• Published 17th Jan 2023
  • 1,678 Views, 80 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Year Two (E)

This was It, school has just started, and the school is filled with students once again along with some new faces as new freshmen fill the halls. Sandbar was in the center of the main hall talking to both Ocellus and Yona as Smolder and Silver stream approached them.

"Hey you guys!" Yelled Silverstream, waving her claw in the air.

"Hey Silver, hey Smolder." Said Sandbar with a smile.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asked Smolder, her hands gripping the straps on her backpack.

"Just discussing the craziness that has been happening this past week. You know, with the Pillars and the Pony of Shadows and what not." Ocellus explained.

"But Headpony told us not to discuss them a whole lot in public, not wanting to scare the other students." Said Yona.

"So here you are discussing it." Said Smolder unamused while crossing her arms.

"We are using code words! Pony of Shadows is Puppy! And the Pillars are the dog catchers!" Explained Sandbar, turning his head back and forth to look at all of them. "Headmare told us that the dog catchers along with some other professors are out looking for the puppy. In the meantime we are gonna have some substitute teachers for some of our classes."

Smolder rolls her eyes, thinking the code words are pretty silly. Behind them, they could hear a familiar voice approaching them.

"Hey you guys, Check me out!" Said Gallus's voice. They all turn around to see him wearing his brand new Ra Yellow jacket.

"Whoa! Snappy new coat Gallus!" Said Sandbar, walking around Gallus to see all sides of his new jacket.

"Congratulations Gallus! Your new coat looks nice!" Said Ocellus, getting a closer look.

"Heh, thanks you guys." Said Gallus as he joins the group. "So, are you guys ready?"

"Ready for what?" Asked Yona, tilting her head to the side.

"For our 3 v 3 duel!" Gallus holds up his claw and clenches it in a fist.

"We still need to plan for that, all the recent events put that on hold." Sandbar Said.

"Not anymore, I booked us a time slot for the arena just now." Gallus smiled, placing his claw to his chest.

"Right now?? But I haven't been pacticing! I'm so rusty!" Ocellus tried to protest.

"Well, this is your chance to knock off the rust, and show the new freshman how we dish out some dueling punishment!" Said Gallus with a smirk.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun! Come on guys, let's do it!" Begged Silverstream, clasping her claws together.

"I never got to scratch my dueling itch, let's do it guys!" Smolder shrugged.

"Yeah! It's The Ra’s, vs the Obelisks plus Yona!" Said Gallus. They all made their way to the arena, surprisingly, there was a decent amount of students in the stands. They all even started clapping and cheering for them as soon as they walked in.

"What gives? Why ponies cheer for us?" Asked Yona, looking at all the students in the stands.

"Remember last year? We've been recognised internationally as Element Bearers. They probably are cheering us for saving the school last year and want to watch us duel." Said Sandbar smiling wide at the large crowd.

"Then let's give them a good show, I've done a few updates to my deck, and I'm ready to use it!" Said Smolder pumping her fist.. Gallus, Ocellus, and Silverstream take one side of the arena as Sandbar, Smolder, and Yona take the otherside.

"Alright. This is going to be a 3 on 3 progression tag. That means only two duelist are dueling at one time, and everyone has their own life points. As soon as you lose your life points, you are out, and one of your teammates takes your place. When all team members are knocked out, that team loses. You guys understand?" Asked Gallus to which everyone nods. They all activate their duel disks and begin.


[Silverstream Vs Yona]

[Silverstream 4000/ Yona 4000]

"Yona start, Draw!" Said Yona. "Yona set one monster and set one card face down, now, Yona end."

"My go, I draw." Said Silverstream. "I summon White Moray! {600atk. 200def. Lv2} During the turn this card was normal summoned, I can attack you directly Yona!" The Eel darts side to side as it approaches Yona til it gets to her and bites her. she winces as she loses lifepoints. "I enter main phase two and set two cards. I now end."

