Aerie asked as she approached the man. “Someone thought you’d be more willing to talk to me.” “I think you already know the answer. Aside from that, your guess is as good as mine.” “I see.” He paused a moment. “Allow me to introduce to you detectives David Keel and John Steed.” Mr Keel wore a dark brown suit while Mr Steed wore dark blue. Both sported bowler hats to match and black umbrellas. “The assailants' weapons of choice were wands,” Mr Keel offered. “I was wondering if you might be able to tell us anything useful?” “Afraid not. That is to say that unless you work for a couple of agencies already in the know I can neither confirm nor deny anything save perhaps to suggest contacting the Special Operations Division over at New Scotland Yard?” “Mr Keel, I’m afraid to say she may be better informed than we,” Mr Steed offered with a big smile. “We are with the S-O-D at New Scotland Yard” Keel offered. “If you’ll allow me to speculate, the incident at the train station, and the two individuals who I’m to understand got themselves shot for their troubles were likely set to their task, not to do me any lasting harm, but to justify moving me,” Aerie offered. “Against my will.” “You are thinking Dumbledore was behind it, aren’t you?” Basil asked. “I do. I can’t prove anything, but yes, I do. Dumbledore wants to be the one who gets the credit for bringing Tom Riddle to justice and doesn't care who gets hurt along the way.” “Care to elaborate?” Mr Steel asked. “Unfortunately, the very fact that you know anything could potentially be a breach of the Official Secrecy Act,” Sirius offered. Sirius knew enough about how the government worked to be able to stymie muggle law enforcement. He even had his very own SIS Identification card and sometimes moonlighted for British Intelligence. Granted the fact that muggle law enforcement knew about wands meant someone was leaking information. Likely his own Grandmother. Granted that given the existence of Meta Humans it was only fair. “And the individual she suspects has some connections that are fairly high up. Short of catching him in the act he can’t be touched. I can’t even tell you who he is.” “Well, I’d say that should clear things up quite nicely,” Flora stated as Aurora and Justin entered the dining room with everything they’d need to get a fire going in the fireplace. “Now, if everyone is done telling each other that you can’t actually tell each other anything. We were just about to sit down for dinner.” For a brief moment, everyone was totally in the dark, followed by emergency lighting coming on. “Looks like it’s a good thing we decided to get a fire going,” Aurora offered as she and Justin headed for the fireplace. “And it’s going to be one of them nights,” Nissim said softly. His next words were for everyone. “I’m sorry I couldn't have been of more help. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have got a family of my own.” He gave everyone a nod and showed himself out. “I guess we should get going too,” Keel offered as he got out a card. He handed it to Basil. “If you come up with anything you can tell us, give us a call.” “Try asking the Prime Minister about Dumbledore,” Aerie offered. “Oh, and be mindful of paintings. Consider every last one of them bugged.” “Might explain why there are no paintings in any of our offices.” “Undetectable technology does tend to make people a little paranoid,” Steed offered. Basil then followed the man to the door. > Chapter 33: A wild Scootaloo appears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner that night was simple, but it had the advantage of candlelight and a warm fire. Well, that and emergency lighting. Nothing adds to ambiance like emergency lighting. “Soon as we are done eating let's get all the fires going so none of the pipes freeze,” Flora offered. “Sounds good to me. I should probably get a fire going downstairs first,” Aerie offered. “If we leave the door open the heat will just radiate up into the rest of the house.” When aerie got downstairs she was surprised to find that not only was the fire already going but there was a magenta-haired girl sleeping in one of the chairs. The only light, emergency light, and the light from the fire. Aerie motioned to the others to be quiet and went to the bedroom only to find it was a mess. Wonderbolt posters and a picture of Rainbow Dash, the pony, a picture of Snap and Mane Shutter adventurers, and a carefully set aside scooter, gave her a strong indication of who the girl was. Aerie got a blanket, took it out to the front room, and used it to cover the girl. “Do you know who she is?” Flora asked in a whisper. “Scootaloo Shutter if I’m not mistaken.” Aerie offered in like volume. “She’s come through from the other side. Question is, what’s she doing here instead of home where she belongs? That and by the looks of the bedroom she’s been living here for a while now. She’s kind of thin too. Think I’ll let her sleep for now.” Aerie quietly crept away from Scootaloo and went out to the vault which was for all practical reason a bomb shelter under Sussex street. Not a good one, but still serviceable. After all, wizard magic could help prevent direct hits. There was a door across from the house made of iron, with steps down into the vault. The room was nearly as large as the front room of the basement and sported a very large fireplace with cooking apparatus on one side and a substantial mantel over the hearth on which rested an old bronze pot. Aerie speculated that the flue likely vented out through the storm drain vents. The room sported shelving for supplies of which some looked like they’d been there a while, several cots that were presently folded up and stacked in a corner, about one chord of firewood stacked along one wall, a portion of which was finely split kindling, and a large container of coal. There was also another iron door on the far side. “Once we get the fires going we can put a little coal on to keep it going all night,” Flora offered. “I brought some buckets.” “That door?” “No way to open it. Allegedly it’s an emergency exit to the storm drains.” “Imagine being holed up in here during the blitz.” Aerie shuddered at the idea. Basil’s ancestors had likely started with a root cellar and expanded its functionality. “I can remember my parents talking about the blitz. They live out in the country now. If the weather clears up we are going to go visit them. Come on, let’s get what we need and get out of here.” “That pot on the mantel?” Aerie asked as she filled a bucket with coal. “Throw it at a fire and it makes green smoke. It’s kind of gone off though. Why?” “The fireplace itself may have been a way for your ancestors to come and go. Get to important wizard functions.” Flora reached up and took the pot down. She took the lid off, set that back, and then pulled out a small handful.” “Toss some at the ash pit cover and let's see what happens.” “Sure, why not? Not like I expect…” Flora tossed her handful and was delighted at getting a little puff of green smoke. “How’s it work?” “I think we need fresh powder and to get back we need to know how it’s addressed.” “In that case, we can play with it later. Flora put the pot back, lid on it, and then gathered up an armful of firewood. The two made their way back out into the weather. Flora turned, locked it with a large key, and then the two went back into the basement flat. Aerie stopped to stoke up the fire while Flora continued upstairs. When Aerie had finished adding a couple of bits of coal onto the fire she sat back on the chair opposite Scootaloo. Scootaloo’s breathing was no longer as calm as it had been. “It’s alright, I’m a pony too,” Aerie offered, realizing Scootaloo must be awake. “Would you like something to eat?” Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes. “You the ghost in the attic?” “You transform into a bipedal hairless ape on coming into this place and you want to know if I’m the ghost in the attic?” “Well?” “Just out of curiosity, how many floors does this place have?” “Just the ground floor, and attic. Why, don’t you know?” “Only the one. Curious. So in Equestria, this is a single-floor cottage.” “If you are a pony you should know that.” “Came into this world by other means. Only just discovered the back door connected to Equestria.” “What means?” “Discord.” “Bucking discord wrecked my house. He turned everything upside down and the ponies are still cleaning up. Not everything, that’d be too predictable. Just a random assortment and my house just happened to be one.” “Parents on one of their adventures I gather. Why didn’t you go to your aunts?” “I… don’t actually know how to contact them.” “And no one was able to help you? I mean surely Twilight would have let you stay with her. Heck, in my world you are related to Spitfire. Multiverse.” “Spitfire? As in the Wonderbolt?” “No telling if that holds true for you or not. Different world, may have similar individuals but the lines of fate often connect to different lives. Now, you can stay for however long it takes. “Now, the thing is, on this side of that doorway, this is the basement.” “You mean there’s more?” “Figured out the bookshelf?” “Ya, though I was surprised to see it had been left open, I figured I must have done it. Normally I’d put it back when I left. The view has changed too.” “The view out the front is kind of dependent on either the location of my trunk or whether or not I’ve opened the door upstairs I think. Haven’t really tested it out though. Where was it?” “Haunted castle, and just a window.” “Ah, yes. That would be Hogwarts. “Well, come on upstairs, and we’ll see what we can scrounge up for you that you’d find palatable. Maybe some toast and marmalade?” Aerie offered as she got up. “And I can introduce you to my adopted family.” Scootaloo got up, and with a little help made it up the stairs. They found Flora in the kitchen cleaning up in the light of emergency light and a couple of electric lanterns. “Oh, hi there. You’re our little guests. Scootaloo wasn’t it?” “How about we go with Louise on this side,” Aerie suggested. “Louise?” Scootaloo asked. “It can be your human name.” “Would you like some stew?” Flora asked. “It’s like Griffin food,” Aerie cautioned. “I’ve had Griffin food. Mom and dad made sure I was exposed to lots of different kinds of foods. I gather you mean there’s meat in it. I’m fine, it won’t gross me out or anything.” “Well then, let’s get you something to eat,” Flora offered, and got Louise set up with a bowl of stew in the dining room. It wasn’t hot, but Louise didn’t seem to care as she dug in. To be honest it was anybody’s guess when she last had a decent meal. Aerie got out some bread, butter, and marmalade to be sociable. “Oh, there you are… Scootaloo?” Aurora said as she came into the dining room. Scootaloo flinched. “It’s alright, everyone here is a friend,” Aerie reassured. “Sorry, just being here makes me a little nervous.” “Sorry I startled you. I’m Aurora Summers.” “Summers?” Scootaloo asked as Aurora sat across from her. “Ya, only when I'm in Equestria I go by Summer Sunshine.” “I guess I’m going to go by Louise while I’m here.” “Oh, hey, maybe you’ll get to go to Hogwarts.” “I think she has to actually live in England… oh,” Aerie said softly. “That haunted castle?” “Even if she has enough magic to qualify I’m not so sure I like the idea of her going to Hogwarts. It’s going to take a while to deal with Riddle.” “What’s Hogwarts?” Scootaloo pressed. “School of magic,” Aerie provided. “And yes, it’s haunted.” The sound of a bell ringing ended the conversation. “It’s Nova Silverwood,” Aerie announced. “Want me to get the door?” Aurora asked. “No, you’re a guest. I’ll get it,” Flora replied and went out into the entry hall. “You know, you might have let me know sooner what you needed,” Nova said as she entered the dining room. “What’s she doing here?” “The fact that you don’t already know means it’s fine,” Aerie replied. “And to be honest I thought I’d be able to purify those things on my own. “Maybe this will provide Sirius with the opportunity to reconcile with Kreacher.” “You think they should reconcile? Sirius harbors a lot of resentment.” “Letting go of that resentment would be beneficial.” “Can’t say you're wrong. Now, Scootaloo, or Louise?” “Louise Shutter. At least on this side of my back door.” “Your back door?” Nova cocked her head sideways. “Maybe you should show me?” “I’ll be right back,” Aerie offered, got up, and headed for the entry hall. Scootaloo went back to eating to include the bread and marmalade Aerie had been nibbling on. Once down in the basement kitchen Aerie climbed up onto the chair by the door and turned the dial to reveal the exit into Equestria. “And Bob’s your Uncle, I believe is the correct English phrase,” Aerie offered as the lights went back on. Nova did some kind of spell and announced, “It’s my world alright. Timelines have synchronized too.” “We are probably going to need identification and a Visa for our Miss Louise Shutter. At least until we sorted her out.” “Aurora can go with her tomorrow. Did she say why she was here? Or how?” “Apparently when Discord turned a bunch of houses topsy turvy her’s got dropped and never sorted. That and she never had the courage or forethought to actually ask for help. “Um, just Aurora?” “I can’t. That is, if I even so much as step foot or hoof through that door it could have unforeseeable consequences. You can go, but you are going to be needed at the Ministry tomorrow. Don’t worry, I’ll come and get you. After that use the name you are using now.” “Lovely. Aerie the Potter’s daughter.” She said with just a touch of sarcasm. “About?” “Marcus Flint. Care to share why you decided to throw him an alibi?” “I believe that when people die in Azkaban they become Dementors. Make no mistake, he can rot in Tartarus for eternity for all I care, I just don’t want him getting turned into something that is far worse than he already is.” Nova let out a frustrated sigh. “I can’t dispute it. “I’ve lobbied to get the place shut down, but no one knows how to deal with the Dementors.” “Go to Inariyama. You know, Japan?” “You think they might know?” “If they don’t they are bound to know who can.” “Ah, there you are,” Sirius offered as he entered the kitchen. He stopped and said nothing for a moment. “My home. I can’t go, not just yet.” “Have you met Louise? She’s upstairs,” Sirius wanted to change the subject just as fast as he could. “A person would think she’s never seen a telly before.” “She probably hasn’t,” Aerie offered. “A good deal of what she is seeing, it’s probably the first time she’s ever seen it.” > Chapter 34: Aurora and Scootaloo's day out. Part one. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Aurora chanted excitedly as she and Scootaloo ventured out from the cottage in Ponyville. Shure, it was Nova Silverwood's native dimension, but Aurora didn't care. It was still Equestria. It was also bone cold and both had on heavy jackets. Aurora also had leg warmers on, and Scootaloo had been provided a scarf. “How are you a filly inside, and an adult outside?” Scootaloo asked. “Different worlds. In that world, I’m a twelve-year-old girl named Aurora Summers, but in this world, I’m at least eighteen and go by Summer Sunshine. Possibly twenty, I might be twenty. Which is hardly an adult here, but… well. I’m just older here. Legally an adult I imagine. I imagine Aerie is just barely old enough to be considered an adult. “And don’t be telling people about the other side, they’d lock us up for sure.” “You mean they’d never believe it.” “Princess Celestia might, but I doubt anyone else would. Now… “Let’s see if we can’t get you off the ground and try to remember to call me Sunshine here.” “But…” Scootaloo’s head drooped. “I can’t fly.” “Nonsense. You just need proper instructions.” “Dash has tried, but I just can’t.” “Let me guess, flap your wings as hard as you can, right?” “I did that.” “Dash is a natural. Which means she doesn’t think about the mechanics. She just does it. So for her to say flap your wings as hard as you can, makes perfect sense from her perspective. I actually went to school with her in the Equestria I lived in.” “That multiverse Aerie mentioned?” “Multiverse means multiple dimensions containing multiple versions of the same things.” Aurora then went on to explain the basic mechanics of bird flight, showed her how to use her wings properly, helped her with the movements, and just about the time Scootaloo was ready to give up, Scootaloo lifted up off the ground. It had been deceptively easy. “Did you see? Did you see?” Scootaloo’s smile was ear to ear as she bounced through the snow. Every now and then she’d cup the air with her wings, push down, and she’d pop up out of the snow. “I did. And now we don’t have to get our hooves cold and wet.” So off they went, with Scootaloo flitting about joyously. She never noticed the slight aura over Aurora’s head, or that the tingling sensation wasn’t her own magic. As for Aurora, she reasoned that because Scootaloo was technically related to her, her magic would surely kindle Scootaloo’s flight magic. The first thing Aurora wanted to do was to go to Scootaloo’s house and see for herself the condition of the place. Something Scootaloo hadn’t objected to so lost she was in the joy of flight. What they found was an empty lot with a for-sale sign on it. “When was the last time you stopped by the house?” “Um, about a month ago? Maybe?” her joy diminished only slightly. “Sign says inquire at the court house, come on.” Aurora was delighted when Scootaloo managed to get air born without assistance, and they were soon on their way. Ponyville Courthouse was a large circular structure, reminiscent of a building used for housing a large carousel, located in the center of a large central park-like plaza. It had two floors and wide sweeping verandas on both floors with a dome-like roof that swept upwards into an overlook tower. Aurora and Scootaloo landed in front of the main doors right at the top of the steps. The two walked forward and opened the doors to angry shouting inside the property office responsible for putting the place on the market. “Aunt Lofty?” Scootaloo called. “Scootaloo!” Suddenly Scootaloo was being hugged by a light amber earth pony mare with a somewhat subdued fiery mane and tail of scarlet and amber. “Where have you been? How are you so clean?” “Scootaloo’s smile had all but faltered. “She’s been staying at a friend's house,” Aurora offered. “Hi, I’m Summer Sunshine. Owe, why’d you do that for?” Lofty, a vanilla yellow pegasus with sea-foam-colored hair, had just slapped her on top of the head with her wing. “Aunt Lofty, I didn’t know how to contact you, and they didn’t even know I was in their house!?” Scootaloo protested. Her smile now gone she’d begun to cry. Lofty was staring at Aurora’s forehead. Aurora looked at Lofty, realized where she was looking, and then looked about. Ponies were looking but no pony seemed to be reacting to the horn. She quickly got out her pocket mirror out of a pocket in her jacket and checked. The ring hadn’t been broken, the horn was still concealed, but based on where Lofty was looking she’d likely either seen it briefly or felt it. The latter was more likely. “We only just discovered her in our house late last night. We’d been away at school.” “We’d only just discovered that Scootaloo’s house had been torn down this morning.” Holiday offered. “We’d come to visit to find an empty lot where a house should be.” She gave Lofty a withering look. “Kind of makes us the negligent ones here.” “Well if your brother would quit taking off without telling anyone. Is he even still alive?” “Lofty!?” Holiday protested. “Hi, let’s start over. I’m Summer Sunshine, you’re Lofty Stitches, I gather, and you must be Ms Holiday. And we can check the post office for undelivered mail.” “Mrs Hooves dropped off a letter a week ago,” Scootaloo offered. “She’s just been hunting me down when I’ve been out and about with my friends. At least I know Mom and Dad were OK when they sent the letter.” “I, um…” Lofty started out. Her mind was going a mile a second. That pegasus definitely had a unicorn horn, she’d felt it. And it hurt. “Who are you?” “Summer Sunshine. I’m staying in a small cottage on the edge of town. We were quite surprised to discover a filly had made herself at home. Listen, you don’t mind if she stays with us until this unfortunate incident has been straightened out, do you?” “No, no, that’d be great,” Lofty offered, perhaps a might too fast. “Lofty? Shouldn't we talk about this?” “Let’s see if we can get the property sorted, first,” Aurora offered and stepped forward towards an annoyed group of clerks. “Otherwise, I just want to help Scootaloo, and I’d like to do whatever I can to keep her life from being disrupted any more than necessary.” “And you are?” Asked a gray unicorn as Aurora approached. “Summer Sunshine. Now, could some pony tell me why a home was razed and forfeited by the city government right out from under the owners? And please tell me why no pony made any attempt to locate the occupants?” “The home went three months without repair. Notices were posted on the property. The Courthouse gave them thirty days to respond.” “Why weren’t we contacted?” Holiday asked. “My brother is in the Yackatan. We are supposed to be contacted in emergencies.” “You don’t own the property, and you aren’t a lean holder. We are under no obligation to contact you, nor do we have that information. Beyond that, you’ll need to take it up with the Mayor’s office.” “It wouldn't have been that difficult to look up next of kin information,” Lofty pointed out. She was sounding aggravated and she’d likely had this conversation before. In other words, the same old circular argument so often used to cheat, defraud, and or scam people. In this case, it was the department doesn’t have next of kin information, and the department followed the letter of the law. “Well, until we get everything straightened out, can I put a hold on the property?” Aurora asked. “The property is to be auctioned. Sorry.” “Can I get your name?” “Leasesome, Nick Leasesome.” “And when is the auction?” “That’s confidential?” “Is it now? Surely you’d want the city to make as much money as possible off the sale? Wouldn't you?” “I’m sorry, but you have to inquire with the Mayor’s office.” “Very well, we’ll be in touch. Lofty, Holiday, see what you can do at the Mayor’s office, I’m going to run over to the library.” “You think Twilight can help?” Holiday asked. “Won’t know till I try.” To be honest, it wasn’t Twilight she wanted, but Spike. As fate would have it, Scootaloo spotted Spike going into Carousel Boutique. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is shiek and unique,” Rarity offered as the two entered. “Scootaloo? That is you?” “She’s staying at a friend's house with me. We made her take a bath.” “Are you related?” “In a sort of roundabout way. I’m Summer Sunshine. We just saw her aunts at the Courthouse. Afraid Scootaloo lost everything in Discord’s antics and it never occurred to her to ask for help. Her aunts showed up in town to visit for Hearth’s warming and found a vacant lot where the house had been. The City confiscated the land because no one made any attempt to contact them. And yes, her parents took off on an adventure some time ago.” “Scootaloo?” Rarity scolded. “I’d have let you stay with Sweetie. Why didn’t you say anything? Have you been on your own all this time?” “Sort of, maybe, alright, yes. I want to be tough. Just like Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo replied sheepishly. “Let’s face it, I’m on my own most of the time anyway.” “Dash grew up with all the advantages of a princess,” Aurora informed Scootaloo. “Her parents have more money than the Rich family. Surely you’ve seen her cloud house? You don’t have to go it alone just to impress Dash. “But never mind that. Rarity, Scootaloo is in need of some new outfits.” “Outfits?!” Scootaloo protested. “Special occasions, school... prove to Diamond that you aren’t penniless...” “But I am penniless. Wait, what’s a penny?” “Bitless then.” “Darling, your parents work for the Canterlot Museum of Natural History. You are not penniless, or bitless for that matter. Short of they frittered it all away. And a penny is a very small coin denomination no pony uses anymore. They went the way of gabled hoods.” “Say, how about an adventure outfit made from spider silk for durability?” Aurora offered. “Oh, that is kind of pricey,” Rarity replied in a cautionary tone. “You aren’t outfitting her out of generosity. I won’t hear of it,” Aurora announced and procured a Celestial Royal gold coin from her pockets. “This should help. At least for starters. Also, I need to borrow Spike, a sheaf of parchment, and a pen.” Aurora had gotten the coin from Aerie. “Well, I guess if you are going to insist, but as it’s Scootaloo who’s in need I will just have to insist on a discount. Now, how about yourself?” “Scootaloo first, then me, and nothing too frilly, she’d never wear it.” “Oh don’t I know it, now, you wanted to borrow Spike?” “Yes, Rarity?” Spike piped up from behind a clothing rack. “Ah, so I did hear someone sneak in.” Scootaloo couldn't help but let out an unbidden snicker. Aurora got her parchment, and pen and began to write. “Um, I thought you wanted me to dictate, or something?” Spike asked. “I need you to send this to Princess Celestia.” “A letter to Princess Celestia?” Rarity asked. “I thought I’d just jump past all the hurdles and advise Princess Celestia in regards to what’s going on with Scootaloo.” “Princess Celestia?” Scootaloo asked stunned. “Scootaloo, your parents abandoned you to your own devices. And I’m not saying you aren’t capable. You’ve survived for how long has it been?” “A little over four months, I believe,” Rarity offered. “Afraid the horse apples are going to hit the fan. It’s bad enough that they are at work all day, but to take off without making sure you’d be properly looked after is extremely irresponsible. I’m asking Princess Celestia to stop the forced sale of your parent’s property, an investigation as to why no pony looked into your welfare before taking possession of the property, and I am requesting temporary custody to keep you from getting uprooted.” She thought about it for a moment. “Granted I’m going to need to talk to Aerie, but I’m pretty sure she’ll agree with me on this. The alternative is you ending up in a home, not of your choosing, and the home getting access to your parent's money.” “Ya, well, I’m going to want to see that letter before I send it,” Spike admonished. “Understandable,” Aurora replied as she finished up the letter. She then signed it and hoofed it over to spike. “Mmm, kay, ya, OK, ya, I get it, you’re who?” Spike's jaw had dropped. Aurora leaned down and poked him with her horn. “Not one word,” she cautioned softly with a smile on her face while giving a wink to Rarity. “You know how ponies can get. It’s OK to add a note to Princess Celestia if you want. Might help.” Spike nodded his head knowing full well what Rarity was like around ponies of note, snatched up the pen, added a note, gave it a moment to let the ink dry, rolled it up, and incinerated it with green fire from his mouth. Princess Celestia was in Court hearing petitions when the roll of parchment popped into existence right in front of her. “A moment, gentle ponies,” Princess Celestia requested as she caught the scroll. She unrolled it but did not recognize the calligrapher’s owner except... her heart skipped a beat as the writing looked a great deal like Sunset's. But then again, Sunset caring about what happens to others would be a cold day in Tartarus. As to what had happened to Scootaloo, there’d been quite a number of victims whose property had been declared unsafe and confiscated because the owners hadn’t cleaned it up fast enough. Something she was at that moment attempting to rectify. And there was the signature, salutation, and a scrawled note from Spike. Who was Princess Aurora (Summer Sunshine) Summers anyway? Daughter from another world? And Spike verified that the pony in question indeed had both wings and a horn save that the horn was hidden somehow. “A young filly aged ten,” Celestia announced loudly so all in the hall could hear. “Her home was wrecked by Discord’s rampage, and her parents unaccounted for. … And what do you think my little ponies do, do you think? Did they seek out this filly and help her? No. It seems no one knows what became of her parents either. I regret to say that they did not make any attempt to locate any of the occupants. They used the same excuse I’ve seen far too often, property in disrepair, seize the property, and put it up for sale. Never mind a filly left to her own devices, she can fend for herself it would seem.” Celestia slammed down her right hoof. “No filly should have to suffer while others enrich themselves off her misfortune. I am declaring all such sales null and void and placing a moratorium on any future sales pending a full investigation into such practices. And by my mother and my father so help me if there is but one pony out on the streets and one of you put them there so you can benefit, so help me there will be a reckoning. I’m also ordering an investigation into where the funds for repairs are actually going.” She slammed down her hoof again. “We are adjourned until tomorrow.” > Chapter 35: Aurora and Scootaloo's day out. Part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora and Scootaloo were still at the boutique when Lofty and Holiday spotted them. “I thought you were going to go see Twilight?” Lofty asked momentarily after entering the shop. “Twilight? Oh, no, it was Spike I needed to see, and he’s right here.” “Spike is a wonderful little helper. Aren’t you Spiky-waikie?” Spike just grinned stupidly at Rarity’s teasing. “Scootaloo?” Holiday asked as her eyes caught sight of Scootaloo in a fuzzy violet sweater, a plumb-colored dress, and rainbow leggings. “Oh my gosh, you are so cute.” She looked up. “How?” “I just told her the truth about Rainbow Dash and that a filly can enjoy being a filly and still be awesome.” Aurora offered. “In Dash’s case, her mother and father kind of overdid it when she was really little.” “That and she’s been promised some cool adventure outfits,” Rarity offered. “Any luck with the Mayor’s Office?” Aurora asked. “Out of her office and won’t be back until after the winter break,” Lofty said. “I can’t help but wonder if she even knows what’s been going on under her very nose.” “Did you at least have a place to stay?” Aurora asked. She was just a little worried they’d want to come over to the cottage. “The cottage is kind of small,” Scootaloo piped in. “To be honest we were only planning on being here for the day,” Lofty informed Aurora and Rarity. “In that case let’s all go to Sugar Cube Corner for lunch,” Aurora offered. “Just out of curiosity, where is Sweetie Belle?” “Upstairs doing her winter break homework.” “Just out of curiosity, why Spike?” Lofty asked. “Sent a letter to Princess Celestia,” Spike offered. “Princess Celestia is one of Spike’s guardians after all,” Aurora explained. “And he has the ability to send letters directly to her.” “She hasn’t written back though.” “Might be too busy I’d imagine.” Aurora thought of something. “Lofty, Holiday, do you have access to Snap and Mane’s bank account? Pretty sure they’d tell me to go fly a kite, short of I did something I’d regret later.” “They’d likely freeze the account if they suspected those two aren’t coming back.” “I have access, but just for basic expenses,” Scootaloo offered. “Food and school supplies, and I only get so much.” “Any chance you’ve been spending it on junk food?” Holiday scolded. “Maybe.” “Scootaloo, if you want to be a strong flier you have to eat right,” Aurora chastised. “Um, we don’t really think she’s going to be able to fly,” Lofty offered. “I flew this morning.” “What?” This time it was everyone except Scootaloo and Aurora who’d spoken. “All she really needed was a proper flight lesson.” “But Rainbow has been trying to teach her for ages?” Rarity asked. “By having Scootaloo flapping her wings up and down as fast as she can.” “Ahhh… what?” Lofty asked. “But?” “Lots of backwash with no lift.” “That’s exactly what would happen. Still though, to be honest we didn’t really expect her to…” Aurora reached over with a hoof and ruffed Scootaloo’s forehead. Sure enough, Scootaloo had a little button horn. But then again, Scootaloo was technically a second or third cousin so far as she knew, and Aurora’s magic was compatible. Granted that in her Equestria, Scootaloo had technically been a niece. “Well, looks like all she needed is the right kind of nurturing,” Aurora offered with a smile. “We kind of missed our first opportunity to tell you the good news.” “I’m so sorry,” Lofty said sheepishly. Rarity on the other hand trotted over to a cupboard and brought out a large box. From it she produced a raspberry pink flight suit. “This will go perfectly with your color palate,” Rarity offered. “Now, take that off, and let’s see if it fits.” “Ah…” Scootaloo was hesitant. “You want to be a big star someday, it kind of helps if you stand out,” Aurora offered with a big smile. “Come on, let’s get it on you, and then we’ll show every pony how good you can fly. “Oddly how everything fit so well,” Aurora whispered to Rarity as Scootaloo trotted outside in her new outfit a few minutes later. “I might have designed a few things with her in mind,” Rarity whispered as they followed the others outside. “Scootaloo, you need to calm yourself,” Aurora called and trotted out to Scootaloo who’d been flapping like a fledgling. She placed a wing over to calm Scootaloo and give her a little of her magic, hopefully without the other mares noticing. “Remember what I taught you. Bring your wings up, forward, cup the air, down and back.” A moment later Scootaloo was air born and flying a holding pattern around the shop while squealing with delight. Aurora turned to look at the three mares to find they were giving her the oddest look. Suddenly Lofty brightened. “You’re a Shimmer.” “Scootaloo is not a Shimmer though,” Holiday said softly. “At least I don’t think she is?” “That looked suspiciously like a pegasus version of the mother’s touch,” Rarity offered. “And she’s surely not old enough to be Scootaloo’s mother?” “I wouldn't count on that,” Spike quipped. “Spike, a gentleman doesn’t comment on a lady’s age,” Rarity scolded. “I may or may not be related to Sunset. Though I’d just assume not bring her into it.” “Sunset?” Rarity asked. “Sunset Shimmer? Princess Celestia’s former prize student before Twilight?” Aurora prompted. “Oh, right, I remember her. A perfect example of how not to behave,” Rarity offered. “And you do look like her, now that I think of it. In fact… could you possibly be her sister?” “It’s not possible is it?” Holiday asked. “Let’s say for the sake of argument,” Aurora began as an upstairs window was opened and Sweetie Belle stuck her head out the window. “..that I am her sister, I’m not sure why that would even matter. That, and do I even want to be associated with Sunset?” “Well, you aren’t her, not unless you’ve done a one-eighty personality-wise,” Spike offered. Granted he’d not seen the resemblance until Summer Sunshine had cautioned him not to say anything about the horn. But then again Rarity did have a tendency to obsess, so, it’d been a caution and not a threat like Sunset Shimmer would have done. Oh yes, he knew of Sunset. He knew what she looked like thanks to a picture in Princess Celestia’s apartment, and knew her by reputation. Pretty on the outside, but ugly on the inside. No, Sunset would never want to hide that she was an alicorn, she’d flaunt it. “Sunset was Scootaloo’s elder sister,” Holiday offered even as Sweetie yelled in excitement for Scootaloo. “What? Seriously? Scootaloo is Sunset’s sister?” Aurora was stunned. “Shocking,” Rarity offered. “Scootaloo is nothing like Sunset. Sunset was a manipulative bully.” “Taking Scootaloo in is one of the few things my brother did right,” Holiday offered. He tried to take in Sunset when their mother died, but the Platinums snatched her up. They’re the ones who turned her into a little she-demon.” “My mom is Celeste Summers. Can’t say I really knew much about my father. He’d pop in now and then, but he was gone most of the time. Didn’t even bother to marry my mom. Just kept stringing her along.” “Yup, that sounds like him alright,” Lofty offered. “Dusk Shimmer wasn’t one for sitting still for very long.” “Sun-sunshine?” called a familiar voice. Aurora knew the voice, her ears telegraphing surprise. She turned and recognized the alabaster mare immediately. Like the Changeling Amulet wasn’t a dead giveaway. Even if Summer Mystique hadn’t been wearing the amulet, Aurora would have known that blond mane with the shock of blue on the left. And she knew that cutie mark of a sun with a masquerade mask all too well. She was also being bracketed by two older stallions who looked like they would give no quarter in a fight and had indeed been in a few. “Mom!” Aurora called. Perhaps she’d forgotten that this wasn’t her Celestia when she’d dashed over and gave her a wing hug. She’d backed off when the hug wasn’t returned. That and the presence of two senior Canterlot Guards giving Aurora the stink-eye wasn’t helping. No, they weren’t in uniform, but Aurora did know who they were. “Didn’t Mrs Silverwood tell you I’d be in Ponyville today?” “Silverwood?” Mystique said as realization hit. After all, Mystique was the name she usually used when out and about. “She doesn’t really tell me very much. So how’s that Miss Aerie? You two make a sister pact yet?” “That, I’m afraid, is complicated. I also still need to talk to her about my intentions to take custody of Scootaloo.” “So where is she at now? Aerie that is?” “Court hearing, I’m afraid. A troll boy tried to kill her.” “We don’t see many trolls in Equestria these days.” “Human, actually,” Aurora whispered. “Mrs Silverwood doesn’t tell you very much, does she? Anyway, she’s in London. Technically so am I, I just haven't left the house so far as anyone there knows.” “I see…” Mystique said as a smile formed on her face. “But you are considered a princess in the human world?” “In my Equestria. Yes. Not so much in the human world. The last time I was in Equestria, I did something right. I had help from Aerie’s counterpart. It’s entirely possible the mirror Sunset looked into showed her either me or a counterpart.” “The pony she could become, only she’d become obsessed with the idea. Are you not able to go back to that mirror world?” “I’ve no idea how I got there, or how I returned home.” “Would you go back if you could?” “Yes, I believe I would.” “What about your… human family?” “Haven't actually seen my father in years, mom buries herself in her work, and she is estranged from my Aunt Selena and her family. Mom couldn't even be bothered to pick me up at the train station yesterday when I got home from boarding school. I’m just a little filly on that side of the portal. My pony family was far more loving.” Aurora cast a glance over at the Guard she knew to be Ray Mustang. “But as tempting as it is to just stay here and never go back, that glare from Ray Mustang over there is all I need to know that this is not my Equestria.” “And what about Scootaloo?” “That just got a lot more complicated. It would seem that in this world she’s my little sister.” “But you’re going back.” “Oh, I can go back and forth anytime I want so long as the portal is stable. In fact, that’s where Scootaloo has been staying. I do need to talk to Aerie. I’d thought that she and I could take temporary custody so as not to uproot her.” “I see, but not permanent?” “What say we take this one step at a time.” “Custody of a foal, to be in the best interest of the foal is supposed to be long term.” “And the stallion who adopted me is staring daggers at me. Ray Mustang. Married to Wintry Rockbell. They never had any foals so they adopted me and a Miss Bright Star who also answered to Nova as well as Kitsumi Hoshiko Tsuki. Both Bright Star and Aerie are doubles for my cousin Hoshiko Tsuki who is presumably in Japan right now with my Aunt Selena and Uncle Tsuki. I think you can understand why I don’t want to rush into a sister pact with Aerie. Let’s face it, she’s both the cousin I hardly knew and the sister I grew up with. As for Scootaloo, I’d like to make some attempt to find Scootaloo’s parents.” “As would I, but I’m not likely to be very forgiving of them.” “And that’s why you want me to make a long-term commitment. Even if I say yes, there are still mitigating circumstances. The cottage we landed in, technically belongs to Aerie, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Discord had a talon in creating it.” “Discord?” “I’m to understand that Discord has set Aerie on a mission. And I’ve ended up helping her on at least one occasion. I’ve no doubt giving us access to this version of Equestria is to motivate her. There is a creature in that world that is so dangerous, so vile, even Discord fears it.” “And he thinks a little pony can do what he can’t?” “Never underestimate what a little pony can do. Just look at Scootaloo. Her family thought she’d never fly. All she needed was the right help. That and my magic is compatible enough to give her the boost she never got from the family members she has.” “But are you willing to commit to her?” “What I want is to go back to the world where the Stallion I called father doesn’t look at me with suspicion.” Aurora looked back at the guards, and then over to the trio of mares anxiously waiting for her to introduce them to her mother. “But that’s not an option. What is an option is for me to do everything in my power to help Scootaloo. “So, do you mind if I introduce you as Celeste Summers? Oh, hang on, if I take care of Scootaloo full time you get to be her grandmother.” “Grandmother?” Celestia asked surprised. “Can’t I be her aunt?” “Alright, fine, you can be her aunt.” “Alright, fine, introduce me. Just tack ‘Mystique’ in the middle. I prefer to be Mystique.” “Can do. “Scootaloo, come down, and I’ll introduce you to my mom!” Princess Celestia had to admit later that day that she did enjoy the idea of being part of a family. “Then you don’t object to Scootaloo staying with Sunshine?” Mystique asked of Lofty and Holiday moments later. “We live in a small community about halfway to Canterlot. She’d have to commute on the train every morning to get to school,” Lofty offered. “Maybe when she’s older now that she can fly, but I agree with Sunshine. Scootaloo needs to stay in Ponyville. We also need to find Snap and Mane. Yes, they do tend to be rather irresponsible, but then again, they’ve never been gone this long. As for Sunshine, aside from a rocky start, I kind of like her, and there is that all-important compatibility.” “Rocky start?” Mystique asked. “She smacked me on top the head for daring to keep Scootaloo from them.” “Oh,” Mystique couldn't help but smile Lofty’s way who in turn nodded her head to indicate that she had indeed noticed the horn. “Do, um, button heads run in the family?” Lofty asked in a hushed tone. “Though I must confess I never knew one could mature into such a delightful, and capable young mare.” “The, um, phenomenon, while rare, doesn’t have to mean the individual is doomed to be handicapped their whole life,” Mystique offered. “In fact, I’ve had a few go through Canterlot high.” “Mom’s an educator,” Sunshine offered. “Now, weren’t we going to go to Sugarcube Corner?” “Can we go by Market Square first?” Scootaloo called. “Can I come too?!” Sweetie called from the window she’d been hanging out of. “Well of course you can come,” Rarity called up. “Scootaloo’s first flight is worthy of a grand affair. And put on a jacket!” Sweetie materialized at the door to the shop so fast one might think she’d teleported. She was also now sporting a black jacket with hot pink piping, boots that matched, and a hot pink skirt. “Well, what are you all just standing around for?!” Sweetie asked sounding exasperated. “We are going to swing past Market Square and pick up Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo announced and a moment later they were off. “Aren’t you worried she’s going to tire herself out?” Mystique asked as they trotted along. Scootaloo was zipping about like a busy little bee checking out every flower. “Darling, she pulls Sweetie and Apple bloom around on their wagon on a daily basis,” Rarity offered cheerfully. “Scootaloo!” Shouted a gray colt as he zipped down. “Hi, Rumble!” Scootaloo called and flew up to the other pegasus. “Thank you,” Lofty said softly to Sunshine. “She’s so happy.” “Flying free, just the sky and me, no greater joy can there be,” Aurora quoted. “How could I not do everything in my power to help her?” “We are almost at the Market Square, and there they go,” Rarity offered as Sweetie darted away to try to catch up. They found Applejack’s market cart a short time later. “Is that? Is that Scootaloo?!” Applejack asked. “Is that really her?” “I made her take a bath,” Sunshine informed her. “Name’s Summer Sunshine. This is my mom, Celeste Mystique Summers, these two lovely mares are Lofty and Holiday, they are Scootaloo’s Aunts, and the two silver beards are Ray Mustang and Hurricane Mitchell.” The two stallions gave Sunshine a curious look. Ray Mustang stepped up to Celestia, whispered something and she whispered something back. “Aunts? Are you going to take Scootaloo away?” Apple Bloom asked. She’d been but a short ways away employed at handing out samples. “Apple Bloom, by any chance were you aware that Scootaloo was homeless and never said anything?” Sunshine pressed. “Homeless?” Applejack asked astonished and then gave her little sister a withering glare. “Apple Bloom?” “It’s not as bad as it sounds, she’d gained access to my cousin's house, and I seem to be Scootaloo’s half-sister or something like that.” “Half-sister?” Applejack asked feeling fairly sure some subterfuge was going on. “Darling, it’s just one of those things that’s probably best left unexplained, I’m sure,” Rarity offered with a smile. “So, Apple Bloom?” “I knew her house had been one of the houses that had been wrecked by discord. And Scootaloo’s been kind of evasive about where she’d been living.” “I can’t account for where she has been living the whole time, but she did procure access to my cousin's cottage at some point.” “But what about her parents? She does have, well, someone, doesn’t she?” Applejack asked sounding like she was on the verge of going into some kind of moral panic. “At this point, all we know is that they took off on a trip right before Discord’s rampage,” Holiday explained. “There will be an investigation, you can count on that,” Mystique offered. “I, um, hear that the house being seized by the local government and put up for auction isn’t an isolated incident.” “They took the house?” “Razed it to the ground and the property is to be auctioned at an undisclosed time,” Sunshine informed her. “Hearth's Warming Eve, in the morning,” Apple Bloom informed them. “That is if I’m interpreting Diamond Tiara’s teasing correctly.” “Mam,” Ray Mustang said as he stepped up. “Ray, if they think they can get away with it they’ll likely do it anyway, a moratorium on such sales or not.” “Just more of the Platinum corruption yet to be weeded out,” Hurricane muttered. “What say we just table that for now,” Sunshine offered with a smile. “We are headed over to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate Scootaloo’s first flight. We’d love it if you and Apple Bloom could join us.” “Am, sorry, but we’ve pastries to sell. Hearth’s Warming is our most productive time of year,” Applejack replied. “How much?” Mystique asked. “Ya see something ya like?” “How much for the whole cart?” “The whole cart?” “How much for the whole cart?” Now that was an offer that applejack had never once even dared to dream about. One pony offering to buy the contents of the whole cart. “Special one-time only promotion!” Mystique shouted in a voice that was just shy of the Canterlot voice. “I think that these apple pastries are so good I want to give them to any pony who wants one!” “Hey, you can’t just go and do that?” “And why not? I’m paying.” “But?” “No buts, darling,” Rarity interjected with a big smile and a moment later ponies were lining up. “What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked moments after landing on Sunshine’s back. Quite a crowd had gathered around the cart as Rarity handed out goodies, and Mystique paid for them. “Mom’s paying for everything so Apple Bloom can come to the party.” “Seriously?” “Would I lie to you?” “Is that a rhetorical question?” “Hey, Scootaloo! That your mom? She’s cute.” Rumble shouted as he circled around the crowd. “Half-sister!” Sunshine shouted back. “Why did he ask if you were my mom?” “Because you are standing on my back.” “But I’d get trampled if I landed down there?” Apple Bloom was now hiding under the cart. “I suppose I can’t blame you for not knowing being it’s an earth pony community. In Pegasi communities, it’s common for a foal to ride on their mother’s backs.” Well if that wasn’t the craziest thing ever,” Applejack exclaimed as the last customer walked away. “I need to get to the bank now. And then we’ll go celebrate.” “Something tells me you are going to need twice as many tomorrow,” Mystique offered moments after having taken a bite out of a tart. “You planning on being here?” “Doubt I’d need to be. Now that all those ponies realize how good your pastries are.” Applejack couldn't help but smile. She hitched up to her cart, and a moment later they were off to the bank. Which was just as well in that it gave Lofty and Holiday a chance to inquire about Snap Shutter’s finances. Naturally, they were being rather closed-lipped about it. That was until Mystique produced a Bank Examiner ID card. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood were still getting their monthly salaries from the Canterlot Institute of Natural History. Same outfit that ran the museum. “And you just let her take out money?” Mystique asked. “Yes, mam. Scootaloo gets an allowance.” They were talking to the bank manager now. “Mortgage payments, taxes, firewood and charcoal deliveries, oil for lamps, all automatic. Even without a home, the mortgage payments continue.” “Who owned the property then?” “Why, the bank does.” “The courthouse is selling the property.” “What? But they can’t. We hold the lien on the property.” “Are you aware that the house was damaged?” “Oh, yes, we sent out inspectors to all our properties shortly following Discord’s rampage. Seizemore Properties was contracted. They came highly recommended by Mr Rich.” “I see.” Mystique had an odd expression on her face. “And I’m seeing a pattern,” Sunshine observed. “Seize the property via a government foreclosure and any lien holders would have to go after the person who owned the mortgage to get paid. Granted it means I haven't weeded out all the bad actors out of government. The individual who gets fleeced of their home gets left holding the bag,” Mystique informed Sunshine. “And the courts aren’t kind to ponies who have apparently abandoned property. Let alone foals. Yes, I’ve already seen a bunch of cases that have worked their way through the system. “Spike?” “Right here.” Mystique took up a piece of parchment, jotted down a note, rolled it up, and asked spike to send it. “Um…” “My office, there’ll be someone there looking for anything coming in.” “Ah.” spike made a salute, and off the missive went. “Where is Scootaloo staying then?” one of the tellers asked. “Out at the old Fletchley cottage,” Scootaloo informed them. “It belongs to a cousin of mine,” Sunshine offered to the now suddenly silent bank lobby. “She’s a fox pony. It’s actually a rather nice place. It may also have a number of enchantments on it.” “Your cousin is a fox pony?” Scootaloo asked. “That’s so cool! Wait, if your my half-sister does that make her my half-cousin?” “Kin is kin no matter how distantly related,” Applejack offered. “That’s so cool,” Scootaloo replied absolutely beaming. “She is kind of cool isn’t she,” Sunshine offered. “And now, if our business is concluded, we have a party to get to.” “Can I ask who’s going to be taking care of Scootaloo?” asked the bank manager. “Looks like it’s going to be Sunshine,” Mystique offered. “At least for the time being.” “There is a provision for expenses. She will need to contact the White Tower law firm in Canterlot.” “Yes, we’ll do that, the first opportunity we get,” Aurora offered, and a moment later their little group was out the door. When they got to Sugarcube corner the party was already in session. “Hi, Aurora!” Justin called. “Justin, what are you doing here?” Sunshine called back as she made her way through the crowd. “Try to remember to call me Sunshine.” She’d whispered her caution. “Sunshine… Oh, kay… Oh, and moms here.” “Your mom is here?” “Little gray unicorn. I showed her how to use telekinesis and she picked it up almost immediately. She’s in the back helping Mr Cake, and she got her cutie mark.” “Seriously?” Sunshine said, gave him a hug, and made her way towards the counter. “Oh, oh, are you here for the party too?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Scootaloo’s first flight day,” Sunshine announced. She laid down another of the big gold Royals, worth a hundred bits they were. Granted that it was only one of barely a handful that Aerie could spare and intended for emergencies. But then again, going all out for a little filly who’d had it so rough was an emergency, was it not? Pinkie’s eyes lit up. After all, a hundred-bit coin meant she could truly go all out. Before long nearly every foal in town was in Sugarcube Corner. Everyone except Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who’d yet to get word that things were happening at Sugarcube corner. “She tells me you aren’t Sunset,” Ray Mustang said as he sat down. “I know where she is, and I’m to understand that she’s behaving herself.” “Curious how you seem to have all the answers.” “Not all, and not necessarily the right answers.” She took a big bite out of her hay burger. “You like your hay burgers.” “It’s been a while. - what would you say if I said the only reason I knew who you are is that once upon a time in another land far far away I had been your daughter?” He just looked at her like he was trying to figure out some insurmountable equations. “Adopted by you and Wintry Rockbell.” “Wintry is it. Afraid she was out of my league.” “No, you never tried,” Hurricane corrected. “She really did like you, but you were too dense to see it.” “A shame. You two were good together.” “So, are you really…” Hurricane motioned towards Mystique. Aurora couldn't help but smile at her as she was presently surrounded by foals and was grinning ear to ear. “I’m the daughter of Celeste Summers. And no one else. Let’s just say that a certain pony’s alter-ego is her own individual were I’m from.” The two stallions looked at her with funny expressions on their faces. She leaned over to them. “My Celeste is not an extension or disguise put on by some pony else who simply does not get out enough.” “Can’t deny that she doesn’t get out enough,” Ray offered. “If you can, talk her into crafting a spell to replace that amulet.” “You…” Ray began. “Another time, another Celeste. We had trouble with the Platinum clan too. Old man Blue-balls went nuts and tried to take over the government.” The two looked at her and bust up laughing. “We had issues with old man Blue, too, but we caught wind of it in time to put a stop to his plans.” “That’s good.” “Why wasn’t I invited to this party!” Bellowed the voice of Diamond Tiara from the entry. Heads turned, and then silence. “Because your a snooty little hay burner that always bosses ponies around,” chastised the voice of Aerie from under a hood. She’d dark glasses on that had the side blinders to keep the sun out of her eyes. Behind her was a big black stallion pegasus and a white-maned Luna look alike pegasus. Both Selena and Aerie had their unicorn horns camouflaged. “Aerie! You made it!” Sunshine shouted. “And take that silly hood off.” “Sunshine, what’s with the party!” Aerie called as she pulled back the hood. She took off the glasses and started making her way to where Sunny was. Her eyes were down to slits thanks to the bright sun on the snow even with the glasses. And the tufts on her ears signaled that she was most definitely a night pony. She made her way past a stunned Diamond and Silver Spoon followed by Selena and their large black companion. No one in Ponyville would ever dare to speak to Diamond so harshly. Mystique watched the trio, specifically Aerie and Selena like they were specters. Selena’s gaze locked on Mystique’s amulet and began to cautiously move towards her. “Selena, leave it,” Aerie cautioned even as Sunshine got up. A moment later Sunshine was giving each of the newcomers a hug. “So, what’s the occasion?” Aerie asked. “It’s Scootaloo’s first flight day.” Aurora offered cheerfully. “Really? Way to go Scootaloo. Give us a hoof bump.” “One hoof bump coming up!” Scootaloo called, launched into the air, landed on Sunshine’s back, and extended her right front hoof. “What? All this is for that blank flank!?” Diamond said plenty loud enough for everyone to hear even as Aerie’s hoof came up to meet Scootaloo’s. Aerie’s ears went down. “Well, obviously that’s why you weren’t invited.” Aerie gave Scootaloo a wink. “Ya, well this is a public establishment.” “Indeed it is, Miss Tiara Rich.” Aerie looked about and caught Pinkie Pie’s eye. Pinkie seemed a bit hesitant about the night pony. “Miss Pie, be sure she pays for her own party. After all, we wouldn't want it to get out that she attended a party for a filly whose special talent is as yet untapped.” “Nope,” Pinkie replied. “No?” Aerie tilted her head like a confused dog. “She just left.” Pinkie couldn't help but smile. If Aerie gave Pinkie second thoughts, that was OK because Aerie was a friend of a friend, and that made her a friend. Diamond Tiara on the other hoof was a little meanie pants. “Ah…” Aerie turned around to see a confused Silver Spoon. “Well, if Miss Spoon doesn’t mind being seen with a pony without a cutie mark, I’m sure she could join in.” “I don’t mind if she stays,” Scootaloo offered. “I can stay?” “That sounds like a yes to me,” Aerie replied with a big toothy smile. “Come on in. If you can find room.” “Come on, Aerie, you can squeeze in with me,” Sunshine offered, and headed back to where she was sitting. Scootaloo bounced over to where she’d been sitting and the volume slowly went right back up to where it had been prior to Diamond Tiara’s outburst. “Excuse me, mam,” Prompted a small gray pegasus with a brown mane and a color patch on his left eye. He had an accent that made a person think of Oliver Twist. “Featherweight, wasn’t it?” “You know my name?” His tone telegraphed astonishment. “Well, who hasn’t heard of the bright young Featherweight, Esquire of Ponyville.” He smiled, almost laughed, and then remembered what he wanted. “Are you a Shadowbolt?” “No dear, I’m not a Shadowbolt. The true Shadowbolts of old were the best of the best. They predated the Wonderbolts and were often called on to defend Equestria. Which they did quite well.” Aerie couldn't help but notice that a certain blond mare was listening in. “In these modern times, anyone who tells you they are a Shadowbolt is probably a fake. They don’t exist anymore.” “Can I ask what you do?” “I’m a curse breaker. I seek out cursed items and purify them. Cleanse them of the corruption.” Mystique raised a hoof to her amulet. She knew this Aerie must surely be another Nova. Was she forever to wander? And that young version of Luna, could that be her little Moonie? And had Moonie sensed the malevolence in the amulet? “So, how was your morning?” Sunshine asked as Featherweight went back to his group of friends. “Flint got probation. He’s to stay out of trouble. If he fails, well, given his current condition, I suggested that a muggle facility would be a better place than Azkaban. He didn’t exactly like the suggestion, but his father was all for it. Let’s face it, a muggle prison is a much nicer place and considerably easier to get out of. Which I pointed out to Flint. The realization that I’d actually been trying to help him had him quite flummoxed. After the hearing, we picked up Mr Black and went over to his parent’s old home.” “You take a chainsaw with you? Just out of curiosity?” “We did at that.” “What’s a chain saw?” Featherweight asked. He’d come back. “Some pony came up with the idea to put saw teeth on a chain, loop it on a track, and power it with a motor,” Aerie explained. “Mr Black’s home where he grew up, there was a cursed painting fixed to the wall with unbreakable spells. He had to abandon the place it was so bad. So we cut out the wall to remove the painting. Hauled it off to some experts to study it.” “Wow,” Featherweight said softly and then dashed back to his friends. “And the item you were hoping to find?” Sunshine asked. “Found it. Kreacher broke into tears when it was all over. The whole experience has given Mr Black a lot to think about.” “So now what?” “We enjoy the winter break.” “I guess that’s fair enough. Oh, there is something I need to talk to you about?” “Oh dear, you’ve spent all the money I gave you, is that it?” “I’m requesting custody of Scootaloo. I seem to be a half-sister here too.” “Ah, how exactly is that going to work with school? And the fact you live somewhere else.” “She can stay right where she is.” “I guess that’s doable. Which means we’d have to sign for her together.” “Yes, I suppose that’s true.” “You know, if my home were your home, it could potentially solve the problem at school.” “True… hang on, did you just propose to me?” “Ah… I suppose I kind of did. Just keep in mind I’m just being practical.” “Practical?” “Yes. Practical. As in roommates. Also what about your mom?” “Mom’s right over there.” Aerie leaned in and whispered, “Your other mom.” “Oh right. I suppose I could make some excuse about staying at your house being more… practical. Doubt she’d understand if I tried to explain it. She’s not the worst sort, just too focused.” “Right. It’d be Practical. And besides, are either of us ready to just…” “You’d like to get back to your mom wouldn't you?” “She was kind of emotionally fragile following everything that happened. If I were to suddenly just vanish… then again the way to have our cake and eat it too might be possible. Might.” “You’re thinking we may already have the answer to our little problem.” “I do at that. My patron isn’t exactly the most honest. At the same time…” “What was the painting of?” Featherweight requested. Yes, he was back. “What was it of? Oh, I’m not sure I should tell you. But you do seem a brave young colt. Are you brave?” Featherweight nodded his head eagerly as several other colts drew near. “Oh, it was a great big painting as tall as Princess Celestia. In it stood a bipedal creature with a body like a Minotaur, a head like a mountain troll, greasy hair that hung down like wet curtains, and a voice like a… well to be honest she sounded more like a Harpy than a Siren. Siren’s have nice voices, and this one was just a screecher.” “Oh, don’t be telling him that,” Sunshine admonished. “But it’s true. Moments after we entered the home she starts yelling at us, and Mr Black is like, ‘shut up, shut up’ and once I’d calmed down I just started laughing.” “Laughing?” one of the other colts asked. “Think of it as a prank gone wrong,” Aerie offered. “It was, after all, just a painting. It couldn't actually do anything to us. I mean, aside from one really good jump scare that nearly made me pee.” The colts all giggled at the idea of a pony who looked like she’d take no gruff from anyone being scared enough to pee from fright. “After that, it was just annoying because it was near impossible to shut it off.” “Oh, hey, maybe we can borrow her for the Apple Orchard’s haunted woods?” Apple Bloom asked. “That would be a hoot!” Aerie replied and started laughing. “Downside is she’s got a horrendous potty mouth.” “In that case, that’d be a no. Granny would never stand for it.” “True enough I’d imagine.” “Stand for what?” Applejack asked as she came over. “An enchanted painting that yells obscenities.” “Ya, no, blow our ‘G’ rating right out of the water. Hasbro would have a fit.” “Hey, I’m the only one allowed to break the fourth wall around here.” Pinkie protested as members of the local guard entered the establishment. Earth ponies they were and good sized. “Alright, everyone pipe down!” Shouted the second guard. “This establishment has exceeded its occupancy maximum.” “Well, that’s rather interesting timing,” Aerie muttered. “Afraid I’m going to have to ask every minor without a parent or guardian to leave.” “Officer, I realize there are a lot of foals in here, but everything is well under control,” Mystique offered sounding hopeful. “Can’t be helped.” His tone was unnecessarily harsh. His eye spotted Scootaloo. “You don’t have anyone. You need to get.” “Why don’t you mind your own business,” Aerie scolded. “And for your information, she is here with family.” “Is that so, And who might that be?” Asked the other guard. “Everyone knows she’s a flightless little gutter pony.” “I beg your pardon?” Mystique said, stunned that any of her guards could be so crass. “Scootaloo is with me, and I’ll have you know that she is not a gutter pony and that she can to fly,” Sunshine said as she stood up. “She has a family. She has a mother, a father, I’m her half-sister.” “She is with us too. We are her Aunts,” Lofty said as she and then Holiday stood up. “And I am her Aunt,” Mystique added defiantly. “In a pig’s eye,” The first guard stated. “And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that outfit she has on is stolen.” “That does it,” Aerie said as she got up. She started forward. “Aerie, don’t,” Sunshine cautioned. Aerie barely reached up to the big stallion's withers. “The only ponies that need to leave are the two of you.” “And who the buck are you?” “Me? I’m the daughter of Nightmare Moon.” The two guards looked at her and started laughing. A moment later Aerie was providing Mrs Cake with the funds to get the door repaired. Now to be perfectly clear, she hadn’t actually touched them. One moment they were standing there, she did something with her wings which was followed by a gust of wind inside the establishment sweeping the two out the door. She then headed out the door where the two guards were picking themselves up. “Now that I have your attention, perhaps you’d like to apologize to Scootaloo?” They made the mistake of rushing her only to slam into a slab of hard-packed earth that had erupted right in their path. “That’s an ancient Earth pony fighting technique?!” Applejack announced as the earth collapsed back into the street. She’d been the first to follow Aerie. Sure, she knew what it was Aerie had done, and even how to do it, in theory, but to see a Pegasus pony using an Earth pony technique was a might bit confusing. But then again it was proving to be an interesting day. Not to mention that her sense for the truth was telling her that Aerie wasn’t lying about being the daughter of Nightmare Moon. At this point every time they attempted to do anything, Aerie would do something with her hooves on the ground and the ground under the guards' hooves would go out from under them. Around them, a crowd was gathering to laugh at the clumsy guards. “What are you two doing!” Diamond shouted in fury as the two guards found themselves mired in mud. Inside every eye watched in rapt interest as more guards approached. Ray Mustang, Hurricane Mitchell, and Mystique exited the shop. “Arrest them!” Diamond shouted. The guards who’d just arrived having recognized Generals Mustang and Mitchell just sort of froze up. “At attention!” Aerie shouted in a commanding tone. All but the two guards in the mud snapped to. “Sargent,” Mystique said as she approached the gaggle of guards. She showed a Canterlot Palace identification. “Assuming those two are actually guards, they are to be suspended and charged with conduct unbecoming. If they are not then charge them accordingly.” “What?!” Diamond shouted. “You don’t give orders around here. My Daddy runs this town! Guards, arrest them! Arrest all of them!” “Are Canterlot Guards taking orders from fillies?!” Ray Mustang shouted. “Put those two in the stockade, and someone escorts that filly home. She’s obviously overwrought. Move it! Now!” There was a moment’s hesitation prior to the guard force splitting up. The two mud ponies were escorted back to the station, and a furious Diamond was escorted home. “Think I’ll finish my lunch,” Aerie announced to be answered by cheering foals and stomping hooves. She smiled and went back inside. If Diamond could hear the cheer, she made no indication. “Applejack, a moment please,” Mystique beckoned. “Mam?” “Any idea why Twilight has never mentioned any of the goings on here in Ponyville outside of the activities she shares with the elements?” “Pardon?” “Consider me the eyes and ears of Princess Celestia. I’ve seen all Twilight’s reports and I see what the local guard feels fit to send up the line.” “Well, ta be honest…” “That is what you are best at.” Mystique smiled mischievously. Applejack couldn't resist smiling back. “Ta be honest, she doesn’t get out much. Spends much of her time doing Librarian stuff. She is running the library after all.” “Library? Ah. I should have known. Getting her out of her books always was a bit of a challenge. Come on, let’s go back in, and then later on you can tell her all about the fun she missed.” Applejack couldn't help but laugh as they went back inside. Within they found a teary-eyed Scootaloo hugging Aerie. “Well, Aerie?” Aurora prompted. “About what?” “About what we were talking about earlier. Are we both signing for her?” “Sure, why not? Not that I’m promising to make a life here mind you.” “You don’t like Ponyville?” Someone asked. “I love Ponyville. I kind of grew up here. It’s just that I had a life somewhere else.” “It’s complicated,” Aurora offered. “We were both born far from here, and there will always be that desire to find our way home.” “And that is totally understandable,” Mystique offered. “Now, is there any cake left?” > Chapter 36: The paper chase. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie, Aurora, Scootaloo, Lofty, Holiday, Mystique, Ray, and Hurricane made their way back to the Courthouse when they’d finished lunch. Flora and Justin tagged along when it was explained what the two young mares intended to do. As for the party, in reality, it was just lunch. Even so, Sirius and Selena had decided to stay on at Sugar Cube corner. Aurora had paid for everyone in the shop who hadn’t already paid, but aside from that, it was just a bunch of ponies having lunch and a good time. Their first stop was the records office where Aerie and Sunshine asked for a herding license to fill out. Of course, there was a requirement to be fully truthful with enchantments that would nullify the contract if they weren’t. Sunshine decided to go first and put her name down as Aurora Summer Sunshine Summers. The first being her given name, the two in the middle her Equestrian name, and the last her mother's surname. “You’re not using Mustang?” Ray asked. “That was an adopted name and It’s not legal here.” “Once a Mustang, always a Mustang,” he offered. “Go on, put it down, and if any pony wants to challenge it just send them to me. Aurora gave him a hug and added Mustang to her application. Aerie looked at the form knowing full well that if she put down Aerie Potter that wasn’t going to be right. Sure, that was who she was now, but it’s not who she is. Aerie looked at the form and with considerable trepidation wrote, Aerie Potter Kitzumi Nova Hoshiko Moon, House of Athelas, Adopted daughter of Flora and Basil Finch-Fletchley. She then let out a relieved sigh. If the spell matrix hadn’t liked it, it would have simply blanked out. “Athelas?” Mystique asked. The Nova she knew used Nightfoal Moon but had never used the Athelas name so far as she was aware. Or even mentioned it. “That’s quite a mouthful for a pony,” offered Clark the clerk who was helping them. He was a mild-mannered earth pony with khaki tan fur, black mane, and glasses. “Just call me Aerie, everyone else does.” Aerie wasn’t happy about being stuck with the name, and then the spell craft on the form activated and the name Aerie Potter vanished and was replaced with HRH to read HRH Kitzumi Nova Hoshiko Moon, House of Athelas. Even the part about her being adopted vanished. On examination, it had shown up under parents and Aerie Potter turned up on a line for known aliases. “I … I don’t understand?” Aerie asked as she looked on in astonishment. “I do,” Flora offered. “You are not Aerie Potter. That is just a role you were forced to play by that Discord person. And he, it would seem, does not have the authority to enforce that on you here.” “But, Mrs Silverwood cautioned me not to use Nova.” {Author’s note: This one had kept me up half the night thinking about it because I didn’t want the name Aerie Potter permanently affixed to this character. It’s not her identity, just her role.} “Then you will be Princess Hoshiko,” Mystique offered along with a wing hug. “Granted that had you announced yourself as Princess Nova right from the start I’d have thought you another fraud. Oh yes, there have been a few.” “I wonder if this is because I touched it?” “Touched what?” Sunshine asked. “The Cosmic Clock of the Ancients. I sought it out of curiosity because I wanted to see if it existed.” “And it didn’t fry you on the spot?” Mystique asked in wonderment. “I’d imagine that’s because I didn’t want anything other than to verify its existence. I wanted nothing from it.” “I suppose that’s about the only way to defeat it.” “Wait, she’s a princess?” Clark asked. There were quite a few ponies gathered who were now very interested. Hang on, it says you’ve been married before?” Justin pointed out as he looked over the form. “So who is this Rohan Arthôl?” “Another very old name,” Mystique stated. “Passed away, and I’ll say no more on the matter,” Aerie offered, wondering why the ‘o’ had a little hat on it. She certainly never wrote it that way. But that had literally been a lifetime ago. “Prearranged, was it dear?” Asked a matron in the office. “I loved him very much, please do not press me on the matter.” “We are going to need witnesses to sign it,” Clark interjected. He then gave the old matron a dirty look. Oh, he knew her. She was forever showing up, hanging about, and interjecting herself into other pony’s affairs. “May I be the first?” Flora Asked. “Be my guest,” Mystique offered. Flora used her telekinesis to her hoof so that she could sign in the fashion she was accustomed to. Her name appeared in print right next to her signature. Ray signed it next. “Mrs Summers, aren’t you going to sign it?” Flora asked. “Aurora is your daughter after all.” Aerie looked at Mystique and started laughing. There was a very good likelihood that should Mrs Summers sign the document it might put her full true name down. “Aerie? What’s so funny?” Flora asked, but then Aurora started to chortle. “They suspect that should she put her name on one of those enchanted forms it’ll do the same thing it did to Miss Aerie,” Hurricane whispered to Flora. “I’m missing something, aren’t I?” Princess Celestia’s right and proper name would end up on the document. “It was Sunset who did the spell-work for this,” Mystique offered as she stepped forward and took up the pen. She signed it, and Celestia Regina Sol Invictus showed up in print, but in such ancient letters that Aerie was the only one there who understood what it said. Celeste Mystique Summers also showed up making it look as though the ancient text had been some kind of glitch. And then a curious thing happened. Onto Aurora's name was added, HRH Eliana. “Can’t say I expected that to happen,” Aerie said softly as she looked at the form. “Could that be because I’m descended from the House of Orléans?” Aurora asked. “I’ve my own idea why that happened and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Sunset put a little surprise in the spell matrix. But, let’s try not to think about it,” Mystique offered as the form was passed back over to Clark. “Might be best to keep these little oddities quiet,” Sunshine recommended to the clerks who were looking on. “Well, this is fun,” Clark said as he looked at the form. “Now all you need is an officiating signature… and it seems Princess Celestia herself has already done it. That can’t be, right? Hey, Courtney, you ever have something like this happen?” “What the Celestia?” Courtney was a chubby light beige unicorn with a blond mane. “Seriously?” Mystique said softly. “Just toss that thing and use one of the old ones,” Courtney said and went back over to her station. They filled out another form, minus any unnecessary information, and then requested a temporary custody form. At which point they were told that they needed to do a missing ponies report. “I suppose we should,” Aerie offered. “Not like we don’t already know where they are.” “Do we?” Lofty asked. “Let’s go over to the Guard Office and fill that form out.” Sunshine offered, and they were soon out the door. It hadn’t taken too long as it had only been a block away. A pony could hear a pin drop as they entered. Not just because two well-known generals were with the party, but because there were inspectors from Canterlot there. They didn’t know who Mystique was, that is to say, they didn’t know who she was so much as they knew she was an officer of Princess Celestia who’d been afforded the same level as the Princess herself. “Lady Mystique,” Offered a Captain. “I’m Captain Doright. Might you be here about what happened at Sugarcube Corner?” “No, we’ve another issue to look into. By any chance did anyone put in a missing pony report for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood? They are Scootaloo’s parents.” “Unfortunately, it seems precious little was done following Discord’s rampage. Most folks just rebuilt, but the only ones who paid any attention to unrepaired property were the Courthouse. And it seems Miss Scootaloo has quite the reputation.” “I never did anything to anyone.” Scootaloo protested. “And I went to school every day even without anyone telling me.” “She’s not poor,” Holiday offered. “She just has irresponsible parents. One of whom I’m afraid to say is my own brother. If we had known he was going to take off we could have been looking after Scootaloo. If someone had alerted us that his house had been turned upside down and there was no pony about, we would have known to come to check up on Scootaloo.” “Those two guards seemed to be targeting her specifically as well,” Aerie commented. The captain looked at her and then back to Mystique. “That amulet she’s wearing, that legit?” “Afraid so. She’s an officer of the Royal Night Court. She’s presently employed as a curse breaker.” “Sunshine is going to look after Scootaloo. Even though we kind of know where her parents might be, there are certain formalities.” “You know where they are, why haven't you contacted them?” “They went to the Yackatan,” Scootaloo offered. “As part of an expedition. They, um… aren’t generally gone this long.” The captain had that look across his face that just telegraphs, you’ve got to be shitting me? “Afraid that seems to be the situation,” Mystique offered. “I imagine that if Discord hadn’t turned her house upside down she’d have just continued on as usual.” “That ain’t right,” Captain Doright said softly. “She’s the same age as my foals.” He turned to glare at the locals. “And every last one of you have failed your oath as a guard and should be ashamed of yourselves.” “But the complaints?” One of the guards asked. “One entitled filly with a personal vendetta. You don’t think we don’t see that kind of thing in Canterlot? Don’t do your due diligence and it will come back to bite your flank.” “Vendetta?” Scootaloo asked. “Judging by what happened at Sugarcube Corner, I’d say, Diamond Tiara,” Aerie offered. “But why?” “No telling. Jealousy, low self-esteem, who can say?” “Anyway, before any of us can legally be counted as a guardian, temporary or otherwise, we need to declare Snap and Mane missing,” Lofty offered. “And if this lot thought she was living on the streets, as many seem to have, they were obliged to do something about it. Not treat her like a persona non grata. So where was she staying?” “In our house,” Aerie offered. “We just discovered her shortly after getting back from school. The life of a curse breaker is school, school, more school, and the occasional curse that needs breaking.” “So she’d been in your house the whole time?” Scootaloo’s reply was a hesitant maybe. “Let me guess, you moved into the tree house until the cold weather drove you out, didn’t you?” Sunshine asked. Scootaloo dropping her head was all the answer any pony needed. “I got a message by owl along with a key when it started getting too cold to stay in the tree house. It was signed Ithas.” “It was a Mr Ithas who sold me my school trunk,” Aerie admitted. “Imagine he as likely felt indebted to you.” “Ithas,” Mystique pondered. “Also known as Prometheus. That is, when he wasn’t a mismatch of parts.” “Oh, wait, seriously?” Mystique asked. “Hadn’t you known?” Aerie asked. “Afraid I was just a filly at the time.” “A secret benefactor then,” Captain Doright offered. “Lieutenant Dover, we are going to need the missing pony form, a temporary custody form. And an emergency restraining order it would seem.” “Why is there always so much paperwork?” Sunshine lamented as a stack of forms was brought out. “I have got a literal ton of paperwork waiting for me,” Mystique offered. “Any chance you are delegating some of that?” Aerie asked. “I do my best, but it all seems to find its way back to me.” Once they’d finally finished the paperwork at the Ponyville Guard Station, it was back over to the Courthouse for more paperwork, and the afternoon was growing late by the time they’d done. Mystique, Ray, and Hurricane insisted on seeing the house along with a social worker by the name of Iva Heardital, a local Earth pony. Justin, Scootaloo, Flora, and Sunshine all looked at Aerie is if she’d lost her marbles when she said there would be no problem with Mrs Heardital coming over to see the house. “Aerie, she can’t come in,” Sunshine protested in a whisper. “I realize things are a bit of a mess,” Aerie offered loudly enough for Mrs Heardital who’d heard Sunshine. She dropped into a whisper, “Switch front and back dials to local and it switches the portal to the attic door.” “Explain to me why the entire place didn’t implode?” “Chaos magic?” “Implode?” Mrs Heardital asked. She was giving them an odd look. “Oh, hey, we’re here,” Aerie said loudly. The place had a high gabled roof and was presently looking a little larger than it was when they’d left that morning. “Did you do something to the cottage?” “Pushed out a couple of rooms,” Aerie offered. “Pushed out rooms?” Mrs Heardital asked. “It was built with pop-outs. All I had to do was crank them out. They are typically pulled in when we are away.” Aerie offered as she unlocked the door. “Place was constructed by a unicorn.” Flora gave her an odd and somewhat worried look as they entered. Aerie gave her a reassuring wink. “Well, can’t say it’s not a bad place,” Mrs Heardital offered as she entered through the kitchen door. “But tell me, why are we entering through what looks to be the back door?” “Place is built back to front with the big window facing the best view,” Aerie offered as she followed. Beyond the kitchen was the hallway as expected, the bedroom Scootaloo had moved into was still a mess, but to their right was a small library slash pantry, the door under the stairs. At the other end, that is the lower landing of the stairs was another door that lead into another bedroom. Across from it were the bath and toilet. Forward of that was the entry to the front room. Mrs Heardital looked in at Scootaloo’s bedroom and commented on the condition before moving on. The stairs also got a look of distaste. “We’ve actually tidied it… quite a bit,” Sunshine offered. “Still needs work, but you need to remember that she’d been here unsupervised for no less than a month, two, maybe three with no supervision. I’m actually surprised the bedroom was the only room that was messy. Considering the reputation of the CMC a group in which she is one of the principal members, I’d say it’s a miracle the place wasn’t burned to the ground followed by being covered in tree sap.” Mrs Heardital gave her a funny look. “She’s one of the CMC?” There was a hint of emotion in her tone. “Aww, come on, we aren’t that bad,” Scootaloo protested. “Are you kidding, the three of you are legendary,” Justin offered with a grin. He’d heard plenty of stories at Sugarcube Corner. “Miss Shutter, you won’t get your cutie mark by constantly trying different things,” Mrs Heardital offered as she moved forward and poked her head into the bedroom across from Scootaloo’s room. It was neat and tidy but gave no indication that anyone actually lived in that room. Granted that given the explanation that they’d recently returned. “So where’s the luggage-” The sight of Mister black coming up from the front room surprised Mrs Heardital. “Who?” “Mr Black,” Aerie offered. “Mr Black, this is Mrs Heardital. She’s Scootaloo’s social worker. She’s just checking up on Scootaloo’s living accommodations.” “Why’s he here? He your stallion?” “Harmony no, he’s sort of my mentor. I imagine he expected me to be back sooner.” “To be honest, I’m surprised you got as much done as you did,” Mrs Heardital offered with a smirk on her face. “Mr Black, would you be available as a contact?” “I could. I’ve got a place out in the Everfree not far from a Ms Zecora. She’s a zebra. Granted that it’s not readily accessible to just anyone.” He'd actually just returned from there. He'd gone just to verify that this world was indeed the world on the other side of the pool in the great temple hall in Akkadia back on the Earth he knew. “You live in the Everfree?” Scootaloo asked. “I do, but you are not to go into those woods.” “That also makes you a difficult pony to reach,” Mrs Heardital offered. “I can make a point of checking in on them on a regular basis.” “We live just up the line a ways,” Lofty offered. “I know we were lax, but we honestly never thought her parents would just take off without telling anyone, and never come back. OK, we were aware of Snap’s tendency to just take off and go on adventures, but he always comes back.” “Yes, we’ve your addresses, now. And Ms Shutter, if you should find yourself in such a fix ever again, tell someone who can help. Tell me and I’ll go twist a tail or two to get things fixed.” “Yes, Mam.” Scootaloo figured there was no point in telling anyone. She’d told the local constable about the house. They just told her it wasn’t their job, so she decided she was on her own. “Scootaloo, can we see the letters your parents sent you?” Mystique asked. “I’ll find the ones I’ve got,” Scootaloo offered as she went into her room. Mrs Heardital continued on into the front room, where there was yet another bedroom off to her right furnished as a drawing room. On the far wall were the front door and a reasonable-sized window that looked out over the Avalon river which passed by Ponyville. There was a large fireplace that looked like it had once been used for cooking, a couple of cozy chairs, and on a cushion in front of the fire lay a moderate-sized short-haired black and tan brindle-colored dog that had a fair amount of gray on his large muzzle. He was also wearing a pillowcase like it was clothing. The pillowcase did not hide the fact that the animal was rather thin. This dog also had opposable thumbs on the front paws for some odd reason. “That’s Kreacher. Best not disturb him. Staffordshire Bull Terrier I believe. His former master was not too kind to him. He minds well enough, just don’t wake him while he’s sleeping.” Sirius offered. “I’ve got the letters, oh a dog.” “Let him sleep, we’ll introduce you when he wakes,” Sunshine offered. “Mrs Summers, where do you live?” Mrs Heardital asked. “Any time you need to contact me send a telegraph to Canterlot Castle Addressed to Summer Mystique. I live in one of the apartments. And don't worry about which one. The staff knows how to contact me. In an extreme emergency get Twilight Sparkle to send a letter via Spike the dragon.” “Ah, yes, I’ll be sure to make a note of that.” “Just be sure it’s an emergency. We wouldn't want any pony in Princess Celestia’s office to get excited about little things.” “Right…” “Now mom, I thought ponies aren’t supposed to know about your job?” Sunshine teased. “What? I’m a typist. Just ask Miss Word.” The truth was Celestia liked to use a dictation spell but had to tell ponies she had someone typing for her to keep them from fretting. “Well, I can’t see anything too untoward here,” Mrs Herdital offered. “Quite frankly I’ve seen worse.” “Let us remember that we are still hoping to find her parents,” Lofty offered. “This just seemed the best solution until we have to make any permanent decisions.” “Understandable. You also need to understand that if they don’t have a really good excuse, a permanent move may be recommended.” “Permanent?” Scootaloo asked. “You might end up staying with Aerie and myself full time, or go with your Aunts.” “Time I got back. But, I will be checking in to see how you are doing.” “We will be looking forward to your visits,” Sunshine replied, and escorted her to the door. “Mystique, a moment before you leave?” Aerie called. “Yes?” Mystique replied and turned to her. She’d been going over Scootaloo’s letters. “By any chance do you require button-headed pegasi be registered?” “Button head?” “Scootaloo has a small unicorn horn. - Now Scootaloo, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” “Scootaloo, has a unicorn horn?” “Scootaloo, something you need to know, Sunshine and I are alicorns. Hang on. First off we are using a camouflage ring to hide our horns. What’s more important is that Sunshine is probably giving you a boost with her magic. Your compatibility with her not only makes that possible but her doing so will help your manna levels mature properly. In time you will be able to fly without needing a boost.” “I’ll be able to fly all on my own?” Scootaloo asked excitedly. “I kind of suspected she was doing something. Dad’s an earth pony and can’t really help me with flying, and mom, she’s tried, she’s a pegasus, but there’s no spark like with Sunshine.” “That magic touch that a parent normally has that jump-starts a foal’s magic,” Mystique offered. She was also a bit curious as to why there’d be no spark. “Scootaloo pulls her friends around on a wagon and a sleigh in the winter. She’s got plenty of earth pony magic.” “There’s something else, isn’t there?” Scootaloo asked. “Sunshine might not just spark your pegasus magic, she might spark unicorn magic in you as well,” Aerie informed her. “You mean I could become an alicorn? Would I be immortal?” “Maybe, and no. Life expectancy is dependent on manna levels. Low manna won’t adversely affect a pony’s life span if that’s normal for them, but high levels of manna can drastically extend a pony’s expected life span. Just don’t go getting yourself eaten by a timber wolf.” “I’ll try not to.” “Where you are from, ponies like her are supposed to be registered?” Mystique asked. “It’s to discourage neglect and abandonment.” “That’s horrible,” Flora said sounding alarmed. “By the way…” “Just go upstairs. Just be careful coming back down.” “How does one go downstairs that steep in…” Justin asked. “Like a ladder.” “Is that where the portal is?” Mystique asked as she passed Scootaloo’s letters back to her. “To be honest, the whole flat seems to be the portal. We recently picked up a mirror made by Starswirl. My Moonie, AKA Selena, swiped it from a man named Dumbledore to prevent him from using it to dump his mistakes. It seems to have locked into the local portal doors, which as far as I can tell were never meant to cross dimensions.” Hurricane let out a low whistle. “Mam, perhaps we should get going?” Ray offered. “You mean get out of here before the door suddenly decides to dump you in another dimension, right?” Aerie teased. “A valid concern, it would seem. Come on by the palace if you get a chance.” Mystique offered and headed for the kitchen. “Oh, I should probably tell you something,” Mr Black offered. “Which is?” Mystique asked as she made her way into the kitchen. “If anyone sees a large black dragon out over the Everfree, it’s probably me.” Aerie couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Dragon?” Mystique asked. She’d actually stopped walking and looked back. “It’s his animagus form no doubt,” Aerie offered. “On the human side of the portal, he can turn into a large black dog. If I’m not mistaken. And for whatever reason, Equestrian Dragons turn into dogs on crossing over.” “Dogs? What then do Equestrian dogs turn into?” “House-elves apparently,” Sirius offered. “You mean Kreacher? Oh, he’s not a dog. Not an ordinary one. A form of Troggle I’d imagine. They are created by powerful magic users. The dog type likely started as dogs,” Mystique explained. “Cool,” Scootaloo replied. “I guess that explains why they are so loyal,” Sirius commented. “I’m his master now,” Aerie offered. “And I’ve told him that when in Equestria he is allowed a cushion by the fire.” “And now I must be going or the sun will be late,” Mystique offered and continued out the door. “Mr Black, can I assume your home is the portal in the Everfree?” Aerie asked softly. “You know about that too I gather.” “I knew it was a possibility. And Scootaloo, no going out into the forest to try to find it.” “It’s been marked by a stone structure and some white trees from the Silver Wood. I’ll have to show you how to find it another time,” Sirius offered, said goodbye, and followed after Mystique. > Chapter 37: Guests for Diner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, anything from the letters? Ray asked as he, Mystique, and Hurricane made their way to a secluded location just outside of town. “The letters are fairly generic. They talk about a dig on an ancient monument, how they miss her, and the usual. They are also complete and utter fabrications.” “How’s that?” “The dig they describe was done several years ago, and the letters were postmarked in Canterlot.” “How about Ray and I check into it in the morning?” Hurricane suggested as they approached a regal chariot and a team of Canterlot’s finest pegasi guards. Mystique touched the amulet hanging from her neck, and Princess Celestia minus her regalia stepped forward. She then used that moment to lower the sun. “Well, if I’m going to be Scootaloo’s Aunt, I’d say I’m entitled to meddle. But where will you start?” “At the Canterlot Institute of Natural History, I’d say,” Ray offered. “Might try at the post office as well,” Hurricane offered as the three got into the chariot. They were off moments later. “Well, I’ll be a plucked Basilisk,” Applejack said softly as she came out of hiding. She was joined a moment later by Mrs Heardital. “Me too.” “And you are?” “Mrs Heardital. I’m Scootaloo’s social worker. When I saw Mrs Summers heading for the outskirts of town instead of the train station I decided to follow her and her two stallion friends. Applejack, isn’t it?” “That’s me. You heard what she said?” “Enough to know there’s something not right going on in Canterlot and so help me if I find out her parents just up and dumped her…” “Kind of begs a number of questions, such as who is Miss Sunshine Summers that Princess Celestia herself comes a running?” “Apparently her daughter.” “Now I can believe she’s a Shimmer, whoever that is, but Celestia’s daughter?” “Shimmer?” “Lofty mentioned that Scootaloo’s mother had been mixed up with a stallion named Dusk Shimmer and that Sunshine was likely Scootaloo’s sister. Could Princess Celestia have been mixed up with him and just kept it quiet?” “I suppose anything’s possible. Princess Celestia is a mare after all.” “And we can’t say a dang thing, we don’t dare.” “We may not have the whole story.” “There is that. It’s just that ponies place Princess Celestia pretty high up, and forget that she’s also a pony.” Back at the house, Aerie was surprised to find Professor McGonagall at the Sussex drive front door. London. “Professor McGonagall, whatever are you doing out there in the cold,” Aerie offered moments after opening the door. “Come in, come in.” “Terribly sorry about showing up unannounced. Professor Dumbledore was having some kind of panic attack. Wanted me to check up on you.” Aerie had to think for a moment as McGonagall came in, and she was about to shut the door when she spotted a Mrs Summers out in the cold as well. “Mrs Summer’s, this way.” “Hoshiko?” “No, sorry. I’m Aerie. Aerie Potter. Lily Evans' daughter. And a good possibility a second or third cousin. I'm Aurora’s friend from school. Come on in. Mom is just getting started with dinner and Aurora is in the kitchen with her.” “Oh, you just reminded me of her,” Mrs Summers offered as she came up the steps. “I swear, I’ve been going around in circles out here.” “Well, come on in out of the cold. The second door on the left is the kitchen. This is Professor McGonagall, but you’ve met though, haven't you.” Aerie only took a moment to realize she’d better make sure Flora and Sunshine knew that this Celeste Summers was not the same individual they’d spent the better part of the day with. “Hang on, I’ll show you the way.” Aerie then went down the hall ahead of the two women. “Mom, Aurora’s mother is here,” Aerie called as she entered the kitchen ahead of Celeste. “I’d like to introduce you to Celeste Summers, not Mystique, Celeste Summers.” “The Mrs Summers who blew off her own daughter?” Flora asked. “Mom?! Not one bit fair. Accurate, but not fair,” Aerie protested. “In my defense, I was helping one of my students,” Celeste offered. “And got so caught up in their problems you forgot about me,” Aurora added. She wiped her hands with a dish towel and then went to hug her mom. “And it’s not the first time either.” “I am so terribly sorry,” Celeste offered as she returned the hug. “Sorry about the chastisement,” Flora offered. “And now that you are here, I insist you stay for dinner.” “Dinner?” Celeste asked. She’d as likely had it in her mind that she’d be fetching Aurora and that would be it. “You didn’t have anything planned did you?” “Oh, and Professor McGonagall is here.” “Well, if she’s got nothing planned, she can stay too.” “Professor, care to stay for dinner?” Aerie called. “I must confess, I’ve nothing planned,” Celeste admitted. “Oh, I couldn't,” McGonagall protested. “Do you have anything better lined up?” Flora asked. “I…” McGonagall was about to say no but then realized that Flora was now using that wandless telekinesis she’d seen the girls using. “Actually, I think I will stay.” “Good, because I’ve made entirely too much food.” “You’re using magic?” “I am at that. I got my cutie mark today.” “It’s a vocational manifestation of Akkadian magic,” Aerie offered. “Do to where they typically show up, the muggles would see them as ‘tramp stamps’.” “Tramp stamps?” “A mark on the upper thigh. Typically on both sides.” “And who is this young lady,” Professor McGonagall asked upon spotting Scootaloo. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she recalled something about people with Akkadian ancestry getting tattoos as some sort of coming of age ritual, but it hadn’t occurred to her that they might actually be magical in nature. “By any chance will she be attending Hogwarts next year?” “This is Louise Shutter. She doesn’t actually live in England. So… probably not?” Aurora offered. “Should we get a letter for her we’d need to discuss it with her Aunts? We are looking after her for the time being.” “We?” Mrs Summers asked. “Aerie and I agreed to look after her.” “Hang on, how exactly is that supposed to work?” “Oh, we’ll be staying here. At least for the winter holidays. I hope you don’t mind?” “Oh.” “Right now we are her ‘temporary’ guardians while the authorities try to find her parents,” Aerie offered. “And there’s a lot more room here than in your, our, little flat.” “But you are just children yourself?” Mrs Summer’s protested. “I’m also part and parcel to her custody,” Flora offered. “The thing is, and I’m afraid you might not like it, Scootaloo, that is, Louise seems to be a half-sister, and owing to the circumstances she needs to stay here for the time being. Think of it in terms of babysitting her until things can get sorted.” “Half-sister?” Mrs Summers asked sounding just a little put out. “Oh, who am I kidding? You’ve probably got a bunch of siblings out there for all I know.” “Who’s got a bunch of siblings? Oh, hello?” Basil asked as he came in. “I see we have guests.” “Dinner will be ready shortly, dear.” “Ah, Mr Finch-Fletchley, good to see you well,” Professor McGonagall offered. “I’ve invited her to stay for dinner,” Flora added. “And this is Aurora’s mom, she’s here too.” “And by any chance is that Aurora's sister?” “Kind of a half-sister. She’ll be staying with us for a while. Her parents have gone missing, and the girls have agreed to look after her.” “Splendid.” “Splendid?” Mrs Summers objected. “About her staying with us. Not so much the missing parents part. Does anyone have any idea where they were last?” “Yucatan,” Aerie offered. “Snap, and Mane Shutter. Far as we know they are fine. Just extremely irresponsible. There’s still the possibility Louise might go to her Aunts, but it was decided by mutual consent to let her spend the holidays with us.” “Dare I ask who she was staying with?” Mrs Summers asked. “She’d been left at home. Latch key kid, just like me,” Aurora offered. “And then her house fell down. Fortunately, not with her in it.” “Fell down?” “Related to magic,” Aerie explained, and then added, “You probably don’t want to know the details. Also, it’s part of why we need to be here. It’s safer here.” “We had some issues last night,” Basil informed her, and presumably Professor McGonagall as he didn’t know if she knew about what had happened or not. “Did Professor Dumbledore get the packages sent his way?” Aerie asked. “Indeed he did,” Professor McGonagall responded. “Perhaps you’d like to fill me in from your perspective?” “First off there was the harassment at the train station. Trust me, dealing with grown wizards without using magic isn’t easy. After that, it was a fairly quiet evening until those idiots started terrorizing people around the corner and went and got themselves shot. Our block got cordoned off by the police, and then we saw a rather suspicious pair poking around out front.” “And then, poof, they were gone,” Aurora added. She didn’t really want to discuss how they went poof, even if Aerie had all but admitted it. “So, any idea what Dumbledore wanted?” Aerie asked. “Not really, no. He just seemed adamant that I go check on you.” “And in this weather,” Flora added. “No doubt heard about last night,” Aerie offered. Granted that there was one other thing. She’d taken off the tracking amulet that had Dumbledore’s spells on it and left it in her room prior to going into the basement to go to Equestria. The last thing she wanted was for him to track her through a portal. Outright destroying it at some point had also come to mind. “You know… if Dumbledore were to be using a spell to try to keep tabs on me, it’s entirely possible the enchantments on this place might interfere. That and the stronger my magic the more likely I am to resist such intrusions.” “Ah, yes, that could be the issue. Coupled with the trouble last night,” McGonagall confirmed. Granted that she may not have intended to, but if Aerie suspected as much there was no point in denying it. Aerie was a smart girl and could reason out that magic had been used to locate her when the Dursleys had gone out to that island. A house that was shielded along with some unknown divine presence intent on keeping her safe. McGonagall also suspected that Aerie had something to do with the two Aurors who’d landed on the head table at Hogwarts or why ask if Dumbledore had gotten the package, and she was reasonably certain that’s what she’d been referring to. Still though, to transport individuals that far and through anti-apparate wards suggested that Aerie was far more than she appeared to be. “Let me just see about getting a couple of extra places set at the table,” Aerie offered rather than pursue what she’d just accused Dumbledore of and went to set two more places at the dining room table. She came to a halt momentarily after going through the doorway. Two more place settings had already been added. “Thank you Kreacher,” Aerie offered, turned, and went back into the kitchen. “Kreacher?” McGonagall asked. “I’ve acquired the last remaining house elf from Grimmauld place.” “But, Kreacher?” “He’s not a bad House Elf, just a badly treated and poorly managed one. And as Sirius Black is my magical guardian, not Dumbledore, that technically makes me a member of the Black family as well.” “Aerie, why don’t you go find Justin and let him know that we’ll be serving dinner shortly.” “I’d best run upstairs as well and get cleaned up,” Basil offered, and a moment later he was out in the hall headed for the stairs. Aerie followed and found Justin working on his homework on the next floor up. She let him know that Aurora's actual mother was downstairs along with Professor McGonagall. They washed their hands in the sink in the first-floor washroom and headed downstairs. “Ah, young master Justin,” McGonagall offered a greeting as he entered the dining room. Scootaloo was directing her and Mrs Summers to the new place settings, and Aurora was bringing in a serving tray loaded with fresh bread. Basil arrived just as Flora was bringing out a roast surrounded by baked potatoes and vegetables. There was also a big bowl of mashed potatoes with a boat of gravy, a vegetarian enchilada casserole, and baked orange cauliflower casserole. “I am so glad the Ministry of Magic has those above-ground offices,” Basil offered as everyone sat down. “Soon as I got to my office I had to deal with superiors who wanted to know entirely too much about what I had to do this morning.” “You gave them the number then I gather?” McGonagall asked. “Thank you for the food,” Aerie offered quietly and then looked up. “Right, right,” Basil offered. “Let us all be grateful for the bounty before us and the efforts of everyone that had something to do with bringing this scrumptious repast to our table. And now, let us dig in.” “Oh, something we need to look into,” Aerie began as everyone began to dish up the various delights. “We seem to have a Floo connection in the vault under the street. Any idea who we’d call to get it looked at?” “A vault under the street?” McGonagall asked. “Accessible via the trench out front,” Basil offered. “Aerie and Aurora explained to me what it was last night. Sure would make getting around in a pinch more convenient. “So what did you end up telling them at work?” Flora asked. “I told them the truth, that there’d been an incident at the School Justin and Aerie are going to and that Aerie was needed to testify at a hearing. I told them it was held at the Ministry offices in the old War office. Which they took to mean there’d been a meta involved because that’s what everyone thinks is in the old War Office. The Meta Management Ministry. Also known as the Mum. I saw no reason to correct them and politely explained that the details were confidential owing to an ongoing investigation that was linked to the incident.” “Meta?” Professor McGonagall asked. She was just a little worried that Meta might be a muggle code word for Wizard kind. “People with abilities well beyond the norm,” Aerie offered. “It can be applied to a variety of archetypes, including individuals with abnormally enhanced strength, and it can be applied to individuals of extraterrestrial origin. Afraid that people who can do magic are only a small portion of that pie.” “Costumed villains and vigilantes,” Justin offered. “Here in England among the heroes we have the Black Knight, Union Jack, Captain Britten, Britannia, Spitfire…” “Spitfire?” Louise asked. “Ya, a woman who dresses in red and gold, and uses super speed.” “Likely just using the name,” Aurora whispered to Louise. “There are rumors that Merlin is back as well,” Justin added. “Merlin?” McGonagall asked. “The Wizard of legend himself. No idea if he’s the real deal or if he’s even a real wizard.” “If he’s a wizard he’s likely violated the secrecy accords,” McGonagall quipped. “Not necessarily,” Aerie offered. “One unconfirmed legend from the ancient past doesn’t reveal the Wizarding community. The thing is, the non-magical community knows about magic and a fair amount of notable historical individuals in the wizarding community. Such as Nicholas Flamel and the Sorcerer's stone.” McGonagall cringed. “What they don’t know is whether or not any of it is real. And of course, the Wizarding community has turned a blind eye to the ‘non-magical’ world, haven't a clue about everything that goes on around them.” “I see.” McGonagall was shocked. After all, the philosopher’s stone was presently at Hogwarts. “Now, about the Floo?” Aerie prompted. “You’ll need to go into the ministry and request it be either reconnected or repaired.” “And the old Floo Powder?” Flora asked. “There’s a pot about halfway full.” “It’s still got some spark, but it’s kind of gone off,” Aurora offered. “Not sure if it’s safe for just anyone to use,” Aerie added. “Floo powder?” Celeste asked. “Think transport tube,” Aurora offered. “The powder is what activates it. Step into the fireplace, cast the powder, and say the place you want to go, and Bob’s your Uncle.” “Seriously? But there’s nothing at the train station?” “It would make things a lot easier if there was a Floo at Platform nine and three quarters,” Aerie admitted. “Wonder why?” McGonagall asked. “It would make sense to connect the floo network to the platforms. There would certainly be far fewer people needing to traverse through the station.” “All have to ask Nova Silverwood if she knows why?” “Well, I for one would love to hear about how the girls are doing in school?” Celeste asked. “Any chance I can get a demonstration?” “Unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to do any magic outside of school,” Aurora informed her. “But I suppose we can tell you a little about what we do at school.” “No one’s interested in what I’ve been doing?” Justin asked. “Yes, you too,” Flora offered lovingly. From then on the remainder of the evening was filled with Aerie, Aurora, and Justin telling their parents about school. > Chapter 38: A Canterlot View > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I can’t remember when I’ve had such a lovely time,” McGonagall offered as she went out the door. “Would you like to see the vault?” Aerie asked. “It’s right down there.” “As a matter of fact, I’d love to see this floo hearth you’ve got,” She replied. The key was fetched followed by Professor McGonagall, Aerie, and Basil going down into the trench in front of the building. They’d only just entered the room when a greasy little bald-headed man who looked like he hadn't bought any new clothing since the seventies popped out of the fireplace. “See here, old man, what are you doing in my floo?” Basil asked. The little man looked at the trio with much the same look a child might have after having been caught getting into the cookies. “Mundungus?” McGonagall asked. “Ah, Minerva. What an unexpected, and I must say, pleasant, surprise.” “Mundungus Fletcher?” Aerie asked. “Who’re you?” “This is Miss Aerie Potter,” McGonagall informed him. “Ah, I see. Well, if Dumbledore was going to have you fetch her why’d he ask me to arrange her removal?” “So, that’s the way of it, is it?” McGonagall asked. “Ya, only the guys who volunteered to help seem to have mucked things up, and I was just about to, to, um…” “You were using this floo because no one uses it anymore, and there’s access to the underground, is that it?” Aerie asked. “Or were you going to attempt to snatch me having learned of our floo and how to access it?” “Well, um, actually, that is… I honestly thought no one ever used this, It’s abandoned, isn’t it? After the guys mucked up so badly I thought it’d be a good idea to make myself scarce for a while.” “It’s my vault, my street vault. It doubled as a shelter during the blitz,” Basil offered. “To be honest, my son is the first in several generations who wasn’t an outright, squib.” “Your wife seems to have managed to rekindle her magic,” McGonagall offered. “But never mind that. “Mundungus, whatever machinations Professor Dumbledore had in mind, last night’s kerfuffle had put an end to it. I don’t know why he’s so set to micromanage every aspect of Aerie Potter’s life, but if you know what’s good for you, you’ll have nothing more to do with Aerie. Furthermore, no one is to attempt to move her or do anything of the sort.” “A confession to the right people concerning certain activities might make your life a little easier in the future,” Aerie offered coldly as she brought up her right hand and flexed her fingers. As she did so, little sparks of electricity danced about in her hand. “Aerie? Now Aerie, none of that,” Aurora scolded softly from the doorway followed by entering the room. Aurora came up behind Aerie and put a comforting hug around her. “If, if I go against Dumbledore…” “Dumbledore made me famous to use me as a patsy. No point in denying it. And now he’s got it in his head to try to gaslight me no doubt. Convince me I have to go somewhere else of his choosing, no doubt.” “Actually, that was Hagrid who made ya famous.” Mundungus let out a laugh. “Funny how he always had the name right but everyone heard Harry.” “I’m to understand that Hagrid arrived at the house to collect me shortly after the attack. To collect me. He certainly wasn’t there to fight off Death Eaters, and if he was… By himself? Well, either way, how’d he know to be there at all? That little tidbit has given me quite a bit to think on.” “Minerva?” Mundungus prompted. She had chosen to be quiet concerning Aerie’s accusation. “Maybe, just maybe, Hagrid showing up with Aerie as a babe at the Leaky Cauldron, a babe who somehow survived the killing curse, was all some kind of game, but when people heard that You Know Who had failed, it gave us hope.” “It could have been false hope,” Aerie offered. “Everyone took Hagrid’s word like he’d been there when it happened and Neville Longbottom’s parents were attacked several days later. It wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.” “That night did embolden the Ministry into action,” Professor McGonagall offered. “And people who’d been under his sway started coming forward to renounce him.” “True enough, I suppose, but you can’t deny the possibility that the family of Harry Potter had been used like a game piece. We were expendable.” Aerie took a breath. “He’s still out there biding his time. Without his followers he’s nothing and he knows it. But that doesn’t really matter. Professor Dumbledore was bound and determined to flush him out at any cost.” Aerie gave Professor McGonagall a look. “That’s why I had to endure all those years of abuse at the hands of the Dursley family. The boy who lived could have just quietly vanished far from England, but that’s not what Professor Dumbledore wanted. And for that matter, I can see no reason, no logical valid reason to leave me with the Dursley family. I’m lucky I survived.” Aerie refocused on Mundungus. Never mind that it hadn’t actually been her. But that’s beside the point. “Mr Mundungus Fletcher, if you are not willing to do whatever you can to end the cycle of violence, then I’d suggest you get out of England.” “Miss Potter, aren’t you kind of pushing it,” McGonagall cautioned. “If things blow up again, he’s likely to find himself right in the middle of all the trouble. Even now Nova Silverwood wants to have words with him.” “Which is exactly why I thought it a good idea to lay low. Then again, I doubt any place is beyond her reach.” “Just out of curiosity, how do you access this specific floo?” Basil asked. “House of the Fletcher. Found me here by pure chance one night. I admit I may have had one too many drinks that night. I’d thrown down my floo powder and instead of saying my destination properly, I announced that I was off to the house of the Fletcher. And to my surprise, away I went.” “And you escaped out the back door no doubt?” Minerva McGonagall asked. “Actually I tried using the floo powder in the pot on the mantle there.” “Isn’t it too old?” Aerie asked. “Aye, that it is. That’s when I discovered that if the floo powder has gone off it’ll just take a person as far as there is magic for it, and dump them in the first available hearth. I tried experimenting. The hearth doesn’t even have to be connected, any old hearth will do, and if there isn’t enough a body just won’t go anywhere.” “I’d imagine that’s quite useful in evading people you don’t wish to talk to,” Minerva McGonagall observed. “Listen, being that you were just a go-between,” Aerie offered as she slowly let the energy in her hand dissipate. “We might just let you go.” “And the catch?” Mundungus asked. “If Dumbledore asks for any more favors we’d like to know,” Aerie offered. “That and you might pass the word that doing favors for Professor Dumbledore may well be fraught with hazards.” “I too would appreciate it if you could let me know what he’s up to,” Minerva offered. “I fear his judgment may be far more questionable than I had ever realized.” “Aye, I can do that.” "One more thing," Aerie prompted. "Where exactly was I to go? The Dursleys are still at Her Majesty's pleasure, and the house on Privet Drive is nowhere near being rebuilt." "Back to Hogwarts. Dumbledore said you'd be safer there." "Back to Hogwarts?" McGonagall asked sounding as though she was astounded. "Do you mean to say that Profesor Dumbledore manufactured a crisis just to drag Aerie back to school? That is outrageous! I'll be having words with him. That I will." Minerva McGonagall made some rather interesting mutterings, and saw Mundungus off, followed by using the floo herself with the aid of a bit of floo powder she had in a pouch she carried. if Aerie thought the night was ready to wind down, Kreacher was good enough to let her know that there was someone at the back door. Which meant a pony. Scootaloo and Aurora quickly set to making it look like they’d been in the front room the whole time while Aerie went to the back door. All three had transformed back into pony form the moment they hit the landing at the top of the stairs. “Mrs Heardital? What brings you here so late?” Aerie asked moments after opening the door. “Come in, come in out of the cold.” “Oh, I won’t be but a moment,” Mrs Heardital offered and then walked in anyway. She looked about the kitchen. Nothing had changed position from her previous inspection. “Already cleaned up,” Aerie offered as Mrs Heardital entered the hallway. She poked her head into Scootaloo’s room, and then went forward to find Aurora and Scootaloo going over Scootaloo’s homework. To Mrs Heardital’s keen eyes it really looked like no one had been in the house save for the fact the fire showed signs of having burned for a fair amount of time. “Oh, hi Mrs Heardital,” Aurora offered. “Mighty clean house you keep.” “You’ll have to give us a bit more time to mess the place up,” Aerie offered. “We’ve been away at school.” “And will you be going back?” “We’ll be commuting in the future.” “I see…” “We will be sure to make arrangements so that there will always be some pony who can lend a hoof,” Aurora offered. “Scootaloo has at least proven that she is both resourceful and mature enough to keep up on her school work on her own.” “Very well then,” Mrs Heardital replied, and showed herself out the front door. A moment later she’d returned and went back to the back door muttering something about the front being way too high. “Way too high?” Aerie asked and then looked out the front to find she’d a balcony that overlooked Canterlot. A quick glance at the dial showed her that a new dial setting had been added. “What’d she mean by too high?” Scootaloo asked. “The front is a balcony overlooking Canterlot,” Aerie offered as she opened the door and poked her head out. “But Canterlot is in the other direction?” Scootaloo pointed out. “Ha, I can see Ponyville from here!” Aerie announced and then started laughing. No sooner had she stepped out the door did she turn into a filly maybe a few years older than Scootaloo’s age. “Wait, what?” Aurora asked, got up, and rushed to the front door. Scootaloo was quick to follow. Both were out on the balcony a moment later. A quick look around located Canterlot castle directly below and to the right. A staircase dropped down to a garden that was behind the main Keep where Princess Celestia lived. “Moonie, which Equestria is this?” Aerie asked excitedly. The white-haired Selena in pony form appeared in the doorway a moment later. “Selena?” “I think… I think it’s home.” “Our home? Can it be that easy?” “One more test by Discord I think?” Aurora offered. “Sorry, it’s not your Equestria.” “So, this is a completely different Equestria?” Scootaloo asked as Aerie ran back in and upstairs. “Aerie?” Aurora called. “Do we dare have a look?” Scootaloo asked. “I think we better go see why Aerie ran off.” “Ya, alright. Really cold out here too,” Scootaloo offered and a moment later the two followed Aerie upstairs. Through the door and once more human they found Aerie up on the third floor talking to Mrs Silverwood on her phone. “Aerie?” Aurora asked. “She’s going to come over and give me a second opinion.” “You think Moonie might be wrong?” “Identifying the subtle difference between dimensions isn’t exactly one of her primary functions.” They met Mrs Silverwood at the front door a short time later. The Sussex street door, that is. “Well, let’s have a look,” Nova Silverwood offered as she entered. “Make sure to pause a moment on the landing,” Aerie cautioned. “Why’s that?” “With both lower doors set to Equestria, it puts the portal on the upstairs door. You’ll transform.” “Actually, no, I won’t,” Nova offered as she stepped through, and sure enough she remained in human form.” “You didn’t transform?” Aurora asked confused and just a little concerned. She, Aerie, and Scootaloo all transformed, necessitating they back down the stairs like it was a ladder. “I don’t. I have to use a transformation spell. I’m surprised Aerie isn’t equally afflicted short of she’s just doing it subconsciously.” She cast a spell using her fox fire to get a look at the environs of the floor they were now on and then transformed to her pony form. Both Aurora and Scootaloo couldn't help but notice that pony Aerie and pony Nova Silvermane were nearly identical. Aerie was a little younger and had no scars to speak of. Unlike Nova Silvermane who’d more than her fair share. Mostly on her plot for some odd reason. (Always the plot armor.) “I recall you said I’d be stuck here for a while,” Aerie pointed out. “I did at that. But then that’s what the condition of the time streams was at the time. And this floor seems to be some kind of Wizard space that takes on the properties of the world it’s connected to. Two connections to Equestria, and it’s just like we are in Equestria. And it doesn't seem to matter if it's two different Equestrias.” She then went to the back door to verify her previous readings, followed by going to the front. “Well….” Aerie was anxious to get the verdict. “Looks like it’s your world, post-Grand Galloping Gala, the return of Discord, and Nightmare Night. About a week out from Hearth's Warming.” Meaning little Nova AKA Aerie Potter had been gone for no less than three to four months. Had Discord Lied? Perhaps. But that was the last thing on anyone’s mind at that moment. Nova raced past her, sprung from the balcony, spread her wings, and raced down to Canterlot castle. “Is this portal stable?” Aurora asked. “Yes, it is. This shouldn't even be here, but it is and it’s stable. The time streams must have shifted. Might also explain why Discord was so concerned with putting an end to Riddle.” “Listen, I’m going to go after her and make sure she’s going to be alright,” Aurora announced. “Scootaloo, you should probably stay here. Just in case.” And with that Aurora took off after Aerie. Nova Silverwood followed a short time later after admonishing Scootaloo to stay put. Sure it was Aerie's home world, but Nova Silverwood's experiences in dimension hopping gave her plenty of reason to be concerned. > Chapter 39: Nova look alike contest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hold up there, this is restricted airspace!” called a pegasus guard to Aerie moments after taking off from the cabin up on the mountain. “I’m going to need you to land.” “It’s me, Nova!” Aerie called back. “Where’s your horn!” “N-sid ring on my horn! I don’t have a radio.” “I’ll need you to land anyway!” “Fine!” Aerie thought about dropping to the courtyard but then decided to just generate some fox fire mist, spun to create her own cloud, and stopped right where she was. She then touched wing to ring to shut off the enchantment. “Hey!?” the guard bellowed as he flew right past. Aerie had shut off the horn ring by the time he’d turned around. Aerie found herself being hug tackled a moment later. It wasn’t an attack, it was an embrace. “Um, hello… Princess Luna?” Aurora called as everyone landed softly in the grass of a path in the garden down below where the cloud was. This Princess Luna looked a good deal like the Luna from when Nightmare Moon had been defeated, and less like the Luna who would show up during the Nightmare Night episode even though Nightmare Night had come and passed. Just a bit more grown up from the defeat of Nightmare Moon. In short, she was aging at a fairly normal pace. A couple of moments later they were surrounded by guards who were not quite sure what to do about a crying Luna. Or a Crying Princess Nova, as that’s who she seemed to be. “Best Hearths Warming present ever,” Aerie said softly. “Mom…” Princess Luna loosened her hug at the sound of Nova’s tone. “I’m going to have to go back.” “What? No. Why?” She looked around and spotted Mrs Silverwood who’d followed them. “Are you the reason she’s been gone so long? Are you the reason she wants to go back?!” “I don’t want to go back, and it has very little to do with her.” “Then why?” Luna asked in an anguished plea. She’d not missed the hurt expression on Aurora’s face. “Perhaps we could go inside and try to explain the whole mess?” Aurora offered. “Grandmother? No, sorry. There’s no way you could be my grandmother.” Luna replied. “Yes, let’s go inside, and then you can explain why my Nova, after finally getting back, must turn around and leave?” “I’m not Sunset!” Aurora protested a few minutes later. A moment earlier Princess Celestia had wanted to know what she’d done to herself while assuming she was looking at Sunset. “Nova’s back!” Exclaimed a delighted Diamond Tiara as she rushed in and tackled Nova in a hug. Diamond had been taken in by Princess Luna after a series of unfortunate incidents that resulted in a serious attitude adjustment to her and her parents ending up at Her Majesty's pleasure. Nova had no trouble with returning the hug to this Diamond who was still estranged from her parents. “Oh, hey, it’s Princess Tsuki. Did you bring her back?” “Diamond, different pony,” Nova offered. “This is Nova Silverwood. And the golden pegasus is Summer Sunshine. “Is it true? Is Nova back?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she entered the room where every pony was gathering. “Um… who?” She’d locked eyes with Aurora. “This is going to take a bit of explaining to do…” Nova began, and a short time later the whole group was up at the cabin overlooking the castle gardens. “How long has this cabin been here,” Princess Celestia asked of Captain Shining Armor. He’d been drug along with the group as he was now the Captain of the Palace Guard. “It showed up during Discord’s rampage. I did send you a memo. There wasn’t anything in it at the time, and there was no apparent threat so we kind of just ignored it.” “I will admit that there were other more pressing matters,” Princess Celestia admitted. “Now, Nova, why are you a teen on this side of the front door, and why is Scootaloo here?” “She’s our ward,” Aurora offered. “From another Equestria.” “Ward?” Luna asked. “We kind of signed a herding agreement so that we could take temporary custody,” Nova offered. “Oh, and here, I’m Aerie Potter.” “Yes, you did mention that,” Celestia quipped. "Along with something about a herding agreement." "And I still want an explanation," Luna protested. Her ears had gone back in distress at the name Aerie Potter but Aerie chose to dismiss it. “Oh, hi, your back,” Flora called from the stairs. “You’ve guests I see.” “Hi mom, I want you to meet my mom!” Aerie called. “Mom? I thought she died?” “Different mom. It’s complicated.” “So, if I were to step through the door at the top of the stairs would I become Selena or Lily Potter?” Luna asked a short time later following even more explanations. Aerie had to think about it for a bit. “You know… given that I’ve no doubt that we are dealing with Discordant magic I’d imagine anything is possible, but it’s more likely you’d end up looking like Selena Tsuki. Sunshine’s Aunt.” “Sunshine’s Aunt?” Princess Celestia asked. “Do you ever disguise yourself as someone known as Mystique, or Celeste Summers?” Aurora asked. Celestia nodded her head. “Well, in my world, Celestia and Celeste Summers are two unique individuals, and Celeste Summers is my mom. And yes, I am, in an odd sort of way, Sunset’s counterpart. Can’t say if I’m related to the Shimmer family or not though. My dad, father, is James Cutter. Can’t say he was ever much of a dad.” She took a big breath, and let it out slowly to calm herself. And my human world name, the name I was born with, is Aurora.” “Family name?” Luna asked. “It is.” “Explains why you look like Grandmother. More so than Sunset. It’s the wings. Now if you had a horn?” Aurora reached up and shut off the ring that hid her horn to the sound of shocked silence. “It’d have to be one convoluted timeline for me to end up as your grandmother.” “Well, I’d say the clear familial resemblance comes from being your world’s version of myself. Even down to the same father. Sort of. My father is Jem Cutter. Not James. No idea why I got named Shimmer, or Sunset for that matter,” Sunset offered. “So how’d you get the wings?” “Started out with wings.” “Surely you didn’t become an alicorn on coming through the portal?” Celestia asked. “Oh, no, I found myself abandoned and alone in Cloudsdale in another timeline. Marooned actually. Another dimension. No idea how I got there or how I got back. I’d become a pegasus in that world. My foster sister and I did something that protected Equestria’s timeline from a mare by name of Starlight Glimmer who was bent on undoing the Elements of Harmony. And that’s how I got the horn.” “And your foster sister?” Celestia asked. “Another version of Nova. She already had both wings and a horn, and as a fox pony, the rules of ascension are different for her.” “There are different rules?” Sunset asked. “Those of us with Kitsune ancestry have but to live long enough. It’s kind of an automatic process,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “We level up every hundred years or so,” Aerie offered. “Tho in my case, it seems to be conditional.” “I see…” sunset replied. “I am technically over a thousand years old after all.” “Subjective time versus objective,” Sunset mused. “After all, by rights, you should be due your second tail. If I recall correctly.” “I’ve got the body of a filly when in my home world. I’m a little girl in the human, and oddly enough old enough to qualify as an adult in Scootaloo’s world. She’d gained access to this cottage, which is in fact the basement of the house I now live in.” “And I think we are going to need to take up residence down here,” Aurora offered. “You’re going to move down here?” Flora asked. “We have a nosy Mrs Heardital to worry about. Showed up unannounced and invited herself in.” “What happens if she decides to go out the front door?” Flora asked. “She already tried,” Aerie offered with a grin. “I think she’s afraid of heights.” “Heights?” Flora asked, and went to the front door. “Oh my. I must say that that is quite the view.” She turned around and headed back. “Can’t be helped then. Let’s get the two of you moved.” “I’m helping,” Luna announced and dashed upstairs before any pony could abject. Aerie found her on her hands and knees upstairs. “Mom, it’s late.” “Late?” Luna asked as she looked herself over. And no, she did not look like Aerie's Moonie when in human form. After all, Moonie was modeled on Nightmare Moon. Sure, there was a resemblance, but Luna's human form had a younger, softer look to her. “I’m on a diurnal schedule. It comes with having to deal with the species. You know, how I had to attend classes in the daytime? Same thing here. Now, if I’m going to get moved downstairs, I really don’t have time… Aunt Tia? Not you too?” If Aerie had noticed how much her Luna looked like the picture of Lily Potter Princess Celestia had distracted her from any thought on the subject. “I wanted to see it too.” “Princess Celestia, I can’t help but feel this is a bad idea,” Shining Armor protested as Sunset walked past. He too was on his hands and knees. “What’s happened to my hooves!?” “And the portal set my age back to that of a little kid,” Sunset muttered as she headed for the front door. "It set you to match my age on this side of the portal," Aurora informed her as if she really understood how the portal worked. “This isn’t the same world we rescued you from Aerie offered.” “Say, why don’t you come down for tomorrow's Princess Nova look-alike contest?” Celestia asked. “Wait, what?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Ya, what?” Aerie echoed. “Opportunistic ponies keep trying to pass off various ponies as yourself,” Luna informed Aerie. “So how’d you know I was the real deal?” “So far as I know, you are the only pony capable of creating your very own cloud in an instant, and do it just to commit a little malicious compliance. That and no one else was brazen enough to just fly into a restricted area.” “You were watching I gather.” “I was at that.” “I want to but we need to go into the Ministry of Magic to see about our Floo connection.” “Oh, you can just let me deal with that little issue,” Mrs Silverwood offered with a devilish smile. Aerie smiled back wondering just what exactly she had in mind. She and Aurora moved down into the basement, and the next morning saw Mrs Heardital at their back door. “Good morning… Scootaloo doesn’t have school today does she?” Aurora asked. “Oh, no, it’s winter break.” “Oh, that’s good.” “What’s good?” a ratty-haired Aerie asked as she made her way into the kitchen. Bedhead to be exact. Bedhead, bed-tail, and, OK, she needed some intensive brushing. “Rough night?” Mrs Heardital asked. “Oh, she always looks like that first thing in the morning. She is technically a night pony after all.” “Are you cooking breakfast?” Scootaloo asked as she poked her head in. “I am at that. Dandelion tuber hash-browns and veggie scramble.” “Any chance you made coffee?” Aerie asked. “Here,” Aurora offered, picked up a pot of coffee from the stove, and poured a cup full. Aerie took hold of the cup and took a grateful sip. “Um, hi?” Aerie said to Mrs Heardital a moment later. “Kind of early in the morning, ain’t it?” “Be nice,” Aurora cautioned as Scootaloo climbed into a chair at the kitchen table. “It’s still mighty early to be calling.” “I’m sorry about the early hour, but it is my duty to check in on Scootaloo.” “She broke into my house and I didn’t immediately call the guard on discovering she’d squatted here. That’s got to count for something?” “It just proves you know the law. After all, she had established herself in this residence.” “Squatter’s rights,” Aurora offered as she served Scootaloo breakfast. And then without thinking she used her telekinesis to pour a glass of milk for Scootaloo.” “Milk?” Scootaloo protested. “If you want to be a strong flier you need to drink milk. You need the calcium.” Mrs Heardital was just standing there looking at the milk jug with a confused expression on her face. “So, will you be joining us for breakfast?” Aerie asked of Mrs Heardital. “What? Oh, no, I was just checking to see if you were going to feed her.” “She’s capable of feeding herself.” “Aerie?” Aurora scolded. “She’s not wrong,” Scootaloo defended. “And thank you for the food. Feels kind of nice to have someone to cook for me.” “You’re welcome, and thank you.” “Oh, hey, you’re eating down here?” Justin asked as he entered the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Mrs Heardital. “Mmm, hi?” “Down?” Mrs Heardital asked. “As opposed to the front which overlooks a grand view,” Aurora offered. “Which reminds me. I’ve been meaning to ask you about that drop-off… that oddly enough it isn’t there when one walks around the house.” “Ask Pinkie. I’m sure she can explain it for you,” Aerie offered. “It’s leftover Discordant magic,” Aurora explained. “Might be best to leave it alone, and yes, Princess Celestia knows about it.” “I don’t doubt it,” Mrs Heardital replied in that tone that suggests she knows more than she’s letting on. “So, does your little brother live here too?” “Oh, no, I live up… in Canterlot,” Justin offered. “I’m just visiting for the Hols.” “I see. Well, I think I best get out to check on my other charges.” Aerie was glad to see her go as now she felt like she could relax. “Any chance you roasted some fish?” Aerie asked. “In the oven. Didn’t want to get it out with her here.” “Why?” Justin asked as Aurora retrieved a casserole pan with a lid on it from the oven. “Earth pony,” Scootaloo offered. “Earth ponies tend to be strict vegetarians. Say, how bout I show you around Ponyville while Aerie does her thing in her Canterlot?” “You don’t want to come to see all the look-a-likes?” Aerie offered as Aurora removed the lid revealing a large Brook Trout festooned with carrot slices and a sprinkling of herbs. “Is that even a good idea?” Scootaloo asked. “Should be fine.” “What if we run into her counterpart?” Aurora asked. “Knows about alternate worlds, and we’ve Changelings on the payroll.” “Seriously?” “Changelings?” Scootaloo asked. “Pony-like creatures that are perhaps more bug than a pony. They can make themselves look like anyone. Typically they just blend in with pony society.” “So they don’t carry off ponies in the night then?” Scootaloo sounded almost disappointed. “Only when their Queen goes nuts. Just don’t say anything about them. They are very secretive, and tend to panic if found out,” Aurora warned. “I can’t think of any reason why you can’t come,” Aerie offered. “Just one thing I should mention, Scootaloo, in my world you are Spitfire’s daughter.” “Seriously? How cool is that?” Scootaloo asked sounding excited. “Will I get to meet her?” “And you are my cousin. Not sure if Spitfire will be available though.” “OK, just eat your breakfast,” Aurora pressed. It was all Scootaloo could do to contain her excitement about visiting another world where her mother was Spitfire. A short time later they’d bundled up and were out the door to find a couple of guards in a tent outside on the front landing which overlooked Canterlot. Both Nova and Aurora had their rings on that kept their horns hidden. “They aren’t seriously making you stand out here in the cold are they?” Nova asked. “We are halfway up the mountain.” “Yup. Someone had the bright idea to keep an eye on the entrance and they want us to log everyone who comes and goes. It’s not too bad, we’ve got a force-field bubble that keeps the wind out and a fair amount of the heat in. Plus we’ve badges for you.” “Badges might be useful,” Aerie admitted. “I see Scootaloo managed to sneak up here already.” “No, sorry, she’s visiting, that is to say, she’s sort of my Scootaloo,” Aurora explained. “In that case, she will definitely need a pass, and we need a way to distinguish her from ours.” “My family name is Shutter,” Scootaloo offered hopefully. “Might cause confusion.” “Just go with Louise. Think I’ll go with Aerie when I’m in public so as not to give myself away. Otherwise, my name is on my moon pendant.” “Scootaloo Louise it is then, and we’ll be sure to pass on the word you are using Aerie while out and about in public.” A moment later the guards had presented the three with their official passes. The trio took off with their passes and circled around to glide in at the front gates. “Wow, it’s cold!” Scootaloo protested as they approached a line of ponies cued up to get in. Each group has its very own Princess Nova of various shapes, sizes, and tribes. “Let’s get in line,” Aerie offered as she fluffed up her fur. “Wish I had your fur,” Scootaloo protested. “Just stand next to Aurora, she’s always nice and toasty.” “I am not,” Aurora protested. “Actually, you kind of are,” Scootaloo offered as she pressed up against her. “Fine, use me like a hot water bottle.” “Hardly anyway to talk to your own filly,” scolded a gray unicorn mare with a platinum mane. OK, two-tone gray with a little salt and pepper about her muzzle as well. She had the look of an elderly pony, and her heavy layer of winter clothing suggested she didn’t like being out in the early morning winter weather. At her side was a black and white filly that certainly looked the part. The filly had on a jacket and scarf that looked to have been picked up second hoof, no make that third hoof. They had the look of a waif who was in desperate need of rescuing. Nor did she look happy. Her wings and horn looked real enough, and her ears even matched Aerie’s. “I’d say she knows I’m just teasing,” Aurora offered. She wasn’t about to correct the mare regarding who’s daughter Scootaloo was. “Hi, I’m Summer Sunshine.” “Don’t tell me you think that thing will pass as Princess Nova, do you?” “Princess Nova, oh no, I’m Aerie, Aerie Potter,” Nova replied. “We are visiting. Taking advantage of the winter break. That and we heard there was this look-alike thing going on.” “Oh… And here I thought you were going to try to pass off that little filly as a princess. Imagine, her, a princess. Look-alike thing? Then again I’d imagine she could be a close twin to the filly I’ve found.” “Could you see me as a princess?” Aurora asked as more ponies lined up. “Well, no, Then again, I suppose I can see you as a princess. If only you were a unicorn.” “Oh, if only,” Aurora lamented melodramatically causing an unbidden snort out of Scootaloo. “Ah, I see what your little fluff-ball means by a look-alike thing going on. Honestly, the nerve of some ponies.” “Short of Discord has pulled in Nova’s from multiple dimensions, it’s a fair possibility that they are all fakes,” Aerie offered. “You don’t think he’d do that would you?” Scootaloo asked. “Put all the Nova’s in one place? Na, doubt it. Be too easy to sort out,” Aerie offered. “Still though… Tell me, Kitzu-chan…” Aerie’s train of thought derailed as the filly looked up hopefully. “Quick question, before you found yourself in Equestria, where were you living?” “Oh, don’t be pestering her with silly questions,” chastised the matronly mare. “They will ask her questions inside,” Aurora offered as Aerie lifted up her right hoof and produced a small blue flame with which to look through. “Ah, Kitsune-bi,” whispered the ragged little filly. “You know about Kitsune?” Aerie asked to get a nod in return. “My father was kitsune.” “Sasuga,” Kisu-chan offered in a tone of awe. “You ever go to Fushimi Inari Taisha?” “I was living in Fukakusa ward before coming here. I was going to be a Miko there, got lost last summer their time, out all night, and the next morning I’d discovered that I’d become a little horse.” “Pony dear,” Offered the matron. “Pay her no mind. She’s got it in her head she used to be something called a human.” “Not out of the realm of possibilities. … Tsuki Hoshiko Kitsumi, born in England, emigrated to Japan,” Aerie announced as she dropped her flame. “Aurora, she’s your cousin.” “She’s Princess Nova,” protested the mare. “Hoshiko?” Aurora asked. “It’s me Aurora. I just use Summer Sunshine while in Equestria.” “Aurora, but you are so much older than me?” “It’s complicated. Has something to do with the portals.” “Sure is a good thing we decided to stand in line,” Aerie remarked sounding pleased with herself. “But, you said you were Summer Sunshine?” Asked the matron. “What say we bypass all these ponies, and maybe I can introduce you to the princesses?” Aurora offered. “We’ve inner palace passes,” Aerie explained. “Maybe we should wait?” Scootaloo suggested even as a fight broke out ahead of them in the line. “I was sure she was Princess Nova. Name’s Penny Loafer. I run a group home.” “Oh, she’s definitely a Princess Nova, just the wrong one,” Aerie offered. “We’ll still need to bring her to Princess Celestia’s attention,” Aurora reassured. “And you mentioned Discord?” “Since we don’t know how she got here… we blame Discord. The scary part is there may be others.” “So even after he’s been defeated he still creates chaos,” Penny Loafer grumbled out. “Ladies…” prompted a guard as he approached. Over where the fight had been a number of guards were escorting ponies away. “Are we going in now?” Scootaloo asked. “I was told to retrieve the three of you.” “Miss Tsuki and her benefactor Penny Loafer will be accompanying us,” Aerie directed the guard. “Now, miss, I was told just the three of you.” “Miss Tsuki is my cousin,” Aurora offered. “She seems to have been separated from her parents, and somehow ended up in Canterlot when she belongs in Neighpon. I’d rather not lose sight of her.” “Moonie?” Aerie called to be pounced on by a small black cat. “You are still a cat?” “While you are Aerie I will be a cat.” “Fine. Any chance you can screen the other Novas? I’m a little concerned. I’d hate to think another version of myself who may be in need got turned away just because I’m here now.” “Can do,” Moonie offered, jumped down, and began making her way through the line of ponies. “Silly question, did you know we’d find Hoshiko here?” Aurora asked. “Not really. I just had it in my head that coming here would be a good thing. Or at the very least a fun diversion.” “Let me get back to you,” Offered the guard. They stepped away from the line and called on their helmet intercom. “She’s my counterpart from the portal,” Aerie whispered to the guard who then relayed that they had an honored guest with them. “They want us to stand by,” Offered their guard a moment later. “Kalavan wasn’t it?” Aerie asked. “Yes, Miss.” If he had any doubts, Princess Nova’s ability to tell who was who did mark her as someone special as there were few who could so easily distinguish who the different guards were while in uniform. Even Princess Celestia had difficulty. And she’d gone and latched onto a ragamuffin who if she was cleaned up might be a dead ringer for Nova. Adding to his consternation was a cat that answered to Moonie, behaved much like the Moonie he knew, and had just been given the task to locate… doppelgangers? “Change of plans,” Offered another guard as they approached. “Hi Sure Shot,” Aerie offered. “Miss. They want to start bringing everyone in. We’ll separate you out… Who?” “Miss Tsuki. Apparently, she’s Miss Sunshine’s cousin.” “So she’s basically a Kitsumi Nova from where Miss Sunshine is from. Bucking Discord.” He activates his radio. “Any chance we can separate out all the Princess Nova’s just in case? No, don’t worry about them, they’ve already outed each other. Look, we’ve two legitimate Kitsumi Nova’s here. Well, only two that I’m aware of. We wouldn't want to turn away a pony in distress just because we’ve already found ours. “Should you be swearing in front of a filly?” Penny Loafer objected. “Swearing?” Hoshiko asked. “Buck. It’s a rough equivalent of the English word meaning to fornicate,” Aerie explained. “Ah. Can’t say as I haven't heard it more times than I care. Didn’t know it was considered a bad word.” “Look lively, the line is moving,” Aurora cautioned. Sure enough, every pony and creature was soon on their way into the castle commons. That is to say an outer walled-in area where most of the government operations took place. Getting inside a large auditorium and out of the weather proved a blessing. “Moonie found another Moonie,” announced an excited little black cat as she scampered over to rejoin the group. “What?” Sure Shot asked, to find he was now having to chase after the very party he was supposed to cut out of the group. Among the group was another Nova, this one, a teen filly in a rather tattered Shadowbolt uniform. On her back was a little black plush-sized Woona, and hanging from her neck a medallion identical to Aerie’s. “Miss Nightfoal, I presume?” Aerie offered cheerfully enough. Miss Nightfoal hung her head down. “Hey, it’s alright.” “I just wanted to ask if it was alright for me to stay?” “Why don’t you come with us and we’ll see if we can’t sort things out for you,” Aerie offered just as someone at the front of the room called for everyone’s attention. “Mares and gentle colts, as you can see we’ve far too many Princess Novas,” Offered Mrs Inkwell from up in front. “And surprising as this sounds it seems that several of them are legitimate. No doubt due to Discord’s machinations.” She waited a moment for that to sink in. “As such, we will be screening every creature. However, opportunists who hoped to pass off a fake princess… well, two groups have already been placed under arrest.” Mrs Inkwell smiled a very alarming smile liken to a predator deciding which little morsel of goodness to eat first. “We will learn the truth so it’s best you tell only the truth. If you aren’t too sure about the individual you wish to put forward, be sure to say so. Never hurts to give yourself an out. And if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt the individual you are presenting is not the pony we are looking for, you can quietly slip out and go home. No pony will fault you in that.” “I’d say that’s our queue to quietly slip away,” Kalavan whispered. He and Sure Shot somehow managed to escort the small group out of the building where they proceeded up to the main castle not realizing that they’d gained an extra guard along the way. > Chapter 40: How? I’m blaming Discord. