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#2 Dark Reveal

Twilight was sleeping on her bed, until suddenly she heard a big boom, she woke up, instantly falling on the floor, after that she ran towards her open window. Seeing a strange looking portal off the distance across the everfree, twilight have never seen anything like that before, her and friends have been through some crazy, and very questionable adventure, but yet this is something else, spike ran upstairs towards twilight, in complete fear.

“Twilight, what was that noise, did something bad happened.”

Twilight calmed spike down, she told him that everything is OK, it’s just a strange portal. As twilight turned her head looking back at the window, she realize that the portal was gone like it was never there, she wonders, what was that portal and The thought of that portal gives her chills on her spine, she had to send a letter to princess Celestia, maybe she knows what’s going on, twilight and Spike went off downstairs to grab A quill and parchment, but when they left, sitting right next to the window was a rubber yellow duck, with glowing red eyes filled with dark evil magic.

“Dear princess Celestia, just this morning I have a spot an odd looking portal across the horizon next to the forest. I don’t know what it is but something tells me that whatever it is, it came out of the portal. To be honest I feel worried, like there’s dark magic involved, it could just be my imagination but seeing the portal and this odd feeling, I starting to have some thoughts, I’m just telling you this now, just to make sure if everything goes wrong which I hope nothing goes wrong, you’re a faithful student princess twilight.”

After sending the letter twilight started thinking what came out of the portal could it be Sombra again or the Wendigo, or maybe she just overreacting maybe the portal brought sunset shimmer here again, but still the portal looked different, but it gave a strange anomalies feeling.

Twilight doesn’t like this feeling l, ever since she came to Ponyville, she always try to best to find and solve the problem but, this is gonna be bothering her for while, until she solves it.

Celestia’s letter finally came, twilight picked up the letter, and says that’s Celestia and Luna felt the portal and actually did see it, but they’re were shocked, at first they thought they were just imagining it, but twilight set a letter saying that she did see it, something about the portal is making Celestia and Luna worried.

(At Canterlot)

Luna and Celeste were looking at each other questioning what did they saw, they seen portals before, but this portal felt like magic that shouldn’t exist.

“ Celestia, I think something evil from the past is coming, or the villains that twilight and her friends fought, they’re coming back for revenge, or something I don’t know.” Said Luna as she walked back-and-forth questioning what is coming out of the portal, while Celestia is questioning the same thing, except not overdramatic like your sisters.

“Luna I don’t think this is a threats from our past, nor the enemies that twilight fought, I think this is something new, something that we haven’t seen before, familiar yes, but different.” Said Celestia

“But Celestia you felt it, it was filled with evil, so much evil and yet, I don’t even know it was possible, but yet we witness it, I think something big, something worse what kind of foul creature created that portal with so much evil.” Said Luna

Back at marasmus castle

“I MARASMUS WILL ORDER A LARGE TOPPING PIZZA FOR MY VICTORY, oh do have any drinks that comes with that.”

Back at Canterlot

“We need to be prepared sister if, this is a different threat then we have an imagine, we must be prepared should we send the guards over there.”

“Not yet Luna, I want to make sure this is a threat or not, but if twilight sends a letter and tell us it is a threat, will be prepared.”

This calm down Luna, as Celestia continue.

“But would you imagine if we send the Royal guards and Twilight told us that it isn’t a threat, how awkward would that be.” Said Celestia

The two Royal sisters both laughed but, yet still concerned of the situation.

“Let’s just hope it is the threat.”


“What, oh right, sorry.”

Back Ponyville

After twilight and spike read the letter they went gather their friends telling them about the new and strange and dangerous event they’re about to witness. As twilight went to get Rainbow Dash pinkie pie and applejack, while spike go get rarity, Fluttershy, starlight and Trixie. When spike was leading them to twilight castle, everyone looked at each other, questioning what was twilight worried, it must be something very serious.

Starlight and Trixie looked at each other they immediately knows what this is going to be, it’s going to be that strange portal that is very easily knowing if you have powerful magic, either way they both hope there isn’t something too dangerous.

“I’m not sure about this I mean you felt that portal too right Trixie.” Said starlight

“I have but yet it feels familiar to me.” Said trixie

“Really like how.”

“yes it does feel evil, but it kind of feels like my younger cocky self.”

“Well let’s just hope, we’re not connected into this, because we have bad history in our younger days.”

“You have no idea.”

As they arrive at twilight Castle they both saw everyone, twilight and they’re friends. When everyone was gathered, twilight explain to everyone about the portal, some of them know, but most of them don’t even know there was a portal, The more the twilight explains the more that everyone got a little bit worried and scared but yet they face villain scary you’re like Sombra and they won.

Rainbow Dash flew up in the air telling everyone that they don’t need to be worried, they will always beat the villain, and they will do it again.

“Don’t worry twilight this happens every single time we go on a big adventure, we’re not gonna let no freaky creature going to beat us that easily, we always come up on top no matter how big or strong they are.” Said Rainbow Dash

“Yeah we always beat those meanies.” Said pinkie

Everyone “yeah”

Everyone was starting to get braver after hearing rainbow dash speech, even fluttershy is starting to open up.

Twilight look back at the sky where the portal used to be, if she’s right if something did came out of the portal, she needs to investigate The area, she doesn’t know if it friend or foe, When everyone we’re talking to each other, trying to make a plan, twilight took this opportunity to sneak into the forest trying to investigate the area. She doesn’t want her friends to get hurt, if this is a threat, so she has to be very careful and alert.

As she gets closer to the area, her heart starts pumping really fast, she started to get scared and worried, but still keeping focus. As she made it to the area she looked up the sky.

“I’m underneath where the portal should be, OK time to find some clues.”