"Yona turn again, Draw!" Said Yona. "Now Yona first activate spell card Gladiator Beast's Respite! This allow Yona to shuffle two Gladiator Beast cards into deck and draw 3 cards. Now Yona flip summon Gladiator Beast Hoplomus! {700atk. 2100def. Lv3} "Yona was hoping Silverstream would attack Yona's monster so monster can activate effect, so Yona now activate spell Rush Recklessly to give monster extra 700 attack, making Yona's monster 1400! Now Yona attack!" Hoplomus delivers a hard punch to the moray and destroys it. "Now Yona activate Gladiator Beast battle effect. Yona can shuffle Hoplomus into deck, and special summon new Gladiator Beast from deck, Yona Summons Gladiator Beast Spartacus! {2200atk. 1600def. Lv5.}, When Spartacus is special summoned, Yona can add one Galdiator beast equip spell from Yona deck, to Yona hoof, Yona add Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield. Yona now end."

[Silverstream 3200/ Yona 3400]

[Silverstream 3 cards/ Yona 3 cards]

"My turn, I draw." Said Silverstream. "I activate my face down, Call of the Haunted. I can bring back one monster from my graveyard, I am forced to choose White Moray. Now, his second effect kicks in, making him act as if he is a Tuner. Now I summon Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince! {800atk. 0def. Lv1} Now I tune for 3, synchro summoning Tatsunoko! {1700atk. 500def. Lv3 Synchro Tuner.} Now I end."

"Yona turn! Draw!" Said Yona. "Yona Summons Gladiator Beast Andal, now Yona Contact Fusion using Andal and Spartacus! Yona Fusion summons Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz! {2600atk. 1500def. Lv7 Fusion}." The students in the stands cheer, recognising Yona's ace monster. Yona however, looks at her monster. "...wish you were really here Gaio." Yona Then looks at Silver. Yona now equip Gaio with Archfiend Shield, and Now Yona atta-"

"Not so fast Yona!" Silverstream smirked as she interupted Yona. "I activate my face down Threatening Roar! You cannot declare an attack this turn!"

"Ngh! Then Yona end." said Yona frustrated.

[Silverstream 3 cards/ Yona 2 cards]

"My turn, I draw." Said Silverstream. "I summon Atlantean Attack Squad. {1400atk. 0def. Lv3} Now I tune for 6, Synchro Summoning Coral Dragon! {2400atk. 500def. Lv6 Synchro.} Now when I discard a card, He can destroy one card on your side of the field. I discard one card and Coral Dragon will destroy your Shield!" Yona's Equip spell is destroyed by coral dragon firing a jet stream of water at it.

"Yona still have strongest monster!" Yona stated, not backing down.

"Not for long, I activate the spell Lightning Vortex. By discarding one card I can destroy your monster!" A Huge bolt of lightning comes down and strikes Gaiodiaz and destroys him. "Now Coral dragon attacks you directly!" The Dragon then fires a huge jet stream at Yona and shaves down a good portion of her life points. The ponies in the audience then clap for Silverstream. "I will now end by placing one card face down."

[Silverstream 3200/ Yona 1000]

[Silverstream 2 cards]

"Yona not out yet, Yona draws!" Yona was huffing from the attack, and sluggishly draws her card. "Yona Summon Gladiator Beast Torax! {1400atk. 400def. Lv3} Now Yona activate spell, Gladiator Beast's Comeback. Yona special summon one Gladiator Beast whose type is different from the one on Yona field. Yona special summon from hoof, Gladiator Beast Bestiari! {1500atk. 800def. Lv4} Now Yona contact fusion, with Yona's two monsters, Yona fusion summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus! {2400atk. 1500def. Lv6 Fusion} Now Yona activate Effect, when Gyzarus is special summoned, Yona can destroy two cards on Silverstream's field. Yona Destroy Coral Dragon and then attack directly, so Silverstream now knows how that feels!" Gyzarus uses his wings to lift himself in the air, He then darts right past Coral dragon slicing it's neck causing it to roar and then be destroyed. Gyzarus ends by planting his boot into Silverstream's side, now causing her to lose a lot of life points as well. "Yona now end. and Activate Gyzarus's effect. Yona returns him to the extra deck then Yona special summon two Gladiator beasts from Yona Deck, Yona special summon Gladiator Beast Andal {1900atk. 1500def. Lv4} and Gladiator Beast Laquari! {1800atk. 400def. Lv4}"

[Silverstream 800/ Yona 1000]

[Yona 0 card]

Silverstream takes a minute to regain her composure. She then looks at Yona and smiles.

