> Team Fortress 2 The Equestrian Adventure > by Shark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > #1 Magical Banishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a story to tell you, a story Beyond story, a story of (silence). OK I’m gonna be honest with you, The story is going to get crazy. It’s a long story but, for you guys who don’t know who are the, TEAM FORTRESS mercs, let me explain it to you. It started many years ago were two sons bought land for their father, and the father hated the land, then the father died, but the two sons, hated each other and, they both want to get the land for themselves, for many years, they hired mercenaries to fight in the land see who is the winner, and take back the land, this happen for many many many many many many for God sakes so many years. And now here we are, the mercenary’s that we know, and love. Heavy Medic Soldier Demoman Scout Spy Sniper Pyro Engineer If you want the full story Saxton Hale will explain it to you. Now let’s get the story started. It was a late stormy night, The thunder echoes around the area, and a castle was showing, the castle was an old ancient building, looks like it can fall apart, at any time but surprisingly it still stands. A glowing light glowed inside the cracks of the building, white smoke appeared around the area, and there he is, the evil wizard, a powerful wizard, dangerous and, shown his enemies in fear, his name was Marasmus. “For many years, The Mercs made a fool out of me, they defeated me every year in Halloween, but this time, this will be a battle where they can’t win, I will send them, all to a disturbing m, evil place ,worse than the deeper parts of hell. I can finally rule this world once and for all without anyone stopping me.” “HEY MARASMUS!” The soldier, came Out of nowhere scary marasmus, causing him to lose focus. Marasmus looked back at the portal, realizing that he made a mistake, he grown angry. “Soldier you made me messed up my portal.” “Oh sorry.” “How did you, why are you in my house, I kick you out months ago.” Marasmus grown even more angry his eyes start to fume of magic, he clinched his fist making an energy bar. “Sorry Marasmus, but it’s your fault, that your was door open.” Marasmus got confused. He lean over, looking where his door was, his door was open but it was destroyed, well blown up. Marasmus grows more frustrated, and angry he grids his teeth, filled with anger ready to explode. “You know marasmus you should get a new door, a better door, an Armor door, made by America itself.” “ENOUGH!” Marasmus explode, he uses magic to make himself a bigger. “I DONT CARE IF THE PORTAL SEND YOU AND MERCS SOMEWHERE ELSE, I WILL GET RID OF ALL OF YOU!” Soldiers took a step back, but he wasn’t scared he faced Marasmus before, him and his team. “Jokes on you marasmus, me and my team have defeated you multiple times, literally you have a big losing streak.” “SILENCE!!” Magic explodes everywhere around the area, heading towards the mercs base, marasmus was angry no, he was pissed. Soldier was about to run, trying to warn his team, but marasmus uses powers and open the portal, and teleported all the mercenary’s through the portal. “You think Magic is going to stop me marasmus, I WILL.” (gone) Everything went quiet, marasmus transform back to normal, he looked around, he open a portal to look at the mercenaries base, he didn’t see anyone, he didn’t see the mercenaries at all, the spell work, he finally won, he can finally rule this world once and for all. “I won I finally won, I, Yes yes The great marasmus have defeated his enemies, I can finally rule this world once and for all, but before I do, I must take a relaxing hot bath. What will the fools do now, they’re trapped, it’s not like they’re going somewhere, where someone knows magic. Haa fools.” Soldier was spinning in a portal like a tornado. “My God, I am going to vomit.” The portal opening a big field, and all the mercenaries fall down out of the portal. Scout was the first one to get up and yelled. “Ah What the hell happened.” “We are on the ground.” Said soldier All the mercenary started questioning what’s happening and where are they exactly. “Hey where are we.” Said sniper. “It looks like we’re in a field.” Said engineer “I see that, but I’m talking about what the hell happened, I was watching a movie of Todd Jones. Said scout “I was in my smoke room.” Said spy “Yeah, I was cleaning my rifle. Enge where were you.” Said sniper “I was with medic in the lad, doing something test on the Teleporter.” Scout looks at heavy. “What about you big guy?” “I was writing letter for my family.” Scout was surprised, he was expecting him to say he was eating. Spy lit a cigarette, and sees demoman on the ground holding a bottle of booze. Demoman sat up, jerk up, he rub his eye, he was drunk in the after, and now started to have a hangover, but slowly realized where he is. “What’s this now!” He got up looked around in complete shock, he turn seeing his team mates looking at him. “My god, did I got drunk on the flight again. OK, what payload we have to protect.” Demoman walked towards his team still holding the bottle of booze, and began to drinking it. “My friend this is not our work we been teleport somewhere else.” Said engineer. Demoman eyes widen, after hearing what engineers said. “WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE, WHO BROUGHT US HERE!” Said demoman as he continued drinking his bottle of scrumpy, until he realized his bottle is empty. He looked at the empty bottle and then looked at his friends. “Does anyone of you have a bottle of booze?” Everyone replied they don’t. Demoman face was filled with shock and worried, I see you looked around the area I didn’t see any buildings close by yet they have no idea where they are. Soldier raised his hand and excitement. “Wo wo, I know to brought us here.” Everyone stopped and turned at soldier looking at him, waiting for the answer as they looked at soldier pyro went off to the forest on his own. Everyone was shocked but yet makes more sense. “So that wizard finally did something, for once.” Said spy “Yeah, he caught us off guard and what’s even worse, we don’t even have our bloody weapons.” Said sniper “I am going to make him pay for interrupting my letter.” Said heavy “Hold on fellas, I just realize something.” Said engineer Everyone stopped they look at Enge, as they all got upset, some of them are even angry and frustrated, they all need to focus to order to survive yet what Enge said got everyone worried. “Where’s pyro.” Everyone looked around, and everyone got pale realizing that the incarnation of hell has been loosened to this new land. The whole team knows what Pyros capable of, how much damage he can bring in, it doesn’t have his equipment he doesn’t have his flamethrower, he doesn’t have his axe, doesn’t even have his fire flare. Do you think he’s just a person in a fire proof suit you’re wrong, he can do things that makes serial killer whip under their bed. Everyone immediately spreading out trying to find anything that smells like gasoline or Sees pyro. As pyro skips around the Forest like he’s Snow White, he’s having the time of his life he felt so free, he felt like his dreams can come true, Pyro turned around, he sees a little bunny, he clapped his hands in excitement, he seen bunnies before but this one seems so adorable, he walked towards the bunny slowly,hoping that he doesn’t scared it and run away. When he got closer to the bunny, the bunny turned around and saw him, the bunny gave her a big smile, the bunny is like a little ball of cotton. Pyro came closer to the bunny and pet it, yes he was right it is soft, he felt so happy that he met this little bunny, but he can’t stay here for too long he has to go on to his next adventure, what amazing things he will see in this new amazing world, The bunny waved goodbye to him. (Reality) The bunny was terrified, his eyes widened like a dinner plate, his heart was pumping in fear as he looked at Pyros dead black eyes of his mask, The bunny thought he was going to suffer worse than death, he’s been hunted before by other animals but something about this, thing was worse, something that it could bring the end of world. When Pyro slowly pet the bunny, the bunny instantly froze as he thought this is it, his life is over as he felt the grip and the strength of this monster, he looked at Pyro face no reaction all he sees are those dead black eyes. Pyro got up, he walked away before he did, he turn back at the bunny and wave goodbye but in a slowly sinister way. Back with the team everyone was searching as fast as they can they all got worried even more they can’t find a trace of Pyro, scout was even more terrified fully knowing what a Pyro can do, although he doesn’t talk to Pyro much, he knows what Pyro can do to his enemies well to everything to be specific. “Everyone I zink I found something!” Said medic Everyone walked towards medic looking at what he found, it was army boots foot prints, everyone was relieved, as they followed the foot print trail, everyone started to Questioning, where did marasmus took them. Back with Pyro continued skip around the forest until, he stopped, he hears someone talking, at first he thought it was his friends but it was a lady voice. Pyro listen close, by the lady voice, she was frustrated and irritated maybe both. Pyro followed the voice, when he got closer, he looked where the voice was coming from. It was Chrysalis the queen of the changelings, Chrysalis was telling her hive her new plan for revenge, this time much worse than before. (Pyro Vision) Pyro sees the sad unicorn, pyro walked towards the unicorn hoping he can make her feel better. Pyro was full with courage that nothing can stop him for helping this pony, everyone was happy to meet a new person to play with. (Reality) As Pyro walk towards the hive, everyone turned and looked at Pyro, he was walking in a slow intimidated walk, the changelings was horrified to see an unknown creature, chrysalis grew angry being interrupted by A worthless creature, she growled at Pyro. “How dare you interrupt my plan, do you know who you’re talking to creature!” Pyro looks at Chrysalis, he tilts his head with no response Chrysalis grew impatient and ordered her changeling army to attack Pyro. The changelings were scared scared of Pyro because I never seen anything like him before, but they think they can beat him because they have more numbers than him, all of them jumped and flew at Pyro like a swarm of bees. (Pyro Vision) “Hello sir, do you want to play tag with us.” “Please sir, play with us.” “Play tag with us!” Probably a crew excited he collected him to see the cute little bug like ponies, he nodded his head, he ran as fast towards the changelings they flew around him, he tries to catch them one by one he loves playing tag and now with these new creatures he can play with them in a whole new way, pyro tag one and another and another, he was winning the game. (Reality) Pyro grabbed one of the changelings Slammed it on the ground killing it, he grabbed another punching it over and over until it was lifeless, he grab another one twisting it’s neck until its head came off, grabbed another changeling this time after killing it he swarm get around as a weapon hitting the other changelings with such force. The changelings blood scatter around after Pyro massacre, Chrysalis looked at the blood horrified, she lived long enough to hear stories of terrible things but this creature no, this monster was far worse than anything that Equestria have ever seen. After Pyro killed all the changelings he throw the lifeless body at chrysalis with such force that the horn of the changeling stabbed chrysalis on the leg, she collapsed on the ground screaming in pain. (Pyro Vision) “Wow, be careful little one, you would’ve got hurt.” Said chrysalis “Sorry, I’ll be careful next time ma’am.” “Now run along it’s my turn to play.” Said Chrysalis Pyro clapped his hands, filled with excitement something tells him that this pony is going to be a more difficult than the others, so he will step up his game to win the game. “Ready.” Said Chrysalis Pyro give a thumbs up, this gave chrysalis The signal to run towards the Cave, and Pyro also run towards her hoping to catch her, he was having the time of his life playing with these new creatures. (Reality) Chrysalis was screaming in pain, she tries to run towards the cave, there are so many tunnels that she could hide from this monster, she was so scared that she didn’t even think of using her powers to attack, what she saw, what that thing did to her army, what makes her think she doesn’t have a chance to kill this monster. Her vision got blurry, she was losing a lot of blood, but she doesn’t want to die, she continue running until she tripped on something. She fell down on the ground and saw the strange metallic objects she never seen before, she question where did they came from she didn’t order her soldiers to take them inside, in fact she never seen these things before she even grow more worried. She continued running until she she stopped she heard footsteps she turned around slowly and Sees Pyro, he turned his head looking at the Strange metallic objects, he walked towards it and picked up a fire axe, chrysalis was horrified, she continued running as fast as she can, she runs towards any tunnels that’s close by, she kept running and running until she stopped, she was back outside, she looked around and still sees the dead bodies of her army, some of them missing a limb, blood scattered all over the area no sign of life. For the first time chrysalis felt responsible, she felt something that she haven’t felt in a long time, she felt sorry, she regrets sending her army to die, she wants this nightmare to end. And she looked around not paying attention to anything anymore, she flinch when she heard a branch snapped, she jump forward hoping she won’t get hit by something. Pyro swing his axe at Chrysalis, cutting one of her wings. When she hit the ground she was screaming in pain she look on your back seeing her missing wing, she looked at Pyro, she was terrified. “Please leave me alone if you’re my burden of selfishness, I will turn towards a new league, I’ll be good, I’ll open up to other. PLEASE DONT KILL ME!” (Pyro Vision) “Wow is that a lollipop that looks so tasty, mind if I have a try.” Said Chrysalis Pyro stopped, he put his hand on his chin thinking, should he do it or shouldn’t he not, he looked