• Published 17th Jan 2023
  • 1,677 Views, 80 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

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Chapter 22: Seige of the School Part 4

Flash Magnus was in the middle of a duel himself in the middle of the school's gymnasium, going against a Shadow Rider who was on the verge of losing. Flash, showing no mercy to the Shadow Rider, delivers the final attack with his Gearfried. Flash shuffles his deck, ignoring the pleas of the Shadow Rider and places his deck back into his duel disk. He turns around surprised to see a second Shadow Rider behind him, unfortunately for him, it was End who was challenging him.
"Impressive Element, you defeated my fellow shadow and showed your cold-bloodedness by being ruthless." Said End.
"I show no sympathy to you, Shadows. I lost friends to freaks like you, I will not lose more. I will crush every single one of you." Said Flash.
"Hehehe, My my I love the lack of empathy. You would have been a great Shadow Rider." Said End.
"I should smack you for even suggesting such a thing!" yelled Flash stepping forward.
"Your emotions are strong, yes, you would have been very powerful." Teased End as he smirked.
"Enough Shadow! This conversation is over!" Yelled Flash holding up his duel disk. "If you came for a duel, then duel me! You will not get in my head with mind games!"
"Very well Element." Said End as his duel disk manifests from the Shadows.


[Flash Magnus vs. End]

"I will go first! Draw!" Said Flash. "I summon Mid Shield Gardna! {100atk. 1800def. Lv4} Once per turn I can flip him into a face down defense position, which I do! Now I set one card face down, and that is my turn."
"My turn, I draw!" Said End. "Since you control a monster in your monster zone, I can special summon Cyber Dragon from my hoof. {2100atk. 1600def. Lv5} Now I will normal summon my Cyber Dragon Core. {400atk. 1500def. Lv2} When Cyber Dragon Core is summoned, two effects kick in. The first is that while on the field and in my grave, my core is treated as if he is a Cyber Dragon. The second is when Cyber Dragon Core is summoned, I add one "Cyber" spell or trap to my hoof, I add Cyber Repair Plant. Now, I attack your face down with my Cyber Dragon!" Cyber Dragon rears its head back before firing a strong electric blast from its mouth, destroying the face down card. "Now Cyber Dragon Core will attack you directly!" Dragon Core is also able to send out a small electrical spark that swiftly hits Flash, but it does nothing to him.
"Ha! Fell for it Shadow! I activate my face down Defense Draw! During Damage Calculation, I take no damage and I draw a card!" Said Flash.
"Very well, draw your card and I will end." Said End.

[Flash 5 cards/ End 5 cards]

"My move, Once again, I set one monster face down, and I place two cards face down. Your move." Said Flash.
"A defensive player huh? Good thing my Cyber Dragons can beat over anything." End bragged as he drew his card. "I Activate the Spell Polymerization. With the two Cyber Dragons on my field, I fusion summon Cyber Twin Dragon! {2800atk. 2100def. Lv8}" The massive two headed Cyber Dragon is summoned to the field, and both heads roar as Flash, who doesn't back down. "Prepare to lose a large chunk of your life points Element, Because Cyber Twin Dragon can make two attacks a turn. So When he is done chewing on your face down card, he'll attack you directly! Cyber Twin Dragon, Attack!" Commanded End. One of the heads of Cyber Twin Dragon dashes towards the card to bite it, but Flash Magnus only smirks, as he had a trick up his sleeve.
"Not so fast Shadow! You attacked my Twin-Shield Defender! {700atk. 1600def. Lv4}" The monster flipped face up as it was attacked. "Now that you foolishly attacked him, I activate my face down, D2 Shield!" Twin-Shield Defender places his two shields together and bashes the incoming dragon with it, Sending its head back painfully.
"Gah! What on earth did that do!?" Demanded End.
"D2 Shield is Twin-Shield Defender signature trap card! it doubles the defense of any face up defense monster on my field, This made my monster's defense 3200 just before the attack! Heh, I guess two shields are better than two heads!" Teased Flash.
"I will get you back for that! I end my turn!" Yelled End.

[Flash 4000/ End 3600]

[Flash 4 cards/ End 5 cards]

"My turn once again! Draw!" Yells Flash getting really into the game. "I tribute my Defender to summon Total Defense Shogun! {1550atk. 2500def. Lv6} Now his effect kicks in, When he is normal or flip summoned, he goes straight into defense position, and he may now attack, while in defense position! Since he still uses his attack points for his attack, I activate the spell Sword & Shield! This swaps his attack and defense points around until the end of the turn."
"So, you wish to attack me? Amusing. But even with your Shoguns attack switched it's still too weak to beat over my Cyber Dragon." Said End.
"That's because I'm not done." Said Flash. Now I equip him with Lucky Ax! This gives him 500 attack points, making his total attack for this turn 3000! Total Defense Shogun, Destroy Cyber Twin Dragon!" The Shogun Wields his new ax, Staying in his crouched Position, he throws his ax hard like a boomerang and chops off both heads of the Cyber Dragon, it falls dramatically before being destroyed. "Yeah! I end my turn, and Shogun's attack is dropped to 2050!"
"You...I will make you pay for destroying my dragon!" Said End clenching his teeth as he drew. "Since you control a monster and I don't. I special summon my second Cyber Dragon! {2100atk. 1600def. Lv5} Now I summon Proto-Cyber Dragon! {1100atk. 600def. Lv3} While face up on my field, it is considered a cyber dragon. That means I can play this Photon Generator unit! This lets me tribute two cyber dragons on the field to summon Cyber Laser Dragon from my deck! {2400atk. 1800def. Lv7}. Now, to get past your pathetic Shogun, I activate Lightning Vortex! I discard one card and all face up monsters on your side of the field is destroyed!"
"GAH!" Shouts Flash as his shogun is destroyed in front of him.
"Cyber Laser Dragon! Attack him directly!" Shouts End. Cyber Laser Dragon charges up his lazer on his tail and then fires it at Flash, causing him a significant amount of pain.