"Thank you Yona, now watch as I win this! I draw!" Said Silverstream confidently. "Now I activate my field spell, a Legendary Ocean!" The whole arena turns into atlantis thanks to the hologram magic of the arena. "This card is always treated as Umi, and gives all water monsters 200 extra attack and defense. plus all water monsters in our hoofs and claws have their levels marked down by one. Which means I can summon without tributing, The Legendary Fisherman! {1850atk. 1600def. Lv 5} Now with the last card in my claw, you are finished. I can tribute one face up Legendary Fisherman to summon Legendary Fisherman III! {2500atk. 2000def. Lv7} This card cannot be destroyed by battle, or by card effects. Shoot he can't even be targeted by card effect, Making him practically invincible! But that's not all, I activate my face down, Torrential Tribute! When a monster is summoned all monsters are destroyed!"

"But Silver's monster can't be destroyed by trap!" Yona was beggining to panic, she will be left wide open for an attack.

"Exactly!" Said Silver with a smirk. A huge wave forms and slams down onto the field, taking out Yona's monsters, but the Legendary Fisherman was ok. "Now I will attack directly and finish you off!" The Legendary fisherman fires his harpoon gun at Yona. It strikes her and finishes off the rest of her life points. Yona pouts for a bit, but then smiles at Silverstream.

[Silverstream 0 cards]

[Yona Eliminated]

"Good job Silver, Yona is impressed by new strategy." Yona smiled, keeping her good sportsmanship despite being the first one eliminated,

"Thanks Yona!" Silverstream smiled cheerfully. As Yona stepped down, Smolder stepped up and was smirking.

"You may have an indestructible monster out there Silver, But I got a full claw, and you only have 600 life points left." Said Smolder.

"let's see what you got Smolder!" Silverstream taunted with a smirk, Smolder then winks at her.

"I draw!" Said Smolder. "Watch and learn! I activated the Dark Dragon Ritual spell card! This card allows me to ritual summon Paladin of Dark Dragon by discarding a level 4 monster! I discard Red-Eyes Wyvern to Summon Paladin of Dark Dragon! {1900atk. 1200def. Lv4} I now activate his effect to tribute him to special summon Red-Eyed Black Dragon from my deck! {2400atk. 200def. Lv7}" The crowd started cheering again, this time for seeing Smolder's ace monster. "I'm not done yet, Because now I tribute my Red-eyes on the field to special summon Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon! {2400atk. 200def. lv7}. "A new Red-eyes Monster is summoned and then Roars loudly. "I will end by placing one card face down."

[Smolder 1 card/ Silverstream 0 cards]

"What a fantastic move Smolder." Said Silverstream. "I now draw and act-"

"Not so fast Silverstream!" Yelled Smolder, holding her her claw out while cutting her off. "I activate the trap Drop Off! That card you just drew, now goes to the graveyard instead."

"But that was my only card!" Whined Silverstream, looking at the card she just drew with puppy dog eyes. "It was a good one too! Gah! Fine! I will make you pay for that! Fisherman, destroy her dragon!" The Legendary Fisherman Loads his gun again and fires, striking Red-eyes and destroying it. "Sorry Smolder, you worked so hard to get that out, but he was a pushover. I end."

"Hehehe, I wanted you to attack Silverstream!" Smolder places her claws on her hips
"You did?" Asked Silverstream tilting her hewad to the side.

"Yes, because now that it's my turn, I activate Red-eyes Alternative's effect!" Said Smolder as she drew for her turn. "Since he was destroyed by battle, I can special summon my normal Red-Eyes back from the grave, and double his attack points!"