at chrysalis, Chrysalis was giving him the puppy eyes, she was begging for a lollipop. “Pwetty pwease.” Para was such a good hearted person he doesn’t want this creature filled with joy to be sad so he decided to do the most reasonable one, he walked towards Chrysalis, he squat down and gave her the lollipop, she was so happy she licked it as fast as she can, this puts a smile on Pyros face. (Reality) SLAM The axe was on chrysalis head, the axe was standing on by itself on whatever it was holding on an Chrysalis lifeless corpse. Para put his hands together filled with joy that he made this creature happy, he turned around looking at the cave, he realized that the strange metallic objects are the weapons of his team he should go back and collect them, bringing them back to his friends, they’ll be so happy. Back with team, they finally found where the foot prints let them, and they were expecting it but yet shocked at the same time, everyone were shocked to see you lifeless dead pony like creatures on the floor. “Geez, what was Pyro doing.” Said scout “Mate the better answer is not to think about it.” Said sniper I was there walking medic stopped he squat down looking at the dead pony he was fascinated seen a new creature, this got heavies attention, he’s fully aware what medic is thinking. “Doctor I don’t think it’s a good time to do experiments in this situation were in.” “Oh but heavy this is a brand new creature, sure it’s obviously pony like, but It have some similarities to I bugs, I believe a beetle. I must do experiments on this creature to see what makes them tick.” “Doctor I’m highly aware of what you do but you don’t have your equipment here.” “Oh you’re right heavy, I can’t do experiments on this creature without proper equipment and yet I don’t have any of that here.” As they continued into the cave they saw Pyro next to a pile of weapons their weapons Pyro wave hello to them. Everyone start questioning how did the weapons end up here in the first place, It’s surprise though but if marasmus banished them into this world why did he send they’re weapons here. Maybe marasmus got cocky, Or something else but for now the entire Mercs got their weapons and they’re ready to face whatever comes after them. Engineer found a map pinned to a wall, Yep just like they thought they’re not in their world anymore but in a different one, the map shows an entire land completely new to them, soldier was the first one to literally mention it. “We’re not in America anymore we’re in completely new isolation territory we’re in enemy turf right now maggots!” Said soldier as he picked up his rocket launcher ready to fire, engineer calm him down. Everyone did saw the map there are villages close by and one village that is closer is called Ponyville. “PonyVille really that the name.” Said scout “Maybe it like a place to buy horses or something like that.” Said engineer “Whatever it is, it will do for now. Let’s just hope we don’t cause any more Mayham like we did in our world.” Said spy As the Merce getting ready to head to Ponyville, they faced marasmus challenges before, and they always beats him, they’re not gonna give up just because they’re in some world they’re going to win this, like always. Sniper came back to the group question what did he miss, as everyone looked at snipers hand, He was holding a piss jar. > #2 Dark Reveal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was sleeping on her bed, until suddenly she heard a big boom, she woke up, instantly falling on the floor, after that she ran towards her open window. Seeing a strange looking portal off the distance across the everfree, twilight have never seen anything like that before, her and friends have been through some crazy, and very questionable adventure, but yet this is something else, spike ran upstairs towards twilight, in complete fear. “Twilight, what was that noise, did something bad happened.” Twilight calmed spike down, she told him that everything is OK, it’s just a strange portal. As twilight turned her head looking back at the window, she realize that the portal was gone like it was never there, she wonders, what was that portal and The thought of that portal gives her chills on her spine, she had to send a letter to princess Celestia, maybe she knows what’s going on, twilight and Spike went off downstairs to grab A quill and parchment, but when they left, sitting right next to the window was a rubber yellow duck, with glowing red eyes filled with dark evil magic. “Dear princess Celestia, just this morning I have a spot an odd looking portal across the horizon next to the forest. I don’t know what it is but something tells me that whatever it is, it came out of the portal. To be honest I feel worried, like there’s dark magic involved, it could just be my imagination but seeing the portal and this odd feeling, I starting to have some thoughts, I’m just telling you this now, just to make sure if everything goes wrong which I hope nothing goes wrong, you’re a faithful student princess twilight.” After sending the letter twilight started thinking what came out of the portal could it be Sombra again or the Wendigo, or maybe she just overreacting maybe the portal brought sunset shimmer here again, but still the portal looked different, but it gave a strange anomalies feeling. Twilight doesn’t like this feeling l, ever since she came to Ponyville, she always try to best to find and solve the problem but, this is gonna be bothering her for while, until she solves it. Celestia’s letter finally came, twilight picked up the letter, and says that’s Celestia and Luna felt the portal and actually did see it, but they’re were shocked, at first they thought they were just imagining it, but twilight set a letter saying that she did see it, something about the portal is making Celestia and Luna worried. (At Canterlot) Luna and Celeste were looking at each other questioning what did they saw, they seen portals before, but this portal felt like magic that shouldn’t exist. “ Celestia, I think something evil from the past is coming, or the villains that twilight and her friends fought, they’re coming back for revenge, or something I don’t know.” Said Luna as she walked back-and-forth questioning what is coming out of the portal, while Celestia is questioning the same thing, except not overdramatic like your sisters. “Luna I don’t think this is a threats from our past, nor the enemies that twilight fought, I think this is something new, something that we haven’t seen before, familiar yes, but different.” Said Celestia “But Celestia you felt it, it was filled with evil, so much evil and yet, I don’t even know it was possible, but yet we witness it, I think something big, something worse what kind of foul creature created that portal with so much evil.” Said Luna Back at marasmus castle “I MARASMUS WILL ORDER A LARGE TOPPING PIZZA FOR MY VICTORY, oh do have any drinks that comes with that.” Back at Canterlot “We need to be prepared sister if, this is a different threat then we have an imagine, we must be prepared should we send the guards over there.” “Not yet Luna, I want to make sure this is a threat or not, but if twilight sends a letter and tell us it is a threat, will be prepared.” This calm down Luna, as Celestia continue. “But would you imagine if we send the Royal guards and Twilight told us that it isn’t a threat, how awkward would that be.” Said Celestia The two Royal sisters both laughed but, yet still concerned of the situation. “Let’s just hope it is the threat.” “LUNA!” “What, oh right, sorry.” Back Ponyville After twilight and spike read the letter they went gather their friends telling them about the new and strange and dangerous event they’re about to witness. As twilight went to get Rainbow Dash pinkie pie and applejack, while spike go get rarity, Fluttershy, starlight and Trixie. When spike was leading them to twilight castle, everyone looked at each other, questioning what was twilight worried, it must be something very serious. Starlight and Trixie looked at each other they immediately knows what this is going to be, it’s going to be that strange portal that is very easily knowing if you have powerful magic, either way they both hope there isn’t something too dangerous. “I’m not sure about this I mean you felt that portal too right Trixie.” Said starlight “I have but yet it feels familiar to me.” Said trixie “Really like how.” “yes it does feel evil, but it kind of feels like my younger cocky self.” “Well let’s just hope, we’re not connected into this, because we have bad history in our younger days.” “You have no idea.” As they arrive at twilight Castle they both saw everyone, twilight and they’re friends. When everyone was gathered, twilight explain to everyone about the portal, some of them know, but most of them don’t even know there was a portal, The more the twilight explains the more that everyone got a little bit worried and scared but yet they face villain scary you’re like Sombra and they won. Rainbow Dash flew up in the air telling everyone that they don’t need to be worried, they will always beat the villain, and they will do it again. “Don’t worry twilight this happens every single time we go on a big adventure, we’re not gonna let no freaky creature going to beat us that easily, we always come up on top no matter how big or strong they are.” Said Rainbow Dash “Yeah we always beat those meanies.” Said pinkie Everyone “yeah” Everyone was starting to get braver after hearing rainbow dash speech, even fluttershy is starting to open up. Twilight look back at the sky where the portal used to be, if she’s right if something did came out of the portal, she needs to investigate The area, she doesn’t know if it friend or foe, When everyone we’re talking to each other, trying to make a plan, twilight took this opportunity to sneak into the forest trying to investigate the area. She doesn’t want her friends to get hurt, if this is a threat, so she has to be very careful and alert. As she gets closer to the area, her heart starts pumping really fast, she started to get scared and worried, but still keeping focus. As she made it to the area she looked up the sky. “I’m underneath where the portal should be, OK time to find some clues.” As twilight looked around trying to find anything that could be unusual but she found nothing until, her hoove went on a hole and fell. When she got up she looked around the area and realize there are some marks on the ground and she look closely, whatever made these craters it was falling down on the ground. “So whatever made these craters could’ve come from the portal.” Twilight looked around and discovered more, she counted them and she found out there are nine marks, with different sizes. Whatever came out, they were not prepared so maybe they got here by accident, She continue looking around the area trying to find any clues, well she did find one clue that is very unusual, she found a bottle. As she picked up the bottle, she looked at it she never seen this type of brand before and yet, it looks very different than the bottles back at Ponyville, she looked inside the bottle and realize there is still a drop of liquid inside, by curiosity she lifted her hoove and pour out the liquid on her hoove, just a drop. She smell it it has a strange smell, she turned her head looking around the area hoping no one is looking, and then she drank the drop of liquid. She stopped her eyes widen, she looked at the bottle. “Wow, WOW, JUST A DROP, JUST THIS IS MUCH STRONGER THAN APPLE CIDER, imagine drinking the whole bottle. What ingredients are in this thing, Better hide this from Rainbow Dash.” Twilight turned her head looking around the area hoping no one is looking, she teleported the bottle to her room hoping to use it as an experiment one day. Twilight turned around and she noticed some footprints on the mud, as she gets closer to them, the footprints leads them into the forest, she took a deep breath and continue moving forward following the tracks. She got a little worried, if there are nine people that came out of the portal, let’s just hope they’re not a threat. When twilight made it to the end of the trail, she fell as she stand up and looked what she fell down on, she was horrified, she saw a body of a dead changeling well what’s left of it, The body was mangled like, like how a dog will chew on a chew toy. Twilight continue moving forward, and she saw more dead bodies, when she got to the cave, she saw another body on the ground next to the cave, it was far bigger than the others as she got closer to the body, she instantly recognize it was Chrysalis, her head was smashed, she’s missing one of her wings and seeing multiple cuts and bruises all over her body, like she was fighting or running away from something. She looked up and looked at the cave as she walked towards it, she sees the tunnels that the changeling have been making, everywhere she goes she keeps seeing the dead changelings bodies. She continued looking around the cave, find a new clues, very unusual clues, she stopped when she saw something on the wall, she sees a mark on the wall, it couldn’t be a claw mark, this almost resembles something sharp whatever it is it made a mark on the wall. Before she left the cave she stopped and she saw something shiny on the ground, she came closer to it, picking it up a strange metallic small object, it kind of resembles a cone. “Is made out of Brass, wait.” Twilight turned around looking everywhere realizing something that she never thought of. “It was using weapons, what is this.” Twilight was more horrified and more scared, she spread her wings and flew out of the forest, flying back to Ponyville fast as she can. “This can’t be happening, this is far worse, this is far worse than we ever seen, chrysalis is powerful that And get she was killed off and our hive as well, this is far worse than we ever imagined. I got to warn everyone, everyone in Ponyville.” Has she arrived at ponyville, her friends question where Was she, but they immediately saw twilight horrified face, twilight ran to your friends telling them, to tell the mayor and everyone to hide and stay in their homes, they’re facing a threat far worse than they ever imagined. But everyone was still questioning why I was trying so scared, what did she say. “Chrysalis is dead, I went to the area where the portal was at, I found multiple clues and, I found chrysalis hive, all dead the changelings and her were brutally