• Published 17th Jan 2023
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Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

  • ...

Chapter 25: Following the Shadows

The Shadow Riders were forced to re-group back outside the school. They all use their Shadow Magic to teleport outside of the school, They all look at each other and are shocked by how many of them were left.

"It really is just us 5 left?" asked Karma as she looked to all her shadow brethren.

"It appears so," Enigma spoke coldly.

"The elements fought back hard, but at least we put a dent in them," Eclipse added with a chuckle.

"Correct. Though 5 of us stand, there are only 8 more element bearers left." Enigma confirmed.

"The Master should be strong enough now with all those souls." Said End.

"He is, which is why phase 2 should begin." Said Enigma.

"What is phase 2?" Asked Macabre with an eyebrow raised.

"We lead the rest of them to the Master himself, where he will be able to steal all their souls at once and destroy harmony as we know it." Enigma clenched his hoof for emphasis.

"Then we better make sure they follow, but how do we do that?" Asked Karma.

"Leave that to me." Said Enigma as he used his shadow magic to slowly demanifest and teleport back inside the school. Spike was in the main corridor, walking down as he was looking for the Shadow Riders. Being inside a pocket-sized version of the Shadow Realm was not good for him, still having Shadows cloud his heart, it took a lot more of his mental power to resist the shadows. He walked a little further before stopping. He narrows his eyes as he comes to a complete stop.

"I know you're there Enigma." Said Spike without turning around. Standing behind Spike a few feet away was Enigma as he had materialized behind him.

"Good to see you still remember me Tiamat." Said Enigma. Spike felt a physical reaction inside him hearing Enigma call him that. Spike slowly turns around to see his old leader.

"What do you want Enigma? You here to duel me?" Spike narrows his eyes at his former shadow brother.

"Of course not." Enigma shook his head. "We need your help."

"My help?" Asked Spike confused.

"This whole invasion went south, we lost a lot of our Shadow Riders in this invasion, we need you back in our ranks Tiamat." Said Enigma.

"Never, I will never join you again." Spike clenches his claws into fists, feeling his anger beginning to rise.

"It's your destiny. The seeds of the Shadows have been planted, there is no way for you to remove them once they have been planted. You can join us now, or later. But you will come back to us Tiamat. We will be waiting for you, at the Hollow Shades." Said Enigma Slowly, Enigma began dematerializing again and teleported back outside the school where the last of the Shadow Riders were.

"You sure they will follow us?" Asked End as Enigma teleported back. Enigma chuckles in response.

"Of course they will. Knowing Starswirl, he will not pass up this opportunity. Now we must go, we need to get back to the Master. Once we leave the area, our spell will wear off, and the school will exit the Shadow Realm." Said Enigma. Slowly, one by one, each Shadow Rider began to dematerialize as they then teleported away from the school. Now that the Shadow Riders were away from the school, the spell weakened. Eventually, the sun shines through the ghastly purple mist and penetrates the Shadows. Soon all shadows are peeled away and the school is back to the normal world. Almost immediately, this was noticed by everyone inside the school, Those that remained decided it would be best to regroup in the map room. Those with a soul make their way to the map. Starswirl is the first to the map, but more soon show up. The next ones to show up were Twilight, Sandbar, Smolder, and Discord. They Look at Starswirl who is staring at the map intently as he searches for the Shadows.

"Starswirl! You made it!" Exclaimed Sandbar.

"Yes child, but I fear others were not so lucky. I feel weakened, I think many of the pillars have fallen." Said Starswirl looking exhausted.

"I feel that too..." Twilight shudders.

"What do we do now?" Asked Smolder as Yona, Ocellus, and Neighsay showed up.

"I don't know, but this was a big move by the Shadows. They hit us, and they hit us hard. I don't know what our next move should be." Starswirl kept looking at the map, looking for any kind of sign.

"We were able to inflict heavy casualties on them, we hit them back just as hard as they hit us." Neighsay assured, adjusting his collar.

"True, but we can't risk another hit like that again." Said Starswirl. By now, everyone else still standing is in the map room Silverstream, Spike, Gallus, and Gizmo. Starswirl looks up and sees everyone in the room. His heart sinks and his face grows shocked and saddened.