"D-DOUBLE!?" Silverstream's pupils shrink, and her eyes widen.

"Yes! He is now 4800 attack! You monster may be indestructible, but he can't stop you from taking damage! Red-Eyed Attack!" Said Smolder. The New Red-eyes on the field roars loudly and then breathes out a lot of red Fire, engulfing the field. Even though the Legendary Fisherman is ok, Silverstream's life points hit zero.

"Darn!!! I thought having an indestructible monster would have made me win the whole thing!" Pouted Silverstream.

"Hey don't sweat it silver, you dueled fantastically." Smolder softened her expression, giving Silverstream a thumbs up.

"Really?" Silverstream looked up at Smolder, who gives her a confident nod. Silverstream began to smile again. "Thanks Smolder."

[Smolder 2 cards]

[Silverstream eliminated]

Ocellus steps up to take Silverstream's place. She draws her cards and begins to analyze them.

"Ready to go Cell?" Asked Smolder.

"Hold on, I need to form a strategy" Ocellus holds up her hoof, still analyzing her cards. After a quick second, she nods. "ok, Now I'm ready. I draw. now that Silver's field spell is gone, it's time to activate one of my own, Giant Ballpark!" The field turns into a giant lawn where the grass towers over everyone. "It's effects will kick in in just a moment, and now I activate the effect of Primitive Butterfly. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon it. {1200atk. 900def Lv5}. I now end."

"Sorry Cell, but you mistakenly summoned your monster in attack mode. with my 4800 attack beatstick will punish you for that! You didn't even put down a trap to deter me! Red-Eyes, Attack the butterfly!" Smolder held her claw out as she commanded her monster to attack. Red-eyes once again breathes fire right and burns the butterfly to a crisp. Ocellus never stopped smiling as a bunch of butterflies and beetles fly out from the grass and encircle Ocellus. She holds out her hoof and a butterfly lands on it. Despite the attack, Ocellus was fine.

"What gives? You should have lost 3600 life points just now." Smolder huffed, some smoke funneling out of her nostrils.

"My Giant Ballpark happened. During battle, I can make all damage given to all players during battle 0." Occellus smiled cheekily as all the butterflies then fly off of her. This was met with a lot of OOs from the crowd. "But now I must discard one level 4 or lower insect monster from my hoof to the grave. I send Shiny Black "C" Squadder to the grave. But since it was a normal monster, I can summon two more copies of it to the field! {2000atk. 0def. Lv4 X2}."

"Wow... good move Cell." Smolder puts her claws on her hips, genuinely impressed by Ocellus's new strategy.

[Ocellus 3 cards/ Smolder 3 cards]

"My turn again. I draw." Said Ocellus. "Ok, I will place one card and I will end."

"Oh, I see what you are doing, Ocellus. You want me to keep attacking you so you can keep protecting yourself with Giant Ballpark. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Smolder narrowed her eyes as she drew. "If I can't hurt you with battle damage, I'll burn you for it, with this! I activate the spell Inferno Fire Blast!"

"EEP!" Ocellus squeeked as she took a few steps back.

"I target my Red-Eyes and you take damage equal to the original attack of him, that's 2400 points of burn damage!" Smirked Smolder. Red-eyes once again unleashes his fire that surrounds Ocellus and burns her for life points. "I will end by placing one card face down. You better hope I don't pull another one Ocellus, that's not my only copy of that card!" Smolder taunted placing her claws on her hips.

[Ocellus 1600/ Smolder 4000]

[Ocellus 3 cards/ Smolder 2 cards]

"Ok ok! I got this I swear! I draw." Said Ocellus, slightly panicked as she now had to come up with a new strategy immediatley. "I summon Battlewasp - Sting the Poison {400atk. 800def. Lv2 Tuner.} I then tune for 6, with one of my squadders, and my Battlewasp, I synchro summon Battlewasp - Halberd the Charge! {2500atk. 800def. Lv6 Synchro}. Now he will attack your dragon!"