murder, WE GOT TO HURRY.” As everyone was terrified to hear what twilight saw, they all scattered telling everyone to stay in their homes, hide and lock up and barricaded the door. The entire village was in a panic, as everyone went to their homes picking up there children and going to their homes and barricading it. Twilight and her friends went into her castle, everyone was scattered on the window looking in case it shows up. Everything was quiet, you can even hear a pin drop, Twilight and her friends were looking around the area using binoculars to see any movement, Twilight already sent a letter to print Celestia warning her about this new threat. Everyone’s heart was racing, they were all scared, all worried they haven’t seen the creature, but yet it killed chrysalis, that wasn’t an easy task and yet it killed her, what kind of creature do this, probably a monster with no heart. Applejack looked at twilight question what kind of creature is that dangerous could it be Timberwolves or something else. Everyone in the group were quiet but worried, Fluttershy I was shaking in fear, rarity is frozen in fear, Rainbow Dash although she showing no fear in the inside she is terrified, pinkie pie trying to keep calm, and a lot of things. Everyone in Ponyville are already in their homes, scared and worried, twilight even seen some of them picking up weapons to defend themselves, she doesn’t want this to go worse, to be honest this could get ugly things estimated quickly. It was very quiet in Ponyville, all they can hear is the wind moving, spike was looking at his binoculars he spotted something something that isn’t a pony. “Twilight I found something.” Said spike as he raised his head not looking at twilight. “Where spike?” Said Twilight in a concerned Voice. “At the edge of the forest.” Said spike Everyone grab their binoculars and looked at the edge, they did spotted something and it came out, it’s not just one thing there a group of people, they weren’t ponies and yet they were something else, it looks like they’re are carrying strange things, They don’t know what it is but everyone got even more scared. “So this is Ponyville?” Said scout as he turned back looking at the group. “looks nice, reminds me of home when I was a child.” Said heavy “Yeah I agree with you.” Said engineer As everyone made it to the village, everyone looked back at each other in silence, until scout was the one that broke the silence. “So now what.” Said scout Medic gives a big grin. Scaring some of the Mercs, this made heavy an engineer even more concerned. “Let’s window shop the area.” Said medic Spy looked at medic well knowing what’s going to happen. “This is going to be a disaster.” Said spy > #3 Meet Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “For almost 6000 years I have been in this world, I have seen the dawn of humanity and how stupid an idiotic it can be, but none have ever been worse since I met them, the Mercs, for almost 3 painful years of nonstop losing battle, I grew more frustrated and angry and decided to just screw it and teleport the Mercs To an unknown world, to be honest this isn’t the first time I teleported them, The first time I teleported them back in time, what does it matter I finally won and I’m finally going to have the time of my life, so that’s why I called you and you have arrived with what I want!” Said marasmus as he kept continue talking to the pizza delivery guy. “Ma’am, look you’ve been talking about this for almost 10 minutes and I’m 2 minutes late for another delivery, do you want the pizza or not.” Said the Pizza delivery guy “Yes I will” As marasmus grabbed his drink and pizza and walk back to his home he stopped and was wondering what are the Mercs doing, he shook his head with no worries, like he said he won, and he’s gonna have the time of his life eating pizza and maybe go take over the world, maybe, As he skipped around and joy filled with happiness. Back at Equestria As every pony in Twilight castles looking at the strange nine creatures, Twilight immediately noticed most of them are carrying some strange metallic cone, heck even one of them is wearing them as a belt. Twilight looked at the metallic Cone she founded at the area, it almost resembles it maybe it comes in different sizes, what are they used for. Applejack looked at twilight still looking at those metallic cone. “Twilight what is that thing?” As Applejack scary twilight by accident. “AHH!” “Sorry twilight, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “It’s ok it’s just we don’t know what’s going to happen.” Applejack looked at the metallic cone that twilight is holding. “Say twilight, what is that thing your holding.” “I’m not sure, but whatever it is made of a type of metal, probably brass. It is very similar to the one that those nine creatures are holding maybe it’s important to them or something else.” Said Twilight “Well whatever it is, we need to be careful if those things kill chrysalis and changelings, we don’t know what can they do.” “Maybe were looking at it wrong.” Said pinkie pie, Twilight and applejack turned looking at pinky pie, they were questioning what does she meant, pinkie pie continued. “Maybe were just looking at it wrong, maybe they didn’t attack chrysalis, maybe those nine people are the ones who are trying to stop the creature, I mean you say they came from a portal correct, so maybe they’re trying to stop the creature, I mean look at them, you can even tell they don’t even know where they are, and it looks like they’re expecting something bad to happen.” Everyone in the group turned and looked at pinkie pie, surprised, shocked and something, Everyone immediately grab the binoculars and looked at the 9 creatures. The Mercs continue walking towards the town as they looked around they are curious, where is the everyone where are the villagers shouldn’t there be people here. “Hey guys do you think this village is abandon?” Said scout as he continue looking around. “I’m not sure, the house is look clean, I don’t think this place is abandon.” Said engineer “Then where are the villages?” Said spy Is this got everyone’s attention, some of them are holding their weapons even more thinking this could be an ambush or another attack from marasmus. All the Mercs went back to back expecting an attack, A lot of them i’m looking around trying to see any sign of movement. “I don’t like this.” “None of us do scout.” Said sniper Everyone stop making noises the town was quiet, The only noise it was making is the wind. “Whatever these freaks that Rasmusson send against us, I will kill them and rip their heads out.” Said soldier 10 minutes have passed and nothing happened the only thing that does happening are the ponies in twilight castle looking at the Mercs. “This is boring now, if marasmus is just screwing with us or he found a way to be patient.” Said soldier This got spy attention, he stop and think about it and then he realize something. “Oh for god sake‘s we’re literally not expecting nothing, we’re just standing here in the middle of the town, expecting an attack that is not gonna happen.” Said spy Everyone else is starting to understand and actually realization it’s done. Demo man ran to spy. “Then what are we supposed to bloody do.” “I do not know.” Said spy “Either way it’s very odd that this town is very quiet even though everything is fresh.” Said heavy Everyone looked at heavy question what is he saying. “What are you talking about.” Said scout Heavy raise his hand pointing at the market. “Look the fruit and vegetables and baked goods, if this town was abandoned then those foods would gone rotten by now.” “How can you be so sure, those goods could be fake.” Said sniper “No look closely, the big goods are still steaming they just came out of the oven.” “So, what does that mean.” Said scout Everyone started looking around and immediately started noticing all the other goods and the more they looked, the more they starting to see the windows and the sheets moving on their own. “This village isn't abandon, the villagers are hiding.” Said heavy “Hiding from what.” Said scout Engineer stop and think about it and he realized. “It’s us, we came out of nowhere and these villagers got scared of us, I mean look at us, we are literally carrying weapons, maybe they think we are threat.” Said engineer Everyone stopped and listen to engineer what he saying, at first some of them didn’t believe it, but yet they did enter in a different world and they are carrying weapons, that could scare a lot of people, so maybe he’s right. “Then what do you think we should do?” Said sniper “Well since this place is called Ponyville and maybe it’s like a countryside here, either way maybe they sell horses, so maybe I can just communicate or just talk to them.” Said engineer Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement engineer walked in the middle of town and yelled. “Hello there everyone, look we know that y’all are hiding, but you don’t need to be a scared of us, I know that some of us are (silence) questionable, but you don’t need to fear of us, we mean you no harm, we’re just a bunch of loss folks here!” Twilight looked at the nine creatures and decided to fly over there and greet them, her friend told her not to do it, because it could be a bad idea or it could be a trap, but yet either way they did stand still for 10 minutes in the middle of town, they might not be the brightest tools in the shed. Twilight spread her wings, her heart is pumping, she is nervous and scared, what if they’re not a threat, better make a good impression. Engineer looked around and see no one literally no one, all the marks looked around also still see no one. Scout grew impatient. “That’s all, we’re in the middle of town this place could be abandon already, maybe the villages left the the area and left your stuff here.” Said scout “Scout would you please shut up, give them time.” Said spy “How can we be sure that they are here, literally one of them has to show up already.” Said scout Spy grew impatient at scouts ramble, before they start arguing with each other twilight showed up right behind them. Everyone turned around immediately saw twilight. “That’s it, they don’t show them selves but instead they bring us a pony.” Sniper “Maybe it’s like a sign of peace, some places around the world does do that.” Said medic “But why is the pony is purple, I haven’t seen a purple horse before.” Said demoman “Maybe it’s like a rare horse.” Said engineer “Or they just could’ve dyed the fur purple.” Said scout “Either way, we got to show we’re not a threat.” Said engineer He walked towards twilight and he pet her on the head and he immediately noticed that she has a horn. “Mmm, maybe you are a type of rare pony.” Engineer yelled again. “Ah, thank you for your pony, I hope this means that we’re earn your trust.” Back at twilight castle her friends immediately got worried thinking that they’re going to take twilight as a pet. “Oh no, twilight.” Said Rarity “What should we do.” Said Fluttershy “I say we stop hiding and save twilight.” Said Rainbow Dash Starlight put a hooves up, getting everyone’s attention, starlet explains maybe those creatures don’t know why they haven’t seen there kind before. Twilight is immediately confused, surprised that they don’t see her as a person they see her as an animal, The Mercs still looked around and found pretty much nothing, everyone start questioning why the pony came out of nowhere. Twilight to say just to talk to them. “Excuse me.” “Oh great, someone finally came out.” Said scout Everyone was glad to finally see someone, but when they looked around and found no one, they start questioning where is that girl that talked, Twilight continue talking until they get their attention. “Um, Hello I am the purple pony here, who’s right behind you.” Said Twilight Everyone immediately turned around looking at twilight, she continue talking to them and they are frozen and stuck, except for Pyro he’s literally clapping his hands and excitement. “Now I seen everything.” Said engineer A minute has passed until soldier broke the silence. “PONY DEMON!!!” Soldier grab his rocket launcher and was about to shoot a twilight, until demoman, heavy, sniper and scout tried to restrain him. Spy put his hand in his face and embarrassment. “Don’t mind him he’s an idiot.” Said spy “Marasmus think he can beat us with some kind of pony gimmick, well guess what he’s wrong.” Said soldier “Um, what’s going on?” Said Twilight “It’s a long story, call me engineer, Nice to meet you.” Twilight was immediately surprise, she was expecting these people to be hostile, well that guy being restrained maybe hostile, but everyone else they seem nice. “Ok, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, welcome to Ponyville.” “Nice to meet you, the big guy over there his name is heavy, The skinny guy is named Scout, The guy with the glasses his name sniper, The guy with the eyepatch is named demoman, The guy in the suit is name spy, The guy in the lab coat his name medic, The guy being restrained is name soldier, and the guy wearing a gas mask his name Pyro, and we are TEAM FORTRESS.” “Wow so you guys are a team.” Said Twilight Everyone nodded, twilight continued asking questions about them, engineer is the one who answered them, the first question is what kind of creature are they engineer replied their humans. The entire Mercs started noticing more and more ponies coming out of their homes. “This is very strange.” Said scout “Yup.” Said heavy Twilight an engineer continue talking asking why they’re here, engineer reply they got teleported by an evil wizard. This got twilight attention, she ask the Mercs to come to the castle to talk more. They went to the twilight castle while heavy and sniper are still restraining soldier. Everyone at twilight castle was relieved that twilight didn’t get hurt, and they’re coming to the castle, so that tells them that they’re not a threat, everyone went back downstairs waiting for twilight to arrive, pinky was the last one she stopped before she left the room, she started twitching her pinkie senses tingling, she tried to look around trying to find anything bad that can happen, but nothing, this is the first time that her Pinkie sense doesn’t show anything, maybe she’s just on edge she she left the room heading back with the others. “Is something wrong pinky?” Said Fluttershy “I thought I felt something.” Said pinkie pie “Well I just hope it isn’t those people twilight bringing