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poor old Mrs Penny Loafer was quite beside herself when both Aerie and Sunshine reached up with a wing and suddenly produced unicorn horns on their heads. “I’m Princess Aurora, and yes, Miss Tsuki is indeed my cousin. And yes, the little floof ball is indeed Princess Nova. It's a fox pony thing. After all, her sire was a fox pony.” “Tsuki-chan, any idea how you went from Inariyama to Equestria?” Aerie asked as they trotted along. The fact that Aurora's cousin Tsuki was in Aerie's native world kind of suggested that Discord, or perhaps each world's Discord had been shuffling Novas about. Nova Nightfoal's presence was even more concerning given Aerie had no clue what her back story was like it hadn't even been written yet. “Not really, no. Found me in a place called Patchwork Hills which is west of the Lonely Mountain.” “Lonely Mountain?” Nightfoal asked. “She means Mount Canterhorn. The mountain Canterlot sits on. She likes to refer to it as the Lonely Mountain,” Penny Loafer offered having recovered herself. “She showed up during Discord’s rampage.” “Suggesting that Discord may well have had some part to play short of Hoshiko just happened to run across a portal at just the right moment.,” Aurora mused. "Same time I found myself displaced," Aerie commented dryly. "That's if I'm reckoning properly." “Wow…” Tsuki said as they approached the front gates of the Keep. “It gets better,” Aerie teased. “Not like I’ve ever actually been in a castle.” “I’ve never been inside Canterlot Castle, or any other castles,” Scootaloo offered. “Lieutenant Irongate, we’ve retrieved the Princess,” Sure Shot offered as they approached the gate. “Sent you two out to get three ponies, and you come back with seven ponies,” LT Irongate grumbled. “Names?” “Kitsumi Nova Moon AKA Aerie Potter,” Aerie offered. “Tsuki Hoshiko Kitzumi.” “I’m her guardian, Penny Loafer.” “Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal.” Her voice sounded like she feared being slapped in irons at any moment, and her demeanor was unsure. “Summer Sunshine, also known as Aurora Summers, and sometimes as Princess Aurora. Why the third degree at the gate?” “And that leaves us with an extra guard,” LT Irongate mused as he eyeballed the three guards. “They’re your guards,” Aurora said sounding just a little confused. “No, I’m your guard,” offered a voice that sounded very much like an adult Nova. “Brightstar Mustang. Surely you must have known that I’d come looking for you?” “Nova?” Aurora asked in shocked delight. Brightstar pulled off her helmet and a moment later the two had embraced. “So that’s four princess Novas,” Lt Irongate said in a deadpan tone. “What say we get in out of the cold? “Nova?! How are you even here? How’d you find me?” Aurora asked Princess Brightstar as she hugged her. “Tracking individuals who are outside of their appropriate dimension is surprisingly easy using the Great Tree of the Citadel of Arcadia. It can also be used as a portal to anywhere and time for those with the mark of a Priestess of Akkadia. As to how I got here, I figured out how to traverse a whole airship.” “What say we get inside and see if we can’t sort this out where it’s a bit warmer,” Lt Irongate offered followed by ushering everyone into the castle. “Nova!” Called the voice of Cozy Glow moments after the group entered the main entry hall of the Keep. “Nova?” Her head tilted at the sight in front of her. “Sam, it’s so good to see you. What are you doing here?” Aerie called and trotted to meet the pony who looked so much like Cozy Glow. Sans Shirley Temple curls. She still had curls, just not the super tight hairsprings. “I heard that you were going to be back. Diamond is in the small dining room stuffing her face.” “Of course, she would be. Probably figures she needs to eat as much as she can before I get in there. Jokes on her though, I’ve had breakfast.” “Don’t trust her, that’s Cozy Glow!” Miss Nightfoal charged. “It’s alright, this one hasn’t been tainted,” Aerie offered, and then Checked Sam’s cutie mark. “I’m so sorry,” Sam offered. “Yes, I know, I look like her, but… eyes up here.” “I was just checking to make sure your cutie mark hadn’t been tampered with.” “He tried. It didn’t take. Soon as he got put back in stone it went back to my proper rook. I imagine that’s because I’d been forewarned of the possibility. I rejected the tampering. I won’t be that pony.” “That’s good, I was worried about that.” “Tainted?” Nightfoal asked. “Discord,” Aurora offered. “Part of his basic mode of operation is to corrupt ponies and get them to do his dirty work. Just what exactly did your Cozy do to you?” “Tricked me into helping her build a machine in the basement of the School of Friendship, and when the thing tried to suck all the magic out of Equestria she framed me. I got sent to Tartarus for trying to help a pony.” Aerie couldn't help but go to her to give her a hug, and a moment later they were both being hugged by Princess Luna who’d been watching through a side door. Miss Nightfoal broke down crying, and a short time later they were off to the baths. Aerie didn’t need one, but Tsuki and Miss Nightfoal did. Nothing like a nice warm bath after a good cry. Not to mention getting warmed up again after having to stand out in the cold and Mrs Penny Loafer was treated to a spa day. They wouldn't see her again until much later that day. “OK, why are there four Novas,” Diamond asked as the group filed into a modest sitting room where Diamond had been working on an assignment that she had to do over the winter break. Scootaloo Louise was already there and had been tutoring Diamond. “It’s complicated,” Aerie offered. “I’m Nova Arthol, the Nova you know. Kitzumi Nova Moon. House of Athelas.” “Nova?” Diamond asked. “It’s good to see you again.” She got up from her studies, went over to Aerie, and gave her a hug. “So who are these look-a-likes?” “With me, I have Tsuki Hoshiko, she’s the one who’s the same relative age and she’s Sunshine’s cousin, our golden Alicorn, Summer Sunshine. Also known as Aurora Summers. Aurora and Tsuki are from the dimension I've been in. Then we have Miss Nightfoal, our teen version, and we have Brightstar Mustang. She's from the dimension where Aurora became an Alicorn, and used her expertise in teleportation to track down Aurora. She was disguised as a guard earlier.” “Diamond? Diamond Tiara?” Aurora asked. “Why is she hanging out in the palace anyway?” “Long story short, major attitude adjustment, parents in rehab, and mom, that is, Princess Luna took guardianship following a series of unfortunate events,” Aerie explained. Granted there was more than rehab for her parents for a number of shady deals they’d made. “They are practically sisters,” Sam offered. “Just out of curiosity, why are you here?” Miss Nightfoal asked. “Sam, was it?” “I’m not Cozy Glow. I just look like her. Listen, I’m from another dimension too. That machine hasn’t happened here, and so help me it won’t happen here if I have anything to say about it. Granted that the School of Friendship doesn’t exist yet, but we are forewarned. Hell, I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to magic-sucking devices.” “The school doesn’t exist yet, and you know about it?” Miss Nightfoal asked. “Knowledge from alternate timelines no doubt,” Brightstar offered. “Aurora brought over info from her dimension I’m betting.” “And that info is from yet another version of Equestria,” Aurora stated just to clarify things a bit. After all, her info about Equestria had been from the show and not actual world knowledge. “I will have to admit that finding Diamond Tiara living in Canterlot Castle as Princess Luna’s ward was a bit of a shock for me too,” Scootaloo offered. “So, is there any way for me to contact my parents from here?” Tsuki asked. “Afraid it’ll have to wait until we get up to the cabin,” Aurora informed her. “The part that’s in England that is.” “What about that fancy phone of yours?” Aurora asked. “I’m thinking it might be best to wait. The moment we place that call we are more than likely to get a visit from the London authorities.” “How exactly do I explain how I got to England? That is once I’m there?” “No idea,” Aerie admitted sheepishly as Princess Celestia entered the room. “Well now, it seems we are all together,” Princess Celestia announced. Sunset was right behind her. Miss Nightfoal dropped to the ground in what looked very much like a kowtow and while shaking began to beg Princess Celestia to let her stay. “Hey, it’s OK, everything is going to be alright,” Aerie offered while dropping down and placing a wing over Nova Nightfoal. “Oh my?” Cadance said from the doorway as she entered. “By all means, you can stay. Perhaps we could go over to the sofa, and we can talk?” Celestia offered, and after a bit of prompting they all found seats. “Something tells me it’s more than just getting framed,” Aerie offered. “I always seem to do the wrong thing, or be in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Nova Nightfoal offered. “When mom got overshadowed by the Night Mare, I didn’t understand what had happened. I did my duty by my mother and supported her. I got banished right along with her. I hampered the Element bearers when we were freed and made things worse when the Ursa came to town. I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to help. And although I made friends with Zecora long before anyone else did it just caused ponies to look on me with suspicion.” “Zecora is a good pony,” Scootaloo offered. “At least the one in my world is.” “And ours,” Princess Luna added. “I helped Fluttershy at the Grand Galloping Gala. When the animals stampeded I got the blame. When Discord got loose even though I was nowhere near the statue, I got the blame. Might be because when Pinkie kept calling mom Nightmare Moon I punched Pinkie just as hard as I could and called her a meanie pants. Because she was. Right across the muzzle. Ha, you should have seen the look on her face. I doubt any pony had ever once told her no. And I doubt it occurred to her that someone might take offense to her antics. I got in a lot of fights actually. When Cerberus got loose I rode him into town never realizing ponies would panic. He’s a good doggie. Ponies seem to panic over the littlest things too. Another thing I did was punch Chrysalis when she was pretending to be Cadance. Even after she was eventually outed ponies still saw me as an uncivilized pony.” “You have my permission to punch me if I’m not me,” Cadance offered cheerfully. “What about the Chrystal Empire?” Aerie asked. “I’m not allowed to go anywhere near the Empire.” “King Sombra your father?” Luna asked. “Luna?” Celestia sounded shocked. “What? Before he went all smoky he was rather hot.” “He’s my dad.” The admission was quiet. “Oh, my,” Celestia said softly. “Me and Babs Seeds hit it off… OK, we kept getting into trouble together. Did I mention that I got into a lot of fights? I was at a boarding school at the time. When I learned that Tirek was in Manehatten I hunted him down and we got into a big fight. I’d nearly won and then Discord showed up. All any pony remembered was all the damage I’d done. Me. Not Tirek, it was all on me. Never mind I’d had him on the ropes and that Discord betrayed Aunt Celestia.” “Discord?” Celestia asked. “Discord was set loose so that he could be reformed, and it sort of works,” Aerie offered. “At least that’s how it happened as reported from another version of Equestria. Aunt Tia, your counterpart sends discord as a favor to round up Tirek and Discord joins up with him instead of stopping him. Everything worked out in the end, but that’s just how he is.” “Tirek was weak, I had it handled. And then Discord shows up and helps him,” Nova Nightfoal said in her defense. “But how were you able to fight him without him taking your magic?” Princess Celestia asked. “It’d be the fox magic,” Aerie offered. “Let's keep in mind that it’s pony magic he wants.” “He tried. I’d suddenly found myself able to manipulate his movements. Like he was some kind of marionette. He had to regurgitate the magic to regain control of himself. After that, I managed to stay out of trouble and when Twilight set up her school I was sent to the school. I was tricked into helping to create a machine that would suck up all the magic in Equestria, framed, and sent to Tartarus without even so much as a trial. My little Moonie was taken from me, but she found her way back to me and we found a way out. Once I was free, I figured that maybe if I could just get a fresh start in one of the mirror worlds things might be better.” She took a deep ragged breath. “Mom spotted me, and she helped me. “I’m not asking for any special privileges, send me as far away as you want, just don’t make me go back.” “You can stay,” Celestia offered in a tone that she hoped would reassure the filly. “You can stay right here as long as you want to. - now, who’s up for tea?” A moment later tea and platters of little sandwiches were brought in. “So… um… Fine, looks like I’m going to have to use Aerie,” Celestia began. “No change from what you told us last night?” “Not really, no. I’m kind of committed to seeing this through,” she offered as she helped herself to a plate full of little sandwiches. “That and I don’t see as I’ve much of a choice.” “And there is no other way?” Celestia asked. “Short of there is an easy way to negate the black magic my primary target did to himself on a grand scale, I’m afraid not. Anyway, I get to learn their methods of magic in the meantime.” “There is that,” Luna said thoughtfully as she rubbed a certain kitty's head. “Aerie, this wouldn't happen to be the avatar spell I created for you?” “She is indeed. I think she’s rather taken to that form.” “Guess what I was doing when you were Nova Arthol?” kitty Moonie teased. “Let me guess, recruiting sailor scouts?” Aerie asked with a grin. Moonie replied with a smile. “That’s not a no.” Aerie’s face lit up unexpectedly. “Tsuki, it just occurred to me to call Nova Silverwood!” “What?” Tsuki asked as Aerie dug out her phone. Aerie had been human for so long that she found herself fumbling with the phone, and it took her a bit to get the thing-oriented. Then came unlocking it, bringing up the phone app, and dialing with a hoof. “Ha, I’ve forgotten how to horse,” Aerie offered with a smile as she struggled with her phone. Her face lit up when a hoof grip extended from the bottom. “Well, that’s more like it.” A moment later she was dialing. “Hi, Mrs Silverwood. Yes, it’s Aerie. Listen, we’ve discovered a little problem… Oh, nothing to do with wizards. Not this time at any rate. Listen, I’m at home, my actual home, Canterlot Castle. My home dimension. Our counterpart who belongs in the world we’ve been living in is here. Tsuki, Hoshiko Kitzumi. She was in Japan, and then she was here, in Equestria. I’m guessing she found her way here right around the same time I ended up in London. How? I’m blaming Discord.” Discord’s voice said over the connection. The phone had also inexplicably switched to speaker mode. OK, maybe not so inexplicably. “Discord?!” Aerie protested causing everyone around her to tense up. “We’ve four of us, at least two I’m blaming on you. How are you on this line?” “Well, as long as you are on the line, You said my total time away from home would only be about a week. Care to explain what happened.” “Watch it buddy, or I’ll turn myself into a pigeon and poop on your statue,” Moonie protested. “OK, Moonie… maybe never do that again,” Aerie cautioned. {Is that how you stole the mirror?!} Nova Silverwood’s voice was plenty loud enough to be heard by all. “What do you mean four of you?” “We’ve Hoshiko, a Miss Nova Nightfoal whose father was King Sombra, and a miss Brightstar who tracked Aurora. It’s like we are near identical sisters. Hoshiko is my age, Miss Nightfoal is a teen, and Brightstar is an adult. Isn’t your apartment in a suitcase technically Hammer-Space too?” {The suitcase is a pocket dimension. It’s different. I’m a Nightfoal too, but I’m pretty sure my father was a Neighpon prince.} “The gravity of the Hammerspace is zero isn’t it?” Moonie asked. Her thought process was such that she didn’t think there could be any consequences to stuffing things into that little pocket void she could generate. {The moment you put something there the gravity is no longer zero. Small items have no consequence, but big items do. When you put the mirror into Hammer-space the gravitational coefficient of the portal displaced your native time stream. You are damn lucky things turned out the way they did.} “Alright, alright, I’m lucky I got to go home even if only for a visit. This also gives me that much more motivation to put an end to Riddle along with Dumbledore’s machinations. Now, the only way to get Hoshiko home is to take her to England short of we can find the portal she came through.” “Somewhere in the Patchwork Hills,” Hoshiko offered. “And may not even be there anymore,” Aerie suggested. “Discord, not helping.” {So how can I help?} “She’s going to need identification, a passport, a visa, and some sort of believable story as to how she ended up in England. I thought we’d call her parents as soon as we get back to the house.” {Accidentally locked in a shipping crate, and suffered from amnesia due to Hypoxia. Think I’ll contact the Japanese embassy in London first as this may take a bit of maneuvering.” “I was on Inariyama.” “She was up on Inari Mountain,” Aerie pointed out. “How’d she get in the shipping crate? Not to mention the time it takes.” {We put it out as a working theory, came over by air freight, and let people speculate on the rest. It’s a big place, isn’t it? She could have gotten lost and found her way off the mountain. It’s been a while, she could have fallen, hit her head, and somehow wandered her way all the way to England where you found her.} “Were you going to head back right away, or will you be able to stay for lunch,” Celestia asked. “You planned a Luncheon?” Aerie asked. “We did,” Princess Luna supplied. “Tsuki, will you be alright with staying for a luncheon?” Aurora asked. “To be honest. Heading out to England right now isn’t going to get me home any faster, and I might regret it if I don’t stay. In fact, I’d be honored to be an invitee.” “Looks like we are staying for lunch,” Aerie said into the phone. “And Aunt Tia has that Rarity look in her eyes.” {Better you than me. Listen, I’m going to contact the Japanese Embassy soon as I get off the phone and let them know I’ve got a line on the whereabouts of one of their citizens. They have people who know about magic and such things so I doubt I’ll have too much trouble. I’ll give you a ring later this afternoon. Honestly, the things I do for you. Bye for now.} “Alright, I’ll see you later.” Aerie disconnected the call and put the phone away. “You’re going to make us wear fancy outfits aren’t you?” “Maybe I could call my mom now? I mean so long as there are people who know about magic. Mom and dad know about magic. They are both magic users themselves.” “Alright then,” Aerie offered, got out her phone, and passed it over to Hoshiko using her magic having remembered that she can use magic in Equestria. Hoshiko was far more adept at using the cell phone and had dialed the number in short order. “Kon'nichiwa mama,” Hoshiko said into the phone moments later. What followed was a fast-paced conversation in Japanese where Hoshiko did her best to explain her situation, along with lots of crying. Aurora was brought into the conversation at one point when the language shifted to English, mostly. This lead to Aurora trying to explain Equestria. Trying to explain the Princess Nova look-alike pageant only helped to confuse things. This then lead to an explanation of portals, and why the closest available portal was in England. Aunt Selena would be going to England. They’d tried to explain that it wasn’t necessary, but she’d insisted on getting the first flight she could. After all, she had dual citizenship and still had her passport and visa. The conversation over the phone only ended when it was time to get ready for the luncheon. “Nova! I heard you were… back?” Prince Junior had just rushed into the room where the family was gathering and he’d Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle right on his heels. They were not expecting multiple Novas or the extra Scootaloo. And to make matters worse, dear sweet Aunt Tia had dressed Aerie and Hoshiko in the same frilly outfit. A floral pattern dress colored light violet. Miss Nightfoal had a pink two-piece outfit that made her look like she’d just stepped out of Teen Vogue, and Miss Brightstar had been provided with a Night wing dress uniform. Aurora and Louise both had on outfits that complimented Celestia’s golden dress. “You’ve got a mini Prince,” Brightstar teased. “Let me see, I think I’ll take that one,” Prince Junior said while pointing at Miss Nightfoal. “Ha! Knew that’d do it!” Suddenly he was hugging Aerie. “What?” Aerie asked. “You do like me. Your ears went flat.” “So how come you didn’t pick the Night Guard version?” “Too old.” “Why is there another me, and when did Sunset become an Alicorn?” Scootaloo asked. “I didn’t. That’s Princess Aurora,” Sunset informed her as she entered the room. She’d chosen a vibrant green dress for herself. “And this is Louise,” Aurora offered. “She’s sort of my ward, and half-sister.” “What’s going on?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ve guests,” Luna offered. “Just more fall out from Discord’s little rampage.” “Aunt Celestia, is it true what I hear?” asked Prince senior as he rounded the corner. He was quite the sight with his gray tweed jacket and red satin sash over the shoulder in much the fashion of ancient Romans. “Ah ha! It is truly a red letter day for we have not one, but a full squad of Princesses to boast of!” He let out a hearty laugh following his pronouncement. “Sweet Harmony, there are two of him,” Aurora said in dismay. “By any chance did you marry Pinkie Pie?” Brightstar asked. Prince Senior burst into laughter even as a white unicorn mare with a blue and silver mane came into the room. Her cutie mark was that of five roses arrayed as though a firework burst. She was followed by Spitfire, and a moment later by Lofty and Holiday. Lofty and Holiday wasted no time in making sure they hugged every Nova there prior to making any attempt to sort out which was which. “What’s so funny,” the as yet unnamed mare asked. “The idea of myself married to Pinkie Pie,” Prince Senior offered. “Ladies, this beautiful mare is Captain Glory Rose, my wife.” “Oh, I don’t know, I think you two would be a perfect match,” Glory teased. “You are such an incorrigible prankster.” “I’ll not deny it, and I’ve no doubt every pony will think this one of my pranks,” he offered with a big grin even as Spitfire zeroed in on Louise. “Spitfire, dear, she’s from another dimension,” Celestia offered. “She’s underweight.” “We intend to remedy that,” Aurora offered. “And you must be Sunshine Aurora Summers, Mustang was it?” “Summer Sunshine, also Aurora Summers, and I am proud to call myself a Mustang.” “As am I,” Brightstar offered. “I came to bring my sister home. “About that…” When Aurora announced that she couldn't go home just yet it required an explanation. An explanation that had all the Novas offering to help. Aerie understandably objected. “I can’t just go home and leave you?!” Hoshiko objected to Aerie’s objection. “As much as I appreciate the offer of help…” “I can get a transfer. I already know basic magical techniques.” “Hoshiko, would you not require your mother’s approval first?” Luna asked. “I’ll need to talk to my crew first,” Brightstar mused, “but I’m sure they’d be more than willing.” “Crew?” Celestia asked. “Hang on. Just exactly how did you get here in the first place?” “I figured out how to traverse an entire airship across the dimensional barrier. It makes the passage a lot easier and safer.” > Chapter 41: Enter the Nova verse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh, really…” Sunset said. She sounded as though she was really interested. “Such a device added to the Arcadia… To be able to traverse between worlds without having to worry about the fickle nature of portals could be quite the boon.” “My mission requires subtlety, not the ever-bucking Arcadia!!” Aerie shouted in frustration. She'd even wondered for a brief moment why she'd brought Sunset back. Then again messing about with things that were supposed to be preordained did have consequences. Her world, her future, and nothing was preordained that could be altered from the projected. Saving her cousin from her own self-destructive actions had been the right thing to do. Yes, Sunset was Aerie's cousin just as much as Hoshiko was Aurora's cousin. The silence that followed her outburst was broken by a chime, which in turn was followed by a member of the staff announcing that the Luncheon was Served. “Looks like we are just going to have to table this. Come along, my little ponies,” Princess Celestia replied with a big smile. “Arcadia?” Aurora whispered to Aerie as they filed out to attend the luncheon. “We’ve been preparing for the Storm King. The Arcadia is based on the one used in a certain anime series as captained by a Captain Harlock.” “You built the Arcadia?!” “Shush,” Luna cautioned as they made their way to the dining hall. “Aerie, would it be alright for me to use a different name?” Miss Nightfoal asked out in the hall. “Why not just use Kitsu Moon?” Aerie offered, realizing this Nova might be hesitant about identifying herself as a Nightfoal. “We are all technically the same pony. We are all versions of Nova Moon.” “What about Tsuki?” “Tsuki means Moon, and Hoshiko is Star Child.” “Ah, so even though the name is different it still has the same general meaning.” “We are all versions of Nova Moon.” A hush fell over the dining room when the fillies filed in. Princess Celestia went to her place and stood there and waited. Princess Luna and Aerie went to their normal places to sit while Aurora, Hoshiko, and Miss Nightfoal were directed to their assigned places. Aerie also made sure to whisper to Princess Celestia that Miss Nightfoal didn’t want to be identified as a Nightfoal. Princess Celestia waited a few moments more and then address those gathered. “Thank you all for gracing us with thy presence. And as you can see, we’ve been reunited with our Princess Kitsumi Nova.” The statement ‘our’ raised a few eyebrows. “In fact, we were reunited last night. This morning’s little diversion was expected to turn out to be nothing more than that, a diversion. And yes, there have been some arrests. What we did not expect was that we’d find any actual legitimate Princess Novas. Forgive me for forgetting that it was Discord who authored the whole mess in the first place.” She directed her gaze over to Aurora. “I’d like you to meet Princess Aurora. She seems to be Sunset’s counterpart from another country, and she was helping our Nova. The two of them went down and lined up with all the hopefuls only to discover Princess Aurora’s cousin Tsuki Hoshiko from her home country. We’ve also her adopted sister from yet another country, Princess Brightstar, who came looking for her. I am delighted now to introduce you to Brightstar Nova Mustang, and Princess Tsuki Hoshiko.” Princess Celestia pointed out the two. “And we gained yet another Nova who seems to have found her way from her home country. Owing to circumstances beyond our control she can no longer go home. At least for any foreseeable future. She has also requested asylum here and we are going to let her stay as long as she wants to.” She then cast her gaze on Louise. “We also have Miss Louise visiting, she’s the little Scootaloo look alike and I’m to understand that she’s Princess Aurora’s ward. Now, Nova, Aerie that is. Afraid we are using Aerie to avoid confusion. Would you like to tell us a little about where you’ve been?” “In the place I found myself, I’ve been attending a school of magic, and I’m obligated to continue for the foreseeable future. And trust me, the sooner I can get out of it, the better. But until such time I’m afraid you will only see me during holidays, such as this winter break. And now, if we may, Princess Celestia?” Aerie’s stomach grumbled. “Yes, yes, of course, let us be thankful to all those who played some part no matter how small in presenting this meal to us. And now without any further delay, let us sit and begin.” Finally, every pony could sit. After all, courtesy dictated that Princess Celestia sit first. Nor did it take long for the questions to start flying shortly after the first course was served. Lots of ponies wanted to know about the school, but few seemed to want to pry into Miss Nightfoal’s life. “Oh, you wanted Tsuki,” Aerie offered when Nova was requested. “I was curious if her home was in Abyssinia? The news from there hasn’t been good, and no word from Mount Aris at all.” “Far Reaches. It was a small Principality of scattered farmsteads mostly. We were set upon by marauders,” Kitsu offered. She knew there was no way any of these ponies could possibly confirm what she was saying. “Oh, do leave her be,” an old matron scolded. “I doubt she wants to talk about it, and I doubt it’s a fit conversation for the table.” “Reports of goings on in the South are deeply troubling,” Princess Celestia said softly. “But rest assured that we will not be caught sitting on our plots.” “Hear, hear,” Prince senior stated fervently. From then on the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Aerie enjoyed every moment of it, delighted she was to be home. But with all good things it had to come to an end. “You are going now?” Luna asked plaintively as Aerie readied to head out to the cabin up on the bluff. “I want to stay, but if I do… the longer I put it off.” “The harder it’s going to be,” Aurora finished. “I’ll be glad to be one step closer to home,” Hoshiko added. “Even so… I’ve been attending a school of magic, and I have a mind to transfer to Hogwarts.” “You may regret it,” Aerie cautioned. “Don’t Japanese schools have a full curriculum? That is all the basics? Reading, writing, arithmetic, a comprehensive history course, literature, social studies, language courses, sciences..?” “Well, yes. I’m proficient in English, French, Japanese, and even old ponish now.” “Not so much Hogwarts. Hogwarts is more of a trade school. If you are determined, I thought I should warn you. And to get in one must have their name in the Master Admissions book which is a magical artifact.” “I get extra credit for studying abroad.” “And I’m going to see you to the cabin,” Luna announced. “What’s more, I’ve got a mind to set my study room up there.” Aerie couldn't resist wrapping her front legs and her wings around her mom in a hug. A short time later Aurora emerged from the stairs onto the ground floor of the Sussex Street house followed by Aerie, Tsuki, Miss Brightstar, and a little black and white fox named Kitsu. Aside from Kitsu, Aerie, Hoshiko, and Brightstar now had on identical outfits. Louise had decided to go see her friends in her home dimension. “Um, why am I a fox?” Kitsu asked. “It’s sort of a default form…” Aerie began. “Kawaii!” Hoshiko squealed and scooped up the little owl-winged fox. “Um, what kind of fox are you anyway? What’s with the wings? “Am I a little kid? Why am I a little kid?” Brightstar asked confounded. “It’s the portals. The whole flat is a portal. Not only do they mess with our age, but we also get set to the age of our counterpart on entering the world they live in, and Hoshiko is our counterpart in this world.” Aerie explained. “The change triggers at the door.” “Well, then why am I a fox?” Kitzu asked. “To be honest, I used to have that issue outside of the world I lived in as Mrs Arthol, turning into a fox that is. Prior to finding myself in the role of Aerie Potter any human world I ventured into besides that home world, I'd become a fox. I think it has something to do with our Kitsune heritage and possibly how similar we are to our counterpart. Mrs Silverwood said she has the same issue. She had to learn how to control the transformation, and won’t even transform until she is good and ready. Listen, Kitsu, to transform, picture your human form, dig down inside yourself, and pull it forward. Afraid you are just going to have to figure it out for yourself.” “I know, you can be my pet,” Hoshiko offered as they made their way upstairs where they found Flora reading a book on the basics of magic. “Oh, you could be my familiar at Hogwarts.” “Aerie, your back. We have an invite over to see the Browns.” Flora looked up from her book and just sort of shut down momentarily. “Um, Aurora? Why do we suddenly have three Aeries?” “Four, actually. This one is Aerie, this one is Hoshiko Tsuki, this one is Nova Brightstar Mustang, and the little fox is Kitzu.” “Oh, how cute… why do they all look alike? And why are they here for that matter?” “Hoshiko is my cousin, and Aerie is also sort of a cousin,” Aurora began. “Which kind of makes Aerie and Hoshiko the illusive identical cousin pair that sometimes show up as a teen fiction trope. Brightstar and Kitsu are doubles from Equestria. The fox thing seems to be a hazard for fox ponies.” “I can’t but get the feeling you are really struggling with that explanation,” Flora commented with an air of skepticism. “We are all the same person, only from different dimensions,” Aerie explained. “So’s Mrs Silverwood.” “I think I preferred the first explanation.” “It’s the result of a Greek Titan who presently goes by the name of Discord. Delights in chaos.” “I see. He’s doing a good job.” “Also, something really important,” Aurora offered even as Aerie’s phone began to chime. “Hoshiko is listed as missing in Japan. We found her in Equestria.” “It’s a detective Yamada,” Aerie announced. “Did you want to talk to Tsuki-chan? Oh, right, the house address is one-oh-seven-A Cambridge Street, and the physical address is Sussex Street, Pimlico, London. To be honest we found her lined up in a queue. I have no idea how she ended up all the way over in England." She really wanted to say Equestria, but the detective didn't need to know about that. "She can’t really give a good explanation either. Listen, I’ve already contacted Nova Silverwood of Akkadia. She’s sort of a friend of the family, a distant cousin. She was going to help us sort things at our end.” She looked over at Flora, “Mom, he wants to talk to an adult.” “Seriously? Alright, hand over the phone.” She took but a moment for the hand-off. “Hell? Yes, I’m Mrs Flora Finch-Fletchley… Do you mean they aren’t putting me on? Well, when I’m presented with three identical girls and a little white fox one tends to be skeptical.” “Flora?! He doesn’t need to know about that,” Aerie scolded quietly even as Justin and his two friends from school came in through the door. “Ah, what’s going on?” “Is it Polyjuice Potion do you think?” Wayne asked. “No, just identical girls,” Aurora offered. “Which reminds me, I’m going to need to call Mrs Silverwood if Brightstar and Kitsu are going to be here,” Aerie lamented. “We are going to need identification, aren’t we,” Brightstar lamented. “Hoshiko, better let me take Kitsu. Something tells me the two of us will have to go back downstairs until everything gets sorted.” “Aw, oh, alright,” Hoshiko lamented as she reluctantly handed off Kitsu. “Why not check up on Louise while you are at it? Ask her if she’d like to go to have dinner at a wizard’s house,” Aerie offered. “The ponies there will as likely think you are me anyway.” “Maybe I should just tell them I’m a cousin,” Brightstar offered as she headed out the door with a disappointed fox over her shoulder. “Aerie, you said you talked to Mrs Silverwood?” Flora asked while still on the phone. “Yes, I did. She was going to contact the Japanese embassy here in London.” “We aren’t going to have to sit around and wait for someone to contact us now, are we? Hang on… yes, she has an aunt. Her cousin is staying with me over the holidays. She’s the one who found her. One of the girls who found her. Yes, um… she might actually be better off staying with me. Oh, no, her aunt isn’t a bad person, she’s just a little too focused on her job to look after her own family. Oh, you know the type. I see. And this might take a while. Alright, but I’m not going to sit around… what do I do? I’m an educator. I’m on the board at Pimlico Academy. Listen, I’ll call her aunt and advise her of what’s going on, and I’m probably going to need to call my contact with the local child protective office. I have, that is I adopted a foster. Would you believe my adopted girl is nearly identical? How is she, she looks healthy enough. Yes, I imagine she’ll need to be seen by a medical professional. Someone will be in touch, yes, dual citizenship, yes, thank you.” Flora disconnected the call. And then the house phone rang. Flora gave Aerie back the cell phone and then picked up the phone on the table next to her. "Finch-Fletchley residents, Flora speaking. Mrs Marshal… Actually yes, I do seem to have acquired a girl. Several actually, but let me guess, it’s Hoshiko you want to ask about. Believe it or not, her cousin is a friend of Aerie’s. Her name is Aurora Summers. She’s spending the holidays with us. The two were out and they found Hoshiko and brought her here. She looks healthy enough. They are going to want to do what? The sooner the better. Right then, I’ll… Just so you know, I just got called by the Japanese authority handling her case. A Mr Yamada. Given I’m already looking after her cousin, all be it temporarily, they want me to look after her until her mother gets here. Yes, I’m to understand she will be on her way shortly. You’ll be right over so we can get this sorted. Thank you.” Flora hung up the phone with a look of disgust on her face.” “Hi, Mrs Silverwood,” Aerie said into her phone. “Yes, CPS just called. We can’t tell them she was in Equestria! We need a cover story. They might want to do a medical too.” “She’s been missing a little over seven months,” Flora informed her. “Missing for over seven months. Any chance you got a really bad group home we can say she’s from, and just slipped through the cracks?… A pony Named Penny Loafer. Yes, that's who she was staying with in Equestria. You have someone we can throw under the bus?” Meanwhile, Flora was dialing Mrs Summers. “You’ve got a Penny Weejun you’d love to see shut down? I see,” Aerie said into her phone. Alright, I’ve got the info, ooo, and pics, thank you.” She quickly went over to Hoshiko to share. “Ha, the house is exactly the same… It’s like I know everyone there. They are all the same. Bunch of delinquents the whole lot.” “She said that she’s going to plant a paper trail too.” “Celeste, we need you to drop everything and come over to my house. Aurora is fine. She found her cousin Hoshiko and child protective services are on their way. We are going to need a relative if we don’t want to lose her to the system,” Flora said into her phone. “Yes, she’s been missing from… no idea how she got here. You are on your way. Thank you so much.” “Wish she’d move that fast for me,” Aurora lamented. “Boys, can you get a message to the Browns and let them know that we might be delayed.” “By any chance did we get fresh floo-powder?” Aerie asked. “We could send a message that way. It’ll get there good and quick.” “You have a floo connection?” Ernest asked. He was quite earnest in his surprise. “We’ve always had one,” Justin said proudly. “Took care of first thing this morning,” Flora announced. She then set pen to paper, folded it, and passed it over to Justin who scampered on downstairs followed by Wayne and Ernest who were eager to see what sort of floo connection they had. “I can do this,” Hoshiko announced. “I don’t have to feel guilty either because Mrs Penny Loafer’s place didn’t look anywhere near this bad.” > Chapter 42 : Too many Aeries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celeste Summers showed up at the house in London right about the same time as Mrs Robbins and Mrs Marshal arrived. “Hi mom,” Aurora called moments after opening the door. “Come on in.” “Hi, Mrs Robbins.” “Aerie, how are you?” Mrs Robbins said while looking at the girl who had just addressed her. “I’m fine,” Aerie offered from behind the door as she pulled it the rest of the way open. It was Hoshiko who was taken to be Aerie. “Aerie?” Mrs Robbins asked. “We are cousins,” Aerie offered. “Come on in, and we’ll go upstairs to the reception slash family room. “Hoshiko!” Mrs Summers exclaimed and wrapped her arms around who she hoped was the right girl. “I will have to admit that neither girl looks all that…” Mrs Marshal commented to be finished by Hoshiko. “Japanese? My mother is English, after all. Neither girl really looked all that English either. No, they were more of a hard-to-define in-between. Their body type was thin and muscular, and their face could be described as narrow, with close-set eyes, thin eyebrows, and high cheekbones. Both would be considered good-looking by most cultures. As for Mrs Marshal, she was more than likely judging Hoshiko against a stereotype she had in her head, likely left over from old war propaganda. Upstairs, Flora had set out snacks and tea. “Come on in, and have a seat,” Flora offered as the group made their way into the upstairs parlor followed by everyone choosing a preferred place to sit. Celeste was the first to break the ice. “I want you to know that I have no intention of letting you take Hoshiko so you can dump her in some ill-suited group home.” “Our office was contacted by the Japanese Embassy. They wished their citizen returned to them,” Mrs Marshal pointed out. “And you were going to do what? Make me go back to Mrs Penny Weejuns place until my mother gets here? Some other home? Was I to go to the Embassy until mother got here? Separate me from my own family? Seems to me I’ve been separated plenty long enough. It’s been a whole quarter.” Hoshiko asked while worrying that she might be laying it on too thick. “Here at least, I have a family. A family who wasted no time in contacting my mother.” “I see,” Mrs Marshal replied. “We are going to need her to get into a clinic and get an examination.” “Hardly a pressing matter considering how long she’s been in England,” Celeste pointed out. “Why did you not try to contact your aunt sooner?” Mrs Robbins asked. “Don’t know the number. Don’t know the address. Do you have any idea how many Celeste Summers are in the phone book? Plus there’s the whole I’m not allowed to use the phone.” OK, so not being allowed to use the phone was a bit of a white lie, but then the Penny Loafer who’d been given the task of taking care of her had been very strict so it may not have been that big of a lie. Mrs Loafer had only agreed to take her to Canterlot castle after hearing about a reward. “How did you get to England though?” “Honestly? I have no idea how I left Japan. I got lost up on a mountain that a person would think isn’t big enough to get lost on, not to mention all the paths crisscrossing it. And then I wasn’t.” “Amnesia? Possibly due to physical or emotional trauma.” Mrs Marshal mused. “This is why we want to get you to see a doctor.” “I can take her in to see a doctor,” Flora pointed out. “And as has been pointed out, it doesn’t need to be immediate. That and I doubt the girls are going to let you know who is who?” “Aerie has a scar on her forehead,” Mrs Robins pointed out. “True, but I don’t,” Brightstar announced from a seat. She’d sneaked in, and was presently giving Aurora a dirty look. “I can explain,” Aurora offered. “I bet you can.” “Who?” Mrs Marshal asked. “Another cousin,” Flora offered. There might have been just a hint of a smirk on her face. “Oh, dear, was Louise going to join us later?” “She’ll be up in a bit.” “Oh, I’m sorry, this is Nova Mustang,” Aerie offered. “You’re back sooner than expected,” Flora prompted. “Sweetie and Bloom want to come.” “More cousins?” Mrs Marshal asked. “Friends. We’ve got a Miss Louise Cutter who lives in the basement,” Flora informed her. “She goes to a private school,” Aerie cut in. “She commutes.” “Kind of how you are going to a private school,” Mrs Robbins said. “In Scotland, wasn’t it?” “We are here to interview Miss Hoshiko,” Mrs Marshal pressed. “Not Aerie. Now, as there is a relative here, Mrs Summers?” “I can take her in, but to be honest, as my own daughter is staying here over the holidays, I see no reason Hoshiko can’t do the same. My sister is bound to be along before the holidays are over. Who knows, she might even bring her husband with her. She’s not going to be happy if she has to go fetch her from someplace else. She knows Hoshiko is here. And this is where she will expect to find her.” Celeste looked at Flora. “Is that not correct?” “I was on the phone with the detective in Japan who is handling the missing person’s case earlier, and her mother is coming here. In fact, she may already be on her way.” “I hope I’m not interrupting,” Mrs Silverwood asked as she entered the room. Detective Nissim was right behind her along with a trio that included Scootaloo and one little fox. “I let them in. I hope that’s alright?” Louise asked. “She’s my niece, and I will not sit idly by and let her be taken,” Celeste protested. “Who said anything about taking anyone?” Detective Nissim asked. “We were instructed to collect her,” Mrs Marshal stated. “Nobody said anything about collecting her,” Mrs Silverwood protested. “All she needs is identification and a passport so she can go home when her mother gets here. Which should be in a couple of days at the latest. If she was able to get the earliest available flight she might even be here this time tomorrow.” “I’m just here to do an interview,” Detective Nissim informed them. “Mrs Finch-Fletchley, might I borrow your phone?” Mrs Marshal asked. “By all means,” Flora replied, got up, and took the phone over to her, the cord dragging behind her. Ms Marshal made her call, and a few moments later she was saying, “..but that doesn’t even make any sense? How is it I was sent out here to pick up a girl who apparently doesn’t need to be picked up, with no court order, and Aerie’s name somehow managed to get on an order that hasn’t, your words, been filled out properly?” “If I was a betting man,” Detective Nissim drawled, “I’d say a certain Professor Dumbledore may have had something to do with that.” “I’ve got an idea, why don’t I go with you?” Nova (Brightstar) Mustang offered. “Whoever did that isn’t likely to know the difference.” “And see what crawls out of the woodwork, is it?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Someone is threatening a sister of my sister, and I’d kind of like to know who it is.” “Brightstar Nova, no,” Aurora stated firmly. “And why not?” Brightstar countered. “Because you don’t know anything about the people who could be behind this,” Aerie stated. “Assuming it’s not a miscommunication of some sort, these people don’t play by Equestrian rules.” “Equestrian?” Mrs Marshal asked. “Akkadia,” Mrs Silverwood informed her as she gave Aerie a curious look. “We have a lot of horses. Ponies, to be exact. As such, we refer to our homeland as Equestria.” She took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “I can’t believe I’ve let myself get sucked into this. Aerie, you do realize that I’m the leader of a small country?” “Who moonlights for her Majesty's government,” Aerie pointed out. “It’s not like we don’t have mutual goals.” “Hang on, you’re Princess Nova Silverwood Swan?” Mrs Robbins asked. “I am at that, and Aerie’s right. I do moonlight. I set up the government of Akkadia so that they’d only need me as an arbitrator. Which left me with plenty of free time. Free time in which I have uncovered numerous plots to try to overthrow me or my government by foreign powers. Which is kind of bizarre given the only time I’m really involved in government decision-making is when our leaders get deadlocked when someone appeals the decision of our Supreme Court, or if I feel they’ve done something monumentally stupid.” The curious glances gave her to understanding people wanted a little more info. “I retained veto power. Granted that it means I have to do more than dial it in. The only reason I’m involving myself personally in Aerie’s affairs is that she is a cousin, and I’ve got a personal grudge against Professor Dumbledore. One of these days I’m going to pin something on him and make it stick. When it comes to it, my number one priority is to keep my people safe and that man is a threat.” “And you are about as helpful as Miss Aerie,” Detective Nissim said a short time later. He had been asking Hoshiko a battery of questions while getting few answers. “I’m sorry, I can’t really tell you how I was transported from my home country.” “Mrs Robbins, Mrs Marshal, are you familiar with a Mrs Penny Weejuns?” Detective Nissim asked. “Outside of my jurisdiction, I’m afraid. And her reputation isn’t the best.” “Miss Tsuki, the last place you remember was being up on Mount Inari was it?” Detective Nissim asked. “What kind of place is it? Were you hiking, camping?” “Oh, no, it’s not the sort of place one camps at,” Hoshiko offered. “It’s technically a religious center,” Mrs Silverwood supplied. “The place is crisscrossed with paved paths leading to and from hundreds of little shrines. One doesn’t go there to go hiking, although I suppose walking to the top could be considered hiking.” “I’m going to get teased when I get home I just know it,” Hoshiko lamented. “No one gets lost on Inari Mountain.” “And yet you did,” Aerie offered with a smile on her face. “Well, the thing is, if you can’t account for how you got to England, we can’t rule out abduction,” Detective Nissim pointed out. “Perhaps,” Mrs Silverwood began. “The thing is, that mountain has something of a reputation. People will go missing only to turn up hours later thinking they’d only stepped away for a moment. So, while abduction can’t be ruled out, it’s certainly not the only possibility. Now if we count out abduction and mysterious portals we still have the possibility of getting trapped in a shipping crate and literally mailed overseas.” “Is it the sort of place something like that could happen?” Mrs Robbins asked. “There is a rather large complex at the base of the mountain.” “I’d imagine that is a possibility. Might explain why she can’t actually remember how she left Japan,” Detective Nissim mused. Passes out due to a lack of oxygen, and high altitude conditions. Oh, she would have to have had enough oxygen for the trip and a way not just for air to get in, but a way to get out on her own. I mean we are going to have to assume she went by air almost immediately for it to even work. Wakes up at the delivery end confused and disoriented, managed to get out on her own and gets picked up later.” He made a couple of notes in his notebook. Sure not one bit of that speculation was true, but by the time Mrs Silverwood finished filling in all the holes no one would ever think otherwise. “Right. I’ve enough for my report and see no reason to move her.” “About all I need now is a medical evaluation,” Mrs Marshal offered. “I’ll get her scheduled with Justin’s Pediatrician first thing tomorrow,” Flora offered. “I guess that will have to do. We’d likely be all night if we tried to drag her down to the twenty-four-hour clinic.” Mrs Marshal got up. “Come on Robbins, let’s get back to the office so we can close up and go home.” “I’m thinking that either the embassy may have been compromised or there is someone at the child protective agency who’s doing favors for Professor Dumbledore. The later being the more likely,” Mrs Silverwood said once they’d seen Mrs Marshal, Robbins, and Detective Nissim out the front door. “Oh, I wish they’d just leave Aerie alone,” Flora lamented even as the door opened and Justin entered. “We are good to go by Floo,” He announced as he closed the door. “The address is Le Marron Abbey.” “So where’s Basil?” Aerie asked. “Working late, I’m afraid,” Flora offered. “Not to worry, he said he’d be joining us later.” “Hey, I did it!” Kitsu cheered from down the hall. “I hope they don’t mind extra guests,” Flora stated even as Princess Luna congratulated Kitsu for figuring out how to turn herself into a human. Granted that the girl had a floofy tail and pointed ears, but she had managed to transform herself most of the way. “Can’t be helped,” Mrs Silverwood replied. She’d tried to talk Princess Luna, Aerie's actual mother, into going back to her world. Princess Luna was not having it as she simply did not want to be separated from Aerie if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. As for Mrs Silverwood, she would now be going with them as well. She simply could not bring herself to let this Princess Luna walk about in Wizarding Britten without an escort. But first, she’d a phone call to make, pulled out her phone, and stepped off to be uninterrupted for a few moments. “So are we going out the front door or the basement? Aerie?” Flora asked. “I, well, the basement would be better,” Aerie replied. “It’s just that I fear turning that dial. What if I can never get that connection again?” “We will be together,” Luna offered as she went up and gave her a hug. "What about Trixie?" "She'll be fine. Her father will be out on parole before too long anyway. “Downstairs and out the basement door then,” Flora announced followed by the group making their way downstairs where they were all ponies now. Everyone with the exception of Mrs Silverwood and Kitsu remained in their human forms. Make that mostly human for Kitsu. “I have an idea, Mrs Silverwood?” Luna queried. “Yes?” “Why don’t you take Miss Kitsu as your personal student?” “Me?” Kitsu asked. Her tone was unsure. “My dear, I can’t help but think that you are still running. After all, you could have stayed behind. And I’ve got a feeling you are more like our Mrs Silverwood than any of the others. She can teach you. And so long as we have that connection, you’d be able to come back and visit.” “Running?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Discord set her up,” Aerie offered. “Or to be more precise, her world’s Cozy Glow framed her.” “Where exactly does a little filly get the plans and engineering know how to be able to build such a thing… Kitsu, when we get there, let’s just tell them you are my daughter. Are you alright with that?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Do I call you mom, then?” “You may if you wish. Mumsie seems a bit too posh to me.” “Alright, mom it is.” Aerie watched anxiously as Mrs Silverwood reached up to the dial above and to the right of the door. It presently had four colors dividing the disk. It was set to green. “Something tells me we want the black section,” Aerie offered with a touch of sarcasm. Mrs Silverwood turned to blue and watched as the outside view switched to downtown Canterlot. “We will have to explore that one later, I guess,” Flora suggested. “It matches the back door,” Moonie informed them. “Might prove convenient,” Aerie admitted with a smile. Mrs Silverwood turned to the red partition. Suddenly everyone was human again. “My tail?!” Kitzu exclaimed. She was now fully human and when she turned about her hair shifted revealing a scar in the shape of a checkmark. “What do you suppose the black one connects to?” Scootaloo asked. “Don’t,” Kitzu said in a tone almost like pleading. “I suppose there is the possibility that it leads to your world,” Aerie said. “You are probably going to have to go back, but not before you are ready.” “Ready? I don’t ever want to go back.” “I understand. Still, though, I think we need to warn you about Grogar.” Aerie thought for a moment, her hand going to her pendant. “Hang on, I’ll be right back.” And off she went, dashing upstairs. She returned, somewhat winded, wearing the pendant that marked her as Aerie Potter. “OK, Now I’m ready,” Aerie announced. “Oh, and Kreacher, I hate to be a bother, but if anyone comes calling, be sure and let us know.” “Yes, Miss,” Kreacher offered from a corner. “Right, mustn't forget that,” Mrs Silverwood said with a big smile and then opened the door. The group went out and crossed over into the old vault. “Now, to get back, the address is now ‘The old vault’.” Mrs Silverwood explained. “Aerie, don’t use the old address.” “Lands in a cell I’d imagine.” “It does at that. With a big spiderweb. So no one gets hurt. Now, we are going to Le Marron Abbey. One at a time, take a handful of the floo powder, step into the fireplace, cast down the powder, and say ‘Le Marron Abbey’.” “If I don’t come out at the other end I’ll be in Nocturn Alley,” Aerie teased. “Not going to happen,” Justin said, hoping to reassure Aerie, stepped in, cast down a handful followed by green smoke erupting at his feat, and with the words “Le Marron Abbey,” he vanished. Sweetie Belle was eager to go next, followed by Scootaloo, and then Apple Bloom who was only a little hesitant. Kitsu was followed by Luna, and then Aerie decided she’d best go next. “What? Aerie?” Lavender asked. The room Aerie had emerged into had alabaster walls, burgundy trim, and ornate furnishing in dark cherry. The walls were covered in sketches of varying detail and skill and the light came from a handful of lamps that looked like they might be modern but had no electrical cords. Little light came in through the windows. “That would be me,” Aerie offered as she stepped forward. Hoshiko was next, followed by Aurora, Brightstar, Flora, and finally Mrs Silverwood. “Lily?” Mrs Brown said sounding startled. She’d been standing in the doorway of the room. “Oh, no, that’s Luna Moon,” Flora said right quickly. “It seems we had a bunch of Aerie’s relatives come calling. I must say I hadn’t known she had so many. I hope you don’t mind. If you need any help?” “Oh, no, that’s quite alright. They definitely share a family resemblance. Luna, I must confess you look a good deal like a good friend of mine did at that age.” “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Luna offered with a curtsy, even as two seemingly identical black cats seemed to appear from nowhere. One went to Aerie and the other went to Kitsu. “So… who are these Aerie look-a-likes?” “We have Aerie,” Flora pointed to Aerie not quite sure how she knew. Could it be an equestrian trait? After all, ponies had a tendency to look alike. “Her cousin Tsuki Hoshiko who seems to have found her way from Japan. Aerie and Aurora discovered her today. And this is Nova Mustang. We are calling her Brightstar because Mrs Silverwood is also named Nova. And finally, we have Miss Kitsu Moon -Silverwood.” “Ah, Mrs Silverwood, yours?” Mrs Brown asked. “One of many.” “Is that a scar on her forehead?” “I was climbing the stacks in the library and the thing collapsed on me,” Kitzu informed her. “Takes after me,” Mrs Silverwood explained with a big smile on her face. “Well then, let's go upstairs,” Mrs Brown offered as she showed everyone the way out. “Oh, and feel free to call me Flora. Saying Mrs Finch-Fletchley all the time can be rather cumbersome.” “Yes, I imagine it would. My name is Leigh, and to be honest, I’m so accustomed to calling my mother-in-law Mrs Brown that I’m still not quite used to being called that myself.” > Chapter 43: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group slowly exited the Hearth room into a lobby area that seemed to be there solely to connect the Hearth room and the main entry hall with the rest of the house. In front of them were two large Hellenic arches. Rich mahogany stairs with ornate Persian runners went back to a landing and then climbed forward again. Aerie looked at the steps, the low wide risers, and while it took a moment to compute, these were the same sort of steps that were often used in Equestria. In fact, the entire place had that Hellenic – Equestrian look to it. Only the eclectic mix of furnishings and pictures of witches and wizards made it clear what sort of home they were in. If they could call it that. From what Aerie could see of the place, it was huge. The upstairs landing lead into a large lavishly furnished salon with a lofted ceiling that cut through the second floor. Within, a number of people were already gathered, and yes, there was Christmas decor everywhere. “Aerie?” Hermione asked sounding rather befuddled. Justin, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan were there and they bust up laughing at Hermione’s reaction to the multiple Aeries. Aerie just assumed the two boys had been warned by Justin. And yes, their parents were there. The Patil twins were there as well, also accompanied by their parents. Wayne and Ernest weren’t there, but then again, they weren’t likely people who would have been invited in that they weren’t well known to Lavender. Alice Tolipan was there, presumably with her parents, which accounted for all the first-year Gryffindors save Ron Weasley who’d been marooned at school. “What exactly am I seeing?” This time it was Dumbledore’s voice. “What’s he doing here?” Flora whispered to Leigh. “Seems to have invited himself,” Leigh offered softly. “Kind of hard to tell him no.” Dumbledore’s gaze was now locked on Princess Luna. Bad enough there were now four Aerie Potters, but Lily? “I think this jest is in poor taste,” he said as he reached for his wand. His wand was gone. “Professor Dumbledore, jest?” Mrs Silverwood asked drawing his attention back to her moments before her little Moonie delivered Dumbledore’s wand to Aerie of all people. Curious that? “I must confess that I may have jumped to conclusions and thought perhaps someone had gotten it into their head to impersonate Lily Potter.” “Professor, this is Luna Moon,” Mrs Brown informed him. Flora had seen the man reaching for something, seen him stop, and seen yet another Moonie cat running off with a wand while chased by two other Moonies. And she knew full well what a wand was even if she’d no idea what all could be done with one. She also suspected, nay she couldn't prove it but suspected that Dumbledore was indeed the author of Aerie’s misery. OK, it was actually Discord in Aerie’s case, but that’s beside the point. “I know she looks like Lily, but I can assure you that she’s not.” Flora stated coldly. “And this little lady with the check mark on her scalp is Miss Kitsu, Mrs Silverwood’s daughter. Also, we have Aurora's cousin Tsuki Hoshiko. She’s visiting from Japan.” Hoshiko made a short bow so everyone would know which girl she was. “And we have Miss Brightstar Nova Mustang who also seems to be a cousin. Don’t ask me why they all look alike, I can only think it’s a family trait as they all seem to be cousins.” Both Aerie and Mrs Silverwood were looking daggers at Professor Dumbledore who for his part had risked giving Aerie a calculated look given that the last time the Elder wand had left his pocket without his knowledge she’d been the one who did it. “Professor, you see someone who looks like Lily, like she did a little over ten years ago, and the first thing you think of is that surely it’s an ill jest?” Asked an old matron of Professor Dumbledore. Neville was nearby along with an elder gentleman so Aerie guessed it might be Neville’s grandparents. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” “I should say not.” “Professor, perhaps you can explain to us what it was you wanted?” Mrs Brown asked. “I must confess my eyes do play tricks on me, but it almost looked as though you were about to draw your wand on one of my guests.” “My wand? Poppycock. As a matter of fact, I was just reaching into my pocket on the realization that I must have left it... behind. Somewhere...” “Is that it? Given that there have been several attempts to relocate Aerie against her will or mine,” Basil began from the doorway. Mr Brown was standing next to him. “Allegedly at your behest... I’m not so sure I’m all that comfortable with your presence.” “Mr Dumbledore, shouldn't you be at the ministry?” Mr Brown asked. “The Ministry?” Dumbledore asked. Dumbledore was both flustered and a bit flushed, though it was difficult to tell if by anger or embarrassment. Perhaps a bit of both. He’d seen a woman enter the room looking like Lily and he was just sure all his plans for Aerie’s future had been dashed once and for all. Aerie’s fate was in his hands and no one else had any right to her, or so he believed. Granted that he’d have to find the Dursleys before he’d have any chance of getting her away from the Finch-Fletchleys at this point. As for the cousins, duplicates to throw off an opponent was a ploy right out of his own playbook. They certainly weren't cousins. The Dursleys were Aerie's only living family so far as Dumbledore knew. Although, to be honest, he'd never looked for any second cousins simply because the Dersley family fit so well into his plans. And if there had been, the Dersley family fit so well into his plans. “A Mrs Figg has been arrested by the Muggle authority along with a co-conspirator,” Mr Brown informed him. “I understand she is a friend of yours?” “There was another incident, only the individual who nearly got spirited away was Hoshiko,” Mrs Silverwood informed him. “Had that happened you’d have a serious international incident on your hands.” “Incident?” Dumbledore scoffed. “I hardly think we need be concerned with muggles.” “Dad’s a Magister Magi with the government, and mom is a formidable Enchantress,” Hoshiko boasted. “Word is, Mrs Figg was acting on your orders,” Mr Brown informed Dumbledore. “Hedging your bets was it?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “I never told her… By Merlin’s beard, I never told her to do any of the sort.” Granted that he might have suggested to a number of people that he wanted her at Hogwarts over the holidays or at the very least convince the girl she wouldn't be safe anywhere save where he wanted her. He may even have set a certain individual to collect her, but he was smart enough to make himself scarce and give himself reasonable deniability. Granted that the two girls were already aware of the room of requirement, and dangerously powerful given their abilities. Still, though, he needed her to find that damn mirror or his plan wasn’t going to work. Or to be more accurate, he might have a little trouble retrieving that damned stone. But then again, would she even cooperate? He had to admit that she might even know about the mirror and just wasn’t interested. Not now that she had a family. Could Neville play the part? He’d have to convince Mrs Augusta Longbottom that returning her grandson to school early was for his protection. Just not right now though, not to mention that Neville might just tell his gran if he gave Neville the invisibility cloak. Could he manage it during school? Not like Neville would be too difficult to manipulate if he could just get him to follow the script. “Professor, people will do things for you if you but utter the desire,” Mrs Brown pointed out. “People like Mundungus Fletcher,” Basil offered. “He had some interesting things to say concerning your wants, Professor.” “Mundungus is hardly a reliable source,” Dumbledore countered tersely. “Perhaps you should get down to the Ministry, I’m sure there is bound to be someone you need to talk to,” Mr Brown suggested. “Might be a good idea. Before they come looking for you.” “Well then, I guess I best get down to the ministry…” he had a look about as though hoping to spot something he might have dropped. “.. and see if I can’t straighten…” he checked his pockets. “.. straighten things.” He paused, and let out a sigh. After all, he was about to toss an old friend under the bus, metaphorically speaking. Not like he wasn’t prepared to sacrifice whomever he needed to. “Might I borrow your floo?” “By all means. It’s right downstairs. I’m sure you know the way,” Mr Brown offered. “Or do I need to show you the way?” “I can find my own way, thank you.” Dumbledore had one last look about and then strode out of the room. A moment passed, followed by what seemed to be a collective sigh from the room. Thanks to a slew of recent articles in the papers there wasn’t a person present who didn’t suspect Dumbledore of some form of inappropriate behavior. “Princess Nova, troubles do seem to find you all too easily,” Mrs Longbottom quipped. “If trouble knows what’s good for it, trouble will hide from me,” Mrs Silverwood replied with a kind enough smile. “From what I’ve heard of your exploits it’s a pity you weren’t there to help my son and daughter-in-law.” Mrs Silverwood let out a sigh. “I fear that Pettigrew wasn’t the only one leaking information. Still, though, it seems I am always too late for some damned reason. Almost like someone fairly high up has been actively working to prevent us from moving forward.” “Let’s not be dwelling on the past,” Mr Brown offered. “Basil and I have a bit of good news.” “Oh?” Flora asked. “Basil, did your magic kick in?” “No, wish it would, but we can’t all be as blessed as yourself.” “Magic kicking in?” Mrs Longbottom asked as she looked back and forth between the two. “I can do magic now,” Flora announced. “It just needed a little stimulation.” “That is good news,” several people echoed. “Indeed it is,” Mr Brown offered with a bright smile. “Afraid the news we have is much more mundane.” He waited a moment as several individuals congratulated Flora. “What we wanted to announce has more to do with the fact that so many of us are living double lives. Many of us, want only the best for our children. And that means plenty of opportunities ahead. We now live at least part of our lives in the muggle community. That is the non-magical community. The downside is having to deal with the mundane legal system. Which is nearly as convoluted as our own.” That last garnered a few chuckles. “Mrs Finch-Fletchley has been a wonderful ally in regards to getting our children placed in good schools even before we knew she was one of us. What we have to announce is that the firm I work for will be contracting Mr Basil Finch-Fletchley as our legal advisor and representative for our firm in Her Majesty’s courts.” “Well… that’s… I’m not sure what to think?” Mrs Longbottom said. “One of the things we’ve had to do was provide paperwork to the non-magical government proving that our children are indeed attending school.” Mr Granger informed her. “You see, schooling of some sort is mandatory. And when Hermione went to Hogwarts it looked like she simply wasn’t attending school anymore. We’ve been providing her with educational material not covered by Hogwarts. The equivalent of homeschooling, and this because Hogwarts doesn’t meet any of the required educational standards.” “Wizard children seldom enter the muggle school system. Which means that so long as our children never enter into the muggle system, we don’t have to deal with the hassles it can create,” Mr Brown pointed out. “We entered our Lavender into a muggle school because we’d realized that they could give her a better foundation than we could by homeschooling. Given our busy lives. And as in the Granger’s case, it looked very much like we’d pulled Lavender out of school when she went to Hogwarts.” “To head off any issues early on we went against the Ministry’s rule about not teaching about magic before Hogwarts,” Mrs Brown added. “And we did the same,” Mrs Patil announced. “Accidental magic doesn’t have to happen.” Mrs Patil was determined that her children avoid the pitfalls of holding back one’s magic. The irony is that what they were doing was vehemently opposed by Professor Dumbledore. Dumbledore was rather fond of the notion that it was he who was shaping the hearts and minds of upcoming generations of English witches and wizards. He wasn’t too keen on anyone else interfering in his work. “Now, I’d like to welcome everyone to our humble home,” Mr Brown offered. The place was anything but humble given that it was an old English manor house that had three floors counting the ground floor. What Aerie had been able to see if it gave her the impression that it was every bit as expansive as any Canterlot Nobles estate. The next few minutes turned into something of a question-answer session. “Aerie, you must be thrilled to have been reunited with so many cousins?” Lavender asked a short time later. She and the others her age had separated themselves from the adults as best they could. “Kitsu is visiting with Mrs Silverwood, Nova Mustang came out to see Aurora, and Hoshiko, we sort of found her.” “Found her?” Hermione asked. “Lined up in a queue,” Aurora informed them. “We can’t really account for how she came to be where she was other than she’d been stuck in a group home and no one bothered to contact her parents.” “Don’t worry, it’s been sorted,” Aerie offered. “Mostly.” “That sounds horrible,” Hermione said softly. “Well, yes, and no,” Hoshiko replied. “Nothing really bad happened to me. I called my mom the first chance I got. No idea how I got out here and the lady that ran the home I landed in just didn’t believe me when I tried to tell her who I was.” The part about no one, pony, believing her was true enough. Going along with a little lie to help shut down a bad home seemed fair enough. “Ron sent me an owl,” Hermione offered. “He says it’s miserable boring at Hogwarts.” She thought about it for a moment. “Can Dumbledore not like what our families are doing?” “I suspect that he’s the sort to be steadfastly opposed to anything that wasn’t his idea,” Aerie offered. “He was bound and determined to keep me with an abusive family, supposedly for my protection. And this latest string of incidents… they all seem determined to drag me back to Hogwarts for the winter holidays.” “I’m to understand that your new mom helped my parents when people wanted to know why I wasn’t in school,” Hermione added. “Does Dumbledore just not understand that just because we are attending Hogwarts that we still have the world we came from to deal with?” “I doubt it,” Aurora said. “My mom had problems too. My Aunt can do magic, mom can’t and had to earn a living in the non-magical community.” “So what happened to the Dursleys?” Seamus asked. “No idea, really. I don’t really care either,” Aerie offered. “I’ll do what I have to and then I’ll transfer to Eques. Get as far away from England as I can.” “Me too,” Lavender added. “Well, maybe not the leaving England part. I’ve got this feeling that I have no future in Hogwarts past an OWL though.” “I suspect that could be Dumbledore's greatest fear,” Nova Mustang offered. “He’s a relic from a time now past, and he’s unable to change with the times.” “And what does Dumbledore have hidden in the third corridor, do you think?” Hermione asked. “Right off hand, I’d say the very package Hagrid removed from Gringotts. You know, when he used me as a cover?” Aerie was just sure that there was no way Hermione was going to just let it rest. “You have a good idea what he’s hiding though, don’t you?” “That’s why I suggested that you look up Nicolas Flamel in non-wizard books. The Ministry wants what he has kept quiet, but there will always be information leaking into the muggle community.” “You talk like he’s still alive?” “He is. He’s a famous alchemist,” Seamus informed her. “I want to be an alchemist.” “You can’t be serious? He’d have to have… something that extends life indefinitely. That’s it. That’s what Professor Dumbledore has safeguarded. Oh, and now I wish I’d looked up what you said I should.” “You’ll get your chance soon enough,” Aerie suggested. “Just, for your own safety, leave it alone. Don’t get mixed up in Dumbledore's little game.” “Game?” Nova (Brightstar) Mustang asked. “To draw in and finish off the Dark Lord.” “She’s from further out of town than I am,” Hoshiko offered just as a butler came out and announced that dinner was served. “You have a butler?” Aerie asked. “Catering service. House Elves are fine, but lack in decorum when putting on a fancy dinner,” Lavender informed them in a whisper as they were informed that the children were in the small dining room. > Chapter 44: Dinner at the Browns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Do you have house elves?” Aerie asked as they filed through a doorway behind the adults. “Oh, yes, but for a formal dinner, the added pageantry of actual servants is fun. Don’t really get that with house elves. With house elves, when we go to eat the food just pops in, and it’s all rather impersonal. Still, though, this place would be impossible to keep up without them.” “House-elves?” Hermione asked as they entered the small dining room. And by no means was it petite as there was more than enough room for a sizable family to gather around the table. The large dining room was the next room over, and it was three times the size. “Servants to wizards,” Aerie offered. “They are bonded to the family they serve. It’s a peculiar arrangement. In theory, they could take off any time they want, but in practice, it takes quite a bit to break that bond. If the wizard releases them, most find it devastating. I suspect that they see themselves as part of the family they serve. I was thinking of doing a little research and see if I can figure out what it is that keeps them so steadfastly loyal even to people who abuse them.” “That’s… that’s horrible,” Hermione said quietly. “I’ve acquired one. He’s all but retired now. He’d been rattling around in an old empty house because those familial bonds were so strong he couldn't leave the place. And if I were to set him free he’d have nowhere to go. That and I think it’d kill the poor old sod.” “Is there nothing that can be done? I mean, it sounds like they are slaves. Only worse.” “I can assure you that ours are well cared for,” Lavender informed Hermione. “They are practically pets.” “Pets who have to work.” “Lots of animals work. The difference is most animals will take off the first chance they get if they are mistreated. There are also laws. Perhaps your calling is to work to improve the lives of House Elves. I for one want to find out what it is that keeps them tied to families that mistreat them. Let them have some choice in the matter.” “Yes, they should have a choice.” “Nova…” Aurora said softly as she stopped Brightstar. Brightstar had begun to follow the adults. “What?” “We are dining with the children today.” “But…” Brightstar let out a sigh and reluctantly turned back to the kid’s table. “Is something wrong, dear?” Mrs Brown asked. “Portal mishap,” Mrs Silverwood offered with a cheeky smile. “Portal mishap?” “We use portals instead of port keys,” Mrs Silverwood explained. “She’s actually an adult.” “Oh my?!” “Looks like I’m just going to have to grow up all over again,” Brightstar cheerfully offered as Aurora directed her to a chair. “Is there no way to undo it?” Mrs Longbottom asked. “She’ll be fine,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “It’s just a temporary inconvenience.” “So how old are you, dear?” “Let’s see… one thousand twenty-seven.” “Oh, poo, one thousand indeed.” Mrs Longbottom seemed to think it a jest, and continued on into the adult’s dining room. “Wow, we get to be all on our own,” Neville said moments after the adults had gone into the other room. “My parents trust that I’ll be a good host,” Lavender offered as everyone found a place to sit. “And that we will behave,” Aurora added. “And you behave too,” she admonished Aerie who had a devilish grin on her face. Aerie let out a laugh in response. “I suppose eating with the kids isn’t so bad,” Brightstar mused as the staff presented bowls of soup that looked a bit like it might be a fish stock of some sort. The smell wasn’t bad though, rather spicy actually. “Lobster and truffles steamed inside dumplings,” Offered a Footman as the bowls were set down at each place. “I let them know that you were particular about what sorts of meat you’d eat,” Lavender offered. “It was supposed to be Mock Turtle soup. When they described it…” “The less said the better,” Brightstar offered. “Thank you for the food,” all four Novas said in unison sending Lavender into a fit of giggles. The maids managed to keep a straight face as they poured goblets with a sparkly amber fluid. “Why if I didn’t know any better I’d say they were all the same girl,” Alice quipped with a smile. “Never hurts to be thankful,” Aurora offered and tried some of the cider. Nonalcoholic, or nearly so, and apple. Not quite up to Apple Family Cider, but not bad either. “Indeed,” Lavender added. “For what we are about to receive, let us be thankful. Now, what say we dig in.” “It’s a pity Ron couldn't be here,” Hermione noted. “Nova, one thousand twenty-seven?” “I spent over nine hundred years trapped in Limbo. My actual subjective age would be twenty-seven.” Poor Hermione had even more to mull over now and she wanted to ask about limbo but felt it might be inappropriate. “This is good,” Dean offered between mouthfuls. “And I doubt Ron could appreciate something like this.” “Ya, he’s a meat and potatoes eat it before he can smell it kind of guy,” Seamus joked. Hermione looked like she wanted to defend Ron in his absence, but had realized that Seamus was probably right. Ron was undeniably uncouth. Granted that she liked him well enough, it was just that Ron seemed to be lacking in any manners whatsoever. The soup was followed by salmon with a Hollandaise sauce on it. It wasn’t a large piece as it was meant as more of an appetizer. What came next was roast goose, stuffing, a dish consisting of glazed chestnuts, pearl onions, and small golden potatoes. And their vegetable for the night was asparagus spears in a white sauce. “Kitzu, what’s it like living in paradise?” Alice asked about halfway through the meal. “I’m to understand that she was in a boarding school,” Aerie cut in. “I lived in Manehattan.” “Mane hat-tan?” Hermione quipped. “It’s Manhattan. Honestly.” “Hermione, you are doing it again,” Alice cautioned. “I’ve been,” Brightstar offered. “Every last soul there says mane hat tan.” “Seriously?” Hermione was indeed taken aback a bit to think that the citizens themselves might not pronounce the name correctly. But then if the entire population of the place said 'mane' instead of 'man' who was she to argue? Her mind jumped a cog and was onto the next tack. “So, you’ve lived in a boarding school. Can’t say I don’t know what that’s like. Short of it’s similar to Hogwarts that is. But what about Akkadia? What’s it like?” “Hot and muggy I’d imagine,” Aerie offered. “It’s semi-tropical, isn’t it?” “It’s considered Neotropical,” Hermione offered. “Or subtropical if you prefer. I’ve read that there are plants and animals in abundance unlike anywhere else in the world.” “It’s been a while since I was home,” Kitsu offered. “And Manhattan was anything but a paradise.” “But why were you living in Manhattan of all places?” “Wizard war?” Aerie suggested. “Mrs Silverwood likely made more than her fair share of enemies.” “Oh… I hadn’t thought of that. Nova, what about you?” “Me?” Brightstar asked. “Oh, right. I’m a helm officer on an airship.” “Seriously? You are seriously an adult in a little kid’s body?” Seamus asked. “Oh, maybe you can use the trick Mom showed me,” Kitsu suggested. “You know, reach in and pull out the pon-person you are supposed to be.” “Just be careful,” Aerie cautioned. “Wouldn't that be underage magic? You know we aren’t allowed,” Lavender warned. “She’s not a Hogwarts student. And I doubt the Ministry of Magic has any say in the matter.” “Akkadians do allow underage witches and wizards to perform magic outside of school,” Hermione offered. “What? I read about it.” “It’s driving you nuts that you can’t use your magic, isn’t it,” Aerie teased. “Yes. It is. I’m certainly confident enough to manage simple spells on my own. We aren’t even allowed to use simple telekinesis like what you showed us. And yes, I got a warning. By owl no less. Sending an owl to a muggle home. A person would think there’d be a restriction on that?” “I’m surprised we haven't gotten any owls,” Justin quipped with a grin. “Word is that Mrs Silverwood warned them off,” Lavender offered. “Let’s see… reach inside myself…” Brightstar said softly as she closed her eyes. The others just looked at her with mild curiosity. Even the maids who were standing nearby were mildly curious, and their jaws dropped when the air around Brightstar began to shimmer. A moment later a fairly good-looking teen of perhaps seventeen or eighteen now sat where Nova Mustang the child sat a moment before. An adult for the Wizarding world. And yes, Equestria as well. “Not bad,” Aurora encouraged. “The boobs need to be a bit higher up though. A little too pony.” “Ah, that’s not where they go, is it? Shouldn't be too hard to fix now that I’ve got the knack of it.” She shimmered once more and set things to rights.” “Is… is that something all Akkadians are capable of?” asked one of the maids. “To be fair, only members of a certain royal line can do that level of transformation, I think,” Aurora offered. “First time I’ve done it, but then I am an adult. Or at least I was. Just undoing the effects of a magical mishap. I am well versed in the use of magic.” “Oh, OK. That does make sense.” “Are you really a helm officer in an airship?” Hermione asked. “Technically, it’s my yacht. I just don’t have enough experience to be a captain.” When the Footman returned with a cart laden with holiday-themed treats he seemed at a loss as to who the new guest was. “It’s Miss Nova Mustang,” Offered the maid who’d been asking the questions. “Seems she was telling the truth about getting turned into a child. She seems to have at least partially reversed the effect. Hang on, royal line?” “Well, I am technically a princess.” “Let’s keep that quiet,” Aurora admonished. “They are a little worried that ‘You know who’ or a former supporter might come after them,” Lavender explained. “Well then, let us hope that what we have will satisfy the pallet of a princess,” The footman offered. “We have minced pies with pheasant. Normally there would be beef in them, but we were informed that Miss Aerie doesn’t eat beef.” “Neither bovine, ruminant, nor equine. I’m good on just about everything else.” “It’s an Akkadian thing,” Aurora offered. “Many of the inhabitants can transform without the need for any complicated spells. Dear, Pony, and Griffins seem to be the most common forms.” “Ah, yes, I can see where one would want to avoid eating certain animals if there was a possibility we might actually know the individual. I must confess that we did not know we’d have any Akkadian Princesses tonight. We just wanted to make sure that Miss Potter would be comfortable with the fair.” “Hoshiko, do you count as a princess?” Kitsu asked. “Not so much. Dad’s from a noble family but they aren’t a member of the peerage.” “That gives us Mrs Silverwood Swan,” Aerie said as though thinking out loud. “And of course Miss Kitsu. And we already mentioned that Nova Mustang is a princess. And we’ve Princess Luna with us tonight as well.” “We don’t really hold to formalities. It tends to draw too much attention,” Brightstar explained. “Oh, my, a full house,” The second maid said softly followed by the footman lifting a bell-shaped cover off a scrumptious-looking Plum Pudding. The girls all clapped with appreciation. There was also orange custard and a variety of small tarts and sweet treats. All of which was well appreciated. Everyone was full of cheer now and Brightstar just couldn't stop herself from singing. Resonet in laudibus, Cum iucundis plausibus, Sion cum fidelibus, Apparuit, apparuit, Quem genuit Sol Invictus. Aerie and Kitzu joined in, both knowing the tune. Pueri concinite, Nato Regi psallite, Voce pia dicite: Sol Invictus. Hang on, isn’t that song supposed to be about Maria?” Hermione asked looking rather confused. “And how is it Aerie knows it?” “Mrs Silverwood used to sing it to me when I was but a babe,” Aerie offered. “And I wouldn't know.” “Who’s Maria?” Kitsu asked. “Lead role in Westside Story,” Aerie offered. Once again Hermione looked like she wanted to say something but was holding back. Seamus started in on singing: I saw Three Ships… Everything was going swimmingly with the others joining in. And what was in those ships all three, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day? And what was in those ships all three, On Christmas Day in the morning? “Jameson, Bushmills, and Writers Tears On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,” Seamus sang. “That is not how that song goes!” Hermione blurted out indignantly. Meanwhile, Aerie was laughing so hard she was doubled over. “Surely one of those ships should be carrying Cutty Sark whisky?” And then Aerie fell off her seat. “Brands of whiskey,” Aurora informed several confused faces as the maids helped Aerie back to her seat. And yes, she was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Things went downhill as everyone had a turn at lampooning a Christmas song. By the time the butler came in to investigate the footman was sniffing at a cider decanter with considerable suspicion. “Down on Granny's farm, there is a little red hen. Down on Granny's farm, there is a little red hen. The hen, she makes a sound like this: Bawk, Bawk. The hen, she makes a sound like this: Bawk, Bawk,” Sweetie Belle sang even as the Butler was taking a sniff at the cider. And yes, she was jazzing it up while standing in her chair. She had been asked about where she lived, and as they’d been singing, couldn't resist answering in song. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had been more than happy to accompany her, but it was always Sweetie who had the gift of song. Why she’d not gotten a cutie mark in music… but then again, the trio never seemed to linger on any one thing long enough for the magic of vocation to take hold. The butler cleared his throat bringing about an end to the impromptu musical number. “If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, Lady Longbottom asks that you pipe down.” “We are terribly sorry,” Aurora offered an apology. “That’s Brightstar. Nova Mustang.” Indeed the butler had taken notice of the young woman who hadn’t been there earlier. “Indeed she is,” the footman confirmed. “Managed to age herself up. Seems to be an Akkadian thing.” “She did speak the truth when she said she was an adult,” Aurora offered. “She simply figured out how to undo that which had been done.” “In that case, I will trust her to keep the rest of you in line.” “Tell my Grandmother…” Neville began. He stood as though he’d intended to address a great gathering, took a long pull on his glass, and then began anew. “Tell that old nag to mind her betters.” “Neville?” Hermione asked in utter astonishment. “We’ve more princesses than she,” Neville announced and then sat back down. “How long have they been serving us the real thing?” Aerie asked as she studied her glass. The crusaders quickly downed the contents of their glasses and went for more. “Oh no you don’t!” One of the maids corrected as she lunged for the decanter within their reach, and Lavender started laughing. “Neville, considering you have to live in her house, you might not want to tell her off,” Aerie cautioned sagely. “She doesn’t let me do anything. She treats me like I’m five years old!” Neville’s voice betrayed anguish and frustration. Of the things he’d learned in Hogwarts was just how oppressed he was in his own home. “Princess Luna outranks all of us,” Kitzu pointed out. “We must first defer to our better.” “She does?” Neville asked. “I guess maybe telling my grandmother off isn’t such a good idea then.” He turned to the butler. “But tell us, what need has Princess Luna? Are we too loud for her taste? If so then we must temper our merriment.” “Here, here,” Seamus exclaimed. The butler looked troubled. “I must confess I did not know she was a princess. So, what’s she Princess of? She some sort of Akkadian Princess?” Who could say if it was the drink or something else, but at the man’s question Aerie stood up and began singing, “The world was young the mountains green,” Kitzu joined in at, “no stain yet on the moon was seen,” Brightstar joined at, “no words were laid on stream or stone,” The three were delighted that each knew the song, each standing up for better diaphragm control. “..when Luna woke and walked alone.” In the large dining room where the adults were gathered Mrs Longbottom had a 'we are not amused' look on her face. A look that changed to astonishment when Mrs Silverwood joined in at, “She named the nameless hills and dells, she drank from yet untasted wells…” ("Song of Luna", a parody by myself, Original poem "Song of Durin" by J R Tolkien.) It was a long ballad that painted Princess Luna as the elder sister and the first pony to step hoof on the land that would become known as Equestria. It was a song sung by all those who had supported Princess Luna during the long interval of her absence. Luna listened and was both delighted and mildly embarrassed. > Chapter 45: Dinner Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I had asked for quiet,” Mrs Longbottom protested over the singing. “I must confess the song honors ourselves,” Luna offered. “Nor do I begrudge the children their song. Truly I say to you that their singing and laughter are a great blessing. And if you had wanted quite, a simple silencing spell could have been cast upon the door. Instead, you ordered the butler to go and tell them to be quiet.” “The fault is partly our own,” offered the butler who had returned; the song now done. “If your Highness will forgive us.” He bowed to Princess Luna. “It seems the alcohol was mixed into the punch.” “You’ve given alcohol to my grandson?” Mrs Longbottom accused more than asked. “Afraid so. And he’s being quite belligerent towards yourself, Mam. We have a bit of good news though.” “Which is?” Mrs Longbottom demanded. “Princess Nova Mustang’s age reversal has reversed itself and she’s back to being an adult.” “And next you’ll be telling me she really is over a thousand years old,” Mrs Longbottom stated grumpily. “When one is held in a state of limbo, where time has no meaning, they do not age,” Princess Luna explained. “I was held in such a state, unjustly, for a period of a thousand years. As was my daughter, and a few other members of my household. Such was the spell that when the plot was found out, it was impossible to undo, and had to be allowed to run its course.” “Akkadia has alternatives to Azkaban,” Mrs Silverwood added. “Being held in limbo is one of those punishments. The individual will lose everything in an instant from their perspective. After their release, they are given the option of rehabilitation. Other punishment options include Tartarus and being indefinitely frozen in stone. Typically until the spell fails. Which can last many hundreds, even thousands of years.” Luna shuddered. “I lost everything. I lost my entire world. Friends, home… My home is in ruins, an archaeological site now, and the community it was in is now long gone and covered by woods. I’ve only a couple of familiar faces from the past, and all because of the manipulations of one person who cared more about setting themselves up as a person of importance to be looked up to. With no care for the lives, they destroyed in their climb to the top.” “That’s horrible,” Flora said softly. “Let’s not dwell on it, shall we? There is dessert,” Mrs Silverwood offered hopefully. “And let the children sing,” Luna pleaded. “I was rather enjoying it.” “Can we have Miss Mustang step in here for a moment?” Mrs Longbottom’s tone indicated that she was skeptical. “Mam,” the Butler replied, and then stepped out of the room into the smaller dining room. From the other room could be heard the sound of spoons clacking in an executioner's drumroll which followed Nova Mustang into the main dining room. The spoon clacking stopped a moment later. Mrs Longbottom’s expression turned from annoyance to surprise at the site of the young woman who now looked more like Nova Silverwood’s younger sister. And she knew full well that Nova Silverwood was far older than her appearance suggested. “I see.” It had taken Mrs Longbottom quite a bit for her mind to compute what she was seeing. “Are you really…” “Over a thousand years old?” Miss Mustang offered. “To be honest, I suppose one could say I slept through most of it. My specific circumstances... I’d been separated from my mother, and being the headstrong little filly that I was I dashed in where I shouldn't have. I got caught in the spell that sent my mother into limbo. I think I must have passed out because I don’t remember much. The next thing I knew I was hundreds of feet in the air. Possibly due to thaumatic drift over the years. I was caught by a couple of excellent fliers out on patrol.” She waited a moment for her listeners to take in what she’d said. “Naturally, no one knew who I was, and owing to my circumstances I wasn’t in a hurry to tell them. My legal name is now Brightstar Mustang. I simply hadn’t told them that my name was actually Stella Nova Moon, or that I was a princess. And I doubt they would have believed me at the time either.” “But why did you not tell anyone?” Mrs Longbottom asked. She could understand why no one would have believed the tale, but still curious as to why she’d held back in the first place. “I feared the individuals who brought about my mother’s downfall might go after me if they knew I was free. That and I had no idea that any time had passed at the time. I believed myself to have drifted into a foreign land at first.” “It would seem that we must never be quick to judge based on appearance alone,” Mr Longbottom said. A thought struck his mind. “Curious… was that Dumbledore’s wand the cat snatched?” “My familiar was the one who took it, and yes, I believe it was,” Mrs Silverwood informed him. “Familiar?” Mrs Brown asked. “Wand?” “Our three kitties are familiars. They are not ordinary cats. I was wondering why she took it to Aerie instead of giving it to me, but then as it’s been foretold that she’d be the one to defeat Tom Riddle my little one must have figured the wand should go to her.” “Riddle was Dumbledore's protege, was he not?” Mr Longbottom said almost as though thinking out loud. Of course the truth of who You Know Who was had hit the papers despite Dumbledore's efforts to suppress it. “You’re not thinking that he had something to do with the Dark Lord’s rise?” Mrs Longbottom asked with a hint of horror in her tone. “Dumbledore and Grindelwald were fast friends in their youth, and Dumbledore gained immensely from Grindelwald’s downfall. He also gained from the Dark Lord’s downfall. It’s all been in the papers you know. I imagine Harry Potter was next only things weren’t as Professor Dumbledore had thought.” “You can’t be serious?” Mr Brown asked. “Dumbledore?” “You saw how he reacted to Princess Luna. He has designs on little Aerie, events on the first day of Winter break are damning enough, and when Princess Luna walked in, for a brief moment he saw Lilly Potter and saw his plans, whatever they may be, were about to be further derailed. He’s rather fond of saying it’s for the greater good, but I’m beginning to wonder what that greater good might be?” “I fear that Dumbledore’s greater good has always been for Dumbledore’s greater good,” Mrs Silverwood stated. “Case in point, not only is Dumbledore the Head Master of Hogwarts, holder of the Order of Merlin First Class and the prestigious title of Grand Sorcerer, he also holds the position of Supreme Mugwump Chairman of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Oh, sure he’ll say he turned down the position of Minister of Magic, but as it stands now I say he’s got his hands in too many pots.” “How exactly does he find the time to be an educator and be the head of such important government offices?” Flora asked. “Does the Confederation of Wizards or the Wiz-en game it-” “Wizengamot…” “Wizengamot… not meet very often?” She nodded to Mrs Silverwood for the correction. “The Wizengamot is the wizard version of Parliament and Supreme Court rolled into one. And the Chief of the Wizengamot is the Presiding officer over the Wizengamot.” Mrs Silverwood paused a moment. “And yes, it is a lot for one man. How he finds time to attend to his governmental duties and manage the largest and most prestigious school of magic in England is a bit of a mystery.” “Parliament and the Supreme Court rolled into one?” Basil asked astounded by what he’d just been told. “Sounds like way too much power rolled into one. And the fact that he’s also maneuvered himself into the position of Chairman of the International Confederation of Wizards, which if you ask me is a conflict of interests, he’s one step away from crowning himself king of Wizard kind.” “If you are done with me, I’d like to go finish my dessert, if you please?” Nova Mustang prompted. “Oh, oh yes, of course,” Mrs Longbottom replied with a wave as her mind attempted to parse that evening’s revelations. Nova Mustang turned and went back to her desserts. That evening after returning home it was decided to walk Sweetie and Apple Bloom home. Both fillies were showing signs of mild inebriation. Which was considerable given that equines can actually metabolize a fair amount of alcohol. Granted the issue may well have had something to do with the dimensional gate. Why Aerie wasn't showing any signs may well have been due to her Alicorn metabolism. Aurora escorted Sweetie home, and Aerie and Brightstar escorted Apple Bloom as it had grown late by the time they’d returned to the house. Aurora was the first to learn that the fillies had not been entirely truthful as the two approached the Carousel Boutique. What greeted them at the boutique was a large gathering of ponies who looked as though they were getting ready to go on a night hike. “Sweetie! Oh, bless you, you’ve found her!” Rarity called as she rushed to embrace her little filly. “Found her?” Aurora asked in astonishment. “Sweetie Belle, you said you’d asked permission. An explanation is in order, I think?” “Sweetie, where have you been?” Rarity asked. “At a rather posh dinner,” Aurora informed her. “She had led us to believe that she had permission.” “And why precisely does she smell of a distillery?” “There was a mix-up with the caterer. The little ones were provided with an alcoholic beverage. It was subtle at first, but by the time we realized what was going on the damage was done.” “I see. I might like to have a few words with them.” “Do not fret on that matter. The individuals responsible have been roundly disciplined. How it happened none could say.” As for Aerie, Brightstar, and Apple Bloom they saw their first danger on the road to the farm, for there in the sparse woodland ahead of them, much to Apple Bloom’s horror a Timber Wolf waited for them on the path. Evidence of other beats not far off caused the little filly's blood to run cold at the sounds of their howling. But not Aerie, for Aerie had a good idea of how she might deal with these creatures of rotting wood, and the fact that they were well dispersed just made it that much easier. “Stay by Apple Bloom's side,” Aerie said and vanished in a teleport. She reappeared a moment later high over the wolf in the path now in the armor of a warrior of old. She dove down striking the beast on the neck with both hooves driving it into the ground. The old rotted branches scattered followed by Aerie springing at a green glowing orb and stomping on it. Bright blue fire erupted from her hooves and a moment later the orb was gone. “Who’s next?!” Aerie shouted as she glared at the shadows in the woods. Her fire was blazing brightly. “What did you just do?!” Brightstar asked in astonishment. “Break it, and use purifying energy to destroy the core.” “You, you killed a Timber Wolf?!” Apple Bloom was equally astonished and had likely sobered up quite a bit in those few moments. “Oh, I know…” Aerie said excitedly. “Moonie! Squadron!” The echoed call of “Flight!” by the leaders of a ghost squadron filling the sky hadn’t surprised Aerie all that much. The ghostly squadron fanned out followed by the remaining Timber Wolves in the area bolting at the presence of the ghostly guardians. “Mom?! Moonie?!” Brightstar protested as the visage of Nightmare Moon joined them. “Why did you let us walk into a pack of Timber Wolves?!” “What? And spoil Aerie’s fun?” asked the Night Mare. Aerie was indeed having fun. She’d taken off again in search of any wolf that wasn’t running away fast enough. “Fun?! Fun?! She does this for fun!?” Aerie swooped in and landed. “This is what you do for fun!?” “Ya. Foxfire neutralizes the chaos magic that animates those things,” She explained as her ghostly squadron drove off the wolves and continued to fan out. “Come on Apple Bloom, let’s get you home.” To their surprise, Apple Bloom bolted for home. The two mares hesitated only a moment and followed in hot pursuit. Moonie decided to just vanish along with her conjured squadron. “Apple Bloom, it’s OK, I drove them off!” Aerie shouted as they approached the gates of the farm. “Apple Bloom! Where ‘ave you been!?” Shouted Applejack as she rushed out to embrace her sister. “Every pony ‘as been worried sick. You know full well not ta be out after dark in the winter!” “Apple Bloom, you told me you had permission to be out,” Aerie prompted. “I told Granny I was going with friends. I didn’t know I’d be out so late.” “No pony said nothin' ta me,” Granny scolded as she hobbled out to meet them. “Granny?” Bloom protested. “But I did.” “Ya, did not. Now get inside. There be Timberwolves a prowling.” “Miss Aerie already chased 'em off,” Bloom protested. “I said git inside. Now!” “I am so sorry we didn’t get her back sooner,” Aerie offered even as Granny marched Bloom back to the house. Applejack was giving the two fox ponies the stink eye. “Cider mix-up,” Brightstar offered, figuring that’s why AJ was giving them a dirty look. “Corrected just as soon as the mix-up was spotted,” Aerie supplied. “I see. Just one more thing… how’d you get past the Timber Wolves? I know they were out there, I could hear 'em howling.” “She broke them.” Applejack just looked at the two with confusion on her face. “And when a fox pony breaks one of those creatures it stays broke.” “Seriously?!” “Break it and stomp out the magic fire before it can reform the wolf. Only works for fox ponies so far as I know.” “We should probably let the local guard know about the wolves,” Brightstar suggested. “Thanks for bringing her back,” AJ offered. “But how’d you know there might be trouble brewing?” “Didn’t. We just thought it’d be a good idea to walk her home,” Aerie offered. “Your farm is mighty close to the Everfree after all.” “I’m surprised those things came in so close,” Brightstar mused. “They don’t normally do that.” “They are prone to wander in during the winter. Most ponies in the area know not to be out after dusk if they live anywhere near the forest. Thank you again for bringing her back. And for what it’s worth, she probably did tell Granny. Not like I haven’t told her ta tell me. Granny forgets and she knows it.” “I’ll be sure and check with you before taking Apple Bloom anywhere in the future,” Aerie offered, and then sprang into the air. A moment later she was diving down on a Timber Wolf that was hot on Big Mac’s tail. “She does that for fun. Apparently.” “Mac!?” Applejack shouted even as Big Mac was shouting get inside. She was about ready to spring into action herself when Aerie smashed down onto the neck of the big creature. A moment later she was stamping out anything that glowed while applying a little of her own fire. “I ... tree house,” Mac said out of breath. He’d just looked behind him to utter astonishment. “I guess some things a pony just has to see to believe,” AJ commented. “Now I just feel downright silly,” Big mac muttered. “She’s so little too.” “Don’t feel too bad there, Big Mac,” Brightstar consoled even as Aerie trotted back over to where they were. And yes, she and Aerie were the same size. “Lets face it if you could fly you’d have no trouble stomping one of them things.” “Do you do that too?” AJ asked. “Grappling hooks and lines have always been my preferred method. I’ll confess that I didn’t know they could be destroyed completely. Snatch up the glowy bit with a hook or net and haul it away as far as I can before dropping it.” “Come on Lieutenant,” Aerie beckoned as she approached. “Just out of curiosity, are you two sisters?” Applejack asked. “Siblings, that is.” “I suppose one could say that,” Brightstar offered. “So what do you think about Miss Aerie there marrying Miss Sunshine?” “It’s a herding agreement, not a marriage,” Aerie protested. “We did it for Scootaloo’s sake.” “And you were going to tell me when?” “It just sort of slipped my mind. Let’s also keep in mind that Aurora had no way to contact you and no way of knowing if she’d ever see you again.” “Pardon?” AJ asked. “You want to try explaining that?” “It’s kind of above your pay grade,” Aerie offered rather sheepishly. “She’s an element barer, I think it’s alright for her to know.” “Know what?” “We aren’t sisters, we are different versions of the same pony,” Aerie explained. “Cross-dimensional shenanigans brought to you in part by Discord.” “Just exactly where was that party now?” “In another world via a portal,” Aerie offered back while sounding rather sheepish. “Are you saying you took ma little sister through a portal to another world?” “Her and Sweetie Belle.” “And Scootaloo?” “My front door is the portal. Scootaloo has been living in another world.” “What?” “The front door is the portal. We figure Discord had a hoof, claw, and or talon in setting it up, but to tell the truth she’s been living on the other side of a portal for a couple of months now.” “Whoa,” Big Mac drawled out. “Did you know she’d been staying in the tree house?” Brightstar asked Big Mac. “Ahhh, well…” “Yes or no, Big Mac,” AJ demanded. “E-yup.” “Mac?!” “She was there only a short time. Apple Bloom being out so late…” “She’s inside now.” “Well, I thought maybe Scootaloo had come back and they were out in the treehouse.” “You don’t need to worry, she’s got a home to live in, and family who can look after her,” Aerie said. “Things went on as long as they did because she didn’t want Rainbow Dash to think she was weak.” “Sounds like I need to have a talk with Rainbow about toning it down a notch or three,” AJ stated. “And you and Sunshine signed a Herding agreement for…?” Brightstar pressed. “Princess Celestia wanted assurances we weren’t going to up and dump Scootaloo the first chance we got. She wanted to know that we were willing to make a commitment. That said, I’d have looked after her without the herding agreement. In my world, Scootaloo is both a cousin and a good friend.” “So you are basically saying Princess Celestia pressured you into it.” “Sort of. Granted that it was sort of my idea to begin with.” “Oh it was, was it?” “I just figured that if we shared the same residence it might simplify an issue that came up at school. There was also the need to demonstrate our willingness to commit to Scootaloo. And it’s not like she and I are complete strangers. The thing is she’d already committed herself to look after Scootaloo and I’d pointed out that she didn’t live in the same house as Scootaloo was living in. That being my house. And then I’d gone and asked her to share my home with me.” “And somehow it morphed into signing a herding agreement.” “Well, once we’d decided that we were both open to doing it we decided to go for it. Now, shouldn't we let the local guard know there are Timber Wolves on the outskirts of town?” “Might just as well. See ya Applejack.” “Ya, we’ll be around,” Aerie offered, and a moment later she and Brightstar had launched into the air and were headed into town. “Just what kind of Armor was that?” Big Mac asked. “Kind of looked like the sort of stuff Nightmare Moon used.” “Ya don’t say.” “Mac might be best not ta say anything about alternate dimensions.” “Sounded like a bunch of hooey ta me. Why’d you even go along with it?” “Cause they were telling the truth. I could tell. Like they said, Discord.” Big Mac gave her a funny look and then let out a low whistle. > Chapter 46: Morning in Mrs Silverwoods home Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie and Brightstar winged their way into town landing in front of the Guard station in Ponyville. The street light, the light over the entry, and a light in one window was the only sign that there might be anyone there. Aerie’s armor vanished, and then she headed for the door, Brightstar following. Inside only a handful of lights were on. Two guards watched the two identical fox ponies like they were seeing specters. “Good evening,” Aerie offered. “We came by to report Timber Wolf activity on the edge of town.” “You two aren’t from these parts are you?” One of the guards asked. “Meaning?” Aerie asked. “Meaning the locals know to stay indoors after dark during the winter.” “You saying you aren’t going to do anything about it?” Brightstar asked. “We’ve neither the horsepower nor the equipment.” “Last time we tried a big push to drive the blasted things away we lost Bright Mac and Pear Butter,” Offered another. “Fortunately it’s only a problem when rogue winter storms come in from the Everfree.” “And there’s been nothing since? That was years ago?” Brightstar protested. “Come on, let’s go,” Aerie said sounding defeated. “You’re just going to leave it like this?” “No, but as he said, they don’t have the horsepower. Look we are going into Canterlot tomorrow anyway, if we get the opportunity we might just put a mosquito in someone’s ear.” “You do that,” offered the guard who’d spoken to them first. “Don’t be too disappointed when nothing happens.” “I’ve got a mind to fetch my airship,” Brightstar muttered as she turned to follow Aerie out the door. “You’re back!” Aurora cheered moments after Aerie and Brightstar entered the back door. “Why were you gone so long?” “We ran into a little problem,” Brightstar explained. “Apple Bloom didn’t have permission either, is it?” “She might have, but Granny seems to have forgotten, that or Apple Bloom hadn’t made it clear,” Aerie explained. “The real problem is that they have a Timber Wolf problem.” “Every time a rogue winter storm comes in off the Everfree.” “And they haven't the ponies to really do anything about it.” “I wonder if I can get Mrs Silverwood to tell me what her warding spell was?” “Ah, if we could set up a warding spell… or perhaps a series of warding spells that might just solve the problem. Anyway… I need to get back to my ship.” “OK, we probably won’t see you tomorrow morning, but feel free to drop in for dinner.” “What were we doing tomorrow?” Aurora asked. “We were going to go into Canterlot, to the White Tower Law firm.” “Oh, right, right, I’d forgotten.” On the following morning Aurora, Scootaloo, and Aerie were alarmed to find Mrs Summers at the bottom of the stairs after having taken a tumble down said stairs. Flora was up at the top of the stairs fretting about what to do. Especially given that Mrs Summers had transformed on the landing. “Mom!?” Aurora shouted. “Bio scan… nothing broken, just bruised,” Aerie offered. “Mom, are you alright?” “I… I think I must have hit my head pretty hard.” “I tried to stop her,” Flora pleaded. “Mrs Summers, if you are seeing us as ponies, it’s alright. We are ponies.” “What? Seriously? But how?” “Magic. Mother. It’s magic. And you can’t tell anyone.” “She’s so cute!” Celeste Summers exclaimed on seeing Scootaloo. “Mrs Summers, why don’t you just worm your way off the steps, and let’s see if we can get you upright. “Why is Flora still human?” “She hasn’t ventured in far enough to trigger the transformation. Come on…” Getting Celeste the rest of the way down proved the easy part. And rolling over into a more upright position wasn’t too difficult, but beyond that, she was as ungainly as a newborn foal. “We’ve got to come up with a better way to get down,” Flora said as she backed down the stairs, now in pony form. “Why you’ve already got a cutie mark.” Indeed Celeste Summers looked exactly like Mystique. “Oh my… Tia?” Luna asked from the doorway into the front room. She had on a pink nightshirt and was wearing bunny slippers. “My mom. My actual mom,” Aurora explained. “Good morning,” Aerie said cheerfully. “Mom, what are you doing here?” “I wanted to spend the day with my daughter. Maybe make up for some of the time I got too engrossed in my work to give you the time you deserved.” She had a look at herself. “This isn’t normal even for the magical community, is it?” “No, it’s not. That’s why you need to keep it quiet,” Aurora admonished. “Will I turn back?” “Yes, you will.” “How about breakfast?” “Come on into the kitchen and we’ll set you up with breakfast.” “Hang on, how do I eat like this?” “Just imagine you have hands.” “Seriously? And I’ll be able to grip things… with these?” “Come on… you don’t need help do you?” “I’ve got it… I think… woo, hang on, woo!” “You take the left flank,” Aerie offered as she hurried over to Celeste's right. The two then proceeded to maneuver as though playing some sort of horse pong, much to Luna’s delight. Breakfast proved to be a barrel of laughs as Celeste learned how to horse. “Just don’t overthink it,” Aurora admonished several times. They did eventually finish breakfast. Celeste was cleaned up, bundled up to go out, and headed for the front door. Luna poked her head out the door which had been switched back to her home world shortly after returning from dinner, let the guards on station know that they would not be available for the better part of the day, closed the door, and switched the dial to the other Canterlot. “And we can just wander about as horses?” Celeste asked as she poked her head out the door. “Ponies, mom, ponies,” Aurora corrected. And indeed there were quite a few ponies already out and about. “This is one of those things you can’t tell anyone. Aerie’s basement is a portal to another world. Everyone here is a pony. Well, most. There are griffins, dragons, hippogriffs, and I think you get the point. And you can’t tell anyone. There are far too many who would try to exploit this world.” “So which neighborhood is this?” Aerie asked as she went out the door. The place was a typical upper-class Canterlot estate with a small garden and several outbuildings walled off from the street. It was also fairly high up in the city. Not quite in the section where most of the nobles of Canterlot had homes, but fairly well placed. “Don’t look at me,” Celeste said as she gingerly picked her way through the snow. Aurora had stepped out and decided to use her magic to clear the walkways. “Aurora, we are supposed to be pegasi, remember?” Aerie teased. “It’s Canterlot, I’m surprised we haven't been fined for not clearing the walk. And you know what,” she said as she reached up and shut off the ring hiding her horn. A moment later she had her wings under her winter cloak. “Today I will be a unicorn.” Luna decided to tuck her wings under her cloak as well. “Good for you. Can I come too?” Flora asked. “Justin is going to spend the day with friends, which was going to leave me at home by myself.” “Don’t see why not,” Aerie offered as she looked at Aurora. Her stern expression cracked, and she decided to do the same. “Now we are both unicorns.” “So no flying?” Scootaloo asked. “Canterlot is pretty high up, best to stay close by,” Aurora replied. “You need a little more experience before you start doing high-altitude flights,” Aerie offered. “Everything happens a whole lot faster.” “She’s not wrong.” “Aww,” Scootaloo groused. “Hey, I know, we can go tour Canterlot castle,” Aerie announced. “Just as soon as we are done at the White Tower Law Firm.” Aerie opened the gate that exited out onto the street. “Ah, 1117 Cador Lane.” “That’s not too far from Mane Street. Where was this place?” Aurora asked. “Bank said the address they had on file was 1266 Agravain Avenue. It’d be off Bedivere Lane. Near the Castle district.” Aerie, Aurora, Celeste, Flora, Luna, and Scootaloo headed out of the gate and made their way along the lane until they came to a carriage stop. They only had a short wait for a team of four earth ponies to approach in a Tallyho carriage. “Ladies,” Offered the lead pony, a rather muscular stallion as they came to a stop. They were all very shaggy from the winter weather. “Can you fit six,” Aurora asked. “Can I ride on top?” Scootaloo asked. “Me too,” Luna added. “It’s going to get cold up there,” Aerie cautioned. “I think we can manage. Where do you need to go?” “Twelve sixty-six Agravain Avenue,” Aurora informed them. “Well climb on up, and we’ll get you there in a jiffy.” “I’m going inside,” Flora said with a cheeky smile as she climbed on up into the carriage. “Scootaloo, if you really want to go up there that’s fine,” Aurora offered as she helped Celeste into the carriage. “Don’t say you weren’t warned,” Aerie cautioned, and as she climbed in Moonie the cat lept up to the top to join Luna and Scootaloo. And I should add that Scootaloo had no trouble climbing up. She’d simply used her wings to propel herself up the way some birds do to climb trees. It took but a couple of minutes for everyone to get seated, and they were off. Their route took them through several areas frequented by tourists including the Natural History Museum which Scootaloo indicated she’d like to visit if they had the time. Finally, they arrived at their destination. Agravain Avenue was a short spur off Bedivere lane flanked on one side by buildings and on the other by nearly sheer cliff walls. The building itself was a rather austere building that lead the ponies to think the designer had no imagination whatsoever. Scootaloo and Luna were so frozen they needed to be lifted down. “I told you to say something if you got too cold,” Aurora scolded as she set the two on the icy pavement. Celeste rushed to the two and draped her wings over them. “Oh my, you two are cold!” Celeste exclaimed. She shivered at the touch and was rather dumbfounded when Scootaloo climbed up to snuggle under her wing, her legs now tucked in. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, mam, we see that sort of thing all the time in weather like this,” Offered the team leader. “How do you guys put up with the cold,” Aerie asked as she paid him. “Just keep moving, keep moving, just keep moving,” he offered took the money which was placed in a pouch, pulled away, turned the carriage, and headed back the way they’d come. A small bell rang above the door as they entered the lobby. The walls were white, the floor was tiled in black and white squares, and the furniture consisted of hard wooden chairs painted avocado green. Every couple of chairs had a small table between them that was made of a wrought-iron base with a marble slab on top, and at the far end, a silver mare with a blue mane sat behind a counter set in a wall. The overhead lighting was about as institutional as it could get, there was a door to the left, and blinds on the window. The mare behind the counter watched them with curiosity as they entered. “Are you perhaps lost?” she asked as they approached. “I’d imagine that depends,” Aerie offered. “Might this be the White Tower Agency?” “And you… Mystique?” “Do I know you?” Celeste asked. “Mom?” “Oh, don’t look so shocked. That was my nickname in college.” “Mom?” whispered the receptionist astounded at the idea that ‘the Mystique actually had a family. “Hang on, Princess Luna?” “OK, you two need to come out of there,” Celeste requested as she stretched out her wings. “Ack!” Scootaloo exclaimed, her hooves quickly finding the floor. “But you are so warm,” Luna pleaded. “Princess?” “Ah, right, yes,” Luna offered. “I thought you’d be… bigger?” “Waning moon,” Aerie offered. “She’s only full-sized during the full moon.” “How might I help you? Princess… Your Highness.” She attempted a rather awkward bow. “This is the White Tower Agency?” Luna asked. “Yes, yes it is.” “We were told that we needed to come here regarding Mane Allgood, and Snap Shutter,” Aurora informed her. “They are… well, overdue is probably the best way to describe it.” “Overdue? Mane and Snap?” “Discord turned their house upside down,” Aerie explained. “Scootaloo Shutter, their daughter, went homeless for a while due to issues I don’t want to get into. We found her squatting in our Ponyville house.” “Mane and Snap have been declared Missing and Aerie and I are Scootaloo’s temporary guardians,” Aurora added. “Oh my, oh my… hang on, let me go talk to someone…” and with that, the receptionist rushed out of her office and into the back of the building. “Where’d she go,” Scootaloo asked. “To go talk to someone… I guess?” Flora offered. “So, mom, you were into acting in college?” “I’ll have you know I was quite good. One might even say it was my special talent.” “So what happened?” “I needed to make a living.” “It was my fault, wasn’t it?” “No, it was your father’s fault.” “Takes two to tango, dear,” Flora teased. “I don’t regret it. Changing my career that is. To make it in acting a person needs to be on the move constantly. Always looking for that next opportunity. Constantly going from place to place, and a movie set or backstage in a theater is no place for a baby. Plus, I got to spend time with my baby. At least when I first started. Over the years as more and more responsibility got piled onto me it pulled me further and further away from Aurora.” They all turned to watch a white unicorn with a blond mane enter the room via the door to the back. “Hello, I’m Agent Blond. Games Blond. I understand you are here to enquire about Mane and Snap shutter?” “We are actually here to inform you that they’ve been declared missing,” Aerie offered. “And that Sunshine and myself have been given temporary custody of Scootaloo.” “And you are?” “Aerie Potter, also known as Nova Moon. With me are Summer Sunshine Mustang, her mother Mrs Celeste Summers, my two moms Flora Finch-Fletchley and Luna Moon, and the little one is Scootaloo Shutter.” “Aerie Nova Moon Potter, is it?” He gave her a funny look. His eyes locked on the horn on her head. Weren’t you supposed to be a… peg…” He’d seen the N-sid ring on her horn and recognized what it was. Allowing his gaze to explore the backs of these two ponies he could see the unmistakable bulges created by their wings. He then cast his eyes over to Celeste who just looked at him and smiled. From there he looked over at Luna, who he knew couldn't possibly be Princess Luna and yet… he then looked back at Aurora who also sported an N-sid ring on her horn. He looked back at Luna… putting a spell on herself so as not to be too noticeable was in the realm of possibilities. Could they be impersonators? The bell over the front door rang as two stallions entered. Ray Mustang and Hurricane Mitchell quickly sized up who was there. “Aurora, Aerie? This is a surprise,” Ray Mustang offered as he walked into the room. “Mystique.” “My mom,” Aurora whispered with a wink. “Ah, yes, of course.” He leaned close to her, “Not using the rings?” “So what brings you here of all places?” Hurricane asked. He had a look on his face that indicated that something he was looking at didn’t quite fit, but it hadn’t registered yet. “The bank told us that the White Tower law firm handled Mane and Snap’s legal matters whenever they were away. And given that they have been away for an extended period of time having abandoned their foal in the process we came to inform them we had temporary custody,” Aerie supplied and then mouthed ‘she’s my mom’ to Hurricane. Hurricane tilted his head slightly and then nodded. “Dare we ask what brings you here?” Aurora asked. “Well…” Ray began. “I’m not quite sure what to think, but… we were over at the museum and they confirmed certain suspicions. Scootaloo, your parents are not in the Yackatan. Word is they were part of an expedition to Mount Aris. We were told we might seek answers here. As for your letters, I’m not sure what to say short of the mail was running really slow. More likely they are forgeries.” “My letters… they aren’t real?” Scootaloo asked, her ears going back in worry. Aerie and Luna’s ears had also gone back in alarm, ears flat, but only because they knew full well what the connection to Mount Aris might mean. “They went to Mount Aris?” Aurora asked, not quite sure she wanted to believe it. “Aerie?” “I can’t. As much as I’d love to take the Arcadia down there, I can’t. I just can’t. You know full well that I already have a mission that takes priority over everything.” “You two know something,” Ray stated. “When was the last time any pony heard from the Hippogriff kingdom?” Aerie asked. “It’s been a while,” Mr Blond informed her. And given that two such notable ponies knew who these ponies were he was starting to think he was in over his pay grade. And his pay grade was pretty high up. “Arcadia?” Ray asked. “We discovered that there is an open route to my home country,” Aerie offered. “The Arcadia is a large warship.” “I see.” Ray was giving her an odd look. “It is entirely possible that the Hippogriffs used their magic to become sea ponies,” Aurora explained in a sort of leading way. “It’s possible that they moved their entire population under the sea to avoid an individual who calls himself the Storm King. And by doing so, they’ve created a vacuum of lawlessness where no pony is safe.” “Are my…” Scootaloo began but didn’t want to say it. “I don’t know,” Aerie offered. She refocused on Ray, “Any chance a ghost ship has been sneaking in and out of Cloudsdale?” “A ghost ship?” Mr Blond asked. “There have been rumors.” “Does it answer to Drumlinhay?” “The Drumlinhay went down over the Everfree years ago. All hands as I understand,” Ray offered. “Big luxury liner.” “It’s entirely possible she’s been hiding out in a hollow below the Wonderbolt base on Cloudsdale,” Aerie informed them. “If you were to gather up a crew of near-do-wells and happen to find her unawares, you might just commandeer that ghost ship and do a little extralegal rescuing.” “Anyway…” Aurora interjected. She got out a copy of the custody papers and showed that to Mr Blond. “Aerie and I will be handling Scootaloo’s affairs for the foreseeable future.” “Yes, yes, Mrs Lining, if you could? Mrs Lining will just take that.” “With Snap and Mane missing, do you know if the Canterlot Institute of Natural History will continue to pay them?” Aerie asked. “I only asked because Sunshine burns through my money a might bit too fast.” “I am not.” “You gave Pinkie a hundred bit Royal.” “It was a fun party. That is until Diamond tried to spoil it.” “My purse was given to me by Discord. No telling when it’ll run out.” “Discord?” Mr Blond asked in dismay. “Above your pay grade, I’m guessing,” Celeste suggested. She couldn't know it, but her saying so had only cemented it in his mind that he’d been left out of something big. Granted that two unknown alicorns right in front of him just helped to cement that notion. “Well, um, what will happen is they will continue to get their salary,” Mr Blond explained. “..and if it comes down to… well, you know, Being that they were on a sanctioned trip, the salary will switch over to a benefits package that Miss Shutter will get until she is of age. Otherwise, she will continue to benefit from the salary so long as Snap and Mane are whereabouts unknown.” “And then what?” Aerie asked. “Well, she’d inherit the estate.” “So in other words, nothing,” Scootaloo said dryly. “Now dear?” Flora asked. “No investments, the house is gone, and the Courthouse took possession of the property.” “What?” Mrs Lining said under her breath. “Shenanigans,” Aurora offered. “Hers was one of many houses turned upside down by Discord. We’ll get it straitened out.” “I should hope so,” Mrs Lining offered. “Now, if I may, I’ll just take that and make the necessary adjustments to the records, and you can be on your way.” “In truth, you could have just mailed it,” Mr Blond suggested. “With a corrupt official in the courthouse?” Aurora asked. “That and we were planning on touring the castle today.” “Can’t wait,” Luna offered. Mr Blond raised an eyebrow and then cracked a smile. “Well, glad we could be of assistance. Oh, and General Mustang, if you should happen to locate that airship, I might know some ponies who could help you out in such an operation.” “I’ll be sure and keep that in mind,” Ray replied. > Chapter 47: Canterlot Tourists > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Brrr, it hasn’t warmed up one bit.” Luna groused as they set forth once more into the street. Bad enough it wasn't even her world. She couldn't help but wonder why Nova Silverwood had left this world in that she didn't know the full story, but couldn't help but think that moving to a tropical paradise was definitely better than this cold weather. “Just keep moving, keep moving,” Aurora teased as they trotted along the lane. Fortunately, they weren’t too far to go to get to the tourist entrance of the castle. As for Ray and Hurricane, the two had hung back a bit, but intended to see them at least that far. Once they were sure the mares and filly had gotten to the castle safely they were going to round up a team of fliers that they knew and trusted and see about doing a little ghost hunting. “Welcome to Canterlot Castle, home of Princess Celestia,” Offered a little yellow mare unicorn with a two-tone purple mane and tail as they approached. She had a heavy jacket on and a knit hat with sides that flop down. “Come on inside out of the cold.” She directed them into a large lobby that looked very much like the entrance to a large prestigious museum. There were also quite a few ponies lined up as well along with a peppering of Griffins and Zebras. It was also quite warm inside. “We may have a slight logistical problem,” Aerie whispered to Aurora as they waited in line. “Whatever do you mean?” Aurora asked as the others began removing their overcoats. “It is kind of hot in here and we’ve overcoats on hiding our wings.” She kept her voice as soft as she could while looking about to see if any pony was looking their way. “Is it?” “Ah, Lady Celeste, what a pleasant surprise…” Offered an old gray unicorn mare on approach. “Just go with it…” whispered Aurora. “Um…” “I’m Morning Dewdrop. That’s quite alright if you don’t remember me. It’s not like we see you down here with the tourists very often.” “Oh, well, I’m here with family.” “Oh, family, well then, how about I conduct you and your family personally?” “That would be most appreciated, thank you,” Mrs Summers replied, and then in a whisper to Aurora, “You sure this is a good idea?” “We would be delighted, I’m Summer Sunshine, Lady Celeste is my mom. This scruffy floof-ball over here is Aerie, she’s my special-some-pony, and this is our ward, Scootaloo Shutter. Aerie’s moms are with us today as well, Mrs Flora, and Mrs Moon.” Luna had taken off her jacket and with no thought to hide her horn was now unmistakably Princess Luna. Or at least the Princess Luna that the tour staff had last seen. “Her moms...” “I’ve no idea what’s going on either,” whispered a palace guard who’d come up on Morning Dewdrop’s right flank. “Be nice if some pony had warned us ahead of time. Just wing it.” “Easy for you to say, I’m not a pegasus,” she shot back and then turned back to our little group with her smile plastered as bright as ever. And to be true the moment Celeste Summers was recognized the staff had gone into a little mini panic. “Let’s just skip the formalities and let me show you and your guests around. And I must say, I never knew you had a family.” “I do tend to project that image, don’t I. Well, I’m going to see what I can do to remedy that.” “And you’ve Princess Luna with you. That is a pleasant surprise, though I must confess I didn’t know that her highness had any relatives other than Princess Celestia?” “Few are they who know,” Luna replied with a smile. “In truth, Aerie and a few members of the guards got caught up when our sister did banish us. I fear she had not the strength to free me from the nightmare, and the ponies around us simply wished to put a stop to our fight. Flora is Aerie's foster mom.” “Well, all’s well that ends well then. That is… I’d no idea.” “Getting knocked out to wake a thousand years later isn’t fun,” Aerie offered. “Not something the general public needed to know about either.” “Quite understandable. Well then, if I can get you all to follow along I shall provide you with the deluxe tour.” And with that, she began walking away while looking back every so often to see if any pony was following. The first place they went to was a large room just past the entrance that was furnished with miniatures of all the important government buildings, next to which were billboards with brief descriptions of the area known as the Capitol Mall. The crown jewel in the display was a large model of the original Keep which was the residence for Princess Celestia. Attached to that structure was an edifice that could only be described as a cathedral to the sun which was Princess Celestia’s Audience hall. Here too was pointed out the Parliament building, Royal Courts of Justice, the Treasury, the House of Lords, the Admiralty Building, the Home Office, and the Foreign Office. Morning Dewdrop spoke briefly about the different locations and then directed them to an exit marked authorized ponies only. “Part of the extra,” she said as they went through the doors into a stairwell. “Rather than go out into the weather, I thought maybe we might just use the service access.” “Didst though know-est of these service access?” Luna asked Aerie. “I knew about the access at the base of the Lunar Tower and the accesses behind and beneath the Keep. To be honest I normally avoid the areas where the tourists are.” Luna laughed as they headed down the long steps where they found a large basement full of old displays including a very old cardboard mock-up of Nightmare Moon raring up menacingly. “Oh, I do wish I had a camera,” Luna lamented. “I do have a camera, it’s built into my phone,” Aerie offered only to have Luna trot over to the cutout. She then lay on the dusty floor and made like she was in great fear. “Take my picture!” “You aren’t afraid of it?” Morning Dewdrop asked in astonishment as Aerie took photos. “Mrs Dewdrop, not after having experienced a thousand years of the real thing. No.” “Oh, I want in, Take my picture too,” Scootaloo requested and moments later every pony was getting in on the action to include their guides, reluctantly I might add. And that included Mrs Dewdrop, an assistant docent, and two guards. From there they continued on through a long wide tunnel that brought them to another basement. This one was filled with storage rooms full of file cabinets. From there they went upstairs to find that they were now in the parliament building. Few ponies were about given that parliament was presently in recess for the winter holiday. “Captain Hayz, is there an issue?” Princess Celestia asked as the captain approached. “A delicate matter seems to have come up. Ma’am. It seems that Ms Mystique is touring the Capitol Mall with a group of Alicorn impersonators.” “Mystique? Alicorn impersonators?” Celestia asked just a bit confused. “Yes, Ma’am. A Princess Luna along with a Miss Aerie, Miss Summer Sunshine… Ma’am?” “I think I know who they are,” Celestia offered with a big smile. “Be sure that they are invited to lunch.” “Ma’am?” “They are a foreign delegation that just happens to have their very own Luna it would seem. Miss Aerie and Miss Sunshine are known to me. See that they are afforded the same courtesies we would extend to Princess Cadance.” “Ma’am?” “Oh, I knew Aerie and Aurora-Summer Sunshine might be in town today. It seems they’ve decided to play the part of a tourist today.” Meanwhile… Our little party of ponies had invited themselves into the Lunar wing. Nor did it take long for Princess Luna to step out of her chambers to challenge whoever it was who’d invaded her domain. “Princess, it is good to meet you in person.” Aerie’s mom, Luna offered with a polite bow. The others bowed in turn. “What?” Princess Luna asked as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes. Truly it was like looking at her own reflection from not too long back. For the others, the two looked very much like near identical twins save that the resident Luna was a bit older and taller. “Hang on, what are you doing in my dimension? Ah, and little Nova is here.” “You two know each other?” Scootaloo asked even as Aerie waved. “Well of course we know each other,” Princess Luna offered. “The dream realms overlap with no discernible borders. This is a good thing my young Miss because I was quite worried about you when I couldn't find you in the dream realm anymore. Oh, I did find you, but it took me a bit. What’s it like, living in another dimension?” “To be fair I hadn’t ventured far from the portal until recently, you’re Highness,” Scootaloo informed her. “I seem to be mostly grown up in this world,” Aerie offered. “No doubt the portal is defaulting you to the apparent age of your counterpart?” Princess Luna offered. “I’m sure you’ll meet her soon enough.” “Indeed, but what brings you all here? And…” Princess Luna looked at Mrs Summers. “My mother,” Aurora offered. “Ah, we’ve guests from all over, haven't we.” “Princess Luna,” Prompted Captain Hayz as he joined them. Seeing two Princess Lunas who seemed to have no objection to the presence of the other was causing him no end of consternation. “Which one of us did you want?” Princess Luna asked. “How about I be Lulu? Given it’s your dimension.” “Dimension?” Captain Hayz asked under his breath. “A splendid idea. Now Captain, what was it you wanted?” “Princess Celestia has extended an invitation to Mrs Summers and party to lunch.” “We’d be delighted,” Mrs Summers offered. “Oh, this is going to be a hoot,” Princess Luna exclaimed. Let my sister know I’ll be attending as well.” “Ma’am,” Captain Hayz replied, turned, and hurried along to convey the news. “Something tells me we are about to walk into Trollestia’s best prank ever,” Aerie mused. “And I wouldn't miss it for the world,” Princess Luna remarked with a devilish grin on her face. A short time later the group joined Princess Celestia, each now in outfits more appropriate to a luncheon. “I get to be Lulu,” the slightly smaller of the two Lunas offered with a wide smile on her face. She also had on one of her counterpart’s tiaras and a borrowed dress that no longer fit the elder of the two. “Oh, my? Luna?” Celestia asked with a grin on her face. “They were in my chambers, and I’m not missing out on whatever it is you’ve planned.” “Yes, of course, heavens forbid.” “Luna, do you stay up all night? I’ve been going to bed around two in the morning. There really isn’t a lot for me to do past that hour. Even the ponies who love our night have all but gone to sleep by then.” “But, what about the nightmares?” Luna asked. “Ponies went a thousand years without us chasing off the Night Terrors, and they typically strike in the dead of night between the eleventh hour and the second hour of the morning. And if we are to be honest with ourselves, we can’t possibly hope to deal with all of them. True proper dreaming may occur at any time in the night but most occur between two in the morning and the hours of waking. Of those, there are few external Night Terrors causing the nightmares but the individual’s own anxieties. And then there are a lot of ponies who work nights these days and sleep during the daylight hours. I can’t be a counselor for every pony in Equestria, and I want to be able to spend time with my family and friends. You need your time, just as much as I need my time. We must do what’s right for ourselves first, and then do what we can for Equestria.” “I…” Princess Luna began. “I must admit that not much happens after two in the morning. But what about lowering the moon?” “In my case, I can only manage to raise the moon at this point. I haven't fully recovered.” “And your sister didn’t pressure you into doing more?” Princess Luna asked while giving a sideways glance at Celestia. “No, she’s just happy to have me doing so well.” “Things were kind of rough at first,” Aerie offered. “When she was first freed from the Nightmare, it took a while for her to recover.” “The selfishness of others destroyed my whole world. But enough of that, is it time to go into lunch yet?” Lulu asked. “Nearly, I’d imagine,” Princess Celestia offered. “Luna, I wouldn't mind having you around more often, and I fear we may very well be traveling down the same road that caused us to be parted in the first place. I have you back, but I see so little of you. And as Lulu mentioned, it is about time for us to join the others.” “You wouldn't mind lowering the moon?” Princess Luna asked as they began to make their way to the corridor that would take them down the grand stairs. “You would be alright with me doing that?” “If it means I get to spend more time with you and all our ponies, yes, I’d welcome it.” It had taken them very little time to traverse the stairs, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia leading the procession. Down below in an area marked off with red velvet cords a tour group stood slack-jawed at the site of not just Princess Celestia and Princess Luna together, but a second Luna, plus what looked to be a young Solar alicorn and her partner with a foal and what many assumed to be a nanny had caused quite a few to just shut down mentally. They watched with rapt attention as the group came to the base of the stairs, and rounded to head down a hall where select guests had been gathering. All talking ceased as the party entered the room where every pony was gathering. A moment later a foot colt announced Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, Her Royal Highness Princess Luna, Her Royal Highness Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Her Royal Highness Princess Lulu, Her Royal Highness Princess Aurora Summers, Her Royal Highness Princess Nova, House of Athelas, Priestess of Akkadia, The Lady Celeste Summers, Lady Flora Finch-Fletchley, and Miss Scootaloo Shutter. All according to a list given to them. An old stallion separated from the other ponies, his coat white with gray, his mane once blond mostly gray. He approached with a haughty swagger about him. “Princess Celestia. Could it be you’ve elevated more of the common rab-bab-babble… Aerie had caught his gaze, her eyes drilling right into his soul. Which in of itself was a surprising thing given that so many attested that he had no such thing. His bravado left him. He stepped back even as Aerie planted a singular image into his mind. The image of a statue in Princess Celestia’s garden. Lord Duke Blueblood knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was that statue. “You were saying?” Princess Celestia asked even as Aerie smiled a most alarming smile. She was, after all, a predator. Lord Blueblood could imagine himself being overpowered right then and there. “I – I, I’m pleased to be pr-present, in the presence, of such aug-august company.” His bravado had abandoned him and left him a stuttering mess. “Indeed,” Princess Celestia replied with a smile. “Um, excuse me, if you’ll pardon my inquiry,” Requested an elderly earth pony stallion. He’d a dark tweedy suit on, an eye patch over his right eye, his mane gray, and his coat looked like he’d been brown at one point in time. “I was of the impression that the Priestesses of Akkadia were long gone?” “Akkadia is long gone,” Aerie offered. “The title is mostly academic these days.” “Aerie is presently employed as a curse breaker,” Princess Celestia offered even as the butler entered the room. A moment later he’d announced that the luncheon was served. “Shall we?” Princess Celestia prompted rhetorically. Not like there was anyone there who was going to suddenly decide they wanted nothing more to do with the present company. Granted that a fair number of the guests just knew it had to be one of her famous pranks. Granted that even if it was a prank, there was still the question concerning whether or not the alicorns who’d been introduced to them were in fact alicorns. Not like the Nobility had any difficulty dismissing ponies that took on the appearance of alicorns. After all, there was only one Princess Celestia who ruled over Both the Heavens as well as Equestria. “Doctor Indigo, The Akkadian Empire was ruled not by one but many alicorns,” Aerie offered a short time after they’d all been seated. He’d been the one who’d the most pointed questions concerning her supposed title. He is a noted archaeologist it’d be quite the feather in his cap if he could locate and dig the city of the ancients. “Long ago there were not three but four primary pony types.” “Four?” questioned one of the unicorns close by. “Born among the first three are those chosen for ascension. They are typically slow to mature, slow to flight, slow to gain their special talent, and given that they hailed from the three tribes, the fourth represented all three.” “Tell me, what’s your take on Hearth’s Warming?” Lord Blueblood asked having regained his bravado, and perhaps hoping to entrap her. To truly understand Hearth’s Warming we must first look back at the fall of the Akkadian Empire. This was brought about by a researcher named Grogar who never bothered with the all-important question, but should I? Sure, he was good at Can I, but never once gave a thought to just how wise or unwise his actions might be. It was he who gave us the races of monsters, and he who was singularly responsible for the creation of Discord. One of his own colleagues I might add. Pony kind was forced to flee the lands of Everfree, yes, the Everfree. Deep in the most inhospitable depths where the very woods will attempt to kill all trespassers is where we will find the Citadel of the ancients. Many migrated north to the Chrystal principality, but when King Sombra abandoned reason for dark magics the ponies of Equestria fled once more only to find themselves fighting among themselves for the meager resources they had. And to be honest, the tentative peace that they managed to establish was nearly undone by the selfishness of Princess Platinum.” “But then she rose to the occasion to lead all ponies?” Lord Blueblood asked. “Never had the chance, to be honest. By this point, Discord had located the remaining three tribes and set about making them his play toy.” “it would seem that Hearth’s Warming is as much about the elements of Harmony as it is about that famous moment in time,” Princess Celestia offered. “I remember the Akkadian Empire and considered a princess long before I came into my special talents. Luna and I were also in one of the groups of ponies that never ventured into the north. And if I were to hazard a guess I’d say that we hadn’t roamed too far from our old homes. We’d still our elders, and we’d the Pillars of Equestria themselves. Discord nearly undid everything ponies had gained up to that point. Who’s to say where we would be today if my sister and I had not located the Elements of Harmony and used them to imprison Discord.” “And banishing King Sombra came not long after,” Princess Luna offered. She let out a sigh. “He was a good stallion. It was his own ambition and lack of caution that was his undoing.” “He delved too deep into lost arts that were best left lost,” Princess Celestia explained. “Speaking of lost arts, Ponyville has a Timber Wolf problem.” Aerie offered up. “Ponyville?” Scoffed a noble further down the table. “Ponyville is a place near and dear to my heart,” Princess Celestia replied, and in so doing shut down the ponies who were snickering about the backwater town. “Afraid the local Guard force simply do not have the resources and have