"Is this all the survivors?...Oh... Oh no..." Said Starswirl as he lowered his head.

"Starswirl..." Twilight took a step forward toward the elderly sorcerer.

"... 12 survivors, only 8 of them being element bearers... This is... this is my worst fear. I am the last pillar standing..." Said Starswirl, his eyes began to water, something that shocked everyone as Starswirl never got emotional. Twilight steps up and places a hoof on his shoulder. By now, even her eyes had gotten watery.

"Starswirl, you cannot give up, I... I am the last of my group of friends as well... and though my heart is heavy, we don't have time to grieve anymore. We braced ourselves for this attack, and it hurt us. We show weakness now, they will wipe us out." Said Twilight. Starswirl places his hoof on top of Twilight's.

"... You're right my dear... But, as of right now, I am at a loss. They elements work the strongest together, and I have never been without my fellow pillars. What shall we do next, I do not know. I have no plans for our next move. But we cannot wait here again for another attack." Said Starswirl in a weakened voice.

"Then how about we hit them back?" Suggested Discord.

"What do you mean chaos bringer?" Asked Starswirl looking at Discord.

"They came to us this time, why not go to them and surprise them?" Asked Discord. All the others then started looking at each other and whispering.

"We could, but their trail has gone cold. I cannot locate their locations on the map." Starswirl looks back to the map, not a single shadow was in sight.

"They are in the Hollow Shades." Spike blurted out, causing all eyes to fall on him.

"The what?" Asked Starswirl turning his attention to Spike. "I thought you said your memory after the shadow corruption was foggy."

"It is. But before they left, Enigma showed up." Explained Spike. "He tried to make me rejoin them, he said since they were down to just 5 shadow Riders, they were hoping I join them again to strengthen them."

"There are only 5 of them left!?" Said Gallus in shock.

"Enigma, the fool. He revealed their location and their weakness to you?" Asked Starswirl.

"Yes." Spike replied with a nod.

"Then... We have our opening. Tomorrow, we travel to the Hollow Shades and confront them and the Pony of Shadows. This will be our last stand." Said Starswirl. The others around look at each other, a little unsure of themselves. "The rest of you, pack up everything you would bring to a camping trip. The map shows the Hollow Shades being far away from here. After you have packed, get a good night's sleep. But do all this after you have located the fallen, and put them in the infirmary."

Everyone except for Twilight and Starswirl turns and leaves the hub. Twilight looks at Starswirl who still has a saddened face.

"Starswirl... I... You're smart. You must know Enigma isn't that stupid to reveal all that to Spike. It has to be a trap." Twilight warned.

"It IS a trap Twilight..." Starswirl replied, looking her in her face.

"Then why are we following through with it?" asked Twilight quizzically, causing Starswirl to sigh heavily.

"Twilight, you, and I are the last of our group of friends who are bearers. Because of this, we are cut off from the Elements of Harmony's full power. But the students, are still whole. This trip is not going to be without sacrifice. But if we can get those students to the Pony of Shadows, we have a shot at ending this." Said Starswirl. Twilight had a physical reaction to Starswirl's words.

"...Sacrifice?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes, I am asking you to potentially sacrifice yourself Twilight if need be. The students must not be harmed until we get to the Pony of Shadows." Starswirl tried to give her the most comforting look he could give. "Me and the rest of the pillars knew the importance of self-sacrifice to keep harmony. That's why we banished ourselves along with the Pony of Shadows 1000 years ago. We must do whatever we can." Twilight looks at Starswirl and then nods in agreement.

"Good, good. Thank you Twilight. Now go find your friends and get them to the infirmary. They need to be sustained while their souls are gone." Said Starswirl. Twilight nods as she wipes away a tear. She then leaves Starswirl alone, who turns back to the map.

"Oh Stygian... My old friend. Why must you cause so much pain?... so much agony?... Why must you treat us this way? We were friends once... but what you did... we had no choice but to send you away. But what you have done in return... is unforgivable..." Said Starswirl to himself as a single tear formed in his eyes.

End of Chapter 25