in.” Pinkie stopped, she looked back at the room still wondering what caused her Pinkie sense to go off, whatever it is she’ll be prepared if it does happen. But she was right something bad is going to happen, next to the window there was a rubber duck with glowing red eyes, the eyes glowed brighter and brighter and then another duck appeared, the two ducks looked at each other and their eyes are glowing more and more, The evil magic that marasmus have brought into this world has now been released, underneath everyone’s noses. > #4 Fight or Die part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we continue the story, marasmus sits in his castle, curious and still wondering, it felt like he’s missing something, and he doesn’t know why, he got out of bed walking around in circles around his castle, still wondering what is it forget it. Did he pay back the Chinese and Russian mafia, yes he did they got rid one of his fingers, it isn’t the two mafias no, he’s forgetting something, something that is troubling him, something that makes him worried at night. “Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something and why am I worried.” He said He looked around his castle, it is still raining outside the raindrops almost sound similar to running, he looked around violently like someone is stalking him, The more and more he looks around and rain keeps falling mimicking the sound of running. After a couple of minutes, he stand up in his full height with glowing green eyes filled with rage, he realize something he was paranoid. Marasmus took a deep breath, he looked around and realize, he,s alone in his castle he thinks about what he’s experiencing. The more he thinks about the more he started to grow angry it wasn’t paranoid it was those Mercs, he got rid of the Mercs, teleport them in a different world, even he doesn’t even know where they went. He smiled realizing that he’s all alone a world full of possibility with no interference, marasmus raise his hands up in the air filled with evil green glowing magic a fire, “This world is mine, and mine to take, but to release the stress, I should go see a movie.” Back at the Equestria After Ponyville started to calm down and more of its citizens are coming out of their homes, not in fear anymore but still nervous about their new visitors. Some people say it’s a good opportunity to show these people the good kindness of Ponyville, but others not so much they don’t know these creatures, sure there are other creatures but they haven’t seen them before. As the Mercs continuing following twilight towards the castle, they were a bit surprised of the architecture of the castle, engineer asked twilight “did you ponies build this castle, it’s very impressive.” “No.” Twilight reply as she continue speaking, “The castle was made by the power of the elements of harmony, well it used to be a tree, then the power of friendship and the elements of harmony expanded turning into a castle which is now my home.” Everyone was amazed, magic built this castle, they seen magic back in their world, but they haven’t seen anything like this before. Some of the Mercs tilter they’re head in confusion and Curiosity, they heard what twilight said, the magic of friendship the elements of harmony, scout whisper next to heavy, “why does it sound like a Saturday morning cartoon.” As they entered in twilight castle they were surprised that the architecture inside, sure it was made by magic, but magic knows what it was doing. Everyone continue looking around still amazed of the inside of the castle, while they were doing that, Twilight friends came down and finally saw her, they ran towards her hugging her they were relieved that she didn’t get hurt, but yet they still don’t know what these creatures are. A couple of minutes have passed, everyone was in the room you wanna look at each other still surprise of seeing these creatures. Twilight was the one that broke the silence. “Well let me introduce you to my friends, Rainbow Dash, applejack, Fluttershy, rarity, pinkie pie, starlight, Trixie and spike. Everyone these are the Mercs, team fortress.” Heavy waved his hand, all the Mercs introduce themselves, some of the ponies are little scared but we got over when they introduce themselves, everyone started talking to each. Scout: “Wait this isn’t going to be like one of those stories that the main characters hang out with the other characters and experience their lives right.” Everyone got confused they didn’t understand what scout is saying. Upstairs where The rubber ducks are at, they’re eyes glow bright red, and they started multiplying and multiplying, they started jumping like that trying to move and continuing multiplying. Downstairs where everyone is talking to each other, demoman touched his head and started to have a headache. The ducks continue jumping and multiplying so much that the room is starting to get full of rubber ducks, the furniture around the room started to get destroyed and smashed, Demoman headache is starting to get even worse, so much that it’s obvious that he’s having a headache. Everyone turn and looked at demoman, he started screaming in pain. “Hey demoman you ok!” Said engineer “Ah, is your friend OK why is he screaming.” Said starlight Demoman eyepatch where his Eye used to be started glowing green, Green magic started flowing out of his eyepatch, everyone started questioning what’s happening to demoman, everyone turned around when they heard a squeaky noise, it was hundreds and hundreds of rubber ducks with glowing red eyes, the Mercs eyes widen like a dinner plate they remember the rubber ducks and it looks like they have entered in Equestria as well. The green magic of the ducks and demoman left Eye started colliding, the magic starting combining, everyone turned back a demoman questioning what’s happening to him. “Somethings happening to my socket, ah, aaahhhhhhhh.” Said demoman. An eyeball came out of his eyepatch, demoman and everyone else looks surprised “, demoman knows that he doesn’t even have an eyeball where his eyepatch is at, the eyeball floated and started absorbing the green magic it grew and grew reaching the same size of a person. The Mercs instantly know who it is, it was monoculus it’s back, but it’s not done yet the rubber ducks multiply even more release even more green magic the green magic form together and be coming into one giant skeleton like creature the Mercs also know who it is. Scout: “is that, is that!” Sniper: “it’s the Horseless Headless Horsemann.” The creature picked up its giant sword and slamming on the ground causing a big explosion pushing everyone outside, separate from each other. Everyone open their eyes, as everyone looked in horror. Horsemann vs Everyone else. monoculus vs demoman, starlight, rarity. Rubber ducks vs scout, rainbow Dash. As everyone trying to get up from the ground they turn and saw the giant skeleton crawling out of the castle from the giant hole it created, it grinned and smiled and started laughing, heavy shouted for everyone to take cover, The horsemann jumped out of the castle swinging his giant sword in the ground with a strong impact on the earth a little bit. Everyone took cover, twilight look closely at the giant skeleton, questioning what is that thing. “The horseless headless horsemann.” Said spy as he started reloading his gun while Twilight looked at the ammunition. “What are you doing, what are those things.” Spy finish reloading and looked at twilight he explain to her in a short way, they’re called bullets and ammunition they’re very useful to keep our guns loaded and help them kill their enemies. Twilight face was utterly shocked, of how the metallic cones were used for weapons as projectiles. As everyone was taking cover, most of the Marcs scattered around firing their weapons at the giant skeleton some of the pony looking at each other. “Hey goggles, you got another weapon we can borrow to help you guys out.” Said applejack yelling at engineer because the loud gunshots. Engineer looked at applejack and looked at his gun, and he looked back at it applejack. “Do you have any fingers to fire the trigger?” “THE HELL ARE FINGERS!” Sniper stopped and looked around realizing they’re missing a few members, he wasn’t the only one twilight looked around and realized some of their friends are not with them, she starts to grow even more worried, while Applejack, Trixie and spike looked at Twilight full knowing she can just use her magic to help them Mercs out. Scout and rainbow dash woke up realizing they’re on the other side of the castle, both of them heard the gunshot loud and clear. Rainbow dash jumped when she heard the gunshot. “WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!” Scout looked at the castle full knowing what’s happening, he looked at rainbow Dash telling her not to go to the noise or she would end up dead. Rainbow Dash was angry at scout, worrying about her friends, she doesn’t want them to get hurt from that, whatever that thing is. “what are we doing we gotta help them.” “wait don’t go straight into that bullet wall, unless you end up dead before the thing is!” Rainbow Dash turn her head looking at Scout, she was so angry she flew straight into scout face. “Got any ide-.” Rainbow Dash was interrupted, scout and her turn their head at the castle seeing the rubber ducks jumping out of the castle, still with the red glowing eyes filled with hatred. The only words that scout said was. “Ah Oh.” Scout and Rainbow Dash looked around seeing more rubber ducks surrounding them and blocking the path to reach their friends. The rubber ducks looked at them menacingly, All of them jump try attack them, they both Dodge in trying to escape from the ducks. As they run through Ponyville scout and Rainbow Dash try to grab anything and throwing it at the ducks to make them slow down, but they were completely horrified and shocked, anything that goes underneath the ducks will get destroyed or vaporize, like a bunch of piranhas except instead of eating you, they just instantly stomped on you until you’re nothing but just a mushy puddle. “HOLY SHIT THIS ISN’T GOOD!” Said Rainbow Dash “THIS THINGS ARE SOME HOW MORE VIOLENT THEN I THOUGHT!” Said Scout Scout and Rainbow dash started screaming while still running though ponyville. On the other side of the castle a little bit far away, demoman woke up seeing rarity and starlight with him, he looked around and instantly remembered he grabbed his eyepatch and he stick his finger in his eye socket where his eye used to be. “oh thank God my eye is gone, that’s the first time I said that.” Demoman looked at myself realizing he’s going to glow blue until he was push towards a tree, he can’t even move his own arms and legs, he was frozen someone is using magic to hold him. “Hey who did that!” Demoman looked in front of him seen starlight, her horn was glowing she was not happy. “why did you bring those creatures!” “What I didn’t bring those bloody creatures.” “But you summon them.” “I didn’t do it.” Starlight and demo man went back-and-forth arguing with each other, while Rarity looked at them like A bunch of children arguing. It didn’t take that long for Rarity to stop the arguing, She continues talking trying to get starlight to calm down although, rarity does not know what’s happening and why did those creatures came out of nowhere. demoman keeps defending himself, saying that he doesn’t know how to do magic, demoman revealed that it was his eye, as he continued on explaining telling them that his eye was cursed, by a magic book, while he was cleaning an old wizards castle when he was just a young boy. Starlight and rarity looked at each other, and looked back at demoman in complete confusion. Starlight started questioning demo man about, well about everything what he just said, like everything, demoman replied saying that he will tell them everything that is happening, before starlight let go of demoman, they heard a growl, they turned around seeing the giant eyeball, looking straight at them filled with anger and hatred, monoculus face grown even more angry when he looked at demoman before gave a big insult which pretty much doesn’t sound like words at all. “Ehahscjsvhehehafdhihahdheachhaaqh!” Starlight looked at the giant creature still confused, until she said her own words that you can understand. “What the fu-?” Before she finished her word, monoculus flew towards at them trying to hit them, starlight started to use her magic to make a barrier and letting go of demoman, he instantly grabbed his weapon ready to fight the giant eyeball that used to be part of him. The two teams separated each of them are fighting one powerful magical creature from another world, some are struggling, some are cornered and others is just straight up don’t know what to do, but this isn’t the end of our favorite and beloved team. They will defeat these creatures from another world and once they defeat them, they will defeat marasmus, as he is just watching a movie in the theater, (the f@@k is he doing?). > #5 Fight or Die part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marasmus have walked back home after finish watching a movie back in the theater, as he entered in his castle he suddenly realize that it was so quiet, so quiet, he looked around and looked at his hands, thinking what should he do next he pretty much did all the things he wants to do, except for one thing spread the evil around the world until it’s nothing but consume in eternal darkness, A world filled with evil spirits creatures from the depths of hell, resident out of the ground attacking the innocent spreading more evil and suffering around this world, The power of The evil magic will be powerful enough that no power nation around the world will stop it. “I could bring this world in eternal darkness, I can bring every single end of the World prophecy all in existence in the single thought, I could Enslave humanity, showing them the fear of eternal endless fear, I can rule this world in my vision, I will rule this world in my way that I become the new god of this world. I am marasmus, and I will.” Marasmus stopped that he looked around and realized that he accidentally caused A fire in his home, he started panicking running to his kitchen, trying to grab the fire extinguisher went back to the fire and put out the fire. “I shouldn’t get too carried away, maybe I should wait this out, maybe a long nice nap Will help me out.” As marasmus walk to his room to take