had to make do with untrained townsfolk. Brightstar mentioned that she often used grappling hooks. It seems I need to ask if it was pegasi guards or unicorns from airships.” “You mean as in dropping a rope with a hook, snagging one, and then what?” Lord Blueblood asked. Aye, he was well aware that post-transgressions had him on thin ice with Princess Celestia thanks to his own father, but perhaps he could have a little sport and get back into her good graces. “Hauling it off to someplace it can’t do any harm. Such as the Ghastly Gorge.” Aerie informed him. “They are depended on deadwood, after all.” “What about just setting up a warding spell?” Aurora asked. “I’d imagine that could be done. If we knew how, but doesn’t deal with the immediate threat.” “True, and there’s certainly little fun in simply setting up a warding spell,” Lulu offered with a smirk. “Fun?” Princess Celestia asked, and she did sound like the very idea of fun and Timber Wolf being combined just didn’t fit somehow. “She hunts them for sport.” “She hunts them? For sport!?” “It seems to be a unique ability of fox ponies. She’s able to counter the dark magic that makes those things tick.” “I’ll just have to see about getting some pony to look into the matter,” Princess Celestia offered in a resigned tone. From there the conversation moved to safer topics for the table. > Chapter 48: The return of Nightmare Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Will you be going back to Ponyville tonight? In this storm?” Celestia asked as Aerie and Party bundled up to go out. The Luncheon was now long over and they needed to get going. “Yes, and no,” Lulu offered. (Aerie's Princess Luna) “We have a place right here in Canterlot. We just have to make it that far.” “We have programmable doors,” Aerie explained. “Technically. The little dials next to and or over the doors open the portals to different worlds and in this case alternate locations in those worlds.” “I need to go pick up Mrs Tsuki at the airport this afternoon as well,” Flora added. “And don’t worry about the storm, I can just change the weather,” Aerie added with a smirk. “This mountain creates its own weather,” Celestia cautioned only to see Aerie’s main billow out followed by a shaft of sunlight hitting her like… well, like she was every bit the true alicorn. Aerie gave her a smile and a quick hug, and they parted. “Did you really stop the storm?” Flora asked in a hushed tone as they made their way out the gate. “If one is to control lightning, one must first master the storm,” Aerie replied with a cheeky smile. "I don't like to mess with the weather though as it can have unforeseen consequences." When they had passed by the outermost gate of the castle they hailed a Tallyho cab, and this time Scootaloo and Lulu- Aerie’s Luna, chose to ride on the inside. No point in freezing. When they arrived at the Manner house they found the walks had all been cleared of snow. “I’ll have to be sure to thank whoever it was who shoveled the walk,” Aerie offered as they climbed out of the cab. “That was me, remember?” Aurora admonished with a grin. “There’s been a fair amount of snow since.” “There is that.” “We missed our chance to go to the museum,” Scootaloo lamented as she got out. “Welcome home,” Hoshiko offered as they entered. “I thought you were going to hang out with Justin and his friends?” Aerie asked. “They are upstairs playing video games, and I was getting a little antsy.” “Perfectly understandable,” Flora offered. “Video games?” Scootaloo asked. “Why don’t you go look up Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom,” Aurora suggested to Scootaloo. “Assuming they aren’t grounded they are probably wondering where you are right now. That and going to the Airport and back might be a bit too much for you,” Aerie added. “Aww.” “The trip will be mostly traveling, and we probably shouldn't have too many with us,” Mrs Summers stated. “Might be best if it’s just Hoshiko, Aurora, and myself.” “I’m going to insist on coming,” Flora interjected. “And I think Aerie is going to want to come too.” “I can only fit five people in my car short of you know how to do expansion charms.” “We can take the train,” Hoshiko offered. “I’ve been looking at the available literature you have on the subway, we can walk to Rochester Row, and then take a bus to Paddington Station. From there we go to Hatton Cross and take a bus to the airport. From what I’ve read all I can say is it’ll be nice when they put in the Express line, but this is what we’ve got.” “Do you really want to walk three blocks in this weather to Rochester Row?” “I do have my car,” Mrs Summers offered. “And there is a car park near Paddington Station. Surely you didn’t think I was going to walk in this weather? That said, I do like the idea of taking the train to the airport. It beats having to deal with the traffic.” “Alright then, we’ll just have to take two cars.” “Can I come too?” Luna asked. “Mom, it might be best if you stay here,” Aerie prompted. “My mom is kind of this world’s version of Nightmare Moon. Might be best if that meeting isn’t in a crowded airport where your nerves are already on edge,” Hoshiko cautioned. “I’m not that breakable.” “Mom, Heathrow Airport is far more crowded than any of the Equestrian Aerodromes. They take some getting used to. Also, we don’t have a local identification for you.” “Alright, you win. Think I’ll go check on the guards on the mountain.” “If we are taking two cars…” Scootaloo prompted. “Nice try. Go check on your friends,” Aurora countered with a smile. “Maybe next time,” Aerie offered. “Hoshiko goes because she wants to see her mom…” “Ya, OK. Maybe I don’t want to be there,” Scootaloo admitted. “You’ll get your parents back.” “What, are they going to come walking in that door any moment now?” “Ha, more likely they’d be looking at an empty lot coming to the realization they screwed up.” “Maybe I’ll go check on my friends after all. And have a look-see just in case.” She put on a hopeful smile and headed for the back door. Aurora and Hoshiko went with Mrs Summers in her car and Aerie followed with Flora in her car, with the two groups meeting up at the Paddington Station car park a short time later. The weather had improved but was still mighty cold. “Wow, this place is huge,” Hoshiko said as they entered the large train shed. The place was built like a huge hangar for aircraft with open ends. What they could see of it looked like the primary structure was three long arched overhangs that could easily double as blimp hangers. Indeed the ornate metalwork really gave it the place the look of an Equestrian Aerodrome. “Let’s see if we can’t find the ticket counter,” Aurora offered as they continued into the station. There were shops in just about every nook and cranny of the place, but they did eventually find a ticket kiosk. They bought their tickets and were directed to platform six where they hadn’t long to wait. The interior of the train was rather spartan. Each car consisted of one long cabin, with off-white walls, blue seats that faced inwards, and red polls to hang onto. Choosing to stay in a group they sat next to each other and waited while others boarded and chose places to sit. “Not on holiday, are you?” asked a matronly woman with silver hair who’d chosen to sit across from them. “Picking up my mother at the airport,” Hoshiko offered politely. The woman couldn’t help but shrink back as the entire group eyed her suspiciously. After all, Aerie had on the pendent that marked her for Professor Dumbledore which meant that anyone approaching them was suspicious. They also watched quietly as she got up and moved further down to sit somewhere else. And there were plenty of empty seats. The train started up a short time later and they were on their way and were mercifully above ground more than below. The train stopped several times along the route and arrived at Hatton Cross a short time later. It looked unremarkable to Aerie. It boasted all of two rail lines on either side and had the typical not-quite-turquoise walls, vanilla tile, and the usual signage for the London Underground. They filed off the train along with considerably more people than there had been when they’d gotten on and made their way up the stairs that were the central feature of the station. The bus they wanted wasn’t there yet but soon would be, so they were told. “Heathrow, Terminal three?” Mrs Summers asked of the driver shortly after the arrival of their bus. She’d been the only one to go out into the cold and beckoned to the others who’d been watching through the large glass windows. On seeing her signal they hurried out and were soon on the bus while wishing the driver would just close the door already. They did get going before too long, even so, both Aerie and Hoshiko had cuddled into Aurora so that they could use her like some sort of hot water bottle.” “Why are you letting them get away with that?” Mrs Summers asked with a smile as the bus pulled out of the station and took a right onto the road. “Because, dear mother, I’m the one benefiting the most.” Mrs Summers and Flora couldn’t resist laughing. “Wish I had a cute girl to snuggle up-Aaagh!” Offered a wag several rows back. “Driver, I think there’s a loose wire back here. I just got shocked. “Must be the dry air. There ain’t nothing back there to shock you,” The driver called back. “Dry air may ars-aaagh! There, it did it again.” “Aerie, behave,” Aurora cautioned in a hushed tone. “Bad thoughts will be punished,” Aerie teased as the bus navigated a large roundabout. From there they passed industrial facilities, navigated through another roundabout, and past a large parking area before turning left to wind their way around the eastern end of the airport. Along the way, they could see several large planes parked including a Concord that was in for maintenance. The girls all squealed in delight as a big Seven-Fourty-Seven passed right over the top of the bus as it passed the end of the runway. Followed by the man in the back making a noise as if he’d just been shocked again. Once past that point they turned left to follow the runway for a few minutes, right away from the runway, through a roundabout, and into a cut that boasted the largest roundabout any of the girls had ever seen, including another Concord on display in the center of the park-like setting. And then they plunged into a long tunnel that went under the runways. When they emerged the bus proceeded to navigate a maze of roads and construction zones that went round, round, you turn me right round, like a record baby, until they were utterly lost of any bearing whatsoever. They made several stops along the way as well. Each time they had to ask if this was terminal three. “I am so tempted to pop up for a moment just to get my bearings,” Aerie lamented when the bus stopped at the bus stop for Terminal Three. And then there was that inevitable wait owing to a large percentage of people all getting off the bus at the same stop. And many of them had luggage with them. Once off the bus they went straight for the entrance that had the big Terminal 3 only to find themselves in the check-in area for departing flights. “Is there something I can do for you?” asked a Skycap. He’d seen the lost looks on their faces. “We need arrivals,” Mrs Summers replied. “I fear we’ve entered the wrong door.” “Not to worry, mam, just turn to your right and head for the far end.” “So which flight is she on?” Hoshiko asked as they turned and began walking past all the people who were checking in for afternoon flights. “BA007 out of Tokyo,” Mrs Summers offered. “She said the plane was due to arrive at fourteen twenty our time.” “She should be here then,” Aurora offered. “It’s only a little after two,” Aerie replied sagely. “There is still customs to go through. If we don’t see her, we’ll check the arrivals board.” “Alright,” Hoshiko replied. It hadn’t been long when they came to a passageway that proclaimed Arrivals on a sign. “The little old lady from earlier seems to be following you,” Selena offered as they passed through to the corridor to the Arrivals. “Well, maybe she’s here to pick someone up?” Aerie replied hopefully. “I took her wand, along with the gentleman who joined her.” “Should have left the fecking necklace at home.” “Aerie, language,” Flora scolded. “You heard what she said?” Aerie asked plaintively as they entered the Arrivals mall. And yes, it looked very much like a shopping mall. Selena had vanished as well, and it was entirely possible that had been the one place where she could pop in and out without being seen. “Let’s duck into this arcade,” Mrs Summers offered knowing full well she’d be lucky to get them away from the video games. “Hey, they got the X-men game,” Aerie offered as they entered. “Anyone have any quarters?” “All I got are bits,” Hoshiko lamented. “What, I’m resourceful, and maybe I can sell them to a coin collector.” “You’ll get your best deal in the wizarding world. They go nuts over those things,” Aerie explained while lamenting that she hadn’t thought to bring any change. She did have some cash on her and cast her eyes about for a change machine. Just outside the arcade were the man and woman who were casting their eyes about everywhere but the arcade. Aerie watched wondering what they’d do. The others had noticed, and suddenly Flora was dishing out quarters. Celeste decided that now was not the time to be an adult and fished out some quarters herself. The game allowed up to six people to play at once which meant they all got to play. If anyone's game performance suffered it was because they were keeping a weather eye on their pursuers who’d yet to spot them. Not so security who’d had an eye on the two for some time now owing to the fact the man looked like he’d just stepped out of the fifties and the woman looked like a comedic character from an early sitcom. That or a Python in drag, take your pick. An officer walked up to them, asked them some questions, and when they responded the officer pointed in the direction they’d just come. “Oh, no, no, this is definitely the way we want,” protested the woman. Now the officer was asking for identification only to get excuses. By the time everyone playing X-men had died a horrible death, in the game, two more officers had joined the first in questioning their refugees from a python skit. “Blasted muggles!” the wizard exclaimed as he reached into his jacket only to not find what he was looking for. The two exchanged a panicked look and made a break for it. Aerie and the others, now done with the game watched the drama unfold before them as security officers converged on the witch and wizard. Various bystanders dodge away from the pursuit, followed by a hard takedown. “So… do we want to get involved?” Flora asked. “Not really,” Celeste replied dryly. “Maybe if we cut across and duck through the opening between the lifts and the stairs,” Aurora suggested. “If we go at a normal pace, maybe they won’t see us?” “Worth a shot,” Aerie offered and started forward. Hoshiko followed Flora who went next followed by Aurora, and then Celeste. They were about halfway across when the woman yelled out “Aerie! Don’t go! You mustn't leave England!” “Just keep going,” Aurora whispered even though they’d all momentarily cringed. “Aerie! Aerie Potter! Don’t you walk away from me! Aerie!” “With any luck, they’ll think she’s a nutter,” Flora offered as they passed behind the elevator shaft housing and into the waiting area for arrivals. They were brought up short by a couple of guards. “By chance, would one of you be Aerie Potter?” “I am, and I don’t know who they are or what delusion has entered their heads other than that it’s yet another kidnapping attempt.” Well, technically it wasn’t. When Dumbledore had informed them that Aerie was headed for the airport, they’d panicked. If Aerie Potter was trying to leave England they’d be the ones to stop her, no matter the cost. “We are here to fetch my mom,” Hoshiko offered. “And possibly Father if he was able to come. They would be here to fetch me home.” “There was an attempt to forcibly relocate Aerie by extra-legal means,” Flora explained hoping that would be enough. “I’m Flora Finch-Fletchley. Her mother via adoption.” “As I understand it, Aerie survived her family being,” Celeste had to think for a bit in that she wanted to be careful what sorts of things she said in the airport. “Well, Aerie survived an attack on her family, and a, let’s call it a fan base that all but worships her sprang up after that horrible incident.” “Ah, I see,” offered the other officer. “She’s not the young Miss who was in the news a while back?” “Afraid she was. Her Uncle had some kind of nervous episode. The people who want to forcibly move her seem to want her back with her Uncle despite that family being at Her Majesty’s pleasure, whereabouts unknown.” “And now they are stalking you it would seem.” “We were rather hoping not to be inconvenienced,” Flora offered wistfully. “Say no more. We are sorry to have bothered you.” “We’ll see if we can’t keep those two tied up in the legal system for a good long time.” “Thank you,” Flora offered as the two turned and headed back to where their couple was being detained. “I’ve half a mind to take the necklace that Dumbledore uses to track me and send it on a world tour just so Dumbledore can go chase it,” Aerie muttered under her breath as their group started forward again. “Hang on, where’s the arrivals list?” Celeste asked while looking about. “I see one, go wait by the door, and I’ll have a look.” People were already streaming in through the doors. Aerie, Hoshiko, Aurora, and Flora made their way toward the doors the passengers were coming out of. The area they were exiting through was bare of any seats and bordered with a shiny steel rail fence to keep people from swarming loved ones and effectively blocking the exit. All for the sake of efficiency. Hoshiko couldn't resist leaning on the rail in anticipation as people emerged from the back, the automatic doors swinging open like some oversized slot machine. Aurora and Flora sat in available seats nearby. “The board says her plane is on time,” Celeste offered as she joined them. She sat down in an empty seat next to Aurora. “Right now I’m hoping we haven't missed her.” “Mom! Papa!” Hoshiko shouted. A moment later she was standing on the rail getting hugged by a woman who looked remarkably like Moonie's human form. “Long time no see, eh, kiddo?” Asked Mr Tsuki. He was tall, had on a black turtleneck, and a blue blazer down which hung long platinum hair. “But tell me, how is it there are two of you?” “Mom… I can’t breathe.” “I’m Aerie Potter. Aurora and I found her in a queue.” “We can discuss the details later,” Flora offered. “Selena, can you ever forgive me?” Celeste asked tentatively of Hoshiko's mom. “You still chasing after that good-for-nothing, James Cutter?” “I gave up on him long ago. Not that he doesn't show up now and then. Typically when he’s out of money.” “And you give him money, don’t you.” “Fastest way to get rid of him.” Selena laughed, let go of Hoshiko, reached over, and gave Celeste a hug. “Just to be clear, the real reason we left was that I wanted Hoshiko to have better opportunities.” “And Haruki made it possible to get about as far away as one could.” “True. I will have to say that it took me a while to win over my in-laws,” Selena offered as they parted. “Father took to her right away. Mother, not so much,” Haruki offered with a smile. He’d given Aerie a pat on the head, who didn’t mind in the least. “Now, how do we get out of this corral?” “There’s an opening by the doors,” Flora offered. “Otherwise you’ll have to go all the way to the end.” “Come on, let's get out of here,” Selena prompted followed by the group making their way to the gap. From there they headed out, luggage in hand, and made their way to the busses. “I hope you don’t mind staying with me,” Flora offered. “We’ve got Hoshiko scheduled to see a doctor tomorrow.” “Why is she scheduled to see a doctor?” Selena asked. “The bureaucrats want to be sure she has a clean bill of health even though she’s stated that nothing happened to her.” “Right, right, the whole not being able to explain how she ended up in England. Can’t complain I guess. You needed to report her to get legal custody.” “So, did you bring a car?” Haruki asked. “With this nasty weather we’ve been having we decided that it’d be easier to just take the train,” Flora explained. “We do need to take a bus to get to the station though. We have cars waiting at the other end.” “I see you’ve found your party,” offered a guard as they opened a door leading outside to the busses. “Yes, thank you,” Flora replied as they filed out. “I suppose we were lucky just to be able to land,” Selena said with a smile on her face as she went out the door. The trip back was relatively quiet with no incidents. When they arrived home they found Amelia Bones out front. She was also looking upwards at the gently falling snow. “Mrs Bones, can we do something for you?” Aerie called as she got out of the car. “Aerie, someone you know?” Flora asked as she got out. “She’s a detective with the M-O-M,” Aerie called back as she had a look at what Mrs Bones was looking at. What she saw was snow falling in a most peculiar manner in which it was being redirected away from the tops of the row of buildings. It only took Aerie a few moments to recognize the pattern. “Mrs Bones, best not stare at it long, doing so will attract attention.” “Can I assume you know what I’m looking at?” “Looks a bit like a Firefly Class cruiser. An Airship to be exact. That’s not a spell to get people to look away, it’s cloaked.” “What are you two looking at?” Celeste asked. “Miss Mustang is here, and she’s parked her airship over the house.” “I wish I could see it?” Flora lamented as she looked up. “Bad idea, might cause a continuity issue,” Aerie offered with a wink. “What say we go inside and then Mrs Bones can tell us why she’s standing out in the snow.” “Amelia,” Selena said as she stepped forward, suitcase in hand. “Sorry… Nightmare Moon. Sorry, Selena.” “Long time no see.” “Mom is an alumnus of Ravenclaw,” Hoshiko explained. “I developed my reputation after graduation. Part of the reason we chose to leave England was that they handed out pardons to people that didn’t deserve it.” “You weren’t part of the Order of the Phoenix were you?” Aerie asked. “Oh, no, she was an Auror,” Haruki offered. “As an underground resistance organization they were ineffectual at best,” Selena added. “At worst, they were more of a hindrance.” “Funny that,” Aerie said under her breath, and then loud enough for everyone to hear, beckoned all to go inside. “Now, we’ve two reception areas on the first floor,” Flora began. “So we set up the room that faces the rear of the building into a bedroom for you. We’ve got a toilet on that floor, and the bath is up one flight. Any chance you are going to want to have Tea? Dinner?” “I fear that we are both about as thin as one can get without being a specter,” Selena offered. “I’ll show you the way,” Hoshiko offered and guided her parents upstairs. > Chapter 49: The Elder-wand makes its choice. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now, Mrs Bones?” Flora turned to face the woman once they were all safely inside and the door closed. “What can we do for you?” “It doesn't have anything to do with the witch and wizard at the airport does it?” Aerie asked. “Ahh, I don’t actually know anything about that. Care to fill me in?” “Not quite sure what to tell you. They seemed determined that we were trying to get Aerie out of the country,” Aurora offered. “I’m going to run up and check on things,” Celeste offered and headed upstairs. “The two made a spectacle of themselves and got themselves arrested,” Flora added. “Well, that’s generally not a problem for a confidant witch or wizard.” “Moonie,” Aerie prompted. Moonie the cat materialized on her shoulder a moment later with two wands in her mouth. Aerie took the wands and handed them over to Mrs Bones. “My Moonie is a bit of a wand thief.” “Ah… Well then, I guess someone is just going to have to retrieve them.” Amelia offered as she took the wands and placed them in her purse. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” “No?” “Let me get right to the point. Certain parties within the ministry are concerned that there is entirely too much magic going on at this residence.” “I’ve got a house elf, Flora has kindled her magic…” “I have at that.” “We’ve any number of magic users traipsing through here, Moonie is a familiar, and there is an Akkadian airship moored to the roof. Let me guess, they are under the delusion this is a muggle household.” “Muggle household, this is not,” Flora stated firmly. “Aerie, Mrs Heardital is downstairs,” Scootaloo called from the door to the basement. “That’s Louise,” Aurora offered. “She’s my half-sister. We are both staying here for the holidays.” “Louise, we’ll be down in a bit,” Aerie offered. “Had you just gotten here?” Flora asked. “Well, yes, actually.” “I’ve got this feeling the individual having reservations is one Miss Umbridge,” Aerie guessed. “That might be one,” Mrs Bones admitted while giving Aerie a curious look. “Well, you can assure her that Aerie and Aurora are doing their best to hold to the requirements of the school.” “After a half year at Hogwarts, they shouldn't be experiencing any accidental magic.” “I’m an Akkadian Princess,” Aurora offered. “Expecting me to hold it in twenty-four-seven is like asking a fish not to swim.” “You’re an Akkadian Princess? Prove it.” “I’d have to use magic… hang on, just go talk to Professor Dumbledore or McGonagall. The Wards recognized my ancestry and gave me full administrative control. Right after I figured out how to transform.” “You can transform?” Mrs Bones was genuinely surprised. “I’d love to see.” “What about the underage restriction?” “As an Akkadian Princess, you are all but immune to prosecution. Bottom line, no one wants to set off the Justice Matrix and I doubt very much Professor Dumbledore would allow you to be suspended.” “Justice Matrix?” Aurora asked. “Something left behind by the ancients I’m guessing,” Aerie offered. She had a good idea what it was too. “You’d be correct. And it’s as likely to judge anyone in the room.” "Ha! And no one wants that." Aerie quipped with a devilish grin. “Alright, I’ll transform, but we’d appreciate keeping my transformation quiet.” Aurora took a few steps back and a moment later a golden pony with wings and a unicorn horn on her upper forehead stood before her. Amelia Bones’s jaw dropped. “You are beautiful,” she offered breathlessly. Aurora couldn't help but blush. “We are a little concerned that the person who is hunting unicorns might go after her if they know,” Aerie offered. “Please, don’t tell anyone. Especially those talking heads who run the ministry.” “Don’t worry.” Amelia had to take a moment. “I suspect that just telling them that Selena is in London will be enough to get them to back off.” “Aurora, we’d better get downstairs and see what Mrs Heardital wants.” “Better turn our N-sid rings back on,” Aurora offered. “Seems we forgot to turn them back on after having shut them off earlier.” “We?” Mrs Bones asked. “Another secret we need to keep hidden,” Flora cautioned. “So who is this Mrs Heardital?” “A pony,” Aerie informed her. “Comes in via the back door to check up on Louise.” “Louise… Is she her pegasus?” “No, I’m the pegasus,” Scootaloo offered not catching what was meant. “Mrs Heardital is my social worker.” “I had no idea ponies were that organized.” Mrs Bone’s mind had all but quit. “So now, you are going to go back to the ministry and tell them…” Flora began. “Mom, what’s with Selena, and who’s that guy?” Justin asked from the stairs. “Different Selena. That’s Hoshiko’s mom and dad.” “You mean it’s not a joke?” “Perhaps you should go apologise… Assuming she’s even still awake.” “Don’t wake her.” Mrs Bones cautioned apprehensively. “I should go.” She turned, turned back, “and make sure you’ve plenty of coffee for her when she wakes up.” She turned again and hurried for the door. “Would you like me to show you to the floo?” Flora called. Mrs Bones stopped and looked back. “You have a floo?” “It’s outside in a vault under the street. Mrs Silverwood may have mentioned it?” “That was yours?” “Come on and I’ll show you.” Flora walked forward, retrieved a large antique key hidden in a panel in the door frame, and opened the front door. “It’s down the steps.” A moment later they were down in the trench. “The key is primarily to keep vagrants out,” Flora offered as she turned the key. Mrs Bones looked in cautiously as the door was opened. She thought that perhaps she saw a shape, an unformed boggart perhaps, but the moment the light switch was turned on it scurried away into the shadows. “And you can do magic now you said?” “Basic telekinesis. Nothing fancy. I’ve got an Akkadian vocational skill in cooking. It’s a bit like waking from a stupor and suddenly intuitively knowing how to do things you’d never been able to do before. In my case, cooking. Oh, I was no slouch before. It’s just now I seem to be able to do things I’d never thought possible and don’t even need recipes anymore. And the strangest part, if I need something, it’ll just be there… then again that could be Kreacher popping things in.” “Kreacher? The Black family’s old house elf?” “That’s the one,” Flora replied cheerfully as she walked the rest of the way into the vault. “He’s a bit surly but responds well to praise. I’m to understand that he was poorly treated. Aerie inherited him. - floo powder is on the top of the mantle.” “I’d no idea about Kreacher.” Mrs Bones turned to the grand hearth. “It had never been disconnected. After all, we were a wizarding family that had gone squib. It simply fell out of use, its function forgotten.” “I see…” “It’s a fresh pot… and to get back say ‘the old vault’ but don’t be telling just anyone.” “I’ll keep that in mind. And it was never disconnected?” “Not in the home of a muggle, and it seems it’s been used by at least one nefarious character that we know of.” “Ah, no muggles present, it was being used, it seems it simply fell through the cracks. Best I am off then.” She then helped herself to a handful of floo powder and was off to the Ministry of Magic. Amelia Bones reappeared in the grand entry hall of the Ministry of Magic a moment later. She smiled at how easy getting back had proven. That was considering she thought that she’d have to walk until she was clear of the ward preventing Apparition. And yes, that house was definitely the center of the ward. She made her way to the entrance, where her wand was weighed. From there she made her way to her office. “You’re back early,” offered an Auror who was catching up on paperwork. “Turns out they have a floo connection.” “Floo, but I thought it was a muggle home?” “Absolutely nothing muggle about that home.” “Seriously?” “Squibs, they were squibs, only… I’m to understand that Flora Finch-Fletchley has rekindled her magic.” “Lies!” shouted Dolores Umbridge from the doorway. “You’re just too soft.” “Well, if you don’t believe it why don’t you go over there bright and early tomorrow morning, and assuming you can even find the place, bang on that front door of theirs just as loud as you can.” “Think I’ll just do that,” Umbridge stated, turned… “Nice knowing you,” Mrs Bones said under her breath. “What?!” Umbridge demanded while turning back. “I said have a nice day.” Umbridge gave her a dirty look, turned back to the door, and stormed out. “Snooty bitch.” “Was that necessary?” “First off, she’s not going to be able to just pop right in, there is a ward on the place. Second, in order to be able to see the place she’s going to have to humble herself and ask one of the local muggles. Third, Selena Tsuki is staying with them.” “Wait, you don’t mean Thee Nightmare Moon?” “The enforcer herself.” “She’ll kill her.” “I can only hope.” “Good morning, dear,” Selena said cheerfully as Hoshiko entered the kitchen. “Ahhh…” Hoshiko said softly as her mother gave her a warm hug. “Aerie, Aurora, Luna, and Scootaloo are downstairs,” Flora offered as Justin entered. “Mrs Tsuki?” Justin asked just as Basil entered. Basil went over to give his wife a morning kiss and then snatched a smallish sausage. “OK, what gives?” Selena asked. “Moonie’s human form is nearly identical to you,” Haruki explained as he entered the kitchen. “Little vixen nearly had me going. “I knew she wasn’t Moonie,” Hoshiko offered. “It’s just that she’s so…” “Chipper?” Haruki prompted. “I got to sleep in. Well, that and I’ve my daughter back.” “By any chance did you see the papers I laid out for you?” Basil offered. “Yes, thank you. At least now I know how Volda, I mean Riddle’s followers were so good at finding anyone who dared to oppose him.” “What about you?” Basil asked. “Worked alone,” Haruki offered. “Would have been nice if Dumbledore had bothered to let people know why we couldn't say the name. That self-appointed title. We could have used that against them.” Selena had to take a deep breath. “I think I can understand why Mrs Silverwood seemed more pleased than disappointed to hear I was leaving England.” “Well, it’s not like she can’t visit you any time she wants,” Aerie offered as she entered the kitchen. Aurora, Louise, and Celeste were right behind her. Celeste had stayed the night in a spare room in the basement flat. “Does she visit?” “Oh, yes, she does at that…” Flora offered as Princess Luna entered the kitchen. “Celeste, did we have a sister I didn’t know about?” Selena asked. “She’s from another dimension,” Haruki explained. “She’s a younger version of yourself.” “OK, we’ve too many people in the kitchen,” Flora protested followed by shoeing everyone into the dining room where they found Brightstar with a handsome young man in a uniform reminiscent of an Equestrian Naval uniform. “Brightstar, you’ve yet to introduce us to your captain,” Aurora prompted as she found a place to sit. “Hardrock, Captain of Princess Celestia’s Airship Lady Grace,” He offered as he rose to his feet. “Captain,” Aerie replied with a smile and a nod as she found a seat. “You’ll find that things are fairly lax around here with little regard to rank.” “The rest of the crew is upstairs,” Brightstar offered. “Is Miss Kitzu joining us for breakfast?” “No idea. I suppose that all depends on if she drops by,” Aurora offered. “She went with Mrs Silverwood. I think she stays at the Akkadian embassy when she’s in London.” “So what are we doing today?” Aurora asked. “Hoshiko needs to be seen by a doctor, and that’s about it.” Flora offered as she brought in a tray loaded with food. “Why does she need to see a doctor?” Selena Tsuki asked. “Because of bureaucracy,” little Moonie the cat offered while standing in a chair with paws on the table. “Moonie, if you want some breakfast, turn yourself into a child and sit down. Lord knows it's going to be hard to keep track of who's who if you all maintain the same age,” Flora scolded and then went back to the kitchen to retrieve another tray. “Nani?” Selena asked as Moonie transformed into a child modeled on Aerie. Moonie then sat down and gave Selena a mischievous smile. “Guardian spell,” Luna offered. “Made her myself. And don’t ask, I’m a little fuzzy on the details. Wasn’t quite myself at the time. Miss Kitzu and Nova Silverwood each have one, and yes, their adult form mimics you. Modeled after myself at the time. - Age reversal.” “Let’s not forget that Aunt Tia muddled with our Moonie's matrices,” Aerie added. “You gave her a mandate to keep me safe, the ability to learn, and the ability to tell wrong from right.” “So what was it that your Aunt Tia did, do you think?” Selena asked. “Gave her compassion, a conscience, and an ability to think outside her programmed mandates I’d think.” “So… what are we going to do besides take Hoshiko to the doctor? Aurora asked. “I was thinking of spending the day back in my own proper dimension,” Aerie offered. “Well, there’s no point in all of us going to the doctor’s office.” “I suppose I could spend the day with Scootaloo back in her dimension,” Aurora mused. “Aerie, I’m thinking that you might want to come with us to the doctor’s office so that they know we aren’t pulling a prank on them,” Flora suggested as she joined everyone at the table. “So why does Hoshiko need to go see a doctor?” Selena pressed. “Right off hand, I’d say it’d be the whole we can’t tell anyone about Equestria,” Basil suggested from his seat. “I’ve got amnesia,” Hoshiko informed her mother and then took a bite of sausage. “Lovely,” Selena muttered. “So who all is going to have to go?” Aerie asked. “We can’t very well bring everyone, Flora replied. “I have the day off and plan to do absolutely nothing today,” Basil informed them. “I’d love to see this Equestria,” Haruki requested. “We’ve two,” Aurora informed him. “Two?” Haruki asked. “Basement connects to no less than three dimensions counting this one.” Aerie offered. "There's another one that we haven't explored yet." “I can take you on a tour of my world,” Luna offered. “You aren’t going to come with me?” Aerie asked. “I’m tempted, but let’s face it, I’m not crazy about doctors' offices. Now I know the modern ones are all sterile and scientific, but…” “And yet you had no trouble when I’d overextended myself.” “That’s different. There’s nothing wrong with you, and let’s face it, if anything happens I’d be useless without one of their wands.” Aerie pulled the elder wand out from a pocket and passed it over to her. “Here, try this one.” Luna looked at it, reached out, and picked it up. “Is that the Elder Wand?” Selena asked in astonishment. “Stole it from Dumbledore,” Aerie replied. “Considering you were able to steal it, it wasn’t really his to begin with… Oh my?!” A stream of multi-colored sparks followed by what looked like a moonbeam emanated from the tip of the wand while a tingling sensation washed over the room. “It’s chosen you. It’s never chosen, anyone,” Selena said in quiet awe and admiration. “It’s probably never had the opportunity,” Haruki offered. “Miss Aerie took it from Dumbledore causing it to recognize her as a better if not equal to Dumbledore. But then she goes and does something that’s never been done before. She gave it away, freely without reservation to someone who could truly master it.” “Mom, I’m to understand the core is a thestral hair.” “And Thestral look to me as their princess. Or at least in our dimension, they do.” “You are Princess Luna?” Haruki asked softly. “I am, well, a Princess Luna. - Aerie, I think I will go with you today.” A short time later Aurora and Louise would take Basil and Haruki out the back way to experience Scootaloo’s (Mrs Silverwood's) Ponyville. Bright Star decided to stay behind to spend some time with her Captain and crew, and Flora, Aerie, Hoshiko, Selena, and Celeste were out the front door about the same time as Aurora was going out the back. > Chapter 50: Alexandrina Victoria Regina > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Aerie Potter!” “Oh great,” Aerie grumbled under her breath. They were about to get into Flora’s car, and she’d a pretty good idea who the half-frozen short round pink woman was and figured that by the looks of her, she’d been wandering about in the cold for quite some time. “Is there something we can do for you?” Selena asked in a cold hard tone which suggested that she had recognized the individual approaching. Selena stepped forward and sprouted large black wings blocking Ms Umbridge from her intended quarry. Umbridge stopped, a look of confusion on her face, which quickly morphed to fear and rage. “You?!” She took a breath and pulled out her wand. “You freak!” A powerful beam of blue light shot through the air. Princess Luna had stepped around Selena, saw the pink woman draw her wand with malicious intent in her eyes, understood her Nova, Aerie was in danger, and let fly the first spell that came to mind. Dolores Umbridge stood unmoving, wand at the ready, frozen in stone. “Luna?” Selena asked as she folded in her wings. “We can sort her when we get back,” Luna offered. “Mmm, kay…” Aerie offered. “Did you just?” Flora asked. “It can be undone. If I feel like it. Who is she?” “Dolores Umbridge. She’s one of Voldemort’s,” Selena growled. “We don’t say the name. It’s a snitch spell,” Aerie reminded her quietly. “Let him come. Like he’d care about her anyway. One of the first to turn on him the moment word went out that he’d been defeated. All she ever cared about was what was in it for her.” “Let’s just go,” Flora prompted hopefully. “Yes, let’s go,” Luna offered. A moment later they quietly began to file into the car. It was a few minutes later when Aerie broke the silence. “His name is Tom Riddle. He’s only one supporter right now," Aerie offered as she waited her turn to get in the car. "Even so, we don’t want him to know our movements or what we are doing… Mom? That spell?” “Same spell we used on Discord. If Riddle comes calling, it won’t matter how immortal he’s made himself. He’ll spend eternity in stone.” She still had the wand in hand as she had no intention of putting it away until they were all in the car and headed down the road. “Princess Luna! What in Harmony?” Brightstar yelled as she rushed out of the house. Captain Hardrock was right behind her. “Mom! I mean… Argh! Not the Mama... You can’t just go around turning people to stone.” When Brightstar had been reunited with her Luna, things had been rocky. “And why not? She was threatening Aerie, and it’s not like it’s permanent.” “Well then, turn her back.” “Can’t.” “What do you mean, can’t?!” “There’s a cool down. Be a few hours before I can safely reverse the spell.” “What say we hoist her up into the ship,” Hardrock offered. “Right, you do that, we’ve got an appointment to go to,” Flora pressed. “Ya, let’s get going before some other second-rate villain shows up,” Aerie prompted followed by climbing into the back of the car. “Don’t break her, I can’t undo it if you break her,” Luna admonished as she got into the car. “Doesn't matter to me one way or the other,” Selena Tsuki added as she too got into the car. “You wait here, and I’ll go upstairs and fire up the engines,” Captain Hardrock offered even as the car pulled out into traffic. Fortunately, Brightstar hadn’t long to wait. The airship was maneuvered over the spot where Umbridge stood. A hatch opened up in the belly midships where several ponies could be seen looking down. Oh, and yes, the ship was still cloaked. For anyone who might cast a glance, it was sky ponies watching from above. A line with a wide fabric sling was dropped, Brightstar wrapped the sling around Umbridge’s waist and arms and hooked up to the line. “Alright, hoist her up!” Brightstar called. Brightstar watched as the line grew taut, waited for Umbridge to raise up, and looked on in puzzlement when nothing happened. “Hum guys?” She asked as her eyes cast upwards. To her astonishment, the airship, a small Firefly Class ship, was slowly descending. So-called because the configuration resembled a firefly with its large window in the back. It also sported two large engines two-thirds of the way back that made it look a little like a certain science fiction ship save in that the main body was straight. Where it had a more bug-like appearance was in the presence of a large forward protruding gondola that made the front end look like the Guppy. “Ah, better use a little more engine power!” She shouted up with a bit of confusion. The woman wasn’t that big. She was plump, but not what Brightstar thought of as being overly large. It was a wonder that no one was out and about at this point to have a look given the sound of the straining engines. Umbridge slowly rose up into the air, and then the sling slipped free of the waist. Brightstar’s breath caught in her throat even as the sling held tight against the woman’s ample bosom. And up past the boobies the sling went. Fortunately, her arms had been out when she’d been turned into stone. Even so, Brightstar had to ask herself if those ample girls had bounced or if that’d been an optical illusion. The airship did bounce resulting in two pegasi falling out, flying around in a circle, and then zipping back up into the hatch. Naturally, the line started to fray right about the time Ms Umbridge was looking more like low-hanging fruit than potential cargo. “You couldn't use a new rope!” Brightstar shouted up. “That is a new rope. She must be denser than we thought!” Brightstar looked about, saw no one, transformed into her alicorn form, and lept up into the air, horn blazing. Her coloration was nearly identical to Aerie’s save that she’d black-tipped feathers. She was also an adult standing at least a head taller than most pegasi, while average height for Earth ponies. She swooped up, caught Umbridge in her magic, and shoved the portly woman into the hatch followed by the remainder of the line being pulled in and the hatch closing and vanishing. Just under a block away stands a dirty blond man of average height on the far corner of an intersection, just far enough back not to be noticed but where he can still see the comings and goings. His outer garment was an old warn overcoat that might have once been dark green. His notable features are a peg leg and an eye that seems to wonder about on its own. Just a hint of a smile crossed his scarred face as his wandering eye scanned the sky. A delivery truck went past, and he was gone. Meanwhile on board the airship. “Look, why don’t we just set her down in a park somewhere?” Brightstar suggested from the bridge. “Something tells me that wasn’t an ordinary spell,” Captain Hardrock stated as the on-duty helm officer struggled with the ship. “If it’s the same sort of spell Princess Celestia uses the weight is dependent on the weight of the soul,” offered a green unicorn at a science station. “It discourages co-conspirators from moving the statue.” “Thank you Mr Sprocket. Well, we aren’t putting her down on the roof she’d go right through it. Let’s drop her in that green space near that church. And never mind about doing it the hard way. There’s people about. I’ll just pop her down there and hopefully no one notices.” Brightstar suggested as the ship slowly made its way. “Probably a good thing the weather is so nasty,” Captain Hardrock said quietly. Fortunately, no one was in the small park when the pedestal formed. A nice block of conjured granite with a wide base. Next came the stone form of Ms Umbridge. And for the frosting on the cake, Brightstar added a bronze plaque: Alexandrina Victoria Regina. Brightstar had done enough reading on the local kingdom to know the basics of the country and figured that the form of Umbridge just might pass for Queen Victoria and surely no one would notice one more statue. After they’d left the man from before entered the clearing in the park. The track in the snow gives evidence of a wooden leg. He approached the front of the statue, his grizzled face cracking into a smile. “My my my, bit off more than you could chew, is it, Dolores? While you should have known better than to confront the Nightmare... even I failed to anticipate that Luna Moon might be such a delightful surprise.” He got out his wand and cast a diagnostic spell. A moment later his eyebrows rose in delight. His smile grew. He cast a spell to help the muggles accept the statue as though it had been there many years, and started to turn away. Alastor Moody gave his wand a flick and shouted, “Expecto Patronum!” At first, what emanated from the wand was a noncorporeal mist that shot out into the air, and then it took form, a body, legs, and wings… and then its shape became a well-defined form. It had been a long time since he’d been able to manage a corporeal form and back then it had been something completely different. The form was a princess of Equestria, a pony form that looked suspiciously like Princess Nova. Alastor Moody had hope again. > Chapter 51: A dozen Royal Guards and Princess Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for Aerie and Hoshiko, their little group had arrived at the medical center without incident. Naturally, they made a fuss over the identical cousins, and then Hoshiko and Selena went back to an examination room. “Hoshiko…” The doctor said, their tone was tinged with concern. “You are healthy, no sign that anyone’s done anything... inappropriate to you. And yet, I can’t help but feel you are holding back. What aren’t you telling me?” “The truth?” “It would help.” “I was on Inari Mountain when I found myself transported to Takamagahara. The high plane of Heaven. Aerie and Aurora are divine Kami. They found me, and brought me here because there wasn’t any ready means to return me directly to Japan.” The doctor let out a pained sigh. “Hang on, this isn’t one of them things… you know like how Thor turned out to be real and alternate worlds and all that stuff is it?” “Might be best to stick with she can’t remember. It’d be a whole lot easier,” her mother suggested. “Miss Potter bends needles when we give her shots or try to take blood samples… point taken. And with that, we are done. Miss Hoshiko is in top physical condition. Aside from being a little on the thin side that is.” 👩‍⚕️ Equestria, the morning before Hearth’s warming eve. It’s Mrs Silverwood’s world where Aerie and Aurora had taken custody of a young Scootaloo. Mrs Spoiled Rich was sited making her way to the courthouse. Aerie and Aurora were notified shortly after and hurried out the door. The two made their way to the courthouse and arrived even as Mrs Rich entered in through the back door. Aerie put an anti-squeak charm on the hinges of the door, opened it, and then followed the as-yet-unaware Mrs Rich. Aurora followed her, and she was followed by Shining Armor and two guards all three out of uniform. Mystique was soon on their heels along with her two best stallions. Ray Mustang had a devilish smile on his face as he watched Mrs Rich enter an office oblivious of the train behind her. “Mrs Rich, I see you made it,” offered a clerk as Aerie pushed in behind her. “Argyle-bargyle, let’s just get on with it.” “I thought I told you to come by yourself, as in no pony else with you.” “I did.” “I came for the auction,” Aerie announced. Her words caused Mrs Rich to jump high enough to smack her head on the ceiling. “As did I,” Mystique offered. “This is a private-” Argyle began. “By law, all auctions must be open to the public.” Mystique’s tone indicated she had no intention of entertaining any argument from anyone. I should probably point out that she’s not wearing her pendant. “Well, if you are indeed here to bid on the property…” “We had a deal!” Spoiled spat out. “And that deal was contingent on no pony else finding out.” “And who told them!?” Spoiled was working up her self-righteous anger, ready to go full Karren at any moment. “It was Diamond Tiara who was good enough to tell me,” Aurora offered coyly causing Spoiled Rich to seethe. “Let’s just get on with it,” Aurora protested. “I bid one Royal.” “I see your Royal, and bid two Royals,” Aerie offered. “What?” Mrs Rich protested. “Two hundred bits. Still a bargain for a prime lot,” Argyle announced. “Still a bargain.” “Two hundred and one bit!” Mrs Rich shouted angrily. “Three Royals,” Aerie countered. “Three hundred bits, do I hear more?” “Three hundred and one.” Mrs Rich growled. “Oh, are we nickel and diming it?” Aurora asked. “Three Royals and three Royal Guards.” “Three Royal Guards and two Generals,” Aerie countered. “A dozen Royal Guards and Princess Celestia,” Mystique offered. “What?” Argyle asked. Only then did he realize that one of the ponies in the room was a captain of the guard. The sound of hooves out in the hall caused his eyes to go down to pinpricks. A moment later guards in uniform began to file in followed by Princess Celestia. “What is the meaning of this farce!? That property is mine!” Spoiled shouted. “I want to see your manager!” “I am the manager,” Princess Celestia stated. “No, you are not. You’re an impersonator brought in as some kind of joke.” “Guards, take her away,” Shining Armor ordered. “Get your hooves off me! My husband owns this town! Do you know who I am!? I went to Canterlot Woodlot Academy! I know the dean! There is nothing wrong with what I’m doing, it’s not like I haven't done it before!” And on it went as she was cuffed and all but drug out of the building. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia slowly walked over to an all-but-frozen clerk whose ears were down flat in fright. His body language was also that of a cornered dog. “The deed?” Princess Celestia asked kindly enough. “Also, we will need a quit title certificate declaring that Ponyville and its agents, such as yourself, surrender any and all claim to the property.” “I believe we were at three royals,” Argyle-bargyle squeaked out. His response was answered by Aerie and Aurora reaching up with a wing and shutting off the N-sid rings and revealing their horns. The two amped up their glow for effect and Argyle-bargyle fainted dead away. “Did you get the property back?” Scootaloo asked a short time later as Aerie and Aurora entered the kitchen. “Yes, and no,” Aerie offered as Mystique and Princess Celestia entered. “Princess Celestia?!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Relax, my little pony,” Princess Celestia offered with a smile. “We came as soon as we heard,” Princess Luna (Aerie’s mom) said as she entered the Kitchen. Her Princess Celestia (Aerie’s Aunt Tia) was right behind her. “Oh, um… hi,” offered Princess Celestia who’d come in behind Luna. “Did the property get sorted?” “Indeed it did,” Offered the first Princess Celestia. She couldn't help but chuckle, followed by Scootaloo who found the situation comical. “Well, then… as I was about to say, Scootaloo, I’ve confiscated the property, and will place it in a trust to be managed by Miss Aerie and Miss Aurora until you have come of age at which point the property will be yours.” “But, what about the mortgage?” Scootaloo asked. “I’ve a mind to make Spoiled Rich pay it as part of her punishment as she seems to have been the driving force behind snatching up property… locally that is.” “Pretty sure Filthy Rich will be the one to pay that bill, along with all the other bills Spoiled racks up,” Aerie pointed out. “Right now she and her co-conspirators are looking at ten to fifteen years in prison.” “What about Diamond?” Scootaloo asked. There was concern in her tone, especially now that she knew that Diamond Tiara could be a good pony. “I’m going to have to let the courts decide, and given that it’s a first offense, so far as I’m aware, the courts will be lenient. Short of this goes well beyond ponies with an overblown sense of entitlement.” “We’ve company,” Aurora announced. “Mrs Heardital is headed for the door.” “Mom, Aunt Tia, if you could possibly duck out the way you came in…” Aerie prompted. “Right, too many Princess Celestia’s,” Luna offered and herded her sister out the way they’d come even as Mrs Heardital was letting herself in. “Oh…” was the first thing Mrs Heardital said, her eyes locking on Princess Celestia. And then she saw Mystique whom she was sure had been Princess Celestia. “Mrs Heardital?” Aurora prompted. “I, um, that is, I heard you’d been down at the courthouse.” She continued to look back and forth between Princess Celestia and Mystique a few times prior to looking at Aurora. A quick curtsy to Princess Celestia came as an afterthought unaccustomed she was to such company. “The matter concerning the property owned by the Shutters had to be resolved this morning,” Princess Celestia informed her. “The property is to be held for Miss Shutter by the Crown for Miss Scootaloo Shutter, IE, myself, and Miss Aerie and Miss Aurora Summers Mustang will be the property managers. Now, you may wish to check on Miss Diamond Tiara. Her mother has been implicated in a plot to improperly acquire property, and if Mr Rich is implicated in the plot Miss Diamond may need a home.” “Not it,” Aerie protested. “Aerie?” Aurora reprimanded. “Oh, that’s quite alright,” Mrs Heardital offered. “Had I known of the peculiarities of this property earlier I might have objected to Scootaloo being here. But then again, she’s been living here and has demonstrated that she is mature enough that a few irregularities aren’t going to be an issue. Miss Tiara on the other hoof is a might bit too high-strung for such goings on.” “I’m sure you will manage it with your usual expertise and finesse,” Princess Celestia reassured. “And now I need to be off myself. Far too much for me to do to hang out here. As tempted as I might be.” “Anytime you want to sneak on down here you are always welcome,” Aurora offered followed by showing her out the door. “What’s to become of Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo asked. “Can’t say just yet,” Mrs Heardital admitted. “I’d best go make a house call. You take care.” Aurora held open the door for her and closed it behind her. “She’s not a bad pony,” Scootaloo offered as Aurora sat down at the kitchen table. “No, she’s not,” Aerie offered. “It’s just that it’s hard to do the right thing when one’s role model is lacking in moral fortitude. Christmas morning came and went with no special package for Aerie. Had Dumbledore given the invisible cloak to someone else? Surely not to Ron, he’d lose it to his brothers. To Hermione? No, she’d have told her. That left three possibilities that Aerie could think of right off hand. Neville, it wasn’t possible for Dumbledore to clandestinely deliver the cloak, and there was a possibility there might not even be a cloak. Granted that the wand existed, and the ring must surely exist or Dumbledore might have said otherwise. A fourth possibility is he’d decided to wait, or possibly number five is he’d decided to give it to another patsy. Who was as likely to cooperate as she was. Not that she needed an invisibility cloak. Aerie knew Shadow Magic. Something her tutor on Kitsune magic had instructed her on. It was the Shadow Magic that allowed her to call on her ghostly magic. Granted that Moonie acted as the facilitator of that specific spell it still required her to initiate it. Now Shadow Magic was normally off-limits to most ponies. But then Aerie, that is Nova, was part Kitsune and that meant Shadow Magic was part of her kit whether she wanted it or not. And no, it didn’t give her the ability to make herself invisible. It did give her the ability to blend in with her surroundings so well that only the keenest eye could spot her. At least when she used the Chameleon effect. When coupled with the illusionary ability of Kitsune magic she could create all manner of effects. “Nova… Aerie, you seem, distracted,” Luna prompted later that evening. The two were sitting by the fire in her flat the others in other parts of the house. “Oh, I half expected Dumbledore to drop off a package for me.” “A package?” “Part of his little game. Not that that’s going to be an issue. He needed me to stay in Hogwarts. Harry Potter was supposed to receive an invisibility cloak which he’d use to go snooping about the castle and find the mirror of Erisid. Dumbledore would find him, explain how it worked, and admonish him not to try to find the mirror again. By going home I’ve thrown off his plans. He needs me or some other patsy to locate the very mirror Moonie stole.” “Hang on?” “Moonie replaced it with a shadow illusion,” Offered a six-year-old Princess Luna whose face had chocolate smeared all over it. Six years of age just seemed to be the right age for making a pig of oneself with candy. Nearby was a pair of twin Scootaloos who were doing their best to keep up. Scootaloo along with Spitfire from Aerie’s home world had come to visit, and the two immediately became friends. Aerie’s Diamond Tiara was there too and the three were whispering about possibly playing a prank on the other Diamond. “Are we sure Discord didn’t mess with her matrix?” Luna asked. “Even if he did, Kitsune Magic overrides Chaos Magic. That and her core is powered by a harmony stone and a Hōjo-no-Tama. The two gems are embedded in the pendant. I doubt it’s possible to corrupt it or the nightmare might have used it to set up a contingency plan. Still, though, I like her ability to transform herself like that. She can be any kind of companion when I need a friend.” “Hōjo-no-tama? It’s a stone your father gave me.” “Wish-fulfilling jewel. He must have loved you very much to give it to you because not only is a kitsune severely limited without it, it’s the focus they use to do magic, it’s said to contain the sole of the kitsune and grant immortality.” “Best not be telling anyone about it then,” Luna warned. “Riddle would want it if he knew. And to think you've had it in plain sight.” “I tuck it away most of the time. It provides healing and purification… and may well be a true philosopher’s stone now that I think about it, but I doubt it’d give him what he wants beyond restoring him at great cost as it is also said to contain in part the essence of the Buddha if I’m not mistaken and I doubt it’d accept anyone attempting to do dark magic with it.” “Philosopher's stone. Wasn’t that what Dumbledore has hidden away at Hogwarts? “What he thinks he has hidden away.” “Oh?” “I wasn’t going to leave it to chance. Just in case, mind you. And it’s a false stone. A bloodstone from which can be created an elixir that grants extensions on life but not vitality. Even if Riddle were to get it it would not restore him.” “I am well aware of what a bloodstone is, it is stolen life, and it has limitations. To think that our Sunset nearly had one placed about her neck.” “And with an enchantment that would bring out the worst in her. It was you, or perhaps it was the Night Mare who instructed me about it.” “So what does Dumbledore have?” “The cake that Hagrid made for my birthday.” “OK, what’s so funny over there?” Aurora called as she entered the room. Luna was laughing up a storm, and Aerie was having a hard time not joining in. “I’ll just have to tell you later. > Chapter 52: Hogwarts gains 2 more fox girls. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna accompanied Aerie to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Aurora had her mom, and of course, Flora and Basil accompanied Justin. “Should have known…” Aerie muttered as they made their way through the crowd. With the exception of the people who’d met Luna at the dinner, all saw Lilly Potter. People would stop dead in their tracks, follow Luna with their eyes, and whisper to whoever was closest. Oh, and Hoshiko was there as well. She’d received a letter from Hogwarts, allowing her to transfer in, on Christmas day of all days. Everyone went down to Diagon Alley the next day to load her up with supplies. Yes, her mother objected but consented when it occurred to her that it would give her an excuse to meddle. This also meant the better part of the remainder of the winter vacation was spent obtaining school supplies and tutoring Hoshiko on Hogwarts magic techniques. When Kitsu found out she insisted on posing as Hoshiko’s familiar and was at that very moment inside a very expensive pet carrier. It was bigger on the inside. “So what’s with the fox?” Draco demanded of Hoshiko as he stepped up to her. “Hang on, what’s happened to your scar?” “Draco, I’m over here,” Aerie scolded from a few paces away. “Aerie?” “Tsuki, Hoshiko Tsuki,” offered the Aerie look alike, her tone a bit like she was trying to imitate James Bond. “I’m transferring in from Japan.” Draco looked back and forth at the two in confusion. “She’s a cousin.” Draco realizing he’d embarrassed himself, spun on his heels and made a beeline for the train. “That was Draco Malfoy. A bit of a prat but likable enough, I suppose.” “Draco? Likable?” Hermione asked in abject disbelief. “When he’s not being a prat. He does tend to go out of his way to make himself unlikable though,” Aerie offered. “Never mind him, we need to get on the train,” Aurora pointed out. “We wouldn't want to miss the train and have to drive all the way to Scotland.” “That’s not scheduled until next school year,” Aerie offered and started for the train. “That’s not an approved animal,” Mr Malfoy sneered as he stepped to cut them off. “Japanese Marbled fox. Very desirable and prestigious animal. And Hoshiko is my daughter,” Selena stated. Her tone was cordial enough but the look in her eye gave him to know that the only reason he was still alive was because there were children about. Mrs Nova Silverwood was but a few paces away and she’d a similar look such that between the two women, he faltered and stepped back. Oh, he’d fume about it later, but for now, his spine had turned to mush. The girls boarded the train and found a compartment where they were joined by Lavender and the Patil twins. Justin joined Wayne and Ernest in the next compartment. And there they waited, Moonie and Kitsu in their carriers up on the luggage rack. “They are at it again,” Aurora grumbled a short time later as one person after another walked past and had a peek into the room. “So, what do you imagine it is this time?” Lavender asked. “Curious about Luna, I’d imagine,” Aerie offered. “Or me,” Added Hoshiko to be echoed by Kitsu letting out a sharp bark. “Or you.” “Can I ask you about Kitsu?” Lavender queried. “Funny her having the same name as Kitzu Silverwood.” “Kitsune, she’s Kitsune,” Aerie offered. She showed up at the same time as Hoshiko, and not a word. Probably just as well that the Weasleys don’t know about her or any of this.” “Hang on, you can’t mean to say that that little fox…” Hermione began only to get a stern look from several of the occupants. “You know who is still in the school and Kitsu volunteered to watch our backs and run messages,” Aerie stated. “Wish you hadn’t reminded me,” Parvati said softly as the train began to pull out of the station. Save for the curious who came by to say high and ask about Luna and Hoshiko, the trip back was fairly quiet. 🚂 “Do you think they’ll make Hoshiko do the boat ride?” Aurora asked as the train pulled into the small station. “By herself?” I hope not,” Aerie offered. A moment later the train slowed and stopped. They got the same instructions as on the first trip, left their luggage, and made their way off the train. Hagrid was not there. The sensible thing was to go to the carriages given that there was absolutely no one there to give instructions. It was as though everyone was expected to know what to do. In fact, no one questioned Hoshiko’s presence until everyone started filing into the great hall. “Miss Potter, why are you just standing there like that, and why isn’t your house badge on your robes?” Mrs McGanagall prompted Hoshiko. “Not me,” Aerie offered as she walked up. “My cousin. Hoshiko Tsuki, meet Professor McGonagall.” “Oh, my… hang on, why’s she here?” “I received an admissions letter,” Hoshiko replied and offered up what was unmistakably a genuine Hogwarts acceptance letter which McGonagall quickly took up and read the cover letter. It was the standard automatically generated letter by the heading but differed in the first and third lines. “We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by way of transfer from Mahora Academy Academy Island, Tokyo, Japan. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. Please report in at the end of winter break so that you may be sorted into a house and begin your time with us. We await your owl.” “We did send out an owl,” Aurora informed Professor McGonagall. “Oh my, this is most unexpected. Miss Tsuki, come with me…” And with that, McGonagall made her way to the head table looking back only long enough to be sure the look-alike girl was still there. “Professor Dumbledore…” McGonagall called as she approached the man. He’d been headed for his place at the table. “Ah, Minerva, is there something I can do for you?” “It seems we have acquired a new first year.” “Acquired? Aerie?” “No, sir, I’m her cousin Hoshiko.” “She’s got a letter stating that she should present herself here following the winter break.” “Does she now?” “Mother sent our acceptance letter.” “Oh, dear. Afraid I’ve got a pile of correspondence on my desk that I’ve yet to get to. What with one kerfuffle after another that needed straightening out over the break.” “Has Hogwarts ever taken in a student mid-year before?” McGonagall wasn’t sure what to think at this moment. “Let me see the letter…” McGonagall handed over the letter and he proceeded to examine it. “Looks…” he got out a wand, the very wand intended for Harry Potter, and cast a spell. “It does seem to be genuine. Mahora, not Mahoutokoro?” “Oh, no sir. Hermione Granger told me about it. And quite frankly I think it’s someone's idea of a bad joke. Minami-Iōjima, also known as South Sulfur Island, and formerly known as Santo Agustino. It’s a cinder cone out in the Pacific. A volcanic island, and not very large. its distance is ruffly equivalent to the distance Hogwarts is from London and yet it is said that students commute daily. Can you just imagine how difficult it’d be to conceal all that traffic from non-magic users? Not to mention the strain on the students and magical beasts expected to make that trip twice a day. And robes that turn white if someone betrays the school or practices dark arts are a load of rubbish thought up by someone who knows nothing of the colorful history of Nippon. White is the color of purity and is worn by Shinto priests. It would make far more sense to cause misdeeds to become embroidered on the kimono of the transgressor as a warning to others. There are dozens of magic schools in Japan needed to accommodate over a billion magic users of which Mahora is quite possibly the most prestigious.” “I see…” He had to take a moment to think. “I imagine the reply is undoubtedly on my desk.” “You aren’t seriously considering starting her halfway into the school year?” “Oh, I’ve been studying magic since I was seven and Aerie was good enough to familiarize me with everything you covered up to the start of the winter break.” “You do have a wand I gather,” Dumbledore mused as he stroked his beard. “Hinoki with a strand of hair from a thousand-year-old kitsune. Freely given.” “I see… well then, we’ll simply have to sort her. Hokey, if you can fetch a stool and the sorting hat, that’s a good lad.” The hall quieted into murmurs when the hat and stool appeared in front of the head table. “This is most irregular,” McGonagall grumbled. “Hardly the first time a student started late,” Dumbledore offered which left Professor McGonagall standing there waiting for everyone else to sit down. Meanwhile, at the Gryffindor table, Ron was being sullen. “Aerie, who is that?” Idda Peverell asked in a loud conspiratorial whisper. “My cousin, Hoshiko. She managed to get herself shipped all the way from Japan.” Aerie wasn’t about to tell them anything else. The magical community was to get the same cover story. No one needed to know about Equestria who they didn’t implicitly trust. “Anyway, she has dual citizenship and kind of needs to stay in the country until everything gets worked out. That and she kind of wanted to go to Hogwarts. Don’t ask me how she got a letter, but it literally said to come to school right after the break.” “Admissions is automatic,” Percy Weasley informed her. “Her name must have been entered into the master enrollment book, and then the admissions process just decided she could start right away. She’ll be at a huge disadvantage though.” “No, she won’t.” Hermione cut in. “Ah, glad you all made it, and welcome back to Hogwarts,” Professor Dumbledore said to the assembled student body. “And yes, despite certain rumors I am still here. Seems some people got a hold of the wrong end of the stick.” “Thought he’d be gone for sure,” Draco muttered just loud enough for Aerie to hear him. No one tried to counter what he’d said given how damning a number of articles in the papers had been. “Now, before we start, we seem to have a new addition to our family.” Dumbledore had put on the charm possibly hoping people would soon forget about rumors of his sacking. “Minerva.” “Professor Dumbledore,” McGonagall replied. She turned to the student body. “By way of transfer from Mahora Academy, don’t give me that look, that’s what’s on the letter… Hoshiko Tsuki.” “Professor?” “What no speech or anything from the hat?” “No one told me I’d be sorting anyone!” Shouted the hat causing Hoshiko to jump back and draw her wand. McGonagall was quick to snatch the wand. And then they had to wait for the laughter to end. “What’s she going to do anyway?” Called a wag among the students. “Moon Prism-!” “Don’t you dare!” Aerie shouted as she bolted to her feet fearing that Hoshiko might actually be able to do that transformation. “Dear, you need to sit on the stool and put the hat on to be sorted,” McGonagall admonished. “Put that on? What, on my head?” “Just put the hat on!” Aerie called over a chorus of laughter and sat down. “Takes time to come up with a good song,” muttered the hat. Hoshiko reluctantly stepped up to the hat, bowed to it, picked it up, sat on the stool, and then put the hat on. The hat dropped over her head to rest on her shoulders. “By any chance do you have a bigger head,” Aurora asked Aerie. “No, I anticipated that the hat might do that and made sure that the forward part would rest on my forehead. Most people do that without even thinking.” “So… what now?” Hoshiko asked. “Haven’t I already placed you…” Muttered the hat. “You’re probably thinking of Aerie.” “Ah, that’s it. Another one. How many of you are there?” “Infinite dimensions, infinite me I guess. This is my home world. Hang on, does that mean you know about Aerie?” “She’s an interesting nut to crack. She both belongs here and doesn’t belong here, but yes. She is both Aerie Potter and a shining star in the heavens. But it’s you we need to sort. You know… you might do well in Slytherin.” “Not entirely sure how. I’ll probably be going back home at the end of the year in which case such connections would do me little good. I’m here to learn.” “Ah, yes, I do sense in you an insatiable appetite for knowledge.” the next word out of the hat was “Ravenclaw” shouted loud and clear. Hoshiko jumped again. “You can take it off now dear,” Professor McGonagall instructed over the cheering from the Ravenclaw table. Hoshiko lifted up the hat with both hands, got up, and set the hat back down. “Your wand. Now, go sit with the Ravenclaw students.” Hoshiko took her wand and made her way to where Padma Patil was frantically waving to her. Hoshiko did at least know what was expected of her at this point. “This is Amanda Brocklehurst. Everyone calls her Mandy though,” Padma said in reference to the girl who shifted over to make room. “Now, what are you doing here?” “I got a letter,” Hoshiko shrugged. “Seems to have been generated automatically. Right now I’m wondering if I’ll have a place to sleep because Dumbledore dropped the ball and no one knew I was coming.” “We’ll set you up with something,” offered an older girl. As she was talking Dumbledore had been making an announcement. “Penelope Clearwater. I’m the house prefect on the girl’s side. Robert Hilliard is the prefect on the boys side. You can ask either of us if there is anything you need, How do you feel about ponies? Specifically pegasi?” “Oh, I’m OK… why?” “The only available beds are attic rooms.” “Oh… okay? I’m missing something?” “There’s a bunch of pegasi living up there,” Padma offered. “How are they with foxes?” Even as she asked Kitsu the fox was squirming up onto the bench between Hoshiko and Padma. After all, mooching was going to be her best bet to get proper food. She also had about her neck a moon pendant identical to Aerie’s. “To be honest… hang on,” Penelope began as a paper swan winged its way to her. It landed in front of her and opened out into a note. She read over it quickly. “Ah, not to worry, Professor Flitwick is going to use an expansion charm and you can room with Mandy, Padma, and Miss Li.” “What kind of animal is that?” asked an Asian girl across the table even as food appeared on it. “She’s a fox, why?” “Since when do foxes have wings like a bird?” “Wings?” Hoshiko asked and looked down. Kitsu just shrugged. “Divine Celestial actually.” “Sue Li, you aren’t going to have a problem?” Padma asked. “Ah, aren’t Celestial foxes supposed to be dangerous?” Sue Li pressed. “She’s my familiar. And besides, she’s only the one tail.” “Well, if she’s been approved, I guess it’s alright.” > Chapter 53: Ravenclaw dorm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over at the Gryffindor Table Aurora leaned over and whispered into Aerie’s ear, “I’ve still got full administrative access. Which is just as well. I had to mask Kitsu so that Dumbledore wouldn't realize that she’s anything more than a curious creature.” Meanwhile at the Head table… “It just seems suspicious to me,” Snape said in his usual sardonic style. “And what sort of animal is that? It’s not on the approved list.” “Oh, looks harmless enough,” Dumbledore replied. “Hagrid, what do you think?” “Ah, a lil’ ball of fluff like that ain’t never hurt no one. Now a dragon, that’s another story. Not that aye couldn't handle one. Be right up my alley ta raise me a dragon.” “Hagrid…” Dumbledore said sternly. “Professor?” “No. I’m already in enough hot water without you bringing something like a dragon of all things to school.” “D-d-d-dragons are nothing to be fooling around with,” added Professor Quirrel. “Mustn't have a d-dragon. Oh no, that would be bad.” When dinner ended Aerie and Aurora went to give her a hug and wish her luck. “I must admit that I’m glad you ended up in a different house,” Aerie admitted. “It’ll be easier for people to tell us apart this way.” “I kind of wish the hat had placed me in Gryffindor, at least that way I could sleep in your trunk,” Hoshiko informed her. “Professor Dumbledore dropped the ball.” “Not to worry, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall have gone up to make some room,” Miss Clearwater offered. “Now come along, I doubt you’d be able to find it on your own.” “I have to go,” Hoshiko offered, gave the two another hug, and quickly followed after her soon-to-be roommates. Out into the entry hall and from there they proceeded to the grand stairwell. Kitsu couldn't resist launching herself into the air and spiraling upwards rather than climbing the stairs. “Be nice if I could spread my wings,” Hoshiko muttered, and yes, she’d discovered that thanks to her time in Equestria she now had the ability to switch back and forth as well. She just wasn’t in a hurry to let anyone at Hogwarts know. Stairs moving about at random nearly had her spreading her wings at least twice. When they were about halfway between the fourth and fifth floor Kitsu dived on something unseen which was revealed to be an odd little specter that looked like the ghost of a jester. “Nasty little fox!” spat out Peeves the ghost. At first, he thought to go in pursuit but changed his mind at the sight of a Night Mare gliding through the air. Hoshiko pulled out her wand and before Peeves could make up his mind she’d enveloped him in a containment field of some sort. Not quite a bubble, but his squirming soon made it a bubble. Kitsu couldn’t resist bouncing off the side of the bubble causing it and its contents to soar out over the great well. Moonie couldn't resist giving the bubble a kick, much to Peeve's consternation and complaint, and then to everyone's amazement, a second Night Mare appeared and sent Peaves rocketing back towards the first. Indeed a number of Gryffindor students could be seen on another set of stairs a couple of flights down, a cheer erupting when one of the Night Mares failed to return the volley. Not like she was going to just let it go mind you. She chased after the Peeves ball, bounced him off a wall, and then bucked him back towards the other mare who readily bucked Peeves right back again. “I’m wondering if maybe I should try to put a stop to this?” Hoshiko asked. “Am I right in thinking that’s Peeves?” “You are and let them have their fun. It’ll serve Peeves right for trying to ambush us,” Miss Clearwater replied with more than a bit of mirth in her tone. Peeves was cussing up a storm by this point. “And as much as I’d love to stand here and watch we really need to get going.” “Aww echoed several of their companions.” “I can’t help but feel sorry for him,” Hoshiko admitted as they started out once more. “Don’t. Peeves has been a thorn in the sides of everyone in this school for nearly as long as the school itself. That said, I’m going to award you a house point for your quick action and spell-work. In fact, I’d say that was mighty good for someone who’d just started.” “Oh, I’m hardly just starting. Japan starts people the moment they show signs of being able to do magic. And even though I’ve only recently started learning spell casting I know many of the basic concepts.” “Don’t sell yourself short, a containment field is not a beginner spell.” “Basic containment and banishment were among the first spells I learned. Although, I should mention that Aerie cautioned me not to try to use any advanced containment spells on Peeves. She says he’s a poltergeist. She has a theory that Peeves is a manifestation of all the accidental magic emanating from the student body. Overflow might be another way to put it. She says that even experienced magic users can’t always control their magic when emotions run high, and at Hogwarts, it results in Peeves. As such, the only way to be rid of him would be to purge the school.” “An interesting notion, and might be worth looking into,” Miss Clearwater admitted. “There was an attempt to get rid of him once that resulted in a disaster. The idea that he’s being powered by the student body kind of makes sense. Even if we could get rid of him we’d just have a new version in a few months. - This way.” She then turned down a long hall on the fifth floor. At the end of the hall was a large spiral staircase which Hoshiko had no desire to climb, but reluctantly started forward. “We have to go all the way to the top.” “Naturally,” When they’d reached the top they found themselves at a doorway with a knocker the shape of a raven, but nothing else. Oh, some might think it an eagle but that would make little sense now, would it? Miss Clearwater took hold of the knocker and gave it a rap. “People love to see me. I am not large and yet between my head and tail is a mile,” quote the raven. “Smiles,” Hoshiko offered. She was delighted when the door swung open. “Very good,” Miss Clearwater praised. “That of course will be the password for the week. Ravenclaw students are smart but expecting us to solve a new riddle every time would be a bit much.” “What if someone from another house were to try it?” Hoshiko asked as Kitsu came gliding in for a landing. “It can recognize people assigned to Ravenclaw. Anyone else will be given nonsensical riddles with no answers. After all, relying on a password alone would make it too easy for intruders to get in.” “Makes sense,” Hoshiko replied and then picked up Kitsu just to be sure she’d be able to get in. Beyond the door, there was an expansive room with alabaster walls mahogany cabinets, and furnishings done in blue. The ceiling was adorned with a depiction of the night sky that looked very much like a planetarium ceiling. Large Gothic arches framed numerous windows along with a large alcove which was opposite from where they’d entered. On one side was the staircase down into the boy’s dorm, on the other side the stairs descended into the girl’s dorm. The alcove itself was lined with bookshelves and had a statue of a stately lady. The room was also full of people who’d arrived ahead of them. “The stairs into the attic are through a secret door behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw,” Miss Clearwater informed Hoshiko as they made their way to the alcove. “Not to worry,” Professor Flitwick announced as he came up from the girl’s side of the dorm. Professor McGonagall was right behind him. “Everything is ready to go.” “Thank you,” Miss Clearwater replied cheerfully and headed for the stairs. The fact that the stairs now went down again annoyed Hoshiko to no end. Granted from what she knew of spacial displacement it was probably necessary. From what she knew of history the whole set up was likely set up that way in case the tower ever got stormed. No doubt there would be another way out. “Not to worry, our rooms are only one flight down, Padma offered reassuringly. “Do the older students climb these stairs every day? Both sets?” “Oh, goodness no, Mandy offered and then laughed. “There’s a shortcut to the bottom. We aren’t allowed to go that way. First through third years must use the primary entrance. Not like it’d make much of a difference.” “I thought there might be. Anyway, I’m just glad I don’t have to climb all the way up and then all the way back down again.” Indeed Hoshiko was tempted to find where the pegasi were getting in and out of the attic and flying down. The first-year girl’s dorm room was adorned in much the same way as the common room and sported five large canopy beds. Next to each bed was a combination wardrobe, bookcase, and desk. At the foot of each bed was a travel trunk belonging to the five occupants. Hoshiko’s was a black lacquered trunk with a mother-of-pearl inlay that had been transfigured by her mother to look like their home in Japan. “Looks like you have the bed closest to the water closet,” Padma commented in reference to a second door as Kitsu the fox bounced up onto the bed. “Water closet?” Hoshiko asked not quite sure if she knew what they meant. “Toilet, bath, and wash basins. Its primitive looks are countered by magic,” Miss Clearwater informed her. Don’t tell the boys, they have to share one facility for their whole dorm. Anyway, you’re all set, girls be sure she gets to her classes, and look me up if you have any issues you need help on. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a book calling my name.” “Surely you didn’t put off your required reading?” Hoshiko asked. “What? Oh no. I got the required reading done ages ago,” she explained and retreated to the stairwell. “Let me get my things out of my trunk, and then maybe you can show me around,” Hoshiko said to her roommates as she opened up her trunk. “About all we can show you is the dorm, the common room, and the attic. Curfew kicks in after dinner,” Padma informed her. “And they do a head count too,” Li added. “Do we at least have our own library?” Hoshiko asked as she gave her wand a flick at the open trunk. “Just the books in the alcove and what each student has,” Katrina informed her, and on sensing disappointment added, “We have a catalog of books on campus, and can request any book we are authorized to have.” Only then did she realize that Hoshiko’s belongings were levitating out of the trunk one at a time even though she hadn’t spoken any incantations. “Authorized?” Hoshiko pressed as she busily arranged things in her assigned cupboard. Clothes in the wardrobe, books on the shelves. Her cauldron and apothecary items remained in the trunk. “Age and pedagogy restrictions. Both can be waived if you have a good argument for why you need something… how are you doing that?” “Doing what?” Hoshiko asked as the last item was placed. “Levitation without using a spoken incantation?” Katrina pressed. “Aerie does that too,” Padma offered. “It’s that unspoken telekinesis. I can do it too, just haven't been practicing it.” “I got six months of practicing it at my last school,” Hoshiko offered and then added that she was practicing magic when no one was looking because of where she’d ended up. Which wasn’t entirely true. In Equestria, she could use her magic whenever she wanted and had even received instruction on how to use Unicorn magic. Padma was a friend but didn’t know about Equestria, and as far as anyone knew, Hoshiko had been attending a muggle school. Hoshiko placed a picture of her parents on the desk along with the school bag she planned to use to carry her books. The bag was enchanted so that she would be able to fit all manner of things in it. “Hoshiko…” Padma began cautiously. “Who’s that in the picture?” “My parents, why?” “They are passed away then.” “What, no. Whatever gave you that idea?” “Your mom looks like the Night Mare, Selena.” “She taught potions for a while earlier in the year,” Li added. “She was a really good teacher.” “Ah, so, I see. That’s not my mom, just a look alike. I do know that specific specter. The truth is I’m borrowing one. There are at least three that I’m aware of. As to why they look like my mom… that’s kind of complicated and some of the info is need-to-know information.” “You can’t tell us?” Mandy asked. “No, she can’t,” Moonie replied sharply. She was presently sitting on top of the canopy of Hoshiko’s bed in all her alicorn glory with her front hooves hanging over. And yes, even Hoshiko jumped. Kitsu had also been startled, sat up, and let out a scolding bark followed by making a number of guttural noises Hoshiko recognized as Old Ponish. Moonie made a 'humf' and vanished. Six months in an Equestria school had given Hoshiko some unique skills. And that included lessons in Old Ponish. No, she couldn't speak it, but she pick out enough words to get the gist of the scolding Kitzu had just given her Moonie. She wondered if she could arrange for Aerie’s Princess Celestia to do whatever she’d done to Aerie’s Moonie to make her more personable. “Maybe someday I can explain everything, just not right now. What say we go upstairs and you can show me around?” “You all go on ahead, I need to powder my nose,” Padma offered and headed for the water closet. She opened the door just as the others headed out into the stairwell, paused, and when the outer door had closed she turned back to Kitsu. “Kitsumi Silverwood, care to explain what you are doing?” “We haven't lied, exactly,” offered the young teenage Nova now sitting on the bed. “I am kitsune, part kitsune, and I entered into a contract to act as Hoshiko’s familiar.” “And how did she get a letter?” “Oh, that was the easy part. You see, my new mom’s Aunt Celestia has the ability to enter names and cross out names in the master enrollment book. Turns out she’s one of the original founders. A silent founder, but if you check the older copies of the history of Hogwarts you will see that there was a fifth founder now mostly forgotten because she never founded her own house. Her name is Celestia Solaris. As to why… to be perfectly honest, we are here to be a distraction. Oh, Hoshiko doesn’t know. She honestly wants to learn about the Western Wizarding world.” “You know who is here.” “So how’d you know?” “You told us at the dinner.” “Oh… right. I did at that, didn’t I?” “You did at that.” “Could be a problem. Moonie?” “My counterpart is already aware of the problem.” This time Moonie was back to being a cat. She was still on the top of the canopy though. “Miss Aerie had to have a discussion with her friends in Gryffindor. They’ve agreed to keep quiet.” “Padma?” Sue Li asked as she poked her head in the door. She paused for a moment, closed the door, and then opened it again by which time Kitsu was back to being a fox. “Ahh…” “Coming,” Padma offered and made her way to the door. On her way out she admonished Sue Li not to say anything. “Um… Padma… she has a scar on her forehead.” “Hit by a book when she was little. She’s here as a bodyguard.” “Ah, OK, makes sense.” Upstairs they found the group looking out various windows trying to pick out locations in the darkness. And there were few lights to be seen. Hogwarts wasn’t like any civilized community. There were few lights out in the courtyards, fewer still shining from windows. With curtains pulled, there’d be precious little light, and Hogsmeade which was some distance away wasn’t much better. “Now why did it never occur to me to do this,” Mandy said as she peered out. “I do believe I’ve picked out the Gryffindor tower.” Her window was immediately swarmed by the other first years. “What about upstairs,” Hoshiko asked. “This way,” Padma offered and headed for the alcove. “Go on without us, one of the seventh-year boys has his window opened.” “Hey now, get away from there,” scolded one of the older girls. “And let us have a peek. Oh my, it’s Billy Bones.” Padma showed Hoshiko the way to open the secret passage and together they climbed the narrow staircase up to the attic. The first room looked a bit like an entry hall with but one small window looking out. There were no lights up here leading to both girls pulling out their wands to cast light spells. The room they were in may well have been where Miss Clearwater had thought to put Hoshiko. Beyound the room through a double door, there was a large circular hall where several ponies peered out from large nest boxes beyond which was an arched opening. “Seems warm enough up here,” Hoshiko offered as she made her way to an arch. Beyond was a small room with double doors leading out to a balcony that looked like it might wrap all the way around the tower. “So how come no one comes up here?” “Might be because of the ponies. Might be because Ravenclaw students tend to be bookworms and would rather explore the towers in books than the one they live in.” As Hoshiko approached the outer doors the nearest mare got up, went into the small chamber with the two girls, walked past, and blocked the doorway with her body. “I’ve got wings, I think I can manage myself on a balcony,” Hoshiko scolded and as she did her wings unfolded from her back. Padma took a step back, and Hoshiko dropped to all fours as her pony transformation completed. “Still no,” Stated the mare. “It’s not safe out there, and you… you’ve got a horn. Can you even fly?” “Of course I can-” “You are so cute!” Padma had glomped Hoshiko. “OK, so maybe I’m not the best flier around, but I can fly… Padma?” Hoshiko let out a sigh, relaxed, and transformed back into her human form. “Can you let go now?” “Oh, there you two are… ah…” Mandy said as she walked into where they were. “It’s not what it looks like!” Padma exclaimed as she stood upright. “I wanted to go out onto the balcony,” Hoshiko explained as she got up. “But they won’t let me.” “You know, pegasi are pretty smart. If that mare doesn’t want you going out there she’s probably got a good reason,” Mandy offered. “That and it would technically be outside of the dorm, and we aren’t allowed outside of the dorm at night.” “Fine. I might just as well read my course books.” Hoshiko was feeling just a little indignant but wasn’t going to push it. “What’s our first class in the morning?” “Defense against the dark arts.” “Is it as bad as I hear?” “Worse… oh, and you might want to keep Kitsu well clear of him,” she dropped to a whisper. “I know she’s Miss Kitsumi. If Garlic Head even so much as suspects, there’s no telling what he’ll do.” “I nearly retched the first time I went into DADA,” Sue Li offered not having heard the extra Padma had added. “We are all wearing herbal charms to counteract the stink.” > Chapter 54: Hoshiko's first morning at Hogwarts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “She’s in the book alright,” Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall. The two had decided to go on up to have a look just to see if it wasn’t just some subterfuge. “By way of transfer as in the letter. I must say that the handwriting is elegant.” “That would be Celestia’s handwriting.” “Celestia?” “Celestia Solaris. Her calligraphy shows up from time to time. It’s not often that she selects a student these days. Not since that school in the Caribbean started poaching students. There were actually five founders you know, but Celestia had left before Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin made the decision to split the houses. Her handwriting shows up whenever there is an especially talented young prospect available. See this bold decisive script here, that’s Godric’s. Now this script that is near technical perfection is Rowena’s. I must say that I find it to be rather stern.” “And this tight stingy script… Slytherin?” “Indeed, and Helga Hufflepuff’s handwriting just seems to dance on the page. I suspect that to make the magic work each had to give a little of themselves into the spell.” “I’m guessing that Salazar Slytherin wasn’t very generous. Why is it that we don’t teach about Celestia?” “Not much point in it. After all, she never founded a house to be remembered by now did she.” Aerie met Hoshiko at breakfast the next morning with a brocade bag on a string. “Here, put this around your neck and give it a squeeze anytime you are in close proximity to Professor Quirrel.” “Herb packet? Thank you. I was wondering how I’d get one.” “Everyone in Ravenclaw started using one when we heard about yours,” Padma offered. Aerie looked down to see Kitsu the fox with a paw on her leg. “Oh, right, you’re going to need one too.” “We thought it best if she avoided the DADA teacher,” Padma offered even as Aerie fished another satchel from her school bag. “She’s here to keep Hoshiko safe,” Aerie countered as she leaned down and tied the satchel to the collar that Kitsu was wearing. “She knows to avoid any confrontations, and she can’t protect Hoshiko if she’s not with her.” “Oh, alright. One other thing I wanted to ask, our dorm has a balcony outside an old observation deck that’s been taken over by the local pegasi. One of the mares blocked me from going out onto the balcony last night. Any idea why?” “Did you have Kitsu with you?” “No.” “There’s your answer. That and don’t assume that any part of this castle is safe. Anyway, Mrs Silverwood likely gave the locals a heads-up not to let you go out onto that balcony without your bodyguard.” “Nani? I mean… is it really that dangerous?” “Well… maybe. The thing is, Hagrid has a penchant for dangerous creatures. The school is safe enough for the most part. Just don’t take unnecessary risks. At the very least you’d want to check out that balcony in the daylight prior to venturing out there at night.” “Have you been up there?” “Haven't been invited. That and Dumbledore tracks our movements.” “You’re not serious?” “Wouldn't surprise me,” Padma offered. “He obviously tracked Aerie when her uncle threw a wobbly.” “If he can track me all the way out to a little cabin out on an island in the ocean, tracking the students here on Hogwarts grounds would be simple enough. Oh, I’ve no doubt he’ll let things slide if he doesn’t see any danger. Fred and George Weasley are proof enough of that. Just, don’t take any unnecessary chances.” Any second thoughts about going to Hogwarts would have hit Hoshiko right about the same time as the stench from the DADA class hit her. Hoshiko was accustomed to a clean home and clean schools. The stench literally stopped her in her tracks. Down below her Kitsu let out a whimper. The form of a fox had made her olfactory senses that much keener, and neither girl had ever experienced something so horrid. Death waited in that tomb. Kitsu braced herself, gave the bag a squeeze, and stopped as the air around her cleared. Kitsu looked up at her, sat, gave her bag a squeeze, and let out a sigh of relief. There was definitely more than just the power of a herbal remedy in those brocade bags. Hoshiko stepped forward and entered the classroom with Kitsu quick to follow. Hoshiko was directed to an unused desk in the back, everyone sat down and waited. Hoshiko took in the place and remarked how it looked like someone’s twisted idea of what a chapel might look like. It even had a pulpit of sorts. A balcony from a doorway at the front with stairs that dropped down into the classroom. The various defense against the dark arts teaching aids around the edges of the class, the larger-than-life skeletal figure hanging from the ceiling that reminded her just a little too much of a rather odd-looking statue in Princess Celestia’s garden. ‘W-w-well, it does loo-look like everyone is here.” Quirrel said as he entered through the door. He paused for a moment, stepped forward, and looked out over the student body. Hoshiko couldn't help but remark on the large turban-like head wrap. Oh, Hoshiko had seen plenty of turbans, but none quite like the purple monstrosity the professor had on. She imagined the Mauritanian turban came closest. Still, though, Quirrel’s turban looked more like a carefully crafted hat than a proper turban. Like something out of an old Arabian Nights movie. “Yes… y-yes, everyone is here,” Quirrel said from his perch, and despite his meek demeanor, there was something dark and sinister about him. As for strength, he’d the look of a man whose strength had all but left him. His skin was dark about his eyes to including bags, and his cheeks sunken as he’d been on a prolonged fast. “An an and we’ve got a new student.” He slowly moved away from the edge and descended the steps all while looking out over the class. His descent down the steps was slow. “I, I think we, we will have a pop, pop, pop quiz.” There was the inevitable groan at the idea of a pop quiz, but with a new student, it was logical. It might also give him some idea if she was a plant. Quirrel stopped at the base of the steps where a large screen stood that had been covered up with an old blanket. “Pa-pa-pa, please get out pen and parchment,” He took hold of the blanket even as he continued to look out at the students, his gaze often landing on Hoshiko. He waited patiently, and when everyone was ready he pulled the blanket from an old slate board. The board was filled with questions written in chalk. “Answer the questions as best as you can… Wa-what are you waiting for, go on, begin.” The questions were all fairly introductory questions such as what is a ghost, and are they dangerous, followed by questions on Imps, Common Garden Gnomes which Hoshiko understood to look a bit like a potato, how to treat a Werewolf bite, and what to do if you encounter a Zombi. When she was done with the quiz she turned her paper over, put the stopper on her ink bottle, cleaned the nib of her pen, and waited. And no, she was not the first to finish. Considering she’d only received a one-week cram session to get her up to speed on western magic she was nearly the last to finish. Terry Boot, one of the boys, had been last. Quirrel slowly made his way back to her, picked up the parchment, and scanned through her answers. “Resurrection spells are forbidden.” His tone was sharp. “Can you even do a resurrection spell?” “Well, no sir,” Hoshiko replied sheepishly. “You are correct in that destroying the head of a zombie stops it. A full body immobilizing spell is effective but temporary, although… can’t say it ever occurred to me to use a resurrection spell.” “Japanese practices don’t really categorize the spell as dark magic and allow its use against zombies. It’s what we do with a spell that makes it dark magic. A proper resurrection spell effectively erases all traces of corruption followed by the victim either recovering or succumbing to their injuries depending on the condition of their body. I’d imagine that if used on someone with precious little of their body remaining the victim would likely just turn to dust.” “Imaginative, I must say… Granted that the weak-minded fools at the ministry would undoubtedly see bringing someone back to life just so you can kill them to be the vilest of dark magics.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” “Five points for Ravenclaw.” “Um, thank you, sir.” Quirrel collected the papers, dismissed the class, went to the front desk, and sat down. “Master?” “No… I’m not dead,” rasped a disembodied voice. “Master, you are nearly dead.” “I’m getting better. Given my present condition, I might end up worse off than I am now if I were to try it. And yet…” “We need the stone to restore your body.” “Anyone besides me notices anything strange?” Mandy asked once they were well clear of the classroom. “You mean like he let us go early and talks to himself?” Terry Boot asked. “He forgot to sta-sta- stutter,” Anthony Goldstein supplied. “You’re not suggesting he’s been faking it?” Michael Corner asked. “But why?” “Why indeed?” Padma mused. “So where to from here?” Hoshiko asked. “What are you lot doing out of class?” demanded Mr Filch as he rounded on them appearing out of a secret passageway. “Professor Quirrel dismissed us early. Is that a problem?” Hoshiko asked. “Don’t get smart with me, Aerie Potter.” “I’m not Aerie. No glasses, no scar.” “Do you take me for a fool?” he growled. “Pretty much, yes,” Kitsumi stated. She’d transferred herself into her human form complete with Gryffindor robes and glasses, and had even matched Aerie and Hoshiko's physical age. “We are cousins,” Hoshiko informed the startled and very confused man. “Your cat, sir,” Kitsumi said as she handed him Mrs Norris. She’d picked up the cat right after she’d transformed, so startled was he that he hadn’t noticed. Mrs Norris was unusually quiet. “Come on, let’s go, I’m hungry.” “Aerie?” Padma asked as they began walking past and away from Filch. “Five points from Gryffindor,” Filch spat out. “Ya, ya, whatever,” Kitsumi muttered sounding very much like the petulant teenager. “Aerie?” Padma pressed. “By the way, where’s your little fox?” Mandy asked. “Kitsu?!” Padma exclaimed on the realization that it wasn’t Aerie who was being snippy. Hoshiko stepped up to be right next to Kitsu and whispered in a rather hoarse tone, “Kitsu, what are you doing?” “Going to lunch.” “Lunch?” “Well, that…” Kitsumi stopped short. “To sit there, in the presence of that abomination…” “Aerie warned us,” Hoshiko whispered. “Curious he didn’t remark on your presence.” “Chameleon spell. Just to be safe.” “So… you planning on going to lunch as Aerie?” “Be nice to be able to eat like a civilized being. That and people keep feeding me meat when what I really want is veggies. If we get in and out before Aerie shows up no pony, er, person will notice.” “Oy vay,” Padma muttered in dismay. “That’s the fox, isn’t it?” Sue Li whispered. She’d also turned white as a ghost, or nearly as white. “Miss Li… I’m actually a pony.” “A pony? But?” “Spell gone awry that makes it possible for me to take on the form of a Celestial fox. Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to keep Miss Tsuki safe. Now, can we go to lunch?” “Come on Sue Li,” Padma prompted. A moment later the group was on their way again. When they arrived at the great hall they found that the place already had a fair number of people gathering about. They sat down and food appeared on the table moments later. Of course, Kisumi had to be careful not to give herself away. But when two identical black cats began pawing at her urgently she knew it was time to go. Kitsumi got up, saw a group of Gryffindors coming in the main doors, and made a beeline for a back door. She transformed before she’d even bothered to check for a way out of the small room. Trapped. But not for long. Kitsu on hearing the door begin to open dashed behind the door waited for the curious person to poke their head and dashed out. “McGonagall nearly got you,” Hoshiko whispered to the fox now on her lap. “You want your carrots?” She was answered with a plaintive mew from Kitsu who stuck her nose up to sniff. “Hi Hoshiko, how was your first class?” Aerie asked as she approached. “The herb satchel you gave me was a lifesaver. I don’t know how anyone can endure it?” “Aren’t you going to finish your lunch?” asked one of the older girls at the table. “Ah… Actually, I need to get back over to the Gryffindor Table. Oliver Wood will have a fit if he hears I was even over here.” “Yes, understood. Our own quidditch captain can be pretty paranoid too.” Aerie leaned close to Hoshiko and whispered, “If Kitsu needs a break have her see Lieutenant Mouse at the top of Gryffindor Tower. The ponies know which one.” “Yes, thank you,” Hoshiko replied. “OK, I need to get going. And don’t hesitate to ask for me if you need anything.” “Yes, I’ll do that,” Hoshiko replied even as Aerie was turning away. > Chapter 55: Hoshiko's Justice - Anime Style > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoshiko’s afternoon class was charms with Professor Flitwick. “Ah. Miss Tsuki,” called their Professor. He was standing on a book of all things. On a whole stack of books. The room was a long hall with two desk rows on either side, a large window at the end and rows of windows on either side, and a large fireplace right in the middle of the wall on the right as she entered complete with a fire and several cushions for pets. Kitsu saw no reason why she needed to stay alert here and headed straight for the cushions. “Class, please take a seat where I’ve placed a card with your name. And yes, I’ve moved everyone around. Miss Tsuki, I’d like you to sit up here if you will…” Hoshiko went up to the desk indicated, where a feather waited for her. “Now that everyone is in their new seat… Mis Tsuki, if you could light the end of your wand please…” Hoshiko got out her wand, held it point up in front of her, and then the end of the wand lit up. He asked her to extinguish the light, and the light went out. One eyebrow went up. “Now then, levitate the feather.” Hoshiko gave the want a flick and up went the feather as though attached to a string. “Oh, was I supposed to say Wingardium Leviosa?” Equestria taught wordless unspoken magic, and despite Aerie’s teaching her the Western spells, she’d forgotten to use the words. Six months of learning to use unicorn magic. Both eyebrows went up. “Well… to be perfectly honest, so long as you can focus on the spell, truth is,” his tone went down into a conspiratorial whisper. “You don’t actually have to say the words so long as you have the intent and can form the patterns in your head. Just don’t say anything. Most people just need to say the words out loud when they first get started.” From there he had Hoshiko demonstrate the charms that she should know up to that point while reviewing all the material they’d covered. Hoshiko walked away with a load of points for Ravenclaw for her ability to do the spells so well. “Where’d Aerie go in such a hurry,” Hoshiko asked shortly following dinner. She’d gone over to the Gryffindor table to tell Aerie about her day only to find she’d already gone. “Quidditch practice,” Lavender offered. “Oh, alright then. I’ve already been loaded up with study assignments.” “You sure you two aren’t twins?” Bill Bones asked just as Hoshiko started to turn. She looked back, smiled, and laughed as she walked away. “More like triplets if we count Kitsumi Silverwood,” Hermione muttered. “Quadruplets, if we count Nova Mustang,” Lavender quipped. “And let's not forget that they all bear a striking resemblance to Mrs Silverwood. Why if they were all the same age they’d be quintuplets. But they’re not the same age.” “It just all seems rather strange to me,” Hermione stated. “Why I’ll have you know that there has never been a first-year who started this late.” “And you know that, how?” Bill asked. “I looked it up.” “Every record since the founding of Hogwarts?” “Well… alright, I’ll admit that there are a lot of books to go through. Even so-” “Just because you couldn't find a record doesn’t mean it’s never happened. An absence of evidence is not proof of absence. It’d be rare. That I’ll admit, but who’s to say it didn’t happen? May have happened more than you’d think back before the Hogwarts Express got started.” “Ah, yes, that’s right,” Hermione brightened up. “What with how difficult traveling could be students often showed up days, even weeks late. It’s in the Hogwarts History. Someone showing up a couple of months, three to four months late… I suppose it could have happened. Maybe even with similar circumstances.” “The fact that she shows up in the middle of the year, while rare, doesn’t mean anything,” Bill offered in a calm tone. “Personally I’d be more inclined to think that magical beast of hers…” He stopped talking and looked about as several first years suddenly remembered that they had to go study. Ron was the last first year to get up and leave the table, and found his exit was now blocked by Bill Bones. “Ron, care to tell me what the first years are hiding?” “Don’t look at me. I seem to have been left out of the loop.” Hoshiko found she’d been left behind by the rest of the Ravenclaw first years, and while there were still some from her house still in the great hall she was now faced with finding her way more or less on her own. She could take comfort in Kitsu’s presence at her feet, but it hardly helped. Having the stairs move while she was on them certainly didn’t help. “What are you doing here?!” Filch demanded from the corridor beyond the landing. The third-floor corridor. “You’re not supposed to be here.” “I’m not in the corridor I’m on the landing. … I just need the stairs to come back.” Hoshiko looked about. She spotted Mrs Norris about halfway between Filch and a door that blocked the way to the rest of the corridor. The cat didn’t look like they were keen to mix it up with Kitsu again. “No one’s allowed in the third-floor corridor.” “Yes, yes, I’m well aware of the Hell Hound and have no desire… tootles.” Hoshiko smiled broadly as the stairs began to move away from that unpleasant man. “Master,” whispered the voice of a child-like creature to Filch from the shadows. A creature that was more insectoid than human. “Mrs Norris, you are taking a mighty big risk of being spotted,” Filch replied in a low growl. “That fox is some kind of changeling.” “Said the kettle to the pot.” The voice had come from the ceiling. Filch looked up to spy a thestral who was hanging from the threshold into the corridor. “And you aren’t supposed to be in here at all. Yes, I can see you. Bet you thought I couldn't, but I can.” “And so you can. Miss Tsuki is the least of your worries and if you say anything about the fox you can expect Mrs Norris to be outed as well. Just saying.” Hoshiko had finally found her way to the right corridor only to find three Slytherins blocking her way. Nor did they catch her by surprise, her keen eyesight spotted them as they exited the room they’d been hiding in. She was ready. “Mr Malfoy, and company, I presume?” Oh, she knew who they were. Aerie had made a point of making sure she could recognize certain key individuals. “Don’t you live in the basement? A long way from home, aren’t you?” “It’s called a dungeon,” Draco Malfoy growled out. “Although, I suppose I should be flattered that someone like you might know me. Still, though, who are you? I mean, who are you really.” “Why don’t you try me and find out, Slither-rin.” Even if Draco couldn't begin to understand that Hoshiko had basically called him a snake girl by switching up the Slytherin name, her tone was more than enough to set him off. “Looks like someone needs to teach you who your betters are,” he pronounced as he pulled out a wand. “Glacius!” Draco shouted and cast the spell at Kitzu. A stream of frost emanated from the wand and hit her square between the eyes. She stood there for a moment, Draco laughing malevolently at the surprised expression, and then she shook off the frost like it was nothing. Such is the power of floof. “My turn…” Hoshiko produced a small folding fan in her left hand and with a quick flip while shouting, “Furansu Ekusarumatiō, Windflower Disarmament™!!” Draco was not prepared for the blast of wind that hit him, nor was he aware that his outer garments had suddenly turned into cherry blossoms to go sailing down the hall. “Flipendo! Flipendo!” With each shout a beam of magic shot out from the end of his wand, which he’d somehow managed to hang onto. And each time the bolt came Hoshiko’s way, she sent them back his way with her fan. The first hit Crabbe, and the second hit Goyle, both doubling over at the impact. “You are going to have to do better than that.” “Cistem Aperio!” This time Hoshiko chose to deflect the incoming spell into the wall, a sizable portion of plaster erupting from the impact. The hall was now filled with plaster dust. Only when Draco attempted to hide his wand away at the sound of running did he realize that he was down to his undershirt and pants. “Malfoy! What the?” It was Roger Davies and the rest of the Ravenclaw quidditch team. “Where’s your clothing?” “He attacked me!” Hoshiko shouted her fan still in hand. “It was her! She did this?” “She undressed you and made you wander about the halls? Seriously, no one’s going to believe a first-year who just got here is capable of doing a spell like that. Now get out of here. You’ve no business being up here so close to curfew.” “What about my clothes?” “What about them?” “Not my fault your attempts to attack me backfired so spectacularly,” Hoshiko stated with grim determination. “You haven't heard the last of this,” Draco growled, gathered up Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and hurried down the hall past them. “You are probably right,” Hoshiko shouted. “Good luck getting to your dorm without being seen!” “So, um…” Roger Davies prompted. “Ordinary wooden fan. Channel manna into it and it becomes possible to bat away most line-of-sight spells.” “Ah, clever. That’s something you learned in Japan I gather.” “I did at that. Just don’t ask me to give away all my secrets.” She put away her fan, leaned down, and picked up a frosty Kitsu. “You alright?” Kitsu nodded her head but didn’t abject to being carried the rest of the way. Once upstairs she was asked to regale everyone gathered of her encounter with Draco Malfoy. She tried to leave out how Draco had lost his clothing but her audience was far too sharp to think he’d done it himself. In the end, she had to tell her audience what she’d done. Every detail. She cautioned them that the spell that had turned Draco’s clothing into flower petals was permanent in that she knew of no way to reverse the spell. The next morning word had spread to include Aerie who marched right up to Draco and slapped him. Granted that what she'd heard might have been twisted a bit. “So help me if I hear about you trying to molest Hoshiko or any of my friends ever again…” Aerie let off the threat. “Of all the crap you’ve pulled, this has got to be the worst.” She turned and went and sat down. Granted she hadn’t the full true story. Malfoy had been seen by multiple people, and he’d protested that Hoshiko was the one who’d stripped him. Not a sole believed him and everyone thought he’d gotten it into his head to flash her and had lost his school robe, shirt, and trousers in the bargain. Lucius Malfoy showed up at school that afternoon. It was Potions class with Hufflepuff, and Hoshiko had to go in front of the class and present her wand to Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore. Snape, who was not happy about having a new student drop in in the middle of the school year insisted on performing the Prior Incantato spell on her wand. When the only spells detected were the charms from class the day before both Snape and Mr Malfoy were disappointed to say the least. Mr Malfoy then insisted she be searched. Hoshiko gave in realizing that they’d not likely realize the fan she had could be used to cast magic. She emptied the contents of her school robes and her school bag. Mr Malfoy even picked up the fan which made Hoshiko rather nervous. Not so much that she feared he’d figure it out, but because she feared that he’d break it out of spite. To Lucius Malfoy, the fan was just a fan. Even if he had tried to use it like a wand, it wouldn't have worked for him. “Perhaps she’s got another in her room?” “Lucius, she’s just a child,” Dumbledore protested. “If she was indeed responsible it could only have been accidental magic. Girls do tend to be emotional. Best that young Draco was not putting himself in such a position in the first place. He’d no business being where he was at that hour.” Dumbledore paused a moment. “Perhaps it would be best to let the matter drop.” “Can I have my fan back?” “Women and their fans,” Mr Malfoy grumbled and put the fan back. “What say we leave them to their class,” Dumbledore prompted and walked Mr Malfoy out of the class. “Seems I need to have a talk with Draco about his behavior,” Mr Malfoy said as he rounded the corner and was lost to sight. “Professor Snape, are you satisfied?” McGonagall asked. “I still don’t like having a child start in the middle of the school year.” “You’ve got a good excuse to review material just to remind them of what they’ve learned. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my class before pandemonium breaks out.” “Can I have my wand back?” “Oh for heaven’s sake, give her her wand back.” and with that, McGonagall turned and followed after Dumbledore and Malfoy Senior. As for Snape, he did return the wand, and then he went right into teaching the lesson he had prepared. So far as he was concerned Miss Tsuki could sink or swim. Padma teamed up with her thanks to the odd number of students and together they did their best to make heads or tails of Snape’s handwriting. When class was over Snape grudgingly gave out one point to each pair who’d completed their assignment successfully and dismissed everyone. Hoshiko gathered up her things and left. Kitsu met her on the ground floor and behaved like any typical pet who’d been left behind. As to why she’d been left behind that was due to Aerie’s warning concerning the potential effects of kitsune hair mixed into potions. She’d also heard about what had happened. “Hoshiko, are you alright,” Justin asked as they made their way out of the dungeons. “Ya, I’m fine.” “You sure about that?” “Draco ambushed her last night, and his daddy comes looking for her,” Padma stated tersely. “What happened? I heard he’d been seen running around without any clothes on.” “He’d his underwear,” Hoshiko corrected. “I tried a disarming technique from my home school. Removed just about everything but his wand.” “Maybe Aerie knows a spell you can use the next time you encounter Malfoy,” Justin offered. “You’re assuming there will be a next time.” “There will be a next time,” chimed several people at once in a tone that indicated that they were well done with Malfoy’s antics. > Chapter 56: Encountering Hagrid in the Library > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitwick was waiting in the common room for Hoshiko following her classes and was not a happy camper. "Sir, I can explain..." “I'm not mad at you. Oh, I am furious. I’m furious that I wasn’t informed that Lucius Malfoy was here to confront you until after the fact. My student, you are my student, and I need to be there if one of mine is to be accused of impropriety. Now… I’d like to see that fan of yours.” “It belonged to my great-grandmother,” Hoshiko offered as she reluctantly got it out. “Dear to you was she?” “She threatened to skin me alive if I lost it.” “Crusty old dear was she? It must have been hard on you to lose her.” “Oh, she’s very much alive and very much kicking. People in my father’s family live a good long time.” Hoshiko reluctantly handed the fan over, Professor Flitwick handling it gently. He opened it to discover an image of a fat troll-like character riding a dark cloud painted on undyed silk, held in place by wooden slats. The figure wore not but a loincloth, and a long scarf that billowed out and he carried a large bag from which was depicted wind ushering forth from the opening. “I must confess it looks like an ordinary hand fan. This figure?” “Fujin sama, Kami of wind.” “It does look like an ordinary fan.” He folded it up and said, “Lumos, ah…” The end of the fan had lit up with a blueish light as though it was a wand. “And behaves like a wand. Most curious.” “It likes you. Mr Malfoy Senior had it in his hand and never saw anything beyond an ordinary fan. It only responds to people it likes.” “Ah, I’m flattered then.” He opened up the fan to discover the light fanned out too. “Give it a flick,” Hoshiko suggested. He looked at her, back to the fan, and did as directed. His face lit up with delight when the light went sailing through the air. “Ah, it’s turned into a ghost light… um…” “Just signal it to return by holding out the fan and sweeping up and towards yourself in a beckoning motion. A good deal of Western-style magic in Japan uses Latin derivative spells just like the spells used here.” “I see, I see,” Flitwick responded delightfully as he sent the orb of light sailing back and forth. “And people have gotten considerably more creative.” He stopped abruptly, put out the light, and gave the fan back. “Not to worry, this will be our secret. Oh, and don’t worry about Draco, he hasn’t a clue how you did it. I must say that boy is about as open-minded as a muggle. Did you really use this to block his jinxes?” “And sent them flying back in much the same way as casting out that orb of light.” “Splendid. What you did is technically an advanced wand technique, and yet the fan makes it downright easy. I’ve got a mind to get one for myself. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to be off. I wanted to talk to you first, and now I have a bone to pick if you understand my meaning.” “I think I do,” Hoshiko replied as the professor made his way to the exit. “You’re something of a star now,” Miss Clearwater informed her. “Don’t worry, the gossip will die down, and be completely forgotten in a few days." Hoshiko ran into Aerie in the school library later that week. “What is it that you are so diligently studying,” Hoshiko asked as she put down her own pile of books. “I’m looking for information on House Elves. And you?” “My instructors have all given me extra assignments to get me caught up,” she offered as she sat down. She then pulled out a pile of papers and began looking things up. “So what were you hoping to find?” “What keeps a House Elf bound to their masters? I understand their basic nature, but unlike the family dog they can leave anytime they want.” “But can’t.” “Magical restraint of some sort. I thought that if I could undue it those elves that are being mistreated would truly be free to tell their masters to shove off and then vacate the premises to make a life for themselves.” “Just don’t cause a take-a-chance, kill 'em-all situation,” Aurora offered from her own stack of books a few seats away. “Aerie!” Hermione called as she came their way only to get shushed by the librarian. Ron and Neville were hot on her heels. “Let me guess, you found out about Snape?” “It’s all over the school.” “Aerie, you can’t play. Say your sick,” Ron offered. “Break a leg,” Neville suggested. “What are they talking about?” Hoshiko asked. “Snape is going to referee the next Quidditch game,” Aerie informed her as though she hadn’t a care in the world. “I know you don’t believe it, but I’m just sure he’s the one who was trying to jinx your broom,” Hermione said in a loud whisper. “It was a counter curse.” Aerie let out a sigh and looked up from her studies. “Let’s not forget that he thinks he’s my daddy. Although, I will admit that it could be problematic. Far as I know he doesn’t actually know a whole lot about Quidditch.” “You’re serious?” Ron asked. “To be fair, Madam Hooch can’t referee because she is Hufflepuff alumni. I honestly think Professor Flitwick would have been a better choice.” “Would he use a full-sized broom or a child’s broom, do you think?” Aurora asked in reference to the man’s diminutive size. “Something in-between I think would suit him best.” “You lot are just balmy,” Ron lamented as Hermione sat down and got out a book. “Hermione?” “We might just as well get to our assignments.” And with that pronouncement Ron and Neville decided they might just as well join them. They hadn’t been about it long when Hagrid came trundling along with an armload of books.” “Hagrid, I didn’t know you could read?” Hermione asked. She’d probably meant to say that she was surprised that he was apparently an avid reader, but it came out the way it did. “I can read quite fine, thank you.” “No offense Hagrid, she just blurts things out without thinking,” Aerie offered. “Say, something I ran across the other day said that dragon fire is loaded with magic.” “Well, of course, it’d have to be.” “Hagrid, are those books on how to raise dragons,” Hermione asked sounding rather suspicious. “As the ground’s keeper I’d need to know lots of things about lots o’ creatures, wouldn't I now?” “Dragon eggs need to be hatched with magic fire,” Aerie offered as she went back to reading. “Roasting one over a fire will just turn them into an idiot. Fries the brains.” “Ah… yer not looking up Nicholas Flamel are ya,” Hagrid offered nervously possibly hoping to change the conversation. “I thought I told ya ta drop it.” “Oh, we figured that out ages ago,” Hermione informed him. Hagrid blanched. “How to get past a Hell Hound is in the Nineteen-oh-six introduction to magical beasts,” Aerie reminded Hagrid. She was of course assuming he’d actually read the book. “I’d imagine that any mature wizard who’s interested in magical beasts would know it. Only someone who thinks they are above bothering about magical beasts wouldn’t know it. Someone who is above looking at old books for kids.” Aerie looked up from her books at Hagrid. He’d gone ghostly white by this time. “Someone like you know who or an associate of his who wants to set you up.” She passed a small book over his way titled Magical Fire can be Your Friend. “Did they tell you I have access to the Wards?” Aurora asked softly. “It shows up in the control matrix. Every creature on Hogwarts grounds is highlighted for the person who knows how to use the system. Normally it defaults to showing where all the people are at any given moment. No details though.” “You have access to the wards?” Hermione said breathlessly. “Akkadian Princess. The wards are reliant on Akkadian technology. It gave me access shortly after getting here.” “And we kind of need to keep that quiet. Especially from Ron’s brothers,” Aerie cautioned while giving Ron a warning glance. “Oh, ya. They’d be downright insufferable if they found out,” Ron admitted. “Probably don’t want You Know Who’s henchman to know he can be tracked either,” Hoshiko added. “I get it, but does-” “Dumbledore and McGonagall know.” “How can you be so cold,” Hermione asked. “How can you just accept everything like it’s nothing?” To be true it was Aerie’s maturity that Hermione was interpreting as being cold, and it had finally gotten to her. “Hermione, what exactly do you want from me? I’m pretty sure Dumbledore knows about what Hagrid’s got, or soon will. He can’t do anything though. Not without bringing down the law on him. He is a government official after all, and if it got out that he did nothing having known about it, or worse yet, covered it up, he’d be ruined. Whatever I may think of Dumbledore personally I do not want to see him ruined anymore than I want to see Hagrid go to Azkaban.” Taken down a few notches and effectively nullified yes, but ruining him outright wasn’t something she wanted because that could potentially make the man an even greater threat. Granted that Aerie still needed Dumbledore to find that ring as well. “Azkaban…” Hagrid said quietly as the weight of his actions struck him. “Core… Hagrid,” Ron said softly. “Hagrid, go on and hatch that egg, after all, the ministry would just destroy it most likely but understand that you will need to get rid of it,” Aerie offered softly with more kindness than she usually let on. “You can’t keep it. - Hermione, Ron?” “We can keep quiet. And you’re probably right, the ministry would destroy it,” Ron offered. “Neville?” “My lips are mum.” “Ron, you’ve got a brother who works at a sanctuary, do you not?” Aerie asked knowing full well he did. Or at least should. “Charlie, he can help,” Ron said softly with a touch of excitement. “I’ll send ‘im an owl right away.” “Alright, fine.” Hermione lamented. “But why hatch it at all?” “It’s a living thing deserving of life just as much as we do, isn’t that right Hagrid?” “Damn straight,” Hagrid offered, “..and keep yer voices down.” “Just one question,” Hermione pressed. “Aerie…?” “Also in the 1903 introduction to magical beasts in the chapter on dragons,” Aerie offered as she picked up a book titled Introduction to Magical Flora and Fauna by Sir Ragnar Guiles. She flipped the book open to a bookmarked location where information on Hell Hounds was located. She then flipped it to another bookmark where dragons were covered. “See, says right here that to get a happy healthy dragonet the egg must be saturated with magical energy.” She closed it up, placed it on top of the other book, and using her telekinesis passed the books over to Hagrid and stacked them on top of the stack he had. “Thank you,” Hagrid replied meekly. “May I drop by, say after the Quidditch game?” he seemed to hesitate at Aerie’s request. “Be a bit before you see any results, I’d imagine. And you can tell me about my parents.” “Does that mean you’ve forgiven me for that cock up job I did o’ picking you up?” “For the most part.” Hagrid smiled. He smiled probably because he knew that that was possibly the best he was going to get. Especially considering he’d gone and messed up. Again. The remainder of the week was review and homework. On your own time study to be exact, and there was a lot. But on the morning of the game, all assignments had been forgotten. Gryffindor, according to the talk, had a chance to surpass Slytherin for the first time in years. Hoshiko didn’t really understand quidditch, and while she was mildly interested, she had other things in mind. Hitting the books right after breakfast was the first stage of her plan. Fortunately, a Ravenclaw wanting to hit the books on a Saturday was hardly thought of as unusual. When her roommates got up to go down to the game she announced that she’d catch up with them. “Not going down?” asked the little fox who’d been reclining on her bed. Everyone was gone and they had the room to themselves. “Actually, I thought I’d go up.” “In that case, there is a ring in an envelope in your top desk drawer.” “A ring?” “It’s an N-sid ring. Aerie and Aurora wear them to hide their horns from the witches and wizards.” Kitsu thought her explanation was enough, but the blank expression on her face suggested she should explain further. Hoshiko had been told that there were dangers, but considerable details had been left out. “A certain individual is hunting unicorns. It seems to have something to do with, well, they need unicorns to prop themselves up is what I’m to understand.” “Quirrel,” Hoshiko whispered and fetched the ring from the drawer. “Qui…” Kitsu hadn’t been told who it was either, possibly to protect them. If they didn’t know they wouldn't react. But how were a Miko and an individual who was practically an Inari fox not to react to a person who was for all practical purposes the living dead? “He’s using blood magic no doubt,” Hoshiko said softly as a shudder ran down her spine. “Do I put the ring on after I transform?” “Put it on your pinkie, on the left.” “And it fits. So, how does it work?” “It will resize itself and switch places automatically.” “Well then, in that case, we are good to go.” Hoshiko got up from her desk. “I’ve got a mind to make some talismans, but those are supposed to be made by priests in the presence of the Kami-Sama. The divine being enshrined at the shrine they serve.” “By human standards, we are divine beings.” “Ah, there is that. Still, though, it generally needs to be someone greater than ourselves. If I were to tie such a charm to myself it would be no greater than myself.” “What about what you did to Malfoy?” “Anyone can do that if they know the charm. Come on, let’s go.” The two made their way upstairs. They’d the observation deck to themselves, or so they thought. “I thought you might go for it,” Padma called out from behind them. She’d followed from the common room having been one of a handful of people with their nose in a book. “If you were hoping for a ride, I’m just a little filly.” “I’ll be with her,” Kitsu offered now in pony form. She’d also managed to age herself up a bit, though to be true she looked more like an earth yearling than an Equestrian adult pony. She’d also had an N-sid ring hiding her horn. “You are both just a couple of little fillies if you ask me.” “I miss flying, it’s a nice day, and I need to get out and stretch my wings. Personally, I don’t know how Aerie and Aurora can stand going so long without stretching their wings.” “You got to ride a broom.” “Hardly the same. A broom can be put up and taken down with no detriment to the broom. Wings need to be stretched.” “If it’ll make you feel any better, I’ll be keeping an eye on them,” offered a gray pegasus with tufted ears that had just pushed the outer door open. “Probably best you go ahead and go down to the game.” “Fine… just one thing before I go…” Hoshiko transformed. “You want a pony hug I gather.” “Squee!” > Chapter 57: Gryffindor verses Hufflepuff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugs over, Hoshiko the pony pronked off the balcony, spread her wings and soared heavenward with Kitsu and Lt Mouse right behind her. “Don’t cross the Quidditch Pitch,” Mouse warned. “The bludgers will go after anything that enters the playing area.” “Why are humans so violent?” Kitsu asked as they drew near the pitch. Down below the players were just now walking out onto the pitch. “Can we watch?” Hoshiko asked. “Follow me,” Mouse offered. “There are platforms under the canopy. I think someone thought they’d be good nest spots but they are too exposed to wind. Great place to watch Quidditch from though.” Mouse tilted about thirty degrees to the right and went into a wide graceful turn. When she had come to the end of the stands she turned left and glided under the canopy about two wing-lengths from the superstructure. The fillies followed. Hoshiko couldn't help but feel excited about what she was doing. The thrill of doing something no one else attending the school could do. Except of course Aerie and Aurora. They’d gone past two sections, and four large platforms which already had some ponies who were mildly interested in the game when Mouse slowed, wheeled, and popped up onto a platform that looked to have room. Hoshiko recognized a pony who was already there, the gray and brown roan who’d prevented her from going outside at night. Granted that most of the Scottish pegasi seemed to be roans and might very well all look alike to most humans. After six months in Equestria as a pony, Hoshiko knew her ponies. “Ah, so you can fly… didn’t you have a horn?” “Hidden,” Mouse informed them as Hoshiko and Kitsu settled themselves in place. “Can’t have a certain human finding out.” “Ah, the wraith.” “You’ve seen him then?” Mouse asked wondering just how much the pony knew. “No, but others have seen it going through the forest at night. I’ve heard it was passing itself off as a man during the day.” “Fillies, this is Ailena. If you ever need anything let her know.” “Hi. My name’s Hoshiko Tsuki, and she’s Kitsumi Silverwood.” "Lady Silverwood's new fosterling?" "The same." “Game’s starting,” Kitsu offered after making a polite nod of her head. Every pony found their preferred spot and lay down to watch the game with Hoshiko and Kitsu letting their front hooves dangle over the edge. Aerie, for her part, flew up on her broom and then lazily circled the pitch. It was on her third trip that she spotted the two familiar fillies. Her mouth opened into a wide grin followed by busting out laughing. She was just about to continue on her way when a beam of magic flew right at her hitting her in the side. It did little beyond surprise her. Nevertheless, she now gazed in the direction where it had come from where a ruckus could now be heard, a look of annoyance on her face. Hoshiko and Kitsu looked down at the stands to discover Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom in a knockdown drag-out fight. Hermione was nearby with a pair of field glasses which she was using to watch Professor Snape’s every move. “Should I intervene?” Kitsu asked even as Aurora grabbed Crabbe and Goyle while shouting at them. “There are members of the staff on their way,” Mouse offered. She watched in curious amusement as Aurora channeled her Earth pony strength to hoist the two boys off their feet and plop them back into their seats. “Curious,” Hoshiko mused. She’d gone back to watching the game. “How’s that?” Mouse asked. “Is Professor Snape favoring Gryffindor? He’s penalized Hufflepuff several times now. And never Gryffindor.” “That is curious. It does seem that way,” Mouse offered. The smile on her face had little to do with the game though. Crabbe and Goyle now sat in their seats with bewildered and even frightened looks on their faces. Girls were scary. Ron and Draco were still at it when members of the staff reached them. In fact, Ron, a veteran of many a headlock by his brothers had Draco immobilized and wasn’t quite ready to let go. Ron let go reluctantly when the staff threatened to take more points. “We taught him that,” George informed Aerie as he glided past her on his broom. “You alright?” Fred asked as he went past. “I’m fine. Doubt anything Malfoy throws at me could penetrate my natural shielding.” Snape had seen the act as well and had called a stop to the game. Audience interference was considered a serious breach of the rules and Gryffindor was given two free shots at the goal hoops. Just one, no, make that two more reasons for people to hate Draco Malfoy. As for Aerie, as soon as the shots were over, she looked over her glasses for that tell tail flare that gave away the location of the Snitch. Sure, her little visual malady was technically cheating, but not likely in any rule books. She spotted the Snitch, and deciding that the Hufflepuff team had suffered enough swooped down and took chase. Naturally, the Hufflepuff Chaser seeing her make her move followed hot on her sweep in an effort to spot the Snitch and somehow manage an upset. Not that it would make any difference at this point. Hufflepuff was so far behind that catching the snitch wasn’t going to make much of a difference. Or would it? The crowd on recognizing that the chase was on in earnest went wild followed by the snitch suddenly making a sharp turn, Aerie attempted to turn with it but was plowed into by the other Seeker. Snape blew his whistle and called a blocking foul on the Hufflepuff Seeker even though they’d simply been unable to react as fast as Aerie had. The Snitch was gone now. If the crowd thought Aerie’s flying was a bit subdued from the previous game up to that point they were about to witness that old Aerie take over. Aerie raced down the pitch, the Hufflepuff Seeker hot on her sweep, but soon fell behind as Aerie rocketed skyward in a huge arch. A moment later Aerie was upside down, high up cut off from the view of the ponies where she seemed to just hang there for a moment. Her glasses fell off, she looked about, and dove straight down. A moment later the Hufflepuff Seeker was racing for the same spot and bound to get there first. The Hufflepuff Seeker did indeed look like they would catch the snitch. They reached out and missed as the snitch made an impossibly tight turn. A moment later Aerie rocketed past. Aerie tried to pull up, but on realizing she was going to crash did what any pegasus would do. She extended her wings, the broom handle slamming into the ground a moment later. When she’d a moment to think she pulled in her wings and went into a roll. The audience was stunned, not quite sure what they’d seen, or if Aerie was even still alive as she lay on the ground face down. Slowly she rolled herself over and held up the Snitch. The crowd erupted in cheers and then dropped to a hush when her arm folded. Hoshiko, not knowing what to think, quickly mapped out the location by sensing the local magic, and teleported. A moment later Hoshiko the girl came out from under a stand along the pathway between two stands. She raced out to Aerie even as Professor Snape and the Gryffindor team did with the group meeting. Kitsu the Fox was the next on location. “Aerie?!” Hoshiko asked in nearly a pleading tone. “Pym fin,” Aerie said groggily. “Aerie? Wake up!” She wasn’t really sure why she did it other than she’d often done it to a classmate. Without thinking Hoshiko reached out and thwacked Aerie in the forehead with her middle finger after snapping it off her thumb. “Owe!” “It seems to be a sleeper spell,” Snape drawled. “That little bastard,” Aerie spat out as she sat up. “Thought you were immune to his spells,” Fred asked. “Must have been a delayed effect,” George offered. “Are you otherwise whole?” Snape asked. “Yes sir. I think what happened is that my autonomic defenses were forced to put everything into keeping me in one piece and it slipped through. “Just, don’t ever do that again.” “What, and let Hufflepuff win?” “I think I prefer having you in one piece,” Wood offered with a cheer. “If you’re sure you are fine you can go,” Snape offered. “Just one more thing. I’d like to hear your side of that exchange with Malfoy.” “I saw a pair of cute fillies on one of the rafter platforms. I laughed. Next thing I know he’d hit me with a spell. I thought it had failed.” “And then Ron belted him,” Hoshiko offered. “I was sitting where I could see. Snape couldn't remember having seen her in the stands, but then he had been distracted. Aerie pulled Hoshiko close and whispered, “How’d you get down here so fast?” “Same cutie mark, remember?” Hoshiko replied in like volume. “Now get up so everyone can praise you.” Aerie got to her feet with Hoshiko’s help, the cheering growing to a crescendo once more as she took a few steps. “That was one crazy dive,” offered the Hufflepuff seeker. Aerie stiffened at the sensation of a hand on her shoulder. “Well done,” Dumbledore offered. Of course, it was his hand. “You haven't been looking for that room, have you? I couldn't help but notice you’d given a certain mirror a furtive glance,” He’d kept his voice low, but before she could say a thing she’d been hoisted up onto the shoulders of Fred and George who proceeded to parade her around the pitch. “Somebody get my broom,” Aerie called. Hoshiko found the broom with Kitsu’s help, and it was stuck fast. Thanks to Equestrian magic it was intact, but it was a little better than halfway into the ground. Hoshiko lay a hand on the soil and thanked the ground for catching the broom. She lay both hands on the shaft, “Now if you could please let go…” Hoshiko gave the shaft a tug, her grip firm, and imagined herself with the strength of an Earth pony. To her surprise, the broom came loose so readily that she ended up on her backside. “What’s the matter? You going to cry now?” “Draco Malfoy!” The boy who’s just taunted her turned his head in alarm to see Professor Snape striding straight for him. “Professor, I was just going to offer to-owe!?” Snape had just snatched him by the ear. Which was something Snape almost never did, but when dealing with entitled young whelps like Draco there was a time and place for everything. “A likely story. You are coming with me.” “What’d I do?” Draco was honestly confused and alarmed. “Did you are did you not cast a spell on Aerie Potter? Was it intended to cause her to fall asleep?” “She was mocking me!” “She was laughing at a pair of fillies on a platform up in the rafters. Mocking you? I dare say she can’t even be bothered with you. What she ever saw in you I can only guess, but you’ve done your best to see to it that she’ll want nothing more to do with you. Furthermore, if your spell had kicked in when she was at altitude you'd have managed what the Dark Lord failed, and I dare say you are a bit young to be spending the rest of your life in Azkaban. As is you will be spending the next month in detention.” Hoshiko sat on the ground with the broom in her hands watching the two make their way back to the school. “So he does care.” “Snape?” Kitsu the fox questioned. “I’ve known more than a few like him. All stoic and firm on the outside. All emotional and squishy on the inside.” “Who’s that?” It was Aurora. She’d gone to check on her. “Snape. You just missed him. He just drug Draco Malfoy off the pitch by the ear. He’s giving him a month's detention. Seems he actually cares. About Aerie if no one else.” “He sent Aerie an obligatory holiday card. Which I suppose was his way of saying I wish I could have been there for you but I’m at a complete loss at what I should do now.” “Hey, you alright?” Padma asked as she approached. “Yes, I just pulled harder than I needed. Just my pride hurt, that’s all.” “Here, let me take that broom,” Aurora offered as Hoshiko got up. “I let Aerie know that I would take it up to the dorm and clean it up for her. Looks like it’ll be a while before they set her down.” And indeed the team was still parading Aerie about. “Oh, alright, here.” “If you find her glasses, I think she might like to get them back,” Aurora offered as she took the broom. From there she went on her way, and in truth, she hoped to be able to disappear for a while. Oh, she knew what Hoshiko and Kitsu had done, but she wanted to do more than get out and fly a little. She’d be using Aerie’s trunk to go check up on Scootaloo and moments like that were perfect. Moments when no one would miss her. “So now what? We’ve got the rest of the afternoon to ourselves,” Padma asked. Hoshiko looked at her and smiled. “You don’t mind if I ditch you do you?” “You want to get in a little more flying I gather.” “You don’t mind do you?” “No, that’s alright. You need to exercise those wings.” “Maybe I’ll spot Aerie’s glasses. Kitzu?” Kitsu the fox trotted up to her and then the two headed across the field to a stand that had emptied. They turned to go behind the stand and a few moments later a nearly identical pair of fillies flew out over the stands and began to circle the pitch. They made sure the bludgers had been secured before they dared to fly into the playing area. Alice Mouse joined them as they began to circle the area where Aerie had dropped her glasses. Kitsu was the first to spot the glasses. She spiraled down slowing at the last moment to land, and was quickly followed by the others. It was Hoshiko who picked them up. Knowing that they dare not use their magic in front of the witches and wizards of Hogwarts she used her mouth, and once she was sure she wasn’t going to drop them launched herself to fly over to where Aerie was and landed. “Alright, let me down,” Aerie protested as the boys still had her up on their shoulders. “And don’t you dare do anything to those fillies.” “We,” “Wouldn't,” “Think of it,” the twins chimed as they set her down. Aerie bent down and took the offered glasses. “Horse spittle,” Aerie said with a grin as she looked at her sloppy glasses. “Thank you. I am glad to have them back.” The last she offered with a pat on Hoshiko’s head. She leaned in and whispered to her a warning about staying out of the lake, and then straightened out. “Aerie, there’s going to be a party in the dorm,” Wood offered as Hoshiko the pony trotted off and launched herself up into the air again. “Can’t. I promised Hagrid that I’d stop by after the game.” “Your loss then,” Alicia Spinnet offered. “I might cut the visit short if I can, but I did promise him.” “Well, don’t expect us to save you anything,” Cormac offered. He’d joined them from the team’s box seats for backup players. “Given Fred and George have already headed for the locker room to get changed, I’d say you’d best hurry yourself.” “What? Oh no they don’t!” Cormac took off at a run leaving the girls behind. Aerie couldn't help but laugh at the boy's antics as she watched them go. > Chapter 58: Hagrid's egg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie, Katie, and Alicia walked back to the locker rooms at a much more sedate pace than the boys had. Aerie changed back into her school robes and made her way in the direction of Hagrid’s hut. She knew the general layout of the grounds and rather than walk the long way around as required by the landscape of the area, she chose to do the same thing Hoshiko had done. Not like there were many people still about to see her transform, and one more pegasus flying around wasn’t likely to be noticed. A moment later she was high up in the sky bristling at the feel of the cool wind. It was invigorating, even more so than flying on a broom. The sun was warm, but the breeze was still on the cool side. A parliament of owls joined her as she circled the Owlery, and they were joined a moment later by Kitsu and Hoshiko. The trio glided out beyond the Owlery tower, over a ravine that issued forth from the Forbidden Forest, and onto the Henge, a relatively small stone circle that marked a divergence of paths. One going to Hagrid’s hut and the other to a footbridge that crossed over to the Owlery. Up ahead they could see Ron, Hermione, and Neville approaching the cottage. Directly below them, they spotted Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was hiding behind one of the standing stones prompting Aerie to circle down and land in the center of the stones where she quickly transformed back into her human self. Draco spun around. “What are you doing here?!” “Mr Malfoy, curious, I was about to ask you the same,” Aerie offered. “Well, it’s none of your business.” “Isn’t it?” Hoshiko had landed on the other side of the stone Draco had been leaning against, also back in her human form. Draco spun, startled as he was he took a few steps and toppled over. “Didn’t you get detention?” “None of your business,” Draco spat out. “I suppose that normally would be true enough,” Offered the voice of Nova Silverwood. “Except, that you are in a stone circle on the border of my domains.” The stones began to glow with a pale blue light. “Did you know that these circles serve as Justice centers? Tell an untruth here and it’s a one-way trip to Tartarus.” Panic filled Draco’s eyes as he scrambled to his feet. A moment later he was running as fast as he could for the safety of Hogwarts. “Ah…” Aerie began as a teenage Kitsumi stepped out from behind a stone, and as she did the light faded. “That was you?” Hoshiko asked. “I’ve been around my new mom often enough that I can do a pretty good job mimicking her. After all, she’s an older version of ourselves.” “True enough,” Aerie offered. She had a big grin on her face, and when she looked to check on Ron and the others, they had just arrived at Hagrid’s hut, unaware of what had just transpired. The three girls couldn't help but laugh, Kitsu turned herself back into a fox, and they made their way down the path to the hut. It only took a few minutes to get to the hut, which turned out to be as big as a grain bin. Aerie went up to an enormous door and rapped out the beat for ‘shave and a haircut’ with her knuckles and waited to the sound of barking. Someone peered out through the closed curtains. They waited for what seemed the longest time for the door to crack open. “Aerie?” Ron asked. “What was that? Some kind of secret knock?” “Shave and a haircut,” Aerie offered. “The answer is two bits”. “Well, how was I supposed to know that?” “Are you going to let us in?” “Who’s there?” Hagrid asked from inside. “It’s Aerie.” “Well let her in. Just be quick about it.” When the door opened a wave of heat came billowing out even though the weather was plenty warm enough. Kitzu took that moment to fly up to the roof even as the head of a large dog came thrusting out. “Fang! Fang, get back here!” Hagrid called, but Fang had had quite enough of being cooped up in a dark hot hut and squeezed his way past Aerie and Hoshiko. A moment later Kitsu had gotten it into her head to play the part of an angry squirrel and started barking at Fang who obligingly barked back. “Kitsu?” Hoshiko called in dismay. “Fang! Fang, get back here!” Hagrid bellowed. “Oh, let them have their fun,” Aerie protested. “Oh, I couldn't do that. If’n Fang gets a hold of that little critter he’ll eat it.” “You hear that? The dog will eat you if he gets the chance.” Hoshiko called out. Kitsu gave a foxy sort of laugh, spread her wings, and flew up into the air. A moment later she’d joined some owls out for a daylight stretch of their wings. The owls had seen her transform and understood that she must be a witch and therefore a friend. And friends aren’t food. “Come on, she’ll be fine,” Hoshiko offered, braced herself, and entered the building. Aerie followed behind her followed by Hagrid who’d decided to give up on the dog. “You, um, didn’t see anyone else out there, did ya,” Hagrid asked as he bolted the door. “Just Draco. We chased him off,” Aerie informed him as she went to have a look at a cauldron hanging over a green fire. Hagrid had managed a decent enchanted fire. Within the cauldron was an egg. It was either impossibly large or impossibly small depending on one’s perspective. It came close to filling the pot, and yet… “To think that something so big could come of something so small.” “Small, that thing is huge,” Ron said. “Ron, dragon egg,” Hermione reminded him. “Just how big do you think it’ll get?” “I’ve never seen one in person. Charli says they can get really big.” “Gran would have a fit if she knew I was this close to one. Even still in the shell.” “She’d have not to fear. They’re about as ‘elples as any other critter fresh hatched.” Helpless indeed, Aerie thought to herself knowing full well that dragons were born with their teeth ready to chomp. And yet, she couldn't help but wonder what effect her magic would have on the dragon. She figured it’d be a bit like getting chomped on by a baby crocodile. She looked about to see if anyone was paying any attention. Hoshiko was watching, Hagrid was trying to get his guests to take some cake he made, and his guests were doing their best to politely turn him down. Aerie turned back to the egg and channeled pure manna through her hand into the shell. “Um, Aerie?” Hoshiko had seen the glow and was understandably curious if not concerned. “A simple spell called Mother’s Tuch,” Aerie whispered. “With enough magic, I could hatch her right now. It’s how Twilight got Spike.” “Ah, I see.” Aerie turned back to the group. Every last one of them was sweating from the heat. Save of course Aerie and Hoshiko who just seemed to have a much higher tolerance. “Hagrid, any idea who it was that gave you the egg?” Aerie’s question had frozen Hagrid in his tracks. “And don’t feel too guilty. You told them about the dog I’m thinking, but then again, I suspect that Dumbledore wants You Know Who’s disciple to have a go at that little challenge he’s set up.” Hagrid went to a large overstuffed chair and sat down heavily. He took a moment, let out a sigh, and asked, “Do you really think that’s what Dumbledore wants?” “I’m guessing that Dumbledore could have kept quiet about the third-floor corridor. He could have told everyone that the corridor will be off limits for the foreseeable future, left it at that, and placed a charm on the door that only an advanced user of magic could have gotten through.” “But he didn’t,” Hermione said triumphantly. “He all but taunted us, and in doing so, You Know Who’s agent.” “And you’ve already been through that door.” “What?!” Now Hagrid was alarmed. “It was Filch,” Ron spat out. “All we were doing was trying to get back to the dorm. And now that I think of it, I’d bet he wanted us to end up there.” “Well, don’t put too much into his actions,” Aerie offered with a smile. “He was probably hoping you’d get eaten.” “Hold on, when exactly was this?” Hagrid asked. “Out after curfew.” “And they turned out the whole dorm too,” Neville informed Hagrid. “Waiting for us. Like we were some kind of floor show,” Ron bemoaned. Hagrid looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, brightened, and started to laugh. Hermione looked at him and for a moment she had a look of betrayal. Hagrid’s rich hearty laugh was too much for her, she cracked a smile and joined in. Ron joined in next followed by Neville, Hoshiko, and Aerie. Aerie waited a bit after the laughter had died down to try pressing Hagrid. “Hagrid, any idea who it was you got that egg off of?” “Well, it weren’t Professor Snape.” He gave Ron, Hermione, and Neville a pointed look. Aerie could guess what sort of conversation they’d been having prior to Hoshiko and herself arriving. “Aerie, I doubt it will do any good to ask Hagrid,” Hoshiko admonished kindly. “They could have used a Confundus charm. I was reading about it. It confuses and misdirects the target.” “I suppose you are right.” Aerie sounded disappointed. Deep down she’d know it was a possibility. Sure, it was probably Professor Quirrel but if there was someone else she’d kind of like to know. “We were playing cards. And to be honest, he wore a hood. Kept his face covered the entire time.” “Is that normal?” Hermione asked. “If you are dealing in exotic banned goods, quite possibly,” Aerie offered. “Well, no, I suppose not. Not for most places. The Hogs Head is a bit different. Ye get a lot O’ funny folk in the Hog’s Head. It’s, well, it’s not the sort of place any of you should be going. Well, save in an extreme emergency.” “Why’s that?” Ron asked. “Why that’s because Professor Dumbledore's brother Aberforth is the proprietor.” “Dumbledore has a brother?” “Ron, how is that a surprise to you?” Aerie asked in what sounded almost like she was teasing him. “Not everyone has a family like the Weasleys,” Neville offered with a smile on his face. “I just, I just never thought of Professor Dumbledore having a family.” “Fair enough I suppose.” The room fell quiet for a brief moment. “Hagrid?” “Yes, Aerie?” “How difficult would you say it would be to get a dragon egg?” “Not easy, I’ll tell you that.” Aerie gave him a knowing look, rolled her eyes, and laughed. “Obtaining that egg couldn't have been a spur-of-the-moment thing then,” Hermione said. She’d likely guessed that Hagrid had tried in the past as well. “I already know that You Know who has an accomplish here in the school,” Aerie informed them. “And it’s fair to assume that Mr Riddle would want to stay nearby to keep an eye on him.” “Aye, make sure he’s not double-crossed.” Hagrid’s dour mood seemed to have lifted a bit. “Played me like a fiddle, but as you say, if’n Dumbledore wants to draw em in, I guess… well, I’ve played my part. I just hope Fluffy doesn’t get hurt in the process.” “I imagine that You Know Who reasoned that trying to blast his way through might be problematic, or he’d not have bothered with finding out the easy way to get past a Hell Hound.” Aerie gave him a reassuring smile. “Sure would be something if we knew who his supplier was,” Ron admitted. He was also looking a little pale. “Hagrid, you wouldn't happen to have some cold drinks?” Aerie asked. “I, um, well, nothing appropriate for underage wizards.” “Ron looks like the heat is getting to him.” “Maybe we should get going,” Neville offered. “It is mighty hot in here.” “Why aren’t you and Hoshiko bothered by the heat?” Hermione wanted to know as the two girls made their way toward Ron. “Haven't been in here as long, I’d imagine,” Hoshiko offered. Ron proved a bit wobbly on his feet as they pulled him up. “So, Aerie?” Hagrid pressed. “You’ll just have to tell me about my mom and dads another time,” Aerie offered. “Dads?” Hagrid looked honestly confused. “Well…” Aerie wasn’t quite sure how to break it to him. “Haven’t you heard? Apparently, Mom and Professor Snape were quite the item prior to her up and marrying James Potter.” Hagrid’s jaw dropped. “You hadn’t heard I gather. According to Flint senior Snape is my father, Dumbledore didn’t dispute it.” “Well then it was James who stepped up,” Hagrid said defensively. “It’s all moot now,” Aerie replied as they walked Ron out the door. Neville and Hermione followed. They said their farewells and were grateful to be outside. Once Ron found his feet again Hoshiko made her apologies and rushed ahead. She vanished from sight as she went down the path and a moment later a pair of familiar fillies could be seen frolicking in the air. “Hey, um… I’ll catch up with you, I need to run back really quick,” Aerie offered. “Will see you at the party.” Aerie dropped back and headed back to Hagrid’s hut. When she was sure they weren’t watching she transformed and zipped up into the air. And that’s when she saw Professor Snape headed for the forbidden forest. > Chapter 59: Tending the egg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought we weren’t supposed to go anywhere near the Forbidden Forest?” Hoshiko asked Aerie. Aerie, Hoshiko, and Kitsu were slowly gliding out over the forest. Three pegasus fillies. “Quiet, and stick to old ponish.” “You saw something?” Kitsu asked making sure to use the old language. Few were those among humans who knew it well enough to speak it. “Professor Snape headed out to the Forbidden Forest. He had his hood over his head but I’m sure it was him. Looks like a canon event. Even though he knows we can’t do anything, he wants to try anyway.” The trees steadily grew thicker as they made their way over the forest. Back and forth they went, circling whenever one spotted Snape. And then in a small clearing, they spotted Professor Quirrel. Aerie motioned to the others to double back, they glided in low, and down into the canopy where they landed in the upper branches of a huge oak tree where they spotted Snape, his hood drawn back approaching Quirrel. “...d-don’t know why you wanted t-t-to meet here of all p-places, Severus…” “Oh, I thought it’d be best to keep this private. Just to ourselves. Students aren’t supposed to know the Philosopher's Stone is here in the school and we wouldn't want anyone overhearing us. Now would we?” “I-I’m not sure th-there’s anything we need to discuss.” “Isn’t there? Have you figured out how to get past all the traps yet? There is of course the trap you set, but that does you little good if you’ve no idea how to get past Hagrid’s dog. Have you found out how to get past the dog yet? Well? Have you.” “B-b-but Severus, I –” “You don’t want me as your enemy, Quirrell.” Snape took a step closer to him. “I-I don’t know what you are ta-talking about.” “You know full well what I’m talking about. You need that stone. You’ve done something to yourself, or some creature has done something to you. You need that stone, don’t you? Let us help you.” “He-help me? Help me?” Hoshiko sneezed and the two men began to turn to look in the direction they’d heard the sound. "Moonie, cover us with crows," Aerie whispered. What the two men saw was the trees filling with crows. The three fillies sat in their perches waiting as still as death itself. Snape's gaze lingered the longest before turning back to Quirrell. “If you change your mind let me know and we may have another chat, and I’d strongly suggest you think about where your loyalties lie.” And with that, he pulled his hood over his head, turned, and made his way to exit the forest. Quirrel just stood there for the longest time. Aerie had no way to know why, and at the same time, she and the others could do little more than sit and wait. He did eventually leave, but not to go back to school. The fillies watched in morbid fascination and horror as he transformed into some sort of serpent-like wraith. The thing looked about and then turned to go deeper into the forest. Once they were sure he was well gone the three fillies took off and made a beeline for the school. “I’m going back to my dorm,” Hoshiko announced as they flew over the grounds. “If you know what to do, why haven't you?!” “It’s not as simple as just ending him. He can’t be killed or imprisoned,” Aerie admonished. “Not even banished?” “We’d need all seven elements of Harmony to do it!” a moment of silence fell between the two. "There might be a way. A device. He can't be killed, nor captured and imprisoned in the normal way, but... I'm going to send an owl to Mrs Silverwood and ask if she could make inquiries. The device I'm thinking of isn't in this world but a certain archmage might be able to procure one." The three continued on silently until they landed on the Ravenclaw balcony. “Hoshiko, you are just going to have to trust me.” Aerie offered followed by letting out a sigh. “There is a plan in place but it’s going to take time. But, you need to put it out of your mind. Don’t think about it, don’t think about what we all saw. Put it out of your mind.” “There’s a possibility he might be able to read our minds?” Kitzu asked. “Your Moonie can block you from him. Even so, if you think about it if it’s on the top of your mind…” “I know, don’t think about it.” Hoshiko sounded like she wasn’t happy but knew that there was nothing she could do. Hoshiko transformed back to her human form and gave Aerie a hug. Kitsu transformed herself back into a fox and the two made their way downstairs. Aerie turned, launched herself into the air, and made her way to the roof of the main hall where she could transform unseen and head back down into the school and up to the Gryffindor tower. Aerie stepped through the entrance hole and looked about at the party, the crowd saw her and burst into a spontaneous cheer. So much for sneaking upstairs. Sure she could have gone in via the attic but then people might catch on. Sure, she could do it when no one would be looking for her, but right now she had an appearance to make. And as long as she was at it, she might just as well partake in the veritable smorgasbord that had been arrayed before her. “We won! We won!” Ron cheered as he pounded Aerie on the back as the twins handed her a plate heaped with food. “And I gave Malfoy a black eye. Neville took on Crab and Goyle, and then Aurora sat them back into their seats like a couple of naughty toddlers!” “Aerie, I know you wanted to double back, but you took so much time I was starting to think you just didn’t want to be at the party. Did something happen?” Hermione seemed honestly concerned. “Nothing really. I saw Snape going into the forest.” “Don’t tell me you had a look yourself?” Fred asked bombastically. “As a matter of fact, I did. Not far mind you.” The two boys all but crowed at the idea that Aerie might do anything inappropriate. “I’d two professors there. Granted that I made sure not to be seen. After all, I’d no business being there.” “Two? Who was Snape talking to?” Hermione pressed with a conspiratorial tone. “Just Professor Quirrel. No big deal. I turned around and came right back.” Hermione took in a breath at the news but said no more. She’d learned from Hagrid prior to Aerie and Hoshiko’s arrival that Quirrell was one of the members of the faculty who had set up traps to help protect the Philosopher’s stone. Aerie made her way into the room and by the time she’d managed to slip away not only was Aurora back, it was also time to go down to dinner. In the following weeks Quirrell grew thinner, his color paler, but he’d yet to make any attempt on the location where everyone who knew anything believed the stone to be. Granted that Aerie knew it wasn’t there, even so, she would like nothing better than for the man to have a go at it, realize he’d been had, and hopefully move on. Hermione, Ron, and Neville having completely misinterpreted the facts in front of them were now trying to be extra cheerful in the presence of Quirrell and sulky around Snape. Aerie found it all rather annoying, and when Hermione insisted that everyone in First-Year use study schedules she’d drawn up along with color-coded study notes it was all Aerie could do not to tell her off. In truth, the easiest thing for the girls to do was to humor her. As for the boys, they were free to say they’d look at everything she had provided and then flatly ignore them once they’d retreated to the boy’s dorm. The teachers had also doubled down on assignments making it very difficult for Aerie to sneak down to Hagrid’s hut. She was forced to step out the window on multiple occasions, fly down, pay Hagrid a quick visit, give the egg a little more magic, and then zip back up before the bed count. “I went looking through old books as you’d suggested,” Hagrid announced on a visit in which Hermione, Ron, and Neville were present. Hagrid pulled out a large warn book bound in a heavy hide. “Got this one outta the restricted section. Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit . A bit out of date, but it says you are right about the eggs needing to be exposed to lots of magic. It recommends feeding the new hatchling a mixture of chicken blood and brandy about every half hour. Slowly mix in minced meat mixed in mead until it’s ready for solid food mindful of bones until it’s old enough to manage. And it even has a bit on how to recognize the eggs. According to this here what I’ve got is a Norwegian Ridgback. They’re rare, they are.” Hagrid was quite pleased with himself, but then his mood soured as though the sun had gone behind a cloud. “Shame I can’t keep it.” “Ron?” Aerie prompted. “I got an owl back telling me to contact some friends. They’ll come after the egg has hatched. If it hatches. He says that it’s not a good idea to transport eggs.” “Don’t worry Hagrid, that’s a healthy egg.” “Aerie, how can you be so sure?” Hermione asked. “And I’d swear you seemed to know in advance. You even knew about Ron’s brother.” “Ya, how did you know?” “A proper witch never gives away all her tricks,” Aerie replied with a cheeky grin. “I want an answer. A proper answer.” “Fine. I can sense its life force. When I feel the egg.” Their look of credulity gave her to understand she’d need to elaborate. The truth was that the issue with her eyes made it possible for her to see the life energy within slowly morphing into a baby dragon. It may also have been because it was an egg and she a pegasus. Deep down a part of her desperately wanted to brood over it. “It’s just one of those little weird things I can do. I just know that there is a healthy little baby dragon in that egg.” “Of course there is,” Hagrid added emphatically. “And he’s gonna grow up to be a strong healthy dragon.” Time dragged on at the school, which was something Aerie took to be a good thing. Their instructors were heaping more and more work on them which gave everyone precious little time to do much of anything beyond their assignments. “Aurora, you two didn’t have a fight, did you? You and Aerie?” Idda asked at breakfast one morning. Aurora was being grumpy but it had nothing to do with Aerie and everything to do with her inability to spend time with her Scootaloo. “What? No. What makes you think that?” “You two haven't been spending as much time together.” “We spend plenty of time together,” Aerie offered between bites. “Study time, yes. Free time, no.” “What free time?” Aurora griped. “Why do we even need to break down the mechanics of spells anyway?” “So that we fully understand the basics,” Aerie offered. “Or to be more precise, to keep us too busy to have any free time. Not like I don’t already know the basic mechanics.” “Well, I don’t,” Hermione blurted out indignantly. “Hermione, you know the mechanics quite possibly better than I do…” Even as Aerie was saying this a large Snowy Owl came swooping in and delivered a hastily scrawled note to Aerie. “Thank you, Hedwig.” Yes, Hagrid had kept Hedwig who’d become sort of a school owl. “Who sent you a note?” “Oh, just Hagrid. He’s panicking about something.” “Hagrid?” Ron asked. “What could he be that…” Aerie gave him a dirty look at tilted her head toward the Slytherin table. Namely, Draco who’d yet to show any sign of maturity. Worse yet was that he was now wholly fixated on Ron and anyone who associated with him. “You mean that research project you helped him with?” Hermione. Hermione failed at sounding casual, and for anyone eavesdropping it was obvious that she was talking about something. This resulted in Draco getting up like he had finished eating breakfast and slowly closing the gap between them. “You mean about the drag-mph?” Ron was about to spill the beans with Draco within earshot but Aerie used her telekinesis, her right hand making like a mouth closing, to shut him up. “You have got to teach me how to do that,” Idda quipped. Aerie let go when it’d become clear he’d finally noticed Draco. “Is there something you want, Malfoy?” “I might be inclined to ask how a first year could possibly help Hagrid.” “Found him in the library,” Aerie offered. “A person would think he’d know his way around the library, but sometimes even adults need to be pointed in the right direction.” “He can read?” “No, he just looks at the pictures. Of course, he can read. He is a Hogwarts alumni.” “Who got kicked out in his third year.” “Curious you’d know that? You aren’t secretly in love with him… are you?” “You take that back!” “That’s not a denial.” Draco’s spluttering was met with laughter from both the Gryffindor and the Slytherin tables. Not knowing what else to do, he turned, informed Crabbe and Goyle that they were leaving, and stormed off. You know, you can finish your breakfast,” Aerie offered. “As much as I hate to agree with a Gryffindor…” one of the other Slytherins began slowly. “You are not his servants.” The two boys looked in the direction Draco had gone, and their plates, back towards Draco, and then back to their plates. The plates won. “I think I’ve just enough time to run upstairs, brush my teeth, and run down and see what’s got Hagrid in a tither,” Aerie announced as she got up. “Hang on, you’re not leaving me behind,” Ron protested. “You’re welcome to try to follow me into the girl’s dorm,” Aerie offered as she walked off. “That’s not what I meant!” Ron called back and then turned to his breakfast. It was a wonder he didn’t choke to death what with how fast he shoveled it down. “Ron, we’ve got Herbology,” Hermione protested. “We’ll get into trouble.” The rate at which she was eating suggested she was just as eager. “It might be ‘atching,” Ron whispered loudly. “Not nearly as much trouble as Hagrid will get into if you don’t shut it.” Hearing Neville tell someone off was such a surprise that nearly everyone who’d heard him stopped to look wondering if the mild-mannered self-deprecating boy had been replaced. The trio would argue all the way to Herbology and were mildly surprised to find Aerie was already there. > Chapter 60: Norberta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Has it hatched do you think?” Hermione whispered to Aerie as she sat in her seat at Herbology. “Not quite. We can go pay him a visit during the break,” Aerie offered quietly. “But… I never saw you come down?” Hermione was flustered. “She’s good at sneaking about,” Parvati offered as she went past and into class. Unknown to Hermione was that Aerie had simply stepped out the window of her room, transformed, and flew down to Hagrid’s hut to check on the progress of the egg. The egg was active but not quite ready to hatch. “But?” Hermione’s brain had gone off the tracks and down an embankment to erupt into a fiery explosion. She too had gone back to the dorm to freshen up before class and had waited as long as she dared, but the other girls had pressed upon her the importance of not being late. And yes, it was entirely possible she was the only first-year girl who wasn’t in on the secret of Aerie’s ability to transform herself. “Hermione, Herbology,” Aerie offered as she gently turned the girl and prodded her along. Hermione would be scolded no less than three times. “Hermione, don’t blame me just because you couldn't keep your mind on your work,” Aerie protested as they made their way to Hagrid’s hut. This time the party consisted of Aerie, Aurora who wanted to see the baby dragon, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Moonie the wonder kitten. “How did you get past me, down to Hagrid’s hut, and back up to Herbology in time for class?” “I have a broom, you know.” “What?!” “Dives right out of the window,” Aurora teased. Granted that while diving out of the window was true, the bit about the broom wasn’t. “You’ll get suspended!” Hermione hissed. “Somehow I doubt that. Not when Dumbledore’s cronies tried to forcibly relocate me back to the School over the holidays.” “Hermione,” Aurora interjected. “We didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to worry you. The guys that got shot in the Pimlico area were allegedly doing Dumbledore a favor. Aerie has had several people target her including an incident at the airport when we went to pick up Hoshiko’s parents.” “They’d gotten it into their heads that I was trying to leave England.” “And got arrested for their efforts,” Aurora added. “Why didn’t they just apparate away?” Asked Ron. “Someone picked their pockets.” “Seriously?!” “My Moonie. If she thinks someone might be after me she snatches their wand.” “Dumbledore! Is that where his wand went?” Neville asked and then laughed. “Did you ever give it back?” “It’s chosen a new person.” “Seriously?” Hermione was astounded. “But how is that possible?” “Wasn’t rightfully his.” “That or it rejected him,” Neville offered. “What? Not like it’s not possible.” “Just the idea of a wand rejecting someone is kind of chilling,” Hermione said softly. “That specific wand has a history,” Aerie informed the others. “I’m to understand that he acquired it when he defeated Grindelwald in forty-five. Ever since he’s carried it around not so much because it was suitable for him but as a status thing. Something that marked him as a powerful wizard.” “So who has it now?” “I’d rather not say. I gave it to them intending it to be a temporary wand because they didn’t have one with them, and then to everyone’s surprise it set off a little light show. You know how wands do when they’ve bonded with someone. Anyway, just having it makes them a target for every two-bit wizard who wants to make a name for themselves.” “OK, I can totally see why you don’t want to say who ended up with it,” Hermione offered as they approached Hagrid’s hut. She stepped up, knocked on the door, and then they waited. They spotted Hagrid peering out the window first. “Moonie, can you put a perception charm on the window?” Aerie whispered with her right hand on her moon medallion. Moonie the cat appeared at her feet and rubbed up against her leg. A moment later Fang was pushing his way out the door and made a beeline for the startled Moonie who forgot she could just vanish, turned, and ran for it, the dog barking right behind her. “Fang! Fang!” Hagrid shouted. “Moonie quit playing with the dog! Oh for Harmony’s sake.” “Fang! Get back here!” “Moonie, just transform or something! Honestly!” It took a moment more for Moonie to remember that she wasn’t an actual cat. She transformed into a pony, sprang into the air, and soared heavenward.” “Ahhhh… what kind of a cat is that anyway?” Ron asked. “She’s a familiar. She’s the Night Mare that took over potions while Snape was indisposed.” “Ya don’t say? Well, I’ll be…” Hagrid was quite impressed. “I’ve heard that Night Mares can be dangerous.” “Only if you make them your enemy. What say we get inside.” “Oh! Right, come on then…” Once they were inside and their eyes given the chance to adjust they found that the egg had been moved to a table where it sat on an old bed warmer. One of them big pans with a long handle that people put hot coals in to warm a bed. A heavy wool blanket was wrapped around it like a nest. After all, even Hagrid could reason that taking a dragon egg out of its nice warm pot and placing it on a cold table with nothing to keep it from rolling around was a bad idea. “It’s nearly out,” Hagrid informed them proudly as he shut the door and latched it. A large crack had indeed formed on the egg and seemed to be resting. It began to wobble at the sound of chairs being pulled out with another crack forming as the onlookers each picked out a chair to sit in. Aerie couldn't resist making a low purr-like sound deep in the back of her throat as the dragonet began scratching at the inside of the shell. “Aerie, what are you… doing?” Hermione began but then Aurora started doing it. “Oh, hey, the book did say something about that. Dragon’s purr just like cats.” Hagrid offered. “I hear pegasi do it too. It’s to encourage the baby.” He then tried it himself. And it took him a bit but he did manage a deep throaty thrum from the back of his throat. Hagrid’s deep rumble did the trick. The egg split and a chunk fell off. A moment later they were rewarded with a black muzzle sniffing at the entrance taking in huge gulps of the fresh air. The nose pulled back followed by furious scrambling. And then they were looking at an upside-down baby dragon, and no she wasn’t all black. Her belly was speckled stone gray that looked very much like granite. In fact, her entire underside looked like stone. The upper portion could only be described as fifty shades of black. No, not one solid black but different hues of intensity creating a dark gray-scale camouflage pattern save for the ear tips which were white. “Aww, ain’t he beautiful?” Hagrid murmured. “Hagrid, no Pee Pee. That’s a girl,” Aerie corrected. “A girl?” His question sounded like he’d been hit with the worst news ever. Even so, he reached out only to get snapped at. “Bless him, er, her, ‘e knows her mommy.” Hagrid’s jaw dropped when the hatchling flipped over after having a good sniff, turned, and waddled over to Aerie crying pitifully. Hagrid not quite sure what had happened looked to the window just in time to see someone peeking through the slight gap in the curtains. He turned pale, and lept up, his chair crashing to the floor as he raced for the window. “Hagrid?” Hermione asked in alarm. “Someone was lookin’ through the gap in the curtains – it’s a lad. He’s runnin’ back up ter the school.” “More than likely Malfoy,” Aerie offered as she levitated over a bottle Hagrid had prepared for the hatchling. “Malfoy?!” Ron repeated in alarm. “I’m sorry, I should have been paying more attention,” Aurora lamented. “Exactly what I expected.” “You knew?” Hermione said sounding like she was accusing her. “Yes, I knew. The ministry isn’t purview to all prophesies.” “You knew he’d find out. That… prophecy you told me about,” Aurora prompted. “That’s why you were being so hard on Hagrid. And why you asked Ron to send a letter to his brother.” “Ron?” Aerie asked. “We are on a timeline.” “But, but… You can’t change prophesies… can you?” Hermione asked. “Maybe not, but then again, maybe I can reduce the collateral damage.” “Aren’t you even a little bit afraid?” Neville asked. “Well, according to pretty much all known prophesies, we are going to beat You Know Who.” “I’ll get that letter out today,” Ron announced. “How long do you think we have? I mean until…?” “Draco is obsessed with Ron. As such it was inevitable he’d find out about the dragon due to our frequent trips out here. The more we came out here, the more he wanted to know what Hagrid was up to that had us so interested. Now that he knows he will likely let us stew for a while. He’s just that kind of petty.” “If you think he’s so petty, why were you being so friendly with him?” Ron was just a little incensed that Aerie seemed to be placing a fair amount of the fault on him, but then again, he had risen to Malfoy’s taunts. “The best way to eliminate an enemy is to make them your friend,” Aurora offered. “I kind of screwed that up then, didn’t I?” “Don’t beat yourself up over it. His assumption that Justin and I are betrothed didn’t help. Not like I’d want to marry him. He’ll eventually come around, but let's face it, I’ve better prospects.” Aerie’s proclamation was punctuated by a look in Aurora’s direction. Aura looked back at her and smiled. When next they saw Draco Malfoy he indeed had a malicious smile plastered to his face. But as predicted he said nothing. Hagrid had named the hatchling Norberta and the members of the group who knew visited as often as they dared. “She’s too little…” Hagrid pleaded. Hagrid was having cold feet as the saying goes. He did not want to give up his dragon so soon. “Hagrid, she is not yours,” Aerie scolded. “They have people who are experts at raising dragons. She will be fine. “How can you be so sure?” “Because I gave her some of my magic. Look at me. I’m the only one she doesn’t try to bite. Look at me. I as good as took her from you. She thinks I’m her mother. And I’m willing to give her up for her own good.” “You… but how?” Hermione asked. “She’s been using a simple Akkadian spell called Mother’s touch,” Aurora informed them. “It’s an Akkadian thing. It boosts the magic in the young. Gives them a head start.” “Hagrid, as much as I want to just take her and hide her away, it has to be this way. I can’t keep a dragon any more than you can.” In truth, she probably could but that would mean sneaking the little bundle of joy through the door to get her into the trunk. Hagrid would eventually agree, but grudgingly. Ron came stumbling into the common room about a week later right before the nightly headcount. A silvery fabric was hastily stuffed into a carry-all bag, and his right hand showed signs of having been hastily bandaged. Aerie immediately knew what had happened, and that the boys had the invisibility cloak that rightfully should have gone to her and likely would have if she had stayed in Hogwarts over the holidays. “Ron, oh good grief,” Aerie protested a moment later. “That little darling bit me,” Ron bemoaned. “I figured as much. Do a better job with that cloak, and go sit by the fire, and I’ll go whip up an anti-venom.” “Sit by the fire… hang on, you know about the cloak?” “In a roundabout way. Now go sit. Dragon bites are venomous. You’re just lucky Norberta is a baby. Now go sit.” “Venomous?” Ron said in almost a squeak as Aerie hurried away. “No one said anything about them being venomous?” Aerie returned a short time later to find Bill Bones giving Ron the third degree. “It was a dog…” “Here, drink.” Ron took the vial from Aerie glad for the distraction. “You know about this bite?” Bill Bones asked Aerie even as Ron coughed and spluttered. “Oh come on Ron, it’s nowhere near as nasty as Snape’s potions.” “Miss Potter? A dog? Not likely to have been Hagrid’s, that mutt wouldn't hurt a fly.” “Went after my cat.” “Cats are an exception.” “And Hoshiko’s fox.” “What bit him?” “Might have been a feral Crup. All manner of things come wandering around Hagrid’s hut. - Listen, Ron, best get into Madam Pomfrey first thing in the morning. Now go wash that bite as best you can.” “Go on, and make sure you wash it properly,” Bill ordered. Aerie was about to turn around and go too, but then Bill asked her to stay. Ron got up, and hurried upstairs, his whole demeanor reminiscent of a whipped dog. “Now then, Miss Potter. What was that you gave him?” “General curative with antibacterial properties. I figured that if he made it as far as the dorm it can’t be all that bad, but…” “A little of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. Alright, fine. Just keep an eye on him. If he’s anything like his brother’s he’ll let it fester. Good night.” “Good night.” Aerie didn’t wait to see what he’d do, she just spun around and headed upstairs before he thought of anything else to ask. The group met in the library the next day where Ron announced having heard back. “We are to take Norberta to the Astronomy tower,” Ron announced in a whisper. “I can do it,” Neville offered. “It’ll take two of us,” Hermione said. “You think the cloak will cover two people and a crate?” Aerie asked. She figured it did but decided to ask anyway. “It should be enough.” “So who besides Neville is going to go?” Aurora asked. “I’ll go,” Aerie offered. “Ron’s out because of his hand, and Norberta is more likely to behave for me.” “You’re just going to step in and take over?” Hermione asked in an accusing tone. “I will defer to you if that’s what you want?” “I…” Hermione wasn’t quite sure what to think at this point. “Hermione, just one more thing. I think it’s supposed to be the two of us, you and me. I don’t want to stop Neville if he wants to go though. In the prediction he gets caught trying to warn us about Malfoy trying to spring his trap.” “I’ll go.” Hermione was resolute in her tone. “Neville, it’s up to you.” “I want to go. If I get caught I get caught for the whole pound.” “Then you are going. The two of you will take the cloak, pick up Norberta, and take her to the Astronomy tower.” > Chapter 61: Aerie takes a dive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Ron came down to breakfast the morning after having been bit Aerie couldn't help but notice he was hiding his hand and even went so far as to eat with his left. Aerie said nothing, finished her breakfast, climbed up onto the table, walked across to Ron, ignored the protests, jumped down, snatched Ron by the ear, and pulled him up out of his seat. “Owe, hey, lay off!” “Nurse's office! Now!” “But?” “If you’d have washed it properly it wouldn't be infected now.” Aerie began marching him to the door of the Great Hall. “But I did.” “Well, you didn’t do a proper job of it.” McGonagall couldn't help but wonder, got up from her seat, and went over to where Bill Bones was seated. “Bill?” “Got bit by a feral Crup, apparently,” he replied. “She’d given him a general curative and ordered him to wash it.” “Did he?” “Considering we have to all but force him to take a shower now and then… doubt it. He’s borderline feral himself.” “I see. Guess I’m going to have to see Poppy later.” Meanwhile, at the Slytherin table, Malfoy found himself being cautioned about getting on Aerie’s bad side. “Madam Pomfrey,” Aerie called. “Put me down!” Ron protested. Aerie had let him go only to have him try to run away. She now had him levitating, tethered by her wand. “You going to try to run away again?” “What is the nature of the Emergency?” Madam Pomfrey asked as she stepped out of her office. “Bit by a magical creature.” “It was a dog.” “A Crup might look like a dog and behave like one, but it’s still a magical creature. You have to take bites seriously.” “Where’d you find a Crup? You didn’t sneak down to Hogsmeade did you?” “Out by Hagrid’s hut,” Aerie offered. “Set him down, and let's have a look at it.” “It’s fine, I don’t need anything.” “Shut it, and for once in your life do what you are told.” Aerie sounded cross and when she set him down on an examination table she wasn’t exactly gentle. “Yes, Mom…” It’d been automatic and he immediately followed by blushing bright red. Madam Pomfrey carefully removed the bloody rag from his hand. “Damn it, Ron, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?” Aerie was shocked. It was no wonder he hadn’t tried to wash it. The hand, when finally revealed was an angry red with hints of green. “Thank you Aerie, you can go to class.” “And Ron?” “He’s staying here until we can get that infection under control.” Aerie, Hermione, and Neville visited Ron during lunch, nor was Aerie surprised when he announced that Malfoy had one of his books. “And you had your letter in that book, didn’t you?” Aerie pressed. “Malfoy just came up here to have a good laugh at me, and then he takes one of my books.” “Ron?” Hermione pressed. “He’s got the letter.” “It’s too late to cancel. What do we do?” “You’ll make it as far as the tower,” Aerie announced. “He’ll spring his trap after he’s sure you’ll get caught. Neville, Hermione, when you get up there, stay up there.” “Stay up there?” Neville asked. “I’m going to ask Mouse for a favor.” “Mouse?” None of the three had a clue who she was talking about, but Aerie reassured them it’d be fine. On the night the dragon was to be liberated Neville and Hermione met in the great room following the headcount, covered themselves with the cloak, and exited through the entry portal. The fat lady stirred from her sleep but seeing no one went back to sleep. Unknown to them Aerie had transformed herself into a fox, employed a camouflage spell, and followed. The night was dark and cloudy, Neville and Hermione thanked Providence but would have thanked Aerie if they’d known it had been her mucking about with the weather. They were a bit late to Hagrid’s hut but still had plenty of time. “Who’s there?” Hagrid asked as he peeked out the door. “It’s us,” Hermione offered as she uncovered her head. Aerie waited on the roof while they went inside. When they emerged a short time later Aerie could hear Norberta ripping something up. She waited for the door to close. Norberta was making way too much noise, so Aerie flew down, and then quietly slipped under the cloak and the crate. Norberta sensed her somehow and quieted down. Midnight ticked closer and closer as they made their way back to the castle unaware of the shadows silently fanning out over the grounds on leathery wings. Aerie had to separate from them once they got there, her stubby fox legs making it impossible to climb the steps while under the crate. She stayed close hoping that Norberta would stay quiet. Upstairs and down corridors they went, shrinking into the darkness at the sound of a scuffle up ahead. “Detention!” Shouted Professor McGonagall, a light held by her revealing that she’d caught Draco Malfoy. She’d a tartan robe on and had Malfoy by the ear. “Detention, and twenty points from Slytherin!” “You don’t understand! Aerie Potter is coming. She’s got a dragon!” “Draco Malfoy, I would suggest you keep your nonsense to yourself. Utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies. Aerie is a good girl. Now get moving!” The trio plus one baby dragon waited quietly as the two made their way down the hall. Right past them, they went, and when they’d gone there was a collective sigh of relief. Finally, they made their way up the spiral staircase. The crate was set down, and Hermione danced a jig. “Malfoy’s got detention with McGonagal…” She spun around and froze. Aerie was standing at the entrance to the stairwell. “Aerie, what are you doing here?” “Making sure you don’t screw up.” “I wasn’t going to screw up.” “So thrilled at Malfoy getting detention that you hand off Norbert and blindly walk right into Filch who is at this very moment on his way.” “What are we supposed to do?” Neville asked in a panicky voice. “Handoff that dragon,” Aerie replied as four figures on broomsticks came gliding down to the platform at the top of the tower. They wore cloaks to hide their faces from any onlookers. They were friendly and as they were showing them the harness they and a gray pegasus landed nearby on the remaining open space. “Lieutenant,” Aerie said. “Glad you could join us. “You lot need to hurry,” Mouse offered. “Hermione, Neville, climb on, cover up, and I’ll take you straight back to the Gryffindor tower.” Moonie appearing at Aerie’s feet gave her to know that they were nearly out of time. “Aerie, where are you going?” Hermione asked as Aerie began to head down the steps. “Buying you the time you need. No point in all of us getting caught.” “Well, well, well, we are in trouble,” Filch said as Aerie emerged at the bottom of the stairs. He was about to head up the stairs. The door behind her was now locked. “Trouble? I went up to watch the meteor shower. I’ve stayed out too long, haven't I?” “Tell it to Professor McGonagall.” He tried the door, and finding it locked was forced to get out a large key ring that looked like it had infinite keys on it of every shape and size. Mostly what we’d call skeleton keys, some quite large, and a few small ones that looked to be reasonably modern. He fumbled with his keys for a bit, followed by making a disgusted noise. “Given you’ve gone and locked them in, no one is going to go anywhere.” “Locked who in?” “Your friends.” “No, sorry, just me.” “Well see. Now move.” And while Filch was marching Aerie down to McGonagal’s office, Neville and Hermione were soaring high up over the castle on Lt Mouse’s back. Both hung on in sheer terror at their predicament and yet the thrill of the midnight ride on the back of a pegasus was quite possibly the best part of the night. Mouse turned. Headed for the window that gave access to the attic of Gryffindor tower, tucked her wings, shot through, and landed as gently as she could. “Everyone off.” Neither moved. Alice Mouse walked over to a large bed and sat on it. Neville and Hermione lost their grip and tumbled onto the bed. She stood up, turned around, and transformed into her human form. “Lieutenant Alice Mouse, at your service.” “Seriously?” Hermione asked. “My apartment. Now, Hermione, the hatch to the girl’s dorm is right there. And Neville was it? Boy’s dorm is through that hatch. Best hurry.” Even as she was saying this the hatch to the girl’s side was opening. A moment later Aurora stuck her head through. “Best hurry. Miss Peverell is starting up the stairs. I suspect that Professor McGonagall has some way to communicate with her from her office.” Hermione and Neville quickly shook off their momentary paralysis and scrambled down the hatches. Both went down to their rooms, quickly changed, and were in bed just before their perspective Prefects stepped into their rooms. Both looked at the occupied beds, decided that Malfoy was full of shit, as usual, and went back downstairs. “Aerie Potter. Care to explain yourself?” McGonagall was cross, and thanks to the letter on her desk she was beginning to think that Draco Malfoy might have been right. “I wanted to see the meteor shower.” “A meteor shower?” “My farmer’s almanac said that there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight.” Aerie proceeded to produce an actual almanac from her robe. She opened it to a marked page. “And you know nothing about a dragon?” “Dragon?” Professor McGonagall snatched up the letter, waved it at her, and repeated the word dragon just as Professor Dumbledore entered the room, wearing a housecoat and bunny slippers. “Ah, Aerie, up rather late, are we?” He didn’t wait for an answer, closed the gap between him and McGonagall, and took the letter. “Professor, this looks very bad for Aerie, Hagrid, and a few others.” “A dragon, was it? Don’t be silly, where would Hagrid even get a dragon?” And then he did something that surprised both Aerie and McGonagall. “Professor? That was evidence.” Dumbledore had thrown the letter in the fire. “Of what? A dragon? Let’s say for the sake of argument that that letter isn’t just a prank that went too far, but the actual article. Hagrid would not be going to Azkaban alone.” “Oh, oh dear.” “Yes, Minerva. Every student involved would join him. Even Malfoy could find himself in Azkaban for not immediately bringing this matter to the attention of the authorities. There was no dragon, and there never was.” “There is still the matter of student’s out of their dorm after curfew.” “And how many points did you take from Malfoy?” “Twenty.” “Well, then, take twenty points from Miss Potter, and let’s get back to bed.” He paused a moment and looked at Aerie. “There was supposed to be a meteor shower. I got showers instead.” “Well then, the next time you want to view stars in the middle of the night clear it with Professor Sinistra.” “Yes sir.” “What about detention?” McGonagall asked. “Detention with Malfoy will be a hoot,” Aerie offered with a cheeky grin. McGonagall said nothing but did give her a reproachful look. “Detention with Malfoy then.” Nearby a little machine started typing out messages letting McGonagall know that everyone was accounted for. “Aerie, do you think you can find your way back to your dorm, or do I need to escort you?” “I’ll walk her back.” “If you insist… I can’t help but think there’s more going on than you are telling.” “Oh, I’d say you know as much as I do. I’m just glad this little side quest has turned out the way it has. I’m to understand that Ronald Weasley is in the medical wing.” “If I hadn’t dragged him there he’d have let it fester,” Aerie offered. “Aye, he probably would have,” McGonagall admitted. “Reducing collateral damage are we?” “If it’s in my power. You Know Who’s agent could have just looked up how to get past a Hell Hound, but targeted Hagrid by offering something he couldn't refuse.” “And with the ministry nipping at my tail for, I regret to admit, a string of bad judgment, there was no dragon. I know nothing about it, and it was never there.” He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Good night Minerva. Come along Aerie. We can talk a little along the way. “Good night,” McGonagall replied ad followed the two as far as the door. Once they were clear, she closed the door and retreated to her personal apartment beyond the office. Aerie and Dumbledore had gone the better portion of the way before he spoke again. “I will say that for someone you don’t especially like you went to a lot of trouble and effort to help him.” “I don’t especially dislike him. I’m just not the person he wanted me to be. Even if I had been Harry, I still would have been in the dark concerning my parents and all the adventures they had with or without Hagrid. He is a unique individual who only sees the best in everything to the point of living in a fantasy world all his own. Oh, he knows the darker side of the world but chooses to deliberately blind himself to the hazards. In short, just being around him is hazardous. That doesn’t mean I don’t like him, and I’m not about to let someone hurt him if I can help it. But how’d you know?” “I’m not completely inept when it comes to using the system that controls the wards. You're suddenly taking an interest in Hagrid doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something was going on.” “Whatever do you mean? Absolutely nothing was going on.” Dumbledore burst out laughing causing several nearby portraits to complain about the noise so late at night. “I suppose I’ll have to pay him the odd visit now.” “I’m sure that’ll help him keep his spirits up.” “Any luck finding the item I’d asked about?” “I’m afraid the house in question is as hard to find as the one you’ve landed yourself in. And there is no one in the area who remembers it.” “We’ll find it. We have to.” > Chapter 62: Into the Forbidden Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fallout the next day was mercifully nowhere near as bad as it could have been. Even so, word spread within Gryffindor house that Aerie had been caught out of dorm. Twenty points was still twenty points and people were understandably upset. Hermione really wanted to defend her, but Aerie cautioned her not to for fear she might let slip that she and Neville had been out too. Aerie had sacrificed herself for them, or so she believed. In truth, Aerie wanted to be in detention with Draco to maintain that point in time. “Don’t feel too bad, Aerie, we’ve lost more points,” George offered at breakfast. “But what were you doing?” Fred asked. “Star gazing.” “Stargazing?” The two chimed. “Stargazing.” “But it was overcast last night?” “Indeed it was.” “So what you are saying is that you snuck out to watch a meteor shower, and never got to see anything?” Lavender asked. “And let yourself get caught. Why did you let yourself get caught.” “You’re not suggesting she’s been out before?” Idda asked as she gave her a dirty look. “And you never said anything?” “Ah… well…” “You know what? Maybe I don’t want to know. Furthermore, Aerie, for now on, that broom you have is to be stowed away in my room when you aren’t using it for Quidditch.” “Now why didn’t we think of that?” Chimed Fred and George. “Your brooms stay in the team locker room,” Wood snapped. “The only reason Aerie was allowed to keep hers with her was to prevent others from trying to ride it.” Ron was released from the medical ward that evening and Professor Dumbledore awarded Aerie ten points for getting Ron to the medical wings to get his “dog bite” treated. “Aerie, do you think he knows?” Hermione whispered to Aerie at the dinner table. “Knows what? Is there anything to know?” Aerie replied as she helped herself to food. “Ron got bit by a dog. A Crup to be exact. It’s a magical creature that resembles a Jack Russel if I’m not mistaken.” “A Crup?” “Yes, Hermione,” Ron replied for Aerie. "Professor Dumbledore spoke to me and reassured me that he’d tell Hagrid to be mindful of what sort of creatures he keeps.” Ron was fairly sure Dumbledore knew, but as Aerie had said, he can’t acknowledge it and was perfectly happy to push forward convenient subterfuges. And Ron got to be in on it because he’d been in the middle of it. “Bites from magical creatures can be problematic,” Bill Bones offered. Aerie looked at him, and a quick scan let her know that he didn’t know about the dragon but suspected that something had happened beyond Aerie suddenly getting it into her head to go traipsing about in the middle of the night. And if she had been sneaking out on her broom, she’d been really careful about it. And why only twenty points? McGonagall usually took considerably more. Aerie had no trouble picking up the remaining ten points and then some over the following week. Aerie was determined not to get involved in anything she didn’t have to. And yet, she was trapped in the role she was in, and that meant the issue of Quirrell. On the one hand, all she had to do was wait him out, on the other hand, Voldemort needed Unicorn blood to sustain himself. As such it was only inevitable that Aerie would stumble across him arguing with the wraith that had once been Lord Voldemort. “No – no – not again, please…” Quirrell’s voice could be heard not just by Aerie but by everyone with her. Hermione, Ron, and Neville had been close enough to make out what he was saying, but only Aerie’s keen ears could make out the hiss of his master. “All right… all right,” Quirrell sobbed, and a moment later he rushed from the room where he’d been and right past the Gryffindor first years oblivious to their presence. Hermione wasted no time investigating the room but saw no one. “It’s Snape, it has to be.” “It’s not Snape, and leave it alone,” Aerie scolded. Hermione said nothing more on the matter, at least not where she thought Aerie might hear. “Do you know who he was talking to?” Lavender whispered to Aerie as the group made their way to the library. Hermione, Ron, and Neville had hung back and didn’t hear. “That’s exactly who,” Aerie replied. “I think I’d be better off not knowing,” Aurora replied with a similar undertone. “Ah, what do you mean that’s exactly who? I asked you if you know… Oh god.” “Enthralled,” Aerie offered. “I’d say he’s trying to resist but lacks the strength to do it. And there’s not a lot any of us can do. And yes, I’ve talked to Dumbledore. Wizard methods aren’t kind, and Dumbledore is afraid that a confrontation might cause unexceptionable collateral damage. All we can do is wait this one out. Sooner or later he’ll be forced to give up and move on. Maybe then we can help Professor Quirell.” Aerie received her notice of detention at breakfast the following morning. “Detention?” Aurora asked. “I’m to report to Mr Filch at eleven o’clock tonight.” “Aerie, I should go with you,” Hermione stated. Ron looked up at her with panic in his eyes. “Hermione,” Idda interjected. “Shut the fuck up.” Hermione’s jaw hung down in shock. “Hermione,” Lavender said in a soft tone that was nearly a whisper. “Pretty sure everyone has figured out Aerie was running interference for you and your two idiots.” “Hey!” Neville protested. Ron looked like he was still trying to compute what was going on. Ron was a wiz at chess but tended to be slow on the uptake. “Hermione, what exactly would you accomplish?” Aerie asked. “Lose our house more points? Possible expulsion? Maybe worse.” “Worse? What could be worse than expulsion?” Ron bemoaned. “Mother after you’ve been expelled,” Percy offered. Oh, he’d an idea or two himself. He also figured that they’d somehow done Dumbledore a favor, while they were out when they’d no business, which was good enough for him. Hermione had little choice but to keep quiet. As for Aerie, she made a point of getting an owl to Mrs Silverwood to let her know that there was a very good possibility that Quirrell would be out hunting while she was in detention and may already have struck. And that she expected Hagrid to take her out into the forest to find the injured unicorn. Aerie said goodbye to her Roommates around ten-forty-five and met Hermione down in the common room. “Has anyone said what you’ll be doing?” Hermione asked. “Not officially no.” “But you’ve got an idea though.” “Down to Hagrid’s to go muck out a barn in the middle of the night. Nothing too horrible.” “I suppose if it’s Hagrid you’ll be fine.” “Not like he’d take first years out into the forbidden forest to hunt down unicorns while You Know Who rampages out there and Hagrid accidentally shoots me with his crossbow.” “Now that you mention it…” "Oddly specific, Aerie..." Aurora added with a tone that said behave. “Lieutenant Mouse will be watching my back, and if that’s not enough I’ve Moonie. - I’d better get going.” And with that, she was out the door. Although, she did have to wonder why it was perfectly fine for her to go downstairs in the middle of the night on her own. Moonie appeared by her side a moment later in her feline form. “Query?” “Why did I let myself be caught?” “You could have locked the door and been back to the dorm with the others before anyone thought to do a headcount.” “Because Malfoy is going to be out there.” “He, or rather, it, will be out there.” “I may not be able to stop him, at least not in a face-off just yet, and at the same time he can’t withstand my Kitsune-bi.” “The foxfire.” “The foxfire. And maybe, just maybe, we can cheat him of a victim.” Aerie arrived in the grand entry hall just in time to see Malfoy being brought out by one of the Slytherin Prefects. Filch was waiting and he had a nasty scowl on his face. “Well it’s about time, ain’t it,” Filch drawled. “Follow me and no dawdling.” He then picked up a lantern and guided Draco and Aerie out the door. And yes, he lectured them about not breaking school rules as they marched off across School grounds. All the way around the school to be exact. After all, they’d gone out what was essentially the front door when Hagrid’s hut and the barns were behind the school. Meanwhile, Filch was going on about chains, shackles, and pain to teach well-oiled students. Aerie had been tuning him out and was sure she’d heard wrong. Aerie could be reassured in that the moon was out and there were few clouds that night. From time to time her keen eyes spotted thestral patrols. “Is at you, Filtch?” Hagrid called as they approached. “Hurry it up, I want ta get started.” “I suppose you think you’ll be enjoying yourself. Well, think again. It’s into the forest you’ll be going.” “The forest?” Malfoy repeated, stopping cold in his tracks. “We can’t go in there… at night. There’s all manner of dangerous creatures, like werewolves.” “That there’s yer problem, ain’t it? Should av thought about it before ya decided ta go traipsen about at night.” Filch was being especially nasty. “About time you got here,” Hagrid bemoaned as he strode forward. He’d fang at his side and a rather large crossbow that made Aerie think of a small ballista. “I bin waitin’ fer a half hour already. Alright, Aerie?” “Don’t be too friendly with them, Hagrid. They are here ta be punished, after all.” “Bin lecturing em, have you? That's why you’re late?” “We came by way of the front door,” Aerie supplied. Hagrid looked at her and rolled his eyes. “I’ll be back at dawn to fetch what’s left of them,” Filch stated, turned, and walked back to the castle. “I’m not going into that forest.” Malfoy’s fright and apprehension were evident in his voice, nor did Aerie take any pleasure in it. “If’n ya want ta stay at Hogwarts, you’ll do as yer told,” Hagrid stated. No, there was no warmth in his voice for Draco. Which was also understandable. In Hagrid’s mind, he might have been able to keep Norberta if not for him. Or at the very least, keep her a bit longer. “But… this is servant stuff. It’s not for students to do.” Malfoy was grasping at straws. Granted that he was also showing his entitlement. Aerie figured he’d likely never done anything for himself in his life. Save that one time she’d goaded him into picking out his own wand. “I thought I’d be copying lines… or something. If my father knew-” “Will you just shut it!” Aerie shouted. There was a brief moment before Hagrid cut in. “He’d tell yer that’s how it is at Hogwarts. Copyin’ lines?! What’s the good in that? Yeh’ll do summat useful or you’ll get out. Go on then. Go back ta yer room, and pack yer bags. That’s if ya think yer father would prefer you get suspended.” “And what about that dragon?” “What dragon?” Hagrid leaned in real close. “Ain’t no dragons around here. Oh, I heard about yer goings on. Mighty serious accusations that. Why you could get yer-self inta Azkaban for spreadin’ lies like that.” Hagrid had been well coached by Dumbledore and it was all Aerie could do to keep a straight face. “What are ya just standing there for? Go on. If that’s what ya want.” Malfoy didn’t move. He looked up at Hagrid with fury in his eyes, but he knew when he had been beaten. “Right then…” Hagrid said as Draco dropped his eyes. Hagrid straitened up. “Now listen carefully, 'cause, yes, it’s dangerous out there. And what we 'ave ta do is no less dangerous. There’ll be no taking risks, and no fool’n around. Do as yer told and everyone gets ta go home in one piece. Now, come along. Hagrid turned, held his lantern up, and made his way toward the forest. Aerie was the first to follow. “You coming?” Aerie asked of Malfoy who seemed rooted to his spot. Aerie could see him fueling his courage with anger and resentment, first on one foot then the next. “Yes, yes, let the anger flow through you,” Aerie teased. “Shut up,” Malfoy snapped. He kept going though, even as Hagrid led them deeper and deeper into the forest. After a few minutes, Hagrid stopped. He held up his lantern to look down a narrow winding track. A light cool evening breeze drifted past as he contemplated his next move. His gaze zeroed in on something in the path, he took a few steps, bent down, and dipped his fingers in something that showed silvery in the moonlight. “See that, that there is unicorn blood.” He stood up, pulled out a rag, and wiped his finger off. “There’s a unicorn in there, bin hurt badly. The second one this week. Found a dead one last Wednesday. We’re going to find it and put it out of its misery.” “Not going to try to help it?” Aerie asked. “Help it? A unicorn?” “Bet he’d be more keen if it was a dragon,” Draco said under his breath. “What was that?” “Nothing.” “Hagrid?” Aerie pressed. “Aye, suppose helping it is a possibility, but keep in mind that we’ll probably ‘ave ta put it out o’ its misery.” “And what about the thing that attacked it?” Try as he might, Malfoy was unable to keep the fear out of his voice. “There’s nothn’ in this forest that’ll hurt you if you are with me or Fang.” He looked about. “Alright, here’s what we’re going to do… We’re gonna have ta split up.” “Split up?” Draco sounded like he was ready to panic at the very idea. “We’ll need to follow the trail in both directions. Things's been staggering around and the tracks are all over the place.” “I want Fang,” Malfoy stated quickly. “Malfoy and I can go one way, and you can go in the other,” Aerie offered. “We’ll be safer together. And you can go the other as far as needs be.” Hagrid let out a sigh, as it was entirely possible he’d planned on sending Malfoy off on his own. “Aye… tell ya what, you two go that way, and I’ll go this other way. Now, if’n you see any sign the unicorn had gone that way send up green sparks with yer wands. If’n ya gets inta trouble, send up red sparks. I’ll come an’ find yeh. So… be careful. Well, come on, let’s go.” Hagrid didn’t wait to see if anyone had any questions, he handed Draco Fang's lead and strode off into the woods. Aerie and Draco watched him go, and then started off in the other, each getting out their wands to cast a light spell. As they went the forest grew darker, and even Aerie had to admit that she was nervous when she flinched at the sensation of Moonie the cat landing on her shoulder. Draco who’d seen the movement had frozen in fright. “It’s alright. Just my cat.” “Your cat?!” Draco gasped out, cracked a smile, and started laughing. “So, um, you know how to send up red and green sparks? Because I don’t.” “Well, of course, I do.” “Can’t say as it ever occurred to me to even try,” Aerie admitted. And she was telling the truth. Granted that what Hagrid was talking about was using the wand to send up magical pyrotechnics. Something that wasn’t actually taught in first year. “Could a werewolf be killing unicorns? I’ve heard that there are werewolves out here.” Draco asked after a short silence between the two. Even the forest was unusually quiet. Gone was the sound of crickets or the occasional night bird. “I can’t imagine Nova Silverwood allowing a werewolf to hide out in the forest. Not for long anyway.” “Nova Silverwood?” “There’s a grove out in this forest known as the Silver Wood. She’s the matriarch of a family that settled out there.” “There are people who live in this forest?” “Kill everything Hagrid sets loose out here. Dumb-ass tried to start an Acromantula colony. Or so I hear.” “He did? Hang on, I thought you liked him?” “He’s likable enough. Just not the brightest sort. Doesn’t really think through his actions. Kind of like you when you tried to catch us in the act. You could have gotten Hagrid, but you wanted all of us and you were going to do it all by yourself.” “And now it never happened, I gather.” “Just between you and me, Filch is an idiot and probably doesn’t know anything. Even so, he might be right. Try to press the matter without proof, which is long gone, being expelled may well be the least of your concerns. Take into consideration that Dumbledore didn’t even bother to address rumors. That way all anyone has to go on is that you got caught out of dorm and tried spinning a wild tale as your alibi. And considering the reputation you’ve built for yourself…” “No one’s going to believe a word I say. Ugh!” He thought for a moment. “It was your sudden interest in him that got me wondering what he was up to.” “And all this time I thought you had developed an unhealthy interest in Ronald Weasley.” “Unhealthy?” “Yes, unhealthy. You are obsessed with tormenting him. Granted that he raises to the bait every time. Would you believe that the girls in Gryffindor actually thought you might be the more reasonable one?” “I… um, that is…” Draco went silent as he had no idea what to think, or say at that moment. They walked on in silence, their eyes on the path looking for signs that the unicorn they were seeking had indeed gone that way. At one point they could hear the sound of a stream. They’d not gone too much further when the light about them began to grow. “Aerie, why are you glowing?” “Moonie, shield us,” Aerie whispered as she crouched down. Moonie jumped up, and a moment later the Night Mare had the two nestled in her wings. Draco not knowing what else to do crouched down as well his arms firmly about Fang, followed by Moonie lying down her wings covering them. To a passerby, the three simply weren’t there. Which was a good thing as something big slithered by. “Wha, whoa, Aerie?” Draco’s mind had all but shut down, his voice rasping. “Quiet,” Aerie hissed. The creature stopped for a moment, its hooded head lifting up and looking about like some great cobra save that the upper portion was definitely humanoid. Satisfied that there was nothing there it turned back and continued about its hunt. “It’s gone,” Whispered Moonie. She waited a moment and then stood up. “My cat’s a Night Mare,” Aerie offered as she too got up. Draco stood up slowly. “Your cat… Never mind, what was that? That thing?” “Something that doesn’t belong out here.” “Its form appeared to be that of a Cecrops, half serpent, half man” Moonie offered. “Now might be a good time to summon Hagrid.” “Summon… did you mean me?” “You did say you knew how to do the pyrotechnics?” Aerie reminded him. “Now’s not a good time, it might attract that thing.” “You totally don’t know how, do you?” “I do.” “Somehow I doubt it,” Moonie scoffed. “Trouble is, he might be right. Send up a sparkler now and that thing is liable to double back to see who all sent it up.” “So now what? Do we go back? Do we wait for Hagrid?” Draco didn’t sound happy, and it sounded like he was more angry than frightened at this point. “I fear that Hagrid’s desire for that Unicorn outweighs his caution,” Moonie offered. “If Hagrid is half the woodsman he thinks he is, he’ll realize he’s headed in the wrong direction, and turn around and come back.” “What makes you think he’s the one headed in the wrong direction?” Draco asked. “Isn’t it obvious? That thing is what’s killing the unicorns. If it’s headed that way, that’s the way the Unicorn went.” “Fuck.” “Why Draco, I didn’t think you knew any four-letter words,” Aerie teased. “Well isn’t it obvious? We’ve got to follow that thing if we don’t want to get suspended.” “You feeling braver now?” “Never thought I’d be glad to see a Night Mare,” he said and stepped forward. “Easier to be brave when you’ve muscle with you, is that it?” Aerie asked as she and Moonie followed along. > Chapter 63: Mars is Bright tonight. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, does anyone know about her?” Draco asked concerning Moonie as they walked through the forest. “A few. It’s not illegal to have a pet nightmare.” “Probably never occurred to the ministry to outlaw it.” “Fair enough.” “If it was outlawed?” “I’d have to be more careful about making sure no one found out. She’s bonded to me. Kind of how House Elves are bonded to wizards only more so. She’s like an extension of myself.” “Not like an Obscurial, is she?” “She is based on something called a Tantabus. And like an Obscurial they are parasitic in nature. The difference is that a Tantabus is normally confined to the dream realm. Nor is she like ordinary Night Mares. She’s been modified by a very powerful magic user. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two more like her in this world.” “How is she different from an ordinary Night Mare?” “Easy, she was turned into a guardian spell. Her primary directive is to protect me.” “So if push comes to shove I’m toast. Is that it?” “Pretty much, yes.” Draco actually laughed. “I’m actually kind of jealous. Someone thought you were worth protecting above everyone.” “My mom.” “Ya, your life is messed up. All because one man wanted more than they deserved.” He fell into silence as they walked along, starting up again a short time later. “I looked into what you’d said about blood purity and all that. I think you are right. Pureblood families just end up with more and more squibs until there’s no one left who can do magic. Pureblood families also tend to have health problems and go crazy. A shame you are already spoken for.” “Draco, I wanted to be friends with you because I want to break the cycle of bloodshed. Not because I had any ideas about spending the rest of my life with you.” The two fell silent once more as they walked out from under the trees into a clearing. Nor had they gone far when a figure approached them in the darkness. Aerie recognized the form. “Draco, we’ve company. A Centaur.” “You should not be here,” The centaur said in greeting. “They are on Hogwarts business, Detention, with Hagrid,” Selena offered. “And good evening to you, Mistress Selena.” The Centaur bowed. Aerie and Moonie returned the bow to the half man half horse creature, but Draco just stood there dumbfounded as he’d never seen the like. “Ronan, wasn’t it?” Aerie asked. “Indeed, that is as I am called. You are students then.” “Aerie!” Called a familiar voice from the sky. A moment later Kitsu in pony form had landed a couple of wing-lengths from her. “Where’s Hagrid? Do you not know that the wraith is out and about? I was out with the sweep fliers.” Fang whimpered and drew back from the scary pony. One would almost think she’d transformed from her fox form just to kick the dog. Perhaps she had. “I am well aware of it, as it passed us a while back.” “What?” “I too am Concerned,” Ronan offered. “Where is Hagrid?” “He split with us, and backtracked the trail,” Moonie informed the two. “Might be best to stay clear of him though. He’s got a crossbow and itching to use it.” “Oh, and he’s just as app to shoot me as look at me, I suppose,” Kitsu said followed by transforming into her human teen form which she’d learned best fit her age. Draco’s jaw hit the floor and dribbled down a gopher hole. “Princess Kitsumi Nova Silverwood. At your service.” “Princess, it is not safe out here even for you,” Ronan cautioned. “Ah… hi,” Draco said stupidly. “So tell me, given that you’ve come to my glen, do you students learn anything at this school you go to?” “We learn of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax— of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— and whether pigs have wings,*” Aerie quoted. “I see, I see,” Ronan replied, punctuated with a chuckle. “That is indeed much to learn, but do they teach you of astrology? Mars is bright tonight.” “And the moon is brighter by far. I do not fear the shadow.” “Kitzu, by any chance have the sweeps found an injured unicorn?” Moonie asked. “About an hour ago. She was taken to the Silver Wood Medical Clinic,” Kitsu replied. “I’m told she was too far gone.” “Always the innocent who suffer,” Ronan said softly. “I was almost looking forward to confronting that creature,” Aerie offered as she fingered the locket that had Dumbledore’s tracking spells on it. “Confronting it?” Draco offered. “Have you gone mad?” “Perhaps. I did want a go at it even though I know I can’t win. But the thing is, it can’t win either. I was going to track it until we came across the unicorn. Moonie, that is Selena, would undoubtedly drive it off, but when it realizes the unicorn it was tracking has been taken there’s no telling where it’ll go.” “If the unicorn is gone, there’s no reason for us to even be out here,” Draco admonished. “It’s all Hagrid cared about. Certainly not us or he’d not have left us to our own devices.” “Can’t really argue with that,” Aerie admitted as a second centaur entered the clearing and moved in their direction. “I imagine he made a pretty penny off the last one he found.” “Good evening,” offered the newcomer. “Hi Bane,” Kitsu returned. “I’m Kitsumi. It’s an Akkadian thing.” He nodded sagely and walked over to stand by Ronan. “Mars is bright tonight.” “The moon is brighter,” Ronan offered. “The young lady reminded me of that.” “Indeed.” “We’ve robbed the specter of his kill,” Kitsumi informed him. “Mars has not yet diminished.” “What’s he talking about?” “Mars is an omen of blood yet to be spilled,” Moonie informed him. “Ah, maybe we should go find Hagrid?” “Always the innocent,” Ronan said quietly to be echoed by Bane. “Well, that’s hardly me,” Kitsu teased. “Nor me,” Aerie countered. “I guess that leaves Draco.” “What?! Oh no. I’m not dying out in this twice-cursed forest.” And with that, he turned and began heading back as quickly as he could drag Fang. Aerie, just to be obnoxious, and possibly because she was tired of being tracked by Dumbledore, took off the locket, propelled it high up into the air at the point of her wand, and said the all-encompassing spell of destruction and mayhem, “Maud’Dib!” It exploded like a firework all red and gold scattering magic across the sky and the forest. Every device Dumbledore used to track her movements and well-being in his office went nuts. They’d wait just long enough for him to wake up, figure out what’s making all the noise, and then go silent, or dark as the case may be. A few would kick in again but it’d be a while before Dumbledore realized he was now detecting the health of the forest. As for Aerie, she transformed into a pegasus and flew up into the air. Kitsu followed her, and by the time Draco had turned around to look both girls were gone along with Moonie whose prank senses had urged her to follow. The two centaurs having been startled by the explosion and the sudden flight of the pegasi had also run for it. Oh, and Fang bolted as well, leaving Draco alone in the forest. Panic took hold of Draco Malfoy followed by his feet and legs moving of their own accord. He’d slam into Hagrid a few minutes later and pass out from the impact. And yes, Hagrid had been running as well. Hagrid stopped only long enough to sling Draco over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and continued headlong down the path, through the clearing, and down into the very hollow where he’d come face to face with a rather frustrated hooded creature. The two froze, staring at each other for a brief moment. The air was as still as Hagrid had ever felt it and beyond the creature a pool of unicorn blood shown in a shaft of moonlight. Hagrid still had his crossbow in hand. He whipped it up and let loose the bolt. The bolt went right through the edge of the creature's hood, Malfoy was summarily dumped in a prickly bush, Hagrid cycled the Legolas device attached to the crossbow locking a new bolt in place, took better aim… Quirrell seeing his imminent doom rushed Hagrid, the bolt flew wild high into the air, and Quirrell sped into the trees zipping back and forth as he went. Hagrid was not done. He’d more bolts at the ready, and let fly each and everyone with little heed to where he was aiming. “Got him!” He cheered as a bolt hit home. “Hagrid… You idiot.” Airie said, and slumped to the forest floor the bolt now in the side of her abdomen. Panic took hold of Hagrid. He dropped the crossbow, snatched Aerie up with both arms and raced back to Hogwarts. He met Dumbledore on the way. If panic hadn’t already taken hold of Dumbledore, it did now. Together the two rushed to the hospital wing waking up Madam Pomfrey who shook the sleep out of her eyes and immediately set evaluating her patient. The arrow had pierced the body, she cut the fletching portion of the shaft with a pair of gardening snips. Normally used when someone had a tree limb stab through a body which tended to occur in one of the advanced herbology classes. This having been done she dashed to a cupboard and grabbed a poultice which was fastened to the cut portion of the shaft sticking out of Aerie. Having done that she got out her wand, and with a tap, the poultice ignited and pushed the bolt through with considerable force. It stuck fast into a wall on the other side of the room. The wound was bandaged, the dirty wizard robe removed, and Aerie laid down on one of the beds. “Poppy?” Dumbledore inquired as she checked Aerie’s vitals. She looked worried, but by all accounts, Aerie was just sleeping. She covered Aerie with a sheet and blanket, returned to where the fletching had been discarded, picked it up, examined it, and then turned on Hagrid. “One of yours?” She growled. “What the bloody hell were you doing? Using her for target practice?!” With each step she took the two men got backed further and further out of the room until the door was closed and Aerie was left to relative peace. It was but a moment later that Aerie got up, went to the window, and opened it. “Thanks, Moonie,” Aerie offered as she climbed in. “You sure we haven't gone too far?” Moonie asked as the scar on her forehead vanished. In truth, Moonie’s twelve-year-old version looked so much like Aerie that all it took was a school robe and a scar to fool the three adults. “It’s fine. It was an opportunity to get rid of that tracker.” Pomfrey was still shouting out in the other room. “Hurry up then and let’s get this gauze on you and you’d better switch undergarments with mine.” “Just don’t go making them disappear at an awkward moment.” “Not going to happen, I conjured up actual clothing. Needs realistic holes and blood you know. Might be a good thing they can’t tell the difference between people's blood and what’s hanging in the larder.” “We’ll bring you clean clothes in the morning,” Kitsu offered from the window. She was still in pony form, and she’d some ruffled feathers along with a small gap in one wing. “As for Hagrid, that idiot nearly killed me.” “But he didn’t. You got a couple of feathers clipped,” Moonie chastised. “Your feathers will grow back. I’m the one who had to put up with an arrow stuck in me.” “Your body is a magical construct,” Aerie reminded her. “Your biggest weakness is the amulet I wear. Your body can't be hurt.” “Even so…” “Well, I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings... Convenient that first wild shot,” The second bolt Hagrid had let fly. Aerie offered and began to change. A moment later she was in bed. “Just make sure everyone who counts knows I’m alright.” The shouting outside had stopped. “Quick!” Aerie lay down and did her best to look like she was sleeping, Moonie vanished, but Kitsu waited to see who it was. Madam Pomfrey opened the door. Seeing a pony at a window on the second floor was a bit of a shock. “How did you…” Pomfrey asked as she approached, but got her answer when Kitsu stretched out a wing. “Ahh, I see. Well then, how might I help you?” “Hi, I’m Kitsumi Silverwood.” Madam Pomfrey’s eyes widened. “Yes, I can talk. I’m Akkadian. I’m Nova Silverwood’s daughter. I was out over the forest when one of Hagrid’s arrows nearly shot me out of the sky.” She held out her wing to show the gap. “Anyway, I saw what happened. He was blindly shooting at some sort of snake-like creature. The same creature that has been brutally murdering unicorns and if you ask me he had no business taking students out into that forest.” “I see.” Madam Pomfrey sounded like her anger was beginning to boil again. “Anyway, I just wanted to check on her. Is she going to be alright?” “She’ll be fine. I expect she’ll be up and around by morning barring any complications.” “Oh, that’s good to hear.” “I see more than my fair share of injuries here, so don’t worry. … curious, I wasn’t aware there was a ledge out there?” “Oh yes, many of the upper floors have just enough of a ledge to perch on. I wouldn't want to spend the night out here. And while I can transform, I don’t think I wish to take the chance.” “Alright then. But if you don’t mind I think it best I close the window. We don’t want her getting a chill after such a shock to the system.” “Alright. Just send an owl to my mom to let us know how she’s doing.” And with that Kitsumi the pony stepped out into the night air and propelled herself upwards. She flew up into a cloud, transformed herself into her fox form, and flew down to the Ravenclaw tower. “You’re awake… I can tell. You’ll be staying the night.” Madam Pomfrey knew the difference between actual sleep and pretend sleep. “I’ve some clean undergarments and PJs in a cupboard. What say we get you out of those dirty clothes? And don’t worry about being shot. I used something that not only removed the shaft it stitched everything back together. About all you’ll feel is some discomfort. Good thing the head went all the way through too. That made it that much easier. That said, you lost blood and will need to take it easy for a while.” “I’ll still be able to play Quidditch won’t I?” “You’ll have to sit out some practice sessions, but you should be good to go in time for the next game.” “Wood is going to have a fit.” “That’s just too bad.” > Chapter 64: Salmacis Thorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first person to arrive to visit Aerie in the medical wing the next morning was Aurora, via the window… with Scootaloo hot on her tail. “Aerie, you’re alright! Moonie said you’d been shot?” Aurora asked followed by transforming back into human form. “Why is Scootaloo here?!” Aerie protested. “I’m fine! By any chance did you listen long enough to hear the details?” “Nope,” offered up Moonie the cat as she bounced up onto the bed. And given that Scootaloo was still in little filly mode she decided to do the same. “Are you sure you are alright?” Scootaloo asked plaintively. “Yes, I’m fine. It was nothing,” Aerie offered, nor could she resist pulling the cute little filly in for a hug. “Good morning Aerie,” Idda offered as she entered the room. “Oh my gosh, she is so cute! Hang on, Aurora, she’s not yours is she?” “It’s complicated,” Aurora offered. “We were looking after her over the holidays,” Aerie supplied in fear that the conversation might turn awkward. “And she followed you. Explains why Aurora keeps vanishing.” “What explains why…” Hoshiko asked as she entered the room. “Scootaloo?” “Look, just get her back to wherever it was you were hiding her.” “We’ll just have to see if we can get her back to London,” Aerie offered. “Whatever… my family has pegasi. Bunch of lazy moochers.” “But you still love them?” Aerie asked. “Aye, I do. Our own fault for making pets out of sentient creatures. Now hurry up and get her back to wherever you’ve been hiding her.” “Aerie, you sure you are OK?” Aurora asked. “Yes, I’m fine. Now hurry up and get Scootaloo back to where she belongs.” “Alright, but I’ll be right back,” Aurora replied and transformed. “And bring me some clean clothes,” Aerie said as she released Scootaloo from the hug. The two pegasi were heading out the window even as Hermione, Ron, and Neville entered. “Alright, I know you all want to check up on Aerie, but I need to check her wound,” Idda protested. “It’s fine,” Aerie assured her. “Why do you need to check it?” “Medical student. It’s kind of my job. I’ll be transferring into St Mungo's Hospital’s nursing program next year. - Now, you lot out.” “I’m family,” Hoshiko protested. “Fine, you can stay, the rest of you out. You can see her later.” “But we just got here?” Hermione protested. “What was it like?” Ron asked. “See that?” Aerie pointed at the head of the bolt where it was still embedded in the wall. “Core, look at the size of that thing?!” Neville fainted. “Oh for god’s sake. Hermione, Ron, take him into the other room and see if you can revive him,” Idda ordered. “Hermione…” Aerie prompted while the two tried to lift his limp form. “What?” “Use a levitation charm.” “Use a…” Hermione began to laugh, got out her wand, and within a few moments, had her mirth under control and Neville floating about like a balloon. “Come on Ron.” Idda waited for the door to close and then turned on Aerie. “By any chance did you fake getting stuck with an arrow? Granted that it’d be rather difficult to fool Madam Hooch, but if anyone could pull it off it’d be you.” “Alright fine. Dumbledore was using tracking spells on me and I used last night as a means to an end. In short, the spells were discovered some time ago and I was able to negate them last night. With any luck, he’ll think my getting shot was enough to disrupt the spells.” “Why that dirty… OK, never mind, let's just get that off you and we’ll put fresh gauze on you if you need it. Serve them right taking little kids out into the forest. Just out of curiosity?” “The truth?” “It’d be nice.” “Moonie.” “Your cat?” “She’s a familiar. She can take on my form and because it is, in essence, an illusion given substance, she can stick a crossbow bolt through her without any consequences.” “Ahh, not something I’d be able to replicate.” “Why would you want to?” “All Hallows Eve pranks.” “Ahhh… What about Madam Pomfrey, will I need to see her?” “Late night. She’s still asleep.” “Probably plotting revenge on Hagrid,” Hoshiko offered with a grin. “If Kitsumi hadn’t told me what had happened… Even so, that idiot did come mighty close to shooting her.” “Kitsumi?” Idda was just a little curious. “Kitsumi Silverwood,” Aerie explained as they were taking off the old wrap. “She was doing a night patrol. A good deal of that forest is their territory after all.” “And she just walked right into the Ravenclaw dorm?” “Pegasi… she’s like Aurora, and we’ve pegasi in our attic.” “Indeed…” “Owe?” Aerie protested. Idda had gotten her wand out, pressed it to her skin, and cast a jinx of sorts directly onto Aerie’s skin leaving a little red dimple. “Turn around. Arrows leave little dimples.” “She’s not wrong, and people are going to be curious.” “Hey?! Let me down!” Neville shouted from the other room followed by a thump. Aerie rolled over but couldn't help but laugh. “Owe. Just out of curiosity…” She rolled back over to face Idda. “Pressing a wand directly against the skin gets the magic past any sort of resistant aura that might be protecting the individual.” “Ah… Ya, my family doctor had issues getting needles into me. I think I was subconsciously creating a barrier.” “It happens. Downright annoying when we need to stick a needle in someone who doesn't want to get stuck.” “Which reminds me, Hoshiko, where’s that little shadow of yours?” Aerie asked. “Downstairs mooching breakfast I’d imagine. I should probably go check on her and get breakfast.” “In that case, I’ll see you later. - Idda, when can I go?” “Just as soon as Aurora comes back with your clothes, I’d imagine. Afraid there was unicorn blood on the old clothing, and it had to be burned.” “Mmm, kay…” Aerie suddenly got it into her to pick up the cat and inspect for injuries, but no, she’d more than likely brushed across some bush with blood on it. Hermione, Ron, and Neville came back in after Idda left, and when Aura arrived the boys were chased downstairs so Aerie could get dressed. Not that they were long to follow. Aerie got dressed followed by the three girls making their way down to breakfast. Naturally, everyone had heard some variation of the tail and were genuinely surprised to see her up and about. “Aerie, are you going to be able to play?” Wood was especially concerned about losing his prize Quidditch player. “I’m to take it easy, no practice for a while, but I’ll be able to play.” “Oh… well, I guess that’s something.” “Um, Miss Potter…” prompted a dark-skinned boy from the Slytherin table. “Blaise Zabini, wasn’t it?” Aerie replied. “How might I be of service to you?” “You haven't seen Draco Malfoy, recently?” “No, I haven't seen him since last night. Shortly before Hagrid started firing blindly into the forest.” “You don’t suppose he’s still out in the forest, do you?” Ron said. He’d wavered between conspiratorial and wistful. “Hagrid’s not here either,” Hermione observed. “There’s a rumor he’d been fired,” Crabbe offered. “Wouldn't surprise me after last night’s cock up,” Percy muttered. As for Aerie, she pulled out a small piece of parchment, along with a pen presumably from Hammer Space because she hadn’t had them a moment before, wrote a quick note, and asked Moonie if she could pass it up to Professor Snape. “Professor Snape, what is it Miss Potter wanted, if you don’t mind my asking?” Dumbledore inquired of the note that Moonie had left at Snape’s place. Snape picked it up, looked at it briefly, and then set it down. “No one has seen Malfoy since last night.” When Draco Malfoy woke up he found he was in an expansive canopy bed with white linen and lace curtains. The room was large enough to accommodate furnishings and the bed with just enough room left over to move about comfortably. The furnishings were of a golden oak color. There was a chair and sofa in emerald green, and the walls were colored light blue with sweeping cured timber framing in dark oak to include Gothic framed windows. The curtains weren’t much better than what hung on the bed, to Draco’s eyes, but there were at least shades. Which were presently rolled all the way up to allow golden light in. Beyond he could see branches that boasted white bark that shown as lit by moonlight with delicate white flowers and silver leaves. Draco could also see tall peaked roofs with that same Gothic Revival style roofed in light-colored shingles and not the heavy slate tile he was accustomed to. All about there was trim-work done in delicate looping Celtic knot-work as well. Draco tried to get up but stopped at the discovery that everything hurt. Draco had numerous cuts, bruises, and even taking a deep breath hurt. Draco lay there for a while wondering where this place was. Outside there was the occasional bird, and then Draco realized that he wasn’t seeing just birds, there were pegasi going back and forth. Draco watched in fascination and marveled at the site of a beautiful winged unicorn that went past fairly close. Draco heard the sound of the animal landing on a platform outside, but what followed sounded more like the footfalls of a woman wearing boots. “Ah, good morning. I see you are awake.” It was that woman. Draco knew this person, his father often referred to her, when he did, as a freak. A half-breed. Nova Silverwood. And then Draco Malfoy knew where exactly this place was. The Silver Woods, somewhere deep in the forbidden forest. Nova Silverwood went over to a counter where a number of vials, a couple of goblets, and a pitcher of water were located. “I sent an owl to Hogwarts and I’ve yet to hear back,” she offered as she removed a stopper from a vial. She poured that into a goblet and then added water from the pitcher. She then took up a spoon, stirred the mixture, set the spoon down, and took the goblet over to Draco. “This will help ease the pain and speed up the healing.” Draco looked at it suspiciously. “One of my sweeps found you out in the forest early this morning. You’ve three cracked ribs and multiple lacerations owing to the thorn bush you were in. Rather tricky getting you out. Here, drink.” Draco reluctantly took the cup and gave it an experimental sip. As potions went it wasn’t bad. Almost pleasant. A far cry from the noxious potions Professor Snape prepared. Mrs Silverwood took the now empty cup and put it back on the stand. “My name is Nova Silverwood. And you are?” “Draco… Malfoy.” Draco’s voice had come out sounding a little off. A little higher in pitch than normal. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last name?” “Malfoy.” “Draco Malfoy?” “Yes… um, mam.” “How do you feel about the name Coco?” “Coco?” “Well… You see… it was a Salmacis Thorn bush. A few scratches generally aren’t too problematic, and can be undone.” “Did something happen to me? I mean besides the broken ribs and lacerations.” “I went out to check the location, and it kind of looked like you got dumped into the middle of that bush by Hagrid. Granted the man is an idiot, but it never occurred to me he’d do something so irresponsible.” “What’d he do to me? And why do I sound like a girl?” “You received enough toxin from the thorns and spread over your body fairly evenly… how do I say this… Draco the boy doesn’t exist anymore.” “What?” “You’re a girl.” “No. I’m a boy.” “Check.” “I’m not checking… it’s gone!!?” Shortly after breakfast, Aerie was brought to see Professor McGonagall by Idda. Professor Dumbledore was also there. “Aerie, how are you doing?” McGonagall wasn’t really fooling anyone. In truth, she had been genuinely concerned for Aerie’s well-being. Dumbledore had been concerned too given that Aerie was still his best chance at undoing his monumental mistake in ever believing he could control Riddle. “I’m doing better. Much better.” “That’s good.” “I’m thinking that this might be about Draco, or am I still in detention?” “Your detention has been nullified,” Dumbledore informed her. “Rules. Near-death experiences nullify all detentions.” “It is about Draco,” McGonagall cut in. And yes, there was a mild tone of annoyance, and maybe even a bit of I told you so. “When was the last time you saw Draco Malfoy?” “It would have been shortly after the sweep rider from Silverwood told us that they’d picked up the unicorn we were looking for.” Aerie was fairly sure if they asked Bane and Ronan they weren’t likely to say anything that would give away her subterfuge. Indeed they weren’t likely to give a straight answer at all. “Bane and Ronan were there. When Draco heard that the unicorn Hagrid was looking for had already been picked up he took Fang and started back.” “By himself? Without you and Hagrid?” McGonagall asked. “Oh, Hagrid wasn’t with us. He wasn’t sure which direction the unicorn had gone. We’d split up maybe an hour earlier. Maybe more.” “He left the two of you alone in the forest? At night?” McGonagall looked like she was ready to work herself up into a right tizzy. “Aerie…” Dumbledore took a moment to form his question. “Can you tell me what occurred prior to Hagrid shooting you?” “Well first off, Draco and I were never truly alone. We’d a certain Night Mare tagging along. And she’d protected us from the very thing Hagrid had been shooting at.” “Thing?” “Hard to describe. Half snake half human. The tail end was definitely serpentine. The upper end, human-like, with a robe to cover its features. Draco and I had encountered it prior to meeting the others. The Night Mare hid us from its view. Shortly after we parted, Draco and I... I tried to send up a flair like Hagrid had said. The sweep rider and the Centaurs were startled and for a moment I found myself alone. A short time later Hagrid went racing past with something flung over his shoulder. Not wishing to be left behind I raced after him. We’d gone-” “Did you not call out to him?” Dumbledore may have suspected that something wasn’t quite right. “He never heard me, and by the time I’d caught up to him I was kind of out of breath.” She had indeed called out to him, but he’d kept running. The thing with the crossbow bolt hadn’t been planned, it just happened when the opportunity presented itself. “And then what happened, dear?” McGonagall pressed. “It was that creature. We'd caught up with it. Hagrid dropped what he was carrying in some bushes and started firing wildly at it, the creature. The creature raced around, and then went past me, vanishing into the forest.” “Is that when…” Dumbledore wanted to know if that’s when Hagrid shot her. “Like I said, he’d been firing wildly. I don’t think he meant to hit me.” “That’s good to hear,” Dumbledore offered as he leaned back in his chair. “Any idea what he’d been carrying?” McGonagall asked. “Never got a good look at it. Kind of looked like he’d found another carcass of some kind.” “Professor, did Hagrid mention anything?” Idda asked. “Afraid I haven't seen him this morning either.” “Afraid I might have strongly suggested that he take some time off,” Dumbledore admitted. “Any chance you could have waited a teensy bit before sacking him?” McGonagall asked tersely. “I thought everyone was accounted for.” “Ah… that’s not a denial,” Aerie pointed out. “I might have suggested he not come back until next school year.” “Wow… suspended for the year,” Idda said softly. They were startled a moment later by a knock on the door. “Come in,” McGonagall called. “Madam Hooch?” “Ah, didn’t want to bother you but the pegasi are saying that they found an injured girl out in the forest. Mine were all at breakfast.” “Where is she now?” Dumbledore asked. “I’m to understand the sweeps from Silverwood picked her up and took her back to their village.” “We have all our girls,” Idda offered. “I do a head count at bedtime and at breakfast.” “Looks like we need to do a school-wide headcount,” Madam Hooch suggested. “Far as I know, the only student we are missing is Draco,” Dumbledore replied. “She’s safe, we can sort her later. Right now we need to find Draco.” > Chapter 65: The death of Draco Malfoy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Aerie, what’s going on,” Hoshiko asked at lunch. Everyone had been asked to stay for a head count so she ran over to talk to her even if for a moment. “I think Draco is still out in the forest.” “You don’t suppose he’s dead do you?” Ron asked hopefully. “Ron, give it a rest,” Idda ordered. “Seriously,” Bill Bones added. “There’s a rumor Hagrid has been sacked,” Hermione said to add to the conversation. “Not sacked, just suspended till the end of the year. Well, technically until next school year,” Aerie informed them. "Not much of a difference though, I suppose. He's been dismissed with instructions not to come back until next year. He'll undoubtedly be on probation then." “Dumbledore must be really mad,” Percy offered. “I only got a week.” “Be just like Malfoy-” “Shut it, Ron!” Aerie shouted. “For your information, Dumbledore made the decision before anyone knew Draco was unaccounted for. Draco isn’t off hiding somewhere just to get Hagrid in trouble. He can do that on his own. Thank you very much.” “I’d better get back to my table,” Hoshiko offered only to get hugged by Aerie. “Ask Kitsumi if she can go see if she can’t figure out what became of him,” Aerie whispered. “I’ll see…" Hoshiko found her attention being drawn to a familiar woman entering the hall. "It’s Mrs Silverwood? What is she doing here?” “That can’t be good?” Aerie replied as they watched their elder counterpart make their way through the hall and up to the head table. “Professor Dumbledore… Professor Snape, a word in private if I may?” “Did you find Draco?” Snape asked. “Not here.” “Let’s adjourn to the vestry,” Dumbledore offered. A moment later the three made their way to a side room followed by Professor McGonagall who insisted she be included. She was after all the deputy headmaster of the school. “Professor Snape,” Mrs Silverwood began once the door was closed and a seal placed upon it. “Any chance you have a cure for Salmacis Thorn toxin?” “Salmacis Thorn?” Oh, he’s heard of it. So had Professor Dumbledore. “You aren’t suggesting the girl you found… is Draco Malfoy?” “Afraid so.” “How bad is it?” Snape asked. “Total.” “I’m sorry, Salmacis Thorn?” McGonagall asked. “Mildly annoying to girls, potentially devastating to boys,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “The toxin has a transfiguring agent that causes male mammalians to experience some rather interesting side effects,” Dumbledore stated. “Sometimes used by older women as a rejuvenating agency. Its possession is a controlled substance though. Wizards feared it might be used on them.” “And you said it was total?” Snape asked. “Well, the evidence is that Hagrid dumped him in the bloody bush. To make matters worse, there was unicorn blood on the bush. I suspect that small amounts entered into his bloodstream so that he, she, now exhibits traits typical of an Akkadian. Nor does she wish her parents to be informed as she is convinced that she’ll just be thrown from her home.” “Lucius Malfoy is, I’m afraid, a very conservative and stubborn individual,” Snape informed them. “I must say that coming from you, that’s not very reassuring.” “I am merely stating the facts. Lucius Malfoy only cares for his son as an heir to the family name.” “Explain to me how Draco being a girl is a problem. Can’t girls inherit?” “Only boys inherit in English Wizarding society,” McGonagall informed her. Professor Dumbledore moved over to one of the chairs lining the walls of the room and sat heavily as though the weight of his years had caught up with him while Mrs Silverwood mouthed some choice words concerning wizardkind. “There are potions, but they are only effective against partial transformation,” Snape said softly. “Something I feel I should mention, there were a number of boys who were… incensed at the idea that Harry Potter had been a girl all along. Flint was the most vocal. I fear that if I attempt to reverse the effects of the toxin it could kill him, er, her. Or it could leave Draco stuck halfway between, and there is no telling what effect the unicorn blood may have. Does he… she know?” “About the Salmacis Thorn? Yes. I had to tell him something. I did not tell her about the unicorn blood. The shock that he’d lost his willy was enough.” “I’m afraid that it might be best that Draco Malfoy be declared lost,” Snape declared with an air of finality. “She, with whatever name she might choose, can return next year.” “And be resorted, do you think?” Dumbledore asked. “Is that even possible?” McGonagall didn’t sound like she thought it was. “Oh, it’s possible. The fact isn’t widely disseminated,” Dumbledore informed her. “I’ve any number of Slytherins who’d like nothing more than to get out of that dorm. Just to get away from the likes of people like Flint, and I’m sorry to say, Malfoy. He didn’t exactly endure himself to his fellow students over the past few months.” “Which means they are liable to murder the girl,” Dumbledore admitted. “Or at the very least make her life here at Hogwarts a living hell. Severus, you and I will need to go have a talk with Lucius Malfoy. In the meantime, Mrs Silverwood, I hope you don’t mind keeping her as your guest?” “It would seem I’ve little choice.” Shortly following lunch, Hoshiko found a moment to talk quietly with Kitsu who in turn found her way to an exit and slipped out. She remained in fox form only long enough to get out and transformed the moment she’d some cover. After all, the last thing she wanted was for prying eyes at Hogwarts to learn her secret. Moments later she was soaring over the Everfree glad that she’d been to the Silverwood community during the winter break. The downside, everything had been covered in snow at the time. Even so, she felt confident she could find it. For a while, she was worried that she might have to turn around and go back, but on spotting a glen gleaming with silver-leafed trees deep in the forest a sense of relief and accomplishment washed over her. Kitsumi could see more pegasi about now and it reminded her of home. Granted that there was no place in Equestria quite like this village. The style was predominately Gothic Revival with a healthy mix of Art Nouveau styles. The sort of place one might expect to find the High Elves of Middle Earth. “That was definitely a barrier…” Kitsumi thought as she passed through the outer wards of the village. Such was the enchantment that it had shut off her N-sid ring as well. She was joined a moment later by a pair of the local guard. Two gray roan stallions, the roan patterning was typical of the English pegasi along with tufted ears and striped wing patterns. “Princess? We thought you were at Hogwarts?” the lead pony asked as they flew alongside. “Captain Adair, I was. Undercover. I need to talk to my mom.” “Did you perhaps cross paths? She went to Hogwarts around thirty minutes or so.” “I saw her, but I can’t talk to her there.” “Understandable.” “Aerie asked me through Hoshiko to come over and ask if you’ve found a boy we are missing?” “A boy? - oh boy,” The two guards said at the same time. “Ah, care to explain that comment?” “We found a girl in a Salmacis Thorn bush.” “Ummm, is that supposed to mean something?” “It turns boys into girls.” “Oh…” “Mares wouldn't let us near the thing. Sure hope he’s going to be OK with being a girl.” “I’ve heard that humans can be funny about that sort of thing,” offered the other Guard. “Explains why the Matriarch ordered our best fliers to watch her house.” They were deep into the grove now, Kitsumi slowly weaving through the giant trees that made the mighty Sequoia of California look small. The place she sought was at one time the last lonely house of the Forbidden Forest prior to Kitsumi Nova’s arrival. The village had been hard set upon by a Basilisk which her Moonie slew with a halberd out in the yards of Hogwarts' illustrious animal husbandry center. The barns of which were now a shadow of their former glory due to years of neglect. The house itself was made up of multiple dwellings on the same tree each of which had housed different family units. In the years following the demise of the great wyrm, the village prospered with Kitsumi Nova Silverwood becoming the matron, and it was she who spearheaded establishing a colony on a certain group of islands in the Caribbean. The Islands became known as the Akkadian Nation of which Eques was the largest of the islands. One of the more notorious Islands was known as Skull Island from which Aerie had received a vial of a clear liquid only to be used in small amounts under the most dire of circumstances. Kitsumi’s guards wagged their wings and then pulled up. They cleared the tops of the trees a couple of minutes later, turned, and returned to their patrols. She on the other hand slowly dropped down to a patio on the second tier of what was now the grandest house in the community. Not far away was a young girl sitting in a wicker chair that had been painted a deep forest green. She had on loose-legged white pants over which was a tunic of sky blue with gold embroidered borders and piping. Over that a knitted shawl made from undyed wool. “Um, hello,” The girl offered. “You look like you might be related to Mrs Silverwood, are you?” “In a fashion,” Kitzu replied and then transformed into her human form. “I call her mother now.” “Ah, you’re the girl from last night. And now that I see you in the daylight you look remarkably similar to Aerie Potter.” “Cousins. Draco Malfoy, I presume.” “The former Draco Malfoy I’m afraid.” “Does it bother you?” “It did. At first… I’m not sure now. On the one hand, I’m still me, and yet I’m not me.” “Aerie is worried about you.” “Don’t tell her.” “Considering Aerie she probably knew that this was a possibility.” “Taking pity on me, was it?” “Pity? Hardly. If, and I do say if she knew, she’d want you to have a friend who could support you.” Kitzu went over to another chair and sat down. “What happened? I hear you managed to get stuck in a rather nasty bush, and indeed I can see a good deal of the puncture wounds it left, but what happened to you after we separated?” “I’m not sure. I heard an explosion, fang bolted, and I turned to see a red flair, Aerie was gone… and I thought she couldn't do it? The flair that is.” “I think the red flair was an accident. She’d gotten it into her head to destroy an enchanted locket she’d discovered was being used to track her.” “Afraid my feet grew a mind of their own and I started running down the path as fast as I could. I don’t remember anything past that point. Funny how easy it is to admit that now that I’m a girl. No one is going to tell me I need to grow up and be a man. Are they now.” “From what I hear of your father he might still.” “Mrs Silverwood went to inquire on that account.” “You think there might be a way to reverse it?” “No idea.” “Do you want to reverse it?” “If it’s reversible, I doubt I’ll get a choice.” “Do you not want to reverse it?” The two sat in silence for a bit before Draco replied. “I, I don’t know. This place… it’s so unlike any place I’ve ever been. It’s like some kind of fantasy setting where one might expect to find the Fae.” “I’m sorry.” “What for?” “We thought you’d be fine. That you’d run back to Hagrid’s hut and wait there.” “Wait there? I’d have made my way back to my dorm by the quickest route possible, been stopped by a locked door where I’d have cried piteously while pounding on the door until my hands were bloody.” “Something tells me that would have been a far worse blow to your reputation than turning into a girl.” “Only because people expect entirely too much of little boys. I understand that now. I’ve been sitting here thinking about it. And don’t think I haven't seen the pegasi guards stationed nearby.” “In case you should fall off.” “Can’t say I didn’t think about it. Falling off that is. It’s a mighty long way down.” “Not afraid of heights are you?” “Not nearly as much as I am of being cooped up in small spaces. Why ever did they put the dorm in a dungeon? There’s a big window that looks out into the lake… it helps. I spend, spend as little time in my room as possible. The room was literally a cell with no exterior light at all. What are the other dorms like?” I can’t say I know much about the Hufflepuff dorm other than they aren’t much better off. They are below the kitchens under the great hall. They’ve slits cut into the rock to allow light and air, but that’s it. On the other hand, to hear Justin they’ve got ready access to the kitchens and the faculty never go down there to check on them.” “The kitchens? Do you mean to tell me that they can just raid the kitchens any time they want and get away with it?” “With impunity. Nothing but House Elves down there and they’ll get you anything you want.” “And here I thought ending up in Hufflepuff would be a bad thing. No wonder so many of them end up looking so well-fed.” “Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are in a couple of the big towers. Large rooms, shared mind you, and they have windows that look out over the grounds. Ravenclaw has a wonderful observation deck at the top of the tower.” “You seem to know quite a lot about it.” “The pegasi have taken it over.” Draco burst out laughing and then stopped while gasping for breath. “Draco?!” They didn’t have long to wait, a tan mare rushed out and helped her drink down a cup of water. “Try not to make her laugh, broken ribs.” “Sorry Mable, didn’t know.” “Wonder… wonder if I got hit by Hagrid coming the other direction?” “Hit by Hagrid?” She had to think for a moment. “And carried you like a bucking sack of potatoes.” “What?” “He had something flung over his shoulder which we took to be another carcass. He went right past where we were and down into a glen where he spotted some sort of snake-like creature. The item he was carrying got dumped and he started blindly firing. Presumably at the creature but his aim was so far off he clipped a couple of my flight feathers. “That must have been the thing that Aerie and I saw.” “So what it appears happened is that I went running back and ran into Hagrid coming the other direction so fast that the impact knocked me out.” “I’d imagine that’s also how you got your broken ribs.” “And then he picks me up, slings me over his shoulder, and runs headlong never once paying attention to where he’s going.” “Until he sees the pool of blood where the unicorn had been. It was at that point he encountered a very hostile predator who’d been deprived of their kill.” “Just exactly what was that thing?” “Just so you know, right now you are without a doubt in the safest place in England.” “Somehow I’m not finding that reassuring.” “The running theory, the person believed to be hunting unicorns is Tom Riddle. That thing is what You Know Who has become.” “Maybe you might want to talk about something else,” Mable offered as she brought out a couple more drinks, one for each of them. “Thank you,” Kitsumi and Malfoy offered as they took the glasses. “So then young miss, have you put any thought into what we might call you, say, for the foreseeable future?” Mable asked. “In case you are stuck like that I gather?” Kitzumi asked. “I don’t want anyone using the name Draco Malfoy. If it ever got out…” “I gather it’s a huge problem.” “From my perspective, yes. The ponies don’t seem to care. Which is oddly reassuring.” “In pony culture, Akkadian culture, you are you. Maybe you haven't quite settled on what you will become but what you look like on the outside is superficial.” “Even genders?” “Changeable. Gender may be a part of your identity, but it should never be the primary part of your identity. Why Mable can switch back and forth any time she wants.” “What?” Mable’s ears went down flat. “Oh, I’m sorry Mable, was that insensitive of me?” Mable let out a sigh. “It’s just that there aren’t exactly very many who can tell. But you are your mother’s daughter. Apparently.” The fact that Kitsumi had dropped literally out of nowhere nearly all grown up had more than a few tongues wagging. Mrs Silverwood had told her most trusted advisors, but that’s as far as it went. As for Mable, she was part of a small local changeling hive. “I don’t understand. How can she just switch back and forth?” “It’s a special kind of magic she can do. But I’ll say no more on the matter. I just want you to understand that it's the you that you are inside that matters the most.” “How about we talk names,” Mable reminded. “I’ve prepared a list I thought you might like. Adalinda, noble serpent. I figured that because you have a dragon name you might like another dragon-related name. Alina, bearer of light. Brenna, it’s from the local language meaning blazing light.” “How about Artemis?” Kitzu suggested. “What am I, a deer now?” “You are dear to me,” Mable teased. “Ha, ha, very funny.” “How about Narsissa…” “No, that’s my mom. Maybe as a middle name, but otherwise no.” “Might be a bad idea if you want a clean break,” Kitsu suggested. “Maybe, maybe not. I don’t really look all that different. People are going to suspect. But if people think I’m a twin that could work.” “Calida, basically it means your hot.” “Sounds like a Marry Sue name.” “Idalia, behold the sun. Bellinda, this one also refers to a bright serpent. Can be shortened to Bindy. Linda, Lindy, and two more serpent names. How about Enya, it’s an Irish name meaning ember. Although Ember isn’t a bad name either. Isolde, beautiful, regal, powerful.” “Isolde…” Draco said as though tasting each syllable. “German Austrian origins but some sources say Welsh.” “Isolde, I like it. Like some epic hero of old. You sure it’s a girl’s name?” “Source says yes. Uncommon in the west, more so in Germanic lands.” “Well then, shall it be Isolde then?” Kitsu asked. “Yes, I shall be Isolde. Now all I need is a last name to go with it.” “Not Malfoy?” “Not if my father doesn’t want me.” “Well then, Isolde,” Offered Mrs Silverwood. She was still in pony form and had come in for a landing so quietly she’d startled even Kitzu. “Ha, gotcha. - Isolde, Professors Dumbledore and Snape will be going to see your parents this evening following classes. They are to send me an owl when they know their father’s mind. One way or another. In either case, you may stay here. Tell me, would you object to starting fresh next year?” “You mean starting over?” “The transformation seems to have made you just a tad younger.” Mrs Silverwood explained as she transformed into her human form. She then pulled up a chair and joined them. “The best way to approach this is to start you out next year as a new student.” “So then, there’s no turning me back?” “Professor Snape says that given your total transformation, any attempt could kill you. Or…” “Or?” “It could leave you stuck in between. And considering what Wizarding society is like I don’t think you’d want that.” “As odd as this may sound I’m not averse to being a girl. And no, I wouldn't want to be stuck somewhere in between. That might be fine for some, but I’m an all-or-nothing sort of person. Suppose I get that from my dad.” “And Hogwarts?” “Why can’t I just transfer in? Like Hoshiko Tsuki did?” “Afraid Dumbledore seems set on bringing you in as a new student.” “Maybe you can get into Ravenclaw this time?” Kitzu offered. “You’re certainly smart enough and starting out with nearly a year’s worth of Hogwarts education under your belt people will think you are a genius.” “I am a genius.” “Then why do you hang out with those two dunderheads?” “Muscle. It’s about all they are good for.” Kitsumi couldn't help but sigh. “Slytherin is kind of cutthroat.” “We’ll just have to figure it out tomorrow after we know where we stand,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “I will have to agree that bringing you in with the new meat does make sense.” “New meat? That’s kind of harsh, isn’t it?” Kitsumi asked. “Hogwarts has had a bad safety record ever since Dumbledore took over as Headmaster. Hagrid only made things worse. Speaking of which, I’d like your version of what happened last night.” “As Harmony is my witness, we thought Draco, Isolde-” “Draco, that was Draco. If my father doesn’t want me back as a girl, well, then Draco died in that forest.” “Fair enough, I guess. Anyway, we thought Draco was well on his way back and safe.” “We’ve kind of worked out what happened. Why I don’t remember much of anything.” Kitsumi then went into an explanation of the events. “She faked getting shot?” Isolde asked in astonishment. “What? We all figured that Dumbledore would just cover it up anyway.” “You aren’t wrong. So long as everyone goes home nothing bad happened,” Mrs Silverwood stated. “And you can bet he’d want to cover up what happened to you. Can’t have you coming back to school as Draco only you’d gone all soft, now can we?” “Being a girl doesn’t change who I am. Still, though, I never would have thought Aerie could do something so cold-blooded.” “Like I said, we expected Dumbledore to cover it up, and if Hagrid going crazy with the crossbow just turned into an opportunity.” “Hagrid’s been suspended.” Isolde and Kitsumi just looked at her with dumbstruck expressions. “I think that seeing Aerie with a crossbow bolt in her must have been one misstep too many, and he took it out on Hagrid. Isolde, that’s why they never bothered to go looking for Draco. They’d forgotten all about him. Not Filch, not Hagrid, not Dumbledore, and Snape wouldn't have missed him until morning.” “Might this have to do with that individual Aerie had mentioned?” Kitsumi asked. “More chaos more fun? Curious he picked her, but then again there does seem to be a cold-blooded streak in her that she’s going to need to put an end to Riddle and derail Dumbledore once and for all.” “I think Aerie wanted to confront Riddle so she’d have an excuse as to why Dumbledore’s tracking spells weren’t working anymore. Only Hagrid messed that up.” “You can’t tell me she actually wanted to fight that thing?” Isolde asked. “I thought she was just joking. She could have been killed for real.” “Not really. That fire that happens, it protects her. Riddle can’t touch her.” “But what could she possibly do?” “Dumbledore had that tracker on her, and she wanted it gone,” Kitsumi informed her. “She knew how to get rid of it and she’d do something along the same lines that she did. Fake her near demise. And I guess she didn’t care if she had to sacrifice Hagrid to be rid of it.” “But why carry it around if she knew?” “To be honest, I’d breathe a sigh of relief if he was gone,” Mrs Silverwood replied. “As for the locket, those spells were originally affixed to Aerie. I shifted them to a locket so he wouldn't be able to track everything she did.” OK, it was so the lings could trade places, but Isolde didn’t need to know that. “In order to keep him from knowing she had to carry it as much as possible.” “I see. It must have been driving her nuts. I’d be kinda pissed.” Kitsumi finished her drink and set it down. “I need to get back so I can let Aerie and Hoshiko know what’s going on.” “I’ll send a message flier when we know.” “Thanks. And Isolde, Aerie does care. Deep down she wants to do everything in her power to help others. The downside is that to help people, sometimes you have to hurt the people who hurt others.” Kitzu got up, walked a short distance, and transformed. “Hope you don’t mind me checking up on you now and then, but for now, goodby, and may Harmony guide your path.” And with that, she spread her wings, stepped off where there was a break in the railing, and flew off. “Wish I could do that. I mean the whole transform with wings and all.” “Well, I can’t promise you that, but if you work towards making yourself a decent human being, be kind, courteous, strive to do what’s right whenever you can, and I can promise you a spot at the Eques Academy.” “What? Seriously? Father, I’d asked him, but he was dead set against it.” “Given that he was a Death Eater you would have been barred from going. But if you end up as my ward, I can get you in. It’s my school after all.” “And if I’m not your ward?” “Prove to me that you can be a better person than your father and I can get you in.” > Chapter 66: Just one thing after another... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning. A portion of this may be triggering to anyone who's ever been in an abusive situation. Kitsumi felt the presence of the barrier as she exited the safe zone that was the Glen of the Silver Woods, her N-sid rink kicking in and hiding her horn. Only now was she aware of the slight muffled sensation as though there was a sock over her horn. She hadn’t gone far when she was all but accosted by a group of gray roan mares her approximate physical age. “Kisu! Is that you?” “Where’s the horn?!” “Isla? Sky!” Kitsu protested. “And me, Fiona.” “Fiona and Katie. I didn’t forget about you, I’ve been on assignment.” Kitsumi had met the four while staying at Silverwood. “Hey, do you remember Blair, he jumped into one of them thorn bushes and has gone colt crazy,” Isla announced with a laugh. “He always seemed so quiet and reserved, well, as a colt,” Skye commented. “So what have you been up to?” “Spying on Hogwarts.” “Spying on Hogwarts?” Fiona asked. “To be honest my primary task is to act as a bodyguard. And I’m wearing an enchanted ring to hide my horn from the creature hunting unicorns.” “I heard there was another attack last night,” Katie offered. “I know, I was out there. Saw the thing. I was keeping an eye on a friend and a person known to me when the sweep fliers picked up the unicorn. I came in this afternoon because that acquaintance went missing. The sweeps picked him up. He’d been dumped in a Salmacis Thorn bush by the half-giant Hagrid. So why aren’t you in school?” “Home on break. It gets mighty hot in the Caribbean so they start summer break earlier,” Skye informed her. “I don’t think I’ve too much longer. Once the present threat is dealt with I’ll be able to start school with you?” “You never did tell us much about what you had been doing?” “I was in Equestria.” “Seriously?” Katie asked. “Ya, it’s complicated.” “Something happened to you while you were there, didn’t it?” “Isla, I don’t think she wants to talk about it,” Fiona cautioned. An awkward silence hung over them as they flew over the forest. “Can you keep a secret?” Kitsu asked. They all confirmed that they could. “Well, you know how Equestria is in a different dimension? Truth is there are multiple dimensions and multiple versions of Equestria.” “Infinite dimensions, yes we had that in class,” Isla said proudly as she and their friends shifted to either side of Kitsumi. “I’m not from the Equestria that the gateway on Eques Island connects to. I’m literally another version of Mrs Silverwood. Just younger, that’s all. In the world where I came from I’d been framed for a crime I didn’t commit. And I spent time in Tartarus.” “They let you go? I don’t understand?” “They didn’t. I escaped and can never go back. And yes, there are ways to get out of that place. To make a long story short I came here to this world and Nova Silverwood took me in.” “Hiya, ladies…” Offered a big red roan as he glided in. “Duine sam bith a-staigh airson beagan dibhearsain air itealaich, ma tha fios agad dè tha mi a’ ciallachadh?” “Given he was doing the old wink wing, raise the eye ridge thing, and Kitsumi’s friends were just giving him a cold look, she gathered that what he’d said could only be something rude, crude, and uncouth. “Ἆρα ἀληθῆ λέγει?” Kitsumi asked. Kitsumi couldn't speak a word of the Scot’s Gaelic and just couldn't resist using an ancient language they’d not know. “You want to try that again?” Isla asked. “I was wondering what 'twere he wanted. I don’t wot the language?” She tried again in old Ponish. Both the ancient and the old were to mess with the stallion who had by this time dropped back and was at that moment rapidly gaining on Kitsumi’s plot. Kitsumi seeing what he appeared to be trying to do, folded her wings, twisted, and gave him a mighty kick in the neither region causing him to go spiraling down into the forest. He managed to regain control before hitting the branches of a tree only to be driven through the branches and into the ground by Kitsumi. He’d survived but was in considerable pain and his wings were pinned back by her. “Kitsumi, stop! It’s just a prank!” Skye shouted from overhead. “Oh god, don’t kill him!?” Fiona shouted. When the stallion looked up he saw Kitsumi’s horn no longer hidden, fangs that belonged to a predator, and white-hot energy pouring off of her. “A prank?! A prank?! For sure I didst regard he intended some harm done to myself! Wot that I am a daughter of the night and shall not be made a trifle!” She took a breath and let it out slowly. She was furious. Kitzumi's gut felt like it was tied up in a knot, horrified that these friends of hers thought such a thing a prank, and frightened by what she'd nearly done to him. “Neigh, not even the most uncouth of rogues in the lands of Equestria would have done such a thing, nor attempt, nor even make such an ill-begotten jest! A prank you say? See that such deeds never come to my attention again. "I have business to attend to.” Kitsumi vanished in a flash and a pop. She reappeared high overhead, circled, and sped away far faster than any ordinary pegasi could hope to follow. “I told you it was a bad idea!” The colt shouted up and then froze as a dark mare slowly emerged from the shadows. “Mistress Selena?” “See to it that my mistress, her mother, never hears of such goings on,” Selena warned. And yes, she was Nova Silverwood’s Moonie. Having felt Kitsumi’s magical surge she came out to investigate. “Pray I do not recruit you into the Horse Guards,” Warned a second Nightmare who’d joined the first. “She means gelded,” Offered a third Night Mare, followed by the stallion shrinking into his crater as tight as he could go. Kitsumi found herself circling high over Hogwarts a short time later willing herself to calm down. A prank? Even so, it was an ill jest and she knew that the moment had now soured her relationship with those mares for she’d not likely trust them in the future. Kitsu had not come down by dinner when Aerie went to talk to Hoshiko. “I’m sorry Aerie, she’s up there riding the thermals.” “Could it have something to do with what happened to Draco?” “No, Moonie says it’s something else. She said not to worry about Draco. Something about Draco not being Draco anymore but otherwise fine.” “Right then. I guess if she hasn’t come down by the end of dinner we’ll just have to go up and talk her down.” “You sure she hasn’t simply lost track of time though? What with the days getting longer and longer?” “If she’s not down by the time it gets dark, we’re going to need to go up after her. Can your Moonie age herself?” “No idea?” “I thought I’d have my Moonie cover for me.” “Alright, I can meet you at the top of the Ravenclaw tower if she doesn’t come down. For now, we’d best get to our tables.” “Alright then, I’ll check in with you later.” “What’s going on?” Padma asked Hoshiko as she sat at her table. “Aerie wanted to talk to me about Kitsu. She’s riding a thermal and hasn’t come down. We might have to go up after her.” “Lovely.” “Any news?” Aurora asked as Aerie sat down at their table. “Kitsu is riding a thermal and hasn’t come down. If she doesn’t come down on her own… anyway, we’ll just cross that bridge when we get to it.” “Is it about Draco, do you think?” “Moonie seems to think it’s something else. And they are being cryptic.” “If I may have your attention…” Dumbledore said as he stepped up to the podium at the front of the school. He waited a moment or two for the room to quiet down. “As you are all aware by now, last night’s detention for Draco Malfoy and Aerie Potter did not go quite as planned. Miss Potter received an injury from a crossbow bolt and I’m to understand is healing nicely.” “Madam Pomfrey called me in after classes to check,” Aerie whispered, and Idda nodded. “Regarding young Mister Malfoy,” Dumbledore continued. “I’ll be away from school following dinner to discuss the matter with his parents. We hope to make a statement on this matter tomorrow evening. Thank you. Now, what say we get started with dinner.” “Hermione,” Ron hissed. “Yes, I heard,” Hermione hissed back. “Leave it alone,” Aerie cautioned and then started filling up her plate with food. Dinner that night was hardly quiet, and people kept asking Aerie about getting shot and a great deal about Draco. Unfortunately, all she could tell them was that she’d been separated from him and had no idea what had become of him. The way Hermione, Ron, and occasionally Neville kept whispering at each other did not help either. She knew that with Dumbledore gone for the better portion of the evening, there was a high possibility that Quirrel might make an attempt on the stone. Which was not something she had to worry about, but… she also knew that there was a strong possibility that the trio would go after him. They still thought it was Snape as well and ignored Aerie’s attempts to dissuade them. For whatever strange reason, in Hermione's mind, Quirrell's diminishing condition had been Professor Snape's gain. “Moonie, is Kitsu still riding thermals?” Aerie asked the cat as she went up to her room. She let out a sigh when Moonie nodded in the affirmative. “Fine then, can you cover for me? Yes, alright then… Aurora, I’ll be upstairs.” “Upstairs as in talking to Alice Mouse, or upstairs as in getting some airtime without me?” “Talking to Kitzumi. I need you to keep an eye on Quirrell. With Dumbledore out he might make his move. Heaven knows he should have the traps figured out by now. Look, even if he makes it all the way, don’t worry about it. There’s nothing there for him.” “You know that for a fact?” “I do at that. I’m more concerned about the three idiots getting it into their heads to stop him. If that happens we'll be forced to implement our contingency plan.” “Alright then, I’ll either come looking for or send a pony to you if there’s anything you need to know.” Aerie climbed up on top of the canopy bed that was closest to the trapdoor, opened that, and climbed through. “Something I can do for you Miss Potter,” Mouse asked. She was presently in her pegasus form. Aerie transformed into her pegasus form. “Sorry, I need to go see what’s going on with Kitsumi. She’s up there riding thermals and showing no signs of coming down.” “Oh… you want me to come with you?” “If you want. I’m going to go get Hoshiko first.” “Well then, let's go.” “The two ponies went out through the attic window, circled around, and landed on the veranda of the Ravenclaw observation deck. They pushed their way in through the outer door where they found Ailena, the pegasus they’d met at the Quidditch game. She looked like she’d just bed down for the night. “Um, hello. Alice, wasn’t it?” “Yes, we are here for Hoshiko.” “At this hour?” “Kitsumi doesn’t seem to want to come down.” “Oh… oh dear, it was her then.” “Care to elaborate?” “Some of the teenage ponies like playing games. Miss Kitsumi downed a stallion pretty hard.” “Ah, what sort of games?” Aerie asked. “And it’s OK, I’m actually a lot older than I look. It’s complicated. “Mid-air games that should only happen between two ponies that really like and trust each other. Nothing happened, and the Colt claims he wasn’t going to do it, but there was no way Kitsumi could have known.” “I see.” “In Equestria, they call that X-winging. Something that's normally only done by two ponies with complete trust in each other and their abilities,” Mouse offered. “We trusted her to keep an eye on Hoshiko in her fox form because she’s seen combat. She can hold her own against the worst that can be thrown at her.” “She might be upset because of how she reacted,” Aerie offered. “Sorry I’m late,” Hoshiko called as she made her way from the stairwell room. She dropped to all fours transforming on her way down. She’d only gone a few feet when the door behind her flew open with a seventh-year boy behind it. Such was the violence of the door slamming open that it caused Hoshiko to spring forward along with every pony in the place who’d been reclining to spring up and glare at the boy their wings partly extended to make themselves look larger than they truly were. Even as Hoshiko looked back at the boy an adult pony placed themselves between the two. Aerie let out a whistle to remind Hoshiko that they were there. Hoshiko remembered she was presently a pony and not likely to be recognized by the boy who seemed to delight in ordering others around. And no, he wasn’t a Prefect or even Head Boy for that matter. Just a Seventh year named Brayden Hunter who’d gotten it into his head to lord over anyone he could. She gave a snort of laughter and started for the others. “Alright, who’s in there!” Brayden shouted. Aerie motioned with her head, Hoshiko followed, and the group was out in the clear night air a moment later. “Brayden, what the hell are you doing up here!” Robert Hilliard, the boy’s Prefect, demanded from the stairwell. “I saw a firsty come up here. I think it was that new one.” “So what if she is? If the ponies are willing to put up with someone they can come up here. There’s no rule that says they can’t. Now, I would suggest you shut up, mind your own business, and get down from here. We all know how they feel about you.” Aerie, Hoshiko, and Mouse slowly made their way higher and higher. “Fillies, I’ll hang out here. You two go up and talk to her without me.” Mouse offered after about five minutes. “You sure about that?” Aerie asked. “I’m sure.” “Alright then.” “I’ve found a thermal… whee!” Hoshiko called out as she began moving upwards at a much faster rate. It was still early in the evening, it had been a warm day, and the heat rising off the land hadn't died off just yet. Aerie quickly jumped onboard and followed. “Kitsu!” Hoshiko called a few minutes later as she slid up along Kitsumi’s left side. “Hi… um, you going to come down any time soon?” “Why?” “Kitsumi, we heard,” Aerie called from behind Hoshiko. “And quite frankly, I’d have fried him.” “And what if I do that to one of the students!” Kitsu’s tone suggested that she was still angry, and quite possibly more with herself than at that colt and her former friends. “I could have hurt him.” “If any of the students tries to mount you I will hurt them,” Hoshiko stated firmly. “Especially if you are a fox at the time.” Aerie moved up to Kitsumi’s right. “Listen, as jokes go, they went way too far. Did those ponies know that you have a horn?” “Most horned English pegasi can’t use their horns.” “Oh…” “Kitsu, I need you back. I… I’ve kind of gotten accustomed to having you nearby.” “Like the dutiful pet?” ...“Let me get back to you on that.” “You did agree to be her familiar,” Aerie pointed out. “Only until Riddle is gone.” “That may be, but he’s not gone yet. Is he? You can’t hang out up here forever either. Seriously, you can’t hang out up here forever. The sun is down and sooner or later you’ve got to come down. This isn’t Equestria where you can live on a cloud. Oh, you could try. You’d go drifting along and next thing you know there’s a seven-thirty-seven coming out of the sky.” “Won’t you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride…” Hoshiko began singing. “Hoshiko? You aren’t helping.” “You started the earworm.” “OK, maybe it is helping I can see a smile.” Meanwhile down in the dorm Idda had just come up the steps to the top room where Aerie, Aurora, and Lavender Brown stayed. “Hey, I know it’s late, but is Hermione up here? Aurora?” Aurora had been sitting on her bed studying. “She’s not downstairs?” “Isn’t it kind of late for a head count?” Lavender asked. “I forgot to do it earlier. Not up here?” “No, she’s not. Maybe she’s downstairs?” Aurora had become unfocused as she began to access the wards. “Aerie, you wouldn't happen…” Idda began but stopped. “So where is Aerie?” “What makes you think I’m not Aerie?” “Your scar is backward.” “Who notices that sort of thing?!” “Aerie’s upstairs, that’s Moonie,” Aurora offered hoping that would be enough. “That where that cute filly is?” “She’s at home… son of a bitch! Just once, just once I wish Aerie could be wrong.” > Chapter 67: Race to the bottom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ah… Aurora?” Idda wasn’t entirely sure she’d ever heard Aurora swear. “I’m accessing the wards. Tom Riddle has made his move, he’s gone down the well that branched from the third-floor corridor, and the idiot trio have gone after them.” “What?!” Idda exclaimed and Moonie vanished. “Damn it, we need to tell Professor McGonagall. Maybe they can be stopped before they get themselves killed?” “And we were so close to getting the house cup! Are you seriously accessing the wards?” “Professor McGonagall knows about it. It’s related to my ability to transform into a pony. Don’t tell anyone, we don’t want the Weasley twins to find out.” “You heard her girls,” Aerie stated hardly a moment after her Moonie had informed them of what was happening below them. “Plan B is now in effect. We need to get down there.” “You intend to go down there?” asked a second Moonie. She’d appeared as Aerie was starting to wind herself up. “Sorry Love, but that was part of plan B after all,” Kitsu offered. “Our foxfire seems to be the only thing that thing is weak to. Can you relay the message to Mom? Just encase? And then hurry back with your counterpart.” “Give me time to get there. If you get too far down my projection will be cut off.” “We can’t delay. We need to get down there and stop those three. Just go. Speed like light,” Aerie replied. Kitsu‘s Moonie looked at her, turned, and vanished. “Do you have a quick way in?” Hoshiko asked. “There is, but you’ll need to transform into your fox form to get into the window. Think you can manage it?” “Might take a bit, but at this altitude, should be fine.” “Transform, and if you can’t do it, I’ll catch you,” Kitsu suggested. Hoshiko folded up her wings and pitched back. A moment later she was falling with her back to the ground. Light enveloped her followed by her pony form changing to her human form. Aerie and Kitsumi were hot on her to catch her. Light enveloped Hoshiko once more and this time she transformed into a little white fox with feathered wings. She let herself pitch over until she was in a dive and began opening her wings. Just enough to slow the dive. Aerie and Kitsu went zipping past the two doing the same maneuver. Once all three had their flight under control Aerie and Kitsu transformed into their fox forms as well. Down the three dived zipping along, leveling off as Aerie took them to the window she’d used to gain access before. Each took human form once more and made their way to the door that exited into the third-floor corridor. Aerie looked at the other two and asked, “Fernando?” “Sure, why not?” Hoshiko replied. “Let’s do it,” Kitsu agreed. Aerie began with a soft whistle, the others joining in. “Can you hear the drums, Fernando?” They sang as they opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. “I remember long ago another starry night like this…” Fluffy looked up at them as they approached, each head picking a girl, each girl going up to the dog, and taking each head in their hands to caress it ever so gently. Fluffy's eyelids closed, his head slowly dropped, and the girls headed for the hatch, all while still singing. The hatch was opened, undoubtedly left that way by the last group to pass that way. Aerie transformed into a pony while the others still sang, and in this way, each took their turn transforming while the others sang. Next, they made a cloud platform over the open hatch, stepped onto it, and willed it to drop. The song ended when they were about halfway down, its spell having done its work. They stopped the cloud right above the tangled tendrils of the Devil’s Snare bush that had been placed there by the Herbology teacher, and they could see the scorch marks left by those who’d come before. They looked at the narrow gap that would allow them to pass, transformed back into foxes, and glided on through to the corridor beyond. The passage, now solid stone carved into the rock that Hogwarts stood on, slowly snaked downwards, the three foxes gliding down it. The only sound was the gentle drip of water. From somewhere up ahead they could hear a soft rustling and clinking of keys. “What’s that sound?” Hoshiko whispered. “Winged keys,” Aerie offered as they approached a dimly lit opening into a large chamber. The three stopped and landed. Within could be seen hundreds upon hundreds of keys with wings flying about in the vast chamber. “So what now?” Kitsumi asked. “Catch the key that opens it,” Aerie informed her as she pointed at some school brooms near a door. The three walked into the room. “Pretty sure Wood is going to want to recruit the person who caught it.” “We don’t have time for this,” Hoshiko bemoaned. That and the thousands of tiny divots in the door were making her nervous. “We don’t need time,” Aerie offered and then transformed back into human form. “We have fox magic. Just get ready to dash when I open that door.” “Wouldn't Dumbledore have made sure that at least this door couldn't be opened with magic?” Kitsumi asked. “Right off hand I’d say this is Madam Hooch’s work,” Aerie offered. And nothing is stopping me from making another key.” As she approached the door she conjured up a ball of foxfire in her right hand and then shoved it into the keyhole. A moment later a key had formed. She turned it, the lock unlocked, and the door opened followed by the keys in the room grouping into a swarm. “Shit!” Kitsu exclaimed and dashed in followed by Hoshiko and Aerie who slammed the door shut, the sound of keys hitting the door in answer to her actions. A horrendous stench filled their nostrils. The room itself was lit by a couple of torches. What they saw were piles scattered about the room, some quite large, the smell evidence of what they were. In the center of the room lay the body of a large mountain troll. “Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify!” Aerie shouted as she zapped one pile after another out of existence. Nor did it take long for Hoshiko and Kitsumi to return to human form and start doing the same. Cleaning the place up hadn’t done much for the smell, but at least it’d be easier to make their way around the troll. “He looks emaciated,” Hoshiko said as they went around the body. “Like no one even bothered to feed it.” “Why didn’t they stop here though?” Kitsumi asked. “I don’t get it. Surely they must have realized they were no match for the being that did this?” “It’s called pigheaded stubbornness,” Aerie replied as they made their way to another door. They opened the door and went through a short passage that opened up into a huge chamber with a life-sized stone chessboard with animated stone chessmen. “You have to play the game if you want to get past,” Ron offered. He was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, one arm lying limp. “Ron, what made the three of you think you’d hold your own against something that could do that!” Aerie pointed back in the direction they’d come. “Do that to a Mountain Troll!” Ron said nothing. He hung his head down as though the weight of the realization made his head too heavy to lift it. He raised his eyes as soft moonlight filled the room. His eyes widened on discovering that the light was coming from Aerie. Aerie turned to him, walked over, took up his arm, gave it a painful pull, and snapped the broken bone back in place. The pain had been so great he’d been unable to cry out. And then just as suddenly the pain was gone as a strange warmth filled his arm and then migrated to his body. “Who are you?” Ron whispered. “I am the light before the opening of the day. I am the song that inspires. I am change. I am hope. I am the promise of a new day, and I am the Herald of the Dawn.” “You’re what?” “Ladies…” Aerie prompted as she turned away from Ron and transformed back into a pony. “If we are to stop Hermione and Neville, we don’t have time to play games.” “What are you?” Ron asked in astonishment as the other two transformed into ponies. And if his eyes weren’t as wide as they could go seeing the pegasi reach up to their forehead and reveal horns was nearly more than his mind could take. “Sleep, and remember not,” Moonie whispered into Ron’s ear. The chessmen sensing a brute force attack repositioned their ranks, black pawns, white pawns, knights, bishops, castles, queens, and kings all blocking the door. When Aerie stepped forward the pawns formed a shield wall of white interspaced with black, while the other ranks guarded the door. “Oh what I wouldn't give for a good hammer right now,” She growled as she pawed at the earth with one hoof. “Don’t cross the streams,” Hoshiko joked. She secretly wished they could have just flown over but that possibility seems to have been thought of. They’d have to defeat that army if they were to get to that door. “Na, let’s cross 'em,” Kitsumi countered as she took up the beat Aerie was tapping out. “Center mass,” Aerie shouted as her horn began to glow. “In the name of the moon,” Hoshiko said as she started tapping a hoof in time to Aerie. A moment later all three had built up a grand charge on their horns. All three: “We will punish you!” “On three, one two three!” Three powerful beams of magic combined into a colorful multi-hued stream of light. The fillies lay their ears back at the sound of the explosion they’d created, the ranks of pawns no match for the raw power of three junior alicorns. Indeed, combined they were more than a match for the arts of a single wizard as the rainbow laser of doom ripped through the ranks sending shattered stone exploding outwards causing even more destruction. Few were left standing, those that were capable took to one knee and bowed their heads as the fillies passed. When they came to the smoldering door the fillies shifted back into human form. Aerie reached out and gave the door a push. Down went the door with a mighty crash lock and hinges having given out. Within a small room with a table on which was an assortment of bottles, Hermione stood near the table looking back at them. Purple flames feebly sprang up around the threesome as they entered the doorway. The door that led to the next chamber was blocked by black flame. “What in the world? What was that!” Hermione managed to choke out. “You’re standing in the fire!” “What? Oh, this?” Hoshiko asked. “It’s just an illusion.” She’d looked down at it and figured it out immediately. So had the others. “Where’s Neville?” Aerie asked coldly as she stepped into the room. Hoshiko and Kitsumi enter behind her. “We had to stop Snape from stealing the Sorcerer’s Stone,” Hermione protested. “You? Did you see that troll back there? And it’s not Snape. It’s Quirrell. He was possessed by the thing that Tom Riddle has turned himself into.” “No, that can’t be right, it’s Snape, it has to be.” “Hermione, think about how easy it was to get down here,” Kitsumi offered. “Easy?” “Hermione, we are first years.” “I know I am, but I’m not so sure about you. Not anymore.” “These tests were set up to be an annoyance. You read the books, but you do not understand. Any competent wizard could have gotten down here.” Aerie was starting to sound like an adult lecturing a petulant child. “Surely only a fool would place something of such great value in a location so easily accessed?” OK, so Dumbledore was a fool, but by pointing it out Aerie hoped to get Hermione to see it in a different light. She hoped that Hermione would conclude that Dumbledore had never placed the stone there in the first place. Which in a sense was true. The stone simply wasn’t there. Aerie didn’t wait for an answer. She stepped out, walked across the room, and through the black fire. “How did she do that?” Hermione asked in shock and disbelief. “Like I said, it’s an illusion,” Hoshiko stated as Kitsumi followed Aerie. “Professor Snape is more than a potions master. He is a master of the mind. Of reading others’ thoughts, blocking anyone attempting to do the same to him, and making people see what he wants them to see. If they truly wanted to stop anyone from getting any further why provide a solution at all? Perhaps it was because he needed to distract the target long enough for the illusion to take hold. To be believed unconditionally. Of course, they’d solve the riddle.” Hoshiko walked over to the table and picked up a random bottle. “And whichever bottle they chose would be the correct bottle because they’d be sure of their intellect. I’ve seen stuff like this before.” Hoshiko upended the bottle. Nothing came out. “Now…” she set the bottle back down. “I’d better catch up, they might need me.” Hoshiko walked through the fire into a short corridor. Beyond the corridor opened up into a large empty chamber with a large mirror in the center. Professor Quirrell stood nearby, he had Neville nearby tied up in cord, and Aerie and Kitsu had also managed to get themselves tied up. Hoshiko saw the spell coming at her, but she’d already had her fan at the ready and deftly returned the serve. “Furansu Ekusarumatiō, Windflower Disarmament™!!” A moment later Quirrell had been stripped of all but the rope he'd cast out that now bound him and his shorts. For a brief moment, he stood there stunned, and then he slowly turned to reveal a grotesque face protruding from the back of his head. “Kill her!” the grotesque shouted as Quirrell toppled over, the face on the back of his head hitting flat on the stone floor. “What are you two doing?” Hoshiko called Aerie and Kitsumi. “Quit screwing around.” “He was using Neville as a shield,” Aerie protested. “I hesitated. I couldn't help it.” “Master? Master?!” Quirrell called as he frantically squirmed to be free of his spell. He was met with angry muffled crushed face noises. Aerie quickly summoned up her foxfire to burn away the rope binding her and then used her telekinesis to retrieve her wand which had been on the floor some distance away. Quirrell had also managed to free himself and had quickly grabbed Neville who’d been trying to inchworm away. Everyone froze as Quirrel’s wand jabbed into Neville’s butt cheek. “Tell me how to retrieve the stone or he gets his head obliterated.” “Ahh, that’s not my head,” Neville said sounding rather annoyed. In his haste, Quirrell had been unaware of where he'd jammed his wand. “What? Well then, I’ll just have to blow up your ass!” > Chapter 68: A doctor makes a house call. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There is no stone!” Aerie shouted as Kitsu finally freed herself. The room was growing steadily brighter as both girls now blazed brightly. “Moonie! Show him!” A moment later the mirror shimmered and vanished. What was left was a grubby little package on the floor. Quirrell forgot about his hostage as he greedily grabbed at the package and ripped it open while Hoshiko used the properties of the fan to sweep Neville away to a moderately safer location. The contents were indeed stone hard, but it wasn’t a Sorcerer's stone. Not by a long shot. “What? What is this?” “One of Hagrid’s cakes,” Aerie answered. “The sorcerer's stone was never here.” “But it has to be?” “What? Protected by traps even Neville Longbottom could penetrate?” “Hey!” Neville protested. “Hang on, you mean to tell me Hermione drug me down here for nothing?” Neville did not sound happy. “I did warn you to stay out of it,” Aerie replied as she and Kitsumi began to fan out in either direction. Quirrell scrambled to his feet and cast several spells at Hoshiko only to have her send them right back at him. She stood firmly in the doorway no matter how hard Quirrell tried to blast her out of the way. Shots were going wild, but Hoshiko somehow managed to volley every shot that came her way. She too was glowing brightly now. Why Quirrell hadn’t dropped from his own onslaught returned to him was anyone’s guess. “Enough of this, Expelliarmus!” Aerie shouted, a beam of light flashing out from her wand snatching Quirrell’s wand from his hand. “Quirinus, you fool!” Shouted the voice of Voldemort. “Who are you?” Quirrell asked in disbelief of the girls. “We were born to be goddess immortal alicorns,” Aerie stated. “We are the Princesses of the Universe,” Kitsumi added. “Now here we are, fighting to survive against the darkest powers,” Hoshiko sang out. (Queue Highlander soundtrack.) “Heh!” Voldemort shouted as he painfully extracted himself from Quirrell, and as he did Quirrell let out an agonized scream. Voldemort had abandoned his former host, intent as he was to make his escape. His body was small and so emaciated it truly looked to be skin and bones, and he was covered in wicked-looking scars. As for his face, if it had looked snakelike before no one could tell because it now looked rather Puggish. Each girl now equal distance around the room used their wands to grab Riddle with a telekinetic beam. “And here we are, we are Princesses of the Universe,” the three sang as three Night Mares joined in the struggle to hold the once proud Lord Voldemort. “Here we belong, fighting for the future of our world!” “I am immortal!” Riddle protested. “I have inside me the blood of kings! Kings!” Kitsumi hooked her foot on a silver and black box that had gone unnoticed up to that point. The box had a handle sticking out at one end, yellow caution tape on top, and a long cord. She then swept the box out into the chamber while a ghostly chorus could be heard singing in the chambers beyond along with a disco beat that had started up the moment the box had been touched. "If there's something strange, in your neighborhood... who you gonna call?" “You are not but a leach-wraith!” Aerie shouted even as Kitsumi shoved the trap across the floor with her foot. It skittered out to the center-right below Voldemort and inches from the crumpled form of Quirrell. And Neville, not to be left out of the action had managed to wriggle out of the rope binding him, mostly, and seeing a large red button on the far end of the cord marked easy. “Tell me what to do?” Neville called out. “Push the button!” Hoshiko called, and yes there were presently six beams of magical energy holding the leach. Neville lunged at the button, the trap opened up and light streamed upwards. Riddle was forced in… “Push it again!” Aerie shouted. Indeed the trap was threatening to draw in the nightmares as well, but the moment Neville pressed the button the trap shut locking the leach within. The room was now deathly silent save for a pitiful voice calling out, “..master… master…” “So, is it over?” Hoshiko asked as she lowered her wand. “Not by a long shot. About all that will do is keep him on ice until we can undo the dark magic he used to turn himself into that… thing,” Aerie offered as she walked forward. “Professor…” Aerie knelt next to him and got out a small vial that contained a clear sparkly liquid that emitted clear white light. “A couple of drops should be enough to restore you.” Quirrell looked at her, at the vial, his hand shot out at surprising speed, and he pulled the stopper, and drank the contents. All of it. “Professor no!” Aerie shouted, but it was far too late. A scream of abject agony burst from his lips, light shown from his eyes, then from his whole body. And then he was gone. Well, not entirely. What now lay on the floor was a small baby whose shorts were entirely too big for him. He looked about and started crying. “What was that?” Hoshiko asked. “What did you give him?” “No idea. Something Mrs Silverwood gave me. She warned me to keep it on me, but to only use the smallest amount in the most dire of need.” Kitsumi started laughing. “Do you know what it was?” Neville asked as he kicked off the last of the rope, and got up. “Just a guess, but I’d say it’s from a spring on Skull Island,” Kitsumi offered. “Water from the fountain of youth.” “So who are you, really?” Neville asked. “Are you really immortal, and what is that device?” “Maybe,” Kitsu offered. “I’d just assume not test it,” Hoshiko stated as she put her wand away. “My cousins Hoshiko Tsuki and Kitsumi Silverwood,” Aerie offered. “And, well, I don’t think that we are truly immortal. Taunting him was more like it. We did come prepared. Plan A was to just let him stew down here considering that the last riddle was unsolvable. Dumbledore would presumably swoop in and confront the creature. And it didn’t matter if he won or lost because if he lost the creature would have fled. Plan B was put into action when you and the others decided you could take on a full-grown wizard.” “You did though.” “We’ve received training and were forewarned.” “I am nearly an adult by wizard standards,” Kitsumi offered. “And yes, we were prepared.” “That and our magic is Akkadian in origin. That thing had no defense against such pure magic. You remember how my aura would flair around Quirrell?” “Holly shit! That means…” “Under the turban. That smell of death,” Hoshiko confirmed. “Just one thing, can you be quiet about what just happened?” Kitsumi asked. “Quiet?” “They need to be seen as ordinary students. The credit goes to Dumbledore’s trap,” Kitsumi cautioned. “That thing?” “Well, we got it from an individual named Doctor Strange.” “Moonie, do we have anything to wrap the brat?” Aerie asked. Upstairs and a few minutes prior, Professor McGonagall has gathered together Professors Flitwick, and Sprout, Madam Hooch, and Madam Pomfrey in the great hall. “I’ve sent a runner down to Hogsmeade,” McGonagall offered the group. That runner none other than Aurora who’d been instructed to go to the Hogshead Inn and seek out the Innkeeper who was Dumbledor’s brother. She had of course flown down. “Minerva!” called a man who looked remarkably like Professor Dumbledore save in that he sported a fairly plain brown wizard robe. Beside him trotted a golden-winged unicorn filly with red streaks in her mane. “I sent word to my brother.” “Am I late?” called a black and white winged unicorn as she swooped in. Those gathered watched in amazement as the unicorn transformed into Mrs Silverwood. “Ah, Nova, I see you’ve decided to join us,” Aberforth Dumbledore called. “They’ve switched to plan B I’m afraid.” “Plan B?” McGonagall asked. “Does that mean you expected this to happen?” “Indeed we did,” Aberforth offered as he’d been let in on the goings-on. “Plan A was to let my idiot brother handle it. Plan B was put into place in case anything went wrong. The girls, I am to understand, possess a power that Voldemort can not defend against.” Even as he was saying this a golden fiery ring opened up a portal and a singularly unique individual stepped out. He had a blue tunic on over his dress slacks that looked like its origins were from Tibet and a large red cape with a ridiculously large collar that jutted out and upward, and he’d a rather odd-looking amulet. “Evening,” he offered as his boots stepped down onto the tile floor. “Doctor?” Nova Silverwood asked. “The trap you requested has been sprung. Let us hope it did its job.” “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” McGonagall asked. “This is Doctor Strange,” Nova offered. “Medical Doctor and practitioner of the arts arcane,” He informed them. “What say we get going?” “Indeed,” Aberforth said in agreement. Aurora transformed back into human form. “I’ll take care of the dog.” They hesitated but a moment later, Aurora started first, then Nova Silverwood, Doctor Strange, Aberforth, and McGonagall followed with Professors Flitwick, and Sprout, Madam Hooch, and Madam Pomfrey behind her. Aurora’s singing was more than enough to put the dog to sleep when they arrived at the third-floor corridor. At Professor McGonagall’s bidding, the trap door rose straight up to form a lift, and while it didn’t look like it was big enough they all managed to fit. Down they went stopping just above the Devil’s Snare where a hidden panel in the shaft opened to a stairwell that dropped them safely down into the passage beyond the plant. The keys were no trouble for Madam Hooch given it was she who set it up, the key that unlocked the door went straight to her outstretched hand and the others behaved themselves when the door was opened. Doctor Strange was good enough to dispose of the body of the troll, but when they entered the chamber with the chess board everyone stopped to look on in astonishment. “It took me over a week to set this up,” McGonagall said breaking the silence. “A casualty,” Doctor Strange offered on spotting Ron. He broke from the group to check on him. “Broken arm, and a concussion. The arm has been set and immobilized. The person who set the arm didn’t do anything about the concussion.” “Probably Aerie, she knows a thing or two about first aid. She’d not likely have any way to treat a concussion,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “But, did Vol… You Know Who do this?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Hardly,” Aberforth stated. “If he had this kind of power he’d hardly need the Philosopher’s stone.” “My cousins and daughter unlocked their full potential and combined their power,” Mrs Silverwood informed them. “What?!” Several of the witches gasped out. “It’s harmony magic. When two or more individual’s magic harmonizes with each other while casting the same spell it causes the combined output to magnify exponentially.” “The casters must be of one mind for it to work,” Doctor Strange added. “A difficult thing for most humans. Like ourselves… hello?” He turned to face the far door. Several figures emerged from the door beyond the chessmen. Kitsumi was leading them, and she had a bundle in her arms, Aerie was to her right, Hoshiko her left, and Neville finished the diamond formation while carrying the ghost trap. Behind him walked Hermione. The group was followed by three Night Mares who’d formed a line each still in pony form. The last measure of the Ghost Busters theme drifts in the air. "Who you gonna call?" McGonagall approached them. “Hermione Granger… where you the impetus behind taking on… taking on…” “The leach? But to be honest we thought we were going after Professor Snape.” Neville explained. “Not whatever that thing is.” He was met with shocked silence. He held up the trap by the strap. Noxious vapors were leaking out. “It’s in here. It was wicked. The girls forced him, it, from Professor Quirrell’s body, and then with the help of the Night Mares they pinned it until we could get it in the trap. I pressed the button.” Neville was beaming. He faltered though. “Gran’s going to have a fit.” “You know who is in that little box?” Pomona asked quietly. “He’d become a leach-wraith,” Aerie offered. “He’d attached himself to Professor Quirrell, and was to some extent controlling him.” “The trap is an artifact from another world,” Doctor Strange informed them. “I must confess it was a rather unusual request, but after I looked into possible futures I chose to provide it. It combines magic, of sorts, with technology to create a pocket dimension in which malevolent spirits and their ilk can be enclosed and locked in.” He wasn’t even going to try to explain the science. “Doctor Strange, I presume?” Aerie inquired. “I am. Would you be the Aerie Potter?” “It would seem so. - Neville, if Doctor Strange would indulge me one last time…” “You’d like me to take that trap and put it someplace safe I gather.” “It would be most appreciated. In this dimension would be best as I’m not too sure what would happen…” “You don’t need to worry about that account. The last thing I’d do is dump our problems on someone else’s world.” “But what’s become of Quirinus?” Professor Flitwick asked. “Drank the whole vial, didn’t he?” Mrs Silverwood asked eyeing the bundle. “He did,” Kitsumi replied. “But you probably knew that would happen when you gave it to Aerie.” “I knew the three of you would want to help him if you could.” “I Don’t understand,” McGonagall asked. “I gave Aerie a vial of the waters from the fountain of youth. A few drops revitalize. It can have a rather nasty effect if misused though. One greedy bastard drank himself out of existence. Poof, gone.” “Meet the new and improved Quirinus Quirrel,” Kitsumi announced and pulled back on a corner of the bundled-up blanket she held. “He cried himself to sleep. He’d given his all to his master and nearly died for his trouble.” “A shame he hadn’t placed his devotion in better endeavors. What’s done is done though, and he’s a new start and at that age, he’ll need a nursemaid,” Madam Pomfrey commented. “And a new name I think,” Kitsumi suggested. “Devlin should suit him well. Let’s just go home and we can sort things out in the morning.” “You’ve a mind to sleep in your own bed I gather,” Mrs Silverwood asked. “It’d be nice, and the danger is gone now. Hoshiko, you don’t mind do you?” “I’ll miss having you by my side.” “By your side?” Flitwick asked. “I’m the fox. Kitsu is short for Kitsumi Nova Silverwood. Her mother kind of insisted we have someone watching over her while Voldemort was in the vicinity. A bodyguard. Not like Hoshiko needs a bodyguard from what I’ve seen. I’ve got to learn that fan thing she does.” “I see.” He mulled it over for a bit. “Would it be possible for you to continue? Say, until the end of the school year at the least?” “Filius?” Minerva asked. “If she, Kitsu the fox, were to suddenly vanish the students will talk.” “Well then, if you’ll have me I’ll be back in time for breakfast.” Aerie let out a big yawn. “I’d like to second sorting this out in the morning. We’ve all used up a fair amount of our manna and I’m exhausted.” “And I will just take that trap and be on my way,” Doctor Strange offered as he walked over to Neville. “Doctor, just exactly where are you from?” Madam Hooch asked. “I’m an American. I learned how to use magic in Tibet.” “Oh, Aerie that thing you wanted to know about earlier,” Kitsumi offered as they started to make their way back the way everyone had come. “She’s alright.” “She?” Aerie asked. “It’s complicated,” Mrs Silverwood informed her. “It has to do with why Professors Dumbledore and Snape are away. Kitsu can explain further when we have the details ironed out.” “Snape wasn’t even here?” Hermione asked in astonishment. “I’m not even going to say it,” Aerie said to Hermione. “And you knew, you knew the whole time. Didn’t you?” Hermione’s tone was accusing. “As a matter of fact, I did,” Aerie didn’t want to get into it but her life as Nova Arthol was just screaming out to tell this girl off. “My aura only flared around Quirrell. Which you well knew. We had to use herbal packets to endure his classes. All the signs of possession were there. Sure Snape can be a bit of an ass but that doesn’t automatically make a person guilty of misdeeds. “But you, you based your reasoning not on fact but on your ill feelings toward Professor Snape. And I was indeed privy to certain confidential information that I couldn't share, so yes, I knew. I knew that there was no reason to jump down here. Professor Dumbledore and I may be at odds, but I trusted he had everything in order, and I told you on multiple occasions to leave it alone.” “You came down here. You went in there and confronted… Voldemort. There I said it!” “Yes, Yes I did.” Aerie pointed at Ron who’d been placed on a stretcher. “But I did not come down here to confront Voldemort. That was not my number one goal and that leach is hardly the Dark Lord. I came down here to stop you. I went in there because you sent Neville to confront a full-grown wizard on his own. On his own. By himself with no plan and no one to back him up. What exactly was he supposed to do? “I nearly failed. Quirrell got the drop on me, and on Kitsumi who is older than me, and if not for that fun little trick Hoshiko can do with her fan, things might have gone really bad. Even then, I had backup.” Aerie pointed at the three Night Mares. “What’s more, that artifact that we used to trap the leach, that was already in there. Placed by a specter so that no one would know it was there. I knew what I was doing before I went in there because it had been planned out. I knew what I needed to do. Nothing fancy, just get that leach out of Quirrell, hold it in telekinetic beams, deploy the trap, and activate it.” “Hermione, the stone wasn’t even down there,” Neville informed her. Which was news to everyone there, save Aerie of course. The only one Aerie said anything to was Princess Luna. “The final challenge was unsolvable because there was nothing there but a cake made by Hagrid stuffed inside a spectral mirror.” “A spectral mirror?” Professor McGonagall inquired. “Just out of curiosity, how did Ronald Weasley get hurt?” “He… he sacrificed himself during the game,” Hermione announced, her tone remorseful in that at least. “He sacrificed himself? As in he took the place of one of the pieces?” “We all did.” “Hermione, it was never necessary to take the place of any of the pieces. The game allows for a chess master to call the shots.” Hermione’s eyes widened at the realization. “And you thought you’d be confronting Professor Snape. Is that right?” “Yes, Mam.” “So… you chose to put yourself in danger, and your fellow students in danger, multiple times, never once thinking that you might be in way over your head?” “Aerie came down here.” “Not to confront a full-grown wizard who I might remind you is leagues ahead of you. What were you thinking? No, I suppose you weren’t. Yes, Aerie came down here, but we all know what she is capable of. Just look around you at what the three of them did. Blasted right through some of my best work. And she did it to save you from your own foolishness. Not to confront someone leagues ahead of her. Fifty points for your foolishness. Another fifty from Ron for going along with it.” She took a breath. “And fifty from Neville for not having the sense to say no.” “What about Aerie?” Hermione protested. “Do you seriously want me to take more points from our own house? No, I’m not taking points from her. I do not take points from people who are honestly trying to help others. That and, well, her actions had been planned and sanctioned.” The part about it being sanctioned might not be true, but Professor McGonagall knew that Dumbledore had a knack for getting others to do his bidding while insulating himself in case it goes south. “What you did was grandstanding. Next time try jumping into the lake. That way it will be easier to tell when you are in way over your head. - Now, as suggested, I think it high time we call it a night.” > Chapter 69: Dumbledore realizes he's been marginalized > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Who cleaned up in here?” Hermione asked as they were passing through the troll room. There were still piles off in the corners but the path was clear, and the troll was gone. “We cleared a path when we came through,” Kitsumi informed her. “A common household cleaning spell. Not the troll, Don’t know where he is, just all the other stuff.” “We did not wish to walk through piles of troll dung,” Aerie added. “You took time to clean?” McGonagall asked, curious. “Well, a slip and fall could have cost us more than time. We were trying to stop them before they got to the last room.” “Fair enough I suppose.” Professor McGonagall personally walked Aerie, Hermione, Neville, and Aurora back up to the dorm where she gave a brief synopsis to the dorm prefects and head boy. Professor Flitwick took Hoshiko upstairs and said only that she’d been about Hogwarts' business that had been required of her. Ron would spend the night in the medical wing, and Dumbledore returned just as Madam Hooch was showing Mrs Silverwood, Kitsumi, baby Devlin, and Doctor Strange out the front door. Filch had joined them at the entrance to the third-floor corridor on the group's return. He’d been skulking about in hopes of finding students out of bed and had completely missed out on the adventure into the bowels of the school and was presently hanging back some distance away. “Hang on, who are you?” Dumbledore asked Doctor Strange. “And what is that?” “That,” he held up the trap. “Is the former Lord Voldemort. The crisis has been managed.” “Everything worked out,” Mrs Silverwood informed him. “And I must commend you on setting a trap with no bait. Brilliant.” She didn’t really believe it had been Dumbledore who’d thought to make sure the stone never made its way to that trap. “Ron will be spending the night in the hospital wing,” Madam Hooch offered. “This Gentleman is Doctor Strange. The person who provided the trap.” “Trap?” Snape asked. He’d been right next to Dumbledore. “As you are undoubtedly aware, Hermione, Ron, and Neville breached the third-floor corridor.” “Aerie suspected they might so we put together our own plan just in case they did,” Mrs Silverwood informed him. “We didn’t want to step on your toes, but everything happened so quickly. The girls, Aerie, Hoshiko, and Kitsumi went down after them and with the help of our Night Mares confronted Lord Voldemort.” “Indeed. And I can’t help but notice you aren’t shying away from saying Voldemort.” “Ah, that pesky spell,” Doctor Strange mused as he held the trap up. “He’s right here. He’s welcome to eavesdrop all he wants.” Snape actually laughed. He recovered himself quickly enough. “Professor, that other matter?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Concerning Draco.” “Ah, not good I’m afraid. Lucius Malfoy… as far as he is concerned the boy is dead and he’ll not recognize a girl as his. I swear that man is as cold as ice.” "Draco's father... her father, was... disturbingly cold on the matter," Snape added. “Reminds me of the Le Strange family,” Mrs Silverwood remarked. Theirs was a family that would cast out any girls born into the family. "I informed Lucius that Hagrid was suspended," Dumbledore added, but he didn't seem to care until I informed him that in the future Hagrid would not be trusted with young students." "He was upset that he no longer has a male heir," Snape informed them. "I tried to remind him that he could adopt the boy young Malfoy marries, and he wouldn't hear it." "About what she expected, I'm afraid," Mrs Silverwood replied and turned as to go. "And I dare say she may well be better off for it." “Just one more thing before you go… were you perhaps babysitting?” Dumbledore couldn't help but notice the babe. “That’s Professor Quirrel,” Madam Hooch informed him. “And we are in need of a new DADA teacher.” “That… that’s Quirinus?” “I’d given Aerie a vial of the water from the Fountain of Youth to use to revive him once he’d been freed from the wraith. He was only supposed to get a few drops. He drank the whole vial.” “I’d heard rumors that the fountain was real.” “No.” “I wasn’t going to ask.” “Professor Quirrel is lucky. He’s going to get a brand new start as Devlin, last name yet to be determined, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to hand him over to his family just to see him follow the same path all over again. The thing is, regarding the water, those who drink of the well don’t always remain human.” “Well, there is still the stone… if I can remember where I put it.” “Professor, if you would amuse me, what color was that stone?” “It’s red. Why do you ask.” “Philosopher’s stones, AKA Sorcerer’s stones are a light sky blue. Not red. I’ve seen Nicolas Flamel, he’s not exactly brimming with vitality. Given the stone you have is red, I suspect that it’s a Blood Stone. It’ll do much of what a sorcerer's stone will do, make gold and grant the user years unnumbered so long as the stone lasts, but it doesn’t grant youth and vitality which are the hallmarks of a true stone.” “She’s not wrong,” Doctor Strange offered. He then made a gesture with his free hand, and a golden portal opened up, he stepped through, the portal closed, and he was gone. The two wizards looked on in dismay, their minds trying to make sense of what they’d just witnessed. “That’s how he arrived,” Madam Pomfrey informed the two. “He follows the Tibetan School and is a Sorcerer. Not a wizard. Apparently, the wards don’t stop him.” “His portal spell mimics that of the Phoenix,” Mrs Silverwood informed them. “Ah, I see,” Dumbledore responded, his wits returning to him. “So, what were you planning on doing with…” “Devlin?” Mrs Silverwood asked. “Take him home for now. He needs a wet nurse and I know just the pony.” “Pony?” Snape asked. “Milk is milk when one is in need and our ponies are all Akkadian and compatible with humans. If the truth ever gets out, I doubt there’d be a witch who’d want him save the most petty climbers.” “Might be best to tell the world he died then,” Dumbledore mused. “Dare we say he fought Voldemort?” “Might be best to leave that name out of it. Just say he was defending the students from a creature that had made its way through the wards. Or you could tell the truth, that he’d been possessed and the leach finally driven from his body.” “And say nothing about the student’s involvement,” Snape suggested. “Agreed. I’m in enough hot water as is without people finding out about children fighting my battles for me.” “Oh, they were never alone,” offered a Moonie as she ambled up, still in pony form. “At least, not ours.” “It’s late so we’ll bid you a good night,” Mrs Silverwood offered, she, Kitsumi with Devlin, and one amused Moonie walked out through the door. “Professor, the stone, if it’s not in the Mirror of Erisid, where is it?” Snape was fairly sure Dumbledore had indeed placed it in the mirror with the cleverest spell he could think of that would ensure it could only be retrieved by someone who wished to protect it. “Perhaps they were mistaken. What say we go have a look.” “What… happened here?” Snape asked as they entered the Chess chamber. “It would appear that someone didn’t want to take the time to play the game.” Dumbledore’s voice was soft as he slowly walked through the room. Many of the chessmen only had feet and legs remaining. Some only had feet. Stone bits and body parts were strewn everywhere and of the figures still capable of standing, every last one was on one knee if they had one, and bowing to the passersby. The two men passed through the room with the potions and into the room with the mirror. Which was back. Yes, the mirror was back. Dumbledore walked up to the mirror and looked in to see none other than Gellert Grindelwald in his prime, laying prone with his back to Dumbledore, and nothing on. He turned to look at Albus, winked, brought up a hand that held the philosopher's stone, and began rubbing his body with it. Ever so slowly, ever so- And then he was gone. The whole mirror was gone “Whoa, whoa, whoa happened?! Where’s the mirror?!” “It was an illusion.” “I don’t care, put it back!” “I can’t, I broke the enchantment.” “Can’t?” “The mirror is gone. If it was ever there.” “But that means the stone is gone too.” “I’m not so sure you ever had it,” Snape walked forward, reached down, and picked up the cake. “Seems the only thing in here is one of Hagrid’s cakes.” “Hagrid?” “More likely the Night Mare.” “But why? And what became of the mirror?” “If it was indeed a bloodstone, as the evidence suggests, the Night Mare might want to destroy it.” “But taking a whole mirror?” “Given the nature of the Night Mare and the fact that she has latched onto Aerie, she as likely swapped the stone for the cake at Gringotts. Illusions are a trait of a Night Mare.” “Which begs the question, where is it and what became of the mirror? I think I’ll go pay Neville a visit before I turn in. Might help me sort things out. At least so far as tonight's activities.” Dumbledore met up with McGonagall on her way down, and back up they went. Neville was so groggy by this point he agreed to give Dumbledore a copy of his memories of that evening's adventure without really understanding what was being asked of him. McGonagall woke Hermione and brought her down to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione was a bit confused as well as she’d thought Aberforth had been Dumbledore. She too relented. Dumbledore did not ask Aerie or Aurora to come down as he knew that they’d not relent so readily. From there he went to check on Ron. Seeing the house count down a hundred and fifty points the next morning was disheartening and Slytherin was all set to jeer at them until the morning paper came in. Lucius Malfoy declares son dead. By noon the rumors were running rampant both concerning what had happened in the forest and in the school the night before. The fact that the DADA class was canceled for the remainder of the year didn’t help. Not that anyone was going to miss the DADA teacher. That afternoon Aerie was asked by Dumbledore to come up to his office. Aerie went up the spiral staircase and knocked on the door. She stepped back as the door swung open. The action of her knocking caused the door to swing in, and the sound of a music box chiming out a tune that might have been hot in the late seventeen hundreds drifted out through the open door. “Come on in,” Dumbledore called. Aerie pushed the door the rest of the way and entered. The room had a high ceiling with three levels of books. Around the bottom level were arranged various furnishings containing many odd and wondrous things. The desk was at the far end, next to which was a stand for a bird. Behind the desk was a door to Dumbledore’s private chambers. As for Dumbledore, he was up on the catwalk that provided access to the third level of books. “Didn’t you have a phoenix?” “Out playing with Mrs Silverwood’s bird I’d imagine,” he suggested as he flipped through a large tome he’d pulled from the shelf. He stopped flipping pages and read through a paragraph. “Seems I still have a lot to learn.” “Your personal collection?” “The Headmaster’s Collection.” He turned to face Aerie, his finger on a passage. “Right here it confirms what I was told last night. And I must confess it never occurred to me to challenge anything Nicholas Flamel told me.” “About the stone, I gather?” “About the stone. You knew?” “Did I tell you about retrieving Helga Hufflepuff’s cup?” “I do recall you mentioning it.” “Perhaps I mentioned that it was the second darkest thing in the vaults? I sent my Moonie to fetch what I assumed would be the darkest thing there thinking it would be the cup and she brought me the stone. I knew that Quirrell would attempt to take it by brute force and that if everything played out the way I expected them to, Hagrid would be the next to hold that package. At the same time, I had it, and why take chances so I replaced it with a fake. Hagrid would never know.” “I see. But that’s not what is in the chamber.” “Obviously Hagrid would never know, but you would. The first illusion had no heft to it so I switched packages on him during our wild ride below the bank. Moonie wrapped a convincing illusion around the package with the cake in it. That way what he would hand you would have some heft to it, and you'd have no reason to question it. So long as you never questioned what you saw you’d believe it was real and as long as you believed, Voldemort would believe it. Everything would continue as predicted.” “I see. At the same time, you eliminated the possibility of Voldemort getting the stone. - You, you’re not shying away from using the word.” “Tom Riddle stopped being anything related to humans a long time ago. He’d become a creature, a leach best known by the name he fashioned for himself. That and he can’t listen in right now, or so I suspect. And even if he can, he can’t do anything.” “True enough I’d imagine. It says here that a bloodstone is made by capturing the life essence of living beings. Human lives produce the best stones. It can then be used to create gold and the elixir of life. But it’s not a true elixir because it grants years but not vitality, nor can it grant immortality. But you already knew, didn’t you?” “The curious thing about the stone is that the muggles know everything about it. That it was allegedly made by Nicholas Flamel, and that he produced it during a time of war in Europe. It’s also known as the Chintamani Stone in the Far East and is heavily associated with the Buddha. In Japan, such stones are known as a Hōjo-no-Tama. Legend has it that there are quite a few. These stones are also connected to virtue. No specific virtue that I could ascertain, just virtue, as in all the good virtues rolled into one.” “And a bloodstone seems to be all the bad virtues rolled into one. Do you still have it, by chance?” “I suppose you are going to want it back.” “I need to talk to Nicholas, but I’m thinking the best thing to do is to destroy it now that I better understand what it is.” “Based on what I know about bloodstones, and no, the knowledge isn’t restricted, just the how-to is, the stone might have bought Riddle more time but it wouldn't have solved his problem. About all it would have done is eliminate his need for unicorn blood. I doubt that a true stone would have helped him either. - here we go.” Aerie produced a small silver casket, like a jewelry box, from her purse. “It’s in this. It’s a silver box. The silver disrupts, and blocks the magical aura of the stone making it safe to carry and undetectable.” “Do you mean to say you’ve had it all this time? What if someone had gotten a hold of your purse?” “It’s enchanted. I’m the only one who can retrieve anything from it.” “And to think that it was under his nose the whole time.” “All part of your plan, was it not?” Aerie offered with a hopeful smile. “Think about it, Neither Quirrell nor Riddle could get near me.” “I take the credit you mean and you go about your business like you were just an ordinary girl who got caught up in my mess.” “There are still other Horcruxes out there.” “There’s more than the ring then.” “At least one more, and so long as he’s in that trap… to be honest I’m not entirely sure what will happen if a Horcrux were to possess someone. According to the predictions I’m working on, one will show up at school next year. Originally it would have been the first to be found and destroyed. The primary events that I needed to be concerned with this year have happened more or less as predicted. You would set a trap for Voldemort, and that I was in part bait. In the end, Voldemort fails. In that version, Riddle gets away, and Potter ends up in the hospital.” “Sorry, it had to be that way. Using you as bait that is.” “I knew right from the start though. Well, to be technical I learned what I’d be in for at the Zoo last summer. Part of why I want nothing further to do with the Dursleys. I went into this forewarned and with plenty of support and there really was no need to keep me at the Dursleys. Riddle, AKA Voldemort failed as predicted, but I wanted more than just his defeat. I put out inquiries, we devised a contingency plan, got that trap, and with a bit of luck the Dark Lord will never rise again.” “But the prophecy?” “Does the prophesy say anything about the Dark Lord rising again?” “Like most prophesies it’s a bit vague, and you were supposed to be a boy.” “I was the one marked though. The prophesy has been fulfilled and I doubt the prophesy actually cares. Are you absolutely certain it wasn’t you who wanted a boy hero? Neville was the one who pushed the button. Even so, there does seem to have been quite a large market built up around Harry Potter.” Aerie walked over to Dumbledore’s desk while he pondered what she’d said and put the silver casket down. “Professor, something tells me you didn’t ask me up here so I could give back the stone.” “Well, I was trying to piece together the events from last night. It hadn’t occurred to me that you’d had the stone. I got memories from Hermione, Neville, and Ron, and I was wondering…” “I’d rather not. My memories are my own, and for myself only, if that’s not too much of an imposition. I will tell you what I can when I can. In fact, I may have already told you too much in regard to what I expect to happen next year. I’ll trust you not to say anything regarding Horcruxes to anyone just yet less you tip off my person of interest.” “I’ll keep that in mind. I was wondering how you managed to see through Professor Snape’s illusion?” “Do you mean besides the fact that we blundered right into the fire when it erupted? It was kind of obvious the fire wasn’t real at that point. Actual fire, even magical fire requires fuel. An illusion can function on the ambient magic in the location it’s set up in, or provided with some meager source of magic to sustain the spell. If it was indeed real fire why even provide a way to get through it? The intruder could potentially be trapped right there. The potion bottles and the logic puzzle served only as a distraction.” “Yes, of course, having blundered into the fire the rest of Professor Snape’s challenge fell apart. Question, can I assume the destruction of the chess board was you?” “Professor, Kitsumi, and Hoshiko are also capable of a considerable amount of power themselves equal even to my own. They both possess that fire that protected me. The three of us used a short manna dump which caused a cascading catastrophic failure of the spell. We were in a hurry.” “Impressive, and understandable. And going in?” “We’d planned it out that way. Hoshiko’s talent with a fan proved useful and may well have been the most important part of the plan. We knew that Voldemort would want to escape. He’d stick with Professor Quirrell for a while but abandon him once he realized he’d nothing to gain by staying. Hoshiko gave us the time we needed to spread out and what we used was an Akkadian telekinetic spell similar to the levitation charm. Nothing fancy, just hold the line. The Night Mares jumped in to help us hold him in position.” “Just one more thing… any idea what became of my mirror?” “You mean Princess Celestia’s mirror.” “Princess Celestia? My dear, she passed away centuries ago.” “She’s Nova Silverwood’s Aunt. And very much alive. Just one of many guests to pay us a visit during the winter break. She is as close to being truly immortal as any being ever was. The Mirror is a portal. Like Professor Snape’s potions the feature that shows a person their greatest desire was nothing more than a distraction. I’m sorry Professor, but the mirror was one of my tasks and it is now in the care of a Priestess of Akkadia. You see, Prometheus was concerned that should Riddle learn the mirror's true function…” “My failure would have been complete,” Dumbledore said softly as he slumped to his knees. The book he had in hand dropped and was caught a moment later by Aerie. “I actually failed in my endeavor, so the Night Mare took care of it for me, and provided you with a very convincing illusion. Sorry about that but it had to be done. We couldn't take the chance that he’d gain that ability.” a moment of silence fell between the two. “Malfoy was a huge mistake on my part. I should never have just assumed he’d be alright.” “Oh, don’t blame yourself, that blame falls squarely on Hagrid for all but running him over, treating him like a sack of potatoes, and then dumping him in that damned bush.” “Kitsumi told me what happened. - I’m a little worried that there may have been too many variations from what was supposed to happen. Hermione should have been out there too but I covered for her to keep her safe.” “And Neville. She told me all about it.” “Originally it would have been Hermione and myself with Neville getting caught trying to warn us about Draco. Our Neville is a little more sensible and considerably more daring than the one in my source material. As for Hermione... One of these days I hope she learns that there is a time to tell the truth and a time to keep your mouth shut.” “Hear, hear. So what do we tell the general public?” He looked up to see her standing right in front of him. On a cloud. She was standing on a cloud. “Only that Professor Quirrel had been possessed by a malevolent spirit, is recovering in seclusion, and that our unique heritage made us the ideal foil to rid the school of the thing. The fire. That’s if you wish to tell them we had anything to do with it at all.” “I had thought as much myself. Admitting that the creature had been Voldemort would not be good for the school’s reputation… how are you doing that?” “It’s Pegasus magic. Akkadian in origin. I can interact with ghosts too.” “Your source material?” “Accounts from another dimension. That’s where my information comes from. In that account, you fail to tell anyone the information they need to defeat Voldemort, martyr yourself needlessly, and Potter finds all but one Horcrux. It’s Neville who destroys the last one but only after hundreds of deaths. To tell you the truth, our Neville is much more capable, and yet… if I can save him from having to witness the death of his friends I will.” “Are we sure it’s a wise thing to change events?” “Not the same timeline. We’ve two more Horcrux by my recollection, maybe three. Voldemort is stuck in a ghost trap and isn’t likely to be freed any time soon. The Horcrux I expect will show up next year was planned out years ahead of time and the individual who has it has plenty of motivation to be rid of it. That and I suspect those little bits of Voldemort are capable of controlling people’s actions. That peace of his soul wants to live again.” “Meanwhile his followers in hiding might try to free the wraith in the box.” “Those who aren’t dead or imprisoned will have to go up against one of the most formidable masters of magic in our time. The man battles demons. That’s why I asked him for his aid.” “Is he really that good, do you think?” “Right off hand, I’d say he’s on my level in regards to raw power and knows a whole lot more about magic than both of us combined.” She smiled at him and offered up the book he’d dropped. “Not someone to be trifled with.” > Chapter 70: Quidditch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time everyone went down to dinner nearly everyone had heard Neville’s version of the events and a lot of people were wondering if they were going to get a statement from Professor Dumbledore. There had even been a big article in the papers that matched Neville’s telling. All talk silenced when Professor Dumbledore stepped up to address the student body. “I’ve just a few things to cover before we begin.” Dumbledore paused as he looked out over the student body to assess their mood. “First off, regarding Draco Malfoy. It is with regret that I must announce that young Mister Malfoy did not make it out of the forest due in part to our groundskeeper's negligence. As such, Hagrid has been suspended for the remainder of the year. He will be returning next year but will be on conditional probation. As to why I haven’t outright fired him considering that he also shot Miss Potter that night…” He had to stop and take a breath. “I am partly to blame. Hagrid is a wonderful ally to have in a fight but it seems I overestimated his judgment when it comes to looking after our younger students. “Professor Quirrell will not be returning, and it would be fair to say that he is no longer with us either.” Dumbledore had to wait for a flurry of murmurs. As for Aerie, she sat quietly, begrudgingly admiring how the man was announcing the two losses. Not once had he said that either party was dead, and yet that is exactly what people were going to think. “I’ve no doubt that many of you were suspicious, even concerned for Professor Quirrel given his rapidly decreasing state of health. The truth is he’d been possessed by a Leach Wraith.” shock echoed throughout the hall. “Let me assure you that so long as it was attached to him, none of you were in any danger. “We were actively looking for a way to deal with the problem, which would not result in any of you ending up as collateral damage. “Last night the issue came to a head, and unfortunately drew in three students who were out of dorm after curfew.” Guessing which house wasn’t difficult. Ron having his arm in a sling had more than a few eyes turning his way. “Mr Ronald Weasley, given your present physical condition, and the fact that we expect you will be receiving a Howler shortly after your mother gets my owl, you will not have to do detention. You will buckle down on your studies and do your damnedest on your tests. Do a good enough job and you might just make back the points you’ve lost. “Hermione Granger. You will need to see Professor McGonagall after dinner. Furthermore, you will see to it that Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom pass with as high a score as possible for them. “Before I go on I want you all to know that the Leach was contained. The creature had been driving Quirinus to go into the forest to kill Unicorns. Because of these incursions, the Silverwood community began working with us. “Two individuals here in our student body, because of their unique ability, were instrumental in containing the creature. You see, the creature underestimated them because they were first-year students.” And now he had to pause for a spout of incredulous chatter. “Oh, but you see, the plan was quite simple, they were supported by Mrs Silverwood’s daughter Kitsumi, and all they had to do was first block escape, wait for it to abandon Professor Quirrell, and hold it in place once it was free. “Three Night Mares came in at that point to lend in holding it in place and it was Mr Neville Longbottom who sprung the trap. Even though he wasn’t supposed to be where he was, his presence was instrumental in trapping the creature. “To Mr Longbottom, I award fifty points.” Cheering erupted throughout the school and Professor Dumbledore had to wait once more. “To Hoshiko Tsuki, for her heroic action and incredible ability to volley spells back at the caster with a fan, I award fifty points.” And now it was the Ravenclaw students who cheered the loudest. “And finally for her heroic actions, I award fifty points to Aerie Potter.” Professor Dumbledore had just handed out a hundred and fifty points, but fifty had gone to Ravenclaw. Hermione knew that it was her fifty that had not been restored. What’s more, is that Ravenclaw was now in the lead. Well, better than Slytherin getting it. “Alright, alright,” Dumbledore called over the din. He had his hand outstretched as if he intended to give a benediction prayer. He lowered his hands once he’d everyone’s attention once more. “Finals are next week, you will have DADA questions mixed in with your tests so don’t slack off studying. And then we will have the final Quidditch match. Gryffindor is in striking distance of the Quidditch Cup but can they make up their loss and get the House Cup? Looks like it could go to any of the houses at this point. All depends on how you do on your tests.” “Wily old goat,” Aerie said just quietly enough that only those closest to her could hear. “He’s dangling the carrot all right,” Finnigan replied with a smirk. “We’d never have been able to make up a hundred and fifty points, but fifty… I’d say that’s achievable.” “Aerie, if you can fight leach wraiths, surely you can put in some practice?” Wood beseeched. “Sorry, I haven't been cleared to fly yet. Didn’t do any broom riding last night, just a bit of wand work. And to tell you the truth, I thought I might be toast at one point, and then Hoshiko comes in and it’s game back on.” Both Aerie and Neville were now thrilled to recount their adventures. Just so long as Aerie remembered to omit certain details. After all, thanks to Dumbledore it was going to be in all the papers now.” “But I don’t get it, how is it the three of you could face something like that when you are only first-year students?” Alicia Spinet asked. “It’s that fire,” Neville answered. “All three of them, Aerie, Hoshiko, and Kitsumi, their auras were so hot they looked like they were on fire. It’s kind of like how I imagine Veela auras might look only it filled me with hope and courage like I’d never felt before. I knew I was in mortal danger, and yet I wasn’t afraid. Somehow I just knew that we were going to win.” “I was glowing?” Aerie hadn’t been aware that she had been. Or that Hoshiko or Kitsumi had been. Sure, she and Kitsu had used their fire to burn off the rope binding them, but she’d dropped the fire. At least she thought she had. “Ya, kind of made me think of Valkyries.” “No,” Aurora scolded Aerie on seeing the wicked smile on her face. “No?” Aerie pleaded playfully. “OK, I think I missed something?” Hermione asked. She too had been caught up in the retelling. Even if she was a little chagrin about not seeing through Snape’s illusion. “She wants her own version of Thor’s hammer,” Aurora explained. The people who heard weren’t too sure if she was joking or not, but they laughed anyway. Aerie felt as though a weight had been lifted from her. Quirrell was gone, Riddle, AKA Voldemort, had suffered a major defeat, and for a brief time, she could abandon herself to her studies without having to worry about anything. At least not until next year. The papers were full of stories about what they’d achieved and all was right with the world. At least for a little while. Ron did get his howler. A red envelope yelled at him with his mother’s voice followed by exploding. When the written exams started everyone was provided with brand new quills. Allegedly charmed to prevent cheating. Aerie wasn’t entirely sure that there was a spell or charm of any kind on the quills. She also found the tests to be really easy. A couple of times she had questions that she knew what the desired answer was but felt that the approach wasn’t quite right and would add some notes about her misgivings. Professor Flitwick had them make a pineapple tap dance. Aerie thought it was a rather odd thing to do, especially if one knew the history of tap dance and of pineapples. And yet, she couldn't help but ham it up by challenging the pineapple to a dance-off. “Aerie?” Professor McGonagall asked as she inspected the snuff box that had been a mouse just moments before. The box had idyllic scenes of Equestria done in mother of pearl on the sides, the top, and bordered in gold leaf with intricate patterns etched into it. “Professor?” Aerie asked. She was of course oblivious to the fact that she should not have been able to conjure gold. “This looks like you did gold borders, and yet that shouldn't be possible? At least, not without a philosopher's stone.” “What? Oh, um… it’s all in how the light refracts off the material. Not really gold. Can’t conjure up gold, now can we?” “A trick of the light then… it’s pretty good. Top marks for this exquisite little box.” Later on, Aurora had to remind her that the small blue stone in her pendant may well be a “wish-fulfilling stone” and to be careful what she conjures up. Professor Snape assigned them a Forgetfulness potion, and Madam Sprout had them re-potting plants as their practical exam. Astronomy and history had been written exams with no practical exam and their Introduction to Magic exam had been the easiest of them all. Broom riding finals might just as well be playing for Aerie and Aurora who soon found themselves being joined by a flock of pegasi foals. Aurora abandoned her broom about halfway through the final and transformed herself to better play with the foals. “Aren’t you going to join them?” Madam Hooch asked Aerie. “We all saw your wings at the last quidditch game. You can transform too, can’t you?” “Truth?” “The truth does help.” “Well, I can, but my markings are indistinguishable from a couple of ponies that have been flying about.” “I see. So what you are saying is you wouldn't want someone to see them and make the assumption that it was you who was flying back and forth to Hagrid’s hut.” “Ahh…” “Black and white pegasi are extremely rare and when a trio show up that have the same markings as Mrs Silverwood, I just assumed that they were somehow related. As you are.” “Alright, you got me. I was one of those ponies. I’d just assume the entire school did not find out. Some of them had a hard enough time just coming to grips with my being a girl. I’ll just have to stretch my wings later… Scootaloo? Oh for… sorry, I need to go have words with a filly.” “Yours?” “Aurora and I are responsible for her care. Flora looks after her while we are at school.” And with that Aerie left Madam Hooch quietly chuckling to herself. Aerie on the other hand was secretly hoping that Scootaloo was the only foal from Equestria. Finally, the weekend was upon them and that meant Quidditch. “Aerie, please tell me you are up to this game.” Wood requested from inside the locker room. “Hoshiko has an electric guitar. When did she get an electric guitar?” Aerie asked from the doorway of the locker room. Hoshiko was using amplification spells on the guitar and her voice. Someone else in the stand had a keyboard, and yes, there were drums along with a couple of other guitars. The words were in Japanese of which Aerie could only catch a few, and every so often the refrain Heroine came in loud and clear. “Aerie?” “She’s got a red Mustang.” “You mean the guitar? Never mind about the guitar. You need to get your head in the game. If we win… when we win the Quidditch cup is ours. For the first time in years, it's within our grasp. Even the house cup is in our grasp. A flair went up from a wand signaling the teams to march out and line up. Aerie grabbed her broom pushed off, stood up on it, and rode out like she was surfing, her arms out and up. “She’s full of confidence today!” Lee Jordan called out as he began announcing the game. Over in the Gryffindor stands they’d begun to stomp out a rhythm, bump, bump, boom, bump, bump, boom while clapping in sync with the boom. Aurora using the same charm on her voice started singing, “Budy your a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday, you’ve got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place! Sing it! “We will, we will rock you!” The Gryffindors sang out. “We will, we will rock you!” Aurora continued into the song, the stands doing the chorus, but when it came time for the guitar solo it was Hoshiko who took up the call with both stands clapping to the rhythm. Madam Hooch blew her whistle as the teams lined up. Aerie stood up her broom while shifting her feet to the footrests and just let the broom slide into place with one hand on it. With her free hand, she reached out to the older boy who was her counterpart. A second-year boy, strong but lean. The stands were dead silent as the teams reached out hands and shook each other’s hands. Laughter erupted when Aerie went up and down with the handshake. Up in the stands, the Ravenclaw band started playing Fortunate Son. “Don’t they know that’s just going to amp me up too?” Aerie asked as she released the grip of the boy in front of her. Madam Hooch went through her usual bit about playing a clean game, opened the chest containing the ball, and gave it a kick which sent the snitch and the bludgers shooting heavenward. “This is it, the most important game of the year, winner take all…” Lee Jordan was saying as he gave his run-up to the start of play. Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and tossed it up good and high starting the game. Aerie immediately willed her broom straight up freeing herself from the scramble happening below her. “And Ravenclaw has the quaffle…” Lee Jordan called out as the players raced for the Gryffindor goal hoops. “Where did the instruments come from?” Aurora called to her classmates, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor bands were engaging in their very own battle of the bands. “Muggle studies class!” came the answer. High overhead Aerie was swaying back and forth to the music. “Oliver Wood has successfully fended the goal, Katie Bell has the quaffle now, she passes it to Alicia Spinnet, back to Katie, now Angelina… The band is playing Mister Blue Sky, and Aerie had added the occasional spin to dance. Her sudden speeding up and going into a loop caused the Ravenclaw seeker considerable distress. “..and Ravenclaw has the quaffle…” “Professor…” McGonagall asked Dumbledore, “Aerie… what’s she doing?” “Looks like she’s dancing.” Aerie looked very much like she’d forgotten all about the game, and even her broom. She still had one hand on the broom but was presently dancing on mist that looked like it was emanating from her feet. “Ravenclaw scores! Gryffindor had the quaffle, but I can’t help but think Potter’s dancing distracted him.” “Aerrie! What are you doing?!” Wood shouted. He’d no chance of being heard. As for Aerie, she’d just done a slide across the sky. “Angelina takes the shot, Goal!” “Fat-bottomed girls you make the wizard world go round…” sang the bands. “Ravenclaw is making another push – and a well-timed bludger by Fred Weasly breaks their formation… Alicia snatches the Quaffle! Hoshiko began cranking out a fast guitar solo, the bands started in on the growl of Thunderstruck. “No, no, no…” Aurora said softly on realizing the drums were getting bass support from the heavens. “Was that thunder?” Hermione asked in alarm. Aerie was motionless. “Um… guys, that might not be a good idea…” Aurora called as the drums began a familiar beat. “Guys!” “Why, what’s wrong?” Ron asked. “Ahhhhhh ahhhhh Aahhhhhh…” sang the guys in the band. “It’s Immigrant song. It does… things to… Oh shit.” A thunderbolt came crashing down out of the sky even as Aerie let herself drop. She pitched over diving straight down… ..and became one with the electrical charge. Suddenly she and the lightning changed course racing across the pitch, turning, racing, turning, back and forth, zigzagging at incredible speed. Inhuman speed. Snitch speed. The snitch was right in front of her, desperately going this way and that according to its matrix with Aerie matching it turn for turn. And then it was over. Aerie was on the ground, one knee in the turf, one back foot firmly planted, her left hand held her broom which was flat against the earth, one hand tucked in, electric arches dancing about her, the turf scorched. Everything had stopped. Even the quidditch players had stopped, everyone there collectively holding their breath. Aerie slowly held aloft the snitch, head held down. “You were saying something about the song?” One of the band members asked softly. “Never mind.” It may have taken up to a minute for people’s brains to catch up to the fact that Aerie was holding up the snitch. The cheer started out as individuals and slowly lifted into a standing ovation like none had ever seen. And Dumbledore, sat in his seat, his mind racing, the snack he’d had in his hand dropped and forgotten. The first person down to her was Nova Silverwood. She’d flown down in pony form and transformed as she landed. “You just had to do it, didn’t you? You just had to dial it up to god mode in front of the mortals.” “I think I pulled something. A little help?” Mrs Silverwood laughed, reached down, and helped Aerie straighten herself out and stand up. “Serves you right. Probably a good thing that using divine powers to play Quidditch isn’t against the rules. Although… I half expect them to add it.” “I’ll worry about that when the time comes.” Aerie began walking across the pitch at a slow leisurely pace. “Any chance Dumbledore will leave me alone and let me enjoy my summer?” “I suspect he’s in too much trouble with far too many people to risk it.” “Aerie! What was that?!” The twins shouted as they landed and dropped their brooms. A moment later they hoisted her up onto their shoulders. “Gently, I pulled a muscle,” Aerie protested. Every jostle was painful, and it showed on her face to the point that the boys were immediately cornered by the girls. When Madam Pomfrey saw the pained look on Aerie’s face she came to the understandable conclusion that one of Aerie’s magically stitched puncture wounds had come undone and insisted on putting her on a stretcher and rushing her to the medical wing. “It’s just a strained muscle!” Aerie protested to no avail. And thus it was that she ended up in the medical wing during the party following the end of the Quidditch game. > Chapter 71: Going home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You ready for the End-of-year feast?” Aurora asked Aerie. Madam Pomfrey was just finishing up a health check on Aerie who was patiently waiting on an examination bed. “Madam Pomfrey?” “Considering I can’t find anything wrong with you you can go.” “Thank you,” Aerie offered excitedly, waited a moment for her to move out of the way, and hopped off the bed. She took Aurora by the arm and the two made their way out the door and down the hall. “The scores are out,” Aurora offered. “Well I should hope so considering our scores translate into house points it would be silly to wait until we are about to go home to let us know. Any chance we won the house cup too?” “Trailing behind Slytherin, I’m afraid.” “I thought Ravenclaw had it?” “Both our houses managed to push past. Let’s just say that Ravenclaw students are a little weak when it comes to the practical tests.” “Know the book by heart, can’t apply it, is that it?” “Pretty much.” “Hoshiko?” “Top marks across the board.” “Good.” As the two entered the dining hall a hush fell over the room, all eyes turning towards the two girls. “Word got out that they trusted me to fly down to Hogsmeade to fetch Mr Dumbledore,” Aurora whispered. “Any idea how they found out?” “Seventh-years are allowed to go into Hogsmeade when they’ve finished their tests.” “That’ll do it.” “Pretty much everyone has made the connection to the wraith and Voldemort as well.” “And my little display at the Quidditch game likely didn’t help.” “There is talk about whether or not you should be allowed to continue as the seeker, or allowed to play Quidditch at all.” “A fair enough response, I guess. Nice while it lasted though.” The two made their way to their places ignoring the whispering as they passed, sat down, and waited. “I noticed the house banners aren’t up yet,” Aerie observed. “Professor Dumbledore likes to hand out points right before the start of the end-of-year feast. Putting them up only to pull them down would be kind of mean-spirited and adds to the suspense.” Idda offered. “I see… does that mean we still have a chance?” “It very well could. One never knows. It’s all part of the anticipation.” The room grew quiet once more, this time with anticipation as Dumbledore and the faculty members who sat at the table entered the room. Everyone took their seats save for Dumbledore who stepped up to the podium. “Another year gone!” he all but shouted in a cheerful voice. “And it seems we’ve all made it… Well, almost all. “I’ve no doubt if Draco Malfoy was here I’d be hearing him boasting about how Slytherin won the house cup. Trust me, we can hear a good deal of what is said at the tables.” He had a mischievous smile on his face, quite possibly due to a look of dismay and horror on the faces of quite a few. “Now, before we begin I ask you to indulge this old man with his wheezing and waffle before we sink our teeth into the delicious feast that awaits us. “What a year it has been! And hopefully, your heads are a little fuller than they were when you started. Be sure to do your Summer assignments and make sure you review them before coming back next year. After all, we all know how the lack of study causes our heads to empty of everything we’ve learned. And that it can be far too easy to make mistakes when we don’t step back and look at the big picture. Something I was recently reminded of. “Percy Weasley, we will be in need of a new Prefect for the Gryffindor boys’ dorm. Would you like another go at it?” “Sir? Yes sir! Very Much sir. Thank you, sir.” He’d bolted upright causing his chair to pitch over. “Be sure and put your badge back on before you head home. Now, I understand that you all are waiting to find out who the House Cup is going to be awarded to. As it stands, Hufflepuff is sitting at three hundred and seventeen points. Ravenclaw presently has three-hundred and seventy-two, Gryffindor has four-hundred-twenty-six, and Slytherin has a reasonably comfortable four-hundred-seventy-two.” The tension in the room was palpable. “Ah, yes, you are all wondering if I might possibly hand out enough last-minute points to dislodge you from the top, isn’t it?” He smiled a mischievous smile. “Miss Kitsumi Silverwood, do please pull up a seat so that you can enjoy this meal with the rest of us. I can’t award you any house points for the service you did for us but as you have been under the Ravenclaw roof I will award Ravenclaw fifty house points.” Ravenclaw erupted into applause as a striking young woman dressed in a kimono appeared to materialize standing behind Hoshiko. In truth, she’d been sitting on the floor in her fox form and simply transformed as she stood up. Chairs were shifted and an empty seat appeared before her. “Arigatō gozaimasu. Thank you very much, I am most humbled, and honored,” she offered, and then bowed. Her little performance had been arranged ahead of time. “For those of you wondering, our Miss Tsuki is something of a princess and Miss Silverwood was acting as her bodyguard. Which she hopefully won’t need next year. “Hum… looks like Slytherin is still on top. Let’s see… ah yes, Ronald Weasley. I’m to understand you play a mighty mean game of chess. For the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has ever seen, and the fact that you were willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends, I award you twenty-five points.” Cheering erupted along with people thumping him on the back. “Ronald, in the future make sure you explore all avenues before you put yourself and others in danger. “Hang on, hang on, I’m not done yet. As you are all aware I had something precious that Quirrell wanted. And yes, I did make it kind of obvious that I’d secreted it away here in Hogwarts. Presumably via the off-limits corridor. Truth be told, it wasn’t there. He got stuck at the final challenge because it was unsolvable and the items he wanted were in the last place he’d think to look. In the Gryffindor Girl’s dorm.” “What!!!!” This time it was Hermione who’d toppled her chair as she shot up. “Sleight of hand is the art of misdirection, something we should never discount just because muggle tricksters do it. To Aerie Lily Potter I award the Hogwarts Award for Special Services to this school and fifty points to Gryffindor.” That did it, Gryffindor had surpassed Slytherin. It was a clean sweep, and the people at the Gryffindor table were beyond ecstatic. The cheer that went up was so loud it was heard all the way to Ponyville. Aerie couldn't help but smile. In one move Dumbledore had made it look like her having the stone had been part of his plan all along. And, well, as plans go, it wasn’t a bad plan. Hermione was furious. “You had it the whole fucking time!” she yelled as the Gryffindor banners unrolled to wave from the rafters. “Hermione Granger, have a care you don’t hand the House Cup over to Slytherin!” Idda scolded. “I did tell you to leave it alone on multiple occasions.” Hermione picked up her chair and sat heavily as though she hoped the chair would break. At first, she just looked straight ahead, but that didn’t last long. “You had it the whole time?!” “Pretty much, ya,” Aerie offered as she began piling food onto her plate. “He couldn't get close enough to me to read my mind. Wizards can do that you know. And if anyone else knew, he’d have found out.” “But that’s madness.” Hermione protested. “Yes, Dumbledore is quite mad,” Percy offered, never one to doubt Dumbledore’s greatness. “It worked though. Kind of hard to argue with that.” “Aerie…” Aurora had pulled her aside on their way back to the dorm that night. “Why did you even give it back? The stone.” “Because he wasn’t going to rest until he found it. He understands what it is now and says it’s going to be destroyed.” “And you believe him?” “I don’t know. In the story, he tells Harry Potter that the stone was destroyed but never once remarked on the fact that the stone was blood red when it should have been a light sky blue. The issue of the elixir granting years without vitality may have weighed heavily on his mind and now he understands why. I think I can trust him in this. He also wanted to know what became of the mirror.” “You didn’t tell him, did you?” “I told him it was a portal, that it was removed to prevent Riddle from gaining it, and that it’s presently in the custody of a Priestess of Akkadia. That seemed to satisfy him. Indeed the very idea that Riddle might have gained the ability to travel anywhere he wanted in an instant shook him to his knees. For now, I just have to hope that the next Horcrux falls into my hands before any harm can be done.” “Let us hope so. Can I assume you’ve got an idea what to look for?” “I do, but don’t worry about it right now. Let’s just go finish packing.” Everyone’s trunks were ready to go by breakfast the next morning, the wardrobes empty, and checked multiple times for that last forgotten item. Aerie even made sure to check under the beds. Trevor, Neville’s toad was located lurking in the boys' bathroom, and everyone was handed a letter at breakfast addressed to their guardians reminding them that underage wizards and witches were prohibited from using magic outside of school. Aerie’s Moonie dutifully took her place in the cat carrier, and Kitsu did so as well to maintain the illusion that she was after all just an ordinary fox with feathered wings. Luggage was loaded as students and staff climbed aboard the train. “Curious…” Snape commented to Professor Dumbledore. With Hagrid gone, it had been up to Professor Snape and a couple of other staff members to harness up the thestrals who pulled the carriages. “The Thestrals all bowing to Aerie and Aurora as they passed?” “Yes, I’ve never seen them do that before. Bow to someone.” “Right off hand it’s entirely possible that they know. They bowed to Miss Tsuki as well.” “Then they should have bowed to Neville as well, but they didn’t.” “Curious that. I wonder if it has anything to do with their Akkadian magical creature form.” “You’ve seen it then? Aerie’s form?” “A white-winged unicorn. Young, beautiful, and unbelievable power when they cut loose.” The Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station, windows opened to the warm air, the sound of chatter and laughter emanating from within as the two men watched it go. “So, what adventure awaits us next year?” Snape asked. “Don’t ask me. I don’t even know if I’ll still be in charge next year. I’m a little concerned that when the board meets they might choose a new Head Master.” “I doubt you need to worry about Lucius Malfoy. He’d like nothing better than to see you crash and burn, and that’s not likely to happen if he puts you out to pasture.” “Aerie thinks one of Riddle’s artifacts may show up next year. Cursed artifacts.” “I remember him boasting he’d beaten death. These artifacts you speak of, do they have something to do with that?” “You saw Neville’s memory of the event. All he succeeded in doing was finding a way to prevent his soul from crossing over. In the worst possible way.” “I’ve no doubt about that.” Aerie had barely stepped off the train when she was swept up into a hug by her Princess Luna. Flora was the next to give her a hug. “Aurora!” “Mom?!” Aurora exclaimed as she too got a hug. “What are you doing here?” “What? I can’t come to greet my own daughter at the train station?” “It’s just that…” “Let me guess, you figured I’d be a complete no-show like Christmas, didn’t you?” “Well, pretty much yes.” “Things are going to be different. I’ve been given a position at Pimlico, and I’ve picked up one of the apartments around the corner, cheap.” “Um… mom….” “yes, yes, I know.” She leaned in and whispered, “It’s so hard for me to think of you as a grown… grown up with responsibilities when you are still so young right now, right here. You were gone… I didn’t even notice.” “Far as I could tell, I wasn’t gone all that long.” “And yet you were gone long enough to start your life all over again. I’ve talked with Brightstar. - Listen, you are going to need to at the very least go through the motion of being my little girl. Just for a little while longer. Alright? Spend part of the summer with me, and my new place is only about a block away.” “Alright, I can do that. Heck, I’ve been sneaking out to spend time with Louise. We still don’t know what’s become of her parents.” “I’m well aware. We’ve talked to Dash, and she’s promised to dial it down, and to spend time with her.” “Mom…” “When I think about how close you two came to not coming back… don’t you dare do that to Louise.” “It was Aerie, Hoshiko, and Kitsumi who confronted it. Not me. All I did was zip into town to get the Headmaster’s brother.” Aurora looked around her wondering if people were looking at them only to see the same scene being played out up and down the platform. A number of the girls both young and old were crying, the weight of those tense months having finally been lifted. Some were honestly distraught that they’d had to endure, while others were overcome with relief at finally going home. To sleep in their own bed. Dine at their own table. And no one there like Flint, or Quirrell. Home. Aurora wasn’t sure why she’d started to sing, but once the song had begun it just seemed right, like it was from the heart. “Times have changed and times are strange Here I come, but I ain't the same Mama, I'm coming home...” Funny how when someone starts a heart-song others will join in. Aerie was the first. “Time's gone by, it seems to be You could have been a better friend to me Mama, I'm coming home...” Heart magic, like a fire it spread. “You took me in and you drove me out Yeah, you had me hypnotized, yeah Lost and found and turned around By the fire in your eyes…” (Mama, I’m Coming Home: Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy is a wizard, they all know the song.) Platform nine and three-quarters slowly emptied until there was but one woman standing alone. She looked to be a proud woman, well dressed, she had dark hair with a shock of gray on the left and right side of her forehead. A single teardrop rolled down her cheek as the train pulled away. She heaved a sigh and started to turn. Standing just a short distance from her stood a ghostly figure that reminded her a great deal of Selena Moon Tsuki. And unlike the Selena of the amulets who dressed in black, she wore white garments that looked as though they were made of moonlight and shifted as though blown by a gentle breeze. “What do you want? You look a good deal like Selena, but… Who or what are you? And what do you want of me?” “I am not Selena but she is known to me. They are of the royal line. Why do you linger here when all have gone?” “And why should that matter to you?” “Your family served me, once... long ago. Before Night Fall, before you lost your way.” “Served you? Served you? Who are you? How do you know about Night Fall?” “Night Fall was triggered by a bunch of self-serving nobles who goaded – tricked my sister into betraying me. To some I am called Selene, to others Luna, or Diana. I am also known as Rhiannon, Máni, and Ben-rein Nyhoie – I am the Queen of the night. And I… would know why you weep?” “I weep because my son has been taken from me.” Her response was measured but betrayed her anguish. “You have a daughter. If you wish to seek her out you will find her near the place of my ancient stronghold in Scotland. The place is known as the Silver Wood.” “Daughter? I have no daughter?” “Did they not tell you?” “Men never include women in their important matters. My husband told me that Draco was dead.” “And yet you chose to come here.” “In truth, my husband is a cruel man and I knew he was lying to me because Severus Snape yet lives. I bound his life to my son’s life.” “By chance are thou familiar with Salmacis Thorn and its effects?” “That… That bastard!” “I take it by that outburst that thou are indeed familiar with it.” “I am indeed. He would dare abandon my child… Forgive me, I need to go, now.” Even as Narcissa Malfoy turned the ghostly figure vanished as though mist blown by the wind, and when she had gone the shadows near the exit drew back to unveil Princess Luna with the Elder Wand in her hand. She put the wand away, turned, and walked up the ramp. “Mom!” Aerie called. “Honestly, how long does it take you to powder your nose?” “That wasn’t nose powdering, you were up to something, weren’t you?” Flora asked. “Maybe,” Luna replied with a sly smile as she rejoined the others. “Let’s just go,” Basil said. “It’s getting late.” “Late? The night has just begun,” Selena Tsuki countered. “My dear, as true as that may be, I think Hoshiko and the others have had a long day.” Mr Tsuki offered with a smile. “Let’s get them to bed and then we can play.” End Book one > Chapter 72: Aerie's Summer Vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just one of those mornings… Aerie had been having a pleasant dream but it eluded her now. Was there even a reason for her to get up? Not really. Let’s see, Kreacher was dealing with Dobby, the CMC was at a weekend sleep-over with Aurora… And that was technically Mrs Silverwood’s CMC even though she and Aurora had become Scootaloo’s guardians. Now why had she unleashed those three on London? Oh, right, the shield over Canterlot. That’s right, she’d contrived the trip to get the three well out of harm’s way, had left her purse behind, and given Kreacher orders not to let anyone in from Equestria without the password that she’d devised. She’d even gone so far as to give Scootaloo her amulet so that she’d have Moonie to watch over her. The next plan was to go to Canterlot with Twilight as she’d a mind to take a leaf out of Dumbledore's book and make sure things turned out the way they were supposed to. She’d even sent a royal decree, signed by her Luna, Her mom, to the Night Fighters in Hollow Shades inviting the entire corps to the wedding. Sure they were troublemakers and brawlers, but that’s what she was hoping for. Probably should get up… Hang on, wasn’t she already in Canterlot? In truth she could have been back in her home world where she was an honorary member of the CMC and within the same physical age bracket. Things were a lot different in that world and had been ever since they’d corrupted Idol. Reformed the ling was what they’d done, but she preferred to say they’d corrupted her. Her, because he’d turned into a queen. No longer needed to feed on love to survive, Idol had set about recruiting all their fellow outcasts and had started in on the collectors from Chrysalis’s hive and Chrysalis would soon be marginalized and redundant. Not so where Aerie was at right now. “Son of a Minotaur,” Aerie said softly to herself on the realization that she was presently hanging upside down. She’d been blindsided, ambushed even, a lump on the back of her head bearing witness as to how they’d done it. Of course, the lings would want to be rid of a fox pony the first chance they got along with any local leather wings. Both of them were natural enemies of changelings thanks to their ability to out them. Fox ponies had their magnetic Geo positioning that showed them the true aura of the things around them, and the echolocation of the bat ponies not only did the same it caused the changeling to lose grip on their false form. And of course, any pony capable of teleportation could sense the true form of everything in their vicinity, the what along with the where up to the range of their ability, it just took time and effort. Granted that most teleports were accomplished by making a cursory scan of the intended target location to make sure they weren’t about to materialize into something or someone, and not a full scan of their surroundings. And that included Twilight. Twilight was every bit as good as Nova when it came to teleportation and it wasn't just Cadance's behavior that had set off the warning bells in her head. Her keen magical senses were telling her that Cadance wasn't Cadance. Aerie was cautious to keep her eyes closed as she scanned her local area and it was thanks to her dream-walking ability that she'd even been able to break the hold on her mind. Deep in a cave, possibly underneath Canterlot judging by the crystalline walls. There were other cocoons near hers. One of them definitely held Cadance and Twilight would likely be in another. Lings locking their victims in a cave and ignoring them so the captives could escape was not happening here. Was there anything nearby that she could use? That she could draw to herself? So much for strategic thinking, or where the lings really that overconfident? Not only had they placed her, a dream walker, in a room full of weapons they'd completely missed the presence of her horn. Add to that was the fact that she was a full-grown adult alicorn in this reality. Aerie and the others were in an ancient forge. An Armory to be exact and given her present homicidal mindset she was as excited as a kid in a candy store with an unlimited budget. There were long swords a plenty, as well as spears… 'Ah yes, hoof daggers, armor, and ho-goody, smiting hammers' she thought to herself. One of which must surely have been for heavy work given how large it was and quite possibly made from Uru as the metal was favored among the smiths of old. The weapons and armor must surely be made of true silver she thought. Nothing showed any sign of decay. All she needed now was her tunes. Why yes, she had brought her tunes with her. There was one ling in the room watching, and the unlikely sound amplified by magic coming from one of the cocoons hadn't startled them so much as baffled them. Was that a heartbeat? Singing? “Hell, hell, what's the matter with your head, head…” The ling moved closer. “Hell, hell, what's the matter with your mind and your sign and a ohohoh…” The ling moved closer. “Hell, hell nothin' the matter with your head baby find it, come on and find it…” The ling moved closer completely missing the drip coming off an invisible horn that was protruding from the bottom of the pod. “Hell, with it baby cause you’re fun and your mine and you look so divine…” Now the ling was right up next to the pod. The creature inside looked like they were still sleeping. Hang on, wasn’t that a pony? Fear swept through the ling’s body as the creature opened its mouth displaying teeth that put a ling’s fangs to shame. The ling didn’t see the dagger flying through the air, and the last thing they’d see was those eyes and those eyes would be the last thing they’d telegraph to the hive mind. They'd brought a killer into their new hive. “Come and get your love,” sang the music as the ling dropped. The cocoon was sliced open a moment later, and the creature, some sort of fox-human-pony hybrid slid out. “Come and get your love…” Aerie had abandoned her pony form in favor of the form of a Kitsune anthro morph. She took but a moment to cough the ling fluids from her lungs stood up on her hind legs, and began summoning things to herself. First the padding for the armor, then the armor, made of the finest chain male weave that had been anodized black and had golden bronze chest, shoulder, and arm plates, all of which she morphed to fit her present form, and then slapped the armor plates into place like how she’d seen it in an Iron Man movie. Next came the daggers strapped to her forearms, a goggled helmet for her head, also black, and finally the hammer. Lings were pouring into the chamber now, to be answered by Aerie slinging the hammer at them, catching them in mass, and driving them from the room. Quickly now, she cut free the bat ponies in the room, barked orders at them to free the rest, and follow even as the hammer was slapping back into her claw-like hand. “What… what are you?” one of the bat ponies asked. “I’m a night Princess. I’ve willed myself to go nightmare so that I can meet the enemy head-on. Fear me not but do not approach.” That seemed to be explanation enough. Aerie started forward, the sound of lings marshaling outside the room, and stopped by the forge. There on the anvil was a single miner's lance. It was about the shape and size of a crossbow bolt and had in antiquity been used by unicorns to pierce through solid stone. She picked it up in her telekinetic field and launched it straight at the hoard of Lings rushing the door. “Come and get your love…” continued the song even as Aerie stepped through the door. Lings that were close enough to rush her were met with blade and hammer as she entered the cavernous hall beyond the smithy. Others were brought down by the lance which she flung about the room in her telekinetic grip. Lings tried to mimic her form, but couldn't. Lings tried transforming into ponies to no avail. Aerie slowly made her way through the room to the tone of Redbone - Come and get your love. Fox on the Run was the next song in the lineup. Yes, she’d made her own mix tape. A mass of lings had rushed in from the entrance, too many for the lance, Aerie launched the hammer at them and lings went flying. Keeping two items in the air flying about at deadly speed proved far easier than Aerie had thought it’d be. After all, Rarity often had dozens of things in the air at once. The lance would go right through lings, the hammer mowed them down, and Harmony help any that got close enough for a kick or a dagger. Progress was slow as she fought her way from one chamber to the next. Nor was she completely alone now. “Keep your distance!” She shouted at the Leather wings. “And stay tight!” They’d freed several day guards, Twilight, and Princess Cadance, and were at this point mopping up any lings Aerie had missed who dared to challenge them. Most of the stragglers were fleeing in terror at this point, which was causing no end of confusion in the changeling ranks. By the time Aerie made it to the entrance to the mines the tape had run out. She took a moment to flip the tape, looked out into the sunny day, and transformed back to her Alicorn form. High overhead she could see the Night Fighters mixing it up with the invading hoard, doing what they did best, brawl. Before her, a mass of lings was heading right at her. Little good it’d do them now that she had plenty of open skies. Immigrant Song began playing, Aerie amplified it with magic, lept into the air, hammer in her hoof grip arched up, and followed through by diving down on the mass of lings rising to meet her like they were the anvil. The ground shook at the impact of the hammer, lightning struck, and lings went flying never to get up again. Airborne once more, Aerie flew through the hoard like they weren’t there as she headed to the Sun Palace of Princess Celestia. Lings at the door were pushed aside like cardboard cutouts, I’m Back in Black playing as the door crashes inward with a mighty boom. Aerie stopped at the doorway to catch her breath. Queen Chrysalis, silhouetted by stained glass windows, looked on in confusion and fury. At first, neither side did anything. The song played out, and the room filled with an odd silence. Lings had already begun to string up the ponies within in preparation for cocooning. Celestia and the element bearers are unconscious. The next song on the queue… Thunderstruck. “What’s this? Another little alicorn? A little god want-to-be?” Chrysalis scoffed. “Tell me then, what was it you were the god of?” “I am the god of thunder and storm! Princess of Air Superiority!” Aerie shouted as she threw the hammer with all her might! For whatever reason it never occurred to the Queen of the changelings to dodge that projectile headed right at her with alarming speed. She hastily threw up a shield around herself and felt the impact, the sound of cracking chitin, the sensation of lifting off her hooves, the impact of the window, and the shattering of glass filling her senses. Aerie wasted no time in following Chrysalis, only to be slammed back by a powerful bolt of energy. Quickly, she scrambled to her hooves and rushed forward with renewed resolve blasting with her horn as she went out through the window, and Chrysalis, having overlooked the hammer, was dashed down as it returned. A moment later Aerie is high in the air, hammer in hoof, electricity crackling about her. Chrysalis flew up to meet her foe, bolts of energy coursing from her horn, the hammer blocking each bolt of energy. Aerie returned bolts of magic, and bolts of electricity followed up by throwing the hammer whenever she thought she'd a good shot. With blow after blow, they try to break each other's resolve. Each tries to get past the other’s defense as they dart about the sky. Each takes hit after hit as they race about in an epic battle. Indeed the bolts of energy they cast at each other probably did more damage to the city than to each other. One moment a combatant is in the air and the next driven into a building or pavement. Each time the downed combatant would launch themselves right back into the fray. Now high overhead, now racing between buildings heedless of anything beyond the other. Both intent on destroying the other at all costs. Aerie hadn’t expected to be swept outward along with the lings with the pulse of pure love-driven energy. Granted that at that moment she was no pony’s friend such was her blood lust. Even so, she could at least take solace in that it meant the lings were defeated. Cadance and Shining Armor reunited. But no, she would not be denied her prey. Aerie had never cut loose like that and it felt good. Oh God, it felt good. It didn’t take much for her to regain control of her flight, twist herself around, make her body into a missile, use her magic to force herself forward, and redirect her flight to intercept as a vapor cone formed in front of her. Down she struck on the helpless form of the changeling queen. Changeling wings simply couldn't handle those kinds of speed, Chrysalis’s attempt to regain control had ended with her wings being ripped off. Nor was one small determined pony bringing the hammer of the gods down on her something her worm-eaten mind could cope with. And now… Chrysalis lay in the bottom of a crater somewhere in the Everfree. Her assailant standing on the edge looking down at her. Where had this pony come from? A fox pony. Curse their entire race. “Finish it!” Chrysalis shouted followed by coughing up green blood. The pony looked away. “Typical…” That was Celestia’s weakness after all. She simply didn't have it in her to do what had to be done if it should prove unpleasant. No, she wasn’t turning away. A powerful beam of energy erupted from Aerie’s horn slicing through a tree trunk. Only when it was clear the tree would crush Chrysalis did Aerie truly turn away. Chrysalis, her final thought was of her lings, her children. Somehow, somewhere deep inside her a well of love bubbled up and spread out to nourish any and all lings close enough to receive. Chrysalis gave all her love, without reservation, without holding back. The forest filled with light followed by the thunderous sound of the tree crashing down. The silence was followed by weeping. Aerie turned back to see a white alicorn with a long flowing pink mane crying where Chrysalis had been. “Princess Amore?” Aerie was dumbfounded. Yes, she knew that mare and knew it wasn’t a changeling trick. And no, the tree hadn’t crushed her. Thanks to the crater. Aerie threw off her helmet and slid down into the pit. “All this time… it’s alright, everything is going to be alright.” Aerie tried her best to comfort the stricken mare. “My own daughter,” Amore wailed as Sounds of Silence softly emanated from Aerie’s player, the amplification spell spent. “I cocooned my own daughter!” “She’s free. Everything will be alright now…” Aerie’s words trailed off as the day grew dark. She looked up out of the hole to see the form of a large black dragon and shut off her tape player. “Sirius Black, is that you? Please tell me that’s you.” Aerie was a little worried that she might be wrong. She’d lost the lance in the fighting, she still had everything else but wasn’t sure if she had enough left in her for another fight. She was spent. Both had fought all out. Without reservation, neither gave the other any quarter. “I am. Care to explain what just happened?” “That might take a while, and I don’t think I’ve enough left in me to get out of here.” “Fine,” he replied, grabbed the tree with his jaws, moved it, and then ordered the two ponies to climb up onto his back. Amore was in one piece, physically, but she was just as spent as Aerie, more so, and emotionally broken. She was going nowhere on her own power. Sirius let out a sigh, picked each up in turn to deposit them on his back, and with surprising agility and grace lifted his great bulk up into the air. Together they glided silently over the Everfree. It had taken less time to get to the Everfree from Canterlot than it took for Sirius to take them to the silver grove that marked the location of the portal to the islands of Akkadia. The grove was protected by a wall and a magical barrier, invisible to most observers that kept the creatures of the forest out. Unlike the creatures of the forest, Sirius Black was allowed in. He landed in a small clearing within the compound and unloaded his passengers in sight of several concerned guards. Sirius transformed to his pony form and folded up his wings. “Remind me to never get between two alicorns when they fight,” Sirius offered as Aerie closed the gap between her and Amore. “You were under a curse. She’ll forgive you. In time,” Aerie reassured Amore once more. “You… you were going to kill me. What kind of pony are you?” “Fox pony. And yes. Considering what you’d become can you blame me?” “Well, no. I suppose not. Chrysalis certainly would. Still though. I never imagined… that there were ponies who…” “Fox ponies are just wired differently. We only kill out of necessity but when called to do it we don’t hesitate. We become emotionally detached.” “I see.” “It was the curse that drove the mad queen’s actions. What you, what she did was contrary to order. Something Lings live by. Even if you had succeeded, it would have ended in disaster.” “Pony society would have collapsed, the hive would flourish at first but there would be fewer and fewer ponies for lings to feed off of. Other races would guard their borders against all outsiders. With more lings than ever, it would be impossible to feed them all and then the hive would collapse. I just can’t understand why I couldn't see that?” “Do you remember anything from before you became Chrysalis?” “Chrysalis?” Sirius asked in an apprehensive tone. Sure, he’d seen a good deal of the fight, but he wasn’t close enough to see who was actually fighting. And yes, he’d heard tales of the Changeling queen. “She’d been under a curse,” Aerie told him. “She wasn’t fully in control of her actions. She’s free of it now.” “Sombra crystallized me in black crystals and dumped me in the swamp where he dumped all his rejects, along with all the other lings who lived in the Crystal City. Yes, I remember it. I remember every agonizing moment as though it happened yesterday. It was the lings who serviced the Chrystal heart. It was their lifeblood as well as our protection. We lived in symbiotic harmony.” She took a moment before adding, “He cursed us all. But how am I free of it now?” “You must have tried to give your lings your love at the moment. A moment that should have been your last. That’s what breaks it. Doing something that is truly unselfish.” “Hi, we’d like to help the two of you to our care facility,” offered a white unicorn with a nurse's hat on. “About all I need is food, a nap, and then more food,” Aerie offered as she got to her hooves. She found that she was a bit on the woozy side. “Mr Black, if you could fetch my Luna, my mom. I might be in need of a little boost. And possibly let Twilight know that I’m alright.” “You really went all out, didn’t you? You took a big risk. What if something had happened to you?” “If you mean my quest, you know enough that you’d be able to finish the job. That and something did happen, I’d been captured. It was all or nothing. I’m just going to have to hope that everything I did was supposed to happen.” “I see. I know about the ring, but you haven't said what else you are looking for.” “A book. Riddle’s diary from when he was in school. His first. That’s when he killed Myrtle Warren. With any luck, it’ll fall into my hands in the coming school year. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone because if the person who had it got wind we are looking for it they might not follow the plan. Oh yes, there was a plan. The book was intended to be sacrificed. Or so my source said. This tells me just how much hubris that man had. It’d be the biggest chunk of his soul. It may well be the most dangerous piece, and if I don’t find it in time things could go horribly wrong.” “You’re not talking about Sombra, are you?” Amore asked as she was helped to her hooves. “That sounds like the sort of thing he’d do. Break his soul into pieces. Why I ever took that ungrateful foal in I’ll never know.” “No. Someone like him. A person bent on using unnatural magics, dark magics to indefinitely forestall death. And you took in Sombra because you are a good and kind pony.” Aerie and Amore were escorted to a moderate-sized building with a wrap-around porch. Within there was a small waiting room, a couple of examination rooms, an office, a dozen double-occupant rooms, a bath, and two toilet facilities. The two were taken to one of the double occupancy rooms, and given a pitcher of water each. Aerie downed her water in one go right from the pitcher, and then removed the daggers and armor she had on. Amore had used the cups that had been brought but found that she’d been nearly as dehydrated. “Hi, I’m Doctor Smock,” Offered a gray Pegasus on entering the room. “Aside from some bruises, and over-extending myself, I’m fine,” Aerie offered. “What I need, what we need right now is food. Good rich food to replenish our bodies.” “I… I seem to be fine,” Amore offered. “I… I literally had my wings ripped off only to be made whole and unharmed when the curse on me was broken. Other than that, I am hungry. I feel like I’m a brand new me. Except…” “She’s going to need counselors.” “And you don’t?” Doctor Smock asked. “I’m not the one who enslaved a whole race. - Amore, don’t beat yourself up over that one, that was probably a good thing.” “I imprisoned innocent ponies, drained them, and cast their husks out like trash. I imprisoned my own daughter and manipulated her colt friend... I invaded Equestria.” “I see,” Doctor Smock replied as Aerie went to give her a hug. His eyes landed on the hammer. Aerie had placed it on the bedside table and out of curiosity he attempted to pick it up. It wouldn't budge. “Mr Black went over to the cafeteria to bring you some food.” He gave up on the hammer. “Anyway, I’ll still need to do an examination.” “How can you be so…” Amore said as tears began to flow once more. “How can you forgive my actions so readily.” “That wasn’t you. I forgive you just like Princess Celestia forgave Princess Luna. You are not Chrysalis any more than Princess Luna was Nightmare Moon.” “Princess…” “Nova (Aerie Potter) Moon. Let’s just stick with Aerie for now.” “Princess, If I can just get you to look into this light…” “Owe, I’m a night pony! I’ve got sensitive eyes.” “Sorry, I’ll just turn it down a bit.” “And…” Aerie prompted a few minutes later. “You done poking and prodding me? And yes, I’m probably going to be all stiff and sore in the morning.” “You are covered in changeling slime, you are sweaty, your mane and tail are matted with mud, and Harmony knows what else that soaked through that armor you've dumped on the floor.” “Changeling blood I’d imagine. I’m fully aware that I stink. I coughed up a lung full of Embryonic fluid this morning from being in one of those damned pods. We were nothing more than meat to be hung up, to them. I wasn’t pulling any punches.” “And you’ve still a little fluid in your lungs. I’m amazed that you could do what you did at all. I’m going to have an herbalist make up a potion to clear that out, and the orderlies will get you cleaned up.” “Ah, there you are,” Sirius offered from the doorway. “Food is on order, and we’ll get it to you shortly.” “Well, Princess Aerie, I’m done with you. Princess…” “Amore. She’s Princess Amore Krystallos of the Crystal Empire,” Aerie offered as an orderly beckoned her to follow them. - Princess Amore, you are going to be alright. And sorry about getting my muck all over you.” “That… um… that’s alright.” The doctor waited for her to leave before turning his attention back to Amore. “OK, I’ll need you to look into the light.” “I feel fine… physically at least.” “That hammer she’s got. Did she hit you with it?” “Multiple times. Why?” “Written on that thing in among the fancy designs it says in an ancient scrip, ‘Whomsoever doth wield this hammer, by Royal decree of his Highness King Tiwaz, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thunor.’ just thought you might like to know just how lucky you are to be in one piece.” “She slammed me into the ground hard enough to create a crater and dropped a tree on me. I’d had my wings ripped from my body by the force of the wind, my body broken, and if not for the enchantment returning me to my true body… she fully intended to kill me and I don’t blame her.” “I see... You are definitely going to need to see a counselor who specializes in trauma.” > Chapter 73: Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The orderlies had Aerie sit on a stool in a large shower. They rinsed her off and had her good and sudsy by the time her Princess Luna burst in. “Aerie!” “Hi, mom. How about a boost?” Splat! Yes, foamy hugs go splat. “Princess Luna?” One of the orderlies asked. “We are from a different dimension, but yes.” “Well, I’ll be... Um…” The orderlies had to wait as Princess Luna locked horns with Aerie and powered up her horn. “Better?” Luna asked as she drew back. “Much. Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.” “I’d a hunch you’d need me. Word is you took on Queen Chrysalis.” “I did. After decimating the hive. They’d set up under the mountain along with rescuing Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, some leather wings, and some guards. They might have had to fight their way out too, but I doubt there were many left after I got finished.” “You did?” “Hoof daggers, a large smithy hammer made of Uru, and a mining lance that I whipped about with my telekinesis. They made the mistake of hanging us up in an old armory.” “Damn, girl!” Luna said while taking a half step back. “You are way too little to be the Tank of the party.” Aerie couldn't help but laugh at the gamer reference. Back in Canterlot, ruin was the theme for the day. Fortunately, most of the carnage was lings that had either crossed paths with Aerie or hadn’t cleared buildings during the purge. As for Twilight, just as soon as Cadance and Shining Armor’s spell had ended she’d gone to a potted plant to cough up the gunk that still lingered in her lungs and vomit. When she’d finished, she got up, ignored the shocked ponies around her, and left the room. No, she wasn’t leaving. What she had in mind was to go down to the apothecary to mix up something that would help clear her lungs. “What’s the password?” demanded a disheveled guard. “I don’t need no bucking password!” Twilight shouted at him and then walked around him. “Damned lings infiltrated us and probably know all the bucking passwords. Just start clean up.” No pony else challenged her, and she arrived at her destination a short time later. Medical staff were in and out as casualties were being brought into a nearby clinic. She didn’t say anything to any pony there, as she entered, nor did she say anything to any pony when she started getting out and mixing ingredients. “Miss, you can’t just… oh dear Celestia, you’ve been cocooned.” “I am…” Twilight had to stop as her body was wracked with coughing. “I was Princess Celestia's Faithful Student.” She didn’t wait for a reply, finished mixing, measured a quarter cup, and drank it. She was immediately hit with more coughing, but this time it wasn’t as bad. “Quarter cup to every pony that’s been cocooned. Ah, yes, much better.” Her voice which had sounded harsh at first but had softened. “There is a group of ponies in the Royal Audience Chamber who were cocooned with me. Including Princess Cadance.” “Princess Cadance?” “She’d been replaced by the queen of the changelings. If Princess Celestia had only listened to me… No, that’s probably not fair. It was already too late.” “Some pony sounded the alarm.” “How’s that?” “When the shield broke it was pandemonium. The Canterlot guards were useless, and I found myself being carried aloft.” “How did you get free?” “All seemed lost, and then the Night Wing arrived. Coming down the mountainside.” “And the Night Wing arrived,” echoed another. “Coming down the mountainside,” said a third. “Outnumbered fifteen to one,” Offered a guard who was getting his left wing put in a cast. Ponies were beginning to line up in the hallway many on stretchers. “When the battle'd begun.” “I’d been cocooned,” Twilight offered as ponies out in the hall echoed, and then the Night Wing arrived, coming down the mountainside. “I missed all that. We’d been rescued… by an alicorn, I’d never met. They wore red and black armor and dived into the lings… I’ve never seen such ferocity in a pony. She was like a Timber Wolf. Nearby another injured guard was muttering, “dedication, dedication, fifteen to one…” “Alright, I get it,” Twilight said, the sound of ponies breaking into song filling her ears with heavy metal. “When the Night Wing arrived. “A cry for help in time of need, days of siege outnumbered and weak, send a message to the sky, wounded guards left to die, would they hold the line or will the city fall. Dedication, dedication, outnumbered fifteen to one … when the battle begun… and then the Night Wing arrived, coming down the mountainside…” Epic guitar music playing... “Get this up to the Audience Hall. I’m going to make more. I have a feeling we aren’t going to have enough, but we’ll make do with what we have.” “Yes, mam.” Twilight turned and began making a second batch glad that there was something she could do. She could take solace in that her friends… were they still her friends… hadn’t been cocooned like she had. During the mad drive to get Cadance to Princess Celestia, to… to do what? To prove that she had been right? No, Chrysalis did a fine job of that once she was assured of her victory. Cadance and Shining Armor undid that invasion in one full sweep. Not that Twilight had been ineffective. Oh, she’d done her fair share of blasting as she expressed her anger and frustration with every bolt. And with every step, following that Night Mare. Only now did she remark on how that pony had gone from a creature of the night to an alicorn with glistening white wings. Even her mane and tail had been white. And the armor, it had transformed with her. A spell Twilight planned to research just as soon… just as soon as the crisis was over and she’d found out what had become of Aerie. The last thing Twilight had wanted was an escort. Not when she had her friends. In the end, it was the escort who’d stuck by her side. And it was the escort who’d whispered in her ear, “That’s not Cadance. We’ve got to find Cadance, and expose that fraud.” That was it, the reason she’d taken Cadance straight to where the wedding was. That and she had to stop that wedding. Even if her brother wasn’t her BBBFF anymore, she was not going to allow him to be hoodwinked by that hussy. When the aid arrived at the Audience Hall it wasn’t hard to figure out which ponies had been cocooned. Those who’d been in the underground chamber, and subsequently joined the drive to get to Princess Celestia were now lounging about the grand hall, their energy all but spent now that the battle was done. Princess Cadance was the first given a share of the elixir. She thanked her but didn’t think to ask from where it had come. As for Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash, they’d been anxious to find Twilight only to get drafted into helping with the injured. Aerie and Amore had a good meal after being cleaned up, and Aerie took a good long nap afterward. Amore had flopped down on a lounger out on the porch that surrounded the place. “So how are you doing? I’m Dalia,” offered the nurse who’d helped them to the infirmary. “Would you like anything? I could get you an iced tea?” “I, um… I’m fine.” “Are you sure… hang on – you, yes you!” One moment Dalia shouted at some ponies who had been, just sort of nonchalantly, passing by while taking plenty of furtive glances. “You’ve no business being here. Get!” Amore let out a sigh. “Well, you can hardly blame them. We aren’t even supposed to be interacting with the local inhabitants and then boom, not one but two alicorns drop into our laps.” “You mean it’s not because… because they heard about who I am, was?” “Honey, we all know about curses. No one will fault you and the majority of them haven't a clue what goes on outside the walls.” “This is an enclosed… hermitage? I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any foals?” “Hermitage? Oh, right, I suppose it might look that way. It’s sort of a science station. Outpost of the Akkadian Republic. Formerly the Akkadian Empire, but it was decided to just drop the Empire thing and just make it a republic. Or just Akkadia for short.” “Um… I’m sort of an Akkadian princess. I thought the Empire collapsed, centuries ago?” “Well, technically it did. Equestria is possibly the last outpost. A number of us living in the land of the Angles, or Anglo Saxons, known as England these days, decided to return to the islands of the gateway and reestablish the colonies. Our princess is Princess Kitsumi Nova Silverwood Swan.” “That’s quite the mouthful… hang on… this is where the portal is, isn’t it? Can I see?” “You know about the portal?” “Probably just as well I’d lost track of where it was.” Her cheerful mood had soured on the thought of what could have happened if Chrysalis had found it.” “We might go this evening when it cools down. It’s generally a lot hotter over there. It’s in the Tropics. You’ll need permission – not because of anything you might have done while under a curse, we just have rules about ponies from here going there. Generally what we do is we fix up lost travelers and then return them to their home after erasing their memory of this place.” “I don’t really have a home. Not here at any rate.” “Aerie!” Luna called as she flew down and glided to a landing on the deck. “She’s still asleep,” Dalia informed her. “Great… On the one hoof, she needs her sleep after pushing herself like that, but on the other hoof Kreacher won’t let me in without the password.” “Who’s Kreacher? What house?” “House in Ponyville.” “Ponyville, you flew to Ponyville? But ponies that come here aren’t supposed to just come and go whenever they want?” “The house in Ponyville connects to the House in London.” “London?! There’s a connection to London in Ponyville.” “No one told you? Then again it’s probably confidential so just forget you heard it.” “Probably just as well I didn’t know about it,” Amore said in a sarcastic tone. “Connects to Canterlot too. In two different dimensions, this and ours. What? Oh, Aerie and I aren’t natives of Gaia. We are from a different… and you should probably forget I just said that. It’s just that, she’s caught in the middle. She was not protecting one world, not two, but three. I can’t help but think Discord destroyed Nova Silverwood’s foal hood for this specific day. She went into Canterlot expecting she’d just be there to support Twilight, and now here we are. Sure, Canterlot is a mess, but Chrysalis is no more.” “I see,” responded Nova Silverwood. She’d quietly approached and overheard everything Luna had just said. “And as far as I can tell, everything happened exactly as I remember from my history books. Keeping in mind the foal-appropriate books left out a lot of the gritty stuff this is looking like a classic case of the butterfly effect. My Discord bumps me into another dimension, I work my way back only to find I’m now in the past. I move to another nearby dimension that seems to be tethered to my home dimension to keep from affecting my timeline. Aerie shows up, I help her, and in so doing she’s eliminated two threats.” “History books?” Dalia asked. “Timeline?” “Yes, dear. I’m actually from the future. That rule about no contact is in place because I’m scared to death I’ll disrupt my timeline somehow.” “We are all tied together,” Luna offered. “And Aerie and I have no qualms about meddling. Just don’t tell us what’s supposed to happen.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” “Just one thing that you might be able to help with.” “And that is?” “Queen to Queen’s level three?” “It’s a Star Trek reference. The answer was Queen to King’s level one.” “Ah, maybe I can get into the house now.” “Did she…” “Gave Kreacher orders not to let anyone in from this dimension who could not give the correct response, and I went out the door not knowing that.” Mrs Silverwood cracked a smile and couldn't help but chuckle. “At least she made sure to take precautions.” “And I still haven't retrieved her purse. It’s got her phone in it. Any chance I can get one of those fancy new phones?” “I suppose that if you’re going to be traipsing about England I better.” “Think I’ll get going and give it another try.” “You aren’t going to wake her?” “She needs her rest.” “Something you might want to know before you go.” “And that is?” “Aurora called me a little while ago. The CMC received letters from Hogwarts.” “Ho boy. Explaining that one to their families is going to be fun.” “If they don’t want to let them go, and I wouldn't blame them, just send a reply saying that they’ll be going to my school. Eques Academy. Keeping in mind I’m just throwing that out to give them a way to say no without drawing anyone's curiosity.” “I’ll keep that in mind. After the day Twilight and the elements have had, I’d expect them to say no. Just explaining it is going to be a challenge.” “Oh, and I was going to invite Aerie and Amore to dinner. Have Aerie stay the night. It’ll do her some good. “Mind if I tag along?” “Sure, why not? We’ll be having dinner at seven. Over on the other side.” “Dumbledore will be apoplectic.” “Oh?” “He stuck another tracker on her.” “Suddenly in the Caribbean will certainly have him scratching his head.” The two had a good laugh, Luna took off and went back to Ponyville, and Nova Silverwood found herself explaining to Amore what they were talking about. > Chapter 74: Aftermath part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Canterlot, we find one worn-out Twilight Sparkle finishing up a potion. “That’s it. I’m out. That’s the last batch I can make. There isn’t enough to make anymore.” “What you’ve done has been a great help. But how’d you know what to make?” “I took my own symptoms into account and reasoned out which ingredients would work the best. The first dose I gave myself was my test.” “Oh dear.” “Ya, the EFDA is going to have a fit. Maybe I should write it down…” Twilight looked around found a quill and some paper, sat down, and started writing out the ingredients of the potion. She’d just managed to get it all written out when exhaustion finally kicked in and dozed off right where she sat. “Excuse me, is there a Miss Twilight Sparkle here?” Asked a gray roan pegasus. Over his withers, he’d saddle bags marked EPX for Equestrian Pony Express. He was a carrier from the Everfree compound and only now did he understand why there’d been a requirement for him to know so much about Equestrian society. In short, ponies were being very suspicious of everyone right now and prone to give each other the third degree at the drop of a hat. After all, how was anyone to tell if the pony by their side was a changeling? He’d even had to go so far as to explain that he was from a small fox grove, named Foxgrove, an agreed-upon cover name, and that lings couldn't duplicate spotted patterns like his. Too complex. And the English pegasi really did pass for fox ponies even though they had no kitsune ancestry. “Right there,” offered an orderly. She was a sandy-colored mare, an earth pony, and looked like she was about ready to drop as well. “Good god, she looks like she’s been cocooned.” “Good god?” “It’s a fox pony thing,” he offered quickly to cover his slip. “Why is she just sitting there?” “Refused any pony’s help, and insisted on doing her part to help others. Why’d you need her?” “I was dispatched to relay a message to let her know that Miss Aerie is alright. Miss Aerie came to Canterlot with the element bearers as an escort for Miss Sparkle. She’d been cocooned as well. The lings attempted to carry her off and is presently in Foxgrove.” “Fox grove you say. Can’t as recall ever hearing about that place,” commented Sandra. “And why would you? It’s a small isolated community on the border of the Everfree and White Tail woods. Not the sort of place you want to try to get to if you don’t know the way. Lose your way, run headlong into a big Manticore, get gobbled down whole.” Sandra blanched at the idea of getting eaten by a Manticore. “I was told to make sure I told her directly, so… I guess I’m stuck here until she wakes up. Names Bernard. It means bear strong.” “Names Sandra. Means sand… something or another.” “Long as I’m here, if you aren’t too busy, and well, you’ve any energy left, what say we get her cleaned up and into a bed? And then maybe I’ll see you to bed.” “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn't you,” Sandra said sarcastically while giving him the stink eye. “Sleep, I meant sleep. Honestly…” he looked at her and smiled. “Maybe after you’ve gotten some sleep. You look about as bedraggled as Miss Twilight here.” Sandra looked at him, her mind clicked, and then laughed followed by getting what she needed to get Twilight cleaned up. Luna glided into Ponyville, and as before few ponies were about. Ponyville had received fallout from the love explosion and when lings came crashing down it caused a panic. Luna of all ponies who’d taken charge and organized the militia while using the name Lulu. Aerie’s mom. Being some ponies mom just seemed to help calm ponies down for some reason. Lings that were alive were quickly rounded up, shackled through the holes in their chitin, muzzled, and locked up in the city lock up. Those that were dead had to be buried or burned before they stank up the place along with the potential for illness to spread caused by the bad air. And ponies that have been organized in productive tasks are less likely to mob… and there was a mob forming. “Whoa now, slow down,” Luna said as she interjected herself into a heated argument. “Lulu… wait, how do we know you are you?” “Stop, just stop. There is far too much that needs being done. What exactly is going on?” “Ponies started accusing other ponies of being changelings,” Flora informed her. And yes, she’d joined in on the cleanup. In truth, many of the ponies from Ponyville had gone up to Canterlot for the wedding and were starting to trickle back in. Mostly pegasi but a few earth ponies ran from Canterlot the moment the dome of the shield over the city had cracked and were now wandering into town one or two at a time. It would be a while before the mass exodus because the trains weren’t running. “Look, for simplicity’s sake I propose a general amnesty for any ling that wasn’t part of the invasion. Their Queen is no more. Aerie took care of that. What’s left are scattered and without leadership.” “You’d like an amnesty, wouldn't you?” Spoiled Rich accused as she got up in Luna’s face. “Wasn’t Spoiled Rich doing time in Canterlot for attempting property theft?” Luna asked with a devilish smile. “What? I’m out on bail…” “Someone lock that ling up.” Luna requested. “But I’m not a ling! I swear!” “Then why were you causing all the fuss,” Lyra asked as they closed in on her. “I proposed a general amnesty so that we wouldn't end up accusing each other of being changelings. Which is what you all are doing right now. And to be true, any one of you might be a ling. They are in all our communities, living side by side with us, and all they ever wanted was a little love. Not their fault their queen went mad. Think about it, Changelings need love energy, something we all give away freely. Any one of you could be a Changeling. Changelings need that ambient energy we all give off. What good is an invasion going to do? Right now, right this instant, there is not a lot of love being spread about. Nothing but suspicion, fear, and even a little hatred if I’m not wrong.” “Hang on, you said Aerie took care of the Changeling queen? That was definitely an alicorn,” Offered a nearby pegasus. “Alright, fine, you are absolutely right,” Luna replied as she gave the pony a dirty look. And then she reached up and turned off the N-sid ring. “Princess Luna?” “There are two of us, that’s why I’m using Lulu. My counterpart is in Canterlot and considering the hours she sleeps she’s probably slept through the whole invasion. And yes, Aerie is an alicorn. We use an enchantment to hide the horn. Far too many ponies with strange ideas in their heads. And don’t tell Aerie I told you. She kind of likes to be able to move about without getting the royal treatment everywhere she goes and to be honest, I kind of like it too.” “She’s not going to be too happy about ponies finding out,” Flora added. “That was really her, that little ball of fluff?” “Ya, it’s what she does,” Flora replied with a big smile. “She and two others captured a powerful wraith not too long ago.” “Like a shadow pony. Right now she’s in another village recovering from that fight,” Luna added, reaching up and hiding her horn again. “She’s alright, but that fight came mighty close to being a draw. Why if she hadn’t found the hammer of the Master of the forge, she might have lost.” “Wait, it’s real?” Cheerilee asked. “Changelings made the mistake of hanging Aerie up in an ancient armory full of goodies,” Luna replied with an evil grin. “They hadn’t counted on her being able to wake herself up, and she was in a room full of weapons that she could summon to herself. With that camouflage ring on, they missed her horn.” “Princess, you still want us to lock her up?” Asked a nearby guard as he gave a nod to Mrs Rich. “Yes. That way she can’t cause trouble. Just don’t put her in with the lings. They might drain her. Best if we had some friendly lings, because I’m not entirely sure what we are going to do with the ones you’ve collected. I’m afraid that in their condition they might turn violent and try to force feed.” “You know about Changelings?” “The last time we had problems with them was over a thousand years ago.” “I’ll admit that I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do with you,” Nova Silverwood informed Amore. She’d joined her on the veranda, there was a small round table between them and they both had a glass of iced tea. “Do I attempt to reintegrate into pony society, or stay here, you mean?” “You heard what I said about not messing up my own timeline. I don’t remember you?” “She can go into the human world,” Aerie offered from the doorway. “Ponies aren’t likely to accept or trust her right now.” Aerie stepped through the door and out onto the veranda coming to a stop where the sun shown onto the deck. “I really have nowhere to go, and she’s probably right.” “It’s entirely possible the reason you don’t remember her is because she leaves Equestria. And she just might have to. Sombra will be back. And there is no accounting for the sort of things your Discord will get up to when he gets free.” “He means well, but his favors come with a high price,” Nova Silverwood grumbled. “Quite frankly I doubt he’ll ever be truly reformed.” “He’ll be reformed when he’s no longer Discord.” “I started out as human. Celestia did too,” Amore offered. “It was Grogar’s virus that transformed everyone into beasts. We were just teens at the time, Celestia and I, and I wouldn't mind being human again. I doubt I could ever look at another pony without feeling ashamed of myself ever again.” “Well then, what say we take a trip through the portal,” Nova Silverwood offered. "And what happened wasn't your fault." “By the way, where’s that cool armor I scored?” Aerie asked. “It’s in the armory being cleaned. The hammer is right where you left it, and no, you aren’t going to need any of that on the other side of the portal.” Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, worn out and demoralized, made their way back to their rooms on the off chance they’d find Twilight. “It’s all my fault,” Applejack lamented. “I knew. I knew deep in my heart that Twilight was tel'in the truth. She just knew that mare was not Cadance.” “I’ve seen more than my fair share of bride-zilas,” Rarity offered quietly. Pinkie’s mane had gone all droopy from the stress. “Has anyone seen Spike,” Fluttershy asked. “No, we haven't,” Dash shot back. “I’m sorry.” Fluttershy shrank back and hid in her hair the best she could. “Maybe he found her,” Rarity offered up. “Maybe they are both fine. What say we go back to the Audience hall and check there?” “As good a plan as any, I guess,” Pinkie confirmed. And then as one, the group made their way back. They had to go through several checkpoints along the way. “Miss Pie, was it? Shouldn't your mane be, you know, bigger?” Asked a guard outside the Audience hall. “I’m tired, it’s been a really, really, really awful day, and we can’t find Twilight whom we desperately need to apologize to because she knew something was off, and not one of us would listen to her!” She’d gone from meek and timmed to getting in his face. “Alright, alright, cheese… listen, before I let you go through you need to answer one question.” “And what might that be?” Rarity asked. “Who’s on first.” “What?” Dash asked. “Second base,” Pinkie replied. “Who’s on first.” “I don’t know,” Dash shot back. “I Don’t Know is on third. He said Who is on first.” “I’m confused, What’s the question?” Applejack asked. “No, What is the second base pony,” Pinkie countered. “He said Who’s on first.” “Why?” “Left field.” “Left field?” “Maybe we could come back tomorrow?” Fluttershy timidly suggested. “Pitcher,” Pinkie stated. “OK, OK, I think I get it, it’s a baseball thing, and we have to get the right answer. How does this work?” OK, work with me here. The pitcher throws the ball to first base and…” “Well, who gets it?” “Naturally.” “Who?” “Yes.” “The pitcher throws the ball to who?” “Naturally.” “Ah, I think I see. So the pitcher throws the ball to Naturally…” “No, he throws it to who.” “That’s what I’m asking! The pitcher throws the ball to who?” “Naturally.” “I said the pitcher throws the ball to naturally.” “No, the ball is thrown to Who.” “OK, humor me here. Let’s say I’m the pitcher…” “Tomorrow.” “Fine then, Tomorrow throws the ball to first base, whoever it is drops the ball, so the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow—a triple play.” “Yup, could be.” “Another guy gets up and it's a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know. He's on third and I don't give a darn!” “Shortstop.” “What? “Second base.” “Oh, don’t you dare? Don’t you go and start in all over again.” “You can enter,” Offered the guard with a smirk on his face. “Well it’s about dang time,” Applejack stated, turned, and walked through the door with the others following. They found a disheartened Princess Celestia. With her were several officers of the Guard, Nobles, and Civic leaders. “Princess Celestia, Who’s on first?” Rarity asked. “What, I Don’t Know, Why, Because, Tomorrow, Today, and I don’t give a damn,” Celestia said without even bothering to look up from the reports. “We were wondering if you’ve seen Twilight or Spike. If that’s OK,” Fluttershy asked timidly. “And Miss Aerie,” Dash put in. “Miss Aerie?” Celestia repeated. This time she did look up. “Miss Aerie had tagged along. Said she’d been assigned to look after Twilight. We haven't seen either all day.” “Ma’am, there’s no one on the rotation by that name and so far as I’m aware there were no guards assigned to Miss Sparkle,” one of the officers informed Princess Celestia. “I fear she may have been abducted.” “Miss Aerie…” Celestia said softly as she turned to face the hole in the wall where a window used to be. She’d been given a brief account of the events, the nightmare creature who on exposure to the daylight regained herself and transformed into an alicorn both beautiful and fearful to behold. Names had been left out and they had yet to get a full account of who all was in that specific party. “Is the one who broke that window.” “What?” Applejack asked. “Second base,” Celestia replied. Applejack looked even more confused. “Are you saying that she was that pony who took on Queen Chrysalis?” Dash asked. “That is so awesome!” “I made the mistake of holding back. I hesitated and held back. She didn’t.” Celestia turned back on hearing the unmistakable sound of Spike’s claws on the tiled floor. “Spike?” “I went to her parent’s house,” Spike announced. “They are alright, but Twilight never got there.” “Excuse me, Ma’am,” Offered one of the ponies who’d been convalescing in the room. One of the guards who’d been cocooned and now sported a very fine sword at his side. “Miss Sparkle had been with our group when we broke out. It was she who escorted Princess Cadance to this very room. Once the lings were driven out she retired from the room, but I couldn't say where she went.” He had to think for a moment. “We were all suffering from the effects of having been cocooned. Perhaps she went to seek help from the clinic?” “On it!” Spike announced and started trotting for the exit. “Not without us,” Dash declared, chased after him, and was in turn followed by Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Their exuberance died down when they arrived. Every bed was full. Every hallway lined with cots. Every conceivable place a pony could lie down filled. “Twilight Sparkle? I’m terribly sorry, she was taken out of here some time ago.” “Taken out of here?!” Applejack asked in horror. “Indeed, there was no room, and the poor thing was slumped over a chair.” “Slumped over…” Rarity said softly, her legs giving out. “Yes, that’s right. She’d been working all afternoon on making curative for every pony who’d been cocooned. She was exhausted. She has a private apartment here in the castle, they probably took her there.” “Then she’s alive?” Dash demanded. “Of course she is. What did you think I meant? Honestly...” Her last word trailed off as Spike and the others raced off through the castle once more. > Chapter 75 The Young Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bernard couldn't help but be impressed by Twilight Sparkles' private apartment. The private tower was more accurate. The ground floor boasted a fancy foyer, a reception room, a kitchenette with a pantry, and a bath and toilet. The next floor up boasted an impressive library, a combination bedroom, and above that was an observatory. He’d been the one to carry Twilight, and Sandra had bathed and dried her. At which point Bernard put Twilight in her bed, and Sandra on a sofa. She’d hit her limit so he’d taken an extra blanket from the chest at the foot of the large canopy bed and draped it over her. Given he’d yet to accomplish his task he sat down in a big overstuffed chair with a book. Sure, he probably should have been out helping others, but that wasn’t his concern. Technically he was supposed to be nothing more than an observer and the occasional message runner. He also wanted to be there when Twilight woke up. That way he could relay his message and go home. Bernard was about a quarter of a way into the book he’d chosen when someone pounding on the door jolted him out of it. He let out a sigh, dropped a ribbon to mark his place, put the book on the table, got up, and went downstairs. And no, he did not open the door. You see in old houses and castles there are often these little mini windows, barred to keep someone from trying to reach in to open the door. This he opened. “Twilight?” all five ponies chimed hopefully. “Oh, it’s you?” “Aah, who are you?” “I’m Bernard, the butler.” He couldn't help but let himself mess with them. “Miss Sparkle is asleep.” “Butler?” Spike asked in confusion. “Ah, the young squire, Young Master Spike the Dragon. I suppose you may come in, but the rest of you can stay out.” “Ya, well try and stop us!” Dash boasted. Bernard had other ideas. He, no slouch at magic pulled a wand from a saddle bag and conjured up a wall of fire. Magical fire. Little more than an illusion but it’d be enough to keep the mares from bum-rushing the door when he opened it. And they did attempt it only to back peddle violently. Spike walked in, and the door was shut and barred. “Ah, what kind of fire is this anyway?” Spike asked while standing in it. “Just an illusion to keep them out. Twilight is upstairs and she needs her rest. And yes, I heard.” “So, you’re a butler.” “Message runner. I was ordered to tell her that Miss Aerie was alright. I can’t tell her until she wakes up.” “I could tell her for you.” “Not in my orders. I’m to carry out my orders to the letter. Therefore I’ve little choice but to stay nearby until she wakes up.” “Let's see, rejected by her friends and Celestia, got cocooned, rescued, had to fight her way out, brought Cadance to Shining Armor…” “And then spent the afternoon making potions to help others.” “Yup, she’s going to be out for a while.” “Should I let the others in?” “Nope. We all want to apologize, but... she’s not going to hear any of it. She’ll be out till morning, and trying to wake her will just make things worse.” “Right.” he opened the mini window. “You gonna let us in there Hun?” Applejack asked. “Sorry, Young Master Spike says you’ll need to come back in the morning.” “Aw come on!” Dash protested. “I can’t help but feel I should be back there helping out,” Aerie said as she, Amore, and Nova Silverwood walked along a tropical beach. She had on a one-piece bathing suit, a lacy wrap-around skirt, and an oversized floral print blouse that was tied around her waist with the sleeves rolled up. And even though the sun was low on the horizon, it was still plenty warm. Her companions were dressed in similar breezy outfits. “You’ve done far more than anyone could ever possibly expect from you,” Nova offered. “Aerie!” Luna called as she ran down the beach. “I’ve got your bag, and the guards at the Everfree station say your armor will be ready when you come back in the morning. They also wanted to let me know the hammer will be right where you left it.” “Thanks, Mom,” Aerie offered. “Some Summer vacation this has turned out to be.” “Like you haven't been loving it,” Luna teased. “Loving it?” Amore asked. “I got a rare opportunity to truly cut loose.” “Well, then, you're welcome. I guess. I… I think I was filled with too much rage to really appreciate what was happening. I can say that I was putting my all into it. All that power.” “Luna, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it in time for dinner,” Nova Silverwood remarked thinking to change the topic. “I’m glad. Things got a little heated in Ponyville this afternoon. I managed to convince them that a ling who is not actively trying to hurt anyone isn’t a threat and that the invasion was an aberration.” “Harming ponies, it’s not their true nature,” Amore offered. “Dare I ask what’s become of my Lings?” “Not good, I’m afraid. Ponyville got its fair share of the fallout. Dead and injured lings scattered all over the valley. Many tried to fly as they were being ejected from Canterlot and it ripped their wings off. After that, they were subject to the same results as anything else thrown that far from such a height. A few had enough sense to tuck their wings until they’d reached the zenith of their arch and were able to make safe landings. Unfortunately many had been injured when they were ejected from the city. Those who could, scattered into the forests. And to make matters worse Mrs Spoiled Rich started a rumor that ponies were lings in disguise. And yes, she was targeting her favorite ponies. She’s presently being held pending an investigation regarding whether or not she’s a ling. Granted that everyone knows she’s not a ling, it just keeps her from starting more trouble.” Aerie couldn't help but laugh. “No sensible ling would call attention to themselves like that,” Amore commented. “Precisely,” Luna replied. “Sensible lings aren’t going to do anything to call attention to themselves.” “We’ve lings on the payroll,” Nova Silverwood informed Amore. “As do we,” Luna added. “We even sponsored a hive of reformed lings in Canterlot mountain. Lings that have thrown off the curse.” “Seriously?” Amore asked. “Started by an outcast who calls themselves Idol Hooves. Oh shit…” Aerie was now gravely concerned. “My world's Idol will be fine,” Nova Silverwood offered. “That love burst didn’t affect very many of the outcasts.” “That’s good. It all sorts itself out then I gather?” “Now you know I’m not supposed to tell you anything.” “I think it only counts if we need to be actively involved,” Aerie suggested hopefully. “Well, you can’t very well get yourself bogged down in my Equestria when you’ve matters to deal with in England.” “True enough. Which reminds me. We are having an issue with a house elf. Keeps nicking my mail and Kreacher has to go after him.” “Any idea who’s elf it is?” “Dobby. The Malfoy House Elf.” “Why would… he’s not related to a Horcrux is he?” “Not a word about that to anyone. It does mean that I can expect that specific Horcrux to show up on schedule. All I have to do is nick it before it causes any trouble.” “What’s a Horcrux?” Amore asked. “The container one puts a bit of their soul into to cheat death. And don’t say anything to anyone. This isn’t to be discussed. And it’s entirely possible I’m just going to have to put up with Dobby. The downside is I expect he’ll try to stop me from getting on the Hogwarts Express.” “You could always fly up,” Luna suggested. “Not sure I want to put my trunk in Hammerspace though.” “And she needs to take a Meta flight seminar,” Nova Silverwood added. “If you are going to fly at any kind of speed at a reasonable altitude you’ll need to wear a transponder and talk to traffic controllers so you don’t collide with aircraft and other fliers. Traffic control will think you are flying an ultralight.” “What about putting a Floo connection in at Platform nine and three quarters?” “People might slide right out onto the tracks.” “Put them at the ends of the platform. It is a subway platform after all.” “I suppose that could be doable, It’d mean fewer people having to go through the station. and you’d be able to go directly from your home. Just for returning students. I kind of like the idea of everyone having that same first experience.” “Keep it a secret. At least until my little issue is sorted.” “It’s my railroad, I can do what I want, and the Malfoy Household doesn’t need to know.” “Aunt Nova!” called a boy who was Aerie’s present physical age from the treeline bordering the beach. “Zachery, come say high to our guests,” Nova Silverwood called. “Cookie said to tell you that dinner is almost ready,” he called back. “Well then, we don’t want to be late, do we?” Nova Silverwood offered and directed their little group back up the beach. “Looking at my scar, aren’t you?” Zachery said with just a touch of smugness. His outfit consisted of a faded yellow T-shirt on which was a cartoon cat sitting on a box playing an acoustic guitar and singing ‘love to eat them mousies…” denim cut-off shorts and sandals on his feet. Aerie reached up, and with a smile on her face pulled back her hair. “Oh, it’s the same. We’ve got the same scar. Ha, we could be brother and sister.” “Siblings, but not siblings,” Aerie replied as she dropped her hand and reached out to Zachery. “Zachery, this is Miss Aerie Potter,” Nova Silverwood informed him. “Her mother Luna Moon, and Amore Krystallos.” “Pleased I am to meet thy acquaintance…” He made a polite bow of his head while taking Aerie’s hand in his, but his gaze was glued to Luna. “Is there something that troubles thee?” Luna asked. “It’s just that you look so much like a picture of my mom.” “Indeed.” “From when I was really little. Maybe we are cousins?” “Ah, that could be it.” “Let’s go in,” Nova Silverwood prompted and a moment later the party was walking down a path that meandered through Sea Grape, Gumbo Limbo, and Palm trees. The house was a large two-story structure set up on a large stone foundation which was accessed by either stairs or an elevator that was open save for railing and the primary superstructure. And there were other structures nearby. The closest was a large kitchen that had large open windows, and every building had a tower. “So what are the towers for?” Aerie asked as they ascended the stairs. “Cooling. The tower is for drawing warm air up and out of the buildings. Fans in each room, cool water going through pipes in the floors. The average high is only eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit so it’s not so bad. All that cooling stuff is because it’ll spike up into the nineties in the Summer.” “And it’s summer right now,” Aerie pointed out. “True, which is why I let you stay at the research station until it started to cool off.” “You ever going to let me go to the research station,” Zachary asked as they entered into a dining room. Mr Black was already there, dressed in khaki shorts and a floral print shirt. With him, there were two mature women dressed in loose-fitting gowns in light pastels, a man who was dressed like an English gentleman on safari, and a little silver-gray pegasus with a golden mane. “When you are older. - Aerie, Luna, you already know Mr Black. Amore, Mr Black, and my house guests are Laire and Sorcha. They are technically my nieces. Daughters if we go by Equestrian rules. And that’s Ambassador Donburi and my grand niece Radiant Dawn who just happens to be dating the ambasadore. Everyone else either has their own place or is in Scotland right now. Where it’s a lot cooler.” “Heaven forbid the outside world were to learn that a large portion of the population migrates every year,” Sorcha offered with a grin. “Luna, as in Princess?” “Yes, not her Luna though,” Luna replied as they picked seats to sit in. “From what I’ve seen of your military, foreign powers had best leave you alone even when you are at half strength. Hadn't they?” The ambassador quipped playfully. “I’d invited the Ambassador and his filly friend to dinner before I knew the three of you would be coming. “That’s quite alright,” Luna offered. “The more the merrier. So, he’s your special some-pony then?” “Sorry we’re late,” Kitsumi announced as she entered the big room. “Aerie? Luna? You’re here?” “Indeed we are,” Luna replied with a smile as a young blond-headed girl followed Kitsumi. “Do please have a seat,” Nova Silverwood said. “You’ve missed out on an opportunity to catch up, but there is still the remainder of the evening. Aerie, this is Isolde Swan. Kitsumi had volunteered to look after her.” “Sorry about being late, I had to go fetch Isolde. Truth is, I’d heard rumors… and had gone to go check out… the storm damage from the most recent hurricane,” Kitsu offered as she went and pulled out a seat for herself. And yes, she was talking about the invasion but understood that the Ambassador was not to know about the portal. No outsider could know, which meant that they didn’t even tell their own offspring until they were adults and presumably capable of keeping it to the community. When they did speak of it it was done in reverent tones that if overheard would leave the listener to think it was some kind of religious thing. Indeed the portal itself was in the middle of a heavily guarded Grecian temple complex away from prying eyes. “It’s my fault, sorry, I was out exploring the island.” Isolde offered. “Do have a care. There are things out there that would frighten the beasts of the Forbidden Forest. - Alfred, I think we are ready,” Nova Silverwood called to a tall thin man who stepped out from behind a partition the moment he’d heard his name. The man had on a shirt-like garment that went down to his knees and belted at the waist, a stylish red vest, a red and white checked apron, and on his feet he wore sandals. Indeed, everyone seemed to wear sandals save for the Ambassador who insisted on wearing desert-issue boots any time he was invited somewhere. He’d also had a red scarf tied onto his head which could be dipped in water, rung out, and put back as a means to staying cool. “You keep servants?” Aerie asked as a couple of women in similar outfits came out instead of a vest they sported red skirts. She also wanted to ask about Isolde but dared not. “Pegasi, every last one. Heaven knows I could manage myself, but the parliament insisted I keep up appearances.” “And the rock the place is on?” Luna asked as a fruit salad was put out. “All the low-lying structures are raised up like that,” Ambassador Donburi informed her. “We can mitigate the worst of what the hurricanes throw at us but there is still the storm surge to deal with. We’ve been working on sea walls between the outer islands but it takes time.” “They have built some truly impressive gates to allow shipping to enter,” Ambassador Donburi offered. “Did you not see them on your way in?” “I understand they’d fallen asleep and missed it,” Nova informed him. A little white lie. After all, they couldn't very well tell him they’d come by way of another dimension. Bad enough a muggle knew about magic. Not that any pony was worried. If the man dared say anything, he had a pony girlfriend and they'd out him for the Brony that he was. “I’d had a rather busy morning,” Aerie offered, Nova thanked the staff and the heavens in general for the food, and then they dug in.” “Zachery, by any chance are you learning about magic?” Aerie asked after a short pause in the conversation. “Eques Academy, in the primary division.” “You are very lucky,” Luna offered. “Aerie is going to Hogwarts, and I fear that it’s not quite up to standards.” “The place is miserable cold in the winter, and there was a wraith loose in the school this year,” Aerie informed Zachery. “One of the professors passed on in class too.” Isolde looked like she wanted to say something but held her tongue. Technically they’d lost two professors that year, one was a ghost and already dead when they passed on and the other a traitor who’d been turned into a baby. But then again, she could count herself as one of the few who actually knew the man was still alive. She’d also had the urge to defend Hogwarts, but after seeing the Eques Academy first hand it had become all too clear just how run down Hogwarts really was. “I’ve heard that the school is in an old castle and that it’s haunted,” Zachery said hopefully. “Indeed it is. One ghost, in particular, named Peeves, is prone to attacking students.” “Aerie was attacked by another student, and shot by a member of the faculty,” Luna added. “She wanted to go, and is every bit as stubborn as your Aunt Nova.” “They don’t even have a full curriculum,” Aerie lamented. “I’m having to do self-paced studies to keep up with the requirements if I want to get into the Eques Academy at the college level.” “You were doing additional studies?” Isolde asked. “Most of the assignments we were being given were just to keep us busy, and…” Aerie leaned across the table. “An enchanted quill can do a lot of the writing for you.” “We’ll add that to the list,” Kitsumi offered. “Just keep in mind we’ll be giving you extra work too.” “What about Hogwarts, don’t they have college?” Zachery asked. “No advanced classes past the seventh year. Students go into apprenticeship programs from there,” Nova Silverwood offered. “And that’s if they are lucky. Once they are set in a job that’s pretty much where they will be for the rest of their life.” “Part of me kind of wishes I could go. At least one year,” Zachery said wistfully. “And we’ve discussed this. You can go to Ilvermorny in America when you are older. You need to be a citizen of England living in the UK proper. Not an outlying former colony on the wrong side of the pond.” “I know. You’re afraid the people who murdered my family might try to finish the job. But Aerie’s got the same scar.” “And nearly got killed, twice. Because of that scar, and because I'm a Potter,” Aerie emphasized. “You’ve got your mom.” “I was taken away from my mom and placed with my Aunt and Uncle." Isolde looked at Aerie with a confused look. Was Luna Moon Lily Potter? Had she survived and gone into hiding? Dumbledore had already been exposed for one big lie, why not another? "We’ve only recently been reunited. And that was after… My Aunt and Uncle are anti-magic, and when the Hogwarts letter came in he went nuts.” “Oh, right. That was you," Zachery said on recalling the articles that had been in the news. "It was all over the news. Not that I can blame him. Not if Hogwarts is as bad as people say.” “I might transfer out after next year.” Aerie went back to her meal, and Nova Silverwood gave her a knowing look. If they were counting on Dumbledore to find the ring he was as likely to just sit on it so that Aerie would have no choice but to stay in Hogwarts for the duration of her sham of an education. > Chapter 76 The day after. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Zachery asked Aerie a little while after dinner. Aerie was sitting on a fallen log gazing out over the large lagoon the islands enjoyed, and at that moment the water was as smooth as glass. Night had fallen and it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began. Along the beach where space gently caressed the land a small flock of phoenixes flitted along the shoreline like living embers diving and swooping, wheeling, and turning. Now and then one would go after a crab that had dared the shoreline or some other hapless creature. “Hi Harry – Zachery. Sorry.” “Ah… You can call me Zap if you like. And you're not exactly the first to call me Harry.” “Sorry about that.” “Look, it’s Harry Potter,” Zachery said sarcastically and mockingly. “And then someone would smack them on the back of the head and scold them. ‘Just because he’s got a scar on his forehead don’t make him Harry Potter’ and then they’d threaten to expel them if they went around spreading rumors.” “I’m not Aerie Potter. Not really. I’m Princess Kitsumi Nova Moon, house of Athelas, and Arthol. Aerie Potter is just a role I’m playing. Your Aunt knows, just keep it quiet. And I know about your family. Probably a few things you don’t know. There was this person named Tom Riddle who went around preaching blood purity and oh how the old wizarding families ate it up.” “That was Voldemort, I saw the papers.” “Well, there was this clairvoyant who made a prediction in a pub, that’s British for cantina, and then Riddle and his followers went around killing the firstborn son of every family who’d dared to oppose his worldview. Your family was killed, and Mrs Silverwood spirited you out of England for your protection. You got that scar when they attacked your family.” “But why me, why my family? Firstborn? Hang on, where have I heard that from?” “Blazing saddles. Anyway, a man named Dumbledore had created a grand scheme to build himself up at the expense of others. His actions made your family a prime target.” “Harry Potter, that was me, wasn’t it?” “The name Harry Potter was added to the master book of enrollment at Hogwarts when you were just a baby. Something that should have been impossible. And Dumbledore made sure everyone knew about it. You see, the master enrollment book is a magical artifact. And it doesn’t normally allow anyone under the age of… what was it, six, five, to be entered into the book. The reason for this is that a baby still has their mother’s magic. Dumbledore tells everyone that the babe, Harry Potter, has so much magic that the book had allowed the name to be entered, and paints a target on Harry Potter’s back. And because I've assumed the role, that target is on my back now.” “Which is why I can never go to England, isn’t it?” “Right off hand, I’d say yes. Or at the very least, not so long as Professor Albus Dumbledore, Head Master of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin First class, Grand Sorcerer... trust me he’s no sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, I think he makes this stuff up, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot is alive. He’s obsessed with Harry Potter. Although… right now that obsession has been redirected at myself. If he were to find out that I have a brother…” Aerie couldn't help but do the quote thing with her fingers. “He’d come after me. Kind of explains why all the locals are so protective of me.” “Apple, Zap Apple,” Aerie stated as though she was saying Bond, James Bond. “Your mission is to stay undercover for as long as you can. Some day Harry Potter will come in out of the cold, and on that day he’s going to kick ass.” “Damn straight!” Zachary stated. “So why do you say Dumbledore isn’t a sorcerer?” “So far as I know, he can’t do any wandless magic. The Ministry of Magic in England even suppresses its use in the youth of the country.” “The moratorium on underage magic,” Zachary stated. “Accidental magic brought about by not teaching little kids anything about magic.” “Equestrians have a different attitude about magic, given they never had to hide it in their homeland. The fundamentals are taught when we are little. That way we will understand what’s happening when we have an outburst and be better equipped to deal with it.” “Aunt Nova says the same thing. That we should know about magic at a young age. Wonder how I ended up with the name Zachary Apple though?” “Zap Apples. You ever have any?” “Oh, yes, there is a grove here on the island. They’ll zap you if they aren’t ready to be picked.” Aerie reached over, poked his scar with a finger, and said, “Zap.” He looked at her, reached over, and echoed her. A moment later the two bust up laughing, each withdrawing their finger. “Funny, your mom looks so much like my mom,” he said a short time later. “Might explain why Nova Silverwood was so interested in Lily Evens. That uncanny family resemblance. Just look at us. We do look like brother and sister.” "You sure we aren't?" Aerie had to think for a moment. "Considering what the Elements of Harmony did to me, afraid I can't rule out the possibility. Just... well, it's not like you don't have family who care about you. After all, you didn't have to grow up in the Dursley house." Elsewhere on the compound Isolde had gone in search of Luna and found her in a lounger that had been set up in a clearing that overlooked the beach. “Excuse me, Mrs Moon?” “You may call me Luna if you like.” “But you’re an adult.” “Ah yes, a lady must always be polite and address her elders properly. I am a princess.” “Your Highness then.” “You had a question for me?” “I did. Are you really Aerie’s mom?” “Ah, that is a complicated question for how can I be Aerie’s mom when Lily Evens Potter is her mother?” “That is the basis of my quandary.” “If I am not Lily, then perhaps, Lily was me? Or at the very least one incarnation.” “Incarnation? But you couldn't possibly have been Lily, and been reincarnated? You'd be younger than Aerie?” “Indeed, if I was Lily’s reincarnation. But I said that she could be an incarnation of myself.” “I don’t understand?” “Look here, see that star…” and Luna reached out and pointed at a star. “That one right there…” “Yes…” She wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at when suddenly a star she’d known her whole life shifted positions as Luna moved her finger. A cool inviting breeze swept past as she was doing it as well. “How…” “Mom!” Aerie shouted from the trees below. “Put it back before someone notices!” “Spoilsport!” Luna called back and then shifted the star back into position. “I… no longer wish to know,” Isolde stated, turned, and walked away. Twilight Sparkle woke up to the smell of coffee, and wearily drug herself out of bed. Indeed she was halfway down to the kitchen when she realized that she was back in her old tower. But she only stopped to ponder for a moment as her gut painfully reminded her that she’d not eaten anything solid in days. It’d literally been days. Down in the little dinette area, she discovered Sandra and Bernard eating breakfast. “Ah… who are you?” “Ah, Miss Sparkle. You’re awake,” Bernard announced, got up, and ushered her to a place at the table. “I’m Bernard.” “I’m Sandra, here, drink a glass of juice,” “I need coffee.” “Juice first, then breakfast. It was all I could do to get a protein shake into you yesterday. Considering how long it’s been since you’ve presumably had solid food, coffee is the last thing you want.” “Oh, you’re from the clinic. And you?” “A message runner. I was instructed to tell you in person that Miss Aerie is fine.” “Oh. You… did you get here this morning? How’d you know where to find me? How did I even get here?” “I found you last night passed out in a chair at the clinic. And with Miss Sandra and Spike’s help, we brought you here. She collapsed shortly after getting you cleaned up and in bed.” Spike looked out from the kitchen knowing full well he hadn’t helped and chided himself for abandoning her. “I woke up on the sofa, and he was in that big overstuffed chair.” “You stayed here?” “It’s a mess out there.” “Twilight,” Spike called as he exited the pantry. He’d a little apron on. He stopped. “I’m so sorry. I... should have listened. I should have known you were right. I knew that… that creature wasn’t Cadance, but then every pony was saying she was just stressed out and you were being immature, and... can you ever forgive me?” “Just come here and give me a hug, alright?” They were still hugging when the locks on the door was unlatched and the door opened. Twilight did her best to shrink into her seat, but then she saw a rather bedraggled Princess Luna. Princess Luna pushed a cart in, stepped in, closed the door, and locked it again. “Princess Luna?” Twilight asked. “Spike, what did you have in here for breakfast?” Luna asked. “Not much, just oatmeal.” “Indeed. I’ve raided the kitchen, have a look, and I think you’ll find these wares to be of your approval.” “Miss Twilight, you should still eat some oatmeal,” Sandra whispered. “Princess Luna,” Bernard said, got up and bowed. “Ah, the butler.” “I’m actually a message runner.” “You’re a butler now.” “Yes, Ma’am. Um… I don’t actually know what a butler does.” “And neither does Twilight.” “I should probably get back to the clinic,” Sandra offered. “Not until you’ve had a proper breakfast.” “Ah, this will do nicely,” Spike announced. He’d hop down from Twilight’s embrace and checked out everything on the cart. A moment later he was wheeling it over to the little kitchen area. “Glad to hear it,” Luna offered as she pulled up a chair and sat down. “Twilight, I had a long talk with my Sister last night. She’s sorry about how she dismissed you.” “Then why isn’t she here?” Twilight asked perhaps a bit more tersely than she’d intended. “Here, eat,” Spike ordered as he plopped a bowl of oatmeal down in front of Twilight. Satisfied, he went back to the kitchen. “I told her to let you be. At least until everything has had a chance to get back to normal and you’ve had time. I’m to understand the element bearers wish to convey their apology as well.” “And they are…” Twilight pressed. “Sent home. My orders.” “You sent them home?” “Considering the dreams you were having last night… I swear I haven't had a night like that since King Sombra tried to invade. Dear, I feared that if they came bursting in here with their usual lack of restraint you’d likely have told them off. You might even have unloaded on my sister, considering.” “Ah… you’re probably not wrong.” Twilight took a bite of her oatmeal, chewed, and swallowed. “What I experienced down in those caverns.” “The true power of an alicorn.” “She intentionally willed herself into some kind of Nightmare creature and…” “I’ve seen the aftermath.” “She was able to undo it. On her own.” “She’s an element barer. What? Did you think you and your friends were the only ones?” “Such… carnage.” “We were fighting for our very lives. Fighting for the existence of pony kind in Equestria and I’d say she understood that all too well. OK, fine, I did sleep through most of it, Twilight, I was cocooned in my own chambers. They sprang upon me while I slept... “And I saw plenty of first-hand accounts in ponies' dreams last night. If Queen Chrysalis had accomplished everything her twisted little brain had desired, we’d all be in cocoons right now.” “She became an alicorn. Aerie did. That was her, was it not?” “It was. Twilight, she was always an alicorn. She hides that horn of hers and will say she is just a pegasus with a horn. I suspect she was born that way.” “A pegasus with a horn indeed. If she is a bearer, what element does she hold?” “Two elements. Hope and Uncommon Valor. She has within her the same thing that drives Miss Pie. Add to that the drive to do whatever she must to secure the safety and well-being of others even at the cost of her own life. It is a drive seldom witnessed and we were facing extinction. And no, I’m not exaggerating. With the kind of power Chrysalis would have held with an entire city under her control there would have been no stopping her. Lings would have spread out like a virus, and the world would have stopped. With no pony to keep the day and night cycle… trust me when I say I was fighting against Nightmare Moon with you because eternal night or day means the death of the entire planet.” “When Miss Aerie came to my village she was spent,” Bernard offered while the others processed what Princess Luna had just said. “They sent for her mother because her magic was dangerously low. Fear not, she arrived before I left, and I understood that she’d be fine after a bit of rest.” “Her mother?” Twilight asked. “When a foal has overused their manna a close relative can provide them with a little of their own,” Luna offered. “I’m told that you benefited from this on multiple occasions.” “My parents?” Twilight said as a sudden panic overcame her. “They are well and unharmed. I hear they gave good measure to the lings and came out of it local heroes. You can go visit them when you’ve eaten. And no, they won’t be able to come to you.” “I suppose I should eat. It’s just…” “It can wait. Unlike you, Cadance is taking time to recover.” “She was cocooned considerably longer than I was. And my brother?” “Also taking time to recover. Under the circumstances, I took it upon myself to temporarily relieve him of his command and duty. He’s not happy about it but he was clearly being manipulated, his decision-making undoubtedly compromised, and I’m going to want him to get a full medical workup before he’s allowed to resume his command.” “And Princess Celestia?” “She has agreed. Reluctantly, but she did agree. Especially after I pointed out that you were practically raised by Cadance. Oh, I did some digging, learned your history, and woke up in a cocoon. Later on, I want to teach you how to dream walk.” “Dream walk? Why Dream walking.” “I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think it’s that ability that made it possible for Aerie and me to overcome the endorphin-induced dreamlike state created by the pods. The pods release chemicals that are intended to keep the victim in a trance-like state thinking happy thoughts. Granted that Aerie and I are born warriors whose pulse races at just the thought of battle… And become frustrated when we can’t catch our prey.” “Warriors born, your blood boils for conquest, is that it?” Bernard asked with a bit of bravado in his tone. “Indeed,” Princess Luna replied with a grin. “Quite possibly why I fell for the nightmare. In my case it was possession, but in Aerie’s case, I suspect her Night Mare was her own blood lust given form. That would explain why she could overcome it so easily.” “I saw what she can do like that and she is downright scary,” Twilight offered. “She had a large forge hammer and a mining lance in her telekinetic field. The hammer crushed lings by the dozen…” “I’m aware of what a mining lance is capable of. Can’t say it ever occurred to me to use one as a weapon. I prefer pole-arms myself. Still though, when faced with such overwhelming odds it was a wise choice.” “Princess, if it’s alright, I really don’t need to know.” “Times were hard a thousand years ago.” “I’ve read the history books. I just never thought I’d be living in such times as was described.” “Indeed, indeed. There has been a thousand years of peace. And now… Bernard, and Sandra, I’d like the two of you to stay by Twilight’s side for the time being. Sandra, that’s not going to be an imposition, I hope?” “My family lives down in Apple Loosa. I can send them a wire to let them know I’m alright.” “Good. And Bernard, I’d like you to stay with Twilight to keep her safe. You did the right thing by keeping her friends out for multiple reasons. Getting her sleep was of primary concern, and she should be taking it easy. Secondly, I’d like it if you can guard her from rogue lings and panicky ponies alike. I can relay a message through Lulu, so don’t worry about that.” “Ma’am.” “Princess Luna, I really don’t need any pony.” “Twilight, I’m not giving you a choice. Being cocooned drains a pony and it will be a while before we are back to peak health. And, well, I do care what happens to you. - Now, Spike, I’m famished.” “Pancakes with fresh fruit coming up!” Spike called from the kitchenette. “I hope you don’t mind if I eat with you. It was the only way I was going to get any peace, and Bernard, do please sit down.” “Ma’am.” “Oh, and Twilight, I’m going to help myself to your bed.” “My bed?” “My chambers need a bit of cleaning.” “Princess?!” “Cocooned in my own bedroom.” > Chapter 77 A romantic idiot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie and her Luna slowly winged their way over the Everfree. Aerie had her armor in a pack, her hammer strapped to a belt, and despite the forest’s reputation, the trip had been quiet. She was also sporting a brand new N-sid ring, the old one having disintegrated. “Local Manticores are probably too full of changelings to bother with us,” Luna offered as Ponyville came into site. “Ordinarily I’d say don’t jinks it, but you may be right. I haven't seen anything beyond ordinary birds.” “Who are you!” demanded a pegasus in Equestrian armor as he swooped in to challenge the two. Behind him, there were a half dozen more who were being careful not to get in too close. “You were saying?” Luna asked Aerie. “I’m Aerie, this is my mom. I have a house here in Ponyville.” “Ya, well what were you doing yesterday?!” “Fighting changelings in Canterlot.” “If you were in Canterlot, what are you doing out here?” “I was grappling with a particularly big ling when the purge hit. That spell swept out some ponies too you know.” “Lieutenant Bean, there were reports of ponies being carried off.” Offered one of the other guards. “Hey, I know her, leave her alone!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she swooped down. “Aerie, tell me Scootaloo is alright?” Dash asked as the patrol went back to their designated route. “She’s in London, or did you forget?” “Oh, right, the sleepover. A lot has happened in the past three days. Knowing those three they are going to be sorry they missed all the fun. Funny you arranging that trip to another world the moment the dome went up.” “Fun? You can call what happened fun? Honestly.” “Don’t you tell them we got caught? All they understand at their age is adventure. What a grand adventure it must be to battle changelings they’d think and wonder if they could get a cutie mark in it.” “Fair enough, and you were out like a light and getting cocooned when I blasted through.” A long moment of silence happened as Dash looked at her with an odd look. And then she saw it, it was just a little thing but the vortex coming off a hidden horn was as plain as day to Dash as an Apple tree to Applejack. “I was not out, and I saw you get knocked on your flank. Still, though, that was totally awesome.” “Playing possum was it? Fair enough.” “Just waiting for an opening. Thanks for the opening. Twilight, Cadance, and a ragtag team of fighters came bursting in shortly after you exited. What you did… that was the most amazing thing ever. I didn’t know there were any other… don’t worry I won’t say anything. I mean, you are hiding that horn for a reason.” “Ah… you can see it?” “Vapor trail off the tip every so often. I saw that horn and you using it and I’d recognize that hammer anywhere after having seen it. And you did what Celestia couldn't. Are you seriously that much more powerful?” “Princess Celestia has ten times the amount of raw power that I have.” “Then how come she was so easily overwhelmed?” “She held back. At least that’s my understanding,” Luna offered. “Nightfall cut a huge scar into her heart, so to speak. She’s afraid of what could happen if she were to cut loose the way Aerie did. Aerie isn’t afraid to use everything she’s got. That’s why I’m with her. She’d used too much manna so they sent for me to give her a boost.” “Mother’s touch. Like that connection Scootaloo has with Aurora,” Aerie added. “Dash, she put so much of herself into that fight that she could have died.” “Hey! Get down here, we need to talk!” Applejack shouted from down below. The three fliers looked at each other, shrugged, and then landed. “Um… hi,” Aerie offered. “Don’t you lie to me.” “All I said was hi?” “Where’s Apple Bloom?” “In the other dimension. We discussed this.” “Funny you should come up with the idea the moment that shield went up over Canterlot. Funny you should decide to tag along as Twilight’s official escort even though – news flash – no pony assigned her an escort.” “Funny how I was the only one who would support Twilight when she said that that fake was a monster,” Aerie filled in. Her tone was dry and business-like. “Ya, we kind of screwed up there,” Dash offered. “You knew! Didn’t you?!” “Fox pony. We are good at predicting things. That and I could tell. Her aura was all dark and wonky looking.” “Oh no, you don’t get to cop out that easily. This happened somewhere else didn’t it? Didn’t it!?” “Alright, supposing it did. I couldn't very well say anything without proof. I’d intended to go fetch the real Cadance with Twilight so that we could out that fake. Never occurred to me they’d get the drop on me.” “And I moved the Night Wing so they’d be within striking distance when the attack started.” Luna offered. “Applejack, in my world, I’m not a Princess Luna lookalike, I am Princess Luna.” She reached up with a wing and shut off the N-sid ring. “There are advantages to being able to travel into different dimensions.” “Mom, shut that off before some pony sees it,” Aerie protested. “Ha, I knew it! This is so awesome!” Dash all but squealed. “Seriously?” AJ asked as she looked the two over. “So long as I’m here, there is something that we need to talk to you about before the fillies get back,” Aerie prompted. “And that would be?” “The crusaders have received invitations to attend Hogwarts. It’s a magic school.” “A magic school? Apple Bloom doesn’t need to be learning magic. She’s an Earth pony, not no fancy unicorn.” “Applejack, you use magic every day.” “Ah do not!” “Your new apple trees grow to full size in one season. When you buck a tree only the ripe apples fall out, and they all land in the bushels. How is that not using magic? It’s not unicorn magic, but it’s still magic.” “Ah…” “Now you’ve done it, you broke her.” “I been using magic? Quit laughing Dash, it ain’t funny!” “I’d say it’s sort of a subconscious type of magic,” Luna offered. “Deep down surely you must know you are doing it. You just never really thought about it. Kind of like how pegasi move clouds around and make dwelling out of them. After all, when was the last time you tried to do anything with a cloud?” “Clouds just fall apart when I touch them, but I think I’m starting to understand. Still though, Granny would never approve. Heck, she thinks they are visiting Babs Seed in Manehatten. Will they even be safe there?” “About as safe as living right next to the Everfree,” Aerie offered. “We still need to talk to Lofty and Holiday about Scootaloo, along with Sweetie’s parents. It’d be a wonderful opportunity for both of them. Look, it's not the best school, and if I thought they'd be in any serious danger I'd be the first to say no way, but like I said, it'd be a good opportunity.” “But Scootaloo is just a pegasus,” Applejack scoffed. “With a button horn.” “A what?” “A button horn, and don’t say anything to no pony,” Dash admonished. “If she is allowed to exercise her magic that horn might start growing,” Luna pointed out. “Scootaloo, our Scootaloo… an alicorn?” AJ asked like it was the most improbable thing she’d ever heard. “In time. It is in the realm of possibilities.” “Scootaloo?” “And why not?” Dash asked in Scootaloo’s defense. “That filly is one awesome pony.” “It takes time,” Aerie offered. “One doesn’t become a pony like Princess Celestia in an instant. The real tragedy is that foals like Scootaloo often get abandoned.” “Like her parents didn’t?” AJ scoffed. “The jury is still out on that one. Truth is, they weren’t supposed to be gone that long. Heck, if they’d have bothered to let someone know what they were doing, something might have been done about it a lot sooner.” “Hang on… does that mean they didn’t go down to the Yackatan?” “They went with a team that was going to Mount Aris. And, well…” Aerie looked around. “They weren’t supposed to be gone any longer than a couple weeks. At the most. Considering their usual behavior, no pony would have noticed.” “Ya, and I’m still kicking myself for not noticing that Scootaloo didn’t even have a place to live.” “Stop kicking yourself over it, and go kick Big Mack.” AJ laughed. “Ha! Not like I haven't had words with him.” “Anyway, there is an ‘off the books’ expedition being put together to try to find out what happened to them. No promises though.” “I see. And that school?” “That’s up to your family to decide. If they go they’ll be away most of the year.” “You mean like you are.” “Pretty much. I’m going to the same school.” “And what good would it do her to go to that school? She’s an Apple farmer after all.” “They have herbology classes. She could be the next Mage Meadowbrook. She was an earth pony after all.” “She was?” “Missed that did you? A pony that uses magic, must be a unicorn, don’t need to know about unicorns and their ilk, shutting off brain now.” “Hey, that’s kind of uncalled for.” “Is it. If you aren’t careful you could end up just like Granny.” “Granny is barricaded in the house, has a washboard strapped to her chest and a colander on her head.” “OK, ya got me. No way you’d end up barricading yourself like that.” “We gave them lings what for, didn’t we AJ?” Dash offered. “Ya, up until someone turned the lights out on me.” “Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to go home and spend the rest of the day doing nothing,” Aerie said. “Just one more thing,” AJ cut in before Aerie and Luna could go on their way. “Just exactly when were you planning on telling me about the school?” “I only just found out myself. They are supposed to live in England to go to that school. Not just be visiting. Next thing we know there’ll be letters flying out of my house inviting half of Equestria.” “Ha, that’d be a mess,” Dash stated and then laughed. “Just picture it, all of Ponyville getting invited because they think we all live in her house.” “Nope, they can leave me out of it,” AJ stated with a tone of finality. “You need to be here for Twilight anyway. Both of you.” Aerie gave that a moment to sink in. “You can forget about the elements. You are lucky if they will even work for you given the strain on your relationship right now. Fix your friendship because the six of you need each other.” “Princess Luna told us to go home,” AJ stated. “Did she now?” Luna asked. “I’d imagine she had a very good reason to do it.” “We didn’t even track her down until late in the afternoon, and then some butler says we can’t come in,” Dash offered. “He let Spike in though,” AJ added. “And then Spike says we can’t come in.” “What’s Twilight like when she’s worn herself to a frazzle?” Aerie asked. “Kind of snippy, if you ask me,” Dash offered. “So if you all had busted in on her when she was trying to sleep?” Luna pressed. “She’d have bit our ears off, no doubt about it,” AJ admitted. “Granny and Mac were worried sick about me and did much the same when ah got home.” “And Twilight needs time to make peace with her family,” said Aerie. Twilight, Bernard, and Sandra made their way through the streets of Canterlot. Lings were still being gathered up and carted away, and rubble cleaned up. In truth, more than a few buildings bore witness to the battle that had taken place in the sky above. “This was all Aerie’s doing?” Twilight asked of no one in particular. “Did you not see it miss?” Asked a nearby stallion. “A white alicorn came out of nowhere and battled with the Queen of the Changelings.” “I saw. I was right behind her all the way up to the Hall of the Sun. They’d taken her by stealth and guile, but they not knowing what sort of pony they had were careless, and she woke up. I and others had been cocooned and I owe her more than I could ever repay.” “She walks among us?” “Indeed she does, but this day was won not by one mare but by many ponies. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m looking for my parents. Mr and Mrs Sparkle?” “Ah, you are almost there. One more block to go, and by this time next week you won’t even know anything happened around here.” “Yes, thank you,” Twilight replied and continued down the street. “Twilight! Thank Celestia you are alright.” Twilight Velvet called as she ran to embrace her daughter. “I’ve been so worried about you.” “Afraid I’ve been going nonstop.” “Which is totally you. So who are these ponies you have with you?” “My handlers. Princess Luna wanted them to come with me… Mom, I got cocooned.” “Oh… Twilight.” Velvet embraced her again. “Twilie!” Twilight looked up to see her father and suddenly he was embracing both of them. “Twilight, your brother is here,” Night Light Sparkle informed her. “So who are your two friends?” Velvet asked. “This is Sandra and Bernard. Sandra is from the Castle’s clinic, and Bernard has been assigned to me by Princess Luna as sort of a butler slash bodyguard. She wanted them looking after me until she was sure I’d be alright.” “Twilight, what do you mean she wants to be sure you’ll be alright?” Velvet asked. “Mom, I got cocooned. A day, maybe two… And they don’t exactly feed their captives. One of the ponies in our group got free. They freed us, and then we made a break for it.” Twilight found herself getting the life squeezed out of her once more. “Mom! Gasp-cough.” “Mrs Sparkle, please…” Sandra prompted. “My baby girl is not so delicate that a hug is going to kill her,” Velvet protested. But she did let go. “At the time I’d no idea what was happening outside and could only think that if I can get Cadance, the real Cadance, to Princess Celestia she would have to admit that I was right and do something…” “Oh, Twilight...” “What matters is that you and everyone else is safe now,” Her father pointed out. “But tell me, who was that mysterious Alicorn?” “In truth, she’s a fox pony. Princess Luna says she’s an Alicorn, but I don’t think it's the same for fox ponies. Anyway, she hides her horn with an enchantment, and I suspect that was the Changeling’s undoing. That specific pony I’m to understand is a curse breaker and for the lings to miss her horn was, for them, a fatal mistake. She spearheaded our drive. I saw the Night Wing overhead once we’d broken out into the open. No idea who thought to have them in place, but maybe Princess Celestia had moved them into place because of the threat status. - You said Shiny is here?” “Working out his frustration by hauling away loads of rubbish. Afraid we are just tossing everything that can’t be repaired or reused over the escarpment. Come on, let’s see if we can’t find him.” They found Shining Armor a short time later. He was pulling a dump cart, and he was sweaty and covered in dust. “Twi… Twilight.” He dropped his head, his ear drooping telegraphing his shame. “It’s alright, you are still my BBBFF,” Twilight offered. “I, um, I’d offer to hug you but I think I’ll take a dust check on that.” “You mean rain check, don’t you?” “No, I’d say dust is right,” his mother teased. “You are filthy.” “So, how is Cadance?” “You haven't been to see her?” he asked. “After the two of you cast that spell I went to the infirmary to get something to clear my lungs. I ended up making the potion I needed myself and spent the rest of the day making potion for every pony that needed it. I woke up the next morning in my tower in the castle.” “Twilight, I’ve been relieved of command.” “I heard. It’s temporary. You take some time, pass your physical, and you’ll be back in charge.” “And Cadance? How could I not see it?” “As I said before being dismissed, she was doing something to you. You have nothing to be ashamed of, or to apologize for. It was your love, and her love, that made the two of you such sweet targets.” “I don’t know where I stand with her right now. Was it even her I proposed to? Everything happened so fast.” “My advice to you is to get your flank back up there and propose all over again if that’s what it takes.” “I should shower…” “No, get up there. Right now. In all your sweaty stinky dusty glory. Get up there, get down on your knee, and ask her.” “You are right,” he stated as he raised his head and took a step forward. “Leave the cart.” “Right. Leave the cart.” He quickly unhitched himself, Gave Twilight a hug, and took off at a gallop. “Well, now that I’m all dirty, what can I do?” Twilight asked and then laughed. As for Shining Armor Sparkle, he continued following the streets that wound their way upwards to Canterlot Castle, Mares and even a few stallions swooning as he passed such was his beefy luster. “Sir, you can’t?!” Like bowling pins the guards fell. “Captain Armor, you can’t just barge your way in!” Shouted an officer. Attempts to stun him only met his force shield as he plowed his way through the guard. Indeed by the time he’d managed to get past the front doors into the grand foyer of the keep, he’d no less than a dozen members of the guard hanging off him. And there she was. As cliche as possible, at the top of the grand stairs. “Cadance!” Shining Armor called out in frantic desperation as the guard threatened to drag him down. “Will you marry me?” “Of course, I’ll marry you. What are you doing, you silly colt?” “I wasn’t sure if it was you I’d asked.” “Could you be any more romantic? Yes, I’ll marry you.” In the hall, gathered for a news conference photographers began taking pictures even as Shining Armor finally collapsed from the guards on top of him. She rushed to him, poked her nose into the pony pile, and kissed him. And that’s all it took for him to stand up and shake off the guards. > Chapter 78 What to do about the invitations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Aerie and Luna made it to their front door of their cottage the last edition of the morning papers were out. Twilight was getting the lion’s share of the credit. On the cover was a picture of Shining Armor kissing Princess Cadance. “You OK with that?” Luna asked as they entered the house, the paper in Aerie’s telekinetic aura. “Ya, it’s fine. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know about me. That and the Nobles are calling for an inquiry. I for one have no desire to get caught in that circus.” “Pore Princess Luna is going to have to explain about the Night Wing.” “She’ll think of something. They are being proclaimed heroes and every pony loves her right now.” Aerie dropped the paper on the kitchen table. “So, now that all the excitement is over…?” “I’m going to go have a meeting with my sister and Queen Idol Hooves. I for one, do not want to see a repeat of this mess over in our world.” “Alright, I’m going to go upstairs and maybe watch the BBC for a bit. Just relax and do nothing for a while.” Aerie opened the door at the top of the landing, once more human, just as Aurora and the Crusaders were coming in the door. “Aerie!” Aurora shouted, went to her, and gave her a big hug. “So, did they sort everything in Equestria?” “Oh, ya, it’s all sorted now.” “We got invites to go to Hogwarts!” The Crusaders chimed. “Ya. Listen, girls. Right, I got the message that you all got invitations to go to Hogwarts. The only pony I’ve had a chance to talk to was Applejack.” “Did she say I could go?” The tone was hopeful suppressed excitement. “Apple Bloom, the only reason you got to come here is because your Granny doesn’t know it’s in another dimension. She thinks you are in Manehatten. And it’s Granny who decides on this matter. I’m sorry Apple Bloom, but right now she’s being extremely paranoid and isn’t likely to say yes to anything, let alone go to school in another dimension.” “It’s gonna be a hard no. Ain’t it?” “I’d say that’s a good possibility.” She took a breath. “Sweetie, go easy on your Mom. I’m going to try to come around this afternoon to talk to her, but right now I just need some time to unwind.” “I’d say, you still have your pack on,” Moonie offered as she stepped forward, in human form, and hugged her. “What happened?” “Later, I’ll tell you about it later.” “Will I be able to go?” Scootaloo asked. “I think we should talk to your Aunts, but I think it would do you good. Allow you to exercise your magic and, well… who knows what might happen?” “You think my horn might grow?” “I’d say it’s a distinct possibility.” “We could tell every pony that it’s a special school in Canterlot,” Aurora offered. “You mean bring them through the Canterlot door I’m gathering. Might need to get Princess Celestia’s help.” “What if we got a changeling to take my place?” Apple Bloom asked to illicit a big sigh out of Aerie. “No. Absolutely not.” Aerie stated. “Listen, there is something I need to tell you before you go through that door downstairs.” “Does it have something to do with what you wanted to talk about?” Aurora asked. “Queen Chrysalis swarmed the Changelings and invaded Canterlot. Everyone is alright. Everyone we know… so far as I know. Canterlot is a mess. There was fallout in Ponyville when Cadance and Shining Armor used their… what should I call it, an eviction spell? Anyway, they activated this massive spell that seemed to be derived from a shield spell that swept every single airborne Changeling out of the city and a bunch that hadn’t been airborne. Lings were raining all over the place and a lot of them got hurt and a lot were killed because they’d lost control and hit the ground going way too fast. It took me with it too because I was grappling with a ling “The reason you need to go easy with your sisters is because they might be on the outs with Twilight. Twilight was able to see through the queen's disguise, and no one else could.” “Not even you?” Aurora asked. “I could. I supported Twilight but didn’t want to push it. Chrysalis had taken Cadance and took her place. She had everyone gas-lighted and we needed to find the real Cadance. Long story short, the real Cadance was freed, Twilight got her to Shining Armor, and we won. Girls, don’t ask me questions, there’s a paper downstairs.” “Careful on the stairs!” Aurora called after the trio as they ran downstairs. “Let’s get that pack off you,” Moonie offered. “And that hammer has some kind of enchantment on you.” “Hammer?” Aurora asked, stepping back to see a very large hammer hanging from a strap at Aerie’s hip. The design of the hammer tapered from the center to the ends on the sides and top giving it the same silhouette as a Thor’s Hammer pendant, and had numerous designs and letters on it. And yes, it was entirely too large for her present frame. “What the? Where’d you get that? OK, let's be honest with ourselves, we both expected the changeling invasion was imminent when we saw the shield. Where'd the hammer come from?” “Down in the mines under Canterlot.” “What were you doing in the old mines?” “That’s where the lings were establishing their new hive. I got cocooned.” She took a deep breath as a look of horror flashed across Aurora's face. "Things were a lot worse than any of us expected. I had to stop Chrysalis at any cost. I killed…” Aerie’s tone softened. “I killed hundreds of them. I’ve friends that are lings. I could see no other way. I had to cut a path for the others. I had to stop Chrysalis.” “And you still haven't fully recovered from the expenditure,” Moonie pointed out. “You’re still here.” “Scootaloo is wearing the pendant. She has a surprisingly large manna reserve, and I doubt you could support me right now. Even with me generating some of my own magic.” “You go watch some TV, take a nap, and you can tell us about it when you’ve better recovered,” Aurora offered. “Ah, I need to go,” Moonie stated, dropped the pack and vanished. “You take it easy, and I’ll go see why she just took off like that.” “Ponies are being paranoid right now. They probably got tied up with an idiot.” “Right… I’ll be back shortly,” Aurora promised and went downstairs. Aerie let out a sigh, reached down, picked up the pack, slung it over her shoulder, and went downstairs herself. This time she was going to deposit pack and hammer in her bedroom and take a nap, surprised that even with her mom’s assistance she’d become so exhausted so soon. Moonie popped in just as guards and angry ponies were surrounding the Crusaders. “What is the meaning of this!” “They’re Changelings!” Diamond Tiara shouted. She’d a malicious smile on her face. “They were gone all weekend, and the trains aren’t even running, and now they are just strutting down the street thinking no one will notice.” “What’s going on here?! Sweetie?” Rarity shouted as she ran up. “Mom!” Sweetie was in a near panic, bolted, and a moment later was being hugged by Rarity. “That proves it!” Diamond shouted triumphantly. “Silence!” Every pony cringed at the sound of the Canterlot voice, but it wasn’t Moonie. Aurora stepped up to Diamond. “Care to explain to me why you hate Scootaloo?” Golden energy rippled off of Aurora. “Or is it just the three of them in general? Well?” Diamond took a step back. “For your information, we spent the past three days playing O & O. And yes, I knew what was going on so I deliberately kept them engrossed in the game to keep them from getting underfoot.” Playing the adventure game had been the perfect cover in case anyone got too curious. After all, they’d been seen going into the house if any pony was paying attention and only a select few ponies knew that there was more than one way out of that house. “But, but, she called Rarity, mom,” Diamond pleaded. Grasping for straws was more like it. That and it was more than likely her mother who’d been spreading rumors about Rarity and Sweetie Belle. “She is my daughter,” Rarity stated. “Her father was a Guards Pony. Hondo and Cookie are her grandparents, not her parents, and she is not illegitimate.” “Mam?” one of the guards asked. “Rothwell Belle. Canterlot Guard. We were newlyweds. He responded to a bar fight in the lower quarter and was killed by a Griffin.” “Rarity…” Aurora said softly. She had to remind herself that every dimension was a little different. She turned back to Diamond. “Go home, Diamond. And try being a decent pony before someone mistakes you for a Changeling.” “I’ll do-eep!” Diamond was about to say that she could do what she wanted, felt the unmistakable sting of being hit by a spell, and suddenly found herself compelled to go home. “Alright, nothing to see here,” One of the older guards ordered. “Sorry mam, I knew him. He was a good guard. - Come on let's go. Just a hysterical filly.” “Sorry you guys had to go through that,” Aurora offered. “And I hear your weekend was considerably more exciting than ours. Aerie told us.” “Did you hear that Twilight’s not talking to us?” “Is she back?” “Well, no. But she…” “She’ll forgive you. After all, you aren’t the ones who were practically raised by Cadance.” “Practically raised?” “Indeed. But…” “Aerie said she’d just good at predicting. But you knew. Talking us into letting the Crusaders go with you, to spend the weekend with you the moment you saw that shield over Canterlot.” “Yes, I’ve been through this. Glad I missed it this time around.” “And you just let it happen? You knew, and you just let it happen?” “Like I said, Twilight was practically raised by Princess Cadance. Princess Celestia has known Twilight since Twilight was four. Princess Celestia knows about Changelings, and yet…” “She shut down Twilight. We were all making excuses for that creature's behavior. We were all so well entrenched in making sure that wedding happened that when Twilight sounded the alarm, none of us would listen.” “And Twilight is not good at expressing herself when it's personal. Maybe Aerie could have spoken up, but what were they to do without the real Cadance?” “I really don’t know. The number of lings, there were so many that they’d overwhelmed the Canterlot guard. I’m to understand that if not for the timely arrival of the Night Wing out of Hollow Shades Twilight might not have been able to make it to the castle with Princess Cadance.” “At least it's all over now save for ponies getting all paranoid. - Now, there was something else we needed to talk about. Probably shouldn't talk out here.” “Let’s go back to my shop then. What about the girls?” “It does involve them.” Aurora paused. “Apple Bloom, why don’t you head on home? And don’t look so blue, we haven't given up completely.” “Hey, you feeling any better,” Aurora asked Aerie. The two were in their bedroom, Aerie lying on the bed, Aurora sitting on the edge. “Ya, I’m fine. I’m just running out of steam way too fast.” “Luna, your mom, is here. She gave you a little more of her magic. She says you’ll be fine in a few days.” “That’s good. Imagine trying to explain to the people at Hogwarts that I’m magically exhausted thanks to a battle with a mad Changeling Queen.” “Doubt they’d believe you and make you do twice as many assignments. - Now, Lofty and Holiday are here. Are you up to having dinner?” “Eat and sleep is what I’ll be doing until I’m fully recharged,” Aerie offered as she got up. She straightened herself out as best she could and headed out to the main room of the flat. “Aerie… you did have us worried,” Lofty said in greeting. “I’ll be fine,” Aerie protested. “I mean about Scootaloo.” “Scootaloo?” Aerie asked as she sat in one of the chairs. “I was a bit cryptic in the telegram. Fortunately, the trains are running again,” Aurora offered. “Let’s just cut right to the chase,” Aerie replied. “There are certain things about this house that we haven't told you.” “I’m aware that the house has a reputation,” Holiday said. “Certainly nothing Scootaloo can’t manage, after all, she’s lived here several months now.” “Pull the curtain back on the window and have a look,” Aerie instructed and then waited. “Allow me,” Aurora offered as she’d not yet sat down. The view out the front window was undoubtedly Canterlot City. Damage to the building across the way could be seen, and there was a stream of trades-ponies going back and forth either toting construction equipment or hauling rubble to be dumped. “That… that look’s like…” “It is. Welcome to the house that Discord built,” Aerie supplied. “Canterlot. The house connects to two Canterlot Cities. That’s the local one.” “I don’t understand?” Lofty asked. “Princess Celestia knows about it,” Aurora informed them. “In fact, they both know about it.” She closed the curtain and then went to sit down. “And I’ve got a confession. I’m from yet another world, and the reason I look so much like Sunset is because I’m her counterpart.” “Parallel worlds,” Aerie supplied. “Each with their own little quirks. One world has an Obnoxious self-serving Sunset Shimmer while another is a loving caring version of her.” “The reason we are telling you this is that the CMC has received invitations to attend a very prestigious school of magic,” Aurora informed them. “Ah, let me guess, it’s in another dimension,” Lofty stated. “It is,” Aerie confirmed. “Right now it looks like we are probably going to get a hard no from the Apples for Apple Bloom. Applejack knows, but no one else in her family knows.” “And if Granny Smith learns the truth she is just as likely to show up at your doorstep with pitchforks and torches,” Holiday stated with an air of finality. “I’ve talked to Rarity, and she’s on the fence. She wants Sweetie to go to Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, and she’s got the raw power to get in.” “And despite my reservations about the school, I’d like Scootaloo to go. I’ve got a hunch that their methods could induce her horn to grow.” “I see,” Holiday said softly. “I’m assuming you want our blessing,” Lofty stated. “Just one thing, what are you going to tell everyone in Ponyville?” “I’d think that’d be obvious,” Aurora replied with a big smile and a tilt of her head to the window. > Chapter 79 Aerie visits the Weasley home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somehow Aurora had done it. Granny had given her permission. Then again, Granny thought that Apple Bloom was going to be a special apprentice to Princess Celestia. And in an odd roundabout way, they were. Lofty and Holiday had hesitated at first but relented. After all, if it was a potential route for Scootaloo to become an alicorn, who were they to stand in the way? Aerie and Aurora being there to keep an eye on her helped a lot. Rarity was on the fence up until she learned that Princess Celestia would be involved. The girls were to go to Canterlot Castle a week before they needed to catch the Hogwarts Express where they’d get specialized instruction. Mostly in basic theory, and then they would take diaries with them so that they could report what they were learning to Princess Celestia. The trio also got to go to Eques City in the nation of Akkadia back on earth. After all, this was to be part of their cover as no pony wanted wizard kind to know about Equestria for fear they’d import their brand of narrow-minded thinking and exploitative ways. And they had been visiting when they got their letters. Little did they know that it was Celestia herself who’d entered their names. With a week left before the Crusaders had to catch the train to Canterlot with their letters in hoof as it were, everyone save Aerie that is, it was high time to go to Diagon Alley. “I’m wondering if I need to go to the Weasleys to get my letter,” Aerie mused as they stepped into the vault. Flora stepped into the hearth first and was away a moment later. “So how do you get to the Weasley house?” Aurora asked as Aerie stepped into the hearth. “Oh it’s," she tossed her floo powder down and said, “the Burrow.” Aerie’s eyes widened at the realization of her mistake and laughed even as she was whisked away. “Well that’s done it,” Selena said. Not Aerie’s Selena, Hoshiko’s mom. Hoshiko and Mrs Tsuki were still staying with them, but Mr Tsuki had gone back to Japan as he had a project in mind. That and he’d taken off from work about as much as he dared even with going back and forth. “She can catch up later,” Aurora offered. Sweetie, what say you go next, then Bloom, and then Louise? “Well that was bloody dumb,” Aerie scolded herself as she popped out of the hearth in the Weasley residence. The kitchen was small, but not excessively small. If anything it would have been considered spacious in most suburban homes. What made it seem cramped was the vast array of things crammed into it. There were books on shelves, pots, and pans seemed to be everywhere, fancy glass cupboards loaded with a rather eclectic assortment of dishes, and a radio was playing music that sounded like it might have been popular back in the forties. Eighteen forties. “Aerie? Aerie Potter?” “Oh, hi Mrs Weasley.” “So why haven't you written back to Ron?” Her hands had gone to her hips. “Because I haven't gotten any letters from him. I told Hermione that I wasn’t getting any letters. Nothing from anyone.” “And how did you talk to Hermione?” “In person. We live in the same area. We talk on the phone too. I’m wondering if I should get an owl. Trouble is, I live in a muggle area, and having an owl flying in and out kind of attracts attention even if the house is unplottable.” Aerie wasn’t going to bother suggesting that Mrs Weasley get a phone figuring she’d have any number of ready excuses as to why they had to live that way. Moral high ground through victimhood and all that. “So, what brings you to our humble home on this fine morning.” her demeanor had softened but it did not hide her concern. “We were on our way to Diagon Alley when Aurora asked me how to get to your house. Being a bit absent-minded I said the Burrow right after throwing down the flue powder. Too early in the morning, I guess.” “You’ll want to be more careful. You could end up anywhere. You’ve already got your letter then?” “Well, everyone but me. Might it be alright if I sit here and wait a bit? I’ve got a hunch it might show up here.” “I see. Well then, why don’t you come on in? Have you had breakfast yet dear?” “I have, but I wouldn't mind sampling some of that cooking Ron is always bragging about.” “We talking about my Ron?” Molly Weasley gave her an incredulous look. “It smells good,” Aerie offered with what she hoped was a winning smile. “Come on, and sit,” she offered while pointing at a good-sized wooden table with all manner of chairs around it. All have the look of having been picked up second hand one at a time. And with a house full of boys it was entirely possible the chairs were being broken beyond repair regularly. Aerie did as directed and soon found a plate put in front of her with all manner of goodies loaded up on it. “Be right back, dear…” Molly announced, set down the ladle she’d picked up, and marched outside. A moment later Aerie could hear her yelling, “You could do with taking a leaf out of Percy’s Book!” “Guess that means Percy is back in good graces then,” Aerie said with a devilish grin. And then she stopped, stood up, and had a gander out the window. There in the yard was an old Ford Anglia with turquoise blue paint parked in the yard. Ron, Fred, and George marched in and froze on seeing Aerie “Hi,” Aerie offered and then took a bite out of a sausage and sat back down. “Aerie? What are you doing here?” Ron asked followed with, “We thought you were being held prisoner?” “I got better. Summer cold,” she explained as she sat back down. “Is that a Thor's hammer you’ve got on?” Fred asked. “Thundor’s hammer,” she replied and reached up to fumble with the little pendant. Which is exactly what it was. For whatever reason Moonie couldn't store it in hammerspace. Which they all thought very odd. A hammer that wouldn't go into hammerspace. As a matter of fact, Moonie couldn't interact with it at all and of everyone in the house, only Aurora was able to pick it up. No one else could budge it. Not wanting to leave it behind Aerie found that she was able to shrink it down to the size of a pendant and wore it as a pendant over the Moon pendant. Moonie had insisted that she retain the Moon pendant because her job was to look after Aerie, not Scootaloo. The fact that she hadn’t been there for Aerie had been warring with her as well. After all, just because she was a creature of magic it didn’t mean she had no emotions. “So, ah… not being held prisoner in your own home then?” Ron asked again. “The worst thing that’s happened to me was a bug infestation.” “Sit down, all of you, and eat your breakfasts,” Molly ordered and turned back to her cooking. * "don’t know what you were thinking… never would have believed it.” “You weren’t trying to find my house, were you?” “Aerie, dear, their pigheadedness isn’t your fault. Granted that I’ve been worried too, I see now that I fretted for nothing.” “The house can’t be found without someone who knows where it is pointing it out,” Aerie informed the boys. “Can’t be found?” Molly asked. “It’s an old wizard home. There’s even an anti-apparition field in the area centered on the house. And we’ve our floo connection.” “Really? What is it?” the twins chimed. “House of the Fletcher…” Before Aerie could finish the two boys had dashed to the hearth, ignored their mother who was yelling at them, cast down some floo powder, and repeated, “House of the Fletcher.” “.. was the old one.” She pulled up her purse, fumbled around, and pulled out her phone even as the hands on a particularly interesting Grandfather Clock switched from home to imminent mortal danger. The clock had a hand that kept track of the hours but also had hands that indicated the disposition of each member of the family. “Hi… hate to be a bother so early… yes. The twins wanted to know the floo connection to the house and… yes, that’s right, I gave them the old address. They aren’t in any real danger… are they? OK, just an illusion of a giant spider.” “A giant spider?” Ron asked. “They’ll be fine,” Aerie offered. Molly pulled out a chair and sat next to Aerie. “A giant spider?” “An illusion. Yes, I saw the clock, but Mrs Silverwood says they’ll be fine. I’m guessing the clock is tied to the individual and it’s their perception that determines the status.” A chime was heard coming from the clock, the hands for the boys switched to traveling, and then home as the two boys slid out. Molly stood up to examine them, both appearing to be wrapped up in acromantula thread, the boy’s eyes were like saucers. “We were having issues with uninvited guests,” Aerie informed them as the web slowly evaporated. “Serves the two of you right,” Molly barked. “A giant spider, Aerie?” Ron asked. Even knowing it wasn’t real he was all squicked out. “Wasn’t my idea.” “Now that you two are done trying to make a nuisance of yourselves,” Molly began. “Get back in your seats and finish your breakfast.” “Yes, Mom.” The twins chimed, got up, and went back to the table, their movement jittery. “And when you’ve finished the lot of you can go clear gnomes from the garden.” “Gnomes… oh, right, the little potato-like things,” Aerie said, mostly to herself. “Not you dear,” Molly offered cheerfully enough as Ginny came wandering down half asleep and still in her night clothes. “Good morning, Ginny, wasn’t it?” Aerie said with all the brightness of a new day. “Morn…” Ginny looked up, her eyes locked on Aerie, let out a squeak, turned, and dashed back upstairs. “Well… that’s not very promising,” Aerie muttered. “Don’t pay her any attention,” Ron offered as he was finishing off his plate. “Mom, can I have more?” “I wouldn't mind a bit more myself,” Aerie offered. In truth, she’d been eating like an alicorn ever since her fight with Chrysalis. “You sure they are feeding you enough over there?” Molly asked as she dished out more food. “I have a healthy appetite. And thank you.” “You’re welcome, dear.” She turned to Ron and looked daggers at him. “Thank you?” “So, what’s with Ginny?” “Hero worship, I’m afraid,” Molly informed her. The three boys looked up in astonishment. And given the stack of Lockhart books she had she really shouldn't be judging. Oh, Aerie had seen the books with that smug blue-eyed narcissist looking back grinning like a hyena. Granted that Aerie had already developed an opinion of the man based on the books from that other world. “Oh, don’t give me that look,” Molly continued. “All she talks about is Aerie.” “Good morning Mom,” Percy offered as he came down the stairs. What’s with Ginny?” He’d gotten his hand on an old smoking jacket that he wore over his PJs. Yes, he was wearing pajamas. The pajamas were white with blue vertical stripes, but the jacket was red with a fleur de lis pattern highlighted in gold and a golden rampant dragon embroidered on the red velvet lapel. It also sported numerous burn marks from its previous owner. “Hi Percy, cool jacket,” Aerie offered. Percy froze in place, and his brothers started laughing. Aerie was starting to take on the appearance of a young woman beginning to blossom and Percy’s mind had skipped a cog. “What’s she doing here?” He asked while reminding himself, she’s only twelve, damn it. “Took a wrong turn on my way to Diagon Alley,” Aerie offered. “Hang on, how do you take a wrong turn using the floo?” Ron asked. “Aurora asked me what your floo address was just as I was tossing down the floo powder.” “You don’t say…” chimed the twins. Ron suddenly got a panicked look on his face. “Ron, just remember, you are the one who asked.” Pore Ron looked like his soul was ready to leave his body, and jumped when the clock chimed. Aerie and Molly looked over to see Arthur Weasley’s pointer switch to traveling and then to home as he came out of the hearth. Mr Weasley, with back hunched, went to his chair at the table and all but dropped into it. * “What a night,” Mr Weasley said and reached out for a teapot. “Find anything?” Fred asked eagerly. “Nine raids. Nine! I ran into Mondungus Fletcher. Tried to hex me in the back. In the back. When I wasn’t looking.” He poured himself a cup of tea and set the pot back. “All I got were shrinking keys. Oh, there was some nasty stuff all right, but not much for my department.” “What’s the point of a shrinking key?” Aerie asked. “Does it go back to normal later?” “Back to normal? They are used for muggle baiting. Switch their keys when they aren’t looking, they take the fake key, set it down, and then it shrinks when they…” “Seems like a lot of work when they could just take the original keys and be done with it.” “I do believe you’ve got a point there. But why make them big again?” “Send one to someone who’s, say, locked in their room?” “Can’t say that ever occurred to me… My word, Aerie Potter. Whatever are you doing here?” “Tricked into saying the wrong address,” Molly announced. “Oh, well, anyway, the things people have taken into enchanting you wouldn't believe.” “Like cars, for instance?” Molly asked in that tone that let him know something went horribly wrong and it was his fault. “Ca-cars, Molly, dear?” “Yes, Arthur Weasley, cars. Imagine a wizard buying an old rusty car. Imagine him telling his wife all he wanted to do was to take it apart to see how it works. But what he really wanted to do was enchant it! To make it fly!” Mr Weasley shrank back into his seat but wasn’t without excuses. “I-I’d think he’d find that he was well within the letter of the law… if he hadn’t planned on using it, and obviously I should have told you. What did they do?” “Flew it into downtown London with…” “Did they now?” He’d straightened out. “How’d it go?” “Arthur!? They could have been seen!” “They could have hit a power line, collided with aircraft… ramming Brightstar’s airship is out because she’s off exploring,” Aerie filled in. “Airship?” Ron asked. “An Akkadian air yacht to be exact. They use a cloaking device.” “Hang on, did they go to your house?” Mr Weasly asked. This time he was sounding cross. “Um… yes,” Ron admitted. He slammed his hand down. “There is a strict do not approach order in place on that residence. It’s been there since last Christmas.” “Moonie, were you aware that they were there?” Aerie asked. When a young woman who looked a bit like Aerie materialized in the chair next to Aerie it startled everyone except Aerie. “Never got near the place,” Moonie offered. She then transformed into a cat and jumped across and into Aerie’s lap. “That’s not a normal cat, is it?” Mr Weasley asked. “She’s a familiar,” Aerie offered. “How utterly fascinating, I’ve heard of familiars, but never met someone who had one. Now… Boys, thanks to what happened last Christmas, the house where Aerie lives is off-limits without an invitation. There were three men arrested who were harassing Aerie, another group was shot and killed by muggle authorities, and two Aurors doing extra-legal activities got apparated all the way to Hogwarts and badly splinched in the process, and we’ve yet to figure out what’s become of Dolores Umbridge.” “Did you want her back?” Aerie asked. “Well, in truth, not really. Why, do you know what became of her?” “Threatened several Akkadian Princesses one of whom is a Priestess of Akkadia. Got frozen in stone for her trouble. It’s reversible and will eventually cancel itself out returning the person to normal. Um… we’d intended to undo it, but we kind of lost track of what we did with her.” “That’s quite alright. I swear that woman never knew when to quit. So when does the spell wear off?” “That specific spell is known to have a shelf life of around a thousand years, give or take.” “Serves her right then.” “Serves her right?” Molly asked in astonishment. “Not like she hadn’t been warned. That woman just seemed to think that she was the law unto herself. And then she goes and picks a fight with Akkadian nobility. Mrs Silverwood-Swan is a Priestess of Akkadia. They tried to bring her in on trumped-up charges when You Know Who was growing in power and it set off the Justice Center. Several people got hauled off into that damn portal.” “I… I never knew about that,” Molly admitted. “Oh, they did their best to hush it up, and if Umbridge did as Aerie says, she can stay wherever she is. No one wants that Justice center activating.” He cleared his throat and turned back to the three boys at the table. “As for the three of you. If you’d been caught you would have found yourself suspended from Hogwarts, I could have been fired, and depending on the severity… Azkaban. For all three of you.” “Azkaban,” Ron bemoaned as he realized how close he’d come to making Draco Malfoy’s taunt come true. Working with Hagrid, doing Hagrid’s job may well have been his best option. Following time in Azkaban, of course. Fortunately, the presence of a snowy owl at the window box ended that specific conversation. “Oh, hi Hedwig,” Aerie offered as Percy went to the window, and yes, he’d been standing there the whole time. “It’s our Hogwarts letters,” he announced. “And one for Aerie Potter. How about that? Wonder how Dumbledore knew to send it here?” “Technically Hedwig is my owl, that Hagrid was taking care of because he gave her to me but I never actually took possession of her. Likely just knows how to find me somehow,” Aerie offered as her letter was handed over to her. She opened the envelope to find a personal note from Dumbledore stating that he was aware of the problem she was having, his own House Elf had informed him and gave the letter to Hedwig with the instructions to wait for an opportunity to get past the rogue elf. “Something wrong dear?” Molly asked. Percy had picked out a seat and sat down to read his letter as well. “Lockhart, Lockhart, Lockhart,” Aerie complained. “Seven books for DADA class.” Granted that she’d already known, she just felt like letting off a little steam now that it was final. “Seven?” Molly asked. “Seven,” Ron echoed with a tone of disgust. “Whoever is going to be teaching DADA is making us by all the Lockhart books,” Fred reported. “Looks like the same books too,” George added. Percy got up and compared the lists. “Same books.” “Let me see those letters,” Mr Weasley asked and a moment later he had come to the same conclusion. “That’s going to cost a fortune,” Molly said as the color left her face. “Aerie, are you going to be alright?” “Oh, I’m fine. I just feel guilty about using any of my money. The worst part is they are making me buy a stock broom to play Quidditch.” “What? No Nova Broom?” The twins chimed. They fully believed her last performance had been solely the broom. “So how much money do you have?” Mr Weasley asked as he leaned forward. Molly Gave him a dirty look for having asked. “Well… I’ve inherited the Potter account which is well stocked with money from all those Harry Potter books. It was set up so that I'd get a portion of the revenue. Short of Harry Potter suddenly materializing and claiming it I'm not exactly hurting, and I’ve sort of inherited the Black family account.” “The Black family account?” Mr. Weasly repeated as he leaned back. “But how is that even possible?” Molly asked. “Dumbledore lied about being my magical guardian. Sirius Black is my magical guardian. That makes me a member of the black family. And that makes me the only living member of the Black family who could inherit the family vault who wasn’t disowned by Walburga Black.” “What about Narcissa Malfoy? Her maiden name is Black.” “Married out of the family into the Malfoy family. Can’t inherit. Draco might have been able to inherit if the account had gone unclaimed, but…” “No more Draco though,” Ron said softly. “These books aren’t going to come cheap,” George muttered. “Well, we’ll manage,” Mrs Weasley said, her tone filled with concern. “You’ve got one set,” Aerie pointed out. “And if you’ve past years DADA books, might be a good idea to bring them. Ron, you can borrow one of your brother's second-year books.” “I was going to, but we still have to get the required books.” “Mrs Weasley, what sort of books are they? You’ve read them?” “Novels, really.” “The new DADA teacher must be a big fan,” Percy suggested. “I fear it may be worse than that,” Aerie offered. “I think we are going to need reference material on the side because I’ve got a feeling the new teacher is Lockhart himself.” “Do you think so?” Molly asked as she lit up. “I wonder if I’ll get a chance to meet him.” “We might,” Aerie suggested. “And with that said, Mrs Weasley, your cooking is wonderful, but I do need to get going. My family is waiting for me. Probably think I skipped out on them. I’ve three more cousins starting up this year, on Aurora’s side of the family. No, they don’t look like me.” “Well, it was good to get to talk with you, Aerie,” Molly offered as Aerie got up. Aerie offered to take her dish to the sink, but Molly took it away from her. “Will I see you at Diagon Alley later on?” Aerie asked as she got herself a handful of floo powder from the mantle. “Now that we’ve our letters, we’ll be out there just as soon as everyone is ready.” “Well then, maybe we can all have lunch together. See you there.” Aerie threw down the powder and said “Diagon Alley.” > Chapter 80 Lockhart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was something odd about that trip, which Aerie took to be just the new starting point at first, but knew better when she found herself being spat out in a grungy old shop. Aerie pulled out her letter, took her glasses off, and examined the aura of the letter. Sure enough, it had Dumbledore’s magic all over it. The door to the shop opened, the sound of an old cowbell clanking. “Moonie, cloak me,” Aerie whispered, Moonie the cat vanished, and for a moment Aerie was enveloped in a cloak of darkness. She had become one with the shadows in the dimly lit shop. Nearby there was a withered hand on a cushion, a blood-stained deck of cards, a glass eye that had been still was now looking as though to find something. Her undoubtedly. Piled into boxes below the counters there was a variety of bones and hanging from the walls could be seen rows of masks. Theater masks, Mardi Gras masks, African Masks, and even a few Noh masks. All were leaking dark energy, and the darkest of the lot was a fairly simple wooden mask with a carved nose-guard that was cracked from age. Ya, no… Aerie thought to herself. She was surely tempted to get it, but not this story. Aerie moved around a large cabinet towards the door and spotted none other than Lucius Malfoy approaching the counter. Fancy that, she mused. What was that about canon events? Dumbledore wanted Aerie to get lost in Nnockturn Alley, and Hagrid would be there to save her. Still though, for everything to line up like that, she couldn't help but wonder if some higher being not unlike Discord was pulling the strings. And yes, Mr Malfoy had several dark items in his possession. “Ah, Mr Borgin,” Malfoy said in his usual you will serve me whether you want or not tone. Behind the counter stood a greasy man with slick back hair. “Something I might help you with?” “My peeper spotted something… must have been you and your boy, but tell me, how might I help you? Mr Malfoy.” “I’m not buying, not today at any rate. I need to divest myself of a couple of items.” Mr Malfoy's look of annoyance shifted to utter disdain. “Selling, is it?” Mr Borgin’s smile faded. “Ministry hot on your heels is it, Malfoy.” “You’ve heard then. No, they are not, but I wouldn’t put it past Arthur Weasley to trump up an excuse to raid my home. And you, as a dealer of things exotic should have no trouble moving troublesome items that could cause me embarrassment.” Malfoy pulled out a bit of parchment and unfolded it. “Whatcha got then,” he said as he took hold of the list. “The ministry wouldn't trouble you, sir?” “The name Malfoy still commands enough respect that they aren’t going to just do a random raid on my home, and yet… the ministry grows more and more meddlesome. “There’s a muggle protection act being pushed through.” “Imagine that. Wanting to protect muggles. Bad enough dumb beasts have been recognized as sentient. There’s a rumor that they are even being allowed in Hogwarts...” Dumb beasts indeed, Aerie thought to herself. Why next they’ll be recognizing wizards as intelligent? Doubtful. Aerie waited, watched, and listened as the two men bargained and bemoaned how bad things had gotten. In the end, Malfoy had divested himself of all but one item and a promise from Mr Borgin to stop by the house. Malfoy exited the store, and Mr Borgin experienced the sensation of the hair on the back of his neck going up on seeing a shadow following him out the door. “People will see the shadow in the sunlight,” Moonie whispered as Lucius Malfoy proceeded to Window Shop. “In that case let them see the ghost of Draco,” Aerie replied with an evil grin on her face and cast the illusion about herself. People would see Mr Malfoy, and then they’d see the ghost of the young master following his father. They never said anything, they simply backed away. She kind of felt sorry for Hagrid, but then again, maybe seeing the ghost of a student he’d been responsible for might just be enough to pound it into his head that ordinary humans are fragile. At the same time, it was clear to Aerie he had indeed been sent down here to fetch her. Hagrid was undeniably looking for someone. Aerie slipped into the last shadow before entering Diagon Alley. “Moonie, you couldn't snatch that thing, maybe?” “Sorry,” Moonie the cat offered a moment after appearing on her shoulder. “Of all the Horcrux we’ve encountered, this one is the most powerful, and I fear its matrix is the most like ourselves. I dare not.” “Alright then,” Aerie offered as she stepped out from the shadows back to being herself. Riddle had been so close to creating a Guardian spell and likely hadn’t even known it. But then Riddle lacked empathy. Something that was undoubtedly needed to create a Guardian. Aerie followed Mr Malfoy to the bookseller they got their school books from and watched as he worked his way into the store. The crowd in front of Flourish and Blotts was noticeably a lot larger than she could remember from the year before. A good indication of why the crowd was so big was due to a large banner in the upper window that read Gilderoy Lockhart will be signing copies of his autobiography Magical Me, today from 12:39 to 4:30. “Aerie!” it was Hermione. She had just arrived herself and was with her parents. “Hi, Hermione,” Aerie said while keeping an eye on Mr Malfoy. At the moment he was inside not too far from the front window, and just standing there. Waiting. “Ah, Aerie, I’m over here?” “I’m watching Mr Malfoy. He’s just standing there. Inside the window.” “Maybe he just wants a book?” Hermione asked as she looked. “I see.” “Does he strike you as an avid reader?” “Not really. Short of he wants a specific book and can’t get to it.” “If he’s anything like Draco was he’d just push his way to it.” “Aerie! You alright.” Percy called as he approached. “Ya, I’m fine. Why, did you think something happened?” “The floo flames were a bit off color when you went through.” “Dumped me in Nocturne Alley.” Aerie dared to cast a glance at Percy. He still had the smoking jacket on, but had at least put on a proper pair of trousers. “Mr Malfoy was there selling off contraband. They didn’t see me. Tell your dad that a raid of Malfoy Manner right now might prove fruitful.” “Nocturne? And you got out alright?” “I followed Mr Malfoy. People all thought I was with him.” “He’s inside,” Hermione informed him. “Aerie has been watching him for a while now.” “What’s he doing in there?” “Waiting,” Aerie supplied. “But never mind that just tell your dad you’ve got a hot tip. They’d set up a date for the items too big to fit in a pocket.” She held up her letter. “This was the source of the charm that redirected me. I’d say Dumbledore wanted me in that shop.” “Right, on it,” he replied, spun around and hurried off. Telling him it had been Dumbledore was all she had needed to do. “Where was he going in such a hurry?” “Oh, hi Isolde,” Aerie offered. “Letting his family know that they are going to miss out on the second-hand books,” Aerie teased and quietly delighted at Isolde's troubled look. Granted at least one of the Lockhart books was a new print the others had been out for a while. She also couldn't help but wonder if a lot of other people had the same idea. “Aerie?” Hermione said sounding disappointed. “OK, accurate but still… hi, do you know Aerie?” “Isolde Swan, at your service,” Isolde offered with a curtsy. She’d been taking elocution lessons and just seemed to think it the right thing to do. Nor did she look like Draco with long hair. Her cheeks had filled out, and her hair had gone from blond to platinum save for a golden lock of hair on her right bangs to her right temple which she’d taken to braiding behind the ear. Isolde was delighted in her new lustrous hair and let it hang loosely save for that one braid. “Um… hi,” Hermione replied wondering if she was being made fun of. “Isolde, if we are to get your books, we are just going to have to work our way in,” prompted an adult behind her. “Hi,” Aerie offered. “Aster Swan. You’re Aerie, are you not?” “I am.” “What are you looking at,” Isolde asked as she directed her gaze to the store only to spot her father. “What’s he doing there?” “Can’t rightly say,” Aerie offered hoping that’d be enough. “Looking for a replacement, owe!” “Ronald Weasley, how many times do I have to tell you?!” Molly Weasly scolded. “Well, out with it…” “If I don’t have anything nice to say… say nothing at all,” Ron recited. Isolde smiled and suppressed a laugh. “Do I know you?” Ron was now eyeing up Isolde like she was something unexpected in his food. “No.” Isolde retorted sharply. “That is… I’m an Akkadian. I got a letter to start this year and my foster mom thought it’d be good for me.” “Fresh meat,” the twins chimed followed by ducking their mother’s backhand. Ginny Weasley was behind her brothers and acting very shy. “Um, hi, are you starting this year too?” Isolde asked Ginny. “Hogwarts?” “Her first year, Gryffindor, no doubt,” Molly Weasley boasted proudly. “You sure I don’t know you?” Ron pressed. “What house will you be in?” “I don’t really know.” “Surely you must have some idea, dear,” Molly asked. “What house were your parents in?” “Mom was murdered by Voldemort,” Isolde informed them. Isolde had learned the truth about her transformation, that thanks to the blood on that bush she was now part unicorn. Once she’d had a little time to process it she decided that that unicorn was her mom now. Now that her parents had abandoned her. Her dad mostly. Her mother, Draco’s mother had asked about her, but it had been decided that given wizard attitudes she’d be better off if she had no contact with her former parents. Aster was her foster mom, and she was now an Akkadian. All she had to do was get good grades, make friends, and stay out of trouble. She also couldn't help but notice how everyone flinched at Voldemort’s title. Everyone save Aster, Aerie, Aurora, and Akkadians in general. They simply were not afraid of the man. Voldemort was gone now, or so she was to understand. He couldn't hurt them anymore. She also couldn't help but notice how Mrs Weasley insisted that Ginny would be in Gryffindor. She was every bit as bad as her former parents. Yes, Draco had second thoughts about going into Slytherin, but it was what his father wanted. What his mother expected. What his whole family expected. Be selected for Slytherin or don’t come home. His father had said that and now… Isolde was sure he’d meant it. And no, she did not want to go into Slytherin. Not again. She was a brand new person and when she looked back on the way she had acted… she did not like Draco Malfoy any more than Ronald Weasley did.” “I suppose I could end up in Ravenclaw,” Isolde offered as Percy approached. Ravenclaw was at least a safe bet and they had windows. “Ah, Percy… where’s your father?” Molly Weasley asked. “Something just came up, we are on our own.” “Can’t be helped then. Come on, let's get in there before all the books are gone.” “And I see my family in there too,” Aerie reported and decided she’d best get inside as well. “Say, Aerie, Percy seems to think you might have gone to the wrong floo,” Ron stated as they made for the door. “I’ll tell you about it later. Now’s a bad time.” “She’s been keeping an eye on Mr Malfoy,” Hermione offered. “She thinks he’s up to something.” “Well don’t be giving up the plot right in front of the person of interest,” Aerie cautioned as the door swung open. “I should have just enough to get the books,” Molly was saying as they entered. “After that, we’ll need to run up to the bank.” “Hang on, it’s Lockhart, he’s here,” Hermione announced breathlessly. “That is what it says in the window,” Aerie replied. She then reached up to pet Moonie and whispered, “Try to keep an eye on the package.” As for the crowd, it was mostly witches. Middle age, young, old, and very few of them looked like they were there with Hogwarts students. There was one thing that did stand out to Aerie, and that was a lack of any witches in Mr Lockhart’s age bracket who didn’t have at least one child with them. Aerie and the others made their way through the store gathering up the books that they would need. As soon as Aerie had her required books, and a couple of others, she worked her way toward where she saw Aurora, Flora, Luna, Sweetie, Bloom, and Louise. Or at least tried to. “Hey, no cutting in line,” Ordered a surly old hag. Old witch, hag, what’s the difference? “But my mom is up there,” Aerie protested. “Mom!” “Aerie?” Luna was the first to look. Lockhart was the second. He also gave Luna a good look. “Is that Aerie Potter?” Lockhart said as he stood up. “Come on, let her up here,” he beckoned as he made his way around the table he was at. Aerie on the other hand tried to step back only to find herself being pushed forward. Isolde watched, her emotions playing havoc with her. Part of her would have liked to be the one being fussed over, and part of her was glad she wasn’t being fussed over. And Aerie wanted nothing to do with that man as he ordered people out of the way. Adding to the confusion was an irritable little man with a large box camera with a big flash that emitted purple smoke. “Out of the way,” ordered the man with the camera. “This is for the Daily Prophet…” “Hey?!” Aurora protested as he shoved her and the Crusaders back. It was inevitable that the jostling of people would cause several individuals to drop their books to include Isolde. “It is, it’s Aerie Potter,” Lockhart stated as he closed with her. The crowd finally parted as people began whispering excitedly. And Moonie, poor Moonie who’d been desperately trying to keep track of Malfoy was now experiencing sensor failure every time that blasted flash went off. Suddenly Lockhart had Aerie by the arm and was pulling her forward further disorienting Moonie. Aerie was suddenly getting her picture taken, flash after flash. “Nice big smile, Aerie,” Lockhart said, his teeth nearly as bright as the flash. A Glimmer spell no doubt and Aerie would have liked to cancel it right then and there if she wasn’t so disoriented. Sure, she had an idea that this would happen, but knowing and experiencing were two different things. “Together, you, and I, are front-page bound. Don’t you think, Potter?” “I try not to, it, only causes trouble,” Aerie retorted, and Lockhart laughed. Isolde had missed the exchange though. She was down on the floor picking up her books. She hesitated when a stack of grade-one books was handed to her by a man. She looked up to see her father. Make that former father. Her foster mother had been helping her, and Isolde could only think, what might her father’s reaction be if he knew the short plump woman was a pegasus. Or that she wasn’t exactly human anymore. Not that it mattered. After all, he'd disowned her for the unforgivable sin of being a girl. Isolde took the offered books, said thank you, and then watched him straighten, his face devoid of emotion, turn, and head for the door. “Do you think he recognized you?” Aster asked as the two straitened out. “I don’t know… that was entirely out of character for him.” “Let’s just get what you need and let's get out of here.” Meanwhile, Lockhart had thrown an arm around Aerie’s shoulders and pulled her in tight. *“Ladies, and gentlemen,” he said loudly. What a perfect moment this is that I and Aerie Potter should be in this room together. I… have an announcement. “When Miss Aerie stepped into Flourish and Blotts, this day, she only wanted to buy my autobiography. Indeed, I can’t imagine her wanting anything else unless it was more of my books.” He gave his trademark wink and flashed his smile. “And as such, I will be more than happy to provide her with, not just my autobiography, but a complete set of all my books, free of charge.” Nearly everyone in the place erupted into applause. “I’ve… I have another announcement.” He waited for the room to quiet. “Aerie and her schoolmates will be getting more than my book, Magical Me, they will be getting me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have the great pleasure to announce that I, Gilderoy Lockhart, with great pleasure and pride announce here and now to all of you that I have agreed to take on the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” > Chapter 81 A minor annoyance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie broke away from Lockhart the first chance she could get, and with a double load of books no less. “Hey, Ron, take this set, will ya? And I don’t care what Lockhart says, I’m buying my own set.” “Ya, I suppose I can take those off your hands,” Ron offered trying to sound like it was no big deal. “I’ll be sure to square it with the shop keep, tell them I gave you the free set. Personally, I’m anxious to get out of here before this crowd gets any bigger.” “I heard that,” Hermione replied with an armload of books. “Saving up for your own library someday,” Aerie teased. Not that either of the two had outmatched the other. “You are a fine one to talk.” They looked at each other's stack and started laughing. “We thought we’d lost you,” Aurora offered a short time later out in front of the store just far enough away from the crowd to have some privacy. They’d decided to go wait out in front until everyone had gotten everything they needed “Ah… Miss Potter?” Ginny asked nervously as Aerie went through her bag of books. “Aerie, why are you rifling through Ginny's books?” Ron protested. “It’s not there,” Aerie replied as she drew back. She spun and held up a fist in frustration. “Damn that man to Tartarus for eternity. - Moonie?” “I’m sorry, I lost track of it. It was the flash from that camera,” Moonie the cat offered. “It?” Aurora asked. “Lucius Malfoy had something on him. Something really nasty. And he didn't have it on him when he left.” “Ah, what sort of nasty?” Fred asked, he and George had just come out. Aerie let out a sigh knowing she'd have to tell them something. That and cloak and dagger secrets just weren't pony. Equestrian society was an open society where there were few secrets between ponies. “You know that issue I have with my eyes?” Aerie asked him. “Mr Malfoy had something on him that was so repugnant it drew in all the light around it like a hole in the fabric of reality.” “Aerie, it’s gone. It’s already gone,” Moonie lamented. “I’ve looked. No one in the store has it. And it’s not secreted away anywhere that I can find. I can see the same things you can. It’s not here.” “I should have just mugged him back in that alley.” Granted that doing so would surely have outed her and there was still one more horcrux. “What are you talking about?” Percy Weasley asked as he came up to them with a rather smug look on his face. “Aerie, are you saying that Mr Malfoy unloaded some dark artifact on an unsuspecting victim?” Aurora asked. “It was foretold that he would. It was supposed to be Ginny, but I’ve been doing things out of order. Subsequently, she seems to be in the clear.” “So he picked a different victim.” “Isolde!” Aerie exclaimed and pulled out her phone. Isolde had gotten her books and left just as fast as she could. “I can just see him targeting her.” “The girls don’t have it,” Moonie offered as the phone rang. “Mrs Silverwood, no time, I missed my chance. Hang on I’ll explain… I need you to check Isolde’s books just as soon as you can. It’s important. A notebook. Write in it and the words vanish, ask a question and it will answer… if it wants to. If you have the same visual issue I have you’ll know it when you see it… what should you do with it? Destroy it. By any means possible. Throw it into the fires of Oro Druin if you have to... Yes, it’s that bad. Moonie wouldn't touch it. I think she feared it might overshadow her.” “Aerie, if it’s that bad-” Hermione began. She had heard more than enough. “No! No, we can’t,” Aerie figured that Hermione would just go to the first adult available. “If his followers find out… Hermione, I’ll talk to Professor Dumbledore just as soon as I get to school. He already knows that I've been using my visual peculiarity to spot tainted artifacts. You have got to stay quiet about this. You too Ginny. I have been working with Professor Dumbledore on this because we knew there was a possibility Malfoy might try something so I need you to stay quiet. If any of Riddle’s followers were to find out they might try to get it.” “But, wasn’t Malfoy a follower?” Ginny asked. “Yes, he was. I fear that dumping that thing to cause mayhem was planned, but Malfoy didn’t fully understand what he had,” Aerie replied, said goodbye to Nova Silverwood, and put her phone away. “That prophesy about the one who would defeat Voldemort,” Aerie whispered. “I’ve been doing a sort of scavenger hunt. Looking for things he had created. Let’s just say that people tend to lower their guard around little girls. No offense, Ginny.” “Do you think it’ll show up at school?” Percy asked. “With any luck-" "Luck?!" Hermione objected. "With any luck it will. It needs to be found before it can cause any real damage. Listen, we can’t say anything to anyone, but we can keep an eye out for it. Maybe with luck, we can find it before anything happens at school.” “Alright, we say nothing,” Percy stated. “Aerie will talk to Professor Dumbledore, and like she said, we’ll find it, and destroy it.” “Find and destroy what?” Molly Weasley asked as she and the rest of their group exited the store. “Fred and George lost track of one of their pranks,” Percy offered. “Honestly, I just don’t know what to do with you two sometimes.” “I am glad we came early,” Flora commented as more people started grouping up to try to get into the bookstore. Bloom, Sweetie, and Louise had eyes like saucers. “Hey, you three going to be alright?” Aurora asked. “The hardest part is going to be dealing with the apothecary,” Aerie offered. “Listen, something you need to know, the English Unicorns are related to deer, and shed their antler. It grows into a single twisted horn-like structure.” “Ya, we saw that on the way in,” Louise replied. “Kind of made me queasy seeing it.” “Unicorn horns?” Ginny asked. “Akkadian Unicorns don’t lose their horns,” Aerie informed her. “They are from Akkadia.” “Oh…” Ginny replied “Hang on, if they are from Akkadia, why are they going to Hogwarts?” Hermione asked. “Summer vacation in England; they got invites,” Aurora explained. “After much discussion, it was decided that it could be an educational experience for them.” “Kreacher,” Aerie called. She was standing by the front door, her trunk loaded in the car. Parked behind it was Mrs Summer’s station wagon. She’d traded in her old car so that they’d have room for the other trunks without having to dump everything downstairs. They’d even placed an expansion charm on the inside of the wagon so that it now truly had the space the commercials claimed it would have. “Yes, Mistress,” Kreacher said as he stepped out from the corner as though he’d been there the whole time. “I fear our little nuisance may try to keep me off Platform Nine and three Quarters. The scamp even went so far as to try to get me arrested in a shop. I dear say it’ll be a while before I can show my face in there again and it cost me quite a bit. He’s insistent that I not go to Hogwarts when I must go. Why the danger is the very reason I must go.” “Mistress, if he should close the gate, I’d suggest giving it a little push with that new pendant you’ve acquired.” “I fear I might break the entire enchantment.” “Just a gentle push should be enough to undo anything that one might devise.” “Thank you Kreacher,” Aerie replied. “I’ll give it a shot.” She then leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head.” “Honestly, you treat him like he’s a dog,” Aurora commented as she came down the hall, a trunk between her and Louise with a covered birdcage on top. Bloom and Sweetie carried a second trunk, and they were followed by Sirius and Mrs Summers who’d a third. Sirius had the most astonished and perplexed look on his face. “Well, I heard tell that we should treat our House Elves like dogs, and that’s how I treat dogs. With kindness and generosity.” “Mistress's humor is most complex,” Kreacher replied. Being kissed on the top of the head was certainly new, but he could see that look on Sirius Black's face, and even if the kiss had made him feel a little uncomfortable, seeing that look on his old Master’s face was worth it. And there was the fact that he had indeed been treated with kindness here. The group loaded up and were soon on their way. Aerie, Luna, Basil, Flora, and Justin are in one car, Mrs Summers, Aurora, Sweetie, Bloom, Louise, Hoshiko, and Mrs Tsuki are in the other. Everything was going fine. Or so they’d thought until the car Aerie was in suddenly had four flat tires. “Undoubtedly doing his master’s wishes,” Aerie accused as they watched the other car vanish into the distance. Lucius Malfoy had been arrested moments after arriving home from Diagon Alley the same day Aerie had followed him from Nocturne Alley into Diagon Alley, but Dobby had not relaxed from his harassment. “Fixed,” Luna announced a moment later with wand in hand. “Let’s go.” “Once more into the traffic, once more,” Aerie proclaimed in a melodramatic tone. “For truly it is better to have ventured forth and perished than to molder away safe at home.” “You done, or are you going to go on like this all the way there?” Luna asked. “He vexes me, he does.” “Be nice if someone would tell your little friend that I’m not the one he’s trying to stop from going to Hogwarts,” Justin added. “We started with plenty of time,” Flora offered. “And if he tries any more tricks I’ll just deal with them,” Luna added. “And between you and me I’m not all that happy about you going either. It’s a big risk. But it’s a risk you need to take.” “If I thought things were going to be all that dangerous I’d have said no to Scootaloo and the others going.” Fortunately, they had no more trouble getting to the station where they found the others waiting for them. “We were starting to worry about you,” Aurora informed Aerie as Justin and her trunks were unloaded. And yes, they’d put an expansion charm on the boot of the car. In truth, Aerie’s luggage was really little more than a programmable door to the flat, and not the whole flat. The trunks were loaded onto trolleys, Moonie in her kitty carrier, and Sweetie had ended up with Owlowiscious who’d a cover over her cage. When Twilight heard the girls were going to be special apprentices she insisted on giving Sweetie the owl. And the bird Louise had was a young Akkadian phoenix. The Crusaders had been allowed to visit the Akkadian Island, primarily so they could describe the place if asked about it, and Louise had somehow managed to impress on a young Phoenix. Together they filed into the station, and down to Platform Nine and three-quarters. “I’m going to miss having Kitzu at my feet,” Hoshiko lamented. “I’ll put in an advertisement to see if anyone wants to be your familiar,” her mom offered and then the two went through the barrier. As expected, Aerie’s trolley came to a rather jarring stop. “Aerie, are you alright?” Luna asked. Mrs Summers, Sweetie, Louise, Bloom, Aurora, and Justin were already through. “One moment,” Aerie growled. She then pulled off the hammer pendant just as the Weasleys were arriving. She took the pendant and placed it in her fist with the head of the hammer sticking out like she was going to use it as brass knuckles. “If you can get my cart for me…” She then went around the cart, punched the wall, and stepped through. Luna grabbed the cart and Quickly followed. Witches and wizards alike had turned to witness the house elf go sprawling down the ramp. He came to land but a few feet from a newspaper rack where the papers boldly proclaimed Lucious Malfoy caught with pants down. Chamber of horrors found. Malfoy Goes to Azkaban! “Care to explain to me why your master sent you to harass me!” Aerie yelled at him. “No, no, you misunderstand. Aerie Potter must not go to Hogwarts,” he whined. He froze and took a hesitant glance at the audience when he realized his mistake. “Explain to me why he sent you to stop me from going to Hogwarts?” “No, no, no. Master did not send me. Oh, Dobby must punish himself.” He then drew himself off the floor to all fours and began to beat his head on the tile floor. “Then you deny your master?” Aerie asked forcefully. “Deny? No, Dobby could never-” “Then you freely admit that he sent you. Speak clearly Dobby of House Malfoy for I know who you are and who you serve. He sent you. Admit it or deny your master.” “No house elf acts on their own,” Someone nearby stated. “It’ll be that much longer in Azkaban for him,” said another. “No, no, no, master will be displeased with Dobby.” “Then you deny him?” Aerie pressed, and with each word, she drew closer. “Out with it elf,” Ordered one of the witches. “Admit he sent you,” Aerie shouted angrily. “Admit he sent you and betray your master or deny him and take the blame on yourself!” “Aerie? Stop!?” Hermione called. “You stay out of this! This wretch has stolen my mail, tried to drive my friends away, flattened the tires on our car, and attempted to block my access to the platform. - Dobby, admit your master's orders or deny him!” “It was me, it was all me!” Dobby wailed. “Then you deny him?” “Dobby denies his master-” “Say it in the first person. Say aye!” “I deny my master…” The room went silent. A house elf had just denied their master. Silent save for Dobby’s sobbing. “I deny my master.” And then he stopped crying. “Again!” “I deny my master.” “Then I have nothing more to say to you,” Aerie said and took a step. She stopped and whispered. “Dobby, you're free now.” “Dobby is free? …. Dobby is free...” His tone had gone from pain and anguish to relief and amazement. Indeed Dobby felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted from him. His burden now gone. “Aerie, that was uncalled for,” Hermione scolded. “Dobby, I’m sure Professor Dumbledore can fit you in at Hogwarts, tell him what you know, and don’t worry about me. We can talk about that at Hogwarts. We will get through this year.” “Thank you. Thank You, Aerie Potter.” “Thank you?” Hermione asked while all who heard now whispered about the house elf denying his master. “He wanted to be free, but the bonds are so strong it prevents him from doing that one thing that can set him free of his own accord,” Aerie offered as she stepped up to Hermione. “If a house elf wants to be free they must deny their master.” Aerie continued on past Hermione as she put the necklace back on. “That, what you did was cruel,” Hermione stated. “Is it cruel to cut a tumor from a body or to leave it?” Aerie asked. “What I did was difficult, but look at him. He’s happy. It’s what he wanted.” And indeed Dobby did look happy. He was sitting there with the most bliss-filled look on his face and seemed oblivious to the Weasley family passing by him. “What’s with that house elf?” Ron asked. “He’s the former Malfoy house elf,” Aerie offered and then began walking to the second-year car. “Ha, must have finally realized that his Master can’t hurt him anymore,” Ron offered and then followed after Aerie even as Dobby lept to his feet, kicked his heels together, let out a whoop, and vanished. Hermione just stood there as people shuffled by. Many were talking about what had happened. Some seemed to know that a house elf could break its bonds but couldn't imagine how badly Lucius Malfoy must have been treating the poor creature. And all were in agreement that Malfoy must have ordered the elf to stop Aerie from going to Hogwarts. Some felt like the elf had no choice. Dobby must either deny that his master had ordered his actions or betray his master. “Isolde, you alright?” Louise asked. The four girls had met at Eques City and were fast friends now. “Was it that bad?” Isolde said softly as she gazed down the platform at the spot where Dobby had been. Draco the boy had been pampered, but he hadn’t been blind either. Where he failed was in understanding and after a few months of living with the ponies it had become all too painfully clear just how dysfunctional his family was. “Come on, we need to get on board,” Apple Bloom stated as she hoisted her trunk up from the trolley. “Ya, coming…” “Isolde?” Aster pressed. “I’m good,” Isolde replied, turned, and witnessed Apple Bloom carrying her trunk on top of her head while using her hands to steady it as she boarded the train. “How is she even doing that?” “Lives on a farm, remember?” Sweetie replied. And yes, she needed help with her trunk. “If you need anything we’ll be one car up,” Aurora offered, and Gave Louise a hug. “Do I get a hug?” Sweetie asked. “Sure, why not.” “And me,” Bloom called from the door of a compartment. “Alright, all right, Miss Bloom Apple,” Aurora replied, went to the door, and reached up to her to hug her. “And tell Aerie to come here and get a hug too.” “I think Aerie is in a bad mood,” Aurora replied. “All the more reason she needs a hug.” “Alright, I’ll tell her. Now, everyone climb up.” “Would it be alright if I join you?” Isolde asked. “Come on up,” Apple Bloom offered as Aurora went to go get Aerie. “Can I join you?’ Ginny asked. “Sure, why not? Come on up,” Bloom offered, and by the time Aerie got there all five girls had climbed into the compartment. Aerie found herself at a loss when Isolde hugged her. “I’m glad he’s free,” Isolde whispered and ended up getting an even tighter hug. “Hermione is mad at me.” “I thought she wanted to free House Elves?” “She doesn’t understand that sometimes we have to do difficult things to make the world a better place.” “Maybe there will be others who’ll break from their masters.” “Wouldn't that cause chaos in the wizard community,” Aerie replied and let go of the hug. She had to laugh at the realization that Discord would likely want just that just as the last call warning blew. “I have to get to my car, see you in Hogwarts.” Aerie dashed away and dived up into the next car up. A moment later she found Aurora, Hoshiko, Lavender, and the Patil twins waiting for her in a compartment. > Chapter 82: A phoenix is a golden friend to have. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “No Hermione?” Aerie asked as she sat down in the train compartment that had been held by her friends. “She’s with Ron and the other boys from our class,” Aurora informed her. “Can’t be helped then.” “Hi Aerie,” Alicia Spinnet said from the doorway her school robes already on. There was the sound of the whistle, the train started forward, and everyone got their last wave goodbye. “I’ll see you in Winter!” Aerie shouted out the window and then turned back to Alicia. “Careful, Aerie, she’s got a prefect badge on,” Aurora teased. “Prefect? Hey, congratulations. Um, is there something you wanted?” “Broom?” “In my trunk.” “Your trunk? Aerie, trunks with displaced space are against the rules.” “McGonagall knows about it.” “Oh… I guess it’s alright then.” “Was that all you needed?” “Well… so, what kind of a broom did you get?” “It’s a Blackthorn broom.” “You got a Blackthorn!? I thought you’d get a Firebolt or a Nimbus?” “It’s a World-Cup-approved broom, and it’s a stock off-the-shelf broom, per the letter. Don’t say anything, I want it to be a surprise.” “Wow. Those are hellishly expensive.” “An aunt of mine gave her the gold she’d need,” Aurora offered. “But something tells me you’d rather ask about the house elf.” “To be honest, I wanted to ask how Aerie is doing.” “I saw what that Elf did,” Lavender informed her. “Aerie was well within her right to yell at him, and if it ended with the elf breaking his bond with House Malfoy… you know, I’d say that elf is better off.” “He thanked her,” Padma offered. “Everyone close enough to hear heard it.” “I’d discovered that there was more than one way for a house elf to break from their house,” Aerie offered softly as she leaned back. “Never thought I’d use it.” “You had the opportunity, and you did use it,” Alicia pointed out. “That same elf had been intercepting her mail. He contrived ways to keep me away from the house. Tried to get her arrested in a shop once.” “Flattened the tires on the car on the way here, which would have affected Justin too, and blocked the entrance to the platform.” “I can’t imagine any of my family's house elves behaving like that,” Lavender commented dryly. “I see… hang on, how’d you get onto the platform?” Alicia asked. “Oh, Kreacher told me a little trick I could use. My house elf. Afraid I spoil him rotten.” “You have a house elf?” “Acquired him last year. He’s the old Black Family elf.” “The black Family elf?” “Sirius Black is my magical guardian. As such I inherited Kreacher. He’s a bit crusty, he’s been abused, but he’s a good elf. He and Regulus Black turned against the dark lord. It cost Regulus his life.” “Oh, wow. I never knew.” “Few are who do.” “How many know?” “Less than a dozen I’d imagine. The information just never got disseminated because, for the longest time, Kreacher was the only one alive who knew what they’d attempted to do. It’s all moot now.” “Ya, I guess.” “Any idea what house you’ll be in?” Ginny asked the other girls she was with. “No idea really,” Isolde offered. “My Aunt Nova says I could get into Ravenclaw.” “Hey, who are you?” demanded a boy in the corridor. He'd two friends with him, and it gave Isolde a strange feeling of Deja Vu. “Is it not the custom to introduce yourselves first?” Louise asked mimicking an anime she’d seen. “Ignore her. She’s obviously a Weasley,” one of the three stated derisively. And to be clear, Scootaloo’s hair color did look red to them. A bright red, but red. Isolde’s hair was just bleached blond to their eyes, and even Sweetie’s hair looked like it was an odd shade of strawberry blond. Bloom, Louise, and Ginny were all redheads. “If we don’t measure up to your standards we're not allowed to go to Hogwarts? Is that it?” Isolde asked. “Well, Wilbur Nott?” The thing that disturbed Isolde the most was that these boys reminded her far too much of Draco. But then again, even Draco didn’t presume to judge who was worthy of Hogwarts. “I don’t see why not,” Wilbur shot back. “Hogwarts should be for pure-blood families, not mud-bloods and blood traitors.” “For your information, my name is Shutter, Louise Shutter. You’ve yet to introduce yourselves and I already dislike you. I am impressed.” “Wilbur Nott, Kester Harper, and Ludovic Bagman the Third,” Isolde informed the others. “They’ll more than likely end up in Slytherin. It’s where all the losers go.” “You take that back!” Ludovic demanded. “Or what? What are you going to do?” The boy stepped briskly into the room, Isolde whipped out her wand, and then the compartment filled with light, and the angry squawking of Kaida, Louise’s phoenix was now hovering in the air right in front of the boy. When Louise heard that Kaida meant little fire, and or sparky, she decided the name was perfect. Ludovic backpedaled so fast he hit the window on the outer corridor wall and cracked it. “Kaida?” Louise exclaimed, jumped up, and snatched the bird out of the air before it got into its little head to do something more. “Alright, what’s going on here?” Alicia demanded. She’d just come around the corner at the front of the car. “Their bird attacked us,” Nott stated. “It’s dangerous. It needs to be put down.” “Is it now?” Alicia asked as she approached. She looked and saw the phoenix. Looked back at the three boys now retreated half a compartment down. “A phoenix? Are you seriously trying to get yourself thrown in Azkaban?” “What?” Nott asked. “Even attempting to harm a phoenix will get you thrown into Azkaban and you are damn lucky it didn’t dump you on the side of the tracks somewhere. - Do the three of you have a compartment? Well then, get to it then, and it’ll be three points, one each from whichever house will have you. Cause any more tr-” “You can’t do that?!” Kester protested. “Oh yes, I can. The moment you stepped on board this train you were subject to Hogwarts rules. Now get.” “Kaida, I thought I told you to stay in your cage,” Louise said quietly as she stroked the bird's head with a free hand. “And what were you going to do with that wand?” Alicia asked Isolde. “Shoot sparks at him?” Isolde asked. Oh, she could do plenty but wasn’t going to give herself away so readily. She remembered fondly going in and picking out that wand. Her second. The first was lost in the Forbidden Forest. Aspen it was, with a unicorn hair. Bloom had a wand made of apple, Sweetie’s wand was pear, and Louise had a wand made of English Oak. “I’d suspect as much,” Alicia replied to Isolde as Isolde put her wand away. “They weren’t very nice,” Sweetie offered as Louise sat down. “Seemed to think we have no business being here.” “You’ve as much right to be here as anyone else. So where are you from? Wizard families, muggle-born?” “Akkadian,” Louise offered. “One hundred percent.” “I have a wizard father,” Isolde added. She wasn't quite sure why she announced the fact, perhaps a little of the old Malfoy pride coming through. Or was that arrogance? Those boys, that was most certainly arrogance. They’d taken one look and acted like she and her friends were somehow trespassing. Part of her did feel like she was trespassing, but she did have a letter. A first-year letter just like she was any other first-year student. “Impressive,” Alicia replied. “Aurora Summers is my sister,” Louise informed her. “Is she now? Do you help take care of that little golden filly?” “Um… well…” Louise blushed. “I sort of am that little filly.” “Seriously? Can you transform for me?” “We are under strict orders not to,” Sweetie stated. To be true, Sweetie and Bloom did not know how just yet. Which was something Aerie and Aurora were in no hurry to remedy. Nor was Sweetie in a hurry to learn it either. Not after what she saw in the shops in Diagon Alley. “Ya, sorry,” Scootaloo replied sheepishly. “I kind of got in trouble for coming to the school last year too.” “Ya, I bet you did. - Now, if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” “We will. Thank you,” Louise replied cheerfully. “Hopefully your next visitor will be the cart lady,” Alicia added as she stepped away. As she went she went down to the compartment the three boys were in, pulled out her wand, and locked their door as she went by. The cart lady was at the end of the car getting her cart ready. Alicia told her what had happened, and that she’d locked the boys in. “Sometimes I think they should all be locked in,” the cart lady offered. “But Nadasia, then you’d be out of a job.” “Not true. I can still unlock the doors as I go past.” “And what about toilet breaks?” “Just the boys then. They can pee out the window and half of them do.” “Seriously?” “It’s their home life. No manners in far too many. Why the Weasley twins tried to climb up to the roof on their first trip.” “That I can believe.” Arrival at Hogwarts wasn’t any different than any other year. Hagrid was back, calling for the first years, and everyone else went to the carriages. “First years this way…” “Come on,” Isolde said to her new friends. She had to admit that she never would have thought she’d end up making friends with a Weasley but there it was. “Where are we going?” Bloom asked as they went down the path to the loch. “You’ll see, you’ll see,” “You think Kaida will stay in her cage,” Louise asked the other girls. “Doubt it,” Bloom offered. “Not like you need to worry about her.” “Wow,” Sweetie said as they rounded a bend and the castle came into view. “Watch yer step," Hagrid called out as he eyeballed a trio of boys who’d been skulking behind the girls. Down by the lake, their boats waited. “Aerie,” Professor McGonagall called as the carriages arrived at the school. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like a word with you.” “Oh dear, already in trouble,” Aerie replied with a cheeky grin. “You are not in trouble, but we would like a word. In private.” “Lead on then,” She turned to her friends, “I’ll catch up with you later.” Aerie followed Professor McGonagall into the school. “I’m guessing that this is related to Dobby,” Aerie asked a short time later as they walked down a corridor. “I heard about what happened. Putting a house elf in a position…” “He put himself in that position.” “Be it as it may…” “Far more needs to be done to secure the welfare of House Elves. Mr Malfoy gets himself thrown into Azkaban, and I’m guessing that absolutely nothing was done concerning Dobby.” “A well-timed tip, I’m to understand, or so the grapevine says. The disposition of house elves is generally the responsibility of the family. The Ministry Office of House Elf Management only steps in when absolutely necessary.” “You mean when they are forced to and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it’s just one old witch who doesn’t even bother to show up half the time. Kreacher rattled around in an empty house for ten-eleven years before we went looking for him. And that was only after Sirius had been cleared of charges. And quite frankly, there is absolutely nothing stopping Dobby from renewing his bond.” “His master is in Azkaban and… point taken.” They’d arrived at the spiral stairs that led to the headmaster’s office. “Professor Dumbledore would like a word with you as well. I need to go greet the new first years.” “Thank you. Password?” “Lemon drop.” “Thank you,” Aerie offered as she stepped onto the stairs as they spiraled upwards. When she arrived at the top she found Professor Dumbledore pacing back and forth. “Ah, Aerie, come in.” “Professor…” Aerie said as she entered. She did not go straight to him. She saw Dobby in a corner and went right to him. Dobby cringed but did not move. Dumbledore watched as Aerie got down on her knees. “Come on Dobby, give us a hug and all will be forgiven between you and me.” “Forgive and forget, is it?” Dumbledore asked. “Forgive, but not forget. Forgiving is the easy part. We can choose to hold no grudge against each other. Forgetting ill deeds done takes a bit longer.” “Aerie Potter… you would forgive Dobby?” the little elf asked. “I would. I understand that you were at war with your desire to serve your master faithfully and your inner nature which is fundamentally good.” “He brings me grave news.” “I’ve no doubt. I did ask him to come to you. - Dobby, you are aware of the book?” “It’s is a most evil thing. A most evil plot to open the Chamber of Secrets Dobby’s former master did plot.” “Something tells me you already knew.” “I did indeed. It’s that other item I mentioned and it’s very important the person who has it not be tipped off. That thing may well be sentient and have a strong sense of self-preservation,” Aerie offered, and as Dobby seemed unwilling to give her a hug she reached out and bopped his nose ever so gently. Dobby's eyes went crossed-eyed. She then gave him a pat on the head and was rewarded with him looking up at her with that same look a dog that’s been abused gets when they realize that this person is safe. “Dobby, do you know who has the book.” Dobby shook his head in the negative. Aerie stood up and turned to face Dumbledore. “How great the danger is depends on what Myrtle Warren died of.” “Myrtle Warren?” “Your biggest mistake. Well, second given I consider Riddle the biggest but I can’t fault you too much in that even though my heart says otherwise.” “I must confess if I’d known then, but you do seem to be well informed.” “Myrtle is the mistake that cascaded into the mess we are working to clean up. Tom Riddle killed her to create his first Horcrux, but… in his hubris, he didn’t take into consideration how important that one is. My Moonie won’t touch it. It’s fully capable of spawning a brand new Tom Riddle and in that it is the person in possession of the book who is in the greatest danger.” “And the danger to the school?” “Aside from the spirit of Tom Riddle possessing someone and possibly rising from the grave? Like I said, that depends on what killed Myrtle. Tom killed her, of that I’m sure, but the question remains, how was she killed? Did he mimic the bite of an Acromantula, or is there another one of Slytherin’s monsters deep under the castle? If so, who’s to say it won’t find its way out on its own sooner or later.” “Another one?” “Mrs Silverwood’s Moonie slew one in the nineteen oh three oh four school year. A basilisk hybrid. I’m to understand that it was hushed up. You’d have to press the Unspeakables for information.” “Ah… yes, of course. I’ll need to inquire about that. The question then would be was there more than one of those creatures.” “Stocking up on Roosters might help given that’s supposed to be their Achilles heal. In the meantime,” Aerie turned back to Dobby. “Dobby, if you could do us a great favor, would you keep an eye on the second-floor girls' bathroom? The one where Myrtle Warren is most often to be found.” “The girls' bathroom?” Dobby and Dumbledore chimed. “There is a snake engraved on one of the taps. A most curious thing considering the toilets in that room don't date back to the founding, but there is where we will find an entrance to Slytherin’s chamber short of it’s been sealed up. And no, I’ve no desire to go down that pipe if I don’t have to.” “No, I suppose you wouldn't. Chasing a wyrm into its layer is not something to be lightly done.” He thought for a moment. “I’ll send a letter to the Ministry and see if they have a cause of death for Miss Warren.” Suddenly the room erupted in phoenix fire as three phoenixes burst into the room. “Kaida? Fennik? Honestly, come here,” Aerie called to two of the three as one-third went to its perch. “I’ll do it,” Dobby said, his eyes wide as saucers at the sight of the two birds on Aerie’s shoulders. “You will? Splendid. Just one thing, if we are dealing with a basilisk, you must not look it in the eyes, and watch out for reflections. Now, Fennik, Kaida, what are you two doing?” “Is Kaida yours?” Dumbledore asked. “I should be so lucky. No, Kaida bonded with Louise Shutter. She’s Aurora’s half-sister. - No message so I guess they were just playing.” “Indeed, and we need to get downstairs before we are missed.” Dumbledore's pronouncement was followed by Aerie being engulfed in phoenix fire and vanishing. “And I suppose I’m just going to have to walk,” Dumbledore said as he gave Fawks a pointed look. Fawks just bobbed their head like she was laughing. > Chapter 83: The sorting ceremony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie arrived in the middle of the great hall a moment later in a fiery prominence. The two phoenixes dropped her to the floor and then soared up to play in the rafters of the ceiling and dart about the many candles. “I have simply got to get one of those birds,” Gilderoy Lockhart proclaimed bombastically. He’d been at the front of the hall handing out autographs. “Aerie, you’ve two, give me one. That’s a lass.” “Professor Lockhart, a phoenix can neither be given nor sold. Nor are they mine to give. They are known to me and chose to have a bit of sport with me,” Aerie called back. “Can neither be given nor sold?” Lockhart scoffed. “Can neither be given nor sold,” Snape repeated as he went to his seat. “You will simply have to find one newly hatched if you want one. Something that someone with your illustrious background should find easy.” Aerie turned her attention to the two birds as they swooped about her to see what was going on. “Why don’t you two go play in the rafters or something?” Aerie only had a moment to wait. Fennik and Kaida took off again, up into the enchanted night sky, circled, and vanished. Aerie started for the Gryffindor table but made it no further than seven yards when she found her path blocked by no less than a dozen older girls. They were a mix of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and even a Slytherin girl. “They are not my birds,” Aerie stated before they could say a thing. “And no, I don’t have access to any nests.” “Well, a person would think you’d want to give our new professor a Phoenix,” one of the Ravenclaw girls stated in a huff. “What part of 'they are not mine to give' don’t you understand?” “Everyone in your seats so we can get started,” McGonagall called. She’d used her wand to amplify her voice and successfully startled everyone. “You haven't heard the last of this,” the lead girl snarled and then made the mistake of pointing her finger in Aerie’s face. Suddenly she was crumpled up in a sort of sitting position on the floor, her hand in Aerie’s hands, and in considerable pain. “So help me what part of I don’t have any phoenixes to be handing out can’t you seem to fathom?” Aerie growled. “Girls, girls…” Lockhart called. “Not fighting over me are you?” “Sir, she attacked her,” one of the girls stated. “And is refusing to give you one of those birds.” “They are not mine to give!” Aerie shouted as she twisted harder. “Aerie! Let go of her!” Aurora scolded. “Sir, they all ganged up on her,” Hermione stated. She wasn't sure what was going on, but that was what it looked like. “Girls, if they aren’t hers to give then they aren’t hers to give,” Lockhart stated. “And as Professor Snape has pointed out to me, I need to find a hatchling. An adult bird will never do. Now, everyone to their seats, please.” Aerie released the girl, stepped around her as she clutched at her hand, joined Aurora and Hermione and the three went to their house table. “What was all that about anyway?” Ron asked. “A bunch of fan girls got it into their heads that I have phoenixes to be handing out and Lockhart must have one,” Aerie grumbled. “Didn’t peg you for a Lockhart fan,” Aerie heard a Slytherin sneer as the Slytherin girl who’d been in the group went to sit down. “I’m not. I thought I smelled blood,” the girl shot back. “That Karen girl made the mistake of annoying Miss Potter and went and stuck a finger in her face.” She laughed at the memory. “How is it she’s in Gryffindor?” “Who among our house would dare to face off against a leach wraith,” asked another Slytherin. “That’s why she is over there and not here.” Lovely, Aerie thought to herself. Respect from Slytherin House. “Welcome back, welcome back,” Dumbledore called as he entered the room. He had in hand the sorting hat which he placed on an old stool placed up front. From there he walked around the table and stood in his place. There he waited while the staff assembled. When everyone was in place he sat down followed by everyone else who was still standing. Professor McGonagall was the only one left standing. “Professor McGonagall, I’d say we are ready.” “Professor Dumbledore,” McGonagall replied with a nod of her head. She turned and exited the room. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” Isolde reassured her friends. “It’s getting so they’ll let anyone in,” Ludovic derided as he and his three friends slowly made their way over to Isolde. “Swans are nothing but a bunch of blood traitors.” “If calling a fraud a fraud makes us blood traitors then so be it,” Isolde shot back. Oh, she knew the history of the feud between the Swan and Black family. Curious that the Black family had all but died out. She also knew all too well the history of the Malfoy family. Even as Draco, she wasn’t too thrilled about the family she’d landed in. Granted that Draco was pretty good at playing his mother and father against each other. And glad Voldemort was long gone. Not that she ever doubted her family’s superiority… that was until he met Aerie Potter. Aerie, not Harry, but Aerie, and she’d some interesting ideas. Ideas that could be verified, and he had verified them. The pure-blood families were waning and it was their own fault. It was their own dogged adherence to blood purity. Their dogged Adherence had been exploited by Tom Riddle, and thanks to Riddle’s little uprising, families like the Malfoys were generally disliked. Even hated. Ron hated Draco and for no other reason than because he was a Malfoy. Draco hadn’t been a bad lot, spoiled rotten, but not bad. Which Isolde understood all too well now. And deep down Draco wanted people to like him. Aerie was the first person to actually show him genuine kindness. “You leave her alone,” Bloom warned as she stepped between Isolde and Ludovic. “My Grandfather is the Head of Magical Games and Sports,” Ludovic boasted and attempted to push Bloom out of the way. “And I’m supposed to care, because?” Bloom asked. She hadn’t budged from her spot. “Get out of my way!” He shouted, drew out his wand… “Were you planning on doing something with that, Mr Bagman?” Professor McGonagall asked from the doorway. “Your house is going to love you. Five points. “Now, it is time. Line up, and we will proceed to the sorting ceremony.” Out they went into the grand entryway and then into the great hall itself. Draco hadn’t taken the time to appreciate the place, but Isolde now understood just how special this hall was. Grander wielders of magic than Dumbledore had wrought that enchanted ceiling. Indeed, should any muggles find the place they’d see only an old ruined castle. There before them awaited the sorting hat with all its frays and patches and dangling threads. Isolde heard the surprised response from the new first years when a large rip opened up and the hat began to sing. It was the exact same song from the previous year with maybe a few variations. Curious about that, but then again it was an enchanted hat and not a poet. When the hat finished the hall burst into applause. And now Professor McGonagall stepped forward with a long list of names. “When I call your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, and put the hat on. You will be sorted, and when you are sorted you are to take the hat off, get up, put the hat back on the stool, and go to your house. The house you are sorted into will be your home while you are in school.” She looked down at her parchment and called, “Apple, Bloom.” Aerie and Aurora applauded to encourage the girl as she jogged forward. She did as instructed, and was there but a moment when the hat called out “Gryffindor.” Gryffindor had the first pick of the lot leading to a bit more than the usual cheers from the Gryffindor table. “I couldn't help but notice some people at the other tables look a little disappointed,” Louise asked Isolde as Belle, Sweetie, was called forward. “Probably had wagers on who would get the first pick.” “Yup, that’ll do it,” Louise replied with a big grin and then cheered for Sweetie as she too went to Gryffindor. Ludovic Bagman was called next and went to Slytherin as predicted. The cheers from the Slytherin table quieted when they noticed the point counter had gone down by six points. Kester Harper went to Slytherin a short time later as did Wilbur Nott when his turn came. “Shutter, Louise,” Professor McGonagall called and suddenly Isolde found herself feeling oddly alone. Scootaloo had also gone to Gryffindor, and all Isolde could think was that she’d be lucky if the hat would let her in Ravenclaw. The very thought of going back to Slytherin made her sick. “Swan, Isolde.” Professor McGonagall gave Isolde a reassuring smile as the girl slowly walked forward. And to be true, McGonagall had no idea who Isolde had once been. All she knew was that the girl was one of four whose names had been put in by Celestia Solaris. Draco had so far as McGonagall knew, dropped off the face of the earth. She and Dumbledore just assumed someone would contact them and when no one did the assumption was that the girl formerly known as Draco Malfoy had been sent away. They had no way of knowing that Nova Silverwood’s Princess Celestia had the ability to add names to the master Enrollment book. “Please not Slytherin,” Isolde said as the hat was lowered. “Not Slytherin, eh… You seem familiar and yet... you are a new person, your destiny your own,” mumbled the hat. Indeed the words sounded to Isolde as though they were in her head. Which was definitely new. Draco was so full of himself that his going to Slytherin was as good as preordained. “I must say, you are a difficult one to crack. Intelligent, you’ve got a mind that would fit in Ravenclaw. I see ambition, but not Slytherin… You could be great.” “I’ve no desire for greatness at that price. Not anymore. I want to be with people who actually care about me. I want to be with my friends.” “Ah yes, a magic greater than old man Slytherin could ever begin to comprehend. The magic of Friendship. And brave too. Oh yes, now I know who you are. Well, then there can be only one choice. “Gryffindor!” “Miss Isolde, you can get up now,” Professor McGonagall prompted. Isolde had nearly fainted on hearing the word, the name, Gryffindor. “Isolde?” McGonagall asked as she lifted the hat. Isolde rose shakily to her feet, there was the sound of running… Isolde snapped out of her stupor the moment the Crusaders embraced her. “I thought I’d be left behind,” she whispered to her friends, the sound of cheering ringing in her ears. Aerie and Aurora got up and gave her hugs and then invited her to their table. Her, to the Gryffindor table. What would Ron think if he knew? Isolde looked across the table at Ron and smiled. Ron immediately turned crimson followed by the twins teasing him. “A whole new way to teas Ron, is it?” Aerie whispered to her. Isolde shot her a look and saw only the smile of a friend. She knew, and not only was she fine with it she’d welcomed her. Isolde, the child of a unicorn of the forbidden forest. “Wow…” Isolde said as she looked out the window of the first-year dorm room for girls. The sun was down but there was still enough light to see the horizon. She could also make out the form of the village of Hogsmeade, and the room they got to use was downright opulent when compared to the Slytherin dorms. Everything in the Slytherin first-year room was about as basic as a monk’s chambers. Draco had seen the other Slytherin rooms as well, at least on the boy’s side. Suddenly Isolde got it into her head to see what the boys' dorm looked like and raced downstairs. “Isolde?” Louise called and raced after her, followed by Bloom, and Sweetie. “Hey, hold up there?” one of the seventh-year boys called. “I want to see what Ron’s room looks like,” Isolde called as the four girls raced up the stairs. Ron was half-dressed. “Hey!? Get out of here!” Ron protested. And yes, the room was every bit as opulent. “This is nice too,” Isolde said. “What?” Ron asked. “And this?” Seamus asked while flexing like a strong man. Isolde laughed. “I’m sorry, I was comparing the rooms. Everyone in Gryffindor has such nice rooms.” “Well you’ve seen them, now get out,” barked Percy. “But Percy, she just wanted to see Ron,” Fred pleaded. “Young love,” teased George. “What? No! It’s not like that! Ack!” Isolde turned beet red and raced back downstairs and back up to her room followed by the Crusaders who by this time were just doing it for fun. “Alright, alright, you’ve had a look, it’s time to go to bed,” Alicia scolded. > Chapter 84 repotting Mandrakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls woke the next morning with Kaida roosting on top of Louise like she was an egg that needed hatching. “Time to get up,” Aurora called into the room from the doorway. “I need to pee…” Isolde announced groggily as she climbed out of her bed. “Downstairs between the third and fourth-year dorm rooms,” Aurora reminded her as the girls descended to the second-year floor. “Isolde?” “Pee now. Talk later.” “Me too,” Bloom announced and a moment later was hot on Isolde’s tail. And if you are wondering about Isolde and using the girls' facilities, her time in the Caribbean among clothing-optional Akkadians had thoroughly desensitized her. When the girls went down to breakfast Louise’s Kaida riding on her shoulder raised quite a few eyebrows. They’d hardly sat down when one of the new Gryffindor boys, a lad named Colin Creevey popped up with an old camera. A little black camera shaped like a brick that had silver trim, a bunch of dials, two viewfinders, a lens, and a big flash mounted on top. A relic of another era, but that didn’t stop Colin. “Hey!” Louise protested a moment after the flash went off followed by a fiery predominance erupting about her with bird and girl reappearing half way down the length of the table. “Colin, it is customary to ask first,” Aerie scolded. "And never, ever startle a phoenix." “You’re Aerie Potter! I’m sorry, I’ve never seen a phoenix before. Can I take your picture?” “I’d…” “Hey everyone, Aerie Potter is giving out signed photos!” Shouted the very same girl who’d cornered her the night before. “Shut it, Karen!” Isolde shouted. Sure, what the girl was doing was the sort of thing Draco would have done, which only disgusted Isolde all the more. And she knew who the girl was. Smart, but exceedingly shallow. “Mind your manners, firsty,” Karen shot back. “Here now, don’t be like that,” Lockhart interrupted. “Pictures was it Aerie?” “No,” Aerie stated firmly. “Colin was being a paparazzi. Doesn't seem to understand that it's impolite to take pictures of people while they are eating.” “Oh, oh my.” “Mr Creevey, be so kind as to put that camera away before going to class,” Professor McGonagall requested firmly. “But I wasn’t,” Colin protested. “You took a picture without asking, did so while she was eating, and frightened her phoenix,” Aurora pointed out. “And we are lucky you didn’t spook her.” “Aerie, can I get a picture, of you and me together, so I can prove I met you?” He just didn't seem to get it. “Mr Creevey, you are in the same house. Gryffindor. You are only one year apart,” McGonagall scolded. “I want you to put that camera away. Now. And I’d better not see you toting it around to your classes. “Now, Mr Creevey.” Professor McGonagall made it clear that she was not going to put up with any foolishness, watched him go, and then turned to Miss Karen. “Five points from Ravenclaw.” “What for?” “Did you or did you not tell the entire hall that Aerie was handing out autographed photos when she is clearly not? Don’t argue with me. I heard you as clear as day. Furthermore, as you seem to have some kind of issue with Miss Potter, I would suggest you stay well clear of her. And if there is one more incident, you will be doing detention. Now, the rest of you, finish your breakfasts and get to class.” “Yes mam,” nearly everyone at the table repeated. Except for Louise was had to get up and walk back to where she'd been eating. Ron and Neville arrived just as McGonagall was walking away. “What’s going on?” Neville asked. “Colin brought his camera to breakfast,” Dean Thomas offered. “I’ve got a mind to pitch him and his camera out the window,” Ron bemoaned as he sat down. “He that bad?” Aerie asked. “Ron sat on his wand,” Seamus informed them. “It was right after Colin took a picture so naturally it was his fault, and not his own for putting it in his back pocket.” “If that flash hadn’t gone off in my face I wouldn't have sat on it,” Ron protested. “Eat your breakfast and we’ll figure something out,” Hermione recommended. “How about asking your parents for a new one?” Aerie asked. “I can’t ask my mom for another wand. It’s not completely broken, just bent.” Ron produced his wand. It had a slight bend in it and had tape around the break. “I used Spell-o-tape. It’s still functional.” He let out a sigh. “No other wand could possibly match this one.” "Ron, I could loan you mine for a bit?" Isolde offered with what she thought a winning smile. "I'm not using a girl's wand." "Aren't you going to need it?" Apple Bloom asked. "It will be a while before they trust us to do any actual magic." "Might be a bad idea," Aerie cautioned. "Ron might break it and given that it is in its adjustment period where it needs to learn how your magic works it's liable to come back incapable of doing magic without requiring wild gesticulations." "In that case I withdraw my offer." "I do not!" "I'm afraid you do," Hermione corrected. "You're just lucky Professor Flitwick covered for you." "What?" Isolde asked in astonishment. "Keep your voice down," Ron ordered in a hushed panic. Isolde's eyes lit up and then she started rolling with laughter. Following breakfast, the second year’s first class was Herbology with Hufflepuff. Madam Sprout was waiting for them in the classroom, and she looked like she’d already been hard at work that morning, her squat frame covered in dirt, and Aunt Petunia would have fainted at the site of fingernails that belonged on an archaeologist. “Greenhouse three,” Madam Sprout announced. “Leave your books and notepads, and come along.” She waited a moment. “Hermione, that means you too. I’m going to want one hundred percent of your attention on me. Now, come along...” And wouldn't you know it, Lockhart just happened to be in the yard waiting for them. “Aerie, I’ve been wanting to have a word with you,” he said even as Professor Sprout produced a large key which she used to open the door to greenhouse three. “You don’t mind if she’s a couple of minutes late?” “I do too mind,” Professor Sprout protested as the students filed in. “That’s the ticket.” Lockhart acted like he hadn’t heard a word she’d said and herded Aerie away from the building. “Sir?” Aerie protested. “Aerie dear, I’ve wanted to have a word with you ever since I heard.” “He was trying to keep me off of platform nine and three-quarters,” Aerie protested. After all, what else could he have heard about? “What? Who was trying to keep you off the platform?” “Dobby, the house elf.” “The house elf… Oh, right, yes, I did hear about that. Reminds me of an issue I had with a house elf myself. It’s in my notes.” “It’s eating you up you can’t take credit isn’t it?” “Grandstanding that, and you really shouldn't be pulling stunts like that. Not at your age. People might get the wrong idea. Oh, no, no my girl. What I want to know about is Lily.” “Lily?” “Your mother,” his tone boisterous, his smile unnerving. “My mother is dead,” Aerie offered. Her mind wandered to that of a Cheshire cat as she struggled against the Glamour charm the man had put on himself. A rather insidious spell that caused the viewer to see the person only in a favorable light. The stronger the grip of the spell the more likely the victim would do anything that was asked. Indeed if Lockhart wasn't such a shallow man he'd have been downright dangerous. “Now now, lying does not become you. We both know full well that Luna Moon is your mother and that she is in fact, Lily Potter. Your mother. You have got to tell me where she’s been.” “She is not Lily Potter.” “Oh, but we both know that she is.” “And let’s say for the sake of argument that she is. It’s none of your business.” “Oh, but it is. I want to meet her. More importantly, my publisher wants to meet her.” “You mean you want to meet her.” “Well…” “She’s in a relationship with Flora and Basil, my foster parents. It just sort of worked out that way.” “What? My dear, it’s nothing like that. I just want to know her story, that’s all.” “She was hiding out on Akkadia. And let’s say for the sake of argument that she is Lily Potter I’d imagine that I was probably supposed to follow her. But Dumbledore made sure I wouldn't leave England. Why don’t you try writing about that? Now, can I go to my class?” “You are going to set up a meeting…” “And why should I?” “Because you’ve got a taste for fame. Don’t deny it. Gave you a taste for it I’d imagine. What with being on the front page and all. Plenty of time for you. Why when I was your age I was a complete nobody, but not you, not with the whole He who must not be named connection.” He glanced at the scar. “Granted that that kind of fame isn’t nearly as good as winning Witch Weekly’s most charming smile award five times in a row… as I have. It’s a start though. “I have a new book out. Aerie Potter and the Muggles, and if I were to count all the Harry Potter books, from which I receive royalties, I’ve more books on the shelf than you do. And I dare say I’ve been in more publications as well. I know what you want. You want to latch onto Luna Moon like some leach so you can write all about your life with her and ride on my coattails.” “Professor, Aerie is needed in class,” Aurora called. “In a moment, in a moment…” There was a touch of anger in his tone. “Now,” Aurora stated with an air of finality. “Best not to argue with her when she’s like that,” Aerie stated and quickly walked away. A moment later the two girls were inside, the door shut behind them. “Good of you to join us,” Professor Sprout quipped. “Dare I ask what he wanted?” “He wants to meet my mom. Specifically Lily Potter. He seems to have gotten it into his head that Luna Moon is Lily Potter.” “I’ve heard the rumors. In hiding all these years only to reemerge shortly after you did. Not that I’m giving such rumors any weight. I’d imagine that for it to be true Mrs Moon would need to be an Akkadian Princess and be as resistant to the killing curse as you seem to be.” “To the best of my knowledge, they are two different people and I presently have been blessed with two moms and a dad.” “Ha, an old practice, but I’d no idea muggles practiced that kind of relationship.” “It would take entirely too long to explain.” For Luna to be Lily was impossible, wasn’t it? Aerie did have to admit that Luna had taken to this world far too readily. But she’d been Nightmare Moon. Trapped in limbo, on the moon. Hadn’t she? Deep in the back of her mind, she had a nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe Luna had experienced something similar to what she’d experienced. Nova ‘Aerie Potter’ Moon had been caught in the magic generated by the elements of Harmony, found herself in another world, grew up as Nova Moon married a man named Jonathan Arthol, lived a wonderful life, and found herself back in Equestria following a surge of energy from an experimental machine. Could Luna have experienced something similar? “I’d imagine it would take a bit of explaining, and we’ve got a class to attend to. Now that we are all present, gather round.” Professor Sprout motioned everyone to one side of a trestle bench in the middle of the greenhouse. On the bench, there was a small crate of ear muffs in various shades and numerous small puffy plants each next to a slightly larger empty pot. Here and there buckets of potting soil accompanied the plants. “Today we will be repotting Mandrakes,” Professor Sprout announced. “Who here can tell me the properties of Mandrake?” Aerie did her best to raise her hand faster than Hermione and then snapped her fingers in disappointment at having lost. “Aerie?” “Mandrake or Mandragora is a powerful restorative,” Hermione blurted out. “Miss Granger, I don’t believe I called on you. But you are correct. The Mandrake forms an essential part of many antidotes. It’s also very dangerous. Perhaps Aerie can tell us why it’s dangerous?” “Mandrake contains high levels of alkaloids and is very toxic if prepared improperly. The mature plant emits a high-pitched sound, a cry, that can be fatal. The cry of young plants while seldom fatal can result in a person passing out. The cry is achieved by filling air into an air bladder which is then flushed out through a mouth-like orifice in the root which has a very humanoid shape.” “Excellent. Ten points for Gryffindor.” “Professor?” Hermione protested. “I’m sorry dear, but you did speak out of turn.” Hermione let out an indignant squawk. “Now, I want everyone to pick out a pair of earmuffs… Aerie, Aurora?” Aerie and Aurora had just pulled state-of-the-art headphones from their bags with microphones attached. “We came prepared,” Aerie offered. “These little babies are the latest in use by ground crews at airports. They also have Akkadian shielding technology to assure that the electronics will still function properly in a high magic environment along with long life batteries.” “May I see that?” Professor Sprout took the pair Aerie had and put them on. “Oh my,” she offered softly as Aurora put hers on. “What’s this thing sticking out of it?” “It’s called a microphone,” Aurora said softly. Professor “It allows the users to talk to each other while filtering out such things as loud jet noises.” Professor Sprout's eyes widen on hearing Aurora's voice coming from the headsets. “But can it filter out the cry of the Mandrake?” “It should.” Aurora offered. “Jet engines are mighty loud.” “Only one way to find out. Everyone, get a pair of ear muffs and put them on.” Aerie found herself having to put on a pair of fuzzy earmuffs. And that’s exactly what they were as she could detect no noise-canceling spell on them. Perhaps that was intentional? “Now, as the Mandrakes we have are very young the worst they can do is cause a person to faint,” Professor Sprout offered as everyone scrambled to put on a pair. “Make sure you have your ears perfectly covered. Thumbs up, ear muffs on. The ear muffs did shut out a fair amount of sound, but it wasn’t complete by any means. “Now,” Professor Sprout all but shouted prompting Aurora to adjust a setting on her headphones quickly. Professor Sprout waited for a thumbs-up from everyone, reached over, and pulled one of the plants closer to her. “To re-pot,” She pulled a larger pot closer to her. “Take an empty pot, put a handful of potting mix in the pot, and when you’ve done that...” She demonstrated by doing as she instructed. “Get a good grip on the Mandrake, and give it a pull!” Out came the Mandrake which immediately began to scream as though horrified at having been so rudely pulled from its cozy pot. Neville passed out even as Professor Sprout was putting the mandrake into the new pot. More soil was heaped up on top of the root and it quieted. “These are amazing,” Professor Sprout offered as she took the headphones off. She gave them back to Aerie, had Neville placed on a bench outside, went over the instructions again, put on a pair of the fuzzy earmuffs, made sure everyone had their ears covered, and set them to their task. Aerie picked up a pot, got a good grip on the plant, turned it over, slapped the base of the pot, and then quickly grabbed and pulled up the pot. “That is not how you are supposed to do it!” Hermione protested as Aerie re-potted the plant. “Aerie!” Hermione shouted as Aerie popped another plant out of its pot. “That’s not how you do it!” Suddenly Hermione had a hold of Aerie’s headphones. “What?!” Aerie protested with a rather annoyed tone. “That’s not how you are supposed to do it!” Hermione shouted. “It’s easier if you turn them upside down.” “What?” “It’s easier if you turn them upside down!” “What?” This time Hermione lifted her ear muff to hear better, and immediately dropped to the floor in a heap. A short time later Hermione had been laid out on a bench outside, Professor Sprout and Aerie were out there with her. “Aerie…” “About the pot, my Aunt Petunia makes me do all the yard work, and I found that turning the pots upside down and slapping them was just easier and less likely to damage the plant.” “Yes, I saw what you were doing and tried it. Ten points for the new method. Hermione pulled your ear muff off and you weren’t affected.” “Listening to my Aunt Petunia screeching must have made me resistant. I do have a slight headache, but otherwise, I’m fine.” “She’s that bad? Surely she’s not that bad?” Professor Sprout said with a bright smile on her face. “Nearly as bad.” In truth, Aerie was just more resistant. Most ponies were. “Well, come on. Let’s get to it. Ear muffs on.” “She’s going to be alright?” “They’ll have a headache when they wake. Kind of like the one I’ll have at the end of the day.” “The fancy headphones are just under five hundred pounds British Sterling. Yes, that’s a lot of money. Over a hundred Galleons wizard money. Don’t look at me like that, I’m rich.” Aerie smiled at Justin as they reentered a moment later to let him know that everything was fine and that he could go back to work. And of course, the Mandrake fought them every step of the way. On detecting someone was pulling at their top they’d brace themselves with their feeler roots. And they could tell which way was up but couldn't reason out that they'd been turned upside down. This meant that when turned upside down, all their feeler roots braced upwards. Given that they weren’t truly intelligent but just responding to stimulus they simply were not programmed for being pulled downwards. Something everyone in class, who was still awake, quickly figured out. One obstacle out of the way, the blasted things would brace themselves when being put into a larger pot. Even Aerie had trouble with this. “Just plop it down on top and dump dirt on it,” Aurora advised over the radio. Aerie looked over at her and watched her demonstrate. As soon as the Mandrake sensed that it was now dropped, it would dig itself down, righting itself in the process. Repotting went a lot smoother once everyone began doing the same. When class was over, Hermione and Neville were revived. “Miss Granger, I’ve awarded points to Miss Potter, and Miss Summers,” Professor Sprout informed Hermione in a scolding manner to shut her up. “By doing the task differently they demonstrated that we can use the plant’s tendencies to our advantage. Furthermore, because you removed both Aerie’s and your own ear protection during the exercise you will be getting detention. Yes, I saw what she was doing. There was nothing inherently dangerous about what she was doing so I didn’t think she needed correcting. I tried it, and it works. What you did violated safety. Turning a Mandrake upside down didn’t violate safety, and it allowed us to use the plant’s own behavior against it. Now, I’d suggest you and Neville go see Madam Pomfrey for that headache I’ve no doubt you now have.” “Yes mam,” Hermione replied and reluctantly headed for the school’s infirmary followed by Neville. Aerie and the rest of the girls used the time they had to rush upstairs and get cleaned up. When they arrived in transfigurations it was all too apparent that the boys hadn’t bothered as they’d still a fair amount of dirt on them. Granted that the grass stains strongly suggested that they’d run out onto the grass to do whatever it was boys actually do when given a little free time with no assignments to keep them occupied. Professor McGonagall did a little review, and then to everyone’s surprise set them to transfiguring beetles. Beetles into buttons, which they already knew. At least half the class had managed it in short order. Even Neville managed it after a bit and soon the only one who hadn’t managed was Ron. Every time he tried to get the spell to work his wand would spit out sparks. And every time it did, Aurora’s hair would frizz out a little more. Mercifully the bell rang and it was time for lunch. First-year broom-riding class proved unusually difficult for Apple Bloom. When it came time to command their broom up into their hands Bloom's broom got it into its head to grow upwards instead of lifting up off the ground like it was supposed to. Indeed the young sapling tree where a broom had been a moment before was quite the surprise. "Must be green wood," Sweetie suggested with a smirk on her face. "What's it going to do, produce brooms?" Nott asked derisively only to be shut down when the young tree produced a broom for Apple Bloom. This time the broom behaved itself in the fashion of a proper broom. Seeing a broom sprout hadn't been a huge surprise for Isolde. After all, she'd seen Apple Bloom do some plant magic before. She called it plant magic. Her new friends called it earth magic. Isolde took that to mean that Apple Bloom could do more than just make things grow. It'd not be till later that she'd realize that she'd grabbed the broom that had been given to Draco. > Chapter 85: Charms Class > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We have got to get Ron a new wand,” Aurora whispered to Aerie as they made their way towards the main hall. “Driving you to distraction is it?” Aerie whispered. “Next time use your own bloody hair,” Aurora hissed back. “Aerie… sorry about pulling your earphones off,” Hermione offered approaching. “It’s alright. Seems you did more damage to yourself.” “Why is it though? Why didn’t you faint?” “Telling you that baby Mandrakes sounds like my Aunt Petunia probably isn’t going to work, I imagine.” “It’s Akkadian biology combined with our magic,” Aurora offered. “We both projected a magical barrier around ourselves the moment those things started screeching. Part of that accidental magic the Ministry wants stamping out of us.” “Ah… did you know about that before you bought the headphones, That you didn’t really need hearing protection?” Lavender asked accusingly. “Well…” Aerie replied sheepishly. “We still need ear protection, it just makes us more resilient.” “We thought it’d be fun to be able to talk to each other,” Aurora admitted. “And you didn’t tell me?” Lavender protested. “They are expensive,” Aerie pointed out. “And that moment without still gave me a headache.” “Would any headset work?” Hermione asked. “Unfortunately the headset has to be shielded or the electronics won’t work. That’s why we paid out the big money. Although, pretty much anything would be better than those earmuffs.” “Come on, let’s get lunch.” "Can't really argue with that. I think I'll send a letter to my parents asking them to get me some industrial headphones." Defense Against the Dark Arts followed lunch. If there was ever a class that Aerie dreaded, it was being anywhere with Lockhart. Everyone filled into the class, much improved from the previous year, and yet. Standing at the head of the class was the man himself. Which is more or less expected of a teacher, it’s just that behind and slightly to Lockhart’s right, the left side of the front of the classroom was hung a life-size painting of the man. Both the man and the painting were doing identical poses. Oh no, just standing there would never be enough, the man just had to vogue. Lockhart waited for everyone to be seated, cleared his throat, dramatically, reached down to the closest desk, Neville’s, and held up the book. Travels with Trolls. Lockhart’s mug was plastered to the book giving everyone the treat of seeing Lockhart not once, not twice, but three times in succession. “That’s me,” Lockhart announced triumphantly. “Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming Smile Award. A trifle I assure you. After all, I didn’t get rid of the Bonbon Banshee by Smiling at her.” He punctuated his statement with his signature smile and wink. “Bet none of you can beat that.” “Order of the Phoenix, Order of Merlin, first class, and honorary member of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Or at least I would if my name had been Harry,” Aerie replied with a cheeky smile. “I see… You are not a teacher though. I am. I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now, I see you’ve all bought a complete set of my books…” “It was required for the course,” Aerie quipped. “So that you could learn from my experiences. I trust you did read them. What say we start with a little quiz? Nothing to worry about, just want to see how well you’ve read my books… how much you’ve taken in…” He passed out test pamphlets, announced that they had thirty minutes, and set them to it. Aerie let out a soft sigh and proceeded to fill in the answers. Favorite color, lilac, secret ambition, marry the Queen of England, ideal birthday gift, harmony between magical and nonmagical people, and a bottle of Ogden’s Special Reserve Old Firewhisky. For his greatest achievement, Aerie put down becoming a Hogwarts teacher. In truth it was as if he’d not actually achieved any of the things in his books and putting down hoodwinked the entirety of Wizarding England might be a bit too much, just yet. Test over he collected the papers, went to the desk, and graded them. Aerie had most of the questions right. He got up and looked at Aerie. “Miss Potter, the Queen of England?” “Hogwarts's Gazette, your seventh year,” Aerie replied. “Ah… well I’ve changed my mind. I can do that you know,” he replied while thinking to himself, so, she’s that kind of fan. The idea that Aerie wanted people to look at his school records never crossed his mind. He turned his attention to the class. “A few of you remembered that my favorite color is Lilac. I say so in Year with the Yeti. And a few of you need to read Wanderings with Werewolves more carefully. I clearly stated in Chapter Twelve that my ideal birthday gift would be harmony between magic and nonmagical people. Miss Potter seems to know about my secret desire to get my hands on a bottle of Ogden’s Special Reserve Old Firewhisky.” He gave the class a wink. Ron had a look of utter befuddlement on his face, and Seamus and Dean Thomas were desperately holding back laughter. “Hermione,” Lockhart stated and looked about. Hermione straightened out and had a look of rapt attention on her face. “Only Miss Granger knew of my secret ambition to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair-care potions. Good girl. Full marks for Miss Granger. Miss Granger?” Hermione raised a trembling hand. “Excellent! Quite Excellent! Take ten points for Gryffindor. And now, on to business…” He reached down and lifted up a covered cage. “It is my job to arm you with the knowledge necessary to defend yourselves from the foulest creatures known to wizardkind. Behold!” Off went the cover. “Cornish pixies?” Seamus Finnigan blurted out on sighting the small blue humanoid creatures that looked a great deal like a cross between a smurf and a fairy. “Freshly caught,” Lockhart proclaimed. “Well, they’re not very dangerous now are they?” “Dangerous? Well, maybe not so much one at a time,” Lockhart said while wagging a finger at him. His hand went to the door of the cage. “..but let’s see how you handle two dozen of the little pests.” To everyone’s horror, he removed the lock. A moment later the door sprung open and the room filled with pixies. Ron and the boys tried hitting them with the various jinxes they knew, with some success, save for Ron who could only get splutters and sparks from his wand and resorted to swatting them with a book. Most of the girls made a hasty retreat while blasting anything that came near. “You’re on your own!” Lavender shouted as she closed the door. Aurora and Hermione joined the boy’s efforts, and Aerie just sat there. “I’ll, I’ll just leave you to catch them,” Lockhart announced and then fled out the back door. He’d attempted to cast a spell, Peskipiksie Pesternomi, but it had failed. That is to say, absolutely nothing happened followed by the pixies taking his wand. “Aerie, don’t just sit there?!” Ron scolded. Neville was hanging from the chandelier by this time. “Aerie?!” Hermione shouted momentarily after freezing one. She quickly froze another one, and only on looking back at Aerie did she notice that any pixies that dared get close to her would spark and drop to the floor like she was a human-shaped bug zapper. (Be a cool trick, no? LOL) “No good talking to her,” Aurora offered. “She’s electrified the air around herself.” “She’s what?” “Let go of my hair!” Aurora shouted followed by the room erupting in fire. “Aurora, calm, it’s alright…” Aerie spun in her seat, sped to Aurora, and had her in a hug. The fire diminished and vanished. “Was that me?” “Ya, you kind of uncorked, so to speak.” “I didn’t hurt anyone?” “Just pixies. Your focus was on the pixies. I was just a little worried you might lose control.” Indeed every pixie in the room was presently plastered against walls, the ceiling, rafters, the floor, furniture, and pretty much anything beyond where they’d been a moment before opposite of Aurora. “And my wits,” Ron offered as pixies that weren’t supported by anything began dropping to the floor. “What was that?” “Kind of looked like phoenix fire,” Aerie offered. And no, it wasn’t Aurora’s normal blaze. “Hermione?” “I… um, wow.” “Can someone get me down from here?” Neville called as the door burst open. It was Dumbledore with a wand in hand. “What just happened in here?” He asked, looked about, put his wand away, and slowly entered. Those who’d fled were out in the hall. “Pixies?” “Just a little overcharge,” Aerie offered. “Sorry sir,” Aurora replied. “My fault. Showed up in the wards I gather?” “Wow, every last pixie is out cold,” Ron offered. “Our new DADA teacher thought it’d be a good idea to let loose a squadron of pixies,” Aerie offered. “We’re the only ones who hadn’t run for it.” “I’m so sorry,” Aurora pleaded. “Quite alright. This kind of excitement I can live with.” “A little help,” Neville pleaded. “Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience,” Hermione stated, possibly hoping it was true. “Hand’s on?” Ron blurted out. “He didn’t have a clue what he was doing… I’m sorry Professor Dumbledore, but that’s what it looked like to me.” “Professor?” Hermione almost pleaded. “I’m sure he’d a good reason to set a…” Dumbledore offered “Squadron,” Aerie offered. “That cage up front was stuffed full of pixies. Just look around, they are all over the place.” “I see, I see, and which way did Professor Lockhart go?” “Back door,” Aurora, Ron, and Seamus said at once, followed by pointing at each other while saying “jinx.” “Well then, I’ll leave you to clean up, and I’m going to talk to him about not setting things loose. By the looks of things even confident wizards would need all day to deal with that lot.” “Hey, so how was your first day?” Aerie asked Isolde as she sat down in a nearby chair. The two were in the first-year girl’s room by themselves. Outside the sun was setting and dinner was soon. “It occurred to me that Draco was a pig-headed idiot.” Isolde presently had several books opened on her desk. “Kind of harsh. Just out of curiosity…” “Why have I come to that conclusion? Simple, I paid attention in class. After all, I need to get good grades if I want to go to Eques Academy. No free rides for me. No daddy to fall back on to give me everything I want. I also want to be able to help my friends. Draco already knew everything, or at least he thought he did. Never paid attention in class, and always did as little as he could get away with. It's no wonder Draco was getting such abysmal marks… no wonder Professor Dumbledore wanted me to start year one all over again. “Do you think he knows?” “Given that there are four Akkadian girls in Hogwarts, a rarity I’m to understand, all good friends, he’s not going to be able to just point a finger at you and say, that must be her.” “Isolde!” Louise called as she rushed into the room. “Come on, everyone is waiting for you. Let’s go get something to eat.” “Alright, be right there,” Isolde called back, a bright smile forming on her face. “That smile will definitely throw him off the mark,” Aerie whispered, got up, and followed the two younger girls downstairs. Aerie spent the next few days avoiding Lockhart given the inappropriate request he’d made concerning Luna Moon. Colin Creevey proved another matter as the boy had an uncanny knack for popping up whenever they were going to and from classes. “All right, Aerie,” Colin would chirp. It got old really fast forcing Aerie to start taking different routes. Generally, this meant going the long way around but it had the added benefit of saving her from both Colin and Lockhart. “Professor, any chance there is a loner Ron can use?” Aerie asked in Charms. Ron’s wand had just flown out of his hand and hit Professor Flitwick right between the eyes. “Well, I…” a large welt had formed on his forehead. “I’ll um, see what we can come up with.