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#6 Fight or Die part 3

Marasmus was sleeping in his bed with no worries, no stress, no problems just relaxing and sleeping the night.

“This has to be the best and relaxing day that marasmus Have ever been through.”

Before marasmus close his eyes the ground started to shake like a small mini earthquake, he jerked up looking around and questioning what happened.

“That’s odd New Mexico doesn’t have earthquakes, I wonder what was that?”

Marasmus touched his chin thinking what caused that mini earthquake, could it be natural no, couldn’t have, could be magic related or could it be.


Marasmus whispered, he looked around and seen nobody, he got out of his bed teleport around the castle trying to see if there’s anyone around his castle, but he didn’t.

Marasmus teleported back to his bed he Touch his head he’s starting to feel a headache he still questions where did he send the Mercs, although he doesn’t know where he send them into another world, even though soldier messed up the spell, but something behind the back of his head is still questioning and worried about, although marasmus is finally relaxing and enjoying his victory, but on the back of his head he still questions and worried about, are they coming back and if they will, they could have some new or worse ideas to do with him.

“But they don’t have magic, none of them have magic powers, so how could they come back to the world without using magic related, fools.”

Marasmus went back to sleep, he close his eyes and finally relax, but the thought is still on the back of his mind maybe a nice sleep can get rid of it.

Back at Equestria

“OH SWEET CELESTIA THIS IS NOT WHAT I IMAGINE!!!” Said Twilight as she scream in fear, The Mercs continue firing at the giant skeleton. The giant skeleton jumped up in the air ready to slam its giant sword on the ground, spike screamed.


Everyone moved out of the way of the giant skeleton powerful sword hitting the ground, the ground shake, twilight turned seeing Fluttershy and medic on the ground, the skeleton was going to kill them, twilight watch in horror but by an instinct twilight horn glowed, and a powerful magic fired at the giant skeleton pushing him back, until he tripped and fell down on the castle.

Everyone looked at twilight in shocked, Twilight friends know that she is powerful but the Mercs didn’t know she was that powerful. Trixie was the one that broke the silence.


“Sorry.” Said Twilight in embarrassed

Twilight and her friends hug each other glad that the monster is done for, but when twilight looked at the Mercs their faces told everything, everyone started hearing rumbling a giant skeleton was coming out of the castle picking up his sword ready to fight again.

RE-ORGANIZE!! Shouted soldiers

Back in sweet apple acres

Rarity was walking towards The cutie mark crusaders clubhouse, while demoman was still following her and still carrying the unconscious starlight. The Scotsman looked at the white unicorn, questioning where is she taking him.

“Say rarity where are we going?”

Rarity turned her head looking at the demoman but still walking, The look of her eyes it’s no longer in fear but yet concern.

“We are going to see my little sister and her friends clubhouse, that’s where we’re going to leave starlight there for her to be safe, after that we are going back to Ponyville to fr find our friends to beat that disgusting horrifying monstrosity of an eye.”

Rarity stopped on her tracks realizing she just assaulted demo man eye, she turned around looking at him apologizing.

“I am so sorry that I have insulted your eye, oh and I am so sorry that you lost your eyes.”

Demoman was shocked but yet he shrugged it off, he knows that these ponies don’t know the full story of his cursed eyeball, most people wouldn’t believe that his eyeball was cursed, but in this world where is filled with magic, people would believe it, but yet again him and his teammates where involve with some strange and unusual, even some odd occurrence that is hard to explain.

“Naw, don’t worry about my curse eyeball I lost it so many years ago.”

Rarity was relieved she didn’t insult demoman, but she’s still surprised and shocked about his curse eye, she still doesn’t believe it, when he was a child he was cleaning the The castle of the person who throw them into this world, and who is apparently evil, this is going to be a strange adventure she question.

As they walk towards her to the clubhouse

Both of them stopped after hearing starlight moaning, both of them were generally happy to find out that they’re a little Conrad is still all right and still fighting. Demo man and rarity both immediately run towards the clubhouse, when they arrived, demo stopped he looked at the treehouse he knocked his head, Before demoman walked towards the stairs he will stop by rarity he was wondering why she stopped him.

“Oh.” Said demoman now understand that he can’t just burst into a room with these ponies who never seen him before, can’t blame them, soldier literally freaked out when twilight talk for the first time, he immediately pulled out his rocket launcher and try to shoot her, luckily for them did secure him, he should check his friend just to see he’s OK.

“Wait here demo.”

“Got it.”

Rarity walked towards the door, when she knocked the door she was waiting patiently but demo can see her face she was a big concern, can’t blame her when the door open she walked in the clubhouse. The cutie mark crusaders were a bit surprised to see rarity was here but they don’t mind it.

“Oh hey Rarity.” Said the CMC

Sweetie Belle walk towards your big sister question did something happen, or did she needs more help with her work. Rarity told them it’s not that it something else, as she explained the three girls sit and listen very closely, while rarity was talking demo was outside waiting, he looked around the area hope that giant eyeball doesn’t sneak up on him.

“Looks like we’re good, I wonder how’s everyone is doing?” He flinch when he heard a loud monster roar, he looked around violently hoping that he sees the giant eyeball but sees nothing.