a long nap, back at Equestria everyone was still fighting against the three creatures, what’s taking them much longer is they’re all separated and, each of these creatures have somehow got even more stronger than before, this is going to be difficult for our heroes. At Canterlot Princess Celestia and and Princess Luna got the letter from twilight as they read it they grew even more worried, hoping that this otherworldly creatures won’t attack, and they were both shocked to hear chrysalis have been killed by one of these creatures. “Oh my god, Chrysalis has been murdered” said Luna as she looked at Celestia, she noticed that her sister was trying restrain her face. “Sister are you alright?” “I feel great Luna.” Luna got scared a little bit the way that her sister talked felt like a relief, although Celestia was covering her face, but Luna can already tell she is smiling. “sister do you even feel sorry for chrysalis.” “I mean yes I do feel sorry that she has die like that, but at the same time I’m actually glad that she is dead.” “Sister this is unlike you!” “Luna if you were the same age as I am and take care of the entire nation for almost 1000 years you see some pretty crazy shit.” Luna was completely shocked she was not expecting to hear this from her own sister but yet again when she think about it again and again, she does fully understand that her sister have seen some really and I mean really crazy things, even genocide. As they look down at Ponyville still thinking what should they do, they think it will be better if they wait, if there is a pony that can make a villain into a good person, it would be twilight and her friends. Back at Ponyville outside of twilight castle HOLY SHIT MY STUDIES DIDNT TEACH ME ANYTHING ABOU IT THIS! Twilight cover ears panicking as the war continued, she looked up seeing soldier rocket jumping and shooting rockets at the giant skeleton, while her friends were trying to help out the Mercs in any other way they can, Twilight is completely sitting in the corner in complete fear she never been in a war before and and because of that she started panicking she started breathing fast. “Oh sweet Celestia, we’re going to die, we’re going to die, we’re going to die!” “Yes yes ,we all are going to die, but don’t worry little pony stick with me, I promise I will heal you.” Said medic as he was closer to twilight face scaring her, but it wasn’t that long until Medic heard heavy calling him. Twilight is so confused but also scared at the same time, how does she end up here. Scout and Rainbow Dash are still running from the rubber ducks, while the ducks stumped on the ground trying to catch up to them. “Hey you and your friend fought those things right! Said Rainbow dash “Yeah.” “Then how do we do stop the!” Scout told rainbow Dash When him and his teammates were against the rubber ducks, they actually collected all of them and put them in one storage, or send them to another world, or just straight up burn them. “So we have to trapped them.” “Yeah, got any old storage house to burn them, or something.” Rainbow tries to think fast trying until see remembers the dragon season, yes the trench, the one that rainbow and her friends made to protect them self from the dragon, rainbow told scout to follow her to the trench. As they run scout grabbed a oil lamp, rainbow Dash shouted. “We’re almost there, get ready to jump ok!” The ducks started to stumped on the ground even harder, scout shouted towards at rainbow Dash, telling her he’s ready. Rainbow Dash smiled seeing the trench, she yell “JUMP!” Scout jump over the trench, lighting up the lantern in uncontrollable fire. The ducks continue stomping hard on the ground until they fell down on the trench, pile of rubber ducks stuffed the trench. “The trench worked, NOW BURN IN HELL YOU DUCKS!” Scout throws the flaming lantern at the pit, the lantern shattered by the ducks violently moving around, the oil from the lantern spread all over ducks as they were trapped against each other. The fire spread all over the rubber ducks, burning them like melted cheese, the fire slowly changing into a green fire. Rainbow Dash flew next to scout, they both cheered in there victory, as they high five or hoofbump they slowly looked back at the flaming pit. They stood back with eyes widen, the pile of burned rubber duck Rise above the trench. “He-Hey scout.” “Ye-Yeah” “What happens if you burn rubber?” “Well I’m not much of a scientist, but uhh, well it melts, yeah it melts, ha not a hard question, why did you saaaay that, oh crap.” The pile of rubber ducks stand in full height, the burned ducks are now infuse in one dis formed melty creature, as it fell down on the ground, it stand up again with rage, it gave a big roar loud enough that you can hear far away. “The hell is that?” Said engineer as he continues firing his shotgun at the giant skeleton. The giant burn melted rubber ducks looks down at scout and Rainbow Dash as it grows even more mad, it began to charged at them, scout and rainbow Dash ran in horror from the giant dis form creature. Demoman shoots his grenade launcher at monoculus, as it moved around dodging the grenades. “BLOODY HELL!” Monoculus charge at demoman but he miss, as starlight use her magic to move demoman away from the attack. monoculus looked at the light blue pony with angry and annoyance, it charge towards starlight but she teleported away before the eye ball creature hit the ground with a strong impact. Monoculus looked around, trying to find the drunk Scottish and the two ponies. Demoman, starlight and rarity were finding behind a large boulder, demoman grew frustrated about the situation. “Bloody hell, that giant eyeball is now faster!” “Wait are you saying that thing wasn’t that strong?” “No it wasn’t, last time we fought him at scream fortress, he mostly floats around shooting rockets.” Rarity joins in the conversation “Wait what are rockets?” “They are a giant bullet that explode one impact, imagine a firework that doesn’t hold back, and the sparks are replaced with shrapnel and a ball of fire.” Starlight and rarity looked shocked and no words but it wasn’t that last until rarity broke the silence. “WHAT KIND OF MONSTER MAKES THOSE THINGS!” “Hey, it’s my family Legacy to handle demolition.” “Wait you said that eyeball shoots rockets right.” Said starlight “Of course it can, why oh.” Monoculus was hovering above them with the wicked smile. He spoke in a evil tone but with his you can’t tell what he’s saying. “InhjigdFoundhhdjdhyoubsndkdhs.” Monoculus fired a magic rocket at them, but starlight created a forcefield protecting all of them, The strong magical impact from the rocket that collide on the forcefield shutter into a big explosion, pushing everyone away shattering anything around, although everyone was unharmed, The magic rocket impact pushed starlight hitting her and causing her to be unconscious. Rarity was horrified, she ran to starlight picking her up checking if she was all right, The man was horrified and shocked as well, him and his team have managed to defeat monoculus before, but now he’s somehow got even more stronger, the Rockets are even more powerful and impacted, what’s even worse medic is it here with them, he isn’t around to help starlight. Monoculus ssmiled seeing his opportunity to finally kill one of the Mercs, even though he’s killing one of them this is a high achievement in his luck. Monoculus was still in his mind he fell to explosion hit it on the back of his, head or the back of his giant eyeball, he turned around violently seeing demoman running like crazy grabbing the two ponies on the ground and continued running, Monoculus was shocked but also grew irritated about this. Demoman was running through the field and forest trying to escape from Monoculus, he looked at rarity and starlight unconscious body. “Hey pony, unicorn right.” “Well obviously!” “Good I need you to use your magic to hover everything around us like trees, rocks and branches to disorient Monoculus!” “Uhh.” Rarity hesitate, demoman looked at Rarity with complete shocked, he know the unicorns can do magic but this is new for him. “Please tell me you can do magic.” “Yes I can, but my magic isn’t strong enough to carry very heavy objects, the only ponies I know who can do that, is twilight, Trixie and starlight what but she’s unconscious!” “Oh fu-“ A loud explosion interrupted demoman sentence, monoculus floated up in the air and went full on charging at other three people. “HE’S COMING!!!” Demoman tried to run even more fast as he can, but monoculus is catching up to them, Rarity started panicking, she looked around trying to see any object that she can use against the giant eyeball. She saw small rocks scattered around the area, she use her magic to pick them up and start throwing them at monoculus. Most of the rocks hit monoculus pushing him a little bit back, but isn’t enough, he started growing even more irritated. The giant eyeball started moving even faster almost a couple feet behind them, Rarity got scared she looked around trying to see even more rocks but there’s no more, she looked up and see a bunch of branches, by an instinct she use her magic to pull every branch, breaking them and throwing it at Monoculus. Most of the branches are actually covered in leaves and small twigs, it covered up Monoculus, he couldn’t see anything so it forced him to stop, and try to shake off the branches, but there’s so much, that out two trees collapse on top of him, trapping him. Rarity clapped her hooves in excitement, she finally manage to slow down the giant eyeball creature, and right on time demoman started slowing down as he grew even more tired, when they make it at the end of the forest they end up at Sweet apple acres. “Sweet apple acres!” “You know that barn?” “Yes it’s Applejacks home.” “You mean that cowgirl pony.” “Yes.” “Maybe Big Mac and Granny Smith can help us.” “Who are they.” “Applejacks family.” “Good we need more help as we need it.” Demoman put rarity down as he still hold on starlight unconscious body, both of them walked towards the barn, inside the forest, the two collapse trees started vibrating shaking, until suddenly they both disintegrated by a big green explosion Monoculus rose up, filled with rage and frustration is I glowing bright red of hatred. “FIGEIMODJENGOINGGMYSTOQSPKILLQWPTHTHEM!!!” Rarity ran towards the barns door knocking hard and waited for anyone to answer, but no one did she start panicking and she started yelling hoping anyone can hear her but no response. “They’re not home.” Said Rarity in any concern and scared voice. Before rarity spoke she can hear someone yelling, demoman and rarity looked around trying to see where that noise is coming from. Until rarity stopped and smiled, she remembers her little sister sweetie Belle, told her she’s gonna hang out with her friends, so they must be at the clubhouse. “Where you going?” “Just follow me.” Back at Canterlot Luna began tapping her hoof violently, she looked at her sister, she’s still looking at the telescope looking down at Ponyville, Luna grow even more frustrated and impatient, she stand out of her seat and walk towards her older sister and before she spoke Celestia spoke first. “OK this is serious send the royal guards immediately!” “Wa?” “There’s a giant bipedal skeleton creature with a giant sword?” “Wha?” “And These strange creatures that twilight talked about, are now helping twilight and her friends to fight off that creature.” “OK at least they’re in our side.” “Apparently the giant creature isn’t the only one, there is a pile of rubber ducks that somehow got set on fire and now became one giant gelatinous blob of burnt rubber.” “WHAT!” “And A giant eyeball!” “WHAT! Hold on let me see!” “Oh shit that’s a giant eyeball.” “LUNA WE HAVE TO ALERT THAT GUARDS!!!” > #6 Fight or Die part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marasmus was sleeping in his bed with no worries, no stress, no problems just relaxing and sleeping the night. “This has to be the best and relaxing day that marasmus Have ever been through.” Before marasmus close his eyes the ground started to shake like a small mini earthquake, he jerked up looking around and questioning what happened. “That’s odd New Mexico doesn’t have earthquakes, I wonder what was that?” Marasmus touched his chin thinking what caused that mini earthquake, could it be natural no, couldn’t have, could be magic related or could it be. “No!” Marasmus whispered, he looked around and seen nobody, he got out of his bed teleport around the castle trying to see if there’s anyone around his castle, but he didn’t. Marasmus teleported back to his bed he Touch his head he’s starting to feel a headache he still questions where did he send the Mercs, although he doesn’t know where he send them into another world, even though soldier messed up the spell, but something behind the back of his head is still questioning and worried about, although marasmus is finally relaxing and enjoying his victory, but on the back of his head he still questions and worried about, are they coming back and if they will, they could have some new or worse ideas to do with him. “But they don’t have magic, none of them have magic powers, so how could they come back to the world without using magic related, fools.” Marasmus went back to sleep, he close his eyes and finally relax, but the thought is still on the back of his mind maybe a nice sleep can get rid of it. Back at Equestria “OH SWEET CELESTIA THIS IS NOT WHAT I IMAGINE!!!” Said Twilight as she scream in fear, The Mercs continue firing at the giant skeleton. The giant skeleton jumped up in the air ready to slam its giant sword on the ground, spike screamed. “WHAT OUT FOR TRIPLE H, EVERYONE!” Everyone moved out of the way of the giant skeleton powerful sword hitting the ground, the ground shake, twilight turned seeing Fluttershy and medic on the ground, the skeleton was going to kill them, twilight watch in horror but by an instinct twilight horn glowed, and a powerful magic fired at the giant skeleton pushing him back, until he tripped and fell down on the castle. Everyone looked at twilight in shocked, Twilight friends know that she is powerful but the Mercs didn’t know she was that powerful. Trixie was the one that broke the silence. “IT ABOUT TIME!” “Sorry.” Said Twilight in embarrassed Twilight and her friends hug each other glad that the monster is done for, but when twilight looked at the Mercs their faces told