As twilight looked around trying to find anything that could be unusual but she found nothing until, her hoove went on a hole and fell. When she got up she looked around the area and realize there are some marks on the ground and she look closely, whatever made these craters it was falling down on the ground.

“So whatever made these craters could’ve come from the portal.”

Twilight looked around and discovered more, she counted them and she found out there are nine marks, with different sizes. Whatever came out, they were not prepared so maybe they got here by accident, She continue looking around the area trying to find any clues, well she did find one clue that is very unusual, she found a bottle.

As she picked up the bottle, she looked at it she never seen this type of brand before and yet, it looks very different than the bottles back at Ponyville, she looked inside the bottle and realize there is still a drop of liquid inside, by curiosity she lifted her hoove and pour out the liquid on her hoove, just a drop.

She smell it it has a strange smell, she turned her head looking around the area hoping no one is looking, and then she drank the drop of liquid. She stopped her eyes widen, she looked at the bottle.

“Wow, WOW, JUST A DROP, JUST THIS IS MUCH STRONGER THAN APPLE CIDER, imagine drinking the whole bottle. What ingredients are in this thing, Better hide this from Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight turned her head looking around the area hoping no one is looking, she teleported the bottle to her room hoping to use it as an experiment one day.

Twilight turned around and she noticed some footprints on the mud, as she gets closer to them, the footprints leads them into the forest, she took a deep breath and continue moving forward following the tracks. She got a little worried, if there are nine people that came out of the portal, let’s just hope they’re not a threat.

When twilight made it to the end of the trail, she fell as she stand up and looked what she fell down on, she was horrified, she saw a body of a dead changeling well what’s left of it, The body was mangled like, like how a dog will chew on a chew toy. Twilight continue moving forward, and she saw more dead bodies, when she got to the cave, she saw another body on the ground next to the cave, it was far bigger than the others as she got closer to the body, she instantly recognize it was Chrysalis, her head was smashed, she’s missing one of her wings and seeing multiple cuts and bruises all over her body, like she was fighting or running away from something.

She looked up and looked at the cave as she walked towards it, she sees the tunnels that the changeling have been making, everywhere she goes she keeps seeing the dead changelings bodies. She continued looking around the cave, find a new clues, very unusual clues, she stopped when she saw something on the wall, she sees a mark on the wall, it couldn’t be a claw mark, this almost resembles something sharp whatever it is it made a mark on the wall.

Before she left the cave she stopped and she saw something shiny on the ground, she came closer to it, picking it up a strange metallic small object, it kind of resembles a cone.

“Is made out of Brass, wait.”

Twilight turned around looking everywhere realizing something that she never thought of.

“It was using weapons, what is this.”

Twilight was more horrified and more scared, she spread her wings and flew out of the forest, flying back to Ponyville fast as she can.

“This can’t be happening, this is far worse, this is far worse than we ever seen, chrysalis is powerful that And get she was killed off and our hive as well, this is far worse than we ever imagined. I got to warn everyone, everyone in Ponyville.”

Has she arrived at ponyville, her friends question where Was she, but they immediately saw twilight horrified face, twilight ran to your friends telling them, to tell the mayor and everyone to hide and stay in their homes, they’re facing a threat far worse than they ever imagined. But everyone was still questioning why I was trying so scared, what did she say.

“Chrysalis is dead, I went to the area where the portal was at, I found multiple clues and, I found chrysalis hive, all dead the changelings and her were brutally murder, WE GOT TO HURRY.”

As everyone was terrified to hear what twilight saw, they all scattered telling everyone to stay in their homes, hide and lock up and barricaded the door. The entire village was in a panic, as everyone went to their homes picking up there children and going to their homes and barricading it. Twilight and her friends went into her castle, everyone was scattered on the window looking in case it shows up.

Everything was quiet, you can even hear a pin drop, Twilight and her friends were looking around the area using binoculars to see any movement, Twilight already sent a letter to print Celestia warning her about this new threat. Everyone’s heart was racing, they were all scared, all worried they haven’t seen the creature, but yet it killed chrysalis, that wasn’t an easy task and yet it killed her, what kind of creature do this, probably a monster with no heart.

Applejack looked at twilight question what kind of creature is that dangerous could it be Timberwolves or something else. Everyone in the group were quiet but worried, Fluttershy I was shaking in fear, rarity is frozen in fear, Rainbow Dash although she showing no fear in the inside she is terrified, pinkie pie trying to keep calm, and a lot of things.

Everyone in Ponyville are already in their homes, scared and worried, twilight even seen some of them picking up weapons to defend themselves, she doesn’t want this to go worse, to be honest this could get ugly things estimated quickly.

It was very quiet in Ponyville, all they can hear is the wind moving, spike was looking at his binoculars he spotted something something that isn’t a pony.

“Twilight I found something.” Said spike as he raised his head not looking at twilight.

“Where spike?” Said Twilight in a concerned Voice.

“At the edge of the forest.” Said spike

Everyone grab their binoculars and looked at the edge, they did spotted something and it came out, it’s not just one thing there a group of people, they weren’t ponies and yet they were something else, it looks like they’re are carrying strange things, They don’t know what it is but everyone got even more scared.

“So this is Ponyville?” Said scout as he turned back looking at the group.

“looks nice, reminds me of home when I was a child.” Said heavy

“Yeah I agree with you.” Said engineer

As everyone made it to the village, everyone looked back at each other in silence, until scout was the one that broke the silence.

“So now what.” Said scout

Medic gives a big grin. Scaring some of the Mercs, this made heavy an engineer even more concerned.

“Let’s window shop the area.” Said medic

Spy looked at medic well knowing what’s going to happen.

“This is going to be a disaster.” Said spy