He heard something, he listened closely trying to hear where that strange noise is coming from, then from the far distant across the farm, he spotted something round floating on top of the farm until he instantly know who it is.

“OH CRAP!!!”

Rarity finally finished talking to the cutie mark crusaders, the three ponies looked at each other and then looked at the big unicorn their faces explain it all.

“Rarity is this some kind of prank that you, pinky and Rainbow Dash are doing.” Said scootaloo

“Yeah Rarity this isn’t like you, you’re not much of a prankster at all.” Said AppleBloom

“Rarity we may be young but we’re not easily done fooled.” Said sweetie belle

Where’d he has no words to look at her face was utterly shocked and the only thing she can say is.

“Eh b-but.”

Demoman interrupted everyone when he burst into the room carrying starlight with him, the three ponies were instantly were terrified and ran away across the room.

Demoman was a little bit confused, he thought rarity told them everything, but now he’s even more confused that Rarity is somehow shocked, broken and not responding.

“What the bloody hell happen to her, ah forget it, you three keep an eye on this unconscious pony got it!”

The three ponies nod their heads still scared but yet still wondering what is happening.

Demoman put starlight down on the ground and pulled out his grenade launcher, he turned looking back at rarity who is still shocked.

“Rarity snap out of it we have a job to do!”

Demoman started shaking rarity trying to get her attention, which it worked, sweetie Belle broke the silence after she ran towards her big sister.

“Wait you’re telling us that you’re fighting a giant eyeball is real?”

“And shoots Magic rockets.” Said rarity

“What’s a rocket.”

“Basically it’s a firework that doesn’t hold back, instead of sparks it’s a wall of fire and shoots shrapnel which it’s tiny pieces of metal.”

The three ponies were utterly shocked they have the same reaction to starlight and rarity when They first heard about a rocket, but it wasn’t that long rarity also explain to take care of starlight until she wakes up. Sweetie Belle hugged her big sister scared and worried about her, hoping that she’ll be OK and hope she defeats that giant eyeball. Before they left demo man gave sweetie Belle a stick grenade.

He told them in case something happens use that against the giant eyeball in case he comes here, rarity immediately now understanding that everything that demoman has is a bomb.


“AH don’t scream you are tracked him, and besides my family gave me a bomb when they re-adopted me again.”

Everyone was confused and demo man explained.

“I accidentally killed my adopted parents and when my real parents discover about my explosive items, they were adopted me again.”

Everyone in the room were utterly shocked and yet surprise, where would he was have no words about what she just heard.

“You have a strange life Mister.”

“It’s tradition that’s what my family told me”

After they finish talking, they went outside demoman explain to rarity that he saw the giant eyeball floating around the farm, she’s a little bit scared but she can’t let this thing Rome round Equestria, is either now or never.

Back with scout and rainbow Dash

Yep still running for your life from the giant burned rubber ducks.

“ITS STILL CHASING US!!!” Said Rainbow Dash


Scout started running backwards pulling out his shotgun and start firing at the giant rubber ducks but it was an effective. Rainbow dash looks at him.

“We’re screwed?”

“We’re screwed. KEEP RUNNING!”

“You’re the only one who’s running, I can fly!”

“You know what I mean!”

They both keep running away from the giant creature.

Back with the others

The giant skeleton rose up from the rubble, grabbing its sword and looking straight at twilight with fiery eyes, The skeleton skin and its full height and screamed in anger everyone stood back wondering what’s the creatures about to do,. Everyone was looking at the creature ready in case it comes out them in full attack ,everyone was in a stalemate The whole area went quiet the wind is blowing, everyone is still worried and scared The Merkes ready their weapons in case the creature run towards them, The giant skeleton raise his sword ready to straighten down, everyone is prepared for the worst.

A creature was about to run until it stopped when he heard screaming, come to think of it, everyone else is hearing screaming, everyone turn their head looking around the area to see where is the noise is coming from even the giant skeleton is wondering the same thing, heavy was the first one that broke the silence.

“Who is screaming and why does that sound like scout.”

“And why does it sound like Rainbow Dash.” Said Trixie

Everyone was confused until Scout and Rainbow Dash ran past the giant skeleton, which the Giants skeleton is still confuse, something got the giant skeleton attention he looked back at everyone and spoke.

“Do you guys smell burnt rubber?”

After the giant skeleton finished talking he turned around and saw A giant gelatinous burnt rubber creature made out of burn rubber. The giant creature tripped and fell on top of the giant skeleton, A giant skeleton screamed in pain, he feels his bones burning from the giant melted pile of ducks, no time the giant skeleton was buried in a pile of rubber goo, which is still on fire.

Everyone was utterly shocked to see that the giant skeleton that they had trouble defeating was now down in the ground, pinkie pie broke the silence.

“I guess this is another meaning for get ducked on.”

“Pinkie!!” Said Twilight

Everyone look at each other wondering is it fully over, No it wasn’t The creature started rising up, everyone got in their position ready to fight again, but they were not expecting the two creatures to be fuse the giant skeleton bones were scattered all over the giant goo, making another creature much bigger and somehow more violent, like if flubber was evil and has a giant sword.

“You got to be F@@king kidding me.” Said spy