everything, everyone started hearing rumbling a giant skeleton was coming out of the castle picking up his sword ready to fight again. RE-ORGANIZE!! Shouted soldiers Back in sweet apple acres Rarity was walking towards The cutie mark crusaders clubhouse, while demoman was still following her and still carrying the unconscious starlight. The Scotsman looked at the white unicorn, questioning where is she taking him. “Say rarity where are we going?” Rarity turned her head looking at the demoman but still walking, The look of her eyes it’s no longer in fear but yet concern. “We are going to see my little sister and her friends clubhouse, that’s where we’re going to leave starlight there for her to be safe, after that we are going back to Ponyville to fr find our friends to beat that disgusting horrifying monstrosity of an eye.” Rarity stopped on her tracks realizing she just assaulted demo man eye, she turned around looking at him apologizing. “I am so sorry that I have insulted your eye, oh and I am so sorry that you lost your eyes.” Demoman was shocked but yet he shrugged it off, he knows that these ponies don’t know the full story of his cursed eyeball, most people wouldn’t believe that his eyeball was cursed, but in this world where is filled with magic, people would believe it, but yet again him and his teammates where involve with some strange and unusual, even some odd occurrence that is hard to explain. “Naw, don’t worry about my curse eyeball I lost it so many years ago.” Rarity was relieved she didn’t insult demoman, but she’s still surprised and shocked about his curse eye, she still doesn’t believe it, when he was a child he was cleaning the The castle of the person who throw them into this world, and who is apparently evil, this is going to be a strange adventure she question. As they walk towards her to the clubhouse Both of them stopped after hearing starlight moaning, both of them were generally happy to find out that they’re a little Conrad is still all right and still fighting. Demo man and rarity both immediately run towards the clubhouse, when they arrived, demo stopped he looked at the treehouse he knocked his head, Before demoman walked towards the stairs he will stop by rarity he was wondering why she stopped him. “Oh.” Said demoman now understand that he can’t just burst into a room with these ponies who never seen him before, can’t blame them, soldier literally freaked out when twilight talk for the first time, he immediately pulled out his rocket launcher and try to shoot her, luckily for them did secure him, he should check his friend just to see he’s OK. “Wait here demo.” “Got it.” Rarity walked towards the door, when she knocked the door she was waiting patiently but demo can see her face she was a big concern, can’t blame her when the door open she walked in the clubhouse. The cutie mark crusaders were a bit surprised to see rarity was here but they don’t mind it. “Oh hey Rarity.” Said the CMC Sweetie Belle walk towards your big sister question did something happen, or did she needs more help with her work. Rarity told them it’s not that it something else, as she explained the three girls sit and listen very closely, while rarity was talking demo was outside waiting, he looked around the area hope that giant eyeball doesn’t sneak up on him. “Looks like we’re good, I wonder how’s everyone is doing?” He flinch when he heard a loud monster roar, he looked around violently hoping that he sees the giant eyeball but sees nothing. “AH BLOODY HELL!” He heard something, he listened closely trying to hear where that strange noise is coming from, then from the far distant across the farm, he spotted something round floating on top of the farm until he instantly know who it is. “OH CRAP!!!” Rarity finally finished talking to the cutie mark crusaders, the three ponies looked at each other and then looked at the big unicorn their faces explain it all. “Rarity is this some kind of prank that you, pinky and Rainbow Dash are doing.” Said scootaloo “Yeah Rarity this isn’t like you, you’re not much of a prankster at all.” Said AppleBloom “Rarity we may be young but we’re not easily done fooled.” Said sweetie belle Where’d he has no words to look at her face was utterly shocked and the only thing she can say is. “Eh b-but.” Demoman interrupted everyone when he burst into the room carrying starlight with him, the three ponies were instantly were terrified and ran away across the room. Demoman was a little bit confused, he thought rarity told them everything, but now he’s even more confused that Rarity is somehow shocked, broken and not responding. “What the bloody hell happen to her, ah forget it, you three keep an eye on this unconscious pony got it!” The three ponies nod their heads still scared but yet still wondering what is happening. Demoman put starlight down on the ground and pulled out his grenade launcher, he turned looking back at rarity who is still shocked. “Rarity snap out of it we have a job to do!” Demoman started shaking rarity trying to get her attention, which it worked, sweetie Belle broke the silence after she ran towards her big sister. “Wait you’re telling us that you’re fighting a giant eyeball is real?” “And shoots Magic rockets.” Said rarity “What’s a rocket.” “Basically it’s a firework that doesn’t hold back, instead of sparks it’s a wall of fire and shoots shrapnel which it’s tiny pieces of metal.” The three ponies were utterly shocked they have the same reaction to starlight and rarity when They first heard about a rocket, but it wasn’t that long rarity also explain to take care of starlight until she wakes up. Sweetie Belle hugged her big sister scared and worried about her, hoping that she’ll be OK and hope she defeats that giant eyeball. Before they left demo man gave sweetie Belle a stick grenade. He told them in case something happens use that against the giant eyeball in case he comes here, rarity immediately now understanding that everything that demoman has is a bomb. “DONT YOU DARE GIVE MY BABY SISTER F@@KING BOMB!!!!” “AH don’t scream you are tracked him, and besides my family gave me a bomb when they re-adopted me again.” Everyone was confused and demo man explained. “I accidentally killed my adopted parents and when my real parents discover about my explosive items, they were adopted me again.” Everyone in the room were utterly shocked and yet surprise, where would he was have no words about what she just heard. “You have a strange life Mister.” “It’s tradition that’s what my family told me” After they finish talking, they went outside demoman explain to rarity that he saw the giant eyeball floating around the farm, she’s a little bit scared but she can’t let this thing Rome round Equestria, is either now or never. Back with scout and rainbow Dash Yep still running for your life from the giant burned rubber ducks. “ITS STILL CHASING US!!!” Said Rainbow Dash “YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!” Said scout Scout started running backwards pulling out his shotgun and start firing at the giant rubber ducks but it was an effective. Rainbow dash looks at him. “We’re screwed?” “We’re screwed. KEEP RUNNING!” “You’re the only one who’s running, I can fly!” “You know what I mean!” They both keep running away from the giant creature. Back with the others The giant skeleton rose up from the rubble, grabbing its sword and looking straight at twilight with fiery eyes, The skeleton skin and its full height and screamed in anger everyone stood back wondering what’s the creatures about to do,. Everyone was looking at the creature ready in case it comes out them in full attack ,everyone was in a stalemate The whole area went quiet the wind is blowing, everyone is still worried and scared The Merkes ready their weapons in case the creature run towards them, The giant skeleton raise his sword ready to straighten down, everyone is prepared for the worst. A creature was about to run until it stopped when he heard screaming, come to think of it, everyone else is hearing screaming, everyone turn their head looking around the area to see where is the noise is coming from even the giant skeleton is wondering the same thing, heavy was the first one that broke the silence. “Who is screaming and why does that sound like scout.” “And why does it sound like Rainbow Dash.” Said Trixie Everyone was confused until Scout and Rainbow Dash ran past the giant skeleton, which the Giants skeleton is still confuse, something got the giant skeleton attention he looked back at everyone and spoke. “Do you guys smell burnt rubber?” After the giant skeleton finished talking he turned around and saw A giant gelatinous burnt rubber creature made out of burn rubber. The giant creature tripped and fell on top of the giant skeleton, A giant skeleton screamed in pain, he feels his bones burning from the giant melted pile of ducks, no time the giant skeleton was buried in a pile of rubber goo, which is still on fire. Everyone was utterly shocked to see that the giant skeleton that they had trouble defeating was now down in the ground, pinkie pie broke the silence. “I guess this is another meaning for get ducked on.” “Pinkie!!” Said Twilight Everyone look at each other wondering is it fully over, No it wasn’t The creature started rising up, everyone got in their position ready to fight again, but they were not expecting the two creatures to be fuse the giant skeleton bones were scattered all over the giant goo, making another creature much bigger and somehow more violent, like if flubber was evil and has a giant sword. “You got to be F@@king kidding me.” Said spy > #7 Fight or Die part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marasmus woke up from his sleep, he felt so relaxed so energetics so peaceful, but he needs to get back to work he went back to his evil lair and began to make potions of magic spells, he has so much opportunity and he decided to do all of it since no one‘s gonna stop at the course. “I marasmus will finally achieved by ultimate goal to make a powerful evil entity that will rise up from the ashes of the depths of hell and then consume this world into eternal darkness for all eternity.” Marasmus began to laugh louder as his laugh echoing throughout the castle he felt so much joy so much freedom as the earth started shaking by the sheer magic of marasmus glow bright green evil Ora flow out of it. Back at Equestria Princess Celestia and Luna we’re trying their best to send the Royal guard right away, some of the royal Guards Were accidentally bumping into each other and falling this was completely unexpected to them in panic of the princesses, “All right everybody get your things up and running hurry we’re going down to Ponyville!” Yelled one of the captains of the Royal guards, everyone settle up and ready to fly down to Ponyville right away. “I hope we’re not too late sister.” Said Celestia Back at sweet apple acres Demoman opened the door to peaking what’s outside from the far distance he can see the giant eyeball floating around menacingly filled with anger he could even see the giant eyeball shooting rockets at the ground luckily there are nowhere close to him. Demoman turn looking at the ponies in the room by their looks their seem kind of worried rarity is trying to comfort her little sister but by the looks of her eyes she is more terrified than ever and yet disgusted at the same time. “So what’s the plan demoman?” She walked towards the Scotsman waiting to hear for an answer. “I have a plan but it may be too dangerous but I have to do this alone, like you said you’re not very good with magic, no offense also I still have enough ammunition to defeat him.” “Are you sure?” “No.” Where would his face was immediately more horrified by that reaction she can tell that demoman it’s not sure about defeating Monoculus, she said they’re thinking of a plan right away they have no idea how do you feed the giant eyeball starlight is unconscious they don’t want to bring the cutie mark Crusaders involved with the eyeball and the only person who can actually do a physical damage to the giant eyeball is demoman himself. Rarity grits her teeth and frustration, she did not want her day to be like this the mysterious road like came out of nowhere and then it release a chain eyeball that is dangerous enough that wants revenge towards these people and she still can’t get over the fact that eyeball used to be a part of demoman, she started questioning your house the others are doing probably not good as they are. back at the other fight “How old are f@&$ is that’s possible!” Said engineer “It’s magic it’s not hard to explain.” Said medic “That’s not how it works!!!” Said Twilight shouting from the distance Back at sweet apple Monocles is still on a rampage, he destroyed many trees in the forest searching for that Scott’s been in that white pony and the unconscious girl that sounds wrong. “Bhsidedhdwijshbhhsfjihd cmfuckgft.” He keeps destroying the area until he spots a farm then he grinned phone knowing that those three little vermin are at the farm hiding he will destroy them he wish he could Fire nuke at them and just ended right away, but he only has the fire rockets no matter he flew towards the farm. Demo man I was waiting for knowing that Monoculus is on his way. Demo man looks around trying to find any other ways to slow down the giant eyeball, rarity looks at him Full knowing that the eyeballs on his way. “Now what!?” She said demoman frantically looked around until he stopped and opened them with a determined look, he looks at the little ponies and bust open the door runs straight forward towards the giant eyeball. Rarities eyes why didn’t complete shock at the scotsman running face first into battle. “Did he just ran out there with no fear filled determination is he that desperate!?” As she said that she immediately noticed that demoman fired a few stickies on the ground and immediately exploded launching him up in the air without getting hurt. Rarity and the cutie mark crusaders looked at the flying Scotsman in both amazed and shocked. Demo man keeps firing stickies on the ground before he hits the ground propelling him of the ground, demoman keeps firing launching him up in the air in one hand he uses his sticky launcher to launch them up in the air and the other hand is Excalibur. In full a on battle scream demoman yells at the top of his lungs getting the full attention monoculus, as demo man gets closer to the giant eyeball he fired his last