"Have you forgotten that my dragon's attack is doubled?" Smolder looked unamused at how silly of a mistake Ocellus just made.
"Of course not! Halberd's effect now kicks in. When he attacks a monster with an attack equal to or more than him, he can half their attack, making your dragon 2400 again!" Said Ocellus with a smirk, causing Smolder to raise her eyebrow. The Battlewasp lifts his giant axe, and decapitates Red-eyes and destroys him. "It's not over yet smolder as I still have one Squadder left! He attacks you directly!" Shiny Black "c" Squadder charges Smolder and kicks her right in the gut, causing her to stumble back a bit and wince. "Now I end my turn by placing one more card face down."

[Ocellus 1600/ Smolder 1900]

[Ocellus 2 cards]

"Oof... Wow, I wasn't expecting you to take out my Red-eyes. I draw." Said Smolder, standing straight up from after the direct attack. "I activate the effect of the Red-Eyes Wyvern in my Graveyard. By banishing it, My Red-eyes is summoned back to the field. Now I reveal my Face down, Metalmorph! I tribute my Red-eyes and my Metalmorph to summon from my claw, Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon! {2800atk. 2400def. Lv8} Your Squadder looks like a tasty snack for my dragon. Go get'em Red-eyes!"

"Not so fast, I activate my face down, Butterspy Protection! I switch my monster into defense position right before your attack!" Ocellus yelled. Squadder switches into defense before being bitten in half by the dragon.

"Can't protect yourself for long Ocellus, I end." Said Smolder.

"Then I will end it right now." Ocellus said confidently as she drew. "I activate my last face down, DNA Surgery! This allows me to change the type of all monster on the field to whatever I want, I chose Insects!" Before Everyone's Eyes, Black metal dragon slowly turns into a bug, replacing his dragon wings with bug wings and his metal plating being turned into hard shiny chitin. "Now I summon Pinch Hopper to the field, and then activate the spell Eradicating Aerosol. This destroys every single Insect on the field, including your monster Smolder!" All the monsters howl as the aerosol is sprayed all over them. Then at the same time blow up in an explosion, when the dust clears, Smolder had a worried expression on her face, while Ocellus was smirking. "Now Pinch hopper's effect kicks in, when he is destroyed, I get to summon one insect from my hoof. This is the last card in my hoof, Come out Insect Princess! {1900atk. 1200def. Lv6} She has just enough attack points to finish you off Smolder! Insect Princess, Attack her directly!" Insect Princess elegantly glides over and kicks Smolder in the chest, wiping out the rest of her life points. The crowd cheers, seeing Ocellus's ace eliminate Smolder.

[Ocellus 0 cards]

[Smolder Eliminated]

Smolder was knocked to the ground after the kick, and Insect princess quickly returned to her side of the field. Smolder groans on the ground, but slowly stands up and dusts herself off.

"I gotta say Ocellus. You always know how to plan ahead the best." Smolder smiled, giving Ocellus a thumbs up.

"Thanks! I hope I didn't hurt you, did I?" Asked Ocellus.

"Of course not Cell, good luck!" Said Smolder as she walked off, and now Sandbar taking her spot.

"Well well well, looks like I'm the last one on my team. Think you can wipe me out too Ocellus?" Asked Sandbar with a chilled expression.

"I know I can." Ocellus smirked, not backing down from the challenge.

"Let's find out, Because it's my move. I draw." Said Sandbar. "I will start off by placing one monster face down, and I will set two cards face down. That's my first move, your turn."

"I draw" Said Ocellus. I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now Insect Princess will destroy your face down!" Insect Princes floats in the air and stomps on the card hard, it flips to reveal a knight before being destroyed.

"You destroyed my Dawn Knight, now I send one light monster from my deck to the Grave. I send Beginning Knight to the grave." Sandbar sent his card to the grave.