- Oh my?” The welt was growing into a single-spiraled horn. “Aurora, maybe you can do something about that?” Aerie asked. “Aurora?” Hermione asked as a beautiful golden unicorn horn formed on the professor’s head. “Aerie?” Aurora asked softly. “It’s your magic,” Aerie whispered into Aurora's ear. “Maybe you can draw it out of him?” “I suppose I can give it a shot,” Aurora said softly. She got up from her place, went up to the professor, and reached out. She hesitated but a moment, and then touched the tip of the horn. Instantly the horn transformed into shimmering light and funneled up to Aurora to blend with her own aura. A glow that vanished a moment later. “Well, that seems to have fixed that,” Professor Flitwick said with a smile. “It was your hair,” Ron stated, a touch of awe in his tone. He’d seen the hair and saw that it had been a golden red and not silver as would have been normal for a unicorn. “Ron, there is no way your wand could possibly have one of her hairs in it,” Hermione corrected harshly. “Now, Miss Granger…” Flitwick began but wasn’t sure what he should say. Aurora on the other hand, or hoof, pitched forward in the direction of the class, transformed, adjusted her wings, and walked over to Hermione. “Oh, yes, of course. Absolutely no way it could possibly be one of my hairs.” Her tone dripped with sarcasm. “Aurora?” Aerie protested. Well, it wasn’t like people didn’t already know. It’s just that, her N-sid ring wasn’t on. “What?!” “You forgot to put your ring on this morning.” “Oh.” “I think it would be prudent to keep Miss Aurora’s full transformation to ourselves,” Professor Flitwick offered even as Hermione's eyes rolled back in her head followed by her slumping to the floor. Lavender rushed over, and then promptly hugged Aurora. “Lavender?” Aurora prompted. “How often do I get a chance to hug a beautiful and adorable winged unicorn?” “What about Hermione?” “What about her?” “You weren’t going to try to help her?” “Her mind is undoubtedly rebooting. She’ll be fine in a moment or two.” “Mmm… Oh, Ron, I found your wand,” Hermione announced as though that’s what she’d been about in the first place. She froze about halfway up on sighting the golden pony looking at her, head tilted off to the left. “You going to be alright?” “Ah… Aurora?” Hermione clumsily lifted herself into her seat. “Hang on, why does everyone look like you all knew?” “I only just figured it out,” Ron offered. “Guessed it some time ago,” Seamus offered. “Aerie and Aurora were worried about Riddle finding out about the princess thing. Which had me wondering. Sure Aurora could transform into a pegasus, but then Riddle and Quirrell were hunting unicorns, so why keep it a secret? And then it hit me, Mrs Silverwood has a winged unicorn transformation, and she’s a bonafide princess, recognized as such by the government. What if that’s what marked an Akkadian Princess? Makes sense really. And the trick rings were to hide the horns.” “Splendid work of deduction, Mr Finnigan,” Flitwick offered. “And good of you to keep it quiet. In fact, I suspect the girls would like to keep it quiet even now.” “Thank you, Professor,” Aurora offered and then transformed back to her human self. "My biggest concern right now seems to be Lockhart," Aerie quipped in a dry tone. “Afraid I can't deny that he's an unhealthy interest" Flitwic confirmed, and then focused on Hermione. "Miss Granger, it seems to me that you might have figured it out on your own if you’d spent a little more time asking questions instead of giving answers. It was indeed one of her hairs. Like those with Veela heritage, Miss Summers has more than enough magical energy imbued in her that her hair proved a good match for Mr Weasley’s wand.” “Oh.” The look on Hermione’s face was priceless. It had never occurred to her that a fellow human might be magical enough that their hair could be used in a wand. And when she recalled Aerie stating that Aurora was the most powerful witch in their class she repeated that “oh” only softer as though she’d had an epiphany. Could Aurora even be considered human anymore? Perhaps a different kind of human? Were witches and wizards a different kind of human? No, but that can’t be right. That way of thinking seemed far too much the sort of thing the Pure-Blood families might preach. Hermione had much to think on to include, just how powerful was Aurora? > Chapter 86: There's something wicked in the castle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The week went by without further incident until Saturday. Aerie found herself being roused out of sleep early Saturday morning by Alicia Spinnet. “Come on Aerie, time to get up.” “Why? No, don’t tell me, Wood wants to do practice, doesn’t he?” “Bingo.” “Like I need to practice,” Aerie grumbled as she started to get up. “Aurora… Aurora… let go.” “Aurora, why are you in Aerie’s bed?” “It’s OK, we’re married,” Aurora replied sleepily. “Married?” “Just let go already…” “But it’s not time to lower the moon.” “Aurora, that’s not my job. I have to go do Quidditch.” “Quidditch? At this hour?” Now Aurora was awake. She let go, Aerie rolled out of bed and onto the floor, and Aurora sat up to look out the window. “Celestia’s not even up?” “Wood has a bur under his saddle and we’ve no choice but to humor him,” Aerie offered as she got up. “Just go back to sleep.” “Fine,” Aurora said softly and dropped back. Aerie got dressed and joined the rest of the quidditch team in the common room with a broom in hand still in its store wrappings. "Morning, Wood," Aerie offered as she entered the common room only to be greeted by a chorus of giggles from the twins. “Alright, I got everyone. For God’s sake it’s the crack of dawn,” Alicia announced with a protest. “Exactly,” He proclaimed with gleaming eyes. “It’s part of our new training program. None of the other teams have started. Now come on, grab your brooms, and let’s go.” “I guess there’s no reasoning with him,” Katie Bell muttered as they made their way through the exit and headed downstairs. Discovering the Slytherin team at the gate into the Quidditch pitch wasn’t a huge surprise. Seeing the black brooms with gold lettering boldly proclaiming Nimbus Two-thousand on each was a bit of a surprise. “What are you lot doing here? We have the pitch reserved. “You mean you did,” countered the Slytherin Team Captain Miles Bletchley. “We've got a note from Professor Snape, ‘I Professor Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, all day, on the Quidditch pitch, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’” “What?” Wood protested. “Professor Snape doesn’t even have that authority,” Alicia countered. “The Quidditch Pitch is Madam Hooch’s domain. Not Professor Snape.” “You are welcome to protest to her.” “What say we wager for the morning slot,” Aerie prompted. “I race your new seeker, your new broom, against this store-bought broom of my own.” She held up the broom, still in its wrappings. “You’re on,” piped up the voice of young Mr Bagman. “Him?” Fred scoffed. And to be true, the rest of the Slytherin team was looking highly annoyed. “There’s to be no race,” Miles protested. “I’m not afraid of her. Bet she can barely ride. She’s just a girl.” “He accepted my challenge. We race. That’s if you want to save face,” Aerie prompted. “That’s a store-bought broom?” he seemed a bit unsure. Then again, Aerie could probably beat Ludo on a school broom for all he knew. The only reason they’d allowed it was because of the gift of brooms and he wasn’t going to turn down brand new brooms. “Indeed it is. Got it in Diagon Alley.” “So help me… fine. The winner gets the pitch for the morning,” Miles relented. “Bagman, Miss Potter, line up there on the path.” “She hasn’t a chance,” Ludo Bagman boasted as he lined up. “Release!” Aerie commanded followed by the wrapping on the broom spiraling away to reveal a brand new Blackthorn Industries QICB (Quidditch International Competition Broom) 51 Mustang. The very broom the Nimbus Two-thousand was trying to copy at a lower price. It was smooth in all the right places, rough where the rider needed to grip, a finely braided sweep, and black as coal with silver lettering that glistened with obvious enchantment. It even had the same silver footrests with that odd Akkadian lettering stating Carnneighge Foundry. “Just exactly how much money do you have!” Miles blurted out as jaws dropped. “I inherited the Black estate and my guardians don’t understand wizard money.” Several of the Slytherins burst out in laughter. “Ya, well, you better not lose,” Wood ordered as Aerie stepped up to the starting positions. “Brooms down,” Wood ordered. “I named her Betty,” Aerie said as she placed her broom on the ground. “All right, let’s make this a little more interesting,” Miles called out. “On the command to go, you will command your brooms up, mount, race to the Owlery, try not to hit any owls, race back, loop the Quidditch, back to the Owlery, and the first rider back wins.” He looked at Wood. “You may have the honor of starting.” “Very magnanimous of you,” Wood replied. And he was rightly concerned given his relaxed attitude toward Aerie. “Alright then… Go!” Bagman’s broom slapped into his hand and he was off the ground in a flash with Aerie close behind. From there it took but a moment to cross the ravine between them and the Owlery. As the two approached the tower Aerie chose a course that would take her on a wide arch while Ludo went straight at the building attempting to cut around it as close as he could resulting in the need to dodge more than a few owls. A choice that forced him to slingshot wide as he momentarily lost control. Aerie cut tight at that point and found herself in the lead a moment later with a furious young man on her tail as they raced back. By the time they were halfway around the pitch, they were nearly side by side with Aerie on the outside track. Something that irked young Mr Ludo as he had no desire to wait until they passed over the two teams to head back to the Owlery. Aerie couldn't help but let a smirk cross her face as Ludo dropped back to cut behind her and make a beeline once more for the Owlery. She turned and was quick on his tail. Once more around the tower, this time both taking the same path more or less with Aerie pulling up on Ludo’s inside following to turn. He held himself as tight as he could willing his broom faster and faster. Somehow, inexplicably, Ludo pulled away from Aerie and was a full broom length ahead when they passed the teams on the final leg. Aerie curved down and landed as Ludo proceeded to do loops. “Good luck with him,” Aerie offered as she dismounted. Wood was just standing there with his jaw hanging open as Aerie put the broom over her shoulder. “You let him win!” Wood accused angrily. “Anyone want breakfast?” Aerie asked as she walked away. “That’s not a denial!” Wood yelled. “No, I suppose not,” Miles offered with a bemused look on his face. Oh, he knew full well what she’d done, and young Mr Bagman was going to be impossible to deal with now. “That was awesome!” Colin Creevey exclaimed as he ran up to the Slytherin team with his camera in hand. He lingered only a moment and then took off after the Gryffindor team. Aerie found Hermione and Ron already eating their breakfasts and went to sit by them. “You’re back already?” Ron asked as Wood went to his usual place and sat down with an air of aggravation. “Slytherin got Snape to sign a letter saying that they could have the pitch,” Katie Bell announced as she sat down. “Brand new brooms,” Fred announced. “Bet you all wish you could afford new brooms,” Wilbur Nott jeered from the Slytherin table. “Ludo’s grandfather bought them.” “Bought his way onto the team is it?” Hermione quipped. “No one asked your opinion! Filthy Mud Blood!” Nott shot back. “Even your skin shows it.” Thwack! Isolde had come up behind him, and on hearing what the boy had said slapped him on the back of the head plenty hard enough to make his head swim. There’d also been a flash from Colin’s camera. Now to be true, Isolde didn’t really care for Hermione all that much, but she was in Gryffindor now and she knew full well that the comment was about as uncalled for as could be. That and her new heritage had her seeing skin color just a little differently. Not just skin tone, everything was more vibrant now. Oh, she didn’t know what it was but had overheard enough talk to know that she was more than human now. Sweetie, Louise, and Bloom weren’t far behind and Aurora was behind them. Each with mouth a gape. “Isolde?” Aurora called. “Miss Swan, care to explain yourself?” Professor McGonagall demanded as she approached the table. “Nott was being rude,” one of the older Slytherin boys informed her. And no, the Slytherins had no love for that specific trio. After all, it was almost unheard of for anyone to lose points before they’d even started. “I’m sorry, Professor, he called her a dirty Mud Blood,” Isolde explained. “My hand just seemed to jump out in response.” Isolde had taken Mrs Silverwood’s advice about getting the truth out front the first chance you get. Coloring the truth was permissible. That and she now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the purer the bloodline, the sooner the decline. “I see…” Professor McGonagall’s right eye twitched. “In that case, five points from each of you.” “What’d I do?!” Nott blurted out indignantly. “We do not go around calling other students vile inappropriate names.” “But it’s true. Just look at her.” “Mister Nott! That will be enough out of you. Not one more word. That will be an additional ten points from Slytherin. And for your information, we do not judge people by appearance. Furthermore, you just earned yourself a detention. Starting right now!” “But?” “Shut it!” To everyone's astonishment, Professor McGonagall took a step closer, snatched his ear, lifted him out of his seat, hauled him across the hall, and delivered him to Argus Filch the groundskeeper. “Professor,” Snape called from the head table. He’d heard the entire exchange. The entire hall had heard. “When Mr Filch is done with him, he’s to come straight to me.” “Never thought I’d see the like,” Alicia said softly, her voice carrying over a stunned hall. “He’s worse than Malfoy,” Ron hissed as people started talking again. “Draco was smart enough not to pull a stunt like that in front of witnesses and mouth off to a teacher,” Aerie added. “What’s…” Sweetie asked as she and the others took their usual places at the table. “It means dirty blood,” Bloom offered, anger in her tone. “And I don’t fault Isolde for hitting him. I was about to hit him myself.” “Bloom?” Aurora asked astonished that she’d know of such things. “Probably a good thing you didn’t,” Isolde commented. She’d seen the girl’s strength. “Bloom, I thought everyone where you come from could do magic?” Isolde had the understanding that everyone in Akkadia could do some form of magic. Maybe not flashy wizard stuff but they could still do magic. “Boy in Diagon Alley,” Aerie supplied. “Just because she said her family were farmers.” “I missed it?” Aurora asked. “Selena dealt with him.” “And you didn’t do anything?” “Oh, I might have, but then they were just kids. Kind of hard not to blame the parents. They’ll probably start next year. And then I can educate them.” “Planning on educating that trio?” Aurora asked. “If we must. We must. Although, at the moment I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Professor McGonagall quite so mad. That and I’ve got a feeling there is no love lost among their fellow Slytherins.” That night Aerie woke with a start sometime around midnight. “Moonie?” Aerie whispered. The fact that she was glowing ever so slightly was a strong indication that something evil was about. But what? Getting no response from Moonie she gently shook Aurora awake. “What? Aerie? It’s the middle of the night.” “Check the wards.” “What? Now?” “Look at me?” “Yes, your beautiful, now go back to sleep.” “I’m glowing. Aurora, I’m glowing. That only happened around… well, you know?” Now Aurora was awake as she sat up in bed. “Sweet Harmony, you are. What the hell?” her eyes went unfocused as she began to look at things only she could see and in the darkness, her eyes shone brightly. “There’s something loose in the castle. I’m sure of it.” “I’m not seeing anything in the wards. No alerts. Nothing.” “What about Hoshiko?” “Checking… she’s awake too and headed for the stairs to the observation platform.” “She must have felt it too and no Moonie short of she’s out investigating.” “She’s transformed and just settled in with the ponies. They’re all awake too. Why didn’t I sense anything?” The door creaking open had the two frozen in place like a pair of deer caught in the headlight of a car. “You alright in there?” Mouse asked as she stuck her head in. She was still in pony form. “Mouse, thank Harmony it’s you,” Aerie replied breathlessly. “Ya, we’re fine.” “Can we sleep with you?” Scootaloo asked from the landing. Of the first-year girls, the only one missing was Ginny. “Sorry, but something’s got them all shaken up,” Isolde offered. “And well, me too. What is it? I’ve never felt like this before. Not even around Quirrell.” In truth, she wasn't presenting like the Crusaders who showed every sign of having been sound asleep. No, Isolde was very much awake. “So, why can’t I feel it?” Aurora pressed. “Might be your connection to the wards are giving you a false sense of security,” Aerie offered. “But there’s nothing there?!” “A nothing that lights me up and has every pony in School on their guard,” Aerie suggested and then gave the girls the go-ahead. Scootaloo pitched forward, transformed to her pony form followed by Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Isolde who transformed into a white unicorn. Indeed she looked like she could be Sweetie’s sister. “You can all do that?” Aurora asked. “Looks like we are pony piling tonight,” Aerie offered and transformed herself into a pony just as Moonie appeared in nightmare mode. “Moonie?” “It’s here,” Moonie replied. She mouthed the words it’s huge. “I chased it back into its hole. There was a student… they were using dark magic. Sorry, I wasn’t able to identify who it was. They did the smoke thing to get away.” “Aurora?” “Checking the dormitories…” Aurora announced as the fillies climbed into their bed. “I’m going to go back on patrol,” Mouse offered and trotted upstairs. “I’m not seeing anyone out of place unless we count Creevey climbing up from the boys' bathroom. Hang on, looks like Nott just got in from his detention.” “If it’s him we have to catch him in the act,” Aerie stated. “Though to be honest I doubt it’d be one of the Slytherins.” “I’ll go see if he’s got the book,” Moonie offered. “And then I have got a mind to patrol inside the school.” She vanished a moment later. “So it’s here, but why isn’t it showing in the wards?” Aurora asked. “It’s Slytherin’s monster. He must have found a way to mask its presence.” Aerie offered and lay down. Aurora let out a sigh, transformed herself into a pony, and snuggled in with the others. Aerie woke to the sound of pandemonium out on the landing. This was followed by the sound of Hermione of all people loudly shushing people, followed by a recital of her expertise on ponies while Alice Tolipan and Parvati Patil tried to reassure everyone it probably wasn’t what it looked ike. Aerie, and Aurora were still in pony form as were Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Isolde. “Oh, my,” Professor McGonagall’s voice said from the doorway. “What’s going on?” Lavender mumbled as she set up. “Mrs Brown, don’t make any sudden movements,” McGonagall whispered. “Why?” McGonagall pointed, Lavender looked, cracked a smile, and started laughing. This was followed by McGonagall desperately signaling her to stop. “Aerie? Aurora? What the heck?!” “Lavender?” McGonagall hissed but held back at whatever else she was about to say when Aurora liftup her head. She looked about, dropped back down, transformed back into human form, and then got out of bed. “Alright, everyone up. Transform yourselves, and get up. We have an audience.” “What the heck?” Isolde asked as she looked up at the door. The look on McGonagall's face was priceless. “Ah…” “You’re a little unicorn right now,” Aerie reminded her and then transformed into her human form. “Good morning Professor. If you can give me some time, Aurora and I need to have a word with you and Professor Dumbledore.” “I’d say you…” Her words were cut off once more as the crusaders, transformed one by one, got out of bed, and made their way past her to go upstairs to their room where they discovered a sleepy Ginny who was just waking up. “Professor?” Aerie prompted a moment later, now a couple of paces in front of her. “You… I mean, all of you… ponies?” She asked as the sound of sprightly tittering could be heard coming from upstairs. “It’s an Akkadian thing. They had a bad dream, and four hooves beat two feet, I didn’t know Bloom, Sweetie, and Isolde could do it.” Isolde was probably the biggest surprise for her. “And do you sleep like that often?” “To be honest, wings and a horn just give me that many more things to be mindful of. Scared fillies just feel more secure under a wing though.” “I see… nightmares was it?” “My Moonie tells me she was downstairs… It’s what we need to talk about.” Aurora walked over to Professor McGonagall and whispered. “Every pony and Akkadian in the castle woke up around midnight. Moonie encountered something nasty, someone controlling it, and it never set off any alerts. I still have access.” “I… see.” Not the sort of thing she wanted to hear. Certainly not first thing in the morning and going from extreme cuteness to unbridled dread was not good for one’s constitution. > Chapter 87: Moaning Myrtle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hoshiko? Are you up here?” Padma called softly from the doorway to the observation deck. “Over here, miss,” Ailiena, the gray mare who’d become a friend called softly. “She’s still asleep.” “I don’t understand. What’s she doing up here… and why’s she in pony mode?” She said as she went over to the pair. “I think there’s something in the school. I can’t say what, but it had us all on edge. Transforming herself and coming to me must have seemed the right thing to do.” “Well, I hope you don’t mind me waking her up.” “Miss Patil, there you are…” Miss Clearwater the girl’s prefect called as she emerged from the door. Her eyes widened on seeing Padma gently shaking a foal. “Miss Patil, maybe you shouldn't be doing that?” “I’m awake…” Hoshiko protested. “Good, people are worried about you. We can talk about what had you so worked up to abandon your friends later.” “I’m sorry,” Hoshiko transformed and then sat up. She was still in her night clothes. “Miss Tsuki?” Penelope Clearwater’s jaw hung slack. “Good morning Miss Clearwater.” “What in Merlin’s beard?” “She’s Akkadian,” Padma offered. “Something frightened her and she came up here to cuddle with the ponies.” “We’d all had a feeling, as though something sinister was prowling down below,” Ailiena explained. “You can talk?” Penelope asked in astonishment. “We are not dumb. Some of us can even transform.” And to prove herself she transformed into a mature witch, her clothing a bit out of fashion but still had the appearance of being new. “But, I don’t understand?” “Trust me, living as ponies is a lot easier. It’s a simple life.” “I see...” “Come on downstairs, let’s get you cleaned up,” Padma offered. “One moment…” Offered a Night Mare from the veranda entryway. She transformed into the likeness of a young Selena, walked over to Hoshiko, pulled out a moon pendant, and hung it about Hoshiko’s neck. “We heard. My mistress, Mrs Silverwood wanted me to keep an eye on you.” “It wasn’t just me having a bad dream then.” “No, we are afraid not.” “Any chance you can turn into a fox?” “You’d like Miss Kitsu by your side I’m assuming. Afraid she’s attending the Equis school in the Caribbean.” “Sorry, no offense. I just kind of grew accustomed to having her around. She made me feel safe.” “Trust me. You will be safe in my care.” “Yes, I’ve no doubt. Thank you. Um… any chance you can shrink yourself down while we are inside? No offense. Aerie’s Moonie seems to like being a cat.” “Perhaps you’d like filly fun size or plush Luna?” “I think either would be in danger of getting the stuffing hugged out of them by my roommates.” “Ah, yes, I’d forgotten about that issue. Alright then…” And then to Hoshiko’s delight, Selena transformed into a little black fox. “Will this do? You did want a fox. Make it easier to tell me apart from Aerie’s Moonie.” “Would you mind being called Aki?” “Aki?” “It means shadow.” “It’s acceptable, given I’ll be your shadow.” “Any chance you can tell me what’s going on?” Penelope asked as the four made their way to the door. “About all I can tell you is that someone evoked some powerful dark magic last night,” Aki the fox offered. “We felt it all the way to Silverwood.” Hoshiko was headed down to breakfast a short time later, cleaned up and dressed. “Hoshiko,” Aerie called seeing her approach. The little black fox was a bit of a surprise. “Ah, a new friend? How are you?” “I’m good listen, did something happen last night?” “Her room was filled with ponies,” Hermione cut in. “Why no one got bit is beyond me.” “Some of us are just good with ponies,” Hoshiko countered figuring she’d have some idea what had happened. “We’re all good,” Aerie offered. “Midnight?” “Midnight. Any idea what it was?” “I’ve an idea. Mind joining us after breakfast? Aurora and I are going to go talk with Professor Dumbledore.” “I think I should. My new friend is Mrs Silverwood’s, and she’s going to be my Aki for the time being.” “Ah… no Kitsu then?” “She’s in school. Though to be honest I wouldn't mind having her and her little shadow as well. You, um, don’t have any idea what’s going on do you?” “You already asked if I know.” “Sorry, what I experienced last night has me shaken.” “I understand. It’s just that if I were to openly speculate it could cause more harm than good. All I can say is someone used some really dark magic last night and it upset all the ponies.” “Alright, I understand,” Hoshiko replied realizing that that moment was probably a bad time to discuss anything. After all, Aerie only let slip certain secrets as was necessary to distract people from things she didn’t want them to know. When Hoshiko saw Professor McGonagall collect Aerie and Aurora she broke away from her friends and went to join. “Miss Tsuki, can I help you with… where did that animal come from?” Professor McGonagall said on seeing her and her new friend. “That’s Mrs Silverwood’s Night Mare,” Aerie informed her. “She’s on loan,” Hoshiko informed the professor. “Because of what happened last night. I’d taken a fright and spent the night with the ponies on the observation deck. I’ll be addressing her as Aki. Aerie…” “I thought Hoshiko should join us,” Aerie cut in. “Even more so considering her guard.” “Very well then, come along.” So the three girls followed Professor McGonagall as she led them to the Head Master’s tower. “Miss Tsuki?” Dumbledore said as they filed in. “A new pet? Ah…” “I’m terribly sorry. Just call me Silvermoon. Aki while I’m a fox as Hoshiko seems fond of the name,” Mrs Silverwood’s Moonie offered moments after taking on human form. “I’m afraid that your present state of affairs is my fault.” “It’s not your fault,” Aerie countered. “My mistress wanted to go down into the depths to find that thing when it got away but I wouldn't let her. After that, we destroyed its eggs and did our best to seal up all the entrances. Even so, if we’d gone after it... well, we had rescued one pegasus egg it had been saving. We simply couldn't go after it.” “Fair enough,” Aerie countered. “But... that creature would have stayed down there if not for someone using dark magic to summon it, and likely breaking your seal in the process.” “Am I to assume the item you were looking for is here?” Professor Dumbledore asked as Professor McGonagall closed the door behind them. “It’s a fair bet,” Aerie offered as her Moonie took on human form and then addressed the professors. “I think that between my counterpart and myself, we can keep Slytherin’s monster at bay.” “There is one issue,” Aurora interjected. “It doesn’t show in the wards.” “I woke her up last night,” Aerie offered. “Part of the reason we brought Hoshiko along. She had a similar reaction to me, and our four girls from Akkadia also reacted. And I’d no idea they could transform yet. That’s how we ended up with the pony pile.” “Hagrid let me know that many of the animals in the barns and pens had a fright last night as well,” Dumbledore added with a nod of his head. “Curious how you all seem to have such an acute fifth sense.” “I didn’t react to the dark magic. Aerie thinks that my connection to the Wards gave me a false sense of safety.” Aurora thought for a moment and turned to Hoshiko. “Hoshiko, you don’t have a connection to the wards?” “If I do I’m unaware of it.” “She counts as a princess too, I gather?” Professor McGonagall asked. “It works on a seniority basis,” Dumbledore explained. “When I go somewhere I have to do a handoff.” “Makes sense to me,” Aerie offered. “Might help if we can figure out why it doesn’t show.” “My guess is that Salazar Slytherin added an exception that would mask the creature. Show it as harmless,” Dumbledore suggested. “Fixing it would require locating the ancient device the wards are dependent on, and that is somewhere under the castle. And it’s extremely dangerous down there. I haven't been down there myself, but others have. And trust me, based on what I know, it’s not a good idea to go down there. Not even for you, Miss Potter.” “What exactly are we talking about?” Aerie asked. “Statues that come to life protecting special areas that will do their best to kill anyone who wanders down there along with giant spiders.” “And one Hollywood-sized Basilisk it would seem,” Moonie stated sarcastically. “I tried exploring as far as I could go when Nova was attending school here,” Silvermoon informed everyone. “Professor Dumbledore’s not wrong. It’s why I wouldn't let her go down there.” “Why would they have something like that under the school?” Hoshiko asked in astonishment. Rumors about the Library in her home school withstanding she found it rather odd that such things might be true. “Think of it as an obstacle course for advanced students who want to push the limits of their abilities,” Professor Dumbledore replied. “A rather bad idea considering how Riddle turned out.” “Why would there be giant spiders down there? I thought Mrs Silverwood killed Hagrid’s beasts?” Aerie asked. “And what stops them from coming up into the school?” “Well, someone would have to let them out I’d imagine. Anyway, that’s the rumor, and they’d predate Hagrid. There are said to be trolls down there too. At least that’s the rumor.” “Lovely. Why don’t we just send Lockhart down there,” Professor McGonagall suggested sarcastically. “He seems to know his way around the dark arts.” “Professor, have you read his books?” Hoshiko asked not having caught the sarcastic tone. “Whatever do you mean?” “His books are oddly lacking in detail when it comes to the actual Defense Against the Dark Arts.” “Afraid he’s all I could get,” Dumbledore admitted. “Oh, don’t get me wrong. His books give a good overview of creatures and where they are likely to be found.” “So what you are saying is that we aren’t likely to be able to count on him if things should spiral out of control,” Professor McGonagall quipped. “It’s entirely possible. Minerva, let’s be realistic, if he was as confident as he claims why would he be selling books for a living instead of working as an Auror?” The good thing is we know the item is here,” Aerie offered. “Mind telling me what it is?” McGonagall asked. “This mysterious source of dark magic.” “A diary,” Dumbledore informed her. “We find it, and we destroy it. Simple as that. I suspect that you will know it when you encounter it.” “We also need to be cautious not to tip off whoever has it,” Aerie cautioned. “Sooner or later they’ll sneak out again. We just have to find out who they are.” When the meeting had finished, Aerie wanted to run down to the second-floor girl’s toilet. “Myrtle, are you here?” Aerie called as she entered the bathroom. “Well, it’s not flooded, Aurora reported quietly as the two made their way further into the expansive lavatory. “Myrtle?” “What do you want?!” Myrtle shot back tersely. A moment later she passed through the door of one of the toilet stalls. “To see you.” “To see me? To see me?! See right through me perhaps? Or were you going to pretend to actually care about poor Moaning Myrtle by asking you how I am? Well, I’m dead!” “And yet you can’t pass on.” “Pass on? Pass on?” “Boop.” Aerie had reached out and touched the end of Myrtle’s nose, and Myrtle having actually felt it froze in place and was now staring cross-eyed at her nose. “Professor Bins finally passed on last year,” Aurora pointed out. “Myrtle, being stuck as a ghost isn’t natural. And I do visit you from time to time.” “Off enjoying your life, is it?” Myrtle asked derisively. She seemed to have recovered… mostly. “Well, you can’t expect me to hang out with you all the time, and we’d summer break. Even if I wanted to hang out, I’m pretty sure the adults wouldn't let me.” “I suppose that’s fair enough. What do you want.” “To help you.” “Help me?” “To be honest, I have a project, and I’ve got a hunch that by completing my task, I might be able to help you in the process.” “And why would you want to help poor Moaning Myrtle?” “I want to put an end to the person who killed you. I suspect that your being stuck here may have something to do with that.” “Do you remember how you died?” Aurora asked. “No, not really, per se… no one’s ever asked before.” “We kind of already know, and it wasn’t Hagrid’s spider.” “Hagrid would never. Neither would Aragog. They were my friends.” She paused a moment, Aerie and Aurora giving her time even though the revelation was not something they expected to hear. “Hagrid was the only one who was ever really nice to me.” “Myrtle, would you like a hug?” Aerie asked kindly enough. Myrtle looked at her suspiciously, but then she moved in close enough for Aerie to reach out. “I… I don’t… how?” Myrtle asked softly as she felt Aerie’s arms wrap around her. “We’re going to fix this,” Aerie offered softly. “I don’t understand,” Myrtle choked out. “Have you heard any rumors about me being some kind of goddess?” “Maybe…” “They’re not far off the mark. Except…” “Except what?” “Being able to interact with ghosts is pegasus magic,” Aurora offered. “Pegasus?” “Pegasus,” Aurora replied with a big smile and then transformed. To prove her point she nuzzled Myrtle, who in turn looked at Aurora in utter disbelief. Aerie let go as Myrtle dropped down to give the pony a hug. A gentle rain began to fall inside the bathroom as tears flowed from Myrtle's eyes. “Myrtle, we need to verify how you died,” Aerie said softly. “I…” Myrtle took a minute or two before continuing. “I don’t really remember much. I was here, crying. Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I’d hidden here to get away from her. I heard someone. A boy.” “Did you recognize the voice?” Aerie asked. “It wasn’t normal speech. He was making hissing sounds… I did recognize the boy, it was the Slytherin Prefect Tom Riddle. A horrid Skilamalink he was.” “A what?” Aurora asked. “A right twit,” Aerie suggested. “That too. Just about every bad word you can imagine to describe a horrible person. He delighted in tormenting me. He’d torment just about anyone he thought was beneath him. And he’d no business being in the girl’s bathroom.” Myrtle rose up to her feet. Well, if she had feet. “I was going to tell him off and tell one of the professors that he was lurking in girl’s bathrooms.” Her moment of anger flashed and vanished just as quickly. “I opened the door to the stall I was in, stepped out…” Her voice grew quiet. “Suddenly I’m looking at a pair of gold eyes with slotted pupils like a cat’s eye in the sun. I couldn't look away. I couldn't breathe… The next thing I knew I was floating up to the ceiling looking down at them, him and that... and some poor girl who’d fainted. Only later did I realize it was my body. “Was it a large serpent?” Aerie asked. “He kissed her… me, he kissed me,” Myrtle stated angrily now caught up in the memory. “Kissed you?” Aurora asked as she transformed back to her human self. “The first time he split off a piece of his soul,” Aerie offered. “And I suspect that there may be a little of Myrtle tucked away in that diary.” “Diary?” Myrtle asked astonished. “Yes, he had a book. It was a diary? Tom Riddle, Slytherin's finest kept a diary?” “We need that book. We have to destroy it. There’s something he did, something even more horrible than killing you, and getting that book will help,” Aerie informed her. “Myrtle,” Aurora began. “There’s someone in the school who is continuing Riddle’s work. If we can get the book we will be one step closer to ending him once and for all.” “But what can I do? The fountain for washing hands, that’s the entrance and the beast… it was some kind of serpent. It barely fits through the opening and it’s a big opening. If someone is controlling that they have to be stopped.” “He, or she, will undoubtedly come here to gawk at you,” Aerie offered. “Great, that describes half the school. The other half act like I’m not even there.” “The school is full of ghosts. Witches and wizards kind of tune you out. Just like how they tune out pictures.” “Oh, I know, I can ask the painted people if they’ve seen anyone acting suspicious,” Myrtle offered. “I like hanging out in paintings… I get to be… me, in the paintings.” > Chapter 88: The writing on the wall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time dragged slowly for Aerie and Aurora over the next few weeks. They were, after all, adults in the bodies of twelve year olds who were having to endure school all over again. There was a benefit in that their maturity made them quite studious in their endeavors. The first-year girls had somehow managed to stay out of trouble, unless we count numerous potions disasters, and Ron had been provided with a loaner wand. It wasn’t a perfect match, but it did at least work. When October arrived it brought colds to the student body and mud to Aerie. Wood had gotten it into his head to have everyone on the Gryffindor Quidditch team doing physical training in hopes that it would give them the edge over Slytherin. Fred and George had been spying on the Slytherin team and their reports were not encouraging. “Well then we’ll just have to hot-wire your brooms somehow,” Aerie suggested as the team walked back to the school. Every last one of them soaking wet and dripping mud. “If we had better brooms…” Wood said wistfully.” “I’m not that rich,” Aerie stated just in case. “Not after the bundle I blew on my new broom. We need to do something with the brooms everyone has. Look, the Nova broom works the way it does because it’s a wizard staff with a sweep on it.” “Ah, if we could do something like that to our brooms!” George stated excitedly. “They’d have to be properly tuned,” Fred added and suddenly the two boys took off at a run. “I thought they were out of energy?” Alice muttered. “Genius is its own energy reserve,” Aerie quipped. “I think they just might be on to something.” Aerie couldn't help but laugh as she was left behind. Sure, she could have done it herself, amped up the brooms, but there was no point in giving Dumbledore even more questions to ask. Sure, she’d been forewarned, and coached, and someone had taught her magic before coming to Hogwarts. So far as Dumbledore knew, but if she were to do anything like enhancing brooms, that was sure to raise an eyebrow. The twins, on the other hand, were just that clever. And given that everyone had left her behind she was alone when she encountered Nearly Headless Nick in a hallway. She could hear him muttering to himself about not fulfilling some requirement. “Hello Nick,” Aerie offered as she moved to pass by. “Ah, why hello there.” On seeing her his mood brightened. But then a frown crossed his face. “Miss Potter, you look troubled.” “As do you, though I think I can guess at the reason.” “Do you?” “Excluded from the headless hunt was it?” “For the lack of half an inch. Oh, I can tell myself it’s but a trifle...” a great bitterness crossed his face. But a person would think that getting hit forty-five times in the neck with a blunt axe has got to count for something.” “One would think so.” He waved a ghostly letter in the air. “..can only accept huntsmen whose heads have been parted completely!” “Afraid your problem is well outside of my ability to do anything about it. I am sorry.” “Indeed… Aerie, there’s only half an inch of skin and muscle holding my neck in place. But not enough for Sir Properly Decapitated Podmore!” “I tell you what, if I ever figure out how to sever your head the rest of the way I’ll do it for you.” A loud meow interrupted anything Nick might have wanted to say. Aerie looked to see Mrs Norris looking at her with her lamp-like eyes. Eyes that got bigger when Aerie transformed into a Celestial Fox. She vigorously shook off the mud and water, spread her wings, and was away moments before Filch could come bursting from a secret passage. Filch, out of breath and looking worse for wear due to having been ill looked at Nick as he tried to make sense of what his eyes were telling him. A trail of mud and water had been tracked in, spread all over the place, and Nearly Headless Nick appeared to be the culprit. Mud splattered all over the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling. Later on, Mrs Norris would tell him there was another ling in the castle. Muddy as Aerie had been she hadn’t recognized her. Now if Aerie had allowed herself to be caught, she would have had to go with Filch to his office, Nick and Peeves of all beings would have helped her, and she’d end up invited to Nick’s Death Day party. That was after all what was supposed to happen. And as far as she was concerned it was a side quest intended to introduce Myrtle to the readers that was a plotted fail. No matter what she or her friends did, the night would end in disaster. And because last year’s Halloween feast had been interrupted, Aerie wanted to go. And go she did. It was also a good time to try to spot who wasn’t there. “Something wrong?” Aurora asked Aerie as they helped themselves to the Halloween Summer Harvest feast. And yes, that meant all manner of pumpkin goodies. “Everyone’s here.” “Um, how is that a problem?” “I’m half expecting something bad to happen tonight. It’s just that if it happens and everyone is here…” “I see…” Aurora said softly. “Just…. Just try to enjoy yourself and we can cross that bridge later.” Aerie let out a sigh and took a bite out of a piece of candied pumpkin. It was so good and a short time later she’d forgotten all about the attack that was supposed to happen that night. After all, what was a Halloween at Hogwarts where nothing bad happened? Aerie?” Louise hissed. “Yes?” Aerie asked. The desserts were expected to be served any moment, but the crusaders, dressed as Musketeers of all things were huddled together, their hair standing on end. Hadn't there been four? “Your hammer… it’s glowing.” “I hear scary background music,” Sweetie whispered, and indeed there was something under the holiday-themed music being played by enchanted instruments. Leave it to the Crusaders to notice the hammer first. An ill foreboding of doom hung over the place and now that she was aware of it, it hit her like a Mack truck. Aerie jumped up to stand in her seat and did a quick head count. “Damn it,” She swore under her breath. Due to various viruses going around several students had already left including Hoshiko, Isolde, and Ginny, all of whom had been under the weather. Aerie had been having such a good time she’d completely forgotten and had become numb to the danger. Aerie turned and dropped down between the rows of seats in one smooth motion and sprinted out of the room. Aurora followed a moment later with a little less dignity due to a foot catching a chair leg. Aerie knew where to go, the feeling of dread washing over her more and more as she headed for the second-floor corridor. Her pace slowed on sighting the words “The Chamber of Secrets has been Opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware!” And there before her, as expected, was Mrs Norris hung by the tail from a lamp bracket. “Mrs Norris…” Aerie’s voice was soft and even though she knew the ling was meant to be spared, a part of her saw only death. And no, she would not leave that innocent love bug to hang from that bracket even if she was yet to be reformed. Aerie was technically the Changeling Queen by right of combat and she had no intention to let Mrs Norris remain where she was. Aerie reached up, took her down, and snuggled the petrified form of the cat. She let out a ragged sigh as the enormity of what she’d done to the lings hit her. How often had she told herself she’d no choice, all of Equestria was at stake, both Equestrias thanks to the portals, but this… Mrs Norris never deserved this. Not this. Maybe a good swift kick in the flank now and then, but not this. Aerie dropped to the floor completely oblivious to the fact that the floor had no less than an inch of water covering it, or the people who'd begun to gather, and began to sob. Filch was the first to arrive. “Mrs Norris…” Part of him wanted to scream, to accuse this girl of killing his cat. He knew what death looked like… but Aerie was sobbing she’d been so moved. Surely she hadn’t done this thing. She knew too. Knew that Mrs Norris was a Changeling and never said anything. “Aerie?” Aurora called as she splashed through the water. “Can you check on Myrtle?” Aerie managed to choke out. “Mrs Norris? Who has done this to you, so help me…” Mr Filch growled out as he approached. “Poor sweet little love bug,” Aerie whispered. “Poor Sweet…” The feeling of foreboding fled as Aurora walked past the entrance of the girl’s bathroom. Myrtle’s bathroom. Aurora’s wings were now displayed, and energy rippled off. Such was Mr Filch’s astonishment at the sight of the girl that he missed the little spark that erupted from Aerie’s hammer. Aerie oblivious to the upbeat of the background music went to bury her face in the matted fur of the cat only to find a paw in her face actively pushing her back. Aerie opened her eyes at the sight of the cat looking up at her, the drumbeat of many people walking swiftly filling her ears. More sparks engulfed the two, the people stopped, light began streaming from Mrs Norris, and a moment later Aerie found she was cradling a beautiful young woman in her arms. Her skin while moderately dark seemed to shine as though from within, her long jet-black hair draped across the floor, and her ears had a rather interesting upturn at the top looking almost pointed. She was also as naked as the day she was born. After all, she was a Changeling. She didn’t need clothing. Filch dropped to his knees sure that she was now found out, and when Aerie spoke, it took him a bit for her words to register. “The curse. The curse has been broken.” Now to be true, Mrs Norris had not been a reformed Changeling. She was an outcast, and as such had dedicated her life to helping Filch maintain order in the school. And she’d no trouble siphoning love energy off students when they didn’t know she was about. Very useful in putting an end to an illicit randevu. “Oh, my? Well, this certainly won’t do,” Professor McGonagall said as she pulled out a wand. A moment later she’d conjured up a black witch's dress for the mysterious woman. Nothing very imaginative, but functional. And yes, the hallway was full of onlookers. Aerie looked up and saw numerous boys with rather odd and delighted faces that turned to disappointment the moment Mrs Norris was clothed. “Oi, what are you looking at!” Aerie shouted crossly. “Indeed, off to your dorms, now,” McGonagall ordered. “Enemies of the Heir, beware,” Mr Nott read out loud. And then with fervor added, "Better watch your back, Potter.” “The only people who should be in this hall at this hour of the night are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students, Mr Nott,” Aerie growled. “I can go wherever I want!” “Five points from Slytherin, Mr Nott,” McGonagall stated tersely. I told you to go to your dorm. And this hallway is not the way to your dorm. “Prefects, I want a head count. I want to know if anyone is unaccounted for.” “Miss Potter,” Snape said as he worked his way to the front of the pack. Professor Dumbledore was behind him. Lockhart was a short ways back making his way forward. Indeed, the way Aerie had taken off followed by Aurora had plenty of people a little more than mildly interested in what would cause the two to behave like that. Gryffindor students were the first to follow, who were in turn followed by staff members, and then students in general. “It’s Mrs Norris. There was a curse on her. I seem to have broken it… somehow. I’m not sure what triggered it.” Aerie was at a loss as to what had just happened. One moment Mrs Norris was beset with rigger, the next she’d shoved a paw in Aerie’s face, and then in a big fancy flash of magic the curse had been broken. “Wow…” Aurora said softly. “Right, Myrtle…” Aurora took a moment to collect herself, turned, opened the door to the girl’s toilet, and cautiously entered. “Aurora,” Professor McGonagall called and followed after her. “Everyone, to your dorms,” Dumbledore ordered as Mrs Norris shifted over to Filch. A moment later there was a collective gasp of onlookers as she wrapped her arms around the man. “Yes, of course, knew it was a curse. Spotted it right away,” Lockhart stated as he stepped up. “I’d been working on a countercurse. Glad it took effect.” “Indeed,” Snape stated in a flat tone. “First for everything,” Aerie muttered, and no, she didn’t believe it either. The man was an opportunist taking credit for something he had nothing to do with. She got up and started to head for the girl’s toilets. And Mrs Norris was Fae. At least so far as this world was concerned. “Miss Potter,” Dumbledore called as Aerie’s Moonie pushed the door open with her snout and walked out into the hall. “A moment.” “No luck.” Moonie offered as Silvermoon materialized in the hallway in full Night Mare form. “I regret that I too had no luck.” McGonagall entered the girls' toilet and found Aurora hugging a distraught plump little ghost. “Miss Summers, what am I seeing? Are you actually hugging a…” “A ghost!?” Myrtle shot at her. “Now Myrtle, she’s just surprised. Even among Akkadians, there are maybe only a third of the population capable of interacting with a disembodied spirit like this.” Aurora offered while giving the girl a light pat on her back. “But you said…” “They are Akkadian and likely have the ability. So, do you want to tell me what’s got you so upset?” “Peeves was being mean to me at the Death Day party.” “Peeves is an ass.” “Aurora?” McGonagall objected. “Do please mind your language.” “I stick by my assessment of Peeves.” “I’ll give you that but still, a young lady shouldn't be swearing. “Perhaps you might like to fill me in? Explain the fire on your wings?” “This room is where the access to the chamber is located. We asked Myrtle about how she died, and she remembers quite a bit. Pity no one ever thought to ask her. As for the wings…” She took in a deep breath followed by letting it out slowly. A moment later the wings vanished into her back. “I’m agitated. Aerie is upset, Myrtle is upset, and we are standing right in front of the entrance to Slytherin’s crypt. That thing could come bursting out of there at any moment. Except…” “Having done what they intended they’ve retreated to wherever it is they hide." “Mrs Norris looked like she was dead. She’d been hung by her tail and it upset Aerie.” “Yes, I could see. Perhaps we should go see how she’s doing?” “Aerie wanted me to check on Myrtle.” “I see.” “It’s OK, I’ll be alright,” Myrtle offered. “Just knowing that someone cares helps.” “Alright,” Aurora replied and then parted from the hug. She’d wanted to ask Myrtle if she’d seen anything, but it looked like she hadn’t, and was afraid that she might get her upset again. Aurora grabbed one of the towels the House Elfs left in the washroom, whetted one corner and exited. “How’s Myrtle?” Aerie asked shortly after Aurora and McGonagall emerged from the girl’s toilet. The hallway was now cleared of most of the onlookers. “Peeves got her upset,” Aurora replied. She saw that Aerie was still upset and went to hug her, and then used the towel to clean up Aerie's face. "Hey?!" "You needed it." “Now that we’ve everyone together I think a word in private is in order,” Dumbledore pressed. “My office is nearest, Headmaster. Upstairs, please feel free to use it,” Lockhart offered. “Yes, well, I guess that’s as good as any,” Dumbledore acknowledged. “Aerie, Aurora, Mr Filch, Miss…” “Norris. I’m a very old acquaintance of Argus. Just don’t go too fast, it’s been a while since I walked on two legs.” “As I was saying, it’s an obvious case of ailuranthropy…” Lockhart droned on. “Being able to turn into a cat used to be quite common for witches you know. The practice fell out of favor due to the possibility of getting stuck that way…” “Let him prattle,” Mrs Norris whispered into Filch’s ear. “The ability is of course related to the Animagus spell but is closer to the Metamorphmagus ability in that it only appears in certain families…” “Thank you, Gilderoy,” Dumbledore said on arriving at Lockhart’s office. “I’m a Maledictus, I got stuck,” Mrs Norris offered perhaps hoping to derail Lockhart only to have him go off on another tangent. When they opened the door there was a flurry of motion across the walls as portraits of the man dove for cover. Aerie caught a glimpse of several Lockharts with their hair in rollers as they entered, and the real Lockhart walked in and lit a candle on his desk. “What say we light some lamps,” Dumbledore offered as he pulled a wand out. He’d but to point it at a lamp attached to the wall and it would begin to glow with a bright cheerful light. “Ah, right, I was just about to do that,” Lockhart offered. “Have a seat, and then Miss Potter can tell us what happened.” “I am curious as to why the two of you took off running like that?” Dumbledore inquired of Aerie and Aurora. “It was the girls, our Musketeers,” Aerie began. And no, she wasn't going to say anything about who wasn't there at that moment. Which included both Ginny and Isolde whose belongings had been checked. “Don’t ask me where they got the outfits.” “Probably had them prepared ahead of time,” Aurora suggested. “They were overcome with a feeling of dread. Moments after I was distracted from my revelry I felt it too.” “Well, it’s OK to admit that you were afraid,” Lockhart offered. “Afraid?” Aurora said followed with a laugh. “She was headed right for the source. I arrived right after Filch did.” “I saw Miss Potter come dashing around the corner and down the hall,” Filch offered. “I followed after thinking to scold her for running, but then I saw the writing, and there she was just standing there looking up at the writing. A moment later she turned her attention to Mrs Norris, only I didn’t know it was her just yet. Miss Potter took her down, cuddled her tight, and dropped to her knees crying. I’ll admit that I had a lot of emotions flooding through me when I realized who she had. I think Miss Summers arrived right about then. I can’t say I was thinking too clearly. “I’d taken my eyes off Aerie for a moment, and the hallway filled with light. When I turned back…” “There I was in all my glory,” Mrs Norris offered. “I was doing my usual, patrolling to help Argus keep students in line… There’s something loose in the castle. Something big.” “Do you remember what happened?” Aerie asked. “Prior to you giving me more of your forced loving? Not that I’m complaining mind you…” She’d a smile on her face. “I heard snake speech.” “Parseltongue,” Dumbledore interjected. “You know it?” “I know what it sounds like. I went to investigate, but I couldn’t be sure if it was a boy or girl that was with it. They seemed to be controlling it somehow. What I saw, the beast was a large draconic head pushed forth from the girl’s toilets. Big as a pony it was. “Some pony shoved my head down. It was definitely a pony hoof. Shoved me down just as the beast turned to look. I saw its eyes in the reflection of the water and then the next thing I know I’m in Aerie’s arms.” “Sorry about that,” Moonie offered from a shadow. She stepped out, still in Night Mare mode. “If you’d have looked it directly in the eyes I doubt you’d be talking to us now. It’s gone back down its tunnel and the person with it popped smoke and vanished. They must have doubled back to hang up Mrs Norris and scribble on the wall.” “What… what’s that?” Lockhart asked, fear evident in his voice. His eyes fixed on Moonie. “What’s what?” McGonagall asked. Of course, he meant the Night Mare, McGonagall had a good idea he meant the Night Mare, but couldn’t resist messing with him. “That… that thing!” Lockhart pointed at Moonie. “I am not a thing.” “Moonie, come here, Aerie called. Moonie walked over, transformed into a cat, and dropped down into Aerie’s lap. “This is Moonie. She’s my cat.” “Cat!?” “Now Gilderoy, I realize that Night Mares as pets are rare, but that’s apparently because so few people have ever tried.” Dumbledore offered. “But Night Mares are dangerous.” “Yes, they can be. Best not to get on her bad side. Now… the writing, and the beast, it’s clear someone has successfully opened the Chamber of Secrets.” “Curious that the entrance is via a girl’s toilet,” Aurora muttered. “The girls’ toilet? Ah, right,” Dumbledore replied brightly. “Before it was home to toilets it was a series of rooms rumored to have been occupied by Salazar Slytherin himself. The man was undoubtedly a genius given that he crafted a spell that was capable of hiding itself during construction and remodeling itself to its new surroundings. A pity he had his falling out with the other founders.” “He’s the one who started the pure-blood nonsense, isn’t he?” Aerie asked. “It’s entirely possible,” McGonagall replied. “He wasn’t pushing pure blood so much as he was against mixing with outsiders,” Dumbledore corrected. “Having one’s relatives murdered because we trusted the wrong person was, I’m to understand, far too common back then. His rooms were converted to prevent his staunchest followers from using it as a rallying point.” “I can certainly understand screening people,” Aerie offered. “But holding admission to only a select few is kind of counterproductive.” “So what do we do now?” McGonagall asked, turned to Lockhart to find he was still staring at Moonie, and in abject horror. “Professor Lockhart. She’s not going to do anything to you.” “Seal it up.” Lockhart managed to say. “Moonie or the Girls’ toilet?” McGonagall pressed. “The, the, the girls' toilet.” “We may lose our opportunity to catch the person responsible,” Aerie pointed out. “Telling people to stay away could result in a repeat of last year when Argus and I were constantly chasing people away from the third-floor corridor.” “Understood,” Dumbledore offered. “Now, Mrs Norris, how are you feeling?” “Pretty good actually. Aerie’s right, there was a curse on me. At first, I was just annoyed at her and then suddenly I’m being bathed in purifying magic. Afraid I can’t tell you much more other than I feel better than I can remember. Not just the cat thing. I feel as though a horrible burden has been taken from me.” “I remember something similar,” Lockhart offered having recovered himself. “In Ouagadougou if I remember correctly. A series of attacks, the full story is in my Autobiography. We’d been unable to pin down the culprit, so I provided amulets to everyone in the community which cleared the matter up nicely.” Which was a safe boast for the man given that the village was now abandoned. “Might I ask why your Moonie wasn’t affected by the creature's gaze?” McGonagall asked Aerie. “She’s blind. Technically speaking that is. She can see fine, but not in the way you or I see. Her eyes don’t do anything.” “Ah, yes, that would make sense,” Dumbledore declared. “Slytherin’s monster must hunt by stunning their victim by looking the prey in the eyes. Except in this case, it does more than just stun them. It’d not affect anything that doesn’t use eyes.” “I’ve got it!” Aurora blurted out. “Well, technically it’s Professor Lockhart’s Idea.” “It is?” Lockhart asked. “Well of course it is. What is it?” “Given that we know more or less what kind of creature we are dealing with we can configure the wards to contain it to the toilets. Assuming that’s the only way in or out.” “Might work,” Aerie suggested. “It might at that,” Dumbledore concurred. “Why not just seal it up completely?” Lockhart objected. “We could, but as Miss Potter has pointed out, we may lose the opportunity to catch the person responsible. In the meantime, why don’t you see if you can get that graffiti off the wall.” “What? Me?” “Well, you are our expert on the dark arts, are you not? It should be a piece of cake for you.” > Chapter 89: Mrs Norris goes floof. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they finished with their talk Mrs Norris volunteered to escort Aerie and Aurora back to their dorms. Mr Filch tagged along. “Cheer up Argus,” Mrs Norris chided playfully. “They all think I’m a witch.” He made a noise indicating he wasn’t happy about what she’d just said. “Argus, she knows. I think they both know.” “Mrs Norris, do you know what it means to be an Akkadian Princess?” Aerie asked. “Um… not really?” “It means I’m an Alicorn Princess.” “An… alicorn.” “I knew you were a changeling when I first saw you,” Aerie offered. “I saw no point in saying anything to anyone. Especially given it could distract from my goal of ending the threat of Tom Riddle once and for all.” “I see. He’s not completely gone is he.” “What we are dealing with right now is someone acting on his behalf. A contingency plan. I suspect that Riddle's end plan had nothing to do with upholding blood purity and everything to do with the destruction of Wizarding England. The person presently acting on his behalf may not even know they are doing it.” “Who are you? I mean, you aren’t exactly an ordinary student.” “I’m an agent of Discord.” “What? As in the Discord? But?” “Order requires a healthy mix of chaos. Without it, we risk stagnation.” “I see. Any idea what happened to me? I, I just feel so different. The hunger is gone. I feel like I’ve got so much love in me I just have to give it away.” “Well, you can be sure Lockhart had nothing to do with it.” “I’ve read that Uru metal can absorb, remember, and then repeat forms of magic,” Aurora said. “Aerie, could what happened with Chrysalis have anything to do with it?” “Chrysalis? As in the Changeling Queen?” Mrs Norris stopped dead in her tracks with the others stopping a moment later. “She’s not here, is she? That would be a disaster.” “Who’s Chrysalis?” Filch asked, his usual gruff tone replaced with concern. “Chrysalis was defeated in a battle royal,” Aerie offered. “The hive swarmed. It was a disaster. Long story short, Chrysalis was defeated.” “Was it Princess Celestia?” Mrs Norris asked. “No, a different Alicorn,” Aurora offered. “Princess of Thunder.” “Princess of Thunder?” “That’s what they started calling her. She’d a hammer just like Aerie’s only a lot bigger.” “There was a curse on her, on all the lings,” Aerie supplied. “When Chrysalis was defeated, the curse on her was broken. I’d imagine that the magic spread out to affect anyone nearby at the time, and some of it may well have been picked up by my little pendant.” “That’d make it a very valuable pendant,” Filch suggested. “It might. Not just anyone could take it though. Uru behaves a bit like a wand and the Nova Broom. If it doesn’t like someone it won’t let them use it.” “Fair enough,” Mrs Norris replied. “And you’ve been there. I’d like to go back someday. With Chrysalis gone… she is gone, isn’t she?” “When the curse was broken she turned into a pony. One of King Sombra’s victims. She just wants to go back to just being herself. As for going… home, for you, that might not be a good idea. Considering the aftermath of the swarm.” “Oh, right. I suppose it’d be like wizards coming out of hiding to make war on muggles and losing.” “Pretty much.” “If people ask about you?” Aurora pressed as they approached the hall to the portrait of the Fat Lady. “I’m Argus’s girlfriend who got stuck as a cat should be fine.” “Think I’ll just say you're his cat,” Aerie teased. “Ha, they’ll love that." She turned to Filch. "Come on Puddin, let's go see if any of the Slytherins are sulking about.” “Do you think it’s alright for you to stay,” Filch asked as she stepped up to him. “No one said I couldn't.” Then she leaned in and kissed him on the and of his nose. “Aww,” Aerie and Aurora said with smiles on their faces. “Get back to your dorms,” Filch growled. “Going,” both girls chimed, and hurried the rest of the way down the hall. There was a crowd waiting for them when they came through. “We were out with permission.” Aerie protested. “It’s not even curfew yet!” Aurora added. “What the hell happened, and who was that woman?!” “Ya, she’s hot – ow! Well, she is.” The boy who’d just spoken had made the mistake of making his declaration with his girlfriend right behind him. “That was Mrs Norris,” Aerie informed them. “Come on, some of you must have been suspicious. She’s a Maledictus. She’d been stuck that way. It is a curse after all.” “Oh, I’ve read about that,” Hermione interjected. “I thought getting stuck was supposed to be permanent.” “Normally it would be,” Percy offered. “Something happened and it’s got something to do with that writing on the wall.” “And you’re thinking Aerie knows what’s what, I gather,” Ron put in. “Our Musketeers were having some kind of premonition of danger,” Aurora informed everyone. “And that hammer pendant she wears was glowing,” Finnigan pointed out to anyone who hadn’t seen it. “I did what I always do,” Aerie informed them. “I headed straight for the source to see what it was. Turns out someone used dark magic to put a whammy on Mrs Norris. I thought she was dead. You know how I am around cats. She was stiff as a board and they’d hung her up by her tail.” “And the writing on the wall?” “No idea.” “In a pig’s eye,” Hermione shot back. “Fine, it’s exactly what it says. Some bonehead got it into their head to start mucking about with dark magic and found,” Aerie switched her tone to melodramatic, “..the Chamber of Secrets.” “Whatever they opened I can’t imagine it’s any different than any other secret chamber in this place. It’s the person we need to keep an eye out for,” Aurora offered. “With any luck, the culprit will get caught and that’ll be that.” “Ha, look at me, I’m all floofy!” Mrs Norris called moments after transforming back into a cat. “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a kitten. I am as giddy as a drunken man.”* And with that she dashed down the hall, dropped to her belly, and slid a good twenty feet. “Mrs Norris!” Filch called gruffly, but she knew he didn’t mean it by the smile on his face. A smile that turned into a devilish grin when his companion of many years transformed back into a woman, this time with something a bit more stylish, sat up, and turned to look behind a large Grandfather’s Clock. “Well, well, well, what have we here? Out rather late, aren’t we? Mr Nott. Naughty, naughty, naughty.” “A student out past curfew? We are in trouble, aren't we.” “Not quite yet,” Mrs Norris corrected having taken a look at the clock. “He’s got seven minutes. She chose that moment to stand up. “Tell me Mr Nott, are you feeling lucky? Do you think you can get back to your dorm in seven minutes? Do you think you can get there before we do? Well, do you... punk? Six minutes, better get going. Run, Mr Nott, run! And you better get there before I do!” “You let him go?” Filch asked confused as Nott dashed past him. “He’s going in the wrong direction. That and if we take the short cut we should get to the Slytherin dorm well ahead of him. Hey, just because I have got a new lease on life doesn’t mean I’m going to stop enforcing the rules, and nothing says I can’t have a little fun while I’m at it.” Filch had a puzzled even bemused look on his face, a look that quickly morphed into a smile. “We sure he’s not the one who scribbled all over the wall,” Filch asked as he started down the hall at a brisk walk. “I don’t sense anything ominous about him. Far more likely he’s obsessed with the Gryffindors like how Draco Malfoy was. For his sake, I hope he gives it up. We can pass the word along but I’ve a feeling it’s Miss Potter who seems to be calling the shots.” And with that, she went back to being a cat and proceeded to zoom back and forth. On arrival, Mrs Norris knocked on the Door that led to the Slytherin common room by giving the entrance several swift bunny kicks. When she was satisfied she transformed back into a woman and stood up to wait. It looked like a bare stretch of wall to anyone who didn’t know it was there, but Mrs Norris and Filch knew all too well where the entrance was. It took about a minute for someone to open it up, a Slytherin seventh-year who looked eternally annoyed. “I do hate to be a bother,” Mrs Norris said sweetly. “Has Mr Nott made it to your dorm before curfew?” “Mrs Norris? It’s true then?” “I am indeed Mrs Norris. It is so good to be me again. Ah, I hear running. I imagine that’s my answer. Time? We gave him the opportunity to try to get here before curfew.” The boy looked at her quizzically, looked in the direction the sound of running was coming from, turned back to look into the common room, and called out, “What time is it? Exactly, I need the exact time!” “Nine fifty-nine, not quite ten,” Offered another boy as he approached the entryway “Aye, same as my watch,” Filch offered. The four watched as Nott burst around the corner, and when he saw Mr Filch, Mrs Norris, and two older boys standing there he slowed to a walk and proceeded to plod along with a look of utmost fury. “It’s not fair.” He spat out as he approached. “It wasn’t after curfew.” He remained defiant even as Mr Filche’s watch began to chime. Ping, ping, ping went the watch. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Ping, ping, ping… “Are you going to take points or what?” Ping, ping, ping, ping. “That’s time,” Mrs Norris offered. “Time?” “Gave you a chance, didn’t we? Twenty points for being out past curfew,” Mr Filch informed him. He put his watch away, and then he and Mrs Norris walked down the corridor to head back up to exit the dungeons. “Do you think Professor Lockhart has had any luck removing that graffiti,” Mrs Norris was heard to ask as the two rounded the corner no longer caring about Mr Nott. “Why are you such an idiot?” Growled one of the older boys. “I think I like this new Mrs Norris.” The other boy offered. “Playing with her prey she was. You can turn the cat back into a witch, but you’ll never take the cat out of her heart. Nott! Why are you just standing there? Get your ass in here!” The next morning everyone was talking about Mrs Norris, and how several girls had felt the presence of someone using dark magic. “Hi, Aerie,” Hoshiko called as she approached. “I hear you ran straight to where the source of the dark magic was. I’m embarrassed to admit that I went straight to the observation deck to snuggle under a wing.” “I had fillies under mine last night,” Aurora whispered to her. “Our four musketeers were a bit shaken up.” “Ginny, are you alright?” Aerie asked the girl. She was looking tired and distressed. “Oh, I’m fine. Lots of fun waking up in the middle of the night all by myself.” “I’m sorry,” Apple Bloom offered. “Next time just come down to our room,” Aerie instructed. “Lavender still has room in her bed.” “Maybe we should just get one big enormous feather bed?” Lavender suggested. “My Granny’s got a big feather bed,” Apple Bloom offered. “Ya,” Louise added. “It’s nine feet wide, and six feet high, soft as a downy chick.” “Stop that,” Aurora scolded. “Stop what?” “It was made from the feathers of forty-leven geese,” Sweetie Belle chimed in sounding like she was going to start singing. “Bloom,” Aerie warned. “Took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick,” Isolde added in like tone and a smile on her face. “Alright, who brought the banjo!?” “It’d hold eight kids and four hound dogs and a piggy we stole from the shed. We didn’t get much sleep but we had a lot of fun on Grandma’s feather bed,” all four sang. “We have classes to get to!” “Awww.” The attack was soon put in the back of everyone’s mind. Everyone except Hermione who had burrowed into her books harder than ever. Which was impressive considering homework assignments were assigned by the foot. And writing in huge letters wasn’t an option. Not that Aerie didn’t have a few tricks up her sleeve. Gothic ornamentation. Aerie would start each assignment with a large Gothic letter, and delighted in drawing pictures of the various things, plants, creatures, and or monsters the paper was about. Margins would be filled with vines with leaves, fruit, and flowers. Many of the teachers loved her art, but Professor Snape proved a hard nut to crack and would just insist on more actual words and less froufrou. “Hey Aerie,” Ron said as she joined them in the library. Professor Snape had held her back to have her scrape tubeworms off the desks. While she’d been doing this he made sure that she’d overheard him mentioning the fact that Nott had been out past curfew, and his belongings searched, by one of the seventh-year assistants. Nothing unusual was found, but Snape wanted a closer watch on the boy if for no other reason than to keep him out of trouble. Unknown to Snape this made it the second time Nott’s belongings had been searched. Hoshiko knew to keep an eye out for the book, Justin knew to keep an eye out for it, and yet, Aerie just had a feeling it was likely right under her nose. She was also concerned that Hermione and the Weasleys were too many people. “Hi Aerie,” Justin called only to get shushed by the Librarian. Aerie put a finger to her lips and then motioned for him to join them as she sat down at the table everyone had gathered at. “There’s a nasty rumor about you,” Justin whispered. “Let me guess, I staged the whole thing to get attention.” Justin nodded his head. “Two guesses where that one originated from. Karen or Lockhart. Take your pick.” “My bet is Lockhart,” Justin whispered getting a withering look from Hermione. “What? He hates competition.” “Extra reading, Hermione?” “I can’t help but think there’s something you aren’t telling us.” “Alright fine, you got me, I’m a goddess sent to clean up Dumbledore’s mess,” Aerie informed her in a deadpan tone. “Ha, ha. Very funny. What’s the book look like we are supposed to be trying to find?” “There in lies part of the problem. I don’t know. Plus, it’s figured out how to mask itself from Moonie.” “What? But that implies some form of sentience.” “Artificial intelligence achieved through dark magic. Part of what makes it so dangerous.” “What’s the other part?” “If you must know, there’s something in the castle that can be controlled via the book. It’s what petrified Mrs Norris. And don’t ask me how she was revived.” “I saw,” Hermione said softly. “I was a short distance behind Aurora. I asked Professor Lockhart about it and all he’ll say is that I have to wait for his new book.” “Not having doubts about him are you?” Aurora asked. “He’s a great author,” Hermione said defensively. “Professor Dumbledore said that he hired Lockhart because his books give a good overview of the dark arts. He might have suggested that Lockhart might not be the person he presents himself as. As in, he’s a great author, but that’s about it.” “Dumbledore said?” Hermione asked. “Aurora and I had a meeting with him the morning we got caught in bed in our pony forms and no one knew it was us. He'd been rather frank about his opinion of Professor Lockhart. Lockhart is knowledgeable but might not be the one we'd want in a pinch. We had a second meeting right after the incident. Lockhart was there and considerably distracted by Moonie. She was in full Nightmare mode and Lockhart was rather unnerved.” “Oh… OK, I see... Now that I think about it, Hoshiko seems to have acquired another fox.” “Mrs Silverwood’s Night Mare.” “And I am looking up different types of snakes that might be used by wizards,” Aurora offered. “As I think you are aware, I have access to the wards. If I can get a close enough guess at what it is I might just be able to contain it.” “You think it’s a snake?” Ron asked. “Of course, it’d be a snake.” “Slytherin's monster,” Aerie offered. “Be nice if it was just a little one. Be easier to deal with.” “You’re suggesting it’s big?” Hermione asked. “Big coward, runs away the moment it sees me,” Moonie grumbled. “Hermione, just don’t go wandering about by yourself. Or if you do, take a mirror, and scan the floor ahead of you when going around corners. Don’t look it in the eyes.” “And what good is it going to do me if I’m with a group and we come face to face with it?” “I’m guessing that the culprit doesn’t want to be found out.” “They’d avoid large groups.” “So, what are you looking up?” “I’m looking up counter curses. I just wanted some idea of how Mrs Norris was restored. Any ideas?” “I have an idea, but I think it best I keep it to myself for now.” “We’ve History of Magic coming up,” Aurora reminded them. “Maybe you can ask Professor Burbage.” Charity Burbage, the Muggle Studies teacher, had signed on as the history teacher in the absence of Professor Bins. In truth, she’d managed to even win over many of the Slytherin students. Her lectures were lively and informative, and she had managed to impress upon many who didn’t like Muggles that it was always a good idea to keep an eye on what they were up to. Few knew anything about Muggles given wizard attitudes. Fewer still knew of the various times wizard and Muggle history had overlapped. > Chapter 90 Seeking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Professor Burbage, can you tell us anything about the Chamber of Secrets?” Hermione had wasted no time in asking. “Which one?” Professor Burbage was presently writing down important dates in history on a blackboard. “Which one? The one referenced by the writing.” “Oh that.” She turned around to face the class. “Afraid I’m going to disappoint you. I deal in facts, not rumor or conjecture.” “But don’t rumor and conjecture have some basis in fact?” “Not always. However, in this case, there is some underlying truth. As I’m sure you are all aware Hogwarts was founded by four of the greatest wizards of their time. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and of course everyone’s favorite, Salazar Slytherin.” “Favorite?” Ron scoffed. “It is his name that seems to be on everyone's lips, is it not? Scuttlebutt has it that the Chamber of Secrets is somehow connected to him, is it not? Let me tell you that according to the documented history, the four founders worked in harmony when the school was established. However, a rift grew between Slytherin and the other founders. Salazar Slytherin wanted to be more selective about who was allowed into the school. It was at this time they agreed to establish the four houses and create the enchanted Book of Admittance. He got his wish, and the other founders continued to recruit anyone who had enough magic in them to meet their standards. And yes, this meant bringing in students from outside the community. Students from nonmagical households. Salazar tried to put his foot down after a very serious incident when one of the new students turned out to be a religious zealot. A young man set his dormitory on fire and barricaded the door from the outside. The fire was quickly put out and the door unlocked. That young man realizing his mistake took off and it was several days before they could catch him. Fortunately, Hogwarts was remote enough that he hadn’t managed to contact any of the muggle authorities. “Salazar was livid, but the other founders insisted that the incident had been an aberration. Salazar Slytherin split with the other founders and started up a new school somewhere else. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on one’s point of view, his school did not long survive him. “As for the Chamber of Secrets, it is speculated that all four founders created secret chambers. We do have documentation that Percival Rackham, Charles Rookwood, Niamh Fitzgerald, and San Bakar had access to extensive chambers under the school early in the school’s history. And do not attempt to find those chambers. Few are they who return and no one will go down there to find you. “There is one caveat to the history of Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets. Truth is, the term never appears in any historical record until June nineteen forty-three when someone started playing the same sort of inappropriate pranks. That’s also when Myrtle Warren died. Resident ghost in the second-floor girl’s toilets. And please don’t be pestering her. Her death was blamed on a pet young Hagrid had smuggled into the school.” “I get the feeling you might be skeptical,” Aerie suggested. “Well, if I were to speculate, and given what we now know concerning a certain individual, I’d point the finger for all of it squarely at Tom Riddle. He was a Prefect back then, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he was the one who’d terrorized the school as some sort of warm-up. But then again, we should never speculate. “Now. This is a history class. Here we deal with verifiable facts.” Professor Burbage wished to speak no more on the matter and began her planned lecture. “We should ask Myrtle,” Hermione stated shortly after the class. “Already did, it was Riddle,” Aurora informed her. “Let’s not go bothering her. Just try to remember to say hi to her if you see her,” Aerie offered. Hermione gave her a dirty look. “What? We only recently got her to open up to us.” “Alright, fine. But you did have your suspicions though, didn’t you?” “Well, of course I did. I wouldn't be much of a detective if I didn’t. Just think about it, she’s the only relatively recent ghost in Hogwarts. I’d asked Dobby to keep an eye on her.” “Dobby, that House elf you were so horrid to?” Hermione accused. “Professor Dumbledore hired him on with a salary and everything. I’d say he’s happy.” “Better off here than working for Malfoy,” Ron quipped. “Hiya, Aerie!” “Cheese… Hello, Colin,” Aerie replied. She’d completely forgotten about the boy. “Say, did you get any good pictures,” She called as he was walking away. “I pinned some pictures onto the Gryffindor bulletin board,” He called back. “There’s a really good one of Isolde slapping Nott. Aerie, listen, a boy in my class has been saying that you’re…” Whatever it was he had to say was drowned out by the throng of students pushing him onto the great hall. “See ya, Aerie!” he called out and was gone. “What?” Hermione said as she watched Colin vanish. “That I’m Slytherin’s heir, more than likely,” Aerie said with a tone of disgust. “People will believe anything,” Ron added. “If they knew… but they can’t know, can they.” “Whoever it is they are bound to give themselves away sooner or later.” “So why do you think Dobby hasn’t said anything?” Aurora asked. “Probably doesn’t have anything.” “So, do you think there’s really a Chamber of Secrets?” Ron asked. “No way to know,” Hermione replied. “It’s like Professor Burbage said, the place is likely loaded with secret chambers. Even as she spoke they came upon the location where the incident had happened. There was a chair by the wall along with a bucket of soapy water where a scrub brush floated. Someone had been trying to scrub the writing off but to no avail.” “So how would you go about removing the writing,” Aurora asked Aerie. “Blast it.” “Blast it?” Ron asked. “You’re joking, right?” “One never knows with her,” Aurora replied with a lilt to her head, the group coming to a stop. “Aerie?” Aerie had gotten it into her head to have a closer look. “Ah, yes of course.” “Aerie?” Hermione asked. “The stone has been transfigured. The writing isn’t on the wall. It’s part of the wall.” “Is it?” Hermione asked and then decided to take a closer look herself. “So it is.” “Professor Lockhart had been tasked with cleaning it up,” Aurora pointed out. “It was bugging me because I couldn't sense any dark magic,” Aerie offered. “What? No dark magic? Nonsense,” Lockhart proclaimed from a few feet away. “Sir, I think Aerie’s right. It’s not painted on, it’s just a rather crude transfiguration,” Hermione offered. “Just a bad prank,” Aerie said as she stepped away from the wall. “Let’s just let the Professor deal with it. After all, he knows far better than we do.” “Transfigured, you say,” Lockhart muttered as Aerie stepped away from the wall. He stepped up to the wall and pointed his wand at a section of a letter. A moment later the letter went from blood red to chartreuse. “It’s gone bright yellow,” Ron exclaimed as a smile formed on Lockhart’s face. “Ha, I overestimated my opponent!” Lockhart exclaimed and then burst out laughing. “Astute observation, Miss Potter,” Lockhart offered a moment later. “This won’t take but a moment. I’ll just clone the color and texture, and it’ll be gone in a jiffy.” “Good for you sir,” Aerie offered. “Come on, it’s nearly time for dinner.” “Oh, and Aerie…” “Sir?” “Ten points for Gryffindor. Just keep it quiet, and we’ll make it a surprise.” “Yes sir,” Aerie replied and then quickly walked away followed by the others. “Would you believe that, he can do magic,” Ron whispered after they were far enough away he’d no fear of being overheard. “He is a graduate of Hogwarts,” Hermione said defensively. “Aerie, did you see him, that is did you know he was there?” Aurora asked. “I did. I figured he was bound to be able to do a simple color swap. Let him take the credit. Maybe he’ll forget about meeting my mom.” “But how did you know?” Hermione asked. “It was the background aura of the writing. It showed signs of magic having been used, but nothing remarkable. Cursed things just suck in all the warmth and goodness around them. Had it been done with dark magic it would have looked dark to me. That is, without my glasses.” “You know, you haven't really explained that. That you can see auras,” Hermione pressed. “It’s a magical malady. I’ve been like that most of my life.” “You’re not using that to make it easier to spot the Snitch are you?” “Why Hermione, I’m surprised at you. I do wear my glasses to play Quidditch after all.” “Sorry.” “Incidentally, I saw that you were looking up Polyjuice potion.” “You aren’t going to tell me no, are you?” “I can tell you that Nott’s belongings have been searched for anything suspicious. Professor Snape did a search after he got caught out of dorm after curfew. My Moonie has searched the Slytherin dorm. Hoshiko has searched the Ravenclaw dorm, Justin searched the boys' dorm in the Hufflepuff dorm, and that leaves the Hufflepuff girls and our own dorm… Ron, any chance you searched the boys' dorm?” “Um… I, ah… hang on, I think Percy has already done a search. Come to think of it he had all the first second and third years turn out their belongings.” “Not too subtle is he,” Aurora commented. “We’ve checked the first-year and second-year girls' belongings on our side,” Aerie stated. “Hermione, if you really want to try using a polyjuice potion, I can’t help but think that slipping into the Hufflepuff dorm might be your best bet.” “You don’t think it’s a Slytherin, then?” Hermione asked. “If you want to try the Slytherin girls dorm go right ahead. I just figured that Mr Malfoy isn’t likely to target someone from a Slytherin family. Just make sure you don’t mistake pet hair for human.” “I’m pretty sure I can tell the difference,” Hermione stated defensibly, but dared not say anything more as they entered the Great Hall. A short time later Lockhart entered and bombastically announced that he’d expunged the writing on the wall. “Afraid our prankster underestimated me,” he stated as he walked up to the head table. “Professor, how did you, that is, you’ve really removed the writing?” McGonagall asked as he sat down. He leaned over and whispered, “In truth I overestimated them. On closer inspection I discovered that absolutely nothing had been fixed to the wall, the wall had been transfigured. I should have seen through it from the start given it’s a prank often played while I was here at school.” “Writing on the wall?” “Changing the color of each other’s trunks to be exact. Focusing the beam from the wand to write something isn’t really all that different.” “Professor, the writing is gone,” Professor Dumbledore stated as he approached the head table. “All in a day's work. I fear the fault was in our assuming it had been done with dark magic.” “And it wasn’t?” “Just a simple color transfiguration. I must say that this will make an interesting anecdote for the new book I’m working on.” “Well, I’ll be...” Professor Snape had just sat down. His hair was purple. “Professor Snape, your hair?” “Mishap in potions. Let’s just say that I now understand the phrase 'like watching a train wreck'. Miss Shutter’s bird came into the lab, and a pin feather fell off and dropped into one of the potions. The resulting cloud seems to have had a bleaching effect on anyone who came into contact with it. Black colors turned purple like we’d all been left out in the sun.” As he was saying this the first-year Gryffindor and Slytherin students entered the room. Black hair was purple, brown hair blond, red hair pink, blond hair platinum, and the Gryffindor girls sported purple robes. Because why change your robe when it looks cute and you can get away with it? “And I’ve got this strange hankering for a frilly drink called a Piña colada. I don’t even know what a Piña colada is and yet I want one.” > Chapter 91: And which chamber might we be talking about? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Aerie,” Hermione called later that evening as they passed the second-floor girls' toilets. “Come have a look at this.” “What are we looking at?” Aurora asked. “The spiders,” Hermione explained. “Spiders?” Ron asked the tone of dread in his voice. “Ron, are you alright?” Aerie asked. Ron had taken a step back. “Oh right, you don’t especially like spiders do you.” “Did my brothers tell you?” “The place is full of spiders, it’s kind of evident.” “Oh… right.” “When I was three, Charles, my eldest brother, turned my teddy bear into a spider. Fred and George have tormented me ever since.” “There’s a bunch up here trying to squeeze out a tiny crack,” Hermione offered. She’d looked back at Ron but chose not to say anything. Nor was she so insensitive as to laugh at a friend’s discomfort. Aerie went over to the window, got out her wand, and poked at a spider that was just hanging from its web. It immediately dropped, causing Ron to jump back. “Aerie?” Hermione prompted as Aerie poked another spider. It too dropped. “The monster kills visually.” “I’ve blocked all known forms of Basilisk,” Aurora offered. “With any luck, it’ll be trapped.” “Let us hope so. Come on, let’s get out of here.” “Come on Ron,” Hermione prompted as they started walking. “You use spiders in potions?” “It’s different then. They aren’t moving.” “And a mass of spiders all wriggling together is enough to creep anyone out,” Aerie added. “You too?” Aurora asked. “Well, have you ever seen spiders do that?” “No, can’t say as I have.” “Aerie, remember all the water on the floor,” Hermione asked thinking to change the subject. “That was Myrtle. Peeves got her upset,” Aurora informed her. “Right, she floods the toilets.” They ignored the out-of-order sign on the door to the toilets as they went by, but it was difficult to ignore the stream of spiders exiting the place. Poor Ron had to be lifted and hoisted over it. “I was going to use that toilet to do my potion, I’m not so sure now.” “It’d be the most dangerous place in the school,” Aerie said. “What about the room of Requirement?” “Room of requirement?” Ron and Hermione asked. “Have they cleaned it out by now?” Aurora asked. “Doubt it. “Hermione, there’s a secret chamber on the seventh floor across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.” Aerie just couldn't resist emphasizing the words secret chamber. “To get in you just have to want it bad. It’s supposed to transform itself into whatever it is you need of it.” “And you never said anything to me?” “Or me,” Ron pointed out. “Wasn’t any reason to.” “That and we kind of trashed it,” Aurora added. “That chamber probably belonged to Ravenclaw.” “Say, do you think there’s a Gryffindor secret chamber?” Ron asked. “Maybe. No telling. It’s like Professor Burbage said, the place is probably full of secret chambers,” Hermione stated. “Be fun if we could find it though.” Hermione’s mind now distracted from the chamber of secrets to other chambers completely missed the smile on Aerie’s face. Hermione would find the room of Requirement and with luck would be safe from encountering Slytherin’s monster. “Why are the four of you down here?” Percy asked at the end of the hallway. “We’re passing through on our way back to the dorm,” Ron stated sounding annoyed. “What are you doing down here?” “Hoping to spot the perpetrator, no doubt,” Aerie suggested. “Well, yes, I was thinking that if maybe I could spot the person doing it we’d be that much closer to stopping them.” “Well, good luck with that,” Aerie offered kindly enough. “Just one thing, if something big comes out of the girls’ toilets, turn around and run.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” “Have fun,” Ron offered. “Especially if it’s brown.” Aerie, Ron, Hermione, and Aurora couldn't help but laugh as they continued down the hall. Percy was torn. He knew full well he hadn’t caught them doing anything and for all he knew Aerie had Dumbledore’s full permission to do whatever she needed to find that damn book. Regardless of the danger. Brown indeed, he thought to himself, but couldn't help but smile at the notion of people being attacked by a giant turd. “Definitely a Slytherin,” Percy remarked with a smirk on his face. Ron and Hermione chose seats as far as possible from Percy in the common room later that evening. Aerie and Aurora chose to join the other second-year students so they could go over their assignments together. “So, um, why are Hermione and Ron off in a corner by themselves?” Lavender asked in a low tone not quite a whisper. “I’ll have to admit that’s got me a bit confused myself,” Aurora responded. “I thought she was interested in Neville.” “All she does is boss me about how I’m dressed in the morning,” Neville muttered just as an owl flew in and dropped a letter in front of Aurora. “Let’s face it Neville, the person you marry is just going to have to dress you every morning so you don’t forget the important things,” Aerie teased. “Who’s sending you a letter?” Lavender asked. “Seems to be addressed to both Aerie and myself.” She was about to pick it up when Percy snatched it up. “Hey!” “Percy, just because you are a prefect doesn’t mean you get to look at people’s mail,” Aerie scolded. “This is a letter to a parent. Automated for efficiency. Why are you getting a letter to a parent when it should be going to a parent?” “A letter to… Louise! Get over here!” Aurora’s voice had risen to a level that no one in the common room could miss. Nor could they mistake that tone. “What?” Percy said softly as Louise slowly got up from where she and the first-year girls were seated. “Louise?” Isolde asked as Louise walked over to where Aurora was with her head hung low. “Sorry.” “Don’t 'sorry' me, what did you do?” Aurora asked sternly. "Or is this about the potions incident?" “Edmund Fernsby, he was spreading nasty rumors about Aerie.” “And all this time I thought it was Karen,” Aerie muttered. “Who?” Patil asked. “One of the new first-year boys. Our first-year boys,” Seamus offered. “He’s sporting a shiner on his right eye. Probably had it coming.” “Percy, it’s complicated, but Aurora and I are her guardians. It’s an Akkadian thing.” “What? But I thought Aurora and Louise were supposed to be half-sisters?” “We are. Same dad, different moms. No idea what became of dad,” Aurora supplied. “Louise was adopted and we don’t know where they are. Took off on an adventure and have yet to check in with anyone.” “They do it all the time,” Aerie added. “It’s nothing new, it’s just that this time they are a little overdue.” “Way overdue,” Aurora added. “Oh.” Percy was now wishing he’d stayed out of it. “And Mr Fernsby is probably lucky Bloom didn’t hit him,” Aerie pointed out. “All I did was slap him,” Louise protested meekly. “And gave him a black eye,” Aurora reminded her. “You are stronger than you realize.” “Why Bloom?” Seamus asked. “That little filly is fully capable of busting rocks,” Aerie informed him in a rather matter-of-fact tone. And she was to blame given that she’d instructed Apple Bloom on the basics of Earth bending. Just in case. “Just don’t hit anyone. And that goes for all four of you,” Aurora scolded Louise. “Percy, tell you what,” Aerie began slowly. “Why don’t you give that to Professor McGonagall, given you’ve chosen to insert yourself, and have those sorts of things sent to either my guardians or Aurora’s mom? On the assumptions they'll be any more.” “Here,” Percy said as he gave Aurora the letter. “I’ll trust you to take care of it.” And then he turned and walked away. “This is to inform you that blah blah blah…” Aurora said after opening the letter. “Louise, no matter what anyone says, do not raise to their bait. Do not lower yourself to their level, and do not touch anyone in anger unless you plan to destroy them and accept the consequences. Oh, and there's a PS... do try to keep Kaida out of the potions lab. Eh, only ten point deduction? Must have been in a good mood.” “Are we sure Fernsby is not the one who graffiti-ed the wall? Well…” Louise ventured cautiously only to get a dirty look from Aurora. “Hello? Kaida? Keep her out of the potions lab. As for Mr Fernsby, he'd have to be a complete moron to do it and then call attention to himself,” Aerie cautioned once again wishing that she hadn’t let slip about the book. Her words were punctuated by the slamming of a book coming from Hermione’s direction with more than a few turning to look. Ron followed by closing his book but did so with a little less force. Only then did they realize that nearly everyone in the common room was watching them. Ron turned red as a beat, got up, and went upstairs. Hermione realized the optics of the situation a moment later and made a hasty retreat to the girls’ dorm. “Do we dare ask?” Lavender mused. “No,” Fred replied. “We will ask for you,” George offered followed by the two following after Ron. “Think I’ll head upstairs,” Aerie offered as she got up. “Hermione, are you alright?” Aerie called moments after knocking on the door to the room Hermione was in. “Who is it?” “It’s me, Aerie.” “I know it’s you, who attacked Mrs Norris?” “If I knew that we likely wouldn't be having this conversation.” “Enemies of the heir, Slytherin’s heir no doubt, and you heard what Nott said. That I’d be next.” “Nott is an idiot. And given that Mrs Norris isn’t exactly a mud-blood, I’d say whoever attacked her Doesn’t care who is or isn’t. They just want to scare people.” “We sure it’s not Nott?” “His belongings have been searched,” Aerie offered and entered the room. “Twice now.” “If this was happening last year I’d have sworn it was Draco Malfoy.” “Well, he’s out,” Aerie offered as she sat on the edge of the bed opposite Hermione. At least she thought Draco was out. Mr Malfoy had given Isolde extra attention. Had he recognized her? And for that matter had the Horcrux figured out how to mask itself from her? And if it could mask itself from her it could mask itself from Nova Silverwood as well. “If only I’d just grabbed it when I had the chance,” Aerie lamented bitterly. “The recipe for the polyjuice potion would be in the restricted section,” Hermione said softly. “Just get Lockhart to sign a book request.” “You aren’t going to try to talk me out of it?” “Just don’t ask Aurora or myself to take that stuff. No telling how it’d affect someone with Akkadian heritage.” That and she’d a mind to possibly try recruiting Mrs Norris. She didn’t have to tell her what it was. She just had to impress upon her that it had to be destroyed. “Aerie, don’t worry about it.” “No?” “I tell you what. Let’s just say that for the sake of argument, I do decide to do it, it might be best I do all the prep work on my own. Just in case I get caught. And then if I need anyone I’m sure Ron and Neville will help.” “OK. Plausible deniability. Aurora and I can say we didn’t know anything. I’d feel mighty guilty though.” “Can’t be helped.” “Speaking of which I think Fred and George may be under the impression that you and Ron just had a lovers spat.” “What?” “Well, you know those two.” “It’s not like that?!” “Can’t be helped,” Aerie offered as she stood up. She’d a mischievous smile on her face. “Don’t worry, they are bound to get bored and find some other amusement… in about a week or so.” “Get out!” “On my way. Just don’t say anything along the lines of not having broken up.” “Argh!” To Hermione’s relief, the Weasley twins kept their teasing to Ron. As for Aerie, she had to put up with Lockhart volunteering her to join in on his impromptu theater where he’d act out the tales from his books. “Then I screwed up the last of my strength and performed the immensely complex Homorphus charm – he let out a piteous moan – come on Aerie, give us a good moan. The entire class busted up laughing at the, eh em, anything but piteous moan she let out. Fortunately, the bell rang and Aerie rushed to grab her things and get out of there. “What sort of…” Lockhart said softly and then remembered himself. “Homework – compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf attacks.” “Professor, can I get you to sign this?” Hermione asked. To his mind, she was just suddenly there, but who was he to disappoint a fan, and glibly scrawled his autograph. “Aerie, want to sneak over to Equestria tonight, the one where we are adults,” Aurora whispered in her ear as they headed down the hall. “Quidditch game tomorrow. And I can just imagine Dumbledore’s panic if I were to suddenly vanish from the wards.” “Right. We wouldn't want to upset Professor Dumbledork,” Aurora muttered. “You know, there are times when I hate having to be a kid all over again.” “What’s with her?” Lavender asked. “Well, you see, I’d been thinking about summer ice cream cones…” “Oh, is that what that moan was? I see.” “And she wanted some.” “I’m sure she did.” “Got my signature and I’m off to the library,” Hermione announced and hurried down the hall. “His signature?” Ron asked. “For a project she’s working on. Perhaps she mentioned something to you?” “Something about wanting a book that was in the restricted section. Hang on, and he just up and signed it? The man is a right brainless git he is.” “Just keep that in mind if you ever need something signed by a teacher.” “Ah, I’ll just have to do that. The downside is I’ll need to get on his good side and given I seldom need anything signed, I’m not so sure it’s worth it. Maybe, but nah, he’s not likely to last more than the year.” “What makes you say that?” Aurora asked. “There's supposed to be some kind of curse on the position,” Seamus explained. “Ah, right, the curse,” Aerie said softly. “Hopefully Lockhart will go back to stealing other people’s stories and leave the school, otherwise we might be stuck with him.” “You think he steals them?” Ron asked. “You heard him bragging about being a seeker. I’ve looked at all the names of past teams, they must have forgotten to add his name. That, and why do you think he wants us to write poems about him? I’m totally going to write something he can’t possibly publish in Witch Weekly.” “Aerie, no,” Aurora scolded. “Sounds like a good idea to me,” Lavender said in support. “But how to do it so he doesn’t catch on?” “By making it all flowery and full of symbolism.” “Are we seriously going there?” Aurora protested only to be answered in the affirmative by everyone still in earshot. > Chapter 92: Quidditch - Revenge of the Bludger. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerie woke early Saturday morning with a feeling of dread somewhere deep down. No, not the monster dread, Dobby dread. If the game went according to canon, she was going to end up with a broken arm, Lockhart would magic the bones away, and she’d end up in the medical wing overnight. “Moonie…” Aerie said softly. “Yes?” Moonie asked moments after appearing in bed with her in her filly form, muzzle inches from Aerie’s face. “What frame of mind do you think Dobby is in?” “Do you mean, do I think he still wants you safely away from Hogwarts?” More than likely, yes. He’s also too brazen a coward to keep an eye on the second-floor girls’ toilets like you asked. Not so much because he’s afraid of the Wyrm, but because it’s a girls’ toilet.” “Figures. I’m concerned that he’s going to enchant one of the bludgers to attack me. Not to kill me but to injure me to the point I’ll be forced out of the school.” “There is the Iron Man armor.” “Isn’t that just something you conjured up to give me a proper air supply and protect me in an emergency? Given that it’s a construct you made, I can’t help but think it’d be no more durable than your body.” “I’ll have you know that I’m mighty durable.” “I’ve no doubt, but…” “I can mimic the molecular structure of the armor you acquired in that Armory under Canterlot, and it will fit under the team robe.” “Seriously?” Aurora asked as she sat up in her bed. Yes, her bed. No pony had climbed into bed with any pony that night. “Iron Man armor? Armor from an armory under Canterlot?” Lavender asked. “Isn’t that supposed to be the mythological home of the Akkadians?” “Go back to sleep and forget you heard anything,” Aerie scolded. “No. I’m wide awake now, and I want to know. Do you or do you not have your own suit like that Mr Stark guy?” “Promise not to say anything to anyone?” Aerie asked. “I kind of want to know too.” “Fine,” Aerie offered and got out of bed. She went to the center of the room. “Moonie, Armor, Iron Man Model forty-two, black and gold, Nova Mark Three. Armor me.” The Mark One was the original nanobot tech suit Moonie based her version on which she and Aerie were calling the Nova Mark Two. “Theme music,” Moonie said softly followed by the room filling with the sound of the Iron Man theme. Armor began materializing near Aerie. It would just hang in the air at first, followed by slapping into place and knitting together. “What the heck?!” Hermione shouted from the doorway a couple of moments later. “Aerie, is that you?” “Sorry,” Aerie offered as the helmet peeled back. Out on the landing, people were starting to gather. “Aerie? What in blazes?” Alicia asked. “Um… you're not expecting trouble at the game are you?” “Afraid so,” Aerie replied. “This is Moonie’s Idea. She created it for me.” “I see.” “Moonie, let’s stow this for now.” “Can do,” Moonie replied and a moment later the armor was gone. “And next time, no music.” “Aww...” Aerie and the rest of the team made their way down to the team locker rooms at ten thirty that morning. “So who’s idea was it to start at noon this year?” Aerie asked Wood. “No idea.” “Everyone got your brooms under control?” “Mine’s about as squirrelly as I am,” Fred offered with a grin. “Just the way I like it.” “Keep yer voices down,” Wood cautioned. “Wouldn't want Slytherin thinking we’ve got an issue with our brooms.” And yes, they had tinkered with their brooms. Each got a feather from a pegasus that matched their personality. Once modified it’d become a matter of getting accustomed to the new characteristics of the brooms. “I’m more worried about the weather,” Alicia stated as she looked up at the overcast. It was a muggy day and there was a hint of thunder in the air. “Aerie!” Hermione called as she, Aurora, Ron, Neville, and Lavender hurried to catch up. “Oh, hi, what’s up?” “We wanted to wish you good luck,” Aurora offered. “I’d say we are going to need it. Thanks,” Aerie replied, gave each a hug, and then followed the rest of the team inside. “Alright listen up,” Wood said loudly and then froze up as red and black armor appeared from nowhere and started slapping onto Aerie. “Go on,” Aerie prompted. “Moonie seems to have conjured that up,” Alicia informed him. “We seem to be expecting trouble.” “Lovely, just lovely. Fine then. Let's face it, Slytherin has better brooms. Yes, we’ve improved on our brooms but they are untested in an actual game. That said, we have better people.” He paused a moment to watch Aerie put her team jersey over the armor followed by the team quidditch robes. “We’ve got better people,” Fred said loudly. “Aye, and we’ve trained harder. Harder than any quidditch team before. We’ve been flying in all manner of weather.” “Too true,” George muttered. “I’m sure it’ll come in handy later in the year,” Aerie offered as she went to retrieve her broom. “We are going to beat Slytherin,” Wood stated with an air of finality. “We will make them rue the day they let Bagman buy his way onto the team.” he focused on Aerie. “It’ll be up to you, Aerie, to show that seeker what you are made of. That it takes more than having a rich relative.” “Now why do you think I let him win that race?” “Knew it,” Fred and George chimed. “I figured as much,” Wood stated. “And I’ll admit to being right miffed about it until we started getting reports on that idiots flying. Just one thing, isn’t that armor going to slow you down?” “I’m expecting to get hit by a rogue Bludger. And for that matter, shouldn't you get ready too?” “You are expecting to get hit by a rogue Bludger?” “Ya. But don’t worry. I can still fly circles around Mr Bagman.” “You better… hang on, what’s that noise?” “Slytherin walking out no doubt,” Fred suggested. “And you’re not even ready,” George added. “Let them wait,” Aerie said as a devilish grin spread across her face. “Wood, as soon as you are ready, let’s do the slow walk. We go out, line up side by side, and take our good sweet time.” “I do like the way she thinks,” Fred offered to be seconded by George. It didn’t take long for Wood to get ready, the team exited the changing room and began walking. Forming the line was no problem at the pace they were going and the cocky attitude they were presenting was slowly infuriating the Slytherin team. The crowd on the other hand had gone wild. Slytherin had been heartily cheered on by their house, but the Gryffindor team was being cheered on not just by Gryffindor, but by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw who wanted nothing more than to see Slytherin get taken down a notch. There were even pegasi up on top of the stands who were vigorously clapping their hooves. “Took you long enough,” Madam Hooch scolded after they arrived at the center of the pitch. “Wood, Miles, shake hands, and let’s get started.” “Looks like Potter has a new pair of boots on,” offered Lee Jordan the commentator for the game. Wood and Miles give each other a firm handshake and then back off. “On my whistle,” Madam Hooch called as she released the Snitch, followed by the bludgers. She then took up the quaffle, “Three... two… one!” ♫♩! Aerie immediately rolled away from the place she’d been standing as a bludger went right through where she’d been standing a moment before, striking the ground and ripping up the turf. Quick as a wink she was on her broom and racing across the pitch inches off the ground the other players, momentarily startled, mounted their brooms, Wood catching the quaffle as he cursed. He didn’t know who he needed to curse but he’d a mind to ask Aerie how she’d known. Bludgers just weren’t supposed to do that. “Maybe we could just blast it?” Moonie suggested in Aerie’s ear. As she had when they first used that specific armor Moonie could make use of a built-in earpiece to talk to Aerie. “We are just going to have to live with it until the Snitch has been caught.” Aerie poured on the speed and then pulled up to shoot heavenward. The bludger was hot on her tail as it arched upwards to intercept. Higher and higher they went. And then Bagman started after Aerie as well given he’d not understood what was going on. Indeed he’d hardly gotten started when Aerie pitched over and shot straight down past the bludger. It had been slow to change directions but was quickly after her. Faster and faster Aerie and the bludger went, and then when it seemed like she was going to slam into the ground she pulled out of the dive. Turf went flying up as she passed over the ground. The bludger on the other hand slammed into the ground with a resounding thump, the force of impact shaking the ground and throwing up dirt. “Ha, with any luck it’ll be good and stuck,” Aerie said to Moonie as she raced down to the other end of the pitch and started concentrating on finding the snitch. Bludgers were supposed to knock as many players off their brooms as possible, not concentrate on one player. “What’s the matter Scar Head,” Bagman called. “Not afraid of a little bludger are you?” The sound of an explosion was Aerie’s first warning that the blasted thing was loose again. The sound of something whistling through the air the second. “Roll right!” Moonie ordered. Aerie felt it catch momentarily on her clothing as she dropped into a sloth hang. Nor did she have any intention to just hang there, pulled her broom down, and dropped away even as the bludger had another go at her. “Close one Aerie,” George yelled as he streaked past with his club ready to bat away the bludger as it lined up for another go at Aerie. His bat connected so hard it sounded like the thing might have broken, the bludger headed right for one of the Slytherin players, a boy named Adrian Pucey, but before the Slytherin Beater could respond the bludger changed directions and went right back to hounding Aerie. Aerie pulled up fast to avoid it. George hit it again, this time straight at Bagman who panicked and nearly crashed his broom before regaining his wits, and the bludger just turned and took off after Aerie once again. Aerie put on a burst of speed rocketing to the other end of the pitch with George hot on the bludger, and people in the stands were calling for a halt in the game to investigate the bludger. “Blasted thing!” George yelled as he batted the bludger only to have it go right back to tracking Aerie. “Moonie, did you include the weapons package?” Aerie asked as she was forced to roll to avoid being hit yet again. “Now why do you think I suggested blasting it?” “Activate all weapon systems, and I want a heads up on my goggles. Target the bludger but don’t fire until I say to.” As to why she was using goggles was because she didn’t think she’d get away with using the full helmet. “On it. Target acquired.” It had started to rain and Aerie was worried she’d lose sight of her pursuer. “The game is tied by 30 points,” Lee Jordan announced followed by, “There is definitely something off with that – look out Aerie!” This time it was coming right at her on a collision course. Aerie waited, fainted left, pulled away to the right, and looped up and over changing direction as she went. “Someone’s tampered with the bludger all right,” Fred called moments after swooping in and driving the blasted thing off with a well-hit swing of his bat. “Should we call for a time-out?” George called. “Bagman’s seen the Snitch!” Aerie shouted. “Just keep that blasted thing off me!” Aerie raced after Bagman, Bagman raced after the snitch which wouldn't you know it, the double blasted thing ducked down into a large trench that separated the pitch from the stands to include timber bracing stretching across it at various heights. “Aerie,” Moonie whispered as they dropped down into the trench. “May the force be with you.” “Ha, ha, very funny,” Aerie replied as she closed on Bagman, Moonie started humming the theme to Star Wars as pigeons flew out from their roosts. “It’s no good, I can’t maneuver!” Fred shouted, the four fliers going faster and faster, the Snitch ever out of reach, behind them the sound of the bludger smashing its way through the trench. “We're going too fast!” “You know, firing missiles at other players isn’t in the rule book,” Moonie tempted and then went back to humming Star Wars, she was doing the Star Wars trench theme now. “Stay on target!” Fred ordered. “Stay on target!” “Don’t need the missiles,” Aerie replied to Moonie as Bagman dipped down to avoid hitting a brace. Aerie dropped down, and right behind him, he started reaching for the Snitch only to be forced to clutch at his broom to avoid yet another brace. Aerie moved in tight and shoved the tip of her broom into his sweep causing him to veer off and out of the trench. He’d crash moments later. Aerie pushed her broom faster now as she dropped down, under, and over braces. Slytherin was up two more goals. “Come on Aerie, grab that thing!” Fred shouted and then beat the bludger back. Up went the Snitch, up out of the trench, Aerie hot on its tail, and with no more braces to worry about she pushed her broom even faster. “She’s got the Snitch!” Lee Jordan shouted. “Aerie look out!” George shouted. “Roll left!” Moonie called, but they were too late. In one well-timed turn, the bludger had connected with her gut and swept her off her broom just as she’d gone into her roll. “Pull up. Pull up.” Moonie started chanting like she was the warning in an airplane. “No! Don’t use your wings! Your shield! Use your shield! Repulsors, you've got repulsors!!” Aerie could feel a force field enveloping her but it was too late. Aerie had instinctively spread her wings only to have the bludger hit right on the humerus of her left wing. Down she went. Pain like she’d never known shot through her. “Fire, damn it, fire!” Aerie shouted as she fell. Little rockets popped out of the arms and streaked through the air. They all hit at the same time in the most spectacular explosion anyone at that school had ever seen. “I’m taking over,” Moonie stated. Aerie felt Moonie’s magic slowing her descent, softly landing, and then allowing her to crumple on the grass. “Disengaging armor.” “Moonie?” “Probably don’t want to explain the armor,” Moonie offered a moment later, now in human form by her side. “Aerie, what happened,” Fred called as he landed nearby. George was the next at her side, followed by the rest of the team joining them. “She went and unfolded her wings is what happened,” Moonie scolded. “The Bludger struck her left wing and broke it even with my shielding. Without my protection… as is she’ll be stuck like that till it mends. Aerie held up a hand with the snitch but dared not move, the rain washing tears away. “Not to worry, I’ll just deal with those things,” Lockhart called. Aerie looked up, saw the man directing his wand at her precious wings, and directed all her hatred into that wand. “Stand back… Aah!” His wand blew up. It wasn’t anywhere near as spectacular as the previous explosion but by the sound of his wailing a person would think his hand had blown up. “Oh, shut up,” Nova Silverwood scolded as she dropped to the ground. “No one is to attempt to do anything to those wings.” “They are just a magical aberration!” Lockhart yelled, still cradling his hand. “No, they are not. She’s part Akkadian. Those are right proper wings, and they are going to be stuck that way until they are mended. If you’d have had your way she’d have ended up crippled for life!” She took a step closer to Lockhart. “And if you do anything to her, I will peal the skin off you while you are still alive. Is that crystal clear?” “Mrs Silverwood, please,” Dumbledore admonished as he joined the group. Others were bringing a stretcher and first aid kit. “Considering all the times I had to rescue him when he was a student. That and he’s a Dark Arts specialist. Not a medical practitioner. And considering what he was about to try to do… there’s no telling what sort of damage he might have done.” “Alright Aerie, let’s see what we can do with that wing,” Madam Hooch offered. “Is it OK, if Mrs Silverwood sets it?” Aerie asked softly. “Sure, honey. Mrs Silverwood…” “I’m right here. Seems her little Night Mare has done a fair job of immobilizing the wing. Alright Moonie, let me see what needs to be done.” Nova Silverwood knelt next to Aerie and whipped up a screen of fox fire.” “That…” “It allows me to see what the bone looks like. It’s a clean break. “Aerie, you are going to need to spend the night. Mind coming to my place in the forest.” “I, um…” Aerie knew that there was a strong possibility that the Basilisk would strike, but then again, did she need to be there? If she wasn’t there, there’d be no one trying to go visit her. And there was the issue that leaving would be exactly what Dobby wanted. He’d be happy, but then he might redouble his efforts when she came back but she’d deal with him then.” “Now Mrs Swan Silverwood, I hardly think she needs to leave Hogwarts,” Dumbledore objected as Nova Silverwood began splinting the wing “It’d only be a couple nights at the most. I just happen to be something of an expert when it comes to her unique physiology. I’ll have her back by Monday in time for classes.” “I’ll go. Just one thing, where’s Louise?” “I’m right here.” “Louise, I want Moonie to keep an eye on you, and I’d suggest returning to the dorm immediately after dinner.” “Aerie?” Aurora asked as Aerie reached for her pendent only to have Moonie reach over, arrest her arm, and whisper… “Don’t you dare? Not right in front of Dumbledore.” Aerie looked at Moonie and realized the mistake she was about to make. In Equestria, it wouldn't have been an issue, but the last thing she wanted was for Dumbledore to know about the amulet. “Aurora, be on high alert tonight. Moonie, don’t let anything happen to those fillies.” “I won’t,” Moonie replied. “On high alert…” Dumbledore began. “Yes, with all the revelry it’d be easy for someone to slip away to commit mischief. Aerie, the bludger. Any ideas.” “I suspect that you may need to have a word or two with Dobby.” “Dobby?” “He was adamant about my not coming to Hogwarts and I wouldn't put it past him to try to drive me out. He desperately wanted me away from Hogwarts. Even more so if he understands the danger.” “I see. I’ll talk with him.” “If I am the one who will be instrumental in thwarting certain plans, I need help, not hindrance.” Dumbledore nodded his head in understanding. “Dobby’s not a bad elf, he’s just horribly broken and I fear his thinking is a bit skewed.” “Alright, that’s done, let’s get you on a gurney,” Nova Silverwood offered. “Got anything for the pain?” “Afraid that you’ll have to wait until we get you to our little clinic.” “Aerie,” Moonie pressed. “I’ll be fine. I want you to keep the fillies safe.” “Fine.” “If there are no complications, she’ll be back in time for classes on Monday,” Mrs Silverwood offered. Aerie was loaded up onto a carriage pulled by two big strong pegasi and away they went followed by Mrs Silverwood and half the pegasi up on top of the stands. Young Mr Bagman while not badly injured was taken to the school's medical wing and owing to his exaggerated complaints would be made to stay the rest of the day and the night before he was allowed to return to his dorm room and ended up having to endure Lockhart’s whining. Yes, Lockhart also ended up spending the night due to the damage to his hand. Thanks to the wand’s overcharge, not only was it necessary to repair the man's hand, the excess magic had to be leached from the hand. As for Dumbledore, he talked briefly with the Gryffindor team and then went to go pay a visit to the kitchens. “Is Dobby about, I need to talk to him?” Dumbledore asked once the pleasantries had been dealt with. “Dobby is here,” offered a most contrite house elf who looked as though he’d been crying. He had a small knit hat in his hands because when one is about to get dressed down by one’s betters one had best have a hat in hand. “Ah, Dobby, a word or two, if you don’t mind,” Dumbledore offered, pulled up a seat about the size of a milking stool, and sat down. “Yes sir.” “You wouldn't happen to know anything about the bludger that went rogue and attacked Miss Potter, would you?” “Aerie Potter is safe now,” Dobby replied as tears began to flow. Other house elves nearby stopped what they were doing, some even began to back away. “Dobby, that’s not a denial, now is it.” “Aerie Potter is safe. Aerie Potter must be safe.” “I’m not sure being assaulted by a bludger intent on bodily destruction counts as safe. “Miss Potter has a broken wing. She’s part Akkadian. The manifestation of wings is part of her heritage. I saw that bludger strike her in the gut and sweep her off her broom. Dobby, if not for the protection provided by her Night Mare, that Bludger would have killed her.” “Dobby… Dobby wouldn’t have… Dobby would have stopped it.” “When?” Dumbledore asked sternly. “I dare say when it was too late. I saw how hard that bludger hit her. If not for the armor it would have dun serious internal damage, and had she survived the fall would have finished her.” “Dobby has erred and will punish Dobby.” “No, no you will not. Dobby is forbidden to punish Dobby without my permission. Your punishment will be that you will not harm yourself while you live under this roof. You will live with your shame and bear it.” Dumbledore's voice was extra stern. He let out a sigh realizing just how damaged this house elf was. His tone softened. “Dobby, after you were freed, who was it who sent you to me?” “Aerie Potter did, Sir, Professor, Sir. Aerie Potter is a most kind and generous master.” “Dobby, she’s the one who suggested I have a word with you. Her teammates informed me that she knew that she’d be attacked. The Night Mare set her up with some enchanted armor.” “She knew? Sir?” “She knew. Dobby, she knew. She knew that you might betray her trust out of an overabundance of concern, and yet she sent you to me anyway when she could have left you to your own devices. And you thanked her, by trying to kill her.” “Not kill her, sir, Dobby only wanted Aerie Potter hurt enough to be sent home. Dobby wants to save Aerie Potter’s life. Dobby only wanted Aerie Potter to go home.” His hat now drenched in tears he wrung it with his hands to produce a small puddle on the floor. Kreacher is a much better house elf than Dobby…” Dobby let out a great wracking sob. “Dobby, all you have to do to secure Aerie’s safety along with everyone at this school is help us find the very thing that you warned me about.” “D’obby can’t. Dobby can’t. Sir.” “And why ever not? Dobby, all you have to do is tell us who has it.” “Dobby is not sure, sir. Dobby can only sense it when it’s in use… powerful dark magic, sir. Powerful dark magic.” “I see.” Dumbledore chose that moment to stand up. Given that even the Night Mare feared that specific horcrux, any reservations Dumbledore had about finding and destroying it as soon as possible had been set aside. Especially if he had no way to control the person who had it. “Dobby, something you need to know. Aerie’s good friend Miss Aurora Summers is a bona fide Akkadian princess. According to the founding Charter, the abode of an Akkadian Princess is her embassy. That means that Hogwarts is her domain while she resides in these halls. She has full control of the wards. She would be within her rights to ban you from these premises. “I want you to understand that Aerie is also in part Akkadian. When her wing is mended she will return to Hogwarts.” “Return sir?” “She will return. And when she does I hope that you can demonstrate that you are worthy of her trust. I’m told that she will be back in time for Monday's classes. If any harm should come to her, short of finding yourself in Azkaban, you may find yourself without a home. A home that has been so graciously offered to you by the very person you hurt. “Just one more thing I think you need to keep in mind. That Akkadian heritage, yes I think that’s it, it makes her resistant to dark magic. Trust that by working together we will come through this.” > Chapter 93: Clues adding up. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up in the Gryffindor tower, a moderately subdued party is going, Aerie’s absence weighing heavy on everyone there. OK, look, she’s like me. She can transform,” Aurora was explaining to the Quidditch team and pretty much anyone within earshot. “When that Bludger swept her off her broom she tried to use her wings. She is probably stuck like that until they are healed up properly. She’ll be back just as soon as she’s healed up enough to stow those wings.” “Never mind that,” Seamus interjected. “What was that armor?” “Moonie made a reproduction of the Iron Man armor,” Aurora informed him. “Unfortunately it looks like Aerie hadn’t a chance to try it out.” “Iron Man armor?!” Dean Thomas blurted out. “Well, why didn’t she just stay here,” Louise asked ignoring Dean’s outburst. “I can’t visit her out there.” “I suspect that part of her decision was so that no one would be wandering the halls when we have a person using dark magic in the school,” Alicia offered. “We still don’t know who attacked Mrs Norris.” “Aurora, maybe you and Louise could fly out to see her?” Isolde asked. “After all, you can both fly.” “We’d need escorts and permission,” Aurora offered. “And we aren’t likely to get either.” As for Aerie, shortly after arriving at the Silver Wood grove, she was given a pain killer, a very careful sponge bath, dried, clean splints on her wing, dressed in cozy flannel pajamas, and placed in the very same bed Isolde had been in after getting rescued from the forest. “Aerie, any chance you can transform the rest of the way into your pony form?” Nova Silverwood asked as she sat in a large low chair near the bed. She’d remained in pony form. “Given you need to lay on your front I think you’ll be more comfortable.” “Is that even a good idea?” Aerie asked. “Given our pony body is about the same size as our human body, and the wings stay the same, I think you’ll be fine. Just take it slowly and stop if it hurts too much. It’s going all the way back to human that would be problematic. As is, you are putting a strain on your back every time you try to look around.” “Alright, I’ll give it a shot.” Aerie closed her eyes, thought about the transformation, and willed herself to transform while putting as little strain on her back as possible. “Congratulations, you did it. Now, I’ve something you need to drink,” Nova Silverwood offered as she used her magic to wheel over a cart with a covered dish. “A bit soon for more painkillers isn’t it?” Aerie asked. Her head bobbed about now that she could get a good look at where she was. She zeroed in on the bowl as the cover was removed. “It’s a curative that’ll knit your bones together faster, mixed into some fish broth.” “Um… alright, and now that the painkiller is kicking in I am kind of hungry.” “It’s specially formulated for me, ergo it should work wonders on you.” “And you needed me to come here so you could give it to me?” “I was a little worried that Poppy might try her standard potion for humans. It tends to have unpleasant side effects when used on a pegasus.” “What kind of side effects?” “Nasty bone spurs and warping. The problem is that the potion attempts to mend the break too fast. We’ve gotten it outlawed for use on pegasi.” “She’d see me as a human who sprouted wings and we don’t want to have that conversation, do we.” “She’s an understanding woman, but yes. We want wizard-kind thinking of us as wizards and witches who have an innate ability to transform into ponies, and not the other way around.” “Something…” Aerie took a sip of the soup. “Not bad. There’s something that’s bothering me.” “Why didn’t Moonie’s shielding protect you, I gather.” Aerie took another sip. “Afraid I can’t help but wonder about that.” “I suspect that creating and maintaining that armor may have been taxing her limits. In short, her shielding was tied up into the armor.” “Makes sense. Everything happened so fast,” Aerie admitted. “Now that I think about it she probably just assumed that I’d use the features of the suit. And is feeling horrible that I left her behind.” Aerie let out a sigh and then took another sip. “By any chance did you get my glasses?” “Trampled, I’m afraid. Came off with your goggles when you got gut-punched. You’d been hit pretty hard.” “Beyond repair then? I kind of got used to having them filter out auras.” “I can set you up with a new pair. The lenses are made from oxynitride ceramic with silver embedded in the matrix. Very durable, but not indestructible. It’s made using the same process as transparent aluminum.” “Silver?” “It’s the purity of the silver that filters out the ambient energy we see as an aura around things.” “If Riddle’s book had been placed inside a silver case or binding?” Aerie asked urgently as she sat up. The movement caused her to flinch from pain. “Whoa now, you’re not going anywhere. I suggest you lay back down. If you remember a silver binding…” “My head’s all muddled,” Aerie admitted and lay back down. “I think my glasses did more than just filter. They had been given to me by Discord after all.” Nova Silverwood stood up, turned, walked a few paces, and turned back. “Does Isolde have a silver-bound book? Afraid I was just looking for anything that stood out to me as being tainted… and… now that I think about it, I can’t quite recall.” “Afraid I’m a little too muddled right now.” “The effects of the meds I’m afraid. As soon as you are done eating, go freshen up, and then be prepared to sleep for the rest of the afternoon.” “Lovely.” Aerie thought about it for a moment. “She wouldn't hide something would she?” “Short of it already had its hooks in her I doubt it. She’s a good girl. Draco was torn between trying to measure up to his father and entitlement. When she first came to us, the concept that she couldn't get her way any time she wanted was foreign to her. She no longer had her father to fall back on nor was she able to pit her caretakers against each other. She had to abide by strict rules. Once she began to understand what was appropriate, her attitude changed dramatically. That and her meeting the Crusaders had a big impact on her.” “They taught her about the magic of friendship, didn’t they.” “They taught her about friendship. “I can ask Aster if she saw anything, but that’s the best I can do. Just one thing I should tell you. I lied to Dumbledore. Well, not technically. You'll be back in time for classes on Monday… Monday next week. It’s going to take a week for your wing to heal up enough to stow them.” “Aurora,” Isolde called softly as she entered the bedroom. Behind her followed the Crusaders. Behind them, Ginny followed. “Isolde?” Aurora asked. She’d only just gone to bed. “Is everything alright?” “No, everything is not alright. I think it happened again.” “Isolde had a nightmare,” Ginny informed Aurora as they entered. The following morning Dumbledore requested the entire school to turn out for Sunday breakfast. Something that was markedly unusual. Dumbledore hated to get up on Sunday Mornings. “I’ve asked you all here this morning to inform you that there has been another attack. For those of you who think your blood status will protect you, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that who your family is doesn’t seem to matter to the culprit. Young Mr Wilbur Nott got it into his head to wander about after curfew last night and is presently in the medical wing. He has been petrified.” He waited a moment to let what he’d said sink in. “We can restore him. However, to avoid another such incident, no one is to go anywhere who is not with a group. Effective immediately. I want everyone to travel with your class groups when you are outside of your dorms, and I’m asking the sixth and seventh-year students to escort the first and second-year students. I’d like to reassure everyone that these measures are only temporary until the culprit is caught. “Regarding Miss Potter, she is recuperating in the Silverwood community. The bludger that struck her had been tampered with. The incident is under investigation. And yes, both incidents are related. Not to worry as our own Professor Lockhart is on the case.” He took a moment. Sure the incidents were loosely related, but there was no point in telling anyone that the bludger incident had been perpetrated by a different individual, and telling them the perpetrator was a house elf could be disastrous. Let them think Aerie had been specifically targeted to get her out of the way. After all, he was aware of the rumors that had been spread concerning the previous incident and this just looked like a good opportunity to stymie the perpetrators of the rumors. “I’ve been informed by owl this morning that Miss Potter will be back with us Monday morning, in one weeks time do to a need for a little extra time to allow her wings to heal properly. I'm told that if they aren't allowed the time they need they might heal wrong and she'd be unable to stow them away. ” 📰 Aerie learned of the attack at her breakfast table via the morning paper. “Thank you, Mable,” Aerie said as the paper was set down on the table nearby. She was still a pony, and her wings were still immobilized. “Nott? Nott got petrified?” “Forgive me, but you sound more surprised than disturbed.” “I’ll have to second that,” Nova Silverwood said as she entered the room. She’d decided to be a pony that morning as well. Given that the two were different versions of the same individual they looked very much like mare and foal. Mother and daughter. “Good morning, would you like to join me for breakfast?” “I was planning on it. About Mr Nott…” Nova pressed as she sat down. “He should be… that is to say, they should be able to revive him. Assuming I can’t do it with my hammer.” “You don’t think he’s dead then.” “Have you encountered the petrifaction?” “No, I haven't. To be honest, the individuals who’d looked directly into the eyes of the creature my Moonie killed, their hearts stopped and they just dropped right where they stood.” “In the books, people who looked at the eyes via a reflection were petrified. I suspect it’s a magically induced form of suspended animation. Originally Colin Creevey was the first human victim. Not Mr Nott. That’s what surprised me. I’d rather hoped that my being here would mean that there’d be no one out and about.” Aerie took a bit of sausage, and Nova helped herself to the various items available on the table. “Ah, your reaction is understandable then.” “Mr Nott was a person of interest due to his behavior. Not that I ever seriously suspected him.” “And you're not too terribly worried about Nott either it would seem.” “Afraid his behavior has been more entitled than Draco Malfoy was. It’s Isolde that I’m worried about.” “I understand that Mr Malfoy senior helped her when she dropped her books at the bookshop,” Mable informed them. “Aster and I are good friends.” “I talked to her yesterday afternoon,” Nova informed Aerie. “It struck Isolde as odd, but Aster doesn’t remember a silver-bound book.” “If her father had given her the book,” Aerie mused. “Might she have picked up a silver binding for it later on? I’m not suggesting she might have done it just to hide the gift from her father. She’d not likely know that silver can block magical auras. We need to keep in mind that she’s likely been exposed to that book for eleven years. And Moonie says it’s the most like herself. There’s no reason to think it can’t exert influence on people who have it. It might even be able to influence people who are near it.” “You think the book itself may be actively hiding itself? Causing us to look anywhere but at it?” Nova asked. “That’s a horrifying thought.” “The thing that’s been bugging me is my aura flairs. I wake up, I’m glowing, I wake up Aurora, she checks the wards, and nothing. What if when I’m waking up it’s the culprit returning? What if they’re right there nearby? I’ve had Moonie patrolling, but what if she needed to be right there in the dorm?” “How well can you use the fox fire?” “Pretty good.” “Can you project a screen with it? Predict with it?” “Yes, I’ll put a thin layer on my goggles.” “No, I mean like this…” Nova Silverwood held up a hoof from which she produced a sizable blue flame and with a sweeping motion turned into a flat screen. “Kind of. What did you have in mind?” “Instead of searching for something dark, try searching for something hidden.” “She might not want anyone to know her father gave her something coupled with the book’s desire not to be discovered,” Aerie mused. “It’d need to be somewhere close by where she can get at it, and I honestly think she’d want to get rid of it if she understood the danger.” “Are you going to have Moonie watch her?” Aerie let out a sigh and then touched a hoof to her medallion. “Moonie, it might be Isolde, but don’t press her. The book might be able to sense your presence long before you can sense it. “Just do your best to keep people safe until I’m back.” Aerie was convalescing on an enclosed balcony when her Moonie appeared before her. “Moonie?” “I’m sorry, I need some downtime. Afraid we are too far away for me to stay in the school very long.” “I thought it might be. It’s why I wanted to give my amulet to Louise.” “And if you had, Dumbledore would have realized just how important that amulet is. There is no telling what harm he might do to me.” “Sorry… Moonie, by any chance…” “I let Silvermoon know. Her priority is keeping an eye on Hoshiko though.” “Here’s hoping they keep a close enough eye on everyone, and that there’ll be no more incidents.” > Chapter 94: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was thick with rumor and suspicion in Hogwarts. Each house pinning it on the other with Aerie’s staunchest supporters among the Slytherins of all people. After all, theirs was the first house to lose someone, and it followed right on the heels of the attack on Aerie Potter. First through fourth years moved about in large groups should they venture forth alone. After all, there was safety in numbers. Little did they know that that safety was in the fact that one of their own now found their movements constrained. As for who was doing it, it was anyone’s guess and no way to know whether or not they were even aware of their involvement. As for Aerie’s Moonie, she transited to the school late at night to patrol and returned to Aerie’s side in the mornings to lounge about in the sun all day. Like Aerie, lounging about in the sun was a great way to recharge. Monday Morning Dumbledore received a note informing him that Aerie would be fit to return on the following Monday. By Monday evening he was forced to make an announcement at dinner letting everyone know that because of her unique heritage, her healing was simply going to take a little longer. “Aerie…” Moonee called softly as she cuddled up between her front legs while in her cat form. It was Thursday morning. “Given how lovey-dovey you are being I’m guessing something happened,” Aerie replied. “Well, the good news is that the creature has been contained to the second-floor girl’s toilets.” “Aurora was able to do it, that’s great… I’m sensing a but.” “Percy got it into his head to tell off whoever it was who was trashing the place.” “Moonie…” “Fortunately he looked away and slammed the door the moment he caught a glimpse of it. Myrtle is fine too. Says she saw the whole thing. The girl has an interesting sense of humor.” “Given that he’s safe I’d say it’s OK to laugh after the fact. How’s Myrtle holding up otherwise?” “Don’t you want to know about…” “Short of you figured out who the culprit is, it can wait.” “Fine, she’s alright. And by the size of the perp, I think we can narrow it down to a first year. In other bad news, Lockhart is starting a dueling club.” “I imagine it should be an interesting diversion.” When Aerie came walking into the great hall Monday morning back in human form she saw beleaguered faces brighten at her return. “Come on, cheer up,” Aerie offered as she sat in her usual spot. Their four musketeers looked bedraggled and nearly everyone in the hall was sporting odd little trinkets. “Good morning and welcome back,” Aurora offered. She reached around and gave her a one-armed hug. “Um… what are you wearing? And where are your glasses.” “I have a brace under my blouse. It’s to keep everything in place. And my glasses got trampled. Mrs Silverwood is having a new pair made. “Wood, afraid I’m grounded for a month,” Aerie called out. “Grounded? For a month?” “Can’t risk another accident. I need the time to heal up.” “So why is it that you can’t heal up faster? Can’t say Akkadian healing methods are all they’re cracked up to be.” “The standard wizard bone knitting potion causes bone spurs in Akkadians. I could lose my ability to play quidditch if I try to speed up the healing process by using it.” “If we don’t catch the person who’s responsible for the attacks, they might cancel Quidditch altogether,” Percy announced. “Cancel Quidditch?!” Wood stated indignantly. “Afraid that’s the scuttlebutt.” “Speaking of which, my Moonie tells me that you stuck your nose into a girl’s toilet room and nearly saw a bit too much. Do have a care,” Aerie admonished. “It was Moaning Myrtle’s toilets and she was trashing the place. Honestly Aerie, you’ll have people thinking I’m a peeping tom.” Aerie smiled. The boy was at least quick on his feet. “Anyway, Ron happened on an interesting theory…” “I did?” “You suggested I watch out for giant turds.” “Ah, oh right. But what’s the theory?” “Why Percy, you’re a genius and we never knew it,” Fred stated as a big grin formed on his face. “I seem to be missing something?” Aerie asked a bit befuddled. “I’d say it’d be obvious,” Percy continued. “If it’s a giant turd it’s obviously a Slytherin who’s responsible.” Aerie just looked at him with open-mouthed surprise as the boys around him began to laugh. Several girls joined in. “You better not be laughing about us,” Kester Harper shouted from the Slytherin table. “They said that the monster is a giant turd,” Aerie informed him. “Surely that’s nothing to do with you?” “Might be something Flint left behind,” Miles called, which resulted in several Slytherins joining in on the laughter. And it probably goes without saying that the first-year Slytherins who knew nothing of the young man who was universally despised to include his own house were considerably confused. Potions were first that morning where they were set to the task of making a solution that would cause swelling. Though why anyone would want to make a potion specifically for that was beyond her. As for her solution, it was turning out far too runny. But then again, she had that damned book on her mind and whether or not Isolde had it or not. If she did, she was actively hiding it. “I know you can do better, Potter,” Snape scolded. “Give you a week off and you get sloppy.” “I’m sorry sir. I’ll… get my mind back to the task at hand.” “See to it.” Suddenly Goyle’s potion exploded sending potion spraying out everywhere. Aerie didn’t hesitate and threw up a magical barrier without even bothering with her wand and closed it in on the cauldron which began to bounce about. Goyle had taken a face full and was blundering about as his face swelled up and was beginning to have issues with breathing. “Aurora, that pen you have?” “On it!” Aurora called, reached into her bag, pulled out a simple ballpoint pen, quickly pulled it apart, rushed over to Goyle, and inserted it into his mouth. He immediately began breathing through it. “Silence! SILENCE!” roared Snape in fury. He grabbed up a jar and rushed over to the stricken boy and began dabbing the contents on his face. “When I find out who is responsible…” He left the threat unsaid but it was clear by the tone that suspension would be the least of the culprit’s worries. As soon as Goyle’s face was shrunken down enough to drink something, Snape had him drink a measured dosage. “Turn off your burners. We are done for the day,” Snape announced. “No one is to go anywhere just yet.” He had a look around. “As no one else is in any serious distress, what we are going to do is leave the lab one by one. I will inspect you for signs of potion. I will clean the potion off using a spell specifically intended for potion mishaps.” “What’s this anyway?” Goyle asked as he examined the pen casing. “Aurora? Was that you?” “You couldn't breathe. Aerie thought of it. It’s the casing for a muggle pen. Nowhere near as eloquent as a quill, but it gets the job done.” “Miss Potter?” Snape inquired as he approached her. She had her right hand out, she was concentrating on the pot, and the pot was still rocking. “When one lives with our bully one learns a trick or two… I’m not sure how long I can hold it.” “Change of plans then. Everyone, one at a time, we will exit, and then I will deal with you. I do not want any of that potion getting spread about the school.” Aerie would be the last to leave. She backed away slowly and saw footprints leading away from Snape’s office, her concentration dropped, and the cauldron began to spew its contents. She had no time to react but found herself being pulled backward and through the door. The door shut moments after she passed through followed by the sound of a potion hitting the door. She turned to look to discover it was Snape who’d used a levitation charm. “Why professor, you do care.” He dropped his hold leading her to scramble for her footing. “Line up.” By the time he was done dealing with the aftermath on the students, it was well into lunch time. “Hermione,” Aerie began softly as she sat down next to the girl. “By any chance did you find the room I told you about?” “There’s nothing up there.” “That’s because you didn’t want it bad enough. You have to want it. It will provide what you need. I don’t know who blew up that cauldron but I can assure you that not only was it not necessary; Boyle could have suffocated.” The two girls sat in silence for a bit. Aerie Quickly made herself a sandwich, got up, and walked out. Aerie ate her sandwich on the way up to the dorm. “You’re in a right mood,” Moonie offered as she appeared next to her. She was in pony form this time. “I’ve no doubt it was Ron. Tosses something into the cauldron to cause a distraction. Hermione ducks into Snape’s office to help herself to the herbs she needs.” “Password,” The fat lady requested on their arrival. “Wattlebird,” Aerie replied. “You may pass.” the painting opened up, and Aerie stepped through. Moonie stepping through gathered more than a few eyes unaccustomed as they were to seeing her in her pony form. “Moonie, maybe you could go back to being a cat?” “Fine,” Moonie replied and dropped down to being a cat. “Let’s not forget that you are agitated.” “What happened in potions didn’t have to happen.” “We heard,” Offered one of the older girls. “Do you know who did it?” “Not really, no. I’ve my suspicions, but no. Probably a good thing I don’t.” “You want to talk about it?” “What say we table it? I’ve got a hunch I might just as well follow up on.” Aerie passed by everyone and made her way upstairs. All the way to the top floor. “Look for something hidden…” she said softly as she held up her right hand. A moment later she’d produced a sizable blue flame. It took her a bit to fan it out into a screen which she then used to scan the room. “Find anything?” Moonie asked. “Four out of five girls keep books under their pillows,” Aerie replied. “That would be their diaries. From Equestria.” She’d seen three of the girls using theirs and just assumed the fourth was the same thing. They were looking for something dark with black magic that it sucked in all the goodness about it and Isolde’s book just wasn’t producing any of that negative energy. “Diaries?” Aerie went to Sweetie’s bed and pulled back the pillow to discover a dimensional diary. Closer inspection showed that it was indeed a diary from Equestria complete with answers from Princess Celestia. She checked Louise’s bed, diary, and then Bloom’s bed. Diary. Cold rage filled her on seeing what was under Isolde’s pillow. The worst part was that she’d seen it before and had dismissed it. She was expecting that sickly pallor, that absence of light and everything good, but the silver had kept her from seeing the true nature of that object. A moment later she’d snatched up the book and tried to open it only to have it snap shut on her. At that moment she knew without a doubt, and teleported to the stone circle because she figured it’d be the best location. Right through the wards like they weren’t even there. She grabbed Moonie’s pendent, pulled it off with her free hand, cast it as far away from herself as she could, and then held the book aloft. “What are you doing?!” Moonie called from the edge of the circle. “Stay back, I’m going to bring down the mother of all lightning bolts!” Even as she spoke electricity began to dance all over her, and with her other hand, she forced the book to open. And yes, it was fighting her. “Crack-a-boom!” There was a blinding flash, Isolde collapsed at her place at the Gryffindor table right before a glass-shattering boom hit the school, and then silence. It was nearly a full minute before anyone dared to speak, and everyone's ears were ringing. “I’m guessing that wasn’t an Equestrian diary then,” Moonie stated. “Aerie!” Hagrid called as he ran towards her. He’d seen the bolt from where he’d been in the animal pens, seen it envelop Aerie, saw black smoke come billowing out of the book, and heard a horrible scream. He stopped a few paces away, dumbstruck. Aerie had the happiest look on her face he’d ever seen on just about anyone. “Joy and be glad, Hagrid,” Aerie offered. “Oh… right. Mmm, I’m sort of a thunder goddess. Don’t tell anyone if you can manage it.” “That… what is that?” “The source of our troubles. It’s Tom Riddle’s diary. Or I should say, was Tom Riddle’s diary.” All that remained was melted silver that had draped down her arm and froze. She took a moment to extract it from her hand and drop it right where she stood. Hagrid marveled at seeing not a mark on her, not even so much as a scorch where the molten metal had been. “It had some mighty dark magic on it, and I figured that overkill would be the best way to deal with it.” “Overkill indeed,” Moonie offered as she walked over to Aerie. She was back to being a pony and had the amulet in her magic. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Hagrid asked as Aerie put the amulet back on. “I’ve got a class to get to,” Aerie announced and started heading back. She met Professor Dumbledore on his way out. “Aerie…” he was winded from his dash. “It’s alright. I found the book. I kind of overdid it, but I wanted to be sure. I’m surprised Aurora didn’t come running out here.” “Miss Swan fainted when the… whatever that was that hit the school.” “She’s got an elemental ability,” Moonie offered. “She disintegrated the book with a lightning bolt. Just ask Hagrid. It’s hard to explain, but she’s near indestructible when she does that.” “You’re serious? Lightning? Seriously? Lightning is extremely dangerous.” “Not for her.” “I use up manna fast when I do that, and I’m hopeful that Isolde will be fine now that the book is gone. Afraid that she was the primary target. Aside from that, all we need to do now is seal up that entrance again along with any other likely entrance.” “Ah, yes, I’ll get on to that.” He looked and saw Hagrid standing in the middle of the stone ring. “In just a bit.” “Professor…” “Yes?” “I was wondering what you had in mind regarding announcements concerning this affair?” “I imagine I’ll just say we caught the culprit and put a stop to their activities. I’m not sure I want to say too much.” “It was Lucius Malfoy. Of that I’m sure. Dropped Riddle’s diary in the book bag of a random student.” “And chose Isolde. Yes, the resemblance is there. And I can’t help but think he’d have targeted Draco if he had known where he, or rather, she was.” Aerie didn’t care what he did at this point. The book was gone and it wasn’t even Christmas yet. Without the book, there was no way to summon the creature and it could stay down in the depths of the school eating giant spiders until it died for all she cared. Nevertheless, she thought it might be a good idea to hurry along and see how Isolde was doing. “Hey, Isolde, I hear you fainted,” Aerie called softly as she entered the room. “Aerie, do you want to tell me what that thunder was all about?” Aurora asked in a scolding manner. The Crusaders were there as well. “Miss Potter…” Madam Pomfrey cautioned. “I know what it was that was afflicting Isolde and I think a little of the Kings Cure herb should have her up in no time. As for that boom, I found the item I’ve been looking for.” “You found it?” Aurora asked. “It was Mrs Silverwood who gave me the clue I needed. She has the same visual issue that I have. My glasses, the lenses are made from transparent silver.” “Silver…” Isolde said softly as a sickening feeling came over her and her color went off. “I’m going to be…” Isolde twisted around to be sick over the side of the bed. “Bucket!” Aerie called, Madam Pomfrey dashed for a bucket, and threw it to Aerie who tossed it to Aurora who managed to get it in place in time. Aerie waited for the heaves to stop. “I’m sorry.” “That bastard,” Isolde choked out and began to cry. “I don’t understand?” Louise asked. “Her father gave her a cursed book.” “She had it?” Aurora asked as she held Isolde. “She had it the whole time?” “You remember how I’d start glowing like I did anytime I got too close to Quarrel? I realized it meant the book had to be close by. The fact that you could never find anything meant that I was waking up when the event that triggered it was already over.” “Book? What book?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “A book that had belonged to Tom Riddle. He figured out how to control people when he wasn’t there.” “And my father gave it to me,” Isolde spat out. “That bastard. That… It means Nott, it means it’s my fault… sure, he’s an ass, but I never wanted… anything even remotely like what happened.” “I don’t understand,” Madam Pomfrey said as she came closer to the group. “Surely her father wouldn't… not knowingly?” “Yes, he would. Yes, he would.” “Isolde, we’ve no way of knowing if he even recognized you?” “I don’t see why not. Go on, tell her who my father is.” “You sure?” Aerie asked. “Go on, tell her.” “She’s Draco’s twin sister,” Aerie offered hoping to spare her embarrassment. “But how is that even possible?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “She’s an Akkadian?” “Salmacis Thorn toxin mixed with unicorn blood,” Aurora said softly. “What? What did they… Oh. Oh my. Draco?” “By any chance can you never speak of this to anyone? Especially that last bit.” Aerie pleaded. “I’ll keep quiet. It wouldn't do her any favors for that to get out. Salmacis Thorn toxin mixed with unicorn blood. Could that have something to do with the origins of the Akkadians?” “According to our most ancient records,” Aurora began. “Imparted to me by my mother. Long ago there was a brilliant wizard named Grogar who was always keen to see if he could but never asked if he should. He is remembered as the father of monsters, so there is no telling. It’s possible he wanted to create a super race.” “Seems I’ve heard that before.” “He forgot that we still had free will. Our ancient ancestors turned against him.” “Served him right.” “Well, let’s see if I can do for Mr Nott what I did for Mrs Norris. Where is he?” Aerie offered as she looked about. “Curtained off area in the corner,” Mrs Pomfrey informed her. “What you did for Mrs Norris? Does that mean you figured out how she was revived?” “We suspect it was her little hammer.” “All I can do is try,” Aerie offered as she took off the hammer pendent let out a sigh, and started walking over to where the petrified form of Mr Nott rested. “The trouble is, it’s entirely possible I need to want to revive him. I’m not so sure I want to.” “We do have a restorative in the works,” Madam Pomfrey informed Aerie. “Just as soon as the Mandrake has matured, Professor Snape can begin brewing the potion. And quite frankly, from what I hear tell of his behavior…” “He’s worse than I was and it probably wouldn't hurt if he had to do first year all over again.” “In that case, I think it best I leave it alone. That and the way I feel about him, it might be for the best.” That night Professor Dumbledore announced that the perpetrators responsible for the petrifications and the rogue bludger had been found out and dealt with. No further explanation was given. > Chapter 95: Professor Lockhart has a bad day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling class, or club as Professor Lockhart put it, started at eight in the morning on Saturday, and Aerie wouldn’t have missed it for the world. She’d also decided to ditch her brace for the event. Everything was set up in the great hall, the long dining tables gone, replaced by a golden stage along one wall. Granted they could have used the stage the head table was on, but then again, maybe there was some rule about students needing to stay off. That or it was just Lockhart who just wanted something a bit more flamboyant. Evidence of the latter was the presence of numerous old candlelit spotlights trained on the stage. Up in the ceiling could be spotted the presence of three phoenixes flitting about in play. A good number of students were now packed into the hall in eager anticipation, and Hermione pondered who all would be facilitating as they made their way into the boisterous crowd. “Someone told me that Professor Flitwick had been a dueling champion,” Hermione added as she prattled on. “Pretty sure Professor Lockhart will be front and center,” Aerie offered. “What makes you think that?” “Stands to reason. Just look at that stage,” Aurora stated. Gilderoy Lockhart took that moment to stride out onto the stage as if on queue, arms stretched wide, and wearing the most gaudy baby blue robes Aerie had ever seen. “Welcome, welcome. If we can have some silence, please. All eyes, on me, as they should be.” He waited a moment. “Ah, good. Gather round, gather round. Can everyone see me? Can you hear me? Excellent! “Now… Professor Dumbledore has granted yours truly, me, permission to start this little dueling club. To train all of you in the fine arts of self-defense just in case you should ever need to defend yourselves. As I, Gilderoy Lockhart, have done on many occasions. For further details see my published works… which you all enthusiastically purchased before coming to school this year.” “Can’t say I was all that enthusiastic,” Ron muttered. Lockhart plowed right ahead oblivious to Ron’s comment. “Allow me to introduce my illustrious assistant, Professor Snape.” Lockhart flashed his signature smile as Professor Snape stepped up onto the stage. Snape was his usual dour self, his black robes a stark contrast to Professor Lockhart. “Wouldn't it be grand if they finished each other off,” Ron whispered to Neville as Lockhart continued his bombastic rhetoric. “Not good,” Aerie whispered as Lockhart and Snape squared off. “I think Snape may actually be smiling.” “Expelliarmus!” Snape shouted, a dazzling stream of scarlet light shot out of his wand causing Lockhart to go sailing back while his wand flew up and struck the wall before dropping to the ground. The Slytherins and quite a few others cheered as Lockhart slid along the stage on his back, off the end, and into the arms of a group of older girls who’d somehow anticipated what would happen. Yes, they’d figured out at least part of the deception, but the man’s charisma still had a grip on them. “Ah, well… ladies, please…” Lockhart said as he gained his feet. His freedom would come a moment later. He climbed back onto the stage. “Well.. there you have it.” He took a moment to dust himself off. “That was the disarming spell used by most wizards, and I am now without my wand. What you all witnessed is called the knock-back. The more power you put into the charm, the more force will hit your opponent. I’d also like to caution you to take it easy. Here, because we don’t want anyone to get hurt, and in real life, it can use up your manna if you’ve got a lot of opponents facing you. Magic is a finite resource. Ah, my wand. Thank you, Miss Brown.” “Ha, seems he knows more than I thought,” Aerie whispered to her friends. “Professor Snape, an excellent idea to show them that. Of course, it was obvious what you were about to do. Students, in a face-off, whether or not you win often depends on who is faster. If I had wanted to stop Professor Snape it would have only been too easy.” The look on Snape’s face suggested that he was not too impressed. “Enough demonstrating. It’s time we pair off and practice what I hope you’ve all learned. The two professors moved through the crowd paring people up, Neville was pared up with Justin, Hermione with Miss Bulstrode, Aurora with Blaise Zabini, Ron with Goyle, and Aerie was pared up with Vincent Crabbe. Crabbe and Goyle had improved considerably in Draco’s absence, which spoke volumes about the dynamic between the boys. Crabbe and Goyle had been held back by Draco who had no motivation to apply himself. “Face your partners,” Lockhart called out. Aerie stepped up to Crabbe, “You ready to have some fun?” “Fun?” “Let’s see what you’ve got. We both know that I can take it, and I promise to go easy on you.” “Easy? Well, don’t count on me to go easy on you.” “That’s the spirit,” Aerie said cheerfully, turned, and walked a few paces back to give the two room to swing their wands. The command Expelliarmus came out of more than a few people, and quite a few had intentionally pared off with people they wanted to have a go at. Indeed, Blaise Zabini had wanted to have a go at Aurora and hit her with a hex that did absolutely nothing beyond a little light show to be the first person needing to be hauled off to the infirmary. Aurora had followed directions, and yet the boy had been propelled down the length of the room and didn’t stop until he’d run out of the room. “Aurora, did you forget to hold back?” Aerie shouted. “But I did?” Aurora called back with just a bit of confusion in her tone. “Well, hold back more.” Aerie stumbled as a fairly decent jinx hit her. “I wasn’t ready yet,” She called as she turned back to Crabbe. Her wand moved with a flash. “Rictusempra!” A beam of silver light flashed out and hit Crabbe right in the midsection forcing him back a few steps and causing him to double over. Lockhart could be heard shouting, “I said disarm only!” “You alright?” Aerie had hit him with a tickle charm and he was resisting it fairly well. “Come on, we’ve both read the same book. “Dispel it, there you go.” “Not bad,” Snape offered from nearby. “Tarantallegera!” Crabbe shouted. He’d put quite a bit into it too, the spell momentarily lifting her off her feet followed by her legs jerking around out of control. It was all she could do not to let go of her wand when her legs went into the Windmill. “Stop! Stop!” Lockhart shouted. “Finite Incantatem!” Snape shouted as he rescued Aerie from her break-dancing. “Well, that was fun,” Aerie said with a big grin on her face. Her legs were splayed out and her hand supported her torso. Hermione and Ron were now in a knockdown drag-out fight and had to be physically separated from their partners. “Are you even taking this seriously?” Crabbe asked as Snape and Lockhart broke up fights. “I will admit to not taking this too seriously considering how many people chose to abandon their wands to fight hand to hand. In that sir, you have done yourself and your house honor.” “Um… Ya, thanks, I guess,” he offered as Aerie got to her feet. “My, my, my,” Lockhart said to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone, eyes on me… yes, well, It does look like perhaps it’d be a good idea that I teach you how to block incoming unfriendly spells. Let’s see, Finch-Fletchley and Ronald Weasley.” “A bad idea, Professor,” Snape objected. “Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells.” Ron had been trying to use his wand instead of the loaner he’d been given. “How about Crabbe and Potter? Far less chance of disaster.” Excellent Idea!” Lockhart declared enthusiastically. Aerie and Crabbe were directed into the middle of the hall. Everyone else stepped back to give them room. “Now, Aerrie, Lockhart began. “When Crabbe points his wand you do this…” He attempted a complicated wiggle and tossed his wand in the effort. “Whoops. My wand is a little over-excited.” “Mmmm kay…” Aerie said softly. She gave Crabbe and Professor Snape a smile figuring she knew full well what they were up to. “Not scared are you?” Kester Harper taunted from the sidelines. “Shut up, Harper,” Isolde said from across the way. “Just do what I did,” Lockhart said with his arm uncomfortably draped around her shoulder. “Right, got it. Wiggle and toss.” Lockhart wasn’t listening but the grin on Crabbe’s face suggested he’d heard as Lockhart left Aerie to strut about. “Ready?” Lockhart called. “Three, two, one, go!” Crabbe raised his wand and shouted “Serpensortia!” And then laughed as Aerie wiggled her wand and tossed it to Aurora. “Oh, right, snake…” Aerie said softly. If there was one thing little filly Nova loved to do it was catch snakes and make them regret their life choices. “Aerie? What are you doing?” Aurora called as Aerie began to squat down, her butt began to wiggle. “Aerie! No! Don’t…” “I’ll get that…” Lockhart announced. Suddenly the snake was airborne followed by Filly Aerie who'd transformed into a pony and snatched it out of the air right behind the head of the snake which she happily began to whip about as she flew around. “Aerie! Stop that! Drop it this instant! You are supposed to be grounded. Quit horsing around, and get rid of that thing and land this instant!” Aurora ordered. Aerie wheeled about, looked at Aurora, tossed the snake, dropped down, and transformed back into human form. “Sorry, I couldn't-” “Get it off! Get it off!” Lockhart yelled and began running around in circles the snake now draped over his shoulders hissing and threatening. “Crabbe, does your snake bite?” Aerie asked. “Nah, he don’t bite.” “Yes, he do, yes he do!” Lockhart shouted frantically. “Hold still!” Snape called. He sounded like he was more annoyed than usual. He raised his wand and just watched the man in his panic. A curious smile crossed his face and he just stood there watching. This resulted in several of the older girls stepping up and hitting Lockhart with a spell-countering charm. Lockhart stopped dead in his tracks. They were sure it was Lockhart. It’s just that Lockhart just didn’t look like Lockhart anymore. His hair was short and unkempt, he had a big nose with a pimple, and his face was pockmarked with acne scarring. His wizard robe was not only unkempt, it was threadbare and had way too many pockets sewn in. He’d even had a pocket protector in one and his physic had gone from fit man about town to skinny nerd type. “What’s everyone looking at? Is it gone?” The snake wasn’t the only thing that was gone. Lockhart’s bombastic bravado was gone from his voice and he now talked with a rather annoying nasally drone. “Aye, along with the glimmer you were using,” Aerie said more than loud enough to be heard by all in the now deathly silent hall. The word Glimmer began to be repeated throughout the hall. “It seems the girls have unwittingly canceled the charms you put on yourself,” Snape drolled. He looked himself over. “Ah, yes… I see. Well…” Having tossed his wand yet again. “I suppose you all want an explanation…” He spotted Ron with his wand still at the ready, briskly walked over to him, and snatched up the wand. “Hey?!” “Well, you see it’s like this…” Lockhart continued as he centered himself in the open space between the two combatants. He held the wand up and then he shouted, “Obliviate!” The wand blew up in a blinding flash, the tip sailing heavenward, the magic backfiring right back onto Lockhart whose expression went blank and dropped to the floor. The room was now deathly silent. “What just happened?” Hoshiko asked as she stepped up to Aerie. “I think he just tried to erase everyone's memory. With a broken wand.” And the most unlikely of sounds filled the room. Aerie, and everyone else looked in the direction of the sound to discover that Snape was laughing. He was trying to hold it in, but he wasn’t doing a very good job at it. Others started to giggle and laugh, including Aerie. “Someone… someone, go get a… get a stretcher,” Snape managed between fits of mirth. “Ah… everyone seems to be having a good time… good, good,” Dumbledore said as he entered the hall. “So, what’s so funny?” “Lockhart obliviated himself.” “Ah… Oh dear...” What Lockhart had done to himself proved irreversible and it wasn’t even Christmas yet. > Chapter 96: Pinkie blows up. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The run-up to Christmas proved quiet and Aerie was grateful to climb aboard the Hogwarts Express at the end of the term. The only concern on her mind for now was whether or not there would be anyone to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts when they went back. That and that ring. Find the ring and say goodbye to Hogwarts. This also meant that should Dumbledore find it first, he’d likely just sit on it. Christmas and Hearth’s warming came and went without incident, and time to board the train to Hogwarts came all too soon. And Dumbledore had indeed found a new DADA teacher and letters were sent out right after Christmas informing everyone which book they’d need. Grade two Defense Against the Dark Arts for Aerie, and the new teacher, one Professor R J Lupin. They first encountered him on the train back where they found him in a compartment asleep before anyone else could get on board. He was a thin, disheveled man dressed in ragged clothing and to be honest everyone took him to be some kind of vagabond who’d gained access to the train. Possibly wherever it was they kept the train when not in use. Aerie, Aurora, and Hoshiko directed the others to go to another compartment while they pondered what to do with him. “His luggage says Professor R J Lupin,” Hermione said from the corridor. “Ah, well then, he’s our new DADA teacher,” Aurora stated. “Aerie, this the man you told me about?” Hoshiko asked. “Ya, that’d be him.” “Think I’ve just the thing…” Hoshiko went to her luggage, opened it up, rummaged around, and then pulled out a small box from which she pulled out a beaded necklace consisting of groups of five round black stones separated by an opal magatama. “Ah, you have got to be kidding?” Aerie protested. “Nope, Dad gave it to me. And taught me what I’d need to say to contain the beast within.” “I see…” “I seem to be missing something,” Hermione stated as Hoshiko put the necklace on the man. “Should you even be doing that?” “Our new professor is afflicted with lycanthropy. The non-magical community thinks it’s just an infliction of the mind, and for those with no magic, it might just as well be. For those with magic…” “Are you saying that he, that he’s…” “And Hoshiko thinks she has a way to control the condition. I knew there was a possibility that Dumbledore would hire him on, now that Lockhart isn’t really Lockhart anymore.” Meanwhile, Hoshiko had some prayer beads in hand and was chanting something quietly. When she’d finished she said “Osuwari!” This action was answered with the necklace glowing momentarily and the man being forced down into his seat. “What?! What?!” Lupin exclaimed, now rudely jostled from his sleep. “Oh… students. Just wake me when we get to Hogwarts.” Lupin closed his eyes and went back to sleep. “Wow, must have been a hard night,” Aurora suggested. “Full Moon,” Aerie supplied. “Hoshiko, what all does that do?” “It won’t stop the transformation, but it will suppress it. With any luck, he’ll keep his wits about him and he won’t attack anyone.” “Well, I think that you are all going to get in big trouble,” Hermione stated. “Doubt it,” Aerie and Hoshiko chimed. The girls laughed, and Hermione turned in a huff and walked away. The remainder of the train ride proved uneventful. When they arrived at school Professor Lupin got up, gathered his things, and exited right along with everyone else, oblivious of the necklace he now sported. Snape would make snide remarks, but then again, Snape was always making snide remarks so Lupin ignored him. Professor Dumbledore introduced him at the back-to-school feast. Later that night while looking into his mirror he finally noticed. He’d hung up his wizard robe, removed his shirt, and was standing there in his undershirt and trousers. “Hello, what’s this?” He gave it an experimental tug. It was by all outward appearances just an ordinary necklace. A bit odd looking what with the claw-like stones. And then he tried to remove it. The next thing he knew he was flat on his back looking up at the ceiling feeling like he’d been hit by one of those muggle lorries. Rightly concerned he went to Professor Dumbledore. “I did warn you,” Lupin said, the two men now flat on their backs. “And you only recently discovered it. Any idea where it came from or what it is?” “Can’t say as I have. Someone must have put it on me while I was on the train because it wasn’t there earlier.” “Well…” Dumbledore rolled over and pulled himself back to his feet via a nearby cabinet. Lupin took a moment longer and when Dumbledore got out his wand he frantically waved him off. "Afraid I wasn’t very chatty with the girls in my compartment." “Girls, you say? Can you describe them?” “Let’s see, there was one with fiery golden hair. Blond with red highlights but unlike anything I’ve ever seen. And two that kind of reminded me of Lilly Evens at that age.” “One of them has a lightening shaped scar? On her forehead?” “Now that you mention it, yes, she did.” “Aurora Summers, and Aerie Potter. The third might have been Miss Tsuki as they seem to be cousins.” “Ah, I remember Lily mentioning something about… hang on, Aerie Potter?” “I blame Hagrid. Turns out Harry was a girl.” “Ah… yes, I remember now.” He gave his head a shake as though trying to dislodge wax in his ear. “It was Aerie. And Hagrid went and told everyone at the Leaky Cauldron they had a boy, and then you went and told the whole world that Harry Potter had his name in the book of admittance. And then the rumor started. Everyone got it into their heads that the Potters had the boy that would end the Dark Lord. That’s why they had to go into hiding. For the love of god, no one gets their name in the book at that age.” “I’m sorry. I jumped the gun and should have kept my mouth shut.” Dumbledore went around his desk and sat down. As for that necklace, I’m guessing that Miss Tsuki had something to do with it. Why don’t you head up to the Ravenclaw tower and ask her to remove it.” “I will at that.” “Sir, can I help you?” Hoshiko had on a quilted robe that was predominantly red with floral patterns. “By any chance did you put this thing on me?” He pointed at the offending necklace. “Yes sir.” “Care to remove it?” “That depends. Can you honestly tell me that you are not a werewolf?” His mouth opened, but then shut. “It stays on.” “I see. What exactly does it do?” “It should, if it works as advertised, allow you to keep your head and behave like a civilized creature when you transform. It might even ease the transformation. The downside is that I sort of have you on a leash. In short, you get to be my new pet.” “Pet?!” “Her last pet was a Night Mare,” Offered an older girl standing nearby. “Before that, she had a fox who turned out to be an undercover Auror.” “The Night Mare was on lone. “Sir, Aerie had forewarned me that you might show up, my father supplied it, it’s harmless for the most part, don’t try to take it off, and I’ll be able to rest easy knowing you have it on.” “Aerie… as in Aerie Potter?” “Yes sir.” “She knew? I suppose she found out. Surprised she remembered.” “It’s a Japanese enchanted item specifically for keeping temperamental Yōkai manageable.” “And my condition doesn’t bother you all that much?” “Not really. Not when I know it can be managed. Japanese wizards are well-versed in managing such conditions. Well, let’s face it, last year’s DADA teacher had been possessed by a leach wraith.” “What about this year’s teacher, the man I’m filling in for?” “Complete and utter nincompoop,” Offered the older girl. “He got found out, tried to wipe everyone's memory…” “Ah, so that was it. I heard rumors. And this necklace is supposed to help with my condition.” “I’m technically a Moon Princess. I didn't want to take chances.” “I see.” “And Mom’s Nightmare Moon.” “Dear God.” Lupin’s expression had gone from annoyance to dread. “Good night Professor, and be sure and dress smart.” Hoshiko closed the door and turned around. “Is he really,” Asked a nearby girl. “And you…” “I have him on a leash, so to speak. I can’t outright control his actions, but I can curb his excesses.” The next morning Lupin showed up to breakfast in a suit of all things. Grey pinstripes, pressed slacks, waistcoat, jacket with a white handkerchief, and tie. His hair was perfect. And it was anyone’s guess where the snappy outfit had come from. Aerie arrived at her first DADA class ahead of their new professor and found the place had been cleaned of all traces of Lockhart. “Good morning class,” Lupin called as he entered. “I do hope everyone managed to get out and get the appropriate book for this year. And as much as I hate to do this, we need to start at page one. We are going to do our best to plow through a year’s worth of material in the months we have remaining.” Aerie had to admit that Lupin’s class had been both enjoyable and informative. Which set it worlds apart from Potions Of the people who knew, no one was surprised when Professor Snape had them all brewing a deadly poison with a Wolfsbane base. Most of the people in Ravenclaw knew what was going on and even Professor Flitwick asked Hoshiko about the necklace. “I can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Hoshiko informed him. “But, well… you’ve seen that suit. I told him to dress smart. I didn’t tell him what that meant which indicates that the outfit he has on is what he wanted to wear.” “I’d like to meet his tailor,” Flitwick replied with a grin. “Anyway, Professor Snape is providing him with a potion that’s supposed to ease his condition. Given you’ve no bodyguard, I’m going to assume your parents figured that little necklace would be enough. Right off hand, between you and Professor Snape, I’d say we’ve nothing to worry about.” “Worse case, Aerie still has her Night Mare. Just in case.” Aerie headed for DADA anticipating another interesting class only to find that he hadn’t arrived yet. When the whole class had sat down and still no Lupin Aerie began to worry. “Good afternoon, sorry I’m late,” Lupin offered as he entered. The man was looking good and Aerie couldn't help but wonder if Hoshiko had created a monster. Good looking, debonair, and dangerous. Just the way Aerie liked her stallions. “I’ve got a little exercise lined up for you,” Lupin continued. “Put your books in your bags, leave them on your desk, and bring only your wands. Come along, time’s a wasting.” He waited only a moment or two as people got up from their desks and followed him out the door. Along the way, they encountered Peeves jamming a wad of chewing gum into a keyhole, and when Peeves saw Lupin he began chanting, “Loony, loopy Lupin…” He’d barely started into the second round when Lupin pulled out his wand and without saying a word the wad of gum shot out of the keyhole and right up Peeve’s right nostril. Peves reeled back, turned a somersault backward, and then sped away. “That’s Waddiwasi. I’ll teach it to you later.” “But… you didn’t say the word?” Hermione asked in dismay. “Not necessary. So long as you can form the pattern in your head and have clear intent it’s not necessary to say anything out loud. Useful if you ever find yourself in a real fight. No point in broadcasting your intent when there’s a possibility that your opponent might be able to counter your spell.” “Cool… sir.” Dean Thomas said, his newfound admiration showing. “Thank you, Dean. And as that wasn’t the practical exercise I had in mind, let us continue... Attack your prey swiftly and disappear like the wind.”*L3 They stopped at the entrance to the room with a sign that read Staff only. “Inside, please…” The room was a large conference room with plenty of open space, its central feature was a table at which sat Professor Snape. “Leave the door open,” Snape instructed as he got up. “I’d just assume not witness the carnage.” “Oh, I've no doubt that you’d just assume not see how they conquer their greatest fears. You might be one of them.” Lupin quipped as Snape made his way past the class. Snape stopped for a moment, and for a moment looked like he was going to say something, cracked a smile, and left. His last words were, “I’d advise you not to trust Neville Longbottom, not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear.” “In that case, Neville, what say we have you go first.” “First?” All color had drained from Neville’s face. “Indeed, why not? Gather round and cast thy gaze upon yon wardrobe for inside is the thing you fear most. A Boggart to be exact.” The wardrobe had begun to wobble and bang as if something wanted out. “Now to be true it can’t do anything to you beyond give you a good scare.” “It’s doing a might fine job of it now,” Seamus Finnigan stated apprehensively. “Put your fears out of your mind. As I said, it can’t do anything. Boggarts are a type of shapeshifter. They like dark enclosed spaces, cupboards, under beds, I even encountered one inside a grandfather clock who was quite adept at making unwary people think they were late to something simply by masquerading as the face of the clock.” “That’s downright devilish,” Alice commented dryly. “Indeed, indeed. Now, what is it that frightens you the most?” “But why hasn’t it done anything beyond rattle the wardrobe?” Hermione asked. “Why indeed? The reason is because it doesn’t know how to frighten us yet. The Boggart is sitting in the darkness pondering what to do. It would prefer one person approach it, which is what we are going to do. Neville, tell us what you fear the most. Come on, don’t be shy. I won’t promise not to laugh though.” “What?” Hermione asked indignantly on Neville’s behalf. “My dear Miss Granger, laughter is how we defeat a Boggart.” “Oh.” “The Boggart does not yet know what will frighten us so it sits in the dark waiting. We have a huge advantage before we begin, and that is, Miss Potter?” Hermione dropped into old habits and started bobbing up and down her hand straight up. Granted the man had just told them. “Because there are so many of us," Aerie replied. "We’d be able to force it to transform multiple times in a short time and wear it down.” “Spot on. Even if one person can’t manage it, another can step up. Now the charm is simple, point your wand at it and recite the command word, riddikulus. Everyone now, without your wand.” He had the class repeat the word and then turned to Neville. “Very good, now, Neville, what would you say is the thing that frightens you the most?” Neville’s answer was inaudible. “Sorry, I didn't catch that.” Neville blushed. “Professor Snape.” “Perfect.” Nearly everyone laughed. “Now, Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother, am I right?” “Yes sir. But I don’t want the boggart to turn into her.” “Fair enough, but what sort of clothes does she wear?” “Clothes?” Neville was a bit confused. “An old hat with flowers and a tufted vulture on it, a long green dress, most times it’s green with lots of frills. And sometimes a fox scarf.” “And a handbag?” “Yes sir. A big red one.” “Now, imagine Professor Snape in that outfit.” “What? Snape?” “Professor Snape in your grandmother’s outfit.” “That… he’ll kill me.” “All the more reason to do it.” Neville’s face broke into a smile. “When the boggart comes out it’ll turn into Professor Snape, cast Riddikulus and concentrate on Snape in your grandmother’s clothes. Professor Boggart Snape will be forced into that outfit and we’ll all get a good laugh. “Now, when Neville successfully casts the spell the Boggart will try someone else. Think of the thing that you are afraid of and think of a way to make it silly.” The room grew silent, the smiles dimmed as everyone thought of the thing they feared the most. “Everyone ready?” Lupin asked to see grim determination and quiet nods. “Neville?” “I’m ready.” “We are going to back away, and you take a step forward on the count of three. We’ll each take turns… ready, on the count…” Everyone except Neville took a couple of steps back. “One… two… three.” A jet of sparks lept from Lupin’s wand to hit the knob on the wardrobe. Neville stepped forward and Snape burst out. For a moment the thought that it was all an elaborate prank went through the minds of many, but Neville understood that this was serious. “Reddikulus!” Neville shouted. His tone had seemed unsure at first, but then it was as though he’d managed to pull something up from depths he didn’t know he had. That and he knew full well that this wasn’t Snape. Snape would have yelled at him by now. The spell sounded with a crack, Snape stumbled, and suddenly he was wearing Gran’s clothes complete with a moth-eaten old vulture. A roar of laughter emanated from behind him. “Miss Parvati, Forward!” Lupin ordered. Parvati walked forward, her jaw set, Snape rounded on her, and with a crack, Snape was now a blood-stained mummy. Its sightless eyes turned to her and began to walk towards her, arms raising up to reach out to her. “Reddikulus!” Parvati cried out. Suddenly the bandaging began to unravel at its feet, its feet became entangled, and fell forward right on its face. “Seamus!” Seamus moved in past Parvati, and the boggart transformed into a woman with floor-length black hair and a skeletal green-tinged face. A banshee. She opened her mouth and began screeching. Aerie had to admit that she’d heard worse. Aunt Petunia to be exact. “Reddikulus!” Seamus shouted and suddenly the banshee was clutching at her throat and quite hoarse. A rat that chased its tail came next, a rattlesnake with a castanet was next, followed by a bloody eyeball with an oversized eye dropper. “It’s confused!” Lupin shouted with a tone of excitement. For Sean, it became a hand that got caught in a mouse trap, and then for Ron, a giant spider. Aerie was worried for a moment but then the spider’s legs vanished and it flopped onto the ground and slowly deflated like air being let out of a balloon. Hermione stepped forward only to be confronted by a shower of failed assignments and quickly retreated. “Osuwari!” Aerie shouted as Lupin rushed forward past her. The result wasn’t like he’d tripped, it was like he’d been pulled down by an irresistible force. Aerie would not be cheated out of her turn and walked forward. “Miss Potter… no…” Lupin pleaded even as the creature began to change. And then the oddest thing happened. It began switching back and forth so fast it had morphed into a blur that looked like static. Now and then it’d begin to take form, abandon that the mist would shift about reminding her of the Doctor Who intro, try something else, and then go back to being… nothing. “Aerie, what are you afraid of?” Professor Lupin asked softly. “I’ll have to admit I wasn’t expecting this, but… the thing is, I’m afraid of the space between a teleport. That space between here and there.” “But… there’s nothing… are you saying that you are literally afraid of nothing?” “Of being trapped in nothingness. “I think that we just might be seeing it’s true… Oh god?!” The boggart was now a blank page. The page was just hanging there, taunting her. “A blank page? A blank page… Okie dokie lokie!” Aerie hadn’t spoken the spell out loud when she pointed her wand at it, but then again when one needs some silliness on a blank page there was only one thing to do. A little drawing of a Pinkie Pie appeared on the page, and a caption sprang up above her in bold letters, “Come on every pony, I want to see you smile!” To everyone's astonishment, the image came to life, produced a rather dubious-looking cannon, and then the next thing they knew the place was filled with confetti; the boggart now gone. “What?” Aerie asked as the bits of colorful paper slowly settled and landed on whatever it happened to land on. Aurora was the first to bust up laughing. Lupin had Aerie hang back when it was time to dismiss the class. “You weren’t going to let me have a crack at it,” Aerie protested moments after the last student shut the door. “Alright, fine. I was afraid the boggart would turn into the dark lord.” “Now why would it do that?” “Um… because he killed your family.” “Oh... Sir, I’m not afraid of him. I’m more afraid of Aunt Petunia than I am of him. Heck, we put him on ice last year.” “You what?” “The leach wraith.” “The leach wraith?” “That’s what he’d become when his spell backfired. He’s in a device known as a ghost trap and not likely to get out any time soon.” “I… I didn’t know. Professor Dumbledore only told me it had been a wraith that had latched onto Quirrel.” “Letting the truth out could cause complications. I’d imagine. But you didn’t ask me to linger to hear about that. You taking points?” “Make it five points. I did step on your toes. Just… have a little more trust in your teachers. What was that anyway?” “Osu… I will spare you the whole thing. Japanese for sit down. It’s the command trigger for the necklace. Sorry.” “Just how many people are going to be able to do that?” There was a note of alarm to his tone. “Just certain close cousins. Hoshiko and myself.” “Naturally.” “Lieutenant Mustang, Miss Kitsu, and Nova Silverwood.” “Nova… Silverwood.” “If you ever find yourself in need, seek her out.” “The last time I saw her she wasn’t too terribly happy about my being anywhere near Lily. I was forced to keep in touch from a distance. For the most part. Sorry about everything. Someone said something they had no business saying, and then the rumors… anyway, once they were forced into hiding I was helpless to do much of anything.” “She wanted me to tell you that she has been working on a better solution for your condition.” “That would indeed be welcome news.” “Perhaps I should get going now?” “One thing more. The boggart?” “I think it fixated on trying to visualize nothing. It’s entirely possible we were seeing its true form. It’s what the non-magical community would call an entity. People in the non magical community come up with some interesting theories. A creature of energy and thought with no corporeal form.” “You didn’t say the word when you cast your spell, you said ‘Okie dokie…’” “I had the spell formed in my head. ‘Okie dokie lokie’ is something a silly little Akkadian named Pinkie Pie is apt to say. She’s a party planner. Does kids' parties mostly. The moment the boggart settled on a blank piece of paper I visualized her pony form on the paper. The boggart undoubtedly accessed my memory of that specific individual and the flood of illogic was more than it could take.” > Chapter 97: A Good Boy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January had been plagued with snow storms keeping most sensible folks indoors. Hagrid was often seen out and about, clearing snow from the Quidditch pitch, or clearing snow from the pens and shelters for the various creatures he had. The month had gone by fairly quietly save for a little mischief their four musketeers had gotten into. No doubt Snape was scratching his head trying to figure out how Sweetie had managed to produce tentacles from such a simple potion. She’d been doing so well too. Why it’d been a whole week without her potion bubbling up looking like it had turned to molten lava. And yet Aerie had a bad feeling that night. Sure there was a full moon predicted but didn’t there need to be clear weather for the moonlight to shine through? “Oh…” Aerie said softly as she looked out the window. The clouds had cleared while she’d been working on her reports. Outside the window, snow blanketed everything, and everything shone brightly, illuminated with moonlight. “What’s that?” Aurora asked as she too looked up from her work. The beauty of the sight had her momentarily mesmerized unaware of the four young girls entering the portrait hole and the standoff they were about to cause. “Big Sis!” Louise called. “Yes?” Aurora turned, and her expression turned to befuddlement at the sight of the four girls plus one rather large gray wolf. Its ears were down in dismay and fright and Apple Bloom had it tethered with a stout bit of golden drapery cord that was perhaps an inch in diameter. Adding to everyone’s confusion was Kaida riding on the back of the wolf-like she hadn’t a care in the world. Sitting there, just sitting like a hen on a nest. “We found him in the corridors. Can we keep him?” “Please…” all four girls chimed while completely oblivious to the sudden silence that fell on the room. “No.” “But why not?” “Because that’s your DADA teacher,” Aerie informed the girls along with everyone in the room. Her tone was completely neutral. “That and he technically belongs to Hoshiko.” “Awwww,” Chimed the girls. “Girls, that’s a werewolf,” Alicia Spinnet said softly. “I’ll have you know that he’s a very good boy,” Apple Bloom countered. “What say we put him to the test,” Aerie offered as she got up. “Aerie don’t,” Wood hissed. “Wood, relax. If I was in any danger there’d be a Night Mare in here. “Alright then, Professor, sit boy.” The Wolf sat. Kaida on the other hand slid off onto the floor. “Lay down… roll over, good boy. Sit up…” With each command the wolf dutifully obeyed. Kaida who’d been momentarily fine with just sitting where she was had been forced to get up and hop away to avoid flailing legs when the good boy rolled over. “Beg, good boy. Play dead. Awe, you are such a precious darling.” Aerie reached out and dared to rub the ravenous beast on the belly while the tail wagged. “What’s going on?” Percy asked in a tone of utter befuddlement. “Verdict, not a man killer. He’s a good boy,” Aerie proclaimed as she straightened out. “But how?” chimed several of the older students. “It’s the necklace,” Hermione informed everyone. “I thought there was a possibility Dumbledore would hire him,” Aerie began as she turned to address the common room. “Mr Tsuki provided the necklace. It’s for managing troublesome Yokai.” “Well I’ll be,” Wood said softly. “I should probably get him back to his apartment.” Aerie took up the makeshift leash just to be sure Lupin didn’t take off on his own. Kaida on the other hand decided to launch herself into the air, flew over to Louise, and landed on her right shoulder. “Curfew is in three minutes,” Percy pointed out. “Perhaps I should go.” “You can accompany me.” “No, I think-” “I don’t care what you think. I’m the one most like Hoshiko. I’m the one who’ll have the most authority over him. In short, he’s far less likely to obey you than me.” Lupin the wolf had got up and sat by her side. Percy seeing this reluctantly relents with the three heading out a short time later. The two made their way through the castle, an odd silence having passed between them. Not that Aerie cared all that much. Nor was she too surprised to find Professor Dumbledore rounding a corner on them with his wand in his hand. “Sir?” Aerie asked. “Professor Dumbledore. We were just seeing the professor back to his rooms.” “I… see. Not out walking the dog then.” “It’s the necklace,” Aerie offered with a smile. “Makes a good boy out of him.” “I see… I’ll confess that I was out looking for him. Afraid he was overdue our meeting.” “Our four musketeers seem to be the first to encounter him. The break in the storm seems to have done him in.” “In that case, it seems we need to thank Mr Tsuki for small miracles. I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’ll accompany the two of you.” “We will be glad of the company,” Aerie replied with a smile. Percy looked like he had mixed feelings for some reason. The three arrived at Lupin’s apartment a short time later to find the door ajar and the inside in considerable disarray. “Professor… did you do this before transforming or after?” Aerie asked in mild rebuke. “Now if he were a family dog I’d call this the result of separation anxiety.” Aerie took him into the remains of his bedroom, had him lay on his bed, and removed the rope. “I suppose clean up can wait till morning,” Dumbledore offered as Aerie gently stroked the wolf’s head. He did not expect her to start singing. Soft and kind, the notes wove a spell over Lupin, his head dropping, his eyes closing. “Moon, high and deep in the sky Your light sees far, You travel around the wide world, and see into people's homes. Moon, stand still a while and tell me where is my dear. Tell him, silvery moon, that I am embracing him. For at least momentarily let him recall of dreaming of me. Illuminate him far away, and tell him, tell him who is waiting for him…” * There was more to the song, but Lupin was now deep in slumber. She slowly rose, and without a word, ushered the man and boy out of the room. The door was locked, Dumbledore opened his mouth, but Aerie motioned for him to remain quiet, turned, and began to walk back to the dorm. Percy remembered himself a moment later and hurried after. Dumbledore stood still, standing unmoving, how long he could not tell. Who were these girls who could so entrance a werewolf? “Sorry, I’m late, sir. Never happen again,” Aerie offered as she entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She’d needed to get together with Hoshiko to bring her up to date on last night’s activities. “The lesson began ten minutes ago,” scolded Professor Snape. The presence of Professor Snape had her so befuddled that she started to turn around to leave. Her mind registering that she was indeed in the DADA classroom she turned back around. “Going somewhere? Potter?” “I’m so sorry, I thought I was in the wrong room. Not only was I expecting Professor Lupin, class starts at five after and it’s only seven after.” “This class starts on the hour. Now go sit down.” “Yes sir,” Aerie replied and went to her seat. “Lupin seems to be running late,” Aurora whispered as Snape’s glittering eyes gazed out over his captive audience. “That’ll be five more points from Gryffindor,” Snape snarled. “Now, as I was saying before Potter’s interruption. Professor Lupin is feeling too ill to teach today, and given that he’s left no notes as to what he’s covered…” “Sir, If I may, he’s covered Boggarts, Red Caps, Kappas, Grindylows, and we were-” Hermione began but found herself being shut down. “Be quiet! I did not ask for information. I was commenting on Professor Lupin’s lack of organization.” “He’s the best Defense Against the Dark Arts we’ve had,” Dean Thomas boldly proclaimed. “Dean, Quirrell was possessed and Lockhart is an idiot,” Aerie countered before Snape could say anything. “Just saying.” “It’s a miracle you’ve learned anything at all,” Snape drolled. “Miracle we’ve learned anything…” Ron began under his breath but shut his mouth when Snape’s eyes locked on him. “You had something to say?” “No sir.” “I thought not… Now, as there is no course plan today we…” Snape flipped through the book till landing on the page he wanted. “Today we will cover werewolves.” “But sir, we were supposed to cover hinky punks,” Hermione blurted out. “Miss Grainger, who is it that is teaching this class today?” “You sir.” “And as I am teaching we will cover what I want to cover. Page three-ninety-four.” He glanced about. “All of you. Now!” One by one everyone in the class found the page and waited. And yes, they’d all figured out what he was doing. “Which of you can tell me how to distinguish between a werewolf and a true wolf?” “Oh, I know!” Aerie blurted out surprising everyone. “Potter?” “A werewolf will most definitely be more apt to want to kill me.” “That’ll be another five points from Gryffindor.” “Please sir, the werewolf differs in that the snout-” “I didn’t call on you. And the second time you’ve spoken out of turn.” Everyone was glaring at him now. “You asked, and she knows the answer,” Ron blurted out. “Why ask if-” “Detention, Weasley,” Snape stated silkily as he stepped over to Ron and leaned down to put his face uncomfortably close. “And I better not hear you criticize how I teach or you will be very sorry. Very sorry indeed.” No one said another word. Snape set them to copying lines from the text while he poked his nose in everyone’s notebooks. “Very poorly explained… This is incorrect, the Kappa is more commonly found in Mongolia.” “In that, you would be dead wrong,” Lupin stated coldly from the door. He had a new suit on. The pants were just a touch on the baggy side with a watch chain hanging down, the jacket long with broad shoulders, an extra large collar on the shirt, and a cravat instead of a tie. On his head wide brimmed fedora hat jauntily tilted. “The Kappa is a lowland swamp and brackish water animal native to Japan. It rarely ventures over a thousand feet in elevation. Mongolia has an average elevation of five thousand feet.” He took a few steps inside, took off his hat, and flung it like a flying disk to have it catch on a coat hook. Snape just stood there and glared at him. “Good of you to cover for me, I had a bit of a wardrobe issue this morning. Thank you, but we’ll not be needing you anymore. Oh, and Mrs Silverwood contacted me to let me know that her people have developed a new treatment for my condition so I’ll not be needing your services. Thank you.” “Lupin… given you’ve mentioned it, I bet your class would love to know what your condition is,” Snape sneered. “He’s a werewolf,” Hermione filled in. “We found out last night when Miss Apple drug him into the Gryffindor common room on a leash,” Alice Tolipan informed Snape as Lupin continued to his desk, there was a momentary look of embarrassment on his face. “Professor, if you are wondering, right off hand I’d say that the most dangerous creature in this room is Miss Summers,” Lupin quipped. Snape had lost all the wind from his sails and he’d a look of utter befuddlement on his face. “Professor… I have a class to teach. If you don’t mind.” Professor Snape recovered himself and hurried out of the room in a bit of a huff. “Now… sorry about being late. Given you all seem to know, I kind of trashed my room along with the little clothing I had. Now… what say we see if we can’t recover some of what I had planned?” “Professor?” Aurora prompted. “Most dangerous?” “Ah, yes. Professor Dumbledore told me about the pixie incident. Apparently, the wards registered well above normal levels of magic.” “Oh. Ah, just between us, I’d say Aerie is decidedly more dangerous.” Lupin gave her an odd look. “She seems to be rather good at acquiring dangerous toys.” “Shush, you,” Aerie scolded playfully. Fast forward to a beautiful Saturday morning. Outside the sun was shining and hearts were bright. They’d also received news that the Mandrakes would be mature soon and they’d be able to unpetrify Nott before too long. People still speculated about who’d been responsible “Perfect Quidditch conditions,” Wood stated enthusiastically as he dumped piles of scrambled eggs onto the plates of his team members. “Will you stop that!?” Aerie protested. “Buck up there Aerie. You need to eat. Get a good breakfast in you.” “I’ll be too sluggish to play Quidditch if I eat all that. Knock it off.” “She’s got a point there,” Alicia stated as she looked at the pile of eggs on her plate with disgust. Aerie ate as much as she dared and when she was finished she gathered herself up and went to go get her Quidditch gear. Spotting Mrs Norris in cat form she couldn’t help but scoop up the little cat. “Hey!” protested the feline in the old ponish, the language being easier in cat form. “I hear you protesting but you aren’t squirming,” Aerie replied, both using the old language as they talked. “I have my dignity.” “Kill… rip, tear… find way out… kill...” Aerie and Mrs Norris froze. The voice sounded like it was in the walls itself. “What was that?” “Snake speech.” Mrs Norris was shaking now. “Dear sweet Harmony and Order preserve us, it’s trying to find a way out.” “Maybe it’ll give up? It needs someone to let it out, right?” “I assume that it needs someone to let it out.” Aerie put Mrs Norris down. “And I’m not going down there after it.” “That’s good to hear,” Moonie announced. Both jumped a bit on hearing Moonie’s voice. Moonie had appeared right there in full Night Mare mode all armored up. “Moonie, I hate to ask…” “I’ll track it.” Nearby a Halberd vanished. “Thank you.” “I think I’m going to talk Filch into going out and watching the game,” Mrs Norris announced and scampered off. “Not like I can blame her,” Aerie said softly. “Alright then…” Moonie was already gone. Aerie let out a sigh, put her right hand on the amulet momentarily, and then continued. Aerie let a wicked smile cross her face, transformed into pony mode, and raced up to the tower past several startled students, gave the password at the portrait, and transformed back to being a human as she stepped through. On her way out, now fully equipped with a broom in hand, she couldn't help but laugh as people excitedly talked about the pony. “Aerie, did you see a pony in the halls? Do you know where I might find it?” Collin asked excitedly. “Try out at the quidditch pitch. They like to watch the game too.” “No, there was a pony inside the school?” “Was it black and white?” Aurora asked pointedly as she walked up to them. “Maybe…” Aerie offered slyly. “I need to go.” And with that, she dashed out the door and raced downstairs. “Aerie!” Aurora called and then laughed. A short time later the teams were walking out onto the pitch. Gryffindor in their scarlet robes, and Hufflepuff in yellow. Each went to their perspective places to discuss tactics. “I’m sorry Wood, but I’m going to go for the Snitch right off.” “Now hang on.” Wood was just a little annoyed, and he was more than likely underestimating Hufflepuff’s chances. “I’m sorry. You do you, but… well, it’s just that I’ve got a bad feeling.” The idea that that damned monster might find its way out lurked in the back of her mind. Getting the game over with as soon as possible was the right thing to do, wasn’t it? Then again, what if it found its way out into the school? Maybe keeping the game going as long as possible was what she should do. Either way, grabbing the snitch fast was the best tactic for her. “Like what?” “Come on Aerie, if you think something’s going to happen you should tell us,” Fred pressed. “That’s just it, I can’t really say.” “Line up please,” Professor Lupin called. “Don’t give me that look, Madam Hooch is a Hufflepuff alumnus and can’t referee a game that Hufflepuff is playing. Or would you prefer Professor Snape?” “We’re good,” nearly everyone chimed and then laughed. Moments later Lupin had blown the whistle and the game was underway. Aerie quickly gained altitude, her old nemesis mocking her with its bright sunlight. Aerie didn’t want to say anything to Wood, but bright sunlight effectively washed out the slight aura that emanated from the Snitch. Gaining altitude and getting the sun behind her just seemed the right thing to do. Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff Seeker seemed to have a similar idea. The downside is that the Snitch typically loitered near other players which meant it’d be somewhere where all the action was. Diggory hovered near Aerie as she let her broom drift. He scanned for the snitch, cast his eyes on Aerie, and then back to looking for the snitch. Gryffindor scored a point and Aerie sped up. Diggery made sure to keep up. Just in case. He knew that if Aerie saw the Snitch first the game was as good as over unless he could undercut her in a turn and get to it first. When Aerie began to slide back he slid back. When Aerie drifted left, he drifted left. When Aerie slid right, he slid right. Before long she had him sashaying back and forth across the sky all the while oblivious to her subtle manipulation. Suddenly Aerie spun and dropped racing away, Diggery hot on her tail. Left, right, up, and over into a loop. Diggery stuck with her fearing that she might have seen the snitch. It alluded him, and when Aerie repeated a series of maneuvers he became convinced that she was just trying to lose him. To the people on the ground, it looked like an aerial dance. Suddenly Aerie was streaking through the air past the players… she’d seen the snitch! Diggery saw it too and raced after her. > Chapter 98: Red Alert! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Red alert, red alert!” Moonie all but shouted in Aerie’s ear via an earpiece that had suddenly popped into Aerie’s ear. Aerie pealed off wildly, startled and confused. “Containment breached!” Moonie continued. “It found its way out through an old tunnel under the Herbology labs!” Aerie’s emotions went from confusion to alarm and abject dread as she willed her broon higher and higher, pushing it as fast as she could go. Diggery followed having lost track of the snitch thinking that she was still after it. Higher and higher they went, Aerie pouring her magic into that broom, a howling roar coming from the white-hot sweep. Diggery dropped off unable to follow. Aerie continued to climb until she’d found the broom’s max altitude and allowed it to do a sort of shimmy stall across the sky. The broom dropped, she pitched over and shot through the sky. She’d left the pitch and stands far behind. Diggery watched her go, saw her shoot through the sky, saw what looked like smoke coming up from the Herbology greenhouses, and Aerie headed straight for it. Aerie closed in on the greenhouses, saw a large dark shape, saw its head lifting up, abandoned her broom, teleported through the air, and summoned up her daggers as she dropped onto the beast. Damn, the thing was big! The head alone was every bit as big as Big Mac. The daggers did not bite. It’d been like trying to stab a bolder, or an oil pipe while it moved about. The knives connected right where she wanted but if they’d cut in they’d done little more than alert the beast to her presence. It had whipped its head around and sent Aerie flying. She’d not make the same mistake twice and pulled all limbs tight while willing her shield at maximum. Several greenhouses bore the evidence of her passing before she’d regained control. Once more into the air, she flew. Once more maneuvering for a strike, the monster somehow sensing her approach turns towards her. Two bolts of energy come from the direction of the quidditch field. It turns in that direction, Aerie swoops in, dives, and before it can lock in on the new attacker she has driven the daggers into its eyes. “Son of a bitch!” Aerie shouts in pain as she pulls her hands free. She’s blinded it but the daggers look like they’ve turned to stone. She grabs for her hammer pendant, alarmed that she can’t grip it. “Do it!” Aerie shouts as her wings take her heavenward her hands beating at the pendant, electricity dancing about her. “Set loose the hammer! Full armor! Turn the volume to eleven and drop the hammer of the gods!” Finally! Power rips through Aerie, her hands regain motion as the crust drops away. If the large black cloud casting Hogwarts in shadow wasn’t enough to alarm everyone, the boom of thunder happening an instant after a bright flash was. Quidditch players raced for the ground, the game halted, and people in the stands looked as though they were ready to bolt. Suddenly there was a golden pegasus flying in front of them, it dropped down onto the stands and transformed into Aurora Summers. “Professor, it’s out!” Dumbledore quickly checked his zipper. “The monster. It’s loose in the greenhouses!” Diggery shouted as he approached. “Aerie went straight for it!” Aerie Potter vanished from the wards followed by the appearance of Thora Arthol thanks to the interaction with the hammer. Aerie had transformed into an adult, fully equipped in the ancient armor she’d collected, the hammer now full-sized, she dropped that thing onto the head of the beast driving it down only to be thrown again as it thrashed around. At least it couldn't kill just by looking at her. Up she went, timed her shot, and threw the hammer only to watch it bounce off. The hammer whipped around to slap back into her armored glove. Aerie dove down again, this time building up a massive difference of potential to bring down a powerful lightning bolt even as she drives the hammer into the monster’s head. Down it goes slamming into the ground, its body and tail thrashing about. Aerie pulls back and strikes again. “Skadoosh, you son of a bitch!” Aerie shouted as she slammed the hammer into the head of the beast over and over, shattering, bits of scale that sprayed out with each strike. The beast’s head slammed down into the ground each time. But it’s still thrashing about, its head still raises only for Aerie to slam it down again, and again until it stops moving. Once more she found herself in a crater following a fight. At least this time she wasn’t exhausted. She jumped up to the edge of the crater and landed there, the monster’s head in the pit, its body curled about, some in the pit, but the majority was beyond the pit. Destruction was all around them. She let herself relax as the dust settled, transformed back into Aerie Potter, and transformed the hammer back into a pendant, her armor back into hammerspace. “Aerie?” Aerie couldn't help but jump at the sound of Professor Dumbledore’s voice. He’d a wand out. “You saw that, did you?” “Aerie, as much as I appreciate what you just did, I think that artifact is far too dangerous for a child.” Aerie looked at him incredulously at his outstretched left hand. Aerie shrugged, took the pendent, dropped it in the man’s hand, and watched as he was slammed into the dirt. The hammer was back to full size. “Professor?” “Get it off,” Dumbledore whimpered. “Please.” “I can have it back?” Aerie's tone was borderline taunting. He was quiet as he contemplated what to say. “Professor,” Moonie said as she appeared nearby. “Only someone with a powerful elemental ability can wield that hammer. And only if they are pure of heart. Even I am unable to lift it.” “Alright, alright, take it back. I’m sorry. I should never have presumed.” Aerie took the hammer, shrunk the hammer down, and put it back on her chain. A moment later he was rolling over and cradling his crushed hand. Mrs Silverwood stepped up a moment later. She leaned down, and with but a touch she cooled the fire in the man’s hand, the pain now gone. “Have a care what you ask for,” Mrs Silverwood chided. “I was simply going to return it to the Goblins,” he offered tersely as he sat up. Granted that it was more likely he’d a mind to give it to someone capable of considerable malicious mischief so that he could rush in and save the day. “Master Smith Brokkr of Akkadia made this hammer. It is not some cheap goblin trinket, and I doubt the veracity of their claim to many of the things they call their own,” Aerie scolded. Aerie took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “And yet you’ve agreed to return certain items.” “Items spoiled by Riddle. Make no doubt that the ring is only usable by Riddle. “Mrs Silverwood, was that you who fired a couple of shots at it, this thing whatever it is?” Now that the dust had cleared Aerie could see it far better. Indeed it was shaped like a snake but far larger than any snake she knew, and the scales on the beast were undeniably draconic. “A Wrym. The longer they live, the bigger they get. A hybrid to be exact.” “And the harder to fall, it seems. You don’t mind if I tell everyone you dealt with it do you?” “Well, it wasn’t me that tried to distract it. And, sure. Why not? Probably not a good idea to let it out what you can do.” “I… um…” Dumbledore began. “Those two blasts you saw came from the Weasley twins. They figured out how to do a manna dump,” Moonie informed them. “I got them to safety. The outlay of raw manna did the same thing to them it did to you the first time you tried it.” “Professor, I think it’d be prudent to make sure none of the students come over here,” Mrs Silverwood cautioned. “Think I’ll head towards the pitch and see if I can find my broom.” “Afraid we’ll have to call off the game,” Dumbledore offered with an air of disappointment. “Call it off, after I’d already caught the snitch?” “Caught the snitch?” “Well, you didn’t think I would leave it for Diggery? It’s in my pocket.” “And I’ve no intention to leave this thing here,” Mrs Silverwood announced and got out her phone. She pressed a couple of buttons and held it up to her head. “We need a Wyrm pick up over at the school. It’s a big one. Do we still have the Herakles on station? Good, send it on over, and make sure they understand that they will need hazmat suits for this one.” “Pardon?” Dumbledore asked, turning his attention from Aerie. “What?” Mrs Silverwood asked while looking at Dumbledore. “Professor, George the V, King of England set up the forest, Hogsmeade, and the lands the school is on as a Barony under my control. Edward VIII, George VI, and Elizabeth the Second have all extended the order which effectively makes me the law out here. I allow the ministry to handle their affairs, but I will step in if I feel things have gone off the rails. That and they already have one of these things. I want to know what makes it tick just in case old man Slytherin has any more stashed down there.” “There could be more?” He sounded horrified at the thought. Aerie picked her way through the rubble, found the twins behind a tumbled-down wall, and roused them. “Aerie… what the hell?” Fred asked. “What happened to you?” “What was that?” “Who was that?” “We thought you went and got yourself killed!” both chimed. “I took cover, and she was just a passing housewife.” The irony was that in her adult human form, she was a young Mrs Arthol supercharged with divine power. “I was afraid there might be someone in there in need of help.” “Figures.” “Don’t ever do that again.” “I’ll try not to. “Moonie, any idea where our brooms are?” “You’re going to need new brooms. I found the bulk of yours…” She’d appeared in human form and had three large pieces, the sweep, and two sections of shaft that might just as well be petrified wood. “Maybe I can send it back for a refund.” Aerie took the pieces. “Look, I’ve got the snitch in my pocket, I’m going to go see if anyone is still over at the pitch.” “You caught the snitch?!” “Ya, but they may have canceled the game and it’s not going to count.” “It better count!” Aerie and the boys arrived back at the pitch a short time later, the stands still full of people as no one was quite sure what was going on. Aerie walked out onto the field, tucked the remains of her broom under one arm, reached into her pocket, pulled out the snitch, and held it aloft. It took a moment for people to realize what she had in her hand. “Aerie Potter!” McGonagall scolded. “What do you mean by leaving in the middle of the game?” “I caught the snitch, the game was over. I saw smoke coming from the greenhouses. Something big and nasty wandered in from the Forbidden Forest. Mrs Silverwood took care of it, and they don’t want anyone over there. I found Fred and George, and brought them back before they could get underfoot.” Everything had come out in a rush leaving McGonagall in a bit of a quandary. “Perhaps we should get everyone back inside,” Snape suggested coolly. He’d not missed what Aerie was carrying. “And by the looks of that broom, I’d say Miss Potter is lucky to have survived her foolishness.” “What? Oh my!” “I’m calling the game for Gryffindor,” Lupin stated. “And then I’m going to go have a look.” He took a few steps, placed the wand to his throat, and made the announcement. Everyone was confined to the main building until further notice and the greenhouses were off limits indefinitely. > Chapter 99: Seven fillies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Great Scott…” Lupin said under his breath as he picked his way through the rubble. And it wasn’t just rubble from the building in that everything the beast had laid eyes on had turned to stone. “Best not climb into the pit, Professor,” Mrs Silverwood cautioned from the remains of a stone wall. “The saliva may be venomous. She and Dumbledore were sitting on the wall while she used her wand to piece together the bones in his hand. “Professor?” “I made the mistake of presuming too much,” Dumbledore offered. “Did that… thing?” “My hand? Ah, no, my hand was Aerie’s doing. Technically it was my doing, that hammer pendant to be exact. I insisted on taking it from her. Damn thing smashed my hand and slapped me into the dirt.” “Her pendant?” Lupin was understandably bewildered by his statement. “Whoever shall possess the hammer and be found worthy,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “Whoever shall possess the hammer?” “And be found worthy, shall have the power of Thor.” “Hang on, Thor? Aerie said you dispatched the beast. Are you saying…” He didn’t even want to say it. “When she activates the enchantment she turns into some kind of demigod,” Dumbledore supplied. “Just don’t say anything. We’d have every two Knut dark wizard after that damn thing.” “A person would need to be worthy of it,” Mrs Silverwood stated. “Not that want to be dark lords would appreciate the fact or care. But yes, it was Aerie that killed the beast.” “But we are to give you the credit. Understood. So what is it?” “To be honest, I’d have thought it a basilisk given the petrifications,” Dumbledore offered. “Aerie said it was something that had wandered in from the forest.” “Good for her. Can’t have anyone knowing that thing was under the school, now can we?” “Under the school?” Professor Sprout asked with a hint of horror. She’d come from another direction and was on the other side of the tumbled-down wall. “Everything is ruined.” “One of Slytherin’s monsters,” Mrs Silverwood informed her. “A wyrm, a large limbless dragon, and judging by the crown of scale on its head and the deadly effect of the eyes it may well be related to a basilisk. It has the potential to be hundreds of years old. I’m wondering if Salazar Slytherin had found a different way to create one. Not just create it, but found a way for it to procreate.” “Instead of the usual of placing a chicken egg under a toad, I gather,” Lupin commented. “And I find the procreation thing to be rather disturbing.” “Indeed. It’s too big and presumably too old. A basilisk produced by normal means isn’t going to last hundreds of years. The one I encountered when I was a first-year had acquired a taste for pegasus eggs and wasn’t this big. Which is why I want this one.” “You suspect that it wasn’t just eating them I gather,” Dumbledore commented, his eyes going heavenward, his attention drawn to a droning sound. “What am I hearing?” “That would be the Herakles,” Mrs Silverwood informed him. “It’s an airship. One of our Hercules class ships. It’s a heavy lifter.” Dumbledore forgot all about what Mrs Silverwood was doing and slowly rose to his feet. The ship was cigar-shaped with a protrusion below the bow, winglets on the lower section not quite a quarter of the way up from the aft, large fins on the back, two enormous engines on either side, positioned a quarter of the way from the bow and a quarter of the way from the aft. Overall it was perhaps a little larger than the Hindenburg and cast a shadow worthy of an eclipse. As it drew near Dumbledore could make out an observation deck on the top, numerous windows along the sides, and the large bump in the front turned out to be a compartment in which several people stood. And then to his amazement, the belly opened up in two enormous doors that ran the length of the midships from which poured forth pegasi who had on strange white coverings. Mrs Silverwood stood up, held up her wand, and sent up a white flare. They’d but to wait a few moments when a pegasi in a sharp uniform landed nearby, transformed into a man, and saluted her. “Captain Selkirk, at your service, Ma’am.” Aerie had gone up to the Gryffindor common room where a party had already begun. “Dear god… Aerie, your broom?” Wood had been the first to notice. “The creature did this. I’m going to wrap it up and send it back to the store.” “But what… that looks like what happened to Knott.” “Saw the whole thing,” Fred informed them. “There was this huge monster,” George added. “Smoke and dust were billowing up from the greenhouses and a great big draconic head lifted.” “She sprouted wings and soared heavenward.” “We lost track of her, and then the broom dropped like a rock.” “That’s when we decided to find cover ourselves.” “When we dared to look again, someone was fighting it. Another Akkadian.” The boys had seen the look on her face. Don’t tell them it was me. “And then George gets it into his head to try Aerie’s manna dump using our brooms.” “Don’t remember much after that. Just Aerie waking us up.” “Don’t know what became of our brooms either.” “You lost your brooms?!” Wood sounded as though he cared more about the brooms than about the monster or the two boys. “How could you be so reckless!? We are going to be down three brooms!!!” Up in the Ravenclaw tower, the windows facing the greenhouses were filled. They were blessed with a birds-eye view of the greenhouses and everyone wanted to have a look. Including Hoshiko who found herself being crowded out when the airship arrived. “Hang on, where are you going?” Padma asked Hoshiko the moment she started for the stairs. “Where do you think? We can get a better look from upstairs. Come on.” “You weren’t thinking of flying down there were you?” “Maybe?” “Something tells me the engines on that airship would chew you up and spit you out.” “I’m not going anywhere near that ship. Besides, Mrs Silverwood knows me. I’d be in deep yogurt if she spotted me. As in she'd chew me up and spit me out. Come on. Upstairs.” “Fine…” Padma relented and followed her upstairs only to find that they hadn’t been the first to think of going up there, and given that it was midday, all the pegasi were out. “Would you look at the size of that thing,” someone in the crowd said as the airship maneuvered over the greenhouses. No one present had seen an airship before. Oh, they’d seen Muggle aircraft, but never up close or in context to things they knew the sizes of. Hoshiko waited for Padma to be distracted, quietly stepped back, walked over to the opposite side of the tower, transformed, and flew off the veranda. A maneuver that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Padma. From there she flew out over the building the Ravenclaw tower was part of, between the dark tower and the middle, over the long gallery, and then ducked into the south bell tower where she discovered Gryffindor’s four musketeers. In human form. “I can explain,” Sweetie blurted out. “Relax, it’s only me,” Hoshiko offered and transformed. “Hoshiko. And we are still inside one of the main buildings.” “Couldn't help it, I feel guilty just being up here.” “Isolde knew how to get up here,” Scootaloo offered. “We can see pretty good from up here,” Apple Bloom announced. “So what is that thing?” Louise asked as she watched teams blast holes under the creature to run straps through. “Not a clue, short of it’s Slytherin’s monster,” Isolde speculated. “Hang on, you think that’s what petrified Nott?” Apple Bloom asked. “If it was from the forest, I’d think that Aerie might have just driven it back.” Sweetie offered. “Na, she’d want to kill something that dangerous,” Louise suggested. “She is a guardian of the night after all.” “You’ve got that right,” Aerie said from behind them. The girls jumped and turned to see Aerie and Aurora. “Relax. You haven't technically broken any rules, and it looks like you have the best spot.” “Word got out about the airship and the party sort of fizzled out,” Aurora offered as she went to have a look. “That snake thing is huge! How’d it even fit through the doors?” “Aurora?” “I can sort of remember. It just sort of fits. That and a lot of doorways are kind of big,” Isolde offered quietly. “The nightmares. Or at least I thought they were nightmares. I know better now.” “Ya, like last year’s troll in the first-floor Girl’s toilets,” Aerie offered. “I know giants are a thing, but there isn’t a single toilet big enough for a giant in there let alone a troll.” “There are scrape marks if…” Isolde left off as her friends decided to give her a group hug. Aerie gave her a curious look. “What? They are my friends. Of course, I told them. I knew about this place because I liked to find high places to get away from being Draco.” “Hey, looks like people from the Ministry are here,” Aurora announced. “Nor did she want to get into why Draco had been looking for high places. “Kind of looks like they are too late,” Aerie added. Indeed the beast was being slowly hoisted up into the belly of the airship. “Good by you filthy…” Isolde shouted. There was a part of her that wanted to say mud blood, but that didn’t fit and she couldn't think of anything else. “Duck!” Aurora commanded as the eyes of the men below shifted toward the tower. Everyone dropped save Isolde who transformed into a pony and let loose a shrill whistle of defiance. For the people down below, that is the non-Akkadians, seeing a unicorn filly up in the bell tower had them all considerably befuddled. “Say, Isolde, I know a spell that can give you wings. Temporary.” Aerie offered with a grin. “But… I can’t fly?” “Aurora and I can keep the nonfliers out of trouble.” “Aerie, you’re a brat, you know that,” Aurora declared with a grin on her face. “A unicorn? In the bell tower?” Dumbledore asked Minister Fudge. Fudge and Bartemius Crouch head of Magical Law enforcement were on scene. “Don’t be silly. More likely a horned pegasus. Now what brings you to my door?” “Steady, steady!” Mrs Silverwood called up to the ship. “Get another line on that thing!” “We, ah…” Fudge was at a complete loss. “We came to arrest Hagrid,” Crouch announced. “So what’d he do this time?” Mrs Silverwood asked. She’d not turned to look at the man, her attention glued to the monster being hoisted up. “The attacks, here at school. The opening of the chamber.” “The chamber has nothing to do with Hagrid, and there’s no proof it was ever opened.” “Afraid the writing on the wall was just an ill-timed prank in bad taste,” Dumbledore informed them. As for the attacks, it was that thing.” He pointed up at the Wyrm. “Something created by Salazar Slytherin. Seems to be half dragon half basilisk. The Ministry should have one, I’m to understand.” “First I’ve heard of it,” Fudge protested. “It was Voldemort who opened it the last time. Back when he was known as Tom Riddle. Hagrid was innocent of that. His mistake was bringing that damn spider to school. My mistake was not acting when I had the chance. When I think of the lives I could have saved… and that thing is part of Slytherin’s legacy. No idea how many are wandering about. Came in from the forest. Imagine the carnage had Mrs Silverwood not been here.” “Dear gods above,” Crouch said softly. “And that found its way into the school?” “No one’s missing so I’m thinking it’d eaten recently and was just looking for a place to hole up. Today it likely had carnage in mind. Attracted by the noise from the game. That or it was a territorial thing. Given its grandsire was undoubtedly bred here, it as likely wanted to claim the school as its own.” “Fillies,” Fudge announced softly. He’d been watching the tower when a black and white pegasus burst forth, followed by a golden filly with a fiery red mane and tail, and its younger sibling. Another black and white followed by two white-horned pegasi a moment later to be followed by another golden pegasi a moment later. Squeals of delight emanated from several of the fillies as they flitted about the tower. Seven, he counted seven in all. “Seven fillies. A good sign I reckon.” “That’s got it!” Mrs Silverwood shouted. “Secure it, and let’s get it out of here! “Gentlemen,” she’d turned to the three men. “As much as I dislike Hagrid I can assure you he is innocent in this affair. The fact that you’d lock someone up with no evidence, without a trial, or even understanding what you are dealing with is something I find troubling. Or are you afraid to bring people to trial? Afraid the Justice enchantment will activate and you’ll be drug into the veil? Or are you just that callous?” She didn’t wait for an answer. She turned away from them, pitched forward transforming as she did, her wings swept out, and was airborne a moment later. The airship began pulling away, and a moment later the local pegasi began to fill the skies. No one would miss the announcements at dinner that night. Advanced students were tasked with the cleanup and repair of the herbology section. Hagrid didn’t get arrested, and Mr Nott was going to have to wait for his cure. The Mandrakes had been devastated and it’d be a while before they could procure more. School went on, Herbology was relocated to classroom only save those tasked with rescuing any plants that had been spared, and everyone did well on their end-of-year tests. Gryffindor lost the quidditch cup owing to the loss of three brooms. Aerie and the twins had been forced to use the best they could afford at the local quidditch shop in Hogsmeade. And then to add insult to injury, they just missed gaining the house cup which went to Ravenclaw that year. After all, Dumbledore couldn't give Aerie points for services to the School when it looked like Mrs Silverwood had been the one to fight the beast. And yes, everyone knew about the monster. Nearly everyone in the school had ended up watching from a window given they hadn’t been told they couldn’t. “I hope next year is quiet,” Aerie said as she sat down in one of the compartments on the train. She was followed by Lavender, Aurora, Hoshiko, and the Patel twins. “You expecting anything to happen next year?” Aurora asked as she sat down. “Short of Mr Malfoy breaking out of Azkaban and the Ministry overreacting it should be a quiet year.” “Any idea what you want to do over the summer?” “Find another pair of daggers for start. Nova Silverwood says that my daggers reverted to their raw state of unrefined ore. They’ll need to be reforged.” “Damn.” “I want a way to fight dementors too.” “Dementors?” Hoshiko asked. “Part of the ministry overreacting to someone escaping Azkaban. Just in case.” “Lovely, and they’d do it,” Lavender added. “Oh, a criminal escaped and is putting someone in danger? Let’s put even more people in danger.” “I’ve got a mind to go home to Japan for the summer,” Hoshiko said softly. “Might be a good idea to pick up a few things. What exactly is a dementor?” “Undead of some sort. A wraith. That’s about all I know. I don’t think the Ministry knows.” “I wouldn't worry about it,” Lavender counseled. “No one’s ever broke out of Azkaban. The only way Malfoy is getting out of Azkaban is if someone helps him.” “That’s what worries me.” > Chapter 100: Legacy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As much as Aerie wanted to spend time with Aurora over the summer, she wanted to be Nova again. To be herself. Not a stand-in for Harry Potter. She wanted to spend time in her world before her friends back home started to forget about her. To spend time with her friends and family from her world, was paramount on her mind. Wanting to explore the mines under her home... well, that was just a side quest she'd a mind to do. With her on that side quest was her Scootaloo who was presently dressed up like Indiana Jones for the little adventure they were undertaking. They were also accompanied by Apple Bloom dressed in some ancient Earth Pony armor she’d found, Sweetie Belle was sporting a Lara Croft-inspired outfit, Cozy (Sam Ayers) was wearing a green cloak and had brought a bow and arrows set, and a certain dark green member of the Night Guard, a mare named Idol Hooves in full Night Guard armor shaded dark green. Their group also included two of Idol’s guards who were gray and sported similar dark green armor, along with Moonie, and Sunset Shimmer. Shimmer had decided to use some utility armor for the day shift ponies and had a gray wizard’s robe on over it. And I should probably mention that Idol had reluctantly accepted the rank of Lieutenant and now had her very own special detail which was attached to the Night Wing. “I… um, haven't been down this way,” Idol cautioned as Aerie retraced her steps into the heart of the mountain. “Have any members of the special detail come this way?” Her question was directed at the two guards. They answered that they were unaware of any. “Is this even a good idea,” Scootaloo asked. “I wonder if mapping old tunnels is a potential cutie mark?” Apple Bloom asked as the group looked about. They’d but the light of their horns and a couple of lanterns that they’d brought. “Last time I came this way I was in a mirror world and fighting lings,” Aerie offered. “No offense to our escort.” “Offense is not a Ling trait,” Idol offered. “But understood. From what you described, had we not countered Queen Chrysalis it would have been disastrous regardless of the outcome.” “There is good air this way,” Offered one of the guards. “Despite the depth.” “Indeed,” Aerie replied. “The stonework unnerves me,” offered the other. Indeed the structure they were going through looked to have been hued from the very stone and done so with tools that cut solid stone smooth as ice. There were ornate arches, columned halls, and great rooms that looked as though they’d been vacated not but a short time ago. Only the dust bore witness to time. “The carvings in the walls look like traditional earth pony designs,” Apple Bloom remarked as she held up her lantern. “I see some ponies, but they are all beasts of burden to some sort of stocky bipedal creature.” “It would not surprise me if they are both ancestors to Earth ponies,” Aerie suggested. “You want to try explaining that?” Bloom asked crossly. “Discord.” “Discord? Oh right. Mash them both together and create a whole new race of sentient beings. OK, ya, I can see that. Still though.” “That or Grogar,” Aerie mused as she stopped. The light from her horn now illuminated two large stone draft ponies in full armor guarding a large set of double doors. Larger than life they were, or at least they seemed so. “Well?” Sunset asked. “When I fought my way out the doors were all open and I wasn’t exactly admiring the scenery. I just figured that all I had to do was keep going up and if I couldn't find a way out I’d make one. Trying to retrace my steps in undisturbed corridors is a little tricky.” “Fair enough. Shall we open the doors then?” “So what’s the writing on the door say? I don’t seem to know that script.” “Speak friend and enter.” “Oh, that’s not one bit ominous,” Aerie replied sarcastically. “No lake, we should be good.” “Lake?” Sweetie asked as Sunset stepped up to the door. “Félagi,” Sunset said the word while prodding at the door with her magic. At first, nothing happened, and then Aerie stepped up to the door, pulled on the handle, and opened the door. “Overthinking, we were,” Aerie teased. Sunset couldn't help but laugh. Within they found a grand hall. Every stone surface was covered in ornate carving, and there were lumps of fabric that looked like they may have been banners at one time. The group slowly entered, their meager light barely illuminating the far walls and ceiling. “Let’s try this way,” Aerie offered and turned to head down a corridor off to the left. “Should we maybe be marking our way?” Sweetie asked as they passed into the expansive corridor. “I’m mapping everywhere we go,” Moonie responded. “And if we get separated you have but to follow our hoof prints. That alone would be enough to get us back up to where there are ponies about.” “I can have teams paint some of those directional lines they use in big institutions to help people find their way,” Idol offered. “I’m sure that’ll be lots of help,” Sunset offered with a smirk. “Are we even going in the right direction?” Scootaloo asked. “Can't say, I'm just going by dead reckoning. Trying to trace my path from another world that could have numerous subtle differences,” Aerie offered as they passed into another large chamber. “You know, we could have gotten you daggers from the armory,” Sunset pointed out. “While that’s true, you want to find the Master Smith’s forge just as much as I do.” “OK, you got me there.” “Here we go…” They’d just passed through another large archway. “Things are starting to look familiar.” She turned left once more and headed for a large ornate door. The room itself looked a great deal like a warehouse and had many containers stacked up on shelves. “It’s like they just walked away from the place,” Apple Bloom commented. “I’m thinking that these deep chambers predated Equestria.” Aerie stopped at the door, cast a spell on the door, and then slowly opened it. “What spell was that?” Sunset asked. “Simple lubricant spell. The last thing I want is to go this far and be stymied by a door mechanism that doesn’t want to work.” Aerie stepped through the door. “Bingo.” “That has got to be the biggest blacksmith shop I’ve ever seen,” Apple Bloom said softly as she looked into the room, her lantern illuminating whichever direction she looked. Aerie hadn’t thought about what she would do next. Sure there had been light in the other underground chambers, but to reach over and turn on a light switch was technically her brain shutting off and her body doing its own thing. Suddenly there was light. “I wonder if that explains the fresh air?” Sunset said dryly. “Hum… who would have thought?” Aerie looked at the switch as her mind played catch up. “How old do you think this place is?” “Predates Canterlot as we know it. Few ventured into the mines when I was a filly. Occasionally a team would go in to harvest crystals, but that was about it.” “Good air, no one goes down here, a good place to set up a hive,” Idol added. “Most ponies use enchanted lighting systems created by unicorns,” Sunset stated. “Electronics are just a novelty and here this place has working lights that are older than a thousand years.” “Might even be pre-Discord.” “Pre-Discord?” Apple Bloom asked as she looked about. “I don’t get it?” Cozy said as she ventured into the room. Within the room was mine equipment waiting for repairs along with all manner of bladed weapons and armor. “If they had electricity, why mess around with such old-fashioned weaponry?” “My hammer is a bit like an artillery device. And given that they undoubtedly had access to other worlds, the last thing they’d want to do is take weapons with them that would stand out too much.” Aerie took a step and slowly made her way over to a large hammer near the forge. When she was but a pace away electricity arched out connecting her hammer and the one on the bench. A moment later a small portal opened up and the one on the bench vanished through it. “What just happened?” Sunset asked. “I have Nova Silverwood’s hammer. The one meant for her. The one meant for me just went to her… I sure hope it didn’t break anything.” Her statement was met with silence. She looked about and spotted the mining lance, took a step, reached out, and placed her hoof on it. “Nova…” Scootaloo said softly and then walked over to her. “It won’t do me any good against dementors.” “What is it?” “It’s a mining lance used by Unicorns a long time ago,” Sunset informed her. “It will cut through solid stone. Nova, you weren’t thinking of doing something with that?” Aerie picked it up and put it in her saddle bag. “Kobayashi Maru. The no-win scenario. Unless one cheats. This will be my cheat code.” “I see,” Sunset said softly and then walked over to a table where several items lay. “Do you intend to kill?” “If I must. I don’t want to. Not needlessly. But if I am faced with the cancer that has permeated wizard society I can see no other way than I will. I’m not exactly an innocent babe.” “I’ve heard,” Idol said softly. “You were restoring order. You need not be ashamed.” “We could have been friends.” “The ideal way to deal with an enemy. Make them a friend. But we can not be friends with everyone just as we dare not reveal ourselves to just anyone.” “Truer words,” Nova replied. “Just as I must never reveal my true self to just any wizard. They’d brand me a monster to be destroyed, of that I’ve no doubt.” “I’d call you an angel,” Sunset offered as she picked up an odd flashlight-shaped device in her magic turning it about to examine it. “One of them Arch angels that go in and kick flank.” “Sunset… is that what it looks like?” Both were now very interested in the interesting item Sunset had found. “Kind of looks like it.” A small hatch opened up to reveal an empty chamber. “Well… that’s either a battery compartment or it needs a crystal.” She pointed the business end away from herself. “Definitely not working.” “Any more floating about?” “I thought you wanted a new set of daggers?” “New daggers would be nice, but they’d be useless against a Dementor. Or so I suppose.” “Whereas a device capable of cutting through steel just might. Look, if you find yourself cornered just try that headache inducer of yours.” “You mean a burst of all four of my pools of manna.” “It’s what our new energy weapons are based on.” “Speaking of which, has Bright Star shared their Dimensional Warp tech with us.” “We’ve already got the Firefly fully outfitted. Look, with what you’ve suggested might happen I fully intend to follow that train.” “I’m half tempted to have the Arcadia show up at school.” “I thought you wanted a low profile?” “I got bad news from Mrs Silverwood. I’m down to one item left to find and destroy. Mrs Silverwood was able to locate the hiding place and someone else has already been there.” “Here’s the daggers,” Apple Bloom offered from a short way away. “If push comes to shove, I think it may be time for a show of force. If Wizardkind sends dementors to Hogwarts, Akkadia declares it an act of war.” “Something tells me you might want to clear that with Mrs Silverwood.” Aerie’s first indication that the new school year was indeed going to be the year of the Prisoner of Azkaban happened the same day they all got their letters for the coming school year. Hoshiko had returned from Japan the day before and had brought numerous items with her from the Fushimi Inari shrine. To each, she presented a small brocade bag which she explained had received the blessings of Inari and intended to protect from harm and corrupt beings. Aerie put down the morning paper and let out a sigh. The Headlines: Lucius Malfoy escapes from Azkaban. 👥 “Aster?! Aster, calm down, please.” Nova Silverwood had been summoned to a lab to deal with a pony who’d had a breakdown only to find that it was Aster who was destroying the lab. Everyone was presently in pony form. “Princess,” Aster said softly, her face streaked with tears, went to her and the two embraced and slumped to the floor. “Aster please, what is it that has you so upset?” “That monster, that abomination…” Aster was on the team that was analyzing the genetic makeup of Slytherin’s monster. “It’s made of pony.” “What?” “The base DNA is winged pony. It’s Equestrian DNA. When that beast back in 1903 attacked the pony tribes it wasn’t eating the eggs, that’s how it reproduced. Instead of creating a basilisk from a chicken egg that son of a Minotaur figured out how to use a pegasus egg.” “Miss Aster?” Isolde called tentatively from the door. She was in her human form given it was easier for her to ride over that way. She’d been brought over to see if she could calm Aster down. She’d heard. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll be alright. It’s just that if someone offered me a way to go back in time so I could kill Salazar Slytherin I’d jump at the chance right now.” “You and me both,” Mrs Silverwood said softly. She let out a huff. “Isolde, can you look after Aster? There’s something I need to check on.” Nova Silverwood Swan let go of her embrace and stood up. She walked over to the smashed doors that opened out over a balcony, stepped out, stood up while transforming to human form kept her wings, and held out her hand. Moments later a large war hammer came flying through the air and slapped into her palm. “There is something I need to check on.” A moment later her wings had lifted her into the air. “Where is she going?” asked the pegasus that had brought Isolde over. “And in full warrior mode no less.” “Looks like she’s going to Hogwarts,” Isolde said as she watched Nova Silverwood vanish from sight. “And what’s with that hammer?” “That hammer showed up about a week ago. Left a crater in the forest floor,” Aster informed her. Nova Silverwood alighted on the steps to the great hall at Hogwarts a short time later, now in full armor. She pushed her way through the doors even as her Moonie landed on the steps behind her. “Nova, what are you doing? Where are you going?” “I need to check on something.” She’d only gone a short way when Dumbledore came hurrying down the hall to greet her. “Professor.” “Mrs Silverwood? What brings you to Hogwarts in dare I say it, a murderous mood, it would seem.” “I need to check on Slytherin’s crypt,” she offered as she continued past. “You know where it is?” Dumbledore turned and hurried after her. “And is that Aerie’s hammer?” “She’d gone down there in oh-three,” Moonie offered as she transformed into human form. “Regarding the hammer, yes, technically.” “Technically?” “This one is mine now. The beast I hunted so long ago fled from me on realizing it was being hunted. I wanted to go after it but had to satisfy myself with the destruction of a large effigy of the man’s face. That’s where I found a clutch of eggs. In a chamber behind the face. The primary entrance is the second-floor girls’ toilets. That much I’m sure you’ve figured out. Care to join me?” “I may regret it, but yes, I’d like that. I’d like to know for myself what’s down there.” “Well then, come along.” The three continued along until they’d come to the room they’d wanted. “Um… hello?” Myrtle offered as the three entered. “Good morning Miss Warren,” Moonie offered. “We seem to be on a mission.” “Can I come?” “I don’t see why not?” Nova offered as she sought out the faucet with the snake on it. “Let’s see if I can still do it…” She whispered that most ancient of tongues and a moment later the fountain for washing hands parted, the floor opened, and circular stairs appeared. “You can open it?” Myrtle exclaimed excitedly. She let Nova Silverwood go first. Down, down, and even further down they went. “Something wrong with your hand?” Nova asked Dumbledore. The steps had gone deep under the castle and he’d yet to steady himself with his right hand. “Something bit me. It’s nothing to worry about.” “Indeed.” The path leveled out into a smallish cavern from which several concrete culverts connected to various tunnels. Here and there stalactites hung from the ceiling, water could be heard dripping, and in a few locations, natural columns could be seen. And the light, well, interesting enough, that was coming from Myrtle. After all, what use is a ghost that can’t be seen in the dark? “Is that… I mean the concrete?” Dumbledore had pulled out a wand which he held in his left hand. The light coming from it was a little better than Myrtle’s light. Not that Nova and Moonie cared. They could see mighty fine in limited light, or even no light. “Romans had concrete. No reason to believe the founders didn’t know how to make it. Might even help to explain some of the peculiarities of this place given that the shaft shouldn't even exist. Heck, a couple hundred years ago most nonmagical people had no indoor plumbing. Come on, this way,” Nova Silverwood offered as she headed down the largest tunnel. “Be nice if there were maps of these tunnels somewhere.” “Afraid it would take a dedicated survey party and I doubt we’d have many volunteers.” “And some heavy artillery,” Moonie added. “And bring the roof down on their heads I’d think,” Nova mused. “Although… I just bet the Weasley twins would jump at the opportunity.” “I’d be surprised to learn they haven't already been down here,” Dumbledore mused. “Oh, I do keep track of after-hours activities when I can. I am, allow some mischief. I wasn’t much better. And to be honest I spent a good deal of my younger years here actively seeking out entrances to the underground. That’s how I know how dangerous it can be down here.” They had but a short time to go to come to a large vault door. Nova Silverwood spoke in that strange hissing language, the snake-like bolts drew back, and the door opened. She stepped through followed by Dumbledore, Moonie, and Myrtle. “Snakes… of course, it’d be snakes,” Dumbledore said softly as they entered the massive chamber. “I’d put a substantial seal on that door. So what sort of crypt does Godric Gryffindor have?” “Compared to this, a fairly modest crypt at a reasonably mundane cemetery.” Dumbledore stopped on spotting the ruins of Slytherin’s face. “And the pools. All this water. No proper basilisk would want to have anything to do with a place like this. They don’t like water. Mrs Silverwood?” Nova spread her wings and lifted herself into the air, and then dropped on the edge of the ledge that led to the chamber beyond. Dumbledore climbed up to where she was to lay his eyes on a chamber covered in the remains of cracked shells and the bones of the creatures inside. Beneath them, there was a floor with finely detailed inlaid patterns. Nova slowly walked over to one of the eggs, pulled out her wand, and picked through the remains. “So what are we looking for?” “When I attended school here I discovered this chamber. I’ve kept what happened here a secret from all save the headmaster because I bungled my attack. The monster fled.” She shifted to the remains of another egg. “Look at the floor. There are inscriptions. As for what I’m looking at, Salazar Slytherin was using pegasus eggs. From this, he created a much larger monster that wouldn't mind such damp conditions. I rescued one pegasus egg that hadn’t been tainted yet, but, they are all in varying stages of metamorphose. Half pony, half draconic.” She moved to another, checked it, and then on to another to check that too. “Instead of using chicken eggs, he used pegasus eggs. I killed them. All of them. At least that’s my assumption. The eggs were a sickly green. Monsters so far as I knew, and I destroyed all but the one that escaped me.” “You’d no way to know, and I dare say you’d not have a way to reverse it. Even with all my knowledge I’ve never heard of such a thing as this let alone a way to reverse it. Very dark magic this. To twist such a creature. Pure, innocent, and magically potent. Salazar was truly twisted.” “Dark magic the likes of which even those who study it would not touch I gather.” “I know of no way to reverse something like this,” Moonie offered. “Even if we had known.” “We would have been forced to destroy every last one of them anyway. Is that what you are saying? Knowing would have made it that much harder.” “And the one you saved?” “You know him. I named him Goldwine. He spends the winters in the islands, and summers in the Silverwood community. He is showing his age and doesn’t care for extreme temperatures.” She moved to another egg, and then on to another. “He keeps busy with his civic responsibilities given he’s the head of the Silverwood clan.” “I thought you were the head of your clan?” Dumbledore asked. “I am their Princess and Matriarch. I am not the head of the clan. I am not the clan Chief.” She moved to another shell. "Each of the English pegasus clans has their chief.” “How many were you going to inspect?” “Any shells without an occupant could potentially be another of those aberrations lurking about down here.” “A rather frightening thought.” “And then I’ve got a mind to destroy this floor.” “You’d risk the ceiling coming down on you.” “In which case you should probably leave,” Myrtle suggested dryly. “But… Mrs Silverwood? You’ll die.” “Not hardly.” “What about the wards? Not to mention the possibility of unintended consequences.” “The wards never stopped me, nor is this tied to the wards. The script, while Greek-based, lacks any of the older Akkadian scripts.” She moved about now examining the script. “Yes, I can access the wards, and that is linked to a much older artifact. “Selena…” Nova said after she’d looked about a while longer. Dumbledore had begun to look about as well and had found a small iron shot. It looked to have been round at one point but showed signs of having hit something hard at a high rate of speed. “There, um…” Dumbledore had found a shell that was cracked open and not smashed. “Yes, I saw that. Part of why I want to destroy this incubator. That is what it is after all. Simply putting a toad on an egg never did anything without a catalyst. “I can only hope there is only one. I may never find that last victim, but I can make sure no other foal gets turned into Slytherin’s basilisk. And you can keep that iron shot. It’s what I used to destroy the mask and the eggs. I like to keep some shots on me. I can propel the shot at some mighty deadly speeds. “Selena, if you could, get Professor Dumbledore out of here.” “Professor,” Moonie offered and turned back into a pony. “Allow me to give you a lift… here…” Given the robes he wore she needed to lay down so he could climb up. “You ever ride a pegasus?” “Well, no actually,” he offered as he readied to climb on. “Legs ahead of the wing joints.” “Yes, yes, that much I know. I’ll be sitting right on your shoulders.” “In this case, you are going to need to lay flat on my neck. Low clearance.” “You aren’t thinking of trying to fly out of here are you?” “Not enough room for the wings past the snake statues. I will be trotting through most of it, and there should be just enough clearance for most of it. I just don’t want your head connecting with a stalactite.” “I’d say we are in agreement with that.” “I think I’ll stay. I want to watch,” Myrtle announced. “What? I’m dead. I can’t get any deader.” “Fair enough, and Selena, as soon as you’ve got him up those stairs, let me know,” Nova said with a smile on her face. “We wouldn't want him trapped down here.” She waited for Dumbledore to get mounted up, and as Moonie flew to the far end she walked to the center of the incubator. There she waited while Myrtle busied herself by looking at all the little things she found interesting. “Is he out yet,” Myrtle asked after about an hour. “That’s a lot of steps for one old man.” “Imagine if it had been a pitfall with no way out.” “That’d just be dumb. I’ve no doubt Salazar Slytherin would have wanted a student to do the dirty deed as their first act of blood cleansing before starting on his vocation of being a general all-around mass murderer. A pitfall like what we went down might just kill anyone attempting it. And how would they get out.” “Ride the beast maybe?” “I suppose I could ask Isolde, but I doubt she remembers all that much.” She had to think for a moment. “To be honest, I’m not so sure my questioning her about it is even a good idea.” “Dying wasn’t that big of a deal for me… one moment I’m about to yell at Riddle for being in the girl’s toilets, and the next I’m dead, wondering what happened... it was what happened after. What he did. My body was left to lay there until someone finally came to look for me. *Took them hours and hours to find my body. I know, I was sitting there waiting for them. Olive Hornby came into the bathroom. It was her fault I was there in the first place. 'Are you in here again, sulking is it, Myrtle?' Olive said in her typical scolding tone. I swear she outright hated me. The only reason she was there was because Professor Dippet asked her to look for me. And then she saw my body. I think she thought that maybe I’d passed out. Would you believe that she kicked my body? Actually kicked my body? Well, I showed her. I made a point of haunting her… at least until the Ministry did something that kept me locked in the school. Not being able to do any of the things I wanted to do. Being stuck here at school.” She’d gone over to Nova and looked up with longing when Nova reached out and gave her a pat on the head. “I am so tired of being dead. I want to live. I want to move on. I don’t want to be like this anymore.” Nova just didn’t know what to do. What to say? She could run her hand through Myrtle’s hair. She at least could do that. It was a bit like playing with strands of a cloud like Myrtle was a cloud become sentient given form. “I’m not interrupting something?” Moonie asked as she reappeared a short distance away. “She doesn’t want to be a ghost anymore, and I just don’t know what to say.” “I see.” “Selena, what’s it like for you? You’re a ghost,” Myrtle asked. “I’m not actually a ghost. I’m a Guardian Spell become self-aware.” “Oh.” Myrtle certainly hadn’t expected that. “She doesn’t have all the limitations a ghost has,” Nova offered. “There are things that she can’t do, but there is a lot she can do that a ghost can’t. She can make herself solid, she has warmth...” “Let’s just blow this place and get out of here. I have got a hot date with Aerie’s Moonie. We think we’ve got an idea of how we might make a little Moonie for Hoshiko.” “What?! You’re joking? Right? Tell me you’re joking. Moonie…” “Just smash that incubator.” “Fine,” Nova offered, summoning up her armor if for no other reason than to protect Moonie’s amulet. “Myrtle, I’ve no idea what’s going to happen, so you might want to put some distance between you and this place.” “You, you care?” “Of course, I care. Even if I can’t do anything for you, I care.” She took a breath and let it out slowly. “Fine, I think I get it. I’m just worried that you might end up worse off than you are.” “What could be worse than what I’ve got?” “This is Salazar Slytherin’s handiwork I plan to break.” “Ahhh… maybe I’ll just go over there...” Myrtle scooted over to the far end of the crypt, turned, and waited. Moonie vanished, Nova paused a moment, took in a deep breath, let it out, lifted the hammer, and brought it down. She did succeed in collapsing a ceiling, just not the one above her head. “Mrs Silverwood, are you alright?” Myrtle asked moments later. “Nova?” came Moonie’s voice. “What just happened?” Nova asked. She’d managed to land on her feet but had allowed herself to crumple down until she was prone on the floor. Sitting up to look about she discovered that she was now in an enormous antechamber. It was even moderately lit. “The incubation chamber was the ceiling for this place,” Myrtle informed her. “Also, the big vault door slammed shut. I think we are going to need a new way out.” “Well…” Nova got to her feet, the hammer still in hand. At one end a doorway that led to a long corridor that appeared to go deeper into the drumlin the castle sat upon. At the other end, the chamber opened out with passages left and right, stairs that dropped down into a depression, and a large ornate arch far too high up to be intended as a way of egress. Unless... “This place looks a good deal like the citadel on top of Mount Thorn,” Moonie said as she too looked about. The opulence and grand scale of the place were every bit as splendid as the palaces of Canterlot. “It’s Akkadian in origin… and to be honest, what were they even doing building something this big so far out in the sticks?” “The sticks?” Myrtle asked. “The seat of power when all this would have been built would have been in the region of Mesopotamia between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf.” “Mmm, kay.” “And you don’t know where that is, do you?” “I know about the Mediterranean, but that’s about it.” “With all the time on your hands, you should read more. Back then the English isles were part of a larger land mass that encompassed much of the North Sea,” Aerie supplied. “That and a good deal of Scotland was under ice.” “Mostly rural. Farmland,” Moonie added. “Even with my vast knowledge I can’t think of any reason to build something so substantial so far away from the seat of governance, and I dare say it would have been underground even then.” “The question then becomes, why?” “A mine, perhaps?” Myrtle asked. “Seems a bit much for a mine,” Nova mused. “Unless… what ore would be so valuable as to warrant something like this?” “Could it be Mithril? True silver as it’s sometimes called?” Moonie asked. “Ah! I think I know. I think it’s the Mjalli mines. Yes, there is something in my memories about a mine that produced great wealth in all manner of minerals including the white metal. White gold it was sometimes called, but was very difficult to find. The irony is that only an advanced civilization would even recognize its value beyond a novelty metal.” “Mjalli?” Myrtle asked. “It’s an old Icelandic word that refers to the color white. Ergo, the white mines. I do a lot of reading. Why the White Mines might even have been the inspiration for Khazad-dûm.” “Somehow that’s not very reassuring,” Nova replied in a deadpan tone. “What? How bad can it be?” “No one drop anything into any wells. Come on, let’s see what’s through that upper doorway.” “We going up?” Myrtle asked. “If I can get high enough I can teleport out of here.” “Ya, going through solid rock isn’t easy.” “No?” Moonie asked Myrtle as Nova swept her wings out and lifted into the air. “This… vapor that makes me, me, doesn’t like going through large amounts of anything. It… It’s kind of hard to describe. My consciousness will make it to the top but it’ll take a while to reconstitute myself.” “A filtering effect,” Nova called as she angled to land in the doorway. “Come on, don’t just sit there.” “Coming,” Moonie called back followed by her and Myrtle joining her on the landing a moment later. Beyond the door lay a smallish chamber which connected to a hallway. Beyond that, they came to a bridge that spanned a chasm that plunged into darkness. From there the passage led into another chamber, and then into an enormous cavern that they had to cross a bridge to get to a central platform. Beyond that was another bridge that led to an enormous doorway. The one thing that concerned Nova was the huge statue resting on a four-handed great sword that had been plunged into the platform. “Hold back a bit,” Nova said softly. “Appears to be a golem,” Moonie advised. “Ya, that’s what I’m thinking. By rights, it should recognize me as an Akkadian Princess, but I’m doubting it.” Nova approached, the golem stood up and a half a dozen smaller golems dropped into place to block any further advance. “Stand aside!” Nova shouted. “I am a princess of the blood royal!” “And they are advancing,” Moonie announced. “I can see that,” Nova replied, gave the hammer a twirl, and flung it at the big one. The hammer hit true and didn’t even slow down until Nova willed it to return. The big golem looked at the hole in its gut and shattered to the floor. Nova threw the hammer once more, wide of the advancing line of golems, and with a sweep of her hand, the hammer swept through the line mowing them down. “Well, that was easy,” Myrtle said as the hammer slapped back into Nova’s palm. “Ha, without the hammer it would have been downright annoying.” From there they passed into another great cavern where an arched gateway stood on one side of a circular platform. There were two passages here, one to the left, the other to the right with no apparent way to get to them. “Left passage continues up,” Moonie offered. “What? I did mention exploring these passages.” “You know I wanted to explore these chambers.” “You were just a filly.” “Can’t say why I never explored them,” Myrtle offered as Nova spread her wings and flew over the gap. The others followed where they found a long staircase up a gallery that led to a grand hall at the end of which was a grand rotunda with another doorway that overlooked it. She also couldn't help but wonder how someone without wings would have gotten to it as they passed into another chamber with yet another bridge over a gap. From there they passed into another great chamber where a damaged golem stood guard. Nova eyed it cautiously as they passed but it looked as though the enchantment had failed long ago. “Force field,” Nova announced on arriving at the exit door. “Hummm, I know.” “Got it,” Moonie announced as Nova transformed into a pony. “What? It’s my original function.” “Come on…” “Um, there’s another golem,” Myrtle announced. “Everyone through,” Moonie said as she walked through the entryway. Nova followed with Myrtle right behind. Suddenly the force field was back, and the golem stopped where it was. Ahead of them, there was another hallway with grand double stairs at the end. From the landing they passed through a doorway into a modest hall and then through another doorway that led to a cavern of gigantic proportions with yet another platform in the middle of it accessible via a bridge. On it was a lone archway that resembled the one the veil hung from. “What now,” Nova wondered as they crossed the bridge. “More golems,” Moonie announced. “Curious… Ah I see, several of them are out of phase and we are supposed to go through the gateway to fight them. “They don’t seem to be responding to us,” Myrtle observed. “We got here without beating the last challenge I think. And I see the next doorway off over yonder. I can just imagine that if this were a video game we’d have broken it.” “That and we’d be stuck,” Moonie added. “We aren’t though. We’ll just fly over there.” “I’m wondering if it might have something to do with no one being remotely human right now and the last challenge was just broken?” Myrtle offered as they crossed the gap. “Possible, I’d imagine,” Nova replied and then dropped down into the next chamber. They all froze at the sight of a massive statue that was hunched over a raised dais. “Do we dare?” Myrtle asked. “I do have the feeling we aren’t far from the surface.” “This one is different,” Nova said softly and started forward. She was but a few feet from the statue when it shed a single glistening teardrop that splashed on the barren stone floor. Nova, for whatever reason hit remnants of the teardrop with a ball of foxfire before it could dissipate. “Nova?” Moonie called and even gave her mistress a shake. “Sorry. It’s alright.” “You zoned out,” Myrtle informed her. “The Pensieve Dumbledore has, used to be here. Seems he’s done the challenge at least once and decided to just help himself. Anyway, I experienced a memory. Professors from Hogwarts. One of them had created a spell that could take a person’s pain away. At first, it looked promising but it created a dark quick silver-like stuff that looked like it was pure refined dark magic. And then she bottled it like it was nothing.” “Dark magic?” Moonie offered. “If I were to speculate I might go so far as to suggest she was extracting the Yin from her subject’s soul.” “I am made of both light and dark,” Moonie said softly. “I was conceived from darkness, but at my core, my heart is a light my darkness could never overcome. Taking that from me to turn it into some form of magical energy… it frightens me.” “Me as well,” Nova offered, and hugged her. “I think the people who made it through the challenge were meant to experience that memory as a warning.” Nova stood up transforming as she went. “Come, there’s a passage back to Hogwarts over here.” Nova led the three through a door behind a blank portrait which went up a reasonably short flight of stairs that opened into a large chamber with four large portraits. In the center of the chamber was set a three-dimensional map of Hogwarts. A single individual waited in a portrait. “It has been a long time since anyone has passed our test,” Offered the man in the portrait. “Percival Rackham, I presume. Test indeed. I was investigating Salazar Slytherin’s chamber when I fell through the floor to find myself in your test. But tell me, did you tamper with the golems or do they just attack anyone?” “Tamper? My dear, they are there to test if a person is worthy of wielding ancient magic.” “Ancient magic? It’s Akkadian magic that you discovered. That’s an Akkadian mine where precious metals were unearthed. I am Princess Nova Moon, Matriarch of the Silver Woods, and Priestess of Akkadia. Those golems were not your playthings.” She spread her wings followed by Moonie taking on human form. “You, but…” “You do know that’s just a painting, right?” Myrtle asked. “I thought Akkadia was but a legend?” Rackham asked. “What we did, our living counterparts that is, we’d discovered ancient magic lingering here and in other places and feared what would happen if it were to fall into the wrong hands, and it nearly did.” “If you are talking about that extracted pain, it was your fault for not putting an end to her activities.” “You were able to see the memory?” “I have my ways. As is I know where the pensieve can be located and yes, I plan to have a chat with the headmaster about it.” “He had no business taking it. He was so promising too.” “Meanwhile, I have a giant Basilisk roaming around and I can’t even track it without having to fight my way through old security infrastructure that no longer recognizes Akkadian nobility.” “What about the map?” Moonie offered. “This seems to be the master control for the wards.” “Is it now?” Nova said, a smile crossing her face. She hung the hammer from a hook on her belt and with a few gestures of her hands the image of Hogwarts lifted until they could see a sort of three-dimensional cross-section of the room they were in. Nor did it take long for her to discover that Dumbledore had lied about access to the room. “Would you just look at that? We’ve but a few stairwells and we’ll be in the base of the Astronomy tower.” “We, um, actually locked him out after he stole the pensieve,” Rackham offered. He’d been joined by the other three portraits who were quietly talking to each other. Chatter that stopped when the map raised even further to reveal much of the tunnel network below. Here and there ancient script hung near places where golems were located. Every last one was flashing red. Nova stepped back, brought up a heads-up display, and began flipping through screens. “Looks like I’m going to have to do a full reboot to fix it,” Nova announced a short time later. “Let’s see…” She ran the map back down. “Any nonmagical in the area? Looks like we are good. Beginning reboot.” “Hold on, what’s that going to do?” asked a rather stern-looking woman from a painting. “Can we not stop her?” asked a rather portly man. “She has full administrative control. We can’t,” Rockham announced. “What I’m doing is shutting down the wards,” Nova offered. “That’s bound to have Dumbledore in a tizzy,” Moonie offered with a smirk on her face. “But… the muggles will be able to see Hogwarts.” he was a middle-aged man of Indian descent dressed in a black Sangeet and turban. “One, there’s no one about. It is a rural location after all, and two, the muggle government knows about Hogwarts.” “What?!” all four portraits exclaim causing Moonie to bust out in laughter. The map vanished and the space in the floor went dark. “In their blind zeal to remain apart from the nonmagical community, they became arrogant and aloof to the point that they completely missed when the nonmagical world surpassed them in technological advances. They now have the ability to look down from great heights and see things that they would not otherwise see. Magic has its limits. Ah, here we go.” The map space had lit up again and the words Leukós Metal’lum appeared followed by Paráthyra has experienced an unexpected problem. Correcting for errors… Paráthyra must restart. “Lovely.” “You’ve broken it!” the man from India proclaimed. “Broken it? Broken it!?” Nova shouted turning on the portraits. “If your original had left well enough alone the system would have been fine. But no, you had to muck about with it!” “What’s going on down here!” Dumbledore shouted as he burst through a doorway at the top of a landing above two crescent staircases. “Great, now you’ve let him in,” the woman griped. “Professor,” Nova called. “Just doing some much-needed maintenance.” “You said you were going to destroy Slytherin’s incubator, not destroy the whole school!” “Whatever are you talking about?” “The wards are down?” “And?” “But the wards are down!” The man was quite apoplectic. “Nothing is falling apart,” Moonie offered. “And yes, she’d popped out to have a look.” “Professor, I’m just straightening out the mess the people who had those portraits commissioned made.” “Oh, the Keepers. I should have known they might have something to do with it. Ah...” Leukós Metal’lum had appeared again, followed by archikopoió, archikopoió, archikopoió. “And we are back,” Nova offered as the map reappeared. “Looks like several systems had to be isolated due to faults. The whole system was in danger of experiencing a cascading collapse.” “And what would that have done?” Dumbledore asked. “Anything from nothing to boom. All because four individuals got it into their heads to muck about with things they don’t understand.” “Nova, I’ve got an idea,” Moonie announced. “Our Tia doesn’t have a whole lot to do beyond foal sitting. Maybe she can have a go at fixing everything?” “Tia, who’s Tia?” Dumbledore asked. “Tardis Interface Assistant,” Nova informed him. “It’s a very special traveling box that my Aunt gave me years ago. It lost the ability to travel on its own, but boasts a substantial displaced space.” Nova looked about, transformed back to her pony form, went to a blank wall, and cast a spell on the wall. A moment later a very ornate door appeared on the wall complete with a stained glass arched window over the top that depicted the Equestrian blazon of two alicorns representing day and night. “Tia,” Nova called as she opened the door. “Would you like a hobby?” “A hobby?” asked a golden alicorn in the doorway that looked suspiciously like Princess Celestia. “We’ve found a Mithril mine. Or at least that’s what we think it is. The systems are long overdue maintenance.” “I see…” replied the alicorn of light. She poked her head through the door, looked about, and ventured cautiously into the map room. “I see. Most interesting.” “One of the things we need to do is get full control of the security systems or disable them if we can’t. And there could be any number of undesirable creatures in the tunnel systems.” “For what it’s worth, I did my best to block off all access I could find,” Dumbledore announced. “Sending students down into that deathtrap was unconscionable.” “Now see here,” Rackham protested. “Tia, while you are at it, lock those portraits out of the system so that they can’t do any more harm.” “But we are the keepers,” Rackham protested. “Our challenge course…” “I will be dismantling your challenge course and putting things to right,” Nova informed him. “This is one time I find myself in agreement with Professor Dumbledore.”