sticky traps launching them up in the air much more faster as he got closer to the eyeball he immediately swung his Excalibur at the giant eyeball infecting enough damage on the giant eyeball. Monoculars shut his eye and screams incomplete pain, demoman flew back down as he laughed as he finally got a shot at the giant eyeball but he wasn’t paying attention where he’s falling and then he crash into the barn. The ponies who are watching the battle wince at the part where demoman fall into the barn. “That’s gotta hurt.” Said Scootaloo Monoculus open his eyes filled with even more rage he turned looking at the barn board demo man has crashed on without hesitation humidifier parade of rockets at the barn, as the barn exploded everyone was in complete horror to see the drunk Scotsman being attacked by the crazy amount of rockets, as a giant eyeball stop firing in the explosion it finally stopped the barn was completely gone smoking the eyeball smile menacingly thinking that he finally defeated his previous owner, But without hesitation demoman ran away extremely fast swinging his arms back-and-forth in a comedic way that looks very familiar. “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!” (And yes that’s a jojo reference) Rarity gave a sign of relief but she know the demoman is wide open, so she decided to do something very risky she’s going straight into battle, but before she did that she turned looking at her little sister asking for one of the pipe bomb that demoman gave her, sweetie Belle immediately gave back the pipe bomb to rarity none of the cutie Mark Crusaders don’t want to be involved with this Mayham, well maybe a little but they don’t wanna die. Rarity levitated the pipe bomb and immediately ran towards the battle as she left the cutie mark crusaders, one of them turned around noticing that starlight started to move a little bit. Devil may continue running away from the barn but monoculus is still chasing him. “Ah You’re still chasing me get away from me you son of bitch!!” “Iahhdkrbdjsnaohriduhddkillehdjsb” Yeah man turned around still running and firing his stickies and his pipe grenades at monoculus, know they’re doing enough damage but it’s not slowing down the eyeball with his full on rage. Rarity is running as fast as she can to catch up the demo man with a pipe bomb on her mouth she hope she’s not too late. > #8 Fight or Die part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our nine mercenaries and their new companions have been battling their greatest threat a, fiery melted wax duck monster mixed with a Giants skeleton, my God that's a lot of words to say in and a Giant floating eyeball as they finally got an edge they will finally and hopefully end this battle as soon as possible, which all of them not knowing that at Canterlot the princesses are about to send a fleet of the royal guard to support and stop these creatures, hoping they will be peace between these new creatures by peace she means interrogate them wondering why they're here and also thank them for getting rid of chrysalis, there is a lot of mixed feelings with the princesses at this moment. Back with our Mercenaries the Team Fortress crew and the help of their new allies the ponies they finally got an edge against the Giant flaming gooey skeleton, some of the mercs immediately noticed that because of the giant skeleton was covered in this flaming rubber goo, it was not only hurting the giant skeleton but it was also slowing the skeleton down, not only that they noticed that the more the fire goes away the more the melted rubber is going be harden, so they have a plan but need to tell one of their crewmates to not shoot fire at the giant skeleton. "PYRO SHOOTING FIRE AT IT!!!" Said engineer getting the attention of the Pyro it turned around noticing his good old friend moving his hands like he just don't care, but he understands what the engineer just said. Pyro frowned realizing he's not going to shoot fire at the Giants rubber skeleton, he pouted until everyone panicked when the giant skeleton saw pyro and immediately kick pyro like a bloody football launching him up in the air, everyone was so shocked not only shocked but the ponies were immediately horrified they thought they saw their new ally get killed, Rainbow Dash was about to fly and try to catch him but the rubber skeleton throw rocks at everyone they all took take cover, Rainbow Dash try her best but because of the giant skeleton throwing pretty much anything he sees around him he doesn't want anyone to catch pyro, rainbow grits her teeth realizing that she couldn't even do anything, not only that the mercs were also panicking not because they're worried about their friend getting hurt but now The Reincarnation of actual hell has been Unleashed and they don't know where he's going Land. Pyro spread his arms like he's flying which in actuality he was literally launched in the air so high that he can reach the clouds, for some reason he wasn't even in pain he was enjoying the view he's liking the flights even though he does have his backpack to launch him up in the air, it is nice to save up gas and to see the beautiful sky up at Cloudsdale two Pegasus were talking to each other and we're in a bit of an argument, one of them tried to explain that what they saw was a strange nine creatures carrying strange metallic objects, and they're started fighting a mysterious creature made out of goo the other Pegasus it's not even trust the person believing that Pegasus was putting a trick or lying to him, they argued with each other back and forth until one of them realized that they're going to prove it they should put a bet, both of them bet on a hundred bits both of them filled with determination and hoping that they're going to win then they immediately turn their head noticing a humming noise like someone is singing, as they got closer to the noise they suddenly see the Pyro just his head popping out of the clouds, pyro turn looking at the two Pegasus waving his hand at them then suddenly went back down, the two Pegasus eyes widen and complete shocked then the first Pegasus turn looking at his friend and told them he owes them 200 bits. Back at the mercs they continually firing at the rubber skeleton, spy turn looking at Twilight and ask her if she has any spells that can freeze the rubber skeleton, twilight looked at the skeleton and she nodded her head then her horn started glowing, she Point directly at the skeleton but they need to be very careful the skeleton was in a desperate area and still throwing an object everywhere, went from pieces of Twilight's crystal Castle to rocks and boulders to trees and I believe it just throwing a SEAL at them, when the creature realized he has nothing to throw at them Twilight popped out her head like a bunny out of a hole and shot the skeleton freezing it, finally Harden the rubber the skeleton eyes widen realizing he couldn't move the rubber it was no longer gooey he was hard he couldn't do anything he turned looking at the mercs and the ponies who finally come out of their covers and immediately Soldier shouted "GIVE HIM HELL BOYS!!!" Like a firing squad the mercs fired everything they got at the Giants skeleton as they continue firing they immediately noticed that is taking a lot more than usual, they all realize that because of enhanced magic and this world's magic has mixed in with skeleton, it's probably the reason that the skeleton has somehow got a boost but they won't stop until they continuing firing they even spotted Soldier literally hitting the skeleton's face with a shovel, the ponies just stood there with eyes widen at first they thought they should well talk to the giant skeleton to get the skeleton to change but when they heard more information of about the skeleton from the medic, they suddenly realize there's no good outcome with the giant skeleton and come to think about it everyone realized that Starlight Trixie and Rarity was not with them at all, even some of the mercs realized that the DemoMan was not with them as well and they realized they're still fighting against the floating eyeball, they desperately began firing and even hitting harder on the giant skeleton trying to kill it faster even the pony started getting involved in the assault, they don't even know if the rubber is protecting the skeleton or the skeleton has a higher health bar than usual. Back with the others Rarity was running carrying the pipe bomb in her mouth although she was a bit hesitant at first to carrying a literal bomb on her mouth, she has no choice but to go and help demoman who was still being chased by the very own giant eyeball who is seeking Revenge, Rarity turned her head looking back at the Cutie Mark Crusaders treehouse hoping that her sister and friends are okay but she even hoping that Starlight is okay as well, she continued running trying to catch up to the two people demoman began running swinging his arm dramatically trying to run away, he can still turn around and shoot at the giant eyeball but every time he does the eyeball moves and Dodges it "BLOODY HELL CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, I FEEL LIKE I BEEN RUNNING FOR 2 YEARS!!!" "Hdkrndudjejiejeidksnrjrjri9ej" Demoman try to think of something he looked around and still remember he's still in the forest, he turned heading straight into the deep forest hoping the trees will block the view of the giant eyeball which it did work only for a little bit, until demoman turned immediately shocked to find out that the trees that was blocking the his view immediately got blown up by the eyeball Rockets, the eyeball was not only angry but it was also pissed. He pulled out his launcher aiming and shooting it at the giant eyeball, which a couple of direct hits did push the eyeball back but in no time the eyeball began floating towards DemoMan which he dodged it in time, he turned around shooting the eyeball again and again, but the eyeball Dodge the attack then shoot its Rockets directly at Demoman, demo jumped trying to Dodge the attack, but when the rocket exploded the force pushed him toward a tree causing him to fall on the ground. Demoman grits his teeth in pain he slowly try his best to get up but then he looked up seeing the eyeballs looking straight at him, he looked around realized that he is cornered the eyeball even though it doesn't have a mouth demoman can tell that the eyeball was smiling, then the eyeball began to cackle then burst out laughing finally after fighting against the Team Fortress mercs for a while he finally found his end game, he looks down at his former owner and he can tell by the look of demoman's eye, well only eye he has nothing else to do, sure he could just shoot more bombs at the eyeball but like before the eyeball could dodge it. The eyeball slowly started glowing about to release its ultimate attack on Demoman, as the eyeballs are charging up and ready to shoot it's ultimate rocket at demoman, suddenly the glow immediately vanished away when suddenly the eyeball got hits by a pipe bomb but it didn't explode landing next to demoman, the two people were bit confused until they turned around looking behind them seeing that the person who throw the pipe bomb was Rarity, who eyes widen and completely shocked questioning why didn't the bomb exploding. "Why didn't the bomb exploded!" "Lad`y you need to lit the fuse to get it to explode, wait did you pull the fuse then it won't explode!" "IM SORRY I FORGOT I TOOK THE FUSE OFF FOR THE SAFETY OF MY LITTLE SISTER!!" The giant eyeball look back and forth at the two people then it's Shrugged, it looked at Rarity and began looking at her in a very angry she's slowly stood back knowing that the eyeball is angry at her, demoman immediately wants to get up but he looked at the pipe bomb and got an idea he pulled out his other bombs and began put it all of it together, but he needs to hurry before that creature starts firing it's Rockets at rarity, as Demoman finally finished making his bomb he began to stand up and about to run but the eyeball fire it's rockets at Rarity, where she has nowhere else to go but complete shocked and in fear when the explosion hits the eyeball widen, and seeing a force field Rarity was a bit confused she didn't summon a force field then it hit her, she hears someone panting she turned her head seeing Starlight finally awake, although she's still a little bit dizzy she still up, the eyeball grew even more angry, and began fire rockets at her which she's summon force field protecting her but still the impact of the Rockets starting cracking the shields she can't keep holding this up. Has the giant eyeball kept firing rockets at the two ponies the cracks started appear even more and more, the eyeball smiled realizing that the more it fired sooner or later the Shields will break, and starlight and Rarity both know this, they look behind the eyeball trying to see where Demoman is but then out of nowhere Demoman fired his stickies on the ground launching him up in the air, which he landed on top of the eyeball, it widen questioning what his previous owner is doing demoman hanged on very tightly on top of the giant eyeball like he's riding the ball, then out of nowhere he pulled the lid of the eyeball then shove the bomb inside the eyeball socket, the eyeball immediately retaliated by shaking around like a pinball. The eyeball moved around very quickly finally letting go of demoman as he falls down landed really hard on the ground, demoman turned looking at Starlight and asking her to create a force field around the eyeball, Starlight was a bit hesitant at first questioning that even if she put the eyeball in a force field trapping it, the eyeball was still keep firing Rockets causing it to break but demoman told her immediately trap the eyeball with force, Starlight horn glowed the eyeball tried to shake the bomb out then he immediately noticed that he is trapped inside of a force field, he was about to shoot rockets at the forcefield until, he realized that the demoman put a bomb inside of him, it desperately tried to shake the bomb out but it was way deep in there then it stopped realizing it's doomed. "SSSSSSSSHHHIIIIITTTTTTR!!!!" A bright light appeared where the force field finally broke, the power of the explosion pushed everything away, leaving a mushroom cloud that everyone can easily see getting everyone attention, some with shocked eyes open and others questioning everything. As everyone looked at the