"Very well, Then I end my turn." Said Ocellus, she eyes Sandbar closely, wonder what excatly he was planning

[Ocellus 2 cards/ Sandbar 3 cards]

"My move, draw." Said Sandbar. I summon to the field, Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight! {2300atk. 2100def. Lv7} I can summon him without tributing, but his attack is dropped to just 1900. I now activate the spell Double summon to make a second summon this turn. I tribute Gaia to summon Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon! {2000atk. 1500def. Lv5} When this card is summoned to the field, I can add one spell or trap that lists Gaia the Fierce Knight in its text to my hoof from my deck. I chose Spiral Strike, but that's not all. Since I used Charging Gaia as a tribute, I can also add a Black Luster Soldier Monster from my deck to my hoof. I add the man, the myth, the legend himself, Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the beginning. But I have to hold onto him for now. But my Dragon is strong enough to take your monster down. But first I activate my last face down, Raigeki Break. By discarding a card, I destroy your Insect Princess!"

"EEP!" Squeaked Ocellus again as her monster was destroyed.

"Now you are defenseless, Curse of Dragon, attack her!" Commanded Sandbar.

[Sandbar 3 cards]

[Ocellus Eliminated]

Curse of dragon flies overhead and unleashes fire down below and burns Ocellus for the rest of her life points.

"Oooooh! I didn't prepare for a Raigeki card!" Whined Ocellus, stomping her hoof.

"Hey, it's fine Ocellus. You played great. You took down Smolder who is an Obelisk. that's amazing for a Ra yellow." Sandbar. reassured her.

"Yeah... I know. Thanks Sandbar." Said Ocellus as she passed Gallus who then took her place.

"Finally, this is a rematch I have been waiting for." Said Gallus with a smirk.

"Oh really? You have been wanting to rematch me Gallus?" Sandbar smirked right back.

"Oh yeah, since the entry duels last year, I wanted to get back at ya. Now is my chance." Gallus held his claw up, and clenched it into a fist.

"Let's see if you can get past my Soldier Gallus." Taunted Sandbar.

"Oh I will! Draw!" Said Gallus. "First I activate the spell Block attack! This forces your dragon into defense mode. Then I activate the spell Black-Wing Strafe! By discarding a Blackwing, your defense position monster is destroyed! I discard Zephyros the Elite!" Zephyros can be seen coming out of the spell card and strafe runs Curse of Dragon and slices it and destroys it. "Now I summon Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North! {1300atk. 0def. Lv2 Tuner}. But I activate Zephyros's effect! While he is in my grave yard, I can return Blizzard back to my Claw and Zephyros can take his place on the field, but I must take 400 points of damage from this effect." While Blizzard is being replaced by Zephyros, an electric aura surrounds Gallus. "Hm! Now I can attack you directly! Zephyros! Attack!" Zephyros speeds towards Sandbar and wing attacks him, causing him to stumble back a bit. "I now end Sandbar."

[Gallus 3600/ Sandbar 2400]

[Gallus 3 cards]

"Wow! That was a fantastic first turn Gallus! You got me pumped. But do you know what you just did? Curse of Dragon is a dark monster dude." Sandbar smirked. Upon realizing what he just did, Gallus's eyes widen.

"And you already have light monsters in your grave...Crap!" Yelled Gallus, face palming himself.

"Of course!" Said Sandbar while smirking. He then draws his card. "By Banishing Curse of Dragon, and Dawn Knight from my graveyard, I special summon from my hoof, Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning! {3000atk. 2500def. Lv8}." The crowd cheers louder than ever, seeing Sandbar's ace. "Of course he has two effects, but I can only activate one per turn. I can either banish one of your cards on the field, but I cannot attack. Or When I destroy one of your monsters with Black Luster Soldier, He can make a second attack. I think it is obvious which one I'll use to wipe you out with. Black Luster Soldier, Attack Zephyros and then Gallus directly, And end this duel!"

"Not so fast Sandbar! I activate the effect of Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky in my claw! By discarding him, my blackwing monsters cannot be destroyed!" Yelled Gallus. Black Luster Soldier swings his sword, but Zephyros blocks it with his gauntlet.