[Flash 1600/ End 3400]

[Flash 3 cards/ End 1 card]

"GuH! Man that...freaking hurt!" Said Flash. "But if you think this will keep me down, you are mistaken! I draw! I summon Gearfried, The Iron Knight!" Gearfried is summoned and stands in front of Flash protectively, as he knew flash was hurting. "Hey there pal, I'm good. I still got this. Now I activate the Spell Release Restraint! This allows me to change my Gearfried the Iron Knight, into Gearfried the Swordmaster! {2600atk. 2200def. Lv7} Gearfried's armor cracks and then shatters to reveal Gearfried the Swordmaster underneath. He had a very angry expression on his face with gritted teeth, staring down End.
"Vile, putrid beast!" Shouts Gearfried.
"Cute, that's really cute." Mocked End.
"I equip gearfried with the Legendary sword, to activate his effect!" Said Flash as Gearfried threw down his old sword, as a knew one magically manifests in his hands. "Each time I equip Gearfried with an equip card, he instantly destroys one card on your field, I destroy your Laser dragon and then gearfried will attack you directly with his new attack strength of 2900!" Gearfried uses his muscular legs to launch himself into the air. He heads towards Cyber laser dragon who then aims his lazer at Gearfried. As Cyber Laser Dragon powers up his lazer, Gearfried quickly thrusts his sword into the mechanical eye of the dragon, who then lets out a loud robotic screech. Gearfried then pulls his sword down and jumps from the dragon as it explodes in a fireball. Gearfried lands in front of End and with his sword, slashes him and knocks him to the ground hard.

[Flash 1600/ End 500]

[Flash 1 card/ End 1 card]

End slowly gets back on his hooves and makes a hissing noise towards Flash. Flash, intimidated by him, takes a few steps back.
"Element! I will make you pay for that! I draw!" Yelled End. "First I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards! Now I activate my Cyber repair plant! Since My Cyber Dragon Core is acting as Cyber Dragon, that means I have 3 in my grave, so I activate both of this card's effects! I bring a Cyber Dragon into my hoof, and the second is sent to my deck and shuffled. Now I activate the Cyber Dragon core in my grave! I Banish it, and special summon the Cyber Dragon from my deck!...Heheheh... It's over Element, you dueled well, but not well enough."
"You seem far too sure of yourself Shadow, What makes you think you won? My Gearfried is the strongest monster on the field." Said Flash.
"Because the last 3 cards in my hoof, are my other two Cyber Dragons, and the Spell Power Bond!" Said End. Gearfried has a visible reaction, but Flash is confused.
"What on earth is Power Bond?" Asked Flash.
"Allow me to show you!" Yelled End. "I activate Power Bond! Now I can fusion summon a monster using the material on my field and in my hoof to fusion summon the Cyber End Dragon! {4000atk. 2800def. Lv10 Fusion.}" The Dragon began to rise up on the field, dwarfing the two players. The sheer size of Cyber End Dragon shakes Flash to his Core, he has no current counters for a monster with that much attack. "It's far worse for you element, with Power Bond, Cyber End Dragon's attack is doubled to 8000!"
"8000!?!?!?" Flash yelled out in awe at the total attack. Cyber End Dragon Roars loudly as he powers up. "That's overkill! Thats....thats.... " Flashes voice trails off as he recognizes the irony of the situation. He let his hatred get the better of him, and was showing no mercy to the Shadows, now, they are showing HIM no mercy. He hangs his head in defeat, as there was nothing else for him to do.
"Goodbye Element!" Yelles End as his dragon powers up his attack and fires the biggest bolt of electricity at Gearfried. Gearfried cries out in agony before being destroyed, the explosion knocks Flash into the wall behind him.

[Flash Magnus vs. End: Winner End.]

End watches with a sinister grin on his face as Flash lays on the ground helplessly. The Shadows waste no time in surrounding him like a vicious predator. before he could react the shadows pounce on him like a lion, Taking his soul and leaving him lying on the ground like a husk. End chuckles at his work before looking at his fallen Shadow that was beaten by Flash earlier.
"That's two souls for the master." Said End. That's when a huge clump of Shadow magic appears before End, he looks at it and eventually sees the face of Enigma appear.
"End, Karma, Eclipse, and Macabre, Are you there shadow brethren?" Asked Enigma.
"Yes, Shadow Brother. What is it?" Asked End.
"Of course Shadow Brother, why are you contacting us?" Eclipse's voice can be heard coming through as well.
"The Master has called off this attack, we must head back to the Hollow Shades." Said Enigma.
"What!? But we have them right where we want them! They are losing numbers rapidly!" Argued Karma's as her voice came through as well.
"Yield Shadow Sister, these are the Master's orders, not mine. Besides, we have lost too many, we came as Eleven, and now it is just us five left. The master needs our souls to stay with us so that we may aid him in his final part of his return." Said Enigma.
"Very well, then we must get to him. Everyone exit the school and call off the shadows. Our work here is done." Said Macabre as his voice is the last to come through. The clump of Shadows disipate. End takes one last look at his fallen Shadow before letting out a sigh. He covers himself in Shadows and teleports outside the school

End of Chapter 22