mushroom cloud, the trapped monster eyes widen then started to shake getting everyone attention, realizing the creature started to glow and started to hover off the ground as everyone stood back the creature hollow eyes glowed with a green light of dark magic getting the ponies a frighten chill. The creature hovering in the air with magic flying around its body, everyone started questioning what's happening some made theories and some made guess, the creature roared healing its wounds as everyone widen in fear and irritation but one of them saw an opening, soldier ran shooting on the ground launching him up in the air with his shovel. With a loud war cry soldier flew toward the creature hitting it on the head, by the power of the might shovel the skull soon cracked then broken, the creature head exploded releasing the magic out of its body, Soldier aim his rocket launcher at the creature shooting it, the explosion of the last mark the magic left so did the body the magic flew up in the sky fading away. "Yes another win for America." Everyone's eyes widen complete shock and downfounded, spy put his hand in his face and complete and utter frustration, while the Team Fortress mercs we're a bit happy but yet a little bit upset, the soldier just run towards a dangerous and unpredictable monster, the ponies in there had the hand were relieve of the creature was finally gone, Twilight looked around trying to see if she can sense the magic but it's finally gone like it no longer there anymore. Soldier fell on the ground with a big crunch that got the ponies to cringed from hearing broken bones, medic walk towards Soldier and started healing him everyone looked around expecting another monster to show up, but look like they finally won everyone took a sigh of relief, until one of them started asking questions where is Demoman, Starlight and Rarity. "Oi lads we're ok!" Said demoman waving his hand towards his team as he and the two ponies company him finally arrived, although the ponies were a bit shocked to see Starlight limping they're glad they're okay. As everyone explained what just happened and what they were dealing with, they were a bit surprised that the giant eyeball did came back and bit even more surprised that the possess rubber ducks melted and fused with a giant skeleton, it's like this whole world is feeling wackiness as they continue talking Twilight thinks of the right words to say to the nine Mercenaries, but then Twilight stopped she looked around noticing that there are eight Mercenaries and she wasn't the only one, Scout, Demo Man and engineer and even heavy both immediately realized that pyro was not with them, until they all realized that Pyro was send flying. Some of the mercs started panicking thinking that if pyro is loose and it could be anywhere in the forest then all hell is about to break loose some of the pony started questioning why they're all panicking about their mask friend until Twilight realize something chrysalis dead body and her dead changelings did Pyro did all that she questions Twilight walk towards Scouts and ask him a question about the Pyro. "Why all of you are panicking he's not violent is he." "Listen here Twilight, pyro maybe our teammate but he has to be supervised we literally need to keep an eye on him, because if we don't he's willing to burn everything to the ground, he burned our base one time an entire base just imagine someone like him, loose in this world it will bring nothing but just fire all over the place!" Twilight eyes widen now fully understand and realize something, Pyro was responsible of killing Chrysalis and her changeling Army, Twilight started sweating get an even more nervous and scared, as everyone started thinking what to do twilight felt someone patting her head trying to calm her down, she thinks it was maybe one of The Mercenaries but when she looked up her eyes widen it was Pyro. Twilight stood back in fear but at the exact same time happy that pyro is here, but there was something else Twilight smell something on Pyro, smells like she believed a very strong aroma like gasoline she doesn't know how but at least he's back and they don't need to worry about anything. 15 minutes ago Pyro was still falling from the sky as he looked down at the ground, he realized he needs to think of something quickly or he will get hurt really bad, so on instinct he pulled out his flamethrower and shoot fire directly on the ground hoping that the Flames will slow him down before he hits the ground, unknown to him they were other people that were going the same direction when he's going to land, a giant red skin centaur with a small little childlike Pony searching for their deceased Ally. "Are you sure this is where she is, because I thought you said she's at the middle of the everfree forest." Said cozy glow "Of course I'm sure she told me that." Said tirek The Little Pony Rose her eyebrows questioning the giant centaur directional skills, she was about to yell at him until they hear some kind of what they assume to be on dragon breathing fire, the two people looked up and they immediately see someone falling, at first they were expecting it to be chrysalis, but this person was not Chrysalis, nor a shape of a pony and it was coming down really fast like a rocket. On instinct cozy glow immediately jumped out of the way hoping that she won't get hit but the same did not happen to tirek the Fallen Pyro immediately hit tirek pushing him on the ground which it also broke Pyro's fall, the Little Pony got up looking back at her Giant friend but instead she sees a giant Collision, which is now on fire she doesn't know what's going on and hope that tirek is okay but she questioned what was that. Tirek slowly got up but cozy glow immediately see veins popping out and she stood back a little bit further away, as the giant Centaur turned around and see a figure also getting up, rage has built in and without hesitation to tirek immediately started running towards his attacker, he will not show his attacker any Mercy, he will break every single bones and steal his magic he doesn't care if he will break the rules he will do everything to harm this thing. As pyro got up he looked around and checked his body then he was happy, he realized that his bones were not broken, he was doing okay but then suddenly he turned around seeing what looks like to be a giant Centaur person running towards him. The Giant Centaur man was running with open arms and it looks like he's trying to hug Pyro, at first pyro was bit happy to hug this new friend but then he thought of a better idea, he pulled out a small container filled with bubbles, as he blow bubbles the centaur stopped immediately amazed with the bubbles. "My these bubbles are amazing keep blowing more bubbles my friend." Reality pyro pulled out his flare gun and immediately shot tirek in the face causing him to fall down not only he felt imaginary pain, he even felt a couple of his teeth and even bones broken, not only that he noticed his beard was on fire and in sheer Panic he merely tried to put the fire out by hitting his face or even rolling all over the place like a mad man or a chicken without a head. Cozy glow stood back hiding behind the bushes she sees that creature and does not know how in the world that creature pulled out that strange metallic object, whatever it is she needs to be careful, pyro was walking towards Tirek as the fire finally go away he turned around still angry. "I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!" Pyro was not intimidated by Tirek attitude, pyro raised his flamethrower openly accepting his fight, tirek smiled as he began charging towards pyro again as pyro did as well. As they're only a couple feet towards each other pyro pulled out his flamethrower immediately shooting fire towards tirek, tirek immediately dodged for someone that big he surely does move fast, tirek raise his fist swinging at pryo hitting. Pushing him a few feet away, tirek smiled but shocked to see pyro still standing and unaffected, pyro looked at tirek with his motionless eyes to be honest tirek was a bit intimidated, he has been in Equestria for a long long time and he has never faced a creature like this. Tirek began running towards a pyro again swinging his arm at him but pyro dodged it, tirek punching over and over and over again until out of nowhere he felt a sharp pain in his face as he stood back feeling his jaw hurt again, he looked back at pyro seeing him holding a metal gas canister, and in of burst of Fury tirek immediately start charging towards pyro like a bloody bull, using his horns to impale him but pyro was not even intimidated nor flinch, he raised his arms up wanting him to do it, at first tirek was a bit hesitant but his rage pushed that aside and immediately ran towards him, as soon as Tirek had touch pyro body he grabbed tirek head and pulled him up using his momentum against him creating a suplex. Tirek was not expecting that and he tried to get up again he immediately see Pyro shooting for his flame directly towards him, he immediately Dodge out of the way but he also got a few Burns, he began running towards pyro again but pyro keeps shooting his fire directly at Tirek every time he dodged the fire spreads around the forest making things difficult to reach Pyro. Tirek has enough he grabbed the log of a fallen tree and immediately throw it towards pyro which pyro Dodge out of the way calling him to stop shooting his flame, this gave Tirek an opportunity he ran towards pyro picking him up and throw him through a couple of burning trees as the fire continue to spread around the forest, tirek smiled thinking that there's no way of creature like that could survive the being buried in flames, but his eyes widen in fear pyro rose out of the ground pushing the way the flaming logs, the fire was not spreading through his body it's like he's immune to fire, tirek was a bit shocked he have seen dragons swimming in lava but he has never seen a creature like this, and he doubt this is a dragon then out of no where pyro pulled out his fire axe and slowly and menacingly walked towards tirek unfazed of the fire flowing around him. "I get it now you're not from Equestria you're but that's impossible, you're worse than any monster I have seen your your Tartarus itself, a demon but I would not let a creature STOP ME!!!!" Tirek ran towards Pyro swinging his arm trying to hit him again but this time pyro Dodge and swiging his fire axe hitting Tirek on his leg, causing him to fall down, he screamed in pain as he looked down his eyes widen in fear one of his legs was cut off and the worst part, hydrenaline was kicking in so he cannot feel it, he heard a stick crack he turned around seeing Pyro swinging his axe at him, on Instinct tirek raises his arm trying to block it but his hand was hit but it wasn't cut off, half of his hand was dangling just holding by a piece of Flesh. Tirek rose up using his back legs to kick pyro away but this time he finally did it, the power pushed pyro towards the fire and on instinct tirek decided to just run he slowly got up, limping away from the burning Forest as he continued limping his face went into complete horror as he realized that the fire that spread around during their fighting has now spread around, he was trapped he has nowhere else to go, he tried to think of a plan quickly, until out of nowhere pyro came out of the fire swinging his axe hitting tirek other arm this time cutting it off. He screamed in pain and due to blood loss he collapsed on the ground only a log supporting him, his back was on the ground he was looking towards that Pyro and then he realized something, the reason why he couldn't find chrysalis was pretty obvious, this creature have hunted Chrysalis down and probably killed her in a gruesome way, and yet pyro was about to do the exact same thing to him, he tried to do something but his adrenaline finally over, he's completely exhausted he has nowhere else to go, the creature was looking at him until pyro dropped his axe and pulled out the metal gas container, tirek was a bit confused but yet terrified knowing that pyro was going to beat him to death with that metal box but pyro have another idea. Pyro walk towards him grabbing his mouth and open it as wide as he can, then shoving the gas canister on his mouth forcing him to drink the gasoline pouring into a throat, immediately tirek tries his best to get pyro off of him but the chemicals is burning through his throat and lungs, he tried his best even try to use his legs but due to blood loss an exhaustion he couldn't do anything, until he stopped moving his eyes rolled back as pyro pull the gas canister away, he can still see Tirek gargling then noticing Blood start pouring out of his mouth, but pyro was not done, cozy glow finally saw an opening and see what's going on her eyes widen in the complete horror as she see tirek on the ground blood pouring out of his mouth, pyro light a match and flicked it onto Tirek's body which the gasoline catch on fire burning tirek whole body from the inside out, cozy glow eyes Widen incomplete fear and horror as she can even hear pyro laughing like a small child, she was completely horrified and on Instinct she immediately run and the other direction trying to escape and hoping that monster doesn't find her. Back in the present As everyone finally took a side relief realizing they have finally won, then another question came up how do they get back home, the Team Fortress mercs explain to the ponies that they're not from me Equestria but instead from another world and they explained a lot more saying that apparently an evil wizard named marasmus have sent them to this world, hoping to trap them, they were even a bit more surprised to find out that the evil wizard was actually soldier's roommate, which Twilight started questioning everything what they're saying maybe true or exaggerated, but yet again they did help them to stop a giant skeleton with a giant sword, an army of evil rubber ducks and a giant eyeball, so Twilight needs to accept it then out of nowhere everyone started hearing flapping wings ,as they look up see you an entire Army of Royal Guards arriving, as the ponies are happy that the Royal Guards are here, they realize that the Team Fortress mercs are in big trouble and she knows that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna need to have some questions, more importantly how did it get the mercs back home.