"No Way! Now I cant attack twice since he wasn't destroyed!" Yelled annoyed Sandbar. "Man! But you still take the damage!"

"It is worth it to keep my monster!" Gallus was unfazed as his life points begin to drop.

"I end my turn." Sandbar relents.

[Gallus 2200/ Sandbar 2400]

[Gallus 2 cards/ Sandbar 3 cards]

"Oh man oh man... I need just one card or this is it! I gotta draw it!" Said Gallus as he drew. He keeps his eyes closed and then holds the card up to his face, he then opens his eyes. His eyes widen when he sees what card he drew and he then smirks. "I activate the continuous spell, Black Whirlwind! This card allows me to add one Blackwing monster from my deck to my claw whenever I normal summon a blackwing. The catch is the monster I add must have a lower attack than the monster I summoned. I now Summon back Blizzard the Far North! Now Black Whirlwind takes effect! Allowing me to add Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall, his attack is 400, so I can add him. Now I activate Oroshi's effect, allowing me to special summon him if there's a blackwing on my field. {400atk. 600def. Lv1 Tuner} Now watch closely Sandbar. I tune for 5, Using Zephyros and Oroshi to synchro summon Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star! {2200atk. 1500def. Lv5 Synchro}"

The crowd starts cheering again, as the last ace monster is summoned, Gallus's ace monster.

"I've seen you summon Gram before Gallus, and he is too weak to beat Black Luster Soldier." Sandbar was unmoved by Gallus's move.

"That's because i'm not done." Gallus smirked. "I now Tune for 7, using Blizzard and Gram, I synchro Summon Blackwing - Obsidian Hawk Joe! {2600atk. 2000def. Lv7 Synchro}."

"Whoa... Never seen you summon him before." Sandbar looks at Gallus's new monster in awe.

"He is a new addition to my deck." Said Gallus. "Wait till you hear his effect, I can target one level 5 or higher winged beast in my graveyard and special summon them. Welcome back Gram The Shining Star!"

"Impressive Gallus, i'll give you that. But your two monsters are still too weak." Sandbar smiles cheekily and shakes his head.

"Yes, they are, but not for long. I activate the spell Blustering Winds. I target one of my monsters, and they gain 1000 attack for this turn only. I target Joe making him 3600 for this turn." Said Gallus, causing Sandbar's eyes widened.

"3600?..." Asked Sandbar.

"Yes! Now Joe, Attack Black Luster Soldier!" Said Gallus. Joe pulls out his sword and Charges Soldier. Soldier tries to block with his shield, but Joe swings his sword hard and cuts right through Black Luster Soldier's shield and destroys him. Sandbar and the crowd grow silent in awe, seeing the Black Luster Soldier go down. "Now Gram will finish you off! Gram, end this duel now!" Gram then flies over to Sandbar and slices him with his Sword, knocking him off the arena completely.

[Sandbar Eliminated]

[Winners: Silverstream, Ocellus, and Gallus]

The crowd lets out a huge wave of Cheers for Ra's as they were able to pull off the win. Ocellus and Silverstream run up onto the arena and give Gallus a huge hug.

"You did it, Gallus! You won us the match!" Yelled Silverstream, hugging him tight.

"We won! We really won!" Ocellus yelled excitedly.

"Yeah! We did it! Ra's Rule!" Gallus gloated. On the other side of the arena, Smolder and Yona help Sandbar to his hooves. Despite losing, they all had smiles on their faces. Sandbar dusts himself off and he and the others step onto the Arena themselves. They approach their friends with smiles.

"Congratulations Gallus, no one I have ever gone up against has beaten me when I had Black Luster Soldier until today." Said Sandbar, offering Gallus a hoofshake.

"Thanks Sandbar, You didn't make it easy." Said Gallus, grabbing Sandbar's hoof with his claw and shaking it.

"I never do." Said Sandbar with a wink. All six then group hug each other in the middle of the Arena. The School year is already starting off to be one they will always